Xerox Printer NC20 User Manual

The Xerox  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 Color  
Ink Jet Printer  
User Guide  
Version 1.0  
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Safety Notes ................................................................. i  
Electrical Safety .......................................................................ii  
Maintenance Safety................................................................ iv  
Operational Safety ..................................................................v  
Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your Printer .................................. 1-1  
Introduction ........................................................................ 1-2  
Printer Features ................................................................... 1-3  
Print Speed ...................................................................... 1-3  
Resolution ........................................................................ 1-3  
Resident Fonts.................................................................. 1-4  
Connectivity..................................................................... 1-5  
Color Matching Systems................................................... 1-7  
Printer Driver Software ..................................................... 1-8  
Printer Components............................................................. 1-9  
External Components ....................................................... 1-9  
Interface Connectors ...................................................... 1-10  
Front Cover .................................................................... 1-12  
Print Cartridge Components ........................................... 1-13  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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DocuPrint Documentation ................................................. 1-14  
Printed Documentation .................................................. 1-14  
Electronic Documentation............................................... 1-15  
Using the CDs ................................................................ 1-16  
Note, Caution and Warning Symbols.............................. 1-17  
Chapter 2 Loading Print Media ............................................... 2-1  
Introduction ........................................................................ 2-2  
Selecting Paper.................................................................... 2-3  
Paper Selection Guidelines ................................................ 2-3  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 Paper Recommendations................. 2-4  
Loading Paper ..................................................................... 2-5  
Using the Standard Input Tray ......................................... 2-6  
Using the Manual Feed Slot .............................................. 2-9  
Using Tray 2 .................................................................. 2-12  
Tray Linking ...................................................................... 2-15  
Printing Multiple Jobs ........................................................ 2-16  
Changing the Paper Source ............................................ 2-16  
Using Letterhead ............................................................... 2-19  
Chapter 3 Printing ................................................................... 3-1  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 Printer Drivers.................................... 3-2  
Driver Features................................................................. 3-3  
Installing CentreWare DP and Printer Drivers .................... 3-3  
Using the Control Panel....................................................... 3-4  
Control Panel Features...................................................... 3-5  
The Control Panel Display ................................................ 3-6  
Using the Control Keys ..................................................... 3-8  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 Menu Map ................................... 3-11  
Printing Menu Settings................................................... 3-14  
Changing Printer Settings............................................... 3-16  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Chapter 4 Maintaining the Printer ........................................... 4-1  
Replacing the Print Cartridges.............................................. 4-2  
To Position the Print Cartridge Carrier............................... 4-3  
To Replace the Print Cartridges......................................... 4-4  
To Install Print Cartridges ................................................. 4-6  
To Align the Print Cartridges........................................... 4-11  
Cleaning Your Printer......................................................... 4-15  
Cleaning the Printheads ................................................. 4-15  
Wiping the Printheads.................................................... 4-18  
Cleaning the Cartridge Carrier........................................ 4-20  
Storing Print Cartridges ..................................................... 4-22  
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting ...................................................... 5-1  
Printer Problems .................................................................. 5-2  
Printer Operation Problems............................................... 5-2  
Print Quality Problems...................................................... 5-7  
Paper Jams........................................................................ 5-10  
What Causes a Paper Jam?............................................. 5-10  
Clearing Paper Jams ....................................................... 5-11  
Possible Paper Jam Areas................................................ 5-12  
To Clear a Jam in the Input Tray..................................... 5-14  
To Clear a Jam in the Manual Feed Slot .......................... 5-15  
To Clear a Jam in the Output Bin .................................... 5-16  
To Clear a Jam in Tray 2 ................................................ 5-17  
Common Error Messages ................................................... 5-18  
To Cancel the Current Print Job ...................................... 5-24  
To Reset the Printer and Cancel the Print Job .................. 5-25  
Appendix A Printer Specifications ............................................... A-1  
Appendix B Certifications ........................................................... B-1  
Electronic Emission Notices .................................................. B-2  
Without an External Ethernet Adapter Installed ................. B-2  
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With an External Ethernet Adapter Installed ...................... B-5  
Appendix C Printer Options ........................................................ C-1  
Installing Printer Options ..................................................... C-3  
Printer Memory ................................................................... C-4  
Accessing the System Board from the Front ....................... C-5  
Installing Printer Memory ................................................. C-6  
Closing the System Board from the Front .......................... C-8  
Flash Memory...................................................................... C-9  
Accessing the System Board from the Rear ........................ C-9  
Installing a Flash Memory SIMM .................................... C-11  
Closing the System Board from the Rear.......................... C-13  
External Ethernet Adapter .................................................. C-15  
Installing the External Ethernet Adapter .......................... C-16  
Tri-Port Interface Card ....................................................... C-17  
Installing the Tri-Port Interface Card ............................... C-17  
Infrared Adapter ............................................................... C-18  
Installing the Infrared Adapter........................................C-18  
Using the Infrared Adapter ............................................. C-19  
Hard Disk.......................................................................... C-20  
Installing the Hard Disk.................................................. C-20  
Option Card Installation .................................................... C-21  
Accessing the System Board from the Right .....................C-21  
Installing an Option Card ............................................... C-22  
Closing the System Board from the Right ........................ C-24  
Input Tray 2 ...................................................................... C-25  
Installing the Paper Tray ................................................ C-25  
Attaching the Paper Support........................................... C-27  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Safety Notes  
Th e Xerox DocuPrin t C20/NC20 prin ter an d th e  
recom m en ded con sum able supplies h ave been design ed  
an d tested to m eet strict safety requirem en ts. Atten tion to  
th e followin g n otes will en sure th e con tin ued safe  
operation of your prin ter.  
Sa fety Notes  
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Electrical Safety  
Electrical Safety  
Use th e power cord supplied with your DocuPrin t C20/  
NC20 prin ter.  
Do n ot use a groun d adapter plug to con n ect th e  
prin ter to a power source receptacle th at lacks a groun d  
con n ection term in al.  
Plug th e power cable directly in to a properly groun ded  
electrical outlet. Do n ot use an exten sion cord. If you  
do n ot kn ow wh eth er an outlet is groun ded, ask an  
electrician to ch eck th e outlet.  
You may get a severe electrical shock if you do not  
connect the grounding conductors correctly.  
Do n ot place th e prin ter wh ere people m ay step on th e  
power cable.  
Do n ot place objects on th e power cable.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Electrical Safety  
Do n ot override or disable electrical or m ech an ical  
in terlocks.  
Do n ot obstruct th e ven tilation open in gs. Th ese  
open in gs are provided to preven t overh eatin g of th e  
prin ter.  
Do not push objects into slots and openings on the  
printer. Making a contact with a voltage point or  
shorting out a part could result in fire or electrical  
If you n otice un usual n oises or odors, switch off th e  
prin ter power im m ediately. Discon n ect th e power  
cable from th e electrical outlet. Call an auth orized  
Xerox service represen tative to correct th e problem .  
If an y of th e followin g con dition s occurs, switch off  
th e prin ter power im m ediately, discon n ect th e power  
cable, an d call an auth orized Xerox service  
represen tative.  
— Th e power cable is dam aged or frayed.  
— Liquid is spilled in to th e prin ter.  
— Th e prin ter is exposed to water.  
— An y part of th e prin ter is dam aged.  
Th e power cord is attach ed to th e prin ter as a plug-in  
device at th e back of th e prin ter. In th e even t it is  
n ecessary to rem ove all electrical power from th e prin ter,  
discon n ect th e power cord from th e power receptacle.  
Safety Notes  
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Maintena nce Safety  
Maintenance Safety  
Do n ot attem pt an y m ain ten an ce procedure th at is n ot  
specifically described in th e docum en tation supplied  
with your prin ter.  
Do n ot use aerosol clean ers. Th e use of supplies th at  
are n ot approved m ay cause poor perform an ce an d  
could create a dan gerous con dition .  
Use th e supplies an d clean in g m aterials on ly as  
directed in th is m an ual. Keep all of th ese m aterials out  
of th e reach of ch ildren .  
Do n ot rem ove th e covers or guards th at are fasten ed  
with screws un less you are in stallin g option al  
equipm en t. Th ere are n o parts th at you can m ain tain  
or service beh in d th ese covers.  
Follow th e m ain ten an ce procedures provided in  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Operational Safety  
Operational Safety  
Your Xerox prin ter an d supplies were design ed an d tested  
to m eet strict safety requirem en ts. Th ese in clude safety  
agen cy exam in ation , approval, an d com plian ce with  
establish ed en viron m en tal stan dards.  
Your atten tion to th e followin g safety guidelin es will h elp  
to en sure th e con tin ued safe operation of your prin ter.  
Use th e m aterial an d supplies specifically design ed for  
your prin ter. Th e use of un suitable m aterials m ay result  
in poor perform an ce an d possibly a h azardous  
situation .  
Follow all warn in gs an d in struction s m arked on , or  
supplied with , th e prin ter.  
Place th e prin ter in a dust free area wh ere th e  
tem perature ran ge is 50° F to 90° F (10° C to 32° C) an d  
th e relative h um idity is 15% to 85%.  
Ch oose a location for th e prin ter allowin g sufficien t  
space aroun d th e prin ter for operation an d  
m ain ten an ce. Th e m in im um recom m en ded room size  
is 353 cubic ft. (10 cubic m eters) or approxim ately 8 ft.  
x 8 ft. x 8 ft. (242 cm x 242 cm x 242 cm ).  
Place th e prin ter in an area wh ere th ere is adequate  
space for ven tilation an d servicin g. Th e recom m en ded  
m in im al spacin g is 10 in . (25 cm ) beh in d th e prin ter,  
10 in . (25 cm ) on eith er side of th e prin ter, an d 24 in .  
(61 cm ) in fron t of th e prin ter.  
Safety Notes  
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Operational Safety  
Do not place th e prin ter near a h eat source.  
Do not place th e prin ter in direct sunligh t.  
Do n ot place th e prin ter in lin e with th e cold air flow  
from an air con dition in g system .  
Place th e prin ter on a level, solid surface with adequate  
stren gth for th e weigh t of th e m ach in e.  
Exercise care in m ovin g or relocatin g th e prin ter.  
Follow th e recom m en ded procedure wh en m ovin g th e  
prin ter from on e location to an oth er.  
Do n ot put con tain ers of coffee or oth er liquids on to  
th e prin ter.  
Do n ot block or cover th e slots an d open in gs on th e  
prin ter. With out adequate ven tilation , th e prin ter m ay  
overh eat.  
Be careful when working in areas identified with a  
warning symbol. These areas may be very hot and  
could cause personal injury.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Operational Safety  
Frequen t operation of th e on /off switch is n ot  
recom m en ded.  
Keep h an ds, h air, an d n eckties away from th e exit feed  
Do n ot rem ove a m edia tray wh ile prin tin g from a  
sin gle tray con figuration .  
Do n ot open th e Top Cover wh ile prin tin g.  
Do n ot switch off th e prin ter power wh ile prin tin g.  
Do n ot m ove th e prin ter wh ile prin tin g.  
Sa fety Notes  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Getting to Know Your  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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In th is ch apter, you will becom e fam iliar with th e features  
of your prin ter an d learn wh ere to locate specific prin ter  
com pon en ts.  
Before you use your prin ter, m ake sure th at you perform  
all of th e steps described in th e Quick Installation Guide  
th at cam e with your prin ter. Also m ake sure th at you  
con n ect th e n ecessary prin t cables.  
Th e Xerox DocuPrin t C20/NC20 color in k jet prin ter  
provides h igh quality prin tin g in both color an d black  
an d wh ite on a variety of paper types. Recogn izin g th at  
you m ay h ave special n eeds, Xerox offers several option al  
equipm en t item s to better m eet your requirem en ts. Th ey  
are explain ed in detail in Appendix C: Printer Options.  
Xerox, or your Xerox auth orized reseller, m ay h ave  
provided som e or all of th ese option s. First verify your  
exact equipm en t option s before proceedin g furth er. If you  
see features described in th is section th at are n ot available  
with th e equipm en t you h ave, you can easily add th em  
yourself. For m ore in form ation , refer to th e separate  
Supplies/Options Guide provided with your prin ter.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Printer Features  
Printer Features  
Your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 h as m an y special features th at  
allow you to ach ieve th e color prin tin g results you n eed  
for your specific prin t requirem en ts. Features vary sligh tly  
accordin g to th e option s you are usin g an d th e m em ory  
in stalled in your prin ter. Th is section will h elp you  
becom e fam iliar with your prin ter's features an d  
Prin t speeds for prin tin g on stan dard (Letter/A4) m edia  
are as follows:  
Print Speed  
Up to 4 pages per m in ute for full-color prin ts  
Up to 8 pages per m in ute for black an d wh ite prin ts.  
Th e resolution of your prin ted im age is determ in ed by th e  
n um ber of prin ted dots per in ch (dpi). Th e DocuPrin t  
C20/NC20 provides th e followin g resolution s:  
— 600 DPI (Stan dard)  
— 1200 Im age Quality  
— 600 DPI (Stan dard)  
— 1200 Im age Quality.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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Printer Features  
Th e followin g fon ts are in cluded with your prin ter:  
Resident Fonts  
75 residen t -scalable fon ts:  
— PostScript Level 2 em ulation : 39 com patible plus 36  
addition al  
— PCL em ulation : 45 LaserJet com patible plus 30  
addition al in PCL 5.  
2 PCL bitm ap fon ts  
— Lin ePrin ter 16  
— POSTNET Barcode  
78 sym bol sets in PCL em ulation to support m ultiple  
application s an d lan guages.  
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Printer Features  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 com es stan dard with a h igh  
speed Stan dard-Cen tron ics IEEE 1284 B com plian t  
Bi-Direction al parallel port. You can custom ize your  
prin ter con n ectivity accordin g to your n eeds.  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 supports th e Win dows 95 an d  
Win dows 98 Plug & Play stan dards.  
Option al in terfaces in clude:  
An Extern al Eth ern et Adapter th at lets you con n ect  
your prin ter to a local area n etwork (LAN).  
A Tri-Port in terface option card th at lets you con n ect  
your prin ter to:  
— A serial in terface (RS-232C or RS-422A)  
— An in frared adapter  
— A LocalTalk n etwork.  
Only one option card can be installed in your printer at a time.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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Printer Features  
Th e followin g prin tin g protocols are en abled with th e  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter or Tri-Port In terface Option :  
NetWare 2.x, 3.x, 3.1x an d 4.1x with com plete NDS  
n ative support (IPX/SPX)  
AppleTalk (Eth erTalk)  
Sun OS, Solaris (TCP/IP)  
Win dows NTAS (DLC/LLC)  
Win dows 95 an d Win dows 98 (IPX/SPX)-Peer to Peer  
IBM LAN Server (DLC/LLC)  
Auto-protocol sen sin g switch es port to correct protocol  
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Printer Features  
Th e followin g color m atch in g system s will be available for  
th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20:  
Color Matching  
ICM Win dows 95, 98 an d NT 5.0  
Apple ColorSyn c  
PANTONE Color Profiles.  
For more detailed information on printer specifications and  
connectivity, consult the System Adm in istrator Guide on the  
DocuPrint CD.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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Printer Features  
Th e prin ter driver is a piece of software th at is loaded on  
your workstation . Use of th e proper prin ter driver for your  
operatin g system an d prin ter m odel is essen tial for  
obtain in g th e best in color prin tin g. It is im portan t for  
two reason s:  
Printer Driver  
1. Prin ter drivers provide access to features un ique to  
your prin ter. Alth ough th ere are m an y prin t option s  
an d features th at are a part of th e software  
application s you use, your prin ter also con tain s m an y  
distin ctive features of its own .  
2. To prin t effectively, it is n ecessary for you to in stall  
th e correct prin ter driver. You can use eith er th e  
PostScript em ulation prin ter driver or th e PCL 5c  
em ulation prin ter driver (with th e exception of th e  
Dutch an d Russian product wh ich uses system  
drivers). Th e PostScript prin ter driver allows access to  
m ore of th e exclusive an d powerful Xerox prin tin g  
features. For m ore in form ation about available drivers  
an d operatin g system s supported by your DocuPrin t  
C20/NC20, see th e System Administrator Guide on th e  
DocuPrin t CD.  
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Printer Components  
Printer Components  
com pon en ts of your DocuPrin t C20/NC20.  
External Components  
Figure 1.1 Printer Components, Front View  
Front View  
Front Cover  
Input Tray/Output Bin Unit  
Control Panel  
Manual Feed Slot  
Front Cover Release  
Optional Tray 2  
Figure 1.2 Printer Components, Rear View  
Rear View  
Optional Tri-Port Interface  
Standard Parallel Interface  
System Board Access Cover  
Power Cord Receptacle  
Rear Cover  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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Printer Components  
Your prin ter in terface con n ectors are located on th e back  
of th e prin ter as sh own in Figure 1.3 on page 1-11. Your  
prin ter com es equipped with a h igh speed  
Interface Connectors  
Stan dard-Cen tron ics IEEE 1284 B com plian t  
Bi-Direction al parallel con n ector. Th e followin g option al  
in terfaces are available:  
A Tri-Port In terface Card to provide support for  
— LocalTalk  
— Serial RS-232C/RS422A  
— High speed in frared local con n ection .  
An in frared adapter for use with th e Tri-Port In terface  
to receive in frared beam s from an IrDa-com patible  
workstation .  
An Extern al Eth ern et Adapter  
— 10BaseT.  
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Printer Components  
Figure 1.3 Connection Interface Area  
Standard Parallel Port  
Optional Tri-Port Interface  
Optional External Ethernet  
Adapter not shown (see  
Appendix C: Printer Options)  
The Tri-Port Interface Card and the Hard Disk Option utilize  
the same internal connection within the printer. Only one of  
these can be installed at a time.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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Printer Components  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 h as a fron t cover, wh ich is  
iden tified in Figure 1.1 on page 1-9. Use th e followin g  
in struction s to open th e fron t cover to gain access to th e  
prin t cartridges an d to in stall an d rem ove th e in put tray  
an d output bin un it.  
Front Cover  
Locate th e fin ger grip on eith er th e righ t or left en d of th e  
fron t cover.  
Gen tly pull up on th e fin ger grip to lift th e fron t cover.  
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Printer Components  
Figure 1.4 sh ows th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20's prin t  
cartridge com pon en ts. Th e prin t cartridges are th e  
con sum ables (replen ish able substan ces used by th e  
prin ter). See th e separate Supplies/Options Guide to order  
th ese item s.  
Print Cartridge  
Figure 1.4 Print cartridge components  
Cartridge Carrier Track  
Print Cartridge Carrier  
Black or Photo Cartridge  
Color Cartridge  
Instructions on how to replace consumables and maintenance  
items are packaged with each replacement item.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
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DocuPrint Documentation  
DocuPrint Documentation  
Your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 is packaged with  
docum en tation in both prin ted form an d on CD-ROM.  
Th ere are two CDs:  
DocuPrin t CD, wh ich con tain s docum en tation an d  
prin ter drivers.  
Prin ter Man agem en t Softw are CD, wh ich con tain s  
Xerox-provided clien t software an d th e  
docum en tation for it. Th is CD is for use with th e  
DocuPrin t NC20 or th e Extern al Eth ern et Adapter.  
Th is section serves as a roadm ap for th e prin ted an d CD  
docum en tation .  
Your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 was packaged with th e  
followin g pieces of prin ted docum en tation :  
Quick In stallation Guide, wh ich sh ows you h ow to  
get your prin ter up an d run n in g.  
User Guide (th is book), wh ich provides you with th e  
basic in form ation n eeded to use your prin ter. (More  
detailed user in form ation is con tained in th e System  
Administrator Guide on your DocuPrin t CD.)  
Quick Netw ork In stallation Gu ide, wh ich briefly  
sh ows you h ow to con n ect your DocuPrin t NC20  
prin ter to a n etwork in your specific en viron m en t.  
(More detailed Network/En viron m en t in form ation is  
con tain ed in th e Technical Information Guide on your  
DocuPrin t CD.)  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
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DocuPrint Documenta tion  
Your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 CD-ROM con tain s th e  
followin g pieces of in form ation :  
User Guide, wh ich is th e electron ic version of th is  
Quick Netw ork In stallation Gu ide, wh ich con tain s  
in form ation on h ow to set up your prin ter.  
System Adm in istrator Gu ide, wh ich con tain s a  
con siderable am oun t of m ore detailed user  
in form ation .  
Tech n ical In form ation Guide, wh ich con tain s  
gen eric in form ation about n etwork con n ectivity for  
Xerox prin ters. (Th is is publish ed on ly in th e En glish  
lan guage.)  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 printer drivers are also contained on the  
DocuPrint CD. The majority of driver documentation is  
provided via the Help files included with the drivers.  
Since both the DocuPrint CD and the Printer Management  
Software CD contain so much important information, please  
ensure that you save them and keep them in a safe place.  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
DocuPrint Documentation  
Th e docum en tation on th e DocuPrin t CD is provided as  
PDF files. Th ese can be viewed with th e Adobe Acrobat  
Reader (provided on th e CD if you do n ot already h ave  
on e in stalled).  
Using the CDs  
Th ese files con tain h ypertext lin ks th at en able you to  
jum p from th e Table of Con ten ts or In dex directly to th e  
page wh ere you are lookin g for in form ation , as well as  
from page to page wh ere in form ation is cross-referen ced.  
Sim ply m ove th e cursor over a h ypertext lin k an d it  
ch an ges to a poin tin g fin ger. Th en click on th e lin k to  
jum p to th e lin ks destin ation .  
Th e PDF files also en able you to prin t th e specific pages  
you n eed, rath er th an prin tin g an en tire ch apter or  
m an ual.  
Both th e DocuPrin t CD an d th e Prin ter Man agem en t  
Software CD are provided with in stallation booklets in  
th eir respective jewel cases. You can also refer to th e  
ReadMe files on th e CDs for m ore in form ation .  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
DocuPrint Documenta tion  
Th rough out th is User Guide an d th e oth er DocuPrin t  
guides, several sym bols are used to em ph asize useful,  
im portan t an d critical in form ation . Th ey are as follows:  
Note, Caution and  
Warning Symbols  
This symbol indicates particularly useful or helpful  
information about your printer.  
This symbol indicates a caution against performing any  
action that may damage your printer or degrade  
This symbol indicates a warning against  
performing any action that may lead to physical  
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Printer  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Th is ch apter will h elp you select paper for your DocuPrin t  
C20/NC20 an d to properly position paper in th e differen t  
in put trays. It will refer you to th e separate Supplies/  
Options Guide to h elp you un derstan d th e differen t types  
of paper you can use with th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20.  
Your prin ter h as two stan dard paper sources, th e in put  
tray an d th e m an ual feed slot. An option al secon d in put  
tray is also available for your prin ter. See th e separate  
Supplies/Options Guide for m ore in form ation .  
Load th e paper you use for th e m ajority of your prin t jobs  
in th e stan dard in put tray. Reserve th e m an ual feed slot  
for th e occasion al en velope, tran sparen cy, label, or  
odd-size sh eet of paper you feed th rough th e prin ter. Th e  
option al Tray 2 provides added paper capacity an d th e  
ability to h ave differen t types of paper loaded in your  
prin ter.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Selecting Paper  
Selecting Paper  
Th e prin t quality an d feedin g reliability you get with your  
prin ter can vary depen din g on th e paper source you use  
an d th e type an d size of th e prin t m aterial. Usin g sizes  
oth er th an th ose listed in th e separate Supplies/Options  
Guide, or usin g paper n ot recom m en ded for your prin ter  
can result in paper jam s an d prin t quality problem s.  
Wh en ch oosin g paper for your prin ter, con sider th e  
weigh t, fiber con ten t, an d color of th e paper. Ch eck with  
th e m an ufacturer or ven dor to determ in e wh eth er th e  
paper youve ch osen is acceptable for in kjet prin ters.  
Paper Selection  
To avoid paper jam s or poor prin t quality:  
Always use n ew, un dam aged paper.  
Do n ot use paper th at you h ave cut or trim m ed  
Do n ot m ix paper sizes, weigh ts, or types in th e sam e  
paper source. Mixin g prin t m aterials results in paper  
jam s.  
Always print samples on the paper you are considering before  
buying large quantities.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Selecting Paper  
For th e best prin t quality use xerograph ic paper. See th e  
separate Supplies/Options Guide for th e appropriate weigh ts  
an d sizes to be used in your prin ter.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20  
Th e followin g papers can be used with your prin ter:  
Bon d papers  
Dual purpose papers  
Xerograph ic papers  
Recycled papers  
Coated papers.  
Th e followin g papers are n ot recom m en ded for use with  
your prin ter:  
Som e ch em ically treated papers for m akin g copies  
with out carbon paper, also kn own as carbon less papers  
Multiple-sh eet form s or docum en ts  
Preprin ted papers with ch em icals th at m ay  
con tam in ate th e prin ter  
Rough -edged or curled papers  
Syn th etic papers  
Th erm al papers.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Loading Paper  
Loading Paper  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 accepts a variety of differen t  
papers an d sizes in its stan dard in put tray, m an ual feed  
slot an d option al tray. For in form ation about th e differen t  
papers an d sizes th at you can use with your prin ter, see  
th e separate Supplies/Options Guide.  
Th e followin g pages con tain in form ation on :  
Do not attempt to load ANY tray during printing.  
Do not overfill the tray.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Loa ding Paper  
Th e stan dard in put tray can be used for several differen t  
types of paper. See th e Supplies/Options Guide for sizes an d  
Using the  
Standard Input Tray  
To Load the Standard Input Tray  
Lift th e output bin . If a differen t type of paper is in th e  
tray, rem ove it.  
Squeeze th e width guide lever an d slide it to th e far left  
side of th e tray.  
If loadin g en velopes, go to Step 6.  
Slide th e len gth guide out toward you.  
Flex th e sh eets back an d forth to loosen th em , th en fan  
th em . Do n ot fold or crease th e paper. Straigh ten th e  
edges on a level surface.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Loading Paper  
Place th e prin t m aterial again st th e righ t side of th e in put  
tray with th e recom m en ded prin t side face down an d th e  
top edge goin g in first toward th e back of th e in put tray. If  
you are usin g preprin ted letterh ead, see th e section “Using  
Letterhead” (page 2-19) for proper page orien tation .  
Go to Step 8.  
Lift an d slide th e en velope len gth guide out toward you.  
Place th e en velopes again st th e righ t side of th e in put tray  
with th e prin t side face down an d th e stam p edge goin g in  
first an d toward th e back of th e in put tray.  
Do not feed stamped envelopes into the printer.  
The stamp is shown for orientation purposes only.  
Do not exceed the maximum stack height indicator  
by the arrow on the right side of the input bin.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Loa ding Paper  
Squeeze th e width guide lever an d slide it to th e righ t  
un til it touch es th e edge of th e prin t m aterial.  
The pa per size in dica tors, prin ted on the top  
su rfa ce of the bin, a re pa per size a bbrevia tion s  
used for pla cem en t of the length a nd width guides.  
Slide th e len gth guide (sh own in Step 3 on page 2-6) or  
en velope len gth guide (sh own in Step 6) up un til it  
touch es th e bottom edge of th e prin t m aterial.  
If you are n ot usin g large-size paper, go to Step 10.  
Fully exten d th e paper stop on th e output bin for  
large-size paper. Be sure to ch an ge Paper Size on th e Paper  
Men u. See Chapter 3: Printing for addition al in form ation .  
If you use a paper size n ot listed, select th e n ext larger size  
on th e Paper Size Men u.  
Large-size paper may back up into the printer and  
cause a paper jam if the paper stop is not fully  
Lower th e output bin .  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Loading Paper  
Th e m an ual feed slot on your prin ter lets you feed sh eets  
of prin t m aterial m an ually on e sh eet at a tim e. Th e  
prin ter autom atically detects wh en prin t m aterial is  
placed in th e m an ual feed slot, an d uses it as th e paper  
Using the Manual  
Feed Slot  
You can use th e m an ual feed slot to prin t on a differen t  
type of prin t m aterial with out rem ovin g th e paper in th e  
stan dard in put tray or option al tray. It can also be used to  
prin t on h eavy weigh t prin t m aterials th at will n ot feed  
th rough th e stan dard in put tray or th e option al tray.  
Th e m an ual feed slot lets you feed en velopes m an ually  
on e at a tim e with out rem ovin g th e prin t m aterial from  
th e stan dard in put tray or th e option al tray. Th e prin ter  
autom atically detects wh en an en velope is placed in th e  
m an ual feed slot, an d uses it as th e paper source.  
For in form ation on th e types of prin t m aterials th at you  
can use with th e m an ual feed slot, see th e separate  
Supplies/Options Guide.  
For in form ation about prin tin g on letterh ead, see th e  
For in form ation about prin tin g m ultiple jobs from th e  
m an ual feed slot, see th e section “Printing Multiple Jobs”  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Loa ding Paper  
To Load the Manual Feed Slot  
If you are loadin g en velopes, go to Step 2. Place a sin gle  
sh eet of prin t m aterial face up with th e side of th e prin t  
m aterial align ed again st th e righ t side of th e m an ual feed.  
If usin g preprin ted letterh ead, see th e section “Using  
Letterhead” (page 2-19) for proper page orien tation . Go to  
Step 3.  
Place a sin gle en velope face up with th e lon g side align ed  
again st th e righ t side of th e m an ual feed. Put th e en velope  
stam p side up with th e stam p corn er facin g down .  
Slide th e prin t m aterial as far as it will go in to th e m an ual  
feed slot. If you do n ot in sert th e prin t m aterial far  
en ough in to th e m an ual feed slot, it m ay skew or n ot feed  
at all.  
Feed print material one at a time. If you try to load  
more than one piece of print material, the printer  
may attempt to feed all of the print material  
through the paper path, causing a paper jam or  
damaging the printer.  
If you are n ot usin g large-size paper, go to Step 5 on  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
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Loading Paper  
Fully exten d th e paper stop on th e output bin for  
large-size paper. Be sure to ch an ge Paper Size on th e Paper  
Men u. If you use a paper size n ot listed, select th e n ext  
larger size. See Chapter 3: Printing for addition al  
in form ation .  
Make sure you fully extend the paper stop on the  
output bin. Otherwise, large-size paper may back  
up into the printer and cause a paper jam.  
Sen d your job to prin t.  
If you ha ve a problem with the in k sm ea rin g,  
rem ove ea ch tra n spa rency or sheet of glossy pa per  
from the outpu t bin before the n ext on e is prin ted.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Loa ding Paper  
Th e option al Tray 2 can be used for several differen t types  
of paper. See th e Supplies/Options Guide for sizes an d  
Using Tray 2  
To Load Tray 2:  
Squeeze th e tab located on th e width guide lever an d slide  
th e width guide lever to th e far left side of th e tray.  
If you are loadin g en velopes, go to Step 4 on page 2-13.  
Flex th e sh eets back an d forth to loosen th em , th en fan  
th em . Do n ot fold or crease th e paper. Straigh ten th e  
edges on a level surface.  
Place th e prin t m aterial again st th e righ t side of th e in put  
tray with th e recom m en ded prin t side facin g you an d th e  
top edge in first. (In sert letterh ead paper with th e top of  
th e page facin g down .) Go to Step 5 on page 2-13.  
Do not overfill Tray 2 because the print material  
may not feed correctly through the printer or you  
may get a paper jam.  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Loading Paper  
Place th e en velopes with th e prin t side facin g you an d th e  
lon g side align ed again st th e righ t side of Tray 2. Th e  
stam p side faces up with th e stam p corn er facin g down .  
Do not overfill Tray 2 because the print material  
may not feed correctly through the printer or you  
may get a paper jam. Do not feed a stamped  
envelope into the printer. The stamp is shown for  
orientation purposes only.  
Slide th e prin t m aterial as far as it will go in to Tray 2. If  
you do n ot in sert th e prin t m aterial far en ough in to  
Tray 2, it m ay skew or n ot feed at all.  
Use the pa per len gth indica tors prin ted on the top  
right-ha nd side of the tra y to determ in e tha t the  
print m a teria l is fully in serted in to Tra y 2.  
Squeeze th e tab on th e width guide lever an d slide th e  
width guide lever to th e righ t un til it touch es th e edge of  
th e prin t m aterial.  
If you are n ot usin g large-size paper, go to Step 8 on  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Loa ding Paper  
Fully exten d th e paper stop on th e output bin for  
large-size paper. Be sure to ch an ge Paper Size on th e Paper  
Men u. See Chapter 3: Printing for addition al in form ation .  
If you use a paper size n ot listed, select th e n ext larger size  
on th e Paper Size Men u.  
Make sure you fully extend the paper stop on the  
output bin. Otherwise, large-size paper may back  
up into the printer and cause a paper jam.  
Sen d your job to prin t.  
If you ha ve a problem with the in k sm ea rin g,  
rem ove ea ch tra n spa rency or sheet of glossy pa per  
from the outpu t bin before the n ext on e is prin ted.  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Tra y Linking  
Tray Linking  
Tray lin kin g is a prin ter feature used wh en th e option al  
Tray 2 is in stalled. Tray lin kin g en ables th e autom atic  
lin kin g feature for th e paper sources, allowin g you to  
prin t from on e paper source sh ould th e oth er on e becom e  
em pty.  
For exam ple, if you h ave letter-size prin t m aterial loaded  
in both th e stan dard in put tray an d Tray 2, an d th e  
stan dard in put tray becom es em pty, th e prin ter selects  
prin t m aterial from Tray 2.  
If you load the same size print material in each paper source,  
make sure the print material is all the same type. If you use  
different print material in the paper sources, each source with a  
different print material must have the Paper Type set to a  
unique value to disable the automatic linking feature.  
For example, if you did not make sure all paper sources have  
the same type when they are linked, you could send a report to  
print and if you have letterhead paper loaded into one paper  
source, you could print the report on letterhead paper.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Printing Multiple Jobs  
Printing Multiple Jobs  
You can use th e m an ual feed slot to prin t m ultiple jobs  
usin g sh eets of prin t m aterial or en velopes. To do so, you  
m ust ch an ge th e Paper Source settin g th rough th e Con trol  
Pan el. If you kn ow h ow to use th e Con trol Pan el, follow  
th e procedure below. If you are n ot fam iliar with its use,  
see Chapter 3: Printing for m ore in form ation .  
Make sure th e followin g status m essage appears on th e  
Changing the  
Paper Source  
to en ter th e m en us.  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g on th e display:  
un til you see th e  
Paper Menu  
Press OK. Th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Paper Menu  
Paper Source  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
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Printing Multiple Jobs  
Press OK. Th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Paper Source  
un til th e settin g you wan t appears on th e secon d  
lin e, eith er:  
Paper Source  
Manual Paper  
...if you are prin tin g on a sh eet of prin t m aterial, or:  
Paper Source  
Manual Env  
...if you are prin tin g on an en velope.  
Press OK to select th e settin g you wan t.  
to return to Ready, an d th e followin g appears on  
th e display:  
Sen d your job to prin t.  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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Printing Multiple Jobs  
On e of th e followin g displays appears an d rem ain s th ere  
un til you load th e requested m aterial in th e m an ual feed  
Load Manual  
Plain Paper  
...if you are prin tin g on a sh eet of prin t m aterial, or:  
Load Manual  
Plain Envelopes  
...if you are prin tin g on an en velope.  
in form ation on h ow to load prin t m aterial in th e m an ual  
feed slot.  
Rem em ber to cha n ge the Pa per Source settin g ba ck  
to Tra y 1 when you finish u sing the m a nu a l feed  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
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Using Letterhead  
Using Letterhead  
Preprin ted letterh ead m ust be acceptable for use with  
your prin ter. Ch eck with th e m an ufacturer or ven dor to  
determ in e wh eth er th e letterh ead youve ch osen is  
acceptable for in kjet prin ters.  
Page orien tation is im portan t wh en prin tin g on  
letterh ead. Refer to Table 2.1 for h elp wh en loadin g  
letterh ead in th e paper sources.  
Table 2.1 Letterhead Orientation  
Place Print  
Place Leading  
Paper Source  
Standard Input Tray Down  
In First  
In First  
In First  
Manual Feed Slot  
Optional Tray 2  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Printer Drivers  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20  
Printer Drivers  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 supports PostScript em ulation ,  
PCL 5c em ulation or both in th e en viron m en ts listed in  
Table 3.1. To take full advan tage of all th e prin ter's  
features, in stall th e appropriate DocuPrin t C20/NC20  
prin ter driver.  
Table 3.1 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 printer drivers  
Printer Driver  
Windows 3.1x/ Windows 95/  
Windows 98  
Windows for Workgroups 3.11  
Windows NT 3.51  
Windows NT 4.0  
IBM OS/2  
OS/2 Ver. 2.1 or later (PS only)  
OS/2 Warp (PS only)  
System 6.x (PS only)  
System 7.x (PS only)  
System 8.x (PS only)  
Sun OS 4.1, Solaris 2.4, 2.5,  
2.51, 2.6  
Requires an External Ethernet Adapter. These printer drivers are provided  
on the Printer Management Software CD.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Printer Drivers  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 drivers will support th e  
followin g stan dard features:  
Driver Features  
In put tray selection  
Paper size, orien tation an d m edia  
Num ber of copies  
Multipage prin tin g an d orderin g  
Collatin g  
Media type  
User defin ed form s  
Color an d graph ic selection s  
Fon t substitution an d down loadin g.  
(See th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 Prin t Driver Help for  
addition al in form ation on th ese features.)  
Th e DocuPrin t CD an d th e Prin ter Man agem en t CD th at  
com e with your prin ter con tain booklets in side th e cover  
of th e jewel cases. Th ese booklets provide in struction s on  
h ow to load both your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 drivers an d  
your Cen treWare DP software (if you are usin g th e  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter).  
CentreWare DP and  
Printer Drivers  
Chapter 3: Printing  
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Using the Control Panel  
Using the Control Panel  
You can use th e Con trol Pan el on your prin ter to ch an ge  
prin ter settin gs wh en you can n ot ch an ge th em from your  
software application or prin ter driver. Settin gs you ch an ge  
from th e application or driver apply on ly to th e job you  
are preparin g to sen d to th e prin ter. Ch an gin g a prin ter  
settin g from th e Con trol Pan el m akes th at settin g th e  
default. Addition ally, ch an ges m ade to prin ter settin gs  
from a software application override ch an ges m ade from  
th e Con trol Pan el.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Using the Control Panel  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 Con trol Pan el (Figure 3.1)  
Control Panel  
serves two purposes:  
1. It displays in form ation about th e status of th e prin ter  
(or th e job in process).  
2. It provides th e m ean s for ch an gin g prin ter settin gs to  
con trol h ow th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 operates.  
Figure 3.1 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Control Panel  
2-line by 16-character  
Indicator light  
Control keys (6)  
Chapter 3: Printing  
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Using the Control Panel  
Th e Con trol Pan el's display perform s two fun ction s.  
The Control Panel  
It in form s you of prin ter status con dition s, such as  
wh en in k cartridges becom e low, wh en th e paper tray  
is em pty, wh en a job is in process, an d so on . For  
exam ple, wh en you turn on th e prin ter, th e followin g  
m essage appears on th e display:  
Th is m essage appears wh en ever th e prin ter is on lin e  
an d ready to accept prin t jobs. Th e display will also  
sh ow:  
Busy PCL  
wh en processin g data, an d:  
Busy PCL  
in wh ich th e secon d lin e tells you th at on e of th e prin t  
cartridges is low.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Using the Control Panel  
It presen ts a h ierarch y of m en u option s an d settin gs to  
con figure an d con trol th e prin ter.  
For exam ple, wh en you press  
, you will see  
th e followin g two-lin e m essage on th e display:  
Item Menu  
(such as Supplies Menu or Job Menu)  
(page 3-11) for in form ation on th e m en u system  
h ierarch y.  
Chapter 3: Printing  
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Using the Control Panel  
You can use th e con trol keys to open a m en u, scroll  
th rough a list of values, ch an ge prin ter settin gs, an d  
respon d to prin ter m essages. Table 3.2 describes th e  
fun ction s of each of th e con trol keys.  
Using the  
Control Keys  
Control keys act upon the information seen on the second line  
of the Control Panel display.  
Table 3.2 Control Key Functions  
Control Key  
Returns the printer to the Ready state if the  
printer is offline (the Readymessage does  
not appear on the display).  
Exits printer menus displayed on the Control  
• Clears Control Panel error messages.  
If youve changed printer settings from the  
Control Panel menus, press  
before you  
send a job to print. The printer must display  
Readyfor jobs to print.  
Table 3.2 Page 1 of 3  
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Using the Control Panel  
Table 3.2 Control Key Functions (continued)  
Control Key  
At the Readymessage, takes the printer  
offline (out of the Ready state) and enters the  
At the Busymessage, takes the printer to  
the Job Menu.  
When the printer is offline:  
to go to the next item in the menus,  
to go to the previous item in the  
For menu items that have numerical values,  
such as Copies, press and hold to scroll  
forward, or to scroll backward. Release the  
button when the number you want displays.  
Table 3.2 Page 2 of 3  
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Using the Control Panel  
Table 3.2 Control Key Functions (continued)  
Control Key  
Pressing OK:  
• Selects the menu item shown on the second  
line of the display. Depending on the type of  
menu, this action:  
• Opens the menu and displays the first item in  
the menu.  
• Opens the menu item and displays the  
default setting.  
• Saves the displayed menu item as the new  
default setting. The printer displays the  
Savedmessage and then returns to the  
menu item.  
returns you to the previous menu  
temporarily stops all activity and  
takes the printer offline (at the Ready, Busy,  
or Waitingmessages). The Control Panel  
status message changes to Not Ready.  
again returns the printer to the  
Ready state.  
Table 3.2 Page 3 of 3  
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Using the Control Panel  
Figure 3.2 startin g on page 3-12 sh ows th e m en u m ap for  
th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20. Details of all th e DocuPrin t  
C20/NC20 m en us an d variable settin gs are con tain ed in  
Ch apter 5 of th e System Administrator Guide on th e  
DocuPrin t CD.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20  
Menu Map  
Som e m en us will appear on your prin ter on ly if a specific  
option is in stalled in th e prin ter. Oth er m en u item s or  
values m ay on ly be effective for a particular prin ter  
lan guage (e.g., PostScript or PCL). You can select th ose  
item s or values at an y tim e, but th ey on ly affect prin ter  
fun ction s wh en you use th at specified prin ter lan guage.  
An asterisk (*) n ext to a value in dicates th e default settin g.  
Wh en you select a n ew settin g from th e Con trol Pan el,  
th e asterisk m oves n ext to th e selected settin g to iden tify  
it as th e curren t default settin g. Th ese settin gs are active  
un til n ew on es are stored or th e factory defaults are  
Changes made from a software application or driver override  
the user default settings made from the printer Control Panel.  
See “Printing Menu Settings” (page 3-14) for in form ation on  
h ow to get a listin g of curren t m en u settin gs.  
on h ow to ch an ge prin ter settin gs.  
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Using the Control Panel  
Figure 3.2 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Menu Map  
Supplies okay  
Color Cartridge  
Black Cartridge  
Photo Cartridge  
Black & White  
Color Correction  
Print Quality  
1200 Image Q  
Quick Print  
Paper Source  
Blank Pages  
Substitute Size  
Separator Sheets  
Separator Source  
Multipage Print  
Multipage Order  
Multipage View  
Multipage Border  
Printer Menus  
Change Cartridge  
Align Cartridges  
Clean Heads  
Print Fonts  
Print Directory  
Print Demo  
Color Samples  
Factory Defaults  
Format Flash  
Format Disk  
Cancel Job  
Print Buffer  
Reset Printer  
Printer Language  
Resource Save  
Download Target  
Print Timeout  
Wait Timeout  
Auto Continue  
Jam Recovery  
Print Area  
Display Language  
Ink Alert  
Job Buffer Size  
Job Accounting  
Job Acct Limit  
Job Acct Stat  
Hex Trace  
Font Source  
Font Name  
Symbol Set  
Lines per Page  
A4 Width  
Auto CR after LF  
Auto LF after CR  
Print PS Error  
Font Priority  
Image Smoothing  
( If hard disk is installed )  
( If installed )  
( If flash or hard disk is installed )  
Figure 3.2 Page 1 of 2  
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Using the Control Panel  
Figure 3.2 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Menu Map (continued)  
Each Menu contains  
the following items as  
the value list :  
PCL SmartSwitch  
PS SmartSwitch  
NPA Mode  
Parallel Buffer  
Job Buffering  
Advanced Status  
PCL SmartSwitch  
PS SmartSwitch  
NPA Mode  
Serial Buffer  
Serial Protocol  
Robust XON  
Honor Init  
Parallel Mode 1  
Parallel Mode 2  
Data Bits  
Honor DSR  
Infrared Port  
PCL SmartSwitch  
PS SmartSwitch  
NPA Mode  
Infrared Buffer  
Window Size  
Transmit Delay  
Max Baud Rate  
LocalTalk Port  
PCL SmartSwitch  
PS SmartSwitch  
NPA Mode  
LocalTalk Buffer  
NPA Hosts  
LocalTalk Name  
LocalTalk Addr  
LocalTalk Zone  
If hard disk is installed  
If Tri-Port option is installed  
Figure 3.2 Page 2 of 2  
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Using the Control Panel  
You can prin t th e curren t settin gs for th e m en us an d get a  
list of in stalled option s. Th is list can be used to verify th at  
th e prin ter option s are properly in stalled an d th e prin ter  
settin gs are set to wh at you wan t.  
Printing Menu  
in form ation on h ow to use th e Con trol Pan el keys.  
Before printing the menu settings page, make sure the Paper  
Type setting for the source is Plain Paper.  
To print a menu settings page:  
Make sure th e followin g status m essage appears on th e  
to en ter th e m en us.  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g appear on th e display:  
un til you see th e  
Tests Menu  
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Using the Control Panel  
Press OK.  
Th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Tests Menu  
Print Menus  
Press OK to select Print Menus.  
Th e followin g m essage appears an d rem ain s on th e  
Con trol Pan el display un til th e page prin ts.  
Menu Settings  
Th en , th e prin ter return s to Ready an d th e followin g  
appears on th e display:  
If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5 in th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
Verify th at th e in stalled option s are listed on th e m en u  
settin gs page un der “In stalled Features.”  
If an in stalled option does n ot appear on th e page,  
con tact your System Adm in istrator.  
Chapter 3: Printing  
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Using the Control Panel  
You can ch an ge prin ter settin gs an d custom ize your  
prin ter to m eet your specific n eeds by settin g differen t  
values. Th ese values can be:  
Changing Printer  
A ph rase or word th at describes a settin g  
A n um erical value th at you can in crease or decrease  
An On or Off settin g.  
Th e default settin gs rem ain in effect un til you save n ew  
on es or restore th e factory defaults.  
To select a new value as the default setting:  
Make sure th e followin g status m essage appears on th e  
to en ter th e m en us.  
un til you see th e m en u  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
you n eed on th e secon d lin e of th e display.  
Press OK. Th e m en u open s an d th e first m en u item in th e  
m en u appears on th e secon d lin e of th e display:  
Item Menu  
(e.g., Supplies Menu or Job Menu)  
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Using the Control Panel  
th e display.  
un til th e m en u item you n eed appears on  
Press OK.  
An asterisk (*) appears beside th e curren t settin g for th at  
m en u item . Som e m en u item s h ave subm en us. For  
exam ple, if you select PAPER MENU, an d th en select th e  
PAPER TYPEm en u item , you m ust select an oth er item  
(e.g., Tray 1 Type) before th e available values display.  
un til th e value you n eed appears on th e  
secon d lin e of th e display.  
Press OK.  
An asterisk (*) appears beside th e value to in dicate th at it  
is n ow th e curren t settin g. Th e display sh ows th e n ew  
settin g for on e secon d an d th en clears. Th en th e followin g  
m essage appears on th e display:  
Th en th e previous list of m en u item s appears.  
to go back to previous m en us or m en u item s an d  
you can set addition al defaults.  
to return to Readyif th is is th e last prin ter  
settin g you wan t to ch an ge.  
Cha nges m a de from a softwa re a pplica tion or  
driver override the u ser defa ult settings m a de from  
the Con trol Pa nel.  
Chapter 3: Printing  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Periodically, you will n eed to replace prin t cartridges in  
order to m ain tain optim um prin t capabilities. It is best to  
in stall n ew prin t cartridges wh en th e prin ter first displays  
an y of th e m essages listed in Table 4.1.  
Table 4.1 Print cartridge messages  
88 Color Print Cartridge Low The color print cartridge ink is  
88 Black Print Cartridge Low The black print cartridge ink is  
88 Photo Print Cartridge Low The photo print cartridge ink is  
Th is section steps you th rough th e process of replacin g  
used prin t cartridges.  
Replacing print cartridges requires that the print  
cartridge carrier be moved inside the printer. DO NOT  
THIS MAY DAMAGE THE PRINTER. Instead, follow the  
procedure in the next section, “To Position the Print  
Cartridge Carrier” (page 4-3), before attempting to  
replace a cartridge.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Make sure th e followin g status m essage appears on th e  
To Position the Print  
Cartridge Carrier  
to en ter th e m en us.  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g on th e display:  
un til you see th e  
Tests Menu  
Press OK.  
un til th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Tests Menu  
Change Cartridge  
Press OK.  
Th e prin t cartridge carrier m oves to th e far left side of th e  
prin ter an d th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Print Cartridge  
You are n ow ready to rem ove th e used cartridges an d  
in stall th e n ew cartridges. See th e n ext section , To Replace  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Make sure th e prin t cartridge carrier is position ed on th e  
far left side of th e prin ter. See th e section To Position the  
Print Cartridge Carrier” (page 4-3) for in form ation on h ow  
to position it.  
To Replace the  
Print Cartridges  
Lift th e prin ter fron t cover.  
Always load two print cartridges in the print  
cartridge carrier. Printing without both print  
cartridges installed may damage the printer.  
Pull forward on th e used prin t cartridge un til it releases  
from th e prin t cartridge carrier.  
Pull up on th e prin t cartridge to rem ove it.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
If you are replacin g both prin t cartridges, repeat Steps 3  
an d 4 for th e secon d cartridge. Wh en you fin ish , th e prin t  
cartridge carrier is em pty an d ready for n ew prin t  
Dispose of an y com pletely used prin t cartridges. Store an y  
prin t cartridges th at you m ay wan t to use in th e future.  
Store partially used prin t cartridges in th e prin t cartridge  
storage un it. See th e section Storing Print Cartridges”  
(page 4-22) for m ore in form ation .  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Table 4.2 lists th e prin t cartridges to in stall in your prin ter an d  
th eir appropriate slots.  
To Install Print  
Table 4.2 Print cartridges and slots  
Cartridge Type  
Cartridge Carrier Slot  
Rem ove th e sticker an d th e tran sparen t tape coverin g th e  
copper con tact area on th e cartridge.  
Do not touch the copper contact area.  
In sert th e prin t cartridge in to th e em pty carrier.  
Push back on th e prin t cartridge un til it sn aps securely  
in to place.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Repeat Steps 1 th rough 3 for th e secon d prin t cartridge if  
it n eeds to be ch an ged. Wh en you fin ish , th e prin t  
cartridge carrier sh ould h ave both cartridges in stalled as  
sh own .  
Close th e prin ter fron t cover.  
Press OK.  
Th e display reads:  
Not Changed  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
If you did n ot ch an ge th e prin t cartridge in th e left side  
of th e prin t cartridge carrier, press OK to ch oose Not  
If a black cartridge is in stalled, press  
Cartridgeappears on th e secon d lin e of th e display.  
Press OK to ch oose Black Cartridge.  
un til Black  
If a ph oto cartridge is in stalled, press  
un til Photo  
Cartridgeappears on th e secon d lin e of th e display.  
Press OK to ch oose Photo Cartridge.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
If you selected Not Changed, go to Step 10 on page 4-9,  
oth erwise con tin ue with Step 9.  
Th e display reads:  
New Standard  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
If you in stalled a n ew stan dard yield prin t cartridge,  
press OK to ch oose New Standard.  
If you in stalled a previously used stan dard yield prin t  
cartridge, press  
un til Old Standardappears on  
th e secon d lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose Old  
If you in stalled a n ew h igh yield prin t cartridge, press  
un til New Hi Capacityappears on th e secon d  
lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose New Hi  
If you in stalled a previously used h igh yield prin t  
cartridge, press  
un til Old Hi Capacityappears  
on th e secon d lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose  
Old Hi Capacity.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Th e display reads:  
Not Changed  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
If you did n ot ch an ge th e prin t cartridge in th e righ t  
side of th e prin t cartridge carrier, press OK to ch oose  
Not Changed.  
If a color cartridge is in stalled, press  
un til Color  
Cartridge appears on th e secon d lin e of th e display.  
Press OK to ch oose Color Cartridge.  
If you selected Not Changed, go to Step 13 on page 4-10,  
oth erwise con tin ue with Step 12 on page 4-10.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Th e display reads:  
New Standard  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
If you in stalled a n ew stan dard yield prin t cartridge,  
press OK to ch oose New Standard.  
If you in stalled a previously used stan dard yield prin t  
cartridge, press  
un til Old Standardappears on  
th e secon d lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose Old  
If you in stalled a n ew h igh yield prin t cartridge, press  
un til New Hi Capacity appears on th e secon d  
lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose New Hi  
If you in stalled a previously used h igh yield prin t  
cartridge, press  
un til Old Hi Capacityappears  
on th e secon d lin e of th e display. Press OK to ch oose  
Old Hi Capacity.  
(page 4-11). Pressin g  
with out in stallin g an y cartridges  
return s th e prin ter to th e ready state with out ch an gin g  
th e align m en t settin gs.  
If you in sta ll a pa rtia lly u sed print ca rtridge, the  
low in k levels a nd in k percen ta ges will n ot be  
a ccu ra te.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Wh en you fin ish replacin g th e prin t cartridges, th e  
m essage Printing Alignment Pageappears on th e  
Con trol Pan el display an d th e prin ter autom atically prin ts  
a test page of align m en t pattern s. If you n eed to prin t an  
align m en t test page, see th e section To Print an Alignment  
Test Page” (page 4-14) for verifyin g align m en t.  
To Align the  
Print Cartridges  
Figure 4.1 on page 4-12 sh ows a sim ulated align m en t test  
pattern . Each pattern h as a letter above it (A, B, C, an d D).  
Th ese letters represen t th e Horizon tal Align m en t, Vertical  
Align m en t, Bidirection al Black Align m en t, an d  
Bidirection al Color Align m en t, respectively. Th e n um ber  
or appearan ce of your align m en t pattern s will vary from  
th ose sh own .  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
Figure 4.1 Print cartridge alignment pattern.  
The actual test pattern will print more steps then shown above.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
On ce th e prin t cartridge align m en t test page h as prin ted,  
th e Con trol Pan el display looks like th e followin g:  
Test A Alignment  
Th e curren t align m en t value appears on th e secon d lin e.  
To Change the Alignment Value  
From th e Test A align m en t group on th e test page, locate  
th e n um ber un der th e align m en t pattern th at comes closest  
to form in g a perfectly straigh t lin e.  
For exam ple, in sam ple group A on page 4-12, n um ber 5  
com es closest to form in g a straigh t lin e.  
At th e Con trol Pan el, press an d release  
display th e correct align m en t value based on th e prin ted  
test page.  
Press OK to ch oose th e correct align m en t value. Th e n ext  
Test Align m en t screen appears on th e display.  
Repeat Steps 1 th rough 3 to select th e align m en t values  
for Tests B, C, an d D. On ce you press OK for th e correct  
value for Test D Align m en t, th e prin ter return s to th e  
ready state.  
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Replacing the Print Cartridges  
To Print an Alignment Test Page  
At th e Con trol Pan el, press  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
Tests Menu  
to en ter th e m en us.  
un til you see:  
Press OK.  
un til th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Tests Menu  
Align Cartridges  
Press OK.  
Th e display reads:  
Alignment Page  
an d th e cartridge align m en t test page prin ts.  
To retain th e curren t align m en ts, press OK for each  
alignment, or go to th e previous procedure, To Change the  
Alignment Value” (page 4-13), if you wan t to ch an ge an  
align m en t.  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Cleaning Your Printer  
You sh ould perform routin e m ain ten an ce on your prin ter  
at regular in tervals to m ain tain top perform an ce, an d to  
avoid prin t quality an d paper feed problem s. Th is section  
steps you th rough th e process of clean in g th e prin t  
cartridge prin th eads.  
You can run th e prin th ead test to clean th e prin th eads. A  
test lin e prin ts so you can see if th e clean in g process was  
successful. Use th e prin th ead test:  
Cleaning the  
Wh en you suspect th e prin th eads are clogged, or  
Wh en ch aracters are n ot prin tin g com pletely.  
To Run the Printhead Test  
Make sure paper is loaded in th e stan dard in put tray an d  
th e followin g appears on th e display:  
If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5 in th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
to en ter th e m en us.  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g appears on th e display:  
un til th e  
Tests Menu  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Press OK.  
un til th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Tests Menu  
Clean Heads  
Press OK. Th e followin g appears on th e display:  
Tests Menu  
Cleaning Heads  
Th e clean in g prin th eads test page prin ts.Wh en all th e  
prin th eads are fun ction in g correctly, th e test page appears  
as follows:  
The printer return s to the rea dy sta te a fter the test  
pa ge prints.  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Exam in e th e test page an d look for breaks in th e diagon al  
lin es. A broken lin e in dicates clogged prin th eads.  
If you fin d broken diagon al lin es on th e test page, repeat  
Steps 2 th rough 6 an d perform th e clean in g prin th eads  
test two m ore tim es.  
If th e prin t quality is n ot satisfactory, con tin ue with  
Rem ove an d rein stall th e prin t cartridges. See th e section  
Repeat Steps 2 th rough 6 an d perform th e clean in g  
prin th eads test again .  
If th e clean in g prin th eads test page still con tain s broken  
lin es, go to th e procedure “Wiping the Printheads”  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Wipe th e prin th eads only if you h ave run th e clean in g  
prin th eads test to clean th e prin th eads an d th e prin t  
quality is n ot satisfactory. Wipin g th e prin th eads rem oves  
dried in k from th e prin th eads.  
Wiping the  
Move th e prin t cartridge carrier in to th e in stallation  
position . See th e section To Position the Print Cartridge  
Carrier” (page 4-3) for m ore in form ation .  
Rem ove th e prin t cartridges. See th e procedure To Replace  
the Print Cartridges” (page 4-4) for m ore in form ation .  
Use a clean , dam p cloth to wipe gen tly th e en tire copper  
con tact area an d th e prin th eads as sh own . To dissolve  
dried in k, h old th e dam p cloth again st th e prin th eads for  
about th ree secon ds. Gen tly blot an d wipe dry.  
When clea n ing the color print ca rtridge, wipe the  
printhea ds in on e direction so the colors do n ot  
m ix  
Allow th e copper con tact area to dry.  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Repeat Steps 3 an d 4 for th e oth er prin t cartridge.  
Rein stall th e prin t cartridges. See th e section To Install  
Print Cartridges” (page 4-6) for m ore in form ation .  
Close th e prin ter fron t cover.  
Press OK to m ove th e prin t cartridge carrier back in to th e  
prin t position with out resettin g th e in k level coun ter. To  
prin t an align m en t test page an d reset th e in k level  
Repeat th e clean in g prin th eads test. See th e section To  
Run the Printhead Test” (page 4-15) for m ore in form ation .  
If th e clean in g prin th eads test page still con tain s broken  
lin es, proceed to th e section “Cleaning the Cartridge  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Clean th e prin t cartridge carrier con tacts only if you h ave  
run th e clean in g prin th ead test to clean th e prin th eads  
an d th e prin t quality is n ot satisfactory. Wipin g th e  
cartridge carrier rem oves dried in k from th e cartridge  
carrier con tacts.  
Cleaning the  
Cartridge Carrier  
Move th e prin t cartridge carrier in to th e in stallation  
position . See th e section To Position the Print Cartridge  
Carrier” (page 4-3) for m ore in form ation .  
Rem ove th e prin t cartridges. See th e procedure To Replace  
the Print Cartridges” (page 4-4) for m ore in form ation .  
Use a clean , dry cloth to clean th e cartridge carrier  
con tacts in side th e prin ter cartridge carrier.  
Repeat Step 3 for th e oth er prin t cartridge.  
Rein stall th e prin t cartridges. See th e section To Install  
Print Cartridges” (page 4-6) for m ore in form ation .  
Close th e prin ter fron t cover.  
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Cleaning Your Printer  
Press OK to m ove th e prin t cartridge carrier back in to th e  
prin t position with out resettin g th e in k level coun ter. To  
prin t an align m en t test page an d reset th e in k level  
coun ter, see th e section To Align the Print Cartridges”  
(page 4-11) for m ore in form ation .  
Repeat th e clean in g prin th eads test. See th e section To  
If th e prin t quality is n ot im proved after th is clean in g  
process, replace th e prin t cartridges you are curren tly  
usin g with n ew on es. For m ore in form ation , see th e  
prin t quality still does n ot im prove, your prin ter m ay  
require service.  
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Storing Print Cartridges  
Storing Print Cartridges  
Always store n ew prin t cartridges in th e origin al  
packagin g un til you are ready to in stall th em . Store  
partially used prin t cartridges in th e prin t cartridge  
storage un it supplied with your prin ter. Th e prin t  
cartridge storage un it keeps your prin t cartridges fresh  
un til you are ready to use th em again . See th e separate  
Supplies/Options Guide for in form ation about orderin g  
prin t cartridge storage un its.  
Do not store th e prin t cartridge in :  
Tem peratures greater th an 43° C (110° F)  
An en viron m en t with extrem e ch an ges in h um idity or  
tem perature  
Direct sun ligh t  
Dusty places  
A car for a lon g tim e  
An en viron m en t wh ere corrosive gasses are presen t  
An en viron m en t with salty air.  
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Printer Problems  
Som etim es prin ter problem s are very sim ple to solve.  
Wh en you h ave a problem , first m ake sure th at:  
Th e power cord is plugged in to th e prin ter an d a  
properly groun ded electrical outlet.  
Th e electrical outlet is n ot turn ed off by an y switch or  
Oth er electrical equipm en t plugged in to th e outlet is  
workin g.  
All option s are in stalled properly.  
You un plug th e prin ter, wait for about ten secon ds, an d  
th en plug th e prin ter back in . Th is often fixes th e  
problem .  
In th is section , you will fin d in form ation to h elp you  
solve m ost of th e com m on operation problem s th at can  
occur with your prin ter.  
See Table 5.1 on page 5-3 for corrective action s wh en th e  
prin ter will n ot prin t or wh en th e prin ted output is n ot  
wh at you expect.  
Printer Operation  
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Table 5.1 Printer operation problems  
Job did not print or  
incorrect characters  
• Make sure the Readystatus message appears on the Control Panel display  
before you send a job to print. Press  
to return the printer to the Ready  
status message.  
• Make sure there is print material loaded in the printer. Press  
to return the  
printer to the Readystatus message.  
Verify that the printer is using the correct printer language.  
Verify that the correct printer driver is being used.  
• Check the cable connection. Make sure you are using the correct cable. Use  
IEEE 1284-compliant parallel cable.  
• If you use RS-232 Serial, verify that a null modem cable is used.  
• If the printer is connected through a switch box, try a direct connection.  
Verify that the correct paper size is selected through the Control Panel, in the  
printer driver, or in the software application setting.  
• Make sure PCL SmartSwitch and PS SmartSwitch are set to On.  
• If a print spooler is used, verify that the spooler is not stalled.  
• If you print across a network or on a Macintosh if the problem persists,  
contact your System Administrator or Network Administrator.  
• Check the printer interface from the Setup Menu.  
Determine which host interface you are using. Print a menus settings page to  
verify that the current interface settings are correct. See Chapter 3: Printing  
for more information.  
If you are using a serial interface:  
- Make sure Honor DSR is set to Off.  
Table 5-1 Page 1 of 4  
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Table 5.1 Printer operation problems (continued)  
Print material misfeeds  
or multiple feeds occur.  
• Make sure the paper you are using meets the specifications for your printer.  
See the separate Supplies/Options Guide for more information.  
• Flex paper or other print material before loading it in the input tray or the  
optional Tray 2.  
• Make sure the print material is loaded correctly.  
• Make sure the paper width and length guides on the input tray are adjusted  
• Do not overfill the paper sources.  
• Do not force paper down into the manual feed slot when you load it;  
otherwise, the paper may skew or buckle.  
Remove any curled paper from the input tray or optional Tray 2.  
• If there is a recommended print side for the paper, load the paper as  
described in Chapter 2: Loading Print Media.  
Load less paper in the paper sources.  
Turn the paper over or around and try printing again to see if feeding  
• Do not mix paper types.  
• Do not mix reams of paper.  
Remove the top and bottom sheets of a ream before loading the print  
Load a paper source only when it is empty.  
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Printer Problems  
Table 5.1 Printer operation problems (continued)  
You get unexpected  
page breaks.  
Check the Print Timeout setting in the Setup Menu. Increase the setting. See  
Print Timeout in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator Guide for more  
Job prints from the  
wrong paper source or  
on the wrong paper.  
Check the PAPER TYPE setting in the Paper Menu on the printer Control Panel  
and in the printer driver. See PAPER TYPE in Chapter 1 of the System  
Administrator Guide for more information.  
Static builds up on  
transparencies or  
transparencies jam.  
Use high quality transparencies specifically recommended for inkjet printers.  
Menu settings changed  
from the Control Panel  
have no effect.  
Settings in the software application or the printer driver are overriding the  
settings on the Control Panel.  
• Change the menu settings from the printer driver, the printer utilities, or the  
software application instead of the Control Panel.  
• Disable the settings in the printer driver, the printer utilities, or the software  
Job does not print in  
• The printer driver or software application may be set to print in black and  
white mode. Change the Color Correction setting in the Color Menu. See  
Color Correction in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator Guide for more  
• Check to make sure a color or photo print cartridge is installed.  
Table 5-1 Page 3 of 4  
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Printer Problems  
Table 5.1 Printer operation problems (continued)  
Job does not print in the Adjust the colors through the software application, the printer driver, or  
correct colors.  
CentreWare DP. Change the Color Correction setting in the Color Menu. See  
Color Correction in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator Guide for more  
Job prints in a different  
color and setting than  
the color-setting set in  
the printer driver.  
Software settings override printer driver overrides the Control Panel setting.  
Adjust the color in the software settings by changing the Color Correction  
setting in the Color Menu. See Color Correction in Chapter 1 of the System  
Administrator Guide for more information.  
Printer prints, but no  
characters appear.  
• Make sure the tape is removed from the printhead. See  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more information.  
• Check the print cartridges to be sure they are correctly installed. See  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more information.  
• Check to see if the print cartridge ink is low or empty. See  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more information.  
• Made sure print material is loaded in the printer.  
Table 5-1 Page 4 of 4  
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Printer Problems  
Con sult Table 5.2 for corrective action s wh en th e prin ter  
does n ot produce th e output prin t quality you expect.  
Print Quality  
Table 5.2 Print quality problems  
Print is too light.  
• If you are printing on an uneven print surface, change the PAPER TYPE  
setting in the Paper Menu. See PAPER TYPE in Chapter 1 of the System  
Administrator Guide for more information.  
Verify that the correct print material is being used.  
• Make sure the Print Quality setting in the Color Menu is set to Presentation,  
or 1200 Image Quality. See Print Quality in Chapter 1 of the System  
Administrator Guide for more information.  
Entire page is white.  
• Make sure the tape is removed from the printhead. See  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more information.  
• Check the print cartridges to be sure they are correctly installed. See  
Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more information.  
• Check to see if the print cartridge ink is low or empty.  
Characters have jagged  
or uneven edges.  
• Change the Print Quality setting in the Color Menu to Presentation, or 1200  
Image Quality. See Print Quality in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator  
Guide for more information.  
• If you are using downloaded fonts, verify that the fonts are supported by the  
printer, the host computer, and the software application.  
• Make sure the print cartridges are properly aligned. See To Align the  
Print Cartridges” (page 4-11).  
Table 5-2 Page 1 of 3  
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Printer Problems  
Table 5.2 Print quality problems (continued)  
The job prints, but the  
left and top margins are  
• Make sure the PAPER SIZE setting is set correctly in the Paper Menu. See  
PAPER SIZE in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator Guide for more  
• Make sure the margins are set correctly in the software application you are  
Print is smeared on the  
• This problem is more prevalent when using the photo cartridge. Try using  
coated paper or a different type of print material.  
Alter the amount of ink used through the Quick Print value in the Print  
Quality menu item in the Color Menu. See Print Quality in Chapter 1 of the  
System Administrator Guide for more information.  
• Make sure you remove each transparency or sheet of glossy paper as it exits  
the printer.  
Printed colors are  
• Computer screen colors vary based upon screen resolution and display types.  
They are not an accurate representation of printed colors.  
different from the colors  
that appear on the  
computer screen.  
• Print a Color Sample test page to use as a reference to select colors. See  
Color Samples in Chapter 1 of the System Administrator Guide for more  
Black text is not sharp.  
Make sure a black print cartridge is installed and not a photo print cartridge.  
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Printer Problems  
Table 5.2 Print quality problems (continued)  
Characters print with  
white lines.  
• A print cartridge may be out of ink or low on ink. If one of the Ink=Low  
messages appear, install a new print cartridge. See Chapter 4: Maintaining the  
Printer for more information.  
Remove and reinstall one of the print cartridges. See Chapter 4: Maintaining  
the Printer for more information.  
• If you are printing on transparencies or glossy paper, try changing the fill  
pattern in your application software.  
Solid black areas on  
transparencies or glossy  
paper contain white  
Try using a different fill pattern in your application software.  
Try cleaning the printheads. Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer for more  
Table 5-2 Page 3 of 3  
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Pa per Jams  
Paper Jams  
Your DocuPrin t C20/NC20 prin ter h as been design ed to  
provide reliable, trouble-free operation . However, you  
m ay experien ce an occasion al paper jam .  
Wh en th e prin ter detects a m isfeed or a paper jam , th e  
prin tin g process is h alted an d a Con trol Pan el m essage is  
After th e paper jam h as been cleared, th e prin ter will  
resum e operation to com plete th e prin t job. Th e pages in  
th e prin t en gin e will be reprin ted wh en th e jam is cleared  
an d prin tin g resum es.  
Paper jam s occur m ost often wh en :  
What Causes a  
Paper Jam?  
Th e paper stock does n ot m eet specification . See  
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media for m ore in form ation .  
Th e paper stock is in poor con dition .  
Th e prin ter n eeds clean in g.  
Prin ter parts are worn an d n eed to be replaced.  
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Paper Ja ms  
If a paper jam occurs, th e 200 Paper Jam m essage  
appears on th e Con trol Pan el. Th is m essage an d oth er  
com m on error m essages an d corrective action s are listed  
Clearing Paper Jams  
Th e 200 Paper Jam m essage appears wh en paper or an y  
oth er prin t m aterial is jam m ed in :  
An y of th e paper sources  
Th e output bin  
Th e area un der th e prin t cartridge carrier.  
Th e rem ain der of th is section describes h ow to clear jam s  
from your prin ter.  
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Pa per Jams  
Figure 5.1 sh ows th e path th e paper travels th rough th e  
prin ter. Th e path varies depen din g on th e paper source.  
Th e jam areas are in dicated by th e Xs in th e figure.  
Possible Paper  
Jam Areas  
Figure 5.1 Paper Jam Areas  
Printer Components and  
Jam Areas  
Manual Feed Slot  
200 Paper Jam Area  
200 Paper Jam Area  
Output Bin  
Input Tray  
200 Paper Jam Area  
200 Paper Jam Area  
Optional Tray 2  
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Paper Ja ms  
Wh en a paper jam s occurs, determ in e wh ere in th e  
prin ter th e jam h as occurred. On ce you h ave determ in ed  
th at, proceed to on e of th e followin g section s an d follow  
th e described steps for clearin g th e jam :  
If th e jam is in or aroun d th e in put tray, see th e section  
If th e jam is in or aroun d th e m an ual feed slot, see th e  
If th e jam is in or aroun d th e output tray, see th e  
If th e jam is in or aroun d Tray 2, see th e section To  
To clear the paper jam message on the Control Panel, you must  
clear all paper from the paper path.  
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Pa per Jams  
To Clear a Jam in  
the Input Tray  
Lift th e output bin an d locate th e jam m ed paper in side  
th e in put tray.  
Pull th e paper up an d toward you to rem ove it.  
If you ca n n ot get a firm gra sp on the ja m m ed  
pa per, it m a y be ea sier to rem ove it from the  
outpu t bin . See the section “To Clea r a Ja m in the  
Ou tpu t Bin ” (pa ge 5-16) for m ore in form a tion .  
Lower th e output bin .  
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Paper Ja ms  
To Clear a Jam in the  
Manual Feed Slot  
Locate th e jam m ed paper in th e m an ual feed slot.  
Pull th e paper straigh t up an d rem ove it.  
If you ca n n ot get a firm gra sp on the ja m m ed  
pa per, it m a y be ea sier to rem ove it from the  
outpu t bin . See the section “To Clea r a Ja m in the  
Ou tpu t Bin ” for m ore inform a tion.  
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Pa per Jams  
To Clear a Jam in the  
Output Bin  
Use th e fin ger grip on eith er side of th e fron t cover to lift  
th e cover an d locate th e jam m ed paper in th e output bin .  
Pull th e paper up an d toward you to rem ove it.  
Close th e prin ter fron t cover.  
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Paper Ja ms  
To Clear a Jam  
in Tray 2  
Locate th e jam m ed paper in Tray 2.  
Pull th e paper up an d toward you to rem ove it.  
If you ca n n ot get a firm gra sp on the ja m m ed  
pa per, it m a y be ea sier to rem ove it from the  
outpu t bin . See the section “To Clea r a Ja m in the  
Ou tpu t Bin ” (pa ge 5-16) for m ore in form a tion .  
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Common Error Messages  
Common Error Messages  
Ch apter 5 of th e System Administrator Guide con tain s th e  
en tire set of m essages wh ich can appear on th e Con trol  
Pan el display. Man y of th ese m essages are diagn ostic  
m essages wh ich appear wh en th ere is a prin ter problem .  
If you h ave a problem with your prin ter, an d you can n ot  
solve th e problem usin g th e action s suggested in  
Table 5.3, see Ch apter 5 of th e System Administrator Guide  
located on your DocuPrin t CD.  
Table 5.3 Common error messages  
Cause/ Action  
The color print cartridge is missing or not properly installed in the print  
cartridge carrier.  
30 Color Print  
Cart Missing  
The black print cartridge is missing or not properly installed in the print  
cartridge carrier.  
30 Black Print  
Cart Missing  
The photo print cartridge is missing or not properly installed in the print  
cartridge carrier.  
30 Photo Print  
Cart Missing  
• Open the printer front cover and install the missing print cartridge in the  
appropriate slot. Check the print cartridge to make sure that it is properly  
installed in the print cartridge carrier. See Chapter 4: Maintaining the Printer  
for more information.  
• If print cartridges are properly installed in the printer, press  
to clear the  
message and attempt to print the job. However, this may result in poor print  
quality if the job is formatted for a different print cartridge.  
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Common Error Messages  
Table 5.3 Common error messages (continued)  
Cause/ Action  
37 Insufficient  
Collation Memory  
The printer memory used to store pages is too full to collate the rest of the print  
• Press  
to clear the message, print the portion of the job already in  
memory, and begin collating the rest of the job.  
The printer is processing the job, but the memory used to store pages is full.  
38 Memory Full  
• Press  
to clear the message, print the portion of the job already in  
memory, and begin collating the rest of the job.  
After resetting the printer, reduce the complexity of the print job and send it  
to print again. To simplify the print job:  
- Reduce the amount of text or graphics on a page.  
- Reduce the print resolution.  
- Delete unnecessary downloaded fonts or macros.  
• Install additional printer memory to avoid future memory full errors.  
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Common Error Messages  
Table 5.3 Common error messages (continued)  
Cause/ Action  
The color ink supply is low.  
The black ink supply is low.  
The photo ink supply is low.  
88 Color Print  
Cartridge Low  
88 Black Print  
Cartridge Low  
• Press  
to clear the message, print the portion of the job already in  
88 Photo Print  
Cartridge Low  
memory, and begin collating the rest of the job.  
200 Paper Jam  
The printer detects a paper jam. Open the front cover and remove the jammed  
print material.  
• Press  
to clear the message and continue printing. The printer prints a  
new copy of the page that jammed if Jam Recovery is set to On or Auto;  
however, the Auto setting does not guarantee the page will print.  
These service messages indicate printer failures that may require service.  
900-979 Service  
• When a service message occurs, the printer immediately stops printing.  
Unplug the printer, wait for about 10 seconds, and then plug the printer  
back in.  
• If the service message recurs, call for service and report the message number  
and description of the problem.  
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Common Error Messages  
Table 5.3 Common error messages (continued)  
Cause/ Action  
The printer requests a different print material than what is loaded in the tray or  
set in the Paper Size or Paper Type menus.  
Change tray  
type size  
Line 1 displays the paper source tray, which is one of the following items:  
Tray 1  
Tray 2  
Tray 2 only displays if the optional Tray 2 is installed.  
Line 2 displays one of the following items:  
• A user-defined name, for custom type 1 through 3. The name is truncated to  
16 characters.  
type size: The requested type is a type other than a custom type. The  
type name is truncated to 16 characters. The requested size of paper or  
envelope displays. The size name is truncated to 16 characters.  
When this message displays you can:  
Load the requested size and type in the source. The printer automatically  
clears the message and continues printing the job.  
• Press OK to clear the message, print the portion of the job already in  
memory, and begin collating the rest of the job.  
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Common Error Messages  
Table 5.3 Common error messages (continued)  
Cause/ Action  
The printer is trying to feed print material from a source it detects is empty.  
Line 1 displays the paper source tray, which is one of the following items:  
Tray 1  
Load tray  
type size  
Tray 2  
Tray 2 only displays if the optional Tray 2 is installed.  
Line 2 displays one of the following items:  
• A user-defined name, for custom type 1 through 3. The name is truncated to  
16 characters.  
type size: The requested type is a type other than a custom type. The  
type name is truncated to 16 characters. The requested size of paper or  
envelope displays. The size name is truncated to 16 characters.  
When this message displays you can:  
Load the requested size and type in the source. The printer automatically  
clears the message and continues printing the job.  
• Press OK to clear the message and continue printing on the print material  
installed in the paper source.  
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Common Error Messages  
Table 5.3 Common error messages (continued)  
Cause/ Action  
The printer requests print material to be manually fed from the manual feed  
Load Manual  
Custom Type Name  
Line 2 displays one of the following items:  
type size  
Custom Type Name: A user-defined name, for custom type 1 through 3. The  
name is truncated to 16 characters.  
size: If the requested type matches the type currently in the tray and the  
custom type name has not been defined by you, only the paper or envelope  
size displays. The name is truncated to 16 characters.  
type size: The requested type is a type other than a custom type. The type  
name is truncated to 16 characters. The requested size of paper or envelope  
displays. The size name is truncated to 16 characters.  
When this message displays you can:  
Load the requested size or type of print material in the manual feed slot. The  
printer automatically clears the message and continues printing the job.  
• Press  
feed slot.  
if the correct size and type print material is loaded in the manual  
• Press OK to clear the message and print on the print material installed in the  
standard input tray or the optional Tray 2.  
Table 5-3 Page 6 of 6  
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting  
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Common Error Messages  
to en ter th e m en us.  
To Cancel the  
Current Print Job  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g on th e display:  
un til you see th e  
Job Menu  
Press OK.  
Press an d release  
un til you see th e followin g on th e  
Job Menu  
Cancel Job  
Press OK.  
DocuPrint C20/NC20 User Guide  
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Common Error Messages  
to en ter th e m en us.  
To Reset the Printer  
and Cancel the  
Print Job  
Con tin ue to press an d release  
followin g on th e display:  
un til you see th e  
Job Menu  
Press OK.  
Press an d release  
un til you see th e followin g on th e  
Job Menu  
Reset Printer  
Press OK.  
Resetting the printer deletes a ll cu rrent da ta from  
the prin t bu ffer. See Reset Prin ter on the Job Menu  
in Cha pter 1 of the System Adm in istrator Gu id e  
for m ore in form a tion .  
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Printer Specifications  
x idneppA  
Appendix A: Printer Specifications  
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Printer Specifications  
Table A.1 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Features  
Print addressibility  
300 dots per inch (dpi) standard, 600 dpi standard, 1200 Image Quality (requires  
added memory to print most full pages)  
Maximum print  
speed/pages per  
minute (ppm)  
8 ppm in black  
4 ppm in color  
75 resident scalable fonts:  
- Postscript Level 2 emulation: 39 compatible plus 36 additional  
- PCL emulation: 45 LaserJet compatible plus 30 additional in PCL 5.  
2 PCL bitmap fonts:  
- LinePrinter 16  
- POSTNET Barcode.  
78 symbol sets in PCL emulation to support multiple applications and languages.  
Paper input  
Standard input tray with the following print material capacities:  
• 150 sheets of letter-size paper  
• 50 transparencies  
• 50 sheets of tables  
• 15 sheets of card stock  
• 10 envelopes.  
Table A.1 Page 1 of 2  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Printer Specifications  
Table A.1 DocuPrint C20/ NC20 Features  
Paper output  
Standard exit bin with the following stack capacities:  
• 50 sheets of paper  
• 1 transparency  
• 10 sheets of tables  
• 15 envelopes/cards.  
Paper sizes  
A3, A4, A5, Banner A4, Banner Letter, Executive, JIS-B5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid,  
Universal, 11x17  
Printer memory  
Parallel (standard Centronics protocol that complies with bidirectional IEEE 1284B)  
Internal solutions  
Printer software  
CentreWare DP Printer Services that let you manage the printer from your  
computer. Supported in the following environments: Windows 95, Windows 98,  
Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, OS/2 Warp, Macintosh, UNIX.  
Duty cycle  
Up to 5,000 pages per month  
Table A.1 Page 2 of 2  
Appendix A: Printer Specifications  
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x idneppA  
Appendix B: Certifica tions  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
Electronic Emission Notices  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  
Compliance Information Statement  
Without an External  
Ethernet Adapter  
Th e DocuPrin t C20 h as been tested an d foun d to com ply  
with th e lim its for a Class B digital device, pursuan t to  
Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subject to th e  
followin g two con dition s: (1) th is device m ay n ot cause  
h arm ful in terferen ce, an d (2) th is device m ust accept an y  
in terferen ce received, in cludin g in terferen ce th at m ay  
cause un desired operation .  
Th e FCC Class B lim its are design ed to provide reason able  
protection again st h arm ful in terferen ce in a residen tial  
in stallation . Th is equipm en t gen erates, uses, an d can  
radiate radio frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot in stalled an d  
used in accordan ce with th e in struction s, m ay cause  
h arm ful in terferen ce to radio com m un ication s. However,  
th ere is n o guaran tee th at in terferen ce will n ot occur in a  
particular in stallation .  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
If th is equipm en t does cause h arm ful in terferen ce to radio  
or television reception , wh ich can be determ in ed by  
turn in g th e equipm en t off an d on , th e user is en couraged  
to try to correct th e in terferen ce by on e or m ore of th e  
followin g m easures:  
Reorien t or relocate th e receivin g an ten n a.  
In crease th e separation between th e equipm en t an d  
Con n ect th e equipm en t in to an outlet on a circuit  
differen t from th at to wh ich th e receiver is con n ected.  
Con sult your poin t of purch ase or service  
represen tative for addition al suggestion s.  
Th e m an ufacturer is n ot respon sible for an y radio or  
television in terferen ce caused by usin g oth er th an  
recom m en ded cables or by un auth orized ch an ges or  
m odification s to th is equipm en t. Un auth orized ch an ges  
or m odification s could void th e user's auth ority to operate  
th is equipm en t.  
To assure com plian ce with FCC regulation s on  
electrom agn etic in terferen ce for a Class B com putin g  
device, use a properly sh ielded an d groun ded cable. Use of  
a substitute cable n ot properly sh ielded an d groun ded  
m ay result in a violation of FCC regulation s.  
Appendix B: Certifica tions  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
Th is Class B digital apparatus m eets all requirem en ts of  
th e Can adian In terferen ce-Causin g Equipm en t  
Regulation s.  
European Community (EC) Directives  
Th is product is in con form ity with th e protection  
requirem en ts of EC Coun cil directives 89/336/EEC an d  
73/23/EEC on th e approxim ation an d h arm on ization of  
th e laws of th e Mem ber States relatin g to electrom agn etic  
com patibility an d safety of electrical equipm en t design ed  
for use with in certain voltage lim its.  
A declaration of con form ity with th e requirem en ts of th e  
Directive h as been sign ed by th e m an ufacturer.  
Th is product satisfies th e Class B lim its of EN 55022 an d  
safety requirem en ts of EN 60950.  
Th e m an ufacturer is n ot respon sible for an y radio or  
television in terferen ce caused by usin g oth er th an  
recom m en ded cables or by un auth orized ch an ges or  
m odification s to th is equipm en t. Un auth orized ch an ges  
or m odification s could void th e user's auth ority to operate  
th is equipm en t.  
To assure com plian ce with FCC regulation s on  
electrom agn etic in terferen ce for a Class B com putin g  
device, use a properly sh ielded an d groun ded cable. Use of  
a substitute cable n ot properly sh ielded an d groun ded  
m ay result in a violation of EMC directives (89/336/EEC.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  
Compliance Information Statement  
With an External  
Ethernet Adapter  
Th e DocuPrin t NC20 h as been tested an d foun d to  
com ply with th e lim its for a Class A digital device,  
pursuan t to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subject  
to th e followin g two con dition s: (1) th is device m ay n ot  
cause h arm ful in terferen ce, an d (2) th is device m ust  
accept an y in terferen ce received, in cludin g in terferen ce  
th at m ay cause un desired operation .  
Th e FCC Class A lim its are design ed to provide reason able  
protection again st h arm ful in terferen ce wh en th e  
equipm en t is operated in a com m ercial en viron m en t. Th is  
equipm en t gen erates, uses, an d can radiate radio  
frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot in stalled an d used in  
accordan ce with th e in struction m an ual, m ay cause  
h arm ful in terferen ce to radio com m un ication s. Operation  
of th is equipm en t in a residen tial area is likely to cause  
h arm ful in terferen ce, in wh ich case th e user will be  
required to correct th e in terferen ce at h is own expen se.  
Th e m an ufacturer is n ot respon sible for an y radio or  
television in terferen ce caused by usin g oth er th an  
recom m en ded cables or by un auth orized ch an ges or  
m odification s to th is equipm en t. Un auth orized ch an ges  
or m odification s could void th e user's auth ority to operate  
th is equipm en t.  
To assure com plian ce with FCC regulation s on  
electrom agn etic in terferen ce for a Class A com putin g  
device, use a properly sh ielded an d groun ded cable. Use of  
a substitute cable n ot properly sh ielded an d groun ded  
m ay result in a violation of FCC regulation s.  
Appendix B: Certifica tions  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
Industry Canada Compliance Statement  
Th is Class A digital apparatus m eets all requirem en ts of  
th e Can adian In terferen ce-Causin g Equipm en t  
Regulation s.  
European Community (EC) Directives  
Th is product is in con form ity with th e protection  
requirem en ts of EC Coun cil directives 89/336/EEC an d  
73/23/EEC on th e approxim ation an d h arm on ization of  
th e laws of th e Mem ber States relatin g to electrom agn etic  
com patibility an d safety of electrical equipm en t design ed  
for use with in certain voltage lim its.  
A declaration of con form ity with th e requirem en ts of th e  
Directive h as been sign ed by th e m an ufacturer.  
Th is product satisfies th e Class A lim its of EN 55022 an d  
safety requirem en ts of EN 60950.  
When an External Ethernet Adapter is installed, this is a  
Class A product. In a domestic environment, this  
product may cause radio interference, in which case the  
user may be required to take adequate measures.  
To assure com plian ce with FCC regulation s on  
electrom agn etic in terferen ce for a Class B com putin g  
device, use a properly sh ielded an d groun ded cable. Use of  
a substitute cable n ot properly sh ielded an d groun ded  
m ay result in a violation of EMC directives (89/336/EEC).  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act  
Th is apparatus is approved un der th e approval n um ber  
NS/G/1234/J/100003 for th e in direct con n ection s to th e  
public telecom m un ication s system s in th e Un ited  
Kin gdom .  
German Acoustics Statement  
Th e followin g m easurem en ts were m ade in accordan ce  
with ISO 7779 an d reported in con form an ce with ISO  
Table B.1 1-Meter Average Sound Pressure, dBA  
Quick Print Quality  
(300 dots per inch [dpi]  
Normal Quality (600 dpi)  
52 dBA  
50 dBA  
The printer is silent while idling.  
Appendix B: Certifica tions  
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Electronic Emission Notices  
Energy Star  
Th e EPA ENERGY STAR Com puters program is a  
partn ersh ip effort with com puter m an ufacturers to  
prom ote th e in troduction of en ergy-efficien t products  
an d to reduce air pollution caused by power gen eration .  
Com pan ies participatin g in th is program in troduce  
person al com puters, prin ters, m on itors, or fax m ach in es  
th at power down wh en th ey are n ot bein g used. Th is  
feature will cut th e en ergy used by up to 50 percen t.  
Th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 product m eets th e En ergy Star  
guidelin es for en ergy efficien cy.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Installing Printer Options  
Installing Printer Options  
You can custom ize your prin ter by ch an gin g m em ory  
capacity an d in stallin g differen t con n ectivity option s.  
Th is ch apter provides in struction s for in stallin g each  
option . To in stall each option , you m ust first access th e  
prin ter system board. Access is from th ree location s  
depen din g upon th e option you are in stallin g:  
Un der th e in put tray an d output bin un it on th e fron t  
of th e prin ter  
Th e back of th e prin ter, an d  
Th e righ t side of th e prin ter (wh en facin g th e fron t of  
th e prin ter).  
Table C.1 lists prin ter option s, wh ere to access th em , an d  
wh ere to fin d in stallation in struction s.  
Table C.1 Installing Options  
Location of System Board Access Go to...  
Printer memory  
Flash memory  
Tri-Port interface card  
Hard Disk  
Under the input tray  
On the back of the printer  
On the right side of the printer  
On the right side of the printer  
You need a small Phillips screwdriver to complete the  
installation of some options.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Printer Memory  
Printer Memory  
You can add addition al m em ory to in crease th e prin ters  
Dyn am ic Ran dom Access Mem ory (DRAM). Addition al  
prin ter m em ory allows th e DocuPrin t C20/NC20 to prin t  
m ore com plex jobs an d operate m ore efficien tly.  
Your prin ter was sh ipped with 8MB of stan dard prin ter  
m em ory. You can in stall on e addition al prin ter m em ory  
SIMM (Sin gle In lin e Mem ory Module) in your prin ter.  
Prin ter m em ory upgrade option s available are 8, 16, 32, or  
Data in the printers memory is lost when the printer is  
unplugged so make sure you have completed printing all our  
jobs before you Power Off your printer to install options.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Printer Memory  
To in stall or rem ove m em ory, you m ust access th e prin ter  
system board wh ich is un der th e in put tray. Follow th ese  
Accessing the System  
Board from the Front  
Un plug th e prin ter power cord.  
Discon n ect all cables from th e back of th e prin ter.  
Rem ove th e in put tray an d output bin un it.  
A Grasp un dern eath th e un it, an d pull up h ard to a 45°  
an gle un til it releases from th e prin ter.  
B Hold th e un it at th is an gle an d pull it away from th e  
prin ter.  
Rem ove th e system board access cover.  
A Locate th e tab on th e access cover an d push it toward  
th e prin ter.  
B Grasp th e tab an d lift th e access cover un til it touch es  
th e m etal bar.  
C Pull th e access cover straigh t out from th e prin ter.  
Con tin ue with th e section “Installing Printer Memory” on  
th e n ext page.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Printer Memory  
Before can you in stall prin ter m em ory SIMM, m ake sure  
you h ave accessed th e prin ter system board in th e fron t of  
th e prin ter. If you n eed to do th is, see “Accessing the Printer  
System Board from the Front” on th e previous page.  
Installing Printer  
A memory SIMM is easily damaged by static electricity.  
Touch something metal to discharge any static  
electricity before you touch it.  
To in stall a prin ter m em ory option :  
Locate th e m em ory con n ector on th e prin ter system  
Un pack th e m em ory SIMM. Avoid touch in g th e  
con n ection poin ts alon g th e edge.  
Save th e packagin g in case you h ave to return th e  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Printer Memory  
Hold th e m em ory SIMM with th e con n ection poin ts  
poin tin g toward th e con n ector an d position th e n otch as  
sh own .  
In sert th e m em ory SIMM all th e way in to th e con n ector  
at a 45° an gle, an d rotate it down un til it sn aps in to place.  
You ca n hea r the m em ory option click into pla ce.  
Verify th at both m etal clips on th e con n ector are fasten ed,  
an d th at th e two pin s on each en d of th e con n ector are  
push ed th rough th e h oles on th e m em ory option .  
Con tin ue with th e section “Closing the System Board from  
the Front” on th e n ext page.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Printer Memory  
Com plete th e followin g steps after you h ave in stalled th e  
prin ter m em ory  
Closing the System  
Board from the Front  
Rein stall th e system board access cover.  
A Wh ile h oldin g th e cover at th e an gle sh own , align th e  
tabs on th e back of th e access cover with th e slots  
located at th e rear of th e access open in g.  
B Push down th e top of th e access cover un til it sn aps  
in to place.  
Reattach th e in put tray an d output bin .  
If you n eed help, see the Quick In sta lla tion Guide.  
Recon n ect all cables on th e back of th e prin ter.  
Recon n ect th e power cord to th e prin ter an d a properly  
groun ded electrical outlet.  
Make sure th e Readym essage appears on th e Con trol  
Pan el display. If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5  
in th e System Adm in istrator Guide.  
To verify tha t the m em ory ca rd option is in sta lled  
properly, see Cha pter 3, Prin tin g Men u Settin gs.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Flash Memory  
Flash Memory  
Flash m em ory can be used to store down loaded fon ts,  
m acros, sym bol sets, logos, an d form s.  
You can in stall on e flash m em ory SIMM in your prin ter.  
Flash m em ory SIMMs are available in 1, 2, an d 4MB.  
Data stored in flash memory is retained when the printer is  
powered off.  
To in stall a flash m em ory SIMM, you n eed to access th e  
prin ter system board on th e back of th e prin ter. Follow  
th ese steps to access th e board:  
Accessing the System  
Board from the Rear  
Turn th e prin ter so its back is facin g you.  
Un plug th e prin ter power cord.  
Discon n ect all cables from th e back of th e prin ter.  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
Rem ove th e option al Tray 2, if on e is in stalled. If you  
n eed h elp, see th e docum en tation th at cam e with it.  
Rem ove th e prin ter rear cover. Press down on th e two  
tabs located at th e top of th e rear cover, an d pull th e  
cover away from th e prin ter.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Flash Memory  
Locate th e system board access cover.  
Pull th e tab on th e access cover un til th e cover rotates  
toward you.  
Con tin ue with th e section “Installing a Flash Memory  
SIMM” on th e n ext page.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Flash Memory  
Before you in stall a flash m em ory option , follow th e steps  
in “Accessing the System Board from the Rear” in th e  
previous section .  
Installing a Flash  
Memory SIMM  
A memory SIMM is easily damaged by static electricity.  
Touch something metal to discharge any static  
electricity before you touch it.  
To in stall a flash m em ory option :  
Locate an d rem ove th e code SIMM card from th e prin ter  
system board.  
You rein sta ll the code SIMM ca rd a fter the fla sh  
m em ory option is insta lled.  
Locate th e flash m em ory con n ector on th e prin ter system  
board. It is th e con n ector beh in d th e code SIMM  
con n ector.  
Un pack th e n ew flash m em ory SIMM. Avoid touch in g th e  
con n ection poin ts alon g th e edge. (Save th e packagin g.)  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Flash Memory  
Hold th e SIMM with th e con n ection poin ts poin tin g  
toward th e con n ector an d position th e n otch as sh own .  
In sert th e SIMM all th e way in to th e con n ector at a 45°  
an gle, an d rotate it up un til it sn aps in to place.  
You ca n hea r the m em ory SIMM click into pla ce.  
Make sure both m etal clips on th e con n ector are fasten ed,  
an d th e two pin s on each en d of th e con n ector are push ed  
th rough th e h oles on th e SIMM.  
Replace th e code SIMM card in th e con n ector.  
Th e code SIMM card in stalls exactly like th e flash m em ory  
option . See th e section “Installing a Flash Memory SIMM”  
on th e previous page.  
Con tin ue with th e section “Closing the System Board from  
the Rear” on th e n ext page.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Flash Memory  
Com plete th e followin g steps to close th e Prin ter System  
Board after you h ave in stalled th e flash m em ory SIMM:  
Closing the System  
Board from the Rear  
Push on th e access cover un til it sn aps in to place.  
Do on e of th e followin g:  
Reattach th e prin ter rear cover.  
In sert th e two tabs on th e bottom of th e cover in to  
th e slots on th e back of th e prin ter, as sh own .  
Push th e cover forward un til it sn aps firm ly in to  
Rein stall th e option al Tray 2 (if on e was attach ed). If  
you n eed h elp, see th e section “Input Tray 2”  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Flash Memory  
Recon n ect all cables to th e back of th e prin ter.  
Recon n ect th e power cord to th e prin ter an d a properly  
groun ded electrical outlet.  
Make sure th e Readym essage appears on th e Con trol  
Pan el display.  
If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5 in th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
To verify tha t the fla sh m em ory option is in sta lled  
properly, see Cha pter 3, Prin tin g Men u Settin gs.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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External Ethernet Adapter  
External Ethernet Adapter  
An Extern al Eth ern et Adapter is available for your prin ter.  
With th is adapter, you can con n ect your prin ter to an  
Eth ern et n etwork so th at it can be sh ared. Th e Extern al  
Eth ern et adapter supports th e followin g:  
Novell NetWare  
Microsoft Win dows NT  
Sh ared Win dows en viron m en ts.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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External Ethernet Adapter  
To in stall th e Extern al Eth ern et Adapter:  
Installing the External  
Ethernet Adapter  
Con n ect th e adapter to th e parallel port on th e rear of  
your prin ter.  
Con n ect your Eth ern et cable in to th e adapter.  
Con n ect th e adapter power supply cable in to th e adapter.  
Con n ect th e power supply to a proper outlet.  
To assist you in configuring the External Ethernet Adapter,  
Xerox supplies Printer Management Software with your  
adapter. Consult the instruction booklet on the Printer  
Management Software CD for the appropriate procedure to  
follow for your environment.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Tri-Port Interface Card  
Tri-Port Interface Card  
Th e Tri-Port In terface Card lets you con n ect your prin ter  
A LocalTalk n etwork  
A serial in terface (Serial RS-232C or Serial RS-422A)  
An in frared adapter.  
A serial in terface adapter con verts th e prin ter parallel port  
in to a serial port. For m ore in form ation about serial  
in terface, see Serial Menu in Chapter 1 of th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
An in frared adapter receives an in frared beam th at allows  
you to prin t rem otely from an IrDA-com patible com puter.  
For m ore in form ation , see th e section “Using the Infrared  
To in stall th e Tri-Port In terface Card, see th e section  
Installing the Tri-Port  
Interface Card  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Infrared Adapter  
Infrared Adapter  
To in stall th e In frared Adapter:  
Installing the  
Infrared Adapter  
Un plug th e prin ter power cord.  
Locate th e in frared port on th e back of your prin ter. Th e  
in frared port is attach ed to th e Tri-Port in terface option  
card in stalled in your prin ter.  
Plug th e adapter cable in to th e in frared port. Pull th e  
cover away from th e prin ter.  
Recon n ect th e power cord to th e prin ter an d a properly  
groun ded electrical outlet. If an y ligh t on th e in frared  
adapter com es on wh en th e prin ter is plugged in , th e  
adapter is con n ected to th e port correctly.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Infrared Adapter  
To use th e In frared Adapter:  
Using the  
Infrared Adapter  
Aim th e com puter in frared port at th e in frared port on th e  
fron t of th e In frared Adapter. See th e docum en tation th at  
cam e with your com puter for in form ation about your  
com puter in frared port.  
Draw an im agin ary lin e between th e two in frared ports.  
Aim th e in frared port on your com puter with in 15 degrees  
of th e eith er side of th is lin e as sh own .  
Sen d a job to prin t. If th e job does n ot prin t correctly, see  
Ch apter 5 in th e System Administrator Guide.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Ha rd Disk  
Hard Disk  
Like th e flash m em ory, th e Hard Disk is useful for storin g  
in form ation such as down loaded fon ts, m acros, an d  
sym bol sets.  
You can also use th e Hard Disk to store in com in g prin t  
jobs in a buffer un til th ey prin t. Sin ce h ard disk m em ory  
provides perm an en t storage, job bufferin g to th e Hard  
Disk preven ts th e loss of prin t job data if th e prin ter loses  
power. It m ay also free your application faster for oth er  
work. Job bufferin g is on ly available for jobs tran sm itted  
across th e stan dard parallel in terface.  
To in stall th e Hard Disk, see th e section “Option Card  
Installation” on th e n ext page.  
Installing the  
Hard Disk  
The Tri-Port Card and the Hard Disk Option utilize the same  
internal connection within the printer, only one of these can be  
installed at a time.  
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Option Card Installa tion  
Option Card Installation  
Follow th e steps in th is section to in stall eith er of th e  
followin g option s:  
Tri-Port In terface Card  
Hard Disk.  
An option card is easily damaged by static electricity.  
Touch something metal to discharge any static  
electricity before you touch it.  
Com plete th e followin g steps before you in stall th e  
option card:  
Accessing the System  
Board from the Right  
Un plug th e prin ter power cord.  
Discon n ect all cables from th e back of th e prin ter.  
Push on th e th um b in den tion , located on th e righ t side of  
th e system board access cover, an d slide th e cover to th e  
righ t un til it releases.  
Pull th e cover away from th e prin ter.  
Con tin ue with th e section “Installing an Option Card” on  
th e n ext page.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Option Card Installation  
Com plete th e followin g steps to in stall eith er th e Tri-Port  
In terface card or th e Hard Disk option :  
Installing an  
Option Card  
Rem ove th e two screws from th e m etal plate coverin g th e  
open in g for th e cable con n ector. Save th e screws.  
Grasp th e tab on th e en d of th e m etal plate an d pull th e  
plate straigh t out. Discard th e m etal plate.  
Un pack th e option card. See th e packin g m aterials.  
To com plete the followin g in sta lla tion  
in struction s, you shou ld be a t eye level with the  
printer option ca rd slot.  
Locate th e option card con n ector on th e prin ter system  
board. It is located in side th e prin ter. You can access it  
th rough th e option card slot.  
Locate th e card guide in side th e option card slot on th e  
left side of th e slot.  
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Option Card Installa tion  
Align th e left side of th e option card with th e track in side  
th e card guide.  
Ma ke su re the con n ectors on the right side of the  
option ca rd clea r the ca ble conn ector open in g.  
Push th e card straigh t in to th e prin ter.  
Th e option card autom atically sh ifts toward th e righ t as  
you push it in , align in g th e righ t side of th e option card  
with th e cable con n ector open in g.  
Th e con n ector on th e option card fits firm ly in to th e  
option card con n ector.  
The ca ble con n ectors on the side of the Tri-Port  
in terfa ce option ca rd m u st fit through the ca ble  
conn ector openin g on the ba ck of the prin ter.  
In sert th e two screws saved wh en you rem oved th e m etal  
plate (or th e extra screws sh ipped with th e card) in to th e  
h oles on eith er side of th e cable con n ector open in g on th e  
back of th e prin ter.  
Gen tly tigh ten th e screws to secure th e card to th e system  
Con tin ue with “Closing the System Board from the Right” on  
th e n ext page.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Option Card Installation  
Com plete th e followin g steps after you in stall an option  
Closing the System  
Board from the Right  
In sert th e four tabs on th e top of th e system board access  
cover in to th e slots on th e prin ter as illustrated.  
Slide th e system board access cover to th e left un til it  
sn aps in to place.  
Recon n ect all cables to th e back of th e prin ter.  
Recon n ect th e power cord to th e prin ter an d a properly  
groun ded electrical outlet.  
Verify th at th e Ready m essage appears on th e Con trol  
Pan el display.  
If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5 in th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
To verify tha t the option ca rd is insta lled properly,  
see Cha pter 3, Prin tin g Men u Settin gs.  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Input Tray 2  
Input Tray 2  
Tray 2 is sh ipped in two pieces, th e paper tray an d th e  
paper support. Th e followin g section s give com plete  
in struction s for attach in g th e paper tray an d th e paper  
Installing the  
Paper Tray  
Make sure you h ave all th e item s sh own . If an y item s are  
m issin g or dam aged, con tact your Xerox represen tative or  
auth orized Xerox dealer. Slide th e system board access  
cover to th e left un til it sn aps in to place.  
Un plug th e prin ter power cord.  
Rem ove th e rear cover.  
A Press down on th e two tabs located at th e top of th e  
rear cover an d pull th e cover away from th e prin ter.  
B Store th e rear cover for future use.  
Locate th e slots on both sides on th e back of th e prin ter.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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Input Tray 2  
In sert th e pegs located on th e bottom of each side of th e  
paper tray in to th e slots on th e back of th e prin ter.  
The pa per tra y fits stra ight in to the ba ck of the  
Push th e paper tray straigh t in un til it clicks in to place.  
Con tin ue with “Attaching the Paper Support” on th e n ext  
DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Input Tray 2  
Attaching the  
Paper Support  
Locate th e slot on th e back of th e paper tray.  
Align th e tab on th e back of th e paper support with th e  
slot on th e paper tray.  
Push straigh t down on th e paper support un til it stops.  
Recon n ect all cables to th e back of th e prin ter.  
Recon n ect th e power cord to th e prin ter an d a properly  
groun ded electrical outlet.  
Make sure th e Ready status m essage appears on th e  
Con trol Pan el display.  
If an error m essage appears, see Ch apter 5 in th e System  
Administrator Guide.  
To verify tha t Tra y 2 is in sta lled properly, see  
Cha pter 3, Prin tin g Men u Settin gs.  
Appendix C: Printer Options  
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DocuPrint C20/ NC20 User Guide  
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Color m atch in g system s 1-7  
Apple Colorsyn c 1-7  
ICM 1-7  
Align m en t test page  
Prin tin g 4-14  
Profiles 1-7  
AppleTalk 1-6  
Con n ectivity 1-5  
Extern al Eth ern et  
Adapter 1-5  
Auto-protocol sen sin g 1-6  
Tri-Port In terface 1-5  
Win dows 95 1-5  
Win dows 98 1-5  
Bitm ap fon ts 1-4  
Button s  
See Control Panel, Control  
Con trol Pan el 3-4 3-17  
Con trol  
keys 3-8 3-10  
Display 3-6 3-7  
Can cel prin t  
Con trol keys 3-5  
Display 3-5  
job 5-24 5-25  
Cartridge carrier  
In dicator ligh ts 3-5  
Location 1-9  
Usin g 3-4 3-17  
Clean in g 4-20 4-21  
Cartridge carrier track  
Covers 1-12  
Open in g Fron t  
Cover 1-12  
Location 1-13  
Cen treWare DP 3-3  
Clean in g  
Rear Cover 1-9  
System Board access  
cover 1-9  
See Printer cleaning  
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Electron ic docum en tation 1-15  
Prin ter drivers 1-15  
See Control Panel, Control keys  
Prin ter m an agem en t software 1-15  
Error m essages 5-18 5-23  
Letterh ead  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter 1-5, 1-6  
In stallin g C-15 C-16  
10BaseT 1-10  
Orien tation 2-19  
Lin kin g trays 2-15  
Loadin g paper  
See Paper, Loading  
Flash m em ory  
LocalTalk 1-6, 1-10  
In stallin g C-9 C-14  
LocalTalk n etwork 1-5  
Fon ts 1-4  
Fron t Cover  
Location 1-9  
Man ual Feed Slot  
Open in g 1-12, 2-6, 2-10, 2-12  
Release 1-9  
Location 1-9  
Man ual feed slot  
Loadin g paper in to 2-9 2-11  
Hard Disk  
Mem ory  
In stallin g C-20, C-21 C-24  
In stallin g C-4 C-8  
Men u settin gs  
Prin tin g 3-14 3-15  
IBM LAN Server 1-6  
Men us 3-11 3-13  
In frared Adapter 1-5  
In stallin g C-18 C-19  
IrDa-com patible workstation 1-10  
Usin g C-19  
Multiple jobs  
Prin tin g 2-16 2-18  
In put trays  
NetWare 1-6  
See Standard input tray or Tray 2  
In stallation  
Option s C-3 C-27  
Option al in terfaces 1-5  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter 1-5  
Tri-Port In terface 1-5  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter C-15 C-16  
Flash m em ory C-9 C-14  
Hard Disk C-20, C-21 C-24  
In frared Adapter C-18 C-19  
Mem ory C-4 C-8  
Option s  
Verifyin g in stallation 3-14  
Tray 2 C-25 C-27  
Output Bin  
Tri-Port In terface C-17, C-21 C-24  
Location 1-9  
In terface con n ectors 1-10  
Extern al Eth ern et Adapter 1-10  
In frared Adapter 1-10  
Tri-Port 1-10  
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Prin t job  
Can cellin g 5-24 5-25  
Prin ter clean in g 4-15 4-21  
Cartridge carrier 4-20 4-21  
Prin th eads 4-15 4-19  
Loadin g 2-5 2-14  
In to m an ual feed slot 2-10 2-11  
In to stan dard in put tray 2-6 2-8  
In to Tray 2 2-12 2-14  
Prin ter com pon en ts 1-9 1-13  
Black or Ph oto cartridge 1-13  
Cartridge carrier track 1-13  
Color cartridge 1-13  
Recom m en dation s 2-4  
Selectin g 2-3 2-4  
Paper jam s 5-10 5-17  
Causes 5-10  
Con trol Pan el 1-9  
Extern al com pon en ts 1-9  
Fron t Cover 1-9  
In put Tray 1-9  
Man ual Feed Slot 1-9  
Option al Tray 2 1-9  
Clearin g 5-11 5-17  
From in put tray 5-14  
From m an ual feed slot 5-15  
From output bin 5-16  
From Tray 2 5-17  
Output Bin 1-9  
Jam areas 5-12 5-13  
Parallel in terface con n ection 1-9  
Power cord receptacle 1-9  
Rear Cover 1-9  
Paper Source settin g 2-16  
Parallel in terface con n ection  
System Board access cover 1-9  
Tri-Port In terface 1-9  
Location 1-9  
Parallel port  
Prin ter drivers 1-8, 3-2 3-3  
Features 3-3  
Location 1-11  
PCL em ulation 1-4  
PCL 5c 1-8  
For IBM OS/2 3-2  
For Macin tosh 3-2  
For UNIX 3-2  
For Win dows 3-2  
In stallin g 3-3  
PCL 5c em ulation 3-2  
PostScript driver 1-8  
PostScript em ulation 3-2  
Software 1-8  
PCL 5c 1-8  
Power cord receptacle  
PostScript 1-8  
Location 1-9  
Prin ter features 1-3 1-8  
Color m atch in g system s 1-7  
Con n ectivity 1-5  
Prin t cartridge carrier  
Location 1-13  
Prin t speed 1-3  
Prin ter driver software 1-8  
Residen t fon ts 1-4  
Resolution 1-3  
Position in g 4-3  
Prin t cartridges 1-13, 4-2 4-14, 4-22  
Align in g 4-11 4-14  
Align m en t test page  
Prin ter option s  
In stallin g  
Prin tin g 4-14  
Black or Ph oto cartridge 1-13  
Cartridge carrier track 1-13  
Color cartridge 1-13  
Con trol Pan el m essages 4-2  
Prin t cartridge carrier 1-13  
Replacin g 4-2 4-14  
In stallin g n ew cartridge 4-6 4-10  
Rem ovin g used cartridge 4-4 4-5  
Storin g 4-22  
See Installation, Options  
Prin ter problem s 5-2 5-9  
Also see Paper jams  
Error m essages 5-18 5-23  
Troublesh ootin g  
Operation al problem s 5-2 5-6  
Prin t quality problem s 5-7 5-9  
Prin ter reset 5-25  
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Prin ter settin gs  
Ch an gin g 3-16 3-17  
Prin th eads  
Clean in g 4-15 4-19  
Protocols 1-6  
AppleTalk 1-6  
Tray lin kin g 2-15  
Tray 1  
See Standard input tray  
Tray 2  
In stallin g C-25 C-27  
Loadin g paper in to 2-12 2-14  
Location 1-9  
Auto-protocol sen sin g 1-6  
IBM LAN Server 1-6  
LocalTalk 1-6  
Tray lin kin g 2-15  
NetWare 1-6  
Solaris 1-6  
Sun OS 1-6  
WFWG 1-6  
Win dows NTAS 1-6  
Win dows 95 1-6  
Tri-Port In terface 1-5, 1-6  
In frared Adapter 1-5  
In stallin g C-17, C-21 C-24  
LocalTalk n etwork 1-5  
Location 1-11  
Serial in terface 1-5  
Troublesh ootin g 5-2 5-23  
Also see Printer problems  
Rear Cover  
Location 1-9  
Resettin g prin ter 5-25  
WFWG 1-6  
Residen t Fon ts  
PostScript Level 2 1-4  
Win dows NTAS 1-6  
Win dows 95 1-6  
Win dows 98 1-6  
Residen t fon ts 1-4  
Bitm ap fon ts 1-4  
Lin ePrin ter 16 1-4  
PCL em ulation 1-4  
PCL em ulation sym bol sets 1-4  
POSTNET Barcode 1-4  
Scalable fon ts 1-4  
10BaseT 1-10  
RS-232C 1-10  
RS422A 1-10  
Serial in terface 1-5  
Serial RS232 Con n ector  
Location 1-11  
Solaris 1-6  
Stan dard in put tray  
Loadin g paper in to 2-6 2-8  
Location 1-9  
Sun OS 1-6  
System Board access cover  
Location 1-9  
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