Elektra Beckum Computer Accessories NM20600A A User Manual

MCE User’s Guide  
Version 1.3  
May 2004  
MCE User’s Guide  
MCE User’s Guide  
MCE User’s Guide  
1 Introduction  
This manual describes the use of MCE program to analyze magnetoencephalo-  
graphic(MEG) measurements using L1 minimum norm estimates (L1 MNE).  
1.1 Hazard Information  
This manual contains important hazard information which must be read, under-  
stood and observed by all users, For your convenience all warnings that appear  
in the manual are presented below.  
Warning: Like all inverse solutions of MEG, MCE provides a source  
distribution which is one of infinitely many different possible ones. The results  
must be interpreted and reviewed by a person having good understanding of the  
capabilities and limitations of the methods being used.  
Warning: This program should only be used with hardware and software given  
in the specifications listed in the Release Notes of the release being used.  
Warning: On some platforms other programs can affect the colors in the  
windows of the MCE program. In such cases other programs using colored  
windows should be stopped to ensure correct colors on the displays.  
Warning: The triangle meshes used in MCE to describe the shape of the brain  
must be defined in head coordinates. This differs from the recommended  
coordinate system usage in dipole modeling program.  
Warning: If the regularization parameters are changed from the default ones,  
the new values must be validated using known data.  
Warning: Region of interest may contain multiple sources whose activities are  
mixed together.  
Warning: All users that have access to the database can also access the data-  
base entries related to the data of other users.  
MCE User’s Guide  
1.2 Version  
This manual refers to program version 1.3 patch level 18 and later.  
1.3 What’s new?  
• Default directory menu  
• Export figure menu  
• Batch calculation error log display  
• Slowed down animation  
• Calculation can be cancelled  
• Showing selected ROI in arrow display  
• Show subject ID & file name in different figures  
• Added several warnings to the manual  
1.4 Conventions and typography  
Buttons that can be pressed will be shown in square brackets: [Button]  
Text written by the user is shown as  
User input  
Some important warnings are shown in bold.  
1.5 References  
1. K. Matsuura and U. Okabe, “Selective minimum-norm solution of the  
biomagnetic inverse problem”, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 42:608-615, 1995.  
2. K. Uutela, M. Hämäläinen, and E. Somersalo, “Visualization of  
Magnetoencephalographic Data using Minimum Current Estimates”,  
NeuroImage, 1999. In press.  
MCE User’s Guide  
Getting Started  
2 Getting Started  
To start the program, double click the MCE icon in the Neuromag folder of the  
Application manager. An iconified Matlab console appears on the desktop;  
do not close it! Also the main window shown in Figure 1 opens.  
If you are using a previously calculated response, you should now load an old  
calculation (p. 12). Otherwise, you should select a data file using the [File] but-  
ton and select the head model (p. 8). The main window is described in more  
Figure 1 The main window  
2.1 Analyzing data  
To analyze your data with the L1 MNE, first you should calculate the estimates:  
After you have loaded (p. 12) the calculated estimates, you can proceed by  
viewing the results (p. 33) at different times (p. 13) or by studying the temporal  
2.2 Quitting the program  
You can quit the program by three alternative ways:  
1. pressing the [Quit] button in the Main window  
2. typing “quit” Matlab command in the terminal window  
3. by closing the main window.  
Selecting the data file and pre-processing  
MCE User’s Guide  
3 Selecting the data file and pre-processing  
Select the MEG data file by pressing the [File] button of main window (p. 22).  
Select the data file from the dialog. If the file has several data sets, a selection dia-  
log pops up and you can select the correct data set.  
When the you have selected the data, the pre-processing dialog (see Figure 2) will  
Figure 2 The pre-processing dialog  
3.1 Setting the filtering and baselines  
Because the MEG signals are mainly concentrated to the lower frequencies, you  
can increase the signal-to-noise ratio with an low-pass filter. Select the [Lowpass  
filter] toggle and set appropriate cutoff frequency and transition width of the filter.  
After changing the numeric values, press Enter or the Tab key to update the value.  
You can view the effect on a single channel by pressing the [Channel] toggle or  
the filter response with the [Impulse response] and [Freq. response] buttons.  
You can zoom into the preview window with the left mouse button and revert to  
automatic scaling with the [rescale] button.  
Because most of the channels usually have a non-zero DC-level, you should select  
a [Baseline] toggle and select a time period where there should be no real evoked  
responses, typically before the stimulus.  
If you are analyzing a long period or the data otherwise includes strong artificial  
slow drifts, you can select a [Detrend baseline] period after the evoked response.  
This is usually a safer way of getting rid of the drifts than, for example, applying  
high-pass filter.  
The de-trend baseline actually fits a line to the values in the two baselines and sub-  
MCE User’s Guide  
Selecting the data file and pre-processing  
Figure 3 Effect of the baselines  
3.2 Decreasing the computing time and file sizes  
If you do not calculate estimates at all the time points, you can decrease the  
computing time and save disk space.  
If you low-pass filter the data, the data will be smoother and it is unnecessary to  
calculate the estimate at each time point. By selecting a down-sampling ratio  
with the [Decimate] toggle and slider, the estimates will be calculated with  
constant intervals.  
You can select the correct amount of down-sampling by selecting the [Freq.  
response] button. If the down-sampling is too strong compared to the filter  
pass-band, the higher frequencies will be mapped to the lower frequencies (see  
Figure 4). A reasonable down-sampling ratio is the one, for example, having the  
cutoff frequency about half way between the zero frequency and the highest  
shown frequency. The down-sampling is carried out by selecting single data  
points of the filtered response.  
If you do not need to analyze the whole epoch, select the interesting time period  
with the [Trim] toggle button and text fields.  
Selecting the data file and pre-processing  
MCE User’s Guide  
4If too strong down-sampling is applied, the aliasing is reflected in the  
preview window with the folding frequency response. Decrease the filter cutoff  
frequency or decimation.  
3.3 Bad channels and projections  
If some of the channels are flat or bad, you must set the [Bad channels] toggle and  
write the channel names to the corresponding text field. The format can be “MEG  
1112 1113...” or “MEG 1112 MEG 1113...”, the channels described with  
four digits for Elekta Neuromag™ or Vectorview™ data and three digits for Neu-  
romag-122™ data. Use the numbers in the channel names regardless of the channel  
order in the fif-file. Wildcards are not supported.  
External disturbance fields can be filtered using Signal Space Projection (SSP). If  
the fif-datafile has a noise projection specified, you can apply it to the data and cal-  
culations by selecting the [Apply projection] toggle. The projection is updated  
when you change the bad channels. Normal data files where the projection infor-  
mation is included and the data itself is the original non-projected data should be  
used. If projected data is used, the file must also contain the projection vectors that  
were used define the removed subspace. Otherwise the results may be distorted.  
When you load a new file or press the [Automatic] button, the bad channels are set  
automatically. The following channels are set bad:  
1. Channels that are marked bad in the fif-file  
2. If baseline is used, the channels where the baseline is flat  
3. If baseline is used, the channels where the baseline is very noisy  
The “flat channels” are the ones where the standard deviation of the raw baseline  
activity is less than 10 % of the median value of others. The “noisy channels” are  
the ones where the standard deviation of the baseline activity after projections is  
over three times the median value. If the data includes both gradiometer and mag-  
netometer data, the values are only compared with the channels with same coil  
MCE User’s Guide  
Selecting the data file and pre-processing  
In practice, you should first specify the baseline period and then press the  
[Automatic] button, and then add bad channels that are not included. Because  
the selection of the bad channels slightly affects the projections and the projec-  
tions affect the selection of the noisy channels, resetting the projections repeat-  
edly may result in different channels being marked bad at the second time, if  
their noise levels are near the limits.  
A handy way of screening for possible bad channels is to open the MEG Data  
dialog (p. 26) by pressing the [Show all] button. All the channels will be shown,  
overlaid based on the location. If one of the waveforms seems to be an outlier,  
right-click it at the time of the maximum difference, and the channel ID is  
Selecting the head model  
MCE User’s Guide  
4 Selecting the head model  
You can select the head model by pressing the [Head model] button in the Main  
window (p. 22). The head model consists of two parts: the boundary element  
model (BEM) (p. 8) describes the shape of the brain and the point set (p. 9)  
describes the parameters needed in the calculation. First, the BEM model selection  
window opens up.  
4.1 BEM selection  
Figure 5 BEM model selection dialog  
The boundary element model (BEM) describes the shape of the brain. In the cur-  
rent version (1.3), only sphere models are used in the forward calculation, but the  
BEM model affects the point set used in the calculation and the images used in the  
3D visualization.  
The BEM dialog shows a list of existing models associated with the same subject  
and some general models. You can select an existing model from the list and accept  
it by pressing the [OK] button.  
You can add a new BEM model by pressing the [Add new] button. A file selection  
box for selecting the fif-file opens up, and after the selection you can select the  
associated the subject.  
If the BEM model is not used by any point set (p. 9), you can delete it by pressing  
the [Delete] button. If it is used by point sets, you should first delete the point sets.  
After you have accepted the BEM model by pressing the [OK] button, you should  
select the point set.  
MCE User’s Guide  
Selecting the head model  
4.2 Point set selection  
Figure 6 Point set selection dialog  
The point set includes the brain locations that are used as a source space in the  
calculations and the parameters of the conductor model used in the forward cal-  
culations. Each point set is related with a certain BEM model (p. 8) and a cer-  
tain subject.  
From the Point set dialog you can select an existing set from the list and accept  
it by pressing the [OK] button. After this you can proceed by making the full  
You can create a new point set by pressing the [Add new] button and setting  
appropriate values to the properties of the point set. If you modify the Origin,  
Lattice, or Min dist properties, the point set is recalculated and the number of  
points is show. If you accept the new point set by pressing the OK button, it will  
take a while to calculate the projection from the point set to the BEM. You can  
remove the point sets by pressing the [Delete] button. If several people are  
using the point set, it will be deleted only when it is deleted by all its users.  
Selecting the head model  
MCE User’s Guide  
Table 1  
Properties of the point sets  
Sphere model origin (in mm; head coordinates)  
Origin: xyz  
The density of the points in the point set (in mm)  
Min dist  
The minimum distance to the sphere model origin (in  
mm). Points deeper than this are excluded from the  
point set. Very deep source points may lead to numer-  
ical instability in the calculations.  
The comment seen in the list  
The number of possible source points  
4.3 Creating BEM files  
If you have MR images of the subject, you can create fif-files describing boundary  
element models of the brain with MriLab and meshes2fiff programs. See the manu-  
als of those programs (or Source Modeling manual) for details of using those pro-  
When creating the meshes in Mrilab, you must save them in head coordinates  
in meters.  
Warning: The triangle meshes used in MCE to describe the shape of the brain  
must be defined in head coordinates. This differs from the recommended coordi-  
nate system usage in dipole modeling program.  
MCE User’s Guide  
Calculating the estimates  
5 Calculating the estimates  
Before viewing the results you have to calculate the current estimates for the  
You should have already selected the MEG data, pre-processed it, and selected  
page 4 and “Selecting the head model” on page 8). If the noise level of the mea-  
surement is very high or low, you might change the regularization level or if  
either magnetometers or gradiometers are especially noisy their relative noise  
Add the current data set by pressing the [Full] button in the main window (p.  
22). The full calculation dialog opens up. Check that the [Calculate] button is  
pressed and press the [OK] to add the new batch job.  
Now the batch jobs window (p. 28) opens up. The job you just created is in the  
list in the waitstate. The preferred way of calculating the estimates is to press  
the [Start server] button. This will start the calculation in the background. The  
server selects the job whose priority order is smallest and calculates the esti-  
mate. When it has finished, it saves the results to a file with name like file-  
name#_full.mat, where filenameis the name of the data file and #is the  
number of the data set, selects a new job and continues calculating that. When  
there are no more jobs waiting, the server quits.  
Note: The server uses a separate Matlab program which may require an addi-  
tional Matlab license to run.  
If there is an error in the calculation, the job is left on the list, but its state  
changes to err. This may happen, for example, if the computer where the  
server runs can not access the data files. When the server quits, it writes a log  
file. You can view the latest error log file created by the server with the [Error  
log] button. You calculate the estimate by resetting the job (p. 28) and starting a  
new server in a computer that can access the data file. You can have only one  
server in one computer. You can start the calculation server in other computers  
also by giving the UNIX command  
When the server is running, you can use the main program to add new jobs or  
view the results, or even quit the program and free the terminal for others.After  
the estimate has been calculated, you should load it with the [Full] button.  
Another method to start the calculation is to select one particular job and press  
the [Calculate] button. You will see the progress bars, but you can not use the  
program for other tasks, and quitting the application cancels the calculation.  
You can also cancel the calculation by pressing any button in the Batch calcula-  
tion window. In this case the calculated estimate is loaded automatically. The  
error log is not updated; instead, the possible error messages are shown in the  
Matlab command window.  
Loading a calculated estimate  
MCE User’s Guide  
6 Loading a calculated estimate  
If you have previously calculated (p. 11) an estimate and saved it to a disk file, you  
can load it by pressing the [Full] button in the Main window (p. 22) to open the full  
If you have selected the right fif-file and have previously saved the corresponding  
estimate with the default name, the default values in the dialog should be set to  
load the estimate.  
Otherwise, check that the [Load] button in the Full calculation dialog (p. 27) is  
pressed and select the estimate with the [Select file...] button.  
When you press the [OK] button, the batch calculation and its parameters are  
The program can also load estimates calculated previous versions of the program,  
but some features are not available. For example, the subject ID may be incorrect.  
MCE User’s Guide  
Selecting the time  
7 Selecting the time  
You can select a single time point in three ways:  
• By entering the time (in ms) in the [Time] field in the Main window (p. 22).  
• By using the slider in the Main window (p. 22).  
• By pressing the left mouse button in the Amplitude window (p. 31), if a  
batch calculation is loaded.  
However, because the single estimates are usually noisy, it is usually more  
fruitful to view the average activity within a time range. You can also select the  
range in three ways:  
• By entering the start and end time (in ms) in the [Time] field in the Main  
By pressing the and dragging with the right mouse button in the Amplitude  
By giving in the Matlab terminal window command  
where tmin and tmin are the start and end times in milliseconds. For  
example, to select time span between 100 and 200 milliseconds, use  
Region of interest  
MCE User’s Guide  
8 Region of interest  
You can estimate the activity in certain brain area as a function of time by defining  
a region of interest (ROI). ROI is actually a weighting function that is used to cal-  
culate the sum amplitude from the estimate.  
8.1 What is ROI?  
The smoothed weighting is a function of position r, having form  
f (r) = er W r  
but you don't need to be interested in matrix calculation to understand how the  
ROIs work.  
The ROI window (p. 34) visualizes the currently selected ROI with an ellipsoid.  
The weight in the center has weight 1 in the sum, and the points on border of the  
ellipsoid have the weight 0.60.  
Activity at each source location is multiplied with the corresponding weight and  
added together. The weighted sum is shown in the Amplitude window (p. 31).  
A ROI can also have hard edges. In this case, the weight is  
f (r) = 1, if rT W r < 1, otherwise 0.  
If no ROI is selected, normal sum of all the activity is used.  
8.2 What is the orientation of a ROI?  
Since MEG is sensitive to the orientation of the neural currents and this informa-  
tion is often very useful in differentiating nearby source areas, the ROIs can be  
used with a defined orientation. The weighting function depends in this case also  
on the orientation q and the direction of the estimated current q:  
q q0  
q q0  
g(r, q) = f (r)  
The amplitude is the projection of the estimated current on the selected orientation.  
If the estimated current is parallel with the ROI, the amplitude will be the same as  
for the non-oriented ROI. If the orientation is opposite, the amplitude will be nega-  
tive. You can select to use either the oriented or non-oriented ROI with the Ampli-  
tude scale window (p. 32).  
MCE User’s Guide  
Region of interest  
8.3 Selecting a ROI  
You can select a ROI from the Color display (p. 29). Select a range of nodes  
with the right mouse button.  
The program will find the active source points that are contributing to the  
selected activity and calculate the ROI center and extent. The orientation of the  
ROI will be the mean orientation of selected currents.  
After selecting a new ROI, activity weighted with it is shown in the ROI win-  
dow (p. 34), the time course of activity in the area is shown in the Amplitude  
window (p. 31), and the parameters of the ROI are shown in the ROI database  
(p. 35). In the Color display or Arrow display (p. 30) you can toggle between  
showing the selected activity and all the activity by pressing any key when the  
window is selected.  
Warning: Region of interest may contain multiple sources whose activities are  
mixed together.  
8.4 ROI database  
You can compare the activity of a certain brain area in different measurements  
and subjects by saving the ROIs in a database.  
You can access the database with the ROI database window (p. 35). When you  
have selected the ROI corresponding to the interesting brain area, write the  
name of the area in the [Comment] field and press the [Save] button.  
If you want to see the activity of the same area during another measurement,  
load (p. 12) the corresponding estimate, press down the [Show other files] but-  
ton, and select the area from the list.  
If you compare the results of different subjects and possibly with your col-  
leagues, you may need to press down the [Show other subjects] button or  
change the user name in the [Creator] field. If there is a huge number of ROIs in  
8.5 Exporting ROIs  
You can export the ROI ellipsoids to Mrilab with the [Export new file] and  
[Append] commands in the [Options] menu of the ROI database window (p.  
38). The output files can be imported to Mrilab (see corresponding manual for  
Predicting MEG waveforms  
MCE User’s Guide  
9 Predicting MEG waveforms  
Figure 7 Predicted fields shown with XPlotter. The original measurement is  
shown with yellow lines and the waveforms predicted with the activity of the  
selected ROI is shown with red lines.  
To find out, what part of the measured data is explained with the activity in the  
selected ROI, you can press the [Show predicted fields] command in the  
[Options] menu of the Amplitude window (p. 31). The program calculates the  
magnetic field produced by the currents in the selected ROI and shows them with  
the XPlotter program together with the original data loaded from the fif-file. If you  
select a new ROI, the waveforms are updated when you select the [Show pre-  
dicted fields] button again.  
MCE User’s Guide  
10 Printing  
You can print the displays or save them as images by using the printing dialog,  
or with UNIX command  
10.1 Printing from the dialog  
Figure 8 The printing dialog  
The [Print] command in the File menu (p. 21) opens the printing dialog. Select  
the correct paper type and orientation, select the correct printer by typing  
-Pprintername -dpsc2  
in the [Device option] field and press the [Print] button.  
10.2 Saving to an image file  
The [Print] command in the File menu (p. 21) opens the printing dialog. You  
can save the image with a format compatible with old Adobe Illustrator by typ-  
in the [Device option] field, or as a general EPS-file (which can be opened in  
Adobe Illustrator version 6 or newer) with the option  
To produce JPEG output, use the option  
Press down the [File] button, then the [Save...] button, and a dialog for the out-  
put file name is opened.  
MCE User’s Guide  
The EPS formats suit well the Arrow (p. 30), Amplitude (p. 31), and Region of  
interest (p. 34) windows. In the conversion of the color displays (Color display (p.  
29), Color scale (p. 33)) some errors may occur; the JPEG or PNG formats are  
more suitable for them.  
10.3 Saving with xgifdump command  
The images can be saved in GIF format by giving the command  
in an UNIX terminal window.  
The command will ask the name of the output file and to select the correct window  
with the mouse. A convenient way to save several images from the Color display  
(p. 29) is to create an HTML file (p. 19), which includes the images in PNG for-  
MCE User’s Guide  
Creating HTML documents and MPEG movies  
11 Creating HTML documents and MPEG movies  
11.1 Creating HTML documents  
Figure 9 An example of a created HTML document  
You can create HTML documents with the HTML document creation dialog (p.  
38). The document will include projected, color coded views of the estimate  
from selected orientations and different time periods. The images in PNG (Por-  
table Network Graphics) format are saved in the same folder as the HTML file,  
with names like prefix_begintime_endtime_orientation.png.  
You can view the results with typical HTML browsers, such as Netscape Navi-  
gator™ or Microsoft’s Internet Explorer™.  
Creating HTML documents and MPEG movies  
MCE User’s Guide  
Table 2  
Default viewing orientations for created HTML documents MPEG  
11.2 Creating movies  
You can create MPEG movies with the Movie creation dialog (p. 39). The movie  
will show projected, color coded views of the estimate from the selected orienta-  
tion. To smoothen the animation, each movie frame will represent the average  
activity during specified time window. If you want the best possible temporal reso-  
lution, set the window length to the frame skip length, otherwise use longer win-  
dow lengths. You should be able to view the produced MPEG-1 movie with most  
common MPEG movie viewing programs. A public domain MPEG viewing pro-  
gram by The Regents of the University of California can be used with the UNIX  
/neuro/mce/bin/mpeg_play movie.mpeg  
MCE User’s Guide  
MCE windows and dialogs  
12 MCE windows and dialogs  
12.1 Window menus  
Figure 10 Menus of the Main Window (p. 22)  
Create movie ...  
Closes the current window  
Opens the different windows  
Selects the color map for current window  
L1 MNE Help  
Opens this manual in a Web browser  
Shows the version  
About L1 MNE  
Some windows have specific options.  
MCE windows and dialogs  
MCE User’s Guide  
12.2 Main window  
Figure 11 The main window  
The main window is opened when the program starts, and closing it quits the pro-  
Table 3  
Controls in the Main window  
Select the name of the fif-file containing the response.  
Shows the name of the selected file. If a batch calcula-  
tion is loaded, has the text (full)behind the file  
[Head model]  
The slider and text field select and show the current  
the current time point. The animation can be stopped  
by pressing the same button.  
Options menu  
The [Options] menu in the main window includes buttons [MNE options], [Pre-  
processing], and [Batch tasks] buttons. The [MNE options] button opens the  
MNE Options window.  
MCE User’s Guide  
MCE windows and dialogs  
Figure 12 Minimum norm estimate options dialog  
The [Regularization] slider and text field select and show the number of singu-  
lar values of the data used in the estimate. If the noise level in the measurement  
is low, increase the value to correctly estimate more complex source distribu-  
tions. If the noise level is high, decrease its effect by decreasing the value. The  
default value (30) is usually reasonable for averaged evoked responses.  
Keeping the [Depth normalization] button pressed compensates for the ten-  
dency of the estimate to produce too superficial sources.  
The Elekta Neuromag™ and Vectorview™ have both magnetometer and gradi-  
ometer sensors. In the estimation, the signals are analyzed in relation to the  
noise level. The default values (5 fT/cm for gradiometers, 25 fT for magnetom-  
eters) are reasonable in evoked response measurements, but if for some reason  
their relative noise level changes, you can modify the values in this dialog. Press  
the [Set noise levels manually] button and change the values in the text fields.  
If the options are changed, the windows displaying the previous estimate are  
Warning: If the regularization parameters are changed from the default ones,  
the new values must be validated using known data.  
12.3 Pre-processing dialog  
The pre-processing dialog is opened by pressing the [Preprocessing] button in  
the Options menu or automatically when you select a new data file.  
MCE windows and dialogs  
MCE User’s Guide  
Figure 13 The pre-processing dialog  
The left side of the window shows controls that you can use to pre-process the data.  
With the filter frame you can low-pass filter the data, with the baseline frame you  
can compensate for the DC level and slow drifts. With the projection frame you can  
down-sample the data and select the interesting period for the calculation. and set  
bad channels and noise projection.  
The right side of the window shows a preview of the original data (blue) and pro-  
cessed data (blue). You can zoom into the display with the left mouse button. The  
preview frame lets you either select the channel or to view the amplitude or fre-  
quency response of the filter. The latter can be used to check for a good down-sam-  
pling ration; the [Rescale] button reverts to automatic scaling.  
instructions using this dialog.  
MCE User’s Guide  
MCE windows and dialogs  
Filter frame  
The [Lowpass filter] toggle selects the filter. You can  
select the cutoff frequency or transition width with the  
corresponding text fields or sliders.The values are in Hz.  
Use the [Freq. response] and [Impulse response] but-  
tons to see the effect of the filter.  
Units: Hz  
Baseline frame  
The [Baseline] toggle and the corresponding text field  
select the baseline period used to remove the DC offset  
The [Detrend baseline] toggle and the corresponding  
text field select the other baseline used for removing  
Units: ms  
The toggle button and text field or slider select the  
Units: samples  
The toggle button and text field select the analysis  
Units: ms  
[Bad channels]  
The toggle button and text field set the bad channels.  
Write the channel numbers to the text field with format  
‘MEG #### #### #### ####’  
[Apply projection] If the toggle button is set, the noise projection defined in  
the data file is applied to the data and calculations.  
[Show all]  
The button resets the projection and bad channels to  
Preview frame  
Preview plot  
The buttons let you select either a single channel or filter  
properties in the preview plot  
Shows the selected information; original data in red and  
processed data in blue. Left mouse button zooms in the  
image, the [rescale] button reverts to automatic scaling.  
X-axis units: ms in Channel and Impulse response  
mode, Hz in freq. response mode.  
Y-axis units: fT for magnetometers, fT/cm for gradiom-  
Closes the window  
Applies the new values and closes the window  
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12.4 MEG data dialog  
The MEG data dialog is opened with the [Show all] button of the Pre-processing  
dialog (p. 23). It shows waveforms of all the channels overlaid based location.  
Left-clicking zooms in the image, right-clicking shows the maximum amplitude  
and channel in the selected time and location. The commands in the [Options]  
Table 5  
Commands in the Options menu of the MEG data dialog  
Opens Meg channels window for selecting the shown  
channels and scaling  
Opens Channel selection window for selecting pre-  
defined layouts  
Opens Channel group window for selecting grouping of  
channels in the layout  
[Remove mean] Removes the mean value of the waveforms  
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12.5 Full calculation dialog  
Figure 14The full calculation dialog  
The full calculation dialog is opened by pressing the [Full] button in the Main  
This window is used to calculate (p. 11) or load (p. 12) the minimum norm esti-  
mates of a whole response. The calculation of a new estimate will take will take  
some time, typically a second or two for each time point in the response.  
Table 6  
Controls in the full calculation dialog  
This button should be pressed if you want to calculate  
a new estimate  
This button should be pressed if you want to load an  
old estimate  
[Select file ...]  
Use the large button to select the file name of the  
saved or loaded estimate. If a fif-file is selected, this  
button shows the default name of the batch file.  
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12.6 Batch jobs window  
Figure 15 The batch jobs window  
This window controls the calculation of the estimates. The list shows current batch  
jobs and their states. The preferred way to start a calculating all the jobs, press the  
[Start server] button. This will be done in the background and you can use the  
program to add new jobs or view the results, or even log out and free the terminal  
for others. You can update the list by clicking it with mouse button.  
You can also select one particular job and press the [Calculate] button. to see the  
progress bars, but then you can not use the program for other tasks and you must  
not log out before the calculation is finished. See “Calculating the estimates” on  
Table 7  
Controls in the batch jobs window  
Start calculating the selected job. You will see progress  
of the calculation, but you can not use the program  
Set the priority of the selected job  
Delete the selected job  
Reset the job after an error or stop calculating it  
Show details of the selected job  
[Start server]  
[Stop server]  
Start a calculation in the background  
Stop the calculation in the background  
Close the window  
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12.7 Color display  
Figure 16 Color display of the estimate  
The color display is opened by selecting [Color display] in the Windows menu  
The color display shows the estimated source distribution projected to the sur-  
face of the brain. The projection is done along the radius of the sphere model. If  
a time period is selected, the average activity during the period is shown.  
You can rotate the image by moving the mouse while holding down the left but-  
ton. The color scale can be viewed and changed with the Color scale window (p.  
33). The coloring of the window can be changed with the [Colors] menu.  
You can select a region of interest (ROI, “Region of interest” on page 14) by  
pressing down the right mouse button and dragging over the active area. The  
color display will show the selected activity only. You can toggle between  
showing the selected or all activity by using [Selected] button in the [Options]  
menu or by pressing space bar while the window is active.  
You can view the location of the peak activity by selecting [Max] in the  
[Options] menu  
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12.8 Arrow display  
Figure 17 Arrow display of the estimate  
The arrow display is opened by selecting [Arrow display] in the Windows menu  
The arrow display shows the 3-dimensional estimated source locations and orienta-  
tions. If a time period is selected, the average activity during the period is shown.  
You can toggle between showing the selected or all activity by using [Selected]  
button in the [Options] menu or by pressing space bar while the window is active.  
You can rotate the image by moving the mouse while holding down the left button.  
The arrow length and colors are automatically scaled and the colors are not compa-  
rable with the Color scale window (p. 33). The coloring of the arrows can be  
changed with the [Colors] menu.  
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12.9 Amplitude window  
Figure 18 The amplitude window with total activity  
Figure 19 The amplitude window with an oriented ROI  
The amplitude window is opened by selecting [Amplitude] in the Windows  
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The amplitude window shows the activity of the selected ROI (p. 14) during the  
To select a time point, use the left mouse button. To select a time range, drag with  
the right mouse button.  
The text box shows the selected ROI, time range and the average amplitude during  
the time range.  
You can change the X- and Y-axis scales, or toggle using the orientation of the  
ROI, with the amplitude scale window (p. 32).  
The [Option] menu includes the button [Show predicted fields], which shows the  
measured and predicted MEG waveforms with the XPlotter program (p. 16).  
12.10 Amplitude scale window  
Figure 20 Amplitude scale window  
With the amplitude scale window you can set the scale of the X- and Y-axes of the  
amplitude window (p. 31). The [Auto] toggle button selects automatic or manual  
scaling. In the manual scaling mode you can define the minimum and maximum  
values in the corresponding text field. The X-axis units are ms and Y-axis units  
The [Use orientations] button selects whether oriented or non-oriented ROIs (p.  
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12.11 Color scale window  
Figure 21 The color scale window  
The color scale window is opened by selecting [Color scale] in the Windows  
You can adjust the color scale of the Color display (p. 29) using the color scale  
Constant color mode  
By pressing the [Constant] button you can select the constant color scale,  
where the colors a selected according the absolute value of the estimate. The  
maximum in nAm can be entered in the field.  
Relative color mode  
By pressing the [Relative] button you can select the relative color scale, where  
the colors a selected according the average strength of the activity during the  
baseline time. The maximum as multiples of the standard deviation can be  
entered in the field to the right.  
Enter the start and end time of the baseline [Baseline] field in milliseconds sep-  
arated by a space. If the baseline is not completely within the time span of the  
measured response, the overlapping part is used.  
If no batch calculation is loaded or if the baseline range does not overlap the  
response, constant color mode is used.  
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Things to remember  
Remember that the Arrow display (p. 30) has different color scale and check that  
Remember also, that because the estimation method tries to minimize the current,  
the absolute scale of the estimate is very likely smaller than that of the real current.  
However, the relative strengths at different time points or measurements should be  
12.12 Region of interest window  
Figure 22 The region of interest  
The region of interest window is opened by selecting [Region of Interest] in the  
Windows menu (p. 21). The currently selected region of interest (ROI) (p. 14) is  
shown in this display. You can rotate the image by moving the mouse while hold-  
ing down the left button.  
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12.13 ROI database window  
Figure 23 The ROI database  
The ROI database window is opened by selecting [ROI database] in the Win-  
The ROI database window is your contains your interface to the database of pre-  
viously selected brain areas, ROIs (p. 14).  
The controls to search ROIs is in the upper left corner. The list of found ROIs is  
on the right side. The currently selected ROI is shown on the lower left side.  
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ROI search  
Table 8  
Controls in the upper left corner  
[Show other files]  
Press this button if you want to see the ROIs from  
different measurements  
[Show other point sets]  
[Show other users]  
[SQL query field]  
Press this button if you want to see the ROIs from  
different subjects having different point sets  
Press this button if you want to see the ROIs cre-  
ated by your colleagues  
On this field you can have write constraints in  
ROI list  
The list on the right side shows the ROIs matching your specifications. The com-  
ment, the name of the fif-file the selection is based on, and the name of the creator  
are shown.  
Select a ROI by pressing the left mouse button on the correct line. The No ROI  
line allows you to see the total activity in the Amplitude window (p. 31).  
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Current ROI  
Table 9  
Controls in the lower left corner  
The center of the ROI in millimeters. The values can not  
be changed unless [Modify] button is pressed.  
The extent of the ROI in millimeters. Only the extents  
along the X, Y, and Z coordinate axes are shown,  
although the ROI selected from the Color display (p. 29)  
can be oblique. The values can not be changed unless  
[Modify] button is pressed.  
The orientation of the ROI (p. 14). The units of the val-  
ues do not matter. The values can not be changed unless  
[Modify] button is pressed.  
[Smooth edges] When selected, a smooth weighting function is used.  
When unselected, hard edges are used.  
The comment used as the name of the ROI  
Other controls  
Table 10 Controls in the bottom row  
Press this button to modify the ROI center and extents  
or to create the ROI by hand. Only ROIs with main  
axes coinciding with the X, Y, and > axes can be spec-  
Delete the selected ROI. You can delete only the ROIs  
you have created yourself.  
Save the current ROI in the database  
Close the window  
SQL database  
All the ROI queries are done from an database server using SQL query lan-  
guage. Some examples how to refine your queries:  
• x<0  
• x<0 AND y>30  
• fiffile LIKE "rpsef%"  
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[Options] menu  
The selected ROI can be exported to a file with the [Export new file] button. The  
[Append] button adds the selected ellipsoid to the previously selected output file.  
12.14 HTML Creation Dialog  
Figure 24The HTML Creation Dialog  
You can open the HTML Creation Dialog from the [File] menu. After selecting  
appropriate parameters, press OK. The application closes the open files and creates  
the HTML file.  
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Table 11 Controls in the HTML Creation Dialog  
Select the output file name. The PNG picture files will  
be created with the same prefix and different suffixes.  
[Time periods]  
Select the time periods either with format  
[beginning first second ... end]  
For example, time periods 100-200 ms and 200-300  
ms can be defined as  
100 200 300  
Select the color map used in the figures  
[Black and white]  
Select different orientations of the brain shown in the  
[Image size]  
The size of the produced PNG images  
[Document width]  
The width of the document. The HTML browser will  
scale the figures to fit the selected width  
[A4 landscape]  
[A4 portrait]  
Shortcuts for default document widths  
12.15 Movie Creation Dialog  
Figure 25 The Movie Creation Dialog  
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You can open the Movie Creation Dialog from the [File] menu.  
Table 12 Controls in the Movie Creation Dialog  
Select the output file name  
[Time points]  
Select the time points with format  
For example, for a movie from 100 to 300 ms with 10  
ms step between frames, select  
[Window length]  
[Image size]  
The length of time period integrated for each frame in  
the movie  
Select the orientation of the brain in the movie. See  
The pixel size of the produced movie  

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