HP Hewlett Packard Work Light xw4600 User Manual

Frequently asked questions  
HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
HP XW4600 Workstation  
Affordable innovation with the power to do more  
HP xw4600 Workstation frequently asked questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2  
Intel Core™ microarchitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3  
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5  
Chassis design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5  
Operating system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6  
PCI Express Graphics and I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
ISV certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9  
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9  
Manageability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Options and modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Warranty and support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
Do I need a business desktop  
or an entry workstation?  
What is the difference?  
The value of a workstation when compared to a business desktop PC is characterized by several things:  
• Multi-display, high-performance 3D OpenGL graphics and professional 2D graphics—for extreme visualization and  
design interaction experience  
• Professional ISV certifications on technical applications—for guaranteed compatibility and reliability, optimized  
performance and supportability  
• High-performance I/O devices and components (including SAS hard disk drives, controllers, RAID, etc.)—for  
superior application performance  
• Choice of operating system (Genuine Windows Vista Business (32- or 64-bit), Genuine Windows Vista downgrade  
to Genuine Windows XP Professional (32- or 64-bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4 64-bit, or HP Installer Kit for  
Linux)—for flexibility of working environments and IT infrastructure  
• ECC memory—for error correction and improved data integrity  
• High power—for rich configurations  
• 2 GB DIMM support—for greater expandability  
What are the benefits of Intel  
High Definition Audio?  
Intel High Definition (HD) Audio delivers significant improvements over previous generation integrated audio and sound  
control cards. Intel HD Audio is architected to help prevent occasional glitches or pops that other audio solutions can have  
by providing dedicated system bandwidth for critical audio functions.  
Intel HD Audio features multi-streaming capabilities that give users the ability to send two or more different audio streams  
to different places at the same time, from the same workstation. This addresses the need to play back two different audio  
Will I have to change my  
golden image on the  
HP xw4600 Workstation?  
Yes. The HP xw4600 is a completely new platform based on new technology from Intel. Most of the system drivers will be  
different than those used on the HP xw4400; therefore you will have to create a new golden image. Manageability  
software is available to help with this image building process.  
Intel Core microarchitecture  
What is Intel Core  
The Intel Core microarchitecture is a foundation for Intel architecture-based desktop, mobile and mainstream server  
multi-core processors. This state-of-the-art, multi-core optimized microarchitecture delivers new and innovative features that set  
new standards for energy-efficient performance. The processors offered on the HP xw4600 represent the second  
generation of Core architecture products, and offer significantly enhanced performance for a given price point.  
What are the benefits of  
Quad-Core processors?  
The Intel Quad-Core processor provides double the processing resources in the same footprint compared to similar  
Dual-Core offerings. Quad-Core processors are ideal for usage models requiring multi-tasking (running many applications  
or simulations at once); working on spreadsheets while listening to music with virus checkers and system backups running  
(power office); or using applications that can split a task across processors (multi-threaded), like animation/  
rendering in Digital Content Creation.  
Does the Quad-Core processor Yes, the new Quad-Core processors from Intel offer significant performance improvement over previous generation  
offer any performance  
improvement over  
Dual-Core processors?  
Dual-Core processors on many applications and in many work environments.  
What’s important to know  
about the Dual-Core  
processor architecture?  
The new converged core architecture provided by the Intel Core 2 Duo processors enables more work to be done per  
clock cycle, resulting in significant performance gains despite the lower clock speeds compared to previous generation  
processors. Additionally, the new architecture leads to significant performance gains even on single-threaded applications  
compared to legacy Intel Pentium 4/D processors. Finally, the new architecture consumes significantly less power than  
previous generations—Pentium 4 or Pentium D, which may result in lower energy bills and cooler workspaces.  
Dual-Core. Dual-socket.  
Quad-Core. Multi-Core.  
What do these terms mean?  
Dual-Core: Each CPU has exactly two cores  
Dual-socket: Two physical CPU sockets are available on the motherboard  
Quad-Core: Each CPU has exactly four cores  
Multi-Core: CPU has two or more cores  
Dual processor: Old terminology for a system with two processors in two sockets  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
What memory is used on the  
HP xw4600? Is it the same  
memory used on the HP  
Yes and no. The HP xw4600 uses DDR2 800 unbuffered ECC memory technology for ECC memory configurations up to  
8 GB, as well as DDR2 667 unbuffered ECC memory up to 4 GB. The HP xw4400 used DDR2 667 exclusively for all  
configurations. HP offers you choices so that you can find the memory speed and configuration that meets your price and  
performance needs.  
Why do I sometimes see  
memory in terms like  
PC2-6400E? How does this  
relate to memory bandwidth?  
Clock rate is directly proportional to memory bandwidth. The bandwidth of 800 MHz DDR2 memory is calculated as 800  
MHz x 8 bytes per channel = 6,400 MB/s or 6.4 GB/s. For simplicity, the value is thus referred to as PC2-6400 DDR  
memory. The “2” after PC just identifies this memory as DDR2 memory. The “E” identifies it as ECC.This nomenclature is  
sometimes more accepted in the industry.  
The memory bandwidth of the system is improved upon by implementing dual-channel memory architecture. Above, notice  
the factor ”8 bytes per channel.” By implementing two channels you can essentially double your bandwidth. Instead of a  
single DIMM working alone, a pair of DIMMs essentially works together to split up the data exchange to and from the  
rest of the system. On the HP xw4600 the dual-channel memory architecture results in unprecedented memory bandwidths  
on a personal workstation. With PC2-6400E DDR (800 MHz) memory, the system’s theoretical memory bandwidth is an  
impressive 12.8 GB/s.  
Does the large DDR2 800  
memory bandwidth (12.8  
GB/s) really help system  
performance if the processor  
bandwidth is lower than  
12.8 GB/s?  
Yes. Not all data is transferred between the processor and the system memory. For some tasks, system I/O and graphics  
pass data to the system memory. With the bandwidth headroom these tasks are carried out without interrupting the data  
flow between the memory and the processor. In benchmarks, we’ve seen performance improvements as much as 5%  
resulting from the faster memory. In addition, this performance gain scales with the processor. So, as the processors get  
faster, the bandwidth benefit will become more important.  
How does this memory  
bandwidth impact the  
HP xw4600 system  
Many technical applications require huge amounts of memory bandwidth, especially those that use 3D graphics or that  
have a large percentage of floating point calculations. These applications will benefit from the massive memory bandwidth  
provided by the HP xw4600.  
Memory latency is another very important factor. At the highest level, latency is a measure of how long it takes the  
memory subsystem to respond to a cache miss in the processor. The lower (shorter) the memory latency, the better the  
application performance, especially for applications that ”thrash the cache.”  
Does the memory for the  
HP xw4600 have to be  
ordered in pairs? What is  
the maximum memory  
To utilize the dual-channel memory architecture advantages, memory must be installed in pairs. However, a single DIMM  
will work in the system (i.e., you could put 1x512 MB in the system). It is highly recommended that memory be added in  
pairs, as the performance benefit is substantial. HP does offer two 1 x 512 MB configurations (both DDR2 667 and 800  
MHz speeds) for cost-sensitive customers.  
When installing memory in the HP xw4600, pairs must be matched in size and speed (i.e., 2x512 MB/800 MHz, not 1x512  
MB/667, 1x1 GB/800) and multiple pairs must be matched in speed. The HP xw4600 has 4 DIMM slots (2 dual  
channels) and supports up to 8 GB of physical memory.  
Note: Configurations consisting of three memory modules are not supported by HP.  
Does the HP xw4600 offer ECC No. The HP xw4600 offers ECC only. The following table outlines what memory is available.  
and non-ECC memory? What  
speeds are offered?  
DIMM size/speed  
512 MB  
1 GB  
2 GB  
DDR2 667 MHz, ECC  
DDR2 800 MHz, ECC  
Not available  
What is ECC memory? Why is  
ECC memory important?  
“ECC” stands for Error Correcting Code or Error Checking and Correction. ECC memory modules have an extra chip that  
performs a comparison of the data that is read in and written out. This chip has the capability of detecting single and  
multiple bit errors and correcting single bit errors on the fly. If this extra chip detects a single bit error, it will correct the  
discrepancy and the system will continue to function without any interruption. If a multiple bit error (which is extremely  
uncommon) is detected, the memory module will issue a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) which will shutdown the system,  
avoiding any data corruption in the system. Single and multiple bit data errors can go undetected without ECC memory.  
Data integrity is always important, but when you are designing an airplane or automobile part, under a tight deadline on  
your TV commercial production, analyzing population densities for domestic policy reform, or managing your clients’  
financial portfolios of millions of dollars, data integrity is absolutely vital. And in today’s cutthroat competitive environment,  
workflow efficiency and utilization rates are also crucial. All HP Workstations, including the HP xw4600, offer ECC  
memory that provides an extra level of data integrity, reliability and greater system uptime.  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
Is the floppy drive really  
optional on the HP xw4600?  
Yes. For ultimate price flexibility and/or security concerns, we now offer systems with or without the floppy drive. With the  
advancement of technologies like USB disk keys, bootable CD-ROMs/CD-RWs, external storage, etc., the necessity of a  
floppy drive has really declined over the past few years and many customers simply don’t need them anymore. We offer  
the flexibility should you decide it is not needed on your HP xw4600.  
Does HP offer any other  
removable storage options?  
Yes. HP offers an optional 16-in-1 Media Card reader that can be factory-installed on the xw4600. This device will enable  
users to quickly and easily transfer data between their workstation and their flash media (Compact Flash, Smart Media,  
etc). This device will occupy the bottom optical bay in the xw4600.  
Is the optical drive optional  
on the HP xw4600?  
Yes. Once again, for the ultimate in price flexibility and because of security concerns, we now offer systems with or  
without an optical drive. Microsoft has lifted a requirement that forced the integration of an optical device on previous  
systems, so this is now possible for the first time on the HP xw4600.  
What optical drives are  
available with the  
HP xw4600? What software  
is bundled with these drives?  
The following table outlines what optical drives are currently available and what software is bundled with each drive.  
combo (SATA)  
DVD+/-RW Double Layer  
SuperMulti* (SATA)  
2007 optical apps set  
• Support on Windows XP 32-bit,  
Vista Business 32-bit, Vista Business 64-bit  
• CTO, apps are preinstalled  
Create data & music CDs/DVDs • Roxio Easy Media Creator 9  
Create video CDs/DVDs  
• Roxio Easy Media Creator 9  
• WinDVD Player 5  
Play DVDs and video files  
Back up files or entire system  
• HP Backup and Recovery (SoftThinks)  
*Actual speeds may vary. Does not permit copying of commercially available DVD movies or other copyright protected materials. Intended for creation and  
storage of your original material and other lawful uses. Doublelayer discs can store more data than single-layer discs. However, double-layer discs burned with  
this drive may not be compatible with many existing single-layer DVD drives and players. LightScribe creates a monochrome image. LightScribe media required  
and sold separately. Note that DVD-ROM cannot read or write to 2.6 GB Single-Sided/5.2 GB Double-Sided—Version 1.0 media.  
Yes. The HP xw4600 has an integrated 6-channel SATA 3.0 Gb/s controller for Serial ATA hard drives and optical drives.  
We offer the following SATA 3.0 Gb/s hard drives: 80 GB, 160 GB, 250 GB, 500 GB, and 1 TB (7200 rpm), as well as  
80 and 160 GB (10k rpm). As noted above, we offer SATA versions of DVD-ROM (SATA), DVD/CD-RW Combo (SATA), and  
Supermulti DVD +/-RW Double Layer SuperMulti (SATA) optical drives. We also offer a full selection of SAS hard drives.  
Does the HP xw4600 offer and  
support SATA 3.0 Gb/s hard  
Yes. The chipset used on the HP xw4600 has an integrated 6-channel SATA controller with Native Command Queuing  
(NCQ) and RAID support for RAID 0 (striped), RAID 1 (mirrored), RAID 5 (parity), and RAID 10 (striped and mirrored).  
You can choose to have a high performance RAID 0 array of hard drives where data is striped across multiple hard drives  
(this RAID method greatly improves data access times and system performance). You can choose to have a highly reliable  
RAID 1 array of hard drives, where data is duplicated to multiple hard drives at once (this RAID method creates a backup  
copy of all your data in real time). You can choose to implement a RAID 5 array, which protects against data loss and  
provides faster throughput. Data is distributed across at least two hard disks, with error correction information stored on an  
additional disk. Finally, you can choose to implement a RAID 10 array, which offers the advantages of RAID 0 and RAID  
1 by utilizing four hard disks..  
Does the HP xw4600 support  
Serial ATA (SATA) RAID?  
What is the value of Native  
Command Queuing or NCQ?  
NCQ is a performance enhancement for SATA hard drives. NCQ reorganizes read/write commands in such a way that  
they can be executed in a more efficient manner than typical synchronous execution. NCQ performance improvement is  
highly dependent on the type of application and load, but can be as high as 20%.  
What serial attached SCSI  
drives and controllers are  
offered on the HP xw4600?  
We offer a wide selection of SAS disk drives and controllers. The faster spindle speeds (15K rpm) and the high bandwidth  
controllers (3.0 Gb/s) result in very fast access to your data. We offer two different PCI SAS controllers: an entry  
4-channel SAS controller with basic hard drive connectivity/control and RAID functionality, and a full-featured 8-channel  
SAS controller with an external connector and comprehensive RAID functionality. We offer the following SAS drives:  
73 GB/15K, 146 GB/15K, 300 GB/15K rpm.  
Chassis Design  
Is the chassis for the  
Yes. The HP xw4600 uses the same highly engineered chassis as the HP xw4400. The HP xw4600 is housed in an  
intelligently designed chassis with tool-less access for ease of servicing, upgrading and maintenance. It is still convertible  
from a desktop orientation to a minitower orientation. The HP xw4600 is rackable and shelving kits are available.  
HP xw4600 the same chassis  
used on the HP xw4400? Is it  
still convertible?  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
What ports does the  
HP xw4600 have on the  
front bezel?  
The front bezel on the HP xw4600 has the following ports available: (1) IEEE 1394a port*, (2) USB 2.0 ports,  
(1) microphone port and (1) headphone port.  
*The IEEE 1394a port is only active when the optional IEEE 1394 PCI card is installed in the system.  
Operating systems  
What operating systems are  
available on the new  
HP xw4600 Workstation?  
Genuine Windows Vista Business 32-bit  
Genuine Windows Vista Business 64-bit  
Genuine Windows Vista Business 32-bit with downgrade to Windows XP Professional 32-bit custom installed  
Genuine Windows Vista Business 64-bit with downgrade to Windows XP Professional x64 custom installed  
Red Hat Enterprise Linux™ WS 4 64-bit  
HP Installer Kit for Linux (includes drivers for both 32-bit & 64-bit OS versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS4 and WS5)  
Red Flag Linux v5 (available in China only)  
Available for end user customers that are a business (including governmental or educational institutions) who are expected to annually order at least 25 Customer Systems with the same  
Custom Image.  
Is dual OS preload an option?  
Dual OS preload is not offered due to restrictions of licensing agreements.  
Is Microsoft Windows 2000  
supported on the new  
HP xw4600 Workstations?  
Microsoft Windows 2000 is not supported on the new HP xw4600. Microsoft discontinued OEM sales of Windows 2000  
on March 31, 2004. Tier 1 OEMs, such as HP, can no longer ship systems with this OS.  
Will existing 32-bit software  
This is highly dependent on the specific application. Many 32-bit applications will run on 64-bit operating systems without  
run, without being re-compiled, difficulty, but some have issues. HP recommends you check with your application provider for details.  
on a 64-bit operating system?  
Does the HP xw4600  
Workstation support Linux?  
Yes. Red Hat Enterprise WS 4 (available preinstalled) and the HP Installer Kit for Linux are available. HP also offers Red  
Flag Linux 5 preinstalled for customers in China.  
What is the HP Installer Kit  
for Linux (HPIKL)?  
The HP Installer Kit for Linux is a set of HP provided CDs to be used in conjunction with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux  
installation to complete your Linux workstation installation. The CDs in the HPIKL are:  
• HP Driver CD for Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4 and 5  
This is a “post install” CD used at the end of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation that contains HP content for your Linux  
workstation. Content provided includes:  
• NVIDIA and ATI accelerated graphics drivers that have passed HP quality standards and are compatible with the  
hardware platform and RHEL releases  
• HP documentation links  
• Additional hardware drivers provided by HP that are not part of the standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases  
All content provided on this CD is compatible with RHEL WS 4 and RHEL WS 5.  
• Red Hat Driver Disk—for a specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update  
This is the”RED” CD and is not included in ALL versions of the HPIKL. It will be included with the HPIKL when a hardware  
driver is required for the workstation platform that has not yet become a part of a standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux  
release. The next subsequent update from Red Hat removes the need for this CD.  
For information on how to use the HP Driver CD or the Red Hat Driver Disk, refer to the HP Linux Workstation user manual  
Does the HP Installer Kit for  
Linux actually contain the Red  
Hat Box Sets?  
No, you must obtain the Red Hat Box Set of your choice. The HP Installer Kit for Linux is a CD set to be used in  
conjunction with a RHEL install and supports Red Hat Enterprise WS 4. Red Hat requires that you purchase Red Hat  
Enterprise WS 4.  
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HP is only offering a preload  
of RHEL WS 4 (64-bit).  
What if I want to run the  
32-bit OS instead?  
Included with the preloaded RHEL WS 4 workstation is a Red Hat Network registration card. Use this card to register your  
workstation with the Red Hat Network. This enables you to download all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4 for  
your workstation, and get any future updates from Red Hat as well. You can choose the 32-bit OS instead of the 64-bit  
OS if desired.  
what minimum Red Hat release/update is required for Red Hat Enterprise Linux to functional correctly on your  
workstation platform.  
Will I get recovery CDs with my The expected OS delivery model for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is electronic. This is because of the Red Hat Network that  
preloaded Linux workstation?  
Red Hat uses to continually provide updates for their customers for their operating system releases.  
As a result HP has found that creating a set of OS installation CDs has limited value. Many workstation owners quickly  
want to register to the Red Hat Network and obtain newer OS versions or build their own custom golden image. So  
instead HP is including the OS install CDs as ISO images on a hard disk drive partition. You can choose to create install  
CDs from the ISO images if you prefer. Or you can get them from the Red Hat Network as well.  
What value does HP bring to  
Linux on personal  
• HP has a dedicated Linux R&D team with 25+ years of experience in OS and driver development.  
• HP provides an engineered solution of Red Hat Linux.  
• HP provides a single point of support (for warranty and extended software support services).  
• HP has close relationships with multiple third-party vendors to enable the complete Linux workstation solution.  
• HP engineering provides extensive pre-sales technical support.  
• HP publishes detailed documents, drivers and white papers on the support website regarding Linux on HP Workstations.  
Why would I choose Linux on  
HP Workstations?  
• HP Workstations deliver ROI-based solutions on industry standard platforms.  
• HP partners with customers and key technology providers to deliver an HP engineered Linux workstation you can deploy  
quickly and with confidence.  
• HP Workstations offer worry-free deployment through:  
HP worldwide service and support  
HP accountability and the opportunity to participate in the “Linux Indemnity Program”*  
• HP Workstations offer online technical white papers, drivers and customer advisories enabling customers to support  
themselves more easily.  
* This is not an offer of indemnity. Eligibility for qualifying customers only. The indemnity program requires customers to  
sign an indemnity agreement that outlines the covered claims, rights and responsibilities of HP and customers. For more  
Why is HP supporting Linux  
on workstations?  
Some of HP’s technical workstation markets and customers rely on the UNIX operating environment, both in their infrastructure  
and the applications that they use. Linux on personal workstations is a very viable and attractive UNIX alternative. In addition,  
many OEMs are turning to Linux as a cost effective open source operating system for many different applications. This is  
especially true in the DCC, EDA, oil and gas, OEM, and some MCAD markets.  
Offering HP Workstations with Linux is part of HP’s overall multi-OS strategy which provides HP-UX, Linux and Windows  
solutions to customers.  
Where can I find (in detail)  
what workstation hardware is  
supported by Red Hat Linux?  
the latest support information for hardware platforms and their components. This matrix will indicate the minimum RHEL  
update version required for the workstation platform to operate correctly. It will also indicate what add-in components are  
supported by RHEL.  
Where can I find technical  
information to guide my  
installation, configuring or  
customizing of my  
Linux configuration tips such as enabling large memory configurations, hyper threading, multi-headed graphics  
configurations and release notes for each Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update.  
Linux workstation solution?  
Why is HP enabling the Red  
Hat distribution?  
HP has a strategic corporate relationship with Red Hat resulting in Red Hat solutions across all of HP product lines. As  
well, Red Hat has a market presence that results in customer demand for this distribution. The ISVs of importance to the  
Linux workstation market are certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux as well.  
Will Linux distributions other  
than Red Hat work on HP  
Most likely they will work. However HP warranty support is only available for the Red Hat distribution. In addition HP has  
reviewed the performance, functionality and reliability of the Red Hat distribution on the hardware platform and made any  
required adjustments.  
every month with the latest support information for hardware platforms and their components.  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
What is HP’s Linux strategy in  
the future?  
The HP Workstation team is continually evaluating market trends along with customer requirements to determine solu-  
tions that best meet customer needs. HP’s corporate strategy is strategic relationships with both Red Hat and  
Novell/SUSE and many of HP’s products offer both Red Hat and SUSE distributions.  
What does the future hold for  
HP and Linux?  
HP simplifies the integration of open source and Linux! Our solutions are built with best-of-breed software from our industry  
leading partners, complemented by HP value-add in areas like management and high availability clustering, implemented  
on market-leading standards-based platforms, and supported by HP Services worldwide.  
Known for its performance, scalability, reliability and low cost, Linux is proving to be the answer for workstation environments  
that were in the past traditionally a proprietary UNIX infrastructure. Such markets as Digital Content Creation (DCC), oil  
and gas, EDA, MCAD, and software development areas are adopting and using Linux in their infrastructure.  
Why doesn’t HP offer a dual  
boot with Windows and Linux?  
HP cannot offer dual boots due to licensing agreements.  
What version of Red Hat Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS4 (RHEL WS4) has both a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version. HP will preinstall the 64-bit  
supports 64-bit?  
version of RHEL WS4 and will also support the 32- and 64-bit versions with a driver CD in the HP Installer Kit for Linux.  
Are there other 64-bit  
distributions of Linux that will  
work on the HP Workstations?  
It is very likely that other Linux distributions will work. However, Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the distribution HP is choosing  
to do a full engineering evaluation and support for our customers.  
Can I run 32-bit apps on a  
64-bit Linux OS? How does  
this work?  
Yes, you can run 32-bit apps on 64-bit Linux OS as the runtime support (mainly shared libraries) for the application exists  
on the system. The Linux convention for having 32-bit libraries and 64-bit libraries on the same OS is to have companion  
library directories. The 32-bit libraries are in the conventional locations… /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/X11R6/lib, etc whereas  
64-bit libraries just append 64 to the directory name such as /lib64, /usr/lib64 and /usr/X11R6/lib64. This also  
includes 32-bit versions of the graphics libraries which HP has included from the graphics vendors.  
What do I do if my 32-bit apps You will need to get the library from Red Hat’s 32-bit RHEL 3 distribution and put it on your system in the appropriate  
do not run due to missing  
shared libraries?  
directory and report the missing library to Red Hat through their Red Hat Network subscription. This will help Red Hat to  
get the right set of 32-bit libraries needed for most apps in future releases.  
Once I have installed the 64-bit Simple. Just rebuild from scratch and the compiler will build 64-bit by default. This is true for most apps. However, some  
version of Linux, what do I  
have to do to build 64-bit  
apps must be made 64-bit clean which means that the developers must review the code to get rid of any assumptions  
about 32-bitness, such pointer arithmetic issues. Some make files that explicitly declare paths such as /lib, /usr/lib and  
/usr/X11R6/lib might need to be changed to append “64.”  
PCI Express (PCIe) Graphics and I/O  
What graphics cards are  
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 290 (256 MB, up to two cards) and NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 (256 MB, can be used in dual  
configuration with NVS 290)  
Professional 2D  
available on the new  
HP xw4600 Workstation?  
NVIDIA Quadro FX 370 (256 MB, up to two cards) and NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 (256 MB, up to two cards)  
ATI FireGL V5600 (512 MB) and NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700 (512 MB, up to two cards)  
Entry 3D  
Mid-range 3D  
High-end 3D  
ATI FireGL V7700 (512 MB), NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 (512 MB), and NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 (768 MB)  
Will the HP xw4600 support  
PCI Express Gen2?  
Yes. Both PCI Express x16 slots in the HP xw4600 function at Gen2 bandwidth (double the bandwidth of Gen1).  
The other I/O slots in HP xw4600 function at PCI Express Gen1.  
What is meant by PCI Express  
PCI Express Gen2 is the latest generation of PCI Express architecture. PCI Express Gen2 provides an incredible 5.0 giga  
transfers per second, double the bandwidth of the previous PCI Express Gen1. This additional bandwidth will enable  
unprecedented performance levels for next-generation graphics cards.  
Should I buy a graphics card  
with 256 MB or 512 MB of  
memory or more?  
Graphics performance is dependent upon many factors, including the amount of video memory. Higher performing cards  
also include bigger and faster GPUs, more memory bandwidth, and tend to have more features like dual-link connectors  
and support for stereo. The higher performance graphics cards will also have more memory (and a higher price). A  
dual-display configuration at 1920x1200 pixels will allocate about 70 MB for the frame buffer. The remaining graphics  
memory will be used to store textures, display lists (graphics data sent by your applications), and other data specific to  
graphics. If your application would benefit from more storage space for these items, then you should purchase a  
graphics card with more memory.  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
ISV certifications  
HP has very strong relationships with independent software vendors (ISVs). The software vendors recognize that HP is a  
critical ally in the industry, not only as a hardware OEM, but in marketing and support relationships. HP, in some cases,  
has engineering personnel located full-time onsite at these software vendors’ locations providing technical support,  
application performance tuning and graphics driver optimization.  
ISV certification is a critical aspect of the workstation value proposition. Workstation users are running very complicated,  
high-end, technical applications and reliability and stability are an absolute requirement. The entry workstation is targeted  
at specific technical applications. The following table outlines the applications that are planned for the HP xw4600.  
Some of the applications listed in the table do not certify hardware, but they are listed as “targeted” applications. For  
those applications listed above that do offer hardware certification, the new entry workstation will be certified.  
Public Sector  
AustinGeo (Linux Only)  
Dynamic Graphics  
ERDAS Imagine  
Premier/After Effects  
Map 3D  
Civil 3D  
Building Systems  
Land Desktop  
Pinnacle Liquid  
3D Studio Max  
Catio V5  
DS Solidworks  
Pro Tools  
Leitch dps Reality  
MSC Nastran/Patran  
UGS I-Deas  
UGS TcVis  
UGS Solid Edge  
What security features are  
available on the HP xw4600?  
• Padlock support—standard; padlock loop in rear of chassis  
• HP Solenoid Hood Lock/Sensor Kit—optional electro-mechanical lock that is activated through the manageability  
software on the workstation. Instead of a physical key, the chassis is locked through a password by the local user or the  
remote system administrator.  
• Universal chassis clamp lock support—locks side cover and locks cables to chassis; secures chassis from theft and allows  
multiple units to be chained together when used with optional cable  
• Serial, parallel, USB enable/disable—enables or disables ports and hides them from the operating system  
• Removable media write/boot control—prevents the computer from being booted from removable media on supported  
devices; can disable writes to media  
• Power-on password—prevents an unauthorized person from booting up the computer  
• Setup password—prevents an unauthorized person from changing the system configuration  
• Kensington Cable Lock (optional)  
• Internal USB port—prevents theft of ISV application keys  
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HP recommends Windows Vista Business  
What manageability features  
are available on Microsoft  
Windows-based HP Personal  
HP Client Management Solutions help you simplify management of your workstations and reduce total ownership costs.  
These integrated solutions are a result of extensive work between HP and our partner, Altiris, a leading provider of  
manageability solutions. HP Client Manager Software is a free of charge download available with all HP Personal  
Workstations. It allows you to centrally track, monitor and manage the hardware aspects of HP client systems on your  
network. Other benefits include:  
• Ability to get valuable hardware information such as CPU, memory, video and security settings  
• Ability to monitor system health to fix problems before they occur  
• Ability to install drivers and BIOS updates without visiting each workstation  
• Ability to remotely configure BIOS and security settings  
• Ability to automate processes to quickly resolve hardware problems  
• Ability to gain local recovery  
What is the HP Performance  
Tuning Framework?*  
Your intelligent interface to the underlying power of HP Workstations, the HP Performance Tuning Framework (PFT) is an  
exclusive HP software innovation—including free with every HP Personal Workstation with a Microsoft operating system.  
PTF gives you the ability to discover, optimize and manage your unique combination of hardware, graphics drivers,  
applications, operating system and other system resources—to help you maximize the performance and reliability of your  
workstation environment.  
For more information on the HP Performance Tuning Framework, go to:  
*Available on Microsoft Windows-based systems  
Options and Modules  
the new HP xw4600  
Warranty and Support  
What is the warranty and  
support for HP Workstations  
with Windows?  
The standard warranty for the HP xw4600 Workstations is 3-3-3 (3-years parts, 3-years labor and 3-years next business  
day onsite).  
What is the warranty and  
support for HP Workstations  
with Linux?  
The warranty for HP Workstations with Linux is the standard 3-3-3 with ninety days of OS configuration and installation  
Will HP stand behind Linux if  
I have problems?  
HP is the first place for support. Hardware and software warranties for the workstations with Linux will be the same as that  
of the Windows workstations. Extended hardware warranties and software support options are also available for purchase  
if you need extended coverage.  
Why should I use HP support  
instead of Red Hat support?  
HP Linux support services are available on a global basis. HP offers predictable multi-platform expertise providing you  
with a single vendor who can effectively support Linux and Windows environments. HP has leveraged its proven support  
processes and extensive UNIX expertise to open source environments. HP offers a full portfolio of Linux services, ranging  
from phone-in assistance through proactive and mission-critical services. In addition, global education, installation and  
integration services, and multi-vendor network services are available to meet Linux and multi-platform support.  
© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP  
products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as  
constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel, Pentium and Intel Core are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Linux is a U.S. registered trademark of  
Linus Torvalds. Microsoft Windows and Windows Vista are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Energy Star is a US registered mark of  
the United States Environmental Protection Agency.  
4AA1-5186ENW, October 2008  
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