Mark Levinson Stereo Amplifier N33H User Manual

Ow ners Manual  
Power Amplifier  
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FCC Notice  
Th is equipm en t h as been tested an d foun d to com ply with th e lim its for a Class B digital device,  
pursuan t to part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Th ese lim its are design ed to provide reason able protection  
again st h arm ful in terferen ce in a residen tial in stallation . Th is equipm en t gen erates, uses, an d can  
radiate radio frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot in stalled an d used in accordan ce with th e in struction s,  
m ay cause h arm ful in terferen ce to radio com m un ication s. However, th ere is n o guaran tee th at  
in terferen ce will n ot occur in a particular in stallation . If th is equipm en t does cause h arm ful  
in terferen ce to radio or television reception , wh ich can be determ in ed by turn in g th e equipm en t  
off an d on , th e user is en couraged to try to correct th e in terferen ce by on e or m ore of th e followin g  
m easures:  
Reorien t or relocate th e receivin g an ten n a.  
In crease th e separation between th e equipm en t an d th e receiver.  
Con n ect th e equipm en t in to an outlet on a circuit differen t from th at to wh ich th e receiver is  
con n ected.  
Con sult an auth orized Mark Levin son dealer or an experien ced radio/TV tech n ician for h elp.  
Ca u t io n !  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could  
void the users authority to operate the equipment.  
Can ada  
Th is Class B digital apparatus com plies with Can adian ICES-003.  
Cet appareil n um érique de la classe B est con form e à la n orm e NMB-003 du Can ada.  
3 O ak Park  
“Mark Levinsonand the Mark Levinson logo are registered tradem arks  
of Harm an In tern ation al In dustries. U.S. paten t n um bers an d oth er  
worldwide paten ts issued an d pen din g.  
Bedford, MA 01730-1413 USA  
“Madrigal Audio Laboratories” an d th e Madrigal Audio Laboratories  
logo are registered tradem arks of Harm an In tern ation al In dustries.  
U.S. paten t n um bers an d oth er worldwide paten ts issued an d pen din g.  
C ust om e r Se r vice  
Sales Fax:  
Service Fax: 781-280-0499  
©2005 Harm an Specialty Group. All righ ts reserved.  
P roduct Shipm e nt s  
16 Progress Road  
Th is docum en t sh ould n ot be con strued as a com m itm en t on th e  
part of Harm an Specialty Group. Th e in form ation it con tain s is  
subject to ch an ge with out n otice. Harm an Specialty Group assum es  
n o respon sibility for errors th at m ay appear with in th is docum en t.  
Billerica, MA 01821-5730 USA  
Part No. 070-630273 | Rev 3 | 02/05  
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Th is docum en t con tain s gen eral safety, in stallation , an d operation  
in struction s for th e Nº33H Power Am plifier. It is im portan t to read  
th is docum en t before attem ptin g to use th ese com pon en ts. Pay  
particular atten tion to safety in struction s.  
Appears on th e com pon en t to in dicate th e  
presen ce of un in sulated, dan gerous voltages  
in side th e en closure – voltages th at m ay be  
sufficien t to con stitute a risk of sh ock.  
Appears on the component to indicate important  
operation an d m ain ten an ce in struction s  
in cluded in th e accom pan yin g docum en tation .  
Appears on th e com pon en t to in dicate  
com plian ce with th e EMC (Electrom agn etic  
Com patibility) an d LVD (Low-voltage Directive)  
stan dards of th e European Com m un ity.  
Ca u t io n !  
Calls attention to a procedure, practice,  
condition, or the like that, if not correctly  
performed or adhered to, could result in  
personal injury or death.  
Calls attention to a procedure, practice,  
condition, or the like that, if not correctly  
performed or adhered to, could result in  
damage or destruction to part or all of the  
No t e  
Calls attention to information that is essential to  
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Table of Contents  
Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2  
Opening the Shipping Crate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2  
Moving the Nº33H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3  
Product Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3  
Installation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
Pow er Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5  
Warm-up & Break-in Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6  
Continuous Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6  
Special Design Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  
Massive Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  
AC Power Regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  
Fully Balanced Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
True Voltage Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
Extensive Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11  
Linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15  
Making Link Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15  
Constructing Link Communication Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16  
Creating a Slave Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16  
Link Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19  
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20  
Care & Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22  
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23  
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24  
Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25  
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26  
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Wa r n in g !  
DO NOT attempt to lift or move the Nº33H w ithout adequate  
assistance. Failure to follow the procedures included in this  
ow ners manual may result in personal injury and/or product  
Th e sh ippin g weigh t of each Nº33H Mon aural Power Am plifier is  
approxim ately 220 poun ds (100 kg). To avoid in jury, h an dle th e  
Nº33H with extrem e care. At least two stron g people are required  
to un pack th e Nº33H am plifier from its sh ippin g crate.  
Two pair of kn it, wh ite gloves with special grippin g surfaces on  
th e palm s an d fin gers are in cluded with your n ew Nº33H. Please  
wear th ese gloves wh en liftin g an d m ovin g th e am plifier.  
When unpacking the Nº33H:  
DO keep th e Nº33H sh ippin g crate uprigh t at all tim es, as  
in dicated by th e arrows on th e outside of th e crate. Th e  
Nº33H sh ippin g crate is m odular in design to facilitate th e  
un packin g process.  
DO save all screws an d packin g m aterials for possible future  
sh ippin g n eeds.  
DO in spect th e Nº33H for sign s of dam age durin g sh ipm en t.  
If dam age is discovered, con tact an auth orized Mark Levin son  
dealer for assistan ce m akin g th e appropriate claim s.  
Ca u t io n !  
DO NOT attempt to lift the entire Nº33H at one time, even w ith  
tw o people. Alw ays lift one end ONLY, leaving the other end  
supported by the base of the shipping crate or the floor.  
DO NOT try to lift the Nº33H w hile bending at the w aist. When  
lifting, keep your back straight and use your leg muscles to lift.  
Opening the Shipping  
1. Carefully cut th e n ylon straps aroun d th e crate. Note th at  
th e straps m ay be un der ten sion , causin g th em to sn ap  
outward wh en cut. To avoid person al in juries, keep your face  
an d body as far as possible from th e box wh en cuttin g each  
2. Rem ove th e screws securin g th e top of th e crate to th e base.  
3. Lift th e top of th e crate upward un til it clears th e top of th e  
Nº33H. Th en set th e top of th e crate aside.  
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4. Use a socket wren ch to rem ove:  
Th e four 9/16-in ch h exagon al-h ead bolts th at secure th e  
Nº33H to th e base of th e crate. Th ese bolts attach directly  
to th e bottom of th e Nº33Hs feet an d are accessible  
un dern eath th e pallet on wh ich th e Nº33H sits.  
Th e two 9/16-in ch h exagon al-h ead bolts th at h old th e  
retain in g bar in place.  
Moving the Nº33H  
Please read an d un derstan d th ese in struction s before attem ptin g  
to m ove th e Nº33H from th e sh ippin g crate base.  
No t e :  
Protect delicate floor surfaces before moving the Nº33H off  
the crate and onto the floor.  
1. Position two people at th e fron t of th e Nº33H to support its  
weigh t; a th ird person m ay be n eeded to h old th e base of th e  
crate in place wh ile th e Nº33H is m ovin g.  
2. Wh en all people are in position , carefully slide th e Nº33H off  
of th e crates base an d on to th e floor.  
As th e fron t of th e Nº33H clears th e fron t edge of th e crate,  
th e two people position ed at th e fron t of th e Nº33H m ust  
begin to support its weigh t. To do th is, use th e “h an dle” built  
in to th e sculpted faceplate (located just above th e Mark  
Levin son logo) or th e fron t h eat sin ks.  
3. Con tin ue to slide th e Nº33H forward un til its cen ter section  
clears th e fron t edge of th e base. Th en lower th e fron t of th e  
Nº33H to th e floor.  
At th is poin t, th e floor sh ould support th e fron t of th e Nº33H  
an d th e base of th e crate sh ould support th e rear.  
4. Position two people at th e rear of th e Nº33H; a th ird person  
m ay be n eeded to slide th e base of th e crate out from  
un dern eath th e Nº33H.  
5. Grip th e rear h eat sin ks. Th en lift th e rear of th e Nº33H,  
leavin g th e fron t supported by th e floor.  
6. Wh en th e rear of th e Nº33H is lifted, slide th e base of th e  
crate out from un dern eath th e Nº33H, th en carefully lower  
th e rear of th e Nº33H to th e floor.  
Product Registration  
Please register your Nº33H Monaural Power Am plifier within 15  
days of purchase. Register online at www.m or  
com plete and return the included product registration card. Retain  
the original, dated sales receipt as proof of warranty coverage.  
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Installation Considerations  
Th e Nº33H requires special care durin g in stallation to en sure  
optim al perform an ce. Pay particular atten tion to th e in form ation  
in cluded in th is section .  
Your Mark Levin son Nº33H Mon aural Power Am plifiers are specifi-  
cally design ed to stan d on th e floor, an d m ust be used as free-  
stan din g un its. In m ost in stallation s, locatin g th em n ear th e loud-  
speakers is best. Obviously, th is approach m in im izes th e len gth of  
th e speaker wires an d n ecessitates lon ger in tercon n ectin g cables  
from th e pream plifier to th e power am plifiers. Th e advan tage to  
th is strategy is th at th at th e in tercon n ectin g cables carry low-cur-  
ren t sign als wh ich are m ore readily tran sm itted over distan ces  
with great accuracy th an are th e n ecessarily h igh curren t sign als  
required by loudspeakers.  
You sh ould leave at least six in ch es (15 cm ) of free space beh in d  
each Nº33H so th at th e AC cord an d con n ectin g sign al cables  
h ave sufficien t room to ben d with out crim pin g or un due strain .  
You sh ould also position each am plifier for easy access to th e rear  
pan el power switch . Th is switch effectively discon n ects th e am pli-  
fier from th e AC m ain s.  
Ca u t io n !  
Before moving the Nº33H, make sure it is pow ered off w ith the  
rear panel pow er sw itch. Then, make sure the pow er cord is  
disconnected from the electrical outlet.  
Your Mark Levin son Nº33H power am plifier is design ed to com -  
plem en t your listen in g room visually, with a tall an d n arrow  
fron tal area th at reduces th e effective “footprin t” an d m akes it far  
m ore presen table th an would be th e case with a m ore tradition al-  
ly proportion ed design . As a result, it can be m ore easily placed  
beside your loudspeakers. As freestan din g un its, th e Nº33H am pli-  
fiers n orm ally will h ave n o problem with ven tilation . Please fol-  
low th e precaution s below.  
DO select a dry, well-ven tilated location out of direct sun ligh t.  
DO en sure free air flow aroun d th e Nº33H to allow for  
adequate h eat dissipation th rough air circulation .  
DO keep th e top plate an d h eat sin ks free from obstruction s  
th at could reduce air circulation .  
DO use fan s to in crease air circulation if th e Nº33H is  
in stalled in an en closed space.  
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DO NOT place th e Nº33H on a th ick rug or carpet or cover  
th e Nº33H with a cloth , as th is m igh t preven t proper coolin g.  
DO NOT expose th e Nº33H to h igh tem peratures, h um idity,  
steam , sm oke, dam pn ess, or excessive dust. Avoid installing  
the Nº33H near radiators and other heat-producing applian ces.  
No t e  
Each Nº33H dissipates about 360 watts of heat energy when  
idle; it is normal and safe for it to run warm.  
Pow er Requirements  
Wh en sh ipped, th e Nº33H is con figured for 100V, 120V, 220V,  
230V or 240V AC power operation at 50 or 60Hz based on th e  
coun try for wh ich it is m an ufactured. Before operatin g th e Nº33H,  
m ake sure th e ~ac m ain s con n ector label in dicates th e correct  
operatin g voltage for th e curren t location .  
Ca u t io n !  
Do not attempt to adjust the operating voltage. Consult an  
authorized Mark Levinson dealer if the operating voltage is  
incorrect or if the operating voltage must be changed for  
relocation purposes.  
Be advised that different operating voltages may require the  
use of different pow er cords and/or attachment plugs. Contact  
an authorized Mark Levinson dealer for assistance.  
Your Mark Levin son Nº33H Mon aural Power Am plifier is ch arac-  
terized by its rem arkable ability to pass a m usical sign al with utter  
in tegrity, regardless of h ow dem an din g th at sign al an d th e loud-  
speakers used m igh t be. Wh en called upon to do so, th e Nº33H is  
capable of gen eratin g truly prodigious power levels in to alm ost  
an y speaker load, on eith er an in stan tan eous or a con tin uous  
Depen din g on th e dem an ds placed on th e Nº33H by your loud-  
speaker an d your listen in g h abits, it is possible for th e quality an d  
curren t capability of your electrical service to becom e th e lim itin g  
factor in th e perform an ce of your system .  
In th is case, con sider in stallin g a dedicated AC circuit for your  
am plifiers. Con tact a licen sed electrician for assistan ce. If m ore  
th an on e AC circuit is providin g power to th e system , con tact a  
licen sed electrician to en sure th at all com pon en ts are operatin g  
with th e sam e solid, low-im pedan ce groun d referen ce.  
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No t e  
Building regulations and electrical codes differ from location  
to location, making it impossible to anticipate the require-  
ments of high-current AC circuits such as the Nº33H. Contact  
a local, licensed electrician for information.  
Warm-up & Break-in  
Alth ough th e Nº33H delivers superior perform an ce from th e  
first tim e it is powered on , th is perform an ce will con tin ue to  
im prove as various com pon en ts “break in .” You sh ould n otice th e  
greatest perform an ce im provem en ts with in th e first 25 to 50  
h ours of use. Th e am plifier sh ould con tin ue to im prove in soun d  
quality for approxim ately 300 h ours.  
After th is in itial period, perform an ce will rem ain con sisten t un less  
power is discon n ected, allowin g th e am plifier to cool down .  
(Power is con sidered discon n ected wh en th e Nº33H is powered off  
with th e rear pan el ~ac m ain s relay switch or th e power cord is  
discon n ected from th e electrical outlet; or an exten ded power fail-  
ure or power outage occurs. Power is n ot discon n ected wh en th e  
Nº33H is in stan dby.) Wh en power is return ed, th e Nº33H will  
require a brief warm -up period of about 2 m in utes before th e  
am plifier soun d quality is at its best. (You will n ever h ave to  
repeat th e full 300 h our break-in period.)  
Continuous Operation  
Th e Nº33H sh ould be un plugged durin g ligh tn in g storm s an d  
extended periods of non-use. Otherwise, it is designed for continuous  
operation . For best perform an ce, m ake sure th e power cord is con -  
n ected to an electrical outlet at all tim es. Durin g n orm al opera-  
tion , do n ot use th e rear pan el ~ac m ain s relay switch to power  
off th e Nº33H. In stead, use th e standby button to place th e  
Nº33H in to stan dby, wh ich allows th e power am plifier to rem ain  
warm ed-up to deliver optim al perform an ce at all tim es.  
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Special Design Features  
Wh ile th e Nº33H Mon aural Power Am plifier is straigh tforward in  
everyday use, it in cludes several design features th at are respon si-  
ble for its outstan din g perform an ce. In particular, it defies th e  
accepted wisdom th at it is im possible to design a large, powerful  
am plifier th at also h as all th e fin esse of th e fin est sm aller am pli-  
Massive Pow er Supply  
Th e Nº33H features a 3.47 kVA low-n oise toroidal tran sform er in a  
fully balan ced power supply—a design th at provides separate  
power supplies for th e am plifiers in vertin g an d n on -in vertin g  
h alves. In addition , each Nº33H uses four 60,000 µF low-ESR  
Heavy bus bars en h an ce th e efficien cy of power distribution with -  
in th e am plifier an d elim in ate varian ces in troduced by th e wirin g  
h arn esses com m on ly foun d in even h igh -perform an ce am plifiers.  
High -frequen cy power supply bypass is accom plish ed usin g in di-  
vidual PC boards th at use 32 com pon en ts of several differen t film  
types. Th e resultin g un iform ly low power supply im pedan ce seen  
by various circuits with in th e Nº33H lays th e foun dation for m as-  
sive power an d extraordin ary fin esse.  
AC Pow er Regeneration Th e detrim en tal son ic effects of n oisy, un balan ced AC power  
supplies are widely kn own . Com m ercially available passive AC  
lin e con dition ers provide som e m easure of AC power filterin g an d  
surge protection for lin e-level com pon en ts such as pream plifiers  
an d digital audio processors. However, th ese lin e con dition ers  
can n ot h an dle th e large, in stan tan eous curren ts th at power am pli-  
fiers require. In effect, th e lin e con dition er becom es a bottlen eck  
in th e oth erwise free flow of power th rough th e am plifier an d  
loudspeakers, greatly reducin g th e dyn am ic im pact of th e sign al.  
To avoid th ese perform an ce bottlen ecks, th e Nº33H uses built-in  
lin e con dition in g tech n iques. Wh en AC power is delivered to th e  
Nº33H, it is rectified, filtered, an d regulated in to positive an d n eg-  
ative DC voltages. A portion of th is DC power is used to drive an  
oscillator circuit th at regen erates a pure 60 Hz sin ewave. Th is  
sin ewave is th en used to power a separate power supply dedicated  
to all voltage gain stages. Th e dedicated power supply ben efits  
from a truly balan ced source as well as th e total elim in ation of AC  
n oise an d fluctuation s. As a result, th e Nº33Hs critical voltage  
gain stages operate in a truly optim ized en viron m en t, passin g a  
m usical sign al with outstan din g low-level resolution an d detail.  
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Fully Balanced Design  
A truly balan ced in put topology elim in ates th e n eed for an in put  
buffer am plification stage, allowin g th e first stage differen tial  
am plifier to be driven directly by th e source. Match ed im pedan ces  
are presented to the source and both signals travel through identical  
circuit path s.  
Meticulous atten tion to th e layout of th e am plifier, in cludin g  
careful m irror-im aging of circuits to cancel m agnetic fields, was  
essen tial to m in im ize m agn etic field distortion s th at can occur  
with such a m assive power delivery system . The input signal  
rem ains balanced, and rejection of com m on m ode n oise an d  
distortion is ach ieved in th e loudspeakers voice coil.  
True Voltage Source  
Th e Nº33H operates like a true voltage source—m ain tain in g th e  
appropriate voltage at a given tim e (based on sign al dem an ds)  
with out particular regard for th e curren t dem an ds of th e associated  
loudspeakers. Wh eth er th e loudspeakers require a 1 or 50-am p cur-  
ren t, th e Nº33H will deliver.  
Forty output tran sistors distributed th rough out th e four m ain h eat  
sin ks con duct an d con trol th e flow of power to th e associated  
loudspeakers. Ten com plem en tary pairs of output tran sistors are  
used in both th e in vertin g an d n on -in vertin g output stages.  
No kn own h igh -quality loudspeaker can con tin uously absorb th e  
full power of th e Nº33H; but m an y loudspeakers require th ese  
extrem e bursts of power on a sh ort-term basis wh en reproducin g  
m usic at realistic levels. Th e Nº33H provides th ese sh ort bursts  
with out creatin g power supply sag or alterin g son ic perform an ce.  
Its im perturbable n ature is reflected in th e auth ority an d con trol  
with wh ich it reproduces m usical sign als.  
Extensive Protection  
Th e Nº33H is design ed to sh ut down if it sen ses certain fault  
con dition s th at could cause dam age to itself or associated  
loudspeakers. Th ese fault con dition s in clude:  
Th e presen ce of DC (direct curren t) at th e output  
Sustain ed output curren t (40 am ps), in dicatin g a  
sh ort-circuit across th e outputs  
Over or un der-voltage con dition s at th e ~ac m ain s  
con n ector  
Un safe operatin g tem peratures in a critical area with in th e  
am plifier.  
Wh en powered on or placed in stan dby, th e Nº33H will  
autom atically power off—as if th e rear pan el power switch h ad  
been set to th e off position —if a fault con dition is detected. It  
will n ot power on again un til th e fault con dition is corrected. To  
restore n orm al operation , rem ove th e cause of th e fault an d power  
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cycle th e am plifier with th e ~ac mains relay sw itch on th e rear  
pan el.  
In addition , th e AC in put to each tran sform er is fused to protect  
again st excessive curren t con dition s such as drivin g sh orted  
outputs. In -rush lim itin g preven ts prem ature agin g of power  
supply com pon en ts durin g power-up, an d switch es to off-lin e  
on ce th e power supply h as been ch arged.  
Fin ally, th e Nº33H in corporates a con trolled clippin g circuit th at  
preven ts output devices from saturatin g. Th e h arsh h igh -frequen cy  
h arm on ics gen erated by h ard-clipped output devices are avoided  
by th e wave-sh apin g action of th is con trolled clip circuitry.  
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Front Panel  
Nº 33H  
1. standby button  
Wh en power is first applied to th e Nº33H power am plifier, an d  
assum in g th e rear pan el AC m ain s switch is set to its on posi-  
tion , th e am plifier rem ain s com pletely off. Press th e fron t  
pan el standby button to brin g th e am plifier from com pletely  
off to stan dby. Each tim e you subsequen tly press th e stan dby  
button (after a delay of ten secon ds to allow all circuitry to sta-  
bilize), th e Nº33H is toggled between stan dby m ode an d fully  
on .  
To turn th e am plifier com pletely off, press an d h old th e stand-  
by button for approxim ately on e secon d, un til th e fron t pan el  
in dicator ligh t turn s off.  
2. indicator LED  
In dicates th e operatin g state of th e Nº33H.  
LED Behavior  
Fully lit  
Indicates that the Nº33H is powered on.  
Indicates that the Nº33H is in standby.  
Slowly blinking  
Dimly lit  
Indicates that the main power supply is off, and  
only the supervisory power supply operational.  
Not lit  
Indictes that the Nº33H is powered off.  
If th e am plifier will n ot power on at all, ch eck th e rear pan el  
~ac mains relay sw itch.  
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Rear Panel  
single ended  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and  
(2) this device must accept any interference received,  
including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
slave out  
slave in remote turn-on jacks  
ac mains relay  
ac mains 875W  
Ca u t io n !  
Before making any connections, turn the master volume on the  
associated preamplifier all the w ay dow n, then power off the  
Nº33H and all associated components and disconnect them  
from electrical outlets.  
1. ~ac mains  
Provides power to th e Nº33H wh en th e power cord is con n ect-  
ed to an electrical outlet. On e h igh -curren t AC power cord is  
provided. Th is cord is specially design ed to support poten tial  
curren t requirem en ts wh en th e Nº33H is drivin g low-im ped-  
an ce loads.  
Wa r n in g !  
Da n g e r !  
The Nº33H has been safety-tested and designed for operation  
with a three-conductor power cord. Do not defeat the third  
pinor earth groundof the power cord.  
Dangerous voltages and current capabilities exist w ithin the  
Nº33H, even w hen the pow er cord is unplugged. There are no  
user-serviceable parts inside the amplifier. Refer all servicing to  
an authorized Mark Levinson dealer.  
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2. ~ac mains relay sw itch  
Th e AC m ain s switch turn s th e am plifier com pletely off by  
discon n ectin g th e supervisory power supply from th e AC  
m ain s. Sin ce th is sm all supervisory supply con trols th e m ain  
power supply access to AC power, sh uttin g down th e supervi-  
sory power supply also discon n ects th e m ain supply from AC.  
3. balanced input  
Receives balanced audio input from th e associated pream plifier.  
One XLR connector is available.  
For best perform an ce, use balan ced con n ection s wh en ever  
possible. Refer to th e illustration below an d to th e associated  
pream plifier docum en tation to en sure th at Nº33H XLR input  
pin assignm ents correspond to the associated pream plifier XLR  
output pin assign m en ts. If n ot, wire th e cable so th at th e  
appropriate in put pin con n ects to th e appropriate output pin .  
Pin 1: Sign al groun d  
Pin 2: Sign al + (n on -in vertin g)  
Pin 3: Sign al – (in vertin g)  
Con n ector groun d lug: ch assis groun d  
No t e  
Before making balanced connections, remove the U-shaped  
shorting-strap between pins 1 and 3 on the Nº33H XLR input  
and save it for possible future use. This shorting-strap is  
installed when the Nº33H is shipped.  
4. single-ended input  
Receives un balan ced audio input from a pream plifier with sin -  
gle-en ded outputs. Th ese sign als are con verted to balan ced sig-  
n als upon en terin g th e ch assis an d processed as balan ced sig-  
n als th ereafter. One RCA connector is available.  
If th e associated pream plifier does n ot support balan ced  
con n ection s, con n ect th e RCA output on th e pream plifier to  
th e RCA in put on th e Nº33H. To reduce th e ch an ce of n oise at  
th e (oth erwise un term in ated) in vertin g XLR in put, in sert th e  
supplied U-sh aped sh ortin g strap between pin s 1 an d 3. (Th is  
sh ortin g strap is in stalled wh en th e Nº33H is sh ipped.)  
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5. loudspeaker binding posts (outputs)  
Provide audio output. Two pair of custom -m ade, gold-plated,  
h igh -curren t bin din g posts labeled + (positive) an d (n ega-  
tive) are in cluded. Positive bin din g posts are red; n egative  
bin din g posts are black.  
Th ese bin din g posts are design ed to facilitate h igh pressure,  
h igh con tact area con n ection s with out th e use of tools such as  
n ut drivers. A sim ple fin ger-tigh ten in g actually yields h igh er  
con tact pressure th an tradition al h ex bin din g posts. Th ere is  
n o n eed to exert un usual effort wh en tigh ten in g.  
Ca u t io n !  
NEVER connect pow er amplifier outputs to any component  
other than a loudspeaker.  
NEVER short-circuit pow er amplifier outputs.  
NEVER connect pow er amplifier outputs to another pow er  
amplifiers outputs.  
For best perform an ce, use h igh -quality loudspeaker cables  
with eith er spade or h ook lugs.  
Spade Lug  
Hook Lug  
Con n ect th e + (positive) bin din g posts on th e Nº33H to  
positive in puts on th e associated loudspeaker.  
Con n ect th e (n egative) bin din g posts on th e Nº33H to  
n egative in puts on th e associated loudspeaker.  
Ca u t io n !  
DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the Nº33H binding posts. Tight, high-  
contact pressure connections can be achieved w ith finger-tight-  
DO NOT FORCE the Nº33H binding post w ingsup and over a  
bent or oversized connector. Doing so may result in binding  
post damage. If the connector obstructs w ing-turning, slide it  
into place w hen the binding post opening provides a snug fit.  
Then, use quarter-turns to tighten the connection as needed.  
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6. slave in & slave out communication ports  
Provide lin ksto com patible Mark Levin son pream plifiers  
an d power am plifiers, allowin g th e Nº33H an d lin ked  
pream plifiers or power am plifiers to sh are Lin k con trols. Two  
6-pin m odular RJ-11 jacks labeled slave in an d slave out are  
Th e slave in com m un ication port can be con n ected to a  
com patible Mark Levin son pream plifier th at offers Lin k or  
com m un ication ports. Th e slave out com m un ication  
ports can be con n ected to a com patible Mark Levin son power  
am plifier th at offers Lin k or  
com m un ication ports.  
No t e  
Refer to Linking” BEFORE linking the Nº33H to other Mark  
Levinson components.  
7. remote turn-on jacks  
Provide DC trigger control. One 1/8-inch (3.5m m ) m ini-jack is  
available to receive 512V DC signals from a connected com po-  
nent, and one 1/8-inch m ini-jack is available to pass these sig-  
nals along to a connected power am plifier. The illustration  
below shows tip polarity requirem ents.  
5 to 12V, positive tip polarity  
Con n ect on e of th e remote turn-on jacks on th e Nº33H to th e  
trigger out con n ector on a com patible com pon en t. Togglin g  
th e con n ected com pon en t between on an d stan dby will toggle  
th e Nº33H in to an d out of stan dby.  
Con n ect th e oth er remote turn-on jack on th e Nº33H to th e  
trigger in con n ector on a com patible power am plifier. Th e  
Nº33H will pass DC sign als alon g to th e con n ected power  
am plifier, creatin g a daisy-ch ain of trigger con trol.  
No t e  
The Nº33H must be powered on with the ~ac mains relay  
switch to respond to remote trigger commands.  
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Lin kin g is available for all Mark Levin son com pon en ts th at offer  
Lin k or  
slave out,  
com m un ication ports, in cludin g master, slave in,  
input, an d control com m un ication  
ports. These com m unication ports can be used to linkcom patible  
Mark Levin son com pon en ts in a slave ch ain , allowin g th em to  
sh are Lin k con trols.  
Th e Nº33H offers two Lin k com m un ication ports labeled slave in  
an d slave out. Th e slave in com m un ication port can be con n ected  
to a com patible Mark Levin son pream plifier th at offers Lin k or  
com m un ication ports. Th e slave out com m un ication port  
can be con n ected to a com patible Mark Levin son power am plifier  
th at offers Lin k or  
com m un ication ports.  
Th e Nº33H can be con n ected to th e followin g Mark Levin son  
com pon en ts:  
Nº30 Series pream plifiers, in cludin g th e Nº32, Nº38, an d  
Nº300 Series pream plifiers, in cludin g th e Nº320S, Nº326S,  
Nº380, an d Nº380S.  
Nº400 Series power am plifiers, in cludin g th e Nº431, Nº432,  
Nº434, an d Nº436.  
Nº39 an d Nº390S CD Processors.  
Refer to th e appropriate docum en tation for Lin k com patibility  
in form ation about oth er Mark Levin son com pon en ts.  
Making Link  
DO use Lin k or  
slave in , slave out,  
com m un ication ports.  
com m un ication ports, such as m aster,  
in put, an d con trol  
DO use supplied Lin k com m un ication cables, wh ich are  
provided in th e accessory box.  
DO use con structed Lin k com m un ication cables. Refer to  
Con structin g Lin k Com m un ication Cablesfor addition al  
in form ation .  
DO NOT use RS-232 ports or oth er rear pan el con n ectors.  
Ca u t io n !  
Link connections must be made using Link or  
communication ports and supplied or constructed Link  
communication cables. Connections made with other connectors  
or cables may damage the Nº33H and other linked components,  
possibly voiding the manufacturers warranty and/or standard  
repair policies.  
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Constructing Link  
Communication Cables  
Lin k com m un ication cables can be con structed usin g an  
8-con ductor m odular teleph on e cable with th e appropriate plug  
crim ped on each en d.  
Use an 8-pin RJ-45 plug wh en con n ectin g to a pream plifier.  
RJ-45 plugs provide an 8-pin con n ection .  
Use a 6-pin RJ-11 plug wh en con n ectin g to a power am plifier.  
RJ-11 plugs provide a 6-pin con n ection in wh ich con n ector  
pin s 7 an d 8 are n ot used.  
No t e  
BEFORE making Link connections, refer to the appropriate  
documentation for Link or  
communication port  
specifications for other Mark Levinson components.  
Wh en lin kin g com pon en ts with con structed Lin k com m un ication  
cables, twist th e cable 180˚ as sh own in th e illustration below for  
a straigh t-th rough (pin 1-to-pin 1) con n ection .  
No t e  
Contact an authorized Mark Levinson dealer for additional  
assistance with making Link connections.  
Monaural Amplifier  
Mark Levinson  
6-Pin RJ-11 Plug (Pin 1)*  
8-Pin RJ-45 Plug (Pin 1)  
Locking Tab  
180˚ Tw ist  
Locking Tab  
Mark Levinson  
Pow er Amplifier  
Monaural Amplifier  
6-Pin RJ-11 Plug (Pin 1)*  
6-Pin RJ-11 Plug (Pin 1)*  
Locking Tab  
180˚ Tw ist  
Locking Tab  
*Pins 7 and  
are not used  
Creating a Slave Chain  
Makin g Lin k con n ection s creates a slave ch ain th at facilitates  
com m un ication am on g lin ked com pon en ts, allowin g th em to  
sh are certain con trols.  
All slave ch ain s:  
Must in clude com patible Mark Levin son com pon en ts. Th e  
Nº33H is com patible with th e com pon en ts listed on th e  
previous page. Refer to th e appropriate docum en tation for  
Lin k com patibility in form ation about oth er Mark Levin son  
com pon en ts.  
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Must in clude com pon en ts th at are con n ected in a certain  
order to preven t com m un ication from term in atin g. Power  
am plifiers such as th e Nº33H m ust be th e last com pon en ts in  
a slave ch ain .  
No t e  
The slave chains in this section include preamplifiers and  
power amplifiers. However, slave chains can also include  
digital audio processors and digital transports. Refer to the  
appropriate documentation for information about including  
these Mark Levinson components in a slave chain.  
The table below indicates slave chain requirem ents for pream plifiers  
an d power am plifiers.  
Requirements & Connections  
No m axim um n um ber per slave ch ain .  
Pream plifier  
(e.g., Nº320S)  
Con n ect th e  
or slave out com m un ication port on  
th e pream plifier to th e slave in com m un ication port  
on th e Nº33H.  
Maxim um of six per slave ch ain .  
Power Am plifier  
(e.g., Nº33H)  
Connect the slave in com m unication port on the  
Nº33H to the  
or slave out com m unication port on  
th e pream plifier.  
Con n ect up to six power am plifiers in a daisy ch ain ”  
usin g slave in/ input-to-slave out/ control  
com m un ication port con n ection s. Th e slave out/  
control com m un ication port on th e last power  
am plifier is n ot con n ected.  
To create a slave chain that includes the Nº33H:  
1. Make sure th e Nº33H an d all associated com pon en ts are  
powered off.  
2. Con n ect th e slave in com m un ication port on th e Nº33H to  
or slave out com m unication port on the pream plifier.  
If desired, con n ect th e slave out com m un ication port on th e  
Nº33H to th e slave in/ input com m un ication port on  
an oth er power am plifier. Up to six power am plifiers can be  
in cluded in a slave ch ain usin g daisy ch ain slave in/  
input-to-slave out/  
con n ection s. Th e slave out/  
control com m un ication port  
control com m un ication  
port on th e last power am plifier is n ot con n ected.  
Refer to th e table above an d to th e illustration on th e n ext  
page for addition al assistan ce.  
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Step A:  
Connect the  
(slave out)  
communication port on the preamplifier  
to the slave in communication port  
on the first Nº33H  
slave in slave out  
Monaural Amplifier  
Step B:  
Connect the slave out communication  
port on the first Nº33H to the  
slave in communication port on the  
second Nº33H.  
slave out slave in  
Monaural Amplifier  
Step C:  
Connect the slave out communication  
port on the second Nº33H to the  
slave in communication port on a third  
power amplifier. This step can be repeated  
to include up to six power amplifiers in the  
slave chain.  
3. Wh en Lin k con n ection s h ave been m ade, power on lin ked  
com pon en ts ONE AT A TIME in th e order specified below.  
Allow each com pon en t to com plete its in itialization sequen ce  
before proceedin g to th e n ext com pon en t.  
A. Digital Tran sports  
B. Digital Audio Processors  
C. Pream plifier  
D. Power Am plifiers (begin with th e first power am plifier in  
th e slave ch ain )  
At th is poin t, th e fron t pan el stan dby LEDs on all lin ked  
com pon en ts sh ould be blin kin g in un ison .  
No t e  
Linked components must be powered on ONE AT A TIME  
in the specific order listed in step 3 (above) to ensure proper  
functioning of Link controls. DO NOT use a power strip  
switch to power on several components at once. When  
power is supplied to a strip, connected components that do  
not include a power button will automatically power on.  
4. Take th e lin ked pream plifier out of stan dby.  
All lin ked power am plifiers sh ould com e out of stan dby as  
well. If this does not occur, repeat steps 3 and 4. If problem s  
persist, con tact an auth orized Mark Levin son dealer.  
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Link Controls  
Lin kin g Mark Levin son com pon en ts allows th em to sh are certain  
con trols. Th e table below provides a gen eral description of  
con trols th e Nº33H sh ares with oth er lin ked com pon en ts. Som e  
con trols m ay n ot be available for certain com pon en t  
com bin ation s. Oth er Mark Levin son com pon en ts m ay sh are  
addition al con trols. Refer to th e appropriate docum en tation for  
addition al in form ation .  
Pow er Amplifier  
Placin g th e lin ked pream plifier in to standby  
also places all lin ked power am plifiers in to  
standby. Takin g th e lin ked pream plifier out of  
standby also takes all lin ked power am plifiers  
out of standby.  
Placin g a lin ked power am plifier in to standby  
also places all oth er lin ked power am plifiers  
in to standby. Takin g a lin ked power am plifier  
out of standby also takes all oth er lin ked power  
am plifiers out of standby.  
Stan dby Lin k  
If a lin ked power am plifier experien ces a fault condition,  
it will report the fault condition to the linked preamplifier.  
If th is occurs, th e power am plifier n um ber an d fault  
condition code will appear on th e pream plifier fron t  
pan el display.  
Fault Con dition  
Lin k  
In dicates a th erm al fault  
con dition  
In dicates a DC offset th at  
can n ot be corrected  
Th e power am plifier n um ber refers to its position in th e  
slave ch ain . For exam ple, AMP1 refers to th e first power  
am plifier in th e slave ch ain . Power am plifier fault  
condition codes are described in th e table to th e righ t.  
Note th e followin g:  
Lin ked com pon en ts m ust be powered on ONE AT A TIME in  
th e specific order listed in step 3 (previous page) to en sure  
proper fun ction in g of Lin k con trols.  
Lin k con trols m ust be en abled on th e lin ked digital tran sport  
lin kin g m en u, wh ich allows activation an d deactivation of  
in dividual Lin k con trols. Refer to th e appropriate digital  
tran sport own ers m an ual for addition al in form ation .  
Some Mark Levinson digital transports accommodate a maximum  
of four fron t pan el display ch aracters. In th ese cases, certain  
in put n am es appear abbreviated on th e fron t pan el display.  
For exam ple, an in put n am ed No320S will appear as No32 on  
th e digital tran sport fron t pan el display even th ough th e  
in put is associated with th e Nº 320S.  
Th e lin ked pream plifier an d power am plifier(s) m ust be in th e  
sam e standby state to allow th e lin ked power am plifier(s) to  
en ter standby after a power failure.  
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In correct operation is som etim es m istaken for m alfun ction . If  
problems occur, refer to this troubleshooting section. If problem s  
persist, con tact your Mark Levin son dealer.  
1. No audio and the front panel indicator LED is not lit.  
Exam in e ~ac m ain s con n ection s to en sure th e power cord  
is con n ected to th e electrical outlet.  
Make sure th e Nº33H is powered on with th e rear pan el  
pow er sw itch.  
Exam in e th e electrical circuit breaker to en sure th at power  
is supplied to th e electrical outlet to wh ich th e Nº33H is  
con n ected.  
A power loss or power outage m ay h ave occurred. In th is  
case, power cycle th e Nº33H with th e pow er sw itch,  
waitin g at least 10 secon ds between powerin g th e Nº33H  
off an d on .  
A fuse m ay be blown in side th e Nº33H. In th is case,  
discon n ect th e power cord from th e electrical outlet.  
Th en , con tact an auth orized Mark Levin son dealer. Do not  
attempt to replace the fuse. There are no user-serviceable  
parts w ithin the Nº33H.  
Da n g e r !  
Potentially lethal voltages and current capabilities exist w ithin  
the Nº33H, even w hen the pow er is cord disconnected from the  
electrical outlet. DO NOT attempt to open the amplifiers cabinet.  
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the amplifier. Refer all  
servicing to an authorized Mark Levinson dealer.  
2. No audio and the front panel indicator LED is  
dimly lit.  
A power loss or power outage m ay h ave occurred. In th is  
case, power cycle th e Nº33H with th e rear pan el pow er  
sw itch, waitin g at least 10 secon ds between  
powerin g th e Nº33H off an d on .  
3. No audio and the front panel indicator LED is  
blinking slow ly.  
Th e Nº33H is in standby. To take it out of standby, press  
an d release th e standby button. Th e Nº33H will power on .  
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4. No audio and the front panel indicator LED is lit  
at full brightness.  
Th e Nº33H is powered on , but is n ot passin g a sign al.  
Power th e Nº33H off with th e ~ac mains relay sw itch,  
th en exam in e th e sign al cables to en sure a solid con n ec-  
tion between th e Nº33H an d th e associated pream plifier  
an d loudspeakers.  
Da n g e r !  
Pow er the Nº33H off w ith the ~ac mains relay sw itch before  
touching the loudspeaker w ires.  
5. The Nº33H keeps pow ering off.  
A fault con dition m ay be presen t at th e in put (for exam -  
ple, a DC sign al from th e pream plifier) or th e output (for  
exam ple, sh ort-circuited loudspeaker wires). If th is occurs:  
a. Power th e Nº33H off with th e rear pan el ~ac mains  
relay sw itch.  
b. Discon n ect th e in put sign al an d loudspeaker wires.  
c. Wait 10 secon ds.  
d. Power th e Nº33H on with th e ~ac mains relay sw itch.  
If th e Nº33H powers on with out en terin g standby, a fault  
con dition is presen t at th e in put or th e output. To isolate  
th e problem :  
a. Power th e Nº33H off with th e ~ac mains relay sw itch.  
b. Recon n ect th e loudspeaker wires.  
c. Power th e Nº33H on with th e ~ac mains relay sw itch.  
If th e Nº33H powers on in to standby, th e fault con dition  
is presen t at th e in put. If n ot, th e fault con dition is pres-  
en t at th e output.  
6. If all else fails...  
Power cycle th e Nº33H with th e rear pan el ~ac mains relay  
sw itch, waitin g at least 10 secon ds between powerin g th e  
Nº33H off an d on .  
Con tact an auth orized Mark Levin son dealer.  
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Care & Maintenance  
To rem ove dust from th e cabin et of your Nº33H, use a feath er  
duster or a lin t-free soft cloth . To rem ove dirt an d fin gerprin ts:  
1. Dam pen a soft, lin t-free cloth with isopropyl alcoh ol, th en  
ligh tly clean th e surface of th e un it with th e cloth , m ovin g  
with th e grain of th e an odized, brush ed alum in um .  
Do n ot use excessive am oun ts of alcoh ol th at could drip off  
th e cloth an d in to th e un it.  
2. Followin g th e clean in g with alcoh ol, dam pen a clean cloth  
with water an d wipe over th e surface you just clean ed with  
alcoh ol. Th is rem oves th e alcoh ol residue.  
Ca u t io n !  
Never apply liquid cleaners directly to the Nº33H. The direct  
application of liquids can result in damage to electronic compo-  
nents inside the unit.  
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Th e correlation between publish ed specification s an d perform an ce  
is un reliable. Measurem en ts of your am plifier yield excellen t  
results by an y stan dards. However, on ly th ose specification s th at  
apply to its actual operation are in cluded h ere.  
All specifications are subject to change at any time.  
Rated pow er output:  
34.6 Vrm s (150 W) @ 8Ω  
34.6 Vrm s (300 W) @ 4Ω  
All of the above power ratings were measured as continuous (rms)  
power from 20Hz–20kHz with no more than 0.3% THD.  
Frequency response:  
Signal-to-Noise ratio:  
Input impedance:  
With in 0.2 dB from 20Hz to 20kHz  
75 dB CCIR  
100k(balan ced)  
50k(un balan ced)  
26.8 dB  
Voltage gain:  
Input sensitivity:  
Pow er consumption:  
Mains voltage:  
1.59V (full-rated output)  
360W in idle; 130W in stan dby  
Determ in ed by th e requirem en ts of th e coun try for wh ich th e  
un it was m an ufactured; can n ot be reset by dealer or user  
Overall dimensions:  
Shipping w eight:  
See Dim en sion s”  
220 poun ds (100 kg)  
Connector complement:  
Four custom bin din g posts  
On e 3-pin XLR balan ced in put con n ector  
On e RCA in put con n ector  
Two 18" m in i-jacks for rem ote turn -on  
Two Mark Levin son com m un ication s ports on RJ-11  
On e captive h igh -curren t AC receptacle  
Output impedance:  
Less th an 0.05from 2020,000Hz  
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Declaration of Conformity  
Application of Council Directive(s):  
89/336/EEC an d 73/23/EEC, as am en ded.  
Standard(s) to w hich Conformity is Declared:  
EN 55013 : 2001  
EN 55020 : 2002  
EN 60065 : 1998  
EN 61000-3-2 : 2000  
EN 61000-3-3 : 1995 + A1 : 2001  
Harman Specialty Group  
3 Oak Park  
Bedford, MA 01730-1413 USA  
The equipment identified here conforms to the Directive(s) and  
Standard(s) specified above.  
Type of Equipment:  
Monaural Power Amplifier  
Mark Levinson Nº33H  
January 2005  
Harman Specialty Group  
Vice President of Engineering  
3 Oak Park  
Bedford, MA 01730-1413 USA  
Telephone: 781-280-0300  
Fax: 781-280-0490  
w w  
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3 O ak Park, Bedford, MA, 01730-1413 USA | Telephone: 781-280-0300  
Fax: 781-280-0490  
C ust om e r Suppor t : Telephone: 781-280-0300 Sales Fax: 781-280-0495  
Service Fax: 781-280-0499  
P roduct Shipm e nt s: 16 Progress Road, Billerica, MA 01821-5730 USA  
Part No. 070-630273 | Rev 3 | 02/05  
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