Sony Portable CD Player WM FS420 User Manual

On h a n d lin g  
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o  
n o t e xp o se t h e u n it t o ra in o r  
m o ist u re .  
Pla yin g a Ta p e  
Re ce ivin g St a t io n s  
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a  
place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or sand,  
moisture, rain, mechanical shock, or in a car with its windows  
• Do not use cassettes longer than 90 minutes except for long  
continuous playback.  
• The LCD display may become hard to see or slow down when  
using the unit at high temperatures (above 40°C/ 104°F) or at  
low temperatures (below 0°C/ 32°F). At room temperature, the  
display will return to its normal operating condition.  
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the  
playback mode to warm it up for a few minutes before you  
start using again.  
Ra d io  
Ou t sid e Yo u r Co u n t ry  
WALKMAN is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  
WALKMAN est une marque déposée de Sony Corporation.  
1 Open the cassette holder and set TAPE to  
match the tape type, normal (TYPE I) or  
CrO2 (TYPE II)/ metal (TYPE IV).  
(Exclu d in g m o d e ls fo r Eu ro p e , Sa u d i  
Ara b ia , a n d Ch in a )  
Ca sse tte Pla ye r  
The frequency range differs depending on the area  
(see the chart “Area indication and frequency  
range”). If you listen to the radio in an area of  
different frequency range, change the area indication  
in the display.  
The CE mark on the unit is valid only for products  
marketed in the European Union.  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
The model number is located at the rear and the serial number is  
located inside the cassette holder. Record the model and serial  
numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to these numbers  
whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.  
Model No. _________________ Serial No.___________________  
2 Insert a cassette and press N.  
Operating instructions  
Adjust the volume with VOLUME.  
Mode demploi (reverse)  
Manual de instrucciones (inverso)  
La marque CE indiquée sur lappareil nest valable  
que pour les produits commercialisés dans lUnion  
1 Turn on the radio and press BAND for more  
than 10 seconds until the area indication  
flashes in the display.  
2 While the display is flashing, press  
TUNING +/ – to select either “U” or “E”  
Stop playback*  
La marca CE de la unidad es válida sólo para los  
productos comercializados en la Unión Europea.  
On w a t e r re sist a n ce  
Fast forward or  
m or M during stop  
• Before opening or closing the cassette holder, be sure to wipe  
off water, dust or sand on the exterior of the Walkman. (The  
Walkman is not water-resistant with the cassette holder open.)  
• Since water in the headphones/ earphones jack may cause rust,  
cover it with the attached rubber cap when the headphones/  
earphones are not in use.  
• Since the Walkman is airtight, you may not be able to open the  
cassette holder because of sudden change in air pressure inside  
the Walkman, which happens after being transported on a  
plane or moving from a warm place to a cold place. To open the  
cassette holder see “Troubleshooting”.  
• The supplied headphones/ earphones are not meant to be  
immersed in water or come in continuous contact with water. If  
they are accidentally dropped into water or get wet, dry them  
with a soft cloth. Never use an electric hair dryer.  
• If the Walkman or the headphones/ earphones are immersed in  
salt water, be sure to wash them in non-running fresh water.  
Never wash them under running water, and never use soap or  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the  
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC  
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This  
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency  
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this  
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television  
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference  
by one or more of the following measures:  
Change sides  
The C-Tick mark on the Walkman is valid  
only for the products marketed in Australia.  
(FS420/ FS420RS)  
Le symbole C-Tick sur le Walkman est  
uniquement valable pour les produits  
commercialisés en Australie.  
3 Press BAND to set the area indication.  
* Playback will switch automatically to the opposite  
side when the tape reaches the end of the side  
(FS420/ FS420RS only).  
**Notes on fast-forw ard and rew ind  
– Check tape direction and choose m or M  
accordingly (FS420/ FS420RS only).  
– If you leave the Walkman after the tape has been  
wound or rewound, the batteries will be consumed  
rapidly. Be sure to press x.  
La marca C-Tick del Walkman es válida  
solamente para los productos  
• If you change the frequency range, all the preset  
stations will be canceled.  
comercializados en Australia.  
Sony Corporation ©2000 Printed in China  
Are a in d ica t io n a n d fre q u e n cy ra n g e  
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Frequency range  
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from  
that to which the receiver is connected.  
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is  
subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not  
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any  
interference received, including interference that may cause  
undesired operation.  
FM (MHz)  
87.5 - 108  
87.5 - 108  
AM (kHz)  
531 - 1,602  
530 - 1,710  
• Any sand or dust on the rubber packing will prevent the  
cassette holder from closing tightly, and water may leak in.  
Brush off the dust once in a while.  
• We recommend the packing to be changed every year.  
Replacement packing is available at an authorized Sony Service  
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is  
* E: European and other countries  
U: USA, Canada, and Central and South America  
List e n in g t o t h e Ra d io  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not  
expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to  
operate this equipment.  
On h e a d p h o n e s/e a rp h o n e s  
Ro a d sa fe t y  
Do not use headphones/ earphones while driving, cycling, or  
operating any motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard  
and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous  
to play your headphones/ earphones at high volume while  
walking, especially at pedestrian crossings.  
Usin g Ot h e r Fu n ct io n s  
To lo ck t h e co n t ro ls  
Turn the HOLD switch to the direction of the arrow  
to lock the controls.  
The hold function only locks the radio operation  
buttons and MEGA BASS.  
1 If the HOLD function is on, turn the HOLD  
switch in the opposite direction of the arrow  
to unlock the controls.  
2 Press RADIO ON/ OFF to turn on the radio.  
Pre p a ra t io n s  
To a t t a ch t h e ca rryin g b e lt A  
3 Press BAND repeatedly to select AM, FM1,  
You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue use in  
potentially hazardous situations.  
FM2, FM3, FM4 or FM5.  
Attach it as illustrated.  
4 Press TUNING +/ – to tune in to the desired  
To e m p h a size b a ss so u n d  
Press MB (MEGA BASS).  
“MEGA BASS” appears in the display.  
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e  
To in se rt b a t t e rie s B  
Do not use headphones/ earphones at high volume. Hearing  
experts advise against continuous, loud and extended play. If  
you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume or  
discontinue use.  
If you keep pressing TUNING +/ – for a few  
seconds, the Walkman will tune in to the  
next available station automatically.  
1 Open the cassette holder.  
2 Release the catch to open the battery  
compartment lid and insert two size AA  
(R6) dry batteries with correct polarity.  
To p ro t e ct yo u r h e a rin g — AVLS  
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs  
Keep the volume to a moderate level. This will allow you to hear  
outside sounds and to be considerate to the people around you.  
Turn AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) to  
LIMIT. The maximum volume is kept down to  
protect your ears, even if you turn the volume up.  
To t u rn o ff t h e ra d io  
Press RADIO ON/ OFF.  
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s C  
Replace the batteries with the new ones when the  
BATT “ ” flashes in the display.  
On m a in t e n a n ce  
To cle a n t h e t a p e h e a d a n d p a t h  
Use the cleaning cassette CHK-1W (not supplied) every 10 hours  
of use.  
Use only the recommended cleaning cassette.  
To im p ro ve t h e b ro a d ca st re ce p t io n  
Pre ca u t io n s  
On b a t t e rie s  
• Do not charge a dry battery.  
• Do not carry dry batteries with coins or other metallic objects.  
It can generate heat if the positive and negative terminals of the  
batteries are accidentally contacted by a metallic object.  
• When you are not going to use the Walkman for a long time,  
remove the battery to avoid any damage caused by battery  
leakage and subsequent corrosion.  
• For FM: Extend the headphones/ earphones cord  
(antenna), or adjust FM SENS or FM MODE.  
• For AM: Reorient the unit itself.  
To re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s  
1 Release the catch to open the battery  
To cle a n t h e e xt e rio r  
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use alcohol,  
benzine or thinner.  
Clean the headphones/ earphones plugs periodically.  
compartment lid.  
Pre se t t in g Ra d io St a t io n s  
You can store radio stations into the units memory.  
You can preset up to 30 radio stations, 5 for each  
FM1, FM2, FM3, FM4, FM5 or AM bands.  
2 Push the # side of the battery to remove the  
batteries and replace them with new ones.  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A. a n d  
Ca n a d a (FS420RS o n ly)  
Nickel-Cadmium batteries are recyclable. You can  
help preserve our environment by returning your  
unwanted batteries to your nearest point for  
collection, recycling or proper disposal.  
Note: In some areas the disposal of nickel-  
cadmium batteries in household or business trash  
may be prohibited.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
The volume cannot be turned up.  
• When replacing batteries, be sure to replace both  
batteries within 30 seconds; otherwise all the  
memories including the preset radio stations will be  
1 Press RADIO ON/ OFF to turn on the radio.  
• Set AVLS to NORM.  
2 Tune in the desired station by using BAND  
and TUNING + or –.  
The display show s incorrect information.  
• The batteries are weak. Replace the batteries with new ones.  
To u se w it h re ch a rg e a b le b a t t e rie s D  
(FS420RS o n ly)  
Before using, charge the rechargeable batteries with  
the supplied charger.  
3 Press a preset number (1 - 5) for 2 seconds.  
The frequency digits and a preset number  
flash in the display with a beep.  
The display and the operation are not normal.  
• Remove the power sources for 15 seconds or more, and then set  
them again.  
TUNING +, –  
The station is now stored.  
RBRC (Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation) advises you  
about spent battery collection by the following phone number.  
The cassette holder cannot be opened.  
Charging time is about 8 hours.  
After 8 hours, remove the batteries.  
• Open the rubber cap, then open the cassette holder. When the  
cassette holder opens, remember to close the rubber cap to  
prevent intrusion of water.  
Call toll free number: 1-800-822-8837 (United States and  
Canada only)  
• If a station is already stored, the new station replaces  
the old one.  
Open the battery compartment lid and insert the  
rechargeable batteries after charging.  
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking nickel-cadmium  
1, 2, 3, 4, 5  
To p la y t h e p re se t ra d io st a t io n s  
Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e Un it e d St a t e s.  
Ce t t e ca rt e n ’e st va lid e q u ’a u x Et a t s-Un is.  
Est a g a ra n t ía e s vá lid a so la m e n t e e n lo s EE. UU.  
• The nameplate indicating operating voltage, power  
consumption, etc. is located on the bottom exterior of  
the charger.  
1 Press BAND to select the band.  
2 Press the preset number (1 - 5) to tune in a  
• Remove the charger unit from the wall outlet as soon  
as possible after the rechargeable batteries have been  
stored station.  
• The batteries may become warm during charging.  
• Do no tear off the film on the rechargeable battery.  
• Use only the rechargeable battery NC-AA,  
NC-WMAA with the supplied battery charger.  
• If the rechrgeable battery is new or has not been used  
for a long time, it may not be charged completely. (The  
playing time is shorter.)  
Air outlet  
Y (FS420/FS420RS only)  
Rubber cap  
• The rechargeable batteries can be charged about 300  
• Be sure not to short-circuit the batteries. When you  
carry them with you, use the supplied carrying case. If  
you are not using the case, do not carry them with  
other metallic objects such as keys rings in your  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Sp é cifica t io n s  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
La conception et les spécifications peuvent être modifiées  
sans préavis.  
• Frequency range  
FM: 87.5 - 108 MHz  
• Plage de fréquence  
FM: 87,5 - 108 MHz  
AM: 530 - 1,710 kHz (North, Central, and South America)  
531 - 1,602 kHz (Other countries)  
AM: 530 - 1.710 kHz (Amérique du Nord, centrale et du Sud)  
531 - 1.602 kHz (Autres pays)  
Battery life (approximate hours)  
Tape playback  
Autonomie de la pile (Env. en heures)  
Lecture de  
Radio reception  
• Pow er requirements  
3 V DC batteries size AA (R6 ) x 2  
• Alimentation  
3 V CC, deux piles format AA (R6)  
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)  
Sony R6P (SR)  
Pile alcaline Sony  
LR6 (SG)  
• Dimensions (w /h/d)  
• Dimensions (l/h/p)  
Approx. 108.4 x 125.7 x 47.2 mm (4 38 x 5 x 1 78 inches), incl.  
projecting parts and controls  
Env. 108,4 x 125,7 x 47,2 mm (4 38 x 5 x 1 78 pouces) parties  
saillantes et commandes comprises  
Rechargeable battery  
NC-WMAA (fully charged)  
(FS420RS only)  
Sony R6P (SR)  
• Mass  
• Poids  
Pile rechargeable NC-WMAA 8,0  
(complètement rechargée)  
(FS420RS uniquement)  
Approx. 280 g (9.9 oz)/ Approx. 355 g (12.6 oz) (incl.  
batteries and a cassette)  
Env. 280 g (9,9 onces)/ Env. 355 g (12,6 onces) (piles et cassette  
* Measured value by the standard of EIAJ (Electronic Industries  
Association of Japan). (Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)  
• Supplied accessories  
Stereo headphones or earphones (1)  
Belt clip (1)  
Battery charger (1) (FS420RS only)  
Rechargeable battery  
NC-WMAA, 1.2 V, 700 mAh, Ni-Cd (2) (FS420RS only)  
Rechargeable battery carrying case (1) (FS420RS only)  
• Accessoires fournis  
Casque découte ou écouteurs stéréo (1)  
Attache de ceinture (1)  
Chargeur de pile (1) (FS420RS uniquement)  
Pile rechargeable  
NC-WMAA, 1,2 V, 700 mAh, Ni-Cd (2) (FS420RS  
* Valeur mesurée conformément aux normes EIAJ (Electronic  
Industries Association of Japan). (Avec une cassette Sony  
modèle HF.)  
• The battery life may shorten depending on the operation of the  
• L’autonomie de la pile peut être plus courte selon la  
manière dont vous utilisez le lecteur.  
Etui de pile rechargeable (1)(FS420RS uniquement)  
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