Fluke 430 Series User Manual

Fluke 430 Series  
Three-Phase Power  
Quality Analyzers  
Pinpoint power problems  
faster, safer and in greater detail  
Technical Data  
The Fluke 434 and 433 three-phase power quality  
analyzers help you locate, predict, prevent and trou-  
bleshoot problems in power distribution systems.  
These easy-to-use handhelds are a “must have” for  
any person who maintains or troubleshoots three  
phase distribution. The new IEC standards for  
flicker and power quality are built right in to take  
the guess work out of monitoring.  
Records all your necessary values in a three  
phase system.  
Minimal setup required with intuitive menus.  
Highest safety rating in the industry.  
Four voltage and four current channels.  
Captures waveform data on all phases  
System-Monitor: Six power quality parameters  
on one dashboard  
Automatic Transient display: Never miss an event.  
Auto Trend: Don’t waste time setting up recordings.  
Rugged, handheld recorder.  
Seven hours operating time per charge on NiMH battery pack.  
Transfer data files to your PC for reporting and analysis using  
FlukeView software.  
CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V safety rating  
Designed to help protect you and your equipment against  
electrical shock and fire, the Fluke 430 Series analyzers,  
accessories and charger are all certified to meet the stringent  
safety standards for use in CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V  
environments. They are the first tools of their kind to carry  
the CAT IV rating and therefore can be used at virtually all  
power connections and outlets in a low-voltage power  
distribution system.  
‘off line’ on stored measurement data. The stored  
measurements can also be transferred to a PC  
System-Monitor: Multi-parameter power  
quality health check on one display  
with FlukeView software. The software’s ‘view’  
A single push of the MONITOR button delivers a  
single dashboard display of rms voltage, har-  
monics, flicker, interruptions, rapid voltage  
changes, swells, unbalance and frequency. The  
dashboard is updated live, showing compliance  
of each parameter to EN50160 limits or your own  
limits. Color-coded bars clearly show which  
parameters are inside (pass) or outside limits  
(fail). During a Monitor session, you can easily  
drill down to more detail of any parameter and  
view and capture its trend for a report.  
mode allows cursors and zoom tools to be used  
on stored measurements. Perform custom analy-  
sis and create reports, measurement data can  
also be exported to common spreadsheet pro-  
grams. Store up to 10 measurement datasets,  
each dataset can contain up to 32 parameters  
and up to 50 screens for use in reports.  
Perform custom analysis and create reports with FlukeView Power  
Quality software. Measurement data can also be exported to common  
spreadsheet programs.  
The System-Monitor overview screen gives instant insight into  
whether the voltage, harmonics, flicker, frequency and the number of  
dips and swells fall outside the set limits.  
Thanks to thoughtful features like user-friendly  
menus in local languages and setups with mini-  
mal steps. The high-resolution color screen  
updates every 200 mS and displays waveforms  
and wiring diagrams color coded to industry  
standards. Handy on-screen wiring diagrams for  
all commonly used three phase and single phase  
configurations guide you through connections.  
A detailed list is given of all events falling outside the set limits. By  
scrolling through the event list and selecting an event, the event can  
be analyzed in detail.  
Extensive data analysis possibilities  
The Fluke 430 Series provides three ways to  
analyze measurements. Cursors and zoom tools  
can be used ‘live’ while taking measurements or  
The full color display uses region specific industry-standard color-  
coding (user selectable) to correlate measurements with actual wiring.  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation  
Input characteristics  
Voltage inputs  
Number of inputs  
Maximum input voltage  
Maximum peak voltage  
Input impedance  
4 (3 phases + neutral)  
1000 Vrms  
6 kV  
4 M/ 5 pF  
9 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient display  
1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1 and variable  
Current inputs  
Number of inputs  
4 (3 phases + neutral)  
Clamp on current transformer with mV output  
1 to 400 Arms with included clamps (I400S)  
0.1 to 3000 Arms with optional clamps  
Input impedance  
50 kΩ  
9 kHz  
0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mV/A and variable  
40 to 70 Hz  
Nominal frequency  
Sampling system  
16 bit analog to digital converter on 8 channels  
200 kS/s on each channel simultaneously  
5000 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-30  
4096 samples on 10/122 cycles according IEC 61000-4-7  
Maximum sampling speed  
RMS sampling  
PLL synchronization  
Display modes  
Waveform display  
Available in Scope and Transient mode  
Captures 8 waveforms simultaneously  
Display update rate 5 x per second  
Up to 10/12 times horizontal zoom2  
Cursors: Single vertical line showing min, max, avg reading at cursor position  
Shows real time phasor diagram  
Available in Scope and Unbalance mode  
Display update rate 5 x per second  
Matrix readings  
AutoTrend graph  
Available in Volts/Amps/Hertz, Harmonics, Power & Energy, Flicker and Unbalance mode  
Available in Volts/Amps/Hertz, Dips & Swells, Harmonics, Power & Energy, Flicker,  
Unbalance, Inrush and Monitor mode  
Cursors: single vertical line showing with min, max, avg reading at cursor position  
Available in Harmonics and Monitor mode  
Available in Dips & Swells and Monitor mode  
Measurement modes  
Vrms, Arms, Vcursor, Acursor, Vfund, Afund, Hz, V phase angles, A phase angles  
Vrms, Vpk, V Crest Factor, Arms, Apk, A Crest Factor, Hz  
Vrms12 , Arms12  
Dips and Swells  
Captures up to 1000 events with date, time, duration, magnitude and phase identification  
with programmable thresholds  
Harmonics DC, 1 to 50  
Power and Energy4  
Harmonic Volts, THD Volt, Harmonic Amps, THD Amps, K Amps, Harmonic Watts, THD  
Watts, K Watts, Interharmonic Volts4, Interharmonic Amps4  
(relative to fundamental or to total rms)  
Watts, VA, VAR, Power factor, Cos ϕ / DPF, Arms, Vrms, kWh, kVAh, KVARh, peak demand  
interval using trend, KYZ revenue meter verification via optional input  
Pst(1min), Pst, Plt, PF5, Vrms12, Arms12, Dc, Dmax, TDEX  
Vneg, Vzero, Aneg, Azero, Vfund, Afund, Hz, V phase angles, A phase angles  
Vrms, Arms, Vcursor, Acursor  
Inrush Currents4  
System Monitor  
Inrush Current, Inrush duration, Arms12, Vrms12  
Vrms, Arms, Harmonic Volts, THD Volts, Plt, Vrms12, Arms12, Vneg, Hz, dips and swells,  
unbalance. All parameters are measured simultaneously in accordance with EN50160.  
Using Flagging to indicate unreliable readings according IEC61000-4-30.  
Fluke Corporation  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers  
Specifications continued  
Accuracy, resolution and range  
Vrms (AC+DC)  
Measurement range  
0.1 Vrms  
1 V  
1 to 1000 Vrms  
1 to 1400 Vpk  
1.0 to > 2.8  
0 to 20,000 Arms1  
0 to 400 Arms  
0.5 % of nominal voltage  
5 % of nominal voltage  
5 %  
Arms (AC+DC)  
0,001 to 10 Arms1  
0.1 and 1 Arms  
1 % of reading 5 counts3  
with included clamps  
Apk using 1mV/A scaling  
CFA using 1mV/A scaling  
50 Hz nominal  
0 - 5500 Apk  
1 to 10  
42.50 to 57.50 Hz  
51.00 to 69.00 Hz  
10 A  
0.01 Hz  
0.01 Hz  
5 %  
5 %  
0.1 % of nominal frequency  
0.1 % of nominal frequency  
60 Hz nominal  
Dips and swells  
Vrms12 (AC+DC)  
0.0 to100 % of nominal voltage  
0 to 20,000 Arms1  
0 to 400 Arms  
0,001 Arms to 10 Arms  
0.1 Arms and 1 Arms  
1 % of nominal voltage  
1 % of reading 5 counts3  
Arms12 (AC+DC)  
with included clamps  
Threshold levels  
Programmable in percent of nominal voltage  
hhh,mm,ss,mmm with half-cycle cycle time resolution  
Harmonic selection (n)  
Inter-Harmonic selection  
DC, 1 to 50  
Off, 1 to 49  
Relative (%f):  
0.0 to 100.0 %  
0.1 %  
0.1 % n x 0.1 %  
0.4 % for %r)  
Relative (%f):  
0.0 to 1000 Vrms  
0.0 to 100.0 %  
0.1 Vrms  
0.1 %  
5 % of reading 2 counts  
0.1 % n x 0.1 %  
0.4 % for %r)  
5 % of reading 5 counts  
0.0 to 4000 mV x selected  
clamp scaling  
0.0 to 100.0 %  
depends on selected clamp  
and voltage scaling  
1 mVrms x selected clamp scaling  
0.1 %  
n x 2 %  
5 % of reading n x 2 %  
of reading, 10 counts  
DC voltage  
0.0 to 100.0 %  
0.0 to 1000 V  
0.1 %  
0.1 V  
1 %  
5 % of reading 10 counts  
Phase angle  
0.0 to 100.0 %  
0 to 3500 Hz  
-360 º to +360 º  
0.1 %  
1 Hz  
1 º  
2.5 %  
n x 1.5 º  
Power and Energy  
Power Factor  
Cos ϕ / DPF  
1.0 W to 20.00 MW1  
1.0 VA to 20.00 MVA1  
1.0 VAR to 20.00 MVAR1  
00.00 kWhr to 200.0 GWhr1  
00.00 kVAhr to 200.0 GVAhr1  
00.00 kVARhr to 200.0 GVARhr1  
0 to 1  
0.1 W to 1 kW1  
0.1 VA to 1 kVA1  
0.1 VAR to 1 kVAR1  
0.01 Whr to 100 Whr1  
0.01 VAhr to 100 VAhr1  
0.01 VARhr to 100 VARhr1  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
1.5 % of reading 10 counts3  
0 to 1  
Pst (1min), Pst, Plt, PF5  
instantenous Flicker  
0.00 to 20.00  
Within 5 % of tabulated values  
according IEC61000-4-15  
Dc %, Dmax % and Time d(t) 0.0 to 100.0 % for Dc % and  
exceeds limits. As described Dmax % and 0.000 to 9.999s  
0.1 % for Dc % and Dmax % and  
10 ms for Time  
1% for Dc % and Dmax % and  
20 ms for Time  
per IEC 61000-3-3  
for Time  
0.0 to 5.0 %  
0.0 to 20 %  
0.1 %  
0.1 %  
0.5 %  
1 %  
Transient capture  
6000 Vpk  
5 µs  
1 V  
15 % of cursor reading  
2.5 % of Vrms  
200 kS/s  
Minimum detect duration  
Inrush mode  
Arms (AC+DC)  
Sampling rate  
0.000 to 20.00 kArms1  
mm:ss:mmm between 7.5 s to  
30 m selectable  
0.001 to 10 Arms1  
10 ms  
1 % of meas 5 counts3  
20 ms (Fnominal = 50 Hz)  
Inrush Duration  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation  
Specifications continued  
Trend recording  
AutoTrend automatically records min, max and average values over time for all readings being  
displayed for the 3 phases and neutral simultaneously  
Volts/amps/hertz, harmonics, power and energy, flicker and unbalance mode  
5 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel  
1800 min, max and avg points for each reading  
Recording time  
From 30 min with 1 second display resolution up to 450 days with 6 hour display resolution  
Up to 6 x horizontal zoom  
Dips and swells mode  
100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel  
3600 min, max and avg points for each reading  
Recording time  
From 90 sec with 25 msec display resolution up to 450 days with 3 hour display resolution  
Up to 12 x horizontal zoom  
Inrush currents and flicker PF5 mode  
100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel  
3600 min, max and avg points for each reading  
Recording time  
From 7.5 sec with 25 msec display resolution up to 30 min with 500 msec display resolution for  
Inrush measurements and up to 2.5 hour with 2.5 sec display resolution for PF5 recordings  
Up to 12 x horizontal zoom  
Monitor mode  
Combination of 5 readings/sec and 100/1202 readings/sec continuous sampling per channel  
depending on the parameter measured  
Recording time  
Up to 1 week with 10 min resoluton  
1008 min, max and avg points for each reading  
According EN50160 or customer definable  
Measurement method  
Vrms, Arms  
10/122 cycle contiguous non overlapping intervals using 500/4162 samples per cycle in  
accordance with IEC 61000-4-30  
Vpeak, Apeak  
V Crest Factor  
A Crest Factor  
Absolute highest sample value within 10/122 cycle interval with 40 µs sample resolution  
Measures ratio between the Vpeak and Vrms  
Measures ratio between the Apeak and Arms  
Measured every 10 sec in accordance with IEC61000-4-30  
Vrms12, Arms12  
Value is measured over 1 cycle, commencing at a fundamental zero crossing, and refreshed each  
half-cycle. This technique is independent for each channel in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30.  
Calculated from 10/12-cycle gapless harmonic group measurements on Voltage and Amps  
according to IEC 61000-4-7  
Selectable Total or Fundamental real power display  
Calculates average value of instantaneous power over 10/12 cycle period for each phase  
Total Active Power PT =P1 + P2 + P3  
Selectable Total or Fundamental apparent power display  
Calculates apparent power using Vrms x Arms value over 10/12 cycle period  
Total Apparent Power is root mean square of real and apparent power  
Selectable Total of Fundamental reactive power display  
Calculates reactive power as root of VA squared minus Watt squared over 10/12 cycle period  
Capacitive and inductive load is indicated with capacitor and inductor icons  
Power Factor  
Cos ϕ / DPF  
Calculated Watt / VA  
Cos of angle between fundamental voltage and current  
The supply voltage unbalance is evaluated using the method of symmetrical components  
according to IEC61000-4-30  
According to IEC 61000-4-15 Flickermeter - Functional and design specification  
Includes 230 V 50 Hz lamp and 120 V 60 Hz lamp models  
Transient capture  
Inrush current  
Captures waveform triggered on signal envelope  
Additionally triggers on dips, swells, interruptions and Amps level as specified by IEC61000-4-30  
The inrush current begins when the Arms half cycle rises above the inrush threshold, and ends  
when the Arms half cycle rms is equal to or below the inrush threshold minus a user-selected  
hysteresis value. The measurement is the square root of the mean of the squared Arms half  
cycle values measured during the inrush duration. Each half-cycle interval is contiguous and  
non-overlapping as recommended by IEC 61000-4-30. Markers indicate inrush duration.  
Cursors allow measurement of peak Arms half cycle.  
Fluke Corporation  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers  
Specifications continued  
Rugged, shock proof with integrated protective holster  
Drip and dust proof  
Shock and Vibration  
IP51 according to IEC60529 when used in tilt stand position  
Shock 30 g, Vibration: 3 g Sinusoid, Random 0.03 g2/Hz according to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2  
Bright Full-Color LCD with CCFL backlight, 80cd/m2  
115.2 x 86.4 mm (4.5 x 3.4 in)  
Contrast and brightness  
320 x 240 pixels  
User adjustable, temperature compensated  
50 screen memories on Fluke 434  
25 screen memories on Fluke 433  
10 data memories for storing data including recordings on Fluke 434  
5 data memories for storing data including recordings on Fluke 433  
Limit templates  
Real-time clock  
2 preprogrammed, 2 administrator (programmable via FlukeView, 2 user locations)  
Time and date stamp for AutoTrend, Transient display and SystemMonitor  
256 x 169 x 64 mm (10 x 6.6 x 2.5 in.)  
2 kg (4.4 lb.)  
Line power  
Switchable 115 V, 230 V adapter with country specific plug  
Battery power  
Battery operating time  
Battery charging time  
Power saving  
Rechargeable NiMH (installed)  
> 7 hours  
4 hours  
Adjustable time for dimmed backlight with on screen power indicator  
Measurement methods used  
Power Quality  
IEC61000-4-30 class A  
IEC 61000-4-15  
IEC 61000-4-7  
IEC/EN61010-1 (2nd edition) pollution degree 2; CAN/CSA C22.2 No 101.1; ANSI/ISA S82.01  
Max voltage on banana input  
Max voltage on current BNC input  
Operating temperature  
Storage temperature  
CAT III 1000 V / CAT IV 600 V  
42 Vpeak  
0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)  
-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)  
10 to 30 °C: 95 % RH non condensing (50 to 86 °F: 95 % RH non condensing)  
30 to 40 °C: 75 % RH non condensing (86 to 104 °F: 75 % RH non condensing)  
40 to 50 °C: 45 % RH non condensing (104 to 122 °F: 45 % RH non condensing)  
Maximum operating altitude  
Maximum storage altitude  
3000 m (9842 ft) Derate to CAT II 1000 V / CAT III 600 V / CAT IV 300 V above 2000 m (6561 ft)  
12 km (39,372 ft)  
3 years on mainframe, 1 year on included accessories  
Hard carrying case with clamp holders BC430  
4 current clamps, i400s  
5 Test leads, 4 black, 1 green  
5 Alligator clips, 4 black, 1 green  
Battery Charger Eliminator, BC430  
FlukeView Software, SW43W (Fluke 434 only)  
Optical Cable for USB , OC4USB (Fluke 434 only)  
Color localization set, WC100  
Getting Started (printed)  
User Manual (CD-ROM)  
1 depending clamp scaling  
2 50 Hz/60 Hz nominal frequency according to IEC 61000-4-30  
3 Add clamp accuracy  
4 The advanced functions: interharmonics, energy, transients and inrush are optional for the Fluke 433 and standard available on the Fluke 434  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation  
Optional 430 Series Accessories  
i400s AC Current Clamp — Replacement  
current clamp for the Fluke 430 Series:  
It is compatible with any oscilloscope,  
ScopeMeter Test Tool or Power Quality  
Analyzer that accepts BNC connectors and  
is capable of millivolt measurements.  
TLS430 Test Lead Set — Test lead replace-  
ment set for the 430 Series Power Quality  
Analyzer. Set includes five test leads and five  
alligator clips.  
WC100 Multi-Color Wire Clips — 32 wire  
clips in 8 colors easily snap onto test leads  
and current clamp cables to organize multiple  
leads and cables in a work area.  
CCS430 Color coding set for Fluke 430 Series.  
C430 Hard carrying case.  
OC4USB Optical cable for USB.  
BC430 Battery charger 230 V/110 V.  
Fluke-433/UGK Upgrade kit for Fluke 433,  
includes FlukeView software, USB cable and  
advanced feature upgrade.  
Ordering information  
Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer  
Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer  
Upgrade Kit for Fluke 433  
Fluke offers a full suite of power quality  
test tools to locate, predict, prevent and  
troubleshoot power problems.  
Handheld troubleshooters for instant analysis  
Ready-to-use event loggers  
Full Disclosure power analyzers  
Power calibrators and standards backed by  
Fluke metrology expertise  
Fluke.Keeping your world  
up and running.  
The Fluke power quality set of products offers the  
highest level of performance and maintains the  
Fluke promise of rugged and reliable test tools.  
Fluke Corporation  
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206  
Fluke Europe B.V.  
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD  
Eindhoven, The Netherlands  
For more information call:  
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or  
Fax (425) 446-5116  
In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 or  
Fax (31 40) 2 675 222  
In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or  
Fax (905) 890-6866  
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or  
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116  
©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. All  
copyrights are the property of their respective owners.  
Printed in U.S.A. 9/2004 2276752 D-US-N Rev A  
Fluke Corporation  
Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers  

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