Tangent 2.2 User Manual

CDML Advanced Calculator  
version 2.2  
User Manual  
Copyright © 1994-2000 Leonard Kaplan and CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
29-28 41 Ave., Suite 707, Long Island City, NY 11101  
Table of Contents  
About CDML Advanced Calculator.....................Page 4  
Easy Access........................................Page 5  
Explanation of the Calculator Screen...............Page 6  
Using the Calculator...............................Page 6  
Using the Tape..................................Page 8  
Standard Calculator Operators...................Page 8  
Using Memory Functions..........................Page 9  
Clearing Entries in CDML Advanced Calculator....Page 9  
Other Valid Keys in CDML Advanced Calculator....Page 10  
Base Conversions ..............................Page 10  
Toolbar Setup...................................Page 11  
Setting CDML Advanced Calculator Properties.....Page 12  
Numeric Input Screen............................Page 15  
CDML Advanced Calculator Menus.....................Page 16  
File Menu.......................................Page 17  
Edit Menu.......................................Page 17  
Tape Menu.......................................Page 18  
Operators Menu..................................Page 19  
Modes Menu......................................Page 20  
Scientific Menu.................................Page 22  
Financial Menu..................................Page 23  
Properties Menu.................................Page 24  
Help Menu.......................................Page 25  
Advanced Functions.................................Page 27  
Financial Functions.............................Page 28  
Conversion Functions............................Page 29  
Currency Conversions............................Page 31  
Numeric Base Conversions........................Page 32  
Intra-System Unit Conversions...................Page 33  
Expression Evaluator............................Page 34  
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator.............Page 35  
Additional Valid Keys in Expression Evaluator  
and Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator....Page 36  
Formula Editor..................................Page 37  
Time/Date Calculations..........................Page 38  
Time Entry Screen...............................Page 39  
Calendar........................................Page 39  
Date Notes / RPN Stack / Scratch Pad............Page 40  
Sending Keystrokes with Alarms..................Page 42  
Reminder Alarms.................................Page 44  
Project Timer ..................................Page 45  
Registration Screen................................Page 46  
Technical Support..................................Page 47  
Glossary of Terms..................................Page 48  
About CDML Computer Services, Ltd..................Page 51  
Copyright and Licensing Information................Back Cover  
About CDML Advanced Calculator  
Besides the functions of a standard calculator, the CDML Advanced Calculator provides users with the  
following features:  
a resizable Tape Display  
5 Memory Functions  
14 Financial Functions  
11 conversion modes  
7 Intra-System conversion modes  
Currency Conversions (with daily updates)  
Time/Date Calculations  
Base Conversions  
a Calendar with Daily Notes  
34 Scientific Functions  
a Scientific Expression Evaluator  
a Foot/Inch Construction Calculator  
There are also many Convenience Features, such as:  
The RPN mode  
the Auto-Decimal mode  
the Adding Machine mode  
user-defined Toolbar  
user-defined number of Decimal Places  
2 Percentage Calculation modes  
a Magic Number mode (a constant value for “What If” operations)  
Reminder Alarms  
Billing Functions  
Project Timer  
Special features for users of desktop 10-Key adding machines  
and many others  
Page 4  
Easy Access  
In order to be less obtrusive, CDML Advanced Calculator will not appear in the Windows  
Task Bar when it is minimized. There are two features in the CDML Advanced Calculator to  
allow you easy, instant access to the calculator while keeping it out of the way. They may be  
activated (or deactivated) from the Properties Menu.  
Show in Tray  
This feature is active by default. When enabled you will see a small calculator icon appear in  
the bottom right corner of your screen. At this point you can open any other application(s)  
and do your work. When you need the calculator, just click with your left mouse button on  
the small icon and CDML Advanced Calculator will appear.  
If you right-click on the icon, you will see a menu of available choices. From this menu you  
can Show or Hide the calculator, Remove the calculator from tray (hide the icon), Cancel  
(hide) the menu and Exit CDML Advanced Calculator. From the same menu you can activate  
the following features: Base Conversions, Construction (Ft/In) Calculator, Currency Conver-  
sions, Expression Evaluator, Scratch Pad, Set Alarms, Calendar, Time/Date Calculations and  
the Project Timer.  
From the Properties Menu, you can use the Hide Main Window option to hide all traces of  
the CDML Advanced Calculator except the tray icon. Even if the CDML Advanced Calcula-  
tor is hidden, it will still appear when you click on the tray icon. Another way to hide the  
CDML Advanced Calculator is by minimizing it.  
Stay On Top  
When this feature is active you will see a small window with a " Show CDML Calculator"  
message. When you double-click on that window, the CDML Advanced Calculator will ap-  
pear and the message will change to "Hide CDML Calculator". When you double-click that  
window a second time, the CDML Advanced Calculator will disappear. You can do the same  
by using the Hide Main Window option form the Properties Menu.  
Initially the small window will appear on top of the screen in the center, however you can  
move the window around by clicking on it and while holding down the left mouse button  
dragging it to where you want it to be. Release the mouse button when you are satisfied with  
its new location.  
Show or Hide Number Keys, Tape and Toolbar  
If you are working with limited screen real estate, you may wish to hide certain parts of the  
calculator. All of these features may be accessed through the Properties Menu (or the Tool-  
You can hide the whole bottom portion of the calculator (including the number, operator and  
conversion buttons) and use your keyboard, toolbar and the menus to do your work. Another  
way to save space is by hiding the tape. When you need to view the tape, just go back to the  
Properties Menu and select Show Tape. All your work will still be reflected on the tape even  
if it's hidden. Finally, you can hide the toolbar and use the keyboard and the menus. If you  
hide all 3 of the aforementioned items, all you will see on your screen is the Readout and the  
Page 5  
The conversions come in handy when dealing with various international and time standards. The finan-  
cial functions make it easy to derive various payments and dividends (i.e. Mortgage, credit cards, stocks,  
etc.). The scientific expression evaluator helps to process advanced mathematical expressions and to  
print them out with the result. The tape is useful for reviewing your work.  
NOTE: You can start the CDML Advanced Calculator with the "/nic" command line parameter. This  
feature is useful if you want to call the calculator from an other program (i.e. Excel macro), do your cal-  
culations and return the result to that program.  
Page 6  
Using the Calculator  
To use the CDML Advanced Calculator, you can click on the buttons or use the key-  
board to enter numbers and operators. You can also use the Tab key to move be-  
tween buttons and press the Space Bar when you reach the button that you want.  
Operators can also be entered from the Operators Menu .  
The original calculator mode is Standard Calculator. The current mode is displayed  
just below the number Readout, between then Next and Previous Mode buttons. To  
change the mode to any of the nine conversion modes, click on the Next Mode but-  
ton (right) or the Previous Mode button (left). The ToolTip for the Next Mode button  
will show you the upcoming mode. The ToolTip for the Previous Mode button will  
show you the preceding mode.  
NOTE: You can also switch modes from the Modes Menu.  
Any completed operation will be registered on "tape" (The Tape Display). The "tape"  
is located above the Readout and reflects everything that you did since you started  
the CDML Advanced Calculator or since you last cleared the tape. The tape has  
many useful functions. You can search the tape for a specific string or number. You  
can print the tape, you can publish the contents of the tape to Notepad (standard  
Windows Notepad or any other program, depending on your settings) or you can just  
browse the tape to review your calculations.  
Most of the calculator functions can be accessed through the menus.  
Beneath the "0" button, you will see a small box displaying the modes you turned on.  
These modes are as follows:  
F = Financial Calculator Mode  
D = Auto-Decimal Mode  
A = Adding Machine Mode  
R = RPN Calculator Mode  
S = Show Percent Mode  
C = Carry Result Mode  
% = Percent for Number Mode  
M = Magic Number Mode  
- (minus sign) = Repetitive Subtraction Mode  
I = Imperial English Measures Mode  
T = Troy English Measures Mode  
E = Repeat Entry Mode  
W = Swap “+“ and “Enter” keys Mode  
O = Copy Formatted Mode  
The three buttons in the bottom-right corner are Help, About CDML Advanced Calcu-  
lator and Exit CDML Advanced Calculator, respectively.  
Above the Tape, you will find a 9-button Toolbar. To use the Toolbar, you must first  
configure what function you want each button to perform. This is done by right-  
clicking on the button you want to configure. Once the Toolbar is configured, click  
the corresponding button to perform that function.  
HINT: To view what function the button is configured for, see the ToolTips for that  
Page 7  
Using the Tape  
The tape is very useful in reviewing your work. You can use your mouse to scroll up  
and down the tape or you can use the following commands. (All of the following  
commands can be accessed through the Tape Menu.)  
Print Tape  
Send contents of tape to the default printer  
Ctrl-P key and the Print Tape option on the Tape Menu  
Publish Tape  
Send contents of tape to Notepad or any other user-defined program  
Ctrl-N key and the Tape to Notepad option on the Tape Menu  
Clear Tape  
Clear tape contents  
Ctrl-L key and the Clear Tape option on the Tape Menu  
Annotate Tape  
Make notations on the tape  
Ctrl-A, N or n keys and the Annotate Tape option on the Tape Menu  
Find on Tape  
Search tape for any word or number  
Ctrl-F key and the Find On Tape option on the Tape Menu  
Find Next  
Repeat last search  
F3 key and the Find Next option on the Tape Menu  
Aside from the aforementioned functions, you can use your mouse to highlight the  
text on the tape and copy it to the Windows Clipboard. You can modify the Tape  
Display Settings through the Set Properties screen.  
NOTE: When you are using the Find on Tape feature, the found item will be high-  
lighted. If you repeat the search the next matching item will be highlighted. If  
there are no other matching items, the first matching item will be highlighted. If  
there are no matching items at all, you will be notified.  
Standard Calculator Operators  
+ key and the + button  
- key and the - button  
*, x, X keys and the X button  
/ key and the / button  
Equal (Total)  
=, Enter (!) keys and the = button  
% key and the % button  
Page 8  
S, s, ^ keys and the x2 button  
Square Root  
R, r keys and the button  
Decimal Separator (Period)  
. key and the . button (you can also use a comma or whatever your geographi-  
cal format dictates)  
Using Memory Functions  
To help you with complex calculations we included Memory Functions in the CDML  
Advanced Calculator. There are a total of 5 memory functions. If memory is set,  
you will see a Check Mark appear to the left of the readout. You will also see, in  
the bottom left corner, the word "Memory:" and the memory value next to it. When  
you clear the memory contents, the check mark and the memory value display will  
disappear. The 5 memory functions are as follows:  
Memory Store  
Stores the currently displayed number in memory  
Ctrl-M key combination and the MS button  
Memory Recall  
Displays the number from memory  
Ctrl-R key combination and the MR button  
Memory Add  
Adds the currently displayed number to the number stored in memory and  
stores the new value  
M (capital 'M') key and the M+ button  
Memory Subtract  
Subtracts the currently displayed number from the number stored in memory  
and stores the new value  
m (small 'm') key and the M- button  
Memory Clear  
Clears the memory  
The MC button  
Clearing Entries in CDML Calculator  
Clear (Start Fresh)  
c, C and Escape (Esc) keys and the C button  
Undo Last Digit  
Back Space (") key  
Clear Entry (Undo Last Entry)  
Delete (Del) key and the CE button  
Page 9  
Other Valid Keys in CDML Advanced Calculator  
Annotate Tape / Select All Text on Tape  
Ctrl-A or N and n keys and the Annotate Tape option on the Tape Menu.  
Construction Calculator (ft/in)  
Ctrl-B key and the Construction Calculations option on the File Menu.  
Copy Readout to Clipboard  
Ctrl-C key and the Copy option on the Edit Menu.  
Expression Evaluator  
Ctrl-E or ( keys and the Expression Evaluator option on the File Menu.  
Find on Tape  
Ctrl-F key and the Find On Tape option on the Tape Menu.  
Calculator on Top  
Ctrl-G key and the Calculator on Top option on the Properties Menu.  
Hide Main Window  
Ctrl-H key and the Hide Main Window option on the Properties Menu.  
Insert into Previous Program  
Ctrl-I key and the Insert into Prev. Prog. option on the Edit Menu.  
View RPN Stack  
Ctrl-K key and the View RPN Stack option on the Edit Menu. This option is  
available only when using RPN mode.  
Clear Tape  
Ctrl-L key and the Clear Tape option on the Tape Menu.  
Publish Tape  
Ctrl-N key and the Publish Tape option on the Tape Menu.  
Open Saved Tape  
Ctrl-O key and the Open Saved option on the Tape Menu.  
Print Tape  
Ctrl-P key and the Print Tape option on the Tape Menu.  
Show in Tray  
Ctrl-S key and the Show in Tray option on the Properties Menu.  
Stay on Top  
Ctrl-T key and the Stay on Top option on the Properties Menu.  
Paste Clipboard to Readout  
Ctrl-V key and the Paste option on the Edit Menu.  
Write Tape to File  
Ctrl-W key and the Write to File option on the Tape Menu.  
Exit CDML Advanced Calculator  
Ctrl-X key and the Exit option on the File Menu.  
Tape to Scratch Pad  
Ctrl-Z key and the Tape to Scratch Pad option on the Tape Menu.  
On-Line Help  
F1 key and the CDML Calculator Help option on the Help Menu.  
About CDML Advanced Calculator  
F2 key and the About CDML Calculator option on the Help Menu.  
Find Next  
F3 key and the Find Next option on the Tape Menu.  
Calculator and Tape Properties  
F4 key and the Properties option on the Properties Menu.  
Allow Tape Editing  
F5 key and the Allow Tape Editing option on the Tape Menu.  
Page 10  
Time/Date Calculations  
F6 key and the Time/Date Calculations option on the File Menu  
F7 key and the Calendar option on the File Menu.  
Currency Conversions  
F8 key and the Currency Conversions option on the File Menu  
Numeric Base Conversions  
F9 key and the Base Conversions option on the File Menu  
Scratch Pad  
F12 key and the Scratch Pad option on the File Menu.  
Toolbar Setup  
Use this screen to set the function a  
Toolbar button will perform. When you  
open this screen, the screen caption will  
remind you which number button you are  
setting up.  
Type of Function (command) List  
There are five types of functions:  
Financial, Mode, Other, Scientific  
and Tape. Select the type of func-  
tion you wish this button to per form.  
Available Functions List  
After you select the type of function, you will see a list of all avaiable functions of  
that type. Select the function you want this button to perform.  
OK Button  
Save changes and exit.  
Cancel Button  
Exit without saving changes.  
Set Properties  
Use this screen to set up the properties of CDML Advanced Calculator. You should  
configure the calculator to those settings, which you find most convenient.  
When you open the Properties window, your current settings will be displayed. At  
this point you can modify any of the available settings. If you wish to exit without  
saving your changes, then push the "Cancel" button (or hit the Esc key). If you wish  
to make your changes temporary, then push the "OK" button.  
If you wish to save your changes as "default settings", then push the "Save" button  
or hit the Enter key.  
Tape Properties  
For the tape you can set the Font, Font Size, Font Color, Font Bold, Font Italic,  
Tape Size and Tape Hidden/Visible properties. For the calculator itself, you can  
save the position of the Calculator as well as the position of the Stay-On-Top  
window (if the Stay-On-Top window is open).  
Page 11  
Start Minimized  
If you check the "Start Min"  
box, then the next time you  
start CDML Advanced Cal-  
culator, the calculator will  
not be visible until you click  
on the tray icon.  
Start On Top  
If you check the "Start On  
Top" box, then the next  
time you start CDML Ad-  
vanced Calculator, only the  
Stay-On-Top window will  
be visible.  
NOTE: Start Minimized  
and Start On Top boxes  
can not be checked at the  
same time.  
Calc. On Top  
If this option is checked, then the main calculator screen will remain Topmost.  
Carry Result  
If you check the "Carry Result" box, then the result of your calculation will re-  
main in the Readout. If you clear this box, the Readout will be reset to 0 after  
the calculation is completed. (To complete the calculation you must push the  
"=" button.)  
Financial Mode  
If you check the "Fin Mode" box, then the result of your calculation will always  
be displayed in a currency format (i.e. 5 will be 5.00, 3.2 will be 3.20 and 4.006  
will be 4.01). The number of visible decimal places depends directly on your set-  
ting for Decimal Places (found on this screen). This option may also be set from  
the Modes menu.  
Save Memory  
If you check the "Save Mem" box, then the calculator memory will be saved as  
you exit the calculator. The next time you start CDML Advanced Calculator, the  
memory will be set to what it was the last time you used the calculator.  
Adding Machine  
If you check the "Adding Machine" box, then the calculator will work like an old  
fashioned adding machine, where you first enter an operand (number) and then  
the operator. The first operator is always a plus (+) in this mode, regardless of  
what you press. After you enter the last number in your series, pressing the  
equal sign (=) is the same as pressing a plus followed by an equal. If addition is  
not your desired operation, then press the operator that you need followed by  
the equal sign. This option may be set from the Modes menu.  
Show %  
If you check the "Show %" box, then the calculator will print the actual percent-  
age value to tape (as well as the derived value in the Readout). This option may  
also be set from the Modes menu.  
Format Numbers  
If this option is checked, then the numbers displayed on tape will be formatted in  
Page 12  
Use this screen to enter numbers for those calculations, which require additional in-  
put (other than the main calculator screen). Here your input is limited to numbers (0  
to 9) and the decimal separator  
Page 13  
Page 14  
CDML Advanced Calculator Menus  
File Menu  
Edit Menu  
Tape Menu  
Operators Menu  
Modes Menu  
Scientific Menu  
Financial Menu  
Properties Menu  
Help Menu  
Page 15  
File Menu  
Scratch Pad  
Displays a new instance of the small text  
Show Calendar  
Displays the calendar.  
Expression Evaluator  
Same as hitting the ( button or Ctrl-E. Use  
this to launch the Expression Evaluator.  
Time/Date Calculations  
Same as hitting F6. Use this option to cal-  
culate differences between various times  
and dates.  
Currency Conversions  
Same as hitting F8. Use this option to con-  
vert between various currencies. You can  
sign up for daily exchange rates updates.  
Base Conversions  
Same as hitting F9. Use this option to convert numeric values between binary,  
octal, decimal and hexadecimal systems.  
Construction Calculator (ft/in)  
Same as hitting Ctrl-B. Use this option to make calculations in feet and inches.  
Start/Stop Project Timer  
Same as pushing the Stop Watch button. Use this option to start or stop the  
Project Timer.  
Backup Data  
Use this feature to backup your Daily Notes, Alarms and Formulas.  
Restore Data  
Use this feature to restore previously backed-up data.  
Exit the CDML Advanced Calculator.  
Edit Menu  
Save the contents of the readout to the clipboard. If you have selected  
(highlighted) text on the Tape, then that text will be  
saved to the clipboard instead of the contents of  
the readout.  
Save the contents (numeric only) of the clipboard  
to the readout. If you are in Tape Editing Mode,  
then you are able to paste any text to the tape.  
Insert into Previous Program  
Since the CDML Advanced Calculator is often used to calculate results which  
will be later entered into a different program, this option was added to automate  
this task. By using this option, you can insert the result of your calculations di-  
rectly to the program which was used immediately prior to using the CDML Ad-  
vanced Calculator. This is equivalent to Copying the Result, Minimizing the  
CDML Advanced Calculator, and Pasting to the other program at the cursor  
Page 16  
position. If you started the CDML Advanced Calculator with the "/nic" command  
line switch then this option will also exit the program.  
View RPN Stack  
Use this option when you are using RPN mode and wish to see the contents of  
your stack. The stack will be displayed in a separate floating window.  
Set Billing Rate  
Use this option to set the default Hourly Billing Rate used for calculations in the  
Project Timer and the Billing Function.  
Tape Menu  
Format Numbers  
If this option is checked, then the numbers displayed on tape will be formatted in  
the following manner: 1000.00 will show as 1,000.00, 300000.555 will show as  
300,000.555, and so forth.  
Send the contents of the tape to the default printer.  
You can select which printer to use from the File  
Send the contents of the tape to Windows Notepad  
(or your default Text Editor) for editing. If you config-  
ured the Publish To settings, then the tape will be  
sent to the program you specified.  
To Scratch Pad  
Send the contents of the tape Scratch Pad. This is  
useful because the tape text is padded with spaces  
on the left so that it will look right aligned when using  
fixed-width fonts (i.e. Courier New).  
Clear the contents of the tape.  
Allow Editing  
Allows you to freely write on the tape. Exit this mode to resume normal calcula-  
tor functions.  
Open Saved  
Use this option to insert a previously saved tape (or any other text file) into the  
Write to File  
Save the contents of the tape to a text file. If the file you selected already exists,  
you will be given a choice to append to that file or to replace it.  
Annotate / Select All Text  
Enter notations on the tape. Allows you to add your notation to the bottom of  
the tape. If your cursor is located on the tape, then this function will select all  
text on the tape.  
Search tape for any word, number or expression. The found text will be se-  
Find Next  
Repeat last search.  
Page 17  
Operators Menu  
Same as hitting the + button.  
Same as hitting the - button.  
Same as hitting the * button.  
Same as hitting the / button.  
Same as hitting the % button.  
Square Root  
Same as hitting the button.  
Same as hitting the x2 button.  
Change Sign  
Changes the sign of the value in the Readout between  
positive and egative.  
Same as hitting the C button. Use this to clear the last  
calculation and reset to 0.  
Clear Entry  
Same as hitting the CE button. Use this to clear the last  
Ctrl-M key combination and the MS button on the CDML Calculator Stores the  
currently displayed number in memory.  
Ctrl-R key combination and the MR button on the CDML  
Calculator Recalls and displays the number from mem-  
Add to  
M (capital 'M') key and the M+ button on the CDML Ad-  
vanced Calcula tor Adds the currently displayed number to the number stored in  
memory and stores the new value.  
NOTE: The new value is not displayed until you recall it.  
Subtract from  
m (small 'm') key and the M- button on the CDML Advanced Calculator Sub-  
tracts the currently displayed number from the number stored in a memory  
and stores the new value.  
NOTE: The new value is not displayed until you recall it.  
The MC button on the CDML Advanced Calculator Clears the memory and hides  
the check mark.  
Page 18  
Modes Menu  
This will display the result of your calcula-  
tions in a currency format (i.e. 5 will be 5.00,  
3.2 will be 3.20 and 4.006 will be 4.01). The  
number of visible decimal places depends  
directly on your setting for the number of  
decimal places you wish to see.  
By special request from our users in the ac-  
counting profession. If Auto-Decimal Mode  
is checked, when entering a series of num-  
bers, you don't need to enter the decimals.  
The calculator will format your input based on  
the number of decimal places you selected.  
Adding Machine  
The calculator will work like an old-fashioned  
adding machine, where you first enter an op-  
erand (number) and then the operator. The  
first operator is always a plus (+) in this  
mode, regardless of what you press. After  
you enter the last number in your series,  
pressing the equal sign (=) is the same as  
pressing a plus followed by an equal. If addi-  
tion is not your desired operation, then press  
the operator that you need and then the  
equal sign.  
This mode allows you to enter numbers and  
do your calculations in the Reverse Polish  
Notation. When the RPN mode is checked,  
you must first enter your numbers and then enter the operators.  
NOTE: RPN and Adding Machine modes Can't be on at the same time.  
Show Percentages  
The calculator will print the actual percentage value to tape (as well as the de-  
rived value in the Readout).  
% for Number  
If this option is checked, then the percentages will be calculated for the previous  
value. Otherwise the percentages will be calculated as the number you entered  
divided by 100. For example: expression 200+200-20% will equal to 320 if this  
option is checked or 399.80 if this option is not checked.  
Magic Number (mathematical constant)  
If this option is checked then you can perform multiple operations for a single  
operand. The first operand entered will become the Magic Number. All follow-  
ing operations will be performed for the Magic Number. Example:  
Magic Number Off  
Magic Number On  
+8 [7+8]=15  
+9 [15+9] =24  
+8 [5+8]=13  
+9 [5+9] =14  
Carry Result  
If this option is checked, then the result of your calculation will remain in the  
Readout. If it's not checked, the Readout will be reset to 0 after the calculation  
is completed. (To complete the calculation push the = button.)  
Page 19  
Repeat Subtraction  
If this option is checked, then you can repetitively press Minus ("-") for subtrac-  
NOTE: If this mode is turned on, you will need to use the Change Sign option on  
the Operators Menu or the "+/-" button on the calculator to enter negative num-  
Intra-System Conversions  
There are seven Intra-System conversion modes: Metric, Computer and English  
Weight, Square, Cubic, Length and Capacity. These are useful to determine  
relations between units of measure in the same system (i.e. 1 bite =  
0.0001220703125 kilobytes).  
Imperial English Measures  
If this option is checked, then the Area and Volume conversions will use Impe-  
rial gallons and pints.  
Troy English Measures  
If this option is checked, then the Mass and Distance conversions will use Troy  
pounds and ounces.  
No Conversions  
Reset the Calculator to standard mode.  
NOTE: The following modes may also be changed by the Next Mode and Previ-  
ous Mode buttons on the calculator.  
Metric to English  
Set mode to Metric to English weight and distance conversions or perform same  
English to Metric  
Set mode to English to Metric weight and distance conversions or perform same  
Area/Volume Metric to English  
Set mode to English to Metric area and volume conversions or perform same  
Area/Volume English to Metric  
Set mode to English to Metric area and volume conversions or perform same  
Set mode to temperature conversions or perform same conversions.  
Set mode to Time conversions with the Week as a primary unit or perform same  
Set mode to Time conversions with the Day as a primary unit or perform same  
Set mode to Time conversions with the Hour as a primary unit or perform same  
Set mode to Time conversions with the Minute as a primary unit or perform  
same conversions.  
English/Metric Other  
Set mode to Other English/Metric conversions or perform same conversions.  
NOTE: For more information, see "Using Conversion Functions".  
Page 20  
Scientific Menu  
Natural Logarithm  
Exponent (base of natural logarithm)  
Logarithm to Base N (you will be prompted to  
enter the value for the base)  
Inverse Sine  
Inverse Cosine  
Inverse Secant  
Inverse Cosecant  
Inverse Cotangent  
Hyperbolic Sine  
Hyperbolic Cosine  
Hyperbolic Tangent  
Hyperbolic Secant  
Hyperbolic Cosecant  
Hyperbolic Cotangent  
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine  
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine  
Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent  
Inverse Hyperbolic Secant  
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant  
Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent  
NOTE: The values for these calculations may be entered in Degrees or Radians.  
The standard method of entering values.  
1 Radian is equal to 180/pi degrees.  
Additional Scientific Features.  
Takes an immediate reciprocal (1/x) of the value  
in the Readout.  
Convert decimal values to fractions.  
Pi Value  
Enters the pi value to the Readout.  
Page 21  
e constant Value  
Enters the e value to the Readout.  
Golden Cut Value  
Enters the golden cut value to the Readout.  
Financial Menu  
Interest Payment  
Returns the interest payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic,  
fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.  
Interest Rate per Period  
Returns the interest rate per period  
for an annuity.  
Interest for X Days  
Returns the interest (straight or  
compound) for a given period (in  
days) of an annuity based on a fixed  
interest rate.  
Internal Rate of Return  
Returns the internal rate of return  
for a series of periodic cash flows  
(payments and receipts).  
Modified Internal Rate of Return  
Returns the modified internal rate of  
return for a series of periodic cash  
flows (payments and receipts).  
Number of Payments to Pay Off Loan  
Returns the number of periods for  
an annuity based on periodic, fixed  
payments and a fixed interest rate.  
Net Present Value of Investment  
Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic  
cash flows (payments and receipts) and a discount rate.  
Annuity Payments  
Returns the payment for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a  
fixed interest rate.  
Annuity Principal Payment  
Returns the principal payment for a given period of an annuity based on peri-  
odic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.  
Present Value of an Annuity  
Returns the present value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments to be  
paid in the future and a fixed interest rate.  
Future Value of an Annuity  
Returns the future value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a  
fixed interest rate.  
Straight Line Depreciation  
Returns the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period.  
Sum-of-Years' Digits Depreciation  
Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.  
Page 22  
Double Declining Balance Depreciation  
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period using the double-  
declining balance method.  
NOTE: For more information see the Explanation of Financial Functions.  
Properties Menu  
View or modify the settings for CDML Advanced Calculator  
Show in Tray  
Show CDML Advanced Calculator in the System  
Tray (bottom-right corner). When the calculator  
icon is in the tray, you only need to click on it and  
CDML Advanced Calculator will come to the  
front of all your open windows. If you right-click  
on it, you will see a menu of available choices.  
See Easy Access.  
Stay On Top  
When this item is selected, CDML Advanced Cal-  
culator will disappear and instead you will see a  
small, floating, yellow label "Show CDML Ad-  
vanced Calculator". When you double-click this  
label, the Calculator will appear and the label will  
change to "Hide CDML Calculator". To hide the  
tor, just double-click the label again.  
See Easy Access.  
Calculator On Top  
If this option is checked, then the main calculator  
screen will remain Topmost.  
Hide Main Window  
Allows you to hide the CDML Advanced Calculator window, but it leaves the  
Tray Icon or the On Top window (depending on the mode) in place.  
Number Tape Items  
If this option is checked, line item numbers will appear to the right of the value  
on tape. This does not apply to RPN mode. Line items will reset after you  
press Clear or Equal.  
Don't Hide Evaluators  
If this option is checked, neither the Expression Evaluator nor the Construction  
Calculator will disappear after you click the OK button. This is useful if you need  
to see your original expression.  
Exit Button Minimizes  
If this option is checked, clicking the Exit Button will minimize the calculator.  
To exit the calculator, right-click on the Tray Icon and select Exit or choose Exit  
from the File Menu.  
Repeat Entry  
Allows you to perform multiple operations with the same operand. For exam-  
ple, to add 5 seven times you can enter 5 and then hit the + six times and hit =.  
Without this mode, you must hit the 5 followed by a + six times and then hit 5  
followed by =.  
Swap + and Enter  
Allows you to swap the + and the Enter keys on the number pad. This is for us-  
ers who are most comfortable with a 10 key where you use the pinky to add.  
Page 23  
Copy Formatted  
Allows you to copy the contents of the Readout in formatted form.  
Select Printer  
Allows you to select which printer you wish to print your tape to (useful if you  
have multiple printers or want to fax the tape).  
Set Alarms  
Use this option to set your Reminder Alarms.  
Alarms Enabled  
Check this option to enable Reminder Alarms.  
Hide / Show Number Keys  
If you have limited screen real estate and don't use the On-Screen Number Pad  
(the bottom portion of the calculator), then you can hide it. See Easy Access.  
Hide / Show Tape  
You can hide the Tape if you have limited screen real estate and/or don't use it.  
See Easy Access.  
Hide / Show Toolbar  
You can hide the Toolbar if you have limited screen real estate and/or don't use  
it. See Easy Access.  
NOTE: Show in Tray and Stay on Top can not be used at the same time.  
Help Menu  
CDML Calculator Help  
Opens this help file.  
Search Help  
Allows you to immediately start searching the  
help file.  
Technical Support  
Instructions for obtaining technical support.  
Access to various ways to register the CDML  
Advanced Calculator.  
Registration Screen  
Opens the Registration Screen.  
Register On-Line  
Register the CDML Advanced Calculator on-  
line. You can use your credit card from any-  
where in the world. The Registration Screen will  
automatically be opened for your convenience.  
Registration Form  
Open the Registration Form. To complete the  
form, press the Print button to print the form, fill it  
out and submit it to CDML Computer Services,  
Ltd. The Registration Screen will automatically  
be opened for your convenience.  
CDML On The Web  
Easy access to CDML resources on the Internet.  
CDML Web Site  
Link to CDML Computer Services, Ltd. Home on  
the Internet.  
Page 24  
Calculator Web Site  
Link to CDML Advanced Calculator home on the Internet.  
Email Technical Support  
Email to CDML Technical Support. All question will be responded in 96 hours.  
Email Sales  
Email massage to our sales person.  
Join CDML Mailing List  
Link to CDML Mailing List. By joining the CDML Mailing List, you will be notified  
of the latest developments at CDML. You will also be eligible for special offers  
and promotions.  
Email CDML  
Send an email message to CDML.  
About CDML Calculator  
Shows the About dialog. Here you can see the program version, contact infor-  
mation or jump to the CDML Computer Services, Ltd. Web site.  
Page 25  
Advanced Calculator Functions  
Financial Functions  
Conversion Functions  
Currency Conversions  
Numeric Base Conversions  
Intra-System Unit Conversions  
Expression Evaluator  
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator  
Additional Valid Keys in Expression Evaluator and  
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator  
Formula Editor  
Time and Date Calculations  
Time Entry  
Date Notes/RPN Stack/Scratch Pad  
Reminder Alarms  
Sending Keystokes with Alarms  
Project Timer  
Page 26  
Financial Functions  
Financial functions are used for various financial calculations. To use these func-  
tions you must answer the questions asked and the result will appear on tape to-  
gether with your answers.  
Interest Calculator  
Returns the interest payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic,  
fixed payments and a fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out (such  
as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received  
(such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Interest Rate per Period  
Returns the interest rate per period for an annuity. For all arguments, cash paid  
out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash re-  
ceived (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Interest for X Days  
Returns the interest (straight or compound) for a given period (in days) of an  
annuity based on a fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out (such  
as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received  
(such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Internal Rate of Return  
Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows payments  
and receipts).  
Modified Internal Rate of Return  
Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows  
(payments and receipts).  
Number of Payments to Pay Off Loan  
Returns the number of periods for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments  
and a fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out (such as deposits to  
savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend  
checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Net Present Value of Investment  
Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic  
cash flows (payments and receipts) and a discount rate.  
Annuity Payments  
Returns the payment for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a  
fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out (such as deposits to sav-  
ings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend  
checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Annuity Principal Payment  
Returns the principal payment for a given period of an annuity based on peri-  
odic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate. If desired, you will receive a full  
payment breakdown based on principal and interest for each period. For all ar-  
guments, cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative  
numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive  
Present Value of an Annuity  
Returns the present value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments to be  
paid in the future and a fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out  
(such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash re-  
ceived (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Future Value of an Annuity  
Returns the future value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a  
Page 27  
fixed interest rate. For all arguments, cash paid out (such as deposits to sav-  
ings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend  
checks) is represented by positive numbers.  
Straight Line Depreciation  
Returns the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period. The depre-  
ciation period must be expressed in the same unit as the life of the asset. For  
example, to see the depreciation in months, you must declare the life of the as-  
set in number of months. All arguments must be positive numbers.  
Sum-of-Years' Digits Depreciation  
Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.  
The life and period arguments must be expressed in the same units. For exam-  
ple, if life is given in months, period must also be given in months. All argu-  
ments must be positive numbers.  
Double Declining Balance Depreciation  
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period using the double-  
declining balance method. The life and period arguments must be expressed in  
the same units. For example, if life is given in months, period must also be  
given in months. All arguments must be positive numbers.  
Using Conversion Functions  
To use the Conversion Functions, click the Mode button  
(original mode is Calculator) until you reach the desired  
conversion mode. Once the desired conversion mode is  
displayed, enter the number you wish to convert and click  
on the appropriate conversion button (see list below). The  
result will be immediately displayed. You can also obtain  
the same result by entering the number to convert and  
choosing the corresponding item on the Modes Menu.  
Metric to English  
Centimeters to Inches  
Meters to Feet  
Grams to Ounces  
Kilograms to Pounds  
Meters to Yards  
Kilometers to Miles  
Tonnes to Long Tonnes (default)  
Tonnes to Short Tonnes  
English to Metrics  
Inches to Centimeters  
Feet to Meters  
Yards to Meters  
Ounces to Grams  
Pounds to Kilograms  
Long Tons to Tonnes(default)  
Short Tons to Tonnes  
Miles to Kilometers  
Area and Volume Metric to English  
Centimeters to Inches (square)  
Meters to Feet (square)  
Meters to Yards (square)  
Kilometers to Miles (square)  
Meters to Feet (cubic)  
Meters to Yards (cubic)  
Liters to Pints  
Liters to Gallons  
Page 28  
Area and Volume English to Metric  
Inches to Centimeters (square)  
Feet to Meters (square)  
Yards to Meters (square)  
Miles to Kilometers (square)  
Feet to Meters (cubic)  
Yards to Meters (cubic)  
Pints to Liters  
Gallons to Liters  
Centigrade to Fahrenheit  
Centigrade to Kelvin  
Kelvin to Centigrade  
Fahrenheit to Centigrade  
Fahrenheit to Kelvin  
Kelvin to Fahrenheit  
Time Conversions using Weeks  
From Weeks  
To Weeks  
Week(s) to Day(s)  
Day(s) to Week(s)  
Week(s) to Hour(s)  
Week(s) to Minute(s)  
Week(s) to Second(s)  
Hour(s) to Week(s)  
Minute(s) to Week(s)  
Second(s) to Week(s)  
Time Conversions using Days  
From Days  
Hour(s) to Week(s)  
Hour(s) to Day(s)  
Hour(s) to Minute(s)  
Hour(s) to Second(s)  
To Days  
Week(s) to Day(s)  
Hour(s) to Day(s)  
Minute(s) to Day(s)  
Second(s) to Day(s)  
Time Conversions using Hours  
From Hours  
Hour(s) to Week(s)  
Hour(s) to Day(s)  
Hour(s) to Minute(s)  
Hour(s) to Second(s)  
To Hours  
Week(s) to Minute(s)  
Day(s) to Hour(s)  
Hour(s) to Minute(s)  
Second(s) to Minute(s)  
Time Conversions using Minutes  
From Minutes  
To Minutes  
Minute(s) to Week(s)  
Minute(s) to Day(s)  
Minute(s) to Hour(s)  
Minute(s) to Second(s)  
Week(s) to Minute(s)  
Day(s) to Minute(s)  
Hour(s) to Minute(s)  
Second(s) to Minute(s)  
Other English/Metric Conversions  
Miles/Gallon to Kilometers/Liter  
MPG to Liters/100 Kilometers  
Kilometers/Liter to Miles/Gallon  
Liter/100 Kilometers to MPG  
PSI to Kilograms/sqr. Centimeter Kilograms/sqr. Centimeter to PSI  
Page 29  
Currency Conversion  
Use this screen to calculate the Exchange Rate between two currencies. If you have  
a value displayed in the Readout, that value will be passed to this screen as the  
amount of the From currency (otherwise amount will be set to 1).  
HINT: You can see formatted numbers in the Tooltips of each value.  
When you open this screen, the From and To currencies will be set to those you  
used last.  
From Currency  
A drop-down list of available currencies. Each currency is represented as the 3  
letter abbreviation followed by the full name.  
Direction Button  
Used to change the direction of calculation between the From and the To val-  
To Currency  
A drop-down list of available currencies. Each currency is represented as the 3  
letter abbreviation followed by the full name.  
= (Equal Sign)  
This is the result of  
your conversion be-  
tween the From and  
the To Currencies.  
D/L Rates  
Click this button to  
receive the latest  
Currency Exchange  
Rates file from the  
Internet. Follow  
additional in-  
structions in the  
message window.  
NOTE: You must  
subscribe to this  
service separately.  
Open File Button  
Once you extracted  
the new rates, you  
need to open the  
new file and the exchange rates (plus the To and From Currencies) will be re-  
Dec. Pl.  
Here you can set the number of decimal places to round your exchange rate  
calculation to. You can choose to round from 2 to 9 decimal places or "No" to  
disable rounding.  
NOTE: Rounding is performed on the actual rates as well as the result, so you  
might see some minor inconsistencies.  
OK Button  
Click this button to enter the result value into the Calculator Readout for further  
Page 30  
Cancel Button  
Close this screen.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Show D/L Help  
If this option is checked, you will see a message window with instructions after  
you click the D/L Rates button.  
Numeric Base Conversions  
Use this screen to convert numbers between Binary (base 2), Octal (base 8), Deci-  
mal (base 10), and Hexadecimal (base16) representations. If you have a value dis-  
played in the Readout, that value will be passed to this screen.  
Base Option  
There are four Base Option buttons on this screen. Click on the button corre-  
sponding to the base you wish to use. (Decimal is default.)  
Entry Box  
This is where you enter the value you wish to use. Only numbers (and letters)  
valid for the chosen base will  
Cancel Button  
Close this screen.  
OK Button  
Pass the Decimal equivalent of  
the value you entered back to  
the Readout and close the Base  
Conversions screen.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Intra-System Unit Conversions  
Use this screen to calculate the differ-  
ence between two units of measure in the  
same system. If you have a value dis-  
played in the Readout, that value will be  
passed to this screen as the amount of  
the From unit (otherwise amount will be  
set to 1).  
HINT: You can see formatted numbers in the Tooltips of each value.  
When you open this screen, the From and To units will be set to those you used last.  
From Unit  
A drop-down list of available units.  
Direction Button  
Used to change the direction of calculation between the  
From and the To values.  
To Unit  
A drop-down list of available units.  
OK Button  
Page 31  
Click this button to enter the result value into the Calculator Readout for further  
Cancel Button  
Close this screen.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
There are 7 Intra-System Conversion modes. They are as follows:  
Metric Units  
exa, peta, tera, giga, mega, kilo, hecto, deka, deci, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico,  
femto, atto.  
English Weights  
Grain, Dram, Ounce, Pound, Stone, Hundred weight, Long hundred weight,  
Long ton, Short ton.  
English Square (include English acres to Metric hectares conversion)  
Sq. Inch, Sq. Foot, Sq. Yard, Sq. Rod, Acre, Sq. Mile, Hectare (metric).  
English Cubic  
Cu. Inch, Cu. Foot, Cord foot, Cu. Yard, Cord, US gallon, British gallon, US  
bushel, British bushel.  
English Length  
Mil, Inch, Link, Foot, Yard, Fathom, Rod, Chain, Furlong, Cable's length, Mile,  
Nautical mile, League  
English Capacity  
Fluid ounce, Gill, Pint, Quart, Gallon, Peck, Bushel  
Computer Units  
bit, nibble, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, pe-  
tabyte, exabyte, zettabyte, yottabyte.  
Using the Expression Evaluator  
The Scientific Expression Evaluator is used to obtain results from a complex or sim-  
ple mathematical expression. It follows the operator hierarchy and algebraic gram-  
mar rules. For example, in a standard calculator 2+2*3 would equal 12, but in an  
algebraic calculator that same expression would equal 8. This is because in a stan-  
dard calculator the expression is evaluated from left to right, but in an algebraic cal-  
culator, calculations follow the rules of algebra (operator hierarchy takes priority). In  
this particular case the first action would be multiplication and then addition. You  
must also remember that bracketed expressions and powers are calculated before  
anything else.  
Operator Hierarchy:  
1. Brackets [()]  
2. Power [^]  
3. Multiplication [*], Division [/], Remainder [\]  
4. Addition [+] and Subtraction [-]  
You can use all numbers [0 to 9] on the keyboard, as well as Other Valid Keys to  
enter your expressions. You can also use up to three Variables (X,Y & Z).  
Enter your expression into the main Expression Readout box. (This is the box lo-  
cated to the left of the OK button.) You can either type your expression or paste it  
Page 32  
from the Windows Clipboard.  
To use the variables, enter corresponding values in to the three boxes. When you  
build your expression, enter the variables instead of the numbers. Don't forget to  
enter the correct operators. For example, if X=5 and Y=5 then the expression XY  
will be calculated as 5*5. If you wish to reset the variable values, then push the  
Clear Variables button. Along  
the same lines, the expres-  
sion 3X/2X will be calculated  
as (3*5)/(2*5) (resulting in  
1.5), NOT as 3*5/2*5  
(resulting in 37.5).  
The Expression can be edited  
as regular text (using arrow  
keys to move around). Once you have entered the expression, the CDML Advanced  
Calculator is going to remember it, so that when you call up the Expression Evalua-  
tor again your original expression will still be there.  
Once you finished entering the expression, press the Enter key or click the OK but-  
ton and your expression will be added to the tape together with the result. If you  
wish to abort, click the Cancel button or press the Esc key.  
NOTE: If the expression had to be interpreted by the Expression Evaluator and you  
checked the Confirm Expression box, you will receive a message with the interpreted  
expression. Hence, you will be able to make a choice of either accepting the expres-  
sion or editing it. Click on the button corresponding to your choice:  
Accept the expression  
Edit the interpreted expression  
Cancel Edit the original expression  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want the Expression Evaluator to "float on top" of all other  
Formula Drop-Down List  
You can select any of your saved formulas from this list and insert them into  
the Expression Readout. Once you do this, you can modify your constant  
and/or variable values and evaluate the expression.  
Insert Button  
After selecting the desired formula, click this button to insert it into the Expres-  
sion Readout.  
Formulas Button  
Click this button to open the Formula Editor.  
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator  
Those who use the Metric system have it easy! They don't have to put up with such  
nonsense and measuring their homes in feet and inches. Unfortunately, we don't  
live in a perfect world. This option was developed for those of us who need to be  
able to make calculations in the English system.  
Page 33  
The Construction Calculator was developed on the basis of the Expression Evalua-  
tor. The Construction Calculator follows the same rules of algebra as the Expression  
Evaluator, but it allows you to enter values in feet and inches (i.e. 2'5" * 3'8")  
Expression Readout  
This is the box located to the left of the OK button. Enter (type or paste) your  
expression here.  
Value of X, Value of Y, Value of Z  
These are the three boxes located underneath the Expression Readout. If you  
with to use variables in your expression, you should enter the corresponding  
values for your variable here. (See Using the Expression Evaluator for more  
information on using variables.)  
Clear Variables  
By clicking this button you will reset all variables to zero.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want the Construction Calculator to "float on top" of all  
other windows.  
Confirm (check box)  
If you check this box and the calculator had to interpret anything in your expres-  
sion, you will receive a message with the interpreted expression. Hence, you  
will be able to make a choice of either accepting the expression or editing it.  
Click on the button corresponding to your choice:  
Accept the expression  
Edit the interpreted expression  
Cancel Edit the original expression  
Convert (check box)  
If this box is checked, your expression will appear on tape as the calculator in-  
terpreted it. Otherwise, your original expression will appear on tape.  
Result in Ft/In (check box)  
If this box is checked, the result of your expression will appear on tape in feet  
and inches. Otherwise, the result will appear as a standard number.  
Result to Readout (check box)  
If this box is checked, the unformatted result of your calculation will appear in  
the Readout of the calculator.  
OK and Cancel buttons  
Clicking OK will process your expression, while Cancel will exit this screen.  
Formula Drop-Down List  
You can select any of your saved formulas from this list and insert them into the  
Expression Readout. Once you do this, you can modify your constant and/or  
variable values and evaluate the expression.  
Insert Button  
After selecting the desired formula, click this button to insert it into the Expres-  
sion Readout.  
Formulas Button  
Click this button to open the Formula Editor.  
Page 34  
Additional Valid Keys in Expression Evaluator and  
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator  
+ key  
- key  
* key  
/ key  
Remainder (Modulus)  
\ key (Used to divide two numbers and return only the remainder.)  
% key  
S, s, ^ keys  
Square Root  
R, r keys  
Pi (3.141592653)  
P, p keys  
Period (Decimal Point)  
. key (you can also use a comma)  
Undo Last Key Stroke  
Back Space (") key  
Copy Readout to Clipboard  
Ctrl-C key combination  
Paste Clipboard to Readout  
Ctrl-V key combination  
X, x, Y, y, Z, z keys  
Formula Editor  
Using this screen, you can compile and maintain a list for formulas. The formula  
lists are not the same for Expression Evaluator and Construction Calculator.  
View/edit your formulas in this box.  
View/edit the names of your formulas in this box.  
List of Formulas  
List of available formulas.  
Save Button  
Save the new/modified formula. Available only in Add/Edit mode.  
Cancel Button  
Cancel Add/Edit mode.  
Add Button  
Page 35  
Click this button to add formulas to your list. Make sure to give each formula a  
unique name.  
Edit Button  
Edit an existing formula. First you must select (from the list) a formula you wish  
to edit and then push this button.  
Delete Button  
Select (from the list) the formula you wish to delete and push this button.  
Exit Button  
Exit this screen.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Page 36  
Time/Date Calculations  
Use this screen to calculate the dif-  
ference between two Time and/or  
Date values. The result is returned  
in two formats:  
1. Standard Difference in Days,  
Hours, Minutes and Seconds.  
2. Unit Difference in each of the  
following units: year, month, day,  
hour, minute or second.  
When you open this screen, both  
dates will be set to today and both  
times will be set to current time.  
From Button and To Button  
By pressing these buttons, you will be able to manually enter the From and To  
times (quicker, but less reliable). You may also activate these buttons by press-  
ing Alt-F or Alt-T.  
Open Button  
There are four Open buttons on this screen. Click on the button next to the  
value you wish to change (From Date or Time and To Date or Time). Subse-  
quently, you will see the Calendar or the Time Entry screen.  
Direction Button  
Used to change the direction of calculation between the From and To values.  
Put Result on Tape button  
Used to put the result in Standard Difference format on tape. You may also acti-  
vate this button by pressing the "P" on your keyboard.  
Result Values  
Click on any of the result values to enter that value into the Calculator Readout  
for further calculations. The next time (in the same session) you open this  
screen, you will see which value was submitted.  
Add Button  
To the right of each Result Type you will notice a "+" button. When you push  
this button, you will be able to add (or subtract by providing a negative value)  
any number of that unit. The value you provide will be added to the From Date/  
Time values and the result will be reflected in the To Date/Time values. This  
allows you to quickly derive any future or past date.  
Cancel Button  
Close the Time/Date Calculation screen.  
Billing Calculation ($ button)  
When you click this button, you will be asked to enter an Hourly Rate. Immedi-  
ately after that, you will see the result of your calculation in the Calculator Tape  
and the Calculator Readout. At this point, you can return to the calculator press  
one of the Operator keys (or just continue your calculations). You may also acti-  
vate this button by pressing the "$" on your keyboard.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Page 37  
Time Entry  
Use this screen to enter time for Time/Date Calculation. When you first open the  
Time Entry screen, it will show you current time.  
Hours, Minutes, Seconds  
Type in the proper values or use the  
up/down buttons.  
If you are using the 12 hour mode,  
then you can use the up/down but-  
tons to change the AM/PM value.  
24 Hour  
Check this box to use 24 Hour  
(Army) time. Uncheck it to use the  
12 hour time. The default is whatever your Windows Regional Settings show.  
Cancel Button  
Close the Time Entry screen.  
OK Button  
Close the Time Entry screen and pass the result to Time/Date Calculations.  
Use this screen to check the calendar or to choose a date for Time/Date Calculation.  
When you first open the calendar, it will show you the current date, then it will show  
you the last date you selected.  
The calendar is written in a manner where it is completely Y2K compliant.  
Chose a month to display.  
Choose a year to display. You can choose  
any year between 1200 and 2200.  
Click on the date you wish to set (or see). If  
you double-click on the Date, you will be able  
to add notes (tasks or comments) for his date.  
Cancel Button  
Close the calendar.  
Today Button  
Set the calendar to today's date.  
Find Button  
Search the Daily Notes for any information.  
The results of your search will be displayed in a new Scratch Pad window.  
Alarm Button  
This button allows you to open the Set Reminder Alarms screen right from the  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want the Calendar to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Page 38  
OK Button  
Close the calendar and pass the result back to the previous screen. This button  
is visible ONLY when you use the Calendar to pass information.  
Date Notes/ RPN Stack/ Scratch Pad  
DATE NOTES: Use this screen to add notes (up to 1024 characters) to any date.  
For example, we use this to keep notes on what work was performed and refer back  
to them when we are billing out the time Sheets.  
HINT: This screen is available from the Calendar screen.  
RPN: In RPN Mode, you can view, but not edit, the RPN Stack on this screen.  
Scratch Pad: You can use this as a small text editor. You can open multiple in-  
stances of this editor.  
Applicable to Daily Notes, RPN and Scratch Pad Modes  
Check this box if you wish the text to appear bold. Settings will be retained until  
you change them again.  
Check this box if you wish the text to appear italic. Settings will be retained until  
you change them again.  
Select the font you wish to use. Settings will be retained until you change them  
Font Size  
Select the size of the font (from 8 to 24). Settings will be retained until you  
change them again.  
Print Button  
Print the text.  
Page 39  
Find Button  
Search the text and highlight the found match.  
Find Next Button  
Continue the previous search.  
Open Button  
Open a saved text file.  
Save Button  
Save text to a file.  
Clock Button  
Insert the current date and time at the bottom of your text. This is useful for  
keeping a log.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Exit Button  
Exit this screen.  
Applicable to Daily Notes Mode ONLY  
Save Daily Notes Button  
Save changes and exit.  
Delete Button  
Delete all notes for this date. (Use to keep your file from growing to enormous  
Alarm Button  
This button allows you to open the Set Reminder Alarms screen right from the  
Daily Notes screen. If you select any text from your note (up to 35 characters)  
this text will be entered in to the Alarm Message box.  
Applicable to Scratch Pad Mode ONLY  
Log File  
You can keep a log file (same as Windows Notepad) by including the ".LOG" as  
the first 4 characters in your file. When the Scratch Pad opens such file, it will  
immediately add the current date and time to the bottom of that text and allow  
you to start a new entry.  
Page 40  
Reminder Alarms  
Use this screen to set your Reminder Alarms. Alarms can be enabled or disabled  
from the Properties Menu.  
Type Of Alarm  
Select the type of alarm you wish to set.  
Message - A message that you entered will be displayed.  
File - Launch a file. Same as clicking on that file in the Windows Explorer.  
Program - Run a program. Same as using the Run command from the Start  
Keystrokes - Send keystrokes to a program that has the focus. Same as typing.  
Type Of Execution (Once or Weekly)  
Select the type of alarm you  
wish to set.  
Once - This alarm will sound  
once on a certain date at a  
certain time and then will be  
Weekly - This alarm will sound  
every predetermined day at a  
certain time. It will not be  
automatically erased.  
If you selected the onetime  
alarm, you will be equired to  
set the date when this alarm  
should sound.  
NOTE: You are not allowed to  
set a onetime alarm for the  
Days of Week  
If you selected the weekly alarm, you must select on which day(s) of week this  
alarm should sound.  
Alarm Message  
Enter a short message to display when this alarm goes off. Active only if the  
Type of Alarm is set to Message.  
Open File  
Displays the file or URL that your alarm will open. Active only if the Type of  
Alarm is set to File. Double-Click to clear.  
Select File Button  
Click this button to select a file you wish to activate.  
Manual Entry Button  
Click this button to manually enter a file location or a URL of the file you wish to  
Run Program  
Displays the program that your alarm will run. Active only if the Type of Alarm is  
set to Program. Double-Click to clear.  
Select Program Button  
Click this button to select the program you wish to launch.  
Manual Entry Button  
Click this button to manually enter a file location or command line parameters  
for the program you wish to launch.  
Page 41  
Enter the codes for the keystrokes you want to send. Active only if the Type of  
Alarm is set to Keystrokes.  
You must set a time when this alarm should sound.  
Submit Button  
After you entered the information for a new alarm, click this button to add this  
alarm to the list.  
Delete Button  
Select an alarm from the list and click this button to remove it.  
Exit Button  
Exit this screen.  
List of Existing Alarms  
This is a list of existing alarms. The list is sorted by date and time, therefore  
your weekly alarms will appear at the end of the list (sorted by day in alphabeti-  
cal order). If you double-click on an alarm, the Reminder Message for that  
alarm will appear in one of the message boxes.  
Alarm Sound File  
Click the Open button at the bottom of this screen to select a sound (wav) file to  
play when sounding the alarm.  
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)  
Click this button if you want this screen to "float on top" of all other windows.  
Sending Keystrokes with Alarms  
Use these codes to send keystrokes to applications at a predetermined time. This  
only applies to the Reminder Alarms.  
The plus sign (+), caret (^), percent sign (%), tilde (~), and parentheses () have spe-  
cial meanings. To specify one of these characters, enclose it within braces ({}). For  
example, to specify the plus sign, use {+}. Brackets ([]) have no special meaning,  
but you must enclose them in braces. To specify brace characters, use {{} and {}}.  
To specify characters that aren't displayed when you press a key, such as ENTER or  
TAB, and keys that represent actions rather than characters, use the codes shown  
Page 42  
{BACKSPACE}, {BS}, or {BKSP}  
{DELETE} or {DEL}  
{ENTER}or ~  
To specify keys combined with any combination of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys,  
precede the key code with one or more of the following codes:  
To specify that any combination of SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT should be held down  
while several other keys are pressed, enclose the code for those keys in parenthe-  
ses. For example, to specify to hold down SHIFT while E and C are pressed, use "+  
(EC)". To specify to hold down SHIFT while E is pressed, followed by C without  
SHIFT, use "+EC".  
To specify repeating keys, use the form {key number}. You must put a space be-  
tween key and number. For example, {LEFT 42} means press the LEFT ARROW  
key 42 times; {h 10} means press H 10 times.  
Project Timer  
This feature is primarily for professionals who bill their labor on an hourly basis.  
The timer Start/Stop button is located on the main Calculator screen, to the left of  
the Number Lock indicator. It looks like a Stop Watch.  
To Start the timer, click the timer button. The button will remain depressed until you  
click it again. Clicking the button a second time will stop the timer and print the re-  
sult to tape. You can also start and stop the Project Timer from the File Menu on the  
main screen or from the Tray Menu.  
To set up you hourly rate, use the Set Billing Rate option from the Edit Menu or the  
Billing Function on the Time/Date Calculation screen. Once you set the Hourly  
Rate, it will remain in the system until the next time you change it.  
Page 43  
Registration Screen  
This screen is used to register the CDML Advanced Calculator. Please use the  
Registration Form to calculate the proper registration amount.  
Why Register  
There are several reasons why you should register the CDML Advanced  
Calculator. You must register the calculator to unlock all features (applies to  
the ShareWare version only).  
The primary reason is to become eligible for Technical Support and product  
The second reason is to enable all of the available functions (some of them  
are disabled in the unregistered version).  
The third reason is so that we can notify you of new releases and other  
pertinent information.  
The forth reason is to let the developers know that you appreciate their  
efforts and you would like to see further development of the calculator, as  
well as additional products from CDML Computer Services.  
The final reason is to comply with the Licensing Agreement.  
User Name  
Enter your name here. The name must be anywhere from 2 to 30 characters  
Serial Number  
Once you have entered your user name, you must enter the Serial Number.  
This number can be found on the original distribution media.  
Register On-Line  
You can use our online registration form. This will immediately place you on  
our product notification list.  
Once you have entered the User Name and the Serial Number, press the Register  
(Happy Face) button to finish the registration process. You can also press the  
Cancel (Stop Sign) button to abort the registration process.  
Page 44  
Technical Support  
Support by Phone  
Registered users will receive FREE telephone support during regular busi  
ness hours (10:00am to 5:00pm EST). This support is available for the first  
60 days from the date of registration.  
After the initial 60 days, telephone technical support will be available on a  
paid basis of $20.00 per incident (payable by credit card).  
Contact telephone number: (718) 786-4433  
Support by Email  
Registered users will receive FREE UNLIMITED technical support by email.  
All questions will receive a response within 96 hours.  
All suggestions should be directed to : [email protected]  
Page 45  
series of fixed cash payments made over a period of time. An annuity can be a loan (such  
as a home mortgage) or an investment (such as a monthly savings plan).  
requested parameter (such as a value or a percentage rate) which you must provide.  
(NOTE: Used in financial functions.)  
item or property which may depreciate.  
meaning an amount of money  
decrease in value due to wear and tear, decline in price, etc  
Double-Declining Balance Method  
depreciation at an accelerated rate. Depreciation is highest in the first period and de-  
creases in successive periods.  
does not change.  
sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money  
Interest Rate  
expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed to be paid over a given period (usually  
one year).  
Internal Rate of Return  
interest rate received for an investment consisting of payments and receipts that occur at  
regular intervals.  
Modified Internal Rate of Return  
internal rate of return when payments and receipts are financed at different rates.  
Net Present Value of Investment  
current value of a future series of payments and receipts  
number that an Operator will perform action on. (i.e. In the expression "2+3", "2" and "3"  
are operands and "+" is the operator.)  
amount of money you pay out.  
at regular intervals (such as monthly).  
capital sum, as distinguished from interest or profit. An example of this would be the origi-  
nal investment amount.  
portion of the CDML Advanced Calculator located between the Tape Display and the but-  
tons. The Readout reflects your numeric input and results of your calculations  
amount of money you are paid by somebody else. Also, may refer to a document serving  
as proof of purchase.  
Tape Display  
computer equivalent of the tape on an adding machine. Used to review or annotate your  
box showing a value or an explanation for a control on the screen. To view the ToolTips,  
place your mouse over the control and leave it there for a few moments. The ToolTip win-  
dow will appear automatically.  
Page 46  
About CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
We, at CDML Computer Services, Ltd. pride ourselves on the fact that we are able to minimize  
our customers' computer problems! For years we have been providing services ranging from  
basic hardware installations to custom software solutions and everything in between (including  
networking and accounting/POS solutions). Our experienced staff of Technicians,  
Programmers and Network Specialists will be able to quickly analyze and eliminate your  
computer problem, regardless of what it is.  
We provide a variety of services  
Onsite & In-house Computer Repair  
Business & Accounting Software  
User Training Services  
Software Sales and Support  
Maintenance Contracts  
Computer-Telephone Integration  
Network Administration & Support  
General Computer Consulting  
Hardware Sales and Support  
Internet/Intranet Solutions & Services  
Support via Voice and/or Computer  
Custom Programming  
We represent many Manufacturers and Developers  
Hardware Authorizations  
Software Authorizations  
Hewlett Packard  
Sage/State Of The Art, Inc.  
Computer Associates/Cheyenne  
CAP Automation  
and many others  
and many others  
We offer Accounting and Professional Software Packages  
BusinessWorks Accounting  
Peach Tree Accounting  
MAS 90 Accounting  
SellWise Point Of Sale  
CDML Software Packages  
Real Estate Sales Tracking System© (R.E.S.T.S.) - software for Real Estate marketing  
Cargo Tracking System© (C.T.S.) - software for Freight Forwarders and NVOCC  
Telephone Order Entry System© (T.O.E.S.) - automated, computer assisted telephone order  
placement and processing system  
CDML Auto Dealer© - Sales Tracking and Automation for Used Car Lots.  
CDML Tank Cleaning© - software for water/oil tank cleaning and maintenance companies.  
CDML Universal Bookmark Manager (U.B.M.)© - Internet bookmark manager for sharing  
bookmarks between Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera browsers.  
CDML Advanced Calculator© - a calculator with tape display, memory functions, conversion  
functions and financial functions.  
CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
29-28 41 Ave., Suite 707  
Long Island City, NY 11101  
Tel. (718) 786-4433  
Fax (718) 786-4554  
(c) 1994-1999 CDML Computer Services, Ltd. All rights reserved.  
CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
29-28 41 Avenue, Suite 707  
Long Island City, NY 11101  
Tel. (718) 786-4433 Fax (718) 786-4554  
User License:  
This program and documentation are copyrighted and may not be altered, modified or reverse engineered. For more information contact CDML  
Computer Services, Ltd.  
CDML Advanced Calculator may not be sold, distributed or used in any other manner without the prior written consent of CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
Those interested in licensing CDML Advanced Calculator for other than personal use should contact CDML Computer Services, Ltd.  
Lawful users of this software are hereby licensed only to read the software on the enclosed diskette(s), CD(s) or other electronic media from their  
medium into the memory of a computer.  
CDML, C.T.S.©, Cargo Tracking System©, CDML R.E.S.T.S.©, Real Estate Sales Tracking System©, FaxPrint for BusinessWorks©, CDML  
AutoDealer©, CDML T.O.E.S.©, CDML Telephone Order Entry System© and CDML Advanced Calculator© are trademarks of Leonard Kaplan and  
CDML Computer Services, Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.  
United States:  
This License is your proof of license. Please treat it as valuable property.  
1. License Grant. CDML Computer Services, Ltd. and Leonard Kaplan ("CDML") grant to you (either as an individual or entity) a nonexclusive sublicense  
subject to the provisions hereof  
(a) to use the SOFTWARE solely for your own internal personal or business purposes,  
(b) you may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer,  
(c) a single license may not be used concurrently by more than one user,  
(d) a single license may not be used concurrently on more than one computer,  
(e) you may not rent, lease, or lend this SOFTWARE,  
(f) you may permanently transfer all of your rights under this AGREEMENT, provided you retain no copies, you transfer the SOFTWARE in full  
(including all media and printed materials), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this AGREEMENT. If this SOFTWARE is an upgrade, you must  
include all prior versions of this SOFTWARE in the transfer.  
(g) you may make and maintain two (2) copies of the SOFTWARE for backup. All the information appearing on the original disk labels (including the  
copyright notice) must be copied onto the backup labels.  
2. Proprietary Rights. You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is proprietary to CDML and its suppliers.  
3. Ownership. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks  
(whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights, franchises, or licenses in respect of the SOFTWARE. Title to and ownership of the  
SOFTWARE, any reproductions and any documentation shall remain with CDML and its suppliers. You will not adapt or use any trademark or trade  
name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with that of CDML or any of its suppliers or take any other action which impairs or reduces the  
trademark rights of CDML or its suppliers.  
4. Other Restrictions. This Agreement is your proof of license to use the SOFTWARE in accordance with these terms and must be retained by you. You  
5. Customer Remedies. CDML's entire liability and your sole and exclusive remedy shall be, at CDML's option, either to (a) correct the error, (b) help the  
end user work around or avoid the error or ( c) authorize a refund, so long as the SOFTWARE, printed materials and/or computer media are returned to  
CDML with a copy of your receipt. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. A  
refund may be authorized ONLY for packages where the protective seal has not been broken.  
7. Severability. In the event of invalidity of any provision of this Agreement, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the  
remaining portions of this Agreement. The United Nations Conventions on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed.  
9. Entire Agreement. This is the entire agreement between you and CDML which supersedes any prior agreement, whether written or oral, relating to the  
subject matter of this Agreement.  
10. Registration. You must register the SOFTWARE with CDML Computer Services, Ltd. Registration entitles you to technical support, free upgrades to  
all future maintenance releases for the same major version of the SOFTWARE, and discounted upgrades to future versions.  
By using this SOFTWARE, you are agreeing to the above terms.  
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact CDML for any reason, please write to:  
CDML Computer Services, Ltd., 29-28 41 Avenue, Suite 707, Long Island City, NY 11101.  

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