Mustang Chipper M1008 User Manual

Issue No.6  
Input modules  
Standard options  
Mustang Communications Ltd  
Eastfield Industrial Estate  
YO11 3UT  
Telephone U.K. 01723 582 555  
Telephone International 44 1723 582 555  
Fax U.K.  
Fax international  
01723 581 673  
44 1723 581 673  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Author: M. R. Tetley M. Inst. S. C. E.  
............................................................................................................................... page  
Introduction ....................................................... ....................................................... 5  
- The Company and its quality statement......................................... 5  
- The MACRO system concept and applications ............................. 5  
General specifications .............................................................................................. 6  
Front panel controls and indicators ................................ .......................................... 6  
Tone control & Master gain adjustment ............................. ..................................... 6  
Input module system ............................................... ................................................ 7  
- module installation .......................................................................... 7  
- module range .................................................................................. 7  
- features & general specifications ................................................... 8  
- input connections ............................................................................ 9  
- module adjustments........................................................................ 10  
Priority input facilities .......................................... ..................................................... 10  
- priority/passive setting of modules ................................................. 12  
- priority memory ............................................................................... 12  
Pre-announcement chimes ............................................ .......................................... 12  
Mixer facility connections - 0dB signal access point .............. ................................. 12  
- 0dB signal in/out access for mixers & mixer amplifiers ................. 12  
- input connections for slave amplifiers ............................................ 12  
- tape recording ................................................................................. 13  
- tape playback .................................................................................. 13  
- interconnection of several amplifiers ............................................. 13  
Power amplifier module ............................................ ............................................... 14  
Loudspeaker output ................................................. ................................................ 14  
- typical loudspeaker load arrangements ......................................... 15  
Auxiliary output connections ...................................... ............................................. 16  
- Priority controlled DC current sinks ................................................ 16  
- Chime duration monitor sinks (CDM) ............................................. 16  
- 100V line output .............................................................................. 16  
- 24V DC supply ................................................................................ 16  
Combining the loudspeaker outputs of two or more amplifiers .................................. 17  
Power supply ........................................................................................................... 17  
- AC mains power input ..................................................................... 17  
- DC power input................................................................................ 17  
- Systems powered by both AC and DC supplies ............................ 17  
- Main ON-OFF front panel switch .................................................... 17  
- Error status indicator LED .............................................................. 19  
- Power status indicator LED ............................................................ 19  
- Power supply failure monitoring ..................................................... 19  
- Power supply change-over ............................................................. 20  
- Battery charger circuit ..................................................................... 20  
Earthing & hum loops .............................................. ................................................ 20  
Factory fitted options ............................................ ................................................... 20  
- Free-standing case ......................................................................... 20  
- Automatic level control ................................................................... 21  
- Balanced line input for M/100 and M/250 slave amplifiers............ 21  
- Line surveillance ............................................................................. 22  
Installation ...................................................... ......................................................... 22  
- selection of signal input cables ...................................................... 22  
- selection of loudspeaker cable ....................................................... 22  
- fitting Locking DIN connectors ....................................................... 22  
- siting ................................................................................................ 23  
- ventilation ........................................................................................ 23  
- interference ..................................................................................... 23  
- removal of control knobs ................................................................ 23  
- checklist .......................................................................................... 23  
Fuses .......................................................... ............................................................ 24  
Faults - symptoms and check-list ................................. .......................................... 24  
Repairs and maintenance ........................................... ............................................ 24  
- free-standing case removal ............................................................ 24  
- removal of main pre-amplifier circuit board ................................... 24  
Warranty .......................................................... ....................................................... 24  
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directive 89/336/EEC and amendment directive 92/31/EEC  
This equipment has been designed and manufactured to the highest standards. If connected and operated as set out in this manual, there should be no  
Electromagnetic Compatibility problems. If any aspect of operation gives rise to concern, then please contact the manufacturer for advice.  
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Table 1  
Table 2  
The current range of input modules  
Module adjustments and settings  
Fig. 1  
Fig. 2  
Fig. 3  
Fig. 4  
Fig. 5  
Fig. 6  
Fig. 7  
Fig. 8  
Fig. 9  
Fig. 10  
Fig. 11  
Location of Treble, Bass, and Master gain controls  
Input connector pin identification  
Location of priority sequence setting switches  
Mixer facility connections for standard locking DIN connector  
Mixer facility connector pin identification  
Tape record and playback connections  
Interconnection of several amplifiers  
Power amplifier module fixings and adjustments  
Priority connections for multiple amplifier systems  
AC & DC supply connections and monitoring  
Balanced line input connections  
Block schematic diagram  
Typical priority control and auxiliary arrangements  
Typical loudspeaker circuits  
Chassis layout & main component identification  
Locations of module adjustments and fuses  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Thank you for purchasing this unit. We are confident that you have made a wise decision, and that you will have many years of  
trouble-free operation. Considerable care has been taken during the design and manufacturing processes to ensure your entire  
satisfaction and naturally, we would hope that the unit will perform to our design expectations, though this will be possible only if  
the installation is in line with professionally accepted standards and techniques.  
This manual is intended, therefore, to ensure that both the installer and operator have all the necessary information to enable them  
to install, commission, and operate the unit in the most effective manner. We hope you will find the manual helpful, and easy to  
The Company and its quality statement  
Mustang Communications, is the manufacturing mark of equipment manufactured by Mustang Communications Limited, of  
Scarborough, England. The company is independent, wholly British, and dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of high-  
reliability, high performance public address and associated control equipment. Mustang Communications was first registered in  
1966, in England.  
The Company undertakes to manufacture equipment to the highest standards of workmanship and performance. Our Quality  
Assurance scheme operates to, or exceeds, the standards set out in British Standard BS.5750, Part 2. 1987 or European  
standard ISO.9002. If you have cause to doubt at any time that the manufacture, or distribution does not comply, then you are  
invited to write to us with your comments, which will be most welcome.  
Please address your correspondence to The Engineering Director.  
The MACRO system concept and applications  
MACRO System is a comprehensive range of AC mains and AC mains/24V DC amplification, controls and surveillance units and  
associated peripherals, designed for use by emergency services and high integrity communication and alarm systems, manufactured  
to the highest standards of electronic and mechanical performance and with Quality Assurance to British Standard BS.5750 AC/  
DC equipment is designed to operate normally from 220/240V AC mains, with the capability to operate indefinitely, and without  
loss of any facilities, from a standby DC power source (battery system) in the event of mains failure.  
Full compatibility within the MACRO range is assured, thus easing system design and enabling fully integrated systems to be  
specified using standard MACRO components and options.  
The current manufacturing programme features a variety of 8 input mixers, 100 Watt and 250 Watt 8 input mixer amplifiers and  
corresponding slave amplifiers, all offered in AC mains only or AC/DC format. AC/DC units provide full AC and DC power integrity  
monitoring and indication, and all except mixers feature a trickle-charge circuit as standard. Mixer input versions accommodate  
up to 8 modules, selected from the comprehensive range of microphone, line input and alarm tone generator modules. These are  
plugged into an internal mother board system which generates 8 levels of ladder priority, equal access priority or any combination  
of both. Priorities may be set up easily at system commissioning stage. The module circuits feature various aspects of memory  
trigger, priority sinking for use with MACRO zone controllers, remote relays, system busy indicators etc., and such functions are  
taken to a rear “D” connector. Each module is associated with a front panel gain control whose knob and spindle may be removed  
at commissioning stage and replaced by a discreet blanking plug to discourage unauthorised tampering. Line driver and stabilised  
low voltage PSU facilities are also on plug in modules. Treble and bass tone, and master gain adjustments are internal and pre-  
The amplifier power output stage is in the form of a self contained bolt-on pluggable module for ease of maintenance, and pre-set  
adjustment for sensitivity, overload threshold, and bias are featured. Output devices are very robust bipolars and errors on the  
module are notified by a front panel LED. Other front indicators are a segmented bargraph output VU, AC (and DC where  
appropriate) supply input monitoring, and an illuminated power switch. A soft-start DC switch on circuit is employed. The transformers  
employed in MACRO amplifiers are in-house designed and manufactured to the highest standards of tolerance and quality to  
maximise the efficiency of the electronics.  
Mechanically, MACRO amplifiers utilise a 3U 19" rack mount format with plated steel chassis, contoured aluminium alloy anodised  
front/rear panels, chromed handles, nut and bolt fastenings, and connectors are tough locking DIN as standard for signals, “D”  
connector for auxiliary control functions, IEC mains, and military specification 97 series DC input.  
By appropriate choice of input modules, the MACRO range of equipment will perform with outstanding results in a multitude of  
applications, and a few only are listed under:-  
Factory paging, time signals and alarm amplification  
Retail stores paging and background music  
Theatre show relay and prompt calls etc.  
Multi-zone exclusive paging using one amplifier  
Shopping centre automatic “spot announcements” and  
security paging etc.  
Zoned fire alarm systems  
In use the amplifiers will give trouble free and accurate performance, and failure or partial failure is likely to be a result of external  
problems with loudspeaker or input cabling etc. The following pages will provide a guide to setting up, operation and maintenance  
of the amplifier, but in case of difficulty it would be advisable to consult a qualified dealer or the manufacturer.  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Input channels  
Input channel level & response  
Treble & Bass adjustment  
Power output (Watts RMS contin.)  
Current sinks  
Auxiliary DC output  
Mixer facility level  
dependent upon input modules fitted  
± 12dB @ 100Hz & 10kHz ref.1kHz  
250mA maximum, each channel module  
nominally +24V. 1A fused.  
775mV nominal. 0dBV  
Power amplifier input  
Power amplifier power freq. resp.  
775mV , 0dBV @ 10k ohms  
-3dB @ 20Hz & 20kHz ref. 1kHz, low imp  
-3dB @ 20Hz & 15kHz ref. 1kHz, 100V  
100V/50V line balanced  
240V 50-60Hz +5% -15%  
6 Amp  
Loudspeaker matching  
AC mains supply input  
24V DC supply input (22-28V)  
DC quiescent consumption (approx)  
18 Amp  
Power output (Watts RMS contin.)  
Audio input level  
Power amplifier power freq. resp.  
775mV, 0dBV @ 10k ohms  
-3dB @ 20Hz & 20kHz ref. 1kHz, low imp  
-3dB @ 20Hz & 15kHz ref. 1kHz, 100V  
100V/50V line balanced  
240V 50-60Hz +5% -15%  
6 Amp  
Loudspeaker matching  
AC mains supply input  
24V DC supply input (22-28V)  
DC Quiescent consumption (approx)  
18 Amp  
Input channels  
Input level & response  
Treble & Bass adjustment  
Current sinks  
Auxiliary DC output  
Audio output level  
AC mains input  
24V DC supply input (22-28V)  
DC quiescent consumption (approx)  
dependent upon input modules fitted  
± 12dB @ 100Hz & 10kHz ref.1kHz  
250mA maximum, each channel module  
nominally +24V , fused 1A  
775mV nominal. 0dBV  
240V 50-60Hz +5% -15%  
250mA (module dependent)  
By design, user accessible controls are kept to a minimum to avoid inadvertent maladjustment which could render the system  
Each input channel of a MACRO mixer or mixer-amplifier may be adjusted for gain by using the front panel controls. Should the  
commissioning engineer deem it prudent, he may remove any of the complete control knob/spindle assemblies, after adjustment  
is complete, simply by pulling the knob. The resulting holes may then be blanked off using the blanking plugs supplied. The  
controls may be refitted at any time subsequently. Slave amplifiers to standard specification are not fitted with a front gain control.  
An illuminated power switch controls AC power input (and if applicable, DC power input simultaneously).  
A series of LED indicators provides a simple means of assuring the user of correct amplifier operation. A 10 segment ladder gives  
an indication of output level expressed in decibels - i.e. dB relative to maximum output amplitude. Under normal programme  
conditions this will fluctuate between the extreme left and extreme right segments in accordance with the amplitude of the programme  
at any particular instant. No segment is illuminated when the amplifier output is zero. If the illuminated segment is predominantly  
to the extreme right (maximum) then it is likely that the amplifier is being over-driven and that the resulting sound will be distorted  
on peaks. Reduce the corresponding front input gain control accordingly.  
A fast attack/slow decay circuit is used to drive the display so that amplitude peaks are recognised.  
Two further LEDs indicate the status of the power supply in use, and of the power amplifier module where appropriate. For further  
details see page 19.  
Tone control facilities are provided on the line driver module, type TB.6 which is located at second right, on a mixer or mixer  
amplifier when viewed from the front. Two trimmer potentiometers are located at the bottom of the module, just above the edge  
connection tabs. Viewed from the front, the nearest is the bass adjustment and the furthest is the treble. Each controls a cut & lift  
correction circuit with the central position of the rotator giving nominally flat response. At the extremities of rotation, the corrections  
are ± 12dB at 100Hz and 10kHz respectively. Rotate controls clockwise to increase the gain at bass or treble frequencies. On  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Fig. 1 Location of Treble, Bass, and Master gain controls  
leaving the factory, the controls will be set for level response. See Fig. 1  
A conventional master level control is featured on the mother PCB between the line driver module (TB.6 etc) and the pre-amplifier  
stabiliser module (PS.9 etc.) next to it. This control is set to maximum (fully clockwise) on leaving the factory. See Fig. 1  
The general accent of MACRO system amplification is towards flexibility of system design. Each MACRO mixer or mixer amplifier  
will accommodate up to 8 purpose designed input modules selected from over 30 variations of pre-amplifiers, tone signal and  
alarm generators. Any of the modules from the published list may be used in any of the 8 input channels of the amplifiers.  
Modules are available to accept audio input signals for low-level processing from all known audio sources. Depending on type,  
each module may be given a priority within the amplifier as described below. The chosen group of modules is set up within the  
amplifier by the commissioning engineer to exhibit the required sequence of priorities for the specific sound system, and further  
individually adjusted on the module for sensitivity, tone frequency, etc. These system adjustments are not directly accessible to  
the user, who is confined to the front panel controls. Modules may be changed, removed, or adjusted at any time without  
disturbance to the general operation of the system. Where priority sinking is featured, two alternative sinks are offered simultaneously  
- “Any” priority, and “Individual input” priority. Therefore, external circuits such as relays, lamps, MACRO zone control systems  
etc., may be triggered by any input channel or a specific input channel (or channels) by appropriate auxiliary connections. A  
“Chime Duration Monitor” circuit, where fitted, gives “clearance-to-speak” information for paging systems via the “CDM” current  
sink connection of the auxiliary output. Priority sinks and “CDM” current sinks operate independently of each other. The general  
concepts are illustrated in APPENDIX B  
Module installation  
MACRO range amplification is intended for permanent installation, and consequently the plug-in concept of the modules does not  
anticipate continuous or regular changing of modules. Whilst this is possible, the edge connector contacts may wear prematurely  
and become intermittent and unreliable. Modules are located between vertical supports immediately behind the respective front  
panel volume control, and only moderate force will be required when fitting or removing. DO NOT put pressure on the components  
during this operation.  
Module range  
The range of input modules extends to cover all common functions though others may be added to suit demand. The current  
range is shown below.  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Universal low impedance transformer balanced, priority/passive  
Low imp. transformer balanced, with priority, chimes and CDM  
Low impedance transformer balanced, audio operated priority  
Low impedance transformer balanced, priority/passive, phantom DC  
600 ohm transformer balanced priority/passive, 50mV - .775V  
10k ohm transformer balanced priority/passive, 50mV - .775V  
47k ohm transformer balanced priority/passive, 50mV - 80V  
600 ohm transformer balanced, priority, chime, CDM. 50mV - .775V  
10k ohm transformer balanced, priority, chime, CDM. 50mV - .775V  
47k ohm transformer balanced, priority, chime, CDM 50mV - 80V  
600 ohm transformer bal., audio activated priority, 50mV - .775V  
10k ohm transformer bal., audio activated priority, 50mV - .775V  
47k ohm transformer bal., audio activated priority, 50mV - 80V  
Aux unbalanced line, 50mV & .775V, priority/passive  
Aux unbalanced line, 50mV & .775V, priority, chimes (no CDM)  
RIAA equalised 5mV @ 50K for magnetic phono cartridge  
Flat response, 80mV to 1V for ceramic phone cartridge  
1kHz sine wave generator, momentary triggering  
Time pips, with timer, priority hold & memory  
Repeating gongs with timer, priority hold & memory  
Alternating dee-dah alarm with timer, priority hold & memory  
Warble alarm with timer, priority hold & memory  
Trimphone telephone simulator, momentary triggering  
Triple chimes with timer, priority hold, & memory  
Slow whoop with timer & priority hold  
Table 1 The current range of input modules  
Module features & general specifications  
M24 M26 M28 M30  
Transformer or Electronic balanced  
Priority only or priority/passive option  
Priority controlled current sink  
Chimes & Chime Duration Monitor sink  
Phantom DC supply  
Audio activated priority (VOX)  
Bass cut facility  
Sensitivity range  
100uV to 2mV  
Input impedance  
Suitable for 200 ohm microphones  
20Hz - 20kHz  
Frequency response -3dB points  
Bass cut response  
-3dB @ 200Hz -6dB @ 100Hz  
58dB minimum  
Signal to noise ratio  
Input overload capability  
Sink capability (mA max. continuous)  
Phantom supply  
+15V via 1k0  
VOX delay  
3 seconds maximum  
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L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34  
Transformer input or unbalanced  
Priority operation only  
Priority/passive switchable  
Sensitivity 50mV - .775V  
Sensitivity 50mV - 80V  
Input impedance (ohms)  
Priority controlled sink  
600 10k 47k 600 10k 47k 600 10k 47k 4k7 4k7  
Chime Duration Sink  
Audio activated priority (VOX)  
Sensitivity range and impedance  
Frequency response -3dB points  
Signal to noise ratio  
See above  
20Hz - 18kHz  
58dB minimum  
Input overload capability  
Sink capability (mA max. continuous)  
VOX delay  
3 seconds maximum  
T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T30 T31 T32 T34  
Momentary or timed triggering  
Adjustable tone frequency  
Priority hold for tone sequence  
Priority memory  
Adjustable duration timer  
Trigger switch requirements  
Duration timer  
1.5mA maximum @ +15V DC  
2 - 30 seconds approx  
Trigger memory capacity  
Sink capability (mA max. continuous)  
Magnetic phono pre-amp  
Ceramic phono pre-amp  
80mV-1V @ 1M  
Input connections  
Standard amplifiers are fitted with Locking 5 pin DIN input connectors on a 180 degree spacing pattern. See Fig. 2 below to  
identify the pin numbers. The input connections will vary depending upon which module is being used in the corresponding  
module position, as follows:  
Balanced microphone & line input modules i.e. M24 to M30 and L24 to L32 inc.  
Standard Locking 5 pin DIN -  
Pin 1  
Balanced input  
Pin 3  
Pin 2  
Pin 4  
Pin 5  
Signal earth (cable audio shield)  
Priority control (except audio activated modules)  
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Auxiliary inputs and music modules i.e. L33, L34, E24, E25,  
Standard Locking 5 pin DIN -  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
Pin 4  
Signal input  
Signal earth (cable audio shield)  
Signal input  
Priority control (except E24, E25, T35)  
Pin 5  
Tone generator modules i.e. T24 to T34 inclusive  
Standard Locking 5 pin DIN -  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
Pin 4  
No connection  
No connection  
No connection  
Priority control & tone trigger  
Pin 5  
Fig. 2  
Input connector pin identification  
Locking 5 pin DIN connector plugs are not furnished automatically with the unit, and must be ordered as a separate item.  
Module adjustments  
Various adjustments are available on each module, dependent on type and function, etc and are shown in table 2. The general  
locations are shown in APPENDIX E.  
Each MACRO amplifier (with input module facilities) can be programmed to provide up to 8 levels of signal priority which may be  
arranged in a descending order access (sometimes referred to as ‘ladder priority’), or an equal access first-come-first-served  
priority, or any combination of both. The modules available may be categorised into ‘priority’ and ‘passive’ modules, and it is the  
‘priority’ modules which generate the ladder sequence. Thus if a MACRO amplifier were fitted with say five priority modules, then  
obviously only a maximum of five levels of priority could be available. However, the amplifier containing the five modules may be  
set up to exhibit ladder priority, for example, on inputs 1 and 2 whilst inputs 3-4-5 may be given equal access. This set-up could  
now be referred to as exhibiting just 3 levels of priority.  
Equal access is a form of priority whereby the first to access the priority chain locks out one (or more) other inputs for the duration.  
As supplied from the factory, the amplifier will exhibit a ladder sequence downwards from input No.1 as first priority. Equal access  
between any modules must be between physically adjacent modules, and is instigated by depressing the small blue PCB switch  
button which is located between the module input sockets on the main mother PCB. See Fig. 3. Later units utilise a DIL or Molex  
type switch, which should be set to ‘ON’. There are 7 such switches, and any number may be depressed at any time to give the  
required priority arrangement.  
MACRO systems may be designed to include music or other non-priority facilities, and the appropriate modules will have been  
specified. All such modules are ‘passive’ modules and as such should occupy module sockets at the lowest end of the priority  
chain. i.e. towards input No.8. Passive modules will be overridden by any priority modules in the chain, but have no facilities to  
instigate any priority functions (such as current sinking) of their own.  
In all cases, the priority functions of priority modules are triggered by bridging pins 4 and 5 of the DIN channel input socket. The  
switching current is in the order of 2mA @ 15V. On successful access to the signal priority chain, the module circuitry will perform  
certain functions:  
Modules of equal or lower priority will be inhibited, whether of priority or passive format.  
The audio signal path of the accessed module will be enabled  
The channel current sink (250mA max) will be enabled  
The ‘any channel’ current sink will be enabled (250mA max)  
The modules in immediately higher priority will be inhibited if the equal access PCB switches have been set  
The tone sequence of a tone generator module will be started either via the module timer circuit, or  
momentarily for the duration of the trigger  
The chime sequence of a chime-microphone module will be triggered and consequently enable a CDM (chime  
duration monitor) current sink to be energised (250mA max).  
Should a module which is currently in an accessed mode be inhibited by the triggering of a higher priority module, all the above  
functions (a) to g) where appropriate) will be lost immediately, for the duration. However the timer function will still be operative  
and may re-enable the original module, if timing permits, when the higher priority is released.  
Voice operated modules attempt to gain access by triggering on amplitude peaks and the resulting functions are consistent with  
a) to e) above.  
The audio paths of lower priority passive modules will be inhibited for the duration.  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Audio gain  
Sets the level of amplification of incoming signal. Influenced by no other adjustment  
Determines the level of chime tone to be injected. Influenced by no other adjustment  
Sets level of audio input at which the VOX circuit is triggered. Influenced by ‘Audio gain’.  
Temporarily set sensitivity to maximum, and set Vox delay to maximum to enable ‘Audio level’ to  
be set using typical input signal, then reset ‘VOX sensitivity’ and then ‘VOX delay’.  
Determines the time delay between cessation of audio input signal and release of priority and/or  
muting of channel. Influenced by Audio gain and VOX sensitivity. Adjust those first.  
Sets collective pitch of chime sequence. Tones may not be adjusted individually. Influenced by  
no other adjustments.  
Chime level  
VOX sensitivity  
VOX delay  
Chime frequency  
Bass cut link  
Sensitivity link  
Cut this link to introduce a sensitivity roll-off at bass frequencies. Particularlyeffective for paging  
Cut link to change the scope of Audio gain adjustment to 50mV-2V, from 2V-80V RMS.  
Priority/passive jumpers See relevant information on page 12  
Timer duration  
Sets period of on-board timer within the range 2-30 seconds, after which the priority is released  
and tone ceases. Influenced by no other adjustments.  
Output level  
Sets level of audio tone output from module. Influenced by no other adjustment.  
Tone generator frequency Sets audio pitch of tone generation sequence. Influenced by no other adjustments.  
ALC threshold level  
See Factory Fitted Options - Automatic level control, on page 21. Influenced by no other  
adjustmen on this module.  
ALC sensitivity  
See Factory Fitted Options - Automatic level control, on page 21. Influenced by no other  
adjustment on this module.  
Surveillance tone level  
See Factory Fitted Options - Line surveillance on page 22. Influenced by no other adjustment on  
this module.s  
Table 2 Module adjustments and settings  
Fig. 3 Location of priority sequence setting switches  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Priority/passive setting of modules  
Certain modules contain features enabling the commissioning engineer to set them to operate as normal priority modules, or as  
passive modules. Referring to APPENDIX E, this is accomplished on the M24 microphone input module for example by transposing  
the position of a jumper link on the module, from lower middle (position B) to lower left (position A) for the change to passive (non-  
priority) mode. In this mode, the module audio signal path is permanently enabled, though it will be inhibited by access of any  
higher priority module and is itself rendered unable to inhibit any other module. The jumper link may be changed at any time, and  
is a simple push fit.  
Priority memory  
If, whilst a priority module is being accessed, an attempt is made to trigger a tone generator module which is installed in a lower  
priority level, and which features a priority memory, then no apparent action will result until the higher priority is released, at which  
time the memory circuit will automatically and immediately trigger the timer circuit of the module, causing it to operate in the  
normal manner for its pre-set duration.  
PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT CHIMES - all units except slave amplifiers  
The customary ding-dong chime signals which can often be heard to precede announcements in public buildings, are generated  
in MACRO range equipment by certain standard microphone or line input, and tone generator modules. It is possible therefore to  
install two or more such modules, and adjust them so as to be readily distinguishable. The chime is triggered only on successful  
access to the priority chain. See APPENDIX E for location of adjustments.  
This connection may be used to gain access to the output of the pre-amplifier section, or the input of the power amplifier section,  
at 0dBV level. Standard connection is by Locking 5 pin DIN panel socket with 180 degree pin spacing pattern. Connections are as  
Fig. 4 Mixer facility connections for standard locking DIN connector  
0dB signal in/out access for mixers & mixer amplifiers -  
The standard Locking DIN pin connections are as follows:-  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
Pre master gain control direct from TB.6 module  
Signal earth (cable audio shield)  
Post master gain control (via 10k source)  
With the master control at position “0” the loading effect exhibited by pin 3 is  
approximately 6k8 ohms. For further clarification of this arrangement see the  
block schematic diagram - APPENDIX A  
Input connections for slave amplifier  
The standard input circuit is suitable for unbalanced line operation, and the locking  
DIN signal input connections are:-  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
Pin 3  
No connection  
signal earth (cable braiding)  
.775v @ 10k ohms power amplifier input  
Fig. 5 Mixer facility connector pin  
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Signal arrangements and DIN cable connections are shown in Fig. 4  
As a factory fitted option, a line input transformer may be fitted.  
See page 21 for further details.  
Slave amplifiers have a fixed sensitivity and no input control is provided on standard models. The input impedance is approximately  
10k ohms. Immediate technical advice for specific problems is available from the Technical Services Department, Mustang  
Communications Ltd. Please also see the section of this manual which covers earthing and earth/hum loops, on page 20.  
Tape recording  
The mixer facility socket of mixers and mixer amplifier units will provide suitable signals for tape recording, though it will normally  
be necessary to make up a suitable recording and/or playback lead.  
This socket is associated with the master gain control, so either pin 1 or pin 3 of the standard Locking DIN connector may be taken  
as the signal connection dependent on whether the recorded signal is to be influenced by it:-  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
signal non-dependent on master gain control  
signal earth (cable braiding)  
signal via master control  
For recording on a stereo recorder connect both left and right channel signal input connections together to pins 1 or 3 as required.  
The manufacturer’s handbook should be consulted to ensure that the recorder will accept signal levels of approximately 0.75V  
without distortion and that the recorder does not short out the signal recording connections when in the playback mode. In either  
case, insert a resistor of suitably high value in series with the recording lead. An experimental starting value would be 22k ohms.  
See Fig. 6  
Certain tape decks send a signal from the tape playback output during a recording session. If, in this case, the recording and  
playback leads are connected simultaneously to an input channel of the amplifier, a closed-loop feedback path to the amplifier will  
result and cause problems unless the loop is broken. This in its simplest form would necessitate disconnecting the tape playback  
lead whilst recording, or alternatively, reducing to zero the amplifier input gain control associated with playback.  
Tape playback  
A playback signal would preferably be routed through a standard line input module (L25, L33, L34 etc) which accommodate a wide  
variety of signal levels. The module may be located in any module position. The L25 for example has a floating input circuit, and  
Fig. 6 Tape record and playback connections  
would be most useful where hum loops are likely to be a problem - such as in complex sound installations. See the module details  
for connection data. The module will need to be set to the “passive” mode of operation - see page 12.  
Interconnection of several amplifiers  
Larger scale amplification systems may necessitate the interconnection of several amplifiers. The most usual situation would be  
the attachment of extra slave amplifiers to a mixer amplifier in order to increase the available power output whilst delivering the  
same program. This is made possible by linking the appropriate mixer facility socket pin (pre or post master gain where available)  
of the mixer amplifier to the input pin of the slave amplifier(s). The cable should be single conductor screened, and the braid/shield  
connections should also be made between the appropriate pins. See Fig. 7 for clarification.  
NOTE: This is the only means of interconnection that is permitted. It is most inadvisable to attempt to combine the loudspeaker  
outputs of several amplifiers into one loudspeaker feed line. At the very least, severe problems, and most likely serious damage  
will result.  
The loudspeaker system should always be planned such that it is divided up into sections, each of which will be powered by just  
one amplifier output section.  
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Fig. 7 Interconnection of several amplifiers  
The power output stage of the amplifier including all low level drive circuitry, and output devices are contained in a module which  
is bolted to the rear panel by four screws. The module is connected into circuit by push-on tab connectors facilitating easy change  
of a suspect module. The module may be unbolted and swung out to enable circuitry to be worked on with power connected,  
though as the heatsink is no longer coupled, the module should not be driven into a load for any length of time. Output devices are  
mounted on sockets so they may be replaced without dismantling the PCB from the heatsink plate. See Fig. 8  
There are three pre-settable adjustments on the power output module which are accessible from the top of the  
amplifier. When received from the factory, the amplifier will have been adjusted for correct overload protection, output device  
biasing, and input sensitivity, and no further adjustment will be necessary. The recommended adjustments are:  
OVERLOAD: Top left of module when viewed from front: Set for triggering at full amplitude on a load of 3 x rated output.  
OUTPUT DEVICE BIASING: Centre top of module: Set nominally for a total module drain of 200mA, measured via the supply  
push-on tab.  
INPUT SENSITIVITY: Top right of module: Set for 0.775V RMS at 1kHz.  
The above adjustments necessitate the use of certain test equipment and facilities, and the precise methods are outside the  
scope of this manual. The adjustments may be identified by referring to Fig. 8  
The front panel ‘error’ LED is energised for a minimum period of 1.5 sec. when an output overload condition is detected. During  
this time, the signal drive to the output stage is suppressed.  
The detection circuit and LED will remain energised for the entire duration of any such overload, and the amplifier will return to  
normal operation 1.5 second after removal of the overload. Note therefore that this circuit will not register an overload until a  
suitable signal is present.  
The amplifier is designed to work primarily with 100V line loudspeaker systems. Facilities are also provided for 50V line and low  
impedance loads. IT IS ESSENTIAL to provide the correct loudspeaker load for safe and distortion-free reproduction.  
When connecting a MACRO mixer amplifier or slave amplifier onto an existing loudspeaker network, the load should be ascertained  
by measuring the load by a proprietary impedance bridge  
The cover provided on the output barrier terminals is a safety cover and should be retained. Access to the terminals is gained by  
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Fig. 8 Power amplifier module fixings and adjustments  
removing the 4BA nut on the left and lifting that end clear of the stud. The cover may now be swung round.100V output  
The general concept of a 100V line loudspeaker system is that a quantity of 100V line loudspeakers are connected in parallel  
across the amplifier output terminals. The loudspeakers may be arranged in any order, any combination and if necessary, using  
any number of feeds from the amplifier. They may be grouped onto sub-circuits which may then be controlled by switching or  
group volume controls, etc., as required to suit the operational requirements of the system. Sub circuits may be dedicated to  
‘Page-only’ operation and switched in by means of relays powered by the comprehensive MACRO current sinks. See APPENDIX  
C for typical arrangements.  
The 100V line loudspeaker output terminals will deliver conventional full program content, i.e. all music and all paging/priority  
signals. For 100V line loads connect between the two outer terminals and for 50V line systems connect between the centre and  
right terminals.  
All three 100V line output terminals fully floating, earth-free, and centre-tapped. This latter is useful in certain critical installations  
where careful balancing of the loudspeaker network may be necessary. The terminal marked ‘CT’ may be earthed to chassis if  
Low impedance output  
Power output to the loudspeaker load may be taken at low impedance (low Z) The terminals marked A-O-B present a very low  
impedance output across A-B and which is centre-tapped at O. These terminals are not specifically rated, but as a guide, the  
output impedance across the A-B terminals is in the order of 2 ohms. The centre-tap is a direct connection to 0V level (chassis,  
signal earth, and -24V).  
Typical loudspeaker load arrangements  
The following are acceptable examples of loudspeaker loading arrangements:  
400 x 1/2 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 200 Watts total load to the amplifier. Use a 250 Watt amplifier  
200 x 1 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 200 Watts total load to the amplifier. Use a 250 Watt amplifier  
2 x 50 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 100 Watts total load to the amplifier: Use either a 100 Watt amplifier (or a 250 Watt  
amplifier to allow for 150 Watts future development).  
12x 5 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 60 Watts total load to the amplifier, and therefore 40 Watts spare capacity for future  
expansion if using a 100 Watt amplifier  
10 x 5 Watt, and 6 x 2 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 50 + 12 Watts = 62 Watts total load to the amplifier. Use a 100 Watt  
4 x 60 Watt units each tapped at 30 Watts, and 20 x 4 Watt units tapped as follows: 5 @ 4 Watt, 5 @ 2 Watt and 20 @  
0.5 Watt 100 Volt line speakers = 160 Watts total load and therefore 90 Watts spare capacity for future expansion or  
for final adjustments. Use a 250 Watt amplifier  
See APPENDIX C for typical loudspeaker arrangements.  
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A standard 25 way ‘D’ connector on the amplifier rear provides all the auxiliary connections associated with current sinking,  
alarms, auxiliary DC and signal outputs, etc., where applicable. The standard connections are as follows:  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.1 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.2 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.3 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.4 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.5 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.6 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.7 during priority access  
250mA current sink activated by input module No.8 during priority access  
250mA current sink bus activated by any module gaining priority access  
250 mA CDM current sink bus activated by any module with this feature  
0Vforgeneral purpose  
Nominal 24V+ DC unregulated output, for use with current sinks  
Mains power input failure  
alarm contacts - normally open  
DC power input failure  
alarm contacts - normally open  
The current sink connections originate on  
individual modules. These current sinks are unfused  
and can carry a maximum of 250mA from a positive  
(+ve) source.  
process/equaliser control  
for future use.  
The pin 12 connection originates from the pre-  
20 nc  
21 nc  
22 nc  
amplifier stabiliser module (PS.9 etc.) where a F1A  
fuse is located - see APPENDIX E  
The ‘fail’ alarm connections are ‘open’ when  
duplication of  
100V loudspeaker  
output terminals  
the unit is de-energised, and closed during normal  
powered operation.  
Priority controlled DC current sinks  
This unusually comprehensive feature is rarely found on general purpose amplifiers but is useful in microphone paging or alarm  
systems where a number of operations may be required co-incident with the use of the priority facilities, e.g.  
The introduction of ‘page only’ 100 Volt loudspeaker circuits by using relays to switch them on only during paging.  
The restoration to full volume of a remote 100 Volt loudspeaker group volume control, such as the Mustang MVC series.  
The powering of lamps at a microphone position, to indicate that the amplifier priority system is already in use (by an alarm  
tone generator for example)  
The interruption by means of a relay of the sound output of another amplification system.  
The sending of a low-level paging signal by means of a relay, to another remote amplification system  
Control of a designated loudspeaker zone control unit from the Mustang ZC or MC ranges.  
The principle of operation is that when the signal priority circuit of any of the input modules is activated, the associated DC current  
sink is operated and the associated terminal of the Auxiliary output connector - becomes a 0 Volt point. This is used to complete  
a simple external circuit comprising relays or lamps etc., connected to the +24V DC terminal.  
Terminals 1-8 are individual sinks controlled individually, whilst terminal 9 is activated whenever ANY of the individual sinks is  
The current sinks are polarity protected for use in positive (+ve) applications up to 40V. DO NOT ATTEMPT to pass more than  
NEVER connect the +24V and current sink connections directly together - serious damage to the module will result. In the off state  
there is effectively no connection.  
See APPENDIX B for typical applications of the Auxiliary Output connections.  
Chime duration monitor sinks - (CDM)  
This facility is provided on those modules which feature a chime generator. The sink output lasts for the duration of the chime  
tones (which are triggered on priority access) and the the individual sinks are connected to a sink ‘bus’  
so that a lamp may be energised on a paging microphone to indicate at which point to commence speaking. This connection is  
unfused, and is limited to 250mA from a positive (+ve) source. See APPENDIX B for typical application.  
100V line output  
This is an extension of the rear 100V loudspeaker output barrier terminals to facilitate all connections to be ‘pluggable’ if required.  
24V DC supply  
The 24V+ terminal of the Auxiliary output connector provides an unstabilised DC supply, which is limited to 1 amp by an internal  
fuse on the pre-amplifier stabiliser module (see APPENDIX E) and the return is via the 0V terminal. This feature would normally  
be used with the DC current sink.  
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This may be considered where one single amplifier cannot provide enough input facilities or output power for a particular application.  
Mixers may be combined with mixer amplifiers, and with slave amplifiers in any combination via their respective mixer facility  
Example M2508 and M250 to provide 8 inputs and 500 Watt output to two loudspeaker zones. Interconnect using pins 3 of each  
mixer facility socket.  
Example M2508 and two M100 to provide 8 inputs and 450 Watt output. Interconnect using pins 3 of each mixer facility socket.  
Example M8/M and M1008 to provide 15 priority inputs and 100 Watts output capability. Fit an L.25 module in input 1 of the  
M1008 and drive it from the mixer facility output of the M8/M. Connect the ‘ANY’ sink of the M8/M to pin 5 of the input No.1 M1008  
such that any priority operation of the M8/M seeks access to input No.1 M1008 as though a normal input. All individual sinks on  
either unit will still be relevant. The mixer facility of M1008 may be used to drive slave amplifiers in the same system if required.  
See Fig. 9 for clarification.  
The loudspeaker system should always be planned such that it is divided up into sections, each of which will be powered by just  
one amplifier output section.  
It is most inadvisable to attempt to combine the loudspeaker outputs of several amplifiers into one loudspeaker feed line. At the  
very least, severe problems, and most likely serious damage will result. Whilst it is technically feasible, the risks faced will render  
it an impractical option. For clarification, consult the System design department of Mustang Communications Ltd.  
AC Mains power input  
A standard IEC 3 pin mains connector is supplied with each MACRO amplifier. It is essential that the Earth connection is made  
properly, as the chassis of the amplifier is earthed via this facility. The mains power required is 230V to 240V AC at 50-60Hz. If  
a slightly lower voltage is used, then the battery charging facility (if fitted) may be impaired.  
The power requirement for the amplifier, even when used at full power, is minimal and should be taken from the AC mains supply  
via a 3 core flexible cable. It is vital that the connections to the mains input line socket are made to the correct terminals. The  
connections are:-  
DO NOT operate the amplifier under any circumstances without an electrical earth connected. This is a permanent safety earth.  
DC power input (if applicable)  
Certain models in the MACRO range are designed to operate from 24V DC during periods of mains supply failure. It is permissible  
for this voltage to vary between 20V and 28V without undue problem, though the battery charging capability will vary accordingly.  
A style MS.62 military style connector is supplied with each amplifier, and the corresponding connections are printed alongside the  
panel connector, as follows;  
Pin A  
Pin B  
Pin C  
- (0V)  
Important: If either positive or negative terminals must unavoidably be earthed, it is preferable that it be NEGATIVE. Note that the  
DC connections are not totally free of earth, as the signal earth and DC (-) of the amplification are connected to chassis by a 220  
ohm resistor.  
Any conflict of DC earthing is likely to result in severe damage to the module printed circuit tracks should incoming circuitry be  
earthed too.  
Systems powered by both AC and DC supplies  
Systems utilising several MACRO amplifiers to be powered from both AC and emergency DC supplies should be connected such  
that the AC is supplied by the routine mains supply - for normal operation, and upon failure of this, the DC is supplied from an  
emergency DC battery system with integral charging circuitry. The internal MACRO battery charger circuit should be disabled  
(see below).  
For clarification see Fig. 10  
Main ON-OFF front panel switch  
For mains powered MACRO equipment (or non standard DC only units) a two pole switch is used. Mains powered units are  
switched in the Neutral and Live connections. DC units are switched in the +ve DC input connection only.  
AC Mains/DC equipment utilises a three pole switch which combines both the above functions.  
Due to the very high inrush current of an AC mains/DC powered MACRO amplifier, a time lapse circuit and holding solenoid are  
employed. The DC section of the power switch therefore carries minimal current. This is not a feature of mixer units.  
If a loaded slave amplifier is subject to an input signal during the switch-on sequence using only the DC input, the resulting drain  
on the time lapse circuit may prevent the holding solenoid from operating properly.  
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Fig. 9 Priority connections for multiple amplifier systems  
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The front panel of the power switch may be removed by light leverage to enable lamp replacement. Power for the lamp is derived  
from a small 18V stabiliser on the Power Management Board.  
Failure to illuminate will indicate one of the following:-  
Lamp failure  
Neither AC nor DC power to the amplifier  
Both AC mains and DC fuses on the rear panel have failed  
Stabiliser circuit has failed  
‘ERROR’ status indicator LED  
Illumination of this LED is as a consequence of the overload protection circuit in the power output module being triggered.  
This could be as a result of the following:  
A severe overload on the loudspeaker line  
Transitory saturation of 100V line loudspeaker transformers connected to the 100V line terminals.  
An electronic fault in the power output module drive circuit.  
Illumination resulting from a) or b) will occur only whilst an audio drive signal is present. During periods of illumination the amplifier  
output will be muted and minimal current will be drawn from the power supply. This condition can be maintained indefinitely  
without further risk to the amplifier.  
‘POWER’ status indicator LED  
A three colour LED is used to indicate the integrity of AC and DC power supplies:  
AC supply connected  
DC supply connected  
AC an DC supplies connected  
Power supply failure monitoring  
The ‘Auxiliary’ output D connector provides the facility to monitor the integrity of both the AC mains and DC standby supplies. Each  
supply energises a relay with light duty normally open contacts which are taken to pins 13/14 and 15/16. The relays are located  
Fig. 10 AC & DC supply connections and monitoring  
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on the Power Management Board and will drop out as a result of :-  
AC supply failure  
AC fuse failure  
AC supply disconnection  
Amplifier switched off  
Rectifier circuit failure  
DC supply fuse failure  
DC supply disconnection (even with charger operational)  
DC standby supply failure  
Amplifier switched off  
These relay contacts may be used to trigger remote audible or visual alarms within the system to draw attention to a possible  
Power supply change-over  
This function is carried out automatically and instantaneously upon failure of the regular AC mains supply. There is no break in  
service and all facilities are retained (except battery charging), for the duration of the condition. Upon reinstatement of the AC  
supply, the amplifier automatically reverts to AC operation and battery charging re-commences.  
The change-over process may be monitored by making use of the power supply failure monitoring relay contact mentioned above.  
See Fig. 10 above, for clarification.  
Battery charger circuit  
Units except mixers provide trickle charge facilities for use with standby batteries connected to an AC mains/DC amplifier. Output  
is in the form of a 0.5 second pulse at 1 second intervals and is controlled from the Power Management Board, (PMB.1, etc.). Low  
AC mains input supplies will adversely effect the charge rate.  
If, however, the charging facility is not required - perhaps because the battery system provides its own dedicated charger - then it  
is preferable to disable the amplifier charger by cutting the red wire link at the end of the heat-sink type power resistor attached to  
the Power Management Board heatsink plate. See APPENDIX D for identification of this link.  
In all systems it is possible to inadvertently set up a hum loop. Each manufacturer has different methods of earthing his equipment  
and so lack of familiarity with them may result in problems. A loop will manifest itself as a low level soft hum at either 100Hz or  
50Hz which is not generally effected in tonal or amplitude content by any user or adjustment controls. There are many potential  
earth loop paths in any system, but the larger the system, the more they are compounded, and resolving the problem can be  
extremely exasperating unless a disciplined and logical approach is used.  
Each system must be considered separately although rules of thumb do apply. Generally an audio loop will be set up wherever  
two points in an audio system are interconnected by two earth paths. The resulting circuit will act as a ‘turn’ in a transformer, with  
any stray magnetic fields setting up resultant electrical currents in it. These currents are superimposed on whatever currents are  
intentionally there, and these may be very low level audio signal currents.  
However, the electronic circuitry within the chassis is earthed to chassis independently of the electrical safety earth by means of  
a wire link or a 220 ohm resistor - dependent upon the unit - adjacent to the mixer facility socket. This provides earthing to prevent  
self-oscillation whilst avoiding any tendency to cause earth loop problems. (See also the preceding sections covering the ‘Mains  
power input’ and ‘DC power input’ requirements).  
In designing the MACRO system, we have borne in mind that the applications for the equipment will generally be in large scale  
installations where there may be many conflicting requirements. Therefore MACRO amplifier chassis are always earthed via the  
power input connections.  
Particular care should be taken when terminating the Locking DIN input plugs, as the cable clamp will connect with the plug body  
on assembly and thence with the amplifier rear panel on insertion. Thus, if the signal cables’ audio screen is connected both to the  
clamp and to pin 2, a loop will result. Similarly with the mixer facility connector. Aim to earth each amplifier fully in one place only,  
with interconnection of amplifiers or ancillary equipment via input modules featuring transformer input circuitry, - for example L.24  
to L32. These may be wired in a fully floating mode thus providing full isolation. Connect the audio screen of a signal cable to a  
signal earth at one end only.  
Bear in mind, also that with DC powered systems, the signal earth of each amplifier will be connected to the -ve terminal of the DC  
supply. If that is already unavoidably earthed, it dictates that it must be the central earthing point of the system.  
Automatic audio level control (ALC)  
Loudspeaker line surveillance facility  
Balanced line input for slave amplifiers  
Free-standing cased units - specified only for earlier models. Originally Mustang product code FS.3U  
Current amplifiers specified as rack mounting or free-standing.  
A wrap-round sleeve case can only be factory fitted to a MACRO unit. A rack mounting unit, once shipped, cannot be fitted with  
such a case due to the design of front panel being different for rack and free-standing versions.  
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Automatic level control - all units except slave amplifiers. Mustang product code TB/ALC  
The standard module fitted to a mixer or mixer-amplifier to provide line driver facilities is a TB.6 and is located second from the  
right when viewed from the front. This is replaced with a TB.6A to provide the Automatic level control facility (ALC) and it will  
enable the system to be set up such that a pre-settable amplitude cannot be exceeded. All signals that would normally pass  
through the amplifier circuitry are subject to automatic level control operation.  
The module operates to produce a fast “attack” so that limiting to a pre-determined level takes place almost instantly, and a slow  
“decay” whereby the sensitivity - or gain - is allowed to increase progressively over several seconds or until another limit is  
To set the module to give the required performance: Firstly, referring to APPENDIX E, identify the ‘GAIN’ pre-set control which is  
adjacent to the integrated circuit at the left of the board approximately half way up. Then identify the ‘THRESHOLD’ pre-set control  
which is a little below it. Set the Master Level control on the mother PCB to maximum (see Fig.1 on page 7). Set the GAIN pre-  
set fully anti-clockwise to give approximately unity gain. Now, whilst running the amplifier at full volume using a test signal, adjust  
the THRESHOLD to the desired maximum output level indicated by the output meter. Clockwise adjustment increases the  
threshold level. The threshold is adjustable from -24 dBM to +8dBM.  
The module will now be operating as a limiter. To enable the Automatic Level Control aspect, the GAIN control should now be  
adjusted clockwise until sufficient gain is available to enable the lowest level input signal to attain the THRESHOLD.  
The ALC facility will have been specified where -  
The amplifier output is required to be limited to prevent clipping distortion;  
The average sound level is to be limited to a specific audible level;  
Inductive loop systems which may be unattended though still need to operate to the requirements of the current  
As supplied by the factory, GAIN is set to 0dB (unity) and the THRESHOLD control is set to maximum, and therefore no effect will  
initially be apparent. See APPENDIX D to locate the module, and APPENDIX E for identification of the adjustments.  
Fig. 11 Balanced line input connections  
Balanced line input for M/100 and M/250 slave amplifiers. Mustang product code MAC/LT  
This option would normally be fitted where difficulty may otherwise be experienced with hum/earth loops. The input signal circuit  
has no earth connection, and is referred to as being “fully floating”.  
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The Locking DIN pin connections are:-  
Pin 1  
Pin 2  
No connection  
out of phase audio  
.775V RMS @ 10k ohms  
balanced (floating)  
Pin 3  
in phase audio  
It would normally be appropriate to interconnect two pieces of equipment using twin-screened cable. The braiding should be  
earthed to one unit only. If the decision is made to use the Mustang power amplifier for earthing, then the cable clamp of the DIN  
plug may be used for the purpose, without the likelihood of a hum loop.  
As this is a fully floating input facility, either single or twin core screened cable may be used. This will depend upon the specification  
of the equipment supplying the input signal.  
The input impedance of balanced input slave amplifiers is 10k ohms.  
See Fig. 11 for further clarification.  
Line surveillance. Mustang product code - TB/S  
The standard module fitted to a mixer or mixer-amplifier to provide line driver facilities is a TB.6 and is located second from the  
right when viewed from the front. This is replaced with a TB.6S to provide the Line surveillance facility, which, in the MACRO  
system is carried out by injection of an encoded supersonic tone into the audio signal path at the line driver stage. The presence  
of the current which this signal induces into the loudspeaker line is subsequently monitored externally for deviation from a pre-set  
The amplitude of the injected signal is adjusted using the pre-set potentiometer at the top right hand corner of the TB.6S (viewed  
from component side - see APPENDIX E). Turning the control clockwise will increase the level of injection. The correct factory  
setting is such that 2V is the amplitude of the signal appearing across the fully loaded loudspeaker output terminals at the amplifier  
rear. Useful re-adjustment of this control can be accomplished only with the aid of an oscilloscope of suitable bandwidth. The  
same level applies in the case of MACRO systems incorporating mixers and slave amplification. See APPENDIX D to locate the  
module, and APPENDIX E for identification of the adjustments. Adjustment of the modules treble or bass controls will not effect  
the surveillance injection. Do not attempt to alter the ferrite cored inductor of the injection circuit.  
The loudspeaker current monitoring function as mentioned above would be facilitated by using a MACRO SL/10 unit.  
Selection of signal input cables  
It is essential that input connections are made carefully, using appropriate screened cable, soldered to DIN connector plugs, and  
using the appropriate terminal numbers indicated in the section describing the input modules in this manual. Unscreened “telephone”  
type cables are NOT suitable. Either twin conductor, or single conductor types may be used depending upon the application. For  
long fixed cable runs, a cable with a conventionally braided outer shield is preferable to a lap-screened type. A conductive plastic  
shield type is ideal for cables which will be subject to constant flexing such as those connected directly to microphones. Failure to  
meet these requirements will result in inferior performance, and at worst, damage to the amplifier.  
It is not possible in this manual to be specific about the exact types of input cable for use in any particular amplification system, as  
many practical factors will need to be taken into account. However, as a guide, we would recommend the following:  
Balanced lines should be wired in twin, twisted core, screened cable with a conductor size of at least, and preferably This is equally valid for dynamic or phantom-powered microphones, and line inputs.  
Paging microphone lines will need an extra two conductors to operate the priority circuit of the amplifier. These need not be  
screened. For short runs, (up to 2 Metres), paging microphones may be connected using 4-core overall screened cable, and for  
longer runs, (up to 10 Mtrs), 4-core individually screened cable. If it is necessary to run a cable over say 10 Mtrs, then there may  
be some performance advantage in using a separate twin-twisted screened cable for the audio, and a separate twin unscreened  
cable for the priority operate cores.  
Line level cables, such as those between a tape recorder and the amplifier, which may be up to a few metres in length are less  
critical and may be run using lap-screened, single or twin cable with conductors of 7/0.1mm or 7./0.2mm.  
Selection of loudspeaker cables  
Use of an appropriate cable for the connection of loudspeakers to the amplifier will ensure that a minimum amount of audio power  
is lost during transmission to the loudspeaker network. The loss will depend upon several factors - loudspeaker loadings, size of  
cable conductor, length of cable, etc.  
As a general rule, for any particular loudspeaker system, the longer and the thinner the cable, the greater will be the loss. We  
therefore recommend, that the system is planned such that the amplifier is as near as possible to the loudspeakers, and that the  
cable used is as large as practicable.  
Mineral insulated cables may be used without problem.  
Either solid or flexible conductor cables may be used, or a combination of both. It would be appropriate for a heavy duty cable to  
be used between the amplifier location and the general loudspeaker location - carrying the full load, and for the subsequent  
loudspeakers of the network to be interconnected with thinner cable.  
Fitting Locking DIN connectors  
Signal input connections are made via a locking DIN 5-pin plug (Mustang Code 5-180). To insert:- rotate the plug until the pins line  
up with the corresponding socket contacts, and push fully in. Rotate the locking ring clockwise to secure. Similar plugs used for  
domestic Hi-Fi systems may be used though they are generally of inferior quality, and have a weaker cable clamp with no locking  
When connecting the input cables to the locking DIN plugs, it is most important to observe the following:-  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
DO NOT allow the cable braiding/shield to contact the cable clamp, plug body or fixing screw. An earth/hum loop  
will result. This topic is fully covered on page 20.  
Application of silicon grease to the cable outer sleeve will facilitate easy insertion into the grommet.  
Be careful when soldering. Avoid bridging adjacent pins of the locking DIN connectors with solder. If pins 4 and  
5 are not to be used, break them off to provide extra space for soldering.  
The position chosen for installation of the amplifier will depend upon many individual factors outside the scope of this manual.  
However, the amplifier should be positioned as close as possible to the loudspeaker network, to minimise losses. Ideally, loudspeaker  
cables should be routed separately from sensitive microphone cables to avoid the possibility of spurious coupling and resultant  
oscillation. Please also refer to the following paragraph on ventilation. Choose a position where there is little likelihood of any  
liquid being spilled on the amplifier.  
Individual mixers and amplifiers in the MACRO range develop very little heat when switched on and not in use. M8/M and M8/MD  
units develop virtually no heat in use and need minimal ventilation. Mixer amplifiers and slave amplifiers develop moderate  
amounts of heat dependent upon the amount of sound power delivered to the loudspeaker loads. The design of these amplifiers  
is such that heat is conducted from the rear panel across the whole of the chassis which is in effect a very large heatsink and  
designed to dissipate the heat by convection. However, in order to do this the amplifiers needs ventilation space at least at the  
rear and sides. Rack mounting amplifiers in irregular or spasmodic use may be stacked as required provided that there is  
sufficient free flowing air at the rear.  
If several 250 Watt amplifiers, are mounted in a rack, and used in a demanding application e.g. alarm tone generation, continuous  
full power music, etc., then it is likely that the heatsink temperature will exceed 100 degrees centigrade at which temperature  
certain components will start to be thermally stressed. This can be inconvenient (or dangerous in an alarm generation system)  
and consideration should be given to spacing the amplifiers. A 1U space should be provided between every second amplifier, and  
for systems over 400 Watts, forced ventilation should be considered. Mustang FP.2S or FP.2B fan panels and corresponding  
ventilation panels may be specified. The amplifiers’ naturally long operational life may be realised by a cool operating environment.  
To summarise, if MACRO amplifiers are to be used at high power levels DO NOT:-  
install in small enclosed spaces  
stack in rack cabinets without adequate cooling, spacing, or ventilation  
install above radiators or near heaters  
block-in side and/or bottom surfaces  
Steps have been taken in the designs of the range to minimise interference from external sources. The main possibilities would  
be -  
faulty or insufficiently suppressed lighting dimmer  
incorrectly shielded or earthed lighting dimmer  
lighting dimmer lines close to signal input lines  
strong radio/TV transmission immediately adjacent  
faulty fluorescent tubes or tube fittings  
unsuppressed heavy electrical contacts  
stray magnetic fields from other mains equipment adjacent  
computer, calculator, or related equipment adjacent  
The source of interference should be established by elimination and logic, and equipment repaired or modified accordingly, rather  
than attempting modifications to the amplification equipment.  
Removal of control knobs  
Mixer and mixer-amplifier units are fitted with removable control knobs to deter tampering. Remove simply by pulling firmly away  
from the front panel. The knobs are of the collet type, and will disconnect the splined spindle from the potentiometer inside the  
chassis. The panel holes may be plugged using the blanking plugs supplied. They are a push-clip fit and cannot be removed from  
outside the amplifier. The knobs and spindles may be replaced at any time.  
During the commissioning of the amplifiers in the MACRO range, various options are available to the engineer to enable him to  
meet various technical requirements and the operating requirements of the user:  
Use of priority or passive operation for input channels  
Priority control out to remote relays, lamps, etc.  
Individual input module sensitivity adjustment  
Bass cut on microphone input module  
Timer setting of tone generator modules  
Pre-announcement chime level  
Optional auto level control adjustment (ALC)  
Control knobs to be removed  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Fuses for the protection of both the AC and DC supplies are located on the rear panel.  
Certain fuses are contained within the chassis of MACRO equipment rather than on accessible front/rear panels:  
(A) F1A pre-amplifier DC fuse on the pre-amplifier stabiliser module  
(B) F1A auxiliary DC fuse on the pre-amplifier stabiliser module  
(C) Special fusible link on the power output module  
See APPENDIX D and APPENDIX E for identification.  
Failure of the top fuse (a) could indicate a problem in the stabiliser module or within the subsequent mixer circuitry. The lower fuse  
(b) protects the Auxiliary +24V DC output (pin 12 of the ‘D’ connector). It is rated at 1 Amp and if this supply is used to source  
current for the priority current sinks transistors, then these may have been damaged by the overload. These sinks are located on  
each priority module.  
The failure of fuse (c) would indicate that the power output module has been seriously damaged. Output transistors and associated  
driver transistors may have failed, so simple fuse replacement is therefore inadvisable.  
If a fuse blows repeatedly, a fault is indicated. Do not attempt to force the amplifier by fitting larger fuses. All standard fuses  
should be replaced as a matter of routine every year if in regular use.  
When replacing fuses, disconnect the mains supply and allow a few minutes for capacitors to discharge.  
Should components be required for replacement purposes, these may be obtained without delay from the address on the cover of  
this manual. It would be preferable to use original specification components rather than improvise or modify the amplifier.  
The MACRO range of amplification has been planned so that servicing and maintenance is extremely uncomplicated. All main  
potential sources of failure are either pluggable or accessible from the top of the main circuit board. It is unlikely that the main  
board will ever need to be removed except for the removal of spilled liquid, or broken mechanical parts. The following information  
is a procedural guide for the most likely problems.  
Free standing case removal  
Free standing cased amplifiers are dispatched with the case fitted and to make any internal adjustments or module changes it will  
be necessary to remove it. Turn the amplifier upside-down on a clean soft surface to avoid scratching and remove the four outer  
cross-point headed screws. Revert the amplifier and using strong finger pressure, push out the bottom flanges at both sides of the  
case, and slide it upwards over the chassis. Replacement is a reversal of this process. Line up the holes in case and chassis  
before attempting to re-fit the screws. Use the correct size of screwdriver.  
The case is manufactured from PVC clad aluminium and therefore, whilst being washable it will not withstand any direct heat, i.e.  
cigarettes, soldering irons etc.  
Removal of main pre-amplification circuit board  
Remove the gain control knobs and associated spindles by pulling firmly. Remove all the modules. Spring in the 8 plastic support  
pillars, spaced along the board. By lifting the rear edge of the board it will now be possible to push to board backwards and  
upwards giving access to the bottom of this board. De-solder the signal cableform if complete access is required.  
This amplifier should operate successfully for many years if installed correctly. However, should any fault occur within 24 months  
of installation, irrespective of usage or application, the manufacturer undertakes to replace parts, or the whole unit, at their  
discretion, free of all labour or parts charges. However, should investigation of such a fault indicate operation of the unit outside  
its specification, then the manufacturer reserves the right to levy an appropriate repair charge.  
Should a fault be suspected, your dealer should be notified in the first instance. All returns should be made via your dealer,  
forward carriage paid, and be accompanied by details of:  
a the reported symptoms  
b brief details of the installation.  
c details of the circumstances of failure  
Following the routine warranty period, Mustang amplifiers may be returned via your dealer, to the manufacturer for any necessary  
repairs or refurbishing. Details of the work required/reported fault must accompany the unit, and nominal charges will be levied.  
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The following list of fault symptoms and check points cannot be considered as comprehensive, but as a guide to the most likely  
faults and causes. We assume that the input sources and loudspeakers are properly connected and in good working order. Be  
sure to check these carefully first before investigating the amplifier.  
Sound off, main power switch lam opff  
Sound off, main power switch la pmon  
AC mains fuse, mains lead, mains power, mains switch. DC supply, fuse, or le das.  
Internal AC/DC power fuses, output transistors, input connections, module edge connect tos,  
output transformer continuity, pre-amplifier stabiliser module, line driver module, priority channel  
not being triggered, input module not being set by dedicated jumper pins, input module being  
muted by operation of higher priority.  
Sound f iant  
Module sensitivity adjustment, incorrect output connections, overload on mixer facility soc ekt,  
incorrect input pin selection, incorrect choice of input module.  
Sound loud but disto tred  
Incorrect choice of input module, incorrect module sensitivity setting or pin selection, incor er ct  
loudspeaker load, volume control too far advanced, system requires amplifier of greater power  
or more efficient loudspeakers, master control set too low.  
Sound distorted on bass p aeks  
Sound distorted an ldow  
Bass controls too high, poor quality 100V line loudspeaker transformers. See also No.4 ab voe.  
Incorrect choice of input module, incorrect module sensitivity setting or pin selection, incor er ct  
loudspeaker load, partial loudspeaker line short, output transformer short circuit, master control  
set too low.  
Case gets ver hyot  
Incorrect (excess) loudspeaker loadings, see page 18, parasitic oscillation (usu laly  
accompanied by soft hum and mild distortion and appears and disappears at a certain treble  
control setting) see 8 below, insufficient ventilation, see page 31  
Parasitic/supersonic oscilla iton  
Insufficient screening on high sensitivity input signal cables, insufficient earth ni g,  
loudspeaker/input leads adjacent or parallel for some length, unloaded input line, incoming  
parasitic on signal line from ancillary equipment, braiding on input cable disconnected or  
intermittently faulty.  
Soft hum - volume controls odwn  
Earth/hum loop - see page 25, power supply capacitor failing, induced magnetic field rfom  
nearby mains equipment.  
Incoming hum from ancillary equipment, induced hum on sensitive input cables, incor er ct  
earthing to amplifier or ancillary equipment, earth/hum loop, see page 25  
Excess treble, signal noise incoming from ancillary equipment, unloaded input signal line, noisy  
input module.  
Interference from lighting dimmers, dimmer lines, faulty fluorescent lights, earth/hum loop, see  
page 25  
Loud hars hum  
Disconnected signal input braiding, or buzz earth/hum loop, see pa eg 25  
Intermittent loud crac ikng  
Strained input module edge connectors, dirty edge connectors, intermittent input el ad  
connections, dirty voltage selector pins, dirty mains plug pins, loose mains fuse, radiated  
interference from thermostat etc. see also No.5 above.  
Howling or ringing and boo imng  
DC fuses blo iwng  
Acoustic feedback between microphone and loudspea ekrs  
Failed output transistors and/or driver b aord  
Mains line fuse blo iwng  
Mains switch suppressor shorted, main rectifier failed, mains transformer failed, ou pt ut  
transistors failed  
Input channe ol ff  
Incorrect priority triggering, module edge connector, module muted by higher priority, i pnut  
signal fault, module not set to passive mode  
Incorrect signal prio irty  
Intermittent s uond  
Incorrect setting of PCB priority switches or of priority/passive jum eprs  
Strained input module or driver board edge connector, fractured input cable, worn volume con rtol  
Mixer AC supply fuse blo iwng  
Power switch u lnit  
Regulator mo udle  
AC (and/or DC) power missing, switch lamp, internal lamp regulator, power fu ess.  
Signal bass peaks triggering protection infrequentlycircu tiry  
Loudspeaker load excessive, or faulty threshold frequently sett ni g.  
Faulty power section module.  
ERROR lamp flashing infreque tnly  
ERROR lamp flashing freque tnly  
ERROR lamp on permanently, no a duio  
Rhythmic clic ikng  
Incompatibility of internal charging system and earthing in multi-amplifier installation, red wi er on  
Power Management PCB not disconnected  
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Appendix A  
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Appendix B  
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Appendix C  
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Appendix D  
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MACRO range installation manual. Issue 6  
Appendix E  
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