GE Monogram Refrigerator 48 Built In Refrigerators User Manual

Use and Care Guide  
for Side-by-Side  
36, 42, 48″  
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Consumer Information  
Built - In Refrigerators  
You’ll see them on a label above the  
freezer compartment behind the top  
Before sending in this card, please write  
these numbers here:  
down the  
model &  
These numbers are also on the Consumer  
Product Ownership Registration Card  
included with this guide.  
Model Number  
Serial Number  
Use these numbers in any correspondence  
or service calls concerning your  
If you  
Immediately contact the dealer (or  
builder) that sold you the refrigerator.  
received a  
Save time  
& money  
Before you request service, check the  
Problem Solver in the back of this guide.  
It lists causes of minor operating problems  
that you can correct yourself.  
If you  
To obtain service, see the Consumer  
Services page in the back of this guide.  
For customers in Canada:  
FIRST, contact the people who serviced  
We’re proud of our service and want you to your appliance. Explain why you are not  
be pleased. If for some reason you are not  
happy with the service you receive, here  
are steps to follow for further help.  
pleased. In most cases, this will solve the  
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all  
the details—including your phone number  
FIRST, contact the people who serviced  
your appliance. Explain why you are not  
pleased. In most cases, this will solve the  
Manager, Consumer Relations  
Camco Inc.  
1 Factory Lane, Suite 310  
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3  
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write  
all the details—including your phone  
Manager, Consumer Relations  
GE Appliances  
Appliance Park  
Louisville, KY 40225  
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 If your refrigerator has an automatic  
w WARNING—When using this  
appliance, always exercise basic safety  
precautions, including the following:  
 Use this appliance only for its intended  
purpose as described in this Use and  
Care Guide.  
icemaker, avoid contact with the moving  
parts of the ejector mechanism, or with  
the heating element that releases the  
cubes. Do not place fingers or hands on  
the automatic icemaking mechanism  
while the refrigerator is plugged in.  
 This refrigerator must be properly  
installed in accordance with the  
 Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning  
and making repairs. NOTE: We strongly  
recommend that any servicing be  
Installation Instructions before it is used.  
performed by a qualified individual.  
 Do not allow children to climb, stand or  
hang on the shelves in the refrigerator.  
They could damage the refrigerator and  
seriously injure themselves.  
 Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,  
the refrigerator should be unplugged in  
order to avoid contact with a live wire  
filament. (A burned-out light bulb may  
break when being replaced.) NOTE:  
Turning control to “0” does not remove  
power to the light circuit.  
 After your refrigerator is in operation, do  
not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer  
compartment, particularly when hands  
are damp or wet. Skin may adhere to  
these extremely cold surfaces.  
 Do not refreeze frozen foods which have  
thawed completely.  
 Do not store or use gasoline or other  
flammable vapors and liquids in the  
vicinity of this or any other appliance.  
Child entrapment and suffocation are  
not problems of the past. Junked or  
abandoned refrigeration products are still  
dangerous. . . even if they will sit for “just  
a few days.” If you are getting rid of your  
old appliance, please follow these  
Before You Throw Away Your Old  
Refrigeration Product:  
 Take off the doors.  
 Leave the shelves in place so that children  
may not easily climb inside.  
instructions to help prevent accidents.  
Old refrigeration products have  
cooling systems that used CFCs  
(chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are  
believed to harm stratospheric ozone.  
If you are throwing away an old  
refrigeration product, make sure the CFC  
refrigerant is removed for proper disposal  
by a qualified servicer. If you intentionally  
release this CFC refrigerant you can be  
subject to fines and imprisonment under  
provisions of environmental legislation.  
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 Si votre réfrigérateur est doté d’une  
AVERTISSEMENT : Lorsque vous  
utilisez le réfrigérateur, observez  
toujours certaines précautions de base,  
machine à glaçons automatique, évitez le  
contact avec les pièces mobiles du  
mécanisme éjecteur, ou avec l’élément  
chauffant qui libère les glaçons. Ne  
posez pas les doigts ou les mains sur le  
mécanisme de la machine à glaçons  
pendant que le réfrigérateur est  
 N’utilisez le réfrigérateur que pour son  
usage prévu, comme décrit dans le  
présent guide.  
 Installez le réfrigérateur conformément  
aux directives d’installation avant de  
 Débranchez votre réfrigérateur avant  
de le nettoyer et de le réparer.  
REMARQUE : Nous vous  
recommandons vivement de confier  
toute réparation à un technicien  
 Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper,  
s’asseoir, se tenir debout ni se pendre  
aux clayettes du réfrigérateur. Ils  
pourraient endommager le réfrigérateur  
et se blesser gravement.  
 Avant de remplacer une ampoule grillée,  
le réfrigérateur doit être débranché afin  
d’éviter tout contact avec un fil sous  
tension. (Une ampoule grillée peut  
se briser pendant l’opération).  
REMARQUE : Lorsque vous placez  
la commande sur «0» (éteint),  
l’alimentation électrique de l’ampoule  
n’est pas coupée.  
 Une fois le réfrigérateur en marche, ne  
touchez pas les surfaces froides du  
congélateur, surtout si vous avez les  
mains humides ou mouillées : la peau  
risque d’adhérer à ces surfaces très  
 N’entreposez et n’utilisez pas d’essence  
ou autres vapeurs et liquides  
inflammables à proximité de cet appareil  
ou de tout autre appareil  
 Ne faites PAS recongeler des aliments  
surgelés qui ont complètement dégelé.  
Les enfants pris au piège ou morts d’asphyxie  
sont toujours d’actualité. Les appareils de  
réfrigération abandonés sont toujours aussi  
dangereux, même si on n’attend que “quelque  
jours” pour s’en débarasser. Si vous ne gardez  
pas votre ancien appareil, veuillez suivre les  
directives ci-dessous afin de prévenir les  
Avant de vous débarasser de votre vieux  
appareil de réfrigération:  
 Démontez les portes.  
 Laissez les clayettes en place afin d’empêcher  
les enfants de grimper à l’intérieur.  
Les vieux appareils de réfrigération ont un  
avec CFC soit enlevé correctement par un  
système de refroidissement qui a utilisé les CFC technicien qualifié. Si vous libérez  
(chlorofluorocarbones). Les CFCs sont jugés  
nocifs pour l’ozone stratosphérique.  
intentionnellement ce frigogène avec CFC vouz  
pouvez être soumis aux contraventions et à  
l’emprisonnement après les stipulations des  
lois sur l’environment.  
Si vous débarrassez de votre viel appareil de  
réfrigération, assurez-vous que le frigorigène  
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Do not, under any circumstances, cut or  
The appliance should always be plugged  
remove the third (ground) prong from the into its own individual electrical outlet  
power cord. For personal safety, this  
appliance must be properly grounded.  
which has a voltage rating that matches  
the rating plate. This provides the best  
performance and also prevents  
overloading house wiring circuits  
which could cause a fire hazard from  
overheated wires.  
The power cord of this appliance is  
equipped with a 3-prong (grounding)  
plug which mates with a standard 3-prong  
(grounding) wall outlet to minimize the  
possibility of electric shock hazard from  
this appliance.  
Never unplug an appliance by pulling  
on the power cord. Always grip the  
plug firmly and pull straight out from  
the outlet.  
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked  
by a qualified electrician to make sure the  
outlet is properly grounded.  
Repair or replace immediately all power  
cords that have become frayed or  
otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord  
that shows cracks or abrasion damage  
along its length or at either end.  
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet  
is encountered, it is your personal  
responsibility and obligation to have it  
replaced with a properly grounded  
3-prong wall outlet.  
When moving the appliance, be careful  
not to roll over or damage the power cord.  
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Ne coupez ni retirez en aucun cas la  
troisième broche (mise à la terre) de la  
fiche du cordon d’alimentation. Pour  
votre sécurité, cet appareil doit être  
correctement mis à la terre.  
Cette précaution est recommandée pour  
garantir un rendement optimum et éviter  
une surcharge des circuits électriques de  
la résidence, ce qui pourrait créer un  
risque d’incendie par surschauffe des fils.  
Ne débranchez jamais l’appareil en  
tirant le cordon d’alimentation.  
Le cordon d’alimentation de cet appareil  
est muni d’une fiche à 3 broches (mise à la  
terre) qui se branche dans une prise  
mural ordinaire  à 3 alvéoles (mise à la  
terre) pour réduire au minimum les  
risques du chocs électriques.  
Saisissez fermement la fiche du cordon  
et tirez droit pour la retirer de la prise.  
Réparez ou remplacez immédiatement  
tout cordon effiloché ou endommagé.  
N’utilisez pas un cordon fendillé ou  
présentant des signes d’usure.  
Faites examiner la prise de courant et le  
circuit par un électricien qualifié pour  
vous assurer que la prise est correctement  
mise à la terre.  
Lorsque vous déplacez l’appareil du mur,  
faites attention de ne pas la faire rouler  
sur le cordon d’alimentation afin de ne  
pas l’endommager.  
Si la prise murale est du type standard  
à 2 alvéoles, il vous incombe de la faire  
remplacer par une prise à 3 alvéoles  
correctement mise à la terre.  
La machine à glaçons doit toujours être  
branché dans sa propre prise de courant,  
dont la tension nominale est identique à  
celle indiquée sur la plaque signalétique.  
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Operating Instructions  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Set Temperature  
may vary)  
Your refrigerator has two controls that let  
you regulate the temperature in the fresh  
food and freezer compartments.  
They have settings from 1 through 9,  
and are located at the top of the fresh  
food compartment.  
The freezer control also has  
an OFF setting.  
9 is the coldest setting, 1 is the warmest.  
For colder or warmer temperatures,  
adjust the desired compartment control  
1 number at a time.  
IMPORTANT: When first setting  
controls, or adjusting them, allow 24  
hours for the refrigerator to get cold.  
Note: Turning the freezer control to the  
OFF position stops cooling in BOTH  
compartments—fresh food AND freezer—  
but does not shut off power to the  
How to test  
Use the milk test for the fresh food  
compartment. Place a container of milk  
on the top shelf in the fresh food  
compartment. Check it a day later.  
If the milk is too warm or too cold,  
adjust the temperature controls.  
Use the ice cream test for the freezer  
compartment. Place a container of ice  
cream in the center of the freezer  
compartment. Check it after a day.  
If it’s too hard or too soft, adjust the  
temperature controls.  
Always allow 24 hours for the refrigerator  
to reach the temperature you set.  
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Operating Instructions  
Built - In Refrigerators  
The energy saver switch is located on the  
temperature control panel.  
To reduce the amount of electricity  
required to operate your refrigerator,  
push switch to ENERGY SAVER setting.  
This turns off the heater in your  
refrigerator that prevents moisture from  
forming on the outside of the refrigerator.  
With the heater turned off, there is a  
chance that moisture may form on the  
outside of your refrigerator, especially  
when the weather is humid.  
The humidity is most likely to be high in  
the summer, in the early morning hours,  
and in homes which are not air  
Over an extended period of time,  
moisture that forms on the refrigerator  
surface may cause deterioration of the  
paint finish. It will be important to protect  
the finish by using appliance polish wax as  
described in the Care and Cleaning  
Move the energy saver switch from the  
ENERGY SAVER setting and electricity  
flows through the low wattage heater  
which warms the outside of the  
refrigerator. Under most conditions, this  
prevents the forming of moisture or water  
Energy saver  
It is not necessary to defrost the freezer or  
fresh food compartments. Although your  
refrigerator is designed and equipped to  
defrost itself automatically, some frost on  
packages is normal.  
No defrosting  
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Automatic Icemaker (on some models)  
Built - In Refrigerators  
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 8 to  going away on vacation, at which time  
(on some  
12 hours to begin making ice.  
you should also turn off the valve in the  
water supply line to your refrigerator.  
The icemaker will produce eight cubes  
per cycle—approximately 100 cubes in a  
24-hour period, depending on freezer  
compartment temperature, room  
temperature, number of door openings  
and other use conditions.  
If your refrigerator is operated before  
the water connection is made to the  
icemaker, keep the feeler arm in the  
STOP (up) position.  
When the refrigerator has been connected  
to the water supply, move the feeler arm  
to the ON (down) position.  
The ice maker will fill with water when  
it cools to freezing. A newly-installed  
refrigerator may take 8 to 12 hours to  
begin making ice cubes.  
 turning the freezer control to the OFF  
If ice is not used frequently, old ice cubes  
will become cloudy and taste stale. Empty  
the ice storage bin periodically and wash  
it in lukewarm water. Be sure to allow the  
storage bin to dry before replacing it—  
otherwise ice cubes may stick to other  
parts of the icemaker.  
If this is your first icemaker, you’ll hear  
occasional sounds that may be unfamiliar.  
They are normal icemaking sounds and  
are not a cause for concern.  
Feeler arm in  
STOP (up)  
Throw away the first few batches of ice.  
This flushes away impurities in the  
water line.  
Icemaking will continue until the feeler  
arm senses enough ice cubes in the  
storage bin. For maximum ice production,  
level the stored cubes with your hand  
occasionally. Be sure nothing interferes  
with the swing of the feeler arm.  
The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of  
eight and it is normal for several cubes  
to be joined together.  
Move the icemaker feeler arm to the STOP  
(up) position when:  
Feeler arm  
in ON  
 home water supply is to be off for several  
 ice storage bin is to be removed for a  
period of time.  
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Ice & Water Dispenser (on some models)  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Select CUBES, CRUSHED ICE (on some  
models) or WATER.  
To use the  
Press the rim of the glass gently against the  
dispenser pad.  
The spill shelf is not self-draining. To  
reduce water spotting, the shelf and its  
grille should be cleaned regularly.  
If no water is dispensed when the  
refrigerator is first installed, there may  
be air in the water line system. Press the  
dispenser pad for at least two minutes to  
remove trapped air from the water line  
and to fill the water system. To flush out  
impurities in the water line, throw away  
the first six glassfuls of water.  
Spill Shelf  
To remove:  
Ice storage  
Lift the left corner to free the bin from  
the shelf and pull the bin straight out  
while supporting it at front and rear.  
To replace:  
Slide the bin back until the tab on the bin  
locks into the slot on the shelf. If the bin  
does not go all the way back, remove it  
and rotate the drive mechanism 1/4 turn.  
Then push the bin back again.  
CAUTION: Never put fingers or  
any other objects into the ice crusher  
discharge opening.  
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Ice & Water Dispenser (on some models)  
Built - In Refrigerators  
 Add ice before filling the glass with a  
 Some crushed ice may be dispensed  
even though you selected CUBES. This  
happens occasionally when a few cubes  
accidentally get directed to the crusher.  
facts about  
your ice  
& water  
beverage. This will prevent splashing,  
which could cause the ice selector switch  
to stick or bind.  
 Do not add ice from trays or bags to  
the storage bin. It may not crush or  
dispense well.  
 After crushed ice is dispensed, some  
water may drip from the chute.  
 Sometimes a mound of snow will  
form on the door in the ice chute.  
This condition is normal and usually  
occurs when you have dispensed  
crushed ice repeatedly. The snow  
will eventually evaporate.  
 Avoid overfilling glass with ice and use  
of narrow or extra-tall glasses. Backed-up  
ice can jam the chute or cause the door  
in the chute to freeze shut. If ice is  
blocking the chute, poke it through with  
a wooden spoon.  
 Dispensed water is not ice cold.  
For colder water, simply add crushed  
ice or cubes before dispensing water.  
 Beverages and foods should not be  
quick-chilled in the ice storage bin.  
Cans, bottles or food packages in the  
storage bin may cause the icemaker or  
auger to jam.  
 The first glass of water dispensed may  
be warmer than the following ones.  
This is normal.  
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Storage Drawers  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Excess water that may accumulate in the  
bottom of the drawers should be emptied  
and the drawers wiped dry.  
Fruit and  
The storage drawers at the bottom of the  
fresh food compartment are designed to  
provide high humidity levels required by  
most vegetables and lower humidity levels  
required for most fruits.  
When replacing the drawers, always push  
them all the way in.  
Storage time will depend upon the type of  
food and its condition when placed in the  
This refrigerated drawer is designed to  
keep unwrapped foods fresh by retaining  
the natural moisture content of foods  
such as:  
As in any refrigerated storage area, it is  
recommended that foods with strong  
odors be stored wrapped—foods such as:  
• Broccoli  
• Brussels  
• Cabbage  
• Cauliflower  
• Green onions  
• Parsnips  
• Turnips  
• Artichokes  
• Asparagus  
• Beets, topped  
• Blueberries  
• Currants  
• Celery  
• Cherries  
• Corn  
• Currants  
• Greens, leafy  
• Lettuce  
• Parsley  
• Peas, green  
• Radishes  
• Rhubarb  
• Spinach  
• Carrots  
• Tomatoes, ripe  
This refrigerated drawer is designed  
to provide lower humidity storage for  
items such as:  
• Apples  
• Nectarines  
• Oranges  
• Peaches  
• Pears  
• Raspberries  
• Squash, summer  
• Strawberries  
• Tangerines  
• Apricots  
• Grapes  
• Mushrooms  
The Sealed Snack Pan retains high  
humidity for the convenient storage of  
lunch meats and cheese, hors d’oeuvres,  
spreads and snacks.  
snack pan  
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Storage Drawers  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Drawers at the bottom of the fresh food  
compartment will stop before coming all  
the way out of the refrigerator, to help  
prevent contents from spilling onto floor.  
To remove a drawer, pull the drawer out.  
Lift the front of the drawer up and out of  
the wire holder. Lift the back of the drawer  
up and out.  
To remove the drawers when the  
refrigerator door cannot be opened fully,  
the shelf above the drawers must be  
removed. Push the shelf back then lift up.  
Tilt the cover and take it out.  
To replace a drawer, place the back of the  
drawer in the wire holder, making sure the  
extensions of the side of the drawer fit into  
the back of the wire holder. Lower the  
front of the drawer into the wire holder.  
Press firmly on the top of the drawer.  
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Built - In Refrigerators  
Tempered glass shelves in the fresh food  
compartment and steel wire shelves in  
the freezer compartment are adjustable,  
enabling you to make efficient shelf  
arrangements to fit your family’s food  
storage needs.  
To replace shelves:  
How to  
your shelves  
Select desired shelf height. With shelf  
front raised slightly, engage top lugs in  
tracks at rear of cabinet. Then lower front  
of shelf until it locks into position.  
To remove shelves:  
Tilt shelf up at front, then lift it up and  
out of tracks on rear wall of refrigerator.  
Some door shelves are adjustable and  
can be moved up and down to meet  
your storage needs.  
To remove: Lift the shelf up and slide it  
towards you.  
The divider (on some models) helps  
prevent tipping, spilling or sliding of small  
items stored on the door shelf.  
Place index finger and middle finger on  
either side of the divider near the front  
and simply move it back and forth to fit  
your needs.  
Quick space  
This shelf splits in half and slides under  
itself for storage of tall items on the shelf  
wine rack  
(on some  
The wine rack is designed to hold a bottle  
on its side. A good location for the wine  
rack is the Quick Space Shelf.  
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Built - In Refrigerators  
This shelf has only one position on  
the door.  
To remove: Lift the shelf up and slide it  
towards you.  
Deep door  
This swing-down shelf provides extra shelf  
space when needed.  
Quick shelf  
When you want to use it, pull the shelf  
forward as far as it goes, then lower it.  
Be careful not to force it down before  
it is pulled out all the way.  
To raise it back into position, pull the shelf  
forward, push it up and slide it back fully  
until it stops.  
Wire slide-out freezer baskets can be  
pulled out for easy access to frozen foods.  
To remove: Pull shelf out. Lift the front of  
the basket up and then take it out.  
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Care and Cleaning  
Built - In Refrigerators  
The water and ice  
The door handles and trim can be cleaned  
with a cloth dampened with a solution of  
mild liquid dishwashing detergent and  
water. Dry with a soft cloth. Don’t use wax  
on the door handles or trim.  
The stainless steel panels and door handles  
(on some models) can be cleaned with a  
commercially available stainless steel  
cleaner using a clean, soft cloth.  
Press here to  
remove grille  
dispenser spill shelf  
should be wiped dry  
immediately to prevent  
spotting. The grille is  
easily removed by  
pressing on the back right corner. Water  
left on the shelf may leave deposits that you  
can remove by soaking in undiluted  
vinegar. You can also use a paste of non-  
precipitating water softener (such as  
Do not use appliance wax or polish on the  
stainless steel.  
Calgon brand) and water, or 1 teaspoon of  
citric acid powder per pint of hot tap water.  
Soak until the deposit disappears or  
becomes loose enough to rinse away.  
Usually 30 minutes soaking time is  
adequate. Avoid using wax on the spill shelf  
and trim.  
Inside the fresh food and freezer  
compartments should be cleaned at least  
once a year. Unplug the refrigerator  
before cleaning. If this is not practical,  
wring excess moisture out of sponge or  
cloth when cleaning around switches,  
lights or controls.  
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot  
water because the extreme temperature  
difference may cause them to break.  
To help prevent odors, leave  
an open box of baking soda in  
the rear of the refrigerator, on  
the top shelf. Change the box  
Use warm water and baking soda solution— every 3 months. An open box  
about a tablespoon of baking soda to a  
quart of water. This both cleans and  
neutralizes odors. Rinse thoroughly with  
water and wipe dry.  
Other parts of the refrigerator—including  
door gaskets, meat and vegetable drawers,  
ice storage bin and all plastic parts—can be  
cleaned the same way. After cleaning door  
gaskets, apply a thin layer of petroleum  
jelly to the door gaskets at the hinge side.  
This helps keep the gaskets from sticking  
and bending out of shape. Do not use  
cleansing powders or other abrasive  
of baking soda in the freezer  
will absorb stale freezer odors.  
Do not wash any plastic parts from your  
refrigerator in your automatic dishwasher.  
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Care and Cleaning  
Built - In Refrigerators  
To clean the condenser fins:  
Cleaning the  
Decorative panel  
First turn off the power at the circuit  
breaker or fuse box. Wait about 30 minutes  
for the condenser area to cool. Then  
remove the decorative panel by lifting up  
and toward you.  
Use a soft bristle brush to loosen dust and  
lint on the condenser fins. Use a vacuum  
hose to remove soil.  
Condenser fins  
After cleaning: Reconnect power at the  
fuse box or circuit breaker.  
Replace the decorative panel.  
Condenser fins  
For extended vacations or absences,  
remove food and shut off power to the  
refrigerator at the fuse box or circuit  
breaker. Clean the interior with a baking  
soda solution of 1 tablespoon of soda to  
1 quart of water. Wipe dry. To prevent  
odors, leave an open box of soda in the  
refrigerator. Leave doors open.  
For shorter vacations, remove perishable  
foods and leave controls at regular settings.  
However, if the room temperature is  
expected to drop below 60°F., follow the  
same instructions as for extended  
Move the icemaker feeler arm to the STOP  
(up) position and be sure to shut off the  
water supply to the refrigerator.  
for vacation  
to move  
Secure all loose items such as grille,  
shelves and drawers by taping them  
securely in place to prevent damage.  
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upright  
position during moving.  
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Care and Cleaning  
Built - In Refrigerators  
There are upper and lower light bulbs in  
the fresh food compartment.  
To replace a bulb:  
1. Turn off power at the circuit breaker or  
fuse box.  
Light bulb  
replacement in  
the fresh food  
2. Remove the light shield from the top  
fresh food light by pushing the front end  
up and pulling it toward you to release it  
from the rear retaining lip. (It may bend  
To change the bottom refrigerator light,  
pull out the top drawer, look to the rear of  
the fresh food compartment and replace  
bulb as needed.  
3. Replace with the same size bulb,  
reinstall the shield for the upper fresh  
food light, and turn the power on.  
To reinstall the upper fresh food shield,  
hook the front edge first, then push it up  
and back until the shield rests in place.  
To replace a bulb:  
1. Turn off power at the circuit breaker or  
fuse box.  
2. Remove the freezer light shield by  
pulling the front edge down and free  
and then pull it toward you.  
Light bulb  
replacement in  
the freezer  
3. Replace with the same size bulb,  
reinstall the shield, and turn the  
power on.  
To replace the freezer shield, set the back  
edge on the rear tabs and then push up in  
the front until it rests in place.  
You may bend the shield slightly to help in  
removal and replacement.  
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Built - In Refrigerators  
IMPORTANT…Please Read Carefully.  
Do not install refrigerator where  
temperature will be below 60°F (16°C)  
because it will not run often enough to  
maintain proper temperatures.  
Do install it on a floor strong enough to  
support a fully loaded refrigerator.  
If the refrigerator is to be installed in a  
corner, allow 2between the hinges of the  
refrigerator and the wall to ensure a 90°  
door opening capability.  
No other clearances at top, sides, or back  
are required.  
This model has 4-point leveling. All 4  
corners are supported by leveling legs.  
The front wheels are non-adjustable; they  
are only used for positioning the unit.  
Hex nut  
 To level the back of the unit, turn hex  
nut located above the front wheels.  
 To level the front of the unit,  
use a 1 4open end wrench and  
adjust the leveling legs.  
Leveling leg  
 Turn hex nut or front leveling  
leg clockwise to raise the unit,  
counter-clockwise to lower  
the unit.  
See the Installation Instructions  
(Pub. No. 49-647336), (Pub. No. 49-  
646242), (Pub. No. 49-645748) for  
complete directions.  
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The Problem Solver  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Use this  
Refrigerator does  
not operate  
 May be in defrost cycle when motor does not operate for about  
30 minutes.  
 Freezer control is in the OFF position.  
 If the interior light is not on, the refrigerator may not be plugged  
in at the wall outlet.  
 If the plugs are secure and the refrigerator still fails to operate,  
plug a lamp into the same outlet to determine if there is a tripped  
circuit breaker or burned-out fuse.  
Motor operates for  
long periods  
 Modern refrigerators with more storage space and a larger  
freezer compartment require more operating time.  
 Normal when refrigerator is first delivered to your home—usually  
requires 24 hours to completely cool down.  
 Large amounts of food placed in refrigerator to be cooled  
or frozen.  
 Hot weather—frequent door openings.  
 Door left open.  
 Temperature controls are set too cold.  
 Condenser needs cleaning.  
Motor starts and stops  
 Temperature control starts and stops motor to maintain  
even temperatures.  
Vibration or rattling  
 If refrigerator vibrates, more than likely it is not resting solidly  
on the floor. The front leveling legs need adjusting, or floor is  
weak or uneven. Adjust leveling legs or call your installer.  
 If dishes vibrate on shelves, try moving them.  
Slight vibration is normal.  
Operating sounds  
 The high speed compressor motor required to maintain near zero  
temperatures in the large freezer compartment may produce  
higher sound levels than your old refrigerator.  
 Normal fan air flow—one fan blows cold air through the  
refrigerator and freezer compartments—another fan cools  
the compressor motor.  
These NORMAL sounds will also be heard from time to time:  
 Defrost timer switch clicks at defrost.  
 Defrost water dripping.  
 Temperature control clicks ON or OFF.  
 Refrigerant boiling or gurgling.  
 Cracking or popping of cooling coils caused by expansion  
and contraction during defrost and refrigeration  
following defrost.  
 Ice cubes dropping into the bin and water running in  
pipes as icemaker refills.  
Foods dry out  
 Foods not covered, wrapped or sealed properly.  
 Temperature control not set cold enough.  
 Warm weather—frequent door openings.  
 Door left open for too long a time.  
 Package may be holding door open.  
Fresh food  
or freezer  
too warm  
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The Problem Solver  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Use this  
Doors not  
 Refrigerator not level. Adjust leveling legs or call the  
installer. When cabinet is level, doors will close gently  
and securely.  
Frost or ice  
crystals on  
frozen food  
 Door may have been left ajar or package holding door open.  
 Too frequent or too long door openings.  
 Frost within package is normal.  
Automatic icemaker  
does not work  
 Icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up) position.  
 Water supply turned off or not connected.  
 Freezer compartment too warm.  
 Cubes too small—water shutoff valve connecting refrigerator  
to home water line may be clogged.  
 Sometimes cubes fuse to the side of the ice mold and hold  
the feeler arm in the STOP (up) position. Remove this ice  
to restart the icemaker.  
 When reaching for cubes by hand, you may have pushed the  
feeler arm into the STOP (up) position by mistake.  
 Piled up cubes in storage bin may cause icemaker to shut  
off prematurely. With icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up)  
position, level cubes in bin by hand.  
Slow ice cube  
 Door may have been left open.  
 Turn temperature of freezer compartment colder.  
Ice cubes have  
 Old cubes need to be discarded.  
 Ice storage bin needs to be emptied and washed.  
 Unsealed packages in refrigerator and/or freezer  
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste to ice cubes.  
 Interior of refrigerator needs cleaning.  
 Poor-tasting incoming water. Install a water filter.  
Cube dispenser  
does not work  
 No ice cubes. Remove storage bin. If cubes are frozen to wire  
arm, remove cubes.  
 No ice cubes. Icemaker turned off or water supply  
turned off.  
 Irregular ice clumps in storage container. Break up as  
many as you can with fingertip pressure and discard the  
remaining clumps.  
Water has poor  
 If water dispenser has not been used for an extended  
period, dispense water in regular manner until all water in  
reservoir is replenished with fresh water.  
 Poor-tasting incoming water. Install a water filter. See the  
Water Filter Accessory section.  
Water in first glass  
is warm  
 Allow about 24 hours for water to cool to proper  
temperature after refrigerator is first installed.  
 If water dispenser has not been used for extended  
period, water in the first glass will not be as cool as  
in succeeding glasses.  
 If water reservoir has been drained, allow several hours  
for replenished supply to chill.  
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The Problem Solver  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Use this  
Ice clumps form  
in the storage bin  
 If you don’t use the ice very often, ice clumps may form  
in the storage bin and can clog the dispenser. Remove the  
storage bin from the freezer and break up ice clumps with  
your hands. Throw away any clumps that you can’t break up.  
Water dispenser  
does not work  
 Water supply line turned off or not connected.  
 Supply line may be clogged with sediment.  
 If no water is dispensed when the icemaker is first installed,  
there may be air in the water system. Press the dispenser pad  
for at least two minutes to remove trapped air from the  
water line and to fill the water system.  
Moisture forms on  
cabinet surface  
between the doors  
 Not unusual during periods of high humidity. If problem    
persists, call for service.  
collects inside  
 Too frequent or too long door openings.  
 In humid weather, air carries moisture into refrigerator  
when doors are opened.  
Water on the floor  
 If you use a glass over 6 inches tall, you may be jamming the  
cubes in the funnel chute. They can fuse inside the chute  
and drop out later, leaving water or ice on the floor.  
Rrefrigerator has odor  
 Foods with strong odors should be tightly covered.  
 Check for spoiled food.  
 Interior needs cleaning.  
 Keep open box of baking soda in refrigerator; replace every  
3 months.  
Interior light does  
not work  
 No power at outlet. Call installer or electrician.  
 Light bulb needs replacing.  
 Check fuse and circuit breaker.  
Uneven spacing or  
gaps between doors  
and kitchen cabinet  
 Kitchen cabinets are not level or square. Call the  
installer or cabinetmaker.  
Poor door alignment  
or one door higher  
than the other  
 Refrigerator not level. Adjust leveling legs so refrigerator  
is resting solidly on the floor and is level side to side  
and front to back.  
If you need more help…call toll free:  
GE Answer Center , 800.626.2000  
consumer information service  
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Consumer Services  
Built-In Refrigerator  
With the purchase of your new Monogram appliance, receive the  
assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE,  
we will be there. All you have to do is call—toll- free!  
GE Answer  
Whatever your question about any Monogram major appliance, GE Answer Center®  
information service is available to help. Your call—and your question—will be answered  
promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center® service is open  
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
In the USA:  
In Canada, call 1.888.880.3030.  
In-Home Repair  
A GE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a time  
that’s convenient for you. Many GE Consumer Service company-operated locations offer  
you service today or tomorrow, or at your convenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,  
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance  
inside and out—so most repairs can be handled in just one visit.  
In the USA:  
In Canada:  
For Customers  
With Special  
GE offers Braille controls for a variety of GE appliances, and a  
brochure to assist in planning a barrier-free kitchen for persons  
with limited mobility.  
Consumers with impaired hearing or speech who have access to a  
TDD or a conventional teletypewriter may call 800.TDD.GEAC  
(800.833.4322) to request information or service.  
In the USA:  
Service Contracts  
You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your  
warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll  
receive a substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract, you’re assured of future  
service at today’s prices.  
In the USA:  
In Canada:  
Parts and  
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly  
to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts…and all GE Genuine  
Renewal Parts are fully warranted. VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted.  
In the USA:  
User maintenance instructions contained in this guide cover procedures intended to be  
performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service  
personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.  
In Canada:  
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o d a y M a i l   T  
I m p o r t a n t   
e g i s t r a t i o n O w n e r s h i p   R  
C o n s u m e r   P  
G E A p p l i a n c e s  
1st Class  
General Electric Company  
Warranty Registration Department  
P.O. Box 32150  
Louisville, KY 40232-2150  
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Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Dear Customer:  
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us. We are proud to  
have you as a customer!  
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:  
Complete and mail  
your Consumer  
After completing this  
Read your “Use and Care  
Guide” carefully. It will  
help you operate your  
new appliance properly.  
If you have questions, or  
need more information  
in the USA, call the  
registration, write your  
model and serial numbers  
in this guide. You will need  
this information should  
you require service. The  
service number in the  
USA: 800.444.1845. In  
Canada: 1.888.880.3030.  
Product Ownership  
Registration today.  
Have the peace of mind  
of knowing we can  
contact you in the  
unlikely event of a  
GE Answer Center  
safety modification.  
800.626.2000. In Canada  
call 1.888.880.3030  
Important: To ensure that your product is registered, mail the separate product registration card.  
If the separate product registration card is missing, fold and mail the form below. No envelope is needed.  
Consumer Product Ownership Registration  
Built-In Refrigerator  
Mr. l Ms. l Mrs. l Miss l  
Apt. #  
Date Placed  
In Use  
General Electric Company  
Louisville, KY 40225  
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Warranty for customers in Canada  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of original purchase  
date is needed to obtain service under warranty.  
From the Date  
of the Original  
For two years from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and  
service labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the refrigerator that fails because  
of a manufacturing defect.  
For five years from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and  
service labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the  
compressor, condenser, evaporator and all connecting tubing) that fails because of a  
manufacturing defect.  
For the sixth through twelfth year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free  
of charge, replacement parts for any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the compressor,  
condenser, evaporator and all connecting tubing) that fails because of a manufacturing  
defect. You pay for the service trip to your home and for service labor charges.  
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products  
purchased for ordinary home use in Canada.  
All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized  
Customer Care® servicers during normal working hours.  
Should your appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, call 1.888.880.3030.  
 Service trips to your home to teach you how  
 Failure of the product if it is used for  
other than its intended purpose or used  
to use the product.  
Read your Use and Care material.  
 Improper installation.  
If you then have any questions about  
operating the product, please contact your  
dealer or our Consumer Relations office at  
the address below, or call, toll free:  
If you have an installation problem, contact  
your dealer or installer. You are responsible  
for providing adequate electrical, plumbing  
and other connecting facilities.  
 Replacement of house fuses or resetting of  
circuit breakers.  
 Damage to the product caused by accident,  
fire, floods or acts of God.  
Some provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you  
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from province to province.  
To know what your legal rights are in your province, consult your local or provincial consumer  
affairs office.  
Warrantor: Camco Inc. If further help is needed concerning this warranty, write: Manager,  
Consumer Relations, Camco Inc., 1 Factory Lane, Suite 310, Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3.  
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Warranty for customers in the USA  
Built - In Refrigerators  
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of original  
purchase date is needed to obtain service under warranty.  
For two years from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and  
service labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the refrigerator that fails because  
of a manufacturing defect.  
From the Date  
of the Original  
For five years from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and  
service labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the  
compressor, condenser, evaporator and all connecting tubing) that fails because of a  
manufacturing defect.  
For the sixth through twelfth year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free  
of charge, replacement parts for any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the compressor,  
condenser, evaporator and all connecting tubing) that fails because of a manufacturing  
defect. You pay for the service trip to your home and for service labor charges.  
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products  
purchased for ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii and Washington, D.C.  
In Alaska the warranty is the same except that it is LIMITED because you must pay to ship  
the product to the service shop or for the service technician’s travel costs to your home.  
All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized  
Customer Care® servicers during normal working hours.  
Should your appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, in the U.S.A. call  
800.444.1845. In Canada: 888.880.3030.  
 Service trips to your home to teach you  
 Damage to the product caused by accident,  
how to use the product.  
fire, floods or acts of God.  
Read your Use and Care material.  
 Failure of the product if it is used for  
other than its intended purpose or used  
If you then have any questions about  
operating the product, please contact your  
dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at  
the address below, or call, toll free:  
 Improper installation.  
If you have an installation problem, contact  
your dealer or installer. You are responsible  
for providing adequate electrical, plumbing  
and other connecting facilities.  
GE Answer Center®  
consumer information service  
 Replacement of house fuses or resetting of  Loss of food due to spoilage.  
circuit breakers.  
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you  
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
To know what your legal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs  
office or your state’s Attorney General.  
Warrantor: General Electric Company. If further help is needed concerning this warranty,  
write: Manager—Consumer Affairs, GE Appliances, Louisville, KY 40225  
Part No. 162D3947P006  
Pub No. 49-60037-1  
General Electric Company  
Louisville, KY 40225  
1-00 JR  
Printed in the United States  
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