Sony Network Walkman NW MS11 User Manual

Po rt a b le Me m o ry St ick Au d io Pla ye r  
Ne t w o rk Wa lkm a n  
Operating Instructions  
Ow n e r’s Re co rd  
The model and serial numbers are located inside the “Memory Stick” slot cover of  
the player (see page 7). Record the serial number in the space provided below.  
Refer to them whenever you call your Sony dealer regarding this product.  
Model No. NW-MS11  
Serial No.  
© 2002 Sony Corporation  
Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s  
Overview .......................................... 4  
What you can do with your  
Ot h e r In fo rm a t io n  
Network Walkman ................ 4  
Other features ............................... 5  
On “MagicGate Memory Stick”  
.................................................. 5  
Precautions ..................................... 23  
Notes on the rechargeable battery  
................................................ 24  
Troubleshooting ............................. 25  
To reset the player ...................... 25  
What happened ? ....................... 25  
Error messages ........................... 28  
Specifications .................................. 30  
Glossary .......................................... 31  
Looking at the controls ................. 33  
Index ................................................ 34  
Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
Step 1: Unpacking ........................... 7  
Step 2: Charging the rechargeable  
battery ......................................... 8  
Ba sic Op e ra t io n s  
Transferring songs from the computer  
to the “Memory Stick” (Check-  
Out).............................................. 9  
Listening to music with Network  
Walkman ....................................11  
On other operations ................... 12  
On the display ............................ 12  
Ad va n ce d Op e ra t io n s  
Playing tracks repeatedly  
(REPEAT) .................................. 13  
Adjusting the sound ...................... 14  
Emphasizing the bass sound  
(MEGA BASS) ...................... 14  
Protecting your hearing  
(AVLS) ................................... 14  
Changing the display mode ......... 15  
Locking the controls (HOLD) ...... 16  
Changing the settings ................... 16  
To set a reasonable volume  
This manual explains how to operate  
Network Walkman. For details on how  
to use the supplied software (OpenMG  
Jukebox), refer to the OpenMG Jukebox  
Operating Instructions.  
OpenMG and its logo are trademarks of Sony  
“MagicGate Memory Stick,”  
, “Memory Stick,”  
and are trademarks of Sony Corporation.  
(Volume preset functions) .. 16  
To turn off the beep sound  
(BEEP).................................... 17  
To change the display backlight  
setting (LIGHT) .................... 18  
To set the date and time  
(DATE – TIME) .................... 18  
To erase music data from  
the “Memory Stick”(ERASE) ... 20  
To format the “Memory Stick”  
(FORMAT) ................................ 21  
Menu ................................................ 22  
“MagicGate” and  
Sony Corporation.  
are trademarks of  
WALKMAN is a trademark of Sony Corporation.  
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft  
Corporation in the United States and/ or other  
US and foreign patents licensed from Dolby  
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of their  
respective holders.  
Ove rvie w  
What you can do w ith your Netw ork Walkman  
Network Walkman is a portable Memory Stick audio player.  
You can easily transfer digital audio files from your computer to the “MagicGate Memory Stick”  
using this product, and carry it anywhere to enjoy.  
MP3, WAV and  
Window s Media  
Format files  
EMD Services Audio CDs  
Store digital  
audio files on  
your computer.*  
Transfer the files  
to the Netw ork  
USB connection  
Listen to your  
Netw ork Walkman.  
Ot h e r fe a t u re s  
• Compact size, light weight.  
• Skip-proof: you can enjoy uninterrupted enjoyment of music during physical activities such as  
jogging or commuting.  
• Approximately 10 hours of continuous playback with a rechargeable nickel hydride battery.  
• Recordable time: up to 120 min., 160 min., 240 min.**, on the supplied 128MB “MagicGate  
Memory Stick.”  
• Backlight LCD screen: song titles and artist names can be displayed.  
High speed data transfer using the supplied USB cable.  
• OpenMG Jukebox software enables you to record compact discs using the ATRAC3 format  
(high sound quality, high compression) to the hard drive.  
* OpenMG and MagicGate technology conforms to the SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative) specifications  
and allows you to enjoy digital music while maintaining the copyrights of its holders.  
**Differs according to the bit rate when recording. In this case, the figures for the recordable time are when  
recording on a 128MB “MagicGate Memory Stick” at 132kbps, 105kbps, and 66kbps.  
• The recorded music is limited to private use only. Use of the music beyond this limit requires permission  
of the copyright holders.  
• Sony is not responsible for music files that are not saved on your computer due to unsuccessful recording  
from CD or music downloading.  
On “ Ma g icGa t e Me m o ry St ick”  
Wh a t is a “ Me m o ry St ick” ?  
“Memory Stick” is a compact, portable and versatile Integrated Circuit recording medium with a  
data capacity that exceeds a floppy disk. “Memory Stick” is specially designed for exchanging  
and sharing digital data among “Memory Stick” compatible products. Because it is removable,  
the “Memory Stick” can also be used for external data storage.  
Typ e s o f “ Me m o ry St ick”  
There are two types of “Memory Stick”:  
– “MagicGate Memory Stick” that is equipped with “MagicGate” copyright protection  
– “Memory Stick” that is not equipped with “MagicGate” copyright protection technology.  
(See “Glossary” on page 31 for details.)  
Use a “MagicGate Memory Stick” w ith this player.  
A 128 MB “MagicGate Memory Stick” is supplied with this product.  
When you purchase a spare “Memory Stick” for your Network Walkman, be sure to ask for a  
“MagicGate Memory Stick,” which is distinguished by the  
Can be used Cannot be used  
No t e  
The Memory capacity of a “MagicGate Memory Stick” supported by this product is 128MB.  
Ove rvie w (co n t in u e d )  
Wh a t is “ Ma g icGa t e ” ?  
“MagicGate” is a copyright protection technology for “MagicGate Memory Stick” and compliant  
products, such as Network Walkman. Authentication ensures that protected content is  
transferred only between compliant devices and “MagicGate Memory Stick,” and that protected  
content is recorded and transferred in an encrypted format to prevent unauthorized copying or  
No t e s o n u se  
To avoid damaging data, do not  
– release the “Memory Stick” or unplug the USB cable during reading or writing of data.  
use the “Memory Stick” in a location subject to static electricity or electric noise.  
On fo rm a t t in g t h e “ Me m o ry St ick”  
The “Memory Stick” is shipped with a FAT format as the standard format.  
To format the “Memory Stick,” please use devices conformable with the “Memory Stick.”  
When formatting the “Memory Stick,” do not use the format function on the Windows Explorer.  
“FORMAT ERR” (page 28) is displayed and you cannot playback using Network Walkman. To  
format the "Memory Stick," do one of the following:  
• Follow the instructions, “To format the Memory Stick’” on page 21.  
• Use the supplied OpenMG Jukebox software.  
For details on how to use the OpenMG Jukebox, refer to the online Help for Network Walkman.  
On t h e Win d o w s Exp lo re r  
When you connect Network Walkman to your computer with the supplied USB cable, you can  
display the data recorded on a “Memory Stick” as an external drive (for example, as the D drive)  
using the Windows Explorer.  
• Data is stored in a folder called “Hifi” Folder. Do not edit data that is stored in the “Hifi” Folder.  
You cannot playback data that has been copied or edited using the Windows Explorer.  
• You can display data that has been recorded on other “Memory Stick” compatible devices  
(JPEG data, MPEG data, etc.).  
For information on how to handle data except in the “Hifi” Folder, refer to the instruction manual  
that comes with the equipment with which the recording has been done.  
Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
St e p 1: Un p a ckin g  
Your Memory Stick Audio Player comes with the following items.  
Memory Stick Player (1)  
• Earphones (1)  
“MagicGate Memory Stick” (1)  
USB cable (1)  
Rechargeable battery (1)  
• “Memory Stick” storage case (1)  
• Rechargeable battery carrying case (1)  
• Carrying pouch (1) (Except for U.S.A. and  
Canada model)  
• Carrying case (1) (For U.S.A. and Canada  
model only)  
• Key ring (1) (Except for U.S.A. and Canada  
• CD-ROM  
(OpenMG Jukebox installation disc) (1)  
Battery charger (1)  
AC plug adaptor (1)  
NW-MS11 Operating Instructions (1)  
(Except for U.S.A., Canada, Europe, Hong  
Kong and Australia model)  
• OpenMG Jukebox  
Operating Instructions (1)  
Ab o u t t h e Se ria l Nu m b e r  
The serial number provided for your device is  
required for the customer registration. The  
number is on a label on the inside of the  
Memory Stick slot cover.  
Serial Number  
Step 2: Charging the rechargeable battery  
Please charge the battery before using the player.  
Charge the battery.  
Charge lamp  
(Available only with  
certain models)  
To the wall outlet  
For U.K. and Hong Kong models:  
No t e s  
After about 1.5 hours, charging ends and the  
lamp turns off. (To get maximum performance  
from battery, continue charging it for another  
hour after the lamp turns off.)  
• The shape of the supplied charger varies  
depending on your country.  
• Please charge the battery where the temperature is  
0˚C to 35˚C.  
For other models:  
Full charging takes about 7 hours.  
Insert the fully charged battery in the battery compartment.  
Slide the battery  
cover in the  
direction of the  
arrow to open.  
Insert the negative  
end (–) of the battery  
If the battery compartment lid is accidentally  
detached, attach it as illustrated.  
Ba t t e ry d u ra t io n  
About 10 hours.  
Ab o u t t h e re m a in in g b a t t e ry ch a rg e  
in d ica t io n  
The battery icon in the display changes as shown  
low battery  
charge the  
If “LOW BATT” is displayed in the display, you  
need to recharge the battery.  
Ba sic Op e ra t io n s  
Tra n sfe rrin g so n g s fro m t h e co m p u t e r t o  
t h e Me m o ry St ick” (Ch e ck-Ou t )  
Install the supplied OpenMG Jukebox software and import digital audio files to  
OpenMG Jukebox.  
For details, refer to the OpenMG Jukebox operating instructions.  
No t e  
Before connecting the player to your computer for the first time, be sure to install  
“OpenMG Jukebox” software and NW-MS11 driver from the supplied CD-ROM to your  
computer. If you have already installed “OpenMG Jukebox” software, you also need to  
install NW-MS11 driver before connecting the player to your computer.  
Connect Network Walkman to your computer.  
1 Insert “MagicGate Memory Stick.”  
Access lamp  
No t e s  
• When connecting Network Walkman to  
your computer, make sure the erasure  
prevention switch of the “Memory Stick”  
(page 23) is OFF .  
• Insert the “Memory Stick” into the slot  
until it clicks into place.  
Memory Stick slot  
2 Connect Network Walkman to your computer.  
Connect the narrow connector of the supplied dedicated USB cable into the dedicated USB jack on  
Network Walkman, then the wide connector to the USB jack of your computer.  
“CONNECT” appears in the display.  
USB cable  
No t e s  
• The access lamp blinks while transferring data  
• Do not remove the USB cable or the “Memory  
Stick” while blinking of the access lamp blinks.  
It may cause the data to become corrupted.  
No t e s  
• Do not connect more than two USB devices to your computer. Normal operation will not be guaranteed.  
• Use of this player with a USB hub or a USB extension cable is not guaranteed.  
• A malfunction may occur depending on the USB devices connected at any one time.  
• When connecting Network Walkman to your computer for the first time, check if the OpenMG Jukebox icon  
appears on the tasktray. If the icon appears, remove it from the tasktray. And then connect Network  
Walkman to your computer with the supplied dedicated USB cable and start the OpenMG Jukebox software.  
(This procedure is only necessary the first time you connect to your computer.)  
Tra n sfe rrin g so n g s fro m t h e co m p u t e r t o  
“ Me m o ry St ick” (Ch e ck-Ou t )  
(co n t in u e d )  
Transfer the music file to the “Memory Stick” (Check-out).  
For details on how to operate, refer to the OpenMG Jukebox operating instructions.  
Wh e n t h e co ve r o f t h e USB co n n e ct o r is re le a se d .  
After releasing the cover, to reconnect, follow the steps below.  
1 Insert the stud of the cover into the hole of  
2 Rotate the cover in the direction of the  
arrow and insert the other stud into the  
opposite hole as shown.  
the Network Walkman as shown.  
Connect this  
side first.  
Sets the cover  
beyond the center  
projection of  
To transfer the song back to the computer (check-in), refer to the OpenMG Jukebox software  
instruction manual or the online help.  
List e n in g t o m u sic w it h Ne t w o rk  
Wa lkm a n  
Please charge the battery before use (see page 8).  
No t e  
When using Network Walkman, be sure to disconnect it from the computer.  
Insert a recorded “MagicGate Memory Stick” into Network Walkman.  
When the “Memory Stick” is inserted into the  
slot, “ACCESS” appears.  
All the music files and total playing hours  
Memory Stick  
Connect the headphones/ earphones.  
to i jack  
Start playback.  
Playback stops automatically when the music  
reaches the end (only when REPEAT OFF is  
1Press the Seesaw  
2 Press the VOLUME  
+/– button up or  
down to adjust  
the volume.  
If p la yb a ck d o e s n o t st a rt  
The HOLD switch may be switched down. Please  
release it up (page 16).  
To st o p p la yb a ck  
Press the Seesaw key.  
To a d ju st t h e vo lu m e  
The volume can be set in PRESET and MANUAL  
mode (page 16).  
HOLD switch  
(Release this  
switch before  
If you do not operate the player for 10 seconds while  
in stop mode, the display automatically turns off.  
When scrolling song titles, etc., the display turns off  
after scrolling is finished.  
List e n in g t o m u sic w it h Ne t w o rk Wa lkm a n (co n t in u e d )  
On o t h e r o p e ra t io n s  
On t h e d isp la y  
Seesaw key  
Press (>)  
0 01 0 2 : 01  
Press (PUSH)  
Press (.)  
Text/ graphic information display (page 15)  
Display truck number, song title, current  
date and time (page 18) and menu.  
In the graphic mode, Spectrum analyzer,  
etc. are displayed.  
Operation of  
the Seesaw key  
Press the DISPLAY button to change the  
display mode. See “Changing the display  
mode” on page 15 for details.  
Go to the beginning Press (>) once.  
of the next track  
Go to the beginning Press (>) repeatedly.  
of the succeeding  
tracks 1)  
2 Playback mode indication (page 13)  
The selected playback mode is displayed.  
Go to the beginning Press (.) once.  
3 AVLS indication (page 14)  
of the actual track  
The indication lights up while the AVLS  
function is activated.  
Go to previous  
tracks 1)  
Press (.) repeatedly.  
Go forward  
During playback, press  
4 MEGA BASS indication (page 14)  
(>) and hold.  
The indication lights up while the MEGA  
BASS function is activated.  
Go backward  
During playback, press  
(.) and hold.  
1) Pressing and holding (>) of the Seesaw key  
during stop mode allows you to go to the  
beginning of the next and succeeding tracks  
5 Battery remain indication (page 8)  
The remaining battery power is  
Also, pressing and holding (.) of the Seesaw  
key during the stop mode allows you to go to the  
beginning of the previous and further tracks  
2) Passing five seconds after starting fast forwarding  
or fast rewinding operations, its speed increases.  
To t a ke o u t t h e “ Me m o ry St ick”  
Open the cover of the “Memory Stick” slot, then  
slightly push and release the “Memory Stick.”  
Give a slight push  
Ad va n ce d Op e ra t io n s  
3 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
select “ALL”, “1”, “SHUF”, or  
Pla yin g t ra cks  
re p e a t e d ly  
RE P : A L L  
You can play tracks repeatedly in three ways-  
all repeat, single repeat and shuffle repeat.  
Playback mode  
Display indication*  
4 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
The selected playback mode indication  
all tracks  
Playback mode  
REP 1  
current track  
REP SHUF all tracks  
repeatedly in  
random order  
* The display indication appears after step 4.  
5 Press the MENU button.  
The display returns to normal.  
Seesaw key  
Press (B)  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
Press (PUSH)  
To ca n ce l t h e REPEAT m o d e  
Select OFF in step 3.  
Press (b)  
No t e s  
• If there is no “Memory Stick” inserted, “REP : ---”  
appears in the display, and repeat mode cannot be  
• Removing the “Memory Stick” from the slot, the  
setting of “REPEAT” returns to “REP : OFF.”  
Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
RE P : OF F  
Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“OFF” blinks.  
Pro t e ct in g yo u r h e a rin g  
Ad ju st in g t h e  
so u n d  
The AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter  
System) function keeps down the maximum  
volume to protect your ears.  
Seesaw key  
Press and hold the MEGA BASS/ AVLS  
button more than one-half second.  
AVLS buttons  
(AVLS) indication lights up in the  
The volume is kept to a moderate level.  
To ca n ce l AVLS  
Press and hold the MEGA BASS/ AVLS button until  
indication goes off.  
Em p h a sizin g t h e b a ss  
so u n d (MEGA BASS)  
Mega Bass function intensifies low frequency  
sound for richer quality audio reproduction.  
Press the MEGA BASS/ AVLS button.  
Each time you press the MEGA BASS/ AVLS  
button, the MEGA BASS indication changes  
as follows:  
B (none)  
Sound quality  
Display indication  
Mega Bass  
(moderate effect)  
Mega Bass  
(strong effect)  
normal play  
No t e  
If the sound becomes distorted when emphasizing  
the bass, turn down the volume.  
To ca n ce l t h e MEGA BASS e ffe ct  
Press the MEGA BASS/ AVLS button repeatedly  
until the MEGA BASS indication goes off.  
• Elapsed time mode  
Track number Elapsed time  
Ch a n g in g t h e  
d isp la y m o d e  
0 01 0 2 : 01  
Information for the track numbers or song  
titles appears on the display in playback or  
stop mode.  
Play status  
During playback:  
displayed alternately.  
In stop mode: is displayed.  
You can change the display mode.  
While locating tracks: > or .  
is displayed.  
While searching a point in a track:  
M or m is displayed.  
• Title mode  
Song title Artist name  
T I T L E / A R T  
Play status  
Press the DISPLAY button.  
Each time you press the DISPLAY button, the  
display changes as shown below.  
• MS title mode  
MS T I T L E  
Elapsed time mode  
0 0 1 0 1 : 2 3  
“Memory Stick” title  
• Graphic mode  
Spectrum analyzer  
Title mode*  
T I T L E / AR  
Bit rate (page 32)  
: songs recorded at 132kbps  
: songs recorded at 105kbps  
: songs recorded at 66kbps  
MS title mode  
M S T I T L E  
• While searching a point in a track  
(Graphic mode):  
playing position  
Graphic mode  
Play status  
While fast forwarding, fast rewinding, or  
during continuous search operations, the  
current playing position is displayed.  
* If the files have no song titles or artist names,  
“Track001,” etc. appears.  
Lo ckin g t h e  
Ch a n g in g t h e se t t in g s  
co n t ro ls (HOLD)  
To prevent the controls from being  
accidentally operated when you carry the  
player, use this function.  
VOLUME +/– buttons  
Seesaw key  
HOLD switch  
Press (B)  
Press (PUSH)  
Press (b)  
To set a reasonable volum e  
(Volum e p re se t functions)  
There are two modes of adjusting the volume.  
Manual mode: By pressing the “VOLUME  
+/ –” button, you can change  
Slide the HOLD switch in the direction  
of the arrow.  
the setting from 0 to 31.  
No controls will be able to operate.  
Preset mode: You can switch to any of  
three preset levels: LO, MID,  
or HI .  
If you press buttons while the HOLD switch  
is ON, “HOLD” appears in the display.  
1 Press the MENU button.  
To re le a se t h e Ho ld fu n ct io n  
Slide the HOLD switch in the opposite direction of  
the arrow.  
The menu is displayed.  
RE P : OF F  
2 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “VOL : MAN.”  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“MAN” blinks.  
4 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “VOL : SET>.”  
VOL : S E T>  
To t u rn o ff t h e b e e p  
so u n d (BEEP)  
BEEP ON: a beep will sound to indicate that  
operation has been accepted.  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“VOL LO xx”* blinks.  
* xx is a numeric value.  
VOL LO x x  
BEEP OFF: no beep sound will be heard.  
1 Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
6 Press the “VOLUME +/ –” button to  
set the settings of LO, MID, or HI.  
1 Sets numeric of LO.  
RE P : OF F  
2 Press B to display “VOL MID xx,”  
and set it using “+/ –.”  
3 Do the same to set “VOL HI xx.”  
2 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “BEEP : ON.”  
7 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
B E E P : ON  
8 Press the MENU button.  
The display returns to normal.  
While the above settings, the volume can  
be adjusted to LO, MID, or HI.  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“ON” blinks.  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “OFF.”  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
B E E P : OFF  
No t e  
If AVLS is set (page 14), the volume may be lower  
than previous settings.  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
6 Press the MENU button.  
The display returns to normal.  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
To t u rn o n t h e b e e p so u n d  
Select ON in step 4.  
Ch a n g in g t h e se t t in g s (co n t in u e d )  
To ch a n g e t h e d isp la y  
b a cklig h t se t t in g (LIGHT)  
To se t t h e d a t e a n d t im e  
You can set the current date and time and  
display it. To play a music item with a  
playback period restriction, you need to set  
the date and time.  
Backlight mode  
always off  
turns on for three seconds after each  
(or until scrolling is complete)  
Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
RE P : OF F  
RE P : OF F  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “DATE–TIME.”  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “LIGHT : ON.”  
DA T E – T I ME  
L I GH T : ON  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
The “DATE” display appears, and the  
year digits blink.  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“ON” blinks.  
0 0 y 1m 1 d  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display selections.  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
select the year digits.  
L I GH T : OFF  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
The month digit blinks.  
6 Press the MENU button.  
0 0 y 1m 1 d  
The display returns to normal.  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
6 Do the same to set the month “m”  
and the day “d,” and press (PUSH)  
of the Seesaw key.  
The “TIME” display appears, The hour  
digit blinks.  
0 : 0 0  
7 Do the same to set the hour and  
minute, and press (PUSH) of the  
Seesaw key.  
8 Press the MENU button.  
The display returns to normal.  
To sw it ch b e t w e e n 24 h o u r d isp la y a n d  
12 h o u r d isp la y  
Press the DISPLAY button during the setting in step  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
To d isp la y t h e cu rre n t t im e  
Press the DISPLAY button more than one-half  
You can display the current time during pressing.  
No t e  
If the unit is not used for a long time, it may reset  
your settings of the date and time.  
6 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
To e ra se m u sic d a t a  
fro m t h e “ Me m o ry  
St ick” (ERASE)  
display “Y.”  
ERA S E : Y >  
You can erase music data from the “Memory  
Stick” one by one.  
7 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“ERASE 001?” appears.  
Confirm the contents before erasing.  
8 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
“ERASING” appears, and music data is  
erased from the “Memory Stick.”  
After erasing is complete, “COMPLETE”  
appears, and returns to the display in  
step 2.  
RE P : OF F  
9 Press the MENU button.  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “ERASE.”  
The display returns to normal.  
ERA S E >  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
If “ERASE” does not appear in the  
menu, erasing is not available.  
To ca n ce l t h e e ra sin g  
Select “N” in step 5, or press the Seesaw key to  
select b or B in step 7.  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
The current track number blinks.  
No t e s  
ERA S E : 0 0 1  
• You cannot erase while playback (“ERASE” will  
not be displayed).  
• If the erasure prevention switch of the “Memory  
Stick” is ON, “MS LOCKED” appears in the  
display, and you cannot erase the “Memory  
• Do not take out the “Memory Stick” when  
“ERASING” is displayed.  
4 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
select the track numbers you want  
to erase.  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
If the songs are erased from the “Memory Stick,”  
OpenMG Jukebox recognizes them as songs to be  
checked in when the “Memory Stick” is connected  
to the original computer that you used for Check-  
“N” blinks.  
Playback starts from the first track. If  
you do not operate it for more than 10  
seconds while in playback mode, erasing  
automatically turns off.  
Therefore, the remaining Check-out count increases  
ERA S E : N  
5 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
To fo rm a t t h e  
Me m o ry St ick”  
“FORMAT?” appears.  
6 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“FORMATING” blinks, and starts  
formatting of the “Memory Stick.”  
You can use the Network Walkman player to  
format the “Memory Stick”.  
When formatting is finished,  
“COMPLETE” appears in the display,  
and returns to the menu in step 2.  
If formatted, all data previously recorded on  
the “Memory Stick” will be erased. Be sure to  
check the data of the “Memory Stick” before  
formatting (data recorded using other devices  
will also be erased).  
7 Press the MENU button.  
A commercially available “Memory Stick” is  
already formatted at the factory.  
The display returns to normal.  
The supplied “Memory Stick” is also  
To e xit fro m t h e Me n u m o d e  
Select [RETURN] in the menu or press the MENU  
No t e  
You cannot use a “Memory Stick” that has been  
formatted using the computer (page 6).  
To ca n ce l t h e fo rm a t t in g  
Select “N” in step 3, or press the Seesaw key to  
select b or B in step 5.  
Press the MENU button.  
The menu is displayed.  
No t e s  
• You cannot format while playback (“FORMAT”  
will not be displayed).  
• If the erasure prevention switch of the “Memory  
Stick” is ON, “MS LOCKED” appears in the  
display, and you cannot format the “Memory  
RE P : OF F  
Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “FORMAT.”  
• Do not take out the “Memory Stick” when  
“FORMATING” is displayed.  
If the songs are formatted from the “Memory Stick,”  
OpenMG Jukebox recognizes them as songs to be  
checked in when the “Memory Stick” is connected  
to the original computer that you used for Check-  
If “FORMAT” does not appear in the  
menu, formatting is not available.  
Therefore, the remaining Check-out count increases  
3 Press (PUSH) of the Seesaw key.  
“N” blinks.  
4 Press b or B of the Seesaw key to  
display “Y.”  
FORMA T : Y >  
Me n u  
Press the MENU button to display the menu.  
Press the Seesaw key  
to go to the next step.  
(page 13)  
Press b or B of the  
Seesaw key to select an  
(page 16)  
(page 17)  
(page 18)  
* If you cannot format or erase (while  
in play/ pause mode, or there is no  
“Memory Stick” inserted),  
“FORMAT” or “ERASE” does not  
appear in the display.  
TITLE: (see below)  
(page 18)  
ERASE>* (page 20)  
FORMAT>* (page 21)  
**Select [RETURN], then press the  
Seesaw key to exit from the  
On t h e TITLE m e n u  
You can choose between “ENG” (English) and“JPN” (Japanese). This function will be available in  
the future when the OpenMG Jukebox software is upgraded and you can use both English and  
Japanese for album and song titles.  
Ab o u t “ >”  
Selecting “>” on the display, waits your  
operations on the next window.  
Ot h e r In fo rm a t io n  
• Do not touch the “Memory Stick” connector  
with your finger or metallic objects.(A)  
Pre ca u t io n s  
On sa fe t y  
• When you carry the supplied rechargeable  
battery, be sure to put it in the supplied  
rechargeable battery carrying case. Carrying  
the rechargeable battery without the case  
may cause a short-circuit with metallic  
objects such as coins, key rings, or necklace.  
As a result, a heat may generate.  
• Do not bend, drop or apply strong shock to  
the “Memory Stick.”  
• Do not disassemble or modify the “Memory  
• Do not allow the “Memory Stick” to get  
• Do not use or store the “Memory Stick” in a  
location that is subject to:  
– Extremely high temperature, such as in a  
car parked in the sun  
• Incorrect battery usage may lead to leakage  
of battery fluid or bursting batteries. To  
prevent such accidents, observe the  
following precautions:  
– Direct sunlight  
High humidity or places with corrosive  
– Install batteries with the + and – poles  
aligned correctly.  
• To prolong the life of the “Memory Stick,”  
use the supplied storage case.  
– Do not charge dry batteries.  
• If a battery leak should develop, carefully  
and thoroughly wipe away battery fluid  
from the battery compartment before  
inserting new one.  
On t h e h e a d p h o n e s/e a rp h o n e s  
Ro a d Sa fe t y  
Do not use headphones/ earphones while  
driving, cycling, or operating any motorized  
vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is  
illegal in many areas. It can also be  
potentially dangerous to play your player at  
high volume while walking, especially at  
pedestrian crossings. You should exercise  
extreme caution or discontinue use in  
potentially hazardous situations.  
On in st a lla t io n  
Never use the player where it will be  
subjected to extremes of light, temperature,  
moisture or vibration.  
On h a n d lin g t h e “ Me m o ry St ick”  
A B  
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e  
Avoid using headphones/ earphones at high  
volume. Hearing experts advise against  
continuous, loud and extended play. If you  
experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the  
volume or discontinue use.  
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs  
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This  
will allow you to hear outside sounds and to  
be considerate of the people around you.  
• When the “Memory Stick” erasure  
prevention switch is set to “LOCK,” data  
cannot be recorded, erased or edited.(B)  
• The tactile protrusion on the rear surface of  
“MagicGate Memory Stick” distinguishes it  
from a general “Memory Stick.”(C)  
• Do not attach any other material than the  
supplied label on the label space.(D)  
• Attach the label so that it does not stick out  
from the proper attachment location.  
Pre ca u t io n s (co n t in u e d )  
On cle a n in g  
• Clean the player casing with a soft cloth  
slightly moistened with water or a mild  
detergent solution. Do not use any type of  
abrasive pad, scouring powder or solvent  
such as alcohol or benzene as it may mar the  
finish of the casing.  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
a n d Ca n a d a  
Nickel Metal Hydride batteries are recyclable.  
you can help preserve our environment by  
returning your used rechargeable batteries to  
the collection and recycling location nearest  
• Clean the headphones/ earphones plug  
No t e s o n m a in t e n a n ce  
Clean the terminals periodically with a cotton  
swab or a soft cloth as illustrated.  
For more information regarding recycling of  
rechargeable batteries, call toll free  
1-800-822-8837, or visit http:/ /  
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking  
Nickel Metal Hydride batteries.  
If you have any questions or problems  
concerning your Network Walkman, please  
consult your nearest Sony dealer. (If trouble  
occurred when the “Memory Stick” was in  
the player, we recommend that the “Memory  
Stick” be left in the player when you consult  
your Sony dealer so that the cause of trouble  
may be better understood.)  
Po u r le s u t ilisa t e u rs a u x Et a t s-Un is  
e t a u Ca n a d a  
No t e s o n t h e  
re ch a rg e a b le b a t t e ry  
• Be sure to use the supplied battery charger  
Les accumulateurs à hydrure métallique de  
nickel sont recyclables.  
Vous pouvez contribuer à préserver  
l’environnement en rapportant les piles usées  
dans un point de collection et recyclage le  
plus proche.  
only for specified batteries.  
• When a rechargeable battery is charged for  
the first time or charged after a long period  
of disuse, battery life may be shorter than  
usual. Repeat discharging and recharging a  
few times. The battery life should return to  
• Disconnect the charger from the wall outlet  
as soon as the battery has been charged.  
Leaving it connected may result in reduced  
battery performance.  
Pour plus dinformations sur le recyclage des  
accumulateurs, téléphonez le numéro gratuit  
1-800-822-8837 (Etats-Units et Canada  
uniquement), ou visitez http:/ / .  
• The charger and a rechargeable battery may  
become warm while recharging, however  
this is normal and is not a malfunction.  
• The charging time may vary depending on  
the battery condition.  
Avertissement: Ne pas utiliser des  
accumulateurs à hidrure  
métallique de nickel qui sont  
endommagées ou qui fuient.  
• A rechargeable battery can be charged  
about 300 times.  
• When the battery life of a fully charged  
rechargeable battery becomes about half the  
normal life, you may need to replace the  
battery with a new one.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
If you experience any of the following difficulties while using Network Walkman, use this  
troubleshooting guide to help you remedy the problem. Should any problem persist, consult your  
nearest Sony dealer. For trouble concerning operations while connecting with your computer,  
please refer to the supplied softwares online help “Troubleshooting” contents, too.  
To re se t t h e p la ye r  
If Network Walkman does not operate normally or if there is no sound, even after checking the  
troubleshooting guide below, remove the battery, then re-insert it.  
Wh a t h a p p e n e d ?  
On p la yb a ck  
c Adjust the volume (page 11).  
There is no sound.  
c Connect the headphones securely to the headphones jack.  
c Cancel the AVLS function (page 14).  
The volume does not increase.  
Sound is distorted.  
c Record with a higher bps value (page 32).  
c Make sure that the headphones plug is connected securely.  
There is no sound from the right  
channel of the headphones.  
c The battery is exhausted. You need to change it (page 8).  
c Release and reinsert the “Memory Stick” a few times to clean  
the terminals.  
Playback has stopped suddenly.  
c You must set the date in the menu (page 18).  
c The date has expired.  
Cannot playback audio data with  
date limits.  
On t h e d isp la y w in d o w  
The backlight is off.  
c Set the LIGHT setting to ON (turns on during operation) in the  
menu (page 18).  
s” appears instead of the album  
c Use the OpenMG Jukebox to rename the title with characters  
which can be displayed on the player.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g (co n t in u e d )  
On ch a rg in g  
c If you use the player where the temperature is below 0°C  
(32°F), the battery does not function.  
The battery does not last even  
when recharged.  
c You need to replace the battery. Please contact your nearest  
Sony dealer.  
c The battery is full. (If the charging stops even when the battery  
is low, this may be due to a problem with the battery life. Please  
contact your nearest Sony dealer.)  
Charging stops just after  
connecting the supplied battery  
On t h e co n n e ct io n w it h t h e co m p u t e r  
“CONNECT” does not appear in  
the display window when  
c Please wait for the authentication of the OpenMG Jukebox  
(page 31) to be finished.  
connecting to the computer with  
the supplied USB cable.  
c If another software is active on your computer, wait for a  
while, then reconnect the USB cable. If the problem persists,  
disconnect the USB cable, restart your computer, then connect  
the USB cable to your computer again.  
c Make sure the USB cable is correctly connected.  
The computer does not identify the  
player when it is connected to the  
c Make sure the USB cable is correctly connected (page 9).  
c Install driver only.  
For details, refer to the OpenMG Jukebox operating  
There are only a few songs I can  
Check-out. (The recordable time is  
c If there is data other than audio files in the “Memory Stick,”  
copy them to your computer to free memory on the “Memory  
After connecting to the computer,  
the drive appears but there is  
nothing inside.  
c Make sure the “Memory Stick” is inserted and reconnect the  
player to your computer.  
Disconnect the USB cable and put in the battery, then check the  
display. If the error message is displayed, there may be a  
problem with the “Memory Stick.” Follow the on-screen  
instructions to solve the problem.  
The computer/ player does not  
operate normally when connected.  
c If you are connecting both devices with a USB hub or a USB  
extension cable, normal operation is not guaranteed. Please use  
only the supplied USB cable.  
A communication error has  
c If a communication error occurs, a warning message may be  
displayed on the computer indicating that authentication of the  
external device has failed, or access to the current file has been  
cancelled. Then, the communication process may terminate. If  
this occurs, disconnect and then connect the cable with the  
player. If the above message appears while connecting player,  
try the following:  
1 When using an external hub, connect the player directly to  
the computer.  
2 Disconnect and then connect the cable with the player.  
3 When your computer is equipped with multiple USB ports,  
connect the player to another USB port.  
4 Restart the OpenMG Jukebox software.  
Ot h e r  
c Make sure the HOLD switch is OFF (page 16).  
The buttons do not operate.  
c You must recharge the battery (page 8).  
c Set the BEEP setting to ON in the menu (page 17).  
There is no beep sound to indicate  
that operation has been accepted.  
c Make sure the “Memory Stick” is correctly inserted as shown  
on Network Walkman (page 9).  
Cannot insert the “Memory Stick.”  
The current time is reset.  
c The battery is low and needs to be charged.  
Cannot use a “Memory Stick” used  
on other devices.  
c Only “MagicGate Memory Stick” can be used with this player.  
c If the “Memory Stick” has been formatted using a computer,  
backup the files of the“Memory Stick” on your computer if  
necessary, and reformat the “Memory Stick” using this player  
(page 21).  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g (co n t in u e d )  
Erro r m e ssa g e s  
Follow the instructions below if an error message appears in the display.  
Accessing the “Memory Stick.”  
This is not an error. Please wait for  
access to be finished. Do not take out the  
“Memory Stick”.  
• The player cannot playback certain  
contents of this “Memory Stick” due  
to a difference in format.  
• Check-out has been interrupted  
• Remove and reinsert the battery, and  
then check the display on the screen.  
• If music data cannot be played back,  
you can erase it from the “Memory  
For details on how to erase, refer to  
“To erase the abnormal data from the  
Memory Stick” (page 29).  
• Remove and reinsert the battery, and  
then make sure displays on the screen.  
• You need to Check-in data you are able  
to Check-in into your computer, then  
format the “Memory Stick” using this  
player. (See “To delete abnormal data  
from the Memory Stick” on page 29.)  
• Cannot read the data.  
• The data is not normal.  
You must format the “Memory Stick”  
following the instructions on page 21.  
(You must format the “Memory Stick”  
using this player. If you format the  
“Memory Stick” using the computer,  
you may Check-in/ out, but you cannot  
playback using this player.)  
The inserted “Memory Stick” contains  
a data format which is not supported  
by Network Walkman. (For example,  
if you format the “Memory Stick”  
using the computer.)  
This is not an error. Switch the HOLD  
switch to OFF before operating the  
The HOLD switch is ON, and no  
operating buttons are available.  
• The datas playback date has  
• You need to set the current date to  
playback data with date limits (page 18).  
• If there is data in a different format,  
you must delete that data from the  
“Memory Stick”. (See “To delete  
abnormal data from the Memory  
Stick,” on page 29.)  
• The current date has not been set to  
playback data with date limits.  
• Plays back songs beyond the  
playback restriction supported by  
Network Walkman.  
The erasure prevention switch of the  
“Memory Stick” is on LOCK.  
Switch the erasure prevention switch to  
OFF when connecting to your computer  
or formatting a “Memory Stick.”  
The battery is low, and needs to be  
You must charge the battery.  
A malfunction is detected.  
First, remove and reinsert the battery.  
If you have any questions or problems  
concerning your Network Walkman,  
please consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
• There is no music data in  
“MagicGate Memory Stick.”  
• The “Memory Stick” is not  
“MagicGate Memory Stick.”  
Check that “MagicGate Memory Stick”  
is inserted. If there is no music data in  
“MagicGate Memory Stick,” use the  
OpenMG Jukebox to Check-out music  
There are no tracks inside  
“MagicGate Memory Stick.”  
Use the OpenMG Jukebox to Check-out  
music items.  
There is no “Memory Stick” inserted. Insert a “Memory Stick.”  
The player is connected to the  
This is not an error. You can operate  
using the OpenMG Jukebox software, but  
you cannot operate the controls on the  
You cannot access the “Memory  
Stick,” or the data inside the  
“Memory Stick” or the player itself  
is not normal.  
• Remove and reinsert the battery, and  
then make sure displays on the screen.  
• Eject and reinsert the “Memory Stick” a  
few times. If this does not solve the  
problem, Check-in data items into the  
computer, and then format the  
“Memory Stick” using this player.  
(Refer to the instructions in “To delete  
the abnormal data from the Memory  
Stick” below for details.)  
If the problem persists, bring both the  
player and the “Memory Stick” to your  
nearest Sony dealer.  
An unauthorized distribution file is  
detected for copyright protection.  
• Remove and reinsert the battery, then  
check the display on the screen.  
• First, check-in the Check-in data  
available to your computer, then format  
the “Memory Stick” with Network  
Refer to the instructions in “To delete  
the abnormal data from the Memory  
Stick” below for details.  
To d e le t e a b n o rm a l d a t a fro m t h e “ Me m o ry St ick”  
the display window, there is abnormal data in the “Memory Stick.”  
Please follow the instructions below to delete abnormal data (data you cannot playback).  
1 Connect Network Walkman to your computer, and start the “OpenMG Jukebox.”  
2 If the cause of the abnormal data is clear (data of which the playback date limits have expired,  
etc.), erase the data from the Portable Player window of the “OpenMG Jukebox.”  
3 If the problem persists, click the  
button on the OpenMG Jukebox to Check-in all data you  
are able to Check-in.  
4 Disconnect the player from the computer and then format the “Memory Stick” using the menu  
(page 21).  
No t e  
If you format the “Memory Stick,” data that has been recorded using other devices will be deleted, too. If there  
are other data in the “Memory Stick,” check the data contents using a compatible equipment before formatting  
the “Memory Stick.” Refer to the OpenMG Jukebox Help files.  
Su p p lie d a cce sso rie s  
128MB “MagicGate Memory Stick” (1)  
Rechargeable battery (1)  
Battery charger (1)  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
AC plug adaptor (1) (Except U.S.A., Canada,  
Europe, Hong Kong and Australia model)  
Earphones (1)  
Re co rd in g t im e (w h e n u sin g t h e  
su p p lie d 128MB “ Ma g icGa t e Me m o ry  
St ick” )  
USB cable (1)  
“Memory Stick” storage case (1)  
Rechargeable battery carrying case (1)  
Carrying pouch (1) (Except for U.S.A. and Canada  
Approx. 120 min. (132kbps)  
Approx. 160 min. (105kbps)  
Approx. 240 min. (66kbps)  
Carrying case (1) (For U.S.A. and Canada model  
Key ring (1) (Except for U.S.A. and Canada model)  
CD-ROM (OpenMG Jukebox installation disc) (1)  
NW-MS11 Operating Instructions (1)  
OpenMG Jukebox Operating Instructions (1)  
Sa m p lin g fre q u e n cy re sp o n se  
Re co rd in g fo rm a t  
Op t io n a l a cce sso rie s  
Fre q u e n cy re sp o n se  
“MagicGate Memory Stick” MSG-32A (32MB)  
MSG-64A (64MB)  
20 to 20,000 Hz (single signal measurement)  
MSG-128A (128MB)  
Design and specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Ou t p u t  
Headphone/ earphone: stereo mini-jack  
Sig n a l-t o -n o ise ra t io (S/N)  
More than 80dB (excluding 66 kbps)  
Dyn a m ic ra n g e  
More than 85dB (excluding 66 kbps)  
Op e ra t in g t e m p e ra t u re  
5˚C to 35˚C (-41˚F to 95˚F)  
Po w e r so u rce  
• DC IN 1.2V (gum type, secondary battery  
Ni-MH (NH-14WM))  
• Power for USB (supplies from the computer  
through supplied USB cable)  
Ba t t e ry life  
Approx. 10 hours (continuous playback)  
Dim e n sio n s (a p p ro x.)  
36 × 81.4 × 14.1 mm (1 7/ 16 × 3 1/ 4 × 9/ 16 inches)  
(w/ h/ d, projecting parts not included)  
Ma ss (a p p ro x.)  
67g (2.4 oz) (includes “Memory Stick,” battery  
Glo ssa ry  
Ma g icGa t e  
Copyright protection technology that consists of authentication and encryption technology.  
Authentication ensures that protected content is transferred only between compliant devices and  
media, and that protected content is recorded and transferred in an encrypted format to prevent  
unauthorized copying or playback.  
No t e  
is terminology denoting the copyright protection system developed by Sony. It does not  
guarantee conversion among other media.  
Ma g icGa t e Me m o ry St ick”  
A compact IC recording media “Memory Stick” equipped with “MagicGate” copyright protection  
technology. You can record or play data, such as music, that requires copyright protection only  
by using a “MagicGate Memory Stick” with “MagicGate” compatible equipment (e.g., Network  
“MagicGate Memory Stick” can be used to record any other kind of digital data with any other  
“Memory Stick” compatible equipment.  
“MagicGate Memory Stick” is distinguished by the “MG” and “MAGIC GATE” logos.  
Me m o ry St ick”  
“Memory Stick” is a portable and compact Integrated Circuit recording medium. There are two  
types of “Memory Stick”: “MagicGate Memory Stick” equipped with “MagicGate” copyright  
protection technology and a normal “Memory Stick” not equipped with the copyright protection  
technology. You can record image files, audio files, and sound files using “Memory Stick”  
compatible audio visual devices, or record data from the computer. Data with different formats  
can be stored in the same “Memory Stick.” (Please refer to the instruction manuals that come with  
the devices to check which format the equipment is able to read.)  
For example, you can store image files in the space available on “MagicGate Memory Stick” using  
the respective equipment even if there are already audio files in “MagicGate Memory Stick.”  
Op e n MG  
Copyright protection technology that securely manages music content from the EMD/ Audio CD  
on a personal computer. Application software that is installed on the computer encrypts the  
digital music content when recording on the hard drive. This allows you to enjoy music content  
on the computer, but prevents unauthorized transmission of this content across a network (or  
elsewhere). This PC copyright protection complies with “MagicGate,” and allows you to transfer  
digital music content from a PCs hard drive to a compliant device.  
ATRAC3, which stands for Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding3, is audio compression  
technology that satisfies the demand for high sound quality and high compression rates.  
The ATRAC3 compression rate is approximately 10 times higher than that of the Audio CD,  
resulting an increased data capacity for the media.  
Glo ssa ry (co n t in u e d )  
SDMI which stands for Secure Digital Music Initiative, is a forum that consists of over 130  
companies in the fields of recorded audio content, computers, and consumer electronics,  
dedicated to developing an integrated method of copyright protection technology that can be  
used worldwide.  
SDMI is working to create a framework for preventing improper usage of audio files and to  
promote legal music distribution services. The copyright protection technologies “OpenMG” and  
“MagicGate” are based upon the SDMI standard.  
“ Ch e ck-in /Ch e ck-o u t ”  
Check-out is to transfer music files from a personal computer to an external device/ media (such  
as Network Walkman). Returning checked-out music files to the same computer is to check-in.  
(You cannot move checked-out music files to another computer.)  
You can check-out a music file, check it back in, and then check it out again an infinite number of  
times. The SDMI rules provide that up to four copies of a music file can be checked-out at one  
time. OpenMG employs a method whereby three copies of a song can be checked-out  
simultaneously, while the fourth copy is maintained as a “master” on your PC. If three copies of  
the same song are checked-out at a given time, one copy of the song needs to be checked-in to the  
computer in order to create an additional check-out.  
Bit ra t e  
Indicates the data amount per second. The rate is reflected in bps (bit per second).  
In OpenMG Jukebox, the bit rate for recording an audio CD or converting MP3 and WAV format  
audio files into ATRAC3 format can be chosen from 132 kbps/ 105kbps/ 66kbps. 105 kbps means  
105000 bits of information per second. If the bit rate is large, that means a large amount of  
information is used to play music. Comparing music of the same format, a 105 kbps data offers  
better sound quality than 66 kbps data, and 132 kbps data offers better sound quality than 105  
kbps data. However, audio files in formats such as MP3 have different encoding methods, and  
thus sound quality cannot be determined by simply comparing the bit rate.  
(re a r)  
Lo o kin g a t t h e  
co n t ro ls  
Ne t w o rk Wa lkm a n  
(fro n t )  
6 i (Headphones/ earphones) jack (page 11)  
7 Hole for attaching the key ring or strap  
(The strap is not supplied)  
8 HOLD switch (page 16)  
9 MEGA BASS/ AVLS button (page 14)  
0 VOLUME +/ – buttons (page 11, 16)  
qa Dedicated USB jack (page 9)  
qs MENU button (page 13, 16-22)  
qd DISPLAY button (page 12, 15)  
1 Access lamp (page 9)  
2 Seesaw key (page 11-14, 16-22)  
3 Display (page 12, 15)  
Disp la y  
4 Memory Stick slot (page 9, 11)  
5 Battery compartment (page 8)  
1 Text/ graphic information display  
(page 15)  
2 Playback mode indication (page 13)  
3 AVLS indication (page 14)  
4 MEGA BASS indication (page 14)  
5 Battery remain indication (page 8)  
In d e x  
EMD services  
erasure prevention switch  
Access lamp  
actual track  
artist name  
6, 21  
go backward  
go forward  
Battery charge lamp  
Battery remain  
headphones/ earphones  
beginning of the track 12  
Hifi Folder  
Bit rate  
15, 32  
HOLD switch  
CD (compact disc)  
Internet (EMD services)  
9, 32  
4, 9  
listen to music  
8, 28  
12, 15  
DISPLAY button  
display mode  
“MagicGate Memory Stick”  
4, 5, 7, 31  
to the “Memory Stick”  
“Memory Stick”  
5, 23, 31  
USB cable  
7, 9  
MENU button  
13, 16-22  
11, 16  
OpenMG Jukebox software  
WAV format  
Windows Explorer  
Preset volume  
previous tracks  
Serial Number  
set the current data and time 18  
song title  
spectrum analyzer  
succeeding tracks  
supplied accessories  
Sony Corporation  
Printed in Japan  

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