QSC Audio Network Router RAVE 160 User Guide

U S E R M A N U A L  
RAVE 80 Digital Audio Router (8 AES3 outputs)  
RAVE 81 Digital Audio Router (8 AES3 inputs)  
RAVE 88 Digital Audio Router (4 AES3 inputs + 4 AES3 outputs)  
RAVE 160  
RAVE 161  
RAVE 188  
Digital Audio Router (16 analog audio outputs)  
Digital Audio Router (16 analog audio inputs)  
Digital Audio Router (8 analog audio ins + 8 analog audio outs)  
Rev. A  
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The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,  
within an equilateral triangle, is intended to  
alert the user to the presence of uninsulated  
“dangerous voltage” within the product’s  
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude  
to constitute a risk of electric shock to  
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove  
the cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing  
to qualified service personnel.  
tested and found to comply  
with the limits for a Class A  
15 of the FCC Rules. These  
mercial installation. This  
equipment generates, uses,  
used in accordance with the  
is likely to cause harmful in-  
terference, in which case the  
the interference at his or her  
WARNING: To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose this  
equipment to rain or moisture.  
The exclamation point within an equilateral  
triangle is intended to alert the users to the  
presence of important operating and main-  
tenance (servicing) instructions in the  
literature accompanying the product.  
ATTENTION: Pour eviter les risques de choc électrique, ne pas  
enlever le courvercle. Aucun entretien de pièces intérieures  
par l’usager. Confier l’entretien au personnel qualifié.  
Le symbole éclair avec point de flèche à  
l’intrérieur d’un triangle équilatéral est utilisé  
pour alerter l’utilisateur de la presence à  
l’intérieur du coffret de “voltage dangereux”  
non isolé d’ampleur suffisante pour constituer  
un risque d’elétrocution.  
AVIS: Pour eviter les risques d’incendie ou d’électrocution,  
n’exposez pas cet article à la pluie ou a l’humidité.  
Le point d’exclamation à l’intérieur d’un tri-  
angle équilatéral est employé pour alerter les  
utilisateurs de la présence d’instructions  
importantes pour le fonctionnement et  
l’entretien (service) dans le livret d’instruction  
accompagnant l’appareil.  
VORSICHT: Um das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlages zu  
vermindern, Abdeckung nicht entfernen! Keine Benutzer  
Wartungsteile im Innern. Wartung nur durch qualifiertes  
WARNUNG: Zur vermeidung von Feuer oder elektrischen  
Schlägen, das Gerät nicht mit Regen oder Feuchtigkeit in  
Berührung bringen!  
Der Blitz nach unten zeigendem Pfeil in einem  
gleichseitigen Dreieck weist den Benutzer auf  
das Vorhandensein einer unisolierten,  
gefährlichen Spannung“ im Gehäuse hin, die  
stark sein kann, einer Person einen  
elektrischen Schlag zu versetzen.  
Das Ausrufzeichen in einem gleichseitigen  
Dreieck weist den Benutzer auf wichtige  
Betriebs- und Wartungs- vorschriften in den  
beiliegenden Unterlagen des Gerätes hin.  
Electrical energy can perform many useful functions.  
This unit has been engineered and manufactured to  
assure your personal safety. Improper use can result in  
potential electrical shock or fire hazards. In order not to  
defeat the safeguards, observe the following instruc-  
tions for its installation, use and servicing.  
utiles. Cet appariel a été conçu et réalisé pour assurer  
une sécurité personnelle entiére. Une utilisation impropre  
peut entraîner des risques d’électrocution ou d’incendie.  
Dans le but de ne pas rendre inutiles les mesures de  
sécurité, bien observer les instructions suivantes pour  
l’installation, l’utilisation et l’entretien de l’appareil.  
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I. Introduction  
RAVE Digital Audio Router products provide a means of transporting audio signals over a data network. Using  
common Fast Ethernet as the physical medium, a RAVE system has a maximum capacity of 64 channels on a  
100baseTX network. RAVE transports the audio signals over the network in a 48 kHz 20-bit digital format. Each  
unit has a female RJ-45 connector on its rear panel for connecting to a standard Ethernet twisted-pair cable.  
For economy and flexibility, you can use standard off-the-shelf Fast Ethernet devices such as hubs and fiber optic  
media converters with your RAVE system.  
You need at least two RAVE devices—one to send and one to receive, or two to both send and receive—to route  
audio over an Ethernet. There are currently six RAVE models, with three basic send/receive configurations (16  
channels send, 16 channels receive, or 8 channels send/8 channels receive), with either analog or digital AES3  
(often called AES/EBU) ins and outs. The six models are numbered as follows:  
RAVE 80  
RAVE 81  
RAVE 88  
RAVE 160  
RAVE 161  
RAVE 188  
Digital Audio Router (8 AES3 outputs; 16 audio channels total)  
Digital Audio Router (8 AES3 inputs; 16 audio channels total)  
Digital Audio Router (4 AES3 inputs + 4 AES3 outputs; 8 audio channels total each way)  
Digital Audio Router (16 analog audio outputs)  
Digital Audio Router (16 analog audio inputs)  
Digital Audio Router (8 analog audio inputs + 8 analog audio outputs)  
A RAVE system handles routing in groups of 8 individual audio channels.  
Network channel  
Power LED  
Network status LEDs  
Audio signal level LEDs  
selector switches  
(behind cover)  
Front view of a RAVE 161; other models are simliar  
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Rear views,  
from top:  
RAVE 160,  
RAVE 188,  
RAVE 161,  
RAVE 80,  
RAVE 88, and  
RAVE 81.  
Below are some terms used in this manual that RAVE users should be familiar with.  
AES3—A technological specification for inter-device conveyance of a dual-channel (stereo) digital audio  
signal. Also called AES/EBU.  
Crossover cable—A type of twisted-pair Ethernet patch cable, but somewhat analogous in function to a  
null modem cable. Unlike a normal patch cable, the transmit and receive wire pairs are swapped at  
one end, permitting a direct connection of two nodes without a hub in between. A crossover cable is  
also suitable for cascading hubs that don’t have an available uplink port. It also has nothing to do with  
an audio crossover.  
Network channel—A RAVE network group of eight audio channels, with a channel number designated by  
a switch on the sending unit. Don’t confuse this term with actual audio channels. A RAVE network  
multiplexes eight audio channels onto a single network channel and routes the entire network channel  
channel’s audio signals.  
Uplink port—A special port on a hub, used for cascading to another hub. Usually it’s offered in tandem with  
a normal port so you can use one or the other, but not both. For example, a 5-port hub with an uplink  
allows you to connect to five nodes via the normal ports, or to four nodes via normal ports plus one  
hub via the uplink port.  
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Ethernet networks are most often used for computer systems; a typical application would be in an office with  
servers, workstations, and shared printers. These devices use the Ethernet medium in an unregulated, non-  
deterministic way. This means that they transmit data messages (called “packets”) only when necessary, and  
the length of the messages may vary depending on the sending device and on the type and amount of data being  
sent. When it has a message to send on the network, a device, or node, waits until there is no traffic, then sends  
it. If two or more nodes try to send messages at the same time, a collision occurs; each node then waits a random  
length of time before trying again. In this type of application, reasonable latency (the length of time from when  
the transmitting node has a message ready to send, to when the receiving node actually receives it) is not a  
problem, since a second or two delay in the  
transmission of a print job or an e-mail mes-  
sage won’t have any noticeable effect.  
Audiosignals(especiallymulti-channel), how-  
ever, generally can’t tolerate a delay of even  
a significant fraction of a second, or even  
worse, a varying, unpredictable delay. This  
would cause glitches, dropouts, noise, and  
other nasty and undesirable artifacts in the  
final audio signal.  
Internal block diagram of a RAVE unit; chief difference among the different models is the  
audio I/O (below)  
Therefore, the CobraNet™ technology used in a  
RAVE system employs a regulated, deterministic  
system of packet timing to ensure consistent and  
reliable transmission without dropouts or glitches.  
The RAVE devices on a common network will auto-  
matically negotiate the time slots among them-  
selves. For efficiency, the sample data from eight  
audio channelsare grouped together in eachpacket.  
RAVE 80: 8 AES3 outs  
RAVE 81: 8 AES3 ins  
RAVE 88: 4 AES3 ins + 4  
AES3 outs  
RAVE units will synchronize themselves over the  
network, and they have BNC connectors on the rear  
panels for sending sync signals. This allows them to  
synchronize external digital audio equipment to the  
RAVE network.  
RAVE 160: 16 analog outs  
RAVE 161: 16 analog ins  
RAVE 188: 8 analog ins + 8  
analog outs  
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Channel routing  
A RAVE network handles routing in groups of eight audio channels, and each group of eight transmitted on the  
network makes up one network channel. Each RAVE device handles two network channels—two sent, two  
received, or one of each. For example, a RAVE 161 unit, with 16 analog audio inputs, represents two transmitted  
9 through 16.  
two audio channels). Either one can be configured to receive any network channel—even the same one, if you  
needed what would essentially be a digital “Ycable.  
A RAVE device that both sends and receives, such as the RAVE 188 (eight analog inputs and 8 analog outputs)  
or RAVE 88 (4 AES3 inputs and 4 AES3 outputs), transmits one network channel and can receive another. It can  
receive the same network channel that it transmits, but only if it is connected to a hub or another unit, on a valid  
Behind a removable cover on the front panel of a RAVE unit are four hexadecimal rotary switches for selecting  
the network channels of the device’s two groups. The two switches on the left set the address of the device’s  
first group (channels 1 through 8 on the RAVE 80, 81, 160, and 161; inputs 1 through 8 on the RAVE 88 and 188),  
while the two on the right set the address of the device’s second group (channels 8 through 16 on the RAVE 80,  
81, 160, and 161; outputs 1 through 8 on the RAVE 88 and 188). Detailed instructions on setting network channel  
numbers follow later in the Operation chapter.  
ThereareseveralwaystoconfigureaRAVEnetwork, fromverysimpletorelativelycomplex. ThenumberofRAVE  
units in the network, where they are located, and your future expansion plans will determine what net topology  
you in designing a RAVE network.  
RAVE units can use unshielded twisted pair wiring, but it must be at least Category 5 (or CAT-5, for short) quality.  
Anything less may cause unreliable operation of the network, if it runs at all. Fortunately, most new Ethernet  
cable installations in buildings use Category 5 cable.  
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Two nodes with a direct cable connection  
Advantages: very low cost; very high reliability; simple to implement  
Disadvantages: limited to 100 meters (328 feet) total network size; no expandability; uses non-standard  
wiring of RJ-45 connectors on Ethernet cable  
The simplest and most direct RAVE network  
comprises two RAVE units connected by a  
singlecrossovercable. Thisnetworkhasonly  
one segment, so the 100-meter limit applies  
to the segment and thus to the entire net-  
the RAVE units themselves and the cable for  
the interconnection. Also, there are few potential failure points. However, there is no way to connect additional  
RAVE units without resorting to adding a hub, and because a crossover cable isn’t usually an off-the-shelf item,  
you’ll probably have to wire it yourself.  
Two nodes with a 100baseTX hub  
Advantages: greater network size—up to 200 meters (656 feet); high reliability; readily expandable; uses  
standard Ethernet patch cables  
Disadvantages: higher cost  
This network is similar to the previous one,  
but with a hub in between, breaking up the  
network into two segments which can each  
be up to 100 meters long. Yes, there is the  
added expense of a hub, and you are adding  
the slight possibility of a hub failure, but the  
net media can be simple off-the-shelf patch  
cables, and you can easily expand the net-  
work by connecting additional nodes to the hub. Astute observers and those who read ahead in the manual will  
notice that this network configuration is really just a star topology with only two nodes.  
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Star topology  
Advantages: greater network size—up to 200 meters (656 feet); high reliability; readily expandable; uses  
standard Ethernet patch cables  
Disadvantages: higher cost  
Add nodes—i.e., RAVE units—to the previ-  
ous net layout and you have the classic star  
topology. This name comes from the hub  
being at the center and the nodes radiating  
out from it like the points of a star. It doesn’t  
matter if the nodes are actually right next to  
one another while the hub is in another  
room—it’s still a star topology. You can  
connect as many RAVE units as there are ports on the hub.  
Star network topology  
Distributed star topology  
Advantages: greater network size; high reliability; readily expandable; uses standard Ethernet patch  
Disadvantages: higher cost  
What do you do when you have more RAVE units than available hub ports? Add more hubs, of course. Most Fast  
Ethernet hubs now are stackable, either through an uplink port that lets you connect an additional hub to one  
already in the network, or through a backplane connection. The resulting network topolgy is called a distributed  
star, because it is made up of interconnected multiple stars. The maximum UTP cable length from hub to hub,  
or from hub to RAVE unit, is 100 meters (328 feet).  
wouldbe400meters(1312feet), allowingtwo100-metercablerunsamongthethreehubs, plus100-metercable  
runs on the end hubs.  
You can expand the distances even further by daisy-chaining more hubs and cable segments. There are technical  
and practical limits to this strategy; see the section on network limitations for further information.  
Sometimes a network may span long distances without any practical need for hubs distributed along the way.  
The computer networking industry, on whom we’re already relying for an economical and rugged transport  
medium, has an answer to this need also: fiber optics.  
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Maximum system cable  
span (e.g., furthest node-  
to-hub + hub-to-hub +  
400 meters (1312 feet)  
Distributed star network topology  
Data signals sent over optical fiber don’t degrade as much as they do over copper wiring, and they are immune  
to induced interference from electromagnetic and RF sources, fluorescent lighting fixtures, etc. Consequently,  
aFastEthernetfiberopticnetworksegment(100baseFX)canbeupto2kilometers(6560feet, or1.24miles)long,  
twenty times longer than what is possible with CAT-5 UTP copper wire.  
Largely due to increased economies of scale, fiber optic cable pricing has become more economical in recent  
years, soeven62.5µmmultimodefiberisnolongerpainfullymoreexpensivethanCAT-5UTP. However, because  
of the added cost of media conversion, it’s usually most cost-effective to use fiber only when distance or  
electromagnetic conditions require it.  
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The illustration at right shows a simple 2-node network similar to the one decribed before, except nearly all of  
converters and a length of fiber optic cable. This conversion to a fiber optic medium allows the distance between  
the RAVE units to be increased to up to 2 kilometers.  
More complex topologies with more than one fiber optic link are also possible, as shown below. Although any  
fiber link may be up to 2000 meters long, the maximum network diameter—the total span from one device to  
the furthest device—is also slightly more than 2000 meters, allowing for the delays inherent in the other cabling  
anddevices. Inthesystemshownhere, Fiber  
Link A and Fiber Link B can individually be up  
to 2000 meters, but the total of their lengths  
should also be 2000 meters or less; For ex-  
ample, Fiber Link A could be 1500 meters,  
while B would be up to 500 meters; the UTP  
cabling length will also require adjustments  
in the maximum lengths.  
Likewise, the other network topologies described here earlier can be upgraded with optical fiber. This can be  
done with media conversion on individual network segments, as shown here, or by using fiber to interconnect  
hubs (illustrated on the following page), or combinations thereof.  
*Although any one fiber segment can be up to 2000 meters long, and  
any single UTP segment can be up to 100 meters long, it may be  
necessary to impose shorter limits, in consideration of cumulative  
delays caused by devices and cabling. See text for more information.  
There are more possible combinations than can be shown in this or any book, and as long as they are compatible  
with 100baseTX Fast Ethernet standards, they will work with RAVE units. Keep in mind, though, that every hub,  
length of cabling, media converter, etc., delays the data passing through it by a small amount, and adding these  
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*Although any one fiber segment can be up to 2000 meters long, and  
any single UTP segment can be up to 100 meters long, it may be  
necessary to impose shorter limits, in consideration of cumulative  
delays caused by devices and cabling. See text for more information.  
Using optical fiber to link hubs  
in that itsdeterministic nature affords a bit more tolerance of delaythan unregulated, non-deterministic network  
traffic can handle: a network span or diameter of up to 2560 bit periods (with Fast Ethernet, 1 bit period = 10  
nanoseconds), or 25.6 microseconds. Unless you are designing very large and complicated RAVE networks,  
though, you’re highly unlikely to reach these limits. For further guidance on designing large-scale networks,  
consult the RAVE Application Guide or see the CobraNet network guidelines on Peak Audio’s web site at  
any RAVE unit, hub, repeater, switch, etc., and any other—is 100 meters, or 328 feet. You can cover longer  
distances by using optical fiber, as mentioned earlier, or by running 100-meter lengths of UTP cable linked by  
Fast Ethernet hubs. The latter solution is practical mainly if you need, or are likely to need, RAVE units at the  
intermediate points, and possible only if you have power sources for all the Fast Ethernet hubs. Ultimately, the  
(Class I hub: < 140 bit periods; Class II hub: <92 bit periods) imposes a limit on how far you can carry this sort  
of configuration. See the CobraNet network guidelines at the Peak Audio web site (cited above) for further  
guidance, especially if you are designing a CobraNet network whose span approaches or even exceeds 1000  
A fiber optic run of typical 62.5 µm multimode fiber can be up to 2 kilometers, or 6560 feet or 1.24 mile. Single-  
mode fiber is a much higher grade and can thus handle longer distances, but the specific limit hasn’t been  
determined, and largely depends on the hardware involved. Consult the manufacturer of the media converters  
you use.  
Although a RAVE network has a capacity of 64 audio channels—i.e., eight network channels, each with eight  
audio channels—there is no set limit to the number of receivers that a RAVE network will support, except that  
as you add more hubs and cabling, the data delays will increase.  
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III. Installation  
The RAVE models which handle analog audio inputs and/or outputs require a signal level set-up to achieve  
optimumperformance. Thisconfigurationshouldbecompletedbeforerack-mountingtheunits. (ThedigitalAES3  
models, however, do not require any such adjustment.)  
These adjustments are done internally by placing or arranging jumpers on the main circuit board. For access to  
cover of the RAVE unit as follows.  
CAUTION: Remove the power cord  
before removing the top cover.  
Dangerous voltages within the  
enclosure may be of sufficient  
magnitude to constitute a risk of  
electric shock to humans.  
To remove cover, first detach the AC power  
cord, then remove screws from top, bottom,  
and sides. The arrows in this picture point  
to the 17 screw locations.  
Required tools: medium Phillips screw-  
Then lift the rear edge of the top cover about ¼ inch, or 6  
mm, and slide the cover forward about 2 inches, or 5 cm.  
Lift the cover straight up to remove it from the chassis.  
Re-installing the cover is the reverse of removal.  
Be sure to take proper  
protective measures, such as  
working on an anti-static  
surface and wearing a  
grounding wrist strap, before  
touching any circuitry  
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Input Level Sensitivity (RAVE 161 and 188 only)  
Input level sensitivity is the rms analog signal level at which a sinusoidal waveform will produce a digital full  
scale signal in the device.  
The available settings are +24dBu, +18dBu, and +12 dBu (reference: 0 dBu = 0.775 volt), which are 12.3, 6.1, and  
equipment driving the inputs to determine the correct setting.  
Each channel’s sensitivity is independent of the others and must be set individually.  
of pins (6 in each group) on the top side of the circuit board, somewhat midway between the  
front edge of the board and the rear edge. You’ll see a row of 16 headers on a RAVE 161,  
or eight on a RAVE 188–one for each channel, in other words.  
in the illustration.  
There is also a legend printed on the circuit board showing the jumper setting options.  
Save any unused jumpers for future use.  
Output Levels (RAVE 160 and 188 only)  
The output level setting determines the absolute rms level of an analog signal produced by a digital full scale  
sinusoidal signal.  
6.1 volts, 3.1 volts, and 1.5 volts rms, respectively. These voltages respectively correspond to 17.4, 8.7, 4.4, and  
2.2 volts peak..  
As with setting the input level, the output level for each channel is set by  
arranging jumpers on the pins of a header. These headers are located near the  
rear edge of the circuit board, and there is one header for each analog output:  
eight in the RAVE 188, and 16 in the RAVE 160.  
Arrange jumpers as shown in this illustration. A legend printed on the circuit  
board also shows the jumper configurations.  
Save any unused jumpers for future use.  
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A RAVE unit is 1 RU (1 rack space) high and mounts in any standard 19-inch equipment rack. The top cover of  
the chassis must be in place and properly secured with screws before you can mount the RAVE unit.  
Use four mounting screws to fasten the front ears of the RAVE unit to the mounting rails of the rack.  
The chassis of a RAVE unit also has mounting ears on its rear corners; if the rack also has rear rails,  
it’s a good idea to support the RAVE unit in the rear, too. If you have several units stacked in the rack,  
at least support the bottom one at the rear corners.  
Dress and support any cables that are to attach to the RAVE unit so that their weight doesn’t put an  
undue strain on their connectors when you attach them.  
Be careful when installing the unit in an equipment rack; its cooling vents must not be obstructed.  
Prendre soin lors de l'installation de l'unité dans un bâti d'équipement; on ne doit pas obstruer les bouches de ventilation.  
IV. Connections  
A female modular RJ-45 jack on the rear panel is for connecting the RAVE unit to a 100baseTX Ethernet.  
To connect the network cable to the RAVE unit, insert the RJ-45 male connector—with its locking tab  
facing down, the only way the connector will fit into the jack—into the jack until the tab clicks into  
place, just like connecting a modular telephone cable to a telephone.  
To disconnect the network cable from the RAVE unit, grasp the connector and squeeze  
up on the locking tab, then pull it out of the RJ-45 jack.  
A 100baseTX network connection requires CAT-5 grade cable. The cable length between the  
RAVE unit and a 100baseTX hub should not exceed 100 meters (328 feet).  
Suitable Ethernet cable is readily available at most computer suppliers. To make your own, see  
the Appendix for connector pinouts.  
Connecting to Ethernet  
unit. These detachable headers allow for pre-wiring of racks and quick connecting and disconnecting for  
installation, removal, reconfiguration, or replacement.  
The illustration at right shows how the detachable headers work. To connect a wire to a terminal:  
Strip back the insulation on the wire about ¼ inch (approximately 6.3 mm).  
Loosen the screw above the header terminal, then insert the wire fully.  
Tighten the screw until the wire is firmly anchored. Do not overtighten.  
Use a wire tie to secure the cable to the grip of the header block.  
The detachable headers connect to and disconnect from the pins simply by pushing  
on and pulling off.  
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To connect balanced inputs, insert the +, -, and shield into the header as shown at left.  
To connect unbalanced inputs, connect the signal conductor to the + terminal and the shield to the - terminal,  
with a jumper to the ground/shield terminal, as shown at below left.  
The analog RAVE models (RAVE 160, 161, and 188) use normal analog balanced audio inputs and outputs, with  
three terminals per channel: Hi (+), Lo (-) and Shield. Channel numbers and connector pinouts are labeled on the  
rear of the unit, as shown in the illustration below. The actual channel assignment depends on the model.  
RAVE 188  
This model features 16 analog channels comprising eight inputs and eight outputs. The inputs are labeled 1  
through 8 on the rear of the unit and are to the right of the outputs, labeled 1 through 8.  
RAVE 161  
This model features 16 analog audio input channels. They are labeled 1 through 16 on the rear of the unit.  
RAVE 160  
This model features 16 analog audio output channels. They are labeled 1 through 16 on the rear of the unit.  
as AES/EBU) digital audio standard.  
All digital audio inputs on a RAVE unit are terminated as dictated by the AES3 specification. Thus, you will  
generally need a suitable digital distribution amplifier if any single AES3 source will be driving more than one  
AES3 input. Also, all AES3 inputs automatically and independently perform digital sample rate conversion. This  
allows any source device to run asynchronously to the network and to other sourcing devices.  
Each AES3 input or output carries a pair of digital audio channels through a balanced 3-pin XLR connector. Like  
analog equipment, outputs use connectors with male pins and inputs use  
connectors with female pins, and Pin 1 is used for the cable shield and the signal  
ground. Pins 2 and 3 are for the digital signal, and unlike analog connectors, the  
relative polarity of the two pins is not important. Channel numbers and  
connectors are labeled on the rear of the unit, as the illustration shows. The  
actual channel assignment depends on the model.  
RAVE 88  
1 through 4 on the rear of the unit and are to the right of the AES3 outputs 1 through 4.  
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RAVE 81  
8 on the rear of the unit.  
RAVE 80  
1 through 8 on the rear of the unit.  
A RAVE unit will operate on line voltages from 90 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63Hz. No user selection of line voltage or  
frequency is required; the internal power supply automatically switches accordingly. The detachable AC power  
cord connects to the chassis at the IEC connector.  
Use only a power source with a protective earth ground.  
Utiliser une source d'alimentation électrique avec mise à la terre.  
A RAVE unit has no power switch; the AC disconnect device is the detachable power cord.  
Les unités RAVE n'ont pas d'interrupteur marche/arrêt; le cordon d'alimentation détachable sert à  
débrancher l'unité de la source de courant.  
The IEC connector contains a line filter to minimize susceptibility to RF and EMI from the AC line, and to reduce  
digital noise that may otherwise get out of the RAVE unit and onto the AC system. The fuse holder is an integral  
part of the IEC connector, too. It contains two fuses.  
To replace a fuse, first detach the AC power cord from  
the RAVE unit.  
out, as shown at left.  
The fuses are held in the round openings in the end of the  
fuseholder as shown at right. Replace one or both fuses with the  
same type: 20 × 5 mm, 2 amp, 250V.  
2A 250V  
Replace only with the same type fuse.  
20 × 5 mm FUSE  
(2 required)  
Remplacer avec un fusible de même type.  
and is operating properly. This clock signal can be used to synchronize external digital audio equipment, and it  
coincides with the clock signal broadcast over the network. No clock signal is produced if the unit is unable to  
send or receive any audio channels, or if a fault occurs with the unit. The latter occurrence will be indicated by  
the Fault LED.  
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The slave input is another BNC jack. Its use is to allow a RAVE unit to “slave” itself to another RAVE unit, as a  
backup in mission-critical applications.  
To slave one RAVE unit to another, connect a BNC jumper  
cable from the sync output of the main unit to the slave  
input of the redundant unit. Select the same network  
channel(s) on the slave unit as are selected on the main  
unit. As long as the slave input detects the clock signal  
from the main RAVE unit, it will maintain a sort of  
“standby” mode, i.e., if it has analog audio outputs, the  
output relays will stay open to prevent the production of  
audio signals; if it has digital audio outputs, the bitstream  
will continue, but the audio information will be as if the  
audio channels were muted; if it has analog or digital  
audio inputs, the unit will not transmit data on the  
However, once the clock signal disappears, as would  
happen if the main unit detects an internal fault, loses  
its network connection, or just fails, the slave unit will  
go into normal operation. If the clock signal re-ap-  
pears, the slave unit will go back to its standby role.  
RS232 PORT  
The RS232 port is an auxiliary function which allows  
you to transmit serial data over the RAVE network,  
from one RAVE unit to another. This is handy for  
remotely controlled accessories and processors that  
use RS232 data.  
Serial data format is fixed at 19,200 baud, 9 bits (or 8  
bits w/ parity), 1 stop bit.  
Incoming serial data is buffered and broadcast over  
casts and transmit the data simultaneously out their  
respective serial ports.  
When the RS232 electrical connection is in use, the  
serial port operates in a half duplex mode.  
For pinout information, see the Appendix.  
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V. Operation  
The eight status indicator LEDs display the operating condition of the RAVE unit and its  
it doesn’t signify good nor bad; it’s simply informational.  
Network activity LEDs  
This LED lights green when the unit is properly connected to an operating Ethernet network. In normal operation,  
this LED remains constantly lit, as long as the circuitry detects the network carrier. If this LED is not lit, there  
is a fault, probably at the hub or in the connection between the RAVE unit and the hub.  
100 Mbps  
This LED lights green when the unit is connected to a 100baseTX Ethernet. If it does not light, the network either  
isn’t established or is a 10baseT Ethernet, and the RAVE system will not work.  
This green LED lights for 50 milliseconds or longer whenever the unit receives Ethernet data, whether it is  
addressed to the unit or not.  
Rx Error  
Ethernet data or framing error.  
Network timing error; typically caused when transmission is delayed by unregulated traffic on the  
An internal fault has occurred. The fault indicator will also light in this case.  
This LED lights green for at least 50 milliseconds while the unit is transmitting Ethernet data.  
Tx Error  
An internal fault has occurred. The fault indicator will also light in this case.  
The RAVE unit is not connected to an operating network.  
This is the aforementioned yellow LED. It lights whenever the unit is the conductor, i.e., it is providing master  
timing and coordination services for the network.  
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The RAVE units in a common network select a conductor according to three priorities. The priorities are, from  
highest to lowest:  
1. Models 161 and 81  
2. Models 188 and 88  
3. Models 160 and 80  
When a unit is connected to the network, it first looks to see if there is a conductor with lower priority already  
present. If so, or if there is no conductor present, the unit takes over as conductor. If not, the existing conductor  
keeps its job.  
If the conductor of a network is removed or taken offline, the remaining RAVE units choose a new conductor  
randomly but according to the above three-level order of priority.  
Whenever the conductor duties change hands, a network outage tens of milliseconds in duration occurs. The  
conductor indicator helps the operator avoid such outages.  
This red LED remains lit for at least 10 seconds whenever the unit detects any non-fatal but unexpected internal  
When a fatal fault is detected, the fault indicator flashes for 10 seconds in combination with channel signal  
indicators to display a fault code. The unit will then attempt to reset itself to recover from the fault.  
Also on the front panel are 16 tri-color LEDs. Each one corresponds with an audio channel to indicate its relative  
signal level:  
Dim green—when the channel is transmitting or receiving audio data over the network and the audio peak  
signal level is below -40dBFS (reference: 0 dBFS equals the digital full-scale signal level). Even if the  
audio signal is muted or drastically attenuated, the LED will stay lit.  
Bright green—when the channel’s peak level is above -40dBFS (40dB below digital full scale).  
Yellow—when the signal peaks exceed -12dBFS  
Red—when the signal peaks reach -2dBFS and above.  
An output channel’s indicator will not light only if it is assigned to a network channel for which there is no input.  
In normal operation the channel signal indicators should be flashing bright green or yellow, and perhaps once  
in a while a quick flash of red. If an LED stays dim green, the signal level is too low and you’re not taking full  
advantage of the digital headroom. If an LED glows red often and for long durations, the signal level is probably  
consider the dynamic nature of the program material in judging the correct level indications.  
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A RAVE network routes audio sig-  
nals in groups or groups of 8 chan-  
nels, as the group diagram of a  
sample RAVE network illustrates  
at right. Behind the removable  
panel on the face of a RAVE unit  
are two pairs of hexadecimal  
switches (see the illustration below) for  
The left two switches assign the network  
address for the left group, which would be  
or 161, or the transmitting channels (1  
through 8) of a RAVE 88 or 188. Similarly,  
the right pair of switches assign the network address for the  
group of channels on the right, i.e., channels 9 through 16 on  
8) of a RAVE 88 or 188.  
A typical RAVE network.  
To make a receiving group of a RAVE unit receive a group of  
audio channels from a transmitting unit, set the receiving  
group’s switches to the same settings as the transmitting  
For transmission and reception, there are eight possible network channel numbers, from 01 to 08. For  
reception of non-RAVE CobraNet data, there are an additional 247 possible network channel numbers,  
from 09 to FF.  
Setting the switches to 00 shuts off the group, telling it to do no network transmission or reception.  
the RAVE network operating, and have one or more  
RAVE units transmitting (even if you don’t have any  
audio signals) on any channel(s) from 01 to 08. On a  
receiving unit attached to the network, flip through  
the channels 01 through 08. As you hit the channels  
that are being transmitted, you’ll see that the signal  
signal, or brightly, if the audio signal levels are high  
enough), and are dark whenever you’re dialed in to  
a vacant channel.  
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VI. FAQ:FrequentlyAskedQuestions  
Yes. One of the design goals of RAVE technology is that aside from the specialized RAVE devices themselves,  
all other network-related equipment is common computer equipment available from many sources, including  
local retail computer stores.  
Almost all Ethernet patch cables sold in retail stores today are CAT-5 grade, which is the minimum required for  
a RAVE network. Avoid CAT-3 cable, which is a lesser grade.  
equipment suppliers.  
No. No computer is needed for setup or operation. Not ever.  
No. The first unit to transmit on a network channel precludes all other units from transmitting on that same  
If the two audio channel groups on a single RAVE 81 or 161 are assigned to the same network address, only the  
first audio channel group (lower eight channel numbers) will be transmitted.  
You can, however, set transmitters for redundant operation, in which case you actually would set them to the  
same network channel. In that case, still, only one of the units—normally the master, unless a failure occurs,  
and then the slave unit will take over—operates at any one time. See Section IV, Connections, for more  
information on setting up RAVE units for redundant operation.  
Yes. Although more than one transmitting group cannot occupy the same network address, multiple receiving  
groups can, whether they are in the same RAVE unit or separate ones. The network behaves normally, and the  
RAVE receivers, in effect, act as a distribution amplifier or audio multi.  
We don’t recommend it. You might not have any problems if you do, but keep in mind that normal LAN traffic  
is unregulated and non-deterministic, whereas RAVE network data adheres to a rigid time schedule and packet  
size. Thus, there is always a possibility that the office traffic will impinge temporally on the RAVE system’s  
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Network channels automatically drop when available network bandwidth is exhausted. The network channels  
with the highest address numbers will be the first to be dropped. The “TX Error” indicator will light when a  
transmitting unit cannot send due to insufficient bandwidth.  
If this occurs when the network is carrying additional traffic, such as an office LAN, the unregulated LAN traffic  
of a network, use a router to isolate the RAVE portion of the network from the other network devices.  
that of the transmitting group on the same unit, the receiving channels will pass the audio signals from the  
transmitting channels on the same unit. However, the RAVE unit must be connected to an actual network, just  
as if you were receiving audio from or sending audio to other RAVE units. Of course, there wouldn’t be any point  
in passing audio from one side of a stand-alone RAVE unit to the other side, anyway.  
Unlike when you receive a block of audio channels from another RAVE device on the network, when you set the  
receiving block of a RAVE 88 or 188 to the same channel as the transmit block, the audio signal level LEDs for  
the receive block will not glow dim green.  
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Analog Audio  
Sample rate  
48 kHz  
20 bits  
20 bits  
20 bits  
A/D converters  
D/A converters  
Network transmission  
0.007% worst case,  
0.004% @ 1 kHz  
Signal to noise  
RAVE 161 and 188 inputs:  
104 dB typical; 102 dB worst  
case, 22 Hz22 kHz  
RAVE 160 and 188 outputs:  
101 dB typical; 100 dB worst  
case, 22 Hz22 kHz  
Data Format  
Standard Ethernet header  
4 byte CRC.  
Packet trailer  
Network Capacity (without unregulated traffic)  
64 channels  
Unregulated Traffic  
To maintain continuous maximum performance, we recommend that you do not share the RAVE network  
with other computer network devices. Gaps are inserted between each data packet to make the network  
robust to limited unregulated traffic. Recurring management traffic should not seriously affect the network,  
but large computer file transfers would likely cause audio dropouts.  
Group Delay  
Delay through network  
Delay Variation  
6.3 milliseconds or less  
Guaranteed ±¼ sample  
periods (±5.28 µs)  
90 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63Hz.  
No user selection of line  
voltage or frequency is  
required; the internal power  
supply automatically  
switches accordingly.  
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This diagram shows the pinout for standard unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) network cable. Both ends of the cable  
are wired identically.  
RJ-45 pinout for a standard  
Ethernet patch cable (both ends  
A crossover cable has the RX and TX wire pairs switched around at one end. There are only two likely situations  
that would require a crossover cable: to connect two RAVE devices directly, without a hub or other device in  
between; and to cascade hubs that don’t have uplink ports.  
RJ-45 pinout for an Ethernet  
crossover cable  
The wire in UTP cabling is twisted together in pairs. Rather than randomly choosing a wiring scheme for the  
networking cable, it is important to have the RX wires in one pair and the TX wires in another pair, especially  
in longer cable runs.  
Pin assignments of 9-pid female D connector:  
Pin 2: TX out  
Pin 3: RX in  
Pin 5: Ground  
Pins 1 (DCD), 4 (DSR), and 6 (DTR) are tied together. Pins 7 (RTS) and 8 (CTS) are also tied together. DCE (receives  
on TD) operation; parity bit not checked.  
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IX.Address &Telephone Information  
QSC Audio Products, Inc.  
1675 MacArthur Boulevard  
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1468 USA  
Telephone Numbers:  
Main Number  
(714) 754-6175  
Sales Direct Line (714) 957-7100  
Sales & Marketing  
(800) 854-4079  
(toll-free in U.S.A. only)  
Technical Services (714) 957-7150  
(800) 772-2834  
(toll-free in U.S.A. only)  
Facsimile Numbers:  
Sales & Marketing FAX  
(714) 754-6174  
Technical Services FAX  
(714) 754-6173  
World Wide Web:  
BBS/World Group:  
QSC OnLine Technical Support  
1200-14400 bps; 8N1  
(714) 668-7567  
(800) 856-6003  
ID: 76702,2635 or QSC_AUDIO  
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QSC Audio Products, Inc., 1675 MacArthur Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 USA PH: (714) 754-6175 FAX: (714) 754-6174  
RAVE is a trademark of QSC Audio Products, Inc. “QSCand the QSC logo are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  
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