Vizio Computer Accessories CPU 55 User Manual

Functions and  
Operating Instructions  
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Function of the EXES-5000 CPU-55  
at No.200  
Optional Function  
(Required units)  
Page No.  
Automatic line release  
Press-to-talk (PTT)  
Mic off  
Personal number call  
Single digit dialing  
Master Sub relationship  
Secretary transfer  
11 Call transfer  
12 Priority  
13 Executive priority  
Continuous calling tone  
Talk back  
Talk back unit TKU-11  
Selectable calling tone duration  
Selectable paging pre-announcement tone duration  
External PA paging  
Station paging  
21 All-call plus 7 individual zone paging and response  
22 All-call plus 15 individual zone paging and response  
23 10-combination zone paging and response  
24 Emergency all-call paging  
Paging interface unit  
25 Paging priority  
2-digit dialing  
Programmable station numbering  
Group blocking  
All-call paging  
One-shot make output (mode 1)  
Programmable restricted  
access for stations  
Make/break output (mode 2)  
Data Transmitting Unit  
8 selectable output and/or  
decimal output (mode 3)  
Data Receiving Unit  
4 Decimal digits output (mode 4)  
Data transmitting/  
receiving units  
Calling party Indication  
Pocket pager call and response  
General purpose control  
(Display board and  
*1 Selective functions may be selected by means  
of function switches on CPU-55 unit.  
*2 Programmed functions may be programmed  
at master station No.200.  
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Summary of Dial Operations  
Dial operation  
Conversation is simplex when PTT bar is used.  
Called party so programmed touches PTT bar,  
then Hands-free conversation may begin.  
Continuous calling tone  
When a party does not wish to accept incom-  
ming calls, set the Privacy Switch in the ON  
Privacy off  
This function allows for automatic transfer of  
calls to a secretary when desired.  
Secretary transfer off  
This function allows for single digit registration  
of up to 4 digits among the numbers 0 through  
Single digit registration  
Single digit dialing  
9 and the  
Registration dials (maximum 4 digits)  
Registered dial code may be automatically  
Personal number registration  
Confirmation tone  
Confirmation tone  
Personal members may be resistered at any  
master station which the person to whom the  
number is assigned expects to be.  
When anyone having a personal number leaves  
the office, he merely cancels the program-  
ming of his personal number.  
Personal numbercall  
1000 ~ 1499  
station no., personal no.,  
single digit number  
A conference call may be made with up to 4  
persons. Participans must be called individually.  
If a person called into a conference is absent,  
the conference may be returned to the original  
Conference clear  
This function is used to temporarily hold a  
conversation, causing a holding tone to sound  
at both stations. The line is thus kept open  
until the party who operates the mic off switch  
re-dials and the call is continued.  
Mic off  
When the called party is busy, this function  
signals to request priority. The party requesting  
can talk after the called party responds.  
When the called party is busy, this function  
allows interruption of the existing conversation  
and immediate direct contact with the called  
Priority/priority response  
Executive priority  
Busy tone  
Station called  
station no., personal no.,  
single digit number  
Busy tone  
The called party can transfer the call to a  
selected other station (by station number,  
personal number or single digit number).  
station no., personal no.,  
single digit number  
Call transfer  
Call conversation  
Conversation with  
original station  
When the party called is on the line or when his  
station is in the privacy mode, the call is held  
and is automatically put through as soon as the  
line is open.  
Not necessary to re-dial even if station call is busy.  
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Dial operation  
All-call plus 7-zone paging  
0 (All-call)1 ~ 7 (Zone)  
Any station can be used to initiate PA or  
station paging. A person paged can respond  
from the nearest master station.  
All-call plus 15-zone paging  
Combination paging  
All-call response  
00 (All-call), 0 1 ~ 15 (Zone)  
0 ~ 9 (Combination)  
Several zones may be paged simultaneously.  
Response to all-call  
Response to zone paging or combination  
Zone paging response  
Conversation after response  
0 ~7 (00-15)  
This function allows a called parts to transfer  
the call to a third party who responds to paging  
Paging transfer  
original station  
90 ~ 99  
The in/outannunciation can becontrolled from  
any master station.  
Personal number registration/cancellation operation  
— lamp on/off  
In/Out annunciation  
One-shot make output  
One-shot make output of relay may control  
other equipments such as ITV camera, VTR  
control, dectating systems, etc.  
000 ~ 499  
000 ~ 511  
Make/break output of relay may control other  
Make/break output  
0 ~ 7  
1 ~ 9  
8 selectable outputs or a decimal output is  
available (indicating room status and  
(Decimal output)  
Unit no. Condition no.  
Unit no. Condition no.  
Receiving Unit  
0 ~ 7  
1 ~ 9  
4 decimal digits output is indicated.  
4 decimal digits output  
Y Y Y Y  
Unit no. 4-digits  
Make output for Pager control  
Pocket Pager response  
Control the pocket pager by make output of  
This is used to cancel the calling party indica-  
Clearing calling party indication  
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Classification of Functions  
Station numbers  
(sequencial station numbers):  
max. of 8 groups  
The following system are available:  
[1 ] A system can be divided so that a  
group of stations (up to 8 groups  
maximum) cannot call each other.  
[2] Some or all of the stations in the group  
can both call and receive calls from all  
[3] One or all (all-call, individual zone,  
combination) paging modes can be used  
by stations in the group.  
Group Blocking  
is composed of station No.  
(1) Group  
can call group  
can make zone No.  
(2) Group  
(3) Group  
paging call  
Zone 1  
Group 1  
Group 2 Group 3 Group 4  
Zone 2  
Restricted Access  
for Stations.  
Restricted function:  
(1) Conference  
(2) All-call paging  
Any station can be allowed to access to all  
Call, Conference, General Purpose Control  
and Executive priority.  
(3) General purpose controls:  
* One-shot make output  
* Make/break output  
* 8 selectable output  
(or Decimal output)  
* 4 decimal digits output  
[1 ] Paging call with the higher priority  
interrupts paging of lower priority.  
The lower priority paging is put through  
afterwards. Priority is in the  
(1) Emergency all-call paging  
(2) All-call paging  
(3) Zone paging  
types of paging  
are ranked by  
(4) Combination paging  
following order: (1) >(2» (3) = (4)  
[2] For paging messages with equivalent  
priority, priority is given to the one ini-  
tiated first and those initiated after are  
put on camp-on-busy.  
(1) Usual call > Station paging  
[ 1 ] Station paging is not heard at a station  
when a call is already in progress.  
[2] When a station is paged while a call is  
in progress, the call is interrupted. A  
holding tone is heard on the outside  
until the paging message is finished.  
Priority of station  
paging over calls:  
All-call, Zone  
Combination paging  
(2) When Paging priority is used  
Station paging > Usual call  
All-call, Zone,  
Combination paging  
User selects preferred length.  
Length of calling tone  
* Long: 1.3 sec.  
* Short: 0.7 sec.  
Length of paging  
* Long: 2 sec.  
* Short: 1 sec.  
This function has been adopted to speed up  
traffic processing and to improve the avail-  
ability of speech paths.  
Automatic line  
(1) During dialing: 5 sec.  
(2) During privacy mode: 10 sec.  
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Automatic Line Release  
When, in dialing, all of the numbers are not dialed within  
5 seconds, the station is automatically disconnected from  
the speech path and dialing cannot be completed. In this  
instance, the dialing process will have to be repeated from  
the beginning.  
This function has been adopted to speed up traffic proces-  
sing and to improve the availability of speech parths.  
Within 5 sec  
When the party you are calling is on another line, by simply  
waiting you automatically "Camp-On" the line. (Busy tone  
sounds continuously.) As soon as the line is freed, you will  
be automatically connected.  
After call  
Shift Privacy Switch to ON.  
One tone  
When a party does not wish to accept incoming calls, this  
function may be employed to refuse them. With the Privacy  
switch in the ON position, a continuous privacy tone will  
be sounded in the station making the call, and at the same  
time, a brief Privacy tone will sound in the station called,  
indicating a call attempt is being made.  
Privacy tone  
Shift Privacy Switch back to the left.  
To restore a station in the "Privacy" mode to a normal  
condition, and thus ready to receive or make calls.  
Note: 1. A call received while the station is in the Privacy  
mode may be accepted if the Privacy function is  
immediately cancelled. (see Camp-On Privacy)  
2. With a station that incorporates the Secretary  
Transfer function, the Privacy switch is used to  
activate the Secretary Transfer function. (see Sec-  
retary Transfer)  
3. During the above "Privacy" mode, while the call-  
ing station has the PTT bar depressed, the privacy  
tone stops and the caller can transmit a one way  
When the PTT bar is released, the normal "Privacy"  
mode to be resumed.  
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Camp-On Privacy  
When the party you are calling has his station on Privacy  
mode, by simply waiting you will automatically "Camp-  
On" the line. (Busy tone sounds continuously.) As soon as  
the Privacy mode is released, you will be automatically  
This function is cancelled automatically if the station in the  
privacy mode may not accept the call within 10 seconds.  
This function is activated when the  
(Press-To-Talk Bar)  
is continuously depressed after dial tone confirmation or  
during conversation. This allows one-way conversation from  
the party depressing the function key. When the key is  
released, one-way conversation is reversed.  
Employed when a person in a high noise level area is called  
by a person in a quiet area, or when no particular response  
is required, or when simple announcements are made. In  
such cases, one-way conversation flow can be used.  
One-way conversation is activated while the Press-To-Talk  
bar is continuously depressed.  
As long as the Press-To-Talk bar is depressed by either  
party, the voice of the party using this function has domi-  
nance. When the key is released, the other party has domi-  
Pushing key  
One way  
One-way conversation is reversed when the Press-To-Talk  
bar is released.  
If both parties depress the Press-To-Talk bar, the voice of  
the party who depresses the bar last will have dominance.  
Depress the  
To return to ordinary hands-free 2-way conversation  
Mic Off  
Touch dialing of  
during a conversation turns off that station's microphone,  
and a holding tone is heard at both stations involved.  
Holding tone  
Holding tone  
This function is used when for one reason or another it is  
desirable to stop a conversation teporarily. With this  
function in use, a holding tone is transmitted to both the  
calling and the called station while the conversation is  
Touch dialing  
again cancels the Mic-Off function, and the conversation  
can be resumed.  
When it is desirable to resume the conversation interrupted  
with the Mic-Off function, the function may be cancelled  
by the Party who operate the Mic-Off.  
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Personal Number Call  
A personal number may be registered at any master station  
which the person to whom the number is assigned expects  
to be. A party wishing to receive personal number calls at  
a specific station may register his number at that station by  
touch dialing  
Personal Number.  
Those who are frequently away from their assigned station,  
as well as those who share a single station may be assigned a  
"Personal" 4-digit number which may be programmed to  
any master station in the system. This personal number,  
which is completely independent of station numbers, may  
be programmed at any master station, and any previous  
programming of that same number at any other station is  
automatically cancelled. When the party calling has dialed  
the number to which he wishes to speak, the call is then  
routed to the station at which the Personal Number was  
last registered. The numbers which may be assigned in this  
group are 1000 through 1499.  
Personal Number  
Personal Number Call  
Personal number program cancellation can be done at any  
station be merely dialing:  
Personal Number  
When anyone having a personal number leaves the office, he  
merely cancels the programming of his personal number.  
With the personal number cancelled, any incoming calls to  
that number will be answered by a dial tone, indicating that  
he is not available.  
Personal Number  
Cancellation (At any station)  
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Single Digit Dialing  
Single digit registration  
Register in advance as follows:  
Single digits of station number  
Confirmation tone  
Station number (2 digits for 2-digit dial)  
Confirmation tone  
Single digit of personal number  
Single digit of paging call  
Personal number  
Confirmation tone  
Paging zone  
Confirmation tone  
0: All call response  
Single digit of paging response  
0 or 9 9: Zone paging response  
Confirmation tone  
Any four digits  
Confirmation tone  
Confirmation tone  
Any three digits  
Any two digits  
Single digit dialing  
When required, dial  
and the registered number will be called automatically.  
Note: 1. Any function dialing with long operation may be  
shortened by Single Digit Dialing.  
Example: Single digit Combination paging Dial  
is called automatically.  
Combination paging  
Single digit  
2. One-shot make output may be operated even in  
the event every link is not free. But is may not  
be operated in single digit dialing if all links are  
3. Single digit registration is not available from any  
substation programmed by No.200 programming,  
even if its line is connected with master station.  
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Master Sub Relationship  
Master/Substation associations are set up by using station  
#200 as the programming station. Once these relationships  
have been established, substations can then contact their  
designated master stations by simply touch dialing  
With respect to this function, the stations in the system are  
divided into two categories; master stations and substations.  
Any master station can be connected to any other station  
in the system. However, substations can initiate calls only  
to specific master stations. This is done by single touch  
dialing, and will only connect the substation to one specific  
Master Station  
Several substations can be programmed under this station  
to connect with a signal specified master station.  
To register single digit dialing, touch dial  
substation number  
Single digit dialing from that master to a specific substation  
is then accomplished by touch dialing  
Single Digit Registration of Substation  
Programming a master station for Single Digit Dialing of a  
substation number under this function is programmed in  
the same manner as other single digit dialing, and results in  
one touch dialing from master to substation.  
Master Station  
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Secretary Transfer  
This function is only available when a specified station is  
programmed for this purpose with use of Station #200 in  
the programming mode. Automatic transfer of incoming  
calls by an executive to his secretary is accomplished by  
placing the Privacy Switch on his station in the ON position.  
This function allows a secretary to accept all incoming calls  
placed to an executive.  
For the executive to accept calls directed to his station  
once the automatic secretary function has been program-  
med by station #200, he simply moves the privacy switch  
to the left, or OFF position.  
It is also possible for the executive to accept calls at his  
There is no limit to the number of Executive/Secretary  
pairings except by the number of available number combi-  
nations within a given system.  
Adoption of the selective function "Transfer" allow re-  
routing of the call transferred to the secretary back to the  
executive's station.  
When the secretary answering a call touch dials  
executive's station number  
the privacy tone sounds continuously at both ends of the  
line, while the call is held. The call holding tone is trans-  
mitted to the calling station. If the executive shifts the  
privacy switch to the left position, he can talk with the  
secretary. If the call held is to then be transferred back to  
the executive's station, the secreatary is to touch dial [C]  
and the original calling station will be connect to the  
executive's station.  
Touch dial  
Executive's station number  
at the secretary's station in advance. When the call trans-  
ferred to the secretary has to be transferred back to the  
executive, the secretary simply touch dials  
at her station. This sets the privacy tone sounding conti-  
nuously at both ends of the line while the call is held. If the  
call is to be transferred back to the executive's station, the  
secretary touch dials  
The calling station will then be connected to the executive's  
Adoption of the selective functions "Transfer" and "Single  
Digit Dialing" allows simple retransfer of the call transfer-  
red to the secretary back to the executive's station.  
Reply from the executive, the secretary touch dials  
This will then return the secretary to the original call.  
— 11 —  
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Call Transfer  
Call Transfer from Called Station  
During the conversation, first dial  
Called Station  
Called Station  
Calling Station  
(the Station Number of the person the call is to be trans-  
ferred to).  
The original call is then held and the holding tone is trans-  
mitted to the other party, while the third party is called  
and asked whether he will accept the call. If he agrees to  
accept the call, dial  
and the transfer will be completed.  
This function allows called party to transfer that call to  
another station. The party to whom the call is to be trans-  
ferred, may be called using either the Station Number, the  
Personal Number or through Single Digit Dialing.  
Called Station  
Calling Station  
Call Hold and Call Back from Calling or Called Station  
Third Party  
During the conversation, first dial  
the Station Number of the third party.  
The other party is then placed on hold as the third party is  
called. The conversation with the third party over, dial  
Called Station Called Station  
Calling Station  
and the original conversation may be resumed.  
The Transfer function is combined with the Call Holding  
When two parties are talking, either one can be temporarily  
placed on hold to permit the calling of another station. The  
conversation with the third party over, the original conver-  
sation can be resumed.  
The third party can be called using either the Station Num-  
ber, his Personal Number or through Single Digit Dialing.  
Third Party  
Called Station  
Third Party  
Calling Station  
Original Call  
Called Station  
Third Party  
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When the party called is on the line, as indicated by the  
busy tone, dialing  
transmits a priority tone to the called party. The same  
tone is audible at the calling station. The call is connected  
if the called party also responds by dialing  
Busy Tone  
In this event, the original conversation partner of the party  
called is temporarily placed on hold and the holding tone is  
transmitted to his station.  
Original Call  
Upon completion of the priority conversation, the party  
who placed the priority conversation dials  
at his station. This allows the interrupted conversation to  
When the called party is already on the line, the party  
calling, if he deems it necessary, can send a Priority signal  
to the called party. After a response from the party called,  
the urgent call is allowed to take priority and go through.  
Priority Call  
Holding Tone  
This function is available only for those stations specifically  
programmed for this function, with programmed station  
#200. When the station called is busy or in the Privacy  
mode, as indicated by the busy or privacy tone, dialing  
sends a priority tone. This priority tone is transmitted for a  
few seconds and then the call is put through.  
Original Call  
In this event, the original conversation partner of the party  
called is put on hold and a holding tone is transmitted to  
his station.  
Busy Tone  
Upon completion of the priority conversation, the party  
placing the priority call dials  
at his station to allow the original conversation to resume.  
When the called station is busy or in the "Privacy" mode,  
this function allows forced interruption for priority conver-  
Priority Call  
Holding Tone  
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13 —  
Continuous Calling Tone  
When a specified station receives a call, the calling tone  
continues until PTT bar is depressed by this party.  
1. When calls cannot be answered immediately or when it is  
difficult to hear a normal calling tone due to high back-  
ground noise, the station should be provided with the  
continuous calling tone function. There is no limit to  
the number of stations that may be equipped with this  
function, but a No.200 registration must be completed  
(refer to Installation Instructions for EXES-5000 CPU-  
Continuous calling tone  
Continuous calling tone  
Continuous calling call  
2. Stations with handset (such as the HFM-500) may  
activate the PTT function when the handset is lifted.  
3. When the caller depresses the PTT bar while the conti-  
nuous calling tone sounds, he can talk to the person  
called by one-way. When the PTT bar is released, the  
continuous calling tone returns.  
4. During two-way conversation, each party presses the  
PTT bar to talk and releases the PTT key to receive the  
other party. (Press to Talk)  
Talk Back  
First, call the "Talk-Back" station as in a normal call.  
Calling "Talk-Back" Station  
("Talk-Back" station)  
The Calling tone will sound and the message is transmitted.  
In this case, while the calling station has the Press-To-Talk  
bar depressed, the caller can transmit a one-way message.  
When this bar is released, the "Talk-Back" station can give  
a one-way message to the caller.  
This function is convenient for stations that normally only  
receive calls and do not have to call other stations.  
("Talk-Back" Station)  
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A "Hands-Free" conference call can be made with up to  
4 persons. For a conference under this function the other  
participants may be called either through their station num-  
ber, personal number or by Single Digit Dialing. Addition  
of stations or personal numbers (total of only 4) may be  
added by anyone already connected.  
A "Hands-Free" conference call can be made  
with up to 4 persons.  
The person who proposes the conference may dial  
(Station Number of the 1st of the participants)  
After receiving 2nd person's consent, he may then dial  
(2nd participant)  
After receiving 3rd person's consent, he may now dial  
(the last participant)  
At this point, the 4-man conference may begin. It is also  
possible for any of the 4 participants to call up any of the  
other participants.  
A person wishing to drop out of the conference should  
at his station.  
Any of the participants who wish to drop out during the  
conference may do so as long as it's not the party who  
originated the conference.  
The function is cancelled and the normal mode is restored  
when the person who arranged the conference dials  
Dialing of conference member.  
In the event that the calls made by the person arranging the  
conference are not answered or that there has been a dial-  
ing error, the function can be cancelled for restoration to  
the normal mode.  
The conference is terminated when the party who arranged  
the conference dials  
When the conference has been terminated by the party who  
originated it, the other participants cannot continue the  
Station number  
Personal number  
Single Digit  
Either of the parties in conversation is to dial  
(the Station Number of the third party).  
It is possible for persons in normal conversation to change  
to the Conference mode without interruption.  
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Selectable Calling-Tone Duration  
The duration of the calling tone can be set for either a  
''long" (1.3-second) or a "short" (0.7 second).  
Selectable Paging Pre-Announcement Tone Duration  
The duration of the all-call and zone paging tones can be  
set for either a "long" (2-second) or a "short" (1-second).  
A variety of paging modes allows paging over a wide area  
from any master station. The paged party may respond  
from the nearest master station.  
Note: Zone paging and All-call paging  
1. Zone paging (Individual zone paging).  
Paging and Paging response are possible through  
Zone paging. To page a specific zone, press  
Paging modes include external PA systems and/or Station  
paging and Zone paging is for calling a limited area, and  
All-call paging is for calling over the entire area.  
zone page,  
and the zone number. To respond to a  
The External PA zone paging  
(1 ~ 15) overlaps the station paging zones (1 ~ 7)  
allowing simultaneous external PA and station  
paging of zones 1 ~ 7.  
A. External PA paging  
1. Paging through external speakers is possible from any  
master station, with the paged party able to respond  
from the nearest master station.  
2. All-call paging  
Paging and Paging response for External PA or  
station paging is possible through All-call paging.  
To make an all-call page, press  
mum of 7 zones) or  
2. External PA paging zones and all-call paging are  
possible up to a maximum number of 7 zones (zone  
1 through 7) or 15 zones (zone 1 through 15).  
(maximum of  
15 zones). To respond, press  
This does not necessarily mean that All-call  
station paging must reach all the stations.  
B. Station paging  
1. Paging from any master station to all stations within  
a certain area is possible through the station speakers.  
A normal call can be placed during the page by any  
master station in the area, but the page will not be  
heard at stations in use in the area.  
2. Station zone paging and all-call paging are possible  
only within zone 1 through 7.  
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Other Paging Modes  
1. Combination paging  
Combination paging is used when several zones must be  
paged simultaneously through External PA or Station  
paging. A special paging area can be created wherever  
the paging ranges overlap by combining several zones. A  
maximum of 10 combinations can be created in this way  
from a maximum of 1 5 individual zones.  
2. Emergency all-call paging  
Emergency external PA or station all-call paging can be  
made either from the specified station (No.247) or by  
an external input signal connected to line No. 247. All  
normal calls and pages are interrupted for the duration  
of the emergency All-call page, returning to normal  
when the page is terminated.  
3. Paging priority  
In normal station paging, the page is not heard at any  
station already in use. By using the paging priority  
function, the call can be interrupted to allow the page  
to go through. A holding tone sounds at the other  
party's station, and the call is restored when the page  
is terminated.  
All-Call paging  
Combination zone No. 99  
Combination paging  
Combination zone No. 90  
Combination zone No. 91  
Combination zone  
No. 90  
zone No. 3  
zone No. 4  
zone No. 1  
zone No. 2  
Individual zone No. 1  
Individual zone No. 2  
Individual zone No. 3  
Individual zone No. 4  
< Example >  
Individual zone paging  
Note: Priority of Paging  
Emergency all-call paging > All-call paging > Combination paging = (Individual) zone paging  
1. The higher priority page overrides the lower  
priority one. The lower priority page will be  
restored when the higher priority page is termi-  
2. Individual zone pages made while a Combina-  
tion paging is in progress will result in Camp-  
— 17 —  
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How to select the paging area and make the paging call.  
Paging functions may includes both external PA and sta-  
tions, depending on the zone being used. The paging area  
is limited to individual zone, Combination paging and  
All-call paging depending on the call range.  
Dialing operation  
Paging area  
All-call and  
maximum of 7-  
zone paging.  
External PA paging  
All-call and  
maximum of  
15-zone paging.  
Station paging  
All-call and maximum  
of 15 zones paging.  
All-call and maximum  
of 7 zones paging  
All-call paging  
Combination zone  
Individual zone paging  
Not available  
Individual zones Individual zones  
Maximum of 15 zones  
Individual zones  
Available, provided the  
combination zone is within  
the zone of 1 through 15.  
Available, provided the  
combination zone is within  
the zone of 1 through 7.  
Combination paging  
of up to 10 zones  
Combined zones (90-99)  
External PA paging  
Station paging  
Zone 1  
Zone 1  
through 7  
Zone 7  
Zone 8  
through 15  
Zone 15  
zone 90  
zone 99  
< Example >  
— 18 —  
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All-Call Paging and Individual Zone Paging  
External PA paging to a specific zone is possible from any  
master station by pressing  
and the desired zone number ('0' = all-call). It is possible to  
wait for a response in this mode, but anything said will be  
broadcast over the entire zone. It is best to end the paging  
call by pressing  
All-call paging  
Zone paging  
and waiting for a response.  
All-call paging of zones 1 through 7 can be done in both  
the External PA paging mode, through An external ampli-  
firs and speakers, and the station paging mode, through  
the station speakers. All-call paging of zones 8 through 15  
can be done only in the external paging mode.  
To respond to a paging call, go to the nearest master sta-  
tion and press either  
(Zone paging response) or  
(All-call paging response).  
Response to zone  
Paging transfer  
An external PA paging call can be made by a called party of  
an existing call to a third party, the third party's response  
accepted while the original call is on hold, and the original  
call resumed when the response call has ended. Press  
Response to All-call paging  
and the desired zone number. This puts the original call on  
hold and makes the External PA and or Station paging call.  
Then, press  
response to the paging call. When the response is received,  
and the original goes back on hold allowing the  
second call to be taken. When the second call is completed,  
and the original call can be resumed.  
to restore the original call, and wait for the  
Note 1: When all-call paging is initiated during zone paging,  
the Zone paging is interrupted and restored after  
the all-call paging is finished.  
Note 2: To respond to Zone paging by pressing  
No.200 registration of the stations (consecutive  
station numbers) within each zone must be made.  
Such registration is required for both external and  
station paging. For further details, please refer to  
Installation Hand Book for EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
On hold  
External PA paging  
Table of stations used for individual zone paging. (Example)  
Last station number  
2 0 3  
First station number  
2 0 1  
the original call  
2 0 5  
2 0 7  
2 1 0  
2 1 9  
1 0  
1 1  
1 2  
1 3  
1 4  
1 5  
— 1 9 —  
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Combination Paging  
< Example 1 >  
Combination zone 91  
Several zones can be called simultaneously using external  
PA paging and station paging. This is combination paging  
and is initiated by pressing  
Combination zone 92  
Paging will be  
broadcast to predetermined zones. It is possible to wait for  
a response in this mode, but it is usually preferable to ter-  
minate the paging call and wait for a response. The paged  
party can respond by pressing  
at the nearest station.  
Priority of paging  
All call paging>combination paging = individual zone paging  
1. When some stations are already receiving another com-  
bination paging, the second paging call will be put on  
2. When some stations are receiving individual zone paging,  
a combination paging call will be put on camp-on-busy.  
Combination paging to  
combination zone 91  
Combination paging to  
combination zone 92  
Likewise, when a combination paging call is being received,  
individual zone paging calls will be put on camp-on-busy.  
< Example 2  
Combination zone 93  
Combination zone 94  
Responding to combination paging and zone paging  
To respond to zone paging or combination paging, press  
When the same zone is called via both zone paging and  
combination paging, responses will be put through to  
the station calling last.  
Combination paging to  
combination zone 93  
Initiating combination paging  
to combination zone 94  
< Example 3 >  
Combination zone 94  
During paging to zone 2  
Initiating combination paging  
to combination zone 94  
20 —  
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< Example 4  
To operate combination paging, No. 200 registration indi-  
cating the individual zones to be included in the combina-  
tion zone-must be made.  
For further details, refer to Installation Hand Book for  
EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
Table of zones included in combination zones (Example)  
Emergency All-Call Paging  
The emergency all-call station, No. 247, should normally be  
kept with the privacy switch  
To broadcast emergency all-call paging, move the privacy  
switch to  
The highest priority all-call paging can be broadcast to all  
zones without pre-announcement of paging. During emer-  
gency all-call paging, all other paging calls and normal calls  
are interrupted until the emergency message is finished.  
1. This function may be used to announce emergency  
instructions from the specified station No.247 . It may  
also be used to provide the signal tones such as chime  
or alarm signals when the signal sources are fed to  
No.247 circuit.  
21 —  
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Paging Priority  
When using the standard paging functions, paging is not  
heard while other calls are in progress.  
< Example >  
Holding tone  
Using paging priority:  
1. Dial  
Interruption of call  
(zones: 1—7,all-call: 0),  
all-call: 00), or  
(zones: 01—15,  
(combination zones: 90—99).  
When the station being paged is already on the line, the  
call is interrupted. And the calling party is put on hold  
while the paging message is delivered.  
2. The calling party will be restored after the paging  
message is finished and his original conversation may be  
Station call to zone 1  
3. If the person paged wishes to respond immediately, he  
should dial  
to terminate his original conversation and then dial  
(zone paging or combination paging response) or  
(all-call response).  
Station paging to zone 1  
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Station allocation table for paging zones (Example)  
Note 1: If the station called is in the process of dialing  
when station paging is initiative, paging will not  
be heard at that station and the call can be com-  
pleted without interference.  
Note 2: If a station being paged with station paging is  
called by a third party, camp-on-busy will result.  
Note 3: If any station in a given zone (zone 1, for example)  
pages another zone (zone 2, for example), station  
paging to stations in zone 1 results in camp-on-  
First station  
Last station  
2 0 1  
2 0 5  
2 0 3  
2 0 7  
Note 4: If station paging priority is used, the station num-  
bers within the zone area must be programmed  
at station No. 200. This registration is also re-  
quired when station paging priority is unnecessary.  
For further details, see Installation Hand Book for  
EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
Note 5: Use of both station paging priority and external  
paging: Station paging priority interrupts calls in  
stations of zones 1 through 7 for both station and  
external paging. If station paging and external  
paging are used simultaneously, allocate station  
paging to zones 1 through 7 and external paging to  
zones 8 through 1 5.  
Note 6: Use of both priority station paging and external  
paging within 7 zones: When responses are requir-  
ed for pirority station paging but not for external  
PA paging, No.200 registration of the station  
allocation tables for the paging zones should be  
done only for station paging. Calls are not inter-  
rupted during external paging, in this case.  
1 0  
1 1  
1 2  
1 3  
1 4  
1 5  
2-Digit Dialing  
Standard numbering for stations is from 200 through 327.  
However, station numbers 20 through 99 are available for  
systems with less than 80 stations.  
1. Operation procedures using 2-digit dialing are the same  
as those using 3-digit dialing.  
2. Number programming table  
3-digit dialing  
2-digit dialing  
Not available  
64-station system  
All-call plus 7 zones  
(1 Paging Interface Unit)  
All-call plus 15 zones  
(2 Paging Interface Units)  
Not available  
128-station system  
/ Maximum \  
\ 80 stations/  
All-call plus 7 zones  
(1 Paging Interface Unit)  
All-call plus 15 zones  
(2 Paging Interface Units)  
Note: PIU: Paging Interface Unit  
23 —  
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Programmable Station Numbering  
This function allows the system to have "Programmable  
station numbers", other than the "Hardwired station  
numbers" by programming.  
The unprogrammed stations (unit station numbers) are  
used as original hardwired station numbers.  
station number  
station number  
3-digit dialing  
2-digit dialing  
No.200~32 7  
No.20~9 9  
No.200~99 9  
No.20~9 9  
1. Numbering schedules can be changed easily by pro-  
gramming in stead of rewiring.  
< Example >  
2. Numbering schedule (such as 200's (20's), 300's (30's),  
900's (90's)) is available for convenient office differen-  
tiation. (architectual numbering).  
station number  
station number  
2 0 1  
2 0 2  
2 0 1  
2 0 2  
Department 1  
Department 2  
2 0 3  
2 0 4  
3 0 1  
3 0 2  
2 0 5  
3. Normally, station numbers which are included in a  
station paging zone must be sequential, but programm-  
able station numbers can be randomly included in a  
station paging zone.  
station number  
station number  
2 0 1  
2 0 2  
2 0 3  
2 0 1  
2 3 1  
2 4 1  
paging zone  
4. This function is programmed at station No. 200. Please  
see Installation Instructions for EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
station number  
station number  
2 0 0  
2 0 1  
2 0 2  
2 0 3  
2 0 1  
2 0 3  
3 2 6  
3 2 7  
5. People operating the intercom stations need not be  
aware of the Hardwired station numbers. However, care  
must be taken when programming using station No. 200  
in the exchange, as hardwired station numbers must be  
used for that purpose.  
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24 —  
Group Blocking  
< Example >  
Function (A) . . The system can be grouped or divided  
into a maximum of 8 groups of stations  
in the group cannot call another.  
No.201~20 9  
Group 4  
Group 3  
Group 2  
No.250~27 9  
No.220~24 9  
No.210~21 9  
Function (B) . . The group can call and/or be called by  
any other group(s) by programming.  
Group 1  
Group 3  
Group 2  
Group 4  
Station receiving  
Function (C) . . The paging zone number (all-call, indivi-  
dual zone and combination) which each  
group can call is programmable. (No dis-  
tinction is made between external and  
station paging.)  
Group 1  
Group 3  
All-call paging  
Zone 4 paging  
Group 2  
Group 4  
Paging zone  
To use this function, station No. 200 programming of the  
allocated station number, group, paging zone, etc., must  
be set up in the exchange. For further details, please  
refer to Installation Hand Book for EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
Function registration (C)  
Function registration (A)  
Function registration (B)  
Group No. of calling  
Paging zone ofstation receiving call  
Group No. of station  
Station for  
each group  
Combination zone No.  
Zone No.  
2 0 1  
2 1 0  
2 2 0  
2 5 0  
2 0 9  
2 1 9  
2 4 9  
2 7 9  
Station not in group  
This chart shows the possibilities for one sample set  
of conditions.  
< Example >  
indicates that registration is not necessary.  
indicates that the station is not within the group.  
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Programmable Restricted Access for Stations  
Stations which can use the following functions must be  
programmed, so as to restrict access to those functions by  
those stations not programmed.  
1. All-call paging  
2. Conference  
Station number  
3. General purpose control  
Model (One-shot make output)  
4. General purpose control  
Mode 2 (Make/break output)  
5. General purpose control  
Mode 3 (8 selectable output or decimal output)  
6. General purpose control  
Mode 4 (4 decimal digits output)  
1. For a conference call, only those stations allowed to  
use the conference link can dial.  
The other members of the conference need not be  
allowed conference access.  
2. No. 200 programming of the specified station must be  
made in the exchange. For further details, please refer  
to Installation Hand Book for EXES-5000 CPU-55.  
26 —  
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In/Out Annunciation  
The in/out annunciation indicators can be turned on or  
off from any master station by using the personal number  
registering procedure.  
In/out indication panel  
When a personal number registeration is made at a station,  
by dialing  
Lamp on  
1000~1499(personal number)  
the personal number is registered at that station and the  
personal number lamp on the in/out indication panel is  
turned on.  
Personal number call  
By dialing  
1000~1499 (personal number)  
from any station, the call is put through to the station  
registered with the personal number.  
Personal number  
In/out indication panel  
Cancelling personal number and turning off  
By dialing  
Lamp off  
1000~1499(personaI number)  
from any station, the personal number is cancelled and  
the personal number lamp on the in/out indication panel  
is turned off.  
1. The maximum number of in/out annunciation windows  
is 500.  
2. The in/out indication panel must be used with the Data  
Transmitting and Receiving Units (DT-E11 and DR-B61).  
3. For further details, please refer to Installation Hand  
Book for EXES-5000 CPU-55 and Instructions for the  
Data Transmitting and Receiving Units.  
Personal number  
Calling Party Indication (Lamp Type)  
A one station/one lamp type calling party indication panel  
can be provided for certain specified stations (eight stations  
from No.232 to No.239).  
1. The lamp at the station receiving the call turns on when  
a call is made and turns off when the conversation is  
2. When a call (camp-on-busy) is made to the busy or the  
privacy station (with the privacy switch on), the lamp of  
calling station turns on. The lamp will not turn off even  
if the original call is cancelled.  
3. The lamp turns off after the conversation is cancelled.  
4. Dialing  
without placing a call causes all lights to be turned off.  
During a call  
Note 1: The maximum number of calling stations is set at  
Note 2: The indication panel must be used with the Data  
Transmitting and Receiving Units. For further  
details, please refer to Installation Hand Book for  
CPU-55 and Instructions for the Data Transmitting  
and Receiving Units.  
27 —  
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Calling Party Indication (7-SEG Display Type)  
A numerical type calling party indication panel can be  
provided for certain specified stations (32 stations from  
No. 200 to No. 231).  
1. The party receiving the call is indicated in the area for  
the calling station number with 7 segment display.  
2. When a call is made to the busy or the privacy station  
(with the privacy switch on), the number of the calling  
party is indicated in the area for the waiting station and  
as a 1 in the number of waiting stations area. If there are  
other stations waiting, the station numbers are stored but  
not indicated. A maximum of 8 waiting stations can be  
indicated. Even if a call is cancelled by a waiting station,  
the indication is not cancelled.  
3. When a call is placed to a station in the waiting station  
mode, the next stored waiting station is indicated.  
4. If a call is cancelled at the completion of a call, the  
indication is turned off.  
5. To cancel a waiting station number without calling, dial  
to have the next station number indicated.  
Note 1: If the number of waiting stations exceeds 8, the  
indication for the station that has been waiting for  
the longest period of time is cancelled and the  
next station moves into that place.  
During a call  
Note 2: When 2-digit dialing is specified, the station num-  
ber in also indicated as a 2-digit number.  
Note 3: The indication panel must be used with the Data  
Transmitting and Receiving Units. For further  
details, please refer to the Installation Hand Book  
for CPU-55 and Instructions for the Data Trans-  
mitting and Receiving Units.  
Pocket Pager  
The system can be connected with usual type Pocket pager  
using the interface with Make/break relay output.  
Pager transmitter  
1. Dial  
(000~239, terminal No.)  
and the pager is called.  
2. When  
000~239(personal terminal No.)  
is dialed by the party called from the nearest master  
station, it is possible to respond a call to the station.  
Pager call  
Note 1: Once a receiver is called from one station and a  
response is waited for, camp-on-busy will result  
for other callers. But, if a response to the call is  
not received within 2 minutes, the terminal can be  
called from a new calling station.  
Pager receiving call  
Note 2: For further details, please refer to the Installation  
Hand Book for CPU-55 and Instructions for the  
Data Transmitting and Receiving Units.  
Response call  
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28 —  
General Purpose Control  
Station may be restricted from access to this function. This  
function can control other equipments by employing the  
Data Transmitting and Receiving Units.  
Select the required type of output.  
(Mode 1) One-shot make output  
(000 ~ 499, max. of 500 contacts)  
and the relay output is made for 1 to 2 seconds.  
Example: Door remote and VTR control  
Control with one-shot make output  
Operation performed even when all link cir-  
cuits are occupied.  
(Mode 2) Make/break output  
(000 ~ 511, max. of 512 contacts)  
and the make output is sent out.  
Lamp on/off indication panel  
(000-511, max. of 512 contacts)  
and the break output is sent out.  
(Mode 3) 8 selectable make outputand/or decimal output  
(A) Unit block number (max. 9)  
(X1 is unit No., Y1 is condition No.)  
and one of the 8 relay outputs is made, and  
condition is indicated numerically. Select the-  
required output type.  
(B) Unit block number (max. of 64 (99))  
(X2 and X2 are unit No., Y2 is condition No.)  
8 selectable output type indication panel  
and one of the 8 relay outputs is made, and the  
condition is indicated numerically. Select the  
required output type.  
Example: Destination indication, room condition indi-  
cation, ITV control  
(Mode 4) 4 decimal digits output  
Decimal output type indication panel  
X is unit No. (1~9),  
YYYY is 4 decimal  
digits (0000~9999)  
and 4 decimal digits are indicated.  
4 decimal digits  
29 —  
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Note 1: In the event that an error has been made when  
dialing for Transfer or Conference, at the start of  
or during the conversation, dial  
This will restore the condition before the error was  
made, allowing the caller to make a correction  
without interrupting the call.  
Note 2: To terminate conversation, dial  
30 —  
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