Bosch Appliances Smoke Alarm DS9400 User Manual

DS9400 Series  
Release Notes for Firmware V2.07  
EN Fire Alarm Control Panel  
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DS9400 Series | Release Notes for Firmware V2.07 | 5.0  
DS9400 Series Version 2.03A October, 2002  
Wheelock Sync Protocol. This feature no  
longer requires the Detection Systems  
D411/D412 in order to produce Temporal Code  
When communicating to the control panel  
using RPS, the control panel will report  
v2.03 software installed even when the  
upgrade v2.03A has been installed.  
Auto Silence Operation. The auto-silence  
operation is now correctly processed on a  
system configured to use the autosilence feature  
that powers up with a trouble condition.  
6.0 Fixed Items in Firmware  
Version 2.03  
Reorganized Phone Programming Menu. To  
better differentiate phone line features versus  
phone number features, the phone programming  
menu has been reorganized.  
The following list of fixed items only applies  
to control panels that have version 2.03  
firmware installed and a date code later  
than 9935. These items may still apply to  
control panels running an earlier version of  
firmware, and/or have a date code of 9935  
or earlier.  
Relay Outputs. When an output is set to follow  
a point, the output releases when the silence key  
is pressed. This feature has been fixed and will  
now stay latched for elevator recall and fan  
“REPROGRAM SYS” Message: With  
firmware version 2.03, the System Trouble  
message, “TROUBLE EEPROM” has been  
changed to “REPROGRAM SYS.” This message  
will appear:  
5.0 DS9400 Series Version  
2.03A October, 2002  
Version 2.03A firmware for the DS9400 Series Fire  
Alarm Control Panels incorporates a change in the  
Contact ID reports and a change in the Trouble  
Relay Function as described below.  
when the control panel is powered up for the  
first time with firmware version 2.03 installed  
if there is an invalid EEPROM checksum  
if the control panel has been defaulted  
improperly and system programming has not  
been performed  
Contact ID Reporting. The system can be  
programmed to send a periodic test report,  
E602, in Contact ID format. If any system  
troubles are present at the periodic test time, a  
new event, E608, which states “New event, off  
normal at time of periodic test report” is sent.  
Software versions 2.03 and before sent a generic  
system trouble P300 report.  
To clear the “REPROGRAM SYS” message, use  
the following procedure:  
From the Main Menu, press the 0/Prog key to  
enter the Programming Menu. The  
Programming Menu will appear.  
Reprogram the system according to site-specific  
General Trouble Relay Function for the  
onboard relays only. In order to provide an  
output that is energized when the control panel  
is operating normally, the operation of the  
“General Trouble" output type (Zone 62) has  
been changed.  
Exit the programming mode by pressing the  
*/Clear key until the Main Menu reappears.  
If the control panel is defaulted from the  
programming mode, the “REPROGRAM SYS”  
message will not appear. When this message  
appears, check all programming entries from the  
built-in user interface, or from a remote  
connection using Bosch Security Systems’ RPS  
Remote Programming Software.  
The change is observed when Zone "A" for one  
of the two on-board relays is programmed using  
Zone 62 (General Trouble). For this output, the  
relay will be energized when there are no  
troubles present in the system. When there is a  
trouble, the relay will de-energize.  
For this relay to function properly, Zones "B",  
"C", and "D" must be programmed with a value  
of "00". The General Trouble output function  
can not be combined with any other output  
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DS9400 Series | Release Notes for Firmware V2.07 | 7.0  
Fixed Items Since Firmware Version 1.08  
DS9431 Accidental Removal (DS9400M  
only): On control panels running firmware  
version 2.02 or earlier, if the wires on the  
keypad option bus are momentarily shorted for  
less than a second, the DS9431 Multiplex  
Expansion Module may stop working. If this  
occurs, the display will show “MUX NOT  
DETECTED” and the Trouble buzzer will  
sound. If the */Clear key is pressed, the DS9431  
will be uninstalled.  
Boards shipped before August 31, 1999  
must be modified according to Technical  
Service Note (P/N: 42363) to ensure that  
the battery test runs properly. Affected  
boards carry a lot number of 99 or lower  
and a date code of 9935 or earlier. Boards  
shipped after August 31, 1999 with a date  
code higher than 9935 are unaffected. See  
Figure 1 on page 3 for the location of the  
lot number and date code.  
Firmware version 2.03 corrects this problem. If  
the DS9431 should fail, a new message, “CALL  
FOR SERVICE,” will be displayed along with  
the following message, “MUX NOT  
Figure 1: Firmware Version Label and Date  
Code Locations  
WORKING.” Pressing the */Clear key will  
silence the Trouble buzzer, but will neither clear  
the trouble messages nor uninstall the DS9431.  
displayed, the control panel should be powered  
down by removing AC and standby battery  
connections, and then restarted. Doing so will  
restore the DS9431 to proper operation. If the  
problem is not corrected, please contact  
Technical Support at (888) 886-6189.  
Make sure that you are at the control panel  
site with an available phone line before  
calling Technical Support.  
Lot Number Label  
Firmware Version Label  
Date Code Stamp  
To remove the DS9431 after installing firmware  
version 2.03, please contact Technical Support at  
(888) 886-6189.  
DS9434 Four Point Expander Removal: To  
prevent the accidental removal of the DS9434, a  
new message “CALL FOR SERVICE,” is  
displayed. If you wish to remove a previously  
installed DS9434, please contact Technical  
Support at (888) 886-6189.  
Do not exceed standby current ratings for  
the control panel. If the total current drawn  
from the smoke power and option bus  
power terminals exceeds 1 amp, the  
system may not be able to switch to battery  
power when AC fails. Current drawn from  
NACs and auxiliary power does not impact  
battery transfer operation.  
7.0 Fixed Items Since  
Firmware Version 1.08  
AC Failure during Automatic Battery Test:  
The DS9400 FACP automatically tests the  
standby batteries every 180 seconds for two  
seconds. The system will now continue normal  
operation if an AC power failure occurs exactly  
during this two-second battery test window.  
Bosch Security Systems | 8/06 | 36925V  
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DS9400 Series | Release Notes for Firmware V2.07 | 7.0  
Fixed Items Since Firmware Version 1.08  
Manual Battery/NAC Test during AC Fail:  
Manually initiating a battery test (Test Menu,  
Option 4) when AC has failed will now correctly  
display the current battery voltage. However, if  
a user at the control panel requests a manual  
battery test within five seconds after AC power  
fails, the system may shut down until AC power  
returns. Manual battery test while AC is present  
will correctly test and report the battery voltage,  
and a manual test when AC power has failed  
will report the current battery voltage.  
Programming Access: Firmware version 2.02  
corrects a configuration problem found in  
control panels with prior firmware that  
improperly allows programming access to all  
valid user codes and not only “Level  
1/Maximum” codes.  
Phone Troubles: On a small number of  
DS9400 units, when using firmware prior to  
version 2.02, an interaction between normal  
hardware variations and firmware timing has  
been observed to cause the control panel to  
falsely report a disconnected phone line. On the  
small number of control panels with the affected  
hardware, the fault causes occasional phone  
trouble reports that are followed by an  
immediate restoral report. Replacing the ROM  
to upgrade the firmware to version 2.02 corrects  
the problem with no need for hardware  
Improved Smoke Power Control  
Monitoring: When AC power fails, the control  
panel draws from the batteries to maintain  
operation. When the battery voltage falls below  
20 volts, the control panel will shut down.  
Panels with date codes after 9935 will power  
down, and control panels modified according to  
Technical Service Note P/N: 42363 will enter a  
low power idle state. To ensure that all attached  
smoke detectors are correctly powered up after a  
shutdown, the control panel will wait for the  
smoke power voltage to stabilize before applying  
smoke power and continuing operation.  
To ensure that power is applied cleanly to the  
smoke detectors, smoke power is now turned off  
if it falls below 15 volts and not restored until it  
reaches 20 volts.  
User Interface Delay: Under unusual  
circumstances, the user interface in firmware  
prior to 2.02 would stop accepting input for up  
to three minutes if remote keypads were present  
on a system. This no longer occurs in version  
Relay Module Operation, Disabling: Remote  
relay modules may fail to activate properly  
under some circumstances in firmware versions  
prior to 2.02. Additionally, attempting to disable  
remote relays has caused the control panel to  
stop operating and freeze the display. The relay  
modules operate and can be disabled as  
expected in version 2.02. Note that when a  
remote relay module is disabled, all eight relays  
on the module are disabled with one operation.  
Improved Battery Monitoring: Processing of  
restored batteries has been improved so that a  
RESET operation is never required.  
Local Only Points Implemented: Central  
station reporting is now correctly suppressed for  
points programmed for “Local Only” operation.  
Response Time After Transients: Firmware  
prior to version 2.02 may allow an extended  
alarm response time after an electrical transient  
(e.g. lightning). In the worst case, an alarm  
occurring 10 minutes after a transient would  
take 10 minutes to be registered. After 10  
minutes, the response time returns to normal.  
With version 2.02 firmware, response time  
correctly remains at 500 ms for fast response, or  
at the desired programmed response time for  
programmed response points, regardless of  
possible prior transients on the line. This issue  
was observed during recent lab testing of the  
control panel and has not been reported from  
actual installations, but upgrading the firmware  
in installed control panels to version 2.02 will  
assure proper response time under all  
Auto Silence Clarification: When configuring  
points and NACs for auto silence, the setting on  
each NAC to enable or disable the auto silence  
feature is not implemented. Setting the timer to  
a value other than zero (0) enables the auto  
silence feature. Any NAC that can be silenced  
(based on which inputs are in alarm) will be  
silenced when the auto silence timer completes,  
regardless of the setting selected for the  
individual NACs. Additionally, a NAC activated  
by a non-latching point will not automatically  
turn off when the point restores if there is any  
other off-normal condition on the control panel.  
It must be manually reset.  
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DS9400 Series | Release Notes for Firmware V2.07 | 8.0  
New Features since Firmware Version 1.X  
User ID Report for Drill and Walk Test: As  
shown in Appendix C of the DS9400M  
Reference Guide (P/N: 31499) or the DS9400i  
Reference Guide (P/N: 43707), the control panel  
does not report the ID of the person starting a  
fire drill or walk test to the central station.  
8.0 New Features since  
Firmware Version 1.X  
Supports the DS9431 Multiplex Expansion  
Module to add addressable points (247  
additional points, including input modules and  
I/O modules)  
Remote Programming Annunciation: To  
indicate that the system is in a special operating  
mode with user input inhibited (but alarm  
monitoring continuing), the system indicates  
ACTIVE” during remote programming.  
Sounders will not activate during this mode, but  
other outputs programmed for Zone 62, general  
system trouble, will activate.  
User codes expanded to 100 with DS9431  
History log expanded to 499 events with  
DS9431 installed  
Supports remote programming  
9.0 Known Issues with  
Firmware Version 2.07  
Phone Monitor Troubleshooting  
1. Some troubleshooting tips for phone monitor  
problems are listed below:  
Point Disabling: It is not recommended that  
the “disable all inputs” feature be used on larger  
systems. Instead, disable individual points as  
needed. During “disable all” operations, the  
system adds or removes points to the list at a  
rate of approximately 15 seconds per point. It  
may take as much as an hour to log, report and  
update the display list when 255 points are  
processed. Additionally, this will trip the daily  
trouble reporting limit for the control panel,  
inhibiting other trouble reports for 24 hours.  
When disabling or enabling all points, the  
display appears to freeze for a few seconds while  
the operation is performed.  
2. Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage present  
across each phone line (Tip to Ring) while the  
phone line is idle.  
The voltage present during ringing for an  
incoming call can be over 100 VAC.  
The standby Telco “battery” voltage is  
typically in the range of 30-50 VDC, but  
any voltage above 5 VDC will be accepted  
by the control panel.  
The polarity of the voltage does not matter.  
Multiplex Point Response Time: Multiplex  
point response time may increase to as much as  
20 seconds when all points on the multiplex bus  
are held off normal. Onboard points may have a  
response time as long as 1 second when set for  
0.5 second (fast) response time. Refer to the  
manual for more information.  
3. Check for other devices that may use the phone  
line, such as fax machines, credit card verifiers  
or PBX systems.  
Note that NFPA 72 requirements mandate a  
dedicated phone line for fire reporting.  
If the devices cannot be removed, make  
sure they are wired so that the control  
panel’s line seizure relay will disconnect  
them when needed.  
Reporting Multiple Troubles: When using  
faster central station reporting formats, the  
control panel may be able to report trouble  
conditions faster than it can add them to a long  
list of off-normal conditions. This may result in  
less than the possible maximum of eight reports  
being included in each phone call.  
Measure the line voltage while these devices  
are in use. Make sure that it remains above  
4. Check for intermittent faults in the phone line.  
Removal of DS9431 Multiplex Expansion  
Module Clears PINs: If the DS9431 Multiplex  
Expansion Module is installed, and then  
Make a test call and see that the line is free  
of distortion and noise.  
removed, all Personal Identification Numbers  
(PINs), including the standard 16 PIN numbers,  
will be erased when the DS9400 is re-powered.  
The PIN numbers can be re-entered normally.  
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DS9400 Series | Release Notes for Firmware V2.07 | 9.0  
Known Issues with Firmware Version 2.07  
Temporarily swap lines 1 and 2 on the  
control panel and see if the problem  
indication moves to the control panel’s other  
phone line channel, in which case the phone  
line is causing the problem rather than the  
line monitor.  
5. Confirm that the fault message is “phone fault”  
and not “Comm fault”.  
“Comm fault” is often caused by failing to  
program a phone number or account  
number for phone number 2, while routing  
reports to “line 1, backup line 2”.  
If only one phone number is available for  
reporting, set report steering for all events to  
“phone 1 only”.  
“Comm fault” may also be caused if one of  
the phone lines has Telco battery voltage,  
but will not complete a call. Make test calls  
to the receiver(s) on both phone lines,  
listening for the receiver ACK tone  
6. Make sure that two phone lines are available.  
In accordance with NFPA requirements, the  
auto-test report is sent on a different phone  
line each time it is sent. If only one phone  
line is connected to the control panel, a  
“Comm fault” will be generated on every  
other test call.  
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Bosch Security Systems  
130 Perinton Parkway  
Fairport, NY 14450-9199  
Customer Service: (800) 289-0096  
Technical Support: (888) 886-6189  
© 2006 Bosch Security Systems  
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