40 METER (7.0 MHZ)
Ramsey Electronics Model No.
Small in size but BIG in features:
Easily tunes SSB, CW, RTTY and AM
Smooth varactor tuning of any desired 250KHz segment of the 40
meter band, easily retuned
Uses the popular SA602 IC chip for outstanding sensitivity and
efficient operation
Front panel RF Gain, Tuning and Volume controls
Efficient LM-386 Audio amplifier drives speaker or earphones with a
clean, crisp audio
Informative manual answers questions on receivers, hookups and
uses - enhances resale value, too!
Ideal companion to the Ramsey QRP-40 CW Transmitter
Runs on a standard 9-volt battery
Clear, concise assembly instructions lead you to a finished product
that works FIRST time!
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Ramsey Publication No. MHR40
Price $5.00
Introduction to the HR40................ 4
About Direct Conversion................ 5
Circuit description .......................... 6
Parts list ......................................... 7
Schematic diagram ........................ 9
Parts layout.................................. 10
Assembly instructions .................. 11
Initial testing................................. 14
Alignment..................................... 15
Using your HR40.......................... 16
Troubleshooting guide ................. 19
Notes for experienced users........ 20
Warranty ...................................... 26
590 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555
HR40 • 3
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Our HR40 and HR80 models are thought of as “best for beginners” because
Hams with a Novice or Technician licenses can operate CW in the 80 and 40
meter bands. If you like plenty of action and DX (long distance)
communications, the 40 meter Ham band is the place to be. Almost 24 hours
a day there’s something interesting happening on 40 meters.
These are several groups of people who will enjoy this Ramsey HR40
Experienced Ham operators who want a simple extra receiver for keeping
one ear on 40 meters while doing something else.
Beginners who would like to start by listening in on one of Ham radios
most active bands.
QRP builders who want a quick, easy and reliable SA602 board kit for 40
meter projects.
QRP builders not interested in our warranty or following our step-by-step
assembly and use directions, but who want to get their hands on our most
versatile receiver PC-board and parts kit for their own projects.
The Ramsey HR40 has something fun and easy for each of them.
Note To Beginners: Building the HR40 is really no harder than any of our other
receivers in this series. Just follow the directions carefully. All you need to
know to successfully complete this receiver is contained in this detailed
manual. Enjoy your HR40 receiver.
All Ramsey Direct Conversion Receiver Kits share the same basic PC-boards
and most components which are not frequency critical. However, there are
enough differences among the band characteristics, desirable operating
features for each band, and differences among the people who would most
typically choose a particular band, that a separate instruction manual is
published for each receiver.
Other circuit details which vary from band to band include the tuning range
provided by the varactor circuit. “Bandspread” for favorite band segments is
easy on 160 or 80 meters but requires other considerations on higher
frequencies. Also, some bands appeal to QRP operators more than others,
and some are better suited for portable and travel use.
Therefore, we are pleased to assure you that your manual for the HR40
receiver and the receiver circuit itself has been designed with an
understanding of typical operating needs and expectations for the 40 meter
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This receiver circuit is ideal for discovering just how simple a true
“Communications Receiver” can be. That’s right- there is a BIG difference
between the Ramsey HR40 and other simple short wave radio circuits we can
try to build.
Yet it is very easy to build. Our HR-series are by far the easiest to build of all
the Ramsey kit receivers and therefore very nice for radio newcomers.
Consequently, our manuals for the 40 and 80 meter receivers are written with
beginners in mind, since both of these bands offer Novice and Technician
privileges. The manuals for the 30 and 20 meter versions assume the general
Ham radio know-how that should accompany a General Class or higher
The HR40 is a “Direct Conversion” receiving circuit. There is no need for IF
(intermediate frequency) circuitry. The receiver “processes” the incoming
signal right at its own frequency, with no need to mix or transform it with
additional internal oscillators and amplifiers running at intermediate
frequencies such as 455 KHz.
The advantage of this type of receiver is that it permits tuning of CW, AM and
SSB signals with no need for a separate BFO. (A BFO or “beat frequency
signal oscillator” is an entirely separate oscillator circuit used in the IF
“intermediate frequency” section of a superhetrodyne receiving circuit). Since
this frequency is designed specifically for SSB and CW, you will also hear the
carrier signal of any AM shortwave broadcast station.
The most elementary “DC” receiver consists of just an oscillator and an
antenna connected to the inputs of a “Product Detector” whose tiny audio
output is then amplified for listening. A product detector can be made from
simple diodes, or a pair of transistors, or a dual gate FET transistor, or various
IC’s. The Ramsey HR40 efficiently utilizes the Signetics SA602 IC for both the
tunable oscillator and the product detector circuits, giving the equivalent of
seven transistors in the mixer-oscillator stages.
Advantages of any Direct Conversion receiver include:
It is simple, and therefore economical and easy to build
It is quite sensitive even with a simple antenna
Its tuning oscillator could even be set up to serve directly
a transmitter VFO in a simple transceiver setup.
A common problem with DC receivers is that they are easily overwhelmed by
strong AM broadcast stations from almost anywhere, whether it’s your local
rock and roll broadcaster, Radio Moscow or the Voice of America. Even
popular classics like Heath Kit’s HW-8 QRP transceiver exhibit this
characteristic to a frustrating degree. Another problem with DC receivers is
HR40 • 5
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called “microphonics” which is a phenomenon where almost anything in the
physical circuitry of the receiver can act as a sort of microphone or audio
sound pickup. Touch or bump such radios and you will hear a thump or ring in
the speaker or earphones. Still another problem is that of AC line hum
whenever an unregulated power supply is used rather than batteries.
The Ramsey HR40’s use of the SA602 integrated circuit chip offers a circuit
configuration that is as immune as any simple superhetrodyne to the classic
problems with Direct Conversion receivers. The receiver is not as easily
overloaded by the VOA or Radio Moscow broadcasts, and there are few
annoying ”microphonics” or incurable AC hum.
Circuit Description:
U1 combines a double-balanced active mixer and oscillator in a single 8-pin IC
chip. L1 peaks the RF input to pins 1 and 2 of U1. L2, with varactor diode D1
and R2, C1, C2, and C4, control the resonant frequency of U1’s internal
oscillator. Rotating R2 gives about a 250 KHz tuning range. The audio output
is fed from pins 4 and 5 through R3 (volume control) directly to the LM 386
audio amplifier. R1 controls RF gain. C9 boosts the gain figure of the LM 386
from 20 to 50.
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.001µF disc capacitor [marked 102, .001 or 1nF] (C3)
100pF disc capacitor [marked 100 or 101K] (C1,C2,C4)
.01µF disc capacitor [marked 103 , .01 or 10nF] (C5,C6,C7)
4.7 to 10µF electrolytic capacitor (C8,C9)
100-220µF electrolytic capacitor (C10,C11,C12)
10K ohm potentiometers (R1,R2,R3)
270 ohm resistor [red-violet-brown] (R4)
10K resistors [brown-black orange] (R5,R6)
Shielded Coil [K6883 or K6886] (L2)
Antenna input transformer [marked 421F-123] (L1)
1N4002 Diode [black epoxy style] (D1)
SA602 IC (U1)
LM386 IC (U2)
6.2 volt Zener Diode [small glass body] (D2)
Drilled printed-circuit board
9-volt battery hold-down bracket
9-volt battery connector
RCA-style jack [antenna connector] (J1)
subminiature earphone jack (J2)
PC mount pushbutton switch (S1)
9-volt battery (alkaline or heavy duty type)
Earphone, or small speaker
Antenna and suitable cable
Ramsey Electronics Case and Knob Kit, Model CHR or;
Your own choice of enclosure and hardware
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To help you learn just what exactly is going on we'll discuss the purpose of
most of the components or groups of components as we go along. Since we
are trying to keep assembly of the board simple, we will not be able to fully
describe each individual component’s function as you build, but Ramsey's
"Learn-As-You-Build" kit assembly philosophy still stands.
Check off each step as understood and completed. Examine the schematic
diagram and PC-board X-ray illustration as you proceed. In all steps, “install”
means to insert into the correct PC-board holes, solder properly, and trim all
excess component leads.
Use good soldering skills - let your soldering iron heat each connection wire
so that the wire itself and the foil trace both become hot enough together to
melt the applied solder so that it flows smoothly around the wire lead and on
to the PC board trace.
Mount all electrical parts on the top side of the board provided. This is the
side that has no traces or pads on it. When parts are installed, they are placed
flat to the board, and the leads are bent on the backside of the board to
prevent the part from falling out before soldering. The part is then soldered
securely to the board, and the remaining lead length is then clipped off. The
clipped off leads should be saved for later use as jumper wires.
As you can see in examining the circuit board and parts there are many tall
components such as the potentiometer, capacitors, and switches along with a
lot of small parts. First you will install the larger components so they can be
used as markers. So that you don't spend extra time "troubleshooting" we
strongly recommend that you follow the assembly strategy and step-by-step
procedures we have provided.
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ˆ 1. Install the RCA antenna jack, J1. Solder all four points.
ˆ 2. Install C5, a .01µF ceramic disc signal coupling capacitor. This
capacitor brings the signal up to the front of the PC board. Notice the long
PC trace from J1 through C5 to R1
ˆ 3. Install potentiometer R1, the RF gain control. Insert it into the PC
board so that it seats firmly and is straight and even. Solder the three pins
and the two mounting tabs.
ˆ 4. Install L1(marked 421F-123), which tunes or preselects the signal
input from the antenna through C5 and R1
ˆ 5. Install U1, the SA602 IC mixer-oscillator. The marked end of the IC
(band or dot) must face the FRONT of the PC board. If you wish, install an
8-pin DIP socket, still remembering to orient and install the SA602
correctly. Please don't be afraid to solder U1 directly to the board as we
have seen more repair problems with DIP sockets than from direct
soldering of IC chips.
The parts that we have put in so far bring the signal from the antenna jack up
to the RF Gain control (actually the RF attenuator) and to a tuned circuit
composed of L1 and its internal capacitor. Inductor L1 allows us to match and
tune the 40 meter band signals to the SA602’s input.
ˆ 6. Install C6, .01µF (marked 103, .01, 10nF). This capacitor bypasses
pin 2 of the SA602 to ground. Bypass means to provide a nice low
impedance (impedance means AC resistance) path to ground.
ˆ 7. Install R4, 270 ohms (red-violet-brown), which drops the 9 volt battery
supply to 6-7 volts, safe for the SA602.
ˆ 8. Install D2, 6.2 volt Zener diode. This is the smaller of the two diodes
and has a painted glass body. This diode acts as a voltage regulator by
keeping the voltage across it constant.
ˆ 9. Install C10, a 100-220µF electrolytic capacitor. Electrolytic capacitors
are marked by polarity and must be installed in the proper direction. You’ll
see that one side of the capacitor has a black band and is marked with a ‘-
’ sign, this is the negative side, the other side is the positive lead. Make
sure you insert the positive lead into the ‘+’ marked hole on the PC board.
ˆ 10. Install C11, a 100-220µF electrolytic capacitor. Remember to observe
correct polarity. C10 and C11 provide voltage stabilizing which directly
improves the performance of the SA602 oscillator.
ˆ 11. Install C2, 100pF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 100 or 101). This
HR40 • 11
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capacitor is a first step in setting up the resonant frequency of the SA602’s
internal oscillator, using the resonant LC circuit to be created along with
C1, C3 and L1.
ˆ 12. Install C1, 100pF disc capacitor (marked 100 or 101K).
ˆ 13. Install C3, .001µF disc capacitor (marked 102 or .001 or 1nF).
ˆ 14. Install L2, shielded oscillator coil (marked K6883 or K6886).
ˆ 15. Install C4, 100pFdisc capacitor (marked 100 or 101). C4 adds variable
capacitance of the varactor tuning network to the oscillator circuit already
formed by L2, C1, C2 and the SA602.
ˆ 16. Install D1, the 1N4002 diode, making sure that the cathode or banded
end is oriented towards the back of the PC board. This diode performs the
function of a varactor diode. A varactor diode acts like a variable capacitor
whose capacitance is controlled by the voltage across it. There is nothing
fancy about the varactor diodes, so we are using a common rectifier diode
as a varactor.
ˆ 17. Install R5, 10k ohms (brown-black-orange)
ˆ 18. Install R2, 10k potentiometer tuning control.
ˆ 19. Install R3, 10k potentiometer volume control. This control varies the
level of audio from pin 4 of the SA602 to the LM386 audio amplifier.
ˆ 20. Using a scrap piece of wire, snipped from an installed component,
install JMP-1. Jumpers are required sometimes in PC board layout to
make a connection that has to cross over other PC-board traces.This
particular jumper brings 9 volts from the power switch to the long circuit
trace supplying voltage to the entire circuit. Notice how the jumper crosses
over the other traces leading from the volume control.
ˆ 21. Install S1, the power switch.
ˆ 22. Install the 9-volt battery snap connector, making sure that the red (+)
and black (-) leads are correctly installed.
ˆ 23. Install C7, .01µF disc capacitor (marked 103 or .01 or 10nF).
ˆ 24. Install C8, a small 4.7-10µF electrolytic capacitor. Observe correct
ˆ 25. Install R6, 10K ohm resistor (brown-black-orange).
ˆ 26. nstall U2, the LM386 audio amplifier IC chip. Just like the SA602, you
must correctly position the notched or banded end.
ˆ 27. Install C12, 100-220µF electrolytic capacitor; observe polarity. This
capacitor couples the output of the LM-386 to the speaker jack.
ˆ 28. Install C9, 4.7-10µF electrolytic capacitor; observe polarity.
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ˆ 29. Install speaker jack J2. This jack is a 2.5mm type and mates with any
2.5mm plug as found on virtually all mini earphones.
ˆ 30. Install the 9-volt battery clamp. Use a scrap component lead to loop
through the two holes in the clamp and through the PC board. Solder the
leads firmly to the board and to the battery clamp. Do not use too much
solder on the clamp as this will cause the battery to sit too high and not
seat securely.
Congratulations! You have completed the assembly of your HR40 receiver kit.
Now is a good time to sit back and admire your work and make a final check
of all solder joints and component placement. It is always better to find errors
now before you test the HR40, and it’s easier on the ego, too!
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You’re now ready to power up and test your HR40, but before you begin take
some time to sweep off your bench of any loose component leads or solder
splashes. A clean work area not only makes testing less frustrating but also
less prone to problems.
A known frequency standard in the 10MHz range such as:
Crystal oscillator or,
RF signal generator or,
Grid Dip oscillator or,
QRP transmitter such as a Ramsey QRP-40
A Ramsey frequency counter (CT-90, etc) or,
Any accurately calibrated receiver covering 40 meters
At the least, personal familiarity with the 40 Meter Ham band
And the following:
Coil alignment tool ( can be homemade per directions) and
9-volt battery, antenna earphones or a small speaker.
Connect the following:
ˆ Fresh, 9-volt battery.
ˆ Earphone or speaker.
ˆ Antenna or at least a random length of wire.
ˆ Adjust the three controls to the middle of their ranges.
ˆ Press the power switch “on”. You should hear background noise
immediately, at least a gentle hiss.
ˆ See if the volume control does its job, vary it and notice how the volume
ˆ See if the RF gain control has some effect on what you hear.
ˆ If everything seems ok so far, feel the tops of the two IC's with your finger.
Neither should feel hot or warm
ˆ Slowly rotate the tuning control. At this point you may or may not hear
anything, since neither coil has been adjusted. If you do hear a few
whistles as you tune, the SA602 oscillator is working just fine.
ˆ These simple initial checks verify that your receiver is operating well
enough to proceed to the next section, alignment.
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Turn on whatever reference signal source you plan to use. This can be a
regular transceiver keying a few milliwatts into a dummy load, a crystal
oscillator or a signal generator. Or, you can look for a known signal that you
have tuned in on another receiver.
If you are without any reference signal whatsoever but have a reasonable
antenna , you can use your familiarity with the 40-meter band to make a
rough alignment of the receiver.If Ham radio and 40 meters are new to you,
here’s a rough idea of what you can expect to hear on this busy band.
7.00 - 7.08 MHz - CW, most of it is fairly fast
7.08 - 7.15 MHz - Teletype (RTTY) and digital operation
7.10 - 7.20 MHz - SSB voice, many different languages
7.20 - 7.35 MHz - general SSB voice operation
NOTE: A miniature transformer alignment tool is used to turn the slugs in L1
and L2. If you do not have one, make one by gently sanding the tip of a
wooden match stick, a kabob skewer or other piece of wood or plastic. While it
seems that a small jeweler’s screwdriver could be used, be aware that its
metallic construction will make adjustment of L2 very erratic and could
damage the powdered iron slug. Any kind of metal tip will affect the coils true
value, so that the oscillator will run at one frequency with the metal instrument
in the coil can, and a completely different frequency by itself.
ˆ For now, set the tuning control to its mid-point. Use the insulated
alignment tool to gently rotate the slug in the top of L2. If it starts to get
tight , DO NOT FORCE IT! Instead gently rock it back and forth until it
loosens up. You should find your 7MHz reference over a range of
approximately 6 to 9MHz. The varactor tuning control can cover any
300KHz range chosen within the 6 to 9MHz limits.
ˆ Adjust L1 for maximum received signal strength. Now you’re ready to
receive on-the-air signals! After you get used to its tuning and
performance, you can adjust the tuning control, L1 and L2 to get the exact
tuning range you want.
You will clearly hear the oscillator of your kit - very close to its receiving
frequency, if you tune around for it on ANY shortwave radio covering the same
frequency range. Even if your shortwave set does not have a BFO (beat
frequency oscillator) for CW-SSB, you’ll still hear a powerful ‘hiss or quieting’
when your shortwave receiver is tuned near the frequency of the HR40. Your
shortwave receiver is actually picking up the oscillator signal within the HR40!
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In your first tests, you might feel that tuning in CW and SSB stations by turning
the control shaft seems tricky. Don't despair! The addition of a simple knob to
the final version of your kit will result in more comfortable tuning right away.
Also, the larger the knob, the easier the tuning is. Even smoother control can
be accomplished by a vernier dial, which will also provide calibration marks.
Finally, if you intend to use this receiver only for monitoring or working a very
specific frequency range, you can add a resistor in series with the tuning
control to achieve the bandspread you want for your own application. For
details, please see the upcoming section, Notes to Experienced QRP
We want you to enjoy this economical receiver, whether you use it for portable
listening or as a base for easy experimentation. Isn’t it amazing the
performance that can be achieved with just two IC chips?
As you know, the protocol for the 160 - 80 - 40 Meter Bands is lower sideband
(LSB), with Upper Sideband (USB) used for 40 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 10 Meter SSB.
To check or ‘scan’ a given band for SSB signals, tune your HR40 up from the
low end for USB signals and down from the high end for LSB.
A direct-conversion receiver lets you hear equal ‘sidebands’ on either side of
the zero-beat ‘null’ of the exact frequency of the signal to which you are
listening. Therefore, when adjusting the frequency of your companion Ramsey
QRP transmitter, be certain that you have in fact tuned to the other station’s
lower sideband. The two stations will actually be several KHz apart. Because
this receiver’s oscillator is not shared with a transmitter, as in transceivers,
there is no need for separate RIT (receiver incremental tuning).
Let’s assume that you plan to use this receiver together with a Ramsey QRP
transmitter, which provides an RF protected receiver antenna jack. While the
receiver will be protected from RF damage from the transmitter, do not expect
to monitor your own signal on this receiver while transmitting unless you are a
QRP design expert and do not care about future factory service from Ramsey.
Even with the circuit protection, the RF signal is just too much for the SA602.
The transmitter signal overpowers the SA602, disrupting the internal oscillator.
However, the receiver can handle the output of a crystal oscillator or VFO for
frequency spotting purposes.
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A better operating arrangement will consist of a T-R switch, either a manual
switch or break-in delay relay circuit. This switching circuit can disconnect the
SA602 audio output at the volume control, and switch in a pleasant oscillator
pitch (keying sidetone) which is amplified to listening level by LM386. The
Ramsey Electronics Universal timer kit No. UT-5 is easily adapted as a
sidetone oscillator.
A fifty cent, two inch diameter speaker, lying naked on your workbench will
give you a fair test of the speaker output capability. Speaker quality and well-
designed enclosures have their clear purposes! A reasonable speaker in a
box delivers a pleasant listening volume. On the other hand, the LM386
indeed can deliver more audio output punch than is developed in our HR-
series kits. For example, our FM receivers, using the same LM386 audio IC,
deliver more volume. These receivers, however, take advantage of IF
amplifiers, drift-compensation and crystal controlled oscillators built into mass
production, sophisticated FM receiver ICs. A heavier drain on the HR40’s
battery by stronger audio will quickly result in chirpy signals and oscillator drift
as well as the need for frequent battery replacement. Remember the SA602
circuits similar to Ramsey’s generally call for sets of C or D cell batteries! For
Experienced Builders more information regarding audio output is in the
general notes.
The simple design of the audio stage of the Ramsey HR40 receiver assumes
preference for headphone or small speaker operation, low battery drain and
general economy.
If you want to use your HR40 for casual band monitoring while you are busy
across the room, in the shop, or to share with a class or club, and want LOTS
more volume, try building up our very inexpensive Ramsey BN-9, 2 watt
general purpose amplifier kit. Supply DC voltage to such an amplifier
separately, using D-cells, a lantern or auto battery, or a well filtered power
For many people, a pilot lamp to indicate “power on” is more than a nice
touch. They expect it and depend on it , reminding us that “real radios glow in
the dark!”
Adding a simple LED power-on indicator to your Ramsey HR40 is easy. All
you need is the LED itself and a small 1K or 2.2K resistor. Study the PC
traces between the positive battery supply wire and the on-off switch. The
unused connectors on top of your switch are an ideal point to get the + DC
voltage needed for the anode (longer lead) of the LED. Plan where and how
HR40 • 17
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you wish to install the LED in your enclosure. Locating the LED immediately
above the on-off switch is ideal. The simplest way to make a neat installation
is to drill a hole just sightly smaller than the diameter of the LED. Then,
enlarge the hole a little bit at a time, just enough to let the LED be pressed in
and held firmly. The resistor may be connected to either the anode or cathode
side of the LED, but the anode must be connect to the + DC with the cathode
connected to the nearest common ground.
If you are wondering why we did not include these pennies worth of parts with
your kit , you can believe any of the following reasons: (1)We wanted to
stretch your battery budget and the current draw on the LED is about 6mA.
How long will your battery last if you leave your receiver on for a few days, just
like we leave our computers and ham gear on all the time? (2) We thought
you’d have more fun planning and installing your own lamp that glows in the
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PROBLEM: ALL signals are chirpy and unstable.
SOLUTION: Sorry to have to say it , but this condition is only caused by a
weak battery! Use a fresh alkaline cell. Any strong signal
forces the audio circuit to rob voltage from the oscillator, which
causes the instability.
PROBLEM: Occasionally good but erratic operation.
SOLUTION: Check very carefully for a poor solder connection.
PROBLEM: Signals have an unpleasant hissing pitch.
SOLUTION: Try a different set of headphones, different speaker or external
audio amplifier. Some cheap headphones designed for casual
music listening have an undesirable filtering effect on CW
PROBLEM: Oscillator inoperative or wrong frequency.
SOLUTION: In addition to checking solder joints, be sure that L1 is
oriented correctly and that C1, C2, C3 and C4 are installed in
correct positions.
PROBLEM: Loud AC hum or buzz.
SOLUTION: If you are using the receiver with a battery or simply for listening
(i.e.: not connected to a transmitter or a AC power adapter),
these are likely causes of the AC hum:
No ground connection.
Receiver located too close to an AC device such as an older
electric clock, AC-powered radio, etc.
Antenna very close to a power cord or house wiring. If your
receiver is being used with a transmitter, the transmitter power
supply may be the source of the unwanted AC hum. If you are
using a 9-volt AC power adapter, the adapter design may not be
of sufficient quality for this application. Try a bypass capacitor, or
a different adapter or a well-designed and filtered DC power
A careful check of all construction WILL solve your problem. Over 95% of the
kits returned for repair have nothing more than a simple assembly or
construction error!
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We at Ramsey Electronics deliberately designed the HR-series of DC
receivers to be easily available, affordable and buildable by any person willing
to follow the assembly directions. To achieve this goal, the current models,
with direct coupling of the SA602 to the LM386 operating with a gain figure of
50, use an amazing minimum of parts. If you know what you are doing with DC
receiver design, we encourage you to use our HR-series for reliable building
blocks for achieving maximum performance for you own application. If a good
idea does not work as expected, you can easily restore your Ramsey receiver
to its original circuit configuration.
Our job has been to keep in stock for immediate delivery a good basic design,
a quality PC board with plenty of work room, useful front panel controls,
correct and adjustable inductors, workable varactor tuning and the popular
SA602. We know these receivers WORK, as specified, and that the ONLY
reason any HR-receiver will not work after the 1-2 hours needed for assembly
is if we packed the wrong parts or you put them in wrong. Once you are sure
the receiver performs as specified, there is a lot you can do to coax maximum
performance from the basic circuit.
For instance, if you choose a DC power source other than the 9-volt battery,
the space allowed for the battery offers plenty of room for a top mounted
perfboard or PC-board for preamp stages and or any sort of passive or active
audio filter that suits your needs. Keep your work neat with short leads so as
not to introduce broadcast station overload.
Most of the HR40 circuitry can be operated from 6 to 14 volts without damage
or significant modification. However, it is quite important that you carefully
hook up with the correct polarity; reverse polarity or excessive voltages WILL
damage your kit.
The easiest way to enjoy finer tuning , if you plan to use your receiver only for
checking your favorite segment of the band, is to adjust the oscillator coil so
that your desired segment falls within the second half of the rotation range of
the tuning control. The first half of the rotation range covers about 70% of the
actual tuning in KHz, while the other 30% is spread over the other half of the
rotation range. If your interest is in monitoring SSB, the normal alignment will
work fine. For optimum CW only listening, set the lower band edge with the
tuning control in the 12:00 position of its range.
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In planning any ‘bandspread’ improvement, it is useful to understand exactly
how varactor tuning works. The control level varies the amount of DC voltage
applied to the diode. The highest produces the lowest capacitance, while the
lowest voltage yields the highest capacitance. The spread is typically about 30
to 40pF. from minimum to maximum.The goal in achieving bandspread or
‘finetuning’ is to achieve a smaller variation in capacitance with the
comfortable tuning of a knob.
Any resistor in a range from 500 ohms to 3000 ohms, connected in series with
the ground lead of R2, will set a limiting effect on varactor capacitance range
and therefore create a “bandspread “ effect. The higher the resistance value,
the shorter the available tuning range.
If you wish to reduce the tuning range of R2 down to 40 or 30KHz or even less
for a favorite band segment or calling frequency, reducing the value of C4 will
decrease the capacitance effect of the varactor diode, D1. Values from 2 to
5pF may give you exactly the tuning range you are looking for.
If you are using your own enclosure and have room for a separate fine tuning
control, one useful choice is a 250 ohm speaker attenuation rheostat (Radio
Shack model no. 271-265) wired in series with either outside ‘leg’ of the main
tuning control. Such a control can make fine adjustments to a CW signal so
the tone is pleasant and smooth sounding.
If you want the opposite of bandspread (that is as MUCH frequency range as
possible over full rotation of the tuning knob ) increase the value of C4. This
will cause the varactor diode to have greater effect on the tuning. Try values of
33pF up to 100pF.
A kilohertz of drift is not a big deal in FM circuits or a shortwave broadcast
configuration, but ANY frequency instability is annoying when trying to receive
CW or SSB. The varactor - controlled Local Oscillator is indeed a VFO, and
therefore needs all the consideration given to any VFO circuit. Even though
this tunable oscillator design takes good advantage of the SA602’s capabilities
and offers nice tuning range from a simple varactor circuit, we do not
represent it as suitable for transmitter frequency control or for demanding
receiver applications. In any ham VFO design, ANY unshielded or
uncompensated oscillator components are susceptible to the influences of
temperature change and of nearby moving objects. The use of a suitable
enclosure and secure mounting of the PC board within that enclosure will
maximize the stability of the oscillator. One to two KHz of slow drift may be
expected as components warm to operating temperature; after that the
oscillator is reasonably stable
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A easy way of making your own dial is to paste a small rectangle of paper
behind the tuning dial knob. Then as you tune in different frequencies, pencil
in on the paper the received frequency. Or a simple logging scale may be
affixed behind the tuning knob on the front panel. A logging scale is simply a
set of numbers for adjusting a control. For example, 4 might represent 7.1MHz
and 5.5 being 7.12MHz, and so forth.
A novel advantage of the simple direct conversion receiver is that a general
purpose frequency counter may be used to give a direct readout of the
oscillator frequency. While you could experiment with an RF pickup loop or
tuned circuit and counter preamplifier to boost the oscillator’s tiny output to a
level suitable for the counter, the most reliable method is to wire a high-
impedance counter probe line directly to pin 7 of the SA602, terminated to a
rear panel frequency counter connection of your choice. This will consist of a
short piece of mini-coax to a 1 megohm resistor bridged by a 27 to 33pF
capacitor as shown below:
With the RF gain turned all the way up , it may be possible to hear the
counter’s busy humming action in the background, but not to a serious
degree. It drops out with a slight reduction of the RF gain. If you decided to
add such a counter connection to your receiver, remember that the coax as
well as the coupling capacitor become part of the oscillator circuit. Make the
coaxial cable connecting the counter to the receiver as short as possible. You
will experience a frequency change of several KHz when connecting or
disconnecting the counter. Also, this additional capacitance in the oscillator
circuit reduces the tuning range to approximately 100 KHz, thus offering
another way of getting bandspread for your favorite frequencies. Finally, it
may be necessary to operate the counter on battery power only; connection of
an AC adapter might introduce considerable hum into the receiver.
As already mentioned the LM386 is certainly capable of far more audio power
output than is given in this basic receiver circuit. It can only boost what it gets
directly from the SA602. There is certainly space on the HR40 circuit board to
install an audio preamplifier (i.e. 2N3904, or minimum-gain LM386) in the
circuit trace between C8, the audiocoupling capacitor from pin 4 of the SA602
to the volume control. The following is an audio preamplifier idea submitted by
one of our customers. Ramsey Electronics in no way warrants that this
modification will achieve any particular ideal signal-to-noise ratio or audio
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frequency response, but is does significantly boost the output of the SA602
reaching the LM386 audio amplifier IC. Instead of the traditional transistor
audio preamp circuit, an additional LM386 is used in its minimum gain
configuration (gain of 40), plus one electrolytic capacitor (1 to 10 uF) to
achieve minimum parts and PC-board drilling. This use of two LM386 ICs
amplifies the audio signal of the SA602 by a factor of 1000.
This modification requires cutting the circuit trace leading from C8 to the
volume control, R3.
Additional LM386 used as AF preamplifier between U1 and U2:
ˆ Pins 1,7,8: not used
ˆ Pins 2,4: to ground
ˆ Pin 3 to ‘-’ side of c*(2.2 pF)
ˆ Pin 5 to ‘+’ side of new 1 to 10 uF capacitor
ˆ Pin 6 to ‘+’ DC supply board trace
The ‘-’ side of the new capacitor is connected to the circuit trace leading to the
volume control. Mount this capacitor as close to the body of the new LM386
as possible. Keep all leads as short as possible. This modification results in
very good speaker volume but will also require closer attention to battery
quality and condition or else the audio circuits will cause oscillator instability.
Two alkaline cells in parallel or a 12 volt supply are recommended. If the gain
is too much, use a resistor to reduce the voltage supplied to pin 6 of preamp
Finally, we remind you again that modification of any PC board puts you on
your own, voiding your factory warranty, making your unit ineligible for factory
repair. Make sure the receiver is working properly and that you understand
how to use and repair it BEFORE making any changes in the original design.
Enjoy it!
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The Ramsey Kit Warranty
Please read carefully BEFORE calling or writing in about your
kit. Most problems can be solved without contacting the
Notice that this is not a "fine print" warranty. We want you to understand
your rights and ours too! All Ramsey kits will work if assembled properly.
The very fact that your kit includes this new manual is your assurance that
a team of knowledgeable people have field-tested several "copies" of this
kit straight from the Ramsey Inventory. If you need help, please read
through your manual carefully. All information required to properly build
and test your kit is contained within the pages!
1. DEFECTIVE PARTS: It's always easy to blame a part for a problem
in your kit, Before you conclude that a part may be bad, thoroughly check
your work. Today's semiconductors and passive components have
reached incredibly high reliability levels, and it’s sad to say that our human
construction skills have not! But on rare occasions a sour component can
slip through. All our kit parts carry the Ramsey Electronics Warranty that
they are free from defects for a full ninety (90) days from the date of
purchase. Defective parts will be replaced promptly at our expense. If you
suspect any part to be defective, please mail it to our factory for testing
and replacement. Please send only the defective part(s), not the entire kit.
The part(s) MUST be returned to us in suitable condition for testing.
Please be aware that testing can usually determine if the part was truly
defective or damaged by assembly or usage. Don't be afraid of telling us
that you 'blew-it', we're all human and in most cases, replacement parts
are very reasonably priced.
2. MISSING PARTS: Before assuming a part value is incorrect, check
the parts listing carefully to see if it is a critical value such as a specific coil
or IC, or whether a RANGE of values is suitable (such as "100 to 500 µF").
Often times, common sense will solve a mysterious missing part problem.
If you're missing five 10K ohm resistors and received five extra 1K
resistors, you can pretty much be assured that the '1K ohm' resistors are
actually the 'missing' 10 K parts ("Hum-m-m, I guess the 'red' band really
does look orange!") Ramsey Electronics project kits are packed with pride
in the USA. If you believe we packed an incorrect part or omitted a part
clearly indicated in your assembly manual as supplied with the basic kit by
Ramsey, please write or call us with information on the part you need and
proof of kit purchase.
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To qualify for Ramsey Electronics factory repair, kits MUST:
1. NOT be assembled with acid core solder or flux.
2. NOT be modified in any manner.
3. BE returned in fully-assembled form, not partially assembled.
4. BE accompanied by the proper repair fee. No repair will be undertaken
until we have received the MINIMUM repair fee (1/2 hour labor) of
$18.00, or authorization to charge it to your credit card account.
5. INCLUDE a description of the problem and legible return address. DO
NOT send a separate letter; include all correspondence with the
unit. Please do not include your own hardware such as non-Ramsey
cabinets, knobs, cables, external battery packs and the like.
Ramsey Electronics, Inc., reserves the right to refuse repair on ANY
item in which we find excessive problems or damage due to
construction methods. To assist customers in such situations,
Ramsey Electronics, Inc., reserves the right to solve their needs on
a case-by-case basis.
The repair is $36.00 per hour, regardless of the cost of the kit. Please
understand that our technicians are not volunteers and that set-up, testing,
diagnosis, repair and repacking and paperwork can take nearly an hour of
paid employee time on even a simple kit. Of course, if we find that a part
was defective in manufacture, there will be no charge to repair your kit
(But please realize that our technicians know the difference between a
defective part and parts burned out or damaged through improper use or
4. REFUNDS: You are given ten (10) days to examine our products. If
you are not satisfied, you may return your unassembled kit with all the
parts and instructions and proof of purchase to the factory for a full refund.
The return package should be packed securely. Insurance is
recommended. Please do not cause needless delays, read all information
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Quick Reference Page Guide
Introduction to the HR40.................4
Circuit description ...........................6
Parts list..........................................7
Schematic diagram.........................9
Parts layout...................................10
Assembly instructions...................11
Initial testing..................................14
Troubleshooting guide ..................19
Warranty .......................................26
Soldering Iron Ramsey WLC100
Thin Rosin Core Solder Ramsey RTS12
Needle Nose Pliers Ramsey MPP4 or RTS05
Small Diagonal Cutters Ramsey RTS04
<OR> Technician’s Tool Kit TK405
Holder for PC Board/Parts Ramsey HH3
Desoldering Braid Ramsey RTS08
Digital Multimeter Ramsey M133
Price: $5.00
Ramsey Publication No. MHR40
Assembly and Instruction manual for:
Beginner .............. 3.0 hrs
Intermediate......... 2.0 hrs
Advanced............. 1.0 hr
590 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555
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