Cambridge SoundWorks Cordless Telephone 3620 User Manual

Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Avaya 3600 Series Wireless Telephones  
Administrator Guide  
Part Number 72-9175-01  
Issue 1  
July 2005  
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Note concerning shielded cable:  
Avaya recommends the use of Sshielded cable is recommended for all external signal connections in order  
to maintain FCC Part 15 emissions requirements.  
Note concerning the Avaya wireless telephones:  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference  
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
WARNING Changes or modifications to this equipment not approved by Avaya may cause this equipment  
to not comply with part 15 of the FCC rules and void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.  
WARNING Avaya products contain no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service  
Important Safety Information  
Follow these general precautions while installing telephone equipment:  
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.  
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.  
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected  
at the network interface.  
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
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Avaya, Inc.  
Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
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Avaya, Inc.  
Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
1. About This Document  
This document explains how to set up the Avaya Configuration Cradle, create  
configuration plans for the Avaya e340/h340/i640 WTs and how to download  
configuration plans to the handset. It also covers maintaining the software and  
troubleshooting error messages.  
1.1 Questions?  
1.2 Icons and conventions  
This manual uses the following icons and conventions.  
Caution! Follow these instructions carefully to avoid danger.  
Note these instructions carefully.  
This typeface indicates a key, label, or button on the NL Configuration  
Cradle or WT.  
1.3 Notes  
Only use the original OEM plug-in power adapter.  
Do not immerse the Configuration Cradle in water or other liquid. Do not pour  
liquids into the slots.  
Do not place anything in the Configuration Cradle other than theAvaya 3616, Avaya  
3626, or Avaya 3620 WT. You might damage the contacts. Bent contacts can keep  
the Configuration Cradle from working properly.  
The Configuration Cradle operates in a 50° to 85° F (10° to 30° C) environment. Do  
not expose it to freezing temperatures or direct sunlight.  
Remove the battery before placing the phone in the configuration cradle.  
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Avaya, Inc.  
Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
2. Avaya Configuration Cradle Overview  
The Avaya Configuration Cradle is a two-slot cradle designed to automate the  
process of configuring the 3616, 3620and 3626models of Avaya WT. The front slot  
of the cradle is for the Avaya 3616/3620 WT; the rear slot is for the Avaya 3626WT.  
Only one handset may be configured at a time.  
The Configuration Cradle is connected to a PC via a serial cable. The Configuration  
Cradle program runs on the PC and enables the system administrator to establish  
and store configuration options for System, Group and User levels. The  
Configuration Cradle program can be downloaded from the following website:  
Configuration plans may be set up in the program and downloaded into a WT or a  
configured WT may be placed in the cradle and its configuration may be uploaded  
and edited or saved.  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
3. Installing the Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Set up the Configuration Cradle by first obtaining the appropriate OEM power  
supply for your country or region. Place the Configuration Cradle on a flat,  
horizontal surface and plug the power supply into the Configuration Cradle and into  
an appropriate wall outlet. Plug a straight serial cable into the Configuration Cradle  
and into an available serial port on the PC.  
The serial cable must be plugged directly into the serial port on the PC.  
Please do not use port replicators or adaptors, as these do not properly  
handle the necessary communication requirements between the  
Configuration Cradle and the PC.  
Set up a folder for WT configuration on the PC and download the programming  
software from into this folder. Run  
the PhoneConfig.exe file.  
Note that there is no installer or uninstaller since the program does not modify your  
system or registry. It runs from its current location and stores its settings locally.  
Serial port settings are handled automatically by the Configuration Cradle software.  
If necessary, the COM port the Cradle is using can be set in the Settings menu.  
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Avaya, Inc.  
Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
4. Planning the Configuration Files  
Each configurable option may be categorized as one of three types: System (Sys),  
Group (Grp) or User (Usr). System level options should be those that are stable across  
the entire system. DHCP vs. Static IP addressing would be an example of a System  
option. Options that are designated as Group type should be those that change by  
category of user. PTT Allow/Disallow and PTT Channel are examples. A unique  
extension number is assigned to each handset by the system administrator and would  
be a User type. The remaining User types should be reserved for options that are  
normally set by the end user. For Standby menu options such as Ring Type and  
Noise Mode, default values may be entered with the expectation that the user may  
change them.  
4.1 Typical configuration plans  
Because the specific options that are available depend on the software version and  
License Option, the typical plan options for your facility may be different than those  
listed here.  
Typical System file settings:  
System file settings typically do not change across an installation. These are typical  
Sys categories:  
License Option  
Network Config  
IP Addressing  
IP Office Flag  
Typical Group file settings:  
If certain groups of people require different access to functions, such as PTT, these  
options would be stored as Group files. Several different Group files can be  
established and the handsets can be configured by group. Typical Grp categories are:  
Push-to-talk options on both Admin and Standby menus  
Typical User file settings:  
If a setting can be changed by the user in the Standby menu, then it would typically  
be stored in a User file. These can be the default settings or whatever your system  
requires. Typical Usr categories are:  
Static IP address  
Ring Options  
Phone Options  
You may have zones in your facility that require different System settings,  
such as security or ESSID. These settings can be moved to a Group file or  
you may set up two System files.  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
5. Configuration Cradle Window  
When first opened, the PhoneConfig program displays the toolbar and a list of  
configurable options. All Editable settings fields are blank or are set to default values.  
Phone settings are unavailable until a handset is read or settings are copied to the  
Phone settings fields.  
5.1 Initial window  
This is the window that appears when the Config Cradle program is first opened.  
The default filenames appear and all category buttons on the left default to Usr.  
5.2 Configuration Cradle toolbar  
The Config Cradle toolbar allows you to name, open, and save configuration files  
and download and upload configuration settings to and from the handset in the  
The three filename windows allow you to open and save settings by System, Group or  
User type as separate files. The filenames shown above are the default names, but any  
filename can be assigned by entering it into the field and clicking the Save button. By  
default, the files will be saved in a new folder named ConfigData under the folder  
where the program is stored. The new folder will be created automatically the first  
time a file is saved. To open an existing file, click the Open button and browse to the  
file. Use the File menu to customize the file structure, if desired.  
The three flags beside the Save buttons have four colors to indicate the status of the  
file displayed in the window:  
Red: file does not exist. The filename in the window has not been created.  
Yellow: file not loaded. The filename in the window exists in the ConfigData  
folder but has not been loaded into the Editable settings.  
Green: unsaved edits. When changes are made in the Editable settings field(s) the  
green flag indicates these have not been saved.  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
Gray: file up to date. The settings have been saved.  
The Copy settings arrows and boxes allow you to copy settings to the handset side of  
the window where they may then be written to the handset in the Cradle. Or the  
configuration in a handset may be copied to the Editable settings area and edited or  
saved. The Sys Grp Usr checkboxes allow you to copy just the settings you require.  
When clicked, the Read Phone and Write Phone buttons initiate the transfer of  
configuration data from or to the handset in the Cradle. The Stop button will halt the  
The Serial, MAC, and Ver windows display the serial number, MAC address, and  
firmware version of the handset in the Cradle. This information is not stored (I’m  
not sure whether the firmware version is stored in the Config file).  
The four labeled flags on the right indicate the status of the configuration transfer:  
Active: green when attempting communication with handset in Cradle. Turns  
yellow if a timeout occurs (may be due to an improperly seated handset). The  
software will repeatedly re-attempt communication after a timeout so re-seating  
the handset should correct the problem.  
Read: green when information is currently being read from the handset in the  
Write: yellow when information is currently being written to the handset in the  
Error: red when an error has occurred. An error message will appear on the status  
bar at the bottom of the main window.  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
6. Creating Your Configuration Plan  
When first setting up a configuration plan you will enter information into the Editable  
settings fields, indicate which of the three categories each option belongs to, and save  
as System, Group or User files.  
Do not create a plan that saves an option in two different categories. Option  
categories should be established and should not overlap. Example: PTT  
settings are typically tagged as Grp options and saved in Group files.  
Once you have established which options will be categorized as System, Group or  
User, enter the configuration information into the Editable settings fields. Start with  
the System options and enter all system-level field values. Click the Sys category  
button on the left side of the window for each option. Save these settings as a  
System file by entering the filename in the System filename field and clicking Save.  
Note that when a setting is changed, it is highlighted in yellow until it is saved.  
In the same way, create each Group plan by entering the values in the fields  
designated as Group types. Click the Grp category button on the left side of the  
window for each option. Save each plan under a different name in the Group filename  
Create one basic User file for default (or desired) values for each User field. Click the  
Usr category button on the left side of the window for each option.  
User settings don’t necessarily need to be saved for each handset, but they can be  
saved, if desired. It may be useful, for example, to save a user’s ring preferences from  
a handset being replaced so that the new handset can be configured up the same  
way. If you determine that each handset configuration should be saved, it is easiest to  
do this during the configuration process. See Downloading a configuration plan to a  
handset below.  
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Administrator Guide  
6.1 Sample configuration window  
Shown below is a typical Static IP configuration using the WEP security method. All  
PTT settings are saved as a group. The settings in the Editable settings field were first  
uploaded from a configured handset and then copied from Phone settings.  
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Administrator Guide  
6.2 Configuration planning worksheet  
Plan category________________ Filename__________________________  
Sys Grp Usr Label  
Editable Setting  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
7. Downloading and Uploading Configuration Plans  
Once your configuration plans are established, the settings are easily downloaded  
into the handsets.  
7.1 Downloading a configuration plan to a handset  
1. Place an Avaya WT with the Battery Pack removed into the appropriate slot. Add  
the pencil by this entry to highlight this.  
2. Use the toolbar to open the System, Group and User plans for this handset.  
3. Enter information unique to the handset – Extension and IP address (if using static  
IP). Note that these two fields have a Next button that is useful for setting these  
fields when configuring a quantity of handsets.  
4. Copy the settings to the Phone settings fields.  
5. Click Write Phone to begin the download.  
6. You may save the settings unique to this handset by ensuring the correct extension  
number or other filename is entered in the User filename field and then clicking Save.  
You may also load files or edit settings for the next handset (steps 2 and 3) during  
the download.  
7. When the Active flag turns off, the download has finished and the handset may be  
removed from the Cradle.  
7.2 Uploading a configuration plan from a handset  
1. Place an Avaya WT with the Battery Pack removed into the appropriate slot. Add  
the pencil by this entry to highlight this.  
2. Click the Read Phone button to begin the upload.  
3. When the Active flag turns off, the handset’s settings will appear in the Phone settings  
4. You may copy these settings over to the Editable settings fields to use them to create  
configuration plans as described above or to save them by user or extension.  
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Avaya Configuration Cradle  
Administrator Guide  
8. Software Maintenance  
The Avaya Configuration Cradle uses proprietary software programs written and  
maintained by SpectraLink Corporation. The software version can be displayed via  
the Help menu.  
Download the latest Avaya Configuration Cradle software from:  
The software is delivered in a zip. Install the update by extracting the zip and  
overwriting the existing PhoneConfig.exe and other files.  
Please follow customary backup procedures to preserve file integrity.  
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