Sony Stereo System BZNP D1 User Manual

Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials  
Revision 1.00 1/05/2005  
Sony Electronics Inc.  
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Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials  
1. Scope  
This document describes basic usage of Sony NSP-1 "Digital Signage Player" and BZNP-D1 software based  
on NSP-1 (version 2.01) and BZNP-D1 (version 2.01).  
Please contact "The Product Operations Support Center (POSC)" at (800) 883-6817 about product related  
2. NSP-1 related products  
Product Name  
$1995 NSP-1 and BZNP-D1 software with 1 player license  
BZNP-D1 software with 10 player license and Canopus ProCoder  
Express software  
$500 Additional 10 player license  
$1000 Additional 50 player license  
Sony NSP-1 is a network appliance (hardware) to play back video, graphic and text content.  
Sony BZNP-D1 is system software to ingest content, create a playlist, schedule play out, distribute content and  
monitor status. BZNP-D1 can manage up to 210 units of NSP-1. BZNP-D1 software can be purchased as  
BZNP-D1EXD, a package product that consists of BZNP-D1 software, 10 player license and Canopus  
ProCoder Express software.  
Canopus ProCoder Express software can encode almost all types of video file to MPEG2 file that is  
compatible with NSP-1.  
When you purchase BZNP-D1EXD, you will receive a key code for 10 player license. If you need to manage  
more than 10 NSP1s, you can add licenses by purchasing BZNP-DP10 (additional 10 player license) and/or  
BZNP-DP50 (additional 50 player license).  
3. Update NSP-1 and BZNP-D1 when necessary  
Latest firmware of NSP1 and BZNP-D1 software can be downloaded from the following web site.  
Please refer to a release note for details.  
1 as of 12/23/2004  
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4. Equipment and Configuration  
4.1 Number of NSP-1 and software license  
Here is a sample of required software license and number of NSP1  
# of NSP-1  
0 *2  
4.2 Sample of system configuration and required equipment  
Here is a sample of configuration for a small system.  
PC (Hardware)  
General spec  
Graphics/Sound card  
PC (OS)  
Direct X  
Nothing special  
Microsoft DirectX compatible card is recommended  
Microsoft Windows XP professional *3  
Microsoft DirectX 9.1 or later is required *4.  
PC (Software)  
2 BZNP-D1 software w/ 1 player license comes with NSP1, though Canopus ProCoder Express software is not included.  
3 Sony does not guarantee, but BZNPD1 may run on Windows 2000 when gdiplus.dll is installed.  
4 How to check the version of DirectX  
1. Click START button on Windows  
2. Select RUN...  
3. Type dxdiag, and click OK  
4. Version number will be displayed at the System tab  
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Web browser  
Windows Media Player  
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later is recommended.  
Microsoft Windows Media Player version 9 or later is recommended  
MPEG2 encoding software is required to utilize video file. Sony  
certified followings.  
MPEG2 encoding  
- Canopus ProCoder Express 5  
- Canopus ProCoder V2.0  
- Discreet Cleaner XL  
100BT router/switch/hub Nothing special  
Regular straight cable to connect PC and NSP1 via router/switch/hub  
Cross over cable to connect PC and NSP1 directly  
Ethernet cable  
Display for NSP1  
Any kind of display with VGA (HD15) interface such as Plasma  
display, LCD, or CRT monitor. NSP1 supports following resolutions.  
VGA, WVGA (848x480), SVGA and XGA  
Display cable  
RS232C cable  
VGA cable (HD15)  
This is optional. RS232C cable is utilized to control a display.  
5 Canopus ProCoder Express is included in BZNPD1EXD  
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5. Setup of NSP-1  
At least, you need to do followings using web browser.  
Confirm firmware version  
Set IP address of NSP1 if necessary  
Set Date and Time  
Set Screen resolution  
Change Network settings of PC  
Start / Settings / Network Connections  
Right click “Local Area Connection”  
Select properties  
Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Click Properties  
Select “Use the following IP address”  
Enter “” at IP address  
Enter “” at Subnet mask  
Click OK, Click OK  
Start / Run…  
Type “cmd” and click OK then “cmd.exe” window opens  
Type “ipconfig”  
Confirm IP address and Subnet mask  
Confirm network connection with NSP1  
In the cmd.exe window,  
Type ping  
Confirm “Reply from”  
When ping fails, please refer to this foot note 6.  
Launch Web browser and connect to NSP1  
Launch Web browser such as Internet Explore  
Enter at the address  
Then a login window is popped up  
Type “NSP1admin” at User name (case sensitive)  
Type “NSP1admin” at Password (case sensitive)  
Click OK  
6 “” is factory default. If you are not sure the IP address of NSP1, here is a tip.  
A) Change Dip SW-1 at the rear panel “ON”, and then turn on NSP1. IP address will be displayed after “Loading3…..”.  
Then you can change Dip SW-1 “OFF”, and NSP1 resumes booting process.  
B) Change Dip SW-3 at the rear panel “ON”, and then turn on NSP1. NSP1 will boot with an address of “”.  
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Confirm firmware version of NSP1  
Click “System Settings”  
Check the Software Version  
If the Software Version is lower than 2.10, please  
update NSP1 referring to a release note at  
Set Date and Time  
1. Set Date and Time 7  
2. Click Send  
Set Display resolution and orientation  
1. Set Display settings  
Select resolution from VGA, WVGA, SVGA,  
XGA and composite 8. WVGA (848x480) is  
recommended to drive a plasma display because  
of square pixel ratio makes it easy to produce  
Select Orientation from Landscape or Portrait  
2. Click Send  
Reboot NSP1  
1. Click Reboot  
2. Click Reboot  
7 Time Zone does matter only when NTP is utilized to adjust date and time automatically over network. Currently  
NSP1 doesn’t support “Daylight Saving Time”. Followings are for normal time. -5 (EST). -6 (CST), -8 (PST).  
8 There is no simultaneous video output on “Composite video signal” and “Analog RGB - VGA (HD15) signal”  
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6. Installation of BZNP-D1  
Latest version of BZNP-D1 can be downloaded from  
Just after installation of BZNP-D1 software, you can control only one NSP1. When you purchase  
BZNPD1EXD, you will receive a key code for 10 players’ license. Install it as followings.  
1. Launch BZNP-D1 software  
2. Help / License settings  
3. Click Add license  
4. Type the key code and click OK  
5. Click OK  
7. Setup of BZNP-D1  
7.1 Template settings  
NSP1 can play back several types of content and can layer them. In order to make authoring easy, you can  
create templates of content arrangement in advance, and you can apply it to each group of NSP1 as a default.  
It is not mandatory to create a template and assign it to a group, because you can change display arrangement  
while you create a playlist, but you will realize a template can save your time to create a playlist.  
You can create a new template at “Setup / Template settings”. And you can assign a template to a group while  
you create a group at “Setup / Group Setup”.  
7.2 Group Setup  
NSP1 can play back several types of content and can layer them. In order to make authoring easy, you can  
create templates of content arrangement in advance, and you can apply it to each group of NSP1 as a default.  
Register NSP1  
1. Setup / Group Setup  
2. Click “New NSP1”  
3. Enter “NSP1 name”  
4. Enter IP address  
5. Click Check Connection if the NSP1 is online  
6. Click OK  
Create a group  
1. Setup / Group Setup  
2. Click “New Group”  
3. Enter “Group name”  
4. Select Playout Time for daily schedule  
5. Select “Screen Resolution” and “Screen Orientation” (These must match to settings on NSP1.)  
6. Click Template settings, select Template and click OK  
7. Click OK  
Assign NSP1 to a group  
1. Click a group in the right window  
2. Click an NSP1 in the left window  
3. Click Add  
4. Close this window  
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8. Ingest content  
You can ingest content by dragging it from Explorer to upper window of BZNPD1 software. Please note that  
BZNPD1 software does NOT copy content but creates a link to the original file. So if you have content on CD-  
ROM, it is suggested to copy them to a local hard disk in advance.  
Ingest Video content  
Select Video tab  
Drag and drop video content from Explorer to the upper window9  
Preview Video content  
Right click the video content and select “Send to NSP1 and Preview”  
Ingest Graphics content  
Select Graphics tab  
Drag and drop JPEG or BMP content from Explorer to the upper window  
Ingest Flash content  
Select Flash tab  
Drag and drop Flash content from Explorer to the upper window  
Ingest Text content  
Select Text tab  
Right click in the upper window and select New  
Select Font and Size  
Type message  
Click properties  
Enter type and title as you like  
Effect: Scroll  
Scroll speed: Medium  
Click OK  
Click OK  
9 Duration may show “00:00:00” in the following case. You can modify the duration by double clicking it.  
A) Direct Show compatible MPEG2 codec is not installed  
B) Direct Show incompatible codec has higher "merit" value  
C) MPEG4 (.mp4) file is ingested  
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9. Create a playlist  
When you create a playlist, you decide two things.  
A) Order of playout of content  
B) Arrange size and position of each content  
1. Confirm “BZNP-D1 (PC)” is selected  
2. Select a group  
3. If Playlist window (right bottom) is  
not empty, select Playlist/New  
9.1 Create a new playlist  
1. Select a tab from Video, Graphics, Text, URL, Flash and Audio to choose content  
2. Drag content from content management window (upper) and drop to playlist window (lower right)  
3. When you drag content from “Graphics”, you must specify the column from “Background, Graphics  
and Logo”  
4. You can change Start time, End time or  
duration of content by right clicking it in  
the playlist window.  
5. Multiple content can be put in the same time line, so that content is overlayed according to a template  
assigned to the group  
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6. You can change the display arrangement  
(size and position of each content) by  
right clicking the item in a playlist  
window and select “Change Layout”.  
7. When finished, Select “Playlist / Save”  
9.2 Preview a playlist  
1. Select Playlist tab  
2. Right click the playlist and select “Send to NSP1 and Preview”  
9.3 Assign a playlist as default  
A default playlist is played back automatically when there is no playlist scheduled at the time. This  
function is convenient for demonstration or trade show, because the default content will be played back  
automatically after turning on NSP-1.  
1. Select “Playlist” tab  
2. Right click a playlist and select “Change Screen Saver”  
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9.4 Tips  
1. To utilize “External Video”  
1. Right click at the video  
column and select  
2. Right click “External  
Input” and select  
“Change Duration” and  
enter the duration  
2. Overwrite or Insert  
When you drag and drop content on existing content in a playlist, it is “Overwrite”.  
When you drag and drop content on existing content in a playlist with [Ctrl] key pressed, it is “Insert”  
3. Trim end point of Video or FLASH content  
You can trim end point of Video or FLASH by editing “Duration” or “End Time”  
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10. Scheduling  
Create a daily schedule  
1. Select “Playlist” tab  
2. Drag a playlist from Content management window (upper window) to Daily schedule window (lower  
left window).  
3. Right click the playlist in the Daily Schedule window and select one of items to adjust schedule. NSP1  
does loop playback the playlist automatically.  
4. If you need to control plasma such as ON in the morning and OFF at night, drag and drop controls.  
5. When finished, Select “Daily Schedule / Save”  
Assign a daily schedule to a specific day  
1. Select “Daily Schedule” tab  
2. Right click a daily schedule in the Content Management window, and select “Periodic Schedule  
3. Enter period and check “Day of the week”, and click OK  
4. Select “Periodic Schedule” tab  
5. Right click a periodic schedule, and select “Send to NSP-1”  
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11. Content Production guidelines  
11.1 Still graphics  
NSP1 can play back Bitmap file (.BMP) and JPEG file (.JPG).  
Adobe Photoshop is the most common professional tool to create graphics.  
In case you utilize Microsoft PowerPoint to create graphics, here are some tips.  
Tips for Microsoft PowerPoint  
Tip1. How to create a graphics to match to each resolution  
1. Select File / “Page Setup”  
2. Enter the following value at “Width” and “Height” (default resolution is 72dpi for PowerPoint 2002 or  
earlier and 96dpi for PowerPoint 2003)  
PowerPoint2002 or earlier PowerPoint 2003  
VGA (640 x 480)  
WVGA (848 x 480)  
SVGA (800 x 600)  
XGA (1024 x 768)  
Tip 2. How to export each slide as a separate bitmap file.  
1. Select File / “Save As…”  
2. Select “Bitmap (*.bmp)” at “Save As Type:”  
3. Click Save  
4. Click “Every Slide”  
11.2 Video  
NSP1 can playback MPEG2 and MPEG4 video. Using MPEG4 it is also possible to do live streaming. Please  
refer to a white paper about MPEG4 live streaming.  
In order to utilize MPEG2 video file, Sony certified following software and hardware encoders.  
Canopus ProCoder Express (software encoder)  
Canopus ProCoder 2 (software encoder)  
Discreet Cleaner XL (software encoder)  
Canopus MPEG PRO MVR (hardware encoder)  
Optibase MPEG MovieMaker 200S (hardware encoder)  
Please refer to Appendix about setups for “ProCoder Express” and “Cleaner XL”  
Resolution of MPEG2 video content is 720 x 480. In case of portrait mode of display orientation,  
A) Create video content at 480 x 720 with Adobe After Effects, then rotate it to 720 x 480 with Apple  
LiveType that comes with Final Cut Pro 4  
B) Shoot footage with a camera sideway. Edit it on nonlinear as a normal way, and export it as 720x480.  
In order to utilize MPEG4 video file, Sony certified following software and hardware encoders.  
Apple QuickTime Pro (software encoder)  
Envivio 4Caster (hardware encoder)  
11.3 FLASH  
Because FLASH is rendered on the fly when it is played back, playback may not be smooth depending on  
effects, size of objects or frame rate.  
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12. FAQ  
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13. Appendix  
(A) Video file conversion with Canopus ProCoder Express  
Almost all types of video file format such as AVI or QuickTime can be encoded to MPEG file that is  
compatible to NSP1 using Canopus ProCoder Express software.  
When you export a video file out of non-linear editing program, followings are suggested parameters.  
File format:  
Video Compression: DV, M-JPEG or uncompressed  
Audio: 48k Hz, 16 bits, uncompressed  
AVI or QuickTime  
1. Launch Canopus ProCoder Express  
2. Click "Convert a source file to a different  
format?" then click Next in a "Welcome" window  
3. Click Load and select a source file then Click  
Next in a "Load Source" window.  
(Check "Config Source File Setting" if  
trimming is necessary)  
4. Click "Select a generic target" then Click Next in  
a "Use the Wizard or Select a History Entry"  
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5. Click MPEG then Click Next in a "Select  
Generic Target" window  
6. Select output file name when necessary then  
Click Next in a "Saving Your File" window  
7. Click Advanced Output Settings in a "Job  
8. Enter the following value in each item then Click Close  
Lower/Bottom Field First  
between 4000 and 9000  
Highest Quality  
DVD (MPEG Program/Elementary Stream)  
MPEG-2 Program Stream  
Use Always  
Video Bit Rate  
Stream Format  
Stream Type  
Use Audio  
Audio Stream Type  
Audio Bit Rate  
MPEG Audio Layer-2  
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9. Click Convert in a "Job Summary" window  
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(B) Video file conversion with Discreet CleanerXL  
Almost all types of video file format such as AVI, QuickTime can be encoded to MPEG file that is compatible  
toNSP-1 using Discreet CleanerXL software. BZNP-D1 version 3.00 or later is required.  
When you export a video file out of non-linear editing program, followings are suggested parameters.  
File format:  
Video Compression: DV, M-JPEG or uncompressed  
Audio: 48k Hz, 16 bits, uncompressed  
AVI or QuickTime  
1. Double click a file "NTSC_NSP.cjb*10", and then CleanerXL is launched with correct setups.  
2. A warning window may appear if you use a newer version of CleanerXL than that was used to create  
the ".cjb" file. Then click OK.  
3. Select File/Save As, and save it in a different name  
4. Select View/Destination Editor and select a folder where encoded files are saved.  
5. Select Job/Add Source Media... and select a source file  
6. Select View/Encoder Setting Editor and change "Bit Rate Control" and/or "Bit Rate" if necessary  
10 This file can be downloaded from  
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7. Select Job/Encode Now..., then encoding starts  
8. Progress is displayed in Job Queue window  
9. MPEG file ".mpg" will be created as specified at step 4.  
©2003 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.  
DVCAM is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  
Canopus, ProCoder and MPEG PRO-MVR are registered trademarks of Canopus Corporation.  
Discreet and Cleaner are registered trademark of Autodesk Incorporated.  
Adobe, Photoshop and Photoshop Element are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.  
Apple, Final Cut Pro and Live Type are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.  
Microsoft, Windows2000, WindowsXP, Excel and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  
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