Princeton Digital USA Carbon Monoxide Alarm SP 2300i User Manual

15 Discovery Way, Acton, MA 01720  
Phone: (978)263-3584, Fax: (978)263-5086  
Operating Instructions  
Acton Series  
0.300 Meter Focal Length Triple Grating Imaging  
Monochromator / Spectrograph  
Rev 4.09.23  
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I: Brief Introduction and SP-2300i Description  
Brief Introduction:  
This instruction manual is intended to assist you in set-up and operation of your new SP-2300i  
monochromator/spectrograph. Even if you are an experienced user of spectroscopic equipment, we suggest  
that you follow the manual (at least initially) to insure proper setup and operation. If you have any questions  
about the information contained in this manual, please feel free to contact the Princeton Instruments customer  
service department at [email protected] or (800) 874-9789 / (609) 587-9797.  
SP-2300i Description:  
The SP-2300i is a 300 mm focal length monochromator/spectrograph. It features an astigmatism corrected  
optical system, triple indexable gratings and triple grating turret. The SP-2300i includes a direct digital grating  
scan mechanism with full wavelength scanning capabilities, plus built-in USB 1.1 and RS-232 computer  
interfaces, for use with the supplied Monochromator Control Software. The Acton Advanced Series of the  
SP-2300i includes Motorized Slits at each Slit Port and a bonus Filter Wheel on the Entrance Slit.  
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II: SP-2300i Specifications  
Every SP-2300i monochromator or spectrograph includes a triple grating turret  
for 1, 2, or 3 gratings, 32-bit microprocessor controlled scanning, built-in  
RS-232 and USB interfaces, and micrometer controlled entrance slit.  
Specifications (1200g/mm Grating)  
Focal Length: 300 mm  
Aperture Ratio: f/4  
Optical Design: Imaging Czerny-Turner with  
original polished aspheric  
Optical Paths: 90° standard, 180° and multi-  
port optional  
Scan Range: 0-1400 nm mechanical range  
Operating Range: 185 nm to the far infrared  
with available gratings and  
Resolution: 0.1 nm at 435.8 nm  
Dispersion: 2.7 nm/mm (nominal)  
Accuracy: ±0.2 nm  
Figure 1. Includes a 90° optical path, Figure 2. Includes a 90° optical  
and micrometer adjustable entrance path, large 14 mm X 27 mm focal  
and exit slits.  
plane, plus sliding tube CCD  
adapter with exclusive focus-stop.  
Reproducibility: ±0.05 nm  
Drive Step Size: 0.0025 nm (nominal)  
Focal Plane Size: 27 mm wide x 14 mm  
CCD Focus Arrangement: Exclusive O-ring  
sealed sliding tube with  
unique 3-point focus  
stop/fine focus adjustment  
Detector Coverage: ~68.5nm across a 1.0”  
wide focal plane (~137 nm:  
600 g/mm grating)  
Standard Slits: Micrometer adjustable from  
10 µm to 3 mm wide. Slit  
Figure 3. Includes micrometer  
controlled dual exit slits (90° & 180°), one exit slit and one sliding CCD  
and motorized mirror for rapid,  
adapter with motorized mirror for  
computer-controlled exit slit selection. rapid, computer-controlled exit  
Figure 4. Includes dual exit ports;  
heights: 4 & 14 mm  
Grating Mount: Triple grating turret for 1, 2,  
or 3 gratings  
Interchangeable Grating Turrets: Standard  
Grating Change Time: Less than 20  
Grating Drive System: 32-bit microprocessor  
controlled direct digital  
scanning (DDS) system  
Scan Linearity: The SP-2300i scans linear  
with respect to wavelength  
13.25” long (337 mm) 10”  
wide (254 mm) 8” high  
(203 mm) 4.875” (123.8 mm)  
optical axis height  
Weight: 35 lbs (18 kg)  
Figure 5. Includes dual exit ports;  
two sliding CCD adapters with  
motorized mirror for rapid, computer-  
controlled exit port selection.  
Tested and conforms to European CE  
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III: SP-2300i Setup  
Section III-A: Unpacking and Inspection  
Carefully unpack and examine the SP-2300i and any accessories purchased.  
Note: Report any damage immediately to the carrier and to Princeton Instruments, and  
save all packing material.  
Position the monochromator where it will be used and remove all packing materials including the diverter mirror  
hold down screw if the diverter mirror option is included. Connect the power supply shipped with the SP-2300i  
to the POWER connector on the rear panel of the SP-2300i. This power supply provides +5 volts DC for the  
control logic and +24 volts DC for the motor drives. With the power supply switch in the off position, connect the  
line cord provided with the SP-2300i to the power supply and the AC line. The power supply will operate with  
line voltages between 100 and 240 volts AC, 50/60 Hz. Use the Monochromator Control Software install disk  
shipped with the monochromator to install the software on your computer. The icon for this software on your  
computer screen is labeled MonoControl. Turn on the power switch on the SP-2300i power supply and the  
monochromator should initialize to zero wavelength.  
Section III-B: Connecting the SP-2300i Monochromator/Spectrograph to the  
The SP-2300i is designed for operation by computer using RS-232 or USB, control that enables wavelength  
scanning at a pre-set linear scan rate, change of scanning speeds, grating selection, rapid GOTO wavelength  
positioning, change of grating turrets, and “jog” wavelength positioning. Figure 6 on the next page shows the  
cable connections necessary for operation from a computer through the COM ports or with USB. Refer to the  
Monochromator Control Software for Windows for operation with a computer.  
Controlling the SP-2300i with Monochromator Control Software:  
The Monochromator Control software is a stand-alone Acton Series software program for basic scanning and  
calibration. Utilities for grating updates and communications are also included. Normally, the software is  
installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Princeton Instruments\MonoControl. This directory contains the  
subdirectories Bin and Data. The Bin directory contains the executable code for the program.  
Upon installation, a Monochromator Control icon is usually placed on the desktop for starting the software. If  
this icon is not on the desktop, check for the program in the Windows Start menu\Programs or go directly to the  
MonoControl\Bin directory and start the software there. When the Monochromator Control software loads, there  
is a main screen with selections for monochromator operation and for various setup functions. (If the buttons  
are grayed out, exit the program, connect an Acton Series spectrometer, wait for the spectrometer to initialize,  
and then restart the program.) Click on the Operation button and a screen will come up which allows for basic  
control of the monochromator wavelength. All functions of this software are described in the Monochromator  
Control software manual supplied on the Monochromator Control software install CD.  
Controlling the SP-2300i Monochromator at the Command Level:  
Although it requires more programming on the user’s part, the monochromator can also be controlled with  
direct commands through its USB 1.1 port or RS-232 port. This operation is described in Section IV.  
SP-2300i Cable Connections: RS-232 or USB  
Figure 6. Details of the RS-232, USB, and Power  
Connections on the SP-2300i  
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Section III-C: Cables and Connections for SP-2300i  
The following computer cables are supplied with the SP-2300i:  
CC-499-2 IBM AT or compatible 9 pin female (DB9S) connector to 9 pin male connector (DB9P).  
USB Cable Type A to Type B.  
If neither of these cables is compatible with your system, consult Princeton Instruments for a custom cable. If  
you have facilities for constructing a custom cable, use the RS-232 pin arrangement shown in Table 1. See  
also Appendix B.  
Table 1: RS-232 Computer Interface Pin Arrangement:  
RD data from SP-2300i to computer  
TD data from computer to SP-2300i  
A terminal or RS-232 computer port must be set up as follows: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit,  
1 stop bit.  
Table 2: Power Input Pin Arrangement:  
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Section III-D: Mounting Accessories to the SP-2300i Slit Assemblies  
All Acton accessories come with their own set of instructions for proper mounting and operation. The  
instructions below are only general information. Please refer to the individual instructions for detailed  
Accessories: The full range of Acton monochromator/spectrograph accessories mount directly to the  
SP-2300i slit assemblies. To assist you in mounting accessories, a drawing of the standard slit assemblies has  
been provided in Appendix V-C. The general procedure for mounting an accessory to the slit is as follows:  
1. Place the accessory directly against the face of the slit body. Light sources normally mount on the  
entrance slit, detectors on the exit slit. Other accessories such as fiber bundles normally mount on the  
entrance slit, but are also compatible with the exit slit.  
2. Using four (4) 8-32 screws normally provided with the accessory, secure the accessory to the slit body.  
Light sources fitted with light collection/focusing optics are normally factory aligned to the standard slit.  
Note: In some instances with light sources, there is limited access to the bottom two screw  
holes. In this case, Princeton Instruments provides special slotted holes in the light source  
housing to facilitate mounting of the source to the slit.  
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Section III-E: Detector Mounting Instructions: Mounting Focal Plane Detectors to  
the SP-2300i Spectrograph  
The standard mounting flange for CCDs and diode arrays accommodates detectors with two different bolt  
circles. There are three (3) equally spaced #10-32 tapped holes on a 3.60” bolt circle, and three (3) equally  
spaced holes on a 3.88” bolt circle designed to accept #10-32 button head screws. A baffle is mounted in the  
array detector mounting flange to define the focal plane area. This baffle has two sets of mounting holes  
90 degrees apart which permit the mounting to be rotated 90 degrees to accept different array detectors.  
To mount an array detector to the SP-2300i, use the following procedure:  
1. The array detector mounting flange has a sliding tube, which fits inside the front plate of the SP-2300i.  
Note: At this point it is very important to check the focal plane distance of the array  
detector. This is the distance from the front mounting surface of the array detector to  
the actual CCD or diode array element. Because array detector focal distances vary,  
the correct distance is crucial in order to determine if a spacer is required for proper  
focus. This spacer is provided with spectrographs. If the detector focal plane distance  
falls between .67” and 1.00”, then no spacer is required.  
2. Using a 1/8” Allen wrench, loosen the two (2) set screws located at the top and side of the front plate.  
Gently slide the array detector mounting flange all the way out of the SP-2300i housing. Make sure  
that the sliding tube and O-ring are kept clean.  
3. Remove the shipping cover from the sliding tube, and the spacer if not required.  
4. Position the array detector mounting flange against the array detector, and match the hole patterns.  
When correctly positioned, the baffle aperture orientation should match the detector array orientation.  
If it does not align properly, contact Princeton Instruments.  
Note: Refer to the Detector System Manual for specific instructions on how to mount the  
array detector to the mounting flange. These instructions vary with the detector nose  
5. Fasten the array detector mounting flange to the detector, and then carefully slide this assembly back  
into the SP-2300i housing.  
6. Tighten the #10-32 set screw on the top of the front plate first, and then tighten the one on the side.  
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Section III-F: Slit Width Adjustments in the Model 716 Bilateral Slits  
The slit width of each bilateral slit assembly (716 type) is adjustable from 0.010 millimeters to 3 millimeters (10  
to 3,000 µm) by a micrometer knob located on the top of the slit housing. The micrometer knob is graduated in  
0.010 millimeter (10 µm) increments.  
Each clockwise revolution of the micrometer knob increases the slit width 0.25 millimeters (250 µm). For  
maximum reproducibility, the slit width should be set in a clockwise direction (increasing slit widths) each time it  
is changed. Refer to the drawing below.  
The micrometer knob should not be rotated below a reading of 0.00 or above 3.00. A micrometer setting of less  
than 0.010 millimeters (10 µm) should not be used, because a stop is provided to prevent the slit jaws from  
contacting each other.  
Note: Damage May Be Done If Slit Jaws Are Opened Wider Than 3.0 mm.  
Slit Width Micrometer Settings  
Slit Width Adjustable from  
10 Micrometers to 3000 Micrometers (3 mm)  
Figure 7. Slit Width Setting:  
200 Micrometers (0.200 mm)  
Figure 8. Slit Width Setting:  
1380 Micrometers (1.38 mm)  
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IV: SP-2300i Operation  
Section IV-A: Initialization  
When power is turned ON to the SP-2300i, it initializes to a wavelength of 0.0 nm for grating number 1. If the  
power is switched OFF and then ON again to the SP-2300i, it will re-initialize. Initialization gives the system a  
reference, or starting position to keep track of wavelength position, grating location, and other parameters.  
Alternative start-up parameters can be programmed if the factory defaults are not suitable (See Appendix A).  
Section IV-B: Operating the SP-2300i Using a Computer  
The Acton SP-2300i monochromator is controlled from a computer using the supplied Monochromator Control  
Software and using the RS-232 or USB interface. Princeton Instruments' WinSpec or SpectraSense  
software can be used to operate the instrument.  
Controlling the SP-2300i Monochromator at the Command Level:  
Although it requires more programming on the user’s part, the monochromator can also be controlled with  
direct commands through its USB 1.1 port or RS-232 port. The same command set, listed below, is used for  
both RS-232 and USB.  
Commands can be sent as single commands or grouped in strings of commands. All commands are single words  
(contain no spaces) and all commands in a string are separated by at least one space. Parameters, if needed,  
precede the command and are separated from the command by at least one space (e.g., 546.07 GOTO).  
For RS-232 operation, the port set-up is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. A convenient tool for  
trying out this mode of operation is the program HyperTerminal supplied with the Windows operating system.  
The USB 1.1 port with the driver supplied also shows up as and is treated like a com port although a very fast  
one. All commands or strings of commands must be terminated with a carriage return (0D hex). The  
monochromator responds to a command when the command has been completed by returning the characters  
OK followed by carriage return and line feed (hex ASCII sequence 20 6F 6B 0D 0A). The default condition is to  
echo each character that is sent to the monochromator with the RS-232 interface and to not echo the  
commands when using the USB interface. When sending a command or string of commands, it is important to  
wait for the monochromator to complete the processing of that command string before sending another  
Monochromator Wavelength Movement Commands:  
Goes to a destination wavelength at maximum motor speed. Accepts destination  
wavelength in nm as a floating point number with up to 3 digits after the decimal point  
or whole number wavelength with no decimal point.  
Same as GOTO (For compatibility with software written for previous Acton SP series  
Goes to a destination wavelength at constant nm/min rate specified by last NM/MIN  
command. Accepts destination wavelength in nm as a floating point number with up  
to 3 digits after the decimal point or whole number wavelength with no decimal point.  
Same as NM (For compatibility with software written for previous Acton SP series  
Similar to NM except it returns control to user immediately rather than waiting for  
completion of monochromator wavelength move. Can be used with ?NM or MONO-  
?DONE below. This command must be terminated with MONO-STOP listed below.  
Note: Use the NM command when communication with the monochromator during  
the scan is not required.  
Returns present wavelength in nm to 0.01nm resolution with units nm appended.  
e.g., ?NM 300.00 nm  
Used with >NM command to determine if monochromator has reached the  
destination. Returns 0 if move is not complete, 1 if move is complete.  
Stops the monochromator wavelength move after use of the >NM command.  
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Sets the scan rate in nm/min to 0.01 nm/min resolution with units nm/min  
Returns present scan rate in nm/min to 0.01 nm/min resolution with units nm/min  
Grating Control Commands:  
Places specified grating in position to the wavelength of the wavelength on the  
present grating. Up to nine (9) gratings are allowed on three (3) turrets. This  
command takes a grating number from 1 - 9. IMPORTANT NOTE: This command  
assumes that the correct turret is specified by the TURRET command. For example,  
using grating numbers 1, 4 and 7 will place the first grating on the installed turret into  
that position and call up the parameters for the grating number specified.  
Returns the number of gratings presently being used numbered 1 - 9.  
Returns the list of installed gratings with position groove density and blaze. The  
present grating is specified with an arrow.  
Specifies the presently installed turret or the turret to be installed.  
e.g., if installing the second turret, issue the command 2 TURRET to insure using the  
correct parameters.  
Returns the correctly installed turret numbered 1 - 3.  
The following command is used for grating installation by Acton part number:  
Installs new grating parameters into the non-volatile memory of the SP-2300i  
monochromator. Uses the part number of the grating to specify the parameters.  
e.g., 1-120-500 5 INSTALL places a 1200 g/mm grating blazed at 500 nm into the  
second grating position on turret number 2.  
The following commands are used for grating installation by grating parameters:  
SELECT-GRATING Specifies the grating number to be installed 1 - 9.  
Specifies groove density of grating to be installed in g/mm.  
e.g., 1200 G/MM  
Specifies the blaze wavelength and units of the grating to be installed with 7  
characters of the user’s choice. Unlike other commands, this command is issued  
before the parameters. After the command is issued, the SP-2300i responds with ““ .  
Seven characters are then entered (these may be numbers, letters, spaces or special  
Used to remove a grating and its parameters from the SP-2300i non-volatile memory.  
Diverter Control Commands:  
Designates the exit diverter mirror to receive the diverter control commands. This  
command is for Acton SP series monochromators that can accept two diverter  
mirrors. The SP-2300i monochromators will accept this command but it is not  
required in these monochromators.  
Designates the entrance diverter mirror to receive the diverter control commands.  
This command is for Acton SP series monochromators that can accept two diverter  
mirrors. The SP-2300i monochromators will not accept this command.  
Moves the designated diverter mirror to position the beam to the front port position.  
Moves the designated diverter mirror to position the beam to the side port position.  
Returns the position of the designated diverter mirror with the responses “front” and  
Returns the position of the designated diverter mirror with the responses 0 for front  
and 1 for side.  
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Slit Width Control Commands (for Motorized Slits only):  
FRONT-EXIT-SLIT Designates front exit slit to receive slit control commands.  
Note: The designation remains in effect until changed by another slit designator. This  
command does not have to be repeated until the designate d slit is changed.  
Designates side exit slit to receive slit control commands.  
FRONT-ENT-SLIT Designates front entrance slit to receive slit control commands.  
Designates side entrance slit to receive slit control commands.  
Sets the slit width for the designated slit in the range of 10 to 3000 microns to  
1 micron resolution.  
Returns the slit width setting in microns to the nearest 1 micron.  
Grating Calibration Commands:  
Sets the offset value for the designated grating. Default values are 0 for gratings 1, 4  
and 7; 1536000 for gratings 2, 5 and 8; and 3072000 for gratings 3, 6, and 9. The  
limits on the settings are +/-2500 for a 1200 g/mm grating. This corresponds to an  
error of greater than +/- 5 nm for a 1200 g/mm grating. The limits are adjusted for  
grating groove density, e.g., error for a 600 g/mm grating is +/- 5000. The grating  
density designator used with this command is grating number - 1.  
e.g., 3072056. 8 INIT-OFFSET for setting offset on grating number 9 - 3rd grating on  
turret number 3.  
Note: This command requires a decimal point after the offset value.  
Sets grating adjustment value for the designated grating. Default values are 10000 for all  
gratings. The limits on the parameter for this command are +/-1000 for all gratings. The  
grating designator used with this command is the grating number -1.  
e.g., 9993 1 INIT-GADJUST for setting gadjust on the second grating of turret number 1.  
Note: This command is to maintain compatibility with previous Acton SP series  
applications. For new applications, use the INIT-SP300-GADJUST command below.  
MONO-EESTATUS Returns setup and grating calibration parameters for all gratings.  
RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS Returns all parameters including grating calibration parameters to the  
original factory calibrated settings.  
Note: This command will overwrite any calibration parameters set by the user.  
Initializes Acton SP series monochromator. Necessary after using INIT-OFFSET,  
Same as MONO-RESET. Used to maintain compatibility with existing applications.  
Returns model number of the Acton SP series monochromator.  
e.g., MODEL SP-2358  
Returns serial number of the Acton SP series monochromator. Format is 7 digits with  
the first 3 digits being the model number. e.g., SERIAL 23060232  
The following are the Start-Up parameters and their default values:  
Default Values:  
0.0 nm SCAN SPEED 100.0 nm/min  
Selects which of the three gratings on the installed turret the SP-2300i will go to after  
finding 0.0 nm on the first grating of the installed turret.  
e.g., 2 INIT-GRATING selects the second grating as the default. Accepts values 1 -9.  
INIT-WAVELENGTH Sets an initial wavelength for the SP-2300i after initialization.  
e.g., 435.84 INIT-WAVELENGTH  
Sets an initial scan rate for the SP-2300i.  
e.g., 500.0 INIT-SRATE  
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Section IV-C: Focusing and Alignment of Array Detectors  
With the array detector properly mounted to the SP-2300i, use the following procedure to align and focus the  
array detector to the SP-2300i optical system. It is assumed that the array detection system is running with  
SpectraSense or WinSpec.  
1. Mount a light source such as a mercury pen-ray type to the entrance slit of the SP-2300i. Princeton  
Instruments offers a standard mercury lamp, Model MS-416, designed for this purpose. Any light  
source with line output can be used. If there are no “line” sources available, it is possible to use a  
broad band source such as tungsten for the alignment. If this is the case, use only a wavelength  
setting of 0.0 nm for alignment purposes.  
2. With the SP-2300i properly connected to the controller or computer, turn the power ON and move the  
spectrograph to a wavelength of 435.8 nm if using a mercury lamp, or 0.0 nm for a broad band source,  
or another wavelength corresponding to a spectrum produced by another “line” source.  
3. With the array detector operating, check the image of the light source if running in an imaging mode  
with a CCD. Otherwise check the line intensity and shape.  
4. Using a 1/8” Allen wrench, loosen the two (2) #10-32 set screws (approximately 2 turns) located on the  
top and side of the front plate, and slowly slide the array detector IN or OUT until the sharpest image is  
achieved, or the sharpest line is achieved.  
The set screws must be loose when turning the thumb wheel adjustment,  
or severe damage will occur. The distance between the edge of the array  
detector mounting flange and the instrument MUST NOT exceed .33”.  
5. Move the thumb wheel until it just makes contact with the array detector mounting flange. This enables  
you to rotate the detector without changing the focus position. Rotate the detector for correct  
alignment. The thumb wheel adjustments may be use d to precisely position the detector -one eighth  
of a turn of the thumb wheel changes the detector position by approximately 1/10th of a millimeter.  
6. After each adjustment, ensure the array detector mounting flange is in contact with the thumb wheel  
and the two (2) push screws. Tighten the #10-32 set screw on the top of the front plate first, and then  
tighten the one on the side to secure the detector.  
7. Best spectral resolution is obtained when the array detector is aligned to the SP-2300i. The light  
source can be removed if desired, and replaced by fiber optics or other light sources.  
8. If fibers or other imaging optics are used to bring light into the SP-2300i, they may require adjustment  
along the optical axis to achieve best vertical image quality.  
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Section IV-D: Converting the SP-2300i from Monochromator to Spectrograph, or  
Spectrograph to Monochromator  
Monochromator to Spectrograph: This procedure requires that you have the monochromator version,  
Model SP-2355 or SP-2357, plus the array detector mounting flange. May require a spacer.  
1. Using a 1/8” Allen wrench, loosen the two (2) #10-32 set screws located on the top and side of the  
front plate.  
2. Remove the four (4) 8-32 socket head cap screws (SHCS) which secure the exit slit to the SP-2300i  
housing. Details of the slit assemblies can be found in the drawing located in the Appendices Section.  
3. Gently slide the exit slit assembly out of the SP-2300i housing and store in a clean, dry area. An exit  
slit assembly is attached to a sliding tube which is removed along with the slit body.  
4. Slide the array detector mounting flange into the SP-2300i housing so that it rests against the housing.  
It may be necessary to turn the focus-stop thumb wheel counter clockwise so that it does not interfere  
with the array detector mounting flange.  
5. The SP-2300i has now been converted from monochromator to spectrograph.  
6. Refer to Sections III-E “Mounting Focal Plane Detectors...”, and IV-C “Focus and Aligning Array  
Detectors” for actual mounting, alignment, and focus of array detectors.  
Spectrograph to Monochromator: This procedure requires that you have the spectrograph version,  
Model SP-2356 or SP-2358, plus the Model SP-716-2 exit slit assembly. May require a spacer.  
1. Using a 1/8” Allen wrench, loosen the two (2) #10-32 set screws located on the top and side of the  
front plate.  
2. Gently slide the array detector mounting flange out of the SP-2300i housing.  
3. Remove the array detector if attached, then store the array detector mounting flange in a clean, dry  
4. Locate the Model SP-716-2 exit slit assembly, then gently slide it into the SP-2300i housing until it  
rests against the housing. Exit slit assemblies are attached to a sliding tube to fit the SP-2300i  
5. Using four (4) 8-32 socket head cap screws (SHCS), secure the slit assembly against the SP-2300i  
housing. There are four (4) tapped holes in the SP-2300i housing to facilitate mounting the exit slit.  
Note: The slit aperture is slightly offset in the slit assembly. It should be oriented so that the  
aperture is on the upper side when properly mounted to the SP-2300i. On the bilateral slits,  
the micrometer points upward. Please refer to the drawing in the Appendices section of this  
manual for correct orientation if necessary.  
6. The SP-2300i has now been converted from spectrograph to monochromator.  
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V: Appendices and Schematic Drawings  
Appendix V-A: Selecting Alternate Start-Up Parameters  
The following are the Start-Up parameters and their default values:  
0.0 nm  
100.0 nm/min  
Each of the above may be changed through the RS-232 port or USB port using the following commands.  
These values are stored in non-volatile memory and will be in effect after the next power-up.  
Selects which of the two gratings on the installed turret the SP-2300i will go to after  
finding 0.0 nm on the first grating.  
e.g., 2 INIT-GRATING selects the second grating as the default  
Sets an initial wavelength for the SP-2300i after initialization.  
e.g., 435.84 INIT-WAVELENGTH Notice that two digits after the decimal point are  
Sets an initial scan rate for the SP-2300i.  
e.g., 500.00 INIT-SRATE Notice that two digits after the decimal point are required  
The following command is used to return all grating parameters and start-up parameters to the original factory  
settings. Note: Any gratings installed at a later date (after initially receiving the SP-2300i) will be erased from  
memory using this “restore command”.  
RESTORE-FACTORY-SETTINGS Returns all parameters, including grating calibration parameters, to the  
original factory calibrated settings. Note: This command will overwrite any calibration  
parameters set by the user.  
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Appendix V-B: Cable Connection Diagrams - Monochromators & Spectrographs  
to Computer  
Figure 9. RS-232 Cable Wiring  
Figure 10. Cable Connections (Back Panel)  
Power connection +5 and +24 Volts  
USB HUB USB Hub 1.1 compatible.  
USB connection to computer.  
RS-232 connection to computer.  
Ready light is on when the instrument is ready to operate. (Green light comes on after the  
instrument initializes. Yellow = busy)  
Com light flashes when communicating with the computer.  
DSP connection to connect two monochromators as doubles.  
SHT TTL connection for TTL control of shutter.  
Filter driver connection for Acton FA-2448 Filter Wheel  
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Appendix V-C: Standard Slit Assembly Drawing  
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Appendix V-D: Accessories Listing  
SP-2300i Monochromators & Spectrographs  
SP-2300i, 300mm Monochromator: Micrometer adjustable entrance/exit slits, 90° optical  
path, internal image correction with original polished aspheric optics, a triple grating turret,  
exclusive SpectraDrive™ stepping motor scanning system with 32-bit microprocessor control,  
RS-232 and USB computer interfaces, plus scan control software for Windows. Computer with  
RS-232 or USB and gratings are required for operation.  
SP-2300i, 300mm Spectrograph: Same as above Model SP-2355, except with micrometer  
controlled entrance slit, 14mm X 27mm focal plane, sliding tube CCD adapter with exclusive  
focus stop and standard multichannel detector adapter flange. Provides a 90° optical path.  
SP-2300i, 300mm Dual Exit Port Monochromator: Same as SP-2355, except with  
micrometer controlled entrance slit, two micrometer controlled exit slits and a motorized exit  
port selection mirror. Provides 90° and 180° optical paths.  
SP-2300i, 300mm Monochromator/Spectrograph: Same as SP-2355, except with  
micrometer controlled entrance and exit slits 180° apart, motorized port selection mirror and  
multichannel detector adapter on 90° port.  
SP2300i, 300mm Spectrograph: Same as SP-2358, except with side exit port fitted for  
second multichannel detector adapter (detector adapters on 90° and 180° exit ports). Make(s)  
and Model(s) of both array detectors and positions must be provided. For example: Princeton  
Instruments PIXIS:400BR on front exit and Photometrics Cascade II:512 on side exit.  
Slit Assemblies: Bilaterally Adjustable  
Bilaterally adjustable ENTRANCE slit assembly for SP-2300i monochromator or  
spectrograph. Micrometer adjustable widths from 10 µm to 3 mm. Supplied with  
interchangeable 4.0 mm and 14.0 mm high baffles.  
Bilaterally adjustable EXIT slit assembly with adapter for SP-2300i monochromator.  
Micrometer adjustable widths from 10 µm to 3 mm. Supplied with interchangeable 4.0 mm and  
14.0 mm high baffles.  
Triple Grating Turret  
Interchangeable triple grating turret for the SP-2300i. Requires gratings. Optional second  
and third turrets.  
Other Acton Series Monochromators & Spectrographs  
The Acton Series of instruments are also available in 300, 500, and 750 mm focal lengths, each with multiple  
configurations. Contract your sales engineer or visit our website www. for details.  
Light Sources  
Sources with 220 V, 50 Hz area also available in all models.  
Low Pressure Mercury Light Source with power supply and mounting flange for Acton  
series monochromators and spectrographs. Provides output at typical mercury wavelengths  
(line output).  
30 Watt Deuterium Light Source with housing, power supply, mounting flange, and light  
collection mirror. Provides output from 190 to 350 nm.  
30 Watt Tungsten-Halogen Light Source with housing, power supply, mounting flange, and  
light collection mirror. Provides output from 350 nm to >2.0 µm  
250 Watt Tungsten-Halogen Light Source with housing, AC power supply, mounting flange,  
variable brightness control and light collection mirror. Provides output from 350 nm to >2.0 µm.  
Same as TS-428 with Regulated DC Power Supply.  
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Dual Light Source with 30 watt deuterium & 30 watt tungsten-halogen lamps. Includes  
housing with light collection mirror, mounting flange, and power supply. Provides combined  
output from 190 to >2.0 µm.  
75 Watt Xenon Light Source includes power supply, housing, mounting flange and light  
collection mirror. Provides continuous spectral output from 190 nm to 750 nm and declining  
continuum out to 2.6 µm.  
Detectors and Accessories: All detectors include mounting flanges for Acton Series and SpectraPro  
slit assemblies.  
Universal Photomultiplier Tube Housing for standard 1 1/8" side window photomultiplier  
tubes. Requires side window PMT, and photometer/power supply for operation. Accepts  
Acton tubes P1, P2 or P3 below, or customer specified 1 1/8” side window PMTs.  
Same as PD-438 above, also includes integrated light tight shutter.  
Photomultiplier Tube Housing for 1 /8-inch tubes with built in HV supply. Only for  
Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region 185-650 nm.  
Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.  
Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region from 185-900 nm.  
Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.  
Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region from 300-1100 nm.  
Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.  
General-purpose Single Channel Detector with a 10 mm diameter active area for use from  
400 to 1100 nm. Enclosed in housing with the BNC connector.  
Single Channel Detector with a UV-enhanced, 10 mm diameter active area for use from 200  
to 1100 nm operation.  
Source Compensation Accessory with UV silicon photocell (positive current) and housing  
with beam splitter that redirects a portion of the beam to the UV silicon photocell.  
Compensates for source fluctuations at a target wavelength. Mounts on the exit slit of a  
monochromator that is used for illumination.  
InGaAs Detector, includes pre-amplifier, uncooled version.  
InGaAs Detector, includes pre-amplifier, cooled version, requires either Model 442-1A  
thermoelectric cooling for operation.  
442-1 A  
Thermoelectric cooling for ID-441 detectors.  
SpectraHub data acquisition system, 20-bit A-D converter, single channel detector  
interface. Requires SpectraSense software.  
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Filter Wheels and Order Sorting Filter Assemblies  
Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly. Manual sample indexing, holds up to six samples,  
each 1.0” diameter; automated via SP Control Cable. Can be used with the SP-2300i.  
Requires FA-2448-F Filter Set or customer-supplied filters of 25 mm (1 inch) diameter and  
5 mm or less in thickness.  
Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes FA-2448-F Filter Set with 320, 590, 665, and  
715 nm filters mounted in FA-2448 filter wheel. Manual indexing of filters for elimination of  
unwanted second order radiation; automated via SP Control Cable. Can be used with the  
Motorized Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly, with stepping motor and FA-2448-4  
controller. Enables indexing by computer with RS-232 or USB. Requires computer with  
RS-232 or USB for computerized operation. Set or customer-supplied filters of 25 mm (1 inch)  
diameter and 5 mm or less in thickness. For the older SP-300-M and SP-300-S models.  
Motorized Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes FA-2448-F Filter Set with 320, 590, 665,  
and 715 nm filters mounted in FA-2448 filter wheel. Enables computer controlled indexing of  
order sorting filters for elimination of unwanted second order radiation. Requires computer  
with RS-232 or USB for operation. Requires FA-2448-F Filter Set. For the older SP-300-M  
and SP-300-S models.  
Controller Only for FA-2448 or 2448-1 filter wheel assemblies. Retrofit kit which enables  
changing the FA-2448 or 2448-1 from manual to computer controlled indexing. Requires  
FA-2448 type filter wheel and computer with RS-232 or USB for operation. May require  
FA-2448-F Filter Set.  
Order Sorting Filter Set. Includes four filters: 320, 590, 665, and 715 nm.  
Fiber Optic Light Guides: All Fiber optic light guides contain 19 fibers, 200 µm diameter, arranged in a  
line pattern at the slit end, and round at the source end.  
LG-455-020-1 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 190 nm to 1100 nm. Requires mount.  
LG-455-020-3 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 190 nm to 1100 nm. Requires mount.  
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 400 nm to 2200 nm. Requires mount.  
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 400 nm to 2200 nm. Requires mount.  
Fixed-Position Fiber Adapter is a low-cost solution for positioning fiberoptic bundles directly  
at the entrance (or exit) ports of SpectraPro spectrometers. Accepts 10 mm diameter ferrule.  
Fiber Coupler with horizontal translation capability for 10 mm diameter fiber optic bundle.  
Accepts 10 mm diameter ferrule.  
Fiber Coupler with X-Y Micrometer alignment adjustments. Accepts 10 mm diameter ferrule.  
Imaging Fiber Adapter is designed specifically for our imaging spectrometers. The all-  
reflective design eliminates chromatic aberrations and the aspheric mirror cancels  
astigmatism, allowing precise imaging of fibers at the spectrograph entrance slit. Includes  
up/down, left/right screw alignment adjustments. Accepts 10 mm diameter ferrule. Also  
includes a 0.75” thick spacer to insert an optional FA-2448 series Filter Wheel for order  
sorting function.  
Connecting Cables  
Cable for IBM-PC AT or compatible computer. 9 pin female connector to 9 pin male  
3650-USB-06 USB cable. Type A to B  
If the above cables are not compatible with your system, contact Princeton Instruments for a custom cable.  
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Appendix V-E: Gratings for SP-2300i  
Blaze Wavelength  
Standard Part Mechanical  
11.2 um  
5.6 um  
600 nm  
8 um  
300 nm  
500 nm  
800 nm  
1.2 um  
4 um  
300 nm  
500 nm  
750 nm  
1 um  
1.2 um  
2 um  
Blazed Holographic, 190-450 nm, optimum range  
150 nm  
300 nm  
500 nm  
750 nm  
1 um  
1.2 um  
1.6 um  
150 nm  
2.8 um  
Holographic, 450- mechanical limit, optimum range  
††† Holographic, 190-466 nm, optimum range  
Gold, Silver and Acton Exclusive VUV Reflective  
Coated Optics are available on Request.  
Standard Gratings are 68 X 68 mm. For 68 X 84 mm  
Gratings, replace leading "1" with "2" in part number.  
1400 nm  
Blazed Holographic UV 1-120-HUV  
300 nm  
Holographic VIS ††  
500 nm  
750 nm  
Blazed Holographic UV 1-180-HUV  
933 nm  
700 nm  
500 nm  
150 nm  
240 nm  
Blazed Holographic UV 1-240-HUV  
Holographic VIS ††  
130 nm  
466 nm  
240 nm  
Holographic UV †††  
Ordering Information  
Electronic Orders  
MasterCard / VISA  
Electronic orders accepted with proper Company  
Letterhead and complete contact information.  
MasterCard & VISA accepted for purchases.  
Written Orders  
Submit all written orders to our mailing address:  
Fax Orders  
Princeton Instruments-Acton  
15 Discovery Way  
Acton, MA 01720 U.S.A.  
Orders may be placed by fax with written confirmation.  
Please include complete name and address with these orders.  
FAX: (978) 263-5086  
Orders accepted subject to current pricing.  
All orders FOB Princeton Instruments-Acton or shipping  
charges & insurance added separately.  
All orders subject to new customer approval.  
SpectraPro® is a registered trademark of Acton Research Corporation •  
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Appendix V-F: Certification and Warranty  
Princeton Instruments certifies that this instrument was thoroughly tested and found to meet the specifications  
furnished by Princeton Instruments when it was shipped from the factory.  
Princeton Instruments instruments and accessories are warranted for a period of one full year from date of  
delivery to be free from defects in material and to conform to the specifications furnished by Princeton  
Instruments. The company's obligation under this warranty is limited to servicing or adjusting an instrument  
returned to the factory, prepaid, and to repairing or replacing at the factory any part or parts thereof. All  
purchased items carry the original manufacturers warranty.  
Princeton Instruments shall not be liable for consequential damages resulting from accident, alteration, misuse,  
improper installation, operation on low or excessive voltages or any use in violation of the operating instructions  
furnished by Princeton Instruments.  
If any defect appears within the warranty period, the purchaser shall promptly notify Princeton Instruments. No  
material will be accepted for repair or replacement without prior authorization from Princeton Instruments.  
Upon such authorization and in accordance with instructions of Princeton Instruments, parts, materials or  
equipment for which repair or replacement is requested shall be returned to Princeton Instruments for  
examination, with shipping charges prepaid by the purchaser. Final determination as to whether a product or  
part is actually defective rests with Princeton Instruments.  
In such cases where necessary repairs are not covered by this warranty, an estimate of repair charges will be  
submitted to the purchaser before servicing the equipment.  
Princeton Instruments reserves the right to make changes or improvements upon its products without imposing  
any obligations upon itself to install the same upon its products previously manufactured.  
This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Princeton Instruments, and  
Princeton Instruments neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person to assume for them, other obligations  
or liability in connection with the sale of equipment manufactured by Princeton Instruments  
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Appendix V-G: Drawings  
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