Sony Network Card PCLK MN10A User Manual

4-231-460-12 (1)  
M-cre w  
Version 1.05E  
On-line Manual  
2001 Sony Corporation  
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Using disc and track name data in  
other applications ....................... 44  
Adding an image to the CD or PC-CD  
Jacket display .............................. 45  
Operating the tuner  
Listening to the radio ..................................... 86  
Listening to the radio using the  
TUNER bar .................................. 86  
Listening to the radio using the  
TUNER window ......................... 87  
Performing MD operations  
Assigning names to radio stations ............... 88  
Adding an image to the TUNER Jacket  
display .......................................... 89  
Listening to an MD ......................................... 46  
Listening to an MD using  
the MD bar ................................... 46  
Listening to an MD using  
Editing preset numbers ................................. 90  
the MD window .......................... 47  
Assigning names to MDs ............................... 48  
Assigning disc or track names ............ 48  
Assigning track names with the text  
data stored in the Disc  
Operating the computer  
Listening to file albums ................................. 92  
Registering music files to a file  
album ............................................ 92  
Listening to file albums using  
the AudioFile bar ........................ 93  
Listening to file albums using  
Library .......................................... 49  
Assigning track names with text data  
from another application ........... 50  
Using disc and track name data in  
other applications ....................... 52  
Adding an image to the MD Jacket  
display .......................................... 53  
the File window .......................... 93  
Editing a file album ........................................ 94  
Creating a new file album or folder ... 94  
Moving music files ............................... 95  
Erasing file albums or folders ............. 96  
Assigning names to file albums .......... 97  
Adding an image to the File Jacket  
Recording to an MD ....................................... 54  
Recording from a CD to an MD .......... 54  
Recording from the tuner to  
an MD ........................................... 59  
Recording music files from the PC to  
an MD ........................................... 60  
Recording to an MD from other  
display .......................................... 98  
Using the disc library ..................................... 99  
Viewing the disc library ....................... 99  
Searching the disc library .................. 100  
Recording disc information in the  
disc library ................................. 101  
Erasing data in the disc library ......... 102  
Setting optional items .................................. 103  
Setting the audio input from the  
audio sources ............................... 62  
Editing recorded MDs .................................... 64  
Moving tracks ........................................ 64  
Dividing tracks ...................................... 66  
Combining tracks .................................. 67  
Erasing part of a track .......................... 69  
Adding the fade-in effect after  
computer .................................... 103  
Choosing an Internet search  
engine ......................................... 104  
Creating an original genre ................. 105  
recording ...................................... 71  
Adding the fade-out effect after  
recording ...................................... 73  
Changing the recording level ............. 74  
Erasing tracks ........................................ 76  
Using the timers  
Printing MD labels with Label Maker ......... 78  
Launching Label Maker ....................... 78  
Creating labels with Label Maker ...... 79  
How to use the timers .................................. 106  
Setting the time ................................... 106  
Setting the playback timer ................. 107  
Setting the recording timer ............... 109  
Enabling the timers ............................ 112  
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Fu n ct io n a l re st rict io n s t h a t va ry w it h  
t h e co n n e ct e d syst e m st e re o  
co m p o n e n t  
The functions that can be used and the icons displayed on the M-crew  
Tool bar depend on the system stereo component connected to your  
computer. For example, M-crew may not support timer and CD-TEXT  
information display functions for certain system stereo components,  
even if those components have timer and CD-TEXT information display  
For more information about the system stereo components that are  
compatible with M-crew and the functions that are supported, please  
go to the following URL on the World Wide Web.  
http:/ / en/ Products/ homeaudio/  
In this manual, the term “system stereo component” refers specifically to  
component stereo systems (incorporating CD and MD decks) and discrete MD  
decks that support PC-LINK connections.  
The displays shown in this manual are those for a CMT-PX3 stereo system.  
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Disp la y it e m s a n d fu n ct io n s  
Main bar  
The Main bar is referred to as the CD bar (page 9) when “CD” is  
selected in “2 Function Name display,” as the MD bar (page 13) when  
“MD” is selected, as the TUNER bar (page 18) when “TUNER” is  
selected, and as the OTHERS bar (page 21) when “OTHERS” is  
4 6  
1 SONY logo  
Drag the logo with the left mouse button to move the Main bar up  
or down.  
Right-click the logo to display a pop-up menu.  
2 Function Name display  
Displays the name of the selected function.  
Click to display and select a function. The selectable functions will  
depend on the nature of the system stereo components connected to  
your computer.  
3 URL button  
Opens the website for the selected disc or radio station.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
4 Volume control (only w hen connected to certain system stereo  
Adjusts the volume.  
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5 Tool bar sw itch  
Click to show or hide the Tool bar (page 7).  
6 Help button  
Click to open Help (see “Using Help” on page 29 of “Operating  
Instructions” for M-crew Version 1.05E).  
7 Minimize button  
Click to reduce the size of the window.  
8 Close button  
Click to exit M-crew.  
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Tool bar  
To view the Tool bar, click the Tool bar switch (page 6) in the Main bar.  
The icons displayed and their positions depend on the stereo system  
component connected.  
When you click a function icon in the Tool bar, the system switches to  
the selected function and the corresponding window appears. Note that  
only one window can be opened at a time.  
Example 1  
Example 2  
1 CD icon  
Click to display the CD window (page 10).  
2 MD icon  
Click to display the MD window (page 14).  
3 TUNER icon  
Click to display the TUNER window (page 19).  
4 OTHERS icon  
Click to display the OTHERS window (page 22).  
5 TIMER icon  
Click to display the Timer window (page 39). If the clock has not  
been set yet, the “Clock Set” dialog box (page 106) will appear. The  
time must be set before the Timer window can be displayed.  
M-crew does not support this function for certain system stereo components,  
even if those components have a timer function.  
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6 File icon  
Click to display the File window (page 28).  
7 Disc Library icon  
Click to display the Disc Library window (page 32).  
8 Rec w indow icon  
Click to display the Rec window (page 34).  
9 Option icon  
Click to display the “Option” dialog box (page 38).  
0 PC-CD icon (only w hen connected to an MDS-series MD deck)  
Click to display the PC-CD window (page 24).  
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CD bar  
To view the CD bar, click “CD” in the Function Name display (page 5)  
in the Main bar. Use this bar during CD player operations (page 40).  
1 Function Name display  
2 Disc Information display  
Click to select the CD to play. The name of the selected CD appears  
in the Disc Information display.  
(CDs other than CD1 are available only when your system stereo  
component is equipped with a CD changer.)  
3 Track Number/Track Name display  
Click to select the track to play.  
4 Time display  
Click to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Total playing time of all tracks on the CD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the CD  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Disc Remain  
5 CD operation buttons  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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CD w indow  
To view the CD window, click the CD icon in the Tool bar (page 7).  
Use this window to operate the CD player (page 40).  
3 2  
1 CD operation panel  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
: Reverse and fast-forward buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
2 EJECT button  
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3 Reload button  
Click to refresh the “qa Track Name display” and “qs Disc  
Information display.”  
4 Jacket display  
Displays an image of your choice (bitmapped or JPEG file) (page  
Click to select all tracks on the CD.  
5 Function Tree display  
Click on the icon of the CD to be played.  
The icon flashes while the selected disc is being loaded. During this  
time, no M-crew operations can be initiated.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
6 Disc property button  
Click to enter the properties of the currently selected CD.  
: Enter the name of the artist.  
: Enter the URL of the website that is displayed when the  
URL button in the Main bar is clicked.  
: Enter the music genre.  
7 Play mode button  
(Play mode button appears only when your system stereo  
component is equipped with a CD changer.)  
: Plays all CDs loaded in the system stereo  
1 DISC  
: Plays a single CD.  
8 Repeat mode selector  
Selects a repeat mode.  
: Plays a single CD repeatedly.  
: Plays a single track repeatedly.  
: Turns off the repeat function.  
9 Internet search button  
Initiates a search for websites based on keywords entered in the  
dialog box.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
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0 Time display  
to select a time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Total playing time of all tracks on the CD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the CD  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Disc Remain  
qa Track Name display  
Displays the track names.  
Click the track number to select it.  
Click the track name to modify it (page 42).  
Right-click the track name to display a pop-up menu, and then  
select “Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 44).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 42).  
qs Disc Information display  
Displays the disc number and disc name.  
Click the disc name to modify it (page 42).  
Right-click the disc name to display a pop-up menu, and then select  
“Save to CSV file” to save the disc name track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 44).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 42).  
qd Close button  
Click to close the CD window.  
To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place  
with no button or function key) in the Time display.  
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MD bar  
To view the MD bar, click MD in the Function Name display (page 5) in  
the Main bar. Use this bar when performing MD operations (page 46).  
1 Function Name display  
2 Disc Information display  
Click to select the MD to play.  
(MDs other than MD1 are available only when your system stereo  
component is equipped with an MD changer.)  
3 Track Number/Track Name display  
Click to select the track to play.  
4 Time display  
Click to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Total playing time of all tracks on the MD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the MD  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Disc Remain  
5 MD operation buttons  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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MD w indow  
To view the MD window, click the MD icon in the Tool bar (page 7).  
Use this window to perform MD operations (page 46).  
3 2  
9 0  
1 MD operation panel  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
: Reverse and fast-forward buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
2 EJECT button  
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3 Reload button  
Click to refresh the “qf Track Name display” and “qg Disc  
Information display.”  
4 Jacket display  
Displays an image of your choice (bitmapped or JPEG file) (page  
Click to select all tracks on the MD.  
5 Function Tree display  
Click on the icon of the MD to play.  
The icon flashes while the selected disc is being loaded. During this  
time, no M-crew operations can be initiated.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
6 Disc property button  
Click to enter the properties of the currently selected MD.  
: Enter the name of the artist.  
: Enter the URL of the website that is displayed when the  
URL button in the Main bar is clicked.  
: Enter the music genre.  
7 Play mode button  
(Play mode button appears only when your system stereo  
component is equipped with an MD changer.)  
: Plays all MDs loaded in the system  
stereo component.  
1 DISC  
: Plays a single MD.  
MD SEAMLESS ON/ OFF : Selects seamless play mode or normal  
play mode.  
8 Repeat mode selector  
Selects a repeat mode.  
: Plays a single MD repeatedly.  
: Plays a single track repeatedly.  
: Turns the repeat function off.  
9 Print button  
Click to activate the Label Maker software.  
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0 Internet search button  
Initiates a search for websites based on keywords entered in the  
dialog box.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
qa MD edit buttons  
Undo button  
Click to cancel the most recent edit action performed (except  
during a data entry or S.F edit operation).  
MOVE button  
Click to open the “Move” dialog box (page 64).  
COMBINE button  
Click to open the “Combine” dialog box (page 67).  
A-B ERASE button  
Click to open the “A-B Erase” dialog box (page 69).  
DIVIDE button  
Click to open the “Divide” dialog box (page 66).  
FADE IN button  
Click to open the “Fade in” dialog box (page 71).  
FADE OUT button  
Click to open the “Fade out” dialog box (page 73).  
LEVEL SHIFT button  
Click to open the “Level Shift” dialog box (page 75).  
ERASE (recycle bin) button  
Click to open the “Erase” dialog box (page 76).  
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qs Disc Capacity display  
Disc space  
already used  
Free space  
Disc space to be used  
qd Time display  
Click to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Remain Time  
Total Time  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Disc Remain  
Total remaining recording time of the MD  
Total playing time of all tracks on the MD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the MD  
qf Track Name display  
Displays the track names.  
Click the track number to select it.  
Click the track name to modify it (page 48).  
Right-click the track name to display a pop-up menu, and then  
select “Save to CSV file” to save the disc name track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 52).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 48).  
qg Disc Information display  
Displays the disc number and disc name.  
Click the disc name to modify it (page 48).  
Right-click the disc name to display a pop-up menu, and then select  
“Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 52).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 48).  
qh Close button  
Click to close the MD window.  
To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place  
with no button or function key) in the Time display.  
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TUNER bar  
To view the TUNER bar, select TUNER on the Function Name display  
in the Main bar (page 5). Use this bar when operating the tuner (page  
1 Radio Band display  
Click to select a band.  
2 Preset Number/Broadcasting Station Name display  
Click to select a preset station.  
3 Frequency display  
4 Tuner operation buttons  
: BAND button  
: Preset up button  
: Preset down button  
: URL button  
Click to open the website set to the current preset number  
(page 90).  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
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TUNER w indow  
To view the TUNER window, click the TUNER icon in the Tool bar  
(page 7). Use this window to operate the tuner (page 86).  
1 Tuner operation buttons  
: BAND button  
Click to select a band.  
: Preset up button  
: Preset down button  
: EDIT button  
Click to open the “Edit” dialog box (page 90).  
Use the “Edit” dialog box to edit the preset station settings.  
2 Reload button  
Click to refresh the system stereo component preset information  
displayed in “7 Preset display.”  
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3 Jacket display  
Displays an image of your choice (bitmapped or JPEG file) for each  
preset number (page 89).  
4 Function Tree display  
Displays the currently selected band.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
5 Internet search button  
Initiates a search for websites based on keywords entered in the  
dialog box.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
6 URL display  
Displays the URL set to the selected preset station.  
7 Preset display  
Click a preset number to select the preset station.  
Click the station name to modify it (page 88).  
8 Close button  
Click to close the TUNER window.  
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OTHERS bar  
To view the OTHERS bar, select OTHERS in the Function Name  
display (page 5) in the Main bar. Use this bar when operating an  
external component connected to a system stereo component.  
1 Function Name display  
Displays the name of the external component connected to the  
system stereo component.  
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OTHERS w indow  
To view the OTHERS window, click the OTHERS icon in the Tool bar  
(page 7). Use this window to listen to the audio from external audio  
components connected to a system stereo component.  
1 Function Tree display  
Click the external audio component that you want to listen to.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
2 External Component display  
The currently selected component is enclosed in a yellow box.  
3 Close button  
Click to close the OTHERS window.  
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PC-CD bar  
To view the PC-CD bar, click “PC-CD” in the Function Name display  
(page 5) in the Main bar. Use this bar to operate a CD in the CD-ROM  
drive of your computer (page 40).  
1 Function Name display  
2 Disc Information display  
The name of the selected CD appears in the Disc Information  
(CDs other than CD1 are available only when you use multiple CD-  
ROM drives on your computer.)  
3 Track Number/Track Name display  
Click to select the track to play.  
4 Time display  
Click to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Total playing time of all tracks on the CD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
5 PC-CD operation buttons  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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PC-CD w indow  
To view the PC-CD window, click the PC-CD icon in the Tool bar (page  
7). Use this window to operate the CD loaded in the CD-ROM drive in  
your computer (page 40).  
3 2  
1 CD operation panel  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
: Reverse and fast-forward buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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2 EJECT button  
3 Reload button  
Click to refresh the “0 Track Name display” and “qa Disc  
Information display.”  
4 Jacket display  
Displays an image of your choice (bitmapped or JPEG file) (page  
Click to select all tracks on the CD.  
5 Function Tree display  
Click on the icon of the CD to be played.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
6 Disc property button  
Click to enter the properties of the currently selected CD.  
: Enter the name of the artist.  
: Enter the URL of the website that is displayed when the  
URL button in the Main bar is clicked.  
: Enter the music genre.  
7 Repeat mode selector  
Selects a repeat mode.  
: Plays a single CD repeatedly.  
: Plays a single track repeatedly.  
: Turns off the repeat function.  
8 Internet search button  
Initiates a search for websites based on keywords entered in the  
dialog box.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
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9 Time display  
to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Total playing time of all tracks on the CD  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
0 Track Name display  
Displays the track name.  
Click the track number to select it.  
Click the track name to modify it (page 42).  
Right-click the track name to display a pop-up menu, and then  
select “Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 44).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 42).  
qa Disc Information display  
Displays the disc number and disc name.  
Click the disc name to modify it (page 42).  
Right-click the disc name to display a pop-up menu, and then select  
“Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file (page 44).  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 42).  
qs Close button  
Click to close the PC-CD window.  
To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area in the Time  
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AudioFile bar  
To view the AudioFile bar, click “AudioFile” in the Function Name  
display (page 5) in the Main bar. Use this bar to operate music files  
stored on your computers hard disk (page 92).  
1 File Information display  
Click to select the file album to play. The name of the selected file  
album appears in the File Information display.  
2 Track Number/Track Name display  
Click to select the track to play.  
3 Time display  
Click to select the time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Total playing time of all tracks in the file album  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
4 Music files operation buttons  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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File w indow  
To view the File window, click the File icon in the Tool bar (page 7),  
and then click the file album in the Function Tree display. Use this  
window to play the music files stored on your computers hard disk  
(page 92).  
1 File album operation panel  
: Play button  
: Pause button  
: Stop button  
: AMS* (PREV and NEXT) buttons  
: Reverse and fast-forward buttons  
* AMS: Automatic Music Sensor. This function searches for the beginning of  
a track.  
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2 Jacket display  
Displays an image of your choice (bitmapped or JPEG file) (page  
Click to select all tracks in a file album.  
3 Function Tree display  
Click on the icon of the file album to play.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
4 Disc property button  
Set the properties of the track or file album currently displayed.  
Click this button with no track name selected to set the properties of  
the file album.  
Click this button with a track name selected to set the properties of  
the track. Track properties can only be set in the File window.  
: Enter the name of the artist.  
: Enter the URL of the website that is displayed when the  
URL button in the Main bar is clicked.  
: Enter the music genre.  
5 File edit buttons  
Create new folder button  
Click to create a new folder. Multiple File Album can be  
placed inside a folder.  
Create new file album button  
Click to create a new File Album.  
File registration button  
Click to register a music file.  
6 Repeat mode selector  
Selects a repeat mode.  
: Plays a single file album repeatedly.  
: Plays a single track repeatedly.  
: Turns the repeat function off.  
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7 Cancellation (eraser) button  
Click to display the “Erase” dialog box (page 96).  
8 Time display  
to select a time display mode.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Total Time  
Total playing time of all tracks being displayed in  
the Track Name display.  
Elapsed Time  
Track Remain  
Elapsed playing time of the current track  
Remaining playing time of the current track  
9 Track Name display  
Displays the track name.  
Click the track number to select it.  
Click the track name to modify it (page 97).  
Right-click the track name to display a pop-up menu, and then  
select “Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file.  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 97).  
You can also register a music file by dragging it from Explorer and  
dropping it into the Track Name display.  
0 File Information display  
Displays a folder name and an album name.  
Click the folder name or album name to modity it (page 97).  
Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and then select “Save to CSV  
file” to save the file and track names to a CSV (Comma Separated  
Value) formatted file.  
You can also copy and paste text that has already been entered  
(page 97).  
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qa Display mode selector  
to select the display mode for file and track names.  
Display mode  
Display contents  
Title Name  
Track name  
File Name  
File name  
Title Name/ File Name  
Track and file names  
qs Close button  
Click to close the File window.  
To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place  
with no button or function key) in the Time display.  
In M-crew, the original music file is registered, not a copy.  
Therefore, when you delete a registered music file or rename it using  
Explorer or another file management tool, M-crew will no longer be able to  
play that music file.  
A dimmed track name indicates that some abnormality has happened to the  
track and that it cannot be played back by M-crew.  
M-crew identifies and plays back music files according to the file name.  
This key attribute must therefore never be changed.  
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Disc Library w indow  
To view the Disc Library window, click the Disc Library icon in the  
Tool bar (page 7). Use this window to view or reuse data on the media  
that were played at least once before (page 99).  
4 5  
6 7  
1 Jacket display  
Displays the image assigned to the disc.  
2 Function Tree display  
Selects the medium within the disc library.  
You can drag the boundary to resize the display box.  
3 Disc property button  
Click to enter the properties of the currently selected disc library  
: Enter the name of the artist.  
: Enter the URL of the website that is displayed when the  
URL button in the Main bar is clicked.  
: Enter the music genre.  
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4 Print button  
Click to activate the Label Maker software for the MD.  
5 Internet search button  
Initiates a search for websites based on keywords entered in the  
dialog box.  
To view websites, we recommend that you use Microsoft Internet  
Explorer (Ver.4.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (Ver.4.0 or higher) as  
your Internet browser.  
Internet access is necessary for viewing websites. For details on how to  
gain access to the Internet, consult the manufacturer of your computer.  
6 Disc library search button  
Click to open the “Disc Library Search” dialog box (page 100).  
7 Erase (recycle bin) button  
Click to erase discs in the disc library one at a time (page 102).  
8 Track Name display  
Displays the track name.  
Click the track number to select it.  
Right-click the track name to display a pop-up menu, and then  
select “Save to CSV file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV  
(Comma Separated Value) formatted file.  
9 Disc Library Information display  
Displays the disc name and disc properties registered in the disc  
Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and then select “Save to CSV  
file” to save the disc and track names to a CSV (Comma Separated  
Value) formatted file.  
0 Close button  
Click to close the Disc Library window.  
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Rec w indow  
To view the Rec window, click the Rec window icon in the Tool bar  
(page 7). Use this window to record to an MD from the CD player,  
tuner, optional external component connected to a system stereo  
component or other sources (pages 54, 59, 60, 62).  
The recording destination window on the right is always the MD  
The recording source window on the left can be selected from the  
Function Tree display.  
The Rec window has a different appearance in synchro recording mode  
and in manual recording mode.  
In synchro recording mode, it is possible to record from a CD, PC-CD,  
or file album.  
Synchro recording mode  
1 23  
4 5  
1 REC button  
Starts recording the tracks and radio stations that have been entered  
in the right-side (destination) window.  
2 Add button  
Adds the tracks that have been selected in the left-side (source)  
window to the right-side (destination) window.  
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3 Undo button  
Deletes specified tracks from the destination window (before the  
REC button is clicked).  
4 Manual button  
Selects manual recording mode.  
5 Synchro speed change button  
Changes the synchro speed to NORMAL (normal speed) or HIGH  
(high speed).  
6 Recording Mode display  
STEREO : Stereo recording  
MONO : Monaural* recording  
: 2 × (2 × normal recording time) stereo recording  
: 4 × (4 × normal recording time) stereo recording  
* The monaural recording time is about twice that of stereo.  
7 Erase (recycle bin) button  
Erases a recorded track (This function does not work when the  
system stereo component is in recording pause mode.).  
Deselects a track selected for recording.  
Drag the track number from the Track Name display in the MD  
window and drop it into  
8 Close button  
Click to close the Rec window.  
To deselect currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place with  
no button or function key) in the Time display.  
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Manual recording mode  
1 2  
3 4 5  
1 REC button  
Changes the unit to recording pause mode. Click  
window to start recording to the MD.  
in the MD  
* To start recording immediately, click the Rec button before playing the  
source CD or sound file.  
2 Fader button  
Starts the fade-in/ fade-out effect.  
3 Synchro button  
Activates synchro recording mode.  
4 System recording mode button  
(The system recording mode button appears only when your system  
stereo component is equipped with an MD changer.)  
Recording is performed in sequence to  
all MDs loaded in the system stereo  
1 DISC :  
Recording is performed to a single MD.  
MD SEAMLESS ON/ OFF : Selects MD seamless mode or normal  
recording mode.  
When ALL DISCS and normal recording mode are selected,  
playback will continue even while the MD is being changed,  
resulting in a break in the recorded sound. In MD seamless mode,  
playback is paused while the MD is changed.  
Tracks recorded and played back in MD seamless mode will have  
no break in the recorded sound.  
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5 Recording level adjustment button  
Opens the “Rec Level Adjust” dialog box (pages 56, 60, 61, 63).  
6 Set up button  
Opens the “Set Up” dialog box for use of the following functions:  
Smart Space  
: The gaps between recorded tracks are  
trimmed to about 3 seconds.  
Track Mark Level Sync : Sets the gap detection level for automatic  
track marking.  
: Sets the fade-in/ fade-out effect.  
7 Recording Mode display  
STEREO : Stereo recording  
MONO : Monaural* recording  
: 2 × (2 × normal recording time) stereo recording  
: 4 × (4 × normal recording time) stereo recording  
* The monaural recording time is about twice that of stereo.  
8 Erase (recycle bin) button  
Erases a recorded track.  
Drag the track number from the Track Name display in the MD  
window and drop it into  
9 Close button  
Click to close the Rec window.  
To deselect currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place with  
no button or function key) in the Time display.  
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“Option” dialog box  
To view the “Option” dialog box, click the Option icon in the Tool bar  
(page 7). Use this dialog box to enter settings for PC Input, search  
engine, and original genre.  
1 PC Input tab  
Click to open the “PC Input” dialog box (page 103).  
2 Search Engine tab  
Click to open the “Search Engine Default Setting” dialog box (page  
3 Original Genre tab  
Click to open the “Original Genre Setting” dialog box (page 105).  
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Timer w indow  
To view the Timer window, click the TIMER icon in the Tool bar (page  
7). Use this window to set a timer (pages 107, 109). If the clock has not  
been set yet, the “Clock Set” dialog box (page 106) will appear. The  
clock must be set before the Timer window can be displayed.  
1 Timer set button  
Click to open the “Timer Set” dialog box (pages 107, 109).  
2 REC Timer display  
Displays the timer settings for recording.  
3 Play Timer display  
Displays the timer setting for playing.  
4 Close button  
Click to close the Timer window.  
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Operating the CD player  
List e n in g t o a CD  
Listening to a CD using the CD or PC-CD bar  
Display the CD or PC-CD bar (pages 9, 23).  
Click the Disc Information display in the CD or PC-CD bar.  
A list of CDs appears.  
(A CD list is displayed only when your system stereo component is  
equipped with a CD changer or you use multiple CD-ROM drives  
on your computer. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.)  
Click the CD (in the list) that you want to play.  
The selected CD appears in the Disc Information display.  
Click the Track Number/ Track Name display in the CD or PC-CD  
A list of tracks appears.  
Click the track (in the list) that you want to play.  
Sequential playback of the tracks starts with the selected track.  
Listening to a CD using the CD or PC-CD w indow  
The same basic steps below are used to listen to a CD loaded in the  
system stereo component and a CD loaded in the CD-ROM drive of  
your computer.  
Open the CD window or the PC-CD window (pages 10, 24).  
Click or double-click the CD (in the Function Tree display) that you  
want to play.  
A list of the tracks on the selected CD appears in the Track Name  
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Click the track number of the track (in the Track Name display)  
that you want to play.  
Playback of the track also starts when you double click the track  
in the CD window (only if you clicked a track number in  
step 3).  
Sequential playback of the tracks begins with the track selected in  
step 3.  
If you play a CD using the PC-CD window, no audio signal will be output from  
the PC link kit if the “Enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM drive.” check  
box is not selected under the “CD Music” tab in the “Multimedia Properties”  
dialog box on your computer.  
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Assig n in g n a m e s t o CDs  
You can assign names to discs and tracks, as well as assign names using  
text data from another application (page 43) and use disc and track  
name data in other application (page 44).  
Open the CD window or the PC-CD window (pages 10, 24).  
Click the CD (in the Function Tree display) that you want to name,  
and then click the Disc Information display.  
To assign a name to a track, click the track name of the track in the  
Track Name display.  
The edit mode for entering the name is activated.  
Input the name.  
Right-clicking in the edit mode opens up a pop-up menu that lets  
you copy and paste previously entered text data.  
Press the ENTER key.  
The name that you typed in is entered and the system becomes  
ready for input of the next name.  
Disc and track names are saved to the hard disk in your computer. Do not  
delete, move or, modify the folder in which these names are stored.  
Disc and track names are displayed only within M-crew, and not on any of  
the system stereo components. Names (disc memos) that are saved on a  
system stereo component appear only on that component and not in M-crew.  
If you name a CD containing CD-text, the CD-text information  
will no longer be displayed afterwards. If you want to view the CD-text  
information, click the Reload button in the CD or PC-CD window (page 10,  
24). Please note that clicking the Reload button will cause all discs and track  
names assigned to the CD to be deleted.  
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Assigning track names w ith text data from another application  
You can use a text editor such as Notepad to enter track names in  
advance, and then use the data to assign names to all tracks in a single  
Type in the track names as shown in the example below, using  
Notepad or other text editing software.  
Example Track name of the third track<ENTER>  
Track name of the fourth track<ENTER>  
Track name of the fifth track<ENTER>  
Track name of the eighth track<ENTER>  
Copy the text and paste it to the clipboard using the editing menu  
of the text editing software.  
The copy and paste procedure may vary according to the text  
editing software. For details, refer to the instructions provided with  
the text editing software.  
Click the track name of the track (in the Track Name display) that  
you want to name.  
Following the example text given in step 1, click the third track.  
The edit mode for entering track names is activated.  
Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and click “Paste.”  
In this example, the track names created and copied through the  
text editing software are entered as the track names of the third to  
eighth tracks.  
Disc and track names are saved to the hard disk in your computer. Do not  
delete, move or, modify the folder in which these names are stored.  
Disc and track names are displayed only within M-crew, and not on any of  
the system stereo components. Names (disc memos) that are saved on a  
system stereo component appear only on that component and not in M-crew.  
If you name a CD containing CD-text, the CD-text information  
will no longer be displayed afterwards. If you want to view the CD-text  
information, click the Reload button in the CD or PC-CD window (page 10,  
24). Please note that clicking the Reload button will cause all discs and track  
names assigned to the CD to be deleted.  
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Using disc and track name data in other applications  
Saving disc and track names entered in M-crew to a CSV (Comma  
Separated Value) formatted file allows this data to be used in database  
software, spreadsheets and other software.  
Open the CD window or the PC-CD window (pages 10, 24).  
Right-click the Track Name display.  
A pop-up menu appears.  
Click “Save As CSV File” in the pop-up menu.  
A “Save As” dialog box appears.  
Input a CSV file name and click “Save.”  
The CSV file is saved and becomes available for use in database  
software or spreadsheets.  
z Tip  
M-crew cannot read CSV files, but it can record disc and track names that have  
been created by and input from another application (page 43).  
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Adding an image to the CD or PC-CD Jacket display  
You can add one jacket image (bitmapped or JPEG file) for each disc.  
Open the CD or PC-CD window (page 10, 24).  
Drag a bitmapped image file from the Explorer and drop it onto the  
Jacket display.  
The bitmapped image will appear in the Jacket display.  
z Tips  
The bitmapped image file that is dragged and dropped is copied to the Jacket  
folder (default location: C:\ Program Files\ M_crew\ Jacket), which is located  
in the same folder as the M-crew application.  
When the image in the Jacket folder is deleted, the image in the Jacket display  
will not disappear. To delete the Jacket display image, right-click the Jacket  
display, and then click “Initialize image.” The image file in the Jacket folder,  
on the other hand, is not affected when the Jacket display image is deleted.  
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Performing MD operations  
List e n in g t o a n MD  
Listening to an MD using the MD bar  
Display the MD bar (page 13).  
Click the Disc Information display on the MD bar.  
A list of MDs appears.  
(An MD list is displayed only when your system stereo component  
is equipped with an MD changer. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.)  
Click the MD (in the list) that you want to play.  
MD text data are read in.  
Click the Track Number/ Track Name display in the MD bar.  
A list of tracks appears.  
Click the track (in the list) that you want to play.  
Sequential playback of the tracks starts with the selected track.  
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Listening to an MD using the MD w indow  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Click the MD (in the Function Tree display) that you want to play.  
A list of the tracks on the selected MD appears in the Track Name  
Click the track number of the track (in the Track Name display)  
that you want to play.  
Playback of the track also starts when you double click the track  
in the MD window (only if you clicked a track number in  
step 3).  
Sequential playback of the tracks begins with the track selected in  
step 3.  
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Assig n in g n a m e s t o MDs  
Assigning disc or track names  
Before you begin  
Only alphanumeric characters and the symbols listed below can be  
used in disc and track names:  
! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ _ ‘  
All other characters will not be correctly displayed.  
Disc or track names cannot be recorded or edited on a write-  
protected MD. To do so, first slide the write-protect tab on the MD  
to enable writing.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Click the MD (in the Function Tree display) that you want to name,  
and then click the Disk Information display.  
To assign a name to a track, click the track name of the track in the  
Track Name display.  
The edit mode for entering the name is activated.  
Input the name.  
Right-clicking in the edit mode opens up a pop-up menu that lets  
you copy and paste previously entered text data.  
Press the ENTER key.  
The name that you typed in is entered and the system becomes  
ready for input of the next name.  
Disc and track names are saved to both the MD and your computers hard disk.  
If you modify the name of a track on the system stereo component, the track  
name may no longer match the one displayed in M-crew. To correctly display  
track names that have been modified on the MD, click the Reload button in the  
MD window (page 15).  
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Assigning track names w ith the text data stored in the Disc Library  
Track names that have been assigned to a disc and stored in the Disc  
Library can be reassigned in a single operation to another disc with the  
same contents.  
Open the Disc Library window (page 32).  
Right-click the Track Name display.  
A pop-up menu appears.  
Click “Copy all text information” in the pop-up menu.  
The text information is temporarily stored.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Right-click the Track Name display.  
A pop-up menu appears.  
Click “Paste all text information” in the pop-up menu.  
Disc and track names are saved to both the MD and your computers hard disk.  
If you modify the name of a track on the system stereo component, the track  
name may no longer match the one displayed in M-crew. To correctly display  
track names that have been modified on the MD, click the Reload button in the  
MD window (page 15).  
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Assigning track names w ith text data from another application  
You can use a text editor such as Notepad to enter track names in  
advance, and then use the data to assign names to all tracks in a single  
Before you begin  
Only alphanumeric characters and the symbols listed below can be  
used in disc and track names:  
! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ _ ‘  
All other characters will not be correctly displayed.  
Disc or track names cannot be recorded or edited on a write-  
protected MD. To do so, first slide the write-protect tab on the MD  
to enable writing.  
Type in the track names as shown in the example below, using  
Notepad or other text editing software.  
Example Track name of the third track<ENTER>  
Track name of the fourth track<ENTER>  
Track name of the fifth track<ENTER>  
Track name of the eighth track<ENTER>  
Copy the text and paste it to the clipboard using the editing menu  
of the text editing software.  
The copy and paste procedure may vary according to the text  
editing software. For details, refer to the instructions provided with  
the text editing software.  
Click the track name of the track (in the Track Name display) that  
you want to name.  
Following the example text given in step 1, click the third track.  
The edit mode for entering track names is activated.  
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Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and click “Paste.”  
In this example, the track names created and copied through the  
text editing software are entered as the track names of the third to  
eighth tracks.  
Disc and track names are saved to both the MD and your computers hard disk.  
If you modify the name of a track on the system stereo component, the track  
name may no longer match the one displayed in M-crew. To correctly display  
track names that have been modified on the MD, click the Reload button in the  
MD window (page 15).  
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Using disc and track name data in other applications  
Saving disc and track names entered in M-crew to a CSV (Comma  
Separated Value) formatted file allows this data to be used in database  
software, spreadsheets and other software.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Right-click the Track Name display.  
A pop-up menu appears.  
Click “Save As CSV File” in the pop-up menu.  
A “Save As” dialog box appears.  
Input a CSV file name and click “Save.”  
The CSV file is saved and becomes available for use in database  
software or spreadsheets.  
z Tip  
M-crew cannot read CSV files, but it can record disc and track names that have  
been created by and input from another application (page 50).  
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Adding an image to the MD Jacket display  
You can add one jacket image (bitmapped or JPEG file) for each disc.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Drag a bitmapped image file from the Explorer and drop it onto the  
Jacket display.  
The bitmapped image will appear in the Jacket display.  
z Tips  
The bitmapped image file that is dragged and dropped is copied to the Jacket  
folder (default location: C:\ Program Files\ M_crew\ Jacket), which is located  
in the same folder as the M-crew application.  
When the image in the Jacket folder is deleted, the image in the Jacket display  
will not disappear. To delete the Jacket display image, right-click the Jacket  
display, and then click “Initialize image.” The image file in the Jacket folder,  
on the other hand, is not affected when the Jacket display image is deleted.  
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Re co rd in g t o a n MD  
Recording from a CD to an MD  
Before you begin  
You cannot record to a write-protected MD. Slide the write-protect  
tab on the MD to enable writing.  
Before you begin the recording, double-click the disc icons of all the  
MDs to be recorded to. This will cause the system to upload TOC  
information necessary for the recording operation.  
on the Recording Mode display (page 35) to select the  
recording mode.  
z Tip  
You can also record from a PC-CD to an MD using the same procedure  
described below.  
Synchro recording from a CD to an MD  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Synchro button (page 36).  
(Only for certain system components) Click the Synchro speed  
change button (page 35).  
Click the destination MD in the Function Tree display in the MD  
The names of the tracks on the MD appear in the Track Name  
display in the MD window.  
If the track names do not appear, double-click the destination MD.  
Click the source CD in the Function Tree display in the CD  
The names of the tracks on the CD appear in the Track Name  
display in the CD window.  
If the track names do not appear, double-click the source CD.  
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Drag the number of the track you want to record from the Track  
Name display in the CD window and drop it into the Track Name  
or Disk Information display in the MD window.  
The dropped track appears in orange in the Track Name display in  
the MD window, which indicates that it is a track to be recorded.  
You can register a track to be recorded by selecting the track and  
pressing the Add button.  
Repeat the procedure from step 4 to specify other tracks for  
recording. Two or more tracks can be selected at the same time by  
clicking the desired track numbers while holding down the CTRL  
To specify all tracks on a CD, drag and drop the CD disc icon (for  
example, CD1) from the Disc Information display into the MD  
Repeat the procedure from step 4 to record from more than one  
If the tracks that you have dragged and dropped cannot be contained on a  
single MD, the dragging operation is canceled and the message  
“Insufficient free recording space” appears.  
Click the REC button in the Rec window.  
Recording from the CD to the MD starts.  
To stop recording, click  
in the MD window.  
Deselecting tracks that have been selected for recording  
To deselect a track that has been selected for recording, drag the track  
number from the Track Name display in the MD window and drop it  
Alternatively, you may click the track, and then click the Undo button  
to cancel the track selection.  
To cancel all selected tracks, click  
in the MD window.  
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Recording from a CD to an MD manually  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Manual button (page 35).  
Click the System recording mode button in the Rec window to make  
settings for the MD changer (page 36).  
(System recording mode button appears only when your system  
stereo component is equipped with an MD changer. Otherwise,  
proceed to step 4.)  
Click the REC button.  
The MD recorder changes to record-pause mode.  
or the Fader button in the MD window.  
Recording to the MD starts.  
To start recording with the fade-in effect, click the Fader button.  
Play the CD in the CD window that you want to record to the MD  
(page 40).  
To stop recording, click  
in the MD window.  
If you click the Fader button, the fade-out effect is recorded and the  
MD recorder changes to record-pause mode.  
z Tip  
SmartSpace, TrackMarklevelSync, and Fade can be set with the Set up button  
(page 37).  
Adjusting the recording level  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Manual button (page 35).  
in the CD window.  
Click the REC button.  
The newly added track is highlighted in orange in the Track Name  
display in the MD window and the MD recorder changes to record-  
pause mode.  
Click the Recording level adjustment button (page 37).  
The “Rec Level Adjust” dialog box appears and a red line points to  
the peak level. Drag the slider to adjust the recording level.  
If you want to cancel the setting, click  
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Making settings for manual recordings  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Manual button.  
Click the Set Up button to display the “Set Up” dialog box.  
Make settings for each items.  
1 Make space between each tracks equal  
If this function is set to ON during manual recording, any space  
between tracks that is longer than 30 seconds will be automatically  
shortened to 3 seconds. Click ON to activate this function or OFF to  
deactivate it.  
2 Assign track numbers to each track automatically  
If this function is set to ON, when an input signal level goes below  
the preset level (track space detecting level) for more than 2 seconds  
and goes above the preset level again, a track number is assigned to  
the track.  
Click ON to activate this function or OFF to deactivate it.  
to select track space detecting level to assign track number.  
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3 Adding the fade-in effect or fade-out effect  
The beginning of a track becomes louder gradually, or the end of a  
track fades away gradually. When or is clicked once, end point  
of fade-in or begining point of fade-out moves by 0.1 second.  
moves as you drag.  
is draged to left or right, the begining point or end point  
Set Up dialog closes.  
If you want to cancel the setting, click  
While recording to an MD, do not click any icon other than the TIMER icon in  
the Tool bar. Recording will halt if you do.  
If the MD runs out of space while tracks are being recorded from a CD, the  
recording operation is halted. Afterwards, M-crew may not function properly.  
If this happens, restart M-crew.  
If the number or name of previously recorded tracks are displayed in orange  
for too long, M-crew may fail to work properly after the recording operation is  
completed. Be sure to restart M-crew.  
If CD or MD information is not displayed correctly after completing the  
recording, click the Reload button to refresh the information.  
When all tracks on a CD were selected by dragging the Disc Information  
display in the CD window to the MD window, the tracks cannot be deselected  
individually. To deselect the tracks, you must deselect all of them by clicking  
in the MD window.  
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Recording from the tuner to an MD  
When you record from the tuner to an MD, M-crew enters the manual  
recording mode automatically. You cannot select synchro recording  
Before you begin  
You cannot record to a write-protected MD. Slide the write-protect  
tab on the MD to enable writing.  
Before you begin the recording, double-click the disc icons of all the  
MDs to be recorded to. This will cause the system to upload TOC  
information necessary for the recording operation.  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click TUNER in the Function Tree display on the left.  
Use the TUNER window to tune in the radio broadcast that you  
want to record to the MD. (page 87).  
Click the destination MD in the Function Tree display in the MD  
Click the REC button in the Rec window.  
The MD enters recording-pause mode.  
Recording from the tuner to the MD starts.  
To stop recording, click in the MD window.  
in the MD window.  
Recording by drag-and-drop operation  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click TUNER in the Function Tree display.  
Drag the station name from the TUNER window and drop it onto  
the destination MD in the MD window.  
in the MD window.  
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Adjusting the recording level  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Listen to the source radio in the TUNER window.  
Click the REC button.  
Click the Recording level adjustment button (page 37).  
The “Rec Level Adjust” dialog box appears and a red line points to  
the peak level. Drag the slider to adjust the recording level.  
While recording to an MD, do not click any icon other than the TIMER icon in  
the Tool bar. Recording will halt if you do.  
Recording music files from the PC to an MD  
Before you begin  
You cannot record to a write-protected MD. Slide the write-protect  
tab on the MD to enable writing.  
Before you begin the recording, double-click the disc icons of all the  
MDs to be recorded to. This will cause the system to upload TOC  
information necessary for the recording operation.  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Synchro button (page 36).  
Click the source file album in the Function Tree display in the File  
The tracks registered in the file album are displayed in the Track  
Name display in the File window.  
If the files to be recorded are stored in a folder, double-click the  
folder to open it.  
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Drag the number of the track you want to record from the Track  
Name display in the File window and drop it into the Track Name  
or Disc Information display in the MD window.  
The dropped track appears in orange in the Track Name display in  
the MD window, which indicates that it is a track to be recorded.  
You can register a track to be recorded by selecting the track and  
clicking the Add button.  
Repeat the procedure from step 3 to specify other tracks for  
recording. Two or more tracks can be selected at the same time by  
clicking the desired track numbers while holding down the CTRL  
To specify all tracks on the file album, drag and drop the file album  
icon from the File Information display into the MD window.  
Repeat the procedure from step 3 to record from more than one file  
If the tracks that you have dragged and dropped cannot be contained on a  
single MD, the dragging operation is canceled and the message  
“Insufficient free recording space” appears.  
Click the REC button in the Rec window.  
Recording from the PC to the MD starts.  
To stop recording, click  
in the MD window.  
Adjusting the recording level  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Manual button (page 35).  
in the File window.  
Click the REC button.  
Click the Recording level adjustment button (page 37).  
The “Rec Level Adjust” dialog box appears and a red line points to  
the peak level. Drag the slider to adjust the recording level.  
While recording to an MD, do not click any icon other than the TIMER icon in  
the Tool bar. Recording will halt if you do.  
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Recording to an MD from other audio sources  
Before you begin  
You cannot record to a write-protected MD. Slide the write-protect  
tab on the MD to enable writing.  
Before you begin the recording, double-click the disc icons of all the  
MDs to be recorded to. This will cause the system to upload TOC  
information necessary for the recording operation.  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the Manual button (page 35).  
Click the desired function (audio source) in the Function Tree  
display you want to record from.  
Click the REC button in the Rec window.  
MD recorder changes to record-pause mode.  
Start playing the source you want to record.  
or the Fader button in the MD window.  
Recording from the selected source to the MD starts.  
To start recording with the fade-in effect, click the Fader button.  
To stop recording, click  
in the MD window.  
If you click the Fader button, the fade-out effect is recorded and the  
MD recorder changes to record-pause mode.  
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Adjusting the recording level  
Open the Rec window (page 34).  
Click the desired function (audio source) in the Function Tree  
display and start playing the source that you want to record.  
Click the REC button.  
Click the Recording level adjustment button (page 37).  
The “Rec Level Adjust” dialog box appears and a red line points to  
the peak level. Drag the slider to adjust the recording level.  
While recording to an MD, do not click any icon other than the TIMER icon in  
the Tool bar. Recording will halt if you do.  
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Ed it in g re co rd e d MDs  
Moving tracks  
You can rearrange the order of tracks on an MD, but you cannot move  
tracks from one MD to another.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Click the number of the track in the Track Name display in the MD  
window that you want to move.  
The name of the track is highlighted in yellow.  
You can move only one track per move operation. If you select more than  
one track, the move function is disabled.  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Move” dialog box appears.  
To cancel the move, click  
to select the number to which you want the selected track  
The track that you selected in step 2 moves to the track number  
specified in step 4.  
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Moving a track by drag-and-drop operation  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Drag the number of the track in the Track Name display in the MD  
window that you want to move and drop it at the desired  
Moving a track that is being played  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Play the track that you want to move (page 46).  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Move” dialog box appears.  
To cancel the move, click  
Verify that the track you want to move is indicated in the “Move” dialog  
Select the new number to which you want to move the track.  
The track being played moves to the track number specified in step  
To deselect a track, click in an empty area in the MD window (e.g., the empty  
area in the Time display).  
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Dividing tracks  
You can divide a single track into two tracks.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Play the track you want to divide (page 46).  
Only the track being played can be divided.  
Click the MD edit button  
where you want to divide the track.  
The division point is selected temporarily.  
The “Divide” dialog box appears and Rehearsal playback starts  
from the position you clicked.  
To cancel the divide, click  
Adjust the division point.  
Each click on or in the “Divide” dialog box moves the division  
point by 1-frame intervals* (1 frame = 1/ 86 second) during stereo  
recording. You can also slide  
division point.  
Rehearsal playback starts again from the new division point.  
* In Monaural and LP2 stereo mode : 2-frame intervals  
In LP4 stereo mode : 4-frame intervals  
to the left or right to adjust the  
When the adjustment is completed, click  
The track is divided into two.  
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Combining tracks  
You can combine two tracks into one track.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select two tracks you want to combine from the MD window.  
Click the track number of the first track, and then click the track  
number of the second track while holding down the CTRL key.  
If you select the first track only, and then proceed to step 3, the system  
assumes the second track to be that which immediately follows.  
You cannot select and combine three or more tracks.  
You cannot combine tracks recorded in different recording modes.  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Combine” dialog box appears.  
Rehearsal playback is performed for about 4 seconds of a segment  
consisting of the last 2 seconds or so of the first track and the first 2  
seconds or so of the second track.  
To cancel the combination, click  
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To enter the combination sequence of the two tracks shown in the  
“Combine” dialog box, click  
The selected tracks are joined.  
To reverse the sequence of the tracks in the “Combine” dialog box,  
Combining the track being played w ith the track that  
immediately follow s  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Play the first track that you want to combine (page 46).  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Combine” dialog box appears.  
Rehearsal playback is performed for about 4 seconds of a segment  
consisting of the last 2 seconds or so of the first track and the first 2  
seconds or so of the second track.  
To cancel the combination, click  
To enter the combination sequence of the two tracks shown in the  
“Combine” dialog box, click  
The selected tracks are joined.  
To reverse the sequence of the tracks in the “Combine” dialog box,  
To deselect a track, click in an empty area within the MD window, e.g., the  
empty area within the Time display.  
The track being played can only be combined with the track that immediately  
follows it.  
If two tracks are selected in the Track Name display, they are combined no  
matter what track is being played.  
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Erasing part of a track  
You can erase a portion of a track.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the  
systemstereo component.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Play the part of the track that you want to erase (page 46).  
Erasing part of a track can be done only while the track is playing.  
Click the MD edit button  
begins playing.  
when the part that you want to erase  
The starting point (point A) of the erasure is temporarily set.  
The “A-B Erase” dialog box appears, and Rehearsal playback is  
performed of a 2-second segment ending at point A.  
To cancel the erasure, click  
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Adjust the starting point (point A).  
Each click of or in the “A-B Erase” dialog box moves point A  
by 1-frame interval* (1 frame = 1/ 86 second) during stereo  
recording. You can also slide  
to the left or right to adjust point  
* In Monaural and LP2 stereo mode : 2-frame intervals  
In LP4 stereo mode : 4-frame intervals  
When adjustment of point A is completed, click  
The track starts playing from point A. Clicking  
the track position backwards or forwards, allowing you locate the  
ending point (point B) of the erasure easily.  
when the part of the track that you want to erase  
finishes playing.  
The ending point (point B) is set temporarily.  
Rehearsal playback is performed for about 4 seconds of a segment  
that begins about 2 seconds before point A and ends about 2  
seconds after point B.  
Adjust the ending point (point B).  
Adjust the location of point B using and  
point A.  
as you did with  
When adjustment of point B is completed, click  
The part from point A to point B is erased.  
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Adding the fade-in effect after recording  
You can add a fade-in effect at the beginning of a track. The fade-in can  
range from 1 second to 15 seconds.  
The fade-in effect cannot be added to a track that has been recorded in an LP  
mode (LP2 or LP4).  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Before you begin  
Please note that it is impossible to undo the results of this MD edit  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the track in the Track Name display in the MD window for  
which you want to add the fade-in effect.  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Fade in” dialog box appears, and Rehearsal playback of the  
track starts.  
To cancel the fade-in procedure, click  
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Adjust the fade-in starting and ending points in three steps.  
1 Drag  
in Start Point to roughly locate the starting point.  
in Rate to fine-tune the starting point.  
2 Drag  
3 Click or to adjust the position in increments of 0.1-second  
within a range of 1 to 15 seconds.  
Set the fade-in curve type.  
Select Curve1, Curve2, or Curve3.  
When the adjustment is completed, click  
Updating of the track begins.  
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Adding the fade-out effect after recording  
You can add a fade-out effect at the end of a track. The fade-out can  
range from 1 second to 15 seconds.  
The fade-out effect cannot be added to a track that was recorded in an LP  
mode (LP2 or LP4).  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Before you begin  
Please note that it is impossible to undo the results of this MD edit  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the track in the Track Name display in the MD window for  
which you want to add the fade-out effect.  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Fade out” dialog box appears, and Rehearsal playback of the  
track starts.  
To cancel the fade-out procedure, click  
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Adjust the fade-out starting and ending points in three steps.  
1 Drag  
in Start Point to roughly locate the starting point.  
in Rate to fine-tune the starting point.  
2 Drag  
3 Click or to adjust the position in increments of 0.1-second  
within a range of 1 to 15 seconds..  
Set the fade-out curve type.  
Select Curve1, Curve2, or Curve3.  
When the adjustment is completed, click  
Updating of the track begins.  
Changing the recording level  
You can change the recording level setting of a track.  
The recording level of a track that was recorded in an LP mode (LP2 or LP4)  
cannot be changed.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the system  
stereo component.  
Before you begin  
Please note that it is impossible to undo the results of this MD edit  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the track in the Track Name display in the MD window  
whose recording level you want to change.  
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Click the MD edit button  
The “Level Shift” dialog box appears, and Rehearsal playback of  
the track starts.  
A red line points to the peak level.  
To cancel the recording level change, click  
Click to change the recording level.  
The recording level can be adjusted within a range of -12 dB to +12  
When the desired recording level is attained, click  
Updating of the track begins.  
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Erasing tracks  
You can erase recorded tracks.  
While this dialog box is displayed, the MD cannot be operated by the  
systemstereo component.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the track in the Track Name display in the MD window that  
you want to erase.  
To erase only one track, click the track number.  
To erase multiple tracks, click the track numbers in sequence while  
holding down the CTRL key.  
To select all the tracks on an MD, click the Jacket display (page 15).  
To erase the track being played, proceed to step 3 without selecting  
a track.  
Click the MD edit button  
The “Erase” dialog box appears.  
To cancel the erasure, click  
To erase the selected tracks, click  
All the selected tracks are erased. If you did not select a track, the  
track being played is erased.  
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Dragging tracks to  
to erase them  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the track in the Track Name display in the MD window that  
you want to erase.  
To erase only one track, click the track number.  
To erase multiple tracks, click the track numbers in sequence while  
holding down the CTRL key.  
Drag the selected tracks and drop them on the MD edit button  
All the selected tracks are erased.  
Erasing all tracks  
You can erase all the tracks recorded on an MD and the all the track  
and disc names registered for the MD.  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
While the MD is stopped and no track has been selected, drag the  
Disc Information display of the disc to be erased (page 17) and drop  
it on the MD edit button  
To erase all the tracks on an MD while the MD is stopped and no track  
has been selected, do the following:  
A dialog box appears. Follow the instructions that appear.  
To deselect the currently selected track, click on an empty area (i.e., a place with  
no button or function key) in the Time display.  
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Prin t in g MD la b e ls w it h La b e l Ma ke r  
You can use Label Maker to print out disc and track names to MD  
Do not affix labels outside the designated area on the MD, e.g., in the area near  
the shutter. Be sure to affix the label within the embossed label boundary, which  
varies in shape from one disc type to another.  
Launching Label Maker  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Select the MD (in the Function Tree display) for which you want to  
print a label.  
The names of the tracks on the MD appear in the Track Name  
display in the MD window.  
If the track names do not appear, double-click the MD in the  
Function Tree display.  
in the MD window.  
Label Maker is started up.  
You can now make a label.  
is functional only if you have installed the Label Maker software.  
z Tip  
Alternatively you can double-click “PicLabel” located in the PictureGear folder  
(default location: C:\ Program files\ Sony\ PictureGear\ Goodies) to launch the  
Label Maker.  
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Creating labels w ith Label Maker  
You can create labels with graphics or text to print for MDs and other  
Open the MD window (page 14).  
Click to launch the Label Maker.  
A template of an MD label appears in the main display. The disc  
and track names currently displayed in the MD window appear on  
the MD label. If you want to print the label as it is shown on the  
MD label go to step 9.  
To adjust the display size  
Select the zoom magnification from the drop-down list in the main  
To select another template  
Click “Open Template” in the “File” menu. The “Open Template”  
dialog box opens.  
Select the file and click “Open” to display the template in the main  
The templates available are:  
3.5-inch floppy disk, 3.5-inch MO disk, Hi8/ 8mm video cassette,  
CD-R, DV, Memory stick, MD, Mini DV, VHS video cassette, and  
Audio cassette  
Click “Add Image” in the “File” menu.  
The “Add Image” dialog box opens.  
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Select the file containing the image of your preference, and then  
click “Open.”  
The main window appears again with the image displayed on the  
image palette located at the right side of the window.  
The table below lists the file formats supported by the Label Maker  
and their file extensions.  
File format  
File extension  
.BMP (16-bit colour)  
Place the image.  
Drag the desired image from the image palette onto the label  
creation area.  
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To place the images automatically  
Select the images and click “Autocopy” in the “Edit” menu.  
The images are pasted into the template area without changing the  
aspect ratio.  
To make the image round or square  
Select the image in the label creation area and click “Round” or  
“Square” in the “Edit” menu.  
You can change the size of an image in the label creation area but  
not in the template area.  
To rotate the image 90 degrees  
Select the image in the label creation area and click “Rotate” in the  
“Edit” menu.  
To change the size of the image  
Select the image and drag the frame.  
To change the size without changing the aspect ratio, drag the  
image while holding down the SHIFT key.  
To sw itch the positions of overlapping images or texts  
Select the image or text in the label creation area, and then click  
“Front” or “Back” in the “Overlap” menu to bring the selected  
image or text to the front or move it to the back.  
To realign multiple images  
Select images while pressing down the SHIFT key, or drag the  
images you want to realign, and then click “Align,” “Display  
Evenly,” “Condense,” or “Expand.”  
If you selected “Align,” click the type of alignment from among  
“Align to Left,” “Align to Right,” “Align to Top,” “Align to  
Bottom,” “Align to Center [Vertical],” and “Align to Center  
If you selected “Display Evenly,” “Condense,” or “Expand,” select  
the orientation by clicking “Vertical” or “Horizontal.”  
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To add colour to the image  
Click “Add Color” in the “File” menu to open the “Color” dialog  
Select the desired colour to display it on the image palette.  
The colour, like other images, can be assigned to a template.  
To delete an image  
Select the image you want to delete on the image palette, and then  
click “Delete” in the “Edit” menu.  
Enter the label text.  
Click “Text” in the Edit menu or  
and click at the position where  
you want to start the text on the label creation area to open the  
“Text” dialog box.  
Click “Properties” to specify the text attributes.  
To change the font  
Click “Change Font” to open the “Font” dialog box.  
Select the font name, style and size of your preference. Then click  
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To change the colour of the text  
Click the “Text Color” or “Background” button according to the  
colour of which you want to change, the text or the background of  
the text. The “Color” dialog box opens.  
You can check the “Transparent” to use a transparent background  
To change vertical/horizontal text direction  
Select “Horizontal” or “Vertical” under the “Line Direction” group  
To rotate the text  
Select the desired angle under the “Rotation” group box.  
To change the text alignment position  
Select “Left,” “Center,” or “Right” under the “Align” group box.  
To change the text spacing  
Enter the desired line spacing and character spacing in points  
under the “Spacing” group box.  
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Click “OK.”  
The “Text” dialog box closes.  
To delete the text  
Select the text you want to delete in the label creation area, and  
then click “Delete” in the “Edit” menu.  
To rotate the text 90 degrees  
Select the text in the label creation area and click “Rotate” in the  
“Edit” menu.  
To move overlapping texts to the front or back  
Select the text in the label creation area and click “Front” or “Back”  
in the “Overlap” menu.  
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Save the label.  
Click “Save As” in the “File” menu to open the “Save As” dialog  
Select the folder, input file name, and then click “Save” to save the  
The “Save As” dialog box closes.  
Print the label.  
Click “Page Setup” in the “File” menu to select the page settings.  
Click “Print” in the “File” menu, and then click “OK.”  
10 Quit the Label Maker.  
Click “Exit” in the “File” menu or click the  
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Operating the tuner  
List e n in g t o t h e ra d io  
Listening to the radio using the TUNER bar  
Display the TUNER bar (page 18).  
Click the Radio Band display in the TUNER bar.  
A list of the radio bands is displayed.  
Click to select a band.  
The selected band appears in the Radio Band display.  
Click the Preset Number/ Radio Station Name display in the  
TUNER bar.  
If the stations are named (page 88), a list of the station names  
appears. Otherwise, a preset number list appears.  
Click the preset number of the station that you want to listen to.  
The station assigned to the preset number starts to play.  
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Listening to the radio using the TUNER w indow  
Open the TUNER window (page 19).  
Select a radio band.  
in the TUNER window to change the radio band.  
Click the preset number in the Preset display of the radio station  
you want to listen to.  
The station assigned to the preset number starts to play.  
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Assig n in g n a m e s t o ra d io st a t io n s  
Open the TUNER window (page 19).  
Click the radio station name in the Preset display in the TUNER  
window that you want to name.  
The edit mode for entering the name is activated.  
Input the name.  
Right-clicking in the edit mode opens up a pop-up menu that lets  
you copy and paste previously entered text data.  
Press the ENTER key.  
The name you entered is saved.  
The names you entered are saved to your computers hard disk. Do not delete,  
move, or modify the folder in which the names are stored.  
Radio station names are displayed only in M-crew and not on the system  
stereo component. Names entered on the system stereo component are  
displayed only on the component and not in M-crew.  
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Adding an image to the TUNER Jacket display  
You can add one jacket image (bitmapped or JPEG file) for each preset  
Open the TUNER window (page 19).  
Drag a bitmapped image file from the Explorer and drop it onto the  
Jacket display.  
The bitmapped image will appear in the Jacket display.  
z Tips  
The bitmapped image file that is dragged and dropped is copied to the  
TUNER Jacket folder (default location: C:\ Program Files\ M_crew\ Jacket),  
which is located in the same folder as the M-crew application.  
When the image in the Jacket folder is deleted, the image in the TUNER Jacket  
display will not disappear. To delete the TUNER Jacket display image, right-  
click the Jacket display, and then click “Initialize image.” The image file in the  
Jacket folder, on the other hand, is not affected when the TUNER Jacket  
display image is deleted.  
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Ed it in g p re se t n u m b e rs  
Open the TUNER window (page 19).  
in the TUNER window.  
The “Edit” dialog box appears.  
Set individual items.  
1 Select the radio band.  
Click to select a band.  
2 Select the preset number to be edited.  
on the right side of the “PRESET No” field.  
The frequency, station name, stereo/ monaural, and URL for the  
selected preset number will appear in the respective display  
The settings entered in the “Edit” dialog box are saved for the preset  
number selected in 7, and not for the preset number selected here.  
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3 Specify the frequency.  
on the right side of the “Frequency” field.  
The “TUNED” indicator will glow when a station is received.  
Hold down the mouse button for 2 seconds or longer to initiate  
auto-scanning. Scanning stops when a station is received or  
when you click in an empty area in the dialog box.  
4 Select a reception mode (only if FM was selected in 1).  
Click to select STEREO or MONO.  
5 Input the radio station name.  
Click to enter a new radio station name.  
6 Input the URL for the preset number.  
Click to enter an URL (website address) that you want to  
associate with the current preset number.  
7 Select the preset memory number to which the settings will be  
Select the preset memory number to which settings made in the  
“Edit” dialog box will be saved.  
The frequency 3, reception mode 4 (FM only), radio station  
name 5, and URL 6 are saved to the preset number selected in  
7 for the radio band selected in 1.  
The “Edit” dialog box disappears.  
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Operating the computer  
List e n in g t o file a lb u m s  
Music files must be registered to file albums before they can be played  
by M-crew. M-crew can play the following kinds of music files:  
• MP3 files*  
• WAVE files  
• MIDI files  
* Certain music files cannot be played back. As a rule, if Windows  
Media Player cannot play an MP3 file, M-crew cannot play it either.  
Registering music files to a file album  
Open the File window (page 28).  
My Album appears in the Function Tree display.  
Click the icon of the file album in the Function Tree display to  
which you want to register a music file.  
The File window appears.  
Click the  
The dialog box for registering music files appears.  
Select a music file and click “Open.”  
The track name of the registered music file appears in the Track  
Name display.  
z Tips  
You can also register a music file from the list in Explorer on your computer  
by dragging and dropping the track name onto My Album or onto the Track  
Name display in the File window. At this time, you can drag and drop more  
than two files at once.  
The location of the actual music files does not change after they have been  
registered to a file album.  
To find out where music files are stored, click the Display mode selector (page  
31) to change to the File Name display.  
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Listening to file albums using the AudioFile bar  
Display the AudioFile bar (page 27).  
Click the File Information display in the AudioFile bar.  
A list of file albums appears.  
Click the file album (in the list) that you want to play.  
The selected file album appears in the File Information display.  
Click the Track Number/ Track Name display in the AudioFile bar.  
A list of tracks appears.  
Click the track (in the list) that you want to play.  
Sequential playback of the tracks starts with the selected track.  
Listening to file albums using the File w indow  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Click the file album that you want to play in the Function Tree  
A list of the tracks in the selected file album appears in the Track  
Name display.  
Click the track number of the track you want to play in the Track  
Name display.  
Double-clicking the track number starts playback of the track.  
in the File window (only if you clicked a track number in  
step 3).  
Playback starts in sequence with the track you clicked in step 3.  
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Ed it in g a file a lb u m  
Music files registered to My Album can be moved to newly created file  
albums or folders for easier management of the music files.  
Creating a new file album or folder  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Click the top of the Function Tree display (“File Album”).  
The window for creating a new file album or folder appears.  
A new file album or folder will be created in the Function Tree  
z Tip  
To create a new file album in a folder, open the File window with the folder  
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Moving music files  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Click the file album (in the Function Tree display) with the music  
file to be moved.  
Drag the track number of the track to be moved in the Track Name  
display and drop onto the destination file album in the Function  
Tree display.  
To select multiple tracks at the same time, click the track numbers  
while holding down the CTRL key.  
z Tips  
Multiple file albums can be placed within a single folder for easier  
To add a new file album to a folder, select the folder and click  
You can also move file albums with the same procedure used to move music  
files. File albums can be moved to the end of another folder or the Function  
Tree display.  
A music file cannot be moved to another file album while it is being played.  
Folders cannot be moved.  
My Album cannot be moved nor erased.  
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Erasing file albums or folders  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Click the folder containing the file album that you want to erase.  
To erase a file album that is not contained in a folder, click “File  
Album” at the top of the Function Tree display.  
Select the file album or folder (in the Track Name display) that you  
want to erase.  
Two or more file albums or folders can be selected at the same time  
by clicking them while holding down the CTRL key.  
The “Erase” dialog box appears.  
Erasing a music file  
To erase a music file, select it in the Track Name display and click the  
File albums displayed in the Main bar cannot be erased.  
Erasing a folder also erases all file albums contained within it.  
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Assigning names to file albums  
You can assign names to file albums and the tracks contained in them.  
As in the case of MDs, track names can be entered from another  
application (page 50) and the completed file album and track name data  
can be used by other applications (page 52).  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Click the file album name (in the Function Tree display) that you  
want to name, and then click the File Information display.  
To assign a name to a track, click the track name of the track in the  
Track Name display.  
The edit mode for entering the name is activated.  
Input a file album name (or track name).  
Right-clicking in the edit mode opens up a pop-up menu that lets  
you copy and paste previously entered text data.  
Press the ENTER key.  
The name that you typed in is entered and the system becomes  
ready for input of the next name.  
z Tip  
You can also use the above steps to assign names to folders.  
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Adding an image to the File Jacket display  
You can add one jacket image (bitmapped or JPEG file) for each file  
Open the File window (page 28).  
Drag a bitmapped image file from the Explorer and drop it onto the  
Jacket display.  
The bitmapped image will appear in the Jacket display.  
z Tips  
The bitmapped image file that is dragged and dropped is copied to the Jacket  
folder (default location: C:\ Program Files\ M_crew\ Jacket), which is located  
in the same folder as the M-crew application.  
When the image in the Jacket folder is deleted, the image in the Jacket display  
will not disappear. To delete the Jacket display image, right-click the Jacket  
display, and then click “Initialize image.” The image file in the Jacket folder,  
on the other hand, is not affected when the Jacket display image is deleted.  
If you add a JPEG image to the Jacket display while playing a file album, the  
track being played may be interrupted. Do not add a JPEG image to the jacket  
display, especially when recording to an MD. Doing so will cause distortion in  
the recorded sound.  
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Usin g t h e d isc lib ra ry  
The names of discs and track are saved to the M-crew disc library  
automatically after they have been recorded or played back. The disc  
library, like other functions, appears in the Function Tree display.  
View ing the disc library  
Open the Disc Library window (page 32).  
Click the icon of the disc library (in the Function Tree display) that  
you want to view.  
A list of the tracks stored in the selected disc library appears in the  
Track Name display.  
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Searching the disc library  
You can search through the disc library by specifying the type of a disc  
library and keyword as search keys.  
Open the Disc Library window (page 32).  
The “Disc Library Search” dialog box appears.  
Select the medium and the search category (“Item”), and enter the  
keyword. Then click  
The “Search Result Display” dialog box appears.  
Click the field that you wish to view.  
The Disc Library window for the selected data opens.  
z Tip  
The data storage media appear as icons in the “Media” field in the “Search  
Result Display” dialog box.  
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Recording disc information in the disc library  
You can add artist names, website URLs, and genres to the disc library.  
Open the Disc Library window (page 32).  
Open the window for the function (audio source) for which disc  
information is to be recorded.  
Click the  
The dialog box for setting disc properties appears.  
Enter the artist name and URL, choose the genre, and then click  
The settings you entered are reflected in the disc library.  
Artist names may be entered automatically in the case of CDs  
containing MP3 files, or CDs containing CD text.  
z Tips  
When entering an URL, make sure the URL is related with the artist or the  
genre. If you click the URL button in the Main bar while the disc is displayed,  
the website of the URL will be displayed (except for discs displayed in the  
disc library).  
You can choose from a supplied set of 148 genres or from a set of six genres  
provided under the “Original Genre” tab in the “Option” dialog box (page  
Artist names may be entered automatically in the case of CDs containing MP3  
files, or CDs containing CD text.  
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Erasing data in the disc library  
You can erase discs in the disc library one by one.  
Open the Disc Library window (page 32).  
In the Function Tree display, click the beginning part of the tree  
(the letters MD, CD, or PCCD, etc.) in which the disc to be deleted  
is contained.  
Click the disc you want to erase.  
To select multiple discs at the same time, click the discs while  
holding down the CTRL key.  
to display the Erase dialog box.  
You cannot erase data that is currently being used.  
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Se t t in g o p t io n a l it e m s  
Setting the audio input from the computer  
The following setting must be made when you play or record from CDs  
in the CD-ROM drive of the computer or from music files on the hard  
disk of your computer.  
The PC Input tab in the “Option” dialog box specifies the input  
terminal of the system stereo component that is connected to the audio  
output terminal (analog/ digital) of the PC cabling kit.  
Before setting the audio input, make sure that the input terminal that you  
want to specify in the “PC Input” tab is correctly connected to the PC link kit.  
(For certain system stereo components) If the PC Input setup is not made,  
your computer continues to play CDs or music files even if you select another  
Open the “Option” dialog box (page 38).  
Click the “PC Input” tab.  
A list of the system stereo component input terminals appears. (The  
actual input terminals that are displayed depend on the audio  
equipment connected).  
Select the input terminal and click  
Clicking a button selects it. Clicking it again deselects it.  
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Choosing an Internet search engine  
Choose the Internet search engine to be used to locate the websites  
registered to the Internet search buttons in the various function  
Open the “Option” dialog box (page 38).  
Click the “Search Engine” tab.  
A list of search engines supported is displayed.  
Choose a search engine and click  
Click to select the appropriate item.  
More than one search engines cannot be selected at the same time.  
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Creating an original genre  
You can create your own original genres to categorize disc information  
in the disc library (page 101) more efficiently.  
Original genres that you create are added to the selection items  
displayed in the “Genre” field in the “Disc Property” dialog box.  
Open the “Option” dialog box (page 38).  
Click the “Original Genre” tab.  
The “Original Genre Setting” dialog box appears.  
Input the genre name and click  
The genre name entered in this dialog box is added to the “Genre”  
field in the “Disc Property” dialog box.  
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Using the timers  
Ho w t o u se t h e t im e rs  
Setting the time  
Right-click the SONY logo in the Main bar.  
Click “Clock Set” in the menu.  
1 Set the day of the week.  
2 Set the time.  
Use to set the minutes. Then, point to the position before the  
colon (:) and set hours using  
to set the day.  
The entered time is set in the stereo system.  
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Setting the playback timer  
You can set the playback timer to turn on the system stereo component  
at a certain time every day, play a given sound source, and then shut  
down the system stereo component at the end of a specified playing  
The recording timer and playback timer cannot be operated at the same time.  
Open the Timer window (page 39).  
Click an item in the “Play Timer” field in the Timer window.  
The item clicked dims.  
in the Timer window.  
The “Timer Set” dialog box appears.  
To cancel the playback timer setup, click  
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Set the individual items.  
1 Set the time at which you want the system stereo component to  
start playing.  
to set the minutes. Then, point to the position before the  
colon (:) and set hours using  
2 Set the time at which you want the system stereo component to  
stop playing.  
colon (:) and set hours using  
3 Select the function (audio source) to be played.  
Click on the right side of the “Source” field to select a  
function from the list.  
to set the minutes. Then, point to the position before the  
The settings entered in the “Timer Set” dialog box are stored for the  
audio source specified in step 2.  
Be sure to enable the timer to get it working (page 112).  
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Setting the recording timer  
You can set the recording timer to record to an MD at a scheduled time  
of the day.  
The recording timer and playback timer cannot be operated at the same time.  
Open the Timer window (page 39).  
Click an item under the “REC Timer” field in the Timer window.  
The item clicked dims.  
in the Timer window.  
The “Timer Set” dialog box opens.  
To cancel the recording timer setup, click  
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Set individual items.  
1 Choose from among ONCE, DAILY, and WEEKLY.  
at the right end of the “Mode” field to choose.  
Record once on a scheduled day of the week, at a  
scheduled time.  
Record at a scheduled time each day.  
WEEKLY Record on a scheduled day of the week, at a  
scheduled time, each week.  
2 Set the day of the week and time at which you want the system  
stereo component to start recording.  
to set a day of the week and minutes. Then, point to the  
position before the colon (:) and set hours using  
Do not set a day of the week when in the DAILY recording  
3 Set the day of the week and time at which you want the system  
stereo component to stop recording.  
to set a day of the week and minutes. Then, point to the  
position before the colon (:) and set hours using  
Do not set a day of the week when in the DAILY recording  
4 Select a function for recording.  
at the right end of the “Source” field to select a  
recording source function.  
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5 Select one MD as the destination MD.  
at the right end of the “Rec” field to select a recording  
destination function.  
(Functions MD2, MD3, and MD ALL are available only when  
your system stereo component is equipped with an MD  
changer. Otherwise, proceed to 6.)  
Record to all MDs in the MD deck, beginning with  
MD1 (the seamless mode is automatically selected  
for recording).  
MD1-MD3 Record to only one MD in the MD deck.  
6 Select a recording mode.  
at the right end of the “Rec Mode” field to select a  
recording mode.  
Recording mode Meaning  
Records in stereo.  
Records in monaural*.  
Records twice the normal length in stereo.  
Records four times the normal length in stereo.  
* The duration of monaural recording is about twice that of stereo  
The settings entered in step 4 are programmed on the item you  
clicked in step 2.  
Be sure to enable the timer to get it working (page 112).  
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Enabling the timers  
You can enable more than one recording timers at a time.  
Open the Timer window (page 39).  
for the item which you want a timer to activate. The  
item will light up green.  
The timer is enabled for items that are lit in green.  
The playback or recording operation is performed for each item in  
accordance with the operating conditions set for them.  
The recording timer and playback timer cannot be operated at the same time.  
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Sony Corporation  
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