Pride Mobility Wheelchair PMV 500 User Manual

Exeter, PA  
St. Catharines, ON  
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C O N T E N T S  
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5  
II. SAFETY ......................................................................................................................................... 6  
III. EMI/RFI .......................................................................................................................................... 9  
IV. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 11  
V. DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 13  
VI. BATTERIES AND CHARGING ............................................................................................ 16  
VII. OPERATION............................................................................................................................... 20  
VIII.COMFORT ADJUSTMENTS................................................................................................ 22  
IX. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................... 24  
X. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES................................................................................................. 27  
XI. BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................. 28  
XII. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................ 29  
XIII.WARRANTY................................................................................................................................ 31  
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C O P Y R I G H T  
Pride cannot be held responsible for any damage or injury incurred due to improper or unsafe use of a Hurricane  
PMV. Nor can Pride be held responsible for any damage or injury incurred during or resulting from attempts to  
follow the instructions and recommendations set forth in this owner's manual or in any of the instructions displayed  
on or accompanying the product itself. If you do not feel capable of safely following any of the instructions and  
recommendations pertaining to your Hurricane PMV, please contact your authorized Pride provider.  
Copyright © 2000  
Pride Mobility Products Corp.  
Hurricane PMV  
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I . I N T R O D U C T I O N  
Welcome to Pride Mobility Products Corporation (Pride). Congratulations on the purchase of your new Hurricane  
PMV. The Hurricane PMVdesign combines the most advanced state-of-the-art components with modern, attrac-  
tive styling. We are certain that the design features and trouble-free operation of your new Hurrican PMVwill add  
convenience to your daily living.  
At Pride, your safety is important to us. Please read and follow all of the instructions in this manual before  
you attempt to operate your Hurricane PMV for the first time. These instructions were produced for your  
benefit.Your understanding of these instructions is essential for the safe operation of your new Hurricane PMV.  
This owner’s manual is compiled from the latest specifications and product information available at the time of  
publication. We reserve the right to make changes as they become necessary.Any changes to our products may  
cause slight variations between the illustrations and explanations in this manual and the product you purchased.  
As an owner of a Pride product, you are invited to register your product’s warranty and enroll in the Pride Owners  
Club.You may do so by filling out and returning your enclosed registration card or by visiting Pride’s web site at As a registered member, each time you visit our site, you will have access to the most  
interactive and honest educational venue available today for people with mobility needs, their families, and friends.  
From the cover page of our site, click on the button that reads “Owners Club” to enter a page dedicated to current  
and potential Pride product owners. You will gain access to interviews, stories, recreation ideas, daily living tips,  
product and funding information, and interactive message boards. On these message boards you are invited to  
speak with other Pride customers as well as Pride representatives who are available to assist you with any ques-  
tions or concerns you may have. You will receive a free gift simply for registering with the Pride Owners Club.  
We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions about this manual. We would also like to hear about  
the safety and reliability of your new Hurricane PMV, as well as about the service you received from your Pride  
provider.Also, notify us of any change of address, so we can keep you apprised of important information about  
safety, new products, and new options that can increase your ability to use and enjoy your Hurricane PMV. Please  
feel free to write us at the address below:  
Pride Mobility Products Corporation  
Attn:Technical Service Department  
182 SusquehannaAvenue  
Exeter, PA18643-2694  
If you experience any problems with your Hurricane PMV that you are not able to solve, or if you do not feel  
confident in your ability to perform any of the instructions contained in this manual, please contact your local Pride  
provider. Once you understand how to operate and take care of your Hurricane PMV, we are certain that it will  
give you years of trouble-free service and enjoyment.  
The PrideTeam  
Hurricane PMV  
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I I . S A F E T Y  
After beginning to use your Hurricane PMV on a daily basis, you may encounter situations that, at first, may require  
some practice to negotiate on your PMV. With a little bit of patience and practice, you will soon be able to achieve  
total control through doorways, elevators, up and down ramps, and over grass and gravel.  
Determine if the door opens toward or away from you. Use your hand to turn the knob or push the handle or push-  
bar. Drive your Hurricane PMV gently and slowly forward to push the door open; or drive our Hurricane PMV  
gently and slowly backwards to pull the door open.  
Modern elevators have a door-edge safety mechanism that, when pushed, will reopen the elevator door(s). If you  
are in the doorway of an elevator when the door(s) begin to close, push on the rubber door edge or allow the  
rubber door edge to contact the PMV and the door will reopen. Use care that pocketbooks, packages, or  
Hurricane PMV accessories do not become caught in the elevator doors.  
Ramps and Other Inclines  
An increasing number of buildings have ramps for PMV access. There may be a turning switchback in the middle  
of the ramp which may require proficient cornering skills. Take wide swings with your front wheels around any tight  
corners, so the back wheels will trace a wide arc and not shortcut the corner. When going down a ramp, it is best  
to keep your speed dial set to the slowest speed setting to ensure a safely controlled descent.Avoid sudden stops  
on any incline.  
Rough Terrain  
Your Hurricane PMV is designed to operate on grass, gravel, and hills. However, you must not exceed the recom-  
mendations in this manual. Safety must always come first. If you are uncertain about a situation, avoid it. Feel free  
to use your Hurricane PMV on lawns or in park areas, but avoid tall grass. Packed gravel, such as in driveways or  
on roads will not present a problem, but avoid loosely packed gravel or sand. The power of your Hurricane PMV  
will enable you to climb hills, but to ensure proper stability, do not exceed the specifications listed below.  
150-200 lbs. 250-300 lbs.  
Hurricane PMV  
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I I . S A F E T Y  
The controlled tests show that, when you approach an incline, it is best to lean forward. See figures 2 and 3. This  
shifts the center of gravity of you and your Hurricane PMV toward the front of the PMV for improved stability.  
Your Hurricane PMVwas designed to provide optimum stability under normal driving conditions; dry, level sur-  
faces composed of concrete or asphalt. However, Pride recognizes that there will be times when you will operate  
your scooter on surfaces other than concrete or asphalt. For that reason, we also designed your Hurricane PMV  
to perform admirably on packed soil, grass, and gravel.  
! Feel free to use your Hurricane PMV safely on lawns and in park areas.  
! Avoid tall grass that can entangle the running gear.  
! Packed soil, gravel, driveways, or roads will not present a problem for your Hurricane PMV.  
! Avoid loosely packed gravel and sand.  
! If you feel unsure about a driving surface, avoid that surface.  
WARNING! Do not exceed the incline guidelines or any other specifications presented  
in this manual.  
WARNING! Failure to follow these safety precautions may result in serious personal in-  
jury! You may also put others around you at risk!  
! Do not operate your Hurricane PMV without completely reading and understanding this manual.  
! Do not insert the key into the control console unless you are on the seat and ready to use the vehicle. Remem-  
ber to remove the key when you get off the vehicle. This eliminates the possibility of accidentally depressing the  
throttle control lever and causing an accident.  
! Do not operate your Hurricane PMV while you are under the influence of alcohol.  
Hurricane PMV  
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I I . S A F E T Y  
! Never use your Hurricane PMVas a seat in a moving vehicle.Your Hurricane PMVis not designed to be used  
as such and cannot protect you in the event of an automobile accident or an abrupt stop.  
! Do not carry passengers on your Hurricane PMV under any circumstances.  
! Never drive your Hurricane PMV across the side of a hill or diagonally up or down a hill; do not stop, if  
possible, while driving up or down an incline.  
! Do not exceed the specifications in this manual.  
! Always protect batteries from freezing temperatures and never charge a frozen battery; this damages the  
battery and may cause personal injury. Attempting to charge a battery in freezing conditions does not prevent  
the battery from freezing.  
! Keep both hands on the tiller and your feet on the floorboard at all times while operating your Hurricane PMV.  
This recommended driving position gives you the most control over your vehicle.  
! Make certain that the seat is locked into place and the key is removed from the key switch before getting on or  
off of your Hurricane PMV; make certain that the seat is in a locked position when you are operating your  
Hurricane PMV.  
! Use extreme caution when driving on busy streets, in parking lots, or in shopping malls.  
! Proceed with extreme caution when driving near raised surfaces or unprotected ledges or drop-offs (curbs,  
porches, stairs, etc.).  
! Disconnect the batteries if you are not going to operate your Hurricane PMV for more than 48 hours.  
! Consult your physician or pharmacist if you are taking any medication(s) that may affect your ability to coher-  
ently operate your Hurricane PMV. Your Hurricane PMVis a motorized vehicle that requires coherent mental  
judgment and unimpaired reflexes.  
! Check the tire pressure frequently and make sure they are inflated to 30 psi. Your Hurricane PMV was  
designed for optimum performance and stability at this tire pressure.  
! Secure the batteries before loading your Hurricane PMV into another vehicle for transport.  
! Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds. Wash hands after handling.  
WARNING! Do not expose the electronics to any type of moisture at any time (rain, snow,  
mist, or washing the Hurricane PMV). Such exposure can damage the electronics. Never  
attempt to ride a Hurricane PMV that has been exposed to moisture until it has dried  
WARNING! Do not operate or store the Hurricane PMV where it may be exposed to inclem-  
ent weather conditions such as rain, snow, mist, and below-freezing temperatures (such  
as storage on an outside car/van lift). Attempting to operate the Hurricane PMV in such  
conditions can damage the electronics and potentially result in loss of control.  
WARNING! Do not operate a Hurricane PMV in icy or slippery conditions or on salted  
surfaces (i.e., walks or roads). Such use may result in an accident, personal injury, or  
adversely affect the performance and/or safety of your Hurricane PMV.  
WARNING! Always protect batteries from freezing temperatures and never charge a fro-  
zen battery. This damages the battery and may cause personal injury. Attempting to  
charge a battery in freezing conditions does not prevent a battery from freezing.  
Hurricane PMV  
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I I I . E M I / R F I  
WARNING! Radio waves may interfere with the control of your Hurricane PMV.  
Radio waves can cause unintended motion of Hurricane PMVs. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic  
energy (EM). When this energy unintentionally affects the operation of an electronic device, itiscalledElectromag-  
netic Interference (EMI) or Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).  
The following FAQs summarize what you should know about EMI/RFI.You may use this information to minimize  
the risk that EMI/RFI will affect your Hurricane PMV.  
Where do radio waves come from?  
Radio waves are emitted from the antennas of cellular phones, mobile two-way radios (like walkie-talkies), radio  
stations, TV stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, wireless computer links, microwave sources, and paging  
transmitters. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic energy. Because EM is more intense closer to the trans-  
mitting antenna (source of emission), the EM fields from two-way radios are of special concern.  
If my Hurricane PMV is affected by EMI/RFI, what kind of motion should I expect?  
This is difficult to predict. It would depend on a number of factors, including:  
! Strength of the radio waves.  
! Construction of the Hurricane PMV.  
! Position of the Hurricane PMV (whether it is on level ground or on a slope).  
! Whether or not the Hurricane PMV is in motion.  
An affected Hurricane PMV’s movement can be erratic. It may move by itself or come to a sudden stop. Further-  
more, it is possible for EMI/RFI to unexpectedly release the brakes on a Hurricane PMV. Some intense sources  
of EMI/RFI can even damage the control system.  
Is there any way to know for sure whether radio waves are responsible for the unintended motion of my  
Hurricane PMV?  
Unfortunately, interference from radio wave sources may be difficult to recognize, since the signals from these  
sources are invisible and may be intermittent. However, you should report all incidents of unintended motion or  
brake release to the Hurricane PMV manufacturer and, if possible, note whether there was a radio wave source  
nearby at the time of the incident.  
Has anyone been hurt from erratic, unintended motion of personal mobility vehicles?  
There are reports of injuries that resulted from the uncontrolled motion of PMVs. However, it is unclear how many  
of these incidents were actually caused by radio wave interference.  
Are all personal mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI?  
Each make and model differs in its ability to resist electromagnetic interference. That is, each has a particular level  
of “immunity” to interference, measured in volts per meter (V/m).Ahigher immunity level offers greater protection.  
In other words, a PMV with a high immunity level is less likely to be affected by a strong radio source than one with  
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I I I . E M I / R F I  
What can I do to find out if my Hurricane PMV is likely to beAffected by EMI/RFI?  
If you’ve had your Hurricane PMV for a long time and haven’t experienced any unintended motion, it’s not likely  
that you’ll have problems in the future. But it’s always possible that problems could arise if you are close to a source  
of radio waves. Therefore, it is very important to be alert to this possibility. If you want to find out how well your  
Hurricane PMV is protected against EMI/RFI, you can contact the manufacturer and ask about its immunity level.  
What can I do to reduce the risk that my Hurricane PMV could beAffected by EMI/RFI?  
Here are some precautions you can take:  
! Do not turn on or use hand-held personal communications devices, such as citizens band (CB) radios and  
cellular phones while the Hurricane PMV is on.  
! Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations and hand-held or mobile two-way radios, and  
try not to come close to them. For example, if you are in a Hurricane PMV with an immunity level of 20 V/m,  
you should remain at least three feet from a hand-held two-way radio and ten feet from a mobile two-way  
! Be aware that adding accessories and/or components, or modifying the Hurricane PMV may make it more  
susceptible to interference from radio wave sources. There is no easy way to evaluate their effect upon the  
overall immunity of the Hurricane PMV.  
What should I do if my Hurricane PMV moves unexpectedly?  
If unintended motion or brake release occurs, turn the Hurricane PMV off as soon as it is safe to do so.  
If my Hurricane PMV moves unexpectedly, where should I report this?  
Call Pride Mobility Products Corporation at 1-800-800-8586 to report the incident.  
Hurricane PMV  
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I V . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S  
Model Numbers  
PMV-500: (Candy Apple Red), PMV-501 (Forest Green), PMV-502 (Viper Blue),  
PMV-503 (Mercury Silver), PMV-505 (Onyx Black)  
Type: Pneumatic  
Front: 4in. x 13in.  
Rear: 4in. x 13in.  
300 lbs. Maximum  
Weight capacity  
Choice of:  
Two 12 volt, 32 AH, U-1 type, SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid) or  
Two 12 volt, 40 AH, U-1 type, SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid)  
Battery Type (Batteries not  
2.0 hp (peak)  
Onboard 5-amp charger  
Variable up to 8 mph  
Please refer to figure 1.  
Speed (max)  
Maximum grade  
20-25 miles per charge with 32 AH batteries  
25-30 miles per charge with 40 AH batteries  
Turning radius  
Body colors  
Painted: Candy Apple Red, Forest Green, Viper Blue, Mercury Silver, or Onyx Black  
Style: High back w/headrest and sliders  
Dimensions: 19.5in. width (usable) x 25in. to 28in. height (usable) x 18.5in. depth  
Seat Cover Material: Vinyl; Gray, Brown, or Beige  
Armrests: Match  
User Adjustable seat height from ground: 25.5 in. to 28.5 in.  
User Adjustable seat height from scooter deck: 18 in. to 21 in.  
Included Features  
Sliding seat, Slime tire sealant, energy-saving auto shutoff feature, height adjustable  
armrests, front and rear suspension, front basket, rearview mirror, full light package,  
front and rear bumpers  
Electronic regenerative braking and electromechanical disc brake  
Sealed transaxle, 24 VDC motor  
Rear Wheel Drive  
Pride Micro-Mag aluminum alloy wheels in black, red, or gold  
Infinitely adjustable between forward stop and scooter deck  
Freewheel release lever located on transaxle  
Tiller Type  
Free Wheel mechanism  
Weight of Scooter  
Weight of Hurricane (with two 12V 40AH batteries = 234.5 lbs.)  
Weight of Hurricane (with two 12V 32AH batteries = 219.5 lbs.)  
Weight of Hurricane (without batteries = 169.5 lbs.)  
Component breakdown:  
Front section:  
Rear section (without batteries or rear shroud):  
Rear plastic shroud:  
61.5 lbs.  
68.5 lbs.  
3.5 lbs.  
36.0 lbs.  
Batteries: (two batteries are required per scooter):  
12 volt, 40 AH 32.5 lbs. each.  
12 volt, 32 AH 25.0 lbs. each.  
Lock pin and lever system  
6 in.  
Ground Clearance  
Cup holder, rear basket, rear bumper, dust cover, flag  
Optional Accessories  
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I V . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S  
25" - 28"  
8" - 12"  
17" - 21"  
55 1  
18 1  
24"- 281  
Turning Radius  
25 "  
Hurricane PMV  
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V . D E S C R I P T I O N  
This assembly houses all of the controls you need to drive your Hurricane PMV.  
WARNING! Keep the console free from moisture. In the event that the console becomes  
exposed to moisture, do not attempt to operate the Hurricane PMV until it has been dried  
Battery Condition Meter  
Whenever you have the key fully inserted, this meter gives an approximate reading of your Hurricane PMV’s  
battery voltage. See figure 6.  
Horn Button  
The key must be fully inserted into the key switch for the horn to be operational. This button activates a warning  
horn. Do not hesitate to use the warning horn when its use could prevent accident or injury. See figure 6.  
Throttle Control Lever  
This lever allows you to control the forward speed and the reverse speed of your Hurricane PMV up to the maximum  
speed you preset with the speed adjustment dial. Place your right hand on the right handgrip and your left hand on the  
left handgrip. Use your right thumb to push the right side of the lever to disengage your Hurricane PMV’s brake and  
move forward. Release the lever and allow your Hurricane PMV to come to a complete stop before pushing the other  
side of the lever to move in reverse. When the throttle is completely released, it automatically returns to the center  
(stop) position and engages your Hurricane PMV’s brake. See figure 6.  
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V . D E S C R I P T I O N  
Speed Adjustment Dial  
This control dial allows you to preselect and limit your Hurricane PMV’s top speed. The image of the tortoise  
represents the slowest speed setting. The image of the hare represents the fastest speed setting. See figure 6.  
Key Switch  
To turn the Hurricane PMVon, fully insert the key. To turn the Hurricane PMVoff, pull the key out. See figure 6.  
4 mph - 8 mph Switch  
This switch limits the Hurricane PMV’s top speed to either 4 or 8 mph. See figure 6.  
Light Switch  
This switch operates the headlight, and also operates the operational taillights. See figure 6.  
Hazard Light Switch  
The hazard light switch operates the amber hazard lights on both the front and back of the Hurricane PMV. See  
figure 6.  
The utility tray is located in the rear of the Hurricane PMV under the rear shroud. See figure 7. The rear shroud is  
secured in place by small reusable fastener strips.  
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V . D E S C R I P T I O N  
OnBoard Battery Charger  
The battery charger is located in the left corner of the utility tray. See figure 7. This is a gray colored plastic box  
with a green LED indicator on the exterior of the case. The main power cord extends from the charger and should  
be coiled to the side of the trunk. Use the reusable fastener strap to coil the power cord.  
To ensure that the charger and its power cord do not become damaged, exercise caution when storing personal  
items in the electronics module .Also be aware that the battery charger could warm up during battery charging.  
Electronic Controller Module  
The electronic controller module is on the right side of the utility tray. See figure 7. This controller receives direc-  
tions from the control console assembly and sends power to the motor, the brakes, and the lighting system.  
WARNING! Keep the electronic controller module free from moisture. In the event that  
the electronics become exposed to moisture, do not attempt to operate the Hurricane  
PMV until it has been dried thoroughly.  
Main Circuit Breaker  
When the voltage in your Hurricane PMV’s batteries becomes low and your Hurricane PMVis heavily strained  
because of excessive loads or steep inclines, the main circuit breaker may trip to protect your Hurricane PMV’s  
motor and electronics from damage. The main circuit breaker is mounted on the electronic controller assembly.  
See figure 7. The main circuit breaker reset button pops out when the breaker trips. When the breaker trips, the  
entire electrical system of your Hurricane PMV is shut down.Allow a minute or so for your Hurricane PMV’s  
electronics to “rest.” Push in the reset button to reset the breaker. If the breaker trips frequently, you may need to  
charge your batteries more often. You may also need to have your Hurricane PMV dealer perform a load test on  
your Hurricane PMV’s batteries. If the main circuit breaker trips repeatedly, see your authorized Pride provider for  
The ammeter is located on the utility tray. See figure 7. You can check the charge level of the batteries by the  
ammeter. The battery charger must be plugged into a power outlet to obtain a reading. When the amperage reading  
is at or near zero (0) amps, the battery charging is complete.  
Anti-Tip Wheels  
The anti-tip wheels are a vital safety feature of your Hurricane PMV. Never remove the anti-tip wheels. They  
prevent the Hurricane PMV from tipping backwards on an incline. See figure 7.  
Handbrake (Optional)  
The handbrake lever is located on the tiller handle. It offers additional stopping power. You must release the  
throttle when using this brake, otherwise the Hurricane PMV may not come to a complete stop.  
Manual Freewheel Lever  
When you need to push your Hurricane PMV for short distances, you can place it in manual freewheel mode. The  
manual freewheel lever is located on the end of the motor assembly (right rear of the PMV). Pull this lever up to  
disable the drive system. The motor is also electrically disengaged from the control box and will not run when you  
press the throttle lever. See figure 7.  
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V I . B A T T E R I E S A N D C H A R G I N G  
How does the charger work?  
When your Hurricane PMV’s battery voltage is low, the charger works extra and sends more electrical current to  
the batteries to bring up their charge.As the voltage of the batteries approaches a full charge, the charger works  
less to complete the charging cycle by sending less and less electrical current to the batteries. When the batteries  
are fully charged, the current being sent to them from the charger is at nearly zero amperage. Therefore, when the  
charger is plugged in, it maintains the charge on your Hurricane PMV’s batteries, but it does not overcharge them.  
We do not recommend that you charge your Hurricane PMV’s batteries for more than 24 consecutive hours.  
What does the LED on the charger indicate?  
The green LED turns on after the batteries have been fully charged. In some instances, the green LED may stay on  
after the charger has been unplugged from the wall outlet.Although users may perceive this as a charger malfunc-  
tion, it is a normal condition. The green LED goes off when the batteries reach 26 VDC, which may take a few  
Can I use a different charger?  
For the safest, most efficient, and balanced charging of your Hurricane PMV’s batteries, we prefer and highly  
recommend the simultaneous charging of both batteries by use of the onboard battery charger.  
How often must I charge the batteries?  
Two major factors must be considered when deciding how often to charge your Hurricane PMV’s batteries.  
! All day PMV use on a daily basis.  
! Infrequent or sporadic PMV use.  
With these considerations in mind, you can determine just how often and for how long you should charge your  
Hurricane PMV’s batteries. We designed the onboard charger so that it does not overcharge your PMV’s batter-  
ies (do not charge them for more than 24 consecutive hours). However, you may encounter some problems if you  
do not charge your batteries often enough and if you do not charge them on a regular basis. Follow the five  
guidelines below to provide safe and reliable battery operation and charging.  
! If you use your Hurricane PMV daily, charge its batteries as soon as you finish using it for the day. Your  
Hurricane PMVwill be ready each morning to give you a “full day” of service. We recommend that you charge  
your Hurricane PMV’s batteries for 8 to 14 hours after daily use.  
! If you use your Hurricane PMV once a week or less, charge its batteries at least once a week for 12 to 14  
hours at a time.  
! Keep your Hurricane PMV’s batteries fully charged.  
! Avoid deeply discharging your Hurricane PMV’s batteries.  
! Do not charge your Hurricane PMV’s batteries for more than 24 consecutive hours.  
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V I . B A T T E R I E S A N D C H A R G I N G  
How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?  
Rarely will you have ideal driving conditions; smooth, flat, hard driving surfaces with no wind or curves.You will  
often face hills, sidewalk cracks, uneven and loosely packed surfaces, curves, and wind. All of these driving  
conditions affect the distance or running time per battery charge. The following are a few suggestions for obtaining  
the maximum range per battery charge.  
! Always fully charge your Hurricane PMV’s batteries prior to your daily use.  
! Maintain 30 psi (pounds per square inch) in all of your Hurricane PMV’s tires.  
! Plan your route ahead to avoid as many hills, cracked, broken, or soft surfaces as possible.  
! Limit your baggage weight to essential items.  
! Try to maintain an even speed while your Hurricane PMVis in motion.  
! Avoid stop-and-go driving.  
What type and size of battery should I use?  
We recommend deep-cycle batteries that are sealed and maintenance free. Both Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) and  
Gel Cell are deep-cycle batteries that offer similar performance in your Hurricane PMV. Do not use wet-cell  
batteries, which have removable caps.  
NOTE: Do not remove the caps from sealed batteries. Water cannot be added to sealed batteries. Cap  
removal voids the battery warranty and may cause damage to the batteries and to your Hurricane PMV.  
Use these specifications to reorder deep-cycle batteries:  
Deep-cycle (sealed lead-acid or gel cell)  
12 volts each  
Amperage: 32 AH (amp hours) or 40AH (amp hours)  
To change a battery in your Hurricane PMV:  
WARNING! Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead com-  
pounds. Wash hands after handling.  
1. Remove the seat and the rear shroud. See IX. “Disassembly andAssembly.”  
2. Disconnect the battery tie-down strap.  
3. Disconnect the battery cables from the electronic controller module.  
4. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery terminals.  
5. Remove the old battery.  
6. Place a new battery in the battery well.  
7. Connect the red battery cable to the positive (+) battery terminal.  
8. Connect the black battery cable to the negative (-) battery terminal.  
9. Reconnect the battery cables to the electronic controller module.  
10. Reconnect the battery tie-down strap.  
11. Reinstall the rear shroud and the seat.  
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V I . B A T T E R I E S A N D C H A R G I N G  
Why do my new batteries seem weak?  
Deep-cycle batteries employ a different chemical technology than is used in car batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries  
(nicads), orinothercommonbatterytypes. Deep-cyclebatteriesarespecificallydesignedtoprovidepower, draindown  
their charge, and then accept a relatively quick recharge.  
We work closely with our battery manufacturers to provide batteries that best suit your Hurricane PMV’s specific  
electrical demands. Fresh batteries arrive daily at Pride and are shipped fully charged to our customers. During  
shipping, the batteries may encounter temperature extremes that may influence their initial performance. Heat  
diminishes the charge on the battery; cold slows the available power and extends the time needed to recharge the  
It may take a few days for the temperature of your Hurricane PMV’s batteries to stabilize and adjust to their new  
room or ambient temperature. More importantly, it takes a few charging cycles (a partial drain followed by a full  
recharge) to establish the critical chemical balance that is essential to a deep-cycle battery’s peak performance and  
Please follow these steps to properly break in your Hurricane PMV’s new batteries for maximum efficiency and  
service life.  
1. Fully recharge any new battery prior to its initial use. This charging cycle brings the battery up to about 88% of  
its peak performance level.  
2. Operate your new Hurricane PMV in familiar and safe areas. Drive slowly at first, and do not travel too far  
from your home or familiar surroundings until you have become accustomed to your Hurricane PMV’s con-  
trols and have properly broken in your PMV’s batteries.  
3. Fully recharge the batteries. They should now be at over 90% of their peak performance level.  
4. Operate your Hurricane PMV again.  
5. Fully recharge the batteries again.  
6. After four or five charging cycles, the batteries are able to receive a charge of 100% of their peak performance  
level and are able to last for an extended period of time.  
How can I ensure maximum battery life?  
Fully charged deep-cycle batteries provide reliable performance and extended battery life. Keep your Hurricane  
PMV’s batteries fully charged whenever possible. Batteries that are regularly and deeply discharged, infrequently  
charged, or stored without a full charge may be permanently damaged, causing unreliable performance and limited  
service life.  
How should I store my Hurricane PMV and its batteries?  
If you plan on not using your Hurricane PMV for an extended period of time, it is best to:  
! Fully charge its batteries prior to storage.  
! Disconnect the battery harnesses from the electronic controller module.  
! Store your Hurricane PMV in a warm dry environment.  
! Avoid storing your Hurricane PMVwhere it will be exposed to temperature extremes.  
WARNING! If your Hurricane PMV’s batteries do become frozen, do not attempt to charge  
them. Cold or frozen batteries should be allowed to warm up for several days prior to  
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V I . B A T T E R I E S A N D C H A R G I N G  
For prolonged storage, you may wish to place several boards under the frame of your Hurricane PMV to raise the  
PMV off of the ground. This takes the weight off of the tires and minimizes the possibility of flat spots from  
developing on the areas of the tires contacting the ground.  
What about public transportation?  
If you intend to use public transportation while using your PMV, you must contact in advance the transportation  
provider to determine their specific requirements.  
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V I I .  
O P E R A T I O N  
! Have you fully charged the batteries? See VI. “Batteries and Charging.”  
! Are the manual freewheel levers in the drive (up) mode? SeeV. Description.” Never leave the freewheel  
lever pushed down unless you are manually pushing your Hurricane PMV.  
! Is your proposed path clear of people, pets, and obstacles?  
! Have you planned your route to avoid adverse terrain and as many inclines as possible?  
! Are you positioned comfortably in the seat? See “Getting OnYour Hurricane PMV,” below.  
! Is the seat at the proper height? See VIII. “ComfortAdjustments.”  
! Is the seat locked securely in place? See VIII. “ComfortAdjustments.”  
! Is the tiller handle at a comfortable setting and locked securely in place? See VIII. “ComfortAdjustments.”  
! Is the key fully inserted into the key switch? See V. Description.”  
! Is the speed adjustment dial set to a slow setting? V. Description.”  
! Are you grasping the handgrips with a thumb resting on each of the throttle levers? SeeV. Description.”  
! Does your Hurricane PMV’s horn work properly?  
1. Make certain that the key is removed from the key switch.  
2. Stand at the side of your Hurricane PMV.  
3. Push down on the seat rotation lever to unlock the seat and rotate the seat until it faces you; release the seat  
rotation lever to lock the seat securely in place.  
4. Position yourself comfortably and securely in the seat.  
5. Push down on the seat rotation lever and rotate the seat until you face forward; release the seat rotation lever  
to lock the seat securely in place.  
6. Make certain that your feet are safely on the floorboard.  
After planning your route:  
! Set the 4 - 8 mph switch to your desired maximum speed of 4 or 8 mph; then set the speed adjustment dial to  
your desired speed. We recommend you initially set the 4 - 8 mph switch to 4 mph and the speed adjustment  
dial to the tortoise (slowest speed setting).  
! Insert the key into the key switch.  
! With your hands on the handgrips, use your thumb to gently push the right throttle lever to disengage your  
Hurricane PMV’s brakes and move forward; the electric brake automatically disengages and the Hurricane  
PMV accelerates smoothly to the speed you set with the speed adjustment dial.  
! Pull on the left handgrip to steer your Hurricane PMV to the left.  
Pull on the right handgrip to steer your Hurricane PMV to the right.  
! Move the tiller to the center position to drive straight ahead.  
! Gently release the throttle lever to decelerate and come to a complete stop. The electric brake automatically  
engages when your Hurricane PMVcomes to a stop.  
! To move in reverse, use your thumb to gently push the left throttle lever to disengage your Hurricane PMV’s  
brakes and move rearward.  
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V I I .  
O P E R A T I O N  
NOTE: Your Hurricane PMVs reverse speed is 40% slower than the speed you set with the speed adjust-  
ment dial and the 4 - 8 mph switch.  
1. Bring your Hurricane PMV to a complete stop.  
2. Make certain that the key is removed from the key switch.  
3. Push down on the seat rotation lever to unlock the seat and rotate the seat until you are facing toward the side  
of your Hurricane PMV; release the seat rotation lever to lock the seat securely in place.  
4. Carefully get out of the seat and stand to the side of your Hurricane PMV.  
5. You may, if you wish, leave the seat facing to the side to facilitate boarding your Hurricane PMVthe next time  
you are going to operate it.  
Your Hurricane PMV is equipped with an energy saving auto shutoff feature that is designed to preserve your  
scooter’s battery life. If you mistakenly leave the key in your Hurricane PMV but do not use the PMV for  
approximately 20 minutes, the PMV automatically shuts down.  
If your Hurricane PMV’S auto shutoff feature takes effect, perform the following steps to resume normal operation:  
! Remove the key from the key switch.  
! Reinsert the key into the key switch.  
Your Hurricane PMVshould resume normal operation.  
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V I I I . C O M F O R T A D J U S T M E N T S  
You can adjust the tiller to any number of positions between the forward stop and the PMV deck. The tiller  
adjustment lever keeps the tiller in position. Pull up on the tiller adjustment lever. See figure 8. Move the tiller to a  
comfortable position. Release the tiller adjustment lever. The tiller remains in that position. Figure 9 shows the  
Hurricane PMV’s tiller in the lowest possible position.  
NOTE: The batteries and seat must be removed to achieve the lowest tiller angle position.  
The seat height can be adjusted pneumatically to any height between 18 inches and 21 inches from the PMV deck.  
To raise the seat, pull upward on the seat height adjustment lever while taking your weight off of the seat. See figure  
10. Release the seat height adjustment lever when the seat reaches the desired height. To lower the seat, pull  
upward on the seat height adjustment lever while seated. Release the seat height adjustment lever when the seat  
reaches the desired height.  
The Hurricane PMV is equipped with a sliding seat that is  
operated like an automobile seat. You can reposition the  
seat forward or rearward. Pull up on the slider lever. See  
figure 10. Move the seat forward or rearward. Release  
the slider lever when the seat reaches the desired position.  
The seat rotation lever locks the seat in one of four posi-  
tions. Pull up on the seat rotation lever to unlock the seat.  
See figure 10. Rotate the seat to the desired position.  
Release the seat rotation lever to lock the seat securely in  
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V I I I . C O M F O R T A D J U S T M E N T S  
Your high-back seat has an adjustable headrest that  
locks into three different positions. To raise or lower  
the headrest, press the lock release button and slide  
the headrest up or down until it locks into place. See  
figure 11.  
You may adjust the armrests to various widths. Just  
loosen each of the large thumbscrews on the rear of  
the seat frame, slide the armrests either in or out,  
then retighten the thumbscrews. You can also fold  
the armrests up or down to make getting on and off  
the Hurricane PMV easier. See figure 12.  
You will need the following tools to adjust the height  
of the armrests: 5/32in. hex key, 1/8in. hex key,  
7/16in. wrench  
1. Loosen the setscrew on the side of the height  
adjustment tube with the 1/8in. hex key. See fig-  
ure 13.  
2. Loosen and remove the acorn nut and screw  
holding the height adjustment tube in place.  
3. Raise or lower the height adjustment tube to the  
desired height.  
4. Align the holes in the adjustment tube with the  
holes in the armrest upright.  
5. Insert the screw through the holes in both the  
height adjustment tube and the armrest upright.  
6. Install and tighten the acorn nut.  
7. Tighten the setscrew on the side of the height  
adjustment tube.  
8. Repeat for the other armrest.  
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I X . D I S A S S E M B LY A N D A S S E M B LY  
The Hurricane PMVrequires no tools for disassembly or assembly. Always disassemble or assemble your Hurri-  
cane PMVon a level, dry surface with sufficient room for you to work and move around your PMV. Keep in mind  
that the disassembled sections of the Hurricane PMV will take up more floor space than the assembled Hurricane  
You can disassemble the Hurricane PMV into six pieces: the seat, the front frame, the rear frame, the rear shroud,  
and the batteries. You can also remove the utility tray if necessary. Place the PMV in an area where you have  
sufficient clearance to move the parts around. You need about four or five feet in all directions. You may need  
assistance to lift some of the PMVcomponents. See IV. Specifications” for individual component weights.  
1. Place the manual freewheel lever in the drive (down)  
2. Unplug the charger, coil the cord, and store it in the  
rear compartment.  
3. Pull up on the seat lock rotation to unlock the seat.  
Rotate the seat an eighth of a turn and lift the seat up  
and off of the Hurricane PMV.  
4. Gently lift the rear shroud off of the Hurricane PMV.  
5. Unplug the rear lighting harness. See figure 14.  
6. Unplug the large, white, 9-pin front-to-rear cable har-  
ness that connects the front control console harness to  
the electronic controller module. See figure 15.  
7. Disconnect the motor harness. (This is only necessary  
if removing the utility tray.) See figure 16.  
8. Disconnect the battery tie-down strap.  
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I X . D I S A S S E M B LY A N D A S S E M B LY  
9. Unplug both battery harnesses and lift both batter-  
ies off of the Hurricane PMV. See figures 17 and  
CAUTION! Failure to unplug both  
battery harnesses and the control  
console harness prior to disassem-  
bly could result in permanent dam-  
age to the PMV.  
10. Grab the handle grip on the tiller, pull upward on  
the release lever, and gently lower the tiller down to  
the center of the Hurricane PMV chassis until it is  
fully lowered. See figure 9.  
11. Remove the ball detent pins. See figure 19.  
12. Lift the locking levers. See figure See figure 20.  
13. Gently slide the front and rear sections apart. See  
figure 21.  
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I X . D I S S A S S E M B LY A N D A S S E M B LY  
1. Place the manual freewheel lever in drive (down) position.  
2. Position the front and rear sections togeather. See figure 21.  
3. Make sure that the locking cam levers are vertically positioned and the locking pins are removed. Tilt the rear  
end to a horizontal position and insert the longer tube of the front end into the rear section.  
4. Slide the two sections of the unit together until the front half reaches its insertion limit.  
5. Secure front and rear sections with ball detent pins. See figure 19.  
6. Push the frame lock levers back to their locked (downward) position.  
7. Plug the large, white, 9-pin, plastic harness from the front section of the Hurricane PMV into the mating plug  
extending from the electronic controller module on the utility tray. See figure 15. The two orange dots present  
on both plugs should be adjacent to each other and enable quick plug mating.  
8. Put the batteries in place and plug the 2-pin battery harnesses into the adjoining harnesses that are also located  
on the electronic controller module. See figures 17 and 18.  
9. Connect the battery tie-down strap.  
10. Connect the 6-pin motor harness. See figure 16.  
11. Gently place the rear shroud over the seat pedestal. See figure 18.  
12. Connect the rear light harness. See figure 14.  
13. Slide the shroud down in place. Make sure that the rear plastic shroud does not make any contact with the  
rear wheels.  
14. Carefully lift the seat and slide the seat platform (on the seat bottom) onto the seat pedestal.  
15. Rotate the seat until it locks into place.  
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X . O P T I O N A L A C C E S S O R I E S  
For information concerning these accessories, see your authorized Pride provider or call Pride Mobility Products  
Corporation at 1-800-800-8586  
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X I . B A S I C T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G  
Any electromechanical device occasionally requires maintenance, but be assured that many common problems are  
usually solved easily with a bit of common sense.Ask yourself what works and what doesn’t. Try each and every  
control on the Hurricane PMV to see if your problem follows any pattern.  
Ask yourself , “Is the whole Hurricane PMV dead or just some of its functions?”  
What if all systems on theHurricane PMV appear to be dead?  
1. Make sure the key is fully inserted.  
2. Check the battery condition meter to verify that your batteries are fully charged.  
3. The control console assembly is equipped with a timer that shuts the unit off whenever it has been idle for  
several minutes without any operation. Pull out the key, wait a few seconds, and reinsert the key for normal  
4. Check the main circuit breaker. Push it in to reset the main circuit breaker located on the controller (in the rear  
section of the Hurricane PMV).  
5. Make sure both battery harnesses are firmly connected to the electronics module connectors and at the battery  
6. Verify that the front console control harness is firmly plugged into the rear connector mounted on the front side  
of the electronic control module.  
7. If none of these steps work, call your local authorized service center.  
What if the unit is dead and the brakes are released?  
The Hurricane PMV was probably left in the manual freewheel mode. When the manual freewheel lever is pulled  
up, the brakes are disengaged and all the power to the motor is cut. Push the lever down for normal operation.  
What if the main circuit breaker (located on the utility tray) repeatedly trips?  
1. Charge your batteries more frequently.  
2. If this continues, have both batteries load tested by your authorized service center.  
3. Check that foreign objects, such as rope or wire, have not become jammed in the wheel assemblies.  
4. Make sure you do not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the PMV.  
What if the console meter dips far downward when pressing the throttle control lever and the motor  
surges and/or hesitates?  
1. Fully charge your batteries.  
2. Have your dealer perform a load test of both batteries.  
3. Have the two motor brushes cleaned and replaced if necessary.  
If you experience any problems with your Hurricane PMV that you are not able to solve, immediately contact your  
provider for proper information, maintenance, and service.  
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X I I . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E  
Your Hurricane PMVwas designed to require a minimal amount of care and maintenance. If you have any doubts  
about its care or operation, you may schedule inspection and maintenance at your authorized PMV provider.  
The following areas require periodic inspection and/or care and maintenance:  
! For optimum scooter performance we recommend that the tire pressure be maintained at 30 psi.  
WARNING! Do not exceed that pressure; overinflating a tire can cause it to explode.  
Regularly inspect your Hurricane PMV’s tires for signs of wear. Use a rubber conditioner on your Hurricane  
PMV’s tires to help preserve them.  
WARNING! Do not put rubber conditioner on tread area of tires; the tires may become  
dangerously slippery.  
The shrouds have been sprayed with a clear sealant coating. They retain their high gloss with a light application  
of car wax.  
! Bumpers and trim also benefit from an occasional application of rubber or vinyl conditioner. Do not use a  
rubber or vinyl conditioner on the Hurricane PMV’s floormat or vinyl seat; they may become dangerously  
! Be sure they remain tight and are not corroded. Batteries must sit flat within the battery well area with the  
battery terminals facing the rear of the Hurricane PMV.  
! Check for insulation damage, especially the battery charger cord. If there is damage to this cord, you should  
have it repaired or replaced prior to next use.  
NOTE: To avoid undue tension on the wiring harnesses when disassembling the front and rear halves of the  
Hurricane PMV, always disconnect the 9-pin front-to-rear harness and the two battery harnesses first.  
! We recommend you periodically clean dirt and grime from the detached post with any lubricant solution (such  
as WD40) and then wipe any excess buildup away with a soft cloth.  
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X I I . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E  
! All drive train components are prelubricated and sealed. They require no additional lubrication.  
! Be sure to keep these areas free from moisture. In the event that these components are exposed to moisture,  
let them dry thoroughly before attempting to operate your PMV again.  
! This is an electronically-controlled motorized vehicle. Do not store the Hurricane PMV where it may be  
exposed to inclement weather.  
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X I I I . W A R R A N T Y  
Structural frame components; including platform, fork, seat post, and frame.  
Drive train; including transaxle, motor, and brake.  
First year: 100% replacement of parts cost  
Second year: 67% replacement of parts cost  
Third year: 50% replacement of parts cost  
Transaxle: In cases where there is an increase in the operational noise level, the warranty does not apply. (The  
increase in operational noise level usually occurs due to abusive and excessive strain on the scooter.)  
Motor: If damage occurs to the motor commutator as a result of not replacing the motor brushes after heavy wear  
to the brushes. Motor brushes are wear items and are not warranted.  
Motor brake: Three-year warranty for the electrical function of the motor brake. Brake pads are a wear item and  
will not be warranted.  
For one (1) year from the date of purchase, Pride will repair or replace, at our option, to the original purchaser, free  
of charge, any part found upon examination by an authorized representative of Pride to be defective in material  
and/or workmanship.  
The battery is warranted by the battery manufacturer. The battery is not warranted by Pride.  
Warranty service can be performed by a provider authorized by Pride or by Pride. Do not return faulty parts to  
Pride without prior consent.All transportation costs and shipping damage incurred while submitting parts for repair  
or replacement are the responsibility of the original purchaser.  
! ABS plastic shrouds and footrest covers (wear items and not warranted).  
! Batteries (the battery manufacturer provides a six-month limited warranty).  
! Tires and tire tubes (wear items and not warranted).  
! Upholstery and seating (wear items and not warranted).  
! Repairs and/or modifications made to any part of the PMV without specific and prior consent from Pride.  
! Circumstances beyond the control of Pride.  
! Damage caused by:  
# Battery fluid spillage or leakage  
# Abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence  
# Improper operation, maintenance, or storage  
# Commercial use or use other than normal  
! Labor, service calls, shipping, and other charges incurred for repair of the product.  
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X I I I . W A R R A N T Y  
There is no other express warranty.  
Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one (1)  
year from the date of original purchase and to the extent permitted by law.Any and all implied warranties are  
excluded. This is the exclusive remedy. Liabilities for consequential damages under any and all warranties are  
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or do not allow the exclusion of  
limitation of incidental or consequential damages. So, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  
The warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.  
Please fill out the warranty card and mail it to Pride. Doing so aids Pride in providing you with the best possible  
technical and customer service.  
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