IBM Personal Computer SC34 4499 03 User Manual

IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server  
User’s Guide  
Ve r s i o n 3.0  
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IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server  
User’s Guide  
Ve r s i o n 3.0  
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Fourth Edition (March 1998)  
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Contents vii  
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About this book  
This book is part of the documentation library supporting the IBM TeamConnection  
licensed programs. It is a guide for client users.  
For additional information when performing TeamConnection tasks, refer to the  
Commands Reference when entering commands or online help when using the  
graphical user interface (GUI).  
Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients contains basic information for the  
client user.  
This book is available in PDF format. Because production time for printed manuals is  
longer than production time for PDF files, the PDF files may contain more up-to-date  
information. The PDF files are located in directory path nls\doc\enu (Intel) or  
softpubs/en_US (UNIX). To view these files, you need a PDF reader such as Acrobat.  
How this book is organized  
“Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection” on page 1, gives all users an overview of the  
concepts of TeamConnection and introduces the terminology that is used throughout  
this book.  
different interfaces and basic TeamConnection tasks. It uses scenarios to explain  
how to do many tasks.  
This part is for everyone using TeamConnection to do daily work. The information is  
meant for both the person who uses the command line interface and the person  
who uses the GUI, as instructions for both are provided.  
the TeamConnection build function. For information in installing and administering  
the build function, refer to the Administrator’s Guide  
TeamConnection helps you automate the packaging and distribution of your  
“Part 6. Appendixes” on page 225, contains various pieces of information that you  
can refer to as you plan for and use TeamConnection.  
Information on customer service, a bibliography, and a glossary are included at the  
back of this book.  
This book uses the following highlighting conventions:  
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Italics are used to indicate the first occurrence of a word or phrase that is defined in  
the glossary. They are also used for information that you must replace.  
Bold is used to indicate items on the GUI.  
Monospace font is used to indicate exactly how you type the information.  
File names follow Intel conventions: mydir\myfile.txt. AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris users  
should render this file name mydir/myfile.txt.  
Tips or platform specific information is marked in this book as follows:  
Shortcut techniques and other tips  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for OS/2  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Windows/NT  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Windows 95  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for AIX  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for HP-UX  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Solaris  
Tell us what you think  
In the back of this book is a comment form. Please take a few moments to tell us what  
you think about this book. The only way for us to know if you are satisfied with our  
books or if we can improve their quality is through feedback from customers like you.  
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Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection  
This section presents an overview of the TeamConnection product. The information in  
this section should be read and understood by everyone who is going to work with  
Additional conceptual information is provided in Parts 3, 4, 5, and 6.  
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Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection  
TeamConnection provides an environment and tools to make software development run  
smoothly, whether your development team is small or large. Using TeamConnection,  
you can communicate with and share data among team members to keep up with the  
many tasks in the development life cycle, from planning through maintenance.  
What does TeamConnection do for you? It takes care of the following:  
Configuration management: the process of identifying, organizing, managing, and  
controlling software modules as they change over time. This includes controlling  
access to your software modules and providing notification to team members as  
software modules change.  
Release management: the logical organization of objects that are related to an  
application. The release provides a logical view of objects that must be built, tested,  
and distributed together. Releases are versioned, built, and packaged.  
Version control: the tracking of relationships among the versions of the various parts  
that make up an application. Version control enables you to build your product using  
stable levels of code, even if the code is constantly changing. It provides control over  
which changes are available to everyone and, optionally, allows more than one  
developer at a time to update a part.  
Change control: the controlling of changes to parts that are stored in  
TeamConnection. TeamConnection keeps track of any part changes you make and  
the reasons you make them. Your development team can build releases with  
accuracy and efficiency, even as the parts evolve. The product ensures that the  
change process is followed and that the changes are authorized. After changes are  
made, it allows you to integrate the changes and build the application.  
TeamConnection tracks all changes to the parts across multiple products and  
The change control process is configurable. Your team can decide how strict the  
change control should be, from loose to very tight. You can also adjust the level of  
control as you move through a development cycle.  
Build support: the function that enables you to define the structure of your application  
and then to create it within TeamConnection from your input parts. Independent steps  
in a build can run in parallel on different servers, thus reducing your build time. You  
can build applications for platforms in addition to the one TeamConnection runs  
on—currently, you can use TeamConnection to build applications on AIX, HP-UX,  
OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris, MVS, and MVS OpenEdition.  
Packaging support: the preparation of your application for electronic distribution to  
other users.  
This chapter defines the basic terms and concepts you need to make the most of  
TeamConnection. Read this chapter first; then decide which information you need next:  
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Topic and description  
Developing products using TeamConnection:  
Getting familiar with the interfaces  
The basics of using TeamConnection  
More about defects and features  
Following TeamConnection processes  
Using TeamConnection to build applications:  
Build concepts  
Installing build agents and processors  
Working with build scripts and builders  
Working with parsers  
Building an application  
Packaging applications:  
Using the packaging function  
Using the Gather utility  
Using the NVBridge utility  
TeamConnection definitions  
The following definitions are in logical order rather than alphabetical. provides additional  
information about these terms.  
TeamConnection’s client/server architecture  
Figure 1 on page 5 is an example of a network of TeamConnection clients and servers.  
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Figure 1. A sample TeamConnection client/server network  
TeamConnection family servers control all data within the TeamConnection environment.  
Data stored in a family server’s database includes:  
Text objects, such as source code and product documentation  
Binary objects, such as compiled code  
Modeled objects that are stored in the information model by tools such as VisualAge  
Other TeamConnection objects that are metadata about the other objects  
A TeamConnection client gives team members access to the development information  
and parts stored on the database server.  
TeamConnection database  
TeamConnection is built on IBM’s DB2 Universal Database. Please refer to the DB2  
documentation referenced in this document’s “Bibliography” on page 309 for detailed  
information on DB2 database configuration, administration, and utilities.  
TeamConnection provides the following interfaces that you can use to access data:  
A graphical user interface based on industry standards.  
A command line interface that lets you type TeamConnection commands from a  
prompt or from within TeamConnection  
A web client that you access through your web browser.  
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You can use any interface to do your TeamConnection work, or you can switch among  
them. This book usually gives instructions for using both interfaces.  
A family represents a complete and self-contained collection of TeamConnection users  
and development data. Data within a family is completely isolated from data in all other  
families. One family cannot share data with another.  
Refer to the Administrator’s Guide for more information about families.  
Users and host lists  
Users are given access to the TeamConnection development data in a specific family  
through their user IDs. Each family has at least one superuser, who has privileged  
access to the family. The superuser gives other users the authority to perform some set  
of actions on particular data. Depending on the authority granted to a user, that user  
might in turn be able to grant some equal or lesser level of authority to other users.  
However, the ability to grant authority for some actions is reserved to the superuser.  
There are no actions which the superuser cannot perform.  
For host-based authentication, each user ID is associated with a host list, which is a list  
of client machine addresses from which the user can access TeamConnection when  
using that ID.  
A single user can access TeamConnection from multiple systems or logins. Likewise, a  
single system login can act on behalf of multiple users. The set of authorized logins for  
a TeamConnection user ID makes up the user’s host list.  
It is also possible to authenticate users through the use of passwords, either in place of  
host lists, or as an alternative form of authentication.  
Refer to the Administrator’s Guide for more information.  
TeamConnection parts are objects that users and tools store in TeamConnection. They  
include text objects, binary objects, and modeled objects. These parts can be stored by  
the user or the tool, or they can be generated from other parts, such as when a linker  
generates an executable file. Parts can also be groupings of other TeamConnection  
objects for building and distribution, or simply for convenient reference. Common part  
actions include the following:  
Create To store a part from your workstation on the server; from that time on,  
TeamConnection keeps track of all changes made to the part. Or, to create a  
part to use as a place holder to store the output of a build.  
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Check out  
To get a copy of a part so that you can make changes to it.  
Check in  
To put the changed part back into TeamConnection.  
Extract To get a copy of the part without making changes to the current version in  
To change a part from within TeamConnection using a specified editor.  
To construct an output part from parts that you have defined to  
TeamConnection as input to the output part.  
These are simplified definitions of part actions; there is more about the actions you can  
The current version of each part is stored in the TeamConnection database, along with  
previous versions of each part. You can return to previous versions if you need to.  
Within each family, development data is organized into groups called components. The  
component hierarchy of each family includes a single top component, called root, and  
descendants of that root. Each child component has at least one parent component; a  
child can have multiple parents.  
The following figure depicts a component hierarchy.  
Figure 2. Sample of a component hierarchy  
TeamConnection uses components to organize development data, control access to the  
data, and notify users when certain actions occur. Descendant components inherit  
access and notification information from ancestor components. Information about the  
components is stored in the database, including:  
The component’s position in its family hierarchy.  
The user who owns the component. The component owner is responsible for  
managing data related to it, including defects or features.  
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection  
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The users who have access to the component and the level of access each user  
has. This information makes up the component’s access list.  
The users who are to be notified about changes to the component. This set of users  
is called the notification list.  
The process by which the component handles defects and features.  
An application is likely to contain parts from more than one component. Because you  
probably want to use some of the same parts in more than one application, or in more  
than one version of an application, TeamConnection also groups parts into releases. A  
release is a logical organization of all parts that are related to an application; that is, all  
parts that must be built, tested, and distributed together. Each time a release is  
changed, a new version of the release is created. Each version of the release points to  
the correct version of each part in the release.  
Each part in TeamConnection is managed by at least one component and contained in  
at least one release. One release can contain parts from many components; a  
component can span several releases. Figure 3 shows the relationships between parts,  
the releases that contain them, and the components that manage them.  
Figure 3. Parts, releases, and components  
Each time a new development cycle begins, you can define a separate release. Each  
subsequent release of an application can share many of the same parts as its  
predecessor. Thus maintenance of an older release can progress at the same time as  
development of a newer one. Each release follows a process by which defects and  
features are handled.  
Work areas  
A release contains the latest officialversion of each of its parts. As users check parts  
out of the releases, update them, and then check them back in, TeamConnection keeps  
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track of all of these changes, even when more than one user updates the same part at  
the same time. To make this possible, TeamConnection uses something called a work  
A work area is a logical temporary work space that enables you to isolate your work on  
the parts in a release from the official versions of the parts. You can check parts out to  
a work area, update them, and build them without affecting the official version of the  
parts in the release. After you are certain that your changes work, you integrate the  
work area with the release (or commit the driver that the work area is a member of, if  
you are using the driver subprocess). The integration makes the parts from your work  
area the new official parts in the release.  
You can do the following with work areas:  
Check out parts from a release  
Update any or all of the checked-out parts  
Get the latest copies of the parts in the release, including any changes integrated by  
other users  
Get the latest copies of the parts in another work area  
Freeze the work area, making a snapshot of the parts as they exist at a particular  
instant in case you need to return to it later  
Build the parts in the work area  
Move all parts back into the release by integrating the work area  
For more information, see “Using work areas” on page 28.  
A driver is a collector for work areas. You create drivers associated with specific  
releases so that you can exercise greater control over which work areas are integrated  
into the release and commit the changes from multiple work areas simultaneously.  
When a work area is added to a driver, it is called a driver member. A single work area  
can be a member of more than one driver. By making a work area part of a driver, you  
associate the parts changed in relation to that work area with the specified driver.  
These parts must be members of the release associated with the driver.  
Drivers enable you to place the following controls over work area integrations:  
Define and monitor prerequisite and corequisite work areas to ensure that mutually  
dependent changes are integrated in proper order.  
Monitor and resolve conflicting changes to the same part (if you use concurrent  
Restrict access to driver members so that they can be changed only by users with  
proper authority.  
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Defects and features  
A defect is a record of a problem to be fixed. A feature is a record of a request for a  
functional addition or enhancement. Both may be associated with a work area, and both  
follow the processes defined for the component and release that are associated with  
the work area. TeamConnection tracks both objects through their life cycles as  
developers change and commit parts.  
You can use defects and features to record problems and design changes for things  
other than the products you are developing under TeamConnection control. For  
example, you can use defects to record information about personnel problems,  
hardware problems, or process problems. You can use features to record proposals for  
process improvements and hardware design changes.  
An application changes over time as developers add features or correct defects.  
TeamConnection controls these changes according to the processes you choose for  
your application’s components and releases. A process enforces a specific level of  
control to part changes and ensures that actions occur in a specified order.  
Two separate types of processes are defined: component processes, which can be  
different for each component within a family, and release processes, which apply to all  
activities associated with a given release. Component or release processes are built  
from a number of lower-level processes, or subprocesses, that are included with the  
TeamConnection product.  
A defect or feature written against a component moves through successive states  
during its life cycle. The TeamConnection actions that you can perform against it  
depend on its current state. The component processes define these actions. You can  
require users to do some, all, or none of the following for tracking defects and features:  
Design, size, and review changes to be made for features  
Verify that the features have been implemented correctly  
Design, size, and review fixes to be made for defects  
Verify that the fixes work  
At the release level you can require some, all, or none of the following subprocesses:  
This subprocess is TeamConnection’s way of relating all part changes to a  
specific defect or feature and a specific release. Each work area gathers all  
10 User’s Guide  
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the parts modified for the specified defect or feature in one release and  
records the status of the defect or feature. The work area moves through  
successive states during its life cycle. The TeamConnection actions that you  
can perform against a work area depend on its current state.  
You must use the track subprocess if you want to use any of the other release  
This subprocess ensures that a designated approver agrees with the decision  
to incorporate changes into a particular release and electronically signs a  
record. As soon as approval is given, the changes can be made.  
This subprocess ensures that as users check in parts associated with a work  
area, an action is taken to indicate that they have completed their portion.  
When everyone is done, the owner of the fix record (usually the component  
owner) can change the fix record to complete. The parts are then ready for  
driver A driver is a collection of all the work areas that are to be integrated with each  
other and with the unchanged parts in the release at a particular time. The  
driver subprocess allows you to include these changes incrementally so that  
their impact can be evaluated and verified before additional changes are  
incorporated. Each work area that is included in a driver is called a driver  
The test subprocess guarantees that testing occurs prior to verifying that the  
fix is correct within the release.  
TeamConnection is shipped with several predefined processes. If these do not apply to  
your organization, you can configure your own processes by defining different  
combinations of subprocesses.  
of TeamConnection states.  
The TeamConnection build function automates the process of building individual parts  
or entire applications, both in the work group LAN environment and on an enterprise  
server. This function enables you to reliably and repeatedly build the same output from  
the same inputs. You can also build different outputs from the same inputs for different  
You start a build against an output part that has an associated builder. A builder is an  
object that describes how to translate input parts to get the desired output, such as a  
linker or compiler. An input part might have an associated parser, which determines the  
dependencies for the input parts in a build.  
The build function does the following:  
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection 11  
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Tracks build times of inputs and outputs so that it builds only those parts that are out  
of date themselves or that have out of date dependents. You can also force a build  
regardless of the build times.  
Enables you to spread the build over multiple machines running at the same time or  
into multiple processes running on a single machine, such as on MVS.  
Packaging is any of the steps necessary to distribute software and data onto the  
machines where they are to be used. TeamConnection includes two tools that you can  
use to automate the electronic distribution of TeamConnection-managed software and  
Gather An automated data mover for server or file transfer-based distribution.  
Tivoli Software Distribution  
A bridge utility that automates the installation and distribution of software or  
data using Tivoli as the distribution vehicle.  
Roles people play  
Because TeamConnection is extremely flexible, no two projects are likely to use it in the  
same way, and the jobs that people perform likewise vary. Still, TeamConnection tasks  
can be grouped into the following general categories:  
System administrator  
Has superuser access to the family server and database administration access  
to the database management system. This administrator is responsible for the  
Installing and maintaining the TeamConnection server  
Maintaining and backing up the database used by TeamConnection  
Note: On UNIX systems, the system administrator must also have root access  
to the host machine.  
Family administrator  
Has superuser access to the family server and database administration access  
to the database management system. This administrator is responsible for the  
Planning and configuring TeamConnection for one or more families  
Managing user access to one or more families  
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Maintaining one or more families  
Creating and updating configurable fields  
Configuring release and component processes for a family  
Creating and updating user exits  
Monitoring the user activity of a family  
Build administrator  
This administrator is responsible for the following:  
Setting up and maintaining build servers  
Planning for builds  
Creating builders and parsers  
Starting and stopping build servers  
Defining pools  
Monitoring build performance  
Creating driver members  
Committing and completing drivers  
Extracting releases  
Packaging and distributing applications  
End user  
End users, such as project leaders, programmers, and technical writers, use  
one or more TeamConnection families to control and maintain application  
development data.  
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14 User’s Guide  
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Part 2. Developing a product using TeamConnection  
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This section is for anyone who uses the TeamConnection client to do daily work. The  
information is meant for both the person who uses the command line interface and the  
person who uses the GUI; instructions for both are provided.  
All the tasks in this part are done from a client machine.  
Before reading this section, you should be familiar with the TeamConnection  
terminology and concepts presented in “Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection”  
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Chapter 2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client  
TeamConnection provides several interfaces that you can use to access data:  
A graphical user interface based on industry standards.  
A command line interface that lets you type TeamConnection commands from a  
prompt or from within TeamConnection.  
A web client, that you access through your web browser.  
You can use any of the interfaces to do all of your TeamConnection work, or you can  
switch back and forth between the them. You might find that some tasks are easier to  
do from the GUI or through the web, while others are easier to do from the command  
page 15 give instructions for both GUI and command line interface usage.  
This chapter helps you to begin using the TeamConnection client interfaces. It describes  
the following:  
Using the GUI  
Starting and stopping the GUI  
Getting around in the GUI  
Using the Settings notebook  
Using the online help that is provided with TeamConnection  
Using the command line interface  
Using the web client  
Before you can use TeamConnection, someone in your organization with superuser or  
admin authority, such as your family administrator, must create for you a unique user ID  
and a host list entry for the workstation where you installed the client.  
Using the GUI  
TeamConnection provides a GUI that you can use to do all of your TeamConnection  
work. To use the GUI efficiently, set your default values in your Settings notebook to suit  
your working environment, and then become familiar with the Tasks window and how  
you can save time by adding your most common tasks to it.  
Note: If available, use the Select Preference File window to specify your configuration  
file for the TeamConnection GUI. This is the file that TeamConnection uses to  
store and retrieve the information you have selected for the various GUI  
windows. Preferences such as which view you are using for a window (for  
example Details view on the Defects window), the column order for a window,  
and the window size are saved in this file.  
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If you are using AIX, HP_UX, or Solaris and are about to use the GUI for the first time,  
you need to do the following tasks:  
1. See Configure the environment variables in the .profile in the Getting Started with  
the TeamConnection Clients manual.  
2. See Ensure that the TeamConnection client command is accessible in the Getting  
Started with the TeamConnection Clients manual.  
3. Copy the sample initial tasks list for the main GUI window by typing the following  
command (this needs to be done only once):  
cp $TC_HOME/nls/cfg/$LANG/teamcv3x.ini $HOME/.  
chmod u+w $HOME/teamcv3x.ini  
Where $TC_HOME is the location where the TeamConnection code was installed.  
Starting the GUI  
You can start the TeamConnection client GUI in one of the following ways:  
Select the TeamConnection Client icon from the TeamConnection Group folder on  
the desktop.  
Type teamcgui from a prompt.  
The Tasks window appears.  
Figure 4. Tasks window  
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Initially, a set of default tasks appears in your Tasks window. As you become more  
familiar with TeamConnection and see what tasks you do most often, you can change,  
delete from, and add new tasks to this list. To learn how to do this, select How do I  
from the Help pull-down menu, and then select Update tasks on the Tasks window.  
From the Tasks window, you can either select actions from the menu bar or select a  
Stopping the GUI  
To stop the TeamConnection client GUI, do one of the following:  
Select Close from the System menu in the Tasks window.  
Select Exit from the File pull-down menu of a TeamConnection window.  
Performing tasks with the GUI  
There are several ways you can perform TeamConnection tasks with the GUI. You can:  
Select an action from the Actions pull-down menu and then select the object you  
want to work with. For example, if you want to view a specific defect, select Defects  
View from the Actions pull-down menu; then type the name of the defect in the  
View Defects window.  
This method is useful when you know the exact names of the objects you want to  
work with.  
Select the type of object you want to work with, such as Defects, from the Objects  
pull-down menu. A Filter window appears in which you can specify search criteria.  
You then get a list of objects that match the search criteria. Online help provides  
information about using the Filter window.  
This method is useful when you do not know the exact name of the object you want  
to work with, or you want to view a list of objects.  
After you have a list of objects, and if you are going to use this list at other times,  
you can keep the window open. Leave the window in the background as you do your  
other work, or minimize it. This way, you can quickly retrieve the list when you want  
to perform another action.  
Select a task from the Tasks window.  
This method provides a fast path within the GUI. When you select a task,  
TeamConnection performs the underlying query or command and then displays the  
requested information.  
Select an object from an object window (such as the Parts, Defects, or Features  
window) and then select an action to perform on the selected part from the Selected  
menu. You can also display a pop-up menu listing valid actions for a specific object  
by placing the mouse pointer over the object and pressing mouse button 2.  
Chapter 2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client interfaces 19  
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Using the Settings notebook  
The TeamConnection GUI provides a Settings notebook in which you can set default  
values for your working environment. To open the Settings notebook, select Settings  
from the Windows pull-down menu. You can set the following values; for more  
information about them, refer to the online help. The notebook has five pages.  
Note: The environment variables you specify are relevant for the GUI only, not the  
command line.  
On the Environment  
Work area  
Become user  
User ID  
Relative directory  
Working directory  
On the Setup page:  
NLS path  
Log file  
Print command  
Compare command  
Edit command  
On the GUI page:  
Verbose commands  
Auto refresh  
Multiple object windows  
Show query line  
Sort pre-defined list values  
Use small icons in icon views (not available in Windows or UNIX  
Use small icons in tree views (not available in Windows or UNIX  
Font for object windows (not available in Windows or UNIX  
Font for output windows (not available in Windows or UNIX  
Required field label color  
Modified field label color  
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On the Extract page:  
On the Pool page:  
Destination directory  
Expand keywords  
Online help information  
Online help information is available from anywhere in the TeamConnection GUI. Use  
the online help when you need more information about a topic or task.  
TeamConnection offers two types of help:  
General help  
This is help for a specific window. General help provides an overview of the task and  
describes the objects on the window, such as menu-bar items, icons, fields, and push  
buttons. Do one of the following to access general help:  
Select Help from a menu bar.  
Select the Help push button.  
Press F1.  
How do I  
This is where you find step-by-step instructions for doing a specific task. How you do  
a task depends on the component or release process that is being followed, and this  
help information takes that into consideration. To access this help, select How do I  
from the Help pull-down menu. Double-click on one of the task items.  
At the bottom of each Help window is a Diagram push button. Select this push button  
to view a graphical process diagram. Step your way through the diagram to better  
understand the processes that TeamConnection components and releases can follow.  
The processes that your components and releases follow depend on how the  
processes are configured for your organization. The defined processes determine the  
actions that must occur before a defect or feature can move toward completion.  
Using the command line interface  
To use the command line interface effectively, you must be familiar with the actions that  
you can perform using TeamConnection commands. A complete description of each  
command, including examples for each, is available in the Commands Reference  
To view the syntax of a TeamConnection command online, type the following at a  
teamc commandName  
Where commandName is the name of the TeamConnection command.  
Chapter 2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client interfaces 21  
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The Quick Commands Reference is a booklet that lists the syntax of each  
TeamConnection command.  
You can also become familiar with the commands by looking at the contents of the log  
file where TeamConnection stores the commands that are issued as you use the GUI.  
This file is specified in the Log file field on the Setup page of the Settings notebook.  
The default name is teamc.log; it is stored in the directory where the client is installed  
(for AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris it is stored in the $HOME directory of the user), unless  
you specify a different location in the Settings notebook.  
You can type TeamConnection commands from a prompt within any directory; the  
TeamConnection GUI does not need to be started. Or if you start the GUI, you can type  
a command on the command line in the Tasks window (this command line is located at  
the bottom of the window, just above the footer that indicates the user name and family  
Before you start to use the command line interface, you might want to set the most  
used environment variables, such as TC_FAMILY or TC_COMPONENT. You are not  
required to set these environment variables, but if you do not, you will need to specify  
them in the command when required.  
You set environment variables differently for different platforms:  
AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris users set environment variables in the .profile (sh, ksh  
environment), .dtprofile (cde environment), or .cshrc (csh environment).  
OS/2 users set environment variables in the config.sys file or from a command line  
Windows 95 and Windows NT users set environment variables in the Windows  
Control Panel.  
Some environment variables are set in your config.sys file during installation.  
You can override the value you set for an environment variable by using the  
corresponding flag in the command. For example, you have the TC_FAMILY  
environment variable set to robot, but you need a file from another family named octo,  
so you issue the following command:  
teamc part -extract hello.c -family octo -release 9501  
TeamConnection environment variables.  
Using the TeamConnection web client  
The TeamConnection Web Client provides family server connectivity and great deal of  
the functionality provided by a standard TeamConnection client without the overhead  
required by a standard client installation. Using a web browser, anyone in the  
organization can access server data (provided the server is configured appropriately) by  
addressing a machine and a port number. Although file input/output functions are not  
22 User’s Guide  
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currently available, most other familiar TeamConnection functions are available through  
the Web client. If you want to disable the Web Client interface, you must set the  
environment variable TC_WWWDISABLED before starting the family.  
To begin using the TeamConnection web client you must point your web browser to the  
correct URL. The syntax of the URL is: http://host name of the server:port number of  
your family. For example, if your server host name is testfam and your port number is  
7890, the URL would look like: http://testfam:7890  
When connecting to the Web client, you will be prompted for a user name and a  
password. The browser will cache this user name and password until it is closed. The  
user name is required, but the password may not be, depending on the authentication  
level of the family and the host on which the browser is running.  
If your organization authentication level is set for PASSWORD_ONLY, you must login  
using a password to gain access. If your organization authentication level is  
HOST_ONLY, you may be denied access to the web client because either the host  
being used is not in the user’s host list, or the browser is not bypassing the proxy. You  
may be able to gain access by:  
If the host being used is not in the user’s host list, you must add the host to the  
user’s host list to gain access.  
If the browser is not bypassing the proxy, do one of the following:  
Temporarily disable the proxy when using the Web Client.  
Reconfigure the browser to bypass the proxy when connecting to the family  
Use an autoproxy so the browser will automatically bypass the proxy when  
connecting to the family server.  
Change the authentication level to HOST_OR_PASSWORD and login using a  
Using the web client is much like using the TeamConnection GUI. The following are  
some differences you might find:  
Parts cannot be extracted, checked out or checked in with the web client.  
Releases, Drivers, and Workareas cannot be extracted with the web client.  
A filter for Corequisites does not exist in the TeamConnection GUI.  
For the FeatureModify action, the following are available with the TeamConnection  
web client (but not the TeamConnection GUI):  
For the DriverMemberView action, the following are available with the  
TeamConnection web client (but not the TeamConnection GUI):  
Chapter 2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client interfaces 23  
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For the ChangeView action, the following are available with the TeamConnection web  
client (but not the TeamConnection GUI):  
For the PartBuild action, the following are available with the TeamConnection web  
client (but not the TeamConnection GUI):  
The PartChildInfoView action does not exist in the TeamConnection GUI.  
For the PartDelete action, force is available for use with the TeamConnection web  
client (but not the TeamConnection GUI).  
For the PartDisconnect action, parentType is available for use with the  
TeamConnection web client (but not the TeamConnection GUI.)  
For the PartModify action, fileType is available for use with the TeamConnection web  
client (but not the TeamConnection GUI).  
For the PartUnlock action, Source Directory is available in the TeamConnection GUI  
but not in the TeamConnection web client.  
For the PartViewContents, Expand Keywords is available in the TeamConnection  
GUI. In the TeamConnection web client, an option for turning keyword expansion on  
and off is provided.  
For the UserView Filter action, the following are available with the TeamConnection  
web client (but not the TeamConnection GUI):  
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Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection  
All users of TeamConnection perform a number of basic tasks, such as checking parts  
out of TeamConnection and then back in, and testing and verifying part changes. Before  
you start doing these tasks, you need to understand the basic concepts behind them;  
that is what this chapter explains.  
This chapter assumes that you have read “Chapter 1. An introduction to  
TeamConnection” on page 3 and are familiar with the different objects, such as  
components and releases. The other chapters in this part of the book define in more  
detail how you perform the TeamConnection tasks.  
Laying the groundwork  
Someone has already created your family’s component structure, and those  
components manage your parts and control access to the data. Your TeamConnection  
family also contains releases. A release identifies a version of all the parts that  
comprise an application at a given point in time. When you create a release, you  
specify the component that will manage it. One component manages a release, but  
many components can manage the individual parts associated with that release.  
A single part can be associated with more than one release, but it is managed by one  
component. When you create a part, you specify the release that you want to associate  
with the part and the component that you want to manage it. At any time, you can link  
the created part to other releases so that the part can be shared, or you can change its  
managing component.  
Before you start working with parts, you need to be familiar with your family’s  
component structure. This will help you when trying to locate parts within  
TeamConnection and when writing defects and features. You can do the following to  
display your family’s component structure from the GUI:  
1. Select Components Components from the Objects pull-down menu on the Tasks  
window. The Component Filter window appears.  
2. Type the name of the component that is at the top of your component hierarchy in  
the Component field, and select OK. Initially this component is called root. The  
Components window appears, listing the component.  
3. Verify that the component is displayed in tree view (a plus sign (+) appears before  
the component name). If not, select Tree from the View pull-down menu.  
4. Select Expand fully from the Selected pull-down menu.  
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Figure 5. Components window  
From a command prompt, you can issue the following command to view the component  
teamc report -view -raw bCompView -where "name='root'"  
Authority to perform tasks  
As a TeamConnection user, you are automatically given the authority to perform some  
basic tasks. You can:  
Open defects and features  
Add notes to existing defects and features  
Modify the information for your user ID  
Display information about any user ID  
Search for information within TeamConnection to create reports  
You receive authority to perform additional actions when you become the owner of a  
TeamConnection object, such as a component or a part, or when authority is explicitly  
given to you by the component owners.  
If you attempt an action that you do not have authority to do, TeamConnection tells you  
so. When this happens, you can ask the component owner, the family administrator, or  
a user with superuser authority to grant you the necessary authority.  
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Note: You can issue queries to generate reports of data from tables and views using  
the -view action flag. If you do not specify selection criteria, such as the fields  
and the search conditions you want to use, the report query selects all entries for  
the table or view indicated that the user has authority to access. This command  
does not show any objects in components that you are not authorized to access  
types of authority you need in order to perform various TeamConnection actions.  
Finding objects within TeamConnection  
All TeamConnection objects are stored on a server in a database. To nd one or more  
of these objects within a family, do one of the following:  
Use the report command with the -view action flag from a command line or a  
command line within TeamConnection.  
Command usage is explained in the Commands Reference  
Use a Filter window in the GUI.  
Online helps explain how to use the Filter windows.  
For now, you need to understand that the database is case-sensitive. You need to refer  
to and search for objects in the correct case. For example, if a component is stored in  
the database as hand, you would not find it if you typed Hand or HAND. This is why it is  
important that your organization sets a naming convention, and that everyone follows  
that decision when creating objects. If you do not know what naming convention has  
been established for your organization, talk to your family administrator.  
Note: It is recommended that you use all lowercase whenever possible.  
Finding parts  
There are three Filter windows that you can use to find parts within TeamConnection:  
Note: Use the forward slash (/) when specifying path names, such as directory/file.txt.  
The Intel convention of using the backward slash is not recognized in the Filter  
Parts Use when you want to limit your search to a particular context of a work area  
or driver in a release, or a particular version of a release. This is generally the  
view users will use most often.  
If you specify only a release, TeamConnection lists the committed parts for that  
release. However, if you want a list of all parts in a specified work area and  
release, TeamConnection displays all the parts visible to the work area. This  
includes parts that are committed to the release as well as changed parts that  
are visible only to the work area.  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 27  
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Use when you want to search for information related to building your  
application, such as viewing a build tree, or when you want to do build actions.  
Use when you want to search for parts across releases, components, or work  
areas. For example, you want a list of all the optics.c parts. Unlike the Parts  
Filter, you can specify one or more release or work area names.  
You can also use this filter to display only parts that have been changed in a  
work area. For example, you check out robot.c to work area 310:1, and that is  
the only part that you have changed. If you use the PartFull Filter to query for  
all the parts in work area 310:1, only one record is returned.  
You cannot use this filter to search for build information.  
Refer to the online help, in particular How do I, for more information on how to use the  
Filter windows. Select How do I from the Help pull-down menu to access the  
Using work areas  
A work area is a logical temporary work space that enables you to isolate your work on  
the parts in a release from the official versions of the parts. You can check parts out to  
a work area, update them, and build them without affecting the official version of the  
parts in the release. You must create a work area before you can create, check out, or  
check in parts. If your component’s process includes a design, size, review subprocess  
for defects or features and the release follows a tracking subprocess, a work area is  
automatically created when sizing records exist and the associated defect or feature is  
accepted. TeamConnection associates these work areas with the appropriate defect or  
The parts in a work area do not become available in the release until the work area is  
integrated. Also, if your release follows a driver subprocess, parts that have been  
changed do not become available in the release until the associated driver is  
committed. However, users who have the authority to access the work area can view  
and work with the parts in it.  
You can save intermediate versions of the parts in your work area by freezing your  
work area. Every time you freeze a work area, TeamConnection saves a revision level  
of the work area. When you freeze work area 123:1, for example, a version called  
123:2 is created. This version contains information about each part in the work area  
and its current version at the time the work area was frozen. It may contain version 1 of  
part optics.c, for example. If you freeze the work area again later, a new version called  
123:3 is created with information about the versions of the parts in the work area when  
it was frozen. This version may contain version 2 of part optics.c. Each of these work  
area versions is saved in the database and you can retrieve the versions of the parts  
they contain before you integrate the work area into the release. Therefore, you should  
freeze a work area whenever there is a possibility that you will want to return to that  
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version of the work area. For example, you might be adding a major feature to the  
code, and you want to be able to return to something that works in case the application  
no longer builds. When you integrate a work area or commit a driver, the work area is  
frozen automatically.  
Naming your work areas  
When TeamConnection automatically creates a work area, the work area is given the  
same name as the defect or feature it was created for plus the initial version number,  
:1. When you create a work area, you can also give it the same name as the defect or  
feature, or you could give it any other name. Where possible, we recommend that you  
name it after a defect or feature, or relate the name to the change that is being made.  
Here are some things you should know before you name a work area:  
Work area names must be unique within the context of a release.  
After you create a work area, you cannot delete it. You can, however, cancel the  
work area in the following situations:  
No part changes were made.  
You undo the changes you made.  
With the proper authority, other users in your organization will be able to access your  
work area and make changes to the parts. This means that you need to make it easy  
for them to locate the work area. Following your local naming conventions will help.  
After the work area is integrated with the release, you cannot reuse the work area. If  
the defect is still in the working state, you can create another work area with a  
different name after the initial work area is integrated with the release.  
Creating parts  
A TeamConnection part is controlled by the TeamConnection server. A TeamConnection  
part is uniquely identified by the path name of the part, the part type, and the name of  
the release in which it is contained. You must specify both the release name and the  
path name whenever you perform a TeamConnection action on a part. Multiple releases  
can share the same part.  
When you create a part, you do one of the following:  
Take an existing text or binary file that is on your workstation and place it into  
Create an empty part that has no content. Empty parts are used as place holders  
until an application is built. For example, you can create a place holder for an  
executable part that will be created by a build. See “Creating the build tree for the  
application” on page 184 for an example of creating a place holder.  
After you put a part under TeamConnection control, the official copy of the part resides  
in the database. The copy on your workstation is changed to read-only mode. You can  
then change the part by checking it out to your workstation or editing it within the GUI.  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 29  
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Use the online help facility if you need assistance when creating parts.  
Naming your parts  
If your organization has a naming convention, be sure to follow it when naming your  
parts. When the naming convention is not followed, everybody in your organization can  
have trouble locating parts. Part names created on the server are case-sensitive; they  
must be retrieved using the same case in which they were created.  
When you name TeamConnection parts, you can specify only the base name, such as  
hand.c, or you can specify the directory path in addition to the base name, such as  
robot\hand\hand.c. Specifying the path name as part of the name lets you have several  
identical base name parts included in the same release, such as robot\hand\msg.h and  
You can also have identical part names within the context of a release as long as their  
part types are different, such as TCPart and vgdata.  
Note: It is recommended that you use lowercase letters to name your parts.  
A parts name may contain spaces provided it is enclosed in double quotation marks  
during processing. For example:  
teamc part -create "This is a long file name.txt"  
The name with spaces will be shown as-is by the GUI (without the double quotes). If  
the name has spaces and is not enclosed in double quotation marks, then you may get  
an error message repeated many times, one for each tokenseparated by spaces in  
the long name.  
Note: The base name may contain a maximum of 63 characters, not including the  
double quotations. The path name, which includes the base name, may contain  
a maximum of 195 characters, not including the double quotations.  
Preparing to build your parts  
If you are going to use the TeamConnection build function, you must provide certain  
information about each part that participates in a build. You can provide this information  
when you create the parts or wait until later. You can also change the information at any  
To associate a part with a build, you must specify the following information:  
The parent part that you want to associate the part with.  
The type of relationship the part has to the parent, such as:  
The part will be used as input to building its parent. An example of an input  
part is a C language source file, x.c, which is compiled to create its parent,  
30 User’s Guide  
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Output The part will be a generated output from the same build that creates its  
parent part. In other words, both the parent part and this child part are  
outputs when the parent part is built.  
The part will be needed for the build operation of its parent to complete, but  
it will not be passed directly to the builder. An example of this is an include  
If you do not provide this information when you create the part, you can provide it  
later using the connect function.  
You can also specify the builder or parser that a part will use, as well as any build  
function in more detail.  
Working with parts  
After the parts are created in TeamConnection, you will be working with these parts —  
getting them to your workstation so you can change them and then getting them back in  
to TeamConnection. This section gives a brief overview of these tasks. “Chapter 5.  
with component and release processes” on page 77 go into more detail about these and  
other TeamConnection tasks.  
Working in serial or concurrent development mode  
A release is set up for either serial development or concurrent development mode.  
Once the development mode is set you can change from serial mode to concurrent  
mode, but not from concurrent mode to serial mode. In serial development, a part is  
locked when a user checks it out, and no one else can update the part as long as it is  
checked out. In concurrent development, more than one user can simultaneously have  
the same part checked out.  
In concurrent development, more than one user can check out and change the same  
part. Prior to integrating their changes, each user should refresh their work area from  
the driver in which they plan to put it. The first user will be able to integrate their work  
area, complete fix records for tracking releases, with their release. When the next user  
refreshes their work area, TeamConnection recognizes that the parts differ and notifies  
them. It is up to this user to resolve the differences, using the TeamConnection merge  
program, VisualAge TeamConnection VisualMerge Facility, or some other merge  
program. If the user fails to refresh their work area from the driver, TeamConnection will  
not notify them that the parts differ until they try to add the work area to the driver. They  
will then have to put the fix records back in the fix state, reactivate the work area,  
refresh the work area, reconcile the differences, refresh their work area again, and  
reintegrate their work area before they can add their changes to the driver.  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 31  
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Before getting parts from TeamConnection, you might want to find out if the  
development mode for the release is concurrent or serial. To determine the mode, view  
the information about the specific release. To do this, select View from the Selected  
pull-down menu on the Releases window.  
Working with common parts  
A common part is a part with identical content that is shared by two or more releases or  
two or more work areas. For example, when an identical part is needed in two separate  
releases, you can link the part from one release to the other (if you have the proper  
authority). Both releases would then have a link to the current version of that part.  
When a common part is checked out of a release, TeamConnection locks the current  
version of the part in all releases if one of them uses serial development. When putting  
the part back into the release, one of the following actions reflects the change in all  
releases in which the part is common:  
You integrate the work area when the driver subprocess is not followed, or  
You commit the driver when the driver subprocess is followed.  
You can break the common link if you make changes to a common part and you do not  
want these changes reflected in other releases or work areas that link to the part. You  
can break the common link when you check out, check in, rename, delete, re-create,  
connect, or disconnect parts. When a part is common to more than two releases, you  
can maintain the common link with some of the releases while breaking the link with  
other releases. When a link is broken, the parts still share the same name, but the  
information contained in the parts is different.  
Parts can also be linked between two or more work areas in the same or different  
releases, making the parts common to those work areas. For example, a user working  
in one work area can link to the latest version of a part in another work area of the  
same release (the part has yet to be integrated with the release). The part is then  
common to the two work areas within the same release. If you want to maintain the  
common link to all work areas, you must specify the names of the common work areas  
when you check in, rename, delete, or re-create the parts. As with common parts in  
releases, you can break the common link.  
You can also link all the parts within a release to another release. This function is  
especially helpful when development begins on a new release of a product, and you  
want the parts in the new release to initially be the same as the parts in the current  
release. As development of the two releases continues, the common link between the  
parts can be broken to separate development of the new release from maintenance of  
the current release.  
For more information about how to link parts, refer to the Commands Reference and  
online help.  
32 User’s Guide  
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Getting parts from TeamConnection  
Checking out a part implies that you intend to modify it; extracting a part merely gives  
you a copy of the part. Normally, when you extract a part, you do not plan to change  
the current version in TeamConnection.  
You must have the necessary authority to a component before you can check out or  
extract parts from that component. You need PartExtract authority to extract a part from  
TeamConnection; you need PartCheckOut authority to check a part out. See  
listing of all the TeamConnection actions and their authority requirements.  
Parts are checked out to work areas. The work area is where you store updated parts  
and do builds without affecting the version of the parts in the release. When a part is  
checked out of the release to the specified work area, TeamConnection locks the part in  
the release if you are working in serial development. If you are working in concurrent  
development, the part is never locked. TeamConnection also puts a copy of the part on  
your workstation. It is here where you update the part. If a read-only copy of the part  
exists on your workstation, the first character of its file extension changes as follows: It  
becomes a $(dollar sign) for OS/2 and Windows platforms. It becomes a .(period)  
for AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. This copy is a backup copy. If a backup copy  
already exists, it is deleted. When you are finished updating the part, you check it back  
in to the work area. A work area is optional when extracting a part.  
The environment variables TC_BACKUP and TC_MODPERM may be set to change the  
the backup and read-only options. TC_BACKUP controls whether or not backup files  
are created. If this environment variable is set to off, backup files are not created.  
TC_MODPERM controls whether or not the read-only attribute is set. The default for  
this environment variable sets the read-only attribute on.  
When you extract a part, TeamConnection copies the part to your workstation, and the  
part is not locked. In other words, other users can still check out the same version of  
the part and make changes to it, even in serial development mode. By default,  
TeamConnection sets the extracted part to read-only access. This is done to keep you  
from inadvertently changing the part on your workstation when the part in  
TeamConnection is not locked. You can, however, change this in the Settings window or  
when you are extracting the part. When you do this, be aware that someone else can  
change the official part in TeamConnection, making your workstation copy back level.  
Where TeamConnection places a checked-out or extracted part on your workstation  
depends on the following:  
Your workstation’s current working directory  
Whether you use the -relative flag on the command line or the Destination directory  
field on the GUI  
Whether the TC_TOP environment variable is set  
For more information about how these interact, refer to the part command examples in  
the Commands Reference  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 33  
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When you want to make changes to a part, you can do one of the following:  
Check out one or more parts and edit the parts on your workstation. When you finish  
making changes to the parts, you check them back in.  
Edit a part from within the TeamConnection GUI using a specified editor. When you  
exit the editor, the Check In Parts window appears and you can check the part back  
in to TeamConnection.  
In either case, if you are working in concurrent development and someone else  
changed a part while you had it checked out, you are asked to resolve the differences  
when you try to integrate your work area.  
Checking parts in to TeamConnection  
After you have verified the accuracy of your part changes, you are ready to check them  
in to TeamConnection. Any parts that you have checked out, you have the authority to  
check back in.  
As mentioned earlier, you check parts out to a work area so you can work on them.  
Therefore, when you check in a part, you must specify the work area where that part is  
checked out. In other words, you check the part back in to the same work area. When  
the part is checked in, the copy on your workstation is flagged read-only. The  
environment variable TC_MODPERM controls whether or not the read-only attribute is  
set. The default for this environment variable sets the read-only attribute on.  
At this time, the changed part is visible in only the named work area; it is not visible at  
the release or to any other work area. This lets you test your changes by building the  
version of the code that is in your work area.  
When you are satisfied with your changes, you can integrate the parts into the release  
by integrating your work area. This action makes the work area visible to all the users  
in the release.  
If you are working in concurrent development mode, TeamConnection generates a  
collision record when a changed part conflicts with a previously committed part. For  
example, both you and Keith have hand.c checked out. Keith makes changes to the  
part and then integrates the work area that contains that part. (Depending on the  
process being followed, Keith might have to commit the work area rather than integrate  
it.) Later, after making changes to hand.c, you attempt to integrate the work area that  
contains the part. Because the part was already integrated by Keith, you are notified of  
a collision and asked to refresh your work area. After the refresh, you can view the  
collision record and decide how you want to resolve the conflicts. “Reconciling  
differences” on page 73 explains in more detail how this works.  
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Finding different versions of TeamConnection objects  
TeamConnection version control maintains different versions of the following objects:  
Work areas (and driver members)  
When you want to find and retrieve previous versions of these objects, it is helpful to  
know how TeamConnection creates and deletes previous versions of each object.  
Some basics of TeamConnection versioning will help you understand how  
TeamConnection identifies unique versions of objects:  
When you first create an object, the initial version name is the object name suffixed  
with :1. When you create a new work area called myWorkArea, for example, its  
version is myWorkArea:1. Subsequent versions are identified in numerical order:  
myWorkArea:2, myWorkArea:3, myWorkArea:4, and so on. Versions of releases and  
drivers are identified similarly: myRelease:1, myRelease:2, myRelease:3; myDriver:1,  
myDriver:2, myDriver:3; and so on.  
Unique versions of parts are identified by association with a specific version of a  
release, work area, or driver. Your TeamConnection family may have three different  
versions of a part called myPart, for example: one associated with release  
myRelease:2, one associated with work area myWorkArea:1, and one associated  
with work area myWorkArea:2.  
Versioning releases  
TeamConnection creates new versions of releases whenever you do the following:  
Create a release  
This is the initial version of a release and contains no parts. When you create  
myRelease, for example, its version name is myRelease:1 and it contains no parts.  
Commit a work area to the release  
Committing a work area to a new release creates a new version of the release and  
adds the parts in the work area to the release. When you commit work area  
myWorkArea:1, for example, to myRelease:1, TeamConnection creates a version of  
myRelease called myRelease:2. It also associates the parts in myWorkArea:1 with  
Commit a driver to a release  
Because drivers are simply collections of work areas, committing a driver to a  
release has the same effect as committing a work area: TeamConnection creates a  
new version of the release. When you commit myDriver:2 to myRelease:2, for  
example, TeamConnection creates a version of myRelease called myRelease:3.  
TeamConnection deletes versions of releases whenever you prune the release. Refer to  
the Administrator’s Guide for an explanation of pruning.  
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Versioning work areas  
TeamConnection creates new versions of work areas whenever you do the following:  
Create a work area  
This is the initial version of a work area. When you create myWorkArea, for example,  
its version name is myWorkArea:1.  
Refresh a work area  
Refreshing a work area updates it with any new versions of parts that have been  
integrated with the release. When a workarea is refreshed, two versions of the  
workarea are created. One of the contents before the refresh and one with the  
contents after the refresh.  
Freeze a work area  
Freezing a work area is like taking a snapshot of the work area. It preserves the  
parts as they are at a given point in time. If you create work area myWorkArea:1,  
add three new parts to it — called part1, part2, and part3 — and then freeze it, your  
family contains a work area called myWorkArea:2, with part1, part2, and part3. The  
version name of each of these parts is myWorkArea:1. If you then alter part2 and  
freeze the work area again, your family contains the following:  
myWorkArea:1, with nothing in it  
myWorkArea:2 contains part1, part2, and part3 at version myWorkArea:1  
myWorkArea:3 contains part1 and part3 at version myWorkArea:1, and part2 at  
version myWorkArea:2  
Commit a work area  
Committing a work area adds the parts in the latest version of the work area to the  
release. It also does the following:  
Creates a new version of the release  
Creates new versions of the parts in the release  
Deletes any intermediate versions of the work area  
Using the previous example, if you commit myWorkArea:3 to myRelease:1, the  
following happens:  
TeamConnection creates a new version of myRelease called myRelease:2.  
TeamConnection creates new versions of the parts in myRelease:2.  
TeamConnection deletes myWorkArea:1, myWorkArea:2, and myWorkArea:3.  
TeamConnection deletes versions of work areas whenever you commit them to a  
release. Once a work area has been committed, you can no longer use it for making  
part changes and you cannot create a new work area with the same name.  
Deleting work area versions is controlled by the autopruning option of the release  
associated with the work area. By default, TeamConnection always deletes work area  
versions on commit, but you can change this option. Refer to the Administrator’s Guide  
for an explanation of autopruning.  
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Versioning drivers  
TeamConnection creates new versions of drivers whenever you do the following:  
Create a driver  
When you create a new driver, TeamConnection makes two versions of it:  
myDriver:1, for example and myDriver:2.  
Add a work area (driver member) to a driver  
If you add myWorkArea:1 to myDriver:2, for example, TeamConnection creates a  
new version of myDriver called myDriver:3.  
Freeze a driver  
Freezing a driver is like taking a snapshot of the driver. It preserves the parts as they  
are when the driver is frozen. If you freeze myDriver:3, for example, TeamConnection  
creates a new version called myDriver:4.  
Refresh a driver  
Refreshing a driver updates the driver with all changes that have been made in all of  
its driver members. Refreshing a driver actually creates two new versions of the  
driver, as follows:  
1. Freezes the driver (so that TeamConnection can have a point to roll back to if an  
error occurs during the refresh operation).  
2. Updates the driver with any changes from the driver members  
3. Freezes the driver again, thus preserving a copy of the updated driver.  
If the current version of myDriver is myDriver:2, for example, and the parts in its  
driver members have been changed, then TeamConnection does the following when  
it refreshes the driver:  
1. Freezes myDriver, creating myDriver:3.  
2. Updates myDriver with changes from its driver members.  
3. Freezes myDriver again, creating myDriver:4.  
The result of refreshing myDriver (version myDriver:2) is two new versions:  
myDriver:3, containing a snapshot of the driver before the refresh, and myDriver:4,  
containing a snapshot of the driver after the refresh.  
TeamConnection deletes versions of drivers whenever you remove driver members or  
commit a driver to a release.  
If you have a driver version myDriver:4 with driver members myWorkArea,  
yourWorkArea, and ourWorkArea, and you remove myWorkArea, then  
TeamConnection deletes driver versions myDriver:2, myDriver:3, and myDriver:4 and  
creates a new driver version called myDriver:5 containing members yourWorkArea  
and ourWorkArea. As a result, the family contains two versions of the driver,  
myDriver:1 and myDriver:5.  
When you commit a driver to a release, all intermediate versions of the driver  
(resulting from driver member add, driver freeze, driver refresh, or driver member  
remove operations) are deleted.  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 37  
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Versioning parts  
TeamConnection versions parts in association with other TeamConnection objects, such  
as work areas. If, for example, you create part1 in myWorkArea:1, the current version of  
part1 is myWorkArea:1. If part1 is in release myRelease:2 and work area  
myWorkArea:2, then you can view the version of the part for either the release or the  
work area. The version label for part1 in myRelease:2 is myRelease:2 and in  
myWorkArea:2 is myWorkArea:2.  
TeamConnection deletes part versions whenever it deletes versions of the object that  
the part is associated with. In addition to versioning in association with other  
TeamConnection objects, TeamConnection maintains versions of build output parts  
(parts that are created as the result of a build, such as an .exe file or a .hlp file). When  
you create a release, you can set the maximum number of versions of build output  
parts to maintain. If you set this maximum to 10, for example, then TeamConnection  
saves only 10 versions of build output parts and discards the oldest version each time a  
new version is created.  
Working with defects and features  
Defects are used to report problem information; features are used to record information  
about proposed design changes. After a defect or feature is opened, TeamConnection  
tracks the progress of the defect or feature through various states. To what degree  
defects and features are tracked depends on the processes followed by the release and  
component to which they are assigned. The following describes actions that your  
defined processes might require:  
Analyzing defects and features  
The owner is responsible for analyzing a defect or feature after it is opened.  
The owner can then return it if it is not valid or feasible, reassign it to another  
user or component, or accept it for resolution.  
Designing the resolution  
After a defect or feature has been accepted, the actual resolution needs to be  
designed so that an informed evaluation can be made. This resolution needs  
to be designed by users who are familiar with the product or area affected by  
the defect or feature.  
Identifying the required resources  
Sizing records are created by the owner to identify the components and  
releases that might be affected by the defect or feature. Each owner of a  
component that is referenced in a sizing record needs to evaluate the impact  
of the defect or feature on the parts managed by the component. If the defect  
or feature requires changes to parts, the sizing record is accepted and sizing  
information is added.  
When sizing records exist and the associated defect or feature is accepted,  
TeamConnection automatically creates a work area.  
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Reviewing the design and resource estimates  
After the resolution has been designed and the resources have been identified,  
the proposal needs to be reviewed. If the review indicates that work should  
continue on the defect or feature, it is accepted.  
Resolving defects and implementing features  
Resolving one defect or implementing one feature in one release can involve  
one or more users changing many parts. To change a part, a user must check  
out the part, make the changes required to resolve the problem or implement  
the design change, and check the part back in. If the release follows a tracking  
process, all defects or features must be associated with a work area. Parts  
that are checked out refer to the work areas that are monitoring the defect or  
Resolving a defect or implementing a feature also involves integrating the  
changed parts with changes made for other defects and features in that  
release. All changed parts are eventually integrated with the unchanged parts  
within the release.  
Verifying the resolution of the defect or feature  
The originator uses a verification record to acknowledge that the defect or  
feature was satisfactorily resolved or not. Accepting a verification record  
formally closes the defect or feature. Rejecting a verification returns the defect  
or feature to working state.  
the various states that different TeamConnection objects can go through depending on  
the process that is being followed. A diagram in this chapter shows the flow of these  
states. You might want to study this information before you start to work with defects  
and features.  
Testing and verifying part changes  
You can use TeamConnection’s build function to build your program. Before you check  
in updated parts, you will probably want to verify the accuracy of your changes.  
include information about testing and verifying part changes. “Part 4. Using  
TeamConnection to build applications” on page 127 provides detailed information about  
the build function.  
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 39  
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40 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects  
The actions that you can perform on certain TeamConnection objects are controlled by  
two factors:  
The process followed by the component and by the release  
The current state of the object  
Certain TeamConnection objects follow certain states through their life cycle. An  
instance where an object might not follow all the possible states is when it moves  
through the states defined in the subprocesses of the component and the release. The  
following table briefly lists the component and release subprocesses. For more  
information on component and release subprocesses, refer to the Administrator’s Guide.  
Component subprocesses  
dsrDefect - Design, size, and review fixes to be made for defects  
verifyDefect - Verify that defect fixes work  
dsrFeature - Design, size, and review changes to be made for features  
verifyFeature - Verify that feature changes work  
Release subprocesses  
track - Relate all part changes to a specific defect or feature and a specific release  
approval - Require all changes to be approved before incorporating them into a  
fix - Use fix records to ensure that all required changes are made  
driver - Use drivers to integrate changes into a release  
test - Require all changes to be tested before they are integrated into the release  
This chapter explains the possible states of certain TeamConnection objects and how  
objects are moved from one state to the next. It also explains how component and  
release subprocesses affect the flow of states. For a diagram showing the flow of  
states, refer to the poster Staying on Track with TeamConnection Processes.  
Defects and features  
Use defects to report problem information; use features to record information about  
proposed design changes. After you open defect or feature, TeamConnection tracks the  
progress of the defect or feature through various states. Defects and features are  
tracked according to the processes followed by the release and component that they  
are assigned to. The possible states for defects and features are:  
Open state  
When you open a defect or feature, it is in the open state and you are  
considered the originator.  
You assign the defect or feature to a component. The owner of this component  
becomes the feature or defect owner and is responsible for managing its  
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resolution. The component you open a defect or feature against should be one  
that manages the parts affected by the enhancement or problem. Use the  
component descriptions and the structure of your family’s hierarchy to find the  
most appropriate component. If you open a defect or feature in an  
inappropriate component, the component owner can reassign it.  
While the defect or feature owner is responsible for implementation, the  
originator is responsible for verifying that the defect or feature is resolved  
Returned state  
A defect or feature owner can return a defect or feature to its originator. You  
can return a feature or defect from the open, design, size, or review state if  
you decide that the defect or feature is not feasible or not valid. You can return  
a defect or feature back to the working state only if it has no associated work  
areas. If there are associated work areas, you must cancel or undo them  
before you can return the defect or feature. When you return a defect or  
feature, add your reason for returning it so that the originator and any other  
users can evaluate why you believe it is not feasible or not valid.  
Canceled state  
A feature or defect in the open or returned state can be canceled only by its  
originator or by a superuser. A canceled defect or feature remains inactive  
unless it is reopened by the originator.  
Design state  
If the component to which a defect or feature is assigned includes the  
dsrDefect or dsrFeature subprocess, you move defects or features in the open  
or returned state to the design state.  
In this state, the proposed change is designed, and a description of the design  
change is entered. The owner must describe the design change before the  
defect or feature can move to the next state.  
If the release includes the fix subprocess, fix records are automatically created  
when a defect or feature is designed.  
Size state  
Defects or features move to this state after the owner enters design  
In this state, users can create a sizing record for each release that contains  
parts affected by the enhancement or problem. A sizing record identifies the  
work that is required for and the resources affected by the defect or feature.  
The owner of the component that is referenced in the sizing record is the  
owner of the sizing record. The owner is responsible for entering information  
about the amount of work that is required to implement the feature or resolve  
the problem.  
The sizing record owner can reject the sizing record if it does not affect the  
specified component. After all sizing records are either accepted or rejected,  
the defect or feature moves to the review state or returns to the design state if  
more design information is needed.  
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Review state  
Defects or features move to this state after they have been sized. In this state,  
the design text and sizing records are reviewed to determine the feasibility of  
the proposal. The owner can do one of the following:  
Accept the defect or feature if all design and sizing records are acceptable.  
This moves the defect or feature to the working state.  
Return the defect or feature to the originator if all design and sizing records  
are not acceptable. If necessary, the originator can reopen a defect or  
Move the defect or feature back to the design state if design modifications  
are needed.  
Working state  
Defects or features move to this state when the owner accepts the defect or  
feature when it is in the:  
Review state, if the component includes the dsrDefect or dsrFeature  
Open state, if the component does not include the dsrDefect or dsrFeature  
When you accept a defect or feature, you accept the responsibility of resolving  
it. A defect or feature might require changes in more than one release.  
What happens after a defect or feature is accepted varies according to the  
subprocesses in effect:  
Component subprocesses  
dsrDefect or dsrFeature - TeamConnection creates a work area in the  
approve state for each release identified in the accepted sizing records for  
the defect or feature.  
verifyDefect or verifyFeature - TeamConnection creates verification  
records in the notReady state.  
Release subprocesses  
fix - TeamConnection creates fix records in the notReady state based on  
the sizing records.  
approval - TeamConnection creates approval records for each user on the  
release’s approver list.  
If the component does not include the dsrDefect or dsrFeature subprocess,  
then you must manually create a work area before you can check out or create  
parts to address the defect or feature.  
Verify state  
Defects and features go through the verify state only if their component  
includes the verifyDefect or verifyFeature subprocess. Defects and features are  
automatically moved to this state when all work areas (there can be multiple  
work areas for the defect or feature) for the release are integrated. If a release  
is specified on the defect or feature when it was created, then the  
Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects 43  
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defect/feature will only go to the verify state when all the workareas for the  
release specified move to complete state.  
Note: If you do not intend to fix that defect for the release specified, then you  
must move the defect to verify state manually by doing a defect -verify.  
This should be done by the originator of the defect.  
When a defect or feature is accepted, TeamConnection creates a verification  
record. This record lets the originator:  
Accept the fix if the resolution was satisfactory  
Reject the fix if not satisfied with the resolution  
Abstain if unable to assess the resolution  
Once all verification records have been accepted or abstained, the defect or  
feature moves to the closed state. If a verification record is rejected, the defect  
or feature returns to the working state. The defect or feature cannot be closed  
until the verification records are accepted.  
A defect or feature can have more than one verification record. For example, if  
defect 123 is returned because it is a duplicate of defect 122, a second  
verification record is created for defect 122. The originator of defect 123 is the  
owner of the second verification record for defect 122. If the originator is the  
same for both defects, only one verification record is created.  
Note: For a discussion of verification records and test records, see  
Closed state  
The closed state is the final state of a defect or feature.  
If the defect is associated with multiple work areas, the defect will remain in  
the working state until all of the work areas are integrated.  
If the component includes the verifyDefect or verifyFeature subprocess, the  
defect or feature automatically moves to the closed state after all verification  
records are in the accept or abstain state and all work areas are in the  
complete state. If a verification record is rejected, the defect or feature moves  
back to the working state. Otherwise, the defect or feature moves directly from  
the working state to the closed state when the first work area moves to the  
complete state.  
You cannot re-open a defect or feature that is in the closed state. If the defect  
or feature was not resolved correctly, you must open a new defect or feature to  
address the necessary changes.  
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The states of work areas  
A work area is a storage area where you can work on the parts in a release without  
affecting the officialversions of those parts. A work area can be associated with a  
specific defect or feature, but it does not have to be. These attributes can affect the  
state of a workarea:  
With the trackfixhold attribute and the fix subprocess, a workarea will  
remain in the fix state rather than moving to the integrate state when the  
final fix -complete command has been issued. A workarea -integrate  
command must be issued to move the workarea into the integrate state.  
If an environment list exists for the release associated with the work areas,  
the automatic transition to the test state can be disabled by including the  
-trackcommithold attribute in the release process. A workarea -test  
command must be issued to move the workarea into the test state.  
With the tracktesthold attribute and the test subprocess, a workarea will  
remain in the test state rather than moving to the complete state when the  
final test is marked. A workarea -complete command must be issued to  
move the workarea into the complete state.  
Approve state  
When a work area is created, it goes to this state if the release includes the  
approval subprocess. TeamConnection creates an approval record for each  
user on the release’s approver list. Each approver indicates their evaluation of  
the changes in their approval record:  
Accept that work should continue  
Abstain if unable to assess if work should continue  
Reject if work should not continue  
When all approval records are marked as abstain or accept, the work area  
goes automatically to the fix state. If any approval record is marked as reject,  
the state of the work area remains at approve. You can change rejected  
approval records to accept or abstain.  
Fix state  
If the release does not include the approval subprocess, work areas for the  
release begin in the fix state.  
While the work area is in this state, parts are checked out to the work area,  
changes are made to these parts, and builds are done to verify the accuracy of  
the changes.  
If the release includes the fix subprocess, any fix records created for a defect  
or feature move to the active state when a part change is associated with the  
work area for the defect or feature. A fix record monitors the part changes  
within a single component. Fix records provide a mechanism for reviewing all  
part changes that apply to components before integrating those changes with  
changes made for other defects and features.  
Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects 45  
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How fix records are handled varies according to the subprocesses in effect:  
Component subprocesses  
dsrDefect or dsrFeature - TeamConnection creates fix records for features  
or defects when existing sizing records are accepted.  
Release subprocesses  
fix - If a fix record does not already exist for the component,  
TeamConnection creates one when a part managed by that component is  
checked in to the database.  
If neither of these subprocesses are in place and a defect or feature owner  
needs to create a work area manually, he or she can create fix records at the  
same time. Existing fix records go to the active state when a part is checked in  
to the work area.  
Fix records provide a way of ensuring that all necessary part changes within  
the specified component have been made and are reviewed or inspected. The  
fix record owner is responsible for this review. When the fix record owner is  
satisfied that the part changes made within that component are complete and  
ready for integration with other parts in the release, the owner marks the fix  
record as complete. When all existing fix records for a work area are complete,  
the work area automatically moves to the integrate state.  
Integrate state  
Work areas can be moved to the integrate state as follows. If the release  
includes the fix and driver subprocesses, the work area automatically moves to  
the integrate state when all fix records are complete. If all fix records are not  
complete, you can force a work area to the integrate state, provided that no  
part changes are associated with the work area. If the release does not include  
the fix and driver subprocesses, you must move the work area to the integrate  
state manually.  
While a work area is in integrate state, you must add it to an existing driver as  
a driver member if the release includes the driver subprocess. All work areas  
in the integrate state do not have to be added to the same driver. The work  
area stays in the integrate state until the driver in which it is a member is  
You can move work areas from the integrate to the following states, according  
the subprocesses in effect:  
Release subprocesses  
driver - A work area moves to the commit state when the driver it is a  
member of is committed, or to the restrict state when the driver is restricted.  
You can also force a work area to the commit state, provided that no part  
changes are associated with the work area.  
test - A work area moves to the test state so that test records can be  
approved or rejected.  
If the release does not include these subprocesses, you can manually  
complete a work area in the integrate state.  
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Restrict state  
Work areas can be moved to the restrict state only when the release includes  
the driver subprocess. The work area moves automatically to the restrict state  
when the driver to which it belongs is restricted. If a work area in this state is  
removed from the driver, it returns to the integrate state. Otherwise, the work  
area remains in the restrict state until the driver to which it belongs is  
Commit state  
Work areas can be moved to the commit state only when the release includes  
the driver subprocess. The work area moves automatically to the commit state  
when the driver to which it belongs is committed. At this point, all parts that  
were changed in this release to resolve the feature or defect are committed.  
The work area remains in the commit state until the driver to which it belongs  
is completed.  
Test state  
Work areas can be moved to the test state only when the release includes the  
test subprocess. When the associated driver moves to the complete state or  
when a work area is committed without a driver, the work area moves to the  
test state. The driver is then ready for formal testing in the specified  
environments. Test records for the work area are created in the ready state  
when the work area moves to the test state. The work area stays in the test  
state until all test records are accepted, rejected, or abstained.  
Complete state  
The complete state is the final state of a work area; the work area can no  
longer be used. If the test subprocess is not included in the release process,  
the work area moves directly to this state when the associated driver is  
completed or when the work area is explicitly integrated.  
When a work area is completed, the feature or defect associated with that  
work area automatically moves to the verify or complete state. The defect does  
not leave the working state until the work area for that release is completed.  
The states of drivers  
Drivers monitor and implement the integration of part changes within a release. Those  
part changes are included in a driver by adding the work areas containing the changed  
parts to the driver as driver members.  
Working state  
The working state is the initial state of a driver. While the driver is in this state,  
it is not associated with any work areas and, therefore, contains no part  
If the release includes the driver subprocess, drivers can be explicitly created  
at any time.  
Integrate state  
Each driver automatically moves to the integrate state when the first work area  
Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects 47  
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is added to it as a driver member. If all work areas are removed from the  
driver, the driver automatically returns to the working state.  
Work areas can be added to drivers as driver members when the driver is in  
the working, integrate, or restrict state and the work area is in the fix state.  
Adding driver members to a driver in restrict state requires proper authority.  
You can extract the driver when it is in the integrate state; however, only those  
parts that were changed in reference to driver members are extracted. This is  
referred to as extracting a delta part tree.  
Restrict state  
Before a driver is committed, you can move it to the restrict state. While a  
driver is in this state, work areas in the integrate state can be created for or  
deleted from the driver by only a superuser or an individual with the special  
authority of memberCreateR or memberDeleteR. This allows a build  
administrator to have better control over what is being built. The build  
administrator can delete driver members that are causing build errors or add  
driver members to fix build errors. You can then commit an error-free driver.  
When a driver moves to the restrict state, all work areas that are included as  
driver members also move to the restrict state.  
Commit state  
Committing a driver commits all work areas included as driver members and all  
parts that were changed in reference to those work areas. TeamConnection  
commits only a successfully built driver. Committing a driver changes it to the  
commit state. You can, however, manually commit the driver. You can also  
commit an unsuccessful driver by using the force option.  
When a driver moves to the commit state, all work areas that are included as  
driver members also move to the commit state. When a work area is in the  
commit state, all part changes associated with the work area become the  
officialversions of the parts in the release and are visible to all users of the  
A committed driver can be extracted as a full part tree as well as a delta part  
tree. A full part tree is the part structure of all the parts within the release.  
Complete state  
The complete state is the final state of a driver. In this state, the driver is ready  
for formal testing in the specified environments.  
If the release includes the test subprocess, the work areas that are included as  
driver members move to the test state. Any existing test records for the work  
area move to the ready state when the work area moves to the test state. The  
work area stays in the test state until all test records are accepted, rejected, or  
Test records are used to record the outcome of environment tests for changes  
implemented in a driver. This record lets the owner:  
Accept the record if the test was satisfactory  
Reject the record if not satisfied with the test results  
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Abstain if unable to assess the results  
Once all test records have been accepted or abstained, the states of other  
objects change as follows:  
Work areas - Go to complete state.  
Defects and features - Go to verify state if the component includes the  
verifyDefect or verifyFeature subprocess; otherwise they go to the closed  
Verification records - Go to ready state and are sent to the defect or  
feature originators.  
If the test subprocess is not configured, then work areas move to the complete  
state and any defects or features move to the verify state.  
If the component includes a verifyFeature or verifyDefect subprocess,  
verification records move to the ready state and notification is sent to the  
originators of any defects or features that were addressed in the completed  
The commit and complete states of drivers differ as follows:  
When a driver is committed, all work areas are committed, but no changes  
occur in the states of defects or features associated with the work areas.  
When a driver is completed, then the states of other associated objects  
(such as test records, work areas, verification records, defects. and  
features) change according to the other subprocesses in effect:  
test - Work areas go to the test state and test records are created in the  
ready state for each environment in the release’s environment list.  
verify - Verification records go to the ready state.  
If the release includes neither of these subprocesses, then the work area  
goes to the complete state and all features and defects associated with the  
work area are closed.  
Verification and test records  
If you use both the verify component subprocess (verifyDefect or verifyFeature) and the  
test release subprocess, then TeamConnection creates both verification records for  
features or defects and test records for each environment defined in the release’s  
environment list. These records serve different purposes:  
Verification records provide a means of accepting or rejecting the product changes  
made in response to defects or features and are thus specific in nature.  
Test records provide a means of accepting or rejecting the results of a build and are  
more global in nature.  
Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects 49  
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These records are handled by different people and enable you to monitor your  
development progress in different ways. The sequence of creating and handling  
verification and test records is as follows:  
1. Verification records are created in the notReady state when a defect or feature is  
accepted. This indicates that someone on the development team has begun  
implementing the changes warranted by the defect or feature, but the changes are  
not yet ready to be verified. A work area is also created for the part changes.  
2. When a driver is committed all part changes associated with the driver members are  
integrated into the release.  
3. To create test records, the driver is completed. This action creates one test record  
for each environment on the release’s environment list. The testers on your  
development team use the test records to accept or reject the results of their tests  
on the part changes.  
4. After all test records have been accepted or abstained, the verification records are  
moved to the ready state. This indicates that the part changes have been tested in  
the context of the build and each individual defect or feature is ready to be accepted  
or rejected by the person who opened it.  
5. The defect or feature originator accepts or abstains the verification record to close  
the defect or feature. The originator can also reject the verification record to move  
the defect or feature back to working state.  
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Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes  
To illustrate how to work with objects in a release that does not follow a tracking  
process or component processes, this chapter follows an example of a programming  
team that is developing the control systems for a robot. They are working in a family  
called robot.  
Instructions for performing the task are given for both the graphical user interface (GUI)  
and the command line interface (Command).  
This chapter illustrates two scenarios: working in serial development and working in  
concurrent development. Working in serial development means that after you check out  
a part, TeamConnection locks the part so that it cannot be updated by anyone else.  
Compare this to concurrent development, in which more than one person can  
simultaneously update the same part.  
The following table directs you to the scenario you need:  
For this scenario,  
Go to this  
Working in serial development  
Working in concurrent development  
Working in serial development  
Alex is one of the programmers working on the robot application within a release called  
robot_control. The release does not follow a tracking process, and the release supports  
serial development. Even though the release does not follow a tracking process, defects  
are opened when problems are found.  
This example assumes that the parts that Alex will work with have already been created  
in the release, and the build tree has been established. The build tree shows the  
hierarchy of objects that take part in the build of an application. It identifies parts as  
inputs, outputs, and dependencies of a build. For more information about build trees,  
This example also assumes that the family named robot has been defined in the  
TC_FAMILY environment variable. Because Alex accesses information in several  
releases, he has not defined the release named robot_control. Therefore, he must  
explicitly identify the release when performing TeamConnection actions, but not the  
A fellow team member, Carol, has discovered that the robot’s aperture is not working  
correctly. To address this problem, she opens a defect. To x the problem, Alex needs  
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to make some modifications to the parts in this release. This fix will require the tasks  
noted in the following table:  
For information about this task,  
Go to this  
Accepting the defect  
Creating a work area  
Checking out a part  
Searching for a part  
Checking in a part  
Verifying and testing part updates  
Freezing the work area  
Refreshing the work area  
Building the application  
Integrating the work area  
Closing the defect  
Accepting a defect  
Alex is notified via electronic mail that defect 310 has been opened against the robot  
component. After some research, he agrees that there is a problem with the aperture of  
the robot’s on-board camera, so he accepts the defect. Alex does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Defects Accept from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
The Accept Defects window appears.  
Note: The Accept Defects window in this example may be different than one you  
may see based on your environment. Configurable fields may or may not be  
shown depending on any configurable fields set by you or your administrator,  
2. Types 310 in the Defects field and selects program_defect from the Answer list.  
3. Selects OK.  
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Figure 6. Accept Defects window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc defect -accept 310 -answer program_defect  
The defect goes to the working state.  
Creating a work area  
Because the component is not following a design, size, and review process, Alex needs  
to manually create a work area in which to modify and build his parts. (If the component  
follows a design, size, and review process, a work area is automatically created when  
the defect moves to the working state, provided that sizing records have been accepted  
for the defect.)  
Before Alex checks out any parts, he creates a work area that will contain the latest  
view of the parts in the release by doing one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Work areas Create from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
2. Types 310 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field and  
selects OK..  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 53  
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Note: 310 is the name of the defect that was opened for the problem, so this is  
how Alex wants to identify the work area.  
Figure 7. Create Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -create -name 310 -release robot_control  
TeamConnection creates a work area named 310 associated with release robot_control.  
The following parts are currently available in the latest view of release robot_control:  
These parts are also visible in the work area 310 because the work area is associated  
with the release upon creation, and it contains the latest view of the entire release.  
Checking out a part  
Alex wants to update a subroutine within optics.c, which controls the aperture of the  
robot’s on-board camera. He checks the part out to start the modifications.  
Because Alex knows the exact name of the part, he does one of the following:  
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From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Check out from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following:  
optics.c in the Path names field  
robot_control in the Release field  
310 in the Work area field  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 8. Check Out Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
A copy of the part optics.c is checked out from TeamConnection and placed in the  
directory specified on the Environment page of the Settings notebook of Alex’s  
TeamConnection client. The part, optics.c, is locked. No other user can update the part  
until Alex integrates his work area with the release.  
Searching for a part  
Because Alex knows exactly what part he wants to check out, he specifies the name of  
the part. If he does not know the name, Alex can use the Parts Filter window or the  
report command to search for the name. He can do one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Parts from the Objects pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 55  
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He does not select the PartFull choice because he wants to limit his search to a  
particular release and work area. He uses PartFull when he wants to search for  
parts across releases, components, or work areas.  
2. Types the following in the Parts Filter window:  
robot_control in the Release field  
310 in the Work area field  
% in the Base names field and selects like  
3. Selects Save to Task List.  
Figure 9. Part Filter window  
Alex does this because he realizes that he is going to use this query many times,  
so he wants to add the query to the Tasks window.  
4. Adds the necessary information to the Edit Task List window, and selects  
5. Closes the Edit Task List window. The Tasks window appears.  
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Figure 10. Edit Task List window  
6. Double-clicks on the task entry he just created. The Parts window appears.  
Hereafter, to display the list of parts in his work area, he merely double-clicks on the  
task entry.  
7. Places the mouse pointer over the part name optics.c and presses mouse button 2  
to display the pop-up menu.  
8. Selects Check out. The Check Out Parts window appears with the required fields  
pre-filled. If Alex provided directory information on the Environment page of the  
Settings notebook, the Destination directory field is pre-filled also.  
9. Selects OK to check out the part.  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc report -view partView -where "baseName like '%.c'" -release robot_control  
-workArea 310  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 57  
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This command returns a list of all the parts that match the query. After Alex determines  
which part he wants to check out, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
A copy of the part optics.c is checked out from TeamConnection and placed in the  
appropriate directory. The part optics.c is locked. No other user can update the part  
until Alex integrates the work area with the release.  
Checking in a part  
Alex edits the part, making the modifications he thinks necessary. Now, he wants to test  
the modifications. First, he checks the changed part back into his work area.  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Check in from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following in the Check In Parts window, and then selects OK:  
optics.c in the Path names field  
robot_control in the Release field  
310 in the Work area field  
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Figure 11. Check In Parts window  
Note: Alex follows these steps because he knows the exact name of the part that he is  
checking in. If he does not know the name, or if he is checking in many parts, he  
can instead do one of the following to display a list of parts:  
Select the entry on his Tasks window that displays the list of parts.  
Re-open the Parts window if it was previously minimized.  
Add an entry to his Tasks window that lists all of his checked-out parts.  
He then selects the parts that he wants to check in.  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkin optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
At this point, it is important to note that the part is checked in to work area 310 and is  
visible in work area 310 only. The change to optics.c is not visible at the release level  
or to any other work area. Only the 310 work area contains the change, which is why  
Alex must specify the work area on the check-out command. Because changes to parts  
are isolated within work areas, the check-out command must specify which work area to  
use so that the correct copy of the part is retrieved.  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 59  
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Thus, work area 310 contains the following parts:  
optics.c (modification 1)  
Work area 310 continues to contain the unchanged parts from the requested release  
view, but now the work area is overlaid with changes local to the work area — optics.c  
in this case. Alex has his own copy of the application that he can modify without  
impacting other developers. Alex has checked in optics.c; however, the modified part  
remains locked until the work area is integrated with the release.  
Verifying and testing part updates  
Alex now requests a build of brain.exe, the high-level program for the robot control  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Build from the Actions pull-down menu. The Build Parts window  
2. Types the following, and then selects OK to start the build:  
brain.exe in the Path name field  
robot_control in the Release field  
310 in the Work area field  
normal in the Pool field  
The Pool field tells TeamConnection which set of build agents will handle this build.  
Alex got the name of the pool from his build administrator.  
Alex could have selected brain.exe from a list of parts on the Parts window, and  
then selected Build from the Selected pull-down menu. This action would have  
placed some information in the fields, such as the path name and release name.  
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Figure 12. Build Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -build brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 310 -pool normal  
TeamConnection determines the parts that are needed for the build from the set of all  
the part versions that are currently visible from work area 310. The following part  
versions are selected for build:  
optics.c (modification 1)  
After the build is complete, TeamConnection stores the resulting outputs of the build in  
the work area 310. After the build, the work area contains these parts:  
brain.exe (contains modification 1) foot.c  
optics.c (modification 1)  
optics.obj (modification 1)  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 61  
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Note: For a detailed build example, see “Chapter 15. Building an application: an  
Extracting a part  
Next, Alex tests his modifications in the robot prototype in his office. He extracts the  
executable part from the work area 310.  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Extract from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following in the Extract Parts window, and then selects OK:  
brain.exe in the Path names field  
robot_control in the Release field  
310 in the Work area field  
Alex does this because he wants to extract the .exe part that is in his work area.  
If he leaves the Work area field blank, he gets the latest committed version of  
the .exe part from the release.  
Figure 13. Extract Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -extract brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 310  
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This action places a copy of the part brain.exe in the current directory.  
Checking out the part one more time  
Alex then downloads brain.exe to his robot, runs his test, and determines that the  
modification did not work: the robot slams into the wall. However, Alex thinks he knows  
what the problem is, so he needs optics.c for further modifications. First, he checks out  
the part.  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Does one of the following to display the Check Out Parts window:  
Selects Parts Check out from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
Selects the entry on his Tasks window that displays the list of parts, and then  
selects the part.  
Re-opens the Parts window if it was minimized, and then selects the part.  
2. When the Check Out Parts window appears, he types the necessary information  
and selects OK.  
Figure 14. Check Out Parts  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
A copy of the previously modified optics.c from work area 310 is checked out and  
placed in the current directory.  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 63  
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Checking the part back in  
Alex makes his modification and checks the part in.  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Does one of the following to display the Check In Parts window:  
Selects Parts Check in from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
Selects the entry on his Tasks window that displays all the parts he has checked  
out, and then selects the part.  
Re-opens the Parts window if it was minimized, and then selects the part.  
2. When the Check In Parts window appears, he types the necessary information and  
selects OK.  
Figure 15. Check In Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkin optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
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Now the work area contains the following parts:  
brain.exe (contains modification 1) foot.c  
optics.c (modification 2)  
optics.obj (modification 1)  
Because Alex did not specify that he wanted to save a copy of the work area by  
freezing it, optics.c (modification 1) was overwritten.  
Freezing the work area  
Alex builds the application again, extracts the executable part, and runs his test. This  
time, everything works, and the robot successfully finds its way to the snack machine  
down the hall without hitting anything. Alex is very pleased, but he notices an unrelated  
problem in the robot’s autofocus system. Before Alex begins repairing the autofocus  
subroutine, he wants to save a copy of the application as it exists now in his work area.  
So, Alex does one of the following to freeze the work area:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Displays the Freeze Work Areas window in one of the following ways:  
Selects Work areas Freeze on the Actions pull-down menu from the Tasks  
Selects 310 from the list of work areas on the Work Areas window, then selects  
Freeze from the Selected pull-down menu.  
2. Types 310 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field if the  
data is not already in the fields.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 16. Freeze Work Areas window  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 65  
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From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -freeze 310 -release robot_control  
The freeze command saves the work area 310. Thus, TeamConnection takes a  
snapshot of the work area, with all its parts and their visible versions, and saves it. Alex  
can come back to this stage of development in the work area if he wants. Note,  
however, that a freeze action does not make the changes visible to the other people  
working in the release, nor does it unlock the parts.  
Refreshing the work area  
Alex finally finishes his work on the robot’s optical systems after making three additional  
attempts at modifying optics.c and rebuilding the application. Alex modified and rebuilt  
the application a total of five times in the work area. Now, he wants to share his work  
with the rest of the team. His work area currently contains the following parts:  
brain.exe (contains modification 5) foot.c  
optics.c (modification 5)  
optics.obj (modification 5)  
While Alex worked in his work area, other members of the team were working on their  
own modifications. Some of these modifications have been integrated with the release,  
so the copy of the release that Alex has is probably stale. If he were to integrate his  
changes at this time with the release, he might cause the application to break.  
Alex first refreshes his work area with parts from the release by doing one of the  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Work areas Refresh from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
2. Types 310 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field.  
Alex wants to refresh from the release, so he does not specify a source.  
3. Selects OK.  
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Figure 17. Refresh Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -refresh 310 -release robot_control  
This action updates work area 310 with any changes from the release, and it also  
freezes work area 310, if it is not already frozen. Now Alex’s work area contains the  
following versions of parts:  
brain.c (Jenny's modification)  
brain.obj (from Alex's build after refresh)  
brain.exe (contains modification 5)  
optics.c (modification 5)  
hand.c (Joy's and Ken's modification)  
hand.obj (from Alex's build after refresh)  
optics.obj (modification 5)  
None of the objects that Alex modified and none of the objects built as a result of Alex’s  
modifications is overwritten by the refresh.  
Building the application  
Alex again builds the application brain.exe within his work area to determine whether  
his changes integrate with Jenny’s, Joy’s, and Ken’s modifications.  
Alex has a Parts window open with a list of all the parts that exist in work area 310. He  
highlights the part brain.exe, and then does the following:  
1. Selects Build from the Selected pull-down menu.  
2. Types normal in the Pool field. The other required fields have the correct  
3. Selects OK to start the build.  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 67  
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Figure 18. Build Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -build brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 310 -pool normal  
Fortunately, nothing breaks, so Alex is ready to integrate his changes with the release.  
Integrating the work area  
To integrate his changes with the release, Alex must integrate the work area he has  
been using with the release. This will make the work area visible to all the users in the  
release. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Work areas Integrate from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
window. The Integrate Work Areas window appears.  
2. Types 310 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field.  
3. Selects OK.  
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Figure 19. Integrate Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -integrate 310 -release robot_control  
TeamConnection first determines that Alex’s changes were built against the latest  
version of the release. Then TeamConnection makes Alex’s changes visible at the  
release level so that the other team members can see and use them. The following part  
versions are now visible from the release:  
brain.c (Jenny's modification)  
brain.obj (from Jenny's build)  
brain.exe (from Alex's build)  
hand.c (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)  
hand.obj (from Ken's build)  
optics.c (Alex's modification 5)  
optics.obj (from Alex's build)  
TeamConnection also makes a copy of the release before integrating Alex’s changes. If  
something doesn’t work, the users or the administrator can go back to the release prior  
to Alex’s integration. The part, optics.c, is now unlocked in the release. The work area  
is now in the complete state and can no longer be used.  
Closing a defect  
Now that Alex is finished making changes to fix the problem reported in defect 310, he  
is ready to close the defect. He does one of the following:  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 69  
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From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Defects Verify from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
The Verify Defects window appears.  
2. Types 310 in the Defects field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 20. Verify Defects window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc defect -verify 310 -release robot_control  
Because the component does not include the verifyDefect subprocess in its process,  
the defect moves directly to the closed state.  
Working in concurrent development  
The previous section discussed working in a serial development environment. While  
Alex had optics.c in his work area, no one else on the team could check out the part.  
TeamConnection allows you to hold the part until you are sure that it integrates with the  
rest of the application. Therefore, the lock is not released until the work area as a whole  
is integrated with the release.  
The scenario changes slightly for concurrent development. In this case, several users  
can work on the same part at the same time. These users must reconcile their changes  
as they integrate their work areas with the release.  
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The following tasks are required:  
For information about this task,  
Go to this  
Refreshing the work area from the driver  
Integrating the work area  
Resolving differences  
Refreshing the work area from the driver  
If Alex and Jenny are working on optics.c at the same time, they must resolve their part  
differences at some point, because both want to make their changes visible to the  
release. If Alex and Jenny were not required to do this before committing their work  
areas, the last developer to commit would always overlay the other’s changes. For this  
scenario, assume that Jenny finishes her changes first. The first thing she does is  
refresh her work area.  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Work areas Refresh from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
2. Types 415 in the Work areas field.  
3. Types robot_control in the Releases field. Jenny wants to refresh from the driver.  
4. Types driver name in the Source field.  
5. Selects OK.  
Figure 21. Refresh Work Areas window  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 71  
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From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -refresh 415 -release robot_control  
This command refreshes her work area with the latest view of the release. Her work  
area now contains the following part versions:  
brain.c (Jenny's modification 3)  
brain.obj (Jenny's modification 3)  
brain.exe (has Jenny's brain.c modification 3 and optics.c modification 4)  
(Joy's modification, Ken's modification)  
hand.obj (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)  
optics.c (Jenny's modification 4)  
optics.obj (Jenny's modification 4)  
Integrating the work area  
The refresh shows Jenny only the parts integrated with the release. She does not see  
Alex’s work because he has not integrated his work area yet. Jenny rebuilds the  
application, tests it, and decides she is ready to integrate her changes. She does one of  
the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Records Fix records Complete from the Actions pull-down menu on the  
Tasks window. The Complete Fix Records window appears.  
2. Types 415 in the Work areas field, robot_control in the Releases field, and  
robot_component in the Component field.  
3. Selects OK.  
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Figure 22. Integrate Work Areas window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -integrate 415 -release robot_control  
Because Jenny is up-to-date with the latest view of the driver, her changes are  
integrated after TeamConnection preserves a copy of the previous version of the  
Reconciling differences  
Later, Alex is ready to integrate his modifications. Alex issues a refresh command from  
the driver, as Jenny did (see page 71 for instructions).  
This time, Alex receives a message that collision records were generated, because both  
he and Jenny have updated the same parts. At this time he does not know which parts  
collided. TeamConnection refreshes work area 310 with the exception of the part  
optics.c, which had the collision. Alex’s work area shows the following parts:  
brain.c (Jenny's modification 3)  
brain.obj (Jenny's modification 3)  
brain.exe (Contains Alex's modification 5)  
hand.c (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)  
hand.obj (Joy's modification, Ken's modification)  
optics.c (Alex's modification 5)  
optics.obj (Alex's modification 5)  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 73  
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Alex can use either the GUI or the command line to reconcile the differences. Four  
steps are required from the command line:  
1. Check out the latest uncommitted version.  
2. Extract the latest committed version.  
3. Run the merge program against the two parts.  
4. Check in the resultant part.  
However, on the GUI the reconcile action automatically does the preceding steps for  
you, which can save you a considerable amount of work if several parts require  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Collision Records from the Objects pull-down menu. The Collision  
Record Filter window appears.  
2. Types 310 in the Work areas field and selects OK. The Collision Records window  
appears with optics.c listed as the part having the collision.  
3. Highlights the optics.c entry and selects Reconcile from the pop-up menu. The  
Reconcile Collision Record window appears with the required information pre-filled.  
Alex does not have to reconcile every part for which a collision record is created.  
He can choose either his copy or the copy at the release rather than combining the  
two. For example, if Alex wants to use his copy of optics.c without merging with the  
copy at the release level, he selects the reject action (of course, he would not do  
that without first talking with Jenny). If he wants to use the copy of optics.c at the  
release level without merging any of his changes into the copy at the release level,  
he selects the accept action.  
4. Because Alex wants to combine the two sets of changes, he selects Merge to start  
the TeamConnection merge program, or any merge program of his choice. Alex  
merges the changes and then saves and exits from the merge program.  
TeamConnection checks the resultant part back in as part of this merge step.  
The online help provides information on how to use the merge program.  
5. Selects OK from the Reconcile Collision Record window.  
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Figure 23. Reconcile Collision Record window  
From a command line, he does the following steps:  
Issues a report command to determine which parts are in conflict:  
teamc report -view collisionView -workarea 310  
This report tells him that optics.c is the part that collided and gives the alternate  
version ID of the part that caused the collision. Alex makes note of the alternate  
version ID, robot_control:2, because he needs to specify that in a later step.  
Extracts a copy of optics.c from the release:  
teamc part -extract optics.c -release robot_control -relative d:\temp  
By not specifying a work area on the part -extract command, Alex ensures that he  
receives the last committed copy of the part at the release. Also, Alex specifies a  
relative path for the part extract. By specifying the relative directory, he prevents  
TeamConnection from placing the part in his default directory, where he normally  
works on checked-out parts. For more information about the -relative flag, refer to the  
Commands Reference  
Checks out his copy of optics.c from his work area:  
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 310  
Because he did not specify a relative path, this part is checked out to his working  
directory d:\robot.  
Uses the merge program to reconcile the two copies of optics.c:  
tcmerge d:\temp\optics.c d:\robot\optics.c -out  
d:\robot\optics.c -prime d:\temp\optics.c  
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 75  
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If Alex decides not to merge the two parts, but instead wants to use his copy of  
optics.c, he uses the collision -reject command. Or, if he wants to use the copy of  
optics.c at the release level, he uses the collision -accept command.  
Checks the resultant copy of optics.c into his work area and builds it against the rest  
of the system.  
After he is satisfied with the reconciled changes, he lets TeamConnection know that  
the previously discovered conflict is reconciled. Alex does this by completing the  
collision record that TeamConnection created when Alex attempted to integrate his  
copy of optics.c. He does the following:  
teamc collision -reconcile -path optics.c -release robot_control  
-workarea 310 -altversion robot_control:2  
Alex is now ready to make his changes visible to the release. He can use either the  
GUI or the command line to integrate the work area.  
He refreshes from the driver again. The integrate is permitted because a completed  
collision record exists for the conflict between the two versions of optics.c. However, if  
Ken or Joy had integrated a new version of optics.c while Alex was busy resolving the  
last collision, Alex’s driver add would fail. He would have to repeat the collision  
resolution process.  
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Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes  
The previous chapter described how to work with parts when the release does not  
follow a tracking process. This chapter describes how to work with parts when a  
tracking process is followed and how to use component processes for features and  
When tracking is part of the process, users must associate any changes to their parts  
with the defects or features active for the release. This association is made through a  
work area. The work area is the object that ties a defect or feature with a specific  
release. When checking out a part, the user must specify the work area with which the  
modification is associated. For any release and defect or feature pair, there can be  
multiple work area objects.  
Aside from their association with a defect or feature, the work areas for a full-tracking  
process environment are identical to those defined for working in a no-tracking process  
environment. Work areas maintain a separate view for the user working on the  
modifications associated with a defect or feature without affecting the release. This view  
can be integrated with the release at some point. A work area is implicitly created when  
a defect or feature is accepted if the managing component follows a design, size, and  
review process for defects and features and if a sizing record is created. The work area  
that TeamConnection creates is based on the sizing record and has the same name as  
the defect or feature. If sizing records were not created, you must explicitly create the  
work area.  
As an example of how this all works, suppose that the robot project from the previous  
chapter is entering system test. The administrator decides to turn on a full-tracking  
process for the release, such as track_full. This process includes the track, approval,  
fix, driver, and test subprocesses. The release follows concurrent development, and the  
component follows a design, size, and review process for both defects and features.  
On a weekly basis the project leader, Carol, creates a driver. A driver monitors and  
implements the integration of part changes within a release. These part changes are  
included in a driver by adding the work areas referenced by the changed parts to the  
driver as driver members.  
One of the testers for the robot project discovers that the autofocus mechanism in the  
robot’s eye fails when the robot is placed in front of striped wallpaper. The tester must  
open a defect against the component optics, which is owned by Carol. Carol verifies  
that the problem does exist, accepts the defect, and assigns it to Alex. This fix will  
require the tasks noted in the following table:  
For information about this task,  
Go to this  
Changing the defect owner  
Accepting the defect  
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For information about this task,  
Go to this  
Approving the fix  
Checking out a part  
Checking in the changes  
Freezing the work area  
Building the application  
Accepting fix records  
Adding a driver member  
Returning the work area to the fix state  
Reactivating the fix record  
Refreshing the work area  
Refreshing the driver  
Building the driver  
Restricting the driver  
Integrating the parts  
Completing the driver  
Testing the built application  
Moving through design, size, and review  
Because the defect was created against a component that follows the design, size, and  
review process for defects, Carol must move the defect through this process before the  
defect can be accepted and parts can be checked out. As the names imply, the process  
requires that the following be done:  
Design what needs to be done in order to resolve the problem. She must enter  
design text before the defect can move to the size state.  
Size the amount of work that is required to resolve the problem. At this time, Carol  
creates a sizing record and specifies robot_control as the release that contains the  
parts that require changing. If parts in other releases require changing because of  
the defect, a sizing record is created for each release. A sizing record assures that a  
work area is created when the defect is accepted. It identifies the work that is  
required for and the resources affected by the defect or feature. The owner of the  
component that is referenced in the sizing record is the owner of the sizing record.  
The owner is responsible for entering information about the amount of work that is  
required to implement the feature or resolve the problem.  
Review all design text and sizing records and determine if work should continue on  
the defect.  
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Changing defect ownership  
Because Carol is the component owner, she is currently defined as the owner of defect  
456. But the problem is in Alex’s code, so she wants him to own the defect. To reassign  
ownership, she does one of the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Defects Modify Owner from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
window. The Modify Defect Owner window appears.  
2. Types 456 in the Defects field and types Alex’s user ID, alexm, in the New owner  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 24. Modify Defect Owner window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc defect -assign 456 -owner alexm  
Alex is now the owner of defect 456. He is responsible for fixing the problem and  
moving the defect through its various states.  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 79  
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Accepting a defect  
When you accept a defect or feature, you accept the responsibility of resolving it. A  
defect or feature might require changes in more than one release. If the component  
includes the design, size, and review process, these releases were identified during the  
size state, and TeamConnection created a work area for each identified release. If the  
component does not include the design, size, and review process, you will need to  
create a work area manually.  
When the first work area moves to the complete state, the defect or feature  
automatically moves to the verify state or closed state.  
Alex, now the owner of the defect, accepts the defect by doing one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Defects Accept from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
The Accept Defects window appears.  
Note: The Accept Defects window in this example may be different than one you  
may see based on your environment. Configurable fields may or may not be  
shown depending on any configurable fields set by you or your administrator,  
2. Types 456 in the Defects field and selects program_defect from the Answer list.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 25. Accept Defects window  
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From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc defect -accept 456 -answer program_defect  
Defect 456 moves to working state, and TeamConnection creates a work area called  
456. The work area is associated with the release specified on the sizing record, which  
in this example is robot_control. When the work area is created, a fix record is also  
created based on the sizing record. Because the approval subprocess is included in the  
release’s process, the work area is created in the approve state and the fix record is  
created in the notReady state.  
Just as with a work area that is explicitly created, the defect work area contains a view  
of the current versions visible to the release. In this case, the contents of the work area  
Approving the fix  
Because the full-tracking process includes the approval subprocess, each person  
identified on the approval list must approve the proposed changes before Alex can  
begin work on the defect.  
Linda and Sam are both listed as approvers. They have been notified by  
TeamConnection that they have approval records. After reviewing the defect, they do  
one of the following to indicate their approval:  
From the GUI, they:  
1. Select Records Approval records Accept from the Actions pull-down menu.  
2. Type 456 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Release field.  
3. Select OK.  
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Figure 26. Accept Approval Records window  
From a command line, they both issue the following command for the approval record  
that they have:  
teamc approval -accept -workarea 456 -release robot_control  
After both Linda and Sam accept the approval records, TeamConnection moves the  
work area to the fix state.  
Checking out a part  
Now that the approval records have been accepted, Alex can check out the necessary  
parts. He decides that modifications are again required to the part optics.c. So, that is  
the part he checks out.  
Alex must specify the work area on the check-out command so that the part is obtained  
from the defect’s work area. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Check out from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following:  
optics.c in the Path names field  
robot_control in the Release field  
456 in the Work area field  
d:\robot\src in the Destination directory field  
3. Selects OK.  
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Figure 27. Check Out Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 456  
-relative d:\robot\src  
A copy of the part optics.c is checked out from TeamConnection and placed in the  
directory d:\robot\src. If the directory name is not specified in the command,  
TeamConnection uses the directory specified in the TC_RELATIVE environment  
variable. Because the release is following concurrent development mode, other users  
can also check out and change this part while Alex has it checked out.  
Checking in the changes  
Alex makes his modifications and wants to test his corrections. First, he must check the  
part into the work area. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Parts Check in from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following in the Check In Parts window, and then selects OK:  
optics.c in the Path names field  
robot_control in the Release field  
456 in the Work areas field  
d:\robot\src in the Source directory field  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 83  
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Figure 28. Check In Parts window  
Note: Alex follows these steps because he knows the exact name of the part that he is  
checking in. If he does not know the name, or if he is checking in many parts, he  
can instead do one of the following to display a list of parts:  
Select the entry on his Tasks window that displays the list of parts.  
Re-open the Parts window if it was previously minimized.  
Add an entry to his Tasks window that lists all of his checked-out parts.  
He then selects the parts that he wants to check in.  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -checkin optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 456  
Now the work area contains the following part versions:  
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optics.c (Alex's modification 1)  
Freezing the work area  
Alex now wants to save, or freeze, the working system. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Displays the Freeze Work Areas window in one of the following ways:  
Selects Work areas Freeze from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
Selects Work areas from the Objects pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
Types the appropriate search information on the Work Area Filter window to get a  
list of work areas. Selects 456 from the list of work areas on the Work Areas  
window, and then selects Freeze from the Selected pull-down menu. This method  
is useful when you are going to be working with several work areas or you are  
unsure of the work area name.  
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field if the  
information is not already there.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 29. Freeze Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -freeze 456 -release robot_control  
The freeze command saves the work area 456. Thus, TeamConnection takes a  
snapshot of the work area, with all its parts and their visible versions, and saves it.  
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Note, however, that a freeze action does not make the changes visible to the other  
people working in the release. This does not occur until the work area is integrated.  
Building the application  
Alex now builds the application to verify that the changes he has made have fixed the  
problem. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI:  
Alex has a Parts window open with a list of all the parts that exist in work area 456. He  
highlights the part brain.exe and then does the following:  
1. Selects Build from the Selected pull-down menu.  
2. Types normal in the Pool field. The other required fields are pre-filled with the  
correct information.  
3. Selects OK to start the build.  
Figure 30. Build Parts window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc part -build brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 456 -pool normal  
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Alex builds the application and tests the results. The modification seems to solve the  
Note: For a detailed build example, see “Chapter 15. Building an application: an  
Accepting fix records  
Alex is satisfied that the changes are complete and the part is ready to be integrated  
with other parts in the release. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Records Fix records Complete from the Actions pull-down menu on  
the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following in the Complete Fix Records window, and then selects OK:  
456 in the Work areas field  
robot_control in the Releases field  
optics in the Component field  
Figure 31. Complete Fix Records window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc fix -complete -workarea 456 -component optics -release robot_control  
The fix record moves to the complete state. Because only one fix record was generated  
for this defect, the work area moves to the integrate state at the same time. When more  
than one fix record exists, they all must be completed before the work area moves to  
the integrate state.  
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Integrating changed parts into a release  
The changes that Alex has made are now ready to be put into the next set of changes  
scheduled to be integrated with the release. This set of changes is known as a driver.  
A driver named 0105 currently exists, and several driver members have already been  
added to the driver. Therefore, the driver is in the integrate state.  
Adding a driver member  
Carol, the project lead, adds work area 456 as a driver member of driver 0105:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Drivers Add driver members from the Actions pull-down menu on the  
Tasks window.  
2. Types the following:  
0105 in the Driver field  
robot_control in the Release field  
456 in the Work areas field  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 32. Add Driver Members window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc driverMember -create -driver 0105 -workarea 456 -release robot_control  
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Carol previously created a driver member for driver 0105 that included changes to  
optics.c, so Carol is notified that collisions were detected. (Remember, the release is in  
concurrent development mode.)  
Carol deletes the driver member for work area 456. She then asks Alex to reconcile the  
Reconciling the differences  
Before Alex can reconcile the differences, he needs to do the following:  
1. Return the work area to the fix state  
2. Reactivate the fix record  
3. Refresh his work area  
Returning the work area to the fix state  
The first step in reconciling the differences is for Alex to return work area 456 to the fix  
state. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Work area Fix from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field and robot_control in the Releases field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 33. Fix Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -fix 456 -release robot_control  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 89  
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Work area 456 is in the fix state. After the fix record is reactivated, Alex will check out  
optics.c from this work area to reconcile the differences.  
Reactivating the fix record  
Currently, the fix record for work area 456 is in the complete state. Alex must reactivate  
the fix record to move it back to the active state so that he can make the necessary  
changes to optics.c. He does one of the following:  
From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Records Fix records Activate from the Actions pull-down menu on the  
Tasks window.  
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field and selects robot_control from the Releases  
field and optics from the Component field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 34. Activate Fix Records window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc fix -activate 456 -release robot_control -component optics  
The fix record returns to the active state.  
Refreshing the work area  
Alex now needs to refresh his work area with the parts that are already in driver 0105.  
He does one of the following:  
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From the GUI, he:  
1. Selects Work areas Refresh from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks  
2. Types the following in the Refresh Work Areas window and selects OK:  
456 in the Work areas field  
robot_control in the Releases field  
0105 in the Source field  
Figure 35. Refresh Work Areas window  
From a command line, he issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -refresh 456 -release robot_control -source 0105  
TeamConnection notifies Alex of the collision, so his next step is to reconcile the  
differences. He follows the same procedure that is described on page 73.  
Alex completes the fix record and then tells Carol that he has reconciled the part  
differences and that she can now create the driver member. She creates the driver  
member without any collisions this time.  
Refreshing the driver  
Carol is ready to integrate the changes in driver 0105 with the release. Because other  
team leads have integrated changes as well, she wants to build her driver with the most  
current release part versions. She does one of the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Drivers Refresh from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 91  
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2. Types 0105 in the Drivers field and robot_control in the Release field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 36. Refresh Drivers window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc driver -refresh 0105 -release robot_control  
This command refreshes driver 0105 with any committed updates to the release.  
Building the driver  
Carol builds the application using the parts current to driver 0105. She does one of the  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Build from the Action pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types the following in the Build Parts window:  
brain.exe in the Path name field.  
robot_control in the Release field.  
0105 in the Work area field.  
normal in the Pool field.  
3. Selects OK to start the build.  
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Figure 37. Build Parts window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc part -build brain.exe -release robot_control -workarea 0105 -pool normal  
Carol runs some simple regression tests to verify that the application built properly. She  
is satisfied with the results, and is ready for the next step — committing the driver  
changes to the release.  
Restricting the driver  
After all changes have been integrated with the release, Carol needs to make some  
final changes before building the driver. To enable her to make these changes while  
protecting the driver from access by anyone else, she needs to restrict access to it. She  
does one of the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Drivers Restrict from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types 0105 in the Drivers field and robot_control in the Release field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 93  
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Figure 38. Restrict Drivers window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc driver -restrict 0105 -release robot_control  
This command restricts driver 0105 so that only Carol is able to make changes to it.  
Carol is now ready to build the application.  
Integrating the parts  
Carol commits the changes in the driver to the release by doing one of the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Drivers Commit from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types 0105 in the Drivers field and robot_control in the Release field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 39. Commit Drivers window  
94 User’s Guide  
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From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc driver -commit 0105 -release robot_control  
TeamConnection moves the part versions associated with driver 0105 into the release.  
Other members of the team can now view the changes. Committing a driver commits all  
work areas designated as driver members and all parts changed in reference to those  
work areas.  
Completing the driver  
The driver is ready for formal testing in the specified release’s environment list. Testing  
is tracked using test records for each environment in which testing is to be done. To  
create the test records, Carol must complete the driver.  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Drivers Complete from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.  
2. Types 0105 in the Drivers field, and selects robot_control from the Release field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 40. Complete Drivers window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc driver -complete 0105 -release robot_control  
All the work areas in the driver are changed to the test state, and test records are  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 95  
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Testing the built application  
Annmarie is the tester for the MVS version of the robot application. When she receives  
notification that the test record is in the ready state, she tests the part changes that  
were made within the release by Alex and several of his team members. The tests  
complete successfully, so she accepts the test record by doing one of the following:  
From the GUI, she:  
1. Selects Records Test records Accept from the Actions pull-down menu on the  
Tasks window.  
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field, and selects robot_control from the Releases  
field and MVS from the Environments field.  
3. Selects OK.  
Figure 41. Accept Test Records window  
From a command line, she issues the following command:  
teamc test -accept -workarea 456 -release robot_control -env mvs  
Annmarie’s test record moves to the accept state. However, work area 456 will not go  
to the complete state until Tim, who is the tester for the OS/2 environment, marks his  
test record.  
After all test records are moved from the ready state, the work area moves to the  
complete state. Because the component process includes the verifyDefect subprocess,  
defect 456 moves to the verify state. A verification record for the defect is created in the  
ready state.  
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Using a configured process  
The scenarios in this chapter and the preceding chapter illustrate one release with no  
process management enabled and another release with full process management  
enabled. However, administrators can define a release that requires users to work with  
some intermediate level of process management. That is, the administrator can remove  
some of the subprocesses from the full-tracking scenario.  
For example, the administrator might want to eliminate the driver subprocess. If the  
driver subprocess is eliminated, the user cannot create driver members to associate the  
changes in a work area with a driver. Likewise, users cannot commit drivers to integrate  
several work areas with the release. Instead, users integrate the changes for each work  
area by integrating the work area with the release.  
To demonstrate how this works, assume that Carol and Alex are trying to fix the robot’s  
dislike of striped wallpaper using a release without the driver subprocess enabled.  
Initially, the scenario is not affected by the absence of the driver subprocess. The defect  
is opened, and a work area is created. Alex, after receiving notice that he needs to  
solve the problem, goes through the process of checking out the faulty part, making  
fixes, checking the fixes into the work area, and rebuilding. He can still freeze the work  
area whenever he wants to save its current content.  
The difference occurs when Alex is ready to integrate his changes with the release.  
When the driver subprocess is not enabled, Alex issues the following command:  
teamc workarea -integrate 456 -release robot_control  
This command moves the part versions associated with work area 456 into the release  
so they are visible to other developers. However, if collision records are created,  
TeamConnection flags the concurrent changes and stops the integration until the  
changes are reconciled and the corresponding collision records are completed.  
Retrieving a past version of a part  
Versioning is an insurance policy for the developer. By freezing the work area, the  
developer knows that the parts currently visible in the work area will be retained in their  
current form.  
For this example, assume that Alex just updated the optics.c module to add support for  
a new zoom lens. Alex did a considerable amount of work on this task, and it required a  
dozen check-out, check-in, and build cycles before he finished. Alex’s work area now  
contains the following:  
brain.exe (from Alex's build 12)  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 97  
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foot obj  
optics.c (modification 12)  
optics.obj (from Alex's build 12)  
Next Alex must update the brain.c part to set the appropriate conditions for activating  
the new zoom capability. He does not yet want to integrate his changes to optics.c for  
the zoom lens with the release because they are of little value without his changes to  
brain.c. Also, he is not certain that he is completely done with optics.c until he  
completes the modifications to brain.c. Rather than integrate an incomplete change, he  
freezes his work area by issuing the following command:  
teamc workarea -freeze 1208 -release robot_control  
This command takes a snapshot of the work area and its parts in their current state.  
As Alex works on the brain.c module, he makes sweeping modifications to optics.c to  
simplify the interface between brain.c and optics.c. Unfortunately, he realizes too late  
that the simplification he is pursuing will not work. Rather than spend several hours  
removing his updates to optics.c, he wants to start fresh from a copy of optics.c that  
does not contain the changes for the simplification.  
Alex has frozen his work area three times since beginning work on the zoom lens  
integration. Also, he has done additional check-ins to his work area since his last  
freeze. He cannot remember the particular version of his work area that contains the  
copy of optics.c that he wants. So, he wants to see all the versions of his work area  
that he has saved. He issues the following report command:  
teamc report -view versionView -where "workAreaName='1208' and  
releaseName='robot_control'" -stanza  
This command returns a list of the versions frozen from work area 1208. The report  
looks like this:  
1995/01/11 14:30:26  
1995/01/11 15:00:00  
1995/01/12 09:25:13  
1995/01/12 17:15:58  
98 User’s Guide  
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1995/01/14 11:13:25  
1995/01/15 09:01:35  
1995/01/16 08:10:15  
1995/01/16 10:05:11  
So what does it all mean?  
name is the name of the version in the work area.  
workAreaName is the name of the work area that owns the version.  
ReleaseName is the name of the release that owns the version.  
Predecessor is the name of the version that precedes, or is the parent of, this  
hasSuccessor has a value of yes if the version has a successor, no if it does not.  
releaseVersion has a value of yes if the version is part of the release’s main version  
history; the value is no if the version belongs to a work area.  
addDate is the date and time the version was created.  
freezeDate is the date the version was frozen.  
This report seems erroneous. TeamConnection returned four versions in the report even  
though Alex has executed the freeze command against his work area only three times.  
The fourth version, 1208:4, is the unfrozen version in which Alex is currently making his  
Another concern might be the predecessor of the first version returned in the report.  
Why is its predecessor robot_control:5? At some point Alex began his work by making  
modifications to the latest code in the release. The first version of Alex’s changes is  
based on the release version robot_control:5.  
After reviewing the report, Alex thinks that his last working copy of optics.c was saved  
when he created version 1208:2. However, to make sure, he wants to see the parts  
modified in version 1208:2. He issues the following command:  
teamc report -view partView -version 1208:2 -release robot_control  
-where "currentVersion='1208:2'" -stanza  
This report returns a list of parts visible to version 1208:2 that have a currentVersion (or  
version ID) of 1208:2. If a part has such a version ID, the part was modified in the  
version 1208:2.  
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 99  
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Note: If the -where clause were not specified, the report would return all of the parts  
visible from version 1208:2.  
The TeamConnection system returns the following report:  
Because optics.c is the only part modified in version 1208:2, Alex assumes it is the  
copy he wants. He extracts the part by issuing the following command:  
teamc part -extract optics.c -version 1208:2 -workarea 1208 -release robot_control  
This command extracts the desired copy of optics.c from the frozen version 1208:2.  
Alex can then overlay the corrupted copy of optics.c that he has checked out with the  
copy he just extracted, and he can start over fresh. He can also check in the overlaid  
optics.c to his work area.  
This method works only for parts with a file type of TCPart. If your part has a type of  
something other than TCPart, you can do one of the following to restore the part:  
Use the undo action if restoring to the previous version.  
Use the link action to link to a previous version.  
In addition to the reporting features mentioned above, Alex can also obtain a list of work  
areas by issuing the following command:  
teamc report -view WorkAreaView -where "releaseName='robot_control'" -stanza  
The report that is returned lists the work areas in the release robot_control. A user can  
also see the parts changed for each work area by specifying the -long parameter on  
this command.  
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Part 3. Using TeamConnection Notes Integrated Databases  
This section is for anyone who will be responsible for accessing the Integrated Notes  
Database code shipped with TeamConnection and customizing predefined database  
templates to best serve your project’s needs.  
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102 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 7. Introduction to TeamConnection Integrated Notes  
The VisualAge TeamConnection Integrated Notes Database feature provides a  
documentation facility to support software development. A software development group  
can use this database to communicate with TeamConnection objects from within Lotus  
Notes documents. The TeamConnection Integrated Notes Database links the technical  
documents to the TeamConnection objects involved in software enhancement and  
A single database template is provided that you use to define the databases that will  
assist you with all phases of your development process. From the template, databases  
can be produced that can assist with requirements, design and development  
documentation, and test case management, as well as other purposes.  
Getting started  
This portion of the User’s Guide is intended to direct administrators and users on the  
fundamentals of preparing for, configuring, and using the IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server Integrated Notes Database feature.  
The feature requires some degree of administrative intervention, including set up,  
customization, and tuning, before the databases provided by the feature are available to  
development or test team members in your organization. These issues are addressed in  
Chapter 8. describes post-installation tasks at a high level. If you have no intention of  
performing advanced customization, Chapter 8. provides enough information to activate  
and begin testing an integrated database.  
It is recommended that you read “Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and  
Advanced Customization” on page 121 if you plan on customizing subforms, or if you  
have no experience with Lotus Notes database design.  
For an overview of database templates and the user interface, begin with “Using  
TeamConnection with Lotus Notes” on page 104. The database itself contains the most  
detailed user documentation, and is provided in the following forms:  
Database About document  
Database Using document  
Help (contextual)  
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Prerequisites and dependencies  
In preparation for setting up and administering the Lotus Notes Integration feature,  
ensure that the machine you are using to implement this feature (generically, the Notes  
server) is equipped as follows:  
To use this function, the client machine requires Lotus Notes Release 4.5.3a or  
higher and a Version 3 TeamConnection client. There are no prerequisites or  
dependencies on the TeamConnection server.  
The TeamConnection Web Client interface is also required.  
Using TeamConnection with Lotus Notes  
The VisualAge TeamConnection Integrated Notes database template provides a  
generalized technical documentation facility to support software development. This  
section is intended as an overview for Notes Integrated Database users.  
The TeamConnection Integrated Notes database links technical documents to the  
TeamConnection parts involved in software enhancement and maintenance. Your  
software development team can use this database to communicate with  
TeamConnection from within Lotus Notes documents. A reconciliation facility is provided  
that synchronizes the data in the TeamConnection family with the Notes databases that  
use it.  
Your team can create software design documentation, project requirements documents,  
and test cases using Lotus Notes. Then utilize the integrated tracking and change  
control functions TeamConnection provides to identify, organize, manage, and control  
software parts as they change over time.  
You can associate Notes documents with existing defects and features within  
TeamConnection and use the default web browser, defined in Notes, to view additional  
details of the TeamConnection defects and features or perform other TeamConnection  
You can also access the TeamConnection client GUI from Notes.  
Sources of user information  
For more information about TeamConnection Integrated Notes databases, see the  
About, Using, and contextual help information available from the database Help menu.  
About and Using are available from the Navigator window Help menu. It is advisable to  
examine these documents before entering your integrated database.  
Note: The About document is also available from the Help choice on the Navigator  
104 User’s Guide  
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The About document provides graphical previews for the Requirements, Development,  
and Test database types. These previews provide a graphical depiction of available  
documents and the document hierarchy for each database, along with the default setup  
values available to an administrator.  
The Using document provides detailed information that users will need to take  
advantage of Notes Integrated Database functionality. For each database type, Using  
documents the specific steps required to create and respond to the available document  
types. In addition, Using provides a listing of each Notes element (form or view), along  
with a brief description of the context in which it is appropriate.  
As you navigate through the integrated database, you can access help in the several  
For a view  
Select the Help button in the action bar to look at help for the view.  
For the document that you are editing  
Select the Help button in the action bar to look at help for a document or form.  
For a field in a form  
Click in the field and look at the bottom of the screen for a short description of  
the field. Look to the right of the field to see if there is descriptive text for help  
in entering the correct format. Select the Help push button in the action bar to  
get more detailed help on the field.  
Database types  
A single database template is provided that you use to define the databases that will  
assist you with all phases of your development process. Using the different databases  
you can create various documents, open TeamConnection features and defects,  
associate, modify, or cancel existing TeamConnection features and defects, and use the  
Web browser to view information on TeamConnection features and defects.  
The Notes database is linked to the TeamConnection database to integrate information  
in Notes with information in TeamConnection. In this way, TeamConnection defects and  
features are linked to Notes documents. The following database types can assist you  
with the overall management your software project:  
The Requirements database assists with documenting and categorizing Notes  
documents that describe requirements. TeamConnection features can be  
opened for software design requirements as they move through the formal  
phases of development. You can also associate Notes documents with existing  
features in TeamConnection.  
Software Design and Development  
The Software Design and Development database assists with software design  
and development, including change control to develop a complete and  
comprehensive set of software design documentation. TeamConnection  
features and defects can be opened to identify and track the implementation of  
Chapter 7. Introduction to TeamConnection Integrated Notes Databases 105  
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the design. Documents existing in Notes can be associated with existing  
features and defects in TeamConnection.  
Test Case Management and Tracking  
The Test Case Management and Tracking database assists with test case  
management and tracking. In this database, test case definitions and their  
execution results are tracked. Defects can be opened for failing test cases to  
track their progress.  
A Generic database is available for other purposes that you choose and also  
has access to TeamConnection.  
User Defined  
A User Defined database is also available. Advanced users can define a  
database that utilizes the Notes documentation facility, combined with the  
TeamConnection integration built into the template, with their own local  
definitions of forms and views.  
Each of the databases also allow you to capture and track information about documents  
and link the documents to TeamConnection. With each of type of database, you can  
add a document to the database, respond to a document, respond to a response, flag a  
document as private, and route a document for review to your team members.  
Refer to the database Using document for a description of the forms, views, and tasks  
associated with each of the database types available.  
Forms and subforms  
Forms provide the structure and organization of elements in the documents used by  
your database. The integrated database forms come preloaded with default values.  
There are one or more subforms defined for all the forms that allow user-defined  
subforms. This allows you to augment or replace the subform supplied by  
TeamConnection. The TeamConnection-supplied database teamc.nsf has all of the user  
subforms defined. See “Advanced customization” on page 125 for more details on using  
user-defined subforms.  
Table 1 provides a listing of all forms currently available to each database type.  
Table 1. Integrated database forms by database type  
Use for this form  
Basic Document  
Document basic information that would not be included in a requirements,  
design, or test case document.  
Document your response to a requirements, design, test case, or basic  
106 User’s Guide  
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Table 1. Integrated database forms by database type (continued)  
Use for this form  
Response to Response  
Document your response to another’s response to a requirements, design,  
test case, or basic document.  
Document and open a requirements document in the database.  
TeamConnection Feature  
Open a TeamConnection feature against a requirement document to track  
the implementation of the requirement.  
To open a design document in the database.  
Enhancement description  
To document a small design issue or improvement (not associated with a  
design document).  
Lower level design  
To document information associated to a design document.  
To document design change information.  
Design change description  
TeamConnection Feature  
Open a TeamConnection feature against a design to track the  
implementation of the design.  
TeamConnection Defect  
Open a TeamConnection defect against part of a design to track a design  
Test case  
To document a test case that should be run against the design or specific  
function of a software product, or TeamConnection defect.  
Execution record  
TeamConnection Defect  
To document information about test case execution.  
Open a TeamConnection defect to track a test case failure.  
Basic Document  
Document basic information for future reference.  
Document your response to a basic document.  
Response to Response  
User Defined  
Document your response to a response of a basic document.  
To define the documents within a User Defined database, you must modify  
the forms and subforms that are provided. Modifying forms and subforms  
requires knowledge of Notes Forms design and Designer authority on the  
Notes database.  
Views provide various ways to organize and access the documents in your integrated  
database. By selecting a view, you can access and sort specific categories of  
documents in the database. You can also navigate through the database to search for a  
Chapter 7. Introduction to TeamConnection Integrated Notes Databases 107  
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specific document title. By using buttons on the action bar, you can choose to view the  
children documents of a parent document or category, all active features, or all active  
Views are available through the Navigator and the View menu.  
Table 2 provides a listing of all views currently available to database users.  
Table 2. Integrated database views  
Documents accessed (purpose)  
All documents  
My favorite documents  
Document Control  
To list all of the documents stored in the database.  
Contains documents you have placed in the folder.  
To list all of the documents by their document control number.  
To list all of the user documents stored in the database.  
Allows you to archive the database.  
By Author  
To list all of the user documents stored in the database organized by author.  
To list the user documents in the database’s hierarchy.  
To list the review status of user documents in the database.  
To list the states of user documents in the database.  
Review Status  
State Summary  
Design Changes  
To list all of the design change documents in the database.  
To list all of the enhancement documents in the database.  
To list all of the design documents in a hierarchy.  
To list all of the current user’s documents.  
My Designs  
State Summary  
Final Priority  
To list the state of design documents in the database.  
To list the final and originator priority of documents in the database.  
To list the requirements and associated features in a hierarchy.  
To list all of the requirements documents in the database.  
To list all of the current user’s requirements documents.  
To list the originator priority of documents in the database.  
To list the state of requirements in the database.  
My Requirements  
Originator Priority  
State Summary  
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Table 2. Integrated database views (continued)  
Documents accessed (purpose)  
Execution Records  
To list all of the execution records in the database.  
To list test case, execution records, and defects in a hierarchy.  
To list all of the execution records that you have created in the database.  
To list the tester name(s) and a summary of their test case executions.  
To list all of the test cases in the database.  
My Execution Records  
Test Case  
To list all of the TeamConnection defects associated with the database.  
To list all of the TeamConnection features associated with the database.  
To list a summary of the reconcile log results for the database.  
To list the agents configured by your administrator.  
Reconcile Log Records  
You can make your design, development, requirements, and test case documents  
available to your team for review through the Notes review function. The author of a  
document can set up a document review cycle for a document. Documents can be  
routed to the reviewers chosen by the author one at a time, in sequence, or all at once.  
A reviewer log is automatically generated to show the state of the documents and the  
names of the reviewers.  
This application was designed with the intention that all users except the manager  
should have Author access. If users have Editor access, the review cycle may not  
function correctly.  
See the database Using document for a description of the tasks associated with the  
document review process.  
Document archiving  
To keep the document library current with only the latest topics, document authors can  
choose to move documents from the current database and store them in a different  
database. In addition, Notes databases can be checked into TeamConnection.  
Most of the Archiving activities take place from the Archiving view. You must switch to  
this view in order to initiate archiving on a document library database.  
See the database Using document for a description of the tasks associated with the  
document archiving process.  
Chapter 7. Introduction to TeamConnection Integrated Notes Databases 109  
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110 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases  
This section and the one that follows (“Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and  
Advanced Customization” on page 121) provide instructions for the members of your  
organization, referred to as the Lotus Notes Database Administrator, or administrator for  
brevity’s sake, who will be responsible for accessing the Integrated Notes Database  
code shipped with TeamConnection, customizing predefined database templates to best  
serve your project’s needs, and maintaining your organization’s production integrated  
Important notice to administrators  
For any administrative activities that involve teamc.nsf and fhcnotes.ntf, you can  
locate these files on the TeamConnection server in the NLS\CFG\[LANG] path  
($TC_HOME/NLS/CFG/[LANG] for UNIX platforms), where [LANG] specifies the  
language directory for your version of the product (ENU or en_US, for example).  
As the designated administrator works through the tasks described in this section, it  
may become apparent that other members of the organization should assume the role  
of individual database owner, and make decisions that affect specific databases. This  
segmentation or hierarchy should become more apparent as the tasks described move  
from installation and setup issues to those that involve design and maintenance.  
After you have installed TeamConnection and verified the items listed in “Prerequisites  
and dependencies” on page 104, you can proceed to performing administrative tasks  
necessary to activate this feature from a Notes standpoint. This is likely to be staged  
process. After loading initial database templates, as described in “Initializing the original  
template and creating a database” on page 112, you can begin the recursive process of  
customization and tuning. Setup for the initialization stage is required. Design strategies  
and advanced customization (which is optional) are described in detail in “Chapter 9.  
The primary administrative tasks discussed in this section are summarized in Figure 42  
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Figure 42. Notes Integrated Database Creation and Staging  
The flow presented in the figure applies to all potential user databases available  
through the Notes Integrated Database feature.  
Initializing the original template and creating a database  
To help you with developing Notes applications, a database master template is included  
on the IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server installation CD-ROM. The file,  
which serves as a single source for a number of database uses, is placed on the  
TeamConnection server during installation and will stay there until you move it to a  
Notes directory.  
Note: Regular Notes databases have the .NSF extension. Notes templates have an  
.NTF extension. You will use teamc.nsf database to create new integrated notes  
databases. Use the database template fhcnotes.ntf to refresh the design of  
existing databases. Although teamc.nsf and fhcnotes.ntf can be accessed, you  
should never modify these databases directly.  
To activate this function in Lotus Notes, perform the following steps:  
1. Obtain a copy of teamc.nsf file from the server and set it up to meet your local  
requirements in the following manner:  
a. Copy teamc.nsf from the server to your local workstation into your local notes  
data directory (something like x:\notes\data). Use the method of file transfer of  
your choice, but be aware that teamc.nsf is sizable (more than 5 Mb).  
b. You must create a copy of the teamc.nsf file that will act as your target  
database. Create a copy of the empty teamc.nsf database on your Notes  
workspace as follows:  
1) Select the TeamConnection Database (teamc.nsf).  
2) Select File->Database->New Copy. This displays the Copy Database  
112 User’s Guide  
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3) The Server field should contain the Local value. You can supply the Title of  
your choice.  
4) Rename the file in the File Name field to match the naming conventions of  
your organization. This copy of the template must keep the .nsf suffix. For  
example: development.nsf.  
5) Select the folder icon button, which will open the Choose a folder window.  
Choose the directory on your local file system that will store the database.  
6) In the Copy field select the Database design only radio button, and leave  
the Access Control List checkbox checked, so that the new database will  
inherit those characteristics from the empty template database.  
7) Select OK.  
c. Add yourself as an Administrator to the Access Control List for the new  
database as follows:  
1) Using mouse button 2, select the notes database icon on your Notes  
workspace page.  
2) Select Access Control.  
3) From the Access Control List window select Add.  
4) Enter your full Notes name, as it would appear in your Notes Address Book.  
5) Assign yourself the role of Administrator and Authorby selecting them in  
the Roles box of the panel.  
6) Assign a value of Person in the User type field and Manager in the Access  
7) Select OK.  
d. Open the new empty database. The About overview window will display  
showing what this Notes database is. When you read and exit (Escape) this  
window, the main window for this database should display.  
e. There are 3 choices on this window: Setup, Proceed to Database, and Help.  
We suggest that you select Help to view the About document before proceeding  
to Setup. About provides details about database and document types that may  
be beneficial during the setup process.  
f. Select Setup.  
Note: If you are not defined with the role of Administrator in the Access Control  
List, you will only be able to view the setup in read—only mode.  
g. From the Setup window follow the instructions on completing the Initialization  
Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases 113  
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Setup is a staging process that may require some planning. See  
page 121 for details on setup strategies and customization options.  
You will need to decide what type of database you need: Requirements, Design  
and Development, Test Case Management, Generic, or a User Defined  
Note: The Preview button enables you to view database forms and related  
information to help determine which type of database is most suitable for  
your group.  
database documents for a description of each database type.  
You will need to know your TeamConnection family and server port name to  
complete the initialization portion of setup. You must also have authorization to  
connect to and use the server. You should use a test family, initially, until you  
have the details of your database design and customization stabilized and  
tested before pointing the setup to a liveTeamConnection family.  
Note: You must identify your full TeamConnection family specification  
(family@hostname@port) as an alias in your hosts and services files, and  
supply only the family name in the *Family field. In addition, all database  
users must have the same entry in their hosts and services files.  
Be sure to use the Test Connection and Test Web Client buttons to verify that  
all necessary installation configurations are valid.  
Select the Finish button to update the integration with TeamConnection and  
complete the Initialization.  
h. When the Initialization is complete, you can either begin the Customization  
setup (see Creating customized production databases) or return to the main  
window. If you want to begin working with the initialized database, select  
Proceed to Database. Your new, but empty database is available. You can now  
test that it is working to your satisfaction.  
In the most basic terms, testing would include the following activities:  
Create documents.  
Update documents. This should include testing the state system, which would  
involve moving a document’s state to Approved.  
Reopen documents.  
Select Feature and Defect push buttons.  
Open Defects and/or Features.  
Examine views.  
114 User’s Guide  
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You should also add any users involved in the testing process to the access list  
for this database. The default Access of Author is recommended.  
i. When the database is working to your satisfaction (you can go back to the setup  
several times to make changes and refine it), you are ready to make it available  
to your user community.  
Be sure to delete any documents you created during local testing and evaluation.  
Note: If document numbering is turned on, you may want to reset it when the  
database goes into production. To reset document numbering, perform the  
following steps:  
1) Select the Notes Navigator.  
2) Select Administration->Document Control.  
3) Edit the document and set the number to 0 (zero).  
4) Select File->Save.  
2. If, after testing the current setup, you find that the default settings for the database  
are adequate for the needs of your organization, proceed to the next step.  
further customization and testing of the database.  
3. Put the database that you just setup on a Notes server using the normal Notes  
Note: To enhance performance for database users, it might be advisable to turn  
replication on, using the standard Notes process.  
4. Identify the users of the application and the access level each will need. List the  
name of each user and user group in the Access Control List accordingly.  
Database users must have Author access. The template has been set up so that  
any database created with it will have the default access of Author.  
Note: If users will create documents and documents are automatically numbered  
(as defined in setup), then a Role of Author is also necessary.  
You can also choose to assign the role of Project Leader. Certain document states  
can be reserved for only the Project Leader to set (such as, Approved). This role  
allows a project leader permission to place a document into one of these reserved  
states. The Administrator assigns these states during Setup. One or more  
individuals can be defined as a Project Leader or an Administrator.  
If you want to limit this database to only members of a certain user group, the  
default user should have No Access, and members of the user group will need to be  
listed in the Access Control List as either individuals or groups with Author access.  
At least one person needs to have the role of Administrator.  
5. Arrange for adding the database icon to the Notes workspace on the appropriate  
client machines, using the normal Notes process used by your organization.  
Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases 115  
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Creating customized production databases  
Now that you have initialized the Integrated Notes Database feature and performed a  
preliminary setup of the database template for your organization, you can proceed to  
customize the initialized database.  
customization options.  
Note: A Customization Wizard is available from the Setup window action bar to assist  
you in customizing your database.  
Perform the following steps to customize your database and make it available at a  
production level:  
1. From the main database window, select Setup.  
2. Use the Customization setup facility to customize the database design. Using  
Customization, you can modify the default values that are provided.  
Note: If your customization will extend to subforms, you will need some familiarity  
with the Lotus Notes environment.  
You can adjust or refresh values are for the following:  
Notes document names, titles, and subtitles.  
Structure of the Notes document hierarchy.  
States each Notes document may progress through.  
TeamConnection family, component, and configurable field information.  
TeamConnection feature and defect attributes to store in Notes documents.  
Reconciliation of Notes and TeamConnection data. See “Performing  
Make any design changes that are necessary for your particular application and  
organization’s workflow. This process is detailed in “Chapter 9. Database Design  
setup facility itself.  
3. When the setup is complete, you will return to the main window. Select Proceed to  
Database. Your new, but empty database is available. You can now test that it is  
working to your satisfaction.  
In the most basic terms, testing would include the following activities:  
Create documents.  
Update documents. This should include testing the state system, which would  
involve moving a document’s state to Approved.  
Reopen documents.  
Select Feature and Defect push buttons.  
116 User’s Guide  
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Open Defects and/or Features.  
Examine views.  
You should also add any users involved in the testing process to the access list for  
this database. The default Access and Role of Author is recommended.  
4. When the database is working to your satisfaction (you can go back to the setup  
several times to make changes and refine it), you are ready to make it available for  
to your user community.  
Be sure to delete any documents you created during local testing and evaluation.  
Note: If document numbering is turned on, you may want to reset it when the  
database goes into production. To reset document numbering, perform the  
following steps:  
a. Select the Notes Navigator.  
b. Select Administration->Document Control.  
c. Edit the document and set the number to 0 (zero).  
d. Select File->Save.  
5. Put the database that you just setup on a Notes server using the normal Notes  
Note: To enhance performance for database users, it might be advisable to turn  
replication on, using the standard Notes process.  
6. Identify the users of the application and the access level each will need. List the  
name of each user and user group in the Access Control List accordingly.  
Database users must have Author access. The template has been set up so that  
any database created with it will have the default access of Author.  
Note: If users will create documents and documents are automatically numbered  
(as defined in setup), then a Role of Author is also necessary.  
You can also choose to assign the role of Project Leader. Certain document states  
can be reserved for only the Project Leader to set (such as, Approved). This role  
allows a project leader permission to place a document into one of these reserved  
states. The Administrator assigns these states during Setup.  
If you want to limit this database to only members of a certain user group, the  
default user should have No Access, and members of the user group will need to be  
listed in the Access Control List as either individuals or groups with Author access.  
At least one person needs to have the role of Administrator.  
7. Arrange for adding the database icon to the Notes workspace on the appropriate  
client machines, using the normal Notes process used by your organization.  
Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases 117  
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Performing reconciliation  
The Reconciliation facility synchronizes the data in the TeamConnection family and the  
Notes databases that use it. The reconciliation facility is an agent that should be run  
regularly. As a default, reconciliation is activated during Setup. It can be run on an  
established schedule that you set up, or manually when needed. We suggest that the  
reconciliation facility be set up to run after your regular TeamConnection build  
To run reconciliation on a regular schedule, the scheduled reconcile agent needs to run  
on either your Notes server or a Notes client using a replica of the server database. In  
either case, the TeamConnection client must also be available to the server or the client  
where reconciliation is scheduled to run. Typically, an administrator will set up this client  
to run automatically on his or her own workstation.  
You must be assigned the role of Administrator to activate the reconciliation facility. In  
addition, for the Notes client that will run the agent, the local user preferences (available  
from File->Tools->User Preferences) must have Enable local scheduled agents  
To Activate Reconcile, verify that Yes, the default, is selected in the Customization  
setup. To activate the reconciliation facility on a Notes client, do the following:  
1. Using standard Notes replication procedures, create a replica of the server  
database on the desired Notes client.  
2. Verify that the Notes user is enabled with a Role of Administrator.  
3. Make sure replication is active between the local replica and the server.  
4. Select the local replica database icon using mouse button 2 and select Go to  
Agents from the pop-up menu.  
5. Open the Reconcile Notes and TeamConnection option that has a trigger value of  
6. The Options button will provide details about the named reconciliation. Select the  
Schedule button.  
7. Supply values for the fields on the Schedule window that meets the needs of your  
team, and then select OK.  
8. Select File->Save.  
9. Check the agent’s box. Provide a server name in the Choose Server To Run On  
window. Use Local if you are running the agent on your Notes client.  
10. Select the OK push button.  
The result is that reconciliation will be performed between your local replica Notes  
database and TeamConnection. Any changes to Feature or Defect documents will be  
replicated to your server Notes database.  
To enable and run the reconciliation facility manually, select Actions->Reconcile Notes  
and TeamConnection from any database window.  
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Database maintenance: refreshing design from a template  
In the course of using Notes Integrated databases, you may have occasion to refresh  
current databases with a template. As you receive code updates from IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server, it is likely that you will want your current databases  
to reflect the most current template. In the course of maintaining database consistency  
across your enterprise, you may want to refresh all active databases from a common  
template. In either event, you should use caution. The steps that follow will address this  
Note: After TeamConnection maintenance has been applied, obtain an updated version  
of the fhcnotes.ntf template from the server and put it in your local notes data  
directory (for example, x:\notes\data).  
To refresh a database from a template, do the following:  
1. Make a new copy of the database that you want to refresh, using the following  
a. Select the TeamConnection Database you want to refresh.  
b. Select File->Database->New Copy. This displays the Copy Database window.  
c. The Server field should contain the Local value. You can supply the Title of  
your choice.  
d. Rename the file in the File Name field to match the naming conventions of your  
organization. This copy of the template must keep the .nsf suffix. For example:  
e. Select the folder icon button, which will open the Choose a folder window.  
Choose the directory on your local file system that will store the database.  
f. In the Copy field select the Database design and documents radio button, and  
leave the Access Control List checkbox checked, so that the new database will  
inherit those characteristics from the empty template database.  
g. Select OK.  
2. Select the local database copy that you have just created from your workspace.  
3. From the File menu, select Database->Replace Design.  
4. You will locate the template used to refresh the database, fhcnotes.ntf, in the  
Replace Database Design window. If the template is not on your Local server,  
which primes the list of template choices, you may have select the Template  
Server button to locate the desired template.  
Important notice to administrators:  
Be sure that you select the right template. An inappropriate template may have a  
destructive impact on your database! Select Replace.  
5. Test the refreshed database copy extensively, including the following activities (at a  
Create documents.  
Update documents. This should include testing the state system, which would  
involve moving a document’s state to Approved.  
Chapter 8. Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases 119  
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Reopen documents.  
Select Feature and Defect push buttons.  
Open Defects and/or Features.  
Examine views.  
6. When you are satisfied that refreshing the local database copy was a successful  
operation, select the production (original) database from your workspace and repeat  
the refresh process, beginning with step 3.  
Important notice to administrators:  
Be sure that you select the right template. An inappropriate template may have a  
destructive impact on your database!  
7. You should test the refreshed database extensively before alerting users that it is in  
production mode.  
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Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization  
This section include some general strategies for setting up, testing, and tuning your  
Notes Integrated Database implementation. The primary administrative functions are  
page 111 , but if you have limited experience with Lotus Notes database administration,  
wish to familiarize yourself with terminology used by templates, or expect to significantly  
modify the template database used to create your organization’s integrated databases,  
it may be valuable to read this section of the document.  
Rules of thumb and general advice  
There are some simple, general rules that will make your implementation of Notes  
Integrated Databases:  
Always work on a copy of a database, rather than a server (common) version when  
altering design. This guarantees that you will not overwrite your customizations when  
performing maintenance.  
Stage database setup and implementation. You will always begin with an  
Initialization setup and test phase. After the high-level verification of a Notes  
Integrated Database template’s fitnessfor your organization, it is likely to require  
It is also likely that a staging scheme may involve changes in database ownership,  
as increasing customization is necessary. Individual database administrators may  
have more to say about the details of implementation, and therefore control of  
databases has a tendency to become decentralized.  
In terms of customizability, document hierarchies are relatively static, as compared to  
forms and views.  
Note: The primary exception to the customizability of forms is the set of subforms  
supplied by TeamConnection as they are currently named. It is important to  
copy and rename any forms that you plan to customize, so the template  
refreshes do not overwrite your customizations.  
Testing at every stage of refinement is crucial to successful implementation, related  
to stability and improved mapping to your organizations needs.  
To enhance performance for database users, it might be advisable to turn replication  
on, using the standard Notes process.  
Plan and monitor access control as needed.  
To summarize the basic steps for moving from the originally installed TeamConnection  
template database through opening a specific database to your user base for  
production-level work:  
1. Download the teamc.nsf template to your local machine and rename it to something  
that makes sense for your organization.  
2. Complete Initialization setup.  
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3. Assess and implement any access control/authorization schemes necessary at this  
level of implementation.  
4. Open the newly initialized database.  
5. Create test documents for testing.  
6. Open features and defects if your database addresses these elements.  
7. Determine whether existing (TeamConnection—supplied) documents,  
subdocuments, and forms can be mapped into your organization’s terminology,  
workflow, hierarchies, and state system.  
8. Perform Customization setup, iteratively, to enact structural changes required by  
your implementation. Customization enables you to address structural categories,  
such as menus, document names and hierarchies, and workflow states.  
See “Using the Customization setup facility” for a more detailed treatment of this  
9. Assess and implement any access control/authorization schemes necessary at this  
level of implementation.  
10. Open the newly customized database.  
11. Create test documents for testing.  
12. Open features and defects if your database addresses these elements.  
13. Validate as much as possible in your testing to determine the database’s  
production readiness.  
14. Delete all test documents, etc., and place the database in production status on a  
Notes server. If you have used a test TeamConnection family to this point, it will be  
necessary to specify the appropriate production family in the Customization setup.  
15. Make the livedatabase available to the appropriate user base.  
Using the Customization setup facility  
Use the Customization setup facility to customize the database design. Using  
Customization, you can modify the default values that are provided. This requires  
familiarity with the Lotus Notes environment.  
Note: A Customization Wizard is available from the Setup window action bar to assist  
you in customizing your database.  
You can adjust or refresh values are for the following:  
Notes document names, titles, and subtitles.  
Structure of the Notes document hierarchy.  
States each Notes document may progress through.  
TeamConnection components and configurable fields information (refresh only).  
TeamConnection feature and defect attributes to store in Notes documents.  
Reconciliation of Notes and TeamConnection data.  
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The Customization setup facility addresses the following areas of database  
Notes Database Customization  
Modify TeamConnection Access  
Reconciliation of Notes and TeamConnection Data  
In order to perform the Customization setup, you must set your role to Administrator in  
the Access Control List window.  
Notes Database Customization  
The following areas of customization are described in detail in the Setup help.  
Modify Database Optional Information  
In the Modify Database Optional Information section, you can define levels  
of categories and valid (default) attribute values for the database type you  
have chosen.  
Common Database Options  
You can set permanent values that correspond to categories,  
subcategories, and subsubcategories, which are used for organizing  
documents within views. If you do not supply default categories, users  
can supply them in the course of working in the database.  
Administrators can set permanent values for category levels in any of  
the database types.  
Database-specific Options  
Within categories and their children, you can assign a set of valid  
attribute values. Each database type has a unique set of attributes  
that are made available in the database forms. For a Test Case  
Management or a Requirements database, the predefined attributes  
have been tailored to suit the intent of the database type. You can  
provide allowable values for each attribute provided.  
Modify which documents your project will use  
In the Modify which documents your project will use section, you can  
select the Notes documents your project will use and provide the document  
name, title and subtitle. The documents available for your database are  
determined by the database type. The setup forms come preloaded with  
default values, although you have the option to overtype existing field values,  
and turn documents and IBM-supplied subforms and document numbering on  
and off. See the database Previews (available through the About document)  
for a description of documents available for each database type.  
Using this function, you can deactivate documents you don’t need now and  
reactivate them at a later time if they are needed. For example, it is possible to  
deactivate Design Change, until a later stage in the project development  
Modify the document hierarchy  
In the Modify the document hierarchy section, you can identify valid  
Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization 123  
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response documents for the base documents you defined in the Modify which  
documents your project will use section. This level of customization allows  
you to control how response documents can build upon a base document and  
other response documents.  
Modify the states for documents  
In the Modify the states for documents section, you can integrate the  
documents you defined in the Modify which documents your project will  
use section with a state system that best reflects your organization’s workflow  
process. For each document type, the setup provides default state names that  
might be applicable to your integrated database. However, you can change the  
order of the state names, or the names themselves, if it provides a closer  
mapping to familiar terminology and processes.  
Modify TeamConnection Access  
The following areas of customization are described in detail in the Setup help.  
Modify Family Information  
The Modify Family Information section is very similar to the Initialization  
setup, except that you are not provided an opportunity to change the database  
type. The required fields will be primed with the current TeamConnection family  
configuration values, which were either defined at initialization or during a  
subsequent Customization. Whenever the family is modified, the  
TeamConnection component and configurable field information is automatically  
fetched from the current family server.  
Refresh Components List  
The Refresh Components List section enables you to retrieve a list of  
TeamConnection components in the TeamConnection family currently  
connected to your Notes Integrated Database. Select the Get or Refresh push  
button to refresh the list of components in the TeamConnection family linked to  
this database.  
Refresh Feature Configurable Fields  
The Refresh Feature Configurable Fields section enables you to retrieve a  
list TeamConnection configurable fields for features in the TeamConnection  
family currently connected to your Notes Integrated Database, and modify the  
list of attributes stored in your Feature documents.  
Refresh Defect Configurable Fields  
The Refresh Defect Configurable Fields section enables you to retrieve a list  
TeamConnection configurable fields for defects in the TeamConnection family  
currently connected to your Notes Integrated Database, and modify the list of  
attributes stored in your Defect documents.  
Reconciliation of Notes and TeamConnection Data  
The following areas of customization are described in detail in the Setup help.  
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Activate Reconcile  
The Notes Integrated Database feature provides a reconciliation facility that  
synchronizes the data in the TeamConnection family and the Notes databases  
that use it. The reconciliation facility is an agent that should be run regularly.  
The reconciliation facility can be run on an established schedule that you set  
or manually when needed. We suggest that the reconciliation facility be set up  
to run after your regular TeamConnection build completes, so that you will  
have the latest document states reflected.  
Note: See “Performing reconciliation” on page 118 for additional information  
about setting up and initiating the reconciliation facility.  
Defects and Features  
During reconciliation you can choose to have the TeamConnection defects and  
features that are in the cancel state deleted from the Notes database.  
Log Document Options  
You can choose to have the log that is created during reconciliation mailed to  
database users and/or stored in the database itself.  
Advanced customization  
The template that integrates TeamConnection and Lotus Notes was designed for  
maximum flexibility. The Setup document allows considerable database customization  
without requiring any skills in Notes database design. For users that wish to further  
customize their TeamConnection/Lotus Notes database to use customized Forms  
(Forms define the layout of Notes documents), so their documents are suited to the  
specific needs and requirements of their organization, it is possible to do this and still  
retain all the base functionality of the template. At a minimum this requires basic  
knowledge of Notes Forms design and Designer authority on the Notes database.  
The customizable forms in the TeamConnection/Notes databases are called subforms. A  
subform is a form that is contained in a form. One or more subforms might make up a  
complete form that defines the layout of document. A default subform is supplied by  
IBM for each document that is supported. It is dynamically loaded when the main form  
is loaded.  
For example, in a requirements database, the main form known as Document A loads a  
subform called fhcSm.A.Requirements. This subform has all the detail definition of a  
requirement. Document A has base document definition that is common to all  
Each document allows for several User subforms to be defined and used in addition to  
or in place of the IBM subform. A user subform can be defined that specifies the layout  
and content that more closely matches your organization than the corresponding IBM  
subform. A user subform is automatically loaded. The IBM subform is also loaded by  
default but this can be disabled using Setup. User subforms exist for most primary  
forms and help forms.  
Chapter 9. Database Design Strategies and Advanced Customization 125  
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There are one or more subforms defined for all the Forms that allow user-defined  
subforms. This allows you to augment or replace the subform supplied by  
TeamConnection. The TeamConnection-supplied database teamc.nsf has all of the user  
subforms defined. All of them are empty. You should define your initial database by  
copying teamc.nsf so that you have all the subforms available (This process is  
These user subforms are not modified if you refresh or replace your design database  
using the TeamConnection template fhcnotes.ntf, so you can be assured that your  
subforms will remain intact if you update your database with a new version of this  
on page 119). User defined subforms follow a naming convention. All begin with the a  
prefix of UserSm. followed by a suffix that indicates what Form they are associated  
with. They are listed in the Subforms list of the Design section of the database. You  
cannot create subforms. You must used the empty subforms supplied.  
You can see where these subforms are specified on the main Form by opening that  
form and locating one of the lines that display [Computed Subform]. Select the line and  
look in the bottom pane. The name of the user subform that is loaded at that location in  
the form is listed.  
Note: See the Advanced Customization help topic for a detailed listing of forms and  
subforms available.  
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Part 4. Using TeamConnection to build applications  
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This section tells how to install and use the TeamConnection build function.  
Though build administrators will be most interested in this section, anyone who builds  
an application using TeamConnection will find the first and last chapters helpful.  
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Chapter 10. Basic build concepts  
This chapter defines terms and briefly describes the TeamConnection pieces that work  
together in building an application. For more details, continue to the other chapters in  
this section.  
The TeamConnection build function has numerous features:  
It builds applications for platforms in addition to those it runs on. Currently you can  
build applications using TeamConnection on the following platforms: AIX, HP-UX,  
Solaris, MVS, MVS/OE, OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows 95.  
Its graphical representation of the structure of an application makes it easier to  
visualize and change.  
It lets you build an application using any number of machines working in parallel.  
Because it is fully integrated with TeamConnection’s version control system, it  
ensures that the correct versions of parts are used in a build.  
It can work not only with parts that represent files, such as C source files, but also  
with parts that represent objects, such as VisualAge Generator applications.  
It can manage other steps related to software packaging and distribution.  
The physical structure of the build function  
Figure 43 shows the structure of the TeamConnection build function:  
Figure 43. The physical structure of TeamConnection  
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Build servers are started by a TeamConnection administrator. For more information, see  
The build object model  
Figure 44 on page 133 shows the TeamConnection objects and events that constitute  
the build function, as illustrated in a sample application named msgcat.exe. This build  
object model is a conceptual model of the build function. When you use  
TeamConnection to define a build, you work with a build tree (a simplified graphical  
illustration of the build object model), which you can access through the  
TeamConnection GUI. “Working with a build tree” on page 133 explains build trees. This  
section explains the build objects and events represented in a build tree.  
In TeamConnection, the build function is always described and discussed in terms of  
the final output of the build: the product or executable file that the build produces. For  
the sample application shown in this illustration, msgcat.exe is the build output and  
appears at the top of the build object model and as the top branch of the build tree  
illustrated on page 133. When you want to actually build the product, you request a  
build of msgcat.exe. TeamConnection uses the build tree that you define for this product  
to determine which objects and build events it needs to generate the final output. The  
objects and events that TeamConnection uses for a build include the following:  
TeamConnection part  
An object produced or used during a build, containing any data produced or  
used by the build. For example, a part called hello.c contains the source code  
for the application called msgcat. A part might be a text or binary file, or an  
object such as a VisualAge Generator generic collector.  
Build event  
An individual step in the build of an application, such as the compiling of  
hello.c into hello.obj.  
A specific build request typically contains many build events. For example, if  
you start a build of an entire application, TeamConnection initiates build events  
for each compile and link operation.  
Build requests are processed in a round-robin fashion for each  
TeamConnection family involved in a build. Build events are initiated in the  
order that that they are received by each build machine involved in the build  
request, sometimes in parallel.  
Build event processing is internal to TeamConnection; you cannot interact with  
these processes directly.  
An object that can transform a build event’s input parts into output parts by  
calling tools such as linkers or compilers. For example, one builder might know  
how to transform the input part hello.c into the output part hello.obj. A different  
builder might know how to transform hello.obj into msgcat.exe. Builders are  
associated with the parent, or output part, rather than the child, or input.  
130 User’s Guide  
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Build script  
An object that a builder uses in transforming inputs to outputs; it is essentially  
a binding between TeamConnection and a transformation tool, such as a linker  
or compiler. In OS/2, Windows, UNIX, or MVS/OE environments, a build script  
is usually a command file, but it can be a string that calls the tool. In MVS, it is  
a file containing JCL-like instructions.  
Parser A tool that can read a source file and report back a list of dependencies of that  
source file. It frees a developer from knowing the dependencies one part has  
on other parts to ensure a complete build is performed. For example, a C  
parser can read a C source code file and report back a list of the files included  
by the source file or by the included files.  
TeamConnection will re-verify all parser dependencies:  
1. When the user creates or checks in the part, TeamConnection will add all  
parser dependencies that it can find.  
2. During build, TeamConnection will again check all parser dependencies  
and update as needed.  
Parent-child relationships in a build tree  
One relationship that is important to understand and distinguish is the relationship  
between parent and child parts in a build tree.  
Though parent-child relationships usually imply that the parent part generates the child  
part, in a TeamConnection build it is the opposite. Because TeamConnection places the  
build output at the top of the tree, it refers to the build output as the parent and to the  
build input as the child.  
A child part can be related to a parent part one of three ways: it can be an input part,  
an output part, or a dependent part.  
Input parts  
A part used as direct input to your build. An example of this is a C language  
source part. If you start a build and this part has changed, the changed part  
will be part of the new build.  
Output parts  
A generated output from a build, such as an OBJ or EXE part, or a part with  
no contents that serves as an organizer object. If you start a build and this part  
has changed, the changed part will be included in the new build.  
Dependent parts  
A part needed for the build operation to complete but that is not passed  
directly to the compiler. An example of this is an include part. If you start a  
build and this part has changed, the changed part will be included in the new  
Chapter 10. Basic build concepts 131  
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Though parent-child relationships usually imply that the parent part generates the child  
part, in a TeamConnection build it is the opposite. Because TeamConnection places the  
build output at the top of the tree, it refers to the build output as the parent and to the  
build input as the child.  
To understand how build output is generated, it may be easier to start at the bottom of  
the build object model and work your way up. In Figure 44 on page 133, hello.h and  
bye.h are C source files that are embedded in hello.c and bye.c, respectively. The  
parser, parser1, is able to read hello.c and bye.c to determine files they embed. This  
build object model contains three build events:  
The builder compiler1 compiles hello.c into hello.obj.  
The builder compiler1 compiles bye.c into bye.obj.  
The builder linker1 links hello.obj and bye.obj into msgcat.exe  
This build object model contains the following parent-child relationships:  
msgcat.exe is the parent of hello.obj and bye.obj.  
hello.obj is the parent of hello.c  
bye.obj is the parent of bye.c  
You establish these parent-child relationships between parts when you create the parts  
in TeamConnection.  
Before you can build msgcat.exe, for example, you need to create a place-holder part  
for it and designate linker1 as its builder. You then create place-holder parts for hello.obj  
and bye.obj and designate compiler1 as their builder and msgcat.exe as their parent.  
of creating the build tree for this object model.  
132 User’s Guide  
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Figure 44. Sample build object model for msgcat.exe  
Working with a build tree  
Software developers must provide the information by which TeamConnection  
determines the build events that make up a build request. An application’s build tree  
shows this information graphically.  
Chapter 10. Basic build concepts 133  
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A build tree is a simplified version of the build object model, showing the dependencies  
that the parts in an application have on one another. If you change the relationship of  
one part to another, the build tree changes accordingly. Figure 45 shows a build tree for  
the hello application:  
Figure 45. The build tree for the hello application  
In this simple application, hello.c is compiled to create hello.obj, which in turn is linked  
to create hello.exe. The build tree shows that hello.exe is the parent of hello.obj, which  
in turn is the parent of hello.c. To build the entire application, you request to build  
Just as the parts that make up an application are versioned, the relationships between  
these parts are versioned. Thus, more than one version of the build tree can exist. For  
example, Figure 46 on page 135 shows two different versions of the same build tree:  
134 User’s Guide  
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Figure 46. Two versions of a build tree  
Putting the pieces together  
The table that follows lists the tasks involved in preparing for building an application and  
in actually building it. Usually an administrator does the preparation steps, but anyone  
with the proper authority can do so.  
For more information about this task,  
Go to this page.  
Creating build startup files  
Chapter 10. Basic build concepts 135  
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For more information about this task,  
Go to this page.  
Starting build servers  
Stopping build servers  
Writing a build script  
Creating a builder  
Creating a parser  
Defining a build tree  
Starting a build  
Stopping a build  
Verifying the parts to be built  
136 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers  
This chapter explains how to install, start, and stop a build server.  
Installing the build function  
Before installing build servers, you should be familiar with the build concepts found in  
For hardware requirements for the build server machines, refer to the requirements for  
your specific operating system in the Installation Guide.  
When you install the various parts of TeamConnection, you can choose to group them  
on a single server machine, or you can distribute them in various combinations. For  
example, Figure 47 is a configuration that shows each component on a different  
Figure 47. TeamConnection components on separate machines  
The TeamConnection installation programs allow you to select specific components to  
install. You can use this program to install a build server, with or without other  
TeamConnection components. For instructions on installing TeamConnection, refer to  
the installation chapter for your platform in the Installation Guide.  
Creating a build server on MVS  
The code for an MVS build server is shipped with TeamConnection and installed on  
your TeamConnection server when you install the product.  
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The following are software requirements for the MVS build server:  
TCP/IP Version 3.2 for MVS  
OS/390 R3 LE  
To install the build server on MVS, you create MVS data sets and then upload the  
TeamConnection files to these data sets. Follow these steps:  
1. On your TeamConnection server, install the MVS build server component, following  
the instructions in the Installation Guide.  
2. On MVS, create data sets with the following characteristics:  
An object data set [1] to contain object files: LRECL=80, RECFM=FB,  
BLKSIZE=3120, DSORG=PO (Approximate size: 15 cylinders on a 3390.)  
A load module data set [2] to contain TEAMCBLD and DLLs:  
LRECL=80,RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=3120, DSORG=PO (Approximate size: 15  
cylinders on a 3390.)  
A data set to contain JCL for creating load modules [3]: LRECL=80, RECFM=VB,  
A JCL data set for the MVS build scripts and samples [4]: LRECL=80,  
An environment variable data set for the EDCENV DDname in runpgm.jcl  
[5]:LRECL=80, RECFM=VB, BLKSIZE=3120, DSORG=PS (optional, needed at  
3. From the mvs subdirectory where TeamConnection is installed, do the following to  
upload the files to MVS:  
a. Type the following at a prompt and press Enter: ftp hostname. Specify your  
name and password, if required.  
b. Type the following, and press Enter after each:  
cd data set for object code [1]  
put fhccmnc.mvs fhccmnc  
put fhcrscli.mvs fhcrscli  
put teamcbld.mvs teamcbld  
put nls\msg\NLV\fhbmsg.mvs fhbmsg  
put fhbtclnk.mvs fhbtclnk  
put getdsn.mvs getdsn  
cd JCL data set for load module [3]  
put fhblink.jcl fhblink  
put runpgm.jcl runpgm  
put runpgmt.jcl runpgmt  
put fhbmenv.var environment variable data set [5]  
138 User’s Guide  
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Note: The file fhbmsg.mvs is installed in the language subdirectory of the  
\nls\msg directory path in the TeamConnection installation directory, for  
example, \nls\msg\en_us for US English. The remaining MVS files are  
installed in the \mvs subdirectory.  
c. This optional step installs the sample build scripts on MVS. It must be done from  
a machine that has the TeamConnection client installed.  
Note: The details in this step are subject to change. Please refer to updated  
documentation when attempting this in the future.  
If you are doing these steps from a different machine than in the previous step,  
repeat step 3.a from the bin subdirectory where the client is installed on this  
machine. Otherwise, change to the bin subdirectory where the client is installed.  
Then, type the following statements and press Enter after each:  
cd 'data set for teamproc jcl' [4]  
put fhbmc.jcl fhbmc  
put edcc.jcl edcc  
put fhbmasm.jcl fhbmasm  
put fhbplked.jcl fhbplked  
put fhbcobm.jcl fhbcobm  
put fhbmpli.jcl fhbmpli  
put fhbtclnk.jcl fhbtclnk  
put fhbm370.jcl fhbm370  
put fhbmlink.jcl fhbmlink  
d. From MVS, do the following:  
1) Modify fhblink to customize the JCL to your MVS system.  
2) Submit this JCL to create the required load modules.  
When this JCL is executed successfully, the following modules are created:  
TEAMCBLD (main executable)  
FHBMSG (national language-specific message catalog DLL)  
FHCCMNC (supporting DLL)  
FHCRSCLI (supporting DLL)  
Note: All except for FHCCMNC are re-entrant.  
3) The object dataset [1] can be deleted.  
Creating a build server on MVS/OE  
The steps that follow describe how to install a build server on MVS/OE.  
1. Install the MVS/OE build server component.  
Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers 139  
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2. From the oe subdirectory where TeamConnection is installed, use ftp to upload the  
following files to MVS/OE, in binary.  
rename teamcbld.oe to teamcbld (main executable)  
rename fhccmnc.oe to fhccmnc (supporting DLL)  
rename fhcrscli.oe to fhcrscli (supporting DLL) (for required national language)  
3. Using chmod in the OE shell, set the access flags for teamcbld, fhccmnc, and  
fhcrscli so that they are executable.  
Starting build servers using teamcbld  
You can start the build servers using the following line command:  
teamcbld [-c buildDir] [-e environment]  
[-p pool] [-f family]  
[-u userID] [-l login_password]  
[-k local_codepage] [-r remote_codepage]  
[-b become] [-s] [-n]  
buildDir specifies the directory teamcbld should be run in.  
environment specifies the environment that you are building for, such as OS/2 or  
MVS. The value you specify here can be anything you like, but it must exactly match  
the environment specified for a builder in order for the builder to use this build agent.  
This value is case-sensitive. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDENVIRONMENT environment variable.  
pool is the name of the build pool. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDPOOL environment variable. This value is case sensitive, and should  
match the parameter specified in the Part -build command.  
family is the name of the TeamConnection family. If a family is not specified, the  
value of the TC_FAMILY environment variable is used as the default.  
userID is used only when the family server authentication level requires a  
TeamConnection user ID and password. A password parameter is not necessary  
when TC_LOGIN has been used.  
login_password is used only when the family server authentication level requires a  
TeamConnection user password. A password parameter is not necessary when the  
command line tclogin command has been used.  
local_codepage local machine’s code page used for translation, if not specified, no  
codepage conversion will be done.  
remote_codepage family machine’s code page used for translation, if not specified,  
no codepage conversion will be done.  
become is a user become value. The default is the value specified for the  
TC_BECOME environment variable.  
140 User’s Guide  
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-s sends log file messages to the screen.The build server generates a log file called  
teamcbld.log. Build server log messages can be routed to the screen using the -s  
-n writes files:  
writes the changed environment variables to a file called tcbldenv.lst instead of  
setting them in program’s environment. The format of the file is variable=value.  
writes the list of input files to a file called tcbldin.lst. One file per line, format is  
pathName type.  
writes the list of output files to a file called tcbldout.lst. One file per line, format is  
pathName type.  
You can also set the -s and -n build options using the TC_BUILDOPTS  
environment variable.  
Two environment variables that directly affect build performance are:  
TC_BUILDMINWAIT - Minimum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between queries  
for new jobs. Default setting is 5, minimum setting is 3.  
TC_BUILDMAXWAIT - Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default setting is 15, maximum setting is 300.  
The command teamcbld will check the family for work to do every TC_BUILDMINWAIT.  
If it is not busy it will slow down to the TC_BUILDMAXWAIT time. The build  
administrator can adjust these variables to tune the frequency that the build server will  
check the family.  
Starting an MVS build server  
The MVS build server is a special client to the family server. It uses a user ID that must  
be defined to the family server. Depending on the authentication level in effect, a host  
list entry must be created for the user, and, if password authentication is required, the -l  
parameter must be used to specify the password when starting the build server.  
The user ID used by the build server is the TSO user ID under which the build job is  
started. The user ID must always be in uppercase and must be created in uppercase  
on the family server. The user ID is not determined by the TC_USER environment  
You can start the MVS build server program TEAMCBLD, in Batch or under TSO. The  
RUNPGM JCL executes the MVS build server in batch. The RUNPGMT JCL executes  
the MVS build server under a TSO environment.  
The following summarizes the actions to run the build server on MVS:  
Modify the RUNPGM JCL for your installation.  
Modify the environment variable dataset as needed. Two environment variables that  
directly affect build performance are:  
Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers 141  
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TC_BUILDMINWAIT - Minimum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default setting is 5, minimum setting is 3.  
TC_BUILDMAXWAIT - Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default setting is 15, maximum setting is 300.  
The teamcbld will check the family for work to do every TC_BUILDMINWAIT. If it is  
not busy it will slow down to the TC_BUILDMAXWAIT time. The build administrator  
can adjust these variables to tune the frequency that the build server will check the  
Submit the JCL.  
To start an MVS build server, do the following to modify the RUNPGM JCL:  
1. Add a job card.  
2. Modify the STEPLIB DD statement to point to the data set that contains the  
following load modules: TEAMCBLD, FHBMSG, FHCCMNC, and FHCRSCLI.  
3. Modify the TEAMPROC DD statement to point to the data set that will contain all  
your MVS build scripts.  
Note: The TEAMPROC DD defines the dataset into which the build script from  
TeamConenction family will be placed during the build. If the builder is of  
type ’none’, then the build script does not exist in the family, but must already  
be in this dataset. If the build script refers to other build scripts (using the  
EXEC card), then those scripts are expected to be in this dataset also.  
However an optional ddname, PROCLIBS, can be defined which will be  
searched for the referred build scripts which are not found in TEAMPROC.  
4. Modify the EDCENV DD statement to point to the data set that contains the  
environment variables.  
5. Modify the following statement. For RUNPGMT, the statement is equivalent.  
Parameters can be specified using the PARM field or, in some cases, environment  
// PARM='ENVAR("_CEE_ENVFILE=DD:EDCENV")/[-e environment]  
[-p pool] [-f family] [-u unit_name]  
[-l login_password] [-k local_codepage]  
[-r remote_codepage]'  
environment specifies the environment that you are building for, such as OS/2 or  
MVS. The value you specify here can be anything you like, but it must exactly  
match the environment specified for a builder in order for the builder to use this  
build agent. This value is case-sensitive. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDENVIRONMENT environment variable.  
pool is the name of the build pool. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDPOOL environment variable. This value is case sensitive, and should  
match the parameter specified in the Part -build command.  
family is the name of the TeamConnection family. If a family is not specified, the  
value of the TC_FAMILY environment variable is used as the default.  
142 User’s Guide  
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unit_name indicates the default unit type for dynamic data set allocations. VIO is  
the default.  
login_password is required only when the family server authentication level  
requires a TeamConnection user password.  
local_codepage indicates the code set that text data is converted to for the build.  
The default is IBM-1047.  
remote_codepage indicates the code set for data stored in TeamConnection. The  
default is IBM-850.  
a. TEAMCBLD converts the text files between the two codepages using the iconv  
codepage conversion functions, and therefore can support only those  
codepages that have the iconv conversion tables installed on the MVS system.  
If not specified, TEAMCBLD uses internal tables which correspond to single-byte  
codepages IBM-1047 and IBM-850.  
b. The -k (local_codepage) and the -r (remote_codepage) flags are also used to  
convert any messages generated in the MVS environment which are sent back  
to the workstation client.  
6. Submit the job.  
Starting the MVS/OE build server  
Under MVS/OE, the build server program can be started with the following teamcbld  
teamcbld -e environment -p pool -f family [-l login_password] [-s] [-v] [-n]  
[-k local_codepage] [-r remote_codepage]  
environment specifies the environment that you are building for, such as OS/2 or  
MVS. The value you specify here can be anything you like, but it must exactly match  
the environment specified for a builder in order for the builder to use this build agent.  
This value is case-sensitive. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDENVIRONMENT environment variable.  
pool is the name of the build pool. You can also set this value using the  
TC_BUILDPOOL environment variable. This value is case sensitive, and should  
match the parameter specified in the Part -build command.  
family is the name of the TeamConnection family. If a family is not specified, the  
value of the TC_FAMILY environment variable is used as the default.  
-s sends log file messages to the screen.The build server generates a log file called  
teamcbld.log. Build server log messages can be routed to the screen using the -s  
parameter. -s must be lowercase. An uppercase -S turns it off.  
-v increases the level of messages written to the log. This option is equivalent to the  
verbose option on TeamConnection teamc commands -v must be lowercase. An  
uppercase -V reduces the level.  
Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers 143  
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login_password is used only when the family server authentication level requires a  
TeamConnection user password. The user ID used by the build server is the  
MVS/OE user ID under which the build job is started.  
local_codepage indicates the code set that text data is converted to for the build. The  
default is IBM-1047.  
remote_codepage indicates the code set for data stored in TeamConnection. The  
default is IBM-850.  
1. The command teamcbld converts the text files between the two codepages using  
the iconv codepage conversion functions, and therefore can support only those  
codepages that have the iconv conversion tables installed on the MVS system. If  
not specified, teamcbld uses internal tables which correspond to single-byte  
codepages IBM-1047 and IBM-850.  
2. The -k (local_codepage) and the -r (remote_codepage) flags are also used to  
convert any messages generated in the MVS environment which are sent back to  
the workstation client.  
TC_CATALOG, if specified, should be the pathname of the message catalog file. For  
example, /xxx/enu/ If not specified, default (English) messages are used.  
The file teamcbld must be included in the PATH environment variable. The files  
fhcccmnc and fhcrscli must be included in LIBPATH.  
Two environment variables that directly affect build performance are:  
TC_BUILDMINWAIT - Minimum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between queries  
for new jobs. Default setting is 5, minimum setting is 3.  
TC_BUILDMAXWAIT - Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default setting is 15, maximum setting is 300.  
The command teamcbld will check the family for work to do every TC_BUILDMINWAIT.  
If it is not busy it will slow down to the TC_BUILDMAXWAIT time. The build  
administrator can adjust these variables to tune the frequency that the build server will  
check the family.  
Creating build startup files (for non-MVS environments)  
You can create startup files for concurrently starting build servers with the family server  
using the teamcd command. This is the preferred method for starting build servers.  
When starting the build servers in this manner, you need to create a startup file.  
Information about the build servers is put in a startup file and the name of the startup  
file is specified in one of two ways:  
In the teamcd command, using the -b parameter.  
In the TC_BUILD_RSSBUILDS_FILE environment variable.  
144 User’s Guide  
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You can store the build startup files wherever you like, provided that you give the full  
file path names for them in the -b parameters, or in the TC_BUILD_RSSBUILDS_FILE  
environment variable.  
Stopping the build servers  
To stop a build server, do one of the following:  
Close the window in which the build server is running.  
Press Ctrl+C when the build server window has focus.  
Close the window in which the family server was started if the build server was  
started with the teamcd command.  
Stopping an MVS build server  
To stop an MVS build server, cancel the RUNPGM job that was used to start it.  
Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers 145  
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146 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders  
A builder is an object that can transform one set of TeamConnection parts into another  
by invoking tools such as compilers and linkers. For example, one builder might  
transform a COBOL source file into an object file. Another might transform a set of  
object files into an executable file. Builders use build scripts to invoke the tools that  
actually transform TeamConnection parts.  
Usually a build administrator creates build scripts and builders, but anyone with the  
proper authority can do so. For more information about the required authority, see  
This chapter tells how to create and maintain build scripts and builders. It assumes that  
you have read “Chapter 10. Basic build concepts” on page 129. The following table  
directs you to the tasks to be done:  
For more information about this task,  
Go to this  
Creating a builder  
Writing a build script  
Testing a build script  
Updating a builder  
Putting a builder to work  
Removing a builder from a part  
Creating a builder  
As with most other TeamConnection operations, there are two ways you can create a  
builder: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface.  
To create a builder using the GUI:  
1. From the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window, select Builders Create.  
2. On the Create Builder window, type the requested information.  
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Figure 48. Create Builder window  
To create a builder using the command line:  
From a command line, type the teamc builder -create command and press Enter.  
The complete command syntax is the following:  
teamc builder -create name -condition RC_expression  
-environment name  
-from script_filespec  
-script name  
-value RC_value -release name  
-family name  
[-text | -binary | -none]  
[-parameters Parameters]  
[-timeout number] [-become user_name]  
No matter which way you create a builder, you must specify a number of attributes for  
it. Together with the contents of the build script and the tools you use (the compilers,  
linkers, and so on), the following attributes define how a transformation takes place.  
The name of the builder must be unique within a release. It can be anything  
you want; we recommend you establish and follow a meaningful naming  
convention. An example of a builder name is c_set_2.  
This is the name of the release that contains the builder. Builders are  
release-specific objects. They are not versioned within a release; therefore you  
can have only one version of a builder at any time in a release.  
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To use the builder from a previous release, you can link to a part that uses it in  
that release. This action copies the builder to the new release. Otherwise, you  
must create the builder again in the new release.  
Script, File type, and Source file  
These fields work together to define the build script that the builder invokes to  
accomplish the transformation. (The File type field on the GUI corresponds to  
-text, -binary, and -none in the command. The Source file field on the GUI  
corresponds to the -from attribute.)  
If the build script is simple enough to be expressed in one line, you can  
specify it in the Script attribute when you create the builder, and specify a  
file type of none. At minimum, the script must specify the name of the  
transformation tool. For example, to invoke the C Set/2 compiler, you might  
specify these values:  
File type - none  
Script - icc  
If the build script is more complex, you must first create a separate file  
for more information about how to write it. Specify the fully qualified path  
name of your file as the source file, and specify the file type as text or  
binary. TeamConnection can also detect the file type and store it in the  
proper format.  
When the builder is created, this source file is stored as part of the builder  
in the TeamConnection database; during a build, the build server creates  
and runs a local version of this file. Specify the name you want for this local  
file in the Script field. For example, you might specify these values:  
File type - text  
Script - c_compile.cmd  
Source file - c:\src\c_compile.cmd  
When this builder is created, the contents of c:\src\c_compile.cmd are stored  
in the builder. When this builder is invoked, TeamConnection creates a file  
named c_compile.cmd, writes the build script into this file, and then runs it.  
If the builder is being used to only collect a set of build objects (for example,  
the ALL: rule in makefiles), specify these values:  
File type - none  
Script - null  
This prevents the build process from extracting input and output parts. See  
This is the name of the environment supported by the builder, such as OS/2,  
Windows, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, or MVS. The value that you specify here can  
be anything you like, but it must exactly match the environment value specified  
in the command used to start the build server. (See “Chapter 11. Installing,  
Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 149  
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recommended that you follow a naming convention for this attribute, using  
values such as os2 and mvs.  
Comparison operator and RC value  
Together, these two attributes make up a Boolean expression that defines the  
criteria used to decide whether a specific build event was successfully  
accomplished, when evaluated against the value returned by the build script.  
(The Comparison operator and RC value fields on the GUI correspond to the  
-condition and -value attributes in the command.)  
The values allowed for Comparison operator are as follows:  
EQ or == - Equals  
LT or < - Less than  
LE or <= - Less than or equals  
GT or > - Greater than  
GE or >= - Greater than or equals  
NE or != - Not equal to  
RC value can be any positive integer. An example of a Boolean expression  
formed from these two attributes is return_value LE 4, meaning that the build  
event is considered a success if the build script returns a value less than or  
equal to four.  
This is a string passed to the build script as its argument. If the string includes  
blanks, enclose the string in double quotes. For example, for a builder used for  
VisualAge C++ compiling, you might specify a parameter string of "/Ss /Ge-".  
If the string includes a double quote, precede the double quote with a  
backslash (\). If the string includes a dash (-), precede the dash with a blank  
space, otherwise the string is interpreted as the start of a TeamConnection  
action flag.  
This attribute specifies the number of minutes that a build server will be  
allowed to complete a build event after it receives the build job from the  
TeamConnection family server. The default is 1440 minutes (24 hours). If the  
build event does not complete within this time, the build event fails.  
Writing a build script  
When you create a builder, you must specify a build script. The build script actually  
invokes the transformation tool and passes it parameters defined in the Parameters  
attribute of the builder.  
150 User’s Guide  
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Passing parameters to a build script  
There are three places where parameters can be specified that affect the outcome of a  
As attributes of a builder  
Builder parameters are passed to the build script, after variable substitution is  
performed. Variables are substituted based upon the following syntax:  
To pass parameters to your build script, specify them in the Parameters  
attribute of the builder. TeamConnection sets these variables before invoking  
the build script.  
Note: If the command teamcbld included the -n flag, then the build script will  
process the tcbldenv.lst, tcbldin.lst, and the tcbldout.lst files instead of  
the variables set by the Parameters attribute.  
In UNIX environments, you need to include an escape character before the $  
character, for example: \$(TC_INPUT).  
You can use the following TeamConnection environment variables:  
The user ID of the TeamConnection user who submitted the build.  
The TeamConnection family.  
The release of the parts that are being built.  
The current directory where the build script runs.  
A list of the TeamConnection parts that are input to the object being  
Identifies each input type.  
Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between each object in the  
TC_INPUT list and this list of types (TCPart, for example).  
A list of the parts that are being built in this build event.  
Identifies each output type. The default is file.  
Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 151  
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Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between each object in the  
TC_OUTPUT list and this list of types (TCPart, for example).  
The name of the work area in which the build is being performed.  
You can define other variables. These can be set when you start the build by  
specifying a value for parameters in the part -build command (from the  
command line or through the GUI). These variables are set in the parameters  
string passed to the build script.  
These variables are also used to set environment variables before the build  
script is invoked.  
As attributes of a part in the build tree  
Parameters that are unique to a particular part are specified on the part -create  
and part -modify commands. Like the builder parameters, these parameters  
allow variable substitution.  
When parameters are specified for a part, these parameters are used in place  
of the parameters specified for the builder. In other words, if both builder and  
part parameters are specified, the part parameters take precedence.  
In addition, whenever parameters are specified for any part that is an output of  
a build event, they apply to all the outputs of that build event. For example, if a  
build event has two outputs, msg.exe and, then changing the part  
parameters to /Debugfor either of the two parts has the same result. The  
next time the build event is processed, the /Debugparameter is used when  
invoking the build script that produces both msg.exe and  
You can also substitute the builder parameters into the file parameters by  
using the variable $(BUILDERPARMS). For example, you might use the  
following command:  
teamc part -build myfile.c -parameters "/Ti+ $(TC_BUILDERPARMS)" ...  
At build time, the parameters specified in the builder for myfile.c are  
substituted for $(TC_BUILDERPARMS).  
As parameters of the part -build command  
The part -build command parameters are not used the same way as the other  
two parameters. Instead, these parameters are used to set the values of  
environment variables that can be used for substitution into either the builder  
or part parameters. They are also set in the environment so they can be  
retrieved by the build script. In other words, they set up the environment used  
by the builder.  
For example, if you issue a part -build command for msg.exe, you can specify  
-parameters DEBUG=YES and, inside of both the compile and link build scripts,  
retrieve the value of this variable from the environment, setting compiler or  
linker flags accordingly.  
152 User’s Guide  
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Writing a simple build script  
This kind of build script is written into the Script attribute of the builder. When you  
create or modify the builder, you specify in this attribute the name of the transformation  
tool to be invoked.  
For example, suppose you want to create a builder that compiles a C source file into a  
.exe file using IBM’s VisualAge C++ compiler. You specify the following attributes for the  
Build script  
You can create this builder using the following command:  
teamc builder -create c_builder -env OS2 -script icc -none  
-parameters "$(TC_INPUT) /Fe$(TC_OUTPUT)"  
If you use this builder to create hello.exe from hello.c, the command actually issued  
during the build process is the following:  
"icc hello.c /Fehello.exe"  
Writing an executable file for a build script  
Suppose you need to build a C application and you want to specify at build time  
whether to use debug information. To do this, you define in the builder parameters a  
variable called debug and set the variable when you start the build. In this case, you  
need a build script that is a separate executable file to pass the debug parameter after  
the variable substitution.  
For a build script of this form, you first write a program or command file; this file is  
stored in the TeamConnection database when you create the builder. When a build is  
performed, this build script file is extracted from the database and run. It interprets the  
parameters passed to it and then invokes the actual transformation tool, such as the  
Our earlier example describes a builder that compiles a C source file into a .obj file  
using IBM’s VisualAge C++ compiler. Using this builder, you can specify at build time  
whether to use debug information. Here is the complete build script for such a builder,  
written in IBM’s REXX language (it could just as easily have been written in C or  
/* sample C Build Script using debug flag */  
parse arg parms  
environ = 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'  
= VALUE('TC_INPUT',,environ)  
output = VALUE('TC_OUTPUT',,environ)  
Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 153  
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= VALUE('DEBUG',,environ)  
if debug = 'YES' then  
parms = parms || '/Ti+'  
icc parms '/Fo'||output input  
exit result  
Windows NT and 95 build scripts must be able to return a value for a return  
code. Because *.bat command files provide little support for programming  
logic and cannot return a value, use a compiled executable for your build  
script. TeamConnection provides two sample Windows build scripts and their  
source files. These samples, fhbwcomp.exe and fhbwlink.exe, are C  
programs for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler and linker, respectively.  
Because these samples are C programs, they can also be used with the  
OS/2 build server with only slight modifications.  
You can create the builder that invokes this build script using the following command:  
teamc builder -create c_builder2 -script c_compile.cmd -parameters "/c"  
-from d:\teamc\c_compile.cmd  
Where d:\teamc\c_compile.cmd is the file to be stored in the TeamConnection database  
and c_compile.cmd is the name of the local file that the build process creates and runs  
during a build.  
To build hello.obj using the debug option, you use the following command:  
teamc part -build hello.obj -parameters "debug=YES" -pool os2pool  
The command issued by the build server is the following:  
c_compile.cmd /c  
In turn, the build script inspects the contents of the parameters it received in its  
argument list and from the environment, and it forms this command:  
"icc /c /Ti+ /Fohello.obj hello.c"  
Testing a build script  
The easiest way to test a build script is to write a simple driver program that sets the  
environment variables that the build script will expect and then runs the script against  
local files.  
For example, to test the example build script in “Writing an executable file for a build  
script” on page 153, write a program that sets the TC_INPUT, TC_OUTPUT, and  
154 User’s Guide  
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DEBUG parameters, and then runs the command file against a local copy of hello.c. If  
the test is successful, the script correctly builds hello.obj in the current directory, and  
DEBUG is interpreted correctly.  
Modifying the contents of a build script  
Sometimes you need to modify the contents of a build script. Remember that a build  
script is stored as part of the builder itself. Because builders are not versioned, you do  
not check them out as you would most TeamConnection parts. Instead, follow these  
1. Extract the builder (in which the build script is stored) from the TeamConnection  
2. Make your changes at your workstation.  
3. Store the contents back into the TeamConnection database by using the builder  
-modify command.  
For example, to modify the build script in “Writing an executable file for a build script”  
on page 153, you first issue the following command:  
teamc builder -extract c_builder2 -to d:\build\c_builder2  
Then, you use an editor to update d:\build\c_builder2. To move the updated build script  
back into TeamConnection, you issue the following command:  
teamc builder -modify c_builder2 -from d:\build\c_builder2  
The builder is an implied dependency for any part that uses it. Therefore, the next time  
you build the application that uses the modified builder, all the parts that use it get  
Putting a builder to work  
For an application to use a builder, the builder must be attached to the TeamConnection  
parts that it will build.  
For an existing part, do one of the following:  
GUI: From the Actions menu of the TeamConnection Tasks Window, select  
Parts Modify Properties. On the Modify Part Properties window, type the  
name of the builder in the Builder field.  
Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 155  
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Figure 49. Modify Part Properties window  
From a command line, type the following and press Enter.  
teamc part -modify name -Builder name  
where the part name is the name of the output file to be created by this builder and  
the builder name is the name of the builder itself.  
The complete syntax for this command is described in the TeamConnection Commands  
You can also attach a builder to an output file when the part is created.  
After you attach a builder to a part, the builder is ready for action. When the part is  
built, the builder invokes the build script, which in turn invokes a tool to transform the  
inputs of the part into the output.  
For more information about attaching builders to the build tree, refer to “Creating the  
Removing a builder from a part  
If you no longer want to use a builder for a part, do one of the following:  
From the GUI, select Parts Modify Properties from the Actions menu of the  
TeamConnection Tasks window. On the Modify Part Properties window, type null in  
the Builder field.  
156 User’s Guide  
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Figure 50. Modify Part Properties window  
From a command line, type the following:  
teamc part -modify name -builder null -release name -family name  
Working with VisualAge C++ and Templates  
When using VisualAge C++ and templates, template-include objects are saved in a  
subdirectory of the current directory called TEMPINC, so that subsequent builds can  
use them. When you start a build from TeamConnection, you need to specify the /Ft(dir)  
parameter with your builder or use PRAGMA statements to update the template-include  
objects for subsequent builds. This parameter suppresses resolution of files and imbeds  
them within the object file.  
You can specify the /Ft(dir) parameter with a builder as follows:  
teamc builder -create c_builder -script icc -parameters "/FtE:\template"  
Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 157  
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158 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders  
A builder is an object that can transform one set of TeamConnection parts into another  
by invoking tools such as compilers and linkers. For example, one builder might  
transform a COBOL source file into an object file. Another might transform a set of  
object files into an executable file. Builders use build scripts to invoke the tools that  
actually transform TeamConnection parts.  
For MVS, a build script is a text file that contains JCL-like statements with additional  
TeamConnection syntax and substitutable variables. TeamConnection parses these  
statements and does the necessary allocations and program calls for a build.  
Note: The builder type cannot be binary.  
Usually a build administrator creates build scripts and builders, but anyone with the  
proper authority can do so. For more information about the required authority, see  
This chapter tells how to create MVS build scripts and builders. It assumes that you  
have read “Chapter 10. Basic build concepts” on page 129. The following table directs  
you to the tasks to be done. In some cases, if the instructions are the same for OS/2  
and MVS, the table refers you to topics in “Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and  
For more information about this task,  
Go to this  
Creating a builder for MVS builds  
Writing an MVS build script  
Testing a build script  
Updating a builder  
Putting a builder to work  
Removing a builder from a part  
Creating a builder for MVS builds  
As with most other TeamConnection operations, there are two ways you can create a  
builder: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface.  
To create a builder using the GUI:  
1. From the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window, select Builders Create.  
2. On the Create Builders window, type the requested information.  
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Figure 51. Create Builder window  
To create a builder using the command line:  
From an OS/2 command line, type the builder -create command and press Enter.  
The complete command syntax is the following:  
teamc builder -create name -condition RC_expression  
-environment name  
-from script_filespec  
-script name  
-value RC_value -release name  
-family nName  
[-text | -binary | -none]  
[-parameters parameters]  
[-timeout number] [-become user_name]  
No matter which way you create a builder, you must specify a number of attributes for  
it. Together with the contents of the build script and the tools you use (the compilers,  
linkers, and so on), the following attributes define how a transformation takes place.  
The name of the builder must be unique within a release. It can be anything  
you want; we recommend you establish and follow a meaningful naming  
convention. An example of a builder name is c370.  
This is the name of the release that contains the builder. Builders are  
release-specific objects. They are not versioned within a release; therefore you  
can have only one version of a builder at any time in a release.  
160 User’s Guide  
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To use the builder from a previous release, you can link to a part that uses it in  
the previous release. This action copies the builder to the new release.  
Otherwise, you must create it again in the new release.  
Script, File type, and Source file  
These fields work together to define the build script that the builder invokes to  
accomplish the transformation. (The File type field on the GUI corresponds to  
-text, -binary, and -none in the command. The Source file field on the GUI  
corresponds to the -from attribute in the command.)  
You must first create a separate file containing the build script. All MVS build  
scripts must be written using JCL statements and the TeamConnection syntax  
described in “Writing an MVS build script” on page 163. You can store the build  
script one of two ways:  
To store the build script as part of the builder: specify the fully qualified  
path name of your build script file as the source file, and specify the file type  
as text. When the builder is created, this source file is stored as part of it in  
the TeamConnection database.  
During a build, the build server creates and runs a local version of this file.  
Specify the name you want for this local file in the Script field. For example,  
you might specify these values:  
File type  
Script fhbc  
Source file  
When this builder is created, the contents of C:\build\script\fhbc.jcl are  
stored in the builder. When this builder is invoked, TeamConnection creates  
a file named FHBC in the data set referenced by the TEAMPROC ddname,  
writes the build script into this file, and then runs it.  
To store the build script on MVS: create the build script file and place it in  
the data set allocated to the TEAMPROC ddname in the RUNPGM JCL file.  
When you do this, specify the following attributes:  
File type  
Script fhbc  
Do not specify a source file.  
If the builder is being used to only collect a set of build objects (for example,  
a VisualAge Generator collector part), specify these values:  
File type  
Script null  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 161  
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This is the name of the environment supported by the builder, such as MVS.  
The value that you specify here can be anything you like, but it must exactly  
match the environment value specified in the command used to start the build  
It is recommended that you follow a naming convention for this attribute, using  
values such as os2 and mvs.  
Comparison operator and RC value  
Together, these two attributes make up a Boolean expression that defines the  
criteria used to decide whether a specific build event was successfully  
accomplished, when evaluated against the value returned by the build script.  
The Comparison operator and RC value fields on the GUI correspond to the  
-condition and -value attributes in the command.  
The values allowed for these operators:  
Comparison operator are as follows:  
EQ or == - Equals  
LT or < - Less than  
LE or <= - Less than or equals  
GT or > - Greater than  
GE or >= - Greater than or equals  
NE or != - Not equal to  
RC value can be any positive integer.  
An example of a Boolean expression formed from these two attributes is  
return_value LE 4.  
This expression means that the build event is considered a success if the build  
script returns a value less than or equal to four.  
This is a string passed to the build script as its argument.  
For example, for a builder used for linking load modules, you might specify a  
parameter string of list,test.  
This attribute specifies the number of minutes that a build server will wait for  
an invoked build script to return before concluding an error has occurred and  
stopping the build event.  
If the timeout value is reached, the build event fails.  
Because MVS builds are processed in batch mode but the build is submitted to  
the build server in real time, consider writing a user exit to check the time of  
day before allowing a build request to be submitted. Another approach to  
162 User’s Guide  
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handling the timing of MVS builds is to start the MVS build server only at night  
and ensure that the MVS builders do not have short timeout values.  
Writing an MVS build script  
The best starting point for an MVS build script is an existing JCL fragment that is used  
for transforming inputs into outputs. For example, suppose you want to create a builder  
that compiles a C source file into an OBJECT file using IBM’s C/370 compiler. You  
probably already have JCL that can be submitted as a batch job that does this.  
When you create a build script for the MVS environment, you specify JCL statements  
with additional TeamConnection syntax. This build script is parsed by the build server.  
From the parsed results, TeamConnection allocates the specified ddnames and data  
sets; it then determines and executes the programs dynamically. The MVS build server  
uses the specialized TeamConnection syntax in the JCL to determine where to store the  
parts involved in an MVS build.  
All statements in the MVS build script except for comments and inline data stream must  
start with two forward slashes (//).  
Before you start writing your build script, refer to the manuals for the compiler, linker, or  
other transformation program to determine the data set requirements. Pay particular  
attention to the DCB attributes for LRECL, BLKSIZE, and RECFM.  
Sample build scripts shipped with TeamConnection can be installed on MVS. Page  
305 lists the sample build scripts. For instructions on installing these samples, refer to  
the Administrator’s Guide  
If you are debugging a build script, these manuals are also the first place to look for  
For more information about JCL syntax, refer to the JCL User’s Guide and JCL  
Reference for your version of MVS. (These are listed in the bibliography at the back of  
this book.)  
The following sample MVS build scripts are shipped with TeamConnection:  
Calls the MVS assembler  
Calls the MVS COBOL compiler  
Calls the PL/1 MVS compiler  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 163  
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File name conversions for MVS  
TeamConnection file names are modified by the MVS build server according to the  
following rules:  
The directory path of a file name is not used. All characters of a file name up to and  
including the rightmost slash (/ or \) are thrown away.  
Lowercase characters are converted to uppercase characters.  
The file extensions are stripped from the right, up to and including the leftmost  
period. The extension, minus the period, is used by the MVS build tool to direct the  
file to particular data sets according to user-specified syntax in the MVS build scripts.  
The remaining name is truncated from the left, to a maximum of 8 characters.  
Names must contain characters that are valid in MVS. MVS allows the following  
However, the name must begin with an alphabetic character.  
Underscore characters (_) in a base name are converted to at signs (@).  
The following are examples of how a TeamConnection name is converted:  
A TeamConnection file name of src\build\fhbldobj.C is converted to FHBLDOBJ on  
A TeamConnection file name of src/build/fhbtruncate.c is converted to FHBTRUNC on  
In both of these examples, the .C or .c is split away. The MVS build server uses the  
resulting extension to resolve and possibly allocate the MVS data sets needed for the  
build process. The extensions are required for parts that participate in an MVS build.  
A TeamConnection file name of src\build\fhbtest.c.old is converted to FHBTEST, and  
c.old becomes the extension.  
Passing parameters to an MVS build script  
To pass parameters to your build script, specify them in the Parameters attribute of the  
builder. These are passed to MVS through the combination of the PARM keyword  
parameter on an EXEC card and the &TCPARM variable.  
Note: Take extra care to use no single or double quotes in the Parameters attribute of  
the MVS builder definition. This rule follows standard JCL syntax for parameter  
substitution in the PARM keyword parameter of an EXEC statement.  
You can use the &TCPARM variable in your MVS build scripts. This variable is  
substituted with any parameters that were specified using the -parameter attribute of the  
builder command or the Parameters field on the Create Builder window when the  
builder was created.  
You can also use the following TeamConnection variables in writing MVS build scripts:  
164 User’s Guide  
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On MVS, can be used in JCL scripts, which will be substituted with the userID  
before processing the script.  
This variable is used for in-stream data. For each build input, the line where  
&TCINPUT appears is duplicated and the variable &TCINPUT substituted with  
the input name.  
This variable is used for in-stream data. For each build output, the line where  
&TCOUTPUT appears is duplicated and the variable &TCOUTPUT substituted  
with the output name.  
The name of the work area in which the build is being performed.  
The name of the release in which the build is being performed.  
Note: The &TCINPUT and &TCOUTPUT substitutable variables have limited scope in  
the MVS build scripts and should be used only within the in-stream data.  
You can define other variables. You can set them by specifying a value for Parameters  
when you start a build. These variables are set in the parameters string passed to the  
build script.  
Further, these variables can be used for variable substitution within MVS build scripts.  
Variable substitution works similarly to JCL variable substitution.  
TeamConnection syntax for MVS build scripts  
TeamConnection has extended the existing JCL syntax. The extended syntax tells the  
TeamConnection build server where to put the inputs, where to get the outputs, and  
where to get messages from the translators after an MVS build.  
To direct inputs, outputs, and messages, add TCEXT=xxx to the data set attributes  
defined to a ddname, where xxx is one of the following:  
The base name extension from the TeamConnection part — for example, TCEXT=H,  
where H is the extension from A.H.  
One or more base name extensions from TeamConnection parts, surrounded by  
parentheses — for example, TCEXT=(H,HPP), where H is an extension from A.H or  
HPP is an extension from A.HPP.  
The string TCOUT, which declares that the contents of the data set assigned to the  
ddname will be sent back to TeamConnection. Users can view this information in one  
of these ways:  
From a command line prompt, typing teamc part name -viewmsg and pressing  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 165  
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Selecting Part View View build message from the Actions pull-down menu  
on the Tasks window  
Note: More than one ddname can specify TCOUT; the results are concatenated in the  
order of appearance.  
When you add the TCEXT attribute for a ddname specification, you must also specify  
other attributes to allocate the data set through dynamic allocations:  
DCB, which includes the LRECL, BLKSIZE, and RECFM attributes  
The UNIT attribute defaults to VIO unless the -U parameter is specified when the MVS  
build server is started.  
For translation messages, you can allocate a data set to the ddname TC$LIST and  
specify the attributes yourself. Otherwise, the build server allocates this data set with  
the following attributes by default:  
Supported JCL syntax  
The TeamConnection MVS build server supports only a subset of the available JCL  
The following are not supported:  
A JOBSTEP statement  
JCL procedures can be used on an EXEC statement. However, you must verify that any  
procedure called by the build script uses syntax that TeamConnection supports.  
The following list indicates the positional and keyword parameters that are supported.  
You can verify the syntax in the JCL Reference.  
EXEC statement  
//label EXEC positional_parameter,keyword_parameter  
The following parameters are supported.  
Positional parameters:  
PGM=program_name, where program_name is an executable load module  
PROC=procedure_name, where procedure_name is an existing JCL procedure  
procedure_name, where procedure_name is an existing JCL procedure  
Keyword parameters:  
166 User’s Guide  
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PARM='information', where information is the parameter string passed to the load  
COND=(code,operator [,stepname])  
code is the value to test against the return code from a previous step  
operator is the comparison to be made between the value for code and the return  
stepname is the step issuing the return code  
All other keyword parameters are ignored and not used.  
//label DD keyword parameter  
Positional parameters  
The only supported positional parameter is [*], which begins an in-stream data set  
containing no JCL.  
Keyword parameters  
The following keywords are supported.  
DSN=data_set_name or DSNAME=data_set_name  
DISP=status or DISP=([status] [,normal-termination-disp] [,abnormal-  
Valid values for status are NEW, OLD, SHR, or MOD.  
Valid values for normal_termination_disp or abnormal_termination_disp are  
UNIT=unit_type, where unit_type is any value allowed in JCL. The default is VIO  
unless a different default is set when the MVS build server is started.  
SPACE=(allocation_type,(primary[, secondary] [,directory])[,RLSE] [,CONTIG])  
Valid values for allocation_type are TRK, CYL, or the block size.  
primary is the primary number of the allocation type.  
secondary is the secondary number of the allocation type.  
directory is the number of directory blocks for a partitioned data set.  
Valid values for record_format are F, FB, V, VB, or U).  
Valid values for organization are the following:  
PO for a partitioned data set  
PS for a sequential data set  
DDNAME=label, where label is the later ddname label reference. This parameter is  
supported only for simple cases.  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 167  
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This will always be allocated as a DUMMY DSN.  
All other keyword parameters are ignored and not used.  
Example of a build script for a C compile  
The following JCL can be submitted as a batch job to do the following:  
Compile the source file member in the data set WELLSK.TEAMC.C  
Produce an object file member in the data set WELLSK.TEAMC.OBJ  
Produce a listing of the source file in the file member in the data set  
List the compiler messages in the file member in the data set  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=137,BLKSIZE=882)  
Figure 52. A JCL fragment for an MVS compile  
168 User’s Guide  
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The first step in converting the JCL fragment is to recognize the intent for each of the  
data sets and ddnames. For this C/370 compiler example, the SYSIN ddname needs to  
be associated with the source file, the SYSPUNCH ddname needs to be associated  
with the object file, and so on.  
In each of these cases, the build script must tell the TeamConnection build server  
where to put or pick up the parts before and after the execution of the specified  
program (PGM=EDCCOMP).  
Assume that your source files in TeamConnection have the extension .c, your object  
files have .obj, and your include files .h or .hpp. You allocate a data set to the SYSIN  
ddname to contain a source file with a .c extension. You specify the DCB, UNIT, DISP,  
and SPACE attributes to dynamically create this data set every time this build script is  
invoked. Notice that the attribute SPACE=(TRK,(10,5)) indicates a sequential data set  
You specify the output messages that will be returned to TeamConnection by using the  
TCOUT attribute. This attribute tells the MVS build server to return the information in  
the data set associated with the TCEXT=TCOUT attribute.  
Note: The STEPLIB is renamed by the MVS build server to STEPLIBB for data set  
lookup of the program specified by the PGM parameter on an EXEC statement.  
The following MVS build script is the result of converting the JCL fragment by adding  
the TeamConnection MVS JCL syntax.  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 169  
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// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=3200,BLKSIZE=12800)  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=137,BLKSIZE=882)  
Figure 53. A JCL fragment converted to a build script  
Example of a build script for a COBOL compile  
TeamConnection provides a sample build script program for compiling MVS COBOL  
programs. This sample is called fhbcobm.jcl. It invokes a JCL procedure called IGYWC,  
which needs to be in the system PROCLIB concatenation or in the data set identified by  
the TEAMPROC DD statement in the MVS build job. You may need to adjust the  
default parameters for the system. The following JCL should work with any IBM  
COBOL/II type of compiler such as the IBM COBOL/II compiler IGYCRCTL:  
170 User’s Guide  
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//* PROGRAM: cobolcmp.jcl  
//* IBM COBOL for MVS  
//* Compile Only  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,10)),UNIT=SYSDA,  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30,30)),UNIT=SYSDA,  
// SPACE=(32000,(30,30)),UNIT=SYSDA,  
// DISP=(NEW,DELETE),SPACE=(32000,(30,10)),  
Example of a build script for a link  
Because MVS load modules are not easily transferable, TeamConnection provides a  
sample build script program that reads linkage editor SYSLIN control statements. This  
script produces a single file that can be returned from MVS and loaded into  
TeamConnection. You can later extract the file and transport it to MVS, where it can be  
link edited to produce an executable load module.  
The next example shows this sample build script, named fhbtclnk.jcl, which is shipped  
with the TeamConnection client.  
You can use either of the following for an INCLUDE control statement for the  
FHBTCLNK program:  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 171  
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This syntax is a subset of the linkage editor INCLUDE card.  
If the card is an INCLUDE ddname(MEMBER) control statement, the object code is  
copied into a sequential data set associated with the SYSMOD ddname. Otherwise, the  
control card is embedded in the data set associated with the SYSMOD ddname. This  
data set can be returned as the output from this build script.  
TCEXT attributes have been added to the following DD statements:  
Data set  
Return the output to check in to TeamConnection  
Receive the object files transported to MVS from TeamConnection  
Return any FHBTCLNK messages to TeamConnection  
In the SYSLIN data stream, the statement INCLUDE OBJ(&TCINPUT) will be duplicated for  
all of the inputs to this build. The &TCINPUT variable will be replaced with the base  
name of the input without the extension.  
To use the output of this build script as an MVS executable, do the following:  
1. Extract the output from TeamConnection.  
2. Transfer the output as a binary file from your workstation to MVS (for example,  
using FTP).  
3. Link edit this output into a load module. Possible SYSLIN control statements for the  
link step include the following:  
NAME module(R)  
172 User’s Guide  
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The output specified in INCLUDE OBJECT(OUTPUT) contains embedded control statements  
specified from the build script FHBTCLNK. The linkage editor recognizes these  
embedded statements and produces an executable load module from the output file.  
The NAME control statement cannot be embedded in the output data set.  
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 173  
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174 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 14. Working with parsers  
This chapter describes how to create a parser. It assumes that you have read  
Consider the task of defining and maintaining a build tree. One of the more  
time-consuming, and error-prone, portions of this task is defining the dependencies that  
one TeamConnection part has on others.  
For example, if hello.c includes hello.h, you need to define hello.h as a dependency of  
hello.c in the build tree. That sounds simple enough, but imagine a real application in  
which there are hundreds of dependencies and the dependencies have dependencies.  
Defining such a tree becomes very difficult; maintaining it, even more so.  
To solve this problem and automate some of the work of defining and maintaining a  
build tree, you can instead use a parser object. The task of a parser is to inspect  
source code to determine dependencies. TeamConnection verifies all parser  
dependencies when the user creates or checks in the part and again during build.  
TeamConnection will add all parser dependencies that it can find and, for build, update  
them as needed. In the previous example, a parser can inspect hello.c, recognize that it  
has a dependency on hello.h, and create that dependency in the TeamConnection build  
Because parsers are language-dependent, you probably need a different parser for  
each language you use in a particular release. For example, you might have both a  
COBOL parser and a C parser in a release. Many parts in the release can use the  
same parser.  
Usually a TeamConnection administrator defines parsers, but anyone with the proper  
authority can do so. For more information about the required authority, see Appendix I.  
Creating a parser  
As with most other TeamConnection operations, there are two ways you can create a  
parser: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface.  
To create a parser using the GUI:  
1. From the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window, select Parsers Create.  
2. On the Create Parser window, type the requested information.  
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Figure 54. Create Parser window  
From a command line, type the parser -create command and press Enter. The complete  
command syntax looks like the following:  
teamc parser -create name -command name -release name -family name  
[-include paths]  
[-become user_name] [-verbose]  
No matter which way you create a parser, you must specify a number of attributes for it.  
Together with the contents of the parser command file, the following attributes define  
how a parser determines the dependencies for a TeamConnection part.  
Parser The name of the parser must be unique within a release. It can be anything  
you want, but for best results, establish and follow a meaningful naming  
convention. An example of a parser name is c_parser.  
This is the name of the release that contains the parser. Parsers are  
release-specific objects. They are not versioned within a release; therefore you  
can have only one version of a parser at any time in a release.  
To use the parser from a previous release, you can link to a part that uses it in  
that release. This action copies the parser to the new release. Otherwise, you  
must create the parser again in the new release.  
This is the name of the command file that the parser invokes to determine the  
dependencies. It can be any file name that exists in the execution path of the  
family server at the time a build is performed. The parser command is run as a  
subprocess on the machine where the family server is located.  
The task of the command file is to inspect the source file and return a list of  
dependencies. The syntax for invoking this command is discussed in “Writing a  
This is a concatenated set of paths that define where the parser looks for parts  
when processing the set of dependencies returned from the command file.  
These dependencies come in two types:  
176 User’s Guide  
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A dependency in which the file is stored in the TeamConnection database.  
For example, hello.c includes hello.h, and both files are stored in the  
TeamConnection database. During a build, these dependencies must be  
extracted to a path accessible by the build server. Because a build extracts  
parts from TeamConnection, anyone requesting a build needs to have  
PartExtract authority to all parts involved in the build.  
A dependency on a file that is not stored in the TeamConnection database.  
An example of such a dependency is stdio.h, which is typically stored in a  
compiler’s include path and not in the TeamConnection database.  
Each path named in Include is queried in the TeamConnection database to  
see if it contains a part matching the dependency name. For example,  
suppose you define a parser named c_parser with an include path as follows:  
One of the parts to which this parser is attached, src\example.cpp, contains  
the statement #include "example.hpp". Thus the command file for c_parser  
reports example.hpp as a dependency of src\example.cpp. The parser  
concatenates each path listed in c_parser’s include path with the name  
example.hpp, then inspects the contents of the TeamConnection database to  
see if a part with that name exists. So the TeamConnection database is  
queried first to find src\include\example.hpp, then src\package\example.hpp.  
The period (.) in the include path tells TeamConnection to concatenate the  
path of the part to which the file is a dependent with the dependent’s file  
name. In this example, that means the TeamConnection database is queried to  
find a part named src\example.hpp.  
Writing a parser command file  
A parser command file accepts two parameters as input:  
source file—the name of the file that contains the source to be parsed.  
dependency list file—the name of a file into which the names of the dependent files  
should be written, one per line. For example, the contents of the file might look like  
family—the family that contains the source to be passed.  
release—the release that contains the source to be passed.  
workarea—the workarea that contains the source to be passed.  
Both the source file and the dependency list file are created by the TeamConnection  
family server. They are erased after the parse is complete.  
To write a command file, write a program, in any language, that does the following:  
1. Reads the source file  
2. Determines which other files are used by it  
Chapter 14. Working with parsers 177  
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3. Writes out the list of such files into the dependency list file  
For example, for a C source file, the program could report a list of all the files included  
by the source file (using #include statements). For a COBOL program, COPY statements  
would be the cue. TeamConnection ships a sample of a command file named  
fhbopars.cmd. It is written in REXX.  
Putting a parser to work  
For an application to use a parser, the parser must be attached to the TeamConnection  
parts that it will check for dependencies. Unlike a builder, a parser is attached to the  
input part rather than the output.  
To attach a parser to a part, do one of the following:  
From the GUI, select Parts Modify Properties from the Actions menu of the  
TeamConnection Tasks window. On the Modify Part Properties window, type the  
name of the parser.  
Figure 55. Modify Part Properties window  
At a command prompt, type the following and press Enter:  
teamc part -modify part -parser name -release name  
-family name  
The complete syntax for this command is described in the Commands Reference.  
You can also attach a parser to a part when the part is created.  
178 User’s Guide  
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After you attach a parser to a part, it is ready for action. The next time the part is  
checked in, when a part is created, or when the parser is attached, the parser will  
invoke its command file, which will report back a list of dependencies.  
Using a parser does not keep you from defining dependencies manually by using the  
GUI or the part -connect command. If you explicitly define a dependency in this way,  
the dependency is not deleted unless you delete it, regardless of whether the parser  
would recognize it as such.  
For more information about attaching parsers to the build tree, refer to “Creating the  
Removing a parser from a part  
If you no longer want to use a parser to determine dependencies for a part, do one of  
the following:  
From the GUI, select Parts Modify Properties from the Actions menu of the  
TeamConnection Tasks window. On the Modify Part Properties window, type null in  
the Parser field.  
Chapter 14. Working with parsers 179  
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Figure 56. Modify Part Properties window  
From a command line, type the following:  
teamc part -modify name -parser null  
-release name -family name  
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Chapter 15. Building an application: an example  
This chapter uses an extended example to describe in more detail how each of the  
components of the build function work together. All commands used in this example are  
described in detail elsewhere in this publication. This example walks through the control  
flow for a sample application, explaining what happens at each step.  
These are the tasks involved in building our sample application, msgcat.exe:  
Starting build servers  
Creating builders and parsers  
Creating the application build tree  
Starting the build  
Monitoring the build  
Building in spite of errors  
Forcing a build of all parts  
Finding out which parts will be built  
Canceling a build  
We will use a simple example build tree that looks like the following:  
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Figure 57. Sample build tree  
For more examples of build trees, see “More sample build trees” on page 195.  
In terms of the build object model, the objects that make up this tree look like this:  
182 User’s Guide  
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Figure 58. Sample build object model for msgcat.exe  
Starting the build servers  
The software development team in our example is building large applications using a  
family named testfam, so they set TC_FAMILY to testfam. They plan to spread the  
work across several build servers, taking advantage of TeamConnection’s ability to  
perform multiple build events simultaneously.  
Mark, the build administrator, has installed a number of build servers on the team’s  
machines, for building OS/2 and MVS applications. As he starts them (in pairs), he  
groups them into pools, according to the work he expects to use them for.  
Mark plans for the following pools:  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 183  
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For MVS builds  
pool1 For normal OS/2 builds  
pool2 For fast, high-priority OS/2 builds  
Each pool is formed as Mark starts build servers and assigns them to it. He starts the  
following build server (bldserv2):  
teamcbld -b bldserv2 -p pool1 -e os2  
The parameters specify the following:  
The build server is assigned to the pool named pool1.  
The environment is os2.  
Use the teamcbld command to start the build server when the family server has already  
been started. To start the family server along with the build server, you can use the  
teamcd command.  
Creating builders and parsers  
For the parts of the application that are written in C language, Mark creates the  
A builder named c_compiler, to do the compiles  
A builder named c_linker, to do the links  
A parser named c_parser, to check for dependencies  
For both builders Mark specifies os2 as the Environment, the same as that of the build  
server (bldserv2) started earlier. Build events that use these builders (c_compiler and  
c_linker) can take place on this build server.  
After he creates the builders and parsers for the applications, Mark spreads the  
following information to the programmers who will be using them:  
The names of the build pools  
The names and purposes of the builders and parsers  
Creating the build tree for the application  
At this point, Greg begins defining the build tree for his portion of the application, as  
shown in Figure 57 on page 182. He has already created the files hello.c, hello.h, bye.c,  
and bye.h in the TeamConnection database. Now he does the following:  
1. Creates a place-holder part for the output of the link step. This file, msgcat.exe, is  
the target for the entire build, the output of linking hello.obj and bye.obj using the  
184 User’s Guide  
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builder c_linker, and the parent of hello.obj and bye.obj. Because the file has no  
contents initially, he selects No source (or specifies -empty on the command line),  
to identify it as a place holder.  
Using the GUI, he can create this file by selecting Create from the  
Actions Parts menu of the Tasks window, and completing the fields as shown in  
the following illustration:  
Figure 59. Create Parts window  
Using the command-line interface, he can create the part by issuing the following  
teamc part -create msgcat.exe -builder c_linker -binary -empty  
-release 9503 -workarea 223 -component comp1  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 185  
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2. Creates two place-holder parts for the output of compiling the .c files. These parts  
are the output of the compile step; c_compiler, the builder that manages that step, is  
attached to both of them. He indicates that they are input to their parent file,  
Using the GUI, he can create these files by selecting Create from the  
Actions Parts menu of the Tasks window, and completing the fields as shown in  
the following illustration:  
Figure 60. Create Parts window  
Using the command-line interface, he can create the parts by issuing the following  
186 User’s Guide  
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teamc part -create hello.obj bye.obj -builder c_compiler -binary -empty  
-release 9503 -workarea 223 -component comp1 -parent msgcat.exe -input  
teamc part -create hello.h bye.h -release 9503 -workarea 223  
3. Attaches the parser c_parser to the .c files.  
Using the GUI, he can attach the parser to these files by selecting  
Modify Properties from the Actions Parts menu of the Tasks window, and  
completing the fields as shown in the following illustration:  
Figure 61. Modify Part Properties window  
Using the command-line interface, he can attach the parser to these parts by  
issuing the following command:  
teamc part -modify hello.c bye.c -parser c_parser -release 9503  
-workarea 223  
Remember, the parser is attached to an input file. The part’s contents will be parsed  
and dependency information will be stored.  
4. Connects the .c files into the build tree.  
Using the GUI, he can connect these files by selecting Connect from the  
Actions Parts menu of the Tasks window, and completing the fields as shown in  
the following illustration. He needs to execute this function twice: once to connect  
hello.c to hello.obj and once to connect bye.c to bye.obj.  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 187  
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Figure 62. Connect Parts window  
Using the command-line interface, he can connect these parts by issuing the  
following commands:  
teamc part -connect hello.c -parent hello.obj -input -release 9503  
-workarea 223  
teamc part -connect bye.c -parent bye.obj -input -release 9503  
-workarea 223  
The .h parts are not connected because he expects the parser on hello.c and bye.c  
to find the correct dependencies.  
5. Now, Greg can see the build tree in the GUI. From the Objects pull-down menu on  
the Tasks window, he selects Parts View build tree. The BuildView Filter window  
is displayed; from here he can bring up the build tree.  
188 User’s Guide  
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Figure 63. The build tree display  
Starting the build on the client  
After much hard work on his source code, Greg is ready to start building his application.  
Using the GUI, he can start the build by selecting build from the Actions Parts  
menu of the Tasks window, and completing the fields as shown in the following  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 189  
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Figure 64. Build Parts window  
Using the command-line interface, he can start the build by issuing the following  
teamc part -build msgcat.exe -release 9503 -workarea 223  
-pool pool1 -normal -detail msgcat.det  
This command specifies the following:  
Build target  
The name of the part at the top of the build tree, msgcat.exe, which is the final  
output of this build. TeamConnection uses the build target to determine the  
scope of the build.  
Work area  
The version of the TeamConnection parts and build tree to be used when  
performing this build. This version is completely specified by naming the family,  
release, and work area: in this case, -release 9503 -workarea 223. The  
output of the build is placed in this work area.  
Build pool  
The set of build servers that should be used to process the build request, as  
defined when the build servers are started. The pool pool1 includes the build  
Build mode  
How the build takes place. Possible values for this build option include the  
Builds only the parts that are out-of-date. Processing stops after the  
first error is returned.  
Force Builds all parts, even if they are not out-of-date. Processing stops  
after the first error is returned.  
190 User’s Guide  
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Builds only parts that are out-of-date but continues processing even if  
errors are returned. Note that outputs are not rebuilt for inputs that  
have failed.  
Report Gives a preview of what would be built if you invoked a build. The  
report identifies what steps would occur without any translations  
taking place.  
In our example, Greg specifies -normal, which is the default. In this mode, only  
the parts that are stale with respect to their inputs are rebuilt. In other words,  
only the minimum amount of work to bring everything up-to-date is performed.  
examples of using the other build modes.  
In normal mode, the build is halted if an error is found. Any remaining build  
events in the build scope are canceled, but any build events already performed  
are not undone.  
Detail file name  
The name of an output file in which TeamConnection stores the collected  
stdout and stderr of the build scripts.  
When Greg starts the build, the information from the command is passed to the testfam  
family server over TCP/IP. At this point, Greg’s TeamConnection client waits to receive  
confirmation from the family server that the build request was received and is being  
processed. Included in this processing; the family server does the second phase of  
parsing, where the validation of dependency information is done, and then it determines  
what needs to be rebuilt and adds this to the job queue.  
Note: Only one build is allowed in a work area at one time (though the build events  
that make up the build might be distributed to different build agents on a number  
of machines). So if Greg is sharing work area 223 with Barbara, she cannot  
issue a part -build command in that same work area until Greg’s build is  
TeamConnection handles the next parts of the build process automatically.  
Putting the build scripts to work  
At this point, the build server looks at the description of the event it has been asked to  
perform, then checks its cache for each part and the build script it needs. If it does not  
find the parts there, or if the cached parts are out of date, it invokes the build script,  
passing to it the names of the input and output parts and the parameters specified on  
the builder. The parts created by the build script and the return code generated by it are  
sent back to the build server, which then updates the contents of the TeamConnection  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 191  
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In our example, each of the build servers receives a compile event to perform. Each  
extracts the .c source files it needs from the TeamConnection database and the  
contents of the build script for the c_compiler builder. The build servers then run their  
build scripts.  
The results (the .obj files and the return code) are sent back to the build servers. After  
updating the TeamConnection database, the build servers re-enter the polling loop to  
see if any more build events await their attention.  
Because the compile steps are performed in parallel, Greg can build this application a  
little more quickly than if they had happened in serial mode. In this simple example, the  
difference is hardly noticeable; but in a large build of hundreds of parts, with multiple  
build servers available on a local area network, the performance improvement can be  
Finishing the job and reporting the results to the user  
The processing described by the previous two steps is repeated until there are no more  
build events remaining. The results of the build are displayed in the Build Progress  
window or in stdout. At this point the build is complete.  
To complete our example, the previous two steps are repeated to complete the link  
step, using either of the build servers in pool1. Greg now can extract the resulting  
executable from TeamConnection, using the part -extract msgcat.exe command, and  
run it.  
Monitoring the progress of a build  
During the course of a build, you can monitor its progress in several ways:  
If the build was started from the command line, by issuing the report -view partview  
command against the work area in which you are building. From this report, you can  
determine the states of the parts. Use the part -viewmsg command to see the build  
messages issued because of a failed build. For complete syntax of these commands,  
refer to the Commands Reference  
If the build was started from the GUI, in the Build Progress window. You can find the  
same information by looking at stdout.  
Greg can see how the build is progressing by checking the Build Progress window. For  
example, he might see these messages:  
6021-700 Number of distinct build events for this build: 3.  
Build of 'hello.obj' started at '15:33:47 1995-08-10'  
via a build agent on the host 'OCTOFVT'.  
Build of 'hello.obj' successfully completed at '15:34:45 1995-08-10'.  
Completed Jobs: 1  
Remaining Jobs: 2  
Build of 'bye.obj' started at '15:34:49 1995-08-10'  
via a build agent on the host 'OCTOFVT'.  
192 User’s Guide  
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Build of 'bye.obj' successfully completed at '15:35:22 1995-08-10'.  
Completed Jobs: 2  
Remaining Jobs: 1  
Build of 'msgcat.exe' started at '15:35:26 1995-08-10'  
via a build agent on the host 'OCTOFVT'.  
Build of 'msgcat.exe' successfully completed at '15:35:56 1995-08-10'.  
Completed Jobs: 3  
Remaining Jobs: 0  
Processing Completed for 'msgcat.exe'.  
To see the commands that TeamConnection issued during the build, you can look at the  
detail file specified in the part -build command.  
Running a build in spite of errors  
If you find that a build is stopping because of errors, you can check the build detail file  
or the Build Progress window for the cause. If the error is minor, you might decide to  
run the build despite the errors — for example, when you are debugging. To do this,  
specify that you want the build to complete unconditionally.  
In our example, when Greg builds msgcat.exe for the first time, he wants to find and  
correct any errors that occur during the build, so he uses the following command:  
teamc part -build msgcat.exe -release 9503 -workarea 223 -unconditional  
As in normal mode, only the parts that are stale with respect to their inputs are rebuilt;  
only the minimum amount of work to bring everything up-to-date is performed.  
However, even if an error is found, the build continues if possible. As with normal mode,  
if the build is halted, any build events remaining are canceled. Any build events already  
performed are not undone.  
Building all parts, regardless of build times  
To make sure that all parts in the build tree get built, whether or not they are stale, you  
specify the -force parameter on the part -build command.  
In this mode, all parts that are descendants of the build target are rebuilt.  
In our example, Greg can force TeamConnection to build all parts in the msgcat.exe  
build tree using the following command:  
teamc part -build msgcat.exe -release 9503 -workarea 223 -force -pool pool1  
If an error occurs, the build is halted. Any remaining build events are canceled, but any  
build events already performed are not undone.  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 193  
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Finding out which parts will be built  
Before running a build of a large application, you might want to find out exactly which  
parts will be built. If you specify that you want to run in report mode, TeamConnection  
determines what will be built in a normal build and produces a report showing the  
If Greg really wants to see which parts of msgcat.exe will be built before he runs the  
actual build, he can issue the following command:  
teamc part -build msgcat.exe -release 9503 -workarea d410 -report -pool pool1  
He sees the following report:  
6021-700 Number of distinct build events for this build: 3.  
6021-407 The builder c_compiler will be invoked.  
6021-406 The builder parameters consist of:  
dependent: hello.h  
6021-407 The builder c_compiler will be invoked.  
6021-406 The builder parameters consist of:  
dependent: bye.h  
6021-407 The builder c_linker will be invoked.  
6021-406 The builder parameters consist of:  
hello.obj bye.obj  
The report shows that bye.obj and msgcat.exe must be rebuilt.  
Canceling a build  
To cancel a build that is in progress, do one of the following:  
If the build was started from the GUI, on the Build Progress window select the  
Cancel Build push button.  
If the build was started from the command line, type the following command and  
press Enter:  
teamc part -build name -cancel  
Where name is the part that you are building. Be sure to specify the same part name  
that you specified when starting the build, rather than a part that is lower in the build  
194 User’s Guide  
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This command will stop all queued and in_progress builds. Any build events already  
performed for that build are not undone.  
For example, if Greg cancels the build of msgcat.exe when the compile steps have  
been completed, then the link step is not performed. However, the newly compiled  
hello.obj and bye.obj are left in the database, with their build times updated.  
More sample build trees  
The msgcat.exe example is just one possible build tree. Here are some others.  
Defining multiple outputs from a single build event  
Figure 65 shows part of the build tree for robot.dll:  
Figure 65. The build tree for robot.dll  
Because the build tree shows the relationships between parts hierarchically,  
is a child of robot.dll, even though it is actually built from the same input part, robot.cpp.  
But is defined as an output of robot.dll. Here are the commands to set up  
this relationship.  
First come the commands to create the parts:  
teamc part -create robot.dll -builder dll_builder -binary -empty  
-release 9503 -component robot  
teamc part -create robot.cpp -release 9503 -component robot  
teamc part -create -builder dll_builder -binary -empty  
-release 9503 -component robot  
Next are the commands to connect the parts into the build tree:  
teamc part -connect robot.cpp -parent robot.dll -input -release 9503  
teamc part -connect -parent robot.dll -output -release 9503  
You might use this command to start the build:  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 195  
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teamc part -build robot.dll -workarea 915 -release 9503  
The output of this build would be both robot.dll and Any parameters  
specified in the teamc part -build robot.dll command would also apply to the build  
Synchronizing the build of unrelated parts  
An entire application can require multiple separate builds. For example, in the robot  
application, there might be one build to create the .dll parts, another to create the .exe  
parts, and so on. To ensure that the entire application gets built together, you can  
create a part that acts as a collector, with the .dll and .exe parts as input to it.  
For example, Tim creates this build tree for the robot application:  
Figure 66. The build tree for  
Assuming he already has the build trees for robot.dll and robot.exe set up, here is how  
he sets up the collector part:  
1. He creates a null builder with no contents:  
teamc builder -create nullBuilder -script null -none -environment os2  
-condition == -value 0  
2. He creates the collector part:  
teamc part -create -builder nullBuilder -none -release 9503  
-component robot  
196 User’s Guide  
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The -none flag identifies this as a part that will never have any contents.  
3. Tim connects the other parts to the collector:  
teamc part -connect robot.dll robot.exe -parent -input  
-release 9503  
When Tim builds, the result is a build of both robot.dll and robot.exe.  
Chapter 15. Building an application: an example 197  
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198 User’s Guide  
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Part 5. Using TeamConnection to package products  
This section describes how to use the TeamConnection packaging function, which helps  
you automate the packaging and distribution of your applications. This section is written  
for the person in your organization who is responsible for software distribution.  
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200 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 16. Using TeamConnection to package a product  
After you have built an application to your satisfaction, it is time to distribute it to users.  
This chapter describes how you can use TeamConnection to help automate the  
packaging and distribution steps.  
TeamConnection provides the following:  
Two electronic software distribution tools:  
Gather, which moves an application’s parts into a single directory in preparation  
for distribution.  
Tivoli Software Distribution, a bridge tool that automates the installation and  
distribution of software or data using Tivoli software distribution tools as the  
distribution vehicle.  
Two sample build scripts for connecting the Gather and Tivoli Software Distribution  
tools with TeamConnection user-defined builders.  
Gather - gather.cmd which specifies the teamcpak gather command.  
Tivoli - softdist (on UNIX platforms) or softdist.exe (on Windows NT) which  
specifies the teamcpak softdist command.  
To use TeamConnection in packaging a product, you might do any of the following  
Setting up your application’s build tree for packaging  
Using the teamcpak gather command  
Writing a package file for the gather tool  
Using the teamcpak softdist command  
Writing a package file for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool  
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Setting up your build tree for packaging  
When TeamConnection builds an application, the application’s build tree identifies the  
parts to be built and the tools to use in building it. Similarly, when you use  
TeamConnection for packaging the application, the build tree can define the parts to be  
packaged and the tools to do it.  
The output of a packaging step might be any of the following:  
The application’s parts gathered into a new directory structure  
The distribution of the application using NVBridge  
The distribution of the application using some other distribution tool  
Setting up a build tree for the gather tool  
To gather the parts of your application into a single directory for distribution, you create  
an output part whose builder calls the gather tool, and you make this output part the top  
level of the build tree.  
For example, for the robot control application,, the build tree might look in  
part like this:  
Figure 67. Part of the build tree for  
After the application is built, the programming team needs to get it to the test team.  
They could extract the application, but doing a simple extract would preserve the  
202 User’s Guide  
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existing structure, with parts contained in directories according to their application  
component. A better structure might be to place all of the .dll files in one directory, all of  
the .exe files in another, and so on. To move the parts into this structure, the test team  
does a different kind of build, using the gather tool.  
To make this happen, Annmarie does the following:  
1. She creates the top-level part for the new build tree. The name of this part is the  
same as the directory in which the gathered parts are to be placed. In this example,  
e:\robot is the output file from the gather step. Annmarie uses the following  
teamc part -create e:\robot -none -builder gather1 -family octo  
-release 9503 -workarea 410  
2. She writes a package file that contains instructions for the gather tool and creates  
this file as a TeamConnection part:  
teamc part -create robot.pkf -text -parent e:\robot -input -family octo  
-release 9503 -workarea 410  
3. She creates a builder, gather1, that calls the gather tool:  
teamc builder -create gather1 -script gather.cmd  
-parameters "-o -x" -release 9503  
-environment os2 -condition == -value 0 -family octo  
gather.cmd is a sample build script that is shipped with TeamConnection. It specifies  
the teamcpak gather command.  
4. She connects robot.exe and robot.dll to e:\robot as inputs:  
teamc part -connect robot.exe -parent e:\robot -family octo  
-release 9503 -workarea 410  
teamc part -connect robot.dll -parent e:\robot -family octo  
-release 9503 -workarea 410  
5. She also connects a readme file for the application:  
teamc part -connect -parent e:\robot -family octo  
-release 9503 -workarea 410  
As a result of Annmarie’s work, the build tree for e:\robot looks like this:  
Chapter 16. Using TeamConnection to package a product 203  
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Figure 68. Adding the gather step to the build tree  
The package file, robot.pkf, specifies the directories into which the robot files are  
gathered, with e:\robot as the target root directory. When Annmarie builds e:\robot, the  
.dll files are placed in e:\robot\dll; the .bin files are placed in e:\robot\bin. Instead of  
extracting the built application from TeamConnection, the test team can pull the  
application from e:\robot.  
If Annmarie wants to gather the same files into a different target directory, all she needs  
to do is write a different package file and connect the parts to a different parent.  
204 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool  
The Gather tool automates the movement of software and data from one directory to  
another on the same machine to prepare a package for electronic distribution. It can  
copy or erase files; it can create or delete directories.  
This tool takes a list of input files and moves them into a directory structure as directed  
by a package specification file. You specify the target root directory path in this file,  
along with a collection of rules that instruct which files to copy to which directories. How  
these files and directories are actually handled is controlled via option flags.  
By writing different package specification files, you can take the same input files and  
transfer them into different target directory structures.  
Take the robot application as an example. We previously showed one possible directory  
structure, with each subdirectory containing files with the same extension:  
By writing a different package file, you might put both .dll and .exe files in the same  
target directory:  
You can build both target directories concurrently.  
Using the teamcpak command for the Gather tool  
To start the Gather tool, use the teamcpak command. This command is found in the  
directory where the TeamConnection family server is installed. If it is started from a  
build script, it does not need to be in the execution path of the machine from which the  
build is started.  
The complete command syntax for teamcpak gather looks like the following; you must  
supply a value for the words that start with a capital letter, such as String. You must  
specify the command parameters in the order shown.  
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teamcpak [-i] [-o "String"] gather Input_file...  
Specifies that only one Input_file is specified in the command: an include file  
containing the list of input files. This parameter is optional.  
If you specify -i, it must precede the gather flag.  
-o " String"  
Specifies that the string listed in quotes be passed to the Gather tool. The  
opening quote must be followed by a blank. For a list of possible flags to be  
This parameter is optional. If you do not specify -o, the default settings for the  
tool are used.  
If you specify -o, it must precede the gather flag.  
gather Specifies the tool to be invoked. If you specify -i or -o, they must precede this  
Specifies the files to be copied and the name of the package specification file.  
You can specify this parameter in these ways:  
Specify the name of an include file, whose contents is a list of input files.  
One of these input files must be a package specification file with the  
extension .pkf. In this case, you must also specify the -i parameter.  
Specify a list of two or more files. One of the files must be a package  
specification file with the extension .pkf.  
Specify the directory from which the files are to be copied and the name of  
the package specification file.  
If more than one package file is listed, the first package file on the command  
line or in the include file is used, and the others are treated as ordinary files.  
Command line flags  
You can specify the following flags in the teamcpak command, using the -o parameter.  
All of these flags are optional. If you do not specify a flag, the teamcpak command runs  
using defaults.  
Assume that the target tree structure might not exist. If a required directory  
does not exist, create it and continue processing.  
This flag cannot be specified if the -t flag is specified.  
If neither -a nor -t is specified, the default is to assume that the desired tree  
structure already exists. No verification is performed to confirm that the  
directories exist. If they do not, the condition is detected while the package file  
rules are being processed. If you stop the teamcpak command, some target  
directories might contain updated files.  
206 User’s Guide  
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Force deletion from the root: if this is used in combination with -t or -c and  
TARGETROOT is a root directory (for example, e:\, \, /).  
Ensure that the target tree is exactly the tree specified in the package file. If a  
directory of the same name exists, the Gather tool does the following:  
Erases the entire contents of the directory and all of its subdirectories  
Destroys the directory and all subdirectories  
Performs a mkdir command to create the entire tree structure again as  
specified in the package file  
This flag cannot be specified if the -a flag is specified.  
If an rmdir command fails during processing, the teamcpak command stops.  
If neither -a nor -t is specified, the default is to assume that the desired tree  
structure already exists. No verification is performed to confirm that the  
directories exist. If they do not, the condition is detected while the package file  
rules are being processed. If you stop the teamcpak command, some target  
directories might contain updated files.  
Accept missing source files.  
If this flag is not specified, the default is to ensure that at least one file  
matches each source specification in the package file. If a match is not found,  
the Gather tool stops processing.  
Accept duplicate files. If a file is found on the target directory that matches the  
source file specification, it is overwritten by the source file.  
If this flag is not specified, the default is to ensure that no files on the target  
match the source file specification. For example, if the source specification is  
g*.c, and greg.c is found on the target, the Gather tool stops processing.  
Clean up the target directories. Erase all files on all target directories that  
existed before writing source files to these directories. No confirmation  
messages are issued, and permission errors are ignored.  
If this flag is not specified, the default is to write the source files into the target  
directories without erasing existing files.  
End with delete. This action removes all source files and directories after the  
Gather tool successfully completes.  
If this flag is not specified, the default is to end without deleting source files  
and directories.  
Abort without recovery. If the program does not end successfully, no attempt is  
made to restore the file system.  
If this flag is not specified, the Gather tool attempts to restore the file system if  
the program does not end successfully. To do this, the tool first backs up the  
file system. The backup directory is the value of the TMP environment variable.  
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool 207  
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Examples of the teamcpak gather command  
The following are examples of the teamcpak gather command.  
teamcpak gather d:\demoapp demoapp.pkf  
teamcpak gather a.exe b.exe \help\*.hlp demoapp.pkf  
In the first example, an input source directory is specified. In the second example, a list  
of files is specified. In both cases, the files are to be copied into target directories as  
specified in the demoapp.pkf file.  
teamcpak -i -o " -t -m -x" gather myfiles.lst  
The file myfiles.lst contains a list of files to be transformed by the Gather tool, and the  
name of the package file to be used in the gather. The -o "-t -m -x" parameter  
passes three flags to the Gather tool:  
-t specifies that, if the target directories already exist, they be destroyed and  
-m specifies that processing continues even if a source file cannot be found.  
-x specifies that, if the program does not end successfully, the file system is left as  
is, with no attempt to restore it.  
Writing a package file for the Gather tool  
Use the package file to specify the target directories and the rules for copying files for a  
gather operation. You can also specify user exit programs to run before, during, or after  
the gather operation.  
A sample package file named gather.pkf is shipped with TeamConnection. You can  
customize it for your own gather operations.  
Syntax rules for a Gather package file  
Follow these syntax rules when you write a package file:  
Package files are free format. Text is not positional, and many statements can exist  
on the same line.  
Comments can appear anywhere within the file. Use the characters #| and |# as  
delimiters, as shown in the following example:  
#| This is a comment |#  
Package file keywords must be prefixed with a left parenthesis and must have a  
corresponding balanced right parenthesis to end the scope of the keyword.  
If the value for a keyword is a string that contains blanks or parentheses, enclose the  
string in double quotes.  
The following shows the syntax of a package file for the Gather tool. Keywords must  
appear in the order shown. The first letter of an argument is capitalized; you must  
supply these values.  
208 User’s Guide  
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(TARGETROOT Filename)  
(SOURCE Filename...)  
(TARGET Path)  
[(EXITPRIOR String... | EXITREPLACE String... | EXITPOST String...)] )  
[(EXITPRIOR String...)]  
[(EXITPOST String...)]  
Keywords for a Gather package file  
DATA This keyword is required. It must be the first keyword in the package file, and it  
can be specified only once.  
All other keywords are nested within the DATA clause.  
This keyword is required. It can be specified only once. It tells the teamcpak  
command that this package file is for Gather.  
TARGETROOT target_root_path  
This keyword is required. It can be specified only once.  
Use this keyword to identify the target root directory. Source files are copied to  
this directory as specified by the RULE statements.  
Follow these guidelines when you select your TARGETROOT values:  
Include the drive letter along with the target directory.  
Specify a directory that contains few if any subdirectories that are unrelated  
to the data you are moving.  
If you specify a drive’s root directory (drive:\), run the teamcpak command  
using the defaults or only the -x or -x -a flags.  
Do not set the value of TARGETROOT to drive:\ under the following  
The TARGETROOT drive is the same as the drive from which the  
teamcpak command is run, and you have recovery set (that is, you have  
not specified -o "-x").  
The logical drive for the TARGETROOT has less than 50% free space,  
and you have recovery set (that is, you have not specified -o "-x").  
RULE This keyword is required. You can use one or more RULE keywords within a  
Gather package file.  
Each RULE clause represents a set of Gather operations targeted for one  
target subdirectory. A RULE clause must contain one SOURCE and one  
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool 209  
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TARGET keyword. The files in the SOURCE directory are copied to the  
TARGET path. The target path is derived by concatenating the value of  
TARGETROOT with a backslash (\), followed by the value of the TARGET  
keyword specified in the RULE clause.  
A RULE clause can also contain one user exit clause: EXITPRIOR,  
EXITPOST, or EXITREPLACE. For a description of the exit keywords, go to  
page 212.  
The following example copies all *.exe, *.cmd, and *.hlp files to target directory  
(TARGETROOT f:\demoapp )  
(SOURCE *.exe  
(TARGET bin  
*.cmd *.hlp)  
SOURCE <list of file specifications>  
This keyword is required once for each RULE clause. It must be the first  
keyword within the RULE clause.  
This keyword specifies the files to be copied to the path specified by the  
TARGET keyword. Specify a list of file specifications separated by blanks. You  
can use the wildcard characters supported by OS/2 or Windows NT.  
The directory from which these files are copied depends on how the input files  
are specified in the teamcpak command:  
If the teamcpak command specifies a source directory, the files specified in  
the SOURCE keyword come from that directory or subdirectories of it. The  
full path of the source files is constructed by concatenating the directory  
from the teamcpak command with a backslash (\), followed by the file  
specifications found in the SOURCE keyword. You can specify  
subdirectories in the SOURCE file specifications.  
If the teamcpak command specifies a list of files, these files are first copied  
to a temporary directory, then copied from there to the TARGET directories.  
In this case, you can use OS/2 or Windows NT wildcards to specify multiple  
file names in the SOURCE file specifications, but you cannot specify  
In the following example, directory d:\demoapp is specified on the teamcpak  
teamcpak -o "-x -t -m" gather d:\demoapp demoga.pkf  
210 User’s Guide  
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The resulting source path is the concatenation of d:\demoapp with the  
SOURCE file specifications. Therefore, all of the .exe files in the directory  
d:\demoapp\bin are copied to the target directory e:\demoapp\bin.  
(TARGETROOT e:\demoapp)  
(SOURCE bin\*.exe)  
(TARGET bin)  
In the following example, a list of input files is specified on the teamcpak  
teamcpak -o "-x -m" gather c:\a.exe c:\b.exe d:\rexx\*.cmd demoga.pkf  
The resulting source path for the files in the SOURCE clause is the  
concatenation of the teamcpak temporary directory with the SOURCE file  
specifications. Therefore, the source for the *.exe files is  
d:\teamcpak.@@@\*.exe. The input files d:\teamcpak.@@@\a.exe and  
d:\teamcpak.@@@\b.exe are copied to the directory e:\demoapp.  
(TARGETROOT e:\demoapp)  
(SOURCE *.exe  
(TARGET targetroot)  
TARGET Target_path  
This keyword is required one time in each RULE clause. It must follow the  
SOURCE keyword.  
The value specified by this keyword is used to construct the target path into  
which the files specified by the SOURCE keyword are copied. The value of the  
TARGETROOT keyword is concatenated with a backslash (\), followed by the  
value of the TARGET keyword.  
If you specify targetroot as the value, files are copied directly to the target  
root directory, not to a subdirectory.  
In the first RULE clause of this example, files are copied to the target directory  
f:\demoapp\bin\files. In the second RULE clause, the target directory is  
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool 211  
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(TARGETROOT f:\demoapp )  
(SOURCE *.bin *.dll  
(TARGET bin\files )  
(SOURCE *.hlp  
(TARGET targetroot )  
These keywords are optional. They specify a user exit program to run as part  
of the gather operation.  
To specify an exit that is global to the Gather operation, specify EXITPRIOR or  
EXITPOST in the DATA clause. You can specify each of these keywords only  
once in the DATA clause. These keywords must come after all of the RULE  
clauses. EXITREPLACE cannot be used in the DATA clause.  
You can also specify an exit that is specific to one RULE clause. Only one exit  
keyword is allowed in each RULE clause.  
These keywords accept a list of strings separated by spaces. The first string is  
the name of the program to execute. The strings that follow are its parameters.  
Using exit keywords in the DATA clause  
When used within a DATA clause, these keywords identify a program or command to be  
executed within a command shell. EXITPRIOR executes before all RULE statements  
have been processed; EXITPOST, after all RULE statements.  
The exit keywords accept any executable file or command. The exit program must  
return an integer return value, with zero meaning the exit was successful.  
Using exit keywords in the RULE clause  
EXITPRIOR, EXITPOST, and EXITREPLACE are optional within a RULE clause. Only  
one can be specified in any given RULE clause.  
When used within a RULE clause, these keywords identify a program or command to  
be executed within a command shell before, after, or in place of processing of each  
Gather copy operation. The exit program is called once for each SOURCE specification  
entry within the SOURCE clause. Parameters are separated by spaces and passed to  
the exit in this order:  
Any parameters included in the invocation string  
212 User’s Guide  
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The resolved SOURCE file specifications  
The resolved TARGET specification  
The exit keyword accepts any executable file or command. The exit program must  
return an integer return value, zero meaning successful; it must also accept or ignore  
the additional Gather parameters added to the end of the invocation string.  
When used in the context of the RULE clause, exit keywords must follow the TARGET  
Using exit keywords: an example  
In the following example, the first EXITPRIOR statement relates to the DATA clause and  
specifies a user backup exit program, which executes before performing Gather copy  
operations. This backup exit is passed two flags. The command stream executed in an  
OS/2 shell is:  
"e:\util\backup.cmd \i \t"  
The second occurrence of the keyword illustrates how to use it in the context of a  
RULE clause. In this example, an encryption program will run against each source file  
specification. The exit program is passed the \k:347867 key option, the value for the  
source specification, and the value for the target specification. In this example, the  
command stream executed in an OS/2 shell is:  
"encrypt \k:347867 d:\demoapp\a.exe f:\demoapp\bin":  
The package file looks like this:  
(TARGETROOT d:\tcws)  
(SOURCE *.exe *.cmd)  
(TARGET exe)  
#|this program will be run for each source file|#  
(EXITPRIOR encrypt \k:347867 )  
(EXITPRIOR "e:\util\backup.cmd \i \t" )  
Chapter 17. Using the Gather tool 213  
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214 User’s Guide  
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Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool  
The Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool supports automated distribution between  
a single Tivoli Software Distribution server and its TCP/IP-connected clients. The Tivoli  
Software Distribution tool works either by itself or in conjunction with TeamConnection’s  
Gather tool to enable you to distribute files through Tivoli Software Distribution. Use of  
this tool requires you to be familiar with Tivoli configuration and system administration  
so that TeamConnection can start Tivoli Software Distribution to distribute file packages.  
The Tivoli Software Distribution distribution tool must be run on a Tivoli managed node  
running on any of TeamConnection’s UNIX platforms or Windows NT.  
The Tivoli Software Distribution distribution tool includes a sample build script named  
softdist (on UNIX platforms) or softdist.exe (on Windows NT). It can be run from within  
a TeamConnection builder. This build script maps TeamConnection build parameters to  
the command line syntax for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool through the teamcpak  
command line interface.  
You can use Tivoli Software Distribution as a builder for packaging in two ways:  
Integrate it with the gather step, so that the Gather tool leaves the package files in a  
directory from which Tivoli Software Distribution picks them up.  
Use it without the gather step. In this case, the build script for Tivoli Software  
Distribution must set up the directory and move files into it to interface correctly with  
the teamcpak command.  
To simplify the interface, the Tivoli Software Distribution tool uses a select set of  
options. If you want to take full advantage of Tivoli Software Distribution features, you  
can import a Tivoli Software Distribution package specification. Importing a package  
specification provides you access to all Tivoli Software Distribution functions.  
The Tivoli Software Distribution tool produces a Tivoli File Package, which is used for  
Using the teamcpak command with Tivoli Software Distribution  
To start the Tivoli Software Distribution tool, use the teamcpak command. This  
command is found in the directory where the TeamConnection family server is installed.  
If it is started from a build script, it needs to be in the execution path of the build server.  
The complete syntax of the teamcpak softdist command follows. You must specify the  
command parameters in the order shown.  
teamcpak [-i] [-o "string"] softdist inputFile  
Specifies that only one inputFile is specified in the command: an include file  
containing the list of input files. This parameter is optional.  
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-o "string"  
Specifies that the string listed in quotes be passed to the Tivoli Software  
Distribution tool. For a list of possible flags to be passed, see “Command line  
Specifies the files to be copied and the name of the package specification file.  
You can specify this parameter in these ways:  
Specify the name of an include file, whose contents is a list of input files.  
One of these input files must be a package specification file with the  
extension .pkf. In this case, you must also specify the -i parameter.  
Specify a list of two or more files. One of the files must be a package  
specification file with the extension .pkf.  
Specify the directory from which the files are to be copied and the name of  
the package specification file.  
If more than one package file is listed, the first package file on the command  
line or in the include file is used, and the others are treated as ordinary files.  
The following are examples of specifying input files.  
teamcpak -i softdist myInputFile  
teamcpak softdist d:\inputDir\myPkfFile.pkf inputFile1 inputFile2 . . .  
Command line flags  
You can specify the following flags in the teamcpak command, using the -o parameter.  
All of these flags are optional.  
Create directories on the target.  
Clear the target (delete all specified files and directories) before the apply. If  
you use this option, do not use the -x option.  
Overwrite existing files (delete specified files on the target prior to distribution).  
Accept input errors, such as missing files and directories from the SOURCE  
Send no notices to Tivoli. If you want to post Tivoli notices, you must configure  
Tivoli Notices before using this packaging tool.  
Preview only; do not actually distribute files.  
Reboot the target after distribution.  
If an error occurs, leave any distributed files on the target; do not clean up. If  
you use this option, do not use the -c option.  
Keep the Tivoli file package. To enable the Tivoli Software Distribution tool to  
perform more efficiently, the Tivoli Software Distribution package file is created  
when the package part is created and then destroyed and recreated whenever  
the part is modified. Use the -k option to prevent the package file from being  
216 User’s Guide  
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Example of the teamcpak softdist command  
The following is an example of the teamcpak softdist command.  
teamcpak -i -o "-a -n -t" softdist Client.lst  
The -i parameter specifies that the input file Client.lst is to be used. The -o parameter  
passes the following options to Tivoli Software Distribution:  
-a creates directories on the target.  
-n indicates that no error notices are to be sent to Tivoli Software Distribution.  
-t indicates that any existing files on the target are to be overwritten.  
Writing a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution  
This section describes the Tivoli Software Distribution package file keywords and their  
effect on normal processing behavior.  
A sample package file named client.pkf is shipped with TeamConnection. You can  
customize it for your own use.  
Syntax rules for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file  
Follow these syntax rules when you write a package file:  
Package file keywords must appear in the order shown below.  
Package file keywords must be prefixed with a left parenthesis and must have a  
corresponding balanced right parenthesis to end the scope of the keyword.  
If the value for a keyword is a string that contains blanks or parentheses, enclose the  
string in double quotes.  
Default options are supplied for all Tivoli Software Distribution required Tivoli  
Software Distribution options. Specific options can be set in your TeamConnection  
package file.  
Comments can appear anywhere within the file. Use the characters #| and |# as  
delimiters, as shown in the following example:  
#| This is a comment |#  
The following shows the syntax of a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution. The  
keywords must appear in the order shown here. You must supply the values for the  
strings that are shown in italics.  
(PACKAGEFORMAT softdist)  
(TARGETROOT filename)  
(MANAGER ProfileManager)  
(NODES "ManagedNode... PCManagedNode...")  
(IMPORT filename |  
[(INSTALLPGM filename)]  
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 217  
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[(LOGNODE ManagedNode)]  
[(LOGFILE directory)]  
Keywords for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file  
DATA This keyword is required. It must be the first keyword in the package file, and it  
can be specified only once.  
All other keywords are nested within the DATA clause.  
other keywords go here  
This required keyword must be the first keyword within the DATA clause. It can  
be specified only once. It tells the teamcpak command that this package file is  
for Tivoli Software Distribution.  
(PACKAGEFORMAT softdist)  
This keyword specifies the directory path to which files are to be distributed on  
the target systems. You can specify only one target root. All target systems use  
identical target roots.  
(TARGETROOT /usr/local/teamc/images)  
This keyword specifies a Tivoli Software Distribution profile manager that you  
have already created in the Tivoli Software Distribution system.  
218 User’s Guide  
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(MANAGER Distrib1)  
This keyword specifies the nodes to which the files are to be distributed. These  
must already have been defined to the profile manager as subscriber  
ManagedNodes or PCManagedNodes. To distribute files to non-subscribers,  
you need to use Tivoli Software Distribution options set in an import file  
package definition.  
(NODES "tcaix01 tcaix02")  
Use this keyword to select Tivoli Software Distribution options not supported in  
the -o parameter of the teamcpak softdist command. The filename parameter  
is the name of a Tivoli Software Distribution import file package definition. You  
can generate an import file using the Tivoli Software Distribution user interface.  
If you use the IMPORT keyword, then instead of calling the standard Tivoli  
Software Distribution packaging command the Tivoli Software Distribution tool  
will call wimprtfp to get all of the Tivoli Software Distribution configuration  
options. Using the IMPORT keyword disables other options and causes errors  
if they are specified.  
If you specify the IMPORT keyword, do not specify the DISTRIBUTE,  
If you use the INCLUDE option in an import file, it is overridden by the list of  
files provided to the teamcpak command.  
(IMPORT importFile)  
Specify FULL to distribute all files or CHANGED to distribute only those  
changed since the last distribution. The default is FULL.  
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 219  
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Use this keyword to specify an installation script to be run during distribution  
on each node that receives files. Specify the full file path name of the script.  
(INSTALLPGM /tivoli/fpTeamcAIX/tcinstl.ksh)  
This keyword specifies the system on which the log file is located. The node  
name you specify must be a managed node. The default is the current build  
machine or a machine running teamcpak.  
(LOGNODE tcaix04)  
This keyword specifies the directory path and file name of the log file on the  
log node. If you use the LOGNODE keyword, this keyword is required.  
(LOGFILE /tmp/softdist.log)  
Problem determination for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool  
If you are having trouble distributing files using the Tivoli Software Distribution  
distribution tool, you can use the following tools or teamcpak options to determine what  
the problem is:  
220 User’s Guide  
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Log file  
Check the file name you specified in the LOGFILE keyword for error  
Check Tivoli mail messages generated during the distribution.  
-k option  
Run the teamcpak command with the -k option to keep the package file after  
the distribution has been run. This allows you to reprocess a distribution from  
the Tivoli GUI and test variations.  
-x option  
Run the teamcpak command with the -x option to leave any distributed files on  
the target.  
Trace facility  
Run teamcpak with the trace facility. Use this facility only under guidance of an  
IBM service representative. See the Administrator’s Guide for more  
The following message displays when a Tivoli Software Distribution command fails  
during a distribution.  
6022-303 Tivoli/Software Distribution %s command failed with return code: RC.  
To correct problem use:  
- package file parameters LOGNODE and LOGFILE to record Tivoli output,  
- packaging option "-k" to keep Tivoli File Package and teamcpak log file  
or "-m" to ignore input errors,  
- packaging option "-x" to not clean up files that are distributed,  
- TeamConnection Trace facility (see TeamConnection Administration Guide)  
- or Tivoli Trace facility (see Tivoli documentation)  
Sample package file  
The following is an example of scripts and items required to automatically execute  
packaging, distribution, and installation of files in a AIX-based system.  
The teamcpak command syntax that will execute subcommands or scripts for the  
package, distribute, and install functions.  
teamcpak -i -o "-a -n -t" softdist Client.lst  
The Client.pkf file you create containing keywords and parameters for distributing  
and packaging functions.  
(PACKAGEFORMAT softdist)  
(TARGETROOT /user/local/teamc/images)  
(MANAGER Distribi)  
(NODES perlovrs tcaix02)  
(INSTALLPGM /tivoli/fpTeamcAIX/tcinstall.ksh)  
(LOGNODE tcaix00)  
(LOGFILE /tmp/fpTeamcAIX.log)  
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 221  
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The Client.lst file you create containing the list of files passed to teamcpak. The first  
line contains the package file by convention. The example also contains customized  
installation files (tcinstall.ksh), TeamConnection tar files, and an installation script  
The following presents an example of a Tivoli installation script (tcinstall.ksh) that is  
copied to the target along with the tar files and the TeamConnection installation script  
(tcinst.ksh), then executed on each NODES entry.  
# Clear existing log  
# You can easily update these.....  
rm -f $INST_ERR $INST_OUT $INST_LOG $INST_TMP >/dev/null 2>&1  
mkdir -p ${IMAGE_DIR}  
exec 1>${INST_ERR}  
exec 2>&1  
exec 3>${INST_LOG}  
# Install VisualAge TeamConnection using responsefile  
print -u3 Starting VisualAge TeamConnection installation at date′  
print -u3 User id= id′  
print -u3 Input: $*  
# Set up installation environment  
# - assumes bourne or korn shell  
grep DB2_ROOTDIR '/.profile'  
if (($? != 0))  
print -u3 Updating /.profile  
exec 4>>/.profile  
cd /  
print -u3 'DB2 and TeamConnection settings'  
print -u4 'DB2_ROOTDIR=/usr/lpp/ODI/DB24.0'  
print -u4 'export DB2_ROOTDIR'  
print -u4 'PATH=$PATH:$DB2_ROOTDIR/cset/bin'  
print -u4 'export PATH'  
print -u4 'LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:$DB2_ROOTDIR/common/lib'  
print -u4 'export LIBPATH'  
. /.profile  
222 User’s Guide  
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print -u3 /.profile already updated  
# Set up error logging  
# - if *.warning is in file (preceeded by spaces and tabs only  
grep "|[]*\*.warning" /etc/syslog.conf  
if (($? != 0))  
print -u3 'Updating /etc/syslog.conf'  
touch /var/spool/syslog  
chmod 666 /var/spool/syslog  
exec 4>> /etc/syslog.conf  
print -u4 '*.warning /var/spool/syslog'  
stopsrc -s syslog  
startsrc -s syslog  
print -u3 /etc/syslog.conf already updated  
# Update services file for tcocto family  
grep "tcocto" /etc/services  
if (($? != 0))  
print -u3 Updating /etc/services  
exec 4>> /etc/services  
print -u4 'tcocto 8888/tcp'  
print -u3 /etc/services already updated  
# Generate response file  
### You can change to use enviroment variables!!  
print -u5 '1'  
print -u5 '5'  
print -u5 '/usr/local/teamc/images'  
print -u5 '/usr/local/teamc'  
print -u5 '/usr/local/teamc/nls'  
print -u5 'en_US'  
print -u5 '/usr/local/teamc/X11'  
print -u5 ''  
print -u5 'i'  
# Run provided TeamC install script  
ls -laR ${IMAGE_DIR} >> ${INST_TMP} 2>&1  
cd ${IMAGE_DIR}  
${IMAGE_DIR}/tcinst.ksh < ${IMAGE_DIR}/tcinstl.response  
if (($? != 0))  
# Failed installation  
print -u3 TeamC installation failed  
exit 1  
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 223  
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# Clean up installation directory after listing contents  
print -u3 We have successfully copied TeamC installation files  
print -u3 Installation directory contents:  
ls -laR ${INST_DIR} >> ${INST_TMP} 2>&1  
cd /  
# Remove installation stuff  
print -u3 TeamC cleaning up temporary installation directory  
rm -rf ${IMAGE_DIR}  
cat ${INST_TMP} >> ${INST_LOG}  
rm -rf ${INST_TMP}  
exit 0  
# end of file  
224 User’s Guide  
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Part 6. Appendixes  
The following appendixes contain various pieces of information that you can refer to as  
you plan for and use TeamConnection.  
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226 User’s Guide  
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Appendix A. Environment Variables  
You can set environment variables to describe the TeamConnection environment in  
which you are working. You are not required to set your TC_FAMILY environment  
variable for the TeamConnection client command line interface. However, if the  
TC_FAMILY environment variable is not set, the -family must be specified for every  
client command. See “Setting environment variables” on page 234 for more information  
about setting environment variables.  
The names of the TeamConnection environment variables, the purpose they serve, the  
equivalent TeamConnection flag, the equivalent Settings notebook field, and the  
TeamConnection component that uses the environment variable are listed in the  
following table.  
You can override the value you set for an environment variable by using the  
corresponding flag in a TeamConnection command. When an environment variable has  
a Settings notebook equivalent, TeamConnection uses the two as follows:  
The environment variable controls the command line interface.  
The Settings notebook controls the graphical user interface.  
If there is no Settings notebook equivalent for the environment variable, then the  
environment variable takes effect regardless of the interface you are using.  
To see some of your client settings, you can issue the following command from a  
command prompt:  
teamc report -testServer  
This command returns information like the following:  
Connect to Family Name:  
Server TCP/IP Name:  
Server IP Address:  
Server TCP/IP Port Number:  
Server Specific Information ----------------------------------  
Product Version:  
Operating System:  
Message catalog language:  
Server Mode:  
Authentication Level:  
Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Specifies the language-specific  
message catalog.  
Client, family  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Specifies the search path for  
locating message files.  
NLS path  
Client, family  
Specifies where tcadmin is to  
search for the family create  
Client, build  
server, family  
Controls whether or not the  
following commands create  
backup files. If this  
Family server  
environment variable is set to  
off or OFF, the commands do  
not create backup files.  
builder -extract  
part -checkout  
part -extract  
part -merge  
part -reconcile  
Identifies the user ID you want -become  
to issue TeamConnection  
Client, build server  
(except mvs)  
commands from, if the user ID  
differs from your login. You  
assume the access authority of  
the user ID you specify.  
Specifies the build environment -e  
name, such as OS/2 or MVS.  
The value you specify here can  
be anything you like, but it  
must exactly match the  
Build server  
environment specified for a  
builder in order for the builder  
to use this build agent. This  
value is case-sensitive.  
Minimum amount of time to  
wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default  
setting is 5, minimum setting is  
Build server  
228 User’s Guide  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Maximum amount of time to  
wait (in seconds) between  
queries for new jobs. Default  
setting is 15, maximum setting  
is 300.  
Build server  
Specifies build options for  
sending build log file messages  
to the screen, and setting the  
logging level. If you do not  
specify any of these options,  
then the build server writes  
build messages to the build log  
file (teamcbld.log), and writes a  
minimum level of messages to  
the log file. Some possible  
values are:  
-s, -n  
Build server  
TOSCREEN (-s) sends the  
teamcbld.log file to the  
screen in addition to sending  
it to a file.  
writes the changed  
environment variables to  
a file called tcbldenv.lst  
instead of setting them in  
program’s environment.  
The format of the file is  
writes the list of input  
files to a file called  
tcbldin.lst. One file per  
line, format is pathName  
writes the list of output  
files to a file called  
tcbldout.lst. One file per  
line, format is pathName  
Specifies the build pool name. -p  
Build server  
Appendix A. Environment Variables 229  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Specifies the name of startup  
files to be used to provide  
information about build servers  
to the build process.  
Build server  
Changes the case of the  
arguments in commands, not  
in queries.  
Specifies a specific file for the  
TeamConnection message  
catalog. Sometimes, depending  
upon the operating system  
environment, the catalog open  
command will only look in a  
particular directory for the  
catalog. If the host is running  
multiple versions of  
Family server, oe  
build server  
TeamConnection, this variable  
may be used. To set this  
environment variable, specify  
the file path name of the  
message catalog as in the  
following example:  
Specifies the default  
-component Component Client, make  
import tool  
Specifies the database  
Family server  
directory path. Family specific  
database files reside here.  
Identifies the TeamConnection -family  
family you work with.  
Build server, client,  
family server,  
make import tool  
230 User’s Guide  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Specifies the name of the rules  
file that TeamConnection uses  
when importing the makefile  
data into TeamConnection. If  
you set this environment  
Make import tool  
variable, then you do not have  
to use the /u option with the  
fhomigmk command. Specify  
the full path name of the rules  
file. If neither this environment  
variable nor the /u option is  
used, TeamConnection uses  
default rules.  
Strips off the leading part of  
the directory name when  
importing parts into  
Make import tool  
TeamConnection. For example,  
you have parts with the  
following directory structure:  
g:\octo\src\inc\. To create these  
parts without the g:\octo  
structure, you can set  
before you invoke the make  
import tool. The parts created  
in TeamConnection have the  
directory structure of src\inc\.  
Causes the -verbose flag to be  
added to part commands  
created by fhomigmk.  
Make import tool  
Specifies the name of a file  
containing the rules to be  
applied for migration of  
makefiles if the name is not  
supplied on the fhomigmk  
command line as a parameter.  
Appendix A. Environment Variables 231  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Controls whether or not the  
read-only attribute is set after a  
part is created, checked in or  
unlocked in TeamConnection.  
To cause the read-only  
attribute to be set, specify  
prevent the read-only attribute  
from being set, specify  
default is TC_MODPERM=ON.  
An alternate way of starting  
notifyd with the teamcd  
command. If you set this  
environment variable, then you  
do not have to use the -n  
option with the teamcd  
Family server  
command. Specify the full path  
name of the mail exit to use  
with notifyd.  
Specifies a release.  
Client, make  
import tool  
Specifies the source directory. -top  
Specifies the variable that lets  
the user designate which parts  
should be traced. You should  
modify this only when directed  
to do so by an IBM service  
person. Otherwise it is set to  
null. To trace all parts, specify  
Client, family  
server, build server  
Specifies the output (part path  
and name) of the trace that the  
user designates using  
Client, family  
server, build server  
TC_TRACE. The default trace  
file name is tctrace. For the  
MVS build server, the default  
trace file is stdout.  
232 User’s Guide  
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Table 3. TeamConnection environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Specifies the maximum size of  
the trace file in bytes. If the  
maximum is reached, wrapping  
occurs. The default is one  
million bytes.  
Client, family  
server, build server  
Specifies the user login ID for  
single-user environments OS/2  
and Windows 95 (if not using  
the login facility). This  
User ID  
Client, build server  
environment variable is not  
used in multiuser environments  
AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, MVS,  
MVS/OE, and Windows NT. If  
a user is using the Windows  
95 login facility, this  
environment variable is not  
Specifies the default work area -workarea  
Work area  
Client, make  
import tool  
Specifies the path for the  
HTML helps and image files for  
Web client.  
Client, family  
Disables the Web client.  
Family server  
The following environment variables are dynamically set by the teamcbld command  
processing before the build script is invoked:  
Table 4. TeamConnection dynamically set build environment variables  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Login of user who initiated the  
Build server  
part -build command.  
List of input files (separated by  
Build server  
Build server  
List of input file types (such as  
List of output files.  
Build server  
Build server  
List of output file types.  
Appendix A. Environment Variables 233  
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Table 4. TeamConnection dynamically set build environment variables (continued)  
Environment variable  
Used by  
Directory where build script is  
Build server  
(except MVS build  
Setting environment variables  
For methods of setting your environment variables, refer to your operating system  
documentation. For example, you can use the following command to set the  
TC_FAMILY environment variable:  
OS/2 - SET TC_FAMILY=familyName@hostname@portnumber  
UNIX - export TC_FAMILY=familyName@hostName@portNumber  
234 User’s Guide  
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Appendix B. Importing makefile information into TeamConnection  
TeamConnection provides a command to help you import makefile information into the  
TeamConnection database. The fhomigmk command reads a makefile and creates the  
parts in it. Build tree connections are created based on a rules file. The command  
syntax of the fhomigmk command is:  
fhomigmk /m [makefile]  
/f [family]  
/r [release]  
/w [work area]  
/c [command file]  
/u [rules file]  
You can precede the parameter with either a slash (/) or a dash (-).  
The parameters are defined as follows:  
/m [makefile]  
The name of the makefile you want to import into TeamConnection. If you do  
not specify this parameter, TeamConnection uses makefile.  
/f [family]  
The name of the TeamConnection family into which the makefile data will be  
imported. If not specified, TeamConnection uses the value of the TC_FAMILY  
environment variable. If the value of TC_FAMILY is not defined, the value none  
is used.  
/r [release]  
The name of the TeamConnection release into which the makefile data will be  
imported. If not specified, TeamConnection uses the value of the  
TC_RELEASE environment variable. If the value of TC_RELEASE is not  
defined, the value none is used.  
/w [work area]  
The name of the TeamConnection work area into which the makefile data will  
be imported. If not specified, TeamConnection uses the value of the  
TC_WORKAREA environment variable. If the value of TC_WORKAREA is not  
defined, the value none is used.  
/c [command file]  
The name of the command file that will be produced and saved. If this file  
already exists, commands created by the specified makefile are appended to  
the existing contents.  
/u [rules file]  
The name of the rules file that TeamConnection will use when importing the  
makefile data into TeamConnection. If not specified, TeamConnection uses the  
value of the TC_MAKEIMPORTRULES environment variable. If no rules file is  
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explains the rules, the format of this file, and the default rules.  
Specifies that you want to run the command file that was produced by the /c  
Specifies that the build tree is to be displayed after the command is issued. If  
specified, the command file is run even if the /x parameter is not specified.  
Specifies that you want TeamConnection not to erase the intermediate files it  
uses to process this command. This might be useful in debugging problems  
that arise during the import. However, in general, you will not specify this  
parameter. When specified, the following intermediate files are saved:  
modified makefile  
A modified form of the imported makefile. The command invocations  
(of things like linkers and compilers) are replaced by calls to a  
TeamConnection command that captures dependency data. To nd  
the cause of import errors, type the following command at an OS/2  
command line:  
nmake -f mod_make  
create file  
A list of all the objects referenced by the makefile that should be  
created in the TeamConnection database.  
connect file  
A list of all the objects referenced by the makefile that should be  
connected to other objects in the TeamConnection database. Each  
line contains one dependency relationship in the format <child>  
TeamConnection provides an environment variable, TC_MAKEIMPORTTOP, that when  
set strips off the leading part of the directory name. For example, you have parts with  
the following directory structure: g:\octo\src\inc\. Because you want the parts created  
without the g:\octo structure, you set TC_MAKEIMPORTTOP=g:\octo before you invoke  
the make import tool. The parts created in TeamConnection have the directory structure  
of src\inc\.  
Another environment variable provided by TeamConnection,  
TC_MAKEIMPORTVERBOSE, when set causes the -verbose flag to be added to part  
The following is an example of invoking the make import tool:  
fhomigmk /m Mymak /w mywork /s /u myrules  
In this example, the makefile called mymak is used to create a temporary command file  
containing TeamConnection commands. The commands are formed based on the rules  
defined in the file myrules. The family and release used in the commands are those  
specified in the environment variables TC_FAMILY and TC_RELEASE. The work area  
236 User’s Guide  
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used in the commands is mywork. After the commands are issued, the resulting build  
tree is shown using the TeamConnection GUI.  
Creating a rules file  
The import rules file is a text file that describes how you want TeamConnection to  
create and connect parts. In this file you supply a set of rules, one per line, using the  
following syntax:  
file mask  
The mask specifying the names of the files to which this rule applies. The *  
and ? wildcards are supported. For example, you could specify file names  
such as *.cbl, abc*.cpp, or foo\src\*.obj.  
The type of contents of the files to which the rule applies when they are stored  
in TeamConnection as a part. Allowed values are binary, text, none, or ignore.  
If you specify ignore as the file type, then all files that match the file mask are  
builder The name of the TeamConnection builder to be associated with the part. The  
builder is not created for you. If you specify a builder, it must exist in  
TeamConnection before you run fhomigmk. A value of none means that no  
builder will be associated with the part.  
parser The name of the TeamConnection parser to be associated with the part. The  
parser is not created for you. If you specify a parser, it must exist in  
TeamConnection before you run fhomigmk. A value of none means that no  
parser will be associated with the part.  
How the part will be connected to other parts in TeamConnection. The  
following values are allowed:  
When none is specified, the part is not connected to another part even though  
a dependency was found for the part in the make file. For example, when you  
indicate none for a file mask of *.h files, the *.h files are created in  
TeamConnection, but not connected to the files that include them. The value  
you will use most often is input.  
Where the initial content of the part can be found:  
none indicates that the part is initially created as empty.  
directory\ indicates to concatenate with the name of the file in the makefile.  
This is where the contents are expected to be found.  
Appendix B. Importing makefile information into TeamConnection 237  
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* indicates to use the name in the makefile, relative to the current working  
For example, if a makefile specifies a file src\abc.cbl and the makefile specifies  
f:\mysrc\, the content is expected in f:\mysrc\src\abc.cbl. For a file of *.cbl, the  
content is expected in src\abc.cbl relative to the current working directory.  
The build parameters to be attached to the part. Enclose the parameter in  
double quotes if it has spaces. Use the value none to indicate no parameters.  
The TeamConnection component that will contain the part. If none is specified,  
the value of the TC_COMPONENT environment variable is used.  
As TeamConnection processes each part referenced in the makefile, it looks for a rule  
that matches the part name. If a match is found, the rule is used. The rules are  
searched from top to bottom. The first matching rule is used.  
Comments are denoted by a pound sign (#) in the first column.  
Columns are separated by spaces.  
A sample rules file, called fhomigmk.rul, is supplied with TeamConnection. Use this file  
to help you create a rules file that is appropriate for your development environment.  
The following is a simple example of an import rules file:  
<top of file>  
# file mask type  
builder parser connect content parameters component  
binary linker  
binary icc  
<end of file>  
If you do not specify a rules file in the /u parameter of the fhomigmk command,  
TeamConnection uses the value of the TC_MAKEIMPORTRULES environment variable.  
If no rules file is found, TeamConnection uses the following default rules:  
<top of file>  
# file mask type  
*.* text none none none none none root  
builder parser connect content parameters component  
238 User’s Guide  
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Appendix C. TeamConnection Merge  
The TeamConnection VisualMerge provides a way for you to merge two or three  
selected files together to make one single file. You can select options for viewing  
differences and collisions, as well as view the composite output of the merged files.  
Both a command line (tcmerge) and a graphical user interface are provided. The figure  
below describes the merge of three files into a single file. Items one through six  
represent the main stream of development for a particular part or file. Item 2 represents  
the base or common file from which two streams proceed. At the time of the merge, the  
most recent version in the two streams are items 4 and 2.3. In this scenario, the user  
selects the base or common file, item 2, as input 1. The user also uses item 4, the  
latest version in development, as input 2. The latest version in the branch is  
represented as item 2.3, or input 3. Item 5 represents the outcome of the merge. Once  
the merge is complete a window appears with the three original files and the final  
merged file.  
The following is the command line syntax for TeamConnection VisualMerge with the  
parameter abbreviations shown. The first set of brackets encloses the abbreviation that  
may be used; the remainder shows the full parameter name. For example,  
[-re[place]] indicates that -re is the abbreviation for the replace parameter.  
tcmerge <file1|directory1> <file2|directory2> [<file3|directory3>]  
[-ti[tles] <titlenames>] [-out <file|directory>]  
[-prime[out] <file|directory>] [-re[place]]  
[-ignoreco[lumns] <list of ranges to ignore>]  
[-ignoreb[lanks] <l|t|a|lt>] [-ignoreca[se]  
[-ignoreu[nique] <file|directory>]  
[-ignoreb[lanklines]] [-auto[merge]] [-nologo]  
If you do not specify input parameters at the command prompt, a Merge Files GUI is  
presented to assist you in entering required and optional parameters. If only input and  
output files or directories are provided, the following command defaults will be in effect:  
The output file or directory is not primed with one of the input files or directories.  
No columns will be ignored in difference calculation.  
No blanks will be ignored in difference calculation.  
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The following lists the parameters which may be used with the tcmerge command.  
First file or directory to merge. A combination of filenames and  
directory names is not valid.  
Second file or directory to merge.  
[-ti[tles] <titlenames>]  
[-out <file|directory>]  
Third file or directory to merge. (Optional)  
Names of files or directories being merged.  
The file or directory into which the merged differences will be  
written. This flag is optional.  
[-prime[out] <file|directory>] Primes the specified input file or directory to the output  
The filename with the -out flag will be replaced. If not specified,  
and the filename specified with the -out flag exists, the  
-replace flag must be specified.  
[-ignoreco[lumns] <list of  
ranges to ignore>]  
List of column ranges to ignore during the compare. Entries  
must use the format <startColumn,endColumn> with no blanks  
within an entry. Specify one column <Column> where start and  
end would be the same number.  
[-ignoreb[lanks] <l|t|a|lt>]  
Specifies blanks to ignore. Specify one: l (leading), t (trailing),  
lt (leading trailing), or a (all blanks). Specify: l for blanks at the  
beginning of a line; t for blanks at the end of a line; lt for  
blanks at the beginning and end of the line; a for all blanks on  
a line.  
Case of the characters is ignored. For example, there is no  
difference when an uppercase Cand a lowercase care  
Any blank lines are ignored during the compare.  
An input file or directory is ignored during the compare.  
Automatically merge differences between files or directories.  
When conflicts found, a GUI is invoked for you to resolve the  
conflict. Use this with the -out parameter to keep input source  
files unchanged.  
Note: Using this parameter is equivalent to using the  
TeamConnection automrg command. See the Commands  
Reference for additional information.  
Hides the TeamConnection logo.  
240 User’s Guide  
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Appendix D. Enabling an OS/2 Workframe project for  
TeamConnection lets you create a Workframe version 3 project that has  
TeamConnection options as well as a set of TeamConnection actions. For each project,  
you specify on the Project Options window the values for these options. By doing this,  
you logically connect a Workframe project with a set of TeamConnection parts. This  
makes it easier for you to perform TeamConnection actions, such as checking parts in  
and out, directly from the Workframe.  
Creating a TeamConnection-enabled Workframe project  
Follow these steps to create a Workframe project that is enabled for TeamConnection.  
1. On an OS/2 command line, type the following command and press Enter:  
This command creates a TeamConnection Project Smarts catalog on your desktop.  
(If you have already created this catalog, there is no need to perform this step again  
for additional projects.)  
2. Open the TeamConnection Project Smarts catalog. Select the TeamConnection  
project, and select the Create pushbutton.  
3. Specify the location for the TeamConnection project you want to create; then select  
When the action completes, you will see a TeamConnection Project on your  
Setting up your project options  
Options are provided so that you can set up each TeamConnection Workframe project.  
To set the options, do the following:  
1. Select Tools Setup from the project’s Views pull-down menu.  
2. Select the Project Options or File Options menu from any of the TeamConnection  
The following options are provided:  
Family The TeamConnection family.  
The TeamConnection release.  
Work area  
The TeamConnection work area in which you will perform TeamConnection  
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Query mask  
Any valid TeamConnection -where clause for parts. Leave blank to see all  
parts. (This is used in the project’s Show Parts action.)  
Show filter  
Check this if you want to display the PartFull Filter window instead of using the  
query mask in the Show Parts action.  
Profile Names the rules file to use for the Import Make action. Specify the fully  
qualified name unless you are sure it will be found in your path correctly.  
Select the Find push button if you need help.  
Using your TeamConnection Workframe project  
You can perform a set of TeamConnection actions from within your project:  
“Project actions” lists the actions you can perform without selecting a part.  
“Part actions” on page 243 lists the actions you can perform against a selected  
TeamConnection part.  
Project actions  
OS/2 has three project actions. They are:  
1. Invoke the TeamConnection GUI  
2. Show all parts from current context  
3. Build All (build project target)  
Extract part  
Displays an unprimed Extract Parts window.  
Checkout part  
Displays an unprimed Check Out Parts window.  
Checkin part  
Displays an unprimed Check In Parts window.  
Unlock part  
Displays an unprimed Unlock Parts window.  
Lock part  
Displays an unprimed Lock Parts window.  
Create part  
Displays an unprimed Create Parts window.  
Build part  
Displays an unprimed Build Parts window.  
View part contents  
Displays an unprimed View Part Contents window.  
242 User’s Guide  
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View part information  
Displays an unprimed View Part Information window.  
Edit part  
Displays an unprimed Edit Part window.  
Show parts  
If the project attribute Show filter is not set, issues a query based on the  
project attribute’s query mask. If the project attribute Show filter is set,  
displays the PartFull Filter window.  
Part actions  
Extract part  
Displays the TeamConnection Extract Parts window to extract the selected  
Checkout part  
Displays the TeamConnection Check Out Parts window to check out the  
selected part to the work area specified in the project options.  
Checkin part  
Displays the TeamConnection Check In Parts window to check in the selected  
part to the work area specified in the project options.  
Unlock part  
Displays the TeamConnection Unlock Parts window to unlock the selected part.  
Lock part  
Displays the TeamConnection Lock Parts window to lock the selected part.  
Create part  
Displays the unprimed TeamConnection Create Parts window.  
Build part  
Displays the TeamConnection Build Parts window to start a build of the  
selected part.  
View part contents  
Displays the TeamConnection View Part Contents window for the selected  
View part information  
Displays the TeamConnection View Part Information window for the selected  
Edit part  
Displays the TeamConnection Edit Part window for the selected part.  
Import makefile  
Imports the information contained in the selected makefile into the  
TeamConnection database.  
The Import makefile action is restricted to files with the extension .mak. The other  
actions in this list apply to files of all types.  
Appendix D. Enabling an OS/2 Workframe project for TeamConnection 243  
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Using your project: a simple scenario  
Suppose you are working on a defect in the family FAMILY1, release REL1_1. You  
have created a TeamConnection work area called SANDBOX to work in. You want to  
use the Workframe to access your TeamConnection parts. Here is what you might do.  
1. Create a TeamConnection Workframe project called DefectABC.  
2. Open the project. Select Tools setup from the View pull-down menu.  
3. Select any of the actions. Press mouse button 2 to display the context menu; then  
select Project options or File options from the context menu. The result is a  
window in which you can specify the TeamConnection information about the project.  
4. Specify the family FAMILY1, the release REL1_1, and the work area SANDBOX.  
Check the Show filter check box. Select OK.  
5. Specify the general Workframe attributes of the project using the project’s Settings  
notebook. These attributes include information such as the location of the OS/2 files  
for the project. For example, in this scenario, you specify that you want this project  
to contain all files in the directory c:\defect_abc, which is initially empty.  
6. Select TeamConnection Show files from the Project context menu. The PartFull  
Filter window is displayed. Specify the filter criteria; then select OK. For example,  
specify that you want to see all the parts with extensions .cpp, .exe, and .hpp. The  
Parts window is displayed.  
7. Select the parts client.exe, server, client.cpp, client.hpp, server.cpp, and server.hpp.  
Select Extract from the context menu.  
8. On the Extract Parts window, type c:\defect_abc in the Target directory field and  
select OK. Now you can interact with these parts directly from the Workframe  
9. In the Workframe project, run the ipmd.exe debugger until you determine the cause  
of the problem. Suppose you find the bug is in client.cpp.  
10. Go back to the Parts window. Select client.cpp from the list of parts, and select  
TeamConnection Checkout part from the context menu for the object. The part  
is checked out to the SANDBOX work area.  
11. Edit the file to fix the problem; then select TeamConnection Checkin part to  
check the part back into SANDBOX, the TeamConnection work area from which it  
was checked out.  
12. Build the part by selecting TeamConnection Build part on the context menu for  
the file client.exe.  
13. When the build completes, extract the resulting executable by selecting  
TeamConnection Extract part from the file’s context menu.  
14. Run the executable to verify that the problem has been fixed.  
244 User’s Guide  
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Appendix E. Enabling a Workframe/NT project for TeamConnection  
TeamConnection lets you create a Workframe/NT project that has TeamConnection  
options as well as a set of TeamConnection actions.  
Workframe/NT doesn’t use the TeamConnection dialogues. Instead, WorkFrame/NT  
uses monitored commands to invoke TeamConnection.  
You must perform the following steps to integrate TeamConnection with WorkFrame/NT:  
1. Install VisualAge C++  
2. Install the TeamConnection Client  
3. Make a backup copy of the WorkFrame Configuration File which is named  
vacpp.iws. This file is located in the MAINPRJ directory where VisualAge C++ is  
4. Replace or merge the WorkFrame Configuration File with the TeamConnection  
version of this file.  
If you have made changes to the WorkFrame Configuration File named vacpp.iws,  
you can use the TeamConnection Merge tool to view the differences between the  
two files and selectively merge the text into a single file. You can run the  
TeamConnection merge tool from a Windows command line. The syntax is:  
Note: It is very important that you make a backup copy of the WorkFrame  
Configuration File (vacpp.iws) before making any changes to the file. Any  
changes made to the configuration files will not be migrated to a future  
version. Errors in the configuration file can prevent WorkFrame/NT from  
operating correctly.  
5. Reboot to activate the WorkFrame/NT changes.  
Setting up your project options:  
All TeamConnection commands are monitored from inside an editor session.  
Environment variables are used to specify valid parameters for the project actions.  
To set or change environment variables within WorkFrame/NT, from the Project’s View  
pull-down menu, select Settings Environment Variables.  
You can use the following environment variables:  
The TeamConnection family. Required for all commands.  
The current TeamConnection user. Required for all commands.  
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The current TeamConnection user. Required for all commands.  
The current TeamConnection release. Required for all commands.  
The current TeamConnection component. Required for all commands.  
The name of the current TeamConnection work area. NULL is the default if a  
work area is not specified.  
Root of the work directory. Required for all commands.  
The path and file name of the import rules file. Required for all Import Makefile.  
DPATH Includes all work directories for the WorkFrame project. Required for Import  
Makefile only if the project has more than one work directory. DPATH may  
already be set in the environment.  
Each time you change the TC command parameters, you must also change the  
appropriate environment variable before selecting that TC action.  
If you are using multiple directories in the WorkFrame project, you must set the  
TC_TOP environment variable to specify the top directory structure for each directory  
that you use.  
Using your TeamConnection WorkFrame project  
You can perform a set of TeamConnection actions from within your project:  
“Project actions” lists the actions you can perform without selecting a part.  
“Part actions” on page 247 lists the actions you can perform against a selected  
TeamConnection part.  
Project actions  
WorkFrame/NT has three project actions. They are:  
1. Invoke the TeamConnection GUI  
2. Show all parts from current context  
3. Build All (build project target)  
246 User’s Guide  
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Part actions  
The current release and work area are specified with environment variables. See  
TC Extract Part  
Extract the specified part.  
TC View Part Information  
View information about the specified part.  
TC Build Part  
Build the specified output part.  
TC Create Part  
Create the specified part in TeamConnection.  
TC Unlock Part  
Unlock the specified part.  
TC Import Makefile  
Imports the information contained in the selected makefile into the  
TeamConnection database.  
TC Checkin Part  
Check in the specified part.  
TC View Part Contents  
Displays the contents of the specified part.  
TC Lock Part  
Locks the specified part.  
TC Checkout Part  
Checks out the specified part.  
WorkFrame/NT uses selective part options:  
You can only checkin, checkout, or view contents of a non-binary part.  
Makefiles can only be imported.  
For WorkFrame/NT all TeamConnection actions are prefaced with TC. For example,  
TC Checkout Part.  
Appendix E. Enabling a Workframe/NT project for TeamConnection 247  
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248 User’s Guide  
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Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-  
TeamConnection Bridge  
Overview of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
ENVY provides a repository with operational support tailored specifically for  
highly-interactive, prototyping environments that emphasize iterative development, such  
as VisualAge Smalltalk or VisualAge Generator. A bridge from ENVY to  
TeamConnection provides access to the powerful software configuration management  
(SCM) support provided by ENVY, along with the scalable, enterprise-level support  
provided by TeamConnection. TeamConnection’s ability to manage all development  
artifacts (not just source code), to share information in a common model, and to  
integrate multiple tools and multiple languages across the enterprise on a single  
baseline extends the capabilities of software development groups. The  
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge (also referred to as the bridge in this  
documentation) will provide essential integration for VisualAge tools which use ENVY as  
their day-to-day operational library.  
VisualAge Generator Version 3.0 has access to the TeamConnection-ENVY Bridge  
through VisualAge Smalltalk, which can interface directly with ENVY/Manager. The  
bridge supports the import and export of VisualAge Generator objects (parts) to and  
from TeamConnection.  
ENVY/Manager provides a collaborative component development environment for  
application development and integration using fine-grained object languages, such as  
Smalltalk. The ENVY repository is designed for languages that run on the universal  
virtual machine (uVM). The repository includes persistence, versioning, and  
configuration management.  
TeamConnection can be used to manage artifacts (parts) that need to be shared with  
non-uVM based languages or tools for purposes of build management, problem  
tracking, and other configuration management functions. These artifacts can be  
exported to the TeamConnection server through the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection  
Bridge and stored as TeamConnection parts.  
ENVY objects stored in a TeamConnection database can be queried and retrieved back  
into the ENVY/Manager development environment as needed. The units of storage in  
TeamConnection include exported ENVY components (such as applications and  
configuration maps) and large grained objects (files). Small-grained objects, such as  
VisualAge Generator data items, are imported and exported as constituents of  
applications. The data items in an application are exported to TeamConnection in an  
array that makes their definitions available to other tools through the data model.  
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Scope of this documentation  
This documentation is intended for users and administrators installing and using the  
bridge. It is assumed that you familiar with both the VisualAge Smalltalk and  
TeamConnection products.  
The following subsections describe the mechanics of enabling the ENVY/Manager-  
TeamConnection Bridge for VisualAge Smalltalk Pro (Version 4.0 or later), the process  
of exporting ENVY components to TeamConnection, and the process of importing these  
components back into ENVY/Manager. See the VisualAge Generator documentation for  
tool-specific details. TeamConnection information related to change tracking and build  
processing are addressed in the TeamConnection documentation.  
Many terms used by VisualAge Smalltalk and TeamConnection are problematic  
because the tools may define these terms differently. Release and component are  
typical examples. To avoid any ambiguity, such terms may preceded by the name of the  
tool they are applied to, such as TeamConnection release.  
Description of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
Basic functionality  
It makes sense to describe the functionality of the bridge from the perspective of a  
Smalltalk developer, because it is through the Smalltalk image that the user drives the  
bridge. The bridge is an import/export facility for three types of entities:  
Smalltalk configuration maps  
Smalltalk applications  
Files residing on local and networked file systems that are accessible through the  
The bridge allows a Smalltalk developer to store any of these entities in a  
TeamConnection database and retrieve them at a later time. As is the case when  
exporting to other ENVY/Manager libraries, configuration maps and applications must  
be versioned before they can be exported. This enforces the notion that the Smalltalk  
developer uses the bridge and TeamConnection to maintain baselines rather than for  
managing work-in-progress.  
Developers use ENVY/Manager’s fine-grained support to facilitate the process of shared  
development in open editions of components on a daily basis. At appropriate junctures,  
components are versioned and promoted to TeamConnection, where together with other  
project elements, they form a baseline across an entire project. The resulting baseline  
may contain objects such as program elements, file, and metadata.  
From the perspective of the TeamConnection user or administrator, the bridge allows  
the Smalltalk image to function as a TeamConnection client, storing and retrieving parts  
in a TeamConnection family database.  
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How the bridge communicates with TeamConnection  
The bridge functions are initiated from within the VisualAge Smalltalk environment.  
Each operation that interacts with TeamConnection runs for some time in the Smalltalk  
image, but at some stage will make use of functions built into an appropriate version of  
the TeamConnection client and server. The bridge itself is implemented in Smalltalk,  
with the primitive functions provided in one of the DLLs in TeamConnection.  
The unit of transfer used by the bridge for Smalltalk components is an ENVY/Manager  
library. Each library stored in TeamConnection contains one of the following:  
a Smalltalk application and its released subapplications (and their released  
subapplications, and so forth)  
a configuration map without any of its released applications  
Note: Subapplications cannot be exported through the bridge without an enclosing  
ENVY/Manager libraries are stored in TeamConnection databases as TeamConnection  
parts. When the bridge exchanges a library with TeamConnection, the target in a  
TeamConnection database is specified by a TeamConnection context. A  
TeamConnection context is comprised of the following TeamConnection parameters:  
Family name  
Release name  
Work area name  
Note: Each TeamConnection context can contain only one version of any named  
application or configuration map. This is unlike ENVY/Manager libraries, in which  
multiple versions of a named Smalltalk component can co-exist.  
The bridge is aware of the various relationships between ENVY/Manager components.  
When an application is transferred through the bridge, all of its released subapplications  
are transferred with it. When a configuration map is transferred through the bridge, the  
bridge will also transfer the released applications in separate operations. Depending on  
a user-specified setting, the bridge can also transfer required maps of configuration  
Preparing to use the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
The bridge is delivered as a configuration map suitable for loading into a VisualAge  
Smalltalk Version 4.0 (or later) image. The library, TCEMBR.DAT, will contain the  
configuration map ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge and, for VisualAge  
Generator build support, VAGen ENVY/TC Bridge.  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 251  
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These configuration maps should be imported into your development library so that it  
can be loaded by all of the users sharing that library. The step-by step instructions are  
Usually, the Library Supervisor or the first user to use the bridge will perform this  
operation and then inform other users that the tool is available in the library.  
The sections that follow describe the steps necessary to set up the bridge and verify  
that it is functional.  
Setting up the bridge environment  
The following information is especially pertinent to the individual(s) responsible for  
bridge setup and administration.  
Before the bridge will work, you must have the following:  
VisualAge Smalltalk Pro Version 4.0 or later installed. See the VisualAge Smalltalk  
documentation to confirm that you have the appropriate hardware and software  
prerequisites available.  
A TeamConnection server that is running.  
A TeamConnection GUI client installed on the machine where you are running your  
Smalltalk image.  
Note: This release of the bridge only runs on OS/2 and Windows platforms.  
You should verify that you are able to communicate with the relevant TeamConnection  
server by using the TeamConnection GUI client. If you cannot communicate with the  
TeamConnection server in this manner, the bridge will definitely not function correctly.  
Only certain releases of TeamConnection support the bridge. If you have received the  
bridge with your release of TeamConnection, you probably have a matching version. If  
not, then you may have to upgrade your release of TeamConnection. The DLL  
TCEMBR.DLL should be available to programs in your environment, because this is the  
DLL that contains the primitives used by the bridge.  
Environment variables  
The bridge relies on the user to specify the various parameters that make up the  
TeamConnection context. By default, the bridge will query the variables in the  
environment that the image is running. These variables, TC_FAMILY , TC_RELEASE ,  
and TC_WORKAREA, are used as initial values for the default TeamConnection  
There are two additional environment variables that can be defined for the bridge, as  
252 User’s Guide  
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TC_COMPONENT is used as the default TeamConnection component for parts  
stored in TeamConnection through the bridge. If TC_COMPONENT is not defined or  
is empty, the value root is used.  
TC_RELATIVE is used to specify the initial destination path for files retrieved from  
TeamConnection through the bridge. If TC_RELATIVE is not defined or is empty, the  
current directory according to the image is used.  
It is not necessary to define any of these variables for the bridge to work. Defining them  
only makes setting up the default bridge configuration in the image easier for a bridge  
A system administrator may want to have the environment variables automatically  
defined in a network login script. When a user logs into a LAN and then uses the  
bridge, the user will be provided with the defined values as hints for setting up the  
default TeamConnection configuration.  
Installing and activating the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
The bridge is loaded into the image like any other configuration map using the Load  
option from the Editions menu of the Configuration Maps Browser.  
Once the bridge is loaded, the submenu TeamConnection Bridge will appear on the  
Tools menu of the System Transcript window. This submenu is referred to as the  
bridge menu. The bridge menu is the launching point for all of the bridge operations.  
instructions for the bridge loading process.  
Loading the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
Follow these steps to load the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge:  
1. Open the VisualAge for Smalltalk Pro - Client.  
2. Go to the System Transcript window and select Browse Configuration Maps  
from the Tools pulldown menu.  
3. In the Configuration Maps Browser window, select Import from the Names pulldown  
4. A dialog will prompt you to enter the full path name of the library that you want to  
import. For purposes of activating the bridge, you will need to supply a  
TeamConnection pathname (determined by where you have installed  
TeamConnection) for the file called TCEMBR.DAT. Select the OK pushbutton to  
continue and display the Selection Required window.  
5. In the Selection Required window, select ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
in the Names list, which will prime the Versions list with a version number.  
6. Select the version in the Versions list and move it to the Selected Versions list  
using the right-arrow pushbutton.  
7. For the additional interoperability with VisualAge Generator described in “Using the  
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge: a simple scenario for VisualAge Generator  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 253  
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developers” on page 261, you must also import the configuration map called VAGen  
ENVY/TC Bridge, as described in the previous steps.  
8. Select the OK pushbutton to initiate the import process. During the process of  
importing the TCEMBR.DAT file into the VisualAge Smalltalk Pro manager.dat file,  
the System Transcript window will issue a message stream that confirms the  
success of the import.  
9. In the Configuration Maps Browser window, select ENVY/Manager-  
TeamConnection Bridge from the Names list.  
10. Select the item (there should only be one available) in the Editions and Versions  
11. Select all of the items in the Applications list, click mouse button 2, and select  
Load from the pop-up menu.  
Note: For the additional interoperability with VisualAge Generator described in  
ENVY/TC Bridge, as described in the two previous steps.  
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge must be loaded first.  
12. After the application loading progress dialog completes without errors, the  
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge should be functional. You can close the  
Configuration Maps Browser window at this time.  
Testing the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
To verify that the bridge is active and ready for ENVY component export/import  
functions, follow these steps:  
1. Go to the System Transcript window and select the Tools pulldown menu. Then  
select Default Properties from the TeamConnection Bridge cascade menu. This  
will display the Default Properties notebook.  
2. Verify that the TeamConnection family in the Family field on the Context page of  
the Default Properties notebook is appropriate for your project. You may need to  
coordinate your access to the family with your family administrator.  
3. Select the Test Server pushbutton. If the bridge is properly configured, the server  
connection test will return an information window that provides server-specific  
information. Select the OK pushbutton to dismiss the server information window.  
You are now ready to export ENVY components to a TeamConnection server.  
Note: When exiting VisualAge for Smalltalk Pro - Client, you should save your image  
so that the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge will be preserved for future  
254 User’s Guide  
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Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
You can perform TeamConnection functions on ENVY components, provided that you  
supply parameters necessary to identify a bridge configuration. Bridge configuration  
parameters are defined by the Default Properties notebook, as described in “Setting  
Each time the bridge interacts with TeamConnection, it uses the parameters in a bridge  
configuration to ensure that the behavior of the operation is in accordance with the  
users’ specifications. Because specifying a configuration for each operation would be  
time-consuming and most operations would use the same configuration, you can  
specify a default configuration. Each time the user initiates an operation, you can use  
the default configuration or modify it.  
The default configuration is stored in the image so that once it is setup, it will be  
maintained until the bridge is reloaded from the library.  
Setting default properties  
To set properties for import and export actions across the ENVY/Manager-  
TeamConnection Bridge, open the Default Properties notebook as described in  
Properties notebook contains four pages of settings, as follows:  
Each page of the Default Properties notebook includes the following controls:  
Show this dialog when exporting and importing checkbox  
The Show this dialog when exporting and importing checkbox specifies  
whether the dialog should be shown each time an import/export operation for  
the bridge is initiated by the user. If the dialog is shown, it gives the user the  
opportunity the default configuration for a particular operation only.  
push buttons  
Saves the current settings as default setting. This option may not be  
available if some fields are left incomplete or contain invalid values.  
Cancel Closes the Default Properties notebook and ignores any changes  
made in the dialog.  
Updates the dialog fields with the values in the current default bridge  
Reset Updates the dialog fields with the initial values that are set when the  
bridge is first loaded into the image.  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 255  
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Context page  
The context page is used to specify the TeamConnection family, release, and work area  
used as the context for the default bridge configuration.  
Family Use this field to input the name of your TeamConnection family server. Select  
the Test Server pushbutton to return an information window that provides  
server-specific information. If you cannot successfully communicate with the  
TeamConnection server, you may have specified an invalid family name. Your  
TeamConnection family administrator may be of some assistance at this point.  
The TeamConnection release. By selecting the Query releases pushbutton,  
you can prime the Release field drop-down menu with valid release choices  
based on the Family field value.  
Work area  
The TeamConnection work area in which you will perform TeamConnection  
actions. By selecting the Query work areas pushbutton, you can prime Work  
area field drop-down menu with valid work area choices based on the Release  
field value.  
Note: Any communication with a TeamConnection server takes time. Querying the  
available releases and work areas typically takes a few seconds, which is the  
reason that this data is not automatically used to populate the dialog.  
Operations page  
The Operations page determines how operations are performed in TeamConnection,  
including whether operations are forced and how parts in the database are locked.  
Force The Force and Don’t force radio buttons are mutually exclusive.  
In TeamConnection terms, force is an indication that changes should be forced  
into the TeamConnection repository, possibly breaking links with the part in  
other version contexts. Its intent is to indicate that, although the specified  
version might not match the current set of versions applicable to the object in  
the persistent store, the changes in those versions specified in the version  
string are to be made, breaking the links to those current versions not  
The force option is important only if you specify that a part version is to be  
locked. If you want to retrieve or store a locked part in a particular release or  
work area that is linked to another release or work area, you might want to  
specify the force option when you are checking in or checking out the part,  
even if someone else might have the part checked out in another context. See  
the discussion of locking below for a description of TeamConnection locking  
These mutually-exclusive radio buttons enable you to instruct TeamConnection  
256 User’s Guide  
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cache services (TCCS) on how to manage the locking behavior for parts that  
you are exporting to or importing from the TeamConnection repository.  
Obtain and release  
Also known as optimistic locking, TCCS will attempt to check out the  
part(s) before checking in changes that you have made in the ENVY  
environment. If this action is successful, the part(s) will not be locked  
in TeamConnection after the export.  
Obtain and retain  
TCCS will attempt to check out the part(s) before checking in changes  
that you have made in the ENVY environment. If this action is  
successful, the part(s) will remain locked in TeamConnection after the  
Retain For parts already locked in TeamConnection, after changes are  
exported from ENVY the locked parts should remain locked (i.e., the  
lock is retained by the original owner).  
For parts already locked in TeamConnection, after changes are  
exported from ENVY the locked parts should be unlocked, and  
therefore available to other developers in that context.  
Import page  
The Import page provides default settings options when importing ENVY components  
or files previously exported to a TeamConnection database.  
Configuration Maps  
If the Import all required maps too checkbox is checked, it specifies that  
when a configuration map is imported, its required configuration maps (along  
with any other required configuration maps, recursively) should be retrieved  
from TeamConnection as part of the import action. If this option is enabled,  
and a configuration map being imported does have required maps, the maps  
can only be imported if they actually exist in the TeamConnection database.  
Note: The checkbox is checked as the default.  
Destination for Files  
The Destination path for files field identifies the target (base) directory for  
imported files.  
Replacing Existing Files  
These mutually-exclusive radio buttons enable you to select a desired default  
method for overwriting files (or not) in your working target directory.  
Ask user  
This choice enables you to choose which files are to be overwritten.  
Do not replace existing files  
Files that currently exist in the target directory will not be overwritten.  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 257  
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Replace existing files  
Files that currently exist in the target directory are automatically  
Export page  
The Export page provides default settings options for exporting ENVY components or  
files to a TeamConnection database.  
Storage in TeamConnection  
The Component field identifies the TeamConnection target component for your  
export action. This component designation, along with TeamConnection family,  
release, and work area values supplied in the Context page of the Default  
Properties notebook, is necessary to define the context for any new  
TeamConnection parts created by an export action.  
Configuration Maps  
If the Export all required maps too checkbox is checked, it specifies that  
when a configuration map is exported, its required configuration maps (along  
with any other required configuration maps, recursively) should be exported  
TeamConnection. If this option is enabled, and a configuration map being  
exported does have required maps, the maps can only be exported if they  
actually exist in the TeamConnection database.  
This option is used to prevent version mismatches when a configuration map  
requires other configuration maps, as in the following case:  
1. For a configuration map that requires other configuration maps, you do an  
export with the required maps.  
2. At some later time, you export again without the required maps.  
3. When you attempt to import with the required maps, the import may fail,  
because a configuration map level in TeamConnection does not match the  
level previously exported from ENVY.  
Note: The checkbox is checked as the default.  
Exporting ENVY components to TeamConnection  
The TeamConnection Bridge cascade menu provides an Export choice, which offers  
the following choices:  
Configuration Maps  
Note: You must have the appropriate authority to update all parts associated with the  
configuration maps, applications, or files to be exported.  
As a general rule, it is advisable to export applications and configuration maps along  
with any configuration maps required by these ENVY components to avoid version  
258 User’s Guide  
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mismatches. If you make a change to an application, it is important to update all the  
exported configuration maps that contain the application and to export all of the  
configuration maps again.  
Note: The Export all required maps too checkbox located on the Export page of the  
Default Properties notebook defaults to this behavior.  
The following describes two simple cases in which a mismatch might occur:  
1. Export a configuration map that contains several applications.  
2. Make a change to one of the contained applications.  
3. Export the changed application only.  
4. Attempt to import the configuration map.  
1. Export two configuration maps that contain the same application.  
2. Make a change to the common application and export only one of the configuration  
maps that contains the application.  
3. Attempt to import the second configuration map.  
As the number of programmers authorized to version components and the complexity of  
your applications increase, so does the possibility for these types of problem to occur.  
Therefore, it is important to coordinate update authority in such a way that all affected  
parties are notified about configuration changes, and that someone in the development  
group has authority over all levels of components. It may also be advisable to limit  
export actions to higher levels of authority than you have previously.  
Exporting components is a substantial operation that typically takes at least ten to  
twenty seconds (possibly minutes for a large collection of components). Such an  
operation begins with the bridge exporting the components to temporary  
ENVY/Manager libraries and then generating detailed descriptions of the library  
contents for the benefit of TeamConnection. To guarantee atomicity and minimize the  
number of times that the bridge must communicate with TeamConnection (thus avoiding  
unnecessary overheads), all components are transferred in one primitive operation.  
Even a single configuration map usually counts as more than one component, because  
it typically contains at least one release application. Once the primitive operation is  
invoked, control of the process is in the TeamConnection client code, which is  
effectively blocked against the TeamConnection server. Because the Smalltalk image is  
blocked waiting for the primitive to return, the user interface will not update, and the  
user cannot halt the operation.  
Exporting configuration maps and applications  
The process for exporting ENVY-based configuration maps and applications to a  
TeamConnection family database includes the following steps:  
1. Select Configuration Maps or Applications from the Export cascade menu. You  
will be prompted to select an appropriate version of the configuration map or  
application that you want to export.  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 259  
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Note: ENVY components must be versioned in ENVY before being exported to  
2. In the Selection Required window, select the desired configuration map or  
application in the Names list, which will prime the Versions list with a version  
3. Select the version in the Versions list and move it to the Selected Versions list  
using the right-arrow pushbutton. Because only one version of any named  
configuration map can exist in a TeamConnection context, it is only possible to  
choose one version for any particular name.  
4. Select the OK pushbutton to initiate the export process.  
5. If the Show this dialog when exporting and importing option has been set in the  
default bridge configuration, you will be presented with the Export Properties  
notebook, which is primed by values in the Default Properties notebook. If you are  
satisfied with the current values in the Export Properties notebook, select the OK  
pushbutton to initiate the export process.  
If the export succeeds without errors, a message is logged to the System Transcript  
window. Users are informed of any errors with a message box.  
Exporting files  
The process for exporting ENVY-based files to a TeamConnection family database  
includes the following steps:  
1. Selecting Files from the Export cascade menu.  
2. You will be prompted to select the files that you want to export. You can add to or  
delete files from the list using the Add, Remove, or Remove All pushbuttons.  
3. Select the OK pushbutton to initiate the export process.  
4. If the Show this dialog when exporting and importing option has been set in the  
default bridge configuration, you will be presented with the Export Properties  
notebook, which is primed by values in the Default Properties notebook. If you are  
satisfied with the current values in the Export Properties notebook, select the OK  
pushbutton to initiate the export process.  
If the export succeeds without errors, a message is logged to the System Transcript  
window. Users are informed of any errors with a message box.  
Importing ENVY components from TeamConnection  
The TeamConnection Bridge cascade menu provides an Import choice, which offers  
the following choices:  
Configuration Maps  
The process for importing any of these ENVY components is essentially the same, and  
includes the following steps:  
260 User’s Guide  
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1. Select Configuration Maps, Applications, or Files from the Import cascade  
2. If the Show this dialog when exporting and importing option has been set in the  
default bridge configuration, you will be presented with the Import Properties  
notebook, which is primed by values in the Default Properties notebook.  
3. When you are satisfied with the current values in the Import Properties notebook,  
select the OK pushbutton.  
4. You will be prompted to supply a query pattern to further reduce the number of  
candidates for import. Select the OK pushbutton to launch the query of the  
TeamConnection context that you have specified up to this point.  
Note: Use the wildcard characters (* and ?) as delimiters for your queries.  
5. A list of ENVY components matching your query is returned. Each of these  
components exists in a TeamConnection database specified by the TeamConnection  
context in the configuration used for this operation. Select the objects you want to  
import from this list and select the OK pushbutton to initiate the import action.  
6. In the case of configuration maps and applications, the selected components will be  
imported into the default ENVY/Manager library that the image is connected to. For  
files, the selected files will be written to the path specified by the Destination path  
for files option in the bridge configuration used for this operation. If any of the files  
already exist, they may be overwritten, or the user may be prompted, depending on  
the value of the Replace existing files option.  
If the import succeeds without errors, a message is logged to the System Transcript  
window. Users are informed of any errors with a message box.  
Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge: a simple scenario for  
VisualAge Generator developers  
The following scenario is a generalized case used to illustrate the way that VisualAge  
Generator developers might use the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge to  
accomplish change tracking and build processing. An actual implementation requires  
that a Smalltalk development team begin with versioned ENVY components and a plan  
for sharing common applications.  
After you have installed the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge, you can export a  
versioned configuration map to a TeamConnection family database. For VisualAge  
Generator developers, this means that you can generate programs, tables, and map  
groups using the TeamConnection build interface. See the VisualAge Generator  
page 127 in this document for details.  
Scenario assumptions  
For purposes of describing the scenario, the following assumptions are established:  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 261  
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A development team using VisualAge Generator wants to perform problem tracking  
and build generation.  
A family is created in TeamConnection with a release r1, defined with a track-driver  
process (i.e., all part changes are made in reference to work areas).  
A build agent and its corresponding build processor has been started to handle build  
requests for generation, and similarly for preparation.  
Data item definitions and records used to access data in a database are kept in a  
commonapplication, while programs and their other associates are kept in a  
separate application.  
Note: This assumption enables the scenarios to include application prerequisites.  
Exporting ENVY components to TeamConnection  
To prepare for exporting the ENVY components to TeamConnection, perform the  
following activities:  
1. In TeamConnection:  
a. Create a feature called f1 and accept the feature.  
b. Create a work area called wa1 for implementation of the feature.  
2. In ENVY:  
Create applications for the common data and for other VisualAge Generator  
3. In VisualAge Generator Developer:  
Create programs and their associates.  
Create generation option, linkage table, resource association, link edit, and bind  
parts as necessary.  
4. In ENVY:  
a. Create a configuration map that gathers the common data application and the  
application containing all the other parts.  
b. The class developers version their classes.  
c. The class owners release versioned classes into the two applications and the  
application managers version the applications.  
If more than one developer has been working on the feature, each may have  
opened a new edition of a part’s class extension, so a merge of the method  
editions will have to be performed.  
d. The configuration map manager releases the versioned applications into the  
configuration map and versions the configuration map.  
e. An administrator uses the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge to export the  
configuration map to the work area associated with feature f1. See “Exporting  
TeamConnection Bridge export instructions.  
After the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge export action is completed,  
there will be an EmLibrary part for the configuration map and for each of its  
applications, and proxy parts for each entry in each application’s BOM file. The  
262 User’s Guide  
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BOM file for each application contains an entry (at least the name,  
edition/timestamp, and TCPart type) for each class and method in each  
Object mapping in TeamConnection  
After a ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge export action, the following parts are  
created in TeamConnection in wa1 for f1 in the component and release specified as  
context for the export action:  
For each application of the configuration map there will be an application part.  
For each entry in the BOM, a proxy part with a name qualified by the application  
name for uniqueness, as described in Table 5.  
The ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge must map ENVY components to part  
names in TeamConnection in such a way that the parts can be retrieved in a reusable  
form when they are imported from TeamConnection back into the ENVY environment.  
Table 5. Name generation mapping for the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge  
Class Type  
Naming Convention  
Mapped Name Example  
EmConfigurationMap <config_map_name>  
EmClass OR  
EmInstanceMethod <app_name>.<class_name>.<method_name> OR  
OR EmClassMethod <app_name.subapp_name>.<class_name>.<method_name> MyApp.MySubapp.MyClass.MyMethod  
See the VisualAge Generator Generator’s Guide for additional information related to  
generation part output names in TeamConnection.  
Build generation  
The VisualAge Generator Generator’s Guide provides detailed VisualAge Generator  
build generation instructions. The following overview is provided to place these activities  
in the context of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge:  
1. In VisualAge Generator Developer:  
For each program, the Options Override (OVR) part that has been exported to  
TeamConnection creates an initial build tree for VisualAge Generator applications  
in TeamConnection.  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 263  
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Refer to the VisualAge Generator Generator’s Guide for more details on the OVR  
2. In TeamConnection (build function):  
a. The build administrator selects the EZEPREP collector of the initial build tree of  
a program proxy in wa1 for f1, and requests a build.  
b. TeamConnection places the generator build event on the build queue, and the  
generator build agent detects a new build event that it can service.  
c. The build processor invokes the generator build script, which parses the name  
of the generation configuration map name from the generated part’s build  
d. The build script invokes the generator, which imports the configuration map and  
its references to the generation ENVY manager. The ENVY manager used by  
generation is identified by a VisualAge INI file on the generation build server.  
The ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge determines whether each  
application referenced already exists in the generation Envy manager, and only  
imports an application if that version of the application is not already in the  
Note: For VisualAge Generator builds, you can use the environment variable  
TC_ENVY_REFRESH to control when VisualAge Generator builders will  
import the required configuration map from TeamConnection.  
TC_ENVY_REFRESH can be used to affect the following behaviors:  
If TC_ENVY_REFRESH=null, the configuration map will not be  
imported from TeamConnection if that version of the configuration map  
is already in the connected Envy Manager.  
If TC_ENVY_REFRESH=null, the configuration map will be imported  
from TeamConnection if that version of the configuration map is not  
already in the connected Envy Manager.  
If TC_ENVY_REFRESH=notnull, the configuration map will always be  
imported from TeamConnection. This setting is important if you use  
VisualAge DataAtlas to modify data elements that are dependents of  
the configuration map. In that case, if the data elements have been  
modified since the configuration map was exported to  
TeamConnection, the builder will warn you that the configuration map  
is not synchronized with its dependent data elements only if  
TC_ENVY_REFRESH=notnull. Such a warning allows you to import  
the changed data elements into a new edition of the configuration map  
and export the resulting new version to TeamConnection, before trying  
the build again  
Setting TC_ENVY_REFRESH is only relevant in the environment of the  
TeamConnection build server that performs the VisualAge generator  
e. The generator uses the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge to update the  
outputs and dependencies in the build tree.  
264 User’s Guide  
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f. If there are tables and/or map groups used by the program, the generator  
determines whether there is already a build tree for them. If not, initial build trees  
are added for them using the program’s OVR part.  
g. TeamConnection re-examines the build tree of the EZEPREP collector and  
determines that new build events have been added to the build scope for  
preparation of the generation outputs, and possibly for generation and  
preparation of tables and map groups. Build events are started to complete the  
preparation of generation outputs, and generation and preparation of tables and  
map groups if necessary.  
Note: See the VisualAge Generator Generator’s Guide for greater detail on this  
3. In TeamConnection (change control):  
A project administrator completes the fix record(s) for the feature f1 and adds the  
work area wa1 to a system test driver. Eventually the driver is committed to the  
release and the feature is completed.  
Making a change to a member  
1. In TeamConnection:  
a. Defect d1 is created and accepted in TeamConnection  
b. Work area wa2 is created for the implementation of the defect d1.  
2. In ENVY:  
a. An application manager creates new edition of an application that requires a  
b. A developer makes a change to one or more parts.  
c. The class developer of the changed parts versions the class, the class owner  
releases the class into the new edition of the application, and the application  
manager versions the application. If more than one defect is in progress, the  
class owner must release only the versions that apply for defect d1.  
d. The configuration map owner opens a new edition of the configuration map  
used to generate the program being changed, and releases the new application  
version into the configuration map. The configuration map owner versions the  
configuration map.  
e. The administrator uses the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge to put the  
configuration map back into the work area wa2 for defect d1.  
3. In TeamConnection (build function):  
a. Build administrator builds the program(s) affected by the change. This can be  
done by selecting the preparation collector for each program and requesting a  
build, or by selecting a collector for a subsystem, and building the subsystem  
collector. Only programs, tables, or map group affected by the changes to proxy  
members will be rebuilt.  
b. The generation process continues as it did for the initial build (see “Build  
generation” on page 263 for details), except that there should be no need to add  
new build trees unless a new table or map group was added to a program being  
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 265  
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4. In TeamConnection (change control):  
A project administrator completes the fix record(s) for the defect d1 and adds the  
work area wa2 to a system test driver. Eventually the driver is committed to the  
release and the feature is completed.  
266 User’s Guide  
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Appendix G. Source Code Control User’s Guide  
Differences between other source code control providers and TeamConnection  
The purpose of this document is to help Visual Basic, Visual C++, and PowerBuilder  
users, make TeamConnection their Visual environments source code control provider.  
This document assumes the reader is a new user of TeamConnection, but has some  
familiarity with source code control.  
Note: This component is for a client operating in a Windows 95 or NT environment.  
However, it may accept files from other environments providing the Win  
platforms can access them.  
The following shows the version level supported by TeamConnection:  
PowerBuilder 5.0.04 or higher  
Visual Basic version 5.0 with SP2 applied  
Visual C++ version 5.0  
Projects vs Families  
Most source code control providers group all code into projects. TeamConnection uses  
an object oriented approach that provides much more control over the software product  
while allowing greater flexibility. Projects have one dimension of control. Development  
environments like Visual Basic group all of their files into projects. Using projects to  
group source code has several limitations. First, the source code control system is  
limited to providing just version control. While version control is useful, once the  
enterprise-size organization is reached, it is often not sufficient to control just versions  
of the source code. TeamConnection provides not only versioning but defect and  
feature tracking, build and driver management, access control, and much more.  
TeamConnection uses families, releases, components, and work areas for management  
and control.  
TeamConnection uses several layers of control. The highest level is the family. The  
family is the name of the data base, where TeamConnection stores all of the code, the  
versions, and all other information related to the code. A family represents a complete  
and self-contained collection of TeamConnection users and development data. Data  
within a family is completely isolated from data in all other families. One family cannot  
share data with another. It is important to know the name of the family where  
TeamConnection will store your code and associated information.  
A part in TeamConnection is a collection of data that is stored by the family server. This  
can include files, text, objects, binary objects, or modeled objects. Parts can be stored  
by a user, a tool, or generated from other parts, such as when a linker generates an  
executable file.  
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Components are used to organize the data in a family. Components are arranged in a  
hierarchical tree structure, with a single top component called root. The component  
owns the parts that may be in it, and controls access to the parts. Once you are given  
access to a component, you have access to all the parts and subcomponents in that  
component. The component also controls the process that TeamConnection uses, for  
example, to report and fix a defect. Within each family, development data is organized  
into groups called components. The component hierarchy of each family includes a  
single top component, initially called root, and descendants of that root. Each child  
component has at least one parent component; a child can have multiple parents.  
The release is somewhat analogous to a project. A release is a logical grouping of the  
components that make up a product. An application is likely to contain parts from more  
than one component. Because you probably want to use some of the same parts in  
more than one application, or in more than one version of an application,  
TeamConnection groups parts into releases. A release is a logical organization of all  
parts that are related to an application; that is, all parts that must be built, tested, and  
distributed together. Each time a release is changed, a new version of the release is  
created. Each version of the release points to the correct version of each part in the  
release. Each part in TeamConnection is managed by at least one component and  
contained in at least one release. One release can contain parts from many  
components; a component can span several releases. Each time a new development  
cycle begins, you can define a separate release. Each subsequent release of an  
application can share many of the same parts as its predecessor. You need to know the  
name of the release.  
A work area is basically a view of a release. For example, a work area can be opened  
for each defect that needs to be fixed. More than one programmer can work in the  
same work area at the same time. A programmer can have more than one work area  
active at a time. A release contains the latest integrated version of each of its parts. As  
users check parts out of the releases, update them, and then check them back in,  
TeamConnection keeps track of all these changes, even when more than one user  
updates the same part at the same time.  
You need to know the name of the work area in which you will be working. A good  
practice is to create and name a work area after the defect being addressed in the work  
area. For example, name work area W1557 for defect 1557. You can create a work  
area if you have the authority in TeamConnection, but this must be done through the  
TeamConnection GUI.  
For more information about families, releases, components, work areas, parts, and what  
you can do with them, see your TeamConnection Documentation.  
Installing the TeamConnection source code control DLL  
Before you can use the integrated support from your development environment you  
must install TeamConnection and the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL. If you  
are using TeamConnection Version 2.0.8 or later, the source code control DLL is  
already installed.  
268 User’s Guide  
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Note: If you have not already done so, follow the directions and install the  
TeamConnection client for your workstation. The following directions assume that  
you have successfully installed the TeamConnection client.  
Connecting TeamConnection to an IDE  
In order for TeamConnection to be your source code control provider, both of the  
following Registry structure conditions must be in place:  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SourceCodeControlProvider contains the  
key name ProviderRegKey. If TeamConnection is your source code control provider,  
the value (Data) for this key name should be SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAge  
TeamConnection. The key name may currently point to another provider if you have  
another provider installed.  
contains the key names for the available (installed) source code providers. The key  
name for TeamConnection is IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server and  
the data is SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAge TeamConnection when the TeamConnection  
client is installed.  
Note: There may be other source code control providers currently designated (e.g.,  
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe with data SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SourceSafe),  
depending on which other SCC providers have been installed.  
Removing the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL  
To change the default source code control system for Visual Basic, Visual C++, or  
PowerBuilder, change the value in the ProviderRegKey to the registry key of another  
To remove TeamConnection, leave the value in the ProviderRegKey blank.  
Using TeamConnection as your source code control provider  
Once the installation procedure is complete, starting your development environment  
automatically links the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL.  
Before you start  
There are several things you must know before you can start using TeamConnection as  
your source code control provider. If you are not sure of this information, contact your  
administrator. Your family administrator can help you find the following information:  
Family, defined by the following attributes:  
TCP/IP Host  
Appendix G. Source Code Control User’s Guide 269  
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Port Address  
You also need to know the project name. The project name is used by your  
development tool to relate to the TeamConnection attributes of family, release, work  
area, and component by the Source Code Control DLL.  
Opening a project  
One of the few differences you see when using TeamConnection as your source code  
control provider occurs when you open or save a project (depending on the IDE you are  
using). When you open or save the new project, the TeamConnection Settings  
window opens. At the top of this window is a field with your development project name.  
In addition to the project name field, there are fields for family attributes, work area,  
release, and component. If this is a new project, these fields are blank. If this is not a  
new project, the fields contain the previous values. You can change these values only  
when this window is open. If at anytime you decide to change any of these values, you  
might need to first close the project and reopen it.  
Once all the fields are filled in, select OK. The project will open. If you select Cancel,  
the source code control system might disconnect from the development environment  
until another project is opened.  
Under some versions of Visual Basic, for example, projects automatically close and  
open after certain operations. This causes this TeamConnection Settings window to  
open at times when it may appear unnecessary. When this occurs, select OK. If you  
select Cancel, you might be in a state that requires shutting down and restarting Visual  
Basic to reconnect the source code control system.  
Integrated features  
Once you open a project you can use the integrated features of the development  
environment to access your files in TeamConnection. The development environment  
keeps track of the files that are known to TeamConnection, and the checkout status of  
each file. For example, the development environment keeps track of files checked out  
to other users.  
The exact steps necessary to perform each of the following actions depend on the  
development environment being used. However, for a given IDE, the steps are the  
same regardless of the source code control provider. For example, if you check out a  
file in the Visual C++ development environment when it is connected to Visual  
SourceSafe, the steps you use are exactly the steps you use when Visual C++ is  
connected to TeamConnection.  
270 User’s Guide  
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The steps to check-in a file vary by the development environment. In most cases  
pressing mouse button 2 when the mouse pointer is over a file icon of a file checked  
out to you, brings up a menu that includes the file check-in option. Selecting the file  
checkin option opens the Check-In window. Checking the keep checked out box on  
the Check-In window sets the keep locked flag, TeamConnection saves the file, but  
keeps it checked out to you. Selecting OK causes the TeamConnection part check-in  
function to execute and the file is checked in.  
Note: Depending on development environment and software levels, some features that  
follow may be unavailable.  
Similar to check-in, the check-out action can be started by pressing mouse button 2 on  
the file icon of a file not already checked-out. Check-out calls the TeamConnection Part  
Check-out function.  
A checked out file can be unchecked out. Again this action can often be started by right  
clicking the file icon of a file that is checked out. Uncheck-out calls the part unlock  
function in TeamConnection.  
Get Version  
Rather than check out a file, you can also get the latest version of the file. Get Version  
calls the TeamConnection Part Extract function.  
Adding Files to source code control  
Adding a file that is not already under source code control places the selected file into  
the source code control system. Add calls the TeamConnection part create function.  
Selecting Properties from a pull-down menu opens the properties GUI. Information that  
TeamConnection needs to correctly check out and check in parts is provided here. For  
example, the work area field changes each time an existing work area is integrated and  
a new work area is created.  
Full features of TeamConnection  
Most development environments allow you to evoke TeamConnection from the  
pull-down menus. In Visual Basic, TeamConnection appears as an option in the Add-Ins  
pull-down menu. In Visual C++, TeamConnection appears in the Source Code Control  
option of the Tools pull-down menu. PowerBuilder uses the PowerBuilder Library Icon to  
Appendix G. Source Code Control User’s Guide 271  
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designate TeamConnection as the Source Code Control provider. From the  
TeamConnection GUI you can create new work areas (if you have the correct authority),  
retrieve previous versions of a part, open or process defects, and perform many other  
actions against parts.  
Migrating project data bases  
One key issue for programmers and project managers moving from another source  
code control system to TeamConnection is how to migrate the database of projects. The  
following describes one way to bring the current level of code for a small to medium  
sized project into TeamConnection.  
Migrating an existing project: The following example illustrates the simplest way to  
migrate an existing Visual Basic source code control database into TeamConnection.  
Lets say we were using the ABC source code control system, and we are going to  
migrate our project, Baylout, to TeamConnection. The idea is to extract all the files in  
Baylout using the ABC source code control system, and then add them as parts in  
TeamConnection. Follow the steps below to perform this migration.  
1. Make ABC the default source code provider. To do this, set the registry key  
ProviderRegKey to point to the registry entry for source code control provider ABC.  
information on how to perform this step. Once you complete this step, ABC will be  
the Source Code Control provider when we open Visual Basic.  
2. Start the Visual Basic development environment.  
3. Open project Baylout.  
4. Extract all the files to your system.  
5. Exit the Visual Basic development environment.  
6. Edit the registry key ProviderRegKey to be:  
information on how to perform this step. TeamConnection is now the default source  
code control provider and is attached when the development environment starts.  
7. Restart the Visual Basic development environment.  
8. Open project Baylout again. Save the Baylout project. The TeamConnection  
Settings window will display.  
9. When the TeamConnection Settings window opens it will have Baylout listed as  
the project. Fill in the values for family attributes, release, component, and work  
area, then select OK.  
10. Add the files to TeamConnection following the steps in the Visual Basic  
development environment.  
11. Repeat these steps until all of your projects are migrated to TeamConnection.  
272 User’s Guide  
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Starting a new project  
Starting a new project in Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, or PowerBuilder is  
essentially the same regardless of the source code provider. The only operational  
difference is that the TeamConnection Source Code Control Settings window opens  
at some point. When the TeamConnection Source Code Control Settings window  
opens, enter the family attributes, component, work area, and release.  
Starting Visual Basic: In order to use TeamConnection source code control with  
Visual Basic. a subset of Microsoft Source Safe DLLs are required. After you have  
Microsoft Source Safe installed, you must make the following changes:  
1. Add or update the following lines in the vbaddin.ini file :  
2. When you start Visual Basic after making these changes, you will see another  
check box in the Add-Ins->Add-In Manager panel called Source Code Control  
Add-In. You should check the new box, and uncheck the Source Code Control  
These steps should enable you to use the TeamConnection source code control with  
Visual Basic  
To create a new project in Visual Basic, do the following:  
1. Start Visual Basic.  
2. Create and save a new project.  
3. Select Add Project to TeamConnectionfrom the TeamConnection option in the  
Add-Ins menu. The TeamConnection Settings window will display. Fill in the  
family attributes, release, component, and work area, then select OK.  
4. The Add Project to TeamConnection window opens. Select the files you want to  
add. Type a comment in the comment field. (Visual Basic requires that a comment  
be entered.) Select OK.  
Starting Visual C++: To create a new project under Visual C++, do the following:  
1. Start the Visual Developers Studio as normal.  
2. From the File menu, select New. The New Project Workspace window will open.  
3. On the New Project Workspace window, do the following:  
a. Select the type of project  
b. Type a name  
c. Select Create.  
4. Select Project->Source Control->Add to Source Control to open the  
TeamConnection Settings window.  
5. On the TeamConnection Settings window, enter the family attributes, release,  
component, and work area. Then, select OK.  
6. Files can now be added to the project using the Insert menu.  
Appendix G. Source Code Control User’s Guide 273  
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7. To place the files under source code control, select the Add to Source Code  
Control option of the Tools menu.  
Starting PowerBuilder: To create a new project under PowerBuilder, do the following:  
1. Start PowerBuilder.  
2. Select the Library icon.  
Note: If TeamConnection Source Code Control is already installed (the  
TeamConnection Settings window will open), you can proceed with Step 5  
3. From the Source menu, select Connect. The Connect dialog box will display.  
4. Select SCC API from the Connect list box, and then select OK.  
5. The TeamConnection Settings window will open. On the TeamConnection  
Settings window, enter the family attributes, release, component, and work area.  
Then select OK.  
Note: The TeamConnection Settings window may redisplay. If this happens,  
select OK again.  
6. Add parts to the TeamConnection. Select all parts that you want to add to  
TeamConnection, including the project folder in the Library window. You can select  
all of these objects simultaneously by dragging the mouse pointer while depressing  
the Control (CTRL) key.  
7. From the Source menu, select Register. This may take some time. These  
registered parts should be added to the TeamConnection work area previously  
specified in the TeamConnection Settings window  
274 User’s Guide  
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Appendix H. Supported expandable keywords  
TeamConnection supports expandable keywords in text files. When a file containing  
expandable keywords is extracted from TeamConnection, the current value of each  
keyword is added to the file. This information can help you identify what version of  
source code is used for your deliverables.  
TeamConnection supports the following keywords.  
The time and date stamp applied during check in.  
The file name complete with its path.  
The start of keyword expansion. It expands to @(#).  
Keyword expansion is ended until the next $KW; keyword.  
The user ID of the owner of the component that manages the part.  
The version of the part in TeamConnection.  
The following examples show lines of code that change in a text file as a user extracts  
a part. The text file used in this example is filex.hdr.  
static char _filex_hdr[]="$KW; $FN; $Ver; $ChkD; $EKW;";  
TeamConnection ignores keywords until it finds a $KW; keyword. It then expands all  
keywords until a $EKW; keyword is found. If the semicolon (;) following a keyword is  
omitted, the keyword is not expanded.  
No change occurs when the part is checked in to TeamConnection. However, when the  
part is extracted, the keyword variables are updated. The following example shows how  
the keywords are expanded.  
static char _filex_hdr[]="$KW=@(#) $FN=bin/filex.hdr; $Ver=1:1;  
$ChkD=1998/03/20 18:13:19; $EKW;";  
In the previous example, each keyword and its value appears in the output. The value  
of the keyword is replaced each time the part is extracted. If you do not want the  
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keyword to appear in the output, add a minus sign (-) after the dollar sign ($). For  
example, if the statement is prepared as follows:  
static char _filex_hdr[]="$−KW; $−FN; $−Ver; $−ChkD; $−EKW;";  
Then the expanded keywords will look like:  
static char _filex_hdr[]="$@(#) bin/filex.hdr 1:1  
1998/03/20 18:13:19 $−EKW;";  
Be aware that if a file is extracted, then locked and checked in, the version information  
can no longer be updated because the keyword does not appear in the output.  
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Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions  
TeamConnection ships with IBM-supplied authority groups, interest groups, component  
processes, and release processes. Your family administrator can modify these  
preconfigured authority groups, interest groups, and processes to fit the needs of your  
Each authority group consists of actions normally performed by a particular type of user.  
Your family administrator can modify these groups or create new ones to reflect the  
needs of your organization.  
Authority groups provide explicit authority to perform the actions included in each group.  
You might also have implicit authority to perform certain actions according to the objects  
that you own. Authority groups are defined in a file called authorit.ld.  
To determine your authority groups, from the Actions pull-down menu, select Lists →  
Access lists Show authority actions. On the Show authority actions window select an  
Each notification group consists of actions normally of interest to a particular type of  
user. Your family administrator can modify these groups or create new ones to reflect  
the needs of your organization. Interest groups are defined in a file called interest.ld.  
To determine your interest notification groups, from the Actions pull-down menu, select  
Lists Notification lists Show interest actions. On the Show authority actions window  
select an action.  
The following table lists all of the TeamConnection actions, the required level of implicit  
and explicit authority to perform the action, and the users who are notified when an  
action is performed. To explicitly assign authority to a user, add the user’s ID to a  
component’s access list.  
Note: The user who performs the action is excluded from the notification that is sent  
out after the action is successfully completed.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
User being given new access,  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component where access  
is being added  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
User whose access was deleted,  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component where access  
is being altered  
User whose access is being  
restricted, subscribers  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component where access  
is being restricted  
Approval record owner, subscribers  
Approval record owner, subscribers  
Approval record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Approval record owner that manages the  
associated release  
New and original approval record  
owners, subscribers  
Approval record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
New approval record owner,  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Approval record owner, subscribers  
Approval record owner, subscribers  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Approval record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
278 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
New approver, subscribers  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Deleted approver, subscribers  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Not applicable  
Release owner, subscribers  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Release owner, subscribers  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 279  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Release owner, subscribers  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
New component owner  
Parent component owner  
Explicitly defined for the parent component  
Component owner, subscribers  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component being removed  
Owners of both components,  
Component owner of the component being linked  
Explicitly defined for the component being linked  
New component owner if applicable,  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component being modified  
Owners of both components,  
Parent component owner  
Explicitly defined for the parent component  
Owners of both components,  
Component owner of the component being unlinked  
Explicitly defined for the component being unlinked  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component being viewed  
Work area owner of all specified work areas  
Explicitly defined for the component managing the  
associated work area and release  
280 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Not applicable  
Work area owner of all specified work areas  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner for the component associated with  
the defect  
New owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner, defect originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Note: Originators who do not have DefectAssign  
authority can reassign the defect only when it is in the  
open state.  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Automatic action; no authority is required  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 281  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner can modify:  
answer, abstract, environment, driver, prefix,  
reference, release, and all configurable fields  
Defect originator can modify:  
originator, severity, name, abstract, environment,  
driver, prefix, reference, release, and all  
configurable fields  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect, these users can modify:  
abstract, answer, name, environment, driver,  
originator, prefix, reference, release, severity,  
phaseFound*, phaseInject*, priority*, symptom*,  
and target*  
*If these fields have been configured by the family  
administrator, the field names might differ from  
those shown.  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
Component owner, subscribers  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Defect originator, duplicate defect  
originators, subscribers  
Defect owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
282 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Defect owner, defect originator,  
duplicate defect originators,  
Defect owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
Not applicable  
Defect owner, defect originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect  
New owner, subscribers  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 283  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Not applicable  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Component owner, subscribers  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Tester, subscribers  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
284 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Tester, subscribers  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
New owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Occurs automatically; no authority is required  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 285  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner can modify:  
abstract, prefix, reference, and all configurable  
Feature originator can modify:  
abstract, name, prefix, reference, and all  
configurable fields  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature, these users can modify:  
abstract, name, originator, prefix, reference,  
priority*, and target*  
*If these fields have been configured by the family  
administrator, the field names might differ from those  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
Component owner, subscribers  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature originator  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
286 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Feature owner, feature originator,  
duplicate feature originators,  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Not applicable  
Feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the feature  
Fix record owner, component owner, work area  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the fix record  
New fix record owner, subscribers  
Fix record owner, component owner, work area  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the fix record  
Fix record owner, component owner, work area  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the fix record  
Defect or feature owner, work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect or feature  
Defect or feature owner, work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect or feature  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 287  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Not applicable  
Owner of the user ID for which a host list entry is  
being created or deleted  
Not applicable  
Owner of the user ID for which a host list entry is  
being deleted  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Driver owner, subscribers  
Not applicable  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Driver owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the notification list  
288 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Not applicable  
Component owner  
Owner of user ID  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the notification list  
Note: Users can delete themselves from a  
notification list without requiring any authority  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
User who checked out or locked the part originally,  
component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Note: The user who is explicitly given this authority  
can check in a part that is checked out by someone  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 289  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
290 User’s Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Subscribers, user granted the  
override (if a user specified)  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component that manages  
the associated release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 291  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
292 User’s Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
User who checked out or locked the part originally,  
component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Component owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the part  
Work area owner of all specified work areas  
Explicitly defined for the component managing the  
associated work area and release  
Work area owner of all specified work areas  
Explicitly defined for the component managing the  
associated work area and release  
New release owner, component  
owner, subscribers  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the new release  
Release owner, component owner,  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 293  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Not applicable  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner, subscribers  
Release owner, subscribers  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner, subscribers, new  
owner (if applicable)  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Note: To identify a new component to manage the  
release, you must have ReleaseCreate in an  
authority group in the component that you are  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Release owner, component owner,  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Release owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
294 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Sizing record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the sizing record  
New sizing record owner,  
Sizing record owner  
defect/feature owner, subscribers  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the sizing record  
Component owner, defect/feature  
owner, subscribers  
Defect/feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect/feature  
Subscribers, sizing record owner,  
defect/feature owner  
Defect/feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect/feature  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 295  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Sizing record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the sizing record  
Test record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the test record’s release  
Test record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the test record’s release  
New test record owner, subscribers  
Test record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the test record’s release  
Test record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the test record’s release  
Test record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the test record’s release  
New user  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Owner of the user object can modify all  
characteristics except the superuser privilege  
Must be a superuser to grant the superuser  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be  
performed by all users in the family  
296 User’s Guide  
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For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Verification record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the verification record’s defect or feature  
Verification record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the verification record’s defect or feature  
New verification record owner,  
Verification record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the verification record’s defect or feature  
Takes place automatically; no authority is required  
Verification record owners  
Verification record owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the verification record’s defect or feature  
New work area owner, subscribers  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Subscribers, owners of approval  
records for work area being  
Defect or feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect or feature  
Not applicable  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 297  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner, subscribers  
Defect or feature owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the defect or feature  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner, subscribers  
Work area owner, subscribers  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
298 User’s Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
For this action  
These users have authority  
These users are notified  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Not applicable  
Work area owner  
Explicitly defined for the component associated with  
the release  
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions 299  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
300 User’s Guide  
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Appendix J. Sample REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers  
This appendix is composed of the IBM-supplied REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers.  
Your family administrator can modify these samples to fit the needs of your  
The samples in this appendix may not be available on all platforms. Refer to the  
readme file for a complete list of samples available with TeamConnection. All samples  
are provided as-is and any use of or modifications to the samples are the sole  
responsibility of the customer.  
Sample REXX execs  
This section lists the sample REXX execs that are shipped with TeamConnection. The  
client.smp file contains this same listing. It is located in the bin subdirectory of the  
directory where the TeamConnection client is installed.  
Users running these execs must have user and host access to your TeamConnection  
Most of the execs require input parameters, and some require that the TC_FAMILY or  
TC_RELEASE environment variables be set. If the user who is running the script is acting  
for another user, the TC_BECOME environment variable must also be set. These variables  
can be set from a command line prompt.  
The following convention is used to show the required, optional, and selective input  
Brackets ( [] ) indicate that the input or variable is optional.  
Braces ( {} ) indicate that one of the inputs is required.  
An input or variable that is not surrounded by brackets or braces is required.  
Script name  
Lists the explicit access of users in a  
specified component.  
Lists the direct children of a specified  
component. Also lists the description and  
owner of each child component.  
Displays a list of component owners’  
addresses in a specified family.  
Lists the parent component of a specified  
Displays the children and grandchildren of a componentName  
specified component.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Script name  
Creates a new defect based on values  
contained in a specified defect.  
Lists all defects for a specified driver.  
Creates a new defect based on values  
contained in a specified feature.  
Displays the number of the most recent  
defect that was entered in the system.  
Reopens a previously canceled or returned  
Generates a global defect report showing  
work areas, test records, approval records,  
and fix records.  
Lists the defect number of all defects that are stateName  
in a specified state.  
Displays total active defect statistics on a  
defect owner area basis.  
Displays the full details of defects that  
contain the specified reference field value.  
Displays the full remarks that were entered  
when the specified defect or feature was  
{defectNumber |  
Creates a new feature based on values  
contained in a specified feature.  
Lists all features contained in a specified  
Creates a new feature based on the values  
contained in the specified defect.  
Displays the number of the most recent  
feature that was entered in the system.  
Reopens a previously canceled or returned  
Generates a global feature report showing  
work areas, test records, size records, and fix  
Lists the feature number of all features that  
are in a specified state.  
Displays total active feature statistics on a  
feature owner area basis.  
Lists the name of the drivers that contain a  
specified defect or feature.  
{defectNumber |  
302 User’s Guide  
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Script name  
Lists the defect and feature members of a  
specified driver for a specified release.  
Sends a message to the addresses read  
through stdin.  
messagefile subject  
Re-assigns all current work and objects  
owned by userLogin1 to userLogin2.  
Checks parts into the TeamConnection  
userLogin1 userLogin2 TC_FAMILY  
family. When common parts are encountered, [releaseName]  
the script requests the releases for which the  
part should remain common.  
Lists all the parts that were changed for a  
specified defect or feature.  
{defectNumber |  
Lists the parts that were changed for a  
specified driver.  
Extracts all the parts associated with a  
specific component. The parts are placed in  
a directory that represents the release name [committed]  
to which the version of the part is associated.  
This directory is created relative to the  
relativePathName parameter.  
Lists all parts related to a specified  
Lists all defect and feature numbers and  
abstracts that caused a change to a specified [releaseName]  
part in a specified release.  
Displays information for a specified part.  
Lists all parts that a specified user has  
Lists who has a specified part checked out.  
Finds and lists all parts that match a partial  
part path name.  
Lists all parts related to a specified release.  
Appendix J. Sample REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers 303  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Script name  
Extracts all the parts associated with a  
specific work area and places them in the  
path specified by the relativePathName  
Generates a manager’s report based on the  
specified areas or departments of interest.  
Displays a list of addresses of all release  
owners in a specified TeamConnection family.  
areaName ...  
Lists the valid values pertaining to a specified configType  
configurable type.  
Lists the users who have the authority to give componentName  
other users access to a specified component.  
Finds user information based on part of the  
user’s name. A fuzzy search is performed.  
Lists the addresses of all users in a specified familyName  
TeamConnection family.  
Lists the explicit access of a specified user  
for the specified component and its  
descendant components.  
Generates a user’s report based on the  
specified user login.  
Lists the version numbers, release names,  
and path names for the specified part.  
Lists the work areas that are in the commit  
state for a specified release.  
Lists all the work areas that are in the fix  
state for a given release.  
Lists the work areas that are in the integrate releaseName  
state and are associated with at least one  
development driver for the specified release.  
Lists the work areas that are in the integrate releaseName  
state for a specified release.  
Lists the work areas that are included in a  
production driver and are in the integrate  
state for a specified release.  
Generates a work area activity statistics  
report on a user area basis.  
Lists the work areas that are in the test state releaseName  
for a specified release.  
304 User’s Guide  
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Sample build scripts  
Calls the COBOL Visual Set for OS/2 compiler.  
Calls the COBOL Visual Set for OS/2 compiler and link editor.  
Calls the VisualAge for C++ icc compiler.  
Calls the OS/2 implib utility.  
Calls the VisualAge for C++ icc link editor.  
Calls the link386 link editor.  
Calls the OS/2 resource compiler.  
Calls the OS/2 PL/1 compiler.  
Calls the OS/2 PL/1 link editor.  
Calls the C/370 JCL procedure.  
Calls the COBOL for MVS compiler.  
Calls the C/370 compiler.  
Calls the MVS assembler.  
Calls the C/370 compiler.  
Calls the MVS linkage editor.  
Calls the PL/1 MVS compiler.  
Calls the C370 prelinker.  
Calls the TeamConnection pseudo linker.  
Appendix J. Sample REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers 305  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
Calls the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler  
Calls the Microsoft linker  
Calls the Gather tool.  
Sample parsers  
A parser for COBOL applications.  
A parser for C applications.  
fhbcpp.c func.c fhbcpp.h  
A C parser for COBOL applications.  
mvsasmp.c mvsasmp.h  
A parser for MVS assembly language applications.  
A parser for PL/1 applications.  
Sample package files  
A package file for the Gather tool.  
A package file for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool.  
306 User’s Guide  
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Customer support  
Your options for IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server support, as  
described in your License Information and Licensed Program Specifications, include  
electronic forums. You can use the electronic forums to access IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server technical information, exchange messages with  
other TeamConnection users, and receive information regarding the availability of fixes.  
The following forums are available.  
IBM Talklink  
Use the TEAMC CFORUM. For additional information about TalkLink, call:  
United States 1-800-547-1283  
or go to:  
From any ! prompt, type GO SOFSOL, then select TeamConnection. For additional  
information, call 1-800-848-8199.  
Go to the IBM homepage, Use the search function with  
keyword TeamConnection to go to the TeamConnection area.  
Use ftp and login as anonymous to In the directory  
ps/products/teamconnection you can find fixes and information related to  
VisualAge TeamConnection.  
If you cannot access these forums, contact your IBM representative.  
There are several other support offerings available after purchasing IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server.  
If you live within the U.S.A., call any of the following numbers:  
1-800-237-5511 to learn about available service options.  
1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) to order products or get general information.  
1-800-879-2755 to order publications.  
Contacting IBM outside of the United States  
For information on how to contact IBM outside of the United States, see Appendix A  
of the IBM Software Support Handbook, which can be located by selecting the  
Service Offeringsitem at:  
Note: In some countries, IBM-authorized dealers should contact their dealer support  
structure instead of the IBM Support Center.  
IBM Lotus Passport Advantage Program  
For more information on the IBM Lotus Passport Advantage volume licensing program  
which provides customers with a series of contract offerings under which they can  
acquire licenses, software subscriptions, and support, go to:  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998  
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DB2 service maintenance and technical library  
To download the latest service maintenance for DB2, use the DB2 Service and Support  
on the World Wide Web at:  
Note: Even though DB2 is bundled with VisualAge TeamConnection you should contact  
VisualAge TeamConnection Support to report DB2 problems. The licensing for  
VisualAge TeamConnection does not entitle you to contact directly DB2 Support.  
For a complete and up-to-date source of DB2 information, use the DB2 Product and  
Service Technical Library, in English only, on the World Wide Web at:  
308 User’s Guide  
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IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server library  
The following is a list of the TeamConnection publications. For a list of other  
publications about TeamConnection, including white papers, technical reports, a product  
fact sheet, and the product announcement letter, refer to the IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server Library home page. To access this home page,  
select Library from the IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server home page  
at URL  
License Information (GC34-4497)  
Contains license, service, and warranty information.  
Installation Guide (GC34-4742)  
Lists the hardware and software that are required before you can install and use the  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server product, provides detailed  
instructions for installing the TeamConnection server and client.  
Administrator’s Guide (GC34-4551)  
Provides instructions for configuring the TeamConnection family server and  
administering a TeamConnection family.  
Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients (SC34-4552)  
Tells first-time users how to install the TeamConnection clients on their workstations,  
and familiarizes them with the command line and graphical user interfaces.  
User’s Guide (SC34-4499)  
A comprehensive guide for TeamConnection administrators and client users that  
helps them install and use TeamConnection.  
Commands Reference (SC34-4501)  
Describes the TeamConnection commands, their syntax, and the authority required to  
issue each command. This book also provides examples of how to use the various  
Quick Commands Reference (GC34-4500)  
Lists the TeamConnection commands along with their syntax.  
Staying on Track with TeamConnection Processes (83H9677)  
Poster showing how objects flow through the states defined for each  
TeamConnection process.  
The following publications can be ordered as a set (SBOF-8560):  
Administrator’s Guide  
Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients  
User’s Guide  
Commands Reference  
Quick Commands Reference  
Staying on Track with TeamConnection Processes  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
TeamConnection technical reports  
The following is a list of technical reports available for TeamConnection. Refer to the  
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Library home page for the most  
up-to-date list of technical reports.  
SCLM Guide to TeamConnection Terminology  
Using REXX command files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts  
TeamConnection Interoperability with MVS and SCLM  
Using REXX command files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts for PL/I  
Comparison between CMVC 2.3 and TeamConnection 2  
Migrating from CMVC 2.3 to TeamConnection 2  
TeamConnection frequently asked questions: how to do routine operating system  
The following publications are part of the IBM DB2 Universal Database library of  
documents for DB2 administration. DB2 publications are available in HTML format from  
the DB2 Product and Service Technical Library at the following URL:  
Administration Getting Started (S10J-8154–00)  
An introductory guide to basic administration tasks and the DB2 administration tools.  
SQL Getting Started (S10J-8156–00)  
Discusses basic concepts of DB2 SQL.  
Administration Guide (S10J-8157–00)  
A complete guide to administration tasks and the DB2 administration tools.  
SQL Reference (S10J-8165–00)  
A reference to DB2 SQL for programmers and database administrators.  
Troubleshooting Guide (S10J-8169–00)  
A guide to identifying and solving problems with DB2 servers and clients and to using  
the DB2 diagnostic tools.  
Messages Reference (S10J-8168–00)  
Provides detailed information about DB2 messages.  
Command Reference (S10J-8166–00)  
Provides information about DB2 system commands and the command line processor.  
Replication Guide (S10J-0999–00)  
Describes how to plan, configure, administer, and operate IBM replication tools  
available with DB2.  
System Monitor Guide and Reference (S10J-8164–00)  
310 User’s Guide  
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Describes how to monitor DB2 database activity and analyze system performance.  
A comprehensive glossary of DB2 terms.  
Related publications  
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)  
TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2: Installation and Administration (SC31-6075)  
TCP/IP for MVS Planning and Customization (SC31-6085)  
MVS/XA JCL User’s Guide (GC28-1351)  
MVS/XA JCL Reference (GC28-1352)  
MVS/ESA JCL User’s Guide (GC28-1830)  
MVS/ESA JCL Reference (GC28-1829)  
NLS and DBCS  
AIX 4, General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.  
(SC23-2533-02). See chapter 16 National Language Supportfor an updated  
contents of the AIX 3 material (see below).  
AIX 4, System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices  
(SC23-2525-03). See chapter 10, National Language Supportfor system tasks.  
AIX Version 3.2 for RISC System/6000, National Language Support (GG24-3850).  
Internationalization of AIX Software, A Programmer’s Guide (SC23-2431).  
National Language Design Guide Volume 1 (SE09-8001-02). This manual  
contains very good information on how to enable an application for NLS.  
National Language Design Guide Volume 2 (SE09-8002-02). This manual  
provides information on the IBM language codes (consult the Language codes″  
Bibliography 311  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
312 User’s Guide  
Download from All Manuals Search And Download.  
This glossary includes terms and definitions from  
the IBM Dictionary of Computing, 10th edition  
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993). If you do not find  
the term you are looking for, refer to this  
document’s index or to the IBM Dictionary of  
approval record. A status record on which an  
approver must give an opinion of the proposed  
part changes required to resolve a defect or  
implement a feature in a release.  
approver. A user who has the authority to mark  
an approval record with accept, reject, or abstain  
within a specific release.  
This glossary uses the following cross-references:  
Compare to  
approver list. A list of user IDs attached to a  
release, representing the users who must review  
part changes that are required to resolve a defect  
or implement a feature in that release.  
Indicates a term or terms that have a  
similar but not identical meaning.  
Contrast with  
Indicates a term or terms that have an  
opposed or substantially different  
attribute. Information contained in a field that is  
accessible to the user. TeamConnection enables  
family administrators to customize defect, feature,  
user, and part tables by adding new attributes.  
See also  
Refers to a term whose meaning bears a  
relationship to the current term.  
authority. The right to access development  
objects and perform TeamConnection commands.  
See also access list, base authority, explicit  
authority, granted authority, implicit authority,  
restricted authority, and superuser privilege.  
absolute path name. A directory or a part  
expressed as a sequence of directories followed  
by a part name beginning from the root directory.  
base authority. The set of actions granted to a  
user when a user ID is created within a  
TeamConnection family. See also authority.  
Contrast with implicit authority and explicit  
access list. A set of objects that controls access  
to data. Each object consists of a component, a  
user, and the authority that the user is granted or  
is restricted from in that component. See also  
authority, granted authority, and restricted  
base name. The name assigned to the part  
outside of the TeamConnection server  
environment, excluding any directory names. See  
also path name.  
action. A task performed by the TeamConnection  
server and requested by a TeamConnection client.  
A TeamConnection action is the same as issuing  
one TeamConnection command.  
base part tree. The base set of parts associated  
with a release, to which changes are applied over  
time. Each committed driver or work area for a  
release updates the base part tree for that  
agent. See build agent.  
alternate version ID. In collision records, the  
database ID of the version of a driver, release, or  
work area where the conflicting version of a part is  
build. The process used to create applications  
within TeamConnection.  
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build associate. A TeamConnection part that is  
not an input to or an output from a build. An  
example of such a part is a file.  
TeamConnection uses the build target to  
determine the scope of the build. See also build  
build cache. A directory that the build processor  
uses to enhance performance.  
build tree. A graphical representation of the  
dependencies that the parts in an application have  
on one another. If you change the relationship of  
one part to another, the build tree changes  
build dependent. A TeamConnection part that is  
needed for the compile operation to complete, but  
it will not be passed directly to the compiler. An  
example of this is an include file. See also  
change control process. The process of limiting  
and auditing changes to parts through the  
builder. An object that can transform one set of  
TeamConnection parts into another by invoking  
tools such as compilers and linkers.  
mechanism of checking parts in and out of a  
central, controlled, storage location. Change  
control for individual releases can be integrated  
with problem tracking by specifying a process for  
the release that includes the tracking subprocess.  
build event. An individual step in the build of an  
application, such as the compiling of hello.c into  
check in. The return of a TeamConnection part  
build input. A TeamConnection part that will be  
to version control.  
used as input to the object being built.  
check out. The retrieval of a version of a part  
under TeamConnection control. In non-concurrent  
releases, the check out operation does not allow a  
second user to check out a part until the first user  
has checked it back in.  
build output. A TeamConnection part that will be  
generated output from a build, such as an .obj or  
.exe file.  
build pool. A group of build servers that resides  
in an environment. The environment in which  
several build servers operate. Typically, several  
servers are set up for each environment that the  
enterprise develops applications for.  
child component. Any component in a  
TeamConnection family, except the root  
component, that is created in reference to an  
existing component. The existing component is the  
parent component, and the new component is the  
child component. A parent component can have  
more than one child component, and a child  
component can have more than one parent  
component. See also component and parent  
build scope. A collection of build events that  
implement a specific build request. See also build  
build script. An executable or command file that  
specifies the steps that should occur during a  
build operation. This file can be a compiler, a  
linker, or the name of a .cmd file you have written.  
child part. Any part in a build tree that has a  
parent defined. A child part can be input, output,  
or dependent. See also part and parent part.  
build server. A program that invokes the tools,  
such as compilers and linkers, that construct an  
client. A functional unit that receives shared  
services from a server. Contrast with server.  
build target. The name of the part at the top of  
the build tree which is the final output of a build.  
collision record. A status record associated with  
a work area or driver, a part, and one of the  
314 User’s Guide  
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The work area or driver’s release  
Another work area  
their changes when they commit or integrate their  
work areas and drivers with the release. Contrast  
with serial development. See also work area.  
TeamConnection generates a collision record  
when a user attempts to replace an older version  
of a part with a modified version, another user has  
already modified that part, and the first user’s  
modification is not based on this latest version of  
the part.  
configuration management. The process of  
identifying, managing, and controlling software  
modules as they change over time.  
connecting parts. The process of linking parts  
so that they are included in a build.  
command. A request to perform an operation or  
run a program from the command line interface. In  
TeamConnection, a command consists of the  
command name, one action flag, and zero or  
more attribute flags.  
context. The current work area or driver used for  
part operations.  
corequisite work areas. Two or more work  
areas designated as corequisites by a user so that  
all work areas in the corequisite group must be  
included as members in the same driver, before  
that driver can be committed. If the driver process  
is not used in the release, then all corequisite  
work areas must be integrated by the same  
command. See also prerequisite work areas.  
command line. (1) An area on the Tasks window  
or in the TeamConnection Commands window  
where a user can type TeamConnection  
commands. (2) An area on an operating system  
window where you can type TeamConnection  
current version. The last visible modification of  
a part in a driver, release, or work area.  
committed version. The revision of a part that is  
visible from the release.  
current working directory. (1) The directory that  
is the starting point for relative path names. (2)  
The directory in which you are working.  
common part. A part that is shared by two or  
more releases, and the same version of the part is  
the current version for those releases.  
comparison operator. An operator used in  
comparison expressions. Comparison operators  
used in TeamConnection are > (greater than), <  
(less than), >= (greater than or equal to), <= (less  
than or equal to), = (equal to), and <> (different  
daemon. A program that runs unattended to  
perform a standard service. Some daemons are  
triggered automatically to perform their task;  
others operate periodically.  
database. A collection of data that can be  
accessed and operated upon by a data  
processing system for a specific purpose.  
component. A TeamConnection object that  
organizes project data into structured groups, and  
controls configuration management properties.  
Component owners can control access to data  
and notification of TeamConnection actions.  
Components exist in a parent-child hierarchy, with  
descendant components inheriting access and  
notification information from ancestor components.  
See also access list and notification list.  
default. A value that is used when an alternative  
is not specified by the user.  
default query. A database search, defined for a  
specific TeamConnection window, that is issued  
each time that TeamConnection window is  
opened. See also search.  
concurrent development. Several users can  
work on the same part at the same time.  
TeamConnection requires these users to reconcile  
Glossary 315  
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defect. A TeamConnection object used to  
formally report a problem. The user who opens a  
defect is the defect originator.  
case it is the environment where the problem  
occurred. (3) The string that matches a build  
server with a build event.  
delete. If you delete a development object, such  
as a part or a user ID, any reference to that object  
is removed from TeamConnection. Certain objects  
can be deleted only if certain criteria are met.  
Most objects that are deleted can be re-created.  
environment list. A TeamConnection object  
used to specify environments in which a release  
should be tested. A list of environment-user ID  
pairs attached to a release, representing the user  
responsible for testing each environment. Only  
one tester can be identified for an environment.  
delta part tree. A directory structure representing  
only the parts that were changed in a specified  
explicit authority. The ability to perform an  
action against a TeamConnection object because  
you have been granted the authority to perform  
that action. Contrast with base authority and  
implicit authority.  
dependencies. In TeamConnection builds there  
are two types of dependencies:  
automatic. These are build dependencies that  
a parser identifies.  
extract. A TeamConnection action you can  
perform on a builder, part, driver or release  
builder. An extraction results in copying the  
specified builder, part, or parts contained in the  
driver or release to a client workstation.  
manual. These are build dependencies that a  
user explicitly identifies in a build tree.  
See also build dependent.  
descendant. If you descendant a development  
object, such as, a part or a user ID, any reference  
to that object is removed from TeamConnection.  
Certain objects can be descendant only if certain  
criteria are met. Most objects that are  
family. A logical organization of related data. A  
single TeamConnection server can support  
multiple families. The data in one family cannot be  
accessed from another family.  
descendants can be re-created.  
family administrator. A user who is responsible  
for all nonsystem-related tasks for one or more  
TeamConnection families, such as planning,  
configuring, and maintaining the TeamConnection  
environment and managing user access to those  
disconnecting parts. The process of unlinking  
parts so that they are not included in a build.  
driver. A collection of work areas that represent  
a set of changed parts within a release. Drivers  
are only associated with releases whose  
processes include the track and driver  
family server. A workstation running the  
TeamConnection server software.  
driver member. A work area that is added to a  
FAT. See file allocation table.  
feature. A TeamConnection object used to  
formally request and record information about a  
functional addition or enhancement. The user who  
opens a feature is the feature originator.  
end user. See user.  
environment. (1) A user-defined testing domain  
for a particular release. (2) A defect field, in which  
file. A collection of data that is stored by the  
TeamConnection server and retrieved by a path  
name. Any text or binary file used in a  
316 User’s Guide  
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development project can be created as a  
TeamConnection file. Examples include source  
code, executable programs, documentation, and  
test cases.  
restricted. See also access list, authority, and  
inheritance. Contrast with restricted authority.  
graphical user interface (GUI). A type of  
computer interface consisting of a visual metaphor  
of a real-world scene, often as a desktop. Within  
that scene are icons, representing actual objects,  
that the user can access and manipulate with a  
pointing device.  
file allocation table (FAT). The DOS-, OS/2-,  
Windows 95-, and Windows NT-compatible file  
system that manages input, output, and storage of  
files on your system. File names can be up to 8  
characters long, followed by a file extension that  
can be up to 3 characters.  
GUI. Graphical user interface.  
fix record. A status record that is associated  
with a work area and that is used to monitor the  
phases of change within each component that is  
affected by a defect or feature for a specific  
high-performance file system (HPFS). In the  
OS/2 operating system, an installable file system  
that uses high-speed buffer storage, known as a  
cache, to provide fast access to large disk  
volumes. The file system also supports the  
existence of multiple, active file systems on a  
single personal computer, with the capacity of  
multiple and different storage devices. File names  
used with HPFS can have as many as 254  
freeze. The freeze action saves changed parts to  
the work area. Thus, TeamConnection takes a  
snapshot of the work area, including all of the  
current versions of parts visible from that work  
area, and saves this image of the system. The  
user can always come back to this stage of  
development in the work area. Note, however, that  
a freeze action does not make the changes visible  
to the other people working in the release.  
Compare with refresh.  
host. A host node, host computer, or host  
host list. A list associated with each  
full part tree. A directory structure representing  
a complete set of active parts associated with the  
TeamConnection user ID that indicates the client  
machine that can access the family server and act  
on behalf of the user. The family server uses the  
list to authenticate the identity of a client machine  
when the family server receives a command. Each  
entry consists of a login, a host name, and a  
TeamConnection user ID.  
Gather. A tool to organize files for distribution  
into a specified directory structure. This tool can  
be used as a prelude to further distribution, such  
as using CD-ROM or through electronic means  
like NetView DM/2. It can also be used by itself for  
distributing file copies to network-attached file  
host name. The identifier associated with the  
host computer.  
HPFS. See high-performance file system.  
GID. A number which uniquely identifies a file’s  
group to a UNIX system.  
implicit authority. The ability to perform an  
action on a TeamConnection object without being  
granted explicit authority. This authority is  
granted authority. If an authority is granted on  
an access list, then it applies for all objects  
managed by this component and any of its  
descendants for which the authority is not  
Glossary 317  
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automatically granted through inheritance or object  
ownership. Contrast with base authority and  
explicit authority.  
map. The process of reassigning the meaning of  
an object.  
import. To bring in data. In TeamConnection, to  
bring selected items into a field from a matching  
TeamConnection object window.  
metadata. In databases, data that describe data  
inheritance. The passing of configuration  
management properties from parent to child  
component. The configuration management  
properties that are inherited are access and  
notification. Inheritance within each  
name server. In TCP/IP, a server program that  
supplies name-to-address translation by mapping  
domain names to Internet addresses.  
TeamConnection family or component hierarchy is  
National Language Support (NLS). The  
modification or conversion of a United States  
English product to conform to the requirements of  
another language or country. This can include the  
enabling or retrofitting of a product and the  
translation of nomenclature, MRI, or  
integrated problem tracking. The process of  
integrating problem tracking with change control to  
track all reported defects, all proposed features,  
and all subsequent changes to parts. See also  
change control.  
documentation of a product.  
interest group. The list of actions that trigger  
notification to the user IDs associated with those  
actions listed in the notification list.  
Network File System (NFS). The Network File  
System is a program that enables you to share  
files with other computers in networks over a  
variety of machine types and operating systems.  
notification list. An object that enables  
component owners to configure notification. A list  
attached to a component that pairs a list of user  
IDs and a list of interest groups. It designates the  
users and the corresponding notification interest  
that they are being granted for all objects  
managed by this component or any of its  
job queue. A queue of build scopes. One job  
queue exists for each TeamConnection family.  
local version ID. In collision records, the  
database ID of the version of the current work  
notification server. A server that sends  
notification messages to the client.  
lock. An action that prevents editing access to a  
part stored in the TeamConnection development  
environment so that only one user can change a  
part at a time.  
NTFS. NT file system.  
NVBridge. A tool for automatic electronic  
distribution of TeamConnection software  
deliverables within a NetView DM/2 network.  
login. The name that identifies a user on a  
multi-user system, such as AIX or HP-UX, Solaris,  
or Windows NT. In OS/2 and Windows 95, the  
login value is obtained from the TC_USER  
environment variable.  
operator. A symbol that represents an operation  
to be done. See also comparison operators.  
318 User’s Guide  
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originator. The user who opens a defect or  
feature and is responsible for verifying the  
outcome of the defect or feature on a verification  
record. This responsibility can be reassigned.  
prerequisite of the work area referenced by later  
changes. A work area is a prerequisite to another  
work area if:  
Part changes are checked in, but not  
committed, for the first work area.  
owner. The user who is responsible for a  
TeamConnection object within a TeamConnection  
family, either because the user created the object  
or was assigned ownership of the object.  
One or more of the same parts are checked  
out, changed, and checked in again for the  
second work area.  
problem tracking. The process of tracking all  
reported defects through to resolution and all  
proposed features through to implementation.  
parent component. All components in each  
TeamConnection family, except the root  
component, are created in reference to an existing  
component. The existing component is the parent  
component. See also child component and  
process. A combination of TeamConnection  
subprocesses, configured by the family  
administrator, that controls the general movement  
of TeamConnection objects (defects, features,  
work areas, and drivers) from state to state within  
a component or release. See also subprocess and  
parent part. Any part in a build tree that has a  
child defined. See also part and child part.  
parser. A tool that can read a source file and  
report back a list of dependencies of that source  
file. It frees a developer from knowing the  
dependencies one part has on other parts to  
ensure a complete build is performed.  
query. A request for information from a  
database, for example, a search for all defects  
that are in the open state. See also default query  
and search.  
part. A collection of data that is stored by the  
family server and retrieved by a path name. They  
include text objects, binary objects, and modeled  
objects. These parts can be stored by the user or  
the tool, or they can be generated from other  
parts, such as when a linker generates an  
executable file.  
raw format. Information retrieved on the report  
command that has the vertical bar delimiter  
separating field information, and each line of  
output corresponds to one database record.  
path name. The name of the part under  
TeamConnection control. A path name can be a  
directory structure and a base name or just a base  
name. It must be unique within each release. See  
also base name.  
refresh. This TeamConnection action updates a  
work area with any changes from the release, and  
it also freezes the work area, if it is not already  
relative path name. The name of a directory or  
a part expressed as a sequence of directories  
followed by a part name, beginning from the  
current directory.  
pool. See build pool.  
pop-up menu. A menu that, when requested,  
appears next to the object it is associated with.  
release. A TeamConnection object defined by a  
user that contains all the parts that must be built,  
tested, and distributed as a single entity.  
prerequisite work areas. If a part is changed to  
resolve more than one defect or feature, the work  
area referenced by the first change is a  
Glossary 319  
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restricted authority. The limitation on a user’s  
ability to perform certain actions at a specific  
component. Authority can be restricted by the  
superuser, the component owner, or a user with  
AccessRestrict authority. See also authority.  
indicate whether the defect or feature affects the  
specified component-release pair and the  
approximate amount of work needed to resolve  
the defect or implement the feature within the  
specified component-release pair.  
root component. The initial component that is  
created when a TeamConnection family is  
configured. All components in a TeamConnection  
family are descendants of the root component.  
Only the root component has no parent  
component. See also component, child  
component, and parent component.  
stanza format. Data output generated by the  
Report command in which each database record  
is a stanza. Each stanza line consists of a field  
and its corresponding values.  
state. Work areas, drivers, features, and defects  
move through various states during their life  
cycles. The state of an object determines the  
actions that can be performed on it. See also  
process and subprocess.  
search. To scan one or more data elements of a  
set in a database to find elements that have  
certain properties.  
subprocess. TeamConnection subprocesses  
govern the state changes for TeamConnection  
objects. The design, size, review (DSR) and verify  
subprocesses are configured for component  
processes. The track, approve, fix, driver, and test  
subprocesses are configured for release  
serial development. While a user has parts  
checked out from a work area, no one else on the  
team can check out the part. The user develops  
new material without interacting with other  
processes. See also process and state.  
developers on the project. TeamConnection  
provides the opportunity to hold the part until the  
user is sure that it integrates with the rest of the  
application. Thus, the lock is not released until the  
work area as a whole is committed. Contrast with  
concurrent development. See also work area.  
superuser. This privilege lets a user perform any  
action available in the TeamConnection family.  
system administrator. A user who is  
responsible for all system-related tasks involving  
the TeamConnection server, such as installing,  
maintaining, and backing up the TeamConnection  
server and the database it uses.  
server. A workstation that performs a service for  
another workstation.  
shadow. A collection of parts in a filesystem that  
reflects the contents of a TeamConnection  
workarea, driver, or release.  
task list. The list of tasks displayed in the Tasks  
window. The user can customize this list to issue  
requests for information from the server. Tasks  
can be added, modified, or deleted from the lists.  
shared part. A part that is contained in two or  
more releases.  
shell script. A series of commands combined in  
TCP/IP. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet  
a file that carry out a function when the file is run.  
SID. The name of a version of a driver, release,  
or work area.  
TeamConnection client. A workstation that  
connects to the TeamConnection server by a  
TCP/IP connection and that is running the  
TeamConnection client software.  
sizing record. A status record created for each  
component-release pair affected by a proposed  
defect or feature. The sizing record owner must  
320 User’s Guide  
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TeamConnection part. A part that is stored by  
the TeamConnection server and retrieved by a  
path name, release, type, and work area. See also  
part, common part, and type.  
verification record. A status record that the  
originator of a defect or a feature must mark  
before the defect or feature can move to the  
closed state. Originators use verification records to  
verify the resolution or implementation of the  
defect or feature they opened.  
TeamConnection superuser. See superuser.  
tester. A user responsible for testing the  
resolution of a defect or the implementation of a  
feature for a specific driver of a release and  
recording the results on a test record.  
version. (1) A specific view of a driver, release,  
or work area. (2) A revision of a part.  
test record. A status record used to record the  
outcome of an environment test performed for a  
resolved defect or an implemented feature in a  
specific driver of a release.  
version control. The storage of multiple  
versions of a single part along with information  
about each version.  
view. An alternative and temporary  
representation of data from one or more tables.  
track subprocess. An attribute of a  
TeamConnection release process that specifies  
that the change control process for that release  
will be integrated with the problem tracking  
work area. An object in TeamConnection that  
you create and associate with a release. When  
the work area is created, you see the most current  
view of the release and all the parts that it  
contains. You can check out the parts in the work  
area, make modifications, and check them back  
into the work area. You can also test the  
modifications without integrating them. Other users  
are not aware of the changes that you make in the  
work area until you integrate the work area to the  
release. While you work on files in a work area,  
you do not see subsequent part changes in the  
release until you integrate or refresh your work  
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet  
Protocol (TCP/IP). A set of communications  
protocols that support peer-to-peer connectivity  
functions for both local and wide area networks.  
type. All parts that are created through the  
TeamConnection GUI or on the command line will  
show up in reports with the type of TCPart as the  
part type. The TeamConnection GUI and  
command line can only check in, check out, and  
extract parts of the type TCPart.  
working part. The checked-out version of a  
TeamConnection part.  
user exit. A user exit allows TeamConnection to  
call a user-defined program during the processing  
of TeamConnection transactions. User exits  
provide a means by which users can specify  
additional actions that should be performed before  
completing or proceeding with a TeamConnection  
year 2000 ready. IBM VisualAge  
TeamConnection Enterprise Server is Year 2000  
ready. When used in accordance with its  
associated documentation, TeamConnection is  
capable of correctly processing, providing and/or  
receiving date data within and between the  
twentieth and twenty-first centuries, provided that  
all products (for example, hardware, software and  
user ID. The identifier assigned by the system  
administrator to each TeamConnection user.  
Glossary 321  
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firmware) used with the product properly exchange  
accurate date data with it.  
322 User’s Guide  
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