Furman Sound Stereo Amplifier MS2A 1 User Manual

MS Series  
Confidence Monitoring System  
Owner’s Manual  
Furman Sound, Inc.  
1997 South McDowell Blvd.  
Petaluma, CA 94954-6919 U.S.A.  
Phone: (707)763-1010  
Fax: (707) 763-1310  
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Thank you for purchasing a Furman MS Series “Confidence” Monitor System. We are confident  
you will be pleased with the confidence your MS Series monitor will give you about your audio and  
video signals! Under normal operating conditions, this product will provide reliable, long-term  
performance without maintenance.  
A manufacturer of quality professional audio, video, and AC power products for over a quarter  
century, Furman stands behind the MS Series with a Three Year Limited Warranty and a firm  
commitment to customer satisfaction. Knowledgeable technicians and sales staff are available to  
answer questions about this or any other Furman product quickly and directly via telephone, fax, or  
e-mail. We are ready to provide you with quality service and applications assistance whenever you  
need it.  
Each MS Series Monitor System includes: (1) MS Series unit; (1) instruction manual;  
supply; (1) warranty card. If any items are missing, please notify your dealer.  
(1) power  
There are at present six models in the MS Series. This manual describes them all, so there may be  
sections which do not apply to your particular unit. The various models differ primarily in the types  
and number of signals they can monitor: from 2 to 4 analog or digital audio channels, and one video  
channel. The six models are:  
2 Channel, Analog Audio  
2 Channel, Analog/Digital Audio  
4 Channel, Analog Audio  
4 Channel, Analog/Digital Audio  
2 Channel, Analog Audio, Video  
2 Channel, Analog/Digital Audio, Video  
All models share many basic features and capabilities, such as: full range shielded stereo speakers  
with SPEAKER MUTE switch; slide-style VOLUME control; PHASE indicator (mono-compatibility);  
front panel VU/PPM BALLISTICS selector; full 14 segment meters with DIMMER; HEADPHONE  
jack; XLR balanced inputs and outputs, each with a SIGNAL activity indicator; output GAIN TRIM; a  
UL/CE-approved external power supply; and a clean, modular design with minimal cabling, all in a  
compact, single rack space chassis.  
Models with digital monitoring capability also include an A/D SELECT button and front and rear  
digital SIGNAL indicators. Video models include an LCD video monitor with associated COLOR,  
TINT, CONTRAST, and BRIGHTNESS controls, which automatically senses and displays NTSC and  
PAL signals. Four channel models include LEFT and RIGHT CHANNEL SELECTOR switches to assign  
any input to the left and right analog outputs. Non-video units feature a BALANCE slider to adjust the  
left/right position of the stereo image.  
Because the speakers in the MS Series are magnetically shielded, no special consideration is required  
for installation in critical locations near video monitors.  
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Setup and Guided Tour  
Operation of the MS Series is basic and straightforward. The controls and operation are mostly  
intuitive and self-explanatory, but are discussed here in detail to allow any user to operate it  
Install the unit in its rack and connect the external power supply to the 5-pin DIN DC POWER  
INPUT connector on the rear panel. Connect an appropriate line cord to the power input on the  
supply box, and to the AC mains. The power supply accepts any input voltage from 100 to 240 VAC.  
Analog Audio Monitoring  
Connect active analog audio sources to each of the balanced XLR inputs on the rear panel. (Please  
refer to Figures 1-4 on page 9 for the locations of controls and indicators.) When the unit is powered  
up and audio above -28 dBu is present, the SIG (Signal) LEDs next to each input and output  
connector should flash. If you have a unit with digital capability, set the A/D SELECT button to  
Next, vary the VOLUME and BALANCE sliders (BALANCE is present in non-video units only) to  
confirm that they affect the speakers and headphones identically. The BALANCE slider should move  
the stereo image from full left to full right. The headphones DO NOT disable the speakers when they  
are inserted into the HEADPHONE jack. Headphone monitoring is intended to minimize the  
distracting effects of surrounding ambient sound for the operator. The speakers are still active when the  
headphones are plugged in to provide audio to others in the immediate area for confidence, while the  
operator is monitoring the audio specifically. Nevertheless, the speakers can be muted if desired by  
pressing the SPEAKER MUTE button. An indicator LED lights when the speakers are muted. The  
SPEAKER MUTE button does not affect the headphones.  
With audio input, the Level Meters will vary according to the BALLISTICS selected, either VU or  
PPM. Note that there is a PK (Peak) LED that will illuminate when the audio level exceeds +4 dBu.  
The movement of the meters is from -40 dBu to +3 dBu, left to right as is seen in analog metering.  
The zero reference of the meters may be set to either +4 dBu or +8 dBu with the REF/dBu button.  
Successive presses of the button will toggle between the two references. An indicator LED glows  
above the selected reference, which affects all meters on the unit.  
NOTE:Choose VU for a slower, time-averaged meter response. Choose PPM for an extremely  
fast response which displays all peaks.  
The brightness of the Level Meters’ LED displays can be varied by the DIMMER control at the very  
left side of the front panel assembly. This control will vary the brightness from “Full On” to slightly  
visible. The Level Meters cannot be dimmed completely as this may cause an erroneous reading by  
operators not aware of the dimmed setting. This adjustment requires a small flat-blade screwdriver  
and has a travel of 270 degrees of rotation.  
When normal, in-phase stereo signals are applied to the MS Series unit, the PHASE indicator will  
glow green, with an occasional yellow flicker. If one channel is disconnected or reduced to zero, the  
color will change to steady red. It will also be mainly red for out-of-phase stereo.  
NOTE: Out-of phase stereo is not compatible with conversion to mono. The out-of-phase  
condition should be corrected, or there may be substantial level loss when left and right  
are summed to mono.  
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Digital Audio Monitoring  
On MS Series units equipped for digital audio, stereo digital signal(s) may be connected via the rear  
panel BNC connector(s) labeled AES1, and, if present, AES2. Only one connector is needed per  
stereo signal. The digital input(s) conform to the AES/EBU 75 ohm/BNC (AES-3id-1995) standard.  
Another standard, S/PDIF 75 ohm coaxial, may also be monitored.  
There are two Signal Present indicators for each BNC digital input. The indicator(s) on the rear panel  
are adjacent to the BNC connector(s) and are labeled SIG. The indicator(s) on the front panel are  
labeled AES1 (and AES2). Both front and rear indicators display identically. If the digital data is valid  
and signal is present, they will glow GREEN. If the data is bad or no signal is present, they will glow  
Both analog and digital signals may be connected simultaneously. The meters, speakers, phase  
indicator, and headphone output will monitor the source selected with the A/D SELECT button,  
which toggles between ANALOG and DIGITAL, with indicator LEDs showing the chosen source.  
Analog Outputs  
The XLR balanced Analog Outputs on a MS Series unit need not be used. However, they provide a  
convenient, high quality balanced signal source, complete with their own SIG indicators to verify the  
presence of signal. There is also a stereo GAIN TRIM control on the rear panel which may be varied  
from -6 to +6 dB. Center rotation is 0 dB (unity gain).  
The Analog Outputs are labeled Left and Right. With two-channel models, Channel 1 is assigned to  
the Left out and Channel 2 is assigned to the Right output. With four-channel models, output  
assignment switches (LEFT CHANNEL SELECTOR and RIGHT CHANNEL SELECTOR) are provided  
for maximum flexibility. They allow any channel to be routed to either output. Indicator LED’s show  
which channel is selected by each switch.  
NOTE: In four-channel models, the HEADPHONE out, the internal speakers, and the PHASE  
indicator all monitor the two input channels that are assigned to the outputs.  
When a stereo digital source is being monitored, the analog version of that signal will appear at the  
Analog Outputs, allowing the MS Series unit to be used as a D/A converter.  
Normally, in the factory-preset condition, the VOLUME and BALANCE controls do not affect the  
Analog Outputs (only the GAIN TRIM control affects the levels). However, if desired, the unit may  
be configured so that the Analog Outputs do follow the VOLUME and BALANCE controls. To do  
this, disconnect the unit from power, remove the screws securing the top cover, and locate positions  
J30 and J31 on the circuit board. A “suitcase” jumper plug should link Pins 1 and 2. Lift up the  
jumpers and reposition them so that they link Pins 2 and 3 instead. Replace the top cover. The  
outputs will now reflect the VOLUME and BALANCE settings.  
Video Monitoring  
If the MS Series unit is equipped for video monitoring, either NTSC or PAL signals may be connected  
to the rear panel BNC connector. The unit will automatically sense which standard is used and will  
display correctly. Verify that the expected video image is present and that COLOR, TINT,  
BRIGHTNESS, and CONTRAST are set for the planned viewing area.  
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System Verification  
The procedure below is the same Final Test performed on MS Series units at the factory. Assuming  
there has been no apparent damage in shipment, it is not necessary to repeat it. However, it may be  
desirable to perform it as an initial confirmation of proper operation, as a periodic performance  
check, or whenever there is doubt about the unit’s operation.  
Initial Setup  
The following is done with NO audio or video input to the rear panel connectors.  
1 . Set the VOLUME slider to mid position.  
2. Plug External Supply into rear of chassis and corresponding AC outlet.  
3. Verify that the BALLISTICS LED indicator is set to the VU setting.  
4. Verify that the SPEAKER MUTE LED indicator is NOT illuminated.  
5. Verify that the PHASE indicator LED is displaying GREEN.  
6. Verify that the SIG LED indicators on the rear panel are OFF.  
7. Set the REF/dBu button to +4 dBu; the +4 dBu LED should be illuminated.  
8. Set the A/D SELECT to Analog; the Analog LED should be illuminated.  
The following is done with audio input applied to the channels at the rear panel. The audio input  
should be a balanced, 0 dBu, 1 kHz continuous tone or burst. The test tone being used should be  
heard from the speakers, with the VOLUME slider set for a comfortable listening level.  
1 . Verify that the test tone is heard from the speakers. Vary the VOLUME slider and verify  
that the signal goes from full off to full on throughout the slider control range.  
2. Insert a stereo 1/4” headphone into the HEADPHONE jack and verify that operation is  
the same for the headphones for volume as it was for the speakers.  
3. While monitoring the speakers, press the SPEAKER MUTE button to toggle from OFF to  
MUTE. Verify that the speakers are in fact muted. Return to the OFF position when done.  
4. Assure that the VU/PPM metering indicator is displaying VU; if not, press the VU/PPM  
button so that the VU indicator LED is illuminated.  
5. Set the audio source to +4 dBu and the REF/dBu button to +4, and verify for each  
channel that the Level Meters indicate 0 dB. Toggle the button to +8. The meter reading  
should drop to -4 dB. Toggle the button back to +4.  
6. Press the VU/PPM Select button and verify that the PPM LED becomes illuminated. Also  
verify that the meter reading increases by 6 dB and the meter response is more rapid in  
the PPM mode.  
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7. The LED DIMMER control comes set for full display brightneess when shipped but can  
be adjusted to suit the monitoring facilities needs so as not to be distracting if a less than  
fully bright meter display is desired.  
Note: The level meter brightness CANNOT be adjusted to “Full Off.” This is to avoid possible  
operator error and wasted troubleshooting time if turned all the way down.)  
8. With both channels having the same audio present, verify that the PHASE indicator LED  
is illuminated GREEN. Remove audio from one channel and verify that the PHASE LED  
turns RED.  
Note: The PHASE LED will always indicate RED when there is a loss of one audio channel.  
9. Reverse the phase of the audio input at one of the XLRs (by reversing the wires  
connecting to pins 2 and 3) and verify that the PHASE indicator LED is illuminated RED.  
This is a test for mono-compatibility.  
10.Insert a true stereo signal at the XLR inputs and verify that the PHASE indicator LED is a  
flickering green to amber color. This is normal for a stereo signal. The amount of RED or  
GREEN in the PHASE LED is an indicator of how much phasor information is present in  
the monitored stereo signal.  
1 1 .With analog audio present at the balanced XLR outputs on the rear panel, verify that the  
SIG indicator LEDs at both input and output are illuminated.  
12.(Steps 12, 13, and 14 are for digitally-equipped units only.) With digital audio present to  
the BNC connector(s) AES1 (and AES2), verify that the SIG indicator LED(s) associated  
with the BNC digital inputs are illuminated GREEN on both the front and rear panels.  
13.Remove the Digital signals and verify that the LED illuminates RED on both the front and  
rear panels.  
14.Place distinctive audio signals at both the Analog and Digital inputs and then toggle  
between the Analog and Digital sources via the front panel using the A/D SELECT  
button. Verify that the switching function is in accordance with the source selected. The  
LED indicator should follow the source selected.  
15.With audio still applied to the unit, vary the DIMMER control to the preferred brightness  
level for the LED meter displays.  
16.(For video-equipped units only.) Insert a video signal through the rear panel BNC video  
connector and verify that the expected display is present. Adjust front panel screwdriver  
video controls (COLOR, TINT, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS) to suit the desired LCD  
presentation. (Settings are factory preset for optimum viewing and should not normally  
need further adjustments.)  
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17. (For non-video units only.) Vary the BALANCE control from left to right and verify that  
the test signal moves from the left speaker to the right speaker (and left headphone  
channel to right headphone channel), following the slider’s motion.  
This concludes the basic system check-out of the product, and it is now ready for in-rack placement.  
Should any of these tests not perform as indicated, please contact the Furman factory for help or  
service information.  
Three Year Limited Warranty  
The Furman MS Series Confidence Monitor System is warranted against failures due to defective parts  
or faulty workmanship for a period of three years after delivery to the original owner. During this  
period, Furman will make any necessary repairs without charge for parts or labor. Shipping charges  
to the factory or repair station must be prepaid by the owner. Return shipping charges (via UPS  
Ground) will be paid by Furman. This warranty applies only to the original owner and is not  
transferable. Also, it does not apply to repairs done by any company or individual other than the  
Furman factory or one of its Authorized Repair Stations.  
This warranty may be cancelled by Furman at its sole discretion if the unit has been subjected to  
physical abuse or has been modified in any way without written authorization from Furman.  
Furman’s liability under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective unit.  
Furman will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use or  
misuse of its products. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential  
damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,  
and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
Warranty claims should be accompanied by a copy of the original purchase invoice showing the  
purchase date; this is not necessary if a Warranty Registration Card was mailed in at the time of  
Before returning any equipment for repair, please be sure that it is adequately packed and cushioned  
against damage in shipment, and that it is insured. We suggest that you save the original packaging  
and use it to ship the product for servicing. Also, please enclose a note giving your name, address,  
phone number, e-mail address (if applicable), and a description of the problem.  
All equipment being returned for repair must have a Return Authorization (RA) Number. To get a RA  
number, please call the Furman Service Department at (707) 763-1010 ext. 40, between 8 a.m. and 5  
p.m., U.S. Pacific Time. Please display your RA Number prominently on the front of all packages.  
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MS Series Specifications  
Analog audio:  
2 (or 4) each female balanced XLR  
>90 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz  
24 kΩ  
Differential Input Impedance:  
Maximum Input Level:  
Signal present indicator:  
+25 dBu  
-20 dBu sensitivity  
Digital audio:  
(if present)  
1 (or 2) each BNC, AES/EBU  
24 bit  
Sampling Frequency:  
16 kHz to 96 kHz  
Internal Clock:  
256 x Sampling Frequency  
-83 dB  
Dynamic Range:  
Signal to Noise Ratio:  
Channel Separation:  
Internal Analog Filter:  
95 dB  
97 dB  
95 dB  
-3 dB at 32 kHz  
(if present)  
1 each BNC Video, auto sense NTSC/PAL  
Input level: 1.0 Vp-p composite video  
(to EIA RS-170A and PAL Standards)  
Analog audio:  
2 each male balanced XLR  
Maximum Output Level:  
Gain Trim:  
+25 dBu into 1 kΩ  
6 dB (dual ganged stereo control)  
-20 dBu sensitivity  
50 with load capacitance of  
up to 1 µF  
Signal Present indicator:  
Differential Output Impedance:  
Frequency Response:  
20 Hz to 200 kHz  
270 mW into 56 , both channels  
Video (if present)  
Display type:  
Screen Size (diagonal):  
Active Display Area:  
Number of pixels:  
Dot Pitch:  
Contrast Ratio:  
1.8 inch  
48.6 mm W x 39.6 mm H  
280 W x 220 H  
0.127 mm W x 0.121 mm H  
140 cd/m2 typical (140 cd/m2 min.)  
100 typical (60 minimum) at  
optimized viewing angle  
Left/Right: 45° H (at CR>10)  
10°/30° V (at CR>10)  
Viewing Angle:  
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Type: 2 each, 1.5" x 2.75" full range, acoustically tuned with chassis damping.  
Each channel driven by 20 Watt amplifier.  
Output: 87 6 dB SPL at 1 meter, 150 Hz to 16 kHz  
Magnetically shielded  
Front Panel:  
Balance (non-video units only)  
VU/PPM Select  
Speaker Mute  
+4/+8 dBu Reference Level Select  
Meter Dimmer  
Analog/Digital Source Select (digital units only)  
Left Channel Select, Right Channel Select (four input models only)  
Video Monitor: Brightness, Contrast, Color, Tint  
(if present)  
Rear Panel:  
Gain Trim ( 6 dB, analog outputs only)  
Front Panel:  
2 (or 4) each, 14 segment LED meters: -40 dB to +3 dB labels; 0 dB indication is  
equivalent to +4 dBu or +8 dBu depending on Ref Level setting. Internal trim control  
allows user adjustment. PEAK indicator lights 1 dB above highest display segment,  
and is internally adjustable.  
VU/PPM indicator  
Channel to Channel Phase  
Analog/Digital input selection  
Speaker Mute  
Signal Present (for digital inputs only)  
Rear Panel:  
Signal Present for each analog and digital audio input. Sensitivity: -20 dBu  
External with IEC-320 connector, 4’ (1.2 m) captive cord to DIN 5 connector;  
separate 8’ (2.4 m) AC Mains line cord supplied with connector appropriate for  
country of use  
Universal 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 45 W  
Agency Approvals:  
UL/CSA/CE listed  
+5 VDC at 3 Amps; +12 VDC at 2 Amps; -12 VDC at .3 Amps  
MS Series unit:19" W x 13" D x 1.75" H; Power Supply: 6.5” W x 3” D x 2.2” H  
9 lbs (4.1 kg)  
Specifications subject to change without notice  
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