U Line Refrigerator 1115R User Manual

Use a n d Ca re Gu id e  
Re frig e ra t o r Mo d e ls:  
1115R, 1175R, 29R  
Be ve ra g e Ce n t e r Mo d e l:  
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Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s  
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................2  
Warranty Registration .......................................................................................................2  
Please Record Your Model Information ...........................................................................2  
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................3  
Safety Precautions ......................................................................................................................5  
Safety Alert Definitions .....................................................................................................5  
General Precautions ...........................................................................................................5  
Product Features ........................................................................................................................6  
Origins Refrigerator Models 1115R, 1175R, 29R ..............................................................6  
Origins Beverage Center Model 1175BEV ........................................................................6  
Operation ...................................................................................................................................7  
Initial Startup .....................................................................................................................7  
Interior Lighting .................................................................................................................7  
Electronic Control Panel ....................................................................................................8  
Manual Temperature Control ...........................................................................................9  
Normal Operating Sounds .................................................................................................9  
Wine Stocking Recommendations ..................................................................................10  
Outdoor, Marine and RV Usage ......................................................................................10  
Storage, Vacation, Moving ..............................................................................................10  
Product Disposal ...............................................................................................................10  
Wine Guide ...............................................................................................................................11  
Wine Recommendations ..................................................................................................11  
Cleaning and Maintenance .....................................................................................................13  
General Cleaning .............................................................................................................13  
Maintenance ....................................................................................................................13  
Service .......................................................................................................................................24  
Before Calling for Service ................................................................................................24  
If Service is Required ........................................................................................................24  
Replacement Parts ...........................................................................................................24  
Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................................................................25  
Electronic Control Quick Guide .......................................................................................27  
U-Line Corporation Limited Warranty ....................................................................................31  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Sa fe t y Pre ca u t io n s  
SHOCK HAZARD - Ele ct rica l Gro u n d in g Re q u ire d .  
• Ne ve r a t t e m p t t o re p a ir o r p e rfo rm  
m a in t e n a n ce o n t h e u n it u n t il t h e e le ct ricit y  
h a s b e e n d isco n n e ct e d .  
• Ne ve r re m o ve t h e ro u n d g ro u n d in g p ro n g fro m  
t h e p lu g a n d n e ve r u se a t w o -p ro n g g ro u n d in g  
a d a p t e r.  
• Alt e rin g , cu t t in g o f p o w e r co rd , re m o va l o f  
p o w e r co rd , re m o va l o f p o w e r p lu g , o r d ire ct  
w irin g ca n ca u se se rio u s in ju ry, fire a n d /o r lo ss  
o f p ro p e rt y a n d /o r life , a n d w ill vo id t h e  
w a rra n t y.  
PLEASE READ a ll in st ru ct io n s co m p le t e ly b e fo re  
a t t e m p t in g t o in st a ll, o p e ra t e , o r se rvice yo u r u n it .  
• Pro p e r in st a lla t io n p ro ce d u re s m u st b e fo llo w e d  
if t h is u n it is b e in g in it ia lly in st a lle d , o r is m o ve d  
t o a n e w lo ca t io n a ft e r b e in g in se rvice . An  
INSTALLATION GUIDE fo r yo u r u n it , p ro vid in g  
co m p le t e in st a lla t io n in fo rm a t io n is a va ila b le  
fro m U-Lin e Co rp o ra t io n d ire ct ly, a n d m u st b e  
co n su lt e d b e fo re a n y in st a lla t io n is b e g u n . U-Lin e  
co n t a ct in fo rm a t io n a p p e a rs o n t h e re a r co ve r o f  
t h is g u id e .  
• Ne ve r u se a n e xt e n sio n co rd t o co n n e ct p o w e r  
t o t h e u n it .  
• Alw a ys ke e p yo u r w o rkin g a re a d ry.  
• Th is u n it re q u ire s co n n e ct io n t o a g ro u n d e d  
(t h re e -p ro n g ), p o la rize d re ce p t a cle t h a t h a s b e e n  
p la ce d b y a q u a lifie d e le ct ricia n in a cco rd a n ce  
w it h a p p lica b le e le ct rica l co d e s.  
• Use ca re w h e n m o vin g a n d h a n d lin g t h e u n it . Use  
g lo ve s t o p re ve n t p e rso n a l in ju ry fro m sh a rp  
e d g e s.  
• If yo u r m o d e l re q u ire s d e fro st in g , DO NOT u se a n y  
t yp e o f h e a t e r t o d e fro st . Usin g a h e a t e r t o sp e e d  
u p d e fro st in g ca n ca u se p e rso n a l in ju ry a n d  
d a m a g e t o t h e in n e r lin in g .  
Sa fe t y Ale rt De fin it io n s  
Safety items throughout this guide are labeled with a  
Danger, Warning or Caution based on the risk type:  
Da n g e r m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t w ill re su lt in se ve re p e rso n a l in ju ry o r  
d e a t h .  
• Do n o t lift u n it b y d o o r h a n d le .  
• Ne ve r in st a ll o r o p e ra t e t h e u n it b e h in d clo se d  
d o o rs. Be su re fro n t g rille is fre e o f o b st ru ct io n .  
Ob st ru ct in g fre e a ir flo w ca n ca u se t h e u n it t o  
m a lfu n ct io n a n d m a y vo id t h e w a rra n t y.  
• Fa ilu re t o cle a n t h e co n d e n se r e ve ry t h re e m o n t h s  
ca n ca u se t h e u n it t o m a lfu n ct io n . Th is co u ld vo id  
t h e w a rra n t y.  
Wa rn in g m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t co u ld re su lt in se rio u s p e rso n a l in ju ry  
o r d e a t h .  
• Allo w u n it t e m p e ra t u re t o st a b ilize fo r 24 h o u rs  
b e fo re u se .  
Ca u t io n m e a n s t h a t fa ilu re t o fo llo w t h is sa fe t y  
st a t e m e n t m a y re su lt in m in o r o r m o d e ra t e  
p e rso n a l in ju ry, p ro p e rt y o r e q u ip m e n t d a m a g e .  
• If yo u r m o d e l re q u ire s d e fro st in g , n e ve r u se a n  
ice p ick o r o t h e r sh a rp in st ru m e n t t o h e lp sp e e d  
u p d e fro st in g . Th e se in st ru m e n t s ca n p u n ct u re  
t h e in n e r lin in g o r d a m a g e t h e co o lin g u n it .  
• Use o n ly g e n u in e U-Lin e re p la ce m e n t p a rt s.  
Im it a t io n p a rt s ca n d a m a g e t h e u n it , a ffe ct it s  
o p e ra t io n o r p e rfo rm a n ce a n d m a y vo id t h e  
w a rra n t y.  
Ge n e ra l Pre ca u t io n s  
Use this appliance for its intended purpose only and  
follow these general precautions along with those listed  
throughout this guide:  
RISK OF CHILD ENTRAPMENT. Be fo re yo u t h ro w a w a y  
yo u r o ld re frig e ra t o r o r fre e ze r, t a ke o ff t h e d o o rs  
a n d le a ve sh e lve s in p la ce so t h a t ch ild re n m a y n o t  
e a sily clim b in sid e .  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Orig in s Be ve ra g e Ce n t e r  
Mo d e l 1175BEV  
Pro d u ct Fe a t u re s  
Orig in s Re frig e ra t o r  
Mo d e ls 1115R, 1175R, 29R  
The Model 1175BEV Beverage Center will accommodate  
up to 16 standard 750 mL bottles of your favorite wines  
on its two upper, 3/4 extendable, sliding wine racks. The  
Beverage Center also provides generous storage for non-  
wine beverages on two lower tempered shelves.  
Models 1115R and 1175R feature an electronic control  
panel with digital display that allows you to display the  
interior temperature and adjust the setting to your  
preference. The electronic control and digital display  
provide an attractive appearance and its method of  
control permits precise temperature settings. Model  
29R is equipped with a manual temperature control.  
Th e Rig h t Te m p e ra t u re fo r Win e  
Your Beverage Center has been designed to provide two  
temperature zones within the cabinet so the specific  
storage requirements of your beverages can be satisfied.  
The upper wine rack zone maintains an approximate  
temperature of 45°F, and the lower shelf zone maintains  
an approximate temperature of 38°F. NOTE: Product  
temperatures, not air temperatures, are referenced above.  
In Models 1115R and 1175R, an interior light  
illuminates automatically as the cabinet door is  
opened. Another mode of operation is available. A  
blackout/Sabbath mode (not Star K certified) allows  
you to darken both interior light and the LED display,  
while maintaining complete temperature control in  
the unit.  
An electronic control panel with digital display allows  
you to display the interior temperature in the lower  
shelf zone and adjust the temperature setting. The  
electronic control and digital display provide an  
attractive appearance, and its method of control  
provides temperatures settings for a variety of wine  
and non-wine beverages.  
All three models qualify for the U.S. Government  
ENERGY STAR program.  
All models feature maintenance-free automatic (cycle)  
An interior light will illuminate automatically as the  
door is opened, providing easy visual identification of  
the contents. You can also select two other modes of  
A generous capacity, one piece molded interior is very  
durable and easy to clean.  
Model 1115R provides 3.3 cu ft (93 L) of refrigeration,  
Model 29R provides 3.5 cu ft (99 L) of refrigeration,  
and Model 1175R provides 5.7 cu ft (161 L) of  
a. The interior light can be illuminated continuously  
while the door is closed for a four-hour period,  
without resetting the unit, providing a visible  
display of the Beverage Center contents.  
Adjustable tempered glass shelves are used. Model 29R  
has two full shelves and one half shelf; Models 1115R  
and 1175R have three shelves. These shelves are  
designed to be easily cleaned, contain spills, and may  
be positioned evenly throughout the interior to use all  
space efficiently.  
b. A blackout/Sabbath mode (not Star K certified)  
allows you to darken the interior lighting and the  
LED display for a predetermined 36-hour period,  
while maintaining complete temperature control in  
the unit. This mode will self-cancel at the end of the  
time period, with the lighting and LED display  
returning to normal operation automatically.  
Models 1115R and 1175R have two inner door “pick-  
off” shelves. Model 29R has fixed shelves.  
The upper chrome wine racks have a maple front trim  
that adds an attractive appearance to this model. The  
wood facing may be stained or replaced in its entirety  
with other woods or manufactured products (such as  
All black and white models accommodate custom flat  
or raised door panels, and can achieve a custom, built-  
in look by matching surrounding cabinets. Please visit  
Corian or Sandstone).  
The wine racks slide out, and are 3/4 extendable,  
providing access to all wine bottles, including those  
located on the rear portion of the rack.  
Doors on black and white models are field-reversible.  
Stainless steel doors are not field-reversible.  
Door locks for black and white 1175R and 29R models  
are only available factory-installed at time of original  
This model features maintenance-free automatic  
(cycle) defrost.  
The Model 1175BEV is only available in stainless steel.  
The Model 1175BEV features a stainless steel door  
frame and hinges with black cabinet and grille.  
Vinyl clad steel cabinets provide a rich textured look,  
and resist scratching, peeling, or flaking. Models 29R  
and 1175R are available in either black or white;  
Models 1115R is available in black only.  
The door features a full length handle and tinted thermal  
glass that protects your wines from potentially harmful  
light rays while providing a very stylish appearance.  
Models 1115R and 1175R are available in stainless steel,  
and feature a stainless steel door panel and hinges  
with black cabinet and grille.  
The door is not field-reversible.  
Features and specifications are subject to change without  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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In t e rio r Lig h t in g  
Op e ra t io n  
Mo d e l 1115R, 1175R a n d 1175BEV  
The interior of the cabinet can be illuminated whenever  
the door is opened or remained darkened for a 36-hour  
period (blackout/Sabbath mode [not Star K certified]).  
Fig u re 2  
Pro p e r a ir flo w (Fig u re 2) is re q u ire d fo r yo u r u n it t o  
o p e ra t e a t it s h ig h e st e fficie n t ly. A g rille , lo ca t e d in  
t h e b a se o f t h e u n it , m u st n o t b e b lo cke d a t a n y  
t im e , o r yo u r u n it w ill n o t p e rfo rm a s e xp e ct e d .  
Fig u re 4  
The LIGHT button (Fig u re 4, 1) on the control panel is  
used to change the lighting functions.  
In it ia l St a rt u p  
All U-Line units are shipped with controls that are preset.  
No initial adjustments are required.  
To turn the lights and display OFF for a preset 36-hour  
interval (blackout/Sabbath mode [not Star K certified]):  
1. Press and hold the LIGHT button (Fig u re 4, 1) for ten  
seconds and release (the °F symbol will flash briefly at  
the end of the ten second period).  
U-Lin e re co m m e n d s t h e u n it b e a llo w e d t o ru n  
o ve rn ig h t p rio r t o lo a d in g w it h p ro d u ct .  
2. The interior light and control display (Fig u re 4, 3) will  
go dark for the next 36 hours.  
NOTE: Although the display will not be visible, the  
temperature controls in the unit remain active, and the  
interior temperature will be maintained.  
3. To exit the blackout/Sabbath mode (not Star K certified)  
before the 36-hour period, repeat Step 1.  
Model 1175BEV has another mode of lighting available.  
To illuminate the interior of the cabinet for a timed four-  
hour period:  
Fig u re 3  
Mo d e ls 1115R, 1175R a n d 1175BEV  
1. Press and release the LIGHT button (Fig u re 4, 1) to  
switch from door-operated lighting control to the  
timed four hour lighting period (the °F symbol will  
flash briefly after the LIGHT button is pressed).  
To turn the unit ON or OFF, press and hold the ON/OFF  
button (Fig u re 3, 1) for approximately ten seconds and  
release. The display will show the unit set-point  
temperature when turned ON and display OFF when the  
unit is OFF.  
2. At the end of the four-hour period, the light will turn  
OFF and door-operated lighting control will resume.  
3. To exit the timed lighting control before the end of the  
four-hour period, repeat Step 1.  
Mo d e l 29R  
To turn unit off: Turn the controller knob located in the  
center of the grille counterclockwise until a “click” is  
heard. It may take some force to get the control to  
To turn unit on: Turn the controller knob located in the  
center of the grille clockwise to a MID setting, number 3  
or 4 on the controller knob.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Ch e ckin g Pro d u ct Te m p e ra t u re  
Ele ct ro n ic Co n t ro l Pa n e l  
Fig u re 5  
Mo d e ls 1115R, 1175R a n d 1175BEV  
The electronic control with digital display (Fig u re 5) is  
configured to show a single temperature continuously.  
This set-point temperature is a base number used by the  
controller to maintain the temperature zone in your unit.  
The factory default set-point is 38°F. This set-point  
temperature is used as a gauge if further temperature  
adjustments are required.  
Fig u re 6  
Model 1175BEV has a DISPLAY OFF mode available  
through the control panel. This mode allows you to  
control whether the display (Fig u re 5, 3) will be ON or  
OFF whenever the door is closed. The button sequence  
that follows will switch between both modes:  
U-Lin e re co m m e n d s a se t t e m p e ra t u re o f 38°F o n a ll  
re frig e ra t o rs.  
To check the actual product temperature in your unit,  
insert an accurate thermometer into a plastic (non-  
breakable) bottle that is partially filled with water.  
Tighten the bottle cap securely (Fig u re 6).  
1. Press and hold the WARMER button (Fig u re 5, 4), and  
simultaneously within five seconds press the ON/OFF  
button (Fig u re 5, 2) three times.  
Place the bottle in the desired area for 24 hours. Refrain  
from opening the unit during the testing period. After 24  
hours, check the temperature of the water. If required,  
adjust the temperature control in a small increment (See  
2. The display will be either visible or dark when the door  
is closed.  
3. To return to the previous mode, repeat Step 1.  
Te m p e ra t u re Disp la y Se le ct io n  
Factors which affect the internal temperatures of the  
cabinet include:  
U-Line products supplied for 110 VAC operation have  
temperatures displayed in a default Fahrenheit (°F)  
configuration (Fig u re 5, 3). Models supplied for 220 VAC  
operation have temperatures displayed in a default  
Celsius (°C) configuration.  
Temperature setting.  
Ambient temperature where installed.  
The number of times and length of time a door is  
opened and closed.  
The display can easily be adjusted for either type of  
temperature display. Press and hold the LIGHT button  
(Fig u re 5, 1) and simultaneously within five seconds  
press the COOLER button (Fig u re 5, 5) three times to  
change the display as desired.  
The amount of time the internal light is illuminated.  
(This affects primarily product on top rack or shelf.)  
Installation in direct sunlight or near a heat source.  
Te m p e ra t u re Disp la y  
To display actual temperature:  
1. Press the WARMER button (Fig u re 5, 4) for five  
seconds. The display (Fig u re 5, 3) will indicate the  
actual temperature.  
2. After approximately 10 seconds, the set point  
temperature will return to the display.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Ad ju st in g Te m p e ra t u re  
Ma n u a l Te m p e ra t u re Co n t ro l  
Mo d e l 29R  
Ad ju st t h e se t p o in t t e m p e ra t u re in sin g le  
in cre m e n t s, a n d w a it 24 h o u rs fo r t h e t e m p e ra t u re  
t o st a b ilize b e fo re re ch e ckin g .  
Fig u re 8  
Adjust the temperature by turning the numbered dial  
(Fig u re 8, 1) in small increments. Turn knob clockwise to  
make unit colder and counterclockwise to make unit  
warmer. After adjusting temperature, allow 24 hours for  
unit to stabilize.  
Fig u re 7  
To adjust the set point temperature:  
1. Press and release either the WARMER (Fig u re 7, 4) or  
COOLER (Fig u re 7, 5) button to put the controller in  
the SET TEMPERATURE mode. The °F (or °C) symbol will  
begin to flash.  
Many factors can affect the internal temperatures of the  
cabinet. They include:  
Temperature setting.  
Ambient temperature where installed.  
NOTE: If no further action is taken, this mode will self  
cancel in five seconds, and the original set-point  
temperature will be displayed.  
The number of times and length of time the door is  
opened and closed.  
The amount of time the internal light is illuminated.  
(This affects primarily product on top rack or shelf.)  
2. Within five seconds (while the °F (or °C) symbol is  
flashing), press the WARMER or COOLER button as  
required to adjust the set point temperature.  
Installation in direct sunlight or near a heat source.  
3. The change will be set five seconds after adjusting the  
temperature, and the new set-point will be displayed  
No rm a l Op e ra t in g So u n d s  
(Fig u re 7, 3)  
All models incorporate rigid foam insulated cabinets to  
provide high thermal efficiency and maximum sound  
reduction for its internal working components. In spite of  
this technology, your model may make sounds that are  
Many factors can affect the internal temperatures of the  
cabinet. They include:  
Temperature setting.  
Ambient temperature where installed.  
Normal operating sounds may be more noticeable  
because of the units environment. Hard surfaces such as  
cabinets, wood/vinyl/tiled floors and paneled walls have a  
tendency to reflect normal appliance operating noises.  
The number of times and length of time the door is  
opened and closed.  
The amount of time the internal light is illuminated.  
(This affects primarily product on top rack or shelf.)  
Common refrigeration components, and a brief  
description of the normal operating sounds they make,  
are listed below. NOTE: Your product may not contain all  
of the components listed.  
Installation in direct sunlight or near a heat source.  
Compressor: The compressor makes a hum or pulsing  
sound that may be heard when it operates.  
Evaporator: Refrigerant flowing through an evaporator  
may sound like boiling liquid.  
Condenser Fan: Air moving through a condenser may be  
Automatic Defrost/Drain Pan: Water may be heard  
dripping or running into the drain pan when the unit is in  
the defrost cycle.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Win e St o ckin g Re co m m e n d a t io n s  
St o ra g e , Va ca t io n , Mo vin g  
If the unit will not be used for an extended period, or  
otherwise stored, follow these steps completely:  
Mo d e l 1175BEV  
Specially designed wine racks allow for the proper  
horizontal storage of wine. The bottles are properly  
positioned so the wine remains in contact with the cork to  
assure that the cork does not become dry.  
Ele ct rica l Sh o ck Ha za rd . Disco n n e ct p o w e r b e fo re  
se rvicin g . Be fo re o p e ra t in g , re p la ce a ll p a n e ls.  
Fa ilu re t o d o so m a y re su lt in d e a t h o r e le ct rica l  
sh o ck.  
The wine racks should be stocked staggering the bottles  
as shown (Fig u re 9).  
1. Remove all consumable contents from the unit.  
2. Disconnect the power cord from its outlet, and leave it  
disconnected until the unit is returned to service.  
3. Clean and dry the interior of the cabinet (See CLEANING  
4. During periods of non-use, the cabinet must remain  
open to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.  
Open door a minimum of 2 in. (5 cm) to provide the  
necessary ventilation.  
Fig u re 9  
Pro d u ct Disp o sa l  
Ou t d o o r, Ma rin e a n d RV Usa g e  
If the unit is being removed from service for disposal,  
check and obey all Federal, State and/or Local regulations  
regarding the disposal and recycling of refrigeration  
appliances, and follow these steps completely:  
Some U-Line models are designed to operate in outdoor,  
marine and RV environments. For best performance, keep  
the unit out of direct sunlight.  
If the unit will be shut off for five days or more, prop  
door open to allow for air circulation and prevent mold  
and mildew.  
1. Remove all consumable contents from the unit.  
2. Disconnect power to the unit and unplug the power  
cord from its outlet.  
If t h e a m b ie n t t e m p e ra t u re is e xp e ct e d t o d ro p  
b e lo w 45°F, t u rn o ff a n d u n p lu g u n it , a n d d ra in a ll  
w a t e r fro m t h e u n it t o p re ve n t fre e zin g d a m a g e n o t  
co ve re d b y t h e w a rra n t y.  
RISK OF CHILD ENTRAPEMENT. Be fo re yo u t h ro w  
a w a y yo u r o ld re frig e ra t o r o r fre e ze r, t a ke o ff t h e  
d o o rs a n d le a ve sh e lve s in p la ce so t h a t ch ild re n  
m a y n o t e a sily clim b in sid e .  
High ambient temperatures (110°F or higher) may  
reduce the unit's ability to reach low temperatures.  
3. Remove the cabinet door.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Su g g e st io n s fo r Ma t ch in g Fo o d a n d Win e  
Win e Gu id e  
Although there are no hard fast rules for matching wine  
to food, observe some guidelines. Delicate dishes should  
be accompanied by lighter more delicate wines. Full-  
flavored foods should be matched with fuller-bodied  
Win e Re co m m e n d a t io n s  
To most, wine is a delicious mystery. We purchase it,  
uncork it, and savor its taste and beauty. But there is so  
much more to true wine appreciation. Many secrets are  
simply too good to keep bottled up. The U-Line  
Corporation is proud to present Spilling Wine Secrets  
online at www.U-Line.com/resources/wine_secrets. Take a  
moment to explore this section of our website to uncover  
wine myths, learn ideal storage conditions or ask our wine  
expert, Mr. Dave Barna, a specific question relating to  
wine. Mr. Barna will respond to your inquiry, and it may  
also be selected to appear on our Questions and Answers  
As a general rule, one should aim to ascend in flavor and  
quality of wines served.  
Ta b le 1  
Se rve a :  
Be fo re a :  
DRY wine  
SWEET wine  
RED wine  
WHITE wine  
YOUNG wine  
OLD wine  
Win e Se le ct io n s Su g g e st io n s  
Selecting the right wine for the right occasion can  
sometimes be a seemingly awkward or difficult task for  
the beginning wine enthusiast. We would therefore like  
to present you with a few suggestions which may provide  
a little more confidence and enjoyment when choosing  
and serving your wines.  
Any step back in quality will be noticed. If a fine wine is  
tasted prior to a lesser wine, many of the fine wines  
subtle qualities may be missed.  
Co m m o n Fo o d a n d Win e Ma t ch e s  
Ta b le 2  
Fo o d s  
Win e s  
When selecting wines, keep an open mind and do not be  
afraid to be adventurous. Do not view the subject of wine  
so seriously it discourages you from learning and  
discovering for fear of embarrassment if something is  
incorrect. Wine is best viewed as a hobby and enjoyed.  
Fish, Shell Fish, Crab, Oysters  
Dry White Wines, Light  
Sparkling or Extra Dry  
Beef, Venison  
Full-Bodied Red Wines  
Light-Bodied Red Wines  
Pork, Veal, Lamb and Poultry  
When assembling your collection, try not to become  
obsessed with “Vintages.” Although a chart can be a  
useful tool, generalizations about a specific year have led  
more than one collector to disappointment. In many  
instances an “Off Year” will provide a better value and  
more drinking enjoyment.  
Sweet White and Sparkling  
The primary guideline to the subject of wine is your own  
palate. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Experiment,  
discover, but most of all, enjoy yourself and your new  
U-Line product.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Gu id e t o Co m m o n St yle s o f Win e  
Re d Win e s  
Full-Bodied Dry  
Zinfandel, Cabernet  
Rhone, Chateauneuf-du-Pape  
Barbaresco, Barolo  
Medium-Bodied Dry  
Light-Bodied Dry  
Pinot Noir  
Bordeaux, Burgundy  
Chianti, Bardolino  
Wh it e Win e s  
Full-Bodied Dry  
Montrachet, Meursault  
Medium-Bodied Dry  
Pouilly-Fuisse, Sancerre,  
Vouvray, Graves  
Light-Bodied Dry  
Chablis, Muscadet, Pouilly-Fume  
Full-Bodied, Very Sweet  
Medium-Bodied, Semi-Sweet  
Light-Bodied Off Dry  
Rhine, Mosel, Riesling  
Co m m o n Ta st in g Te rm s  
Te rm in o lo g y  
De scrip t io n  
A critical element of wine that is responsible for preserving the wines freshness. Excess acidity results in an  
overly tart and sour wine.  
A desired trait where tannin, fruit and acidity are in total harmony. Wines with good balance tend to age  
The weight and presence of wine in the mouth provided by the alcohol and tannin level. Full-bodied wines  
tend to have this strong concentration.  
The blending of a wine's aroma within the bottle over a period of time, caused by volatile acidity.  
A subjective term often used in tasting. A wine is said to be complex if it offers a variety of flavors and scents  
that continue to evolve as it develops.  
A wine that lacks structure, or is heavy to the taste, lacks acidity.  
Wine high in alcohol and extract, generally speaking, fills the mouth, powerful.  
Generally describes wines that are slim, lacking of generosity or thin.  
A desirable flavor imparted to wine if done in moderation. Most wines are aged in oak barrels one to three  
years, thereby receiving this toasty oak characteristic. However, if a weak wine is left in contact too long with  
an oak barrel it will tend to be overpowered with an oaky taste.  
Tannins are extracted from the grape skins and stems and are necessary for a well-balanced red wine. Tannins  
are easily identified in wine tasting as the drying sensation over the gums. Tannins generally fade as a wine  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Do n o t u se a n y so lve n t -b a se d o r a b ra sive  
cle a n e rs. Th e se t yp e s o f cle a n e rs m a y t ra n sm it  
t a st e t o t h e in t e rio r p ro d u ct s a n d d a m a g e o r  
d isco lo r t h e in t e rio r.  
Cle a n in g a n d Ma in t e n a n ce  
Ge n e ra l Cle a n in g  
Ma in t e n a n ce  
Ext e rio r Cle a n in g (As Re q u ire d )  
Proper maintenance of your U-Line product will ensure  
efficiency, top performance and long life. The  
maintenance intervals listed are based on normal  
conditions. You may want to shorten the intervals if you  
have pets or other special considerations.  
Vin yl Cla d (Bla ck o r Wh it e ) Mo d e ls:  
Surfaces may be cleaned with a mild detergent and  
warm water solution. Do not use solvent-based or  
abrasive cleaners. Use a soft sponge and rinse with  
clean water. Wipe with a soft, clean towel to prevent  
water spotting.  
De fro st in g  
Clean any glass surfaces with a non-chlorine glass  
Au t o m a t ic (Cycle ) De fro st Mo d e ls  
Automatic defrost models do not produce frost in normal  
operating conditions. However, a frost pattern may be  
noticed on the interior walls if the unit is repeatedly  
opened in a high heat or high humidity location. If this  
frost pattern does not clear within 24 hours, your unit will  
require manual defrosting.  
St a in le ss Mo d e ls:  
Stainless door panels, handles and frames can discolor  
when exposed to chlorine gas, pool chemicals, salt  
water or cleaners with bleach.  
Keep your stainless unit looking new by cleaning with  
a good quality all-in-one stainless steel cleaner/polish  
on a monthly basis. For best results use Claire Stainless  
Steel Polish and Cleaner, which can be purchased from  
U-Line Corporation (P/N 173348). Comparable products  
are acceptable. Frequent cleaning will remove surface  
contamination that could lead to rust. Some  
DO NOT u se a n y t yp e o f e le ct rica l h e a t in g d e vice ,  
ice p ick, kn ife o r o t h e r sh a rp in st ru m e n t t o  
d e fro st ; t h is co u ld d a m a g e t h e in n e r lin in g o r  
re frig e ra t io n syst e m a n d vo id t h e w a rra n t y.  
installations may require cleaning on a weekly basis.  
Do n o t cle a n w it h st e e l w o o l p a d s.  
Do n o t u se st a in le ss st e e l cle a n e rs/p o lish e s o n  
a n y g la ss su rfa ce s.  
Th e d ra in p a n w a s n o t d e sig n e d t o ca p t u re t h e  
w a t e r cre a t e d w h e n m a n u a lly d e fro st in g . To  
p re ve n t w a t e r fro m o ve rflo w in g t h e d ra in p a n ,  
p la ce t o w e ls o r o t h e r a b so rb e n t m a t e ria ls o ve r t h e  
in t e rio r d ra in t ro u g h , u n d e r t h e e va p o ra t o r (Fig u re  
10, 1), b e fo re d e fro st in g .  
Clean any glass surfaces with a non-chlorine glass  
Do n o t u se cle a n e rs t h a t a re n o t sp e cifica lly  
in t e n d e d fo r st a in le ss st e e l o n st a in le ss su rfa ce s  
(t h is in clu d e s g la ss, t ile a n d co u n t e r cle a n e rs).  
If any surface discoloring or rusting appears, clean it  
quickly with Bon-Ami or Barkeepers Friend Cleanser  
and a non-abrasive cloth. Always clean in the direction  
of the grain. Always finish this process with Claire  
Stainless Steel Polish and Cleaner or comparable  
product to prevent further problems.  
Usin g a b ra sive p a d s su ch a s Sco t ch b rit e ™ w ill  
ca u se t h e g ra in in g in t h e st a in le ss t o b e co m e  
b lu rre d .  
Rust that is not cleaned up promptly can penetrate into  
the surface of the stainless steel and complete removal  
of the rust may not be possible.  
In t e rio r Cle a n in g (As Re q u ire d )  
Disconnect power to the unit. Clean the interior and all  
removed components using a mild non-abrasive  
detergent and warm water solution applied with a soft  
sponge or non-abrasive cloth. Rinse the interior using a  
soft sponge and clean water.  
Fig u re 10  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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To defrost:  
4. Remove grille and grille cap from unit.  
1. Turn unit off.  
2. Remove all products from the interior and prop the  
door in an open position (2 in. (5 cm) minimum).  
3. Allow the frost to completely melt naturally. Clean the  
interior and all removed components using a mild non-  
abrasive detergent and warm water solution applied  
with a soft sponge or non-abrasive cloth. NOTE: DO  
NOT use any solvent-based or abrasive cleaners. They  
will discolor or damage the interior.  
Fig u re 12  
5. Clean the condenser coil (Fig u re 12, 1) using a using a  
soft brush with a “combing” action or vacuum cleaner.  
Do not touch the condenser coil.  
4. Dampen a soft sponge or non-abrasive cloth in clean  
water and wipe down the cabinet interior and removed  
components to remove any detergent residue. Rinse the  
sponge or cloth in clean water and repeat as necessary  
until the cabinet and components are clean.  
5. When the interior is dry, turn unit on.  
Co n d e n se r Cle a n in g  
In t e rva l - Eve ry Th re e Mo n t h s  
To maintain operational efficiency, keep the front grille  
free of dust and lint, and clean the condenser every three  
months. Depending on environmental conditions, more  
or less frequent cleaning may be necessary.  
Fig u re 13  
6. Make sure grille cap is behind grille in slots provided in  
grille (Fig u re 13, 1) before attaching grille to unit, and  
secure but do not overtighten both grille screws  
Disco n n e ct e le ct ric p o w e r t o t h e u n it b e fo re  
cle a n in g t h e co n d e n se r.  
(Fig u re 13, 2)  
7. Reinstall the control knob (Fig u re 11, 1)  
8. Reconnect power to the unit.  
Mo d e l 1115R  
DO NOT t o u ch t h e co n d e n se r fin s. Th e co n d e n se r  
fin s a re SHARP a n d ca n b e e a sily d a m a g e d .  
1. Disconnect power to the unit.  
DO NOT u se a n y t yp e o f cle a n e r o n t h e co n d e n se r  
u n it .  
Mo d e l 29R  
1. Disconnect power to the unit.  
Fig u re 14  
2. Loosen the two screws (Fig u re 14, 1) completely.  
NOTE: Screws are held in the grille by o-ring retainers,  
and will not come free of the grille.  
Fig u re 11  
3. Remove grille (Fig u re 14, 2) and grille cap (Fig u re  
14, 3) from unit.  
2. Remove the control knob (Fig u re 11, 1) by pulling it  
straight out, away from grille.  
3. Remove two screws from grille (Fig u re 11, 2) and save.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Fig u re 15  
4. Clean the condenser coil (Fig u re 15, 1) using a using a  
soft brush with a “combing” action or vacuum cleaner.  
Do not touch the condenser coil.  
Fig u re 18  
5. Place the hook-hinge (Fig u re 18, 1) located on the  
rear bottom side of the grille onto the front lip (Fig u re  
18, 2) of the unit base. Swing the grille up into  
position, and align the screw holes on the grille to the  
grille screw hole on the cabinet.  
6. Secure, but do not overtighten both grille screws  
(Fig u re 18, 3)  
7. Reconnect power to unit.  
Le ve lin g  
It is important that units equipped with adjustable feet  
are level, for proper door and ice maker (if equipped)  
Fig u re 16  
5. Make sure grille cap (Fig u re 16, 1) is behind grille in  
slots (Fig u re 16, 2) provided in grille before attaching  
grille to unit, and secure, but do not overtighten both  
NOTE: Models 29R DO NOT have leveling feet. These  
models MUST be placed on a level surface to operate  
grille screws (Fig u re 16, 3)  
To level units with adjustable feet:  
6. Reconnect power to the unit.  
Mo d e ls 1175R a n d 1175BEV  
1. Disconnect power to unit.  
Fig u re 17  
Fig u re 19  
2. Loosen the two screws (Fig u re 17, 1) completely.  
1. Use a level to check the levelness of the unit from  
front to back and from side to side. Level should be  
placed along top edge and side edge as shown  
(Fig u re 19).  
NOTE: Screws are held in the grille by o-ring retainers,  
and will not come free of the grille.  
3. Remove grille from unit.  
4. Clean the condenser coil (Fig u re 17, 2) using a using a  
soft brush with a “combing” action or vacuum cleaner.  
Do not touch the condenser coil.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Do o r Re ve rsa l  
Black or white unit doors may be left- or right-hand  
opening. Depending upon the location of the unit, it may  
be desirable to change the side on which the door is  
Bla ck Mo d e l 1115R  
To reverse the door, perform the following:  
1. Remove the grille and grille cap (two screws).  
Fig u re 20  
2. If the unit is not level, adjust the feet on the corners of  
the unit as necessary (Fig u re 20)  
3. Check the levelness after each adjustment and repeat  
the previous steps until the unit is level.  
Do o r Alig n m e n t Ch e ck a n d Ad ju st m e n t  
Pro p e rly a lig n e d , t h e d o o rs g a ske t sh o u ld b e firm ly  
in co n t a ct w it h t h e ca b in e t a ll t h e w a y a ro u n d t h e  
d o o r (n o g a p s). Ca re fu lly e xa m in e t h e d o o rs g a ske t  
t o a ssu re t h a t it is firm ly in co n t a ct w it h t h e  
ca b in e t . Also m a ke su re t h e d o o r g a ske t is n o t  
p in ch e d o n t h e h in g e sid e o f t h e d o o r.  
Fig u re 22  
2. Remove top hinge from cabinet (three screws) (Fig u re  
22). Hold door to keep it from falling.  
3. Lift the door off the bottom hinge.  
Fig u re 21  
NOTE: Model 29R shown (Fig u re 21)  
1. Loosen (do not remove) top (Fig u re 21) and bottom  
hinge screws.  
Fig u re 23  
2. Align door squarely with cabinet.  
3. Make sure gasket is firmly in contact with cabinet all  
the way around the door (no gaps).  
4. Remove bottom hinge from cabinet (two screws)  
(Fig u re 23)  
4. Tighten bottom hinge screws.  
5. Tighten top hinge screws.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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7. Relocate plastic spacer/bushing (Fig u re 26) on bottom  
of door to opposite side, and place door on bottom  
hinge pin. Clean out bushing hole in door bottom with  
a screwdriver if necessary.  
Plug Hole  
Plug Hole  
Right Side  
Door Swing  
Left Side  
Door Swing  
Right Side  
Fig u re 24  
Fig u re 27  
5. Remove screws on opposite side of cabinet (Fig u re 24)  
Note that there may be a nut behind one or both  
screws on either side.  
8. Remove plastic hole plug (Fig u re 27) from door handle  
and relocate on opposite side.  
9. Remove pivot screw from top hinge, invert screw and  
reinstall pivot screw in top hinge. See Fig u re 30  
Fig u re 28  
Fig u re 25  
10. Remove three plastic screw plugs (Fig u re 28) from  
hinge holes, top of cabinet, opposite side. Be careful  
not to scratch cabinet.  
6. Install hinge on opposite side, bottom of cabinet  
(Fig u re 25). Replace nut on back side where installed.  
Align hinge outer edge with cabinet before tightening  
11. Place door on lower hinge pin. Invert and install upper  
hinge on door.  
Fig u re 26  
Fig u re 29  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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12. Fasten upper hinge to unit (three screws) (Fig u re 29)  
Partially tighten screws.  
13. Adjust door to assure proper seal. Tighten upper and  
lower hinge screws securely.  
Plug Hole  
Plug Hole  
14. Replace three plastic plugs removed in Step 10 into  
holes on top of unit. Replace screws in holes in bottom  
of unit on opposite side.  
Right Side  
Door Swing  
Left Side  
15. Replace the grille and grille cap. Be sure to place grille  
cap on opposite side of unit from where it was  
Door Swing  
Right Side  
Bla ck o r Wh it e Mo d e l 1175R  
To reverse the door, perform the following:  
1. Remove the grille (two screws).  
Fig u re 32  
5. Remove pivot screw from top hinge, invert screw and  
reinstall pivot screw in top hinge (Fig u re 32). Do not  
install hinge on cabinet at this time.  
Fig u re 30  
Fig u re 33  
2. Remove top hinge from cabinet (four screws) (Fig u re  
6. Remove bottom hinge from cabinet (four screws) and  
30). Hold door to keep it from falling.  
screws on opposite side of cabinet (Fig u re 33)  
3. Lift the door off the bottom hinge.  
7. Remove pivot screw from bottom hinge, invert screw  
and reinstall pivot screw in hinge (Fig u re 32)  
Fig u re 31  
Fig u re 34  
4. Remove four plastic plugs (Fig u re 31) in hinge holes,  
top of cabinet, opposite side. Be careful not to scratch  
8. Install bottom hinge on cabinet, opposite side, aligning  
flat edge of hinge with outer edge of unit (Fig u re 34)  
Partially tighten screws.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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2. Remove two screws from grille (Fig u re 37, 2) and save.  
3. Remove the grille and grille cap from unit.  
Fig u re 35  
9. Relocate plastic spacer/bushing (Fig u re 35) on bottom  
of door to the opposite side. Clean out bushing hole in  
door bottom if necessary.  
Fig u re 38  
4. Remove top hinge from cabinet (three screws) (Fig u re  
38). Hold door to keep it from falling.  
5. Lift the door off the bottom hinge.  
Fig u re 36  
10. Place door on lower hinge pin. Align flat edge of top  
hinge with outer edge of unit and fasten upper hinge  
to unit (four screws) (Fig u re 36). Partially tighten  
screws until door is aligned.  
11. Adjust door to assure proper seal. Tighten upper and  
lower hinge screws securely.  
12. Replace four plastic plugs removed in Step 4 into holes  
on top of unit. Replace screws in holes in bottom of unit  
on opposite side.  
Fig u re 39  
13. Replace the grille.  
6. Remove bottom hinge from cabinet (two screws)  
Mo d e l 29R  
(Fig u re 39)  
To reverse the door, perform the following:  
Fig u re 37  
1. Remove the control knob (Fig u re 37, 1) by pulling it  
straight out, away from grille.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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9. Relocate plastic spacer/bushing (Fig u re 42, 1) on  
bottom of door to opposite side, and place door on  
bottom hinge pin. Clean out bushing hole in door  
bottom with a screwdriver if needed.  
Plug Hole  
Plug Hole  
Right Side  
Door Swing  
Left Side  
Door Swing  
Right Side  
Fig u re 40  
Fig u re 43  
7. Remove screws on opposite side of cabinet (Fig u re 40)  
Note that there may be a nut behind one or both  
screws on either side.  
10. Remove plastic hole plug from door handle and  
relocate on opposite side (Fig u re 43)  
11. Remove pivot screw from top hinge, invert screw and  
reinstall pivot screw in top hinge (Fig u re 43)  
Fig u re 44  
Fig u re 41  
12. Remove three plastic screw plugs (Fig u re 44) in hinge  
holes, top of cabinet, opposite side. Be careful not to  
scratch cabinet.  
8. Install hinge on opposite side, bottom of cabinet  
(Fig u re 41). Replace nut on back side where installed.  
Align hinge outer edge with cabinet before tightening  
13. Place door on lower hinge pin. Invert and install upper  
hinge on door.  
Fig u re 42  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Do o r Sh e lf Re m o va l/In se rt io n  
Fig u re 45  
14. Fasten upper hinge to unit (three screws) (Fig u re 45)  
Fig u re 47  
Partially tighten screws until door is aligned.  
NOTE: 1115R and 1175R models only  
15. Adjust door to assure proper seal. Tighten upper hinge  
screws securely.  
To remove the door shelf:  
16. Replace three plastic plugs removed in Step 11 into  
holes on top of unit. Replace screws in holes in bottom  
of unit, opposite side.  
1. Grasp shelf in center, and lift until the shelf notches  
(Fig u re 47, 1) clear the bosses (Fig u re 47, 2).  
2. Carefully pull the shelf away from the door.  
To install the door shelf:  
17. Re-inspect door seal and alignment. Adjust if needed.  
1. Holding the shelf in the center, center the shelf in the  
door at the desired location, slightly above the bosses  
(Fig u re 47, 2).  
2. Lower the shelf onto the bosses (Fig u re 47, 2)  
Fig u re 46  
18. Make sure grille cap is behind grille in slots provided in  
grille (Fig u re 46, 1) before attaching grille to unit, and  
secure but do not overtighten both grille screws  
(Fig u re 46, 2)  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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2. Tilt up right-hand edge of shelf (Fig u re 49, 2)  
Gla ss Sh e lf Re m o va l/In st a lla t io n  
3. Remove shelf from unit by pulling out (Fig u re 49, 3)  
Insert the shelves as follows:  
1. To move to a different position in the unit, insert shelf  
at an angle, approximately 15-20°, over the rib in the  
side of the unit where you want to place the shelf. The  
shelf must be started into the unit at an angle to clear  
the door.  
2. Continue to slide the shelf into the unit at an angle  
until it clears the door.  
3. Lower the shelf and push it in completely.  
Lig h t Bu lb Re p la ce m e n t  
1115R, 1175R a n d 1175BEV  
To replace the light bulb in your U-Line unit:  
Fig u re 48  
For Models 29R and 1175BEV (Model 29R illustrated  
above), reposition the shelves as follows:  
1. Open door completely.  
2. Grasp the shelf edge in the center (Fig u re 48, 1), and  
slide the shelf from the unit.  
Fig u re 50  
3. Reposition the shelf as required, ensuring the raised  
white edge strip is toward the rear of the unit and the  
decorative graphics, if applied, are on the underside of  
the shelves.  
1. Grasp the edges of the light housing lens  
(Fig u re 50, 1) opposite the exposed tab, and gently  
push the lens towards the tab (Fig u re 50, 2).  
2. Pull the edge of the lens down (Fig u re 50, 1), and  
swing it out of the light housing.  
Ma ke su re t h e sh e lve s a re in se rt e d fu lly in t o t h e  
u n it .  
• Th e w h it e e d g e st rip t o w a rd t h e re a r p re ve n t s  
ca n s a n d b o t t le s fro m fre e zin g a g a in st t h e co ld  
e va p o ra t o r.  
ALWAYS u se a g e n u in e U-Lin e re p la ce m e n t b u lb (P/N  
31317) in t h e lig h t h o u sin g . Use o f a n y o t h e r b u lb  
w it h in t h e h o u sin g w ill g e n e ra t e e xce ssive h e a t ,  
ca u sin g d a m a g e t o t h e lig h t h o u sin g a n d ca b in e t  
in t e rio r, a n d co m p ro m isin g t h e p re cise t e m p e ra t u re  
co n t ro l o f yo u r u n it .  
For all other models, reposition the shelves as follows:  
3. Replace the bulb only with a genuine U-Line P/N 31317  
4. Replace the lens by first inserting the tab side back into  
the housing at a slight angle. While gently pushing the  
lens towards the tab end, push the free end up into the  
housing, and release when you will hear a snap/click.  
Fig u re 49  
1. Pull shelf out about 6" (Fig u re 49, 1), until back of  
shelf clears the “hump” on the right-hand side.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Win e Ra ck Re m o va l/In st a lla t io n  
Wo o d Trim Fin ish in g  
Interior components of your U-Line unit are equipped  
with a natural wood trim for appearance and durability.  
Although this wood trim has been coated with a clear  
sealer at the factory, it is recommended that the trim be  
stained (if desired), and receive a final finish coating prior  
to the unit going into full-time service.  
To remove a rack from the cabinet:  
1. Grasp the end of the rack, and gently slide it out until  
it stops.  
2. Remove any bottles stored on the rack.  
To p re ve n t p e rm a n e n t d a m a g e t o t h e in n e r lin e r  
o f yo u r u n it , t h e w o o d t rim MUST b e re m o ve d  
fro m t h e u n it fo r st a in in g a n d /o r fin ish in g . Allo w  
st a in /fin ish t o d ry t h o ro u g h ly (a t le a st 24 h o u rs  
p e r co a t ) in a cco rd a n ce w it h t h e p ro d u ct  
m a n u fa ct u re rs in st ru ct io n s p rio r t o  
re in st a lla t io n . Fa ilu re t o d o so m a y ca u se t h e  
in n e r lin e r o f t h e u n it t o h a ve a p e rm a n e n t o d o r,  
w h ich is n o t co ve re d b y t h e w a rra n t y.  
If staining the trim is desired, it must be done before the  
application of any type of final finish. Review the  
following staining/final finish and final finish-only  
guidelines when staining/ and or sealing the wood to  
ensure proper adhesion and durability of the finish.  
Fig u re 51  
3. Press the left rack release lever (Fig u re 51) down, and  
at the same time, lift the corresponding right rack  
release lever up, and pull the rack out until it is free of  
the tracks and the cabinet.  
NOTE: Gla ss in d o o r is t in t e d . St a in m a y lo o k d a rke r  
w h e n d o o r is clo se d .  
St a in in g a n d fin a l fin ish a p p lica t io n :  
1. Remove all screws securing wood trim to interior  
components, and remove the trim from the cabinet  
Do n o t re m o ve t h e t ra ck sid e ra ils fro m t h e ca b in e t .  
To insert a rack in the cabinet:  
NOTE: Your model may contain an electronic display  
panel in the lowest level trim piece. After removing the  
trim screws, and gently pulling the trim from its location,  
a wiring harness connector will become visible. Unplug  
the connector, and remove the trim from the interior.  
1. Align the left and right rack channels with the tracks  
in the cabinet, and ensuring an even track  
engagement on both sides, gently push the rack into  
the cabinet until it stops.  
2. Before reloading the rack, ensure proper operation of  
the travel stops in the left and right track rails by  
pulling the rack out gently until it completely stops.  
DO NOT u se o il-b a se d st a in s o n w o o d t rim . Va p o rs  
fro m o il-b a se d st a in s w ill p e rm a n e n t ly p e n e t ra t e  
t h e lin e r a n d w ill n o t d issip a t e o ve r t im e .  
2. Apply Minwax Water-Based Wood Stain to wood with  
a synthetic bristle brush or a foam applicator. Allow  
stain to penetrate approximately three minutes. Before  
the stain is dry, take a stain dampened rag and remove  
any excess stain remaining. Wipe in the direction of the  
grain with medium pressure to achieve the desired stain  
3. After two hours, repeat step 2. This will even out the  
color of the wood.  
4. Allow stain to dry for a minimum of three hours before  
applying the final finish.  
5. If desired, sand the wood with very fine sandpaper to  
smooth the surface after the staining process.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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6. Remove all dust from the wood, and apply one coat of  
Se rvice  
Minwax Polycrylic Protective Finish using a synthetic  
bristle brush to the wood. This finish should be applied  
in a thin coat following the direction of the grain.  
Apply the finish to the back and sides of the wood first,  
and allow it to dry for two hours. Apply the finish to the  
front side of the wood next, and allow it to dry for two  
hours. Sand with very fine 220 grit sandpaper. Apply  
two addition coats of the finish in the same manner, but  
do not sand the trim after the final third coat is applied.  
Be fo re Ca llin g fo r Se rvice  
If your U-Line product appears to be malfunctioning, read  
through the OPERATION section of this guide to ensure  
that the function of all controls are clearly understood. If  
the malfunction persists, the TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE  
in this guide will assist you in quickly identifying common  
problems, and provide information on possible causes and  
remedies. Most often, this will resolve the problem  
without the need to call for service.  
7. Allow the final coat to dry for 24 hours before  
reinstalling the trim to the cabinet interior components.  
Fin a l fin ish -o n ly a p p lica t io n :  
If Se rvice is Re q u ire d  
1. Remove all screws securing wood trim to interior  
components, and remove the trim.  
If you do not understand a troubleshooting remedy, or  
your product needs service, contact U-Line Corporation  
directly. Contact information appears on the rear cover of  
this guide.  
2. Lightly scruff sand the wood trim with 280 or finer grit  
3. Remove sanding dust with a clean, dry cloth.  
You will be asked for your product Model and Serial  
Numbers. This information should be recorded inside the  
front cover of this guide, following the products original  
purchase. It also appears on the Model and Serial number  
plate located on the upper right or rear wall of the  
interior of your product.  
4. The factory-applied seal is compatible with virtually all  
finishes. A low odor, water clean up, quick-drying finish  
such as Minwax Polycrylic Protective Finish is  
recommended (Minwax Polycrylic is an ultra fast-  
drying water-based finish). Apply a thin coat of a clear,  
protective finish, following the container label  
Re p la ce m e n t Pa rt s  
5. Lightly sand and reapply if desired.  
When you need replacement parts, always request that  
genuine U-Line replacements be used. U-Line products  
have been designed and engineered using components  
that work efficiently, and provide superior service life and  
performance. The use of aftermarket parts or components  
may affect the safety, operation, performance or  
6. Allow the final coat to dry for 24 hours before  
reinstalling the trim to the cabinet interior components.  
durability of your product, and may also void its warranty.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Tro u b le sh o o t in g Gu id e  
NOTE: Recommended temperature setting is 38°.  
Ne ve r a t t e m p t t o re p a ir o r p e rfo rm m a in t e n a n ce o n  
t h e u n it u n t il t h e m a in e le ct rica l p o w e r h a s b e e n  
d isco n n e ct e d .  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g - Wh a t t o ch e ck w h e n p ro b le m s o ccu r:  
Unit does not operate and  
electronic display is blank.  
No electrical supply  
Plug unit in or check circuit breaker.  
No interior light  
Loose or burned out bulb  
Tighten or replace bulb (See MAINTENANCE; LIGHT  
Light won't go out when door is  
closed (Model 1175BEV).  
Light on/off switch is turned to ON.  
Light staying on  
Turn switch to OFF (See OPERATION).  
Unit not cold enough  
Door gasket not sealing properly  
Item(s) interfering with door  
Dirty condenser coils  
Reposition or remove item(s).  
Clean condenser (See MAINTENANCE; CONDENSER  
Airflow to front grille blocked  
Airflow must not be obstructed to front grille (See  
High ambient temperature or  
exposure to direct sunlight  
Reposition unit.  
Temperature not set cold enough  
Set control to a cooler setting (See OPERATION). Allow  
24 hours for temperature to stabilize.  
The unit frosts up.  
Door gasket not sealing properly.  
Door left open  
High ambient temperatures or  
Defrost unit manually (See MAINTENANCE;  
Noise during operation  
Certain sounds are normal.  
Soft sounds from the fan and water/dropping sounds  
from the ice maker will be heard.  
Fan blade touching obstruction  
(wiring, foam insulation, etc.)  
Remove obstruction.  
Unit too cold  
Temperature control set too cold  
Set control to warmer setting (See OPERATION).  
Freezing product  
Product touching evaporator in back Move product away from evaporator, making sure it is  
of unit not touching evaporator.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Tro u b le sh o o t in g - Mo d e ls w it h a n e le ct ro n ic d isp la y:  
Electronic display is blank and  
interior light is off with door open.  
Unit is in blackout/Sabbath mode  
(not Star K certified).  
Exit blackout/Sabbath mode (not Star K certified)  
Electronic display is blank and  
interior light is on with door open.  
A display function has changed.  
Touch and hold the WARMER button and touch and  
release the ON/OFF button three times, then release the  
temperature button. The display should become visible.  
Electronic display shows repeating,  
randomly flashing symbols and  
partial characters.  
A factory control mode has been  
inadvertently entered.  
Touch and hold the warmer temperature button and  
touch and release the LIGHT button three times, then  
release the temperature button to exit the factory  
control mode. The set-point temperature should now  
be displayed.  
Electronic display shows:  
0, 1 to 16, or 99.  
A factory control mode has been  
inadvertently entered.  
Repeatedly touch the WARMER button to advance any  
number shown to 99 and touch and release the LIGHT  
button. The set-point temperature should now be  
Electronic display shows one or  
more of the following:  
The unit is displaying an error code. Record the error code(s) displayed and call for service.  
E1, E2, E4, E5, E6.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Ele ct ro n ic Co n t ro l Qu ick Gu id e  
Ta sk  
To u ch  
To u ch  
Disp la y  
Co m m e n t  
Turn ON/OFF  
Hold 10 seconds  
Release when °F flashes.  
°F flashes after first  
touch, set-point saved  
after 5 seconds of  
inactivity and °F stops  
Touch and release  
Touch to change temperature  
View Actual  
WC models will scroll  
top/mid/bottom temps.  
Hold 5 seconds  
Release when °F flashes.  
Change F/C  
Blackout will end in 36  
hours, or hold again to  
terminate early.  
Display (and cabinet light) will not  
operate in Blackout Mode.  
Hold 10 seconds  
Gla ss Do o r Mo d e ls On ly  
Light normally goes on/  
off with door opening.  
Pressing light button  
will turn interior light  
on for 4 hours, then it  
will turn off.  
Cabinet Light  
Display off when door is  
closed (unless cabinet  
light is turned on).  
Display Off  
Repeat to switch back.  
NOTE: 38°F is an example; the display will vary with actual set-point.  
Fa ct o ry re co m m e n d e d se t -p o in t is 38°F fo r re frig e ra t o rs a n d b e ve ra g e ce n t e rs, a n d 50°F fo r w in e co o le rs.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
Th is p a g e in t e n t io n a lly le ft b la n k  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
U-Lin e Co rp o ra t io n Lim it e d Wa rra n t y  
U-Line Corporation warrants each U-Line product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of  
one year from the date of purchase; and warrants the sealed system (consisting of the compressor, the condenser, the  
evaporator, the hot gas bypass valve, the dryer and the connecting tubing) in each U-Line product to be free from  
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years from the date of purchase. During the initial one-year  
warranty period for all U-Line products U-Line shall: (1) at U-Lines option, repair any product or replace any part of a  
product that breaches this warranty; and (2) for all Marine, RV and Domestic U-Line products sold and serviced in the  
United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada, U-Line shall cover the labor costs incurred in connection with  
the replacement of any defective part. During years two through five of the warranty period for the sealed system, U-  
Line shall: (1) repair or replace any part of the sealed system that breaches this warranty; and (2) for all Marine, RV and  
Domestic U-Line products sold and serviced in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada, U-Line shall  
cover the labor costs incurred in connection with the replacement of any defective part of the sealed system. All other  
charges, including transportation charges for replacements under this warranty and labor costs not specifically covered  
by this warranty, shall be borne by you. This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of the U-Line product.  
The Registration Card included with the product should be promptly completed by you and mailed back to U-Line or you  
can register on-line at www.U-LineService.com.  
The following are excluded from this limited warranty: installation charges; damages caused by disasters or acts of God,  
such as fire, floods, wind and lightening; damages incurred or resulting from shipping, improper installation,  
unauthorized modification, or misuse/abuse of the product; customer education calls; food loss/spoilage; door and water  
level adjustments (except during the first 90 days from the date of purchase); defrosting the product; adjusting the  
controls; door reversal; or cleaning the condenser.  
If a product defect is discovered during the applicable warranty period, you must promptly notify either the dealer from  
whom you purchased the product or U-Line at P.O. Box 245040, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224 or at 414-354-0300. In no  
event shall such notification be received later than 30 days after the expiration of the applicable warranty period. U-Line  
may require that defective parts be returned, at your expense, to U-Lines factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for  
inspection. Any action by you for breach of warranty must be commenced within one year after the expiration of the  
applicable warranty period.  
Th is lim it e d w a rra n t y is in lie u o f a n y o t h e r w a rra n t y, e xp re ss o r im p lie d , in clu d in g , b u t n o t lim it e d t o a n y  
im p lie d w a rra n t y o f m e rch a n t a b ilit y o r fit n e ss fo r a p a rt icu la r p u rp o se ; p ro vid e d h o w e ve r, t h a t t o t h e  
e xt e n t re q u ire d b y la w , im p lie d w a rra n t ie s a re in clu d e d b u t d o n o t e xt e n d b e yo n d t h e d u ra t io n o f t h e  
e xp re ss w a rra n t y first se t fo rt h a b o ve . U-Lin e s so le lia b ilit y a n d yo u r e xclu sive re m e d y u n d e r t h is w a rra n t y  
is se t fo rt h in t h e in it ia l p a ra g ra p h a b o ve . U-Lin e sh a ll h a ve n o lia b ilit y w h a t so e ve r fo r a n y in cid e n t a l,  
co n se q u e n t ia l o r sp e cia l d a m a g e s a risin g fro m t h e sa le , u se o r in st a lla t io n o f t h e p ro d u ct o r fro m a n y o t h e r  
ca u se w h a t so e ve r, w h e t h e r b a se d o n w a rra n t y (e xp re ss o r im p lie d ) o r o t h e rw ise b a se d o n co n t ra ct , t o rt o r  
a n y o t h e r t h e o ry o f lia b ilit y.  
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  
you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.  
1115R, 1175R, 29R, 1175BEV  
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Fo r Ge n e ra l In q u irie s:  
P.O. Box 245040  
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  
53224-9540 U.S.A.  
Phone (800) 779-2547  
FAX (414) 354-5696  
Fo r Se rvice a n d Pa rt s  
Assist a n ce :  
Phone (800) 779-2547  
(414) 354-0300  
FAX (414) 354-5696  
For more than four decades, U-Line has distinguished itself as the  
leader in built-in under-counter ice making, refrigeration and  
wine storage appliances.  
An INSTALLATION MANUAL for your unit, providing complete  
installation information, is available for download at  
www.U-Line.com. Information for custom panel inserts per model,  
including panel size, and instructions are available by visiting  
When you need replacement parts, always request genuine U-Line  
replacements be used. Visit www.U-Line.com to locate a parts  
distributor in your area.  
U-Line Corporation, located in Milwaukee, WI, is a family operated manufacturer of built-in  
undercounter ice makers, Combo ice maker/refrigerators, Wine Captain wine storage units,  
refrigerators, refrigerated drawers and refrigerator/freezers.  
©2006 U-Line Corporation  
Publication No. 30087  
01/2006 Rev. A  
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