Quantum Data Portable Generator 801GC, 801GF, 801GX User Guide

M od el 801G C, 801G F & 801G X  
Portable Video Signal Generators  
Owner's and  
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Table of Contents  
1. Introduction  
2. Basic Operation  
3. Built-In Formats  
4. Built-In Images  
5. Making Connections  
6. Programming  
7. Troubleshooting  
8. Error Messages  
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9. Service  
M o d e l 8 0 1 G C , 8 0 1 G F  
OwnerÕs Programmers Manual  
Part# 68-00157 (rev. 21-Feb-96)  
8 0 1 G X  
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Qu antu m Data is a registered trad em ark of Qu antu m Data Corp oration.  
IBM is a registered trad em ark of International Bu siness Machines Corp oration.  
Macintosh and Ap p le are registered trad em arks of Ap p le Com p u ter, Inc.  
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trad em arks of Microsoft Corp oration.  
Mu ltiSync is a registered trad em ark of N EC H om e Electronics, Inc.  
Rad io Shack is a registered trad em ark of Tand y Corp oration.  
Other p rod u cts or com p any nam es m entioned are registered trad em arks or trad e-  
m arks of their resp ective com p anies.  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
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Chapter1: Introduction  
Features ..................................................... 1-2  
Product Overview ..................................... 1-3  
Formats ................................................. 1-3  
Images ................................................... 1-3  
Controls ................................................. 1-3  
Connectors ............................................ 1-4  
Chapter2: BasicOperation  
Introduction ............................................... 2-2  
Operating Modes ...................................... 2-2  
Front panel operation ............................ 2-2  
Normal Format and Images Selection Mode  
Test Sequence Mode ............................ 2-3  
Switching operating modes ................... 2-3  
Programming Mode ............................... 2-3  
Displays and Indicators (Normal Mode) . 2-4  
Knobs ......................................................... 2-5  
Format Knob in Normal Mode ............... 2-5  
Format Knob in Other Modes ................ 2-5  
Image Knob in Normal Mode ................. 2-5  
Image Looping in Normal Mode ............ 2-6  
Image Knob in Other Modes ................. 2-6  
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Switches .................................................... 2-7  
AC Select .............................................. 2-7  
Power Switch ......................................... 2-7  
Buttons ...................................................... 2-8  
Image Button ......................................... 2-8  
Video Gate Buttons ............................... 2-9  
Analog Monochrome Operation ............ 2-9  
Sync Gate Buttons .............................. 2-10  
Outputs Button .................................... 2-10  
Chapter3: Built-InFormats  
Introduction ............................................... 3-2  
Explanation of Terms Used in Charts .... 3-3  
Built-in Formats ........................................ 3-4  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
Introduction ............................................... 5-2  
Descriptions of the Images ..................... 5-4  
Acer1 ..................................................... 5-4  
Acer2 ..................................................... 5-4  
Acer3, Acer4, Acer5 and Acer6 ............ 5-4  
Acer7 and Acer 8 ................................... 5-4  
Acer9 ..................................................... 5-4  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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MEMESony, MESony_B, MESony_G, and  
MESony_R ............................................ 5-5  
WHT_EM+, MEMEPlus, MEPlus_B,  
MEPlus_G, and MEPlus_R ................... 5-6  
WHT_PIC, Flat, Flat Gray, Flat_B, Flat_G,  
and Flat_R ............................................. 5-7  
Box_50mm and Box_64mm .................. 5-9  
BriteBox ............................................... 5-10  
Check511 ............................................ 5-13  
CheckBy3 ............................................ 5-14  
Check_11 ............................................ 5-15  
CirclesL ............................................... 5-16  
CirclesS ............................................... 5-17  
ColorBar .............................................. 5-18  
Cubes .................................................. 5-19  
Custom ................................................ 5-20  
Dot_10, Dot_12, Dot_24 ...................... 5-21  
EMITest1 ............................................. 5-23  
EMITest2 ............................................. 5-23  
EMITest3 ............................................. 5-23  
EMITest4 ............................................. 5-23  
Focus_@6, Focus_@7, Focus_@8 .... 5-24  
Focus_Cx ............................................ 5-25  
Focus_H .............................................. 5-26  
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Focus_Oo ............................................ 5-27  
Format ................................................. 5-28  
GrayBar ............................................... 5-29  
Grill_11, Grill_22, Grill_33, Grill_44 ..... 5-30  
Hatch_10i, Hatch_10o, Hatch_12i,  
Hatch_12o, Hatch_24i, Hatch_24o,  
Hatch_24s, Hatch_G, Hatch_M, GRN_HTCH,  
and MAGENTA .................................... 5-31  
Hatch4x3, Hatch5x4 and Hatch8x8 ..... 5-33  
Hatch64W ............................................ 5-34  
Hitachi1 ............................................... 5-35  
KanjiKan .............................................. 5-36  
Linearty(Linearity) ................................ 5-37  
LinFocus .............................................. 5-39  
Outline0 and Outline1 .......................... 5-41  
P1 ........................................................ 5-46  
P2 ........................................................ 5-46  
P3 ........................................................ 5-46  
P4 ........................................................ 5-46  
P5 ........................................................ 5-46  
P6 ........................................................ 5-46  
P7 ........................................................ 5-46  
P8 ........................................................ 5-46  
Persist ................................................. 5-47  
PulseBar .............................................. 5-49  
QuartBox ............................................. 5-50  
Ramp ................................................... 5-51  
Raster .................................................. 5-52  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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Regulate .............................................. 5-53  
Samsung1 ........................................... 5-54  
Samsung2 ........................................... 5-54  
SlideG .................................................. 5-54  
SlideRGB ............................................. 5-54  
SMPTE133 .......................................... 5-55  
SMPTEbar ........................................... 5-61  
Stairs20 ............................................... 5-66  
Strokes0, Strokes1 .............................. 5-67  
Text_9, Text_16 .................................. 5-68  
Text_9 ................................................. 5-68  
TVBar100 & TVBar_75 ........................ 5-70  
TVHatch .............................................. 5-73  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
Line Voltage Selector ............................... 5-2  
Selecting a line voltage. ........................ 5-2  
Fuse Requirements .................................. 5-3  
AC Power Connection .............................. 5-3  
DisplayConnection .................................. 5-4  
D-Sub Output Connectors ..................... 5-4  
BNC Output Connectors ........................ 5-6  
S-VIDEO Connector (801GX Only) ....... 5-6  
Display Codes ........................................... 5-6  
What is a Display Code? ....................... 5-6  
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Checking a Display Code ...................... 5-7  
SUN Display Codes ............................... 5-8  
IBM VGA Display Codes ....................... 5-8  
Apple Macintosh Display Codes ............ 5-8  
External Programming Connections ..... 5-9  
Serial Port Connection ............................. 5-9  
PC / Terminal Wiring ........................... 5-11  
Apple Macintosh Wiring ....................... 5-12  
IEEE-488 (GPIB) Port Connection ......... 5-13  
Chapter6: Programming  
Programming Capabilities Overview ...... 6-2  
Editing and adding signal formats ......... 6-2  
Editing the format knob directory ........... 6-2  
Creating custom test images ................. 6-3  
Editing the image knob directory ........... 6-3  
Creating a test sequence ...................... 6-3  
Setting system parameters .................... 6-4  
ProgrammerÕs utility disk ....................... 6-5  
Operating via remote control .................. 6-6  
Using the Built-In Editors ........................ 6-7  
Format Editor ............................................ 6-9  
Knob Functions ..................................... 6-9  
Format Knob Directory Editor ............... 6-19  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Table of Contents  
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Image Knob Directory Editor ................. 6-21  
Custom Image Editor ............................. 6-24  
What is a Sequence? ............................. 6-35  
Sequence Knob Directory Editor .......... 6-36  
Sequence Editor ..................................... 6-38  
Running a Sequence .............................. 6-41  
Cancelling the Sequence Mode ............ 6-42  
Creating your own format file ............... 6-43  
Entering the format parameters ........... 6-43  
ANALOG_3.CMD Listing ..................... 6-44  
Analog Video and Sync Parameters ... 6-45  
Digital Video Parameters ..................... 6-48  
Digital Sync Parameters ...................... 6-49  
Timing Parameters .............................. 6-50  
Calculated Rates ................................. 6-55  
Active Video Physical Size .................. 6-56  
Display Codes ..................................... 6-56  
Outputs Control ................................... 6-57  
Downloading formats using a DOS- compat-  
ible computer ....................................... 6-60  
Controlling via the Serial Port ............... 6-61  
Controlling via the IEEE-488 Port ......... 6-62  
Input Buffer .......................................... 6-62  
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Message Syntax .................................. 6-63  
Commands .......................................... 6-63  
Queries ............................................... 6-64  
Output Queue ...................................... 6-64  
Buffer Deadlock ................................... 6-65  
The Status Byte .................................. 6-65  
Requesting Service ............................. 6-65  
Remote/Local Operation ..................... 6-66  
IEEE-488 Status Reporting: ................................................. 6-67  
Bus Commands ................................... 6-69  
Common Commands .......................... 6-69  
Command Language .............................. 6-75  
Command and Query Finder ................. 6-75  
Format Parameter Settings ................... 6-76  
Format Editor Control ............................ 6-77  
Format Memory Management ............... 6-78  
Custom Image Primitives ...................... 6-79  
Image Editor Control .............................. 6-82  
Image Memory Management ................. 6-82  
Sequence Editor Control ....................... 6-82  
Sequence Memory Management ........... 6-83  
Sequence Parameter Settings ............... 6-83  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Table of Contents  
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Directory Editor Control ........................ 6-83  
Directory Memory Management ............ 6-84  
System Parameter Settings ................... 6-84  
Miscellaneous System Parameters ...... 6-85  
Direct Processor Control (Reserved) ... 6-85  
Alphabetical Listing of Commands ..................... 6-86  
801G Memory (Information) Flow Diagram  
Chapter7: Troubleshooting  
Power-on ................................................... 7-2  
Normal power-on ................................... 7-2  
Power-on message remains .................. 7-2  
Error message at power-on ................... 7-3  
Unit will not power-on ............................ 7-3  
ComputerInterfacing ............................... 7-3  
If All Else Fails .......................................... 7-4  
System Errors ........................................... 8-2  
Power-on Self Test Messages .............. 8-2  
Power Fail Message .............................. 8-4  
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Format Errors ............................................ 8-4  
Invalid Data Error Messages ................. 8-4  
Corrupt Data Error Messages ............... 8-5  
System Error Message Summary ........... 8-6  
Format Error Messages ........................... 8-7  
Chapter9: Service  
New Product Warranty ............................. 9-2  
User Registration Card ............................ 9-2  
Product Updates ....................................... 9-3  
ServiceAgreements ................................. 9-3  
In the U.S.A. .......................................... 9-3  
In Europe ............................................... 9-4  
Getting Your 801G* Repaired .................. 9-4  
Authorized Service Centers .................... 9-4  
Returning the 801G* .............................. 9-4  
Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Table of Contents  
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Model 801GC, 801GF and 801GX Specifica-  
tions .................................................... 11-2  
Additional Model 801GC and 801GX Specifi-  
cations ................................................ 11-4  
Additional Model 801GF Specifications 11-5  
Table of Contents  
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Models 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Table of Contents  
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Chapter 1: Introduction  
Product Overview  
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low cost  
p ortab le - fits in a b riefcase  
u ltra-sim p le con trols  
u ltra-fast form at-load in g & im age-d raw in g  
color N TSC an d PAL com p atib le com p osite an d  
S-vid eo ou tp u ts on th e 801G X  
self calib ratin g an alog vid eo ou tp u ts  
in d u stry-stan d ard ou tp u t con n ectors  
d isp lay an d ed it form ats on th e u n it u n d er test  
over 100 in d u stry-stan d ard sign al form ats b u ilt-in  
room for u p to 300 u ser-d efin ed form ats  
p rogram m ab le p ixel rates u p to 150 M H z on th e  
801G C an d 801G X; u p to 250 M H z on th e 801G F  
over 50 test im ages b u ilt-in  
cu stom test im ages can b e created an d saved  
u ser d efin ed form at-im age test seq u en cin g  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 1: Introduction  
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The 801G series are low -cost p ortable vid eo signal  
generators d esigned for basic testing and alignm ent  
of variou s typ es of raster-scanned d isp lays. This  
m anu al covers the 801GC, 801GF and 801GX m od -  
els. Inform ation that m entions the “801G*ap p lies  
to all three m od els.  
The generator is ship p ed w ith over 100 signal for-  
m ats in place for d riving a variety of ind u stry-stan-  
d ard d isp lays. Form ats for other d isp lays can be  
added using the built-in graphics user interface editor  
or a p ersonal com p u ter or term inal via the bu ilt-in  
RS-232 and IEEE-448 interfaces.  
A form at is a set of  
sp ecification s th at  
d escribe the vid eo  
signal required by a  
p articu lar typ e of  
d isplay.  
Form ats are stored in a non-volatile m em ory. This  
m em ory has room for u p to 300 form ats. Perm anent  
copies of industry-standard formats are stored (along  
w ith the generator's operating cod e) in EPROM and  
can be cop ied into form at m em ory and m od ified as  
required .  
The 801G* featu res over 50 test im ages that allow a  
w id e variety of d isp lay criteria to be checked . The  
generator has an image loop feature that can be used  
for m onitor bu rn-in or at trad e show s to d isp lay a  
series of im ages over and over. User d efined cu s-  
tom test im ages can also be created and saved in  
non-volatile m em ory.  
The num ber of controls on the 801G* has been m ini-  
m ized to insu re sim p le op eration. Tw o knobs and 8  
lighted push-buttons provide complete control of the  
generator. One knob selects the vid eo signal format.  
A second selects the test im age. Three pu sh-bu ttons  
gate the ind ivid u al vid eo com p onents on and off.  
Another three push-buttons select any of three avail-  
able synchronizing signals. A seventh button allow s  
all of the ou tp u ts of the generator to be tu rned on  
or off w ith a single key stoke. Finally, an im age  
step p ing bu tton is p rovid ed that calls u p alternate  
versions of som e im ages.  
Product Overview  
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The ou tp u t connectors on the 801G* m atch those  
fou nd on p op u lar com p u ters and vid eo system s.  
These connectors elim inate the need for exp ensive  
and bu lky conversion cables.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 1: Introduction  
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Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
Operating Modes  
Displays & Indicators  
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This chap ter gives you a basic overview of the  
Qu antu m Data m od el 801G*’s front panel operating  
m od es and how the d isp lays and controls fu nction  
in the normal operating mode. Other chapters in this  
m anu al cover top ics that you m ay need to know in  
ord er to operate the unit. Please refer to the table of  
contents or ind ex to locate ad d itional specific infor-  
m ation on how to u se the 801G*.  
Front panel operation  
The current firm w are supports three m ain m od es of  
front p anel op eration:  
• N ormal signal format and test image selection.  
All knobs and pushbuttons function as labeled.  
The u p p er knob is u sed to select form ats from  
a list of formats stored in non-volatile memory.  
The low er knob selects test im ages (p atterns)  
from a list of built-in and user created im ages.  
This is the factory d efau lt setting for how the  
generator w ill op erate on norm al p ow er-u p .  
This m od e is su itable for u se by engineering  
and service grou p s that need to be able to  
qu ickly select any com bination of form at and  
test im age that they m ay need .  
and Images  
It is also p ossible to set the 801G* to continu -  
ou sly cycle throu gh the test im age list u sing a  
given form at in this m od e. This can be u sed  
for bu rn-in testing or for ru nning single m od e  
d isp lays at trad e show s.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
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• Running a user defined test sequence. Each step  
in a test sequ ence com bines one form at and  
one test im age. The op erator can then go for-  
w ard and backw ard s throu gh the step s u sing  
a single knob. The 801G* can be p rogram m ed  
so that it au tom atically enters a test sequ ence  
m od e on p ow er-u p . This m od e of op eration is  
su itable for a test p osition in a m anu factu ring  
environment where the same series of tests and  
adjustments need to be repeated on many iden-  
tical d isp lays. There is less likelihood that an  
op erator on the line w ill select the w rong for-  
mat or skip an important alignment procedure.  
It is also p ossible to set the 801G* to continu -  
ously cycle through the steps in a test sequence.  
Inform ation on creating and ru nning test se-  
qu ences is contained in the “Program m ing”  
Program m ing m od e. Form ats, the form at list,  
custom images, the image list and test sequences  
can be created and ed ited u sing the bu ilt-in  
Grap hics User Interface (GUI). In ord er to u se  
the GUI, a d isplay that is com patible w ith any  
stored form at and has at least 640 active p ix-  
els and 480 active lines need s to be connected  
to the 801G*. The contents of the form at, cu s-  
tom test im age or test sequ ence are show n on  
the display. The 801G*’s knobs and buttons are  
u sed to select and m od ify the d isp layed p a-  
ram eters. The cu rrent bu tton fu nctions are  
labeled at the bottom of the GUI screen. N o  
other hard w are, other than the d isp lay, need s  
to be connected to the 801GX.  
Inform ation on u sing the GUI ed itors is in the  
“Program m ing” chap ter.  
Switching operating modes  
The “Programming” chapter contains information on  
sw itching betw een the op erating m od es.  
Introduction and Operating Modes  
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Displays and Indicators (Normal Mode)  
The figu re below show s a typ ical LCD d isp lay in  
the normal operating mod e. Please see the “Trouble-  
shooting” chapter of this manual if the LCD is show-  
ing d ifferent typ es of inform ation.  
This light is on w henever the 801G*; is plugged into  
a live AC ou tlet and the p ow er sw itch is ON .  
The horizontal scanning frequ ency rou nd ed to the  
nearest kH z.  
The form ats p osition on the Form at knob list.  
A "=" sign ap p earing betw een the m em ory loca-  
tion and name indicate the current state and saved  
state exactly m atch. Pressing som e keys m ay  
m od ify the cu rrent state so that it no longer  
m atches the saved version.  
The nam e of the cu rrent signal form at.  
A ( ) m ark at end ind icates a ju stified form at.  
The nam e of the cu rrent test im age.  
The im ages p osition on the Im age knob list.  
An "m " ap p earing to the left of the im age loca-  
tion ind icates m onochrom e analog vid eo.  
The vertical scanning frequency (field rate) round ed  
to the nearest hertz.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
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The form at knob is norm ally u sed to select a signal  
form at. A form at is a set of p aram eters that sp ecify  
the vid eo and sync signal requ irem ents of a p ar-  
ticu lar d isp lay. Form at p aram eters inclu d e tim ing,  
sync typ e, vid eo typ e, d isp lay size, etc. By tu rning  
the knob, you can scroll throu gh a list of form ats  
stored in non-volatile memory. The list includes many  
factory d efault form ats. You can ed it the list as w ell  
as ad d form ats that you create. A new form at is  
load ed w ith each click of the knob. Load ing a for-  
m at red raw s the cu rrent test im age and u pd ates the  
LCD. If you select a form at containing erroneou s  
inform ation, the ou tp u ts of the generator are au to-  
m atically tu rned off and an error m essage is d is-  
p layed . The knob p erform s other fu nctions w hen  
the ed itors are being u sed .  
Format Knob in  
The form at knob perform s other functions w hen the  
801G* is op erated in the either the test sequ ence or  
GUI program m ing m od es. Please see the “Program -  
m ing” chap ter for d etailed inform ation on op erat-  
ing the 801G* in the other m od es.  
Format Knob in  
Other Modes  
The im age knob is norm ally u sed to select a test  
image. The exact behavior of the knob depends upon  
the statu s of the “Im age” p u sh-bu tton. Tu rning the  
knob w hen the bu tton is not lit scrolls throu gh the  
m ain list of test im ages. The knob p erform s other  
fu nctions w hen the ed itors are being u sed .  
Image Knob in  
N ot all im ages are su p p orted by all signal for-  
m ats. Som e im ages in the m ain im age list m ay  
be skipped while certain formats are present. For  
exam p le, the ColorBar im age w ill be skip p ed  
w henever a m onochrom e form at is p resent. If  
the cu rrently selected im age cannot be d raw n  
given a new ly selected form at, the Ou tline im -  
age is autom atically d raw n after the new form at  
has finished load ing.  
Displays, Indicators & Knobs  
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Som e of the im age nam es in the m ain list m ay refer  
to a su b-set of tw o or m ore d ifferent im ages. The  
im ages in the su b-sets are selected by first selecting  
the nam e of the d esired su b-set from the m ain im -  
age list. If the su b-set consists of ju st tw o im ages,  
pressing the “Image” button w ill toggle betw een the  
tw o im ages. The bu tton is lit w hen the second im -  
age is show ing.  
If the su b-list consists of m ore than tw o im ages, the  
“Im age” bu tton is first lighted by p ressing it one  
tim e. The im age knob can then be u sed to select  
im ages from w ithin the su b-set. The im age nam e on  
the LCD w ill not change. Pressing the “Im age” bu t-  
ton a second tim e w ill w ill retu rn the “Im age” knob  
to norm al op eration.  
If there is only one test im age associated w ith a  
nam e in the im age list, the “Im age” bu tton can  
not be tu rned on for that im age.  
All of the bu ilt-in test im ages (and their u ses) are  
covered in d etail in the “Im ages” chap ter.  
• A continuous cycling mode can be selected that  
d raw s im ages one-after-another in an infinite  
loop . This m od e is activated by rotating the  
im age knob clockw ise beyond the last im age  
in the im age list abou t one tu rn. When acti-  
vated, the message “Loop Enabled” is displayed  
on the u nit u nd er test. After a second or tw o,  
the first im age in the cycle ap p ears. Tu rning  
the im age knob cou nter-clockw ise w ill stop  
im age loop ing.  
Image Looping in  
The im age knob p erform s other fu nctions w hen the  
801G* is op erated in the either the test sequ ence or  
programming mod es. Please see the “Programming”  
chap ter for d etailed inform ation on op erating the  
801G* in the other m od es.  
Image Knob in  
Other Modes  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
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The 801G* has tw o sw itches located on its left sid e.  
Both sw itches are related to AC p ow er.  
AC Select  
This recessed slide switch sets the safe AC line voltage  
operating range of the generator. The “Making Con-  
nections” chap ter of this m anu al d escribes the cor-  
rect p roced u re for setting this sw itch  
Do not change the voltage selector sw itch set-  
ting while the 801G* is connected to the AC power  
line. Make su re that the sw itch is in the correct  
p osition before p lu gging in the 801G*.  
Power Switch  
This rocker switch turns the power on and off. Press-  
ing the sid e of the sw itch w ith the color d ot or the  
nu m ber “1” tu rns the p ow er on.  
CAUTIO N :H old ing d ow n any of the buttons on  
the front p anel w hile tu rning on p ow er m ay  
p rod u ce u nexp ected and extrem ely u nd esirable  
resu lts. Please see the “Program m ing” chap ter  
for inform ation on u sing sp ecial p ow er-u p bu t-  
ton com binations.  
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The 801G* has a total of eight push-button sw itches,  
arranged into fou r fu nction grou p s: Im age, Vid eo  
Gate, Sync Gate, and Ou tp u ts. All of the bu ttons  
have built-in indicators. When illuminated, a buttons  
fu nction is consid ered on (or enabled ).  
This section of the m anu al d escribes the fu nctions  
of the buttons when the 801G* is in the normal mode  
of op eration The bu ttons are u sed for other fu nc-  
tions w hen the 801G* is op erated in and a test se-  
qu en ce or p rogram m in g m od e. Please see th e  
“Programming” chapter for d etailed information on  
op erating the 801G* in the other m od es.  
CAUTIO N :H old ing d ow n any of the buttons on  
the front p anel w hile tu rning on p ow er m ay  
p rod u ce u nexp ected and extrem ely u nd esirable  
resu lts. Please see the “Program m ing” chap ter  
for inform ation on u sing sp ecial p ow er-u p bu t-  
ton com binations.  
Image Button  
The Im age p u sh-bu tton d eterm ines the behavior of  
the “Im age” knob in the norm al op erating m od e.  
Please see an earlier section on the “Im age” knob  
for inform ation on how the bu tton interacts w ith  
the knob.  
If there is only one test im age associated w ith a  
nam e in the im age list, the “Im age” bu tton can  
not be tu rned on for that im age.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
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Video Gate Buttons  
The Vid eo Gate bu ttons tu rn ind ivid u al color ou t-  
p u ts on and off. They also control the ad sd ition of  
primary color information to the N TSC / PAL vid eo  
ou tp u ts on the 801GX.  
• The R p u sh-bu tton tu rns all of the red vid eo  
ou tp u ts on and off.  
• The G p u sh-bu tton norm ally tu rns all of the  
green vid eo ou tp u ts on and off. When a 2-bit  
d igital m onochrom e (MDA) signal is being  
generated , the G p u sh-bu tton tu rns the I (in-  
tensity) signal of the vid eo p air on and off.  
• The B p u sh-bu tton norm ally tu rns all of the  
blu e vid eo ou tp u ts on and off. When a 1 or 2-  
bit d igital m onochrom e signal is being gener-  
ated , the B p u sh-bu tton tu rns the V (vid eo)  
signal on and off.  
The m aster ou tp u t gating bu tton overrid es the  
settings of these bu ttons w hen tu rned off.  
Many of the built-in analog vid eo signal formats are  
stored w ith the RGB vid eo signal typ e selected . If  
you are testing a monochrome monitor with the same  
tim ing, you can toggle betw een color and m ono-  
chrom e m od es by p ressing both R and B p u sh-bu t-  
tons sim u ltaneou sly.  
An “m ” ap p earing to the left of the im age loca-  
tion on the LCD w ind ow ind icates that m ono-  
chrom e analog vid eo has been selected .  
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Sync Gate Buttons  
The bu ttons in this grou p select the typ e of sync  
signal that is u sed to synchronize the d isp lay. De-  
pend ing on a particular formats settings, more than  
one typ e of sync can be selected by p ressing tw o  
bu ttons at a tim e.  
• The ACS (Analog Com p osite Sync) p u sh-bu t-  
ton cau ses analog sync to be ou tp u t on one or  
m ore of the analog vid eo ou tp u ts.  
• The DCS (sep arate Digital Com p osite Sync)  
push-button causes a separate d igital com pos-  
ite sync signal (CS) to be ou tp u t.  
• The DSS (separate Digital Separate Sync) push-  
bu tton cau ses sep arate d igital horizontal and  
vertical sync signals to be ou tp u t.  
A d efau lt sync typ e is au tom atically selected  
w henever a new form at is selected . N ot all sync  
types are available with all formats. For example,  
d igital vid eo formats w ill not allow analog com-  
p osite sync to be selected . If a bu tton w ill not  
light u p w hen p ressed , then the corresp ond ing  
sync typ e is u navailable.  
Re-d epressing a sync gate button causes the selected  
sync to be toggled either on or off. When toggled  
off, no sync w ill be sent to the d isp lay and the d is-  
p lay w ill be allow ed to free-ru n.  
The individual settings are overridden (gated off)  
w henever the m aster ou tp u ts bu tton is tu rned  
Outputs Button  
This is the m aster ou tp u t signal control. When the  
m aster ou tp u t control is tu rned off, all of the signal  
ou tp u ts of the generator are d isabled .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 2: Basic Operation  
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Chapter 3: Built-In Formats  
Format charts  
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The charts on the following pages list the generators  
built-in formats library. These are stored in read only  
m em ory (ROM) along w ith the generators op erat-  
ing cod e. They can be u sed as starting p oints for  
creating your own formats and new ones can be added  
to the nonvolatile RAM. A m axim um of 300 form ats  
can be stored in RAM.  
The sam e form at library is u sed for all m od els in  
the 801G series. Som e form ats are for d isp lays and  
graphics system s that m ay not be com patible w ith a  
specific generator m od el. If a form at has too high of  
a pixel rate, a modified version of the format is placed  
in RAM w ith red u ced horizontal tim ing p aram eters  
that bring the p ixel clock rate below the lim it of the  
generator. The horizontal and vertical rates how -  
ever are correct. This lets you light-up a d isplay and  
verify most of its operation. These mod ified formats  
are created by the m em ory re-intialization rou tine.  
In other cases the library form at m ay have a vid eo  
type or sync type selection that m ay not be com pat-  
ible w ith a sp ecific generator m od el. Attem p ting to  
load an incom p atible form at w ill give you an error  
The charts give only a general d escrip tion of each  
form at. More d etailed inform ation can be obtained  
in one of the follow ing w ays.  
You can u se the Format test im age to d isplay a  
d etailed list of p aram eters of any form at in  
firm w are or RAM.  
You can u se the bu ilt-in Grap hics User Inter-  
face to view and ed it the contents of any for-  
m at. Also you can check, m od ify, and cop y  
formats with a terminal or computer connected  
to a generators com m u nications p ort.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 3: Built-In Formats  
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The inform ation in the charts is believed to be accu-  
rate and com p lete at the tim e that this m anu al w as  
w rritten. Last m inu te firm w are changes and new  
firm w are releases m ay affect the form at inform a-  
tion stored in EPROM.  
Explanation of Terms Used in Charts  
File N am e N am e of th e form at file as saved in EPROM  
Vid eo Typ e C3 = 3-bit d igital color  
C4 = 4-bit d igital color (CGA)  
C6 = 6-bit d igital color (EGA)  
M2 = 2-bit d igital m onochrom e  
RGB = sep arate red , green an d blu e an alog color  
Mono = analog monochrome. EYC = analog color television  
(w / su bcarrier) / S-vid eo (sep arate lu m i and chrom a).  
H oriz x Vert N u m ber of active p ixels in th e h orizon tal d irection an d  
Active Pixels the nu m ber of active scan lines in the vertical d irection  
N OTE: Th e n u m ber of active p ixels sh ow n is for th e  
original form at file as its stored in ROM. The firm w are  
may red uce this number if the original value w ould cause  
th e calcu lated p ixel clock rate to exceed th e p ixel clock  
lim it for the generator.  
Line Rate Horizontal scanning frequency in KHz rounded to 3 places  
p ast the d ecim al  
Fram e Rate Pictu re refresh rate in H z rou n d ed to 3 p laces p ast th e  
d ecim al  
A bu llet (• ) after the vertical rate ind icates the nu m ber is  
th e fram e rate for a 2:1 in terlaced form at.  
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Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
IBM Digital  
720 x 350  
720 x 350  
720 x 348  
640 x 200  
640 x 350  
640 x 400  
640 x 400  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
640 x 400  
640 x 400  
640 x 350  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
640 x 400  
File Name  
IBM Analog  
640 x 480  
720 x 350  
720 x 400  
640 x 480  
1024 x 768  
1053 x 754  
1056 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1360 x 1024  
640 x 480  
1024 x 768  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
1024 x 1024  
File Name  
IBM Workstation  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 3: Built-In Formats  
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Built-in Formats Ð cont.  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
800 x 600  
800 x 600  
800 x 600  
640 x 480  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
640 x 480  
640 x 350  
640 x 400  
640 x 480  
720 x 400  
800 x 600  
800 x 600  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1152 x 864  
1152 x 864  
1152 x 864  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 960  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 960  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 960  
1280 x 1024  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
1600 x 1200  
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Built-in Formats Ð cont.  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
MAC_12m Mono  
640 x 480  
512 x 384  
512 x 384  
512 x 384  
560 x 384  
640 x 480  
640 x 480  
640 x 480  
640 x 870  
832 x 624  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1152 x 870  
MAC_13m Mono  
MAC_1960 RGB  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
Japanese NEC  
640 x 400  
1120 x 750  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
1024 x 1024  
1024 x 768  
1152 x 900  
1152 x 900  
1152 x 900  
1152 x 900  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
1600 x 1280  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 3: Built-In Formats  
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Built-in Formats Ð cont.  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
Hewlett Packard  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1024 x 768  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
1024 x 768  
File Name  
Japanese Sony  
1280 x 1024  
1280 x 1024  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
1184 x 884  
1184 x 884  
1664 x 1248  
1664 x 1248  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
2048 x 2048  
2048 x 1536  
2560 x 2048  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
PAL Component  
920 x 574  
768 x 575  
640 x 480  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
752 x 484  
640 x 480  
512 x 384  
File Name  
RS 170 Video  
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Built-in Formats Ð cont.  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
PAL Encoded  
910 x 574  
720 x 574  
768 x 574  
640 x 480  
910 x 574  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
NTSC Encoded  
752 x 484  
752 x 484  
720 x 484  
640 x 480  
512 x 384  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
HDTV Component  
1920 x 1035  
1920 x 1035  
1920 x 1035  
1920 x 1152  
1920 x 1152  
1872 x 1152  
Horiz x Vert  
Active Pixels  
File Name  
2048 x 1024  
2048 x 2048  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 3: Built-In Formats  
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Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
Description of the test images  
and how to use them  
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This chap ter covers all of the bu ilt-in test im ages  
(p atterns) in a stand ard m od el 801G* generator. It  
is also p ossible to ad d cu stom , u ser d efined test  
im ages to thegenerator. Inform ation on m od ifying  
and ad d ing cu stom test im ages can be fou nd in the  
“Program m ing” chap ter.  
Information on how to select the various images can  
be fou nd in the “Basic Op eration” chap ter of this  
m a n u a l. Th e “ Tr o u b le s h o o t in g ” ch a p t e r h a s  
inform ation on resetting the 801GX to its factory  
d efau lt cond itions.  
The rem aind er of this chap ter d escribes each of the  
im ages in d etail. The p u rp ose of each im age is  
included in the description. The images are presented  
in the sam e ord er as they are in the table. Most of  
the im ages are p resented in the form at show n on  
the next p age.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Im ageN am e  
This tells how the im age is d raw n on the d isplay. A  
black and w hite d raw ing of the im age is inclu d ed  
as p art of the d escrip tion.  
Drawing of the Image  
N am e of the test to be d one  
The nam e of the test d escribes the typ e of test to  
be d one.  
Pu rp ose  
Why this typ e of test shou ld be d one  
A general gu id e on how to p erform the test  
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Descriptions of the Images  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
m anu factu rers. Consists of tw o sets of color bars  
and five blocks of “#” characters on a white crosshatch  
w itha black backgrou nd .  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
m anu factu rers. Consists of colorbars, lines of “#”  
characters and a green bord er.  
Acer3, Acer4, Acer5 an d Acer6  
Sp ecial test im ages sp ecified by som e d isp lay  
m anu factu rers. Consists of a large and sm all w hite  
circles centered on either a yellow (Acer3), m agenta  
(Acer4), cyan (Acer5) or w hite (Acer6) crosshatch  
on a black backgrou nd .  
Acer7 an d Acer 8  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
manufacturers. Consists of five blocks of either white  
“#” (Acer7) or “H ” (Acer8) characters on a black  
background .  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
manufacturers. Consists of mostly a w hite field w ith  
tw o row s of color bars at the bottom .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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BLU_EM , G RN _EM , RED _EM , WH T_EM ,  
M EM ESon y, M ESon y_B, M ESon y_G , an d  
M ESon y_R  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
blu e (BLU and B), green (GRN and G), red (R), or  
w hite (WH T and MEMESony) EM characters on a  
black backgrou nd . A bit m ap of a single character  
is show n here.  
Only the w hite character has a second ary version.  
It ’s d r a w n w it h b la ck ch a r a ct er s o n a w h it e  
backgrou nd .  
Focu s  
Pu rp ose  
This p attern is sp ecified by one or m ore d isp lay  
m anu factu rers for checking and ad ju sting focu s  
on their p rod u cts one color at a tim e.  
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BLU_EM +, G RN _EM +, RED _EM +, WH T_EM +,  
M EM EPlu s, M EPlu s_B, M EPlu s_G , an d  
M EPlu s_R  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
blu e (BLU and B), green (GRN and G), red (R), or  
w hite (WH T and MEMEPlu s) EM character block  
on a black backgrou n d . A bit m ap of a sin gle  
character block is show n here.  
Only the w hite character has a second ary version.  
It ’s d r a w n w it h b la ck ch a r a ct er s o n a w h it e  
backgrou nd .  
Focu s  
Pu rp ose  
This p attern is sp ecified by one or m ore d isp lay  
m anu factu rers for checking and ad ju sting focu s  
on their p rod u cts one color at a tim e.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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WH T_PIC, Flat, Flat G ray, Flat_B, Flat_G , an d  
Descrip tion  
A solid blu e (BLU), gray, green (GRN ), red , or  
w hite (WH T) box fills the active vid eo area.  
Only the w hite fill has a second ary version. It can  
be changed to a black fill.  
Pu rity ad ju stm ent  
Pu rp ose  
To p rod u ce correct colors in a d isp layed im age,  
the electron beam s from each of the three (3) gu ns  
in th e CRT sh ou ld strike on ly th eir m atch in g  
phosphors. A w hite image show s patches of various  
colors on a m onitor w ith bad p u rity. The p u rity  
ad ju stm ent(s) shou ld be p erform ed before d oing  
any brightness or color tests. In som e cases, p u rity  
ad ju stm ents involve loosening and rep ositioning  
the yoke, in w hich case p u rity shou ld be ad ju sted  
p rior to d oing any geom etry tests.  
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WH T_PIC, Flat, Flat G ray, Flat_B, Flat_G , an d  
Flat_R — con td .  
The m ethod s u sed for ad ju sting p u rity on a color  
m onitor d ep end on the typ e of m onitor and CRT  
you re u sing (for exam p le; Delta, In-Line or Single  
Gu n). In m ost cases, the first step is to d egau ss  
the CRT.  
N ote – For a Delta Gu n CRT, tu rn on on ly th e Red ou tp u t. A  
solid u n iform field of red sh ou ld be d isp layed . If th e color is  
n ot u n iform , ad ju st th e yoke an d th e Pu rity Tabs assem bly.  
If p u rity cannot be corrected to accep table lim its,  
the m onitor m ay not have been p rop erly d egau ssed  
or there m ay be a d efect in the CRT or p u rity  
assem bly.  
Shad ow m ask w arp ing  
Pu rp ose  
The p u rity characteristics of you r CRT can change  
over tim e if you leave it on w ith a lot of vid eo  
being d isp layed . This m ay be d u e to the CRTs  
electron beam s strikin g its sh ad ow m ask w ith  
enou gh energy to cau se the m ask to heat. This  
in ter n al h eatin g m ay be en ou gh to cau se th e  
shad ow m ask to w arp and give bad p u rity.  
Set the purity im age to w hite and allow the m onitor  
to ru n for a few m inu tes. Any m ask w arp ing show s  
u p as a change in p u rity. You can u se a color  
m eter to m easu re the change. The BriteBox p attern  
also m ay be u sefu l for m easu ring shad ow m ask  
w arp ing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Box_50m m an d Box_64m m  
Descrip tion  
The p rim ary version has a solid w hite box in the  
center of the active vid eo. Dep end ing on the im age  
selected , th e box is eith er 50 m illim eters (1.97  
inches) or 64 m illim eters (2.52 inches) squ are. If  
theres room , inform ation on the cu rrent form at  
appears below and to the left of the box. This show s  
the nu m ber of active p ixels and lines as w ell as  
the horizontal and vertical scan rates. An I after  
the nu m ber of active lines ind icates the form at is  
interlaced . The second ary version d raw s a black  
box and black text on a w hite backgrou nd .  
N ote – Th e box w ill be th e correct size on ly if th e correct  
p h ysical active vid eo size is set in th e form at.  
640 x 480  
H= 31.469 KHz  
V= 59.940 Hz  
Brightness control ad ju stm ent  
Pu rp ose  
The w rong brightness setting m ay cau se other tests  
su ch as Contrast, Focus and Beam Size to be invalid .  
An accurate brightness setting helps give repeatable  
m easu rem ents throu ghou t other tests.  
Center you r light m eter p robe w ithin the center  
squ are and ad ju st the m onitors brightness control  
to obtain the requ ired light m eter read ing.  
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Descrip tion  
The p rim ary version has a single w hite box in the  
center of active vid eo. The box size is controlled  
by th e MSIZ system p aram eter. Th e secon d ary  
version (sh ow n below ) ad d s fou r boxes in th e  
corners of active vid eo.  
Brightness control ad ju stm ent  
Pu rp ose  
The w rong brightness setting m ay cau se other tests  
su ch as Contrast, Focus and Beam Size to be invalid .  
An accurate brightness setting helps give repeatable  
m easu rem ents throu ghou t other tests.  
Center you r light m eter p robe w ithin the center  
squ are and ad ju st the m onitors brightness control  
to obtain the requ ired light m eter read ing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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BriteBox — con td .  
Brightness u niform ity  
Pu rp ose  
Th e ligh t ou tp u t of m ost p ictu re tu bes v aries  
slightly w hen m easu red across the CRT face. This  
test can be u sed to verify that the light ou tp u t  
variation is w ithin you r sp ec lim its.  
Select t h e in v er t ed v er sio n a n d p er fo r m t h e  
Brightness Control Adjustment test on the center  
box. Then center the light m eter p robe in each of  
the corner squ ares and note the read ing you get  
for each squ are. The d eviation betw een each of  
the corner read ings and the center read ing shou ld  
be w ithin you r sp ec lim its.  
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Bu rst  
(TV form ats on ly)  
The left sid e start w ith reference w hite (+100 IRE)  
and black (+7.5 IRE) levels. This is follow ed by six  
bu rsts of sine w aves. Each bu rst is at a d ifferent  
frequ ency form ing vertical lines of variou s w id ths.  
The frequ encies, going from left to right, are 0.5, 1,  
2, 3, 3.58 and 4.43 MH z.  
Frequ ency Resp onse  
Method :  
When view ed on a TV screen, the p eak intensities  
of the all of the bu rsts shou ld m atch the w hite  
reference level. The d arkest p ortions betw een the  
p eaks shou ld m atch the black reference level.  
The im age can also be u sed w ith a TV w aveform  
analyzer to check the frequ ency response of a vid eo  
system. One scan line of the image, as it would appear  
on a w aveform analyzer, is show n at the top of the  
next page. High frequency roll-off (loss) would show  
u p as a d ecrease in the p eak-to-p eak sw ings on the  
right sid e of the w aveform . Low frequ ency roll-off  
w ou ld show u p as a d ecrease in the p eak-to-p eak  
sw ings on the left sid e of the w aveform .  
Som e w aveform analyzers can be set to d etect and  
d isp lay th e am p litu d e of th e p eaks. A typ ical  
am p litu d e w aveform for a good system is show n at  
the bottom of the next p age.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Ch eck 511  
Descrip tion  
Five sm all boxes are p laced in the corners and at  
the center of active vid eo. The boxes are on a black  
backgrou nd . Each box consists of alternating black  
a n d w h it e p ixe ls t h a t fo r m  
v e r y fin e  
checkerboard . The second ary version inverts the  
im age, creating a w hite backgrou nd . The colors  
of th e in d ivid u al p ixels in th e boxes also are  
inverted .  
Verify m onitor resolu tion  
Pu rp ose  
The resolu tion of you r m onitor shou ld m eet or  
exceed the d esign sp ecs.  
First ad ju st the brightness, contrast, and focu s to  
their correct settings. You shou ld be able to see  
ind ivid u al and d istinct p ixels in each of the boxes.  
Failu re to see d istinct p ixels m ay ind icate you have  
a d efective vid eo am p lifier, focu s correction circu it  
or p ictu re tu be.  
N ote If m u lticolored areas ap p ear on  
m ask-typ e color  
p ictu re tu be, you m ay h ave a p roblem w ith con vergen ce or  
you m ay be exceed in g th e resolu tion of th e p ictu re tu be.  
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Ch eck By3  
Descrip tion  
The active vid eo area is equ ally d ivid ed into a  
three by three checkerboard of black and w hite  
boxes. The p rim ary version has fou r w hite boxes  
as show n in the figu re on the left. The second ary  
version has five w hite boxes as show n in the figu re  
on the right.  
Contrast ratio  
Pu rp ose  
The p attern is based on a p rop osed AN SI m ethod  
of m easu ring the contrast ratio of vid eo p rojection  
system s.  
Using a su itable light m eter p robe, m easu re and  
record the light-level read ing (in foot lam berts)  
in the center of each of the black and w hite boxes.  
The contrast ratio is exp ressed as the average of  
all of the w hite read ings d ivid ed by the average  
of all of the black read ings.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Ch eck _11  
Descrip tion  
The active vid eo area is filled w ith alternating black  
a n d w h it e p ixe ls t h a t fo r m v e r y fin e  
checkerboard . The second ary version inverts the  
colors in th e im age. Th e in verted im age looks  
alm ost the sam e as the non-inverted version.  
Verify m onitor resolu tion  
Pu rp ose  
The resolu tion of you r m onitor shou ld m eet or  
exceed the d esign sp ecs.  
Ad ju st the brightness, contrast, and focu s to their  
correct settings first. You shou ld be able to see  
ind ivid u al and d istinct p ixels in each of the boxes.  
Failu re to see d istinct p ixels m ay ind icate you have  
a d efective vid eo am p lifier, focu s correction circu it  
or p ictu re tu be.  
N ote – If m u lticolored areas ap p ear on  
m ask-typ e color  
p ictu re tu be, you m ay h ave a p roblem w ith con vergen ce or  
you m ay be exceed in g th e resolu tion of th e p ictu re tu be.  
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Descrip tion  
Th is im age m ay be called for by som e d isp lay  
m anu factu rers’ test p roced u res. The im age consists  
of five large w hite circles on a black backgrou nd .  
The circles are p ositioned in the center and in the  
corners of the active vid eo area.  
The second ary version inverts the im age to black  
circles on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Pu rp ose  
This p attern is sp ecified by one or m ore m onitor  
m anu factu rers for checking and ad ju sting vid eo  
scan size, linearity and over scanning.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Descrip tion  
Th is im age m ay be called for by som e d isp lay  
m anu factu rers’ test p roced u res. The im age consists  
of eight sm all w hite circles on a black backgrou nd .  
The circles are p ositioned in the corners of the  
active vid eo area and centered on each ed ge of  
the active vid eo area.  
The second ary version inverts the im age to black  
circles on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Pu rp ose  
This p attern is sp ecified by one or m ore m onitor  
m anu factu rers for checking and ad ju sting vid eo  
scan size, linearity and over scanning.  
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Descrip tion  
The primary version has 16 full-height vertical color  
bars. The ord er of the bars is show n below . The  
second ary version sp lits the field into a top and  
bottom half. The bars in the bottom half of the  
screen are in reverse ord er.  
Wh en d igital vid eo is bein g ou tp u t, 33% Gray  
changes to 50% Gray and 67% Gray becom es either  
Black or som e gray level d ep end ing on how the  
d isp lay interp rets the vid eo inform ation.  
Verify that all vid eo channels is fu nctional  
Pu rp ose  
To verify that none of the vid eo channels are bad  
or hooked u p incorrectly  
Com p are the sequ ence of color bars w ith the table.  
Missing bars m ay ind icate a d ead or u nconnected  
channel. The transition betw een the bars shou ld  
be sharp and d istinct. Each bar also shou ld be  
u niform in color and intensity across its entire  
w id th. N on-u niform ity m ay ind icate problem s w ith  
the resp onse of the vid eo am p lifiers. If all the bars  
are p resent bu t in the w rong ord er, one or m ore  
inp u ts m ay be sw ap p ed .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Cu b es  
Descrip tion  
This is an anim ated im age consisting of one sm all  
m u lt ico lo r e d cu b e o r b it in g a r o u n d a la r g e r  
m u lticolored cu be. Each cu be also is sp inning on  
its ow n axis. The d efau lt text string says Quantum  
Data. The text can be m od ified and saved u sing  
com m and s sent over the com m u nications p orts.  
The p rim ary version has a black backgrou nd and  
a thick green bord er. The second ary version u ses  
ju st a w hite backgrou nd .  
Quantum Data  
Pu rp ose  
Can be u sed for show d em onstrations w ith you r  
ow n text.  
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Cu stom  
Descrip tion  
This im age has a w hite bord er arou nd the active  
vid eo, a centered sm aller yellow box, and green  
d iagonals.  
Pu rp ose  
This im age is an exam p le of som e of the available  
d raw ing primitives. Its not intend ed to be an image  
su itable for testing or ad ju sting a d isp lay. Rather,  
it can be u sed as a starting p oint for d evelop ing  
a cu stom im age of you r ow n.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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D ot_10, D ot_12, D ot_24  
Descrip tion  
The active vid eo area is filled w ith m u ltip le row s  
of w hite single p ixel d ots. The d ots d efine the  
corners of w hat w ou ld ap p ear to be squ are boxes  
if all the connecting p ixels w ere lit. The nu m ber  
of row s of boxes and the nu m ber of boxes p er  
row d ep end s on w hich version of the im age is  
selected and the screen asp ect ratio of the cu rrently  
load ed form at. The nu m ber in the im ages nam e  
refers to the nu m ber of boxes that w ill be form ed  
along the m inor axis for m ost asp ect ratios. The  
firm w are calcu lates the ratio and then find s the  
closest m atch from the follow ing table.  
Aspect Ratio  
of Rows  
per Row  
of Rows  
per Row  
of Rows  
per Row  
W : H  
16 : 9  
5 : 3  
1.666 É  
4 : 3  
1 : 1  
3 : 4  
1.333 É  
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D ot_10, D ot_12, D ot_24 — con td .  
Pu rp ose  
In ord er to accu rately p rod u ce an im age on a color  
m onitor, the three electron beam s in the CRT m u st  
m eet (converge) at the exact sam e location at the  
sam e tim e. Sm all d ots d isplayed on a m isconverged  
m onitor ap p ear as a grou p of m u lticolored d ots.  
Th e co n v e r g e n ce a d ju s t m e n t s o f m o s t co lo r  
m onitors fall into tw o m ain categories.  
The first set of ad ju stm ents, u su ally called Static  
Convergence, aligns the three beam s in the center  
of the d isp lay. The id ea is to tu rn on all three  
g u n s a n d a d ju st th e v a r iou s m a g n ets on th e  
convergence assem bly to p rod u ce all w hite d ots  
in th e cen ter of th e d isp lay. Th e con vergen ce  
a ssem b ly is loca ted on th e n eck of th e CRT.  
Different m onitors and CRT types m ay each require  
their ow n m agnet-ad ju stm ent sequ ence.  
A ft e r t h e ce n t e r o f t h e d is p la y is p r o p e r ly  
converged , the ou ter areas are ad ju sted by u sing  
the m onitors Dynamic Convergence controls. The  
nu m ber of controls, the area of the screen they  
affect, and their ad ju stm ent p roced u re d ep end s  
on the m onitor you re testing.  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m on itor d isp lays fu zzy p ixels  
w hich, in tu rn, resu lt in p oorly form ed and hard -  
to-read characters.  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations  
shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen they affect d ep end  
on the m onitor you re testing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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EM ITest1  
Sp ecia l test im a g e u sed for Electr o-M a g n etic  
Interference (EMI) testing of d isp lays. The entire  
active video area is filled with a small “H” character.  
The p rim ary version of the im age d raw s w hite  
characters on a black backgrou nd . The second ary  
v e r s io n d r a w s b la ck ch a r a ct e r s o n a w h it e  
background .  
EM ITest2  
Sam e as EMITest1 bu t w ith th e bottom row of  
characters contstantly being d raw n left to right and  
then cleared .  
EM ITest3  
Descrip tion  
Sam e as EMITest1 bu t w ith a sm aller version of the  
“H ” character.  
EM ITest4  
Descrip tion  
Sam e as EMITest2 bu t w ith a sm aller version of the  
“H ” character.  
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Focu s_@6, Focu s_@7, Focu s_@8  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary versions, the screen is filled w ith  
w hite @characters on a black backgrou nd . Bit  
m ap s of a single character for the three d ifferent  
im ages are show n here.  
Th e secon d ary v ersion s are d raw n w ith black  
characters on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m onitor d isp lays fu zzy grap hic  
im a g es a n d p oor ly for m ed , h a r d -to-r ea d text  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations of  
the screen shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen that they affect  
d ep end on the m onitor you re testing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Focu s_Cx  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
w hite Cx characters on a black backgrou nd . A bit  
m ap of a single character is show n here.  
Th e s e co n d a r y v e r s io n is d r a w n w it h b la ck  
characters on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m onitor d isp lays fu zzy grap hic  
im a g es a n d p oor ly for m ed , h a r d -to-r ea d text  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations of  
the screen shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen that they affect  
d ep end on the m onitor you re testing.  
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Focu s_H  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
w hite H characters on a black backgrou nd . A bit  
m ap of a single character is show n here.  
Th e s e co n d a r y v e r s io n is d r a w n w it h b la ck  
characters on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m onitor d isp lays fu zzy grap hic  
im a g es a n d p oor ly for m ed , h a r d -to-r ea d text  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations of  
the screen shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen that they affect  
d ep end on the m onitor you re testing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Focu s_O o  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
w hite Oo characters on a black backgrou nd . A bit  
m ap of a single character is show n here.  
Th e s e co n d a r y v e r s io n is d r a w n w it h b la ck  
characters on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m onitor d isp lays fu zzy grap hic  
im a g es a n d p oor ly for m ed , h a r d -to-r ea d text  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations of  
the screen shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen that they affect  
d ep end on the m onitor you re testing.  
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Form at  
Descrip tion  
A listing of the d ata contained in any form at. This  
p attern w orks best at d isp lay resolu tions of at least  
640 p ixel by 480 lines. It’s qu ite sim ilar to the  
form at ed itors GUI screen.  
Name: MDA_m7  
Location: 13  
Pixel Rate:  
16.257 MHz  
61.512 ns  
Entry Units: Time  
18.432 KHz*  
49.816 Hz  
720 pixels  
162 pixels  
44.289 µs*  
9.965 µs  
54.253 µs*  
300.000 mm  
0.554 µs  
350 lines  
20 lines  
18.989 ms*  
1.085 ms  
20.074 ms*  
225.000 mm  
0.000 ms  
882 pixels  
370 lines  
Physical size:  
Pulse delay:  
Pulse width:  
EQ Before:  
EQ After:  
11.811 inches  
8.858 inches  
144 pixels  
8.858 µs  
16 lines  
0.868 ms  
Progressive (non-interlace)  
ACS kind:  
DCS kind:  
DSS kind:  
Sync select:  
Video kind:  
Video bias:  
Video swing:  
Sync swing:  
On: -G-  
American 0Red  
American separate  
DS Polarity: H+ V- C+  
DS Gate: Hon Von Con  
Pedestal: OFF 7.5 IRE  
2-bit mono  
0.000 volts blank minus ground  
0.714 volts white minus blank  
0.286 volts blank minus sync  
Code read  
Display code expected:  
View a form at’s p aram eter settings  
Pu rp ose  
To verify p rogram m ed valu es or choose a form at  
The m ain im age lists the settings of the form at  
thats d riving the d isp lay. The second ary im age  
can be u sed to list th e con ten ts of an y stored  
form at.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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G rayBar  
Descrip tion  
Th e p rim ary version h as 16 fu ll-h eigh t vertical  
graybars. The intensity of the bars is show n below .  
The second ary version sp lits the field into a top  
and bottom half. The bars in the bottom half of  
the screen are in reverse ord er.  
Vid eo color tracking (color m onitors)  
Pu rp ose  
To check to see that a color m onitor accu rately  
rep rod u ces colors at all intensities  
Perform th e Brightness Control Adjustment an d  
Brightness Uniformity tests first.  
Changes in brightness from bar to bar shou ld be  
u n iform . All of th e bars sh ou ld ap p ear as an  
u ntinted gray at all levels.  
Vid eo Gain Linearity (m onochrom e m onitors)  
Pu rp ose  
To ch eck t h e v id eo lin ea r it y ; i.e., g r a y sca le  
m od u lation  
Perform th e Brightness Control Adjustment an d  
Brightness Uniformity tests first.  
Changes in brightness from bar to bar shou ld be  
visible and u niform .  
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G rill_11, G rill_22, G rill_33, G rill_44  
Descrip tion  
Th e e n t ir e a ct iv e v id e o a r e a is fille d w it h  
alternating black and w hite strip es. The strip es  
are d raw n at d ifferen t resolu tion s. Each of th e  
strip es is fou r (4) p ixels w id e in the Grill_44 im age  
and three (3) p ixels w id e in the Grill_33 im age.  
Each of the strip es is tw o (2) p ixels w id e in the  
Grill_22 image and one (1) pixel w id e in the Grill_11  
im age.  
The p rim ary versions d raw vertical strip es w hile  
the second ary versions d raw horizontal strip es.  
Verify m onitor resolu tion  
Pu rp ose  
The resolu tion of you r m onitor shou ld m eet or  
exceed the d esign sp ecs.  
First ad ju st the brightness, contrast, and focu s to  
their correct settings. You shou ld be able to see  
ind ivid u al and d istinct strip es in all areas of the  
d isplay at all four resolutions. Failure to see d istinct  
lin es at th e h igh est r esolu tion (Gr ill_11) m ay  
ind icate you have a d efective vid eo am p lifier or  
p ictu re tu be.  
N ote – If m u lticolored lines ap p ear on a m ask-typ e color p ictu re  
tu be, you m ay h ave a p roblem w ith con vergen ce or you m ay  
be exceed in g th e resolu tion of th e p ictu re tu be.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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H atch _10i, H atch _10o, H atch _12i, H atch _12o,  
H atch _24i, H atch _24o, H atch _24s, H atch _G ,  
H atch _M , G RN _H TCH , an d M AG EN TA  
The p rim ary versions consist of a w hite, green (G  
and GRN ), or m agenta (M) crosshatch d raw n on a  
black backgrou nd . The lines form squ are boxes.  
A single p ixel d ot is located in the center of each  
cr ossh a tch box. Th e n u m ber of boxes for m ed  
d ep end s on the version of the im age selected and  
th e screen asp ect ratio of th e cu rren tly load ed  
form at. The nu m ber in the im ages nam e refers to  
the nu m ber of boxes that are form ed along the  
m inor axis for m ost asp ect ratios. The firm w are  
calcu lates the ratio and then find s the closest m atch  
from the table on the next p age. Versions end ing  
in i d raw from the insid e (center) ou t. Any p artial  
boxes are placed around the perimeter of the image.  
Versions end ing in o d raw from the ou tsid e in.  
Any p artial boxes are p laced along the centerlines  
of the image. Versions ending in s are the “i” version  
p lu s a 1 p ixel thick bord er.  
The second ary versions invert the im ages to black  
lines and d ots on a w hite backgrou nd . H atch_G,  
H atch_M, GRN _H TCH and Magenta d o not have  
second ary versions.  
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Aspect Ratio  
W : H  
Vertically Horizontally Vertically Horizontally Vertically Horizontally  
16 : 9  
5 : 3  
4 : 3  
1.666 É  
1.333 É  
1 : 1  
3 : 4  
Convergence ad ju stm ent (color m onitors only)  
In ord er to accu rately p rod u ce an im age on a color  
m onitor, the three electron beam s in the CRT m u st  
m eet (converge) at the exact sam e location at the  
sam e tim e. Lin es d isp layed on a m iscon verged  
m onitor ap p ear as several m u lticolored lines and  
th e tran sition s betw een d ifferen t colored areas  
contain fringes of other colors.  
Th e co n v e r g e n ce a d ju s t m e n t s o f m o s t co lo r  
m onitors fall into tw o m ain categories.  
The first set of ad ju stm ents, u su ally called Static  
Convergence, aligns the three beam s in the center  
of the d isp lay. The id ea is to tu rn on all three  
g u n s a n d a d ju st th e v a r iou s m a g n ets on th e  
convergence assem bly to p rod u ce all w hite d ots  
in th e cen ter of th e d isp lay. Th e con vergen ce  
a ssem b ly is loca ted on th e n eck of th e CRT.  
Different m onitors and CRT types m ay each require  
their ow n m agnet ad ju stm ent sequ ence.  
After the center of the display is properly converged,  
the ou ter areas are ad ju sted by u sing the m onitors  
Dynamic Convergence controls. The number of controls,  
the area of the screen they affect, and their adjustment  
p roced u re d ep end s on the m onitor you re testing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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H atch 4x3, H atch 5x4 an d H atch 8x8  
Descrip tion  
These are d ifferent versions of a crosshatch p attern  
that may be called for by some display manufacturers’  
test procedures. The primary version consists of white  
crosshatch on a black backgrou nd .  
The second ary version inverts the im age to black  
lines on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Pu rp ose  
This is a general p u rp ose test im age that can be  
u sed to check and ad ju st vid eo scan linearity and  
geom etry and color convergence.  
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H atch 64W  
Descrip tion  
This is still another version of a crosshatch p attern  
that m ay be called for by som e m anu factu rers’  
test p roced u res. The p rim ary version consists of  
an 8 by 8 w hite crosshatch on a black backgrou nd .  
A w hite rectangu lar p atch is ad d ed in the center.  
The second ary version inverts the im age to black  
lines and box on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Pu rp ose  
This is a general p u rp ose test im age that can be  
u sed to check and ad ju st vid eo scan linearity and  
geom etry and color convergence. The large w hite  
rectangle also allow s for checking a d isp lays high  
voltage regu lation. This is d one by observing the  
vertical lines at the left and right ed ges of the  
im age. They shou ld be fairly straight and not p u ll  
in the area of the w hite rectangle.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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H itach i1  
This is a special test image specified by some display  
m anu factu rers. The im age consists of a 2x2 clu ster  
of Microsoft Wind ow s® p rogram m anager screen  
sim u lations u sing Jap anese characters.  
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Kan jiKan  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, the screen is filled w ith  
w h it e Ja p a n e s e Ka n ch a r a ct e r s o n  
backgrou nd .  
b la ck  
Th e s e co n d a r y v e r s io n is d r a w n w it h b la ck  
characters on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Lin earty (Lin earity)  
Descrip tion  
The im age is m ad e u p of three p arts. The first  
p art consists of six (6) w hite circles. A large circle  
is d raw n in the center of the screen. Its d iam eter  
equ als the lesser of the vid eo height or w id th of  
the d isp lay. A sm aller circle is d raw n at half the  
d iam eter and concentric w ith the larger circle. A  
circle also is d raw n in each of the corners of the  
screen. The d iam eter of the corner circles equ als  
one-fifth of the d isp lay w id th. The second p art of  
the im age consists of a w hite crosshatch im age.  
The nu m ber of boxes in the crosshatch d ep end s  
on the p hysical size of the d isp lay. The last p art  
of the im age consists of w hite tic m arks on the  
horizontal and vertical center lines of the im age.  
The m arks are one p ixel thick and at every other  
p ixel location. Every fifth m ark is slightly longer.  
The color of the p attern can be changed w ith the  
ind ivid u al vid eo ou tp u t controls.  
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Lin earty (Linearity) — contd .  
Detail showing  
center of  
linearity test  
image. All  
lines are one  
pixel thick.  
Linearity ad ju stm ent  
Pu rp ose  
In ord er to p resent an u nd istorted d isp lay, the  
horizontal and vertical sw eeps of the electron beam  
across the face of the CRT shou ld be at u niform  
sp eed s. Any non-u niform ity in the sw eep cau ses  
portions of an im age to stretch w hile other portions  
are com p ressed . N on-linearity in a m onitor show s  
u p in several w ays. It m ay be p resent across the  
entire screen, in a large p ortion of the screen, or  
localized in a very sm all area.  
The circles in the im age can be u sed to d o a ball  
p ark ad ju stm ent of a m onitors linearity controls.  
Ad ju st the controls to form p erfectly rou nd circles.  
Th e crossh atch im age can be u sed to m easu re  
linearity and to m ake finer control ad ju stm ents.  
All th e fu ll boxes in th e crossh atch sh ou ld be  
id entical in size. Measu re them w ith a ru ler or a  
gau ge m ad e for the m onitor you re testing. Any  
d eviation shou ld be w ithin you r sp ec lim its. Use  
the tic m arks and a ru ler or gau ge to m easu re  
lin ear ity ov er a sm all p or tion of th e d isp lay.  
Com p are th e n u m ber of tic m arks p er u n it of  
m easu re w ith an ad jacent or overlap p ing area.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Lin Focu s  
Descrip tion  
The im age consists of several p arts. It starts w ith  
a lar ge cir cle in th e cen ter of th e scr een . Its  
d iam eter equ als the lesser of the vid eo height or  
w id th of the d isp lay. The second p art is a 10 by  
10 box crosshatch p attern. The crosshatch is d raw n  
in from the ou tsid e ed ges, w ith any extra p ixels  
in t h e b o xe s p la ce d a lo n g t h e v e r t ica l a n d  
horizontal axis. The vertical centerline is tw o pixels  
thick if the form at has an even nu m ber of active  
p ixels p er line. The horizontal centerline is tw o  
p ixels thick if the form at has an even nu m ber of  
active lines p er fram e. A sm aller box is ad d ed at  
the center of the im age. The box is one-half the  
h eigh t an d tw o-fifth s th e w id th of on e of th e  
crosshatch boxes. Cu rrent form at d ata is show n  
in the low er left qu ad rant of the im age. It show s  
the nu m ber of active p ixels (H ) and lines (V) as  
w ell as the vertical and horizontal scan rates.  
640 x 480  
H= 31.469 KHz  
V= 59.940 Hz  
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Lin Focu s — con td .  
The im age also inclu d es blocks of  
fo cu s -ch e ck in g ch a r a ct e r s a t  
variou s locations. The blocks are  
p osition ed in sid e th e crossh atch  
/8 /7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X  
b o xe s a n d a r e u p t o 3 b y  
characters in size. The size of the  
blocks is lim ited by the nu m ber of  
characters that can fit in one box. The bit m ap of  
a single focu s character is show n here.  
The p rim ary version consists of a w hite p attern  
on a black backgrou nd . The second ary version has  
a black p attern on a w hite backgrou nd .  
Linearity ad ju stm ent  
Please see the d iscu ssion of the Linearity test im age  
for inform ation on m easu ring linearity.  
Focu s ad ju stm ent(s)  
Pu rp ose  
An ou t-of-focu s m onitor d isp lays fu zzy grap hic  
im ages and p oorly form ed , hard -to-read characters  
w hen text is d isp layed on the screen.  
On m onitors w ith a single (static) focus ad justm ent,  
ad ju st the control for the best average focu s over  
the entire screen. The focu s at certain locations of  
the screen shou ld be w ithin sp ecified lim its.  
Som e m on itors h ave a static an d on e or m ore  
d ynam ic focu s controls. The sequ ence for ad ju sting  
them and the areas of the screen they affect d ep end  
on the m onitor you re testing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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O u tlin e0 an d O u tlin e1  
Descrip tion  
The Ou tline0 im age consists of a rectangu lar w hite  
bord er on a black backgrou nd . The bord er is one  
(1) p ixel w id e and d efines the active vid eo area.  
Tw o (2) d iagonal lines join the op p osite corners.  
A fu ll size cross is centered in the im age. The  
horizontal line of the cross is one (1) p ixel thick  
for form ats w ith an od d nu m ber of active lines  
and tw o (2) p ixels thick for form ats w ith an even  
nu m ber of active lines. The vertical line of the  
cross is one (1) p ixel thick for form ats w ith an  
od d nu m ber of active p ixels p er line and tw o (2)  
p ixels thick for form ats w ith an even nu m ber of  
active p ixels.  
In the Ou tline1 version, the tw o d iagonal lines  
are rem oved and short m arker lines are ad d ed to  
the bord er lines near to w here the cross lines m eet  
the bord er lines. The m arkers ap p ear at both sid es  
of the cross lines. The d istance betw een the m arker  
lines and the cross lines is the greater of either  
tw o (2) p ixels or one (1) m illim eter.  
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O u tlin e0 an d O u tlin e1 — con td .  
Yoke tilt correction  
The horizontal axis of a d isplayed image should line  
u p w ith the horizontal axis of you r m onitor. Any  
tilt is likely d u e to the yoke being rotated on the  
neck of the CRT. A rotated yoke makes any displayed  
im age ap p ear rotated .  
Place you r m onitor on a flat su rface so the face of  
the CRT is p erp end icu lar to the su rface. Use a  
ru ler or gau ge to m easu re the height of each end  
of th e im ages h orizon tal cen ter lin e from th e  
su rface. The d ifference betw een the tw o read ings  
shou ld be w ithin sp ec for the m onitor. If its ou t  
of sp ec, the yoke need s to be ad ju sted . Loosen  
the hard w are that clam p s the yoke to the neck of  
th e CRT an d rotate th e yoke u n til th e lin e is  
horizontal. Tighten the yoke-clam p hard w are.  
Yoke w ind ing orthogonality check  
Pu rp ose  
The horizontal and vertical d eflection coils on the  
yoke shou ld have their axes cross at exactly 90  
d egrees. Im p rop er orien tation of th e w in d in gs  
cau ses d isp layed rectangles to look m ore like non-  
orthogonal p arallelogram s. This typ e of d efect is  
alm ost im p ossible to correct w ith ad ju stm ents. It’s  
u su ally easier to rep lace the d efective yoke.  
First perform the previously d iscussed yoke tilt test.  
The vertical center line of the im age shou ld be  
p erp end icu lar to the w ork su rface. If the d eviation  
is beyond sp ec, the m onitor shou ld be rejected and  
sent back for repair before the operator w astes tim e  
trying to m agnet a d efective yoke.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Disp lay size correction  
A too-large active video size adjustment on a monitor  
m ay cau se inform ation to be lost arou nd the ed ges  
of the screen. A too-small active video size adjustment  
may make some d isplayed information hard to read .  
The correct size is needed to obtain the correct aspect  
ratio. You need the correct aspect ratio to get rou nd  
circles and squ are squ ares.  
First you need to know the correct p hysical size of  
the active video area for the display. This information  
u su ally is given in a d isp lay’s sp ec sheet or service  
manual. The size should match the sizes in the format  
you re u sing. The size setting of the cu rrent form at  
can be checked u sing the Format test im age.  
Place a ru ler or gau ge along the horizontal line of  
the im age and ad ju st the m onitor's horizontal size  
control u ntil the d istance betw een the end p oints  
m atches the sp ecified valu e.  
Move the ru ler or gau ge to the vertical line and  
ad ju st you r m onitor's vertical size control u ntil  
the d istance betw een the end p oints m atches the  
sp ecified valu e.  
Parallelogram d istortion check  
Pu rp ose  
Parallelogram d istortion is very d ifficu lt to correct  
w ith m agnets becau se the correction often cau ses  
barrel d istortion . Th erefore, you sh ou ld d ecid e  
early w hether you r m onitor m eets this sp ec. The  
p roblem u su ally can be traced to the im p rop er  
w ind ing of the yoke coils. If the p roblem isnt too  
severe, it m ay be corrected by ad d ing or ad ju sting  
m agnets on the yoke. H ow ever, if the d istortion  
is excessive, it m ay be an ind ication of a d efective  
yoke w hich cannot be corrected w ith m agnets.  
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O u tlin e0 an d O u tlin e1 — con td .  
Measu re the lengths of the tw o (2) d iagonal lines.  
Any d ifference is an ind ication of p arallelogram  
d istortion. The d ifference in read ings shou ld be  
w ithin the sp ecifications of the m onitor.  
If the d ifference in the read ings is too far beyond  
sp ec, the m onitor shou ld be rejected and sent back  
for rep air before the op erator w astes tim e trying  
to m agnet a d efective yoke.  
Trap ezoid d istortion correction  
Pu rp ose  
This im age gives you a w ay to m easu re trap ezoid  
d istortion in you r m onitor. If the d istortion isnt  
too severe, you m ay be able to correct it by ad d ing  
or ad ju sting m agnets on the yoke.  
Perform the Yoke Winding Orthogonality Check and  
Parallelogram Distortion Check tests first to p revent  
an op erator from w asting tim e on a m onitor w ith  
a d efective yoke.  
Measu re the w id th of the im age at the top and  
bottom of the d isp lay. Any d ifference in read ings  
sh ou ld be w ith in th e sp ec lim its. Measu re th e  
height of the im age at both sid es of the d isp lay.  
Again, any d ifference in read ings shou ld be w ithin  
sp ec lim its. If either of the d ifferences is ou t of  
sp ec, the trap ezoid d istortion of the m onitor is  
ou t of sp ec.  
Ad d or ad ju st m agnets on the yoke to correct the  
p roblem . The Pin & Barrel Correction test shou ld  
be rep eated to m ake su re that its still in sp ec.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Pin and barrel d istortion correction  
If perfectly linear sweep signals are sent to a perfectly  
w ou nd d eflection yoke thats m ou nted on a p erfect  
CRT, you would not necessarily get a perfectly formed  
raster. Instead you w ou ld likely get a raster that  
had its corners stretched aw ay from the center and  
resem bled a p in cu sh ion . Th is d istortion occu rs  
because the geometry of the d eflected electron beam  
d oes not m atch the geom etry of the tu be facep late.  
Also, im p erfections in the yoke or CRT m ay affect  
this p roblem . In som e cases one or m ore corners  
may be pulled towards the center of the raster causing  
it to look like a barrel. Uncorrected raster d istortion  
carries over as d istortion of the d isp layed im age.  
A slot gauge may be used to d etermine if the amount  
of p incu shion or barrel d istortion is w ithin lim its.  
A basic slot gau ge m ay consist of a p iece of op aqu e  
film w ith at least tw o (2) transp arent slots in it.  
One slot is u sed for top and bottom d istortion  
and the other is u sed for the sid es. By p ositioning  
the correct slot over each p ortion of the bord er  
line, the entire line shou ld be visible. If this cannot  
be d on e a t a ll fou r sid es, th e m on itor n eed s  
There are tw o m ain w ays of correcting p incu shion  
d istortion. The first involves p lacing or ad ju sting  
m agn ets on th e yoke. Th is is a trial-an d -error  
m ethod . H ow ever, skilled op erators d evelop a feel  
for how strong a m agnet to u se and how to p lace  
it in ord er to get the d esired correction. If any  
correction is p erform ed , the Trapezoid Distortion  
Correction test shou ld be rep eated .  
Th e oth er cor r ection m eth od in v olv es ad d in g  
correction signals to the d eflection signal d riving  
the yoke. This m ethod is u su ally fou nd in color  
m onitors, w here ad d ing m agnets to the yoke w ou ld  
cau se p roblem s w ith convergence and p u rity. The  
typ e and nu m ber of ad ju stm ents d ep end s on the  
m onitor being tested .  
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6 by 6 w hite crosshatch w ithou t a bord er on a black  
backgound .  
4 by 4 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er on a black  
backgound .  
4 by 4 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er and a sm all  
centered w hite p atch on a black backgou nd .  
8 by 8 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er on a black  
backgound .  
8 by 8 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er and a sm all  
centered w hite p atch on a black backgou nd .  
16 by 12 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er on a black  
backgound .  
16 by 12 w hite crosshatch w ith a bord er and a sm all  
centered w hite p atch on a black backgou nd .  
All black active vid eo area  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary version, 15 sm all w hite boxes m ove  
back and forth betw een d iagonal gu id e lines. The  
lines form 15 sid e-by-sid e tracks. The size of each  
box is scaled to the light m eter box size set by the  
MSIZ system param eter. The box in the center track  
m ov es on e scan lin e v er tically an d on e p ixel  
horizontally for each vertical fram e of refresh. The  
seven boxes in the tracks to the right of the center  
track m ove 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 p ixels and lines  
p er fram e. These boxes are m arked 2X throu gh  
8X at the bottom of the tracks. The seven boxes to  
the left of the center track m ove one scan line  
vertically and one p ixel horizontally for every 2,  
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 vertical fram es of refresh. These  
boxes are m arked / 2 throu gh / 8 at the bottom of  
the tracks.  
In cases w here the next m ove w ou ld cau se the  
b ox t o m ov e b ey on d t h e en d of it s t r a ck , it  
im m ed ia t ely r ev er ses a n d m o v es t h e co r r ect  
d istan ce in th e op p osite d irection for th e n ext  
fram e.  
A continu ou sly ru nning cou nter ap p ears in the  
u p p er left-hand corner of the im age. The nu m ber  
show n is the nu m ber of vertical fram e refreshes  
that have occu rred since the generator w as first  
p ow ered u p .  
The second ary version d raw s a black im age on a  
w hite backgrou nd .  
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/8 /7 /6 /5 /4 /3 /2 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X  
Phosp hor p ersistence  
Pu rp ose  
The p hosp hors on the face of m ost CRTs continu e  
to glow for a short p eriod of tim e after the electron  
b e a m h a s s t o p p e d e n e r g iz in g t h e m . Th is  
p henom enon is called persistence. A certain am ou nt  
of p ersistence is d esirable in m ost ap p lications. It  
p revents a flickering of a d isp layed im age that  
m ost u sers w ou ld find objectionable. On the other  
hand , a CRT w ith an overly long p ersistence tim e  
cau ses m oving objects to leave a blu rred trail.  
A flickering in the slow er m oving boxes ind icates  
that the com bination of refresh rate and p hosp hor  
p ersistence is not su itable for long-term view ing.  
A fad ing tail left behind by the faster m oving boxes  
ind icates that the d isp lay m ay not be su itable for  
view ing anim ated im ages.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Pu lseBar (TV form ats on ly)  
The im age looks like tw o vertical lines follow ed by  
a w id e vertical bar on a d isp lays screen. The first  
line is a sine-squ ared m od u lated p u lse that fad es  
from black to red and back to black. The p u lse is  
20T for PAL and 12.5 T for NTSC formats. The second  
narrow er line is a 2T w hite sine-squ ared p u lse. T =  
100 nSec for PAL and 125 nSec for N TSC form ats.  
The w id e bar is w hite w ith sine-squ ared ed ges.  
Vid eo System Testing  
This m u lti-p u rp ose p attern can be u sed w ith other  
in stru m en ts to ch eck television K factors. Th e  
mod ulated pulse can be used to check chrominance-  
to-lum inance d elay and gain. The narrow w hite line  
can be u sed to m easu re short term linear d istortion  
(K2T). One scan line of the image, as it would appear  
on a w aveform analyzer, is show n here:  
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Q u artBox  
Descrip tion  
The p rim ary version has a single w hite box in the  
center of active vid eo. The size of the box is one-  
half the w id th and height of the active vid eo area  
(a qu arter of the entire active vid eo area). The  
second ary version d raw s a black box on a w hite  
backgrou nd .  
Brightness control ad ju stm ent  
Pu rp ose  
The w rong brightness setting on you r m onitor m ay  
cau se other tests su ch as Contrast, Focus and Beam  
Size to be invalid . An accu rate brightness setting  
help s give rep eatable m easu rem ents throu ghou t  
oth er tests. Th is version of th e brigh tn ess box  
shou ld be u sed if the d isp lays sp ecifications call  
for the brightness to be set w ith one-fou rth of the  
screen lit.  
Place you r light m eter p robe w ithin the center box  
an d ad ju st th e m on itor’s brigh tn ess con trol to  
obtain the requ ired light m eter read ing.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
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Ram p  
(TV form ats on ly)  
The active vid eo area goes from full black (+7.5 IRE)  
at the left ed ge of the screen to fu ll w hite (+100  
IRE) at the right ed ge.  
Vid eo Gain Linearity  
Method :  
When view ed on a TV screen, the full range of grays  
shou ld be visible. There shou ld be no color shifts  
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Descrip tion  
A totally black d isp lay (nothing being d isp layed )  
Raster centering  
Pu rp ose  
M a n y m o n it o r a p p lica t io n s r e q u ir e t h a t t h e  
d isp layed im age or text fit com p letely w ithin a  
bezel that su rrou nd s the CRT. This u su ally requ ires  
that you first center the blank raster on the face  
of the CRT and then center the im age w ithin the  
raster. Use this im age for centering the raster on  
the CRT.  
Tu rn u p you r m onitors brightness control u ntil  
the raster is ju st visible. Ad ju st the raster’s position  
a n d siz e u sin g t h e siz e a n d r a st er cen t er in g  
controls. The raster centering ad ju stm ent for m any  
m onochrom e m onitors consists of m oving m agnetic  
rings on the d eflection yoke.  
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Regu late  
Descrip tion  
The im age cycles betw een tw o (2) p atterns. In the  
p rim ary version, the first p attern is a w hite ou tline  
that d efines the ed ges of d isplayed vid eo. The other  
p attern has the sam e ou tline p lu s a solid w hite  
r ectan gle in th e cen ter . Th e size of th e solid  
rectangle equ als 95% of the height and w id th of  
d isp layed vid eo. The sp eed of the cycle cannot be  
changed .  
The second ary version has a thick w hite fram e  
w ith a black center for the first p attern and a solid  
w hite active vid eo area for the other p attern.  
H igh voltage regu lation  
The size of the bord er shou ld not change for each  
h alf of th e im age. Th e ch an ge in bor d er size  
betw een the tw o im ages shou ld be w ithin the sp ec  
lim its of the m onitor.  
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Sam su n g1  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
m anu factu rers. The im age consists of three sm all  
simulations of Microsoft WIndows® screens on a blue  
background. A border and centered cross are formed  
with repeating groups of the characters “e” and “m”.  
The rep eating characters are also u sed to form a  
rectangu lar p atch in the u p p er left hand corner and  
a circu lar area in the center of the im age.  
Sam su n g2  
Sam e as Sam su ng1 bu t w ith a black backgrou nd .  
Slid eG  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
m an u factu rers. Th e im age con sists of a green  
crosshatch with moving lines on a black background.  
The vertical lines m ove to the right and the vertical  
lines m ove d ow n.  
Slid eRG B  
Sp ecia l test im a g e sp ecified by som e d isp la y  
m anu factu rers. The im age consists of a crosshatch  
w ith m oving lines that also change color on a black  
background . The vertical lines move to the right and  
the vertical lines move d ow n. The colors of the lines  
change after every move. The colors continuosly cycle  
betw een red , green and blu e.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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SM PTE133  
Descrip tion  
This im age is based on a recom m end ed p ractice  
(RP-133) test p attern d esigned by the Society of  
Motion Pictu re and Television Engineers (SMPTE).  
The original ap p lication w as u sed in testing and  
evalu ating m ed ical im aging m onochrom e d isp lays.  
The im age now is u sed in m any d ifferent d isp lay  
ap p lications. The im age is self scaling as to the  
nu m ber of active p ixels and active lines u sed . Som e  
of the im ages elem ents have m inor d ifferences  
fr om th e or igin al SM PTE sp ecification . Th ese  
d iffer en ces a r e n o t ed in d escr ip t io n s o f t h e  
ind ivid u al elem ents.  
1) Th e im a g e is d r a w n o n  
r e fe r e n ce  
backgrou nd having a 50% intensity level. The  
backgrou n d covers th e en tire active vid eo  
2) Crosshatch – There are 10 boxes vertically.  
The nu m ber of horizontal boxes is based on  
the p hysical asp ect ratio d eterm ined by the  
H SIZ and VSIZ p aram eters in the cu rrently  
load ed form at. The boxes are p erfectly squ are  
w ith any fractional sp aces p laced arou nd the  
ou tsid e ed ges of the im age. The vertical lines  
are tw o (2) p ixels thick w hile the horizontal  
lines are tw o (2) scan lines thick. Small crosses  
ind icate the intersection of the horizontal and  
vertical lines w hen they are covered by other  
p arts of the im age. All p arts of the crosshatch  
are norm ally d raw n u sing a 70% intensity  
level. A 75% level is u sed in the second ary  
3) Resolu tion Patch – The p atch is m ad e u p of  
six (6) sm aller boxes that are each about 6.25%  
of the height of the d isp lay. The boxes are  
m ad e of alternating intensity (0 and 100%)  
s t r ip e s . Th e s t r ip e s r u n v e r t ica lly a n d  
horizontally. The strip es m ay be one (1), tw o  
(2) or three (3) p ixels w id e each. Details of  
the p atch are show n in the low er half of the  
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follow ing illustration. The patches are located  
in each corner of the m ain im age and in the  
cen ter. Th ey’re orien ted w ith th e h igh est  
resolu tion and contrast boxes closest to the  
ou tsid e corners. The 48%-53%, 48%-51% and  
50%-51% level p atch es are om itted in th e  
second ary version.  
4) Gr ay-Scale Boxes – Tw elv e (12) boxes at  
elev en (11) in ten sity lev els ar e clu ster ed  
arou nd the center of the m ain im age. They  
start at 0% and increase in 10% step s to 100%  
w ith tw o (2) boxes at a 50% level. All of the  
gray-scale boxes are om itted in the second ary  
5) Gam m a Check Dither Box – A sm all box is  
d raw n insid e the right-hand 50% gray-scale  
box. The box is half the w id th and height of  
the larger box. The box consists of a checker-  
board of alternate one-on and one-off p ixels.  
The alternate pixels have levels of 0 and 100%.  
This sm aller box is not p art of the original  
SMPTE sp ecification and is om itted in the  
second ary version.  
6) Contrast Boxes – Tw o (2) boxes are d raw n  
ad jacent to the gray-scale boxes. Theyre at  
0 and 100% levels. There are sm aller boxes  
d raw n insid e each box at 5 and 95% levels.  
Th e co n t r a s t b o xe s a r e o m it t e d in t h e  
second ary version.  
7) Black & White Wind ow s – Tw o (2) horizontal  
bars are located above and below the gray-  
scale boxes. Their height equ als 8% of the  
d isp la y h eig h t . Th er e a r e h a lf-siz e b a r s  
centered in the larger bars. In the p rim ary  
version, the d ark p ortion of the w ind ow s is  
at a 5% level and the bright p ortion is at a  
95% level. Zero and 100% levels are u sed in  
the second ary version.  
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SM PTE — con td .  
8) Bord er – A bord er line is d raw n arou nd the  
im age. It’s set in from the ed ges of d isp layed  
vid eo a d istance equ al to 1% of the d isp layed  
height and has a thickness equ al to 0.5% of  
the d isp layed height. The intensity level is  
the sam e as that of the crosshatch lines.  
9) Circle – A large circle is centered in the image.  
It tou ches the top and bottom of the active  
vid eo area w hen the asp ect ratio is w id er  
than it is high (land scap e-typ e d isp lay). The  
circle tou ches the left and right sid es of active  
vid eo w hen the asp ect ratio is taller than it  
is w id e (p ortrait-typ e d isp lay). The intensity  
level is the sam e as that of the crosshatch  
lines. The circle is not p art of the original  
SMPTE sp ecification.  
10) Resolu tion Data - The nu m ber of active p ixels  
p er line and the nu m ber of active lines is  
show n as text below the low er black-and -  
w hite w ind ow . The p ixel d ep th also is show n.  
The intensity level of the text is the sam e as  
that of the crosshatch lines. The d isp laying  
of the d ata is not p art of the original SMPTE  
sp ecification.  
The second ary version ad d s a row of six (6)  
Color Bars above and below the black-and -  
w hite w ind ow s. The ord er of the colors, from  
left to right, is red , green, blu e, cyan (g+b),  
m agenta (r+b) and yellow (r+g). The top row  
is d raw n at 100% in ten sity levels an d th e  
bottom row is d raw n at 50% intensity levels.  
Color bars are not p art of the original SMPTE  
sp ecification.  
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Primary version of  
(SMPTE) RP-133  
Quantum Data  
H: 720  
V: 350  
D: 4  
Gamma Check  
Dither Box  
1 @ 100%  
1 @ 0 %  
2 @ 51%  
2 @ 50 %  
1 @ 100%  
1 @ 0 %  
2 @ 51%  
2 @ 50 %  
2 @ 100%  
2 @ 0 %  
2 @ 51%  
2 @ 48 %  
2 @ 100%  
2 @ 0 %  
2 @ 51%  
2 @ 48 %  
3 @ 100%  
3 @ 0 %  
2 @ 53%  
2 @ 48 %  
3 @ 100%  
3 @ 0 %  
2 @ 53%  
2 @ 48 %  
0% and 5%  
Contrast Boxes  
95% and 100%  
Contrast Boxes  
Center detail of  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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SM PTE — con td .  
Deflection linearity  
If the overall height and w id th of the d isp lays  
active vid eo area m atch the sizes in the form at,  
the large circle shou ld be p erfectly rou nd . Each  
box in the crosshatch p attern shou ld be the sam e  
size and shap e. For m ore inform ation on testing  
linearity, p lease see the d iscu ssion on the Linearty  
test im age.  
H igh contrast resolu tion  
All the 0 and 100% level stripes in all the resolu tion  
p atches shou ld be sep arate and d istinct.  
Low contrast resolu tion and noise  
All the m id -level 2 on - 2 off strip es in all the  
resolu tion p atches shou ld be visible and d istinct.  
This is a sensitive test for noise in the d isp lays  
vid eo am p lifiers.  
Qu ick gam m a check  
The average brightness level of the sm all gam m a  
d ither box should match the brightness of the larger  
su rrou nd ing box. This is a visu al check to see if  
the d isp lays gam m a correction is p rod u cing the  
correct m id -level resp onse.  
Vid eo gain linearity and gam m a  
The ind ivid u al gray-scale boxes all shou ld be at  
their ind icated levels. A sm all ap ertu re p hotom eter  
is u su ally requ ired to get accu rate and rep eatable  
read ings.  
Contrast and brightness check  
On a d isp lay w ith p rop erly ad ju sted brightness  
and contrast controls, both the 5% and 95% contrast  
boxes shou ld be clearly visible insid e their larger  
su rrou nd ing 0% and 100% boxes.  
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SM PTE — con td .  
Vid eo am p lifier stability  
The tw o black-and -w hite w ind ow s shou ld show  
sharp transitions betw een the sm aller box and the  
s u r r o u n d in g w in d o w . St r e a k in g m a y b e a n  
ind ication of u nd ershoot or overshoot w hile ghost  
im ages m ay ind icate a ringing p roblem .  
Excessive overscan and off-center alignm ent  
The entire bord er shou ld be clearly visible on the  
face of the tu be and not be hid d en by the ed ge of  
the glass or by any bezel.  
Interlace flicker  
The horizontal 1 On - 1 Off strip es in the resolu tion  
boxes shou ld not have objectionable flicker w hen  
show n w ith an interlaced form at. Excessive flicker  
ind icates that the com bination of the d isp lays CRT  
p er sisten ce a n d fr a m e sca n r a te is below th e  
p ersistence tim e of the hu m an eye.  
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SM PTEb ar  
This im age is based on an engineering gu id eline  
(EG 1-1990) test signal sp ecified by the Society of  
Motion Pictu re and Television Engineers (SMPTE).  
The SMPTE pattern, in tu rn, is d erived from an EIA  
stand ard test p attern (RS-189-A). The im age, is set  
u p to be generated by an 801GX as an encod ed TV  
output. It is d esigned for ad justing the color settings  
of a television m onitor by eye. It can also be u sed  
w ith a TV w aveform analyzer and vectorscop e for  
testing vid eo signal p rocessors and color d ecod ers.  
The image is available on all mod els as a component  
RGB signal. Some of the images elements have some  
d ifferences from the original SMPTE sp ecification.  
These d ifferences are given in d escrip tions of the  
ind ivid u al elem ents.  
The upper 67% of the image consists of a series  
of color b ars. These bars m atch the ord er of  
the bars in the SMPTE and EIA p atterns. They  
are sim ilar to the 801GX’s TVBar_75 im age  
w ithou t the last black bar.  
The left hand side of the lower 25% of the image  
contains isolated -I and Q color d ifference  
signals that match the original EIA and SMPTE  
patterns. The -I signal appears as a bluish gray  
bar and the Q signal ap p ears as a p u rp le bar  
on a TV m onitor. The bars are sep arated by a  
w hite (+100 IRE) bar.  
The right hand sid e of the low er 25% of the  
im age contains a narrow 12.5 IRE gray b ar.  
Du e to a hard w are lim itation on the 801GX,  
this p ortion of the p attern d oes not m atch the  
original EIA and SMPTE patterns. The original  
patterns had +3.5 (blacker than black) and +11.5  
IRE bars sep arated by a +7.5 IRE (black) bar.  
The remaining central 8% of the image contains  
a row of ch rom a set b ars. These bars are p art  
of the SMPTE p attern bu t are not in the EIA  
pattern. The ord er of the alternating color and  
black bars matches those in the SMPTE pattern.  
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5% Gray Bar  
(Blue White  
SMPTEbar Image  
as it would appear on a TV monitor  
A single scan line from the upper portion of the SMPTEbar  
Image as it would appear on a TV waveform analyzer  
connected to the 801GXÕs TV output  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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TV Vectorscope signature of the upper color bar portion of  
the SMPTEbar Image using NTSC color encoding on the  
801GX’s TV output  
TV Vectorscope signature of the lower portion of the  
SMPTEbar Image showing -I and Q color difference signals  
using NTSC color encoding on the 801GX’s TV output  
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Color Vid eo Perform ance  
This general p u rp ose p attern can be u sed to check  
the vid eo hand ling cap abilities of m ost p arts of a  
television system .  
Method :  
When view ed on a TV screen, all of the u p p er color  
bars shou ld be correct and in the ord er show n. The  
hu e and intensity of each bar shou ld be u niform  
over the entire bar.  
The image can be used with a TV waveform analyzer  
to check the p erform ance of a vid eo system . The  
upper color bars, as they would appear on a waveform  
analyzer, are show n on a p reviou s p age.  
Color Decod er Perform ance  
Pu rp ose:  
The im age can u sed w ith a TV vectorscop e to check  
for p rop er op eration of a vid eo color d ecod er.  
Vectorscop e sign atu res of th e u p p er an d low er  
p ortions of the im age u sing N TSC encod ing can be  
fou nd on the p reviou s p ages.  
Method :  
The vectorscop e signatu re for the color bars shou ld  
h it th e target test p oin t for each color on th e  
vectorscopes graticule. If you are using PAL encoded  
video, the signature w ill be similar to the one show n  
for the TVBar_75 test im age on an earlier p age.  
The three “legs” of the vectorscop e signatu re for  
the -I and Q color d ifference signals shou ld m atch  
the Burst, -I and Q reference lines on the vectorscopes  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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The follow ing tests are based on the original SMPTE  
quid eline:  
Visu al Chrom a Gain Ad ju stm ent  
Method :  
In ord er to p erform this test, you m u st have a w ay  
of turning off the red and green guns in the monitor  
u nd er test. Tu rning off the red and green vid eo  
com p onents of the 801GX’s vid eo ou tp u t w ill not  
w ork for this test.  
This test uses the upper and central color bars. Switch  
off the red and green guns on the m onitor. This w ill  
p rod u ce fou r blu e bars, sep arated by black bars.  
Ad ju st the chrom a gain so that the brightness of  
each ou ter blu e bar is u niform over the entire bar.  
The gain is correct w hen the bottom 10% of each  
bar is the sam e brightness as the rest of the bar.  
Visu al Chrom a Phase Ad ju stm ent  
Method :  
In ord er to p erform this test, you m u st have a w ay  
of turning off the red and green guns in the monitor  
u nd er test. Tu rning off the red and green vid eo  
com p onents of the 801GX’s vid eo ou tp u t w ill not  
w ork for this test.  
This test uses the upper and central color bars. Switch  
off the red and green guns on the m onitor. This w ill  
p rod u ce fou r blu e bars, sep arated by black bars.  
Ad ju st the chrom a p hase so that the brightness of  
each of the tw o central blu e bars is u niform over  
the entire bar. The phase is correct w hen the bottom  
10% of each bar is the sam e brightness as the rest of  
the bar.  
Visu al Black Level Ad ju stm ent  
Method :  
This test u ses the low er right hand p ortion of the  
im age. Red u ce the black level u ntil the gray bar  
d isappears. Slow ly increase the black level until the  
bar ju st becom es clearly visible.  
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Descrip tion  
The active vid eo area goes from fu ll black at the  
left ed ge of the screen to fu ll w hite at the right  
ed ge. There are six (6) step s. The step levels are  
7.5 (black), 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 IRE.  
Vid eo gain linearity  
When view ed on a m onitors screen, a black bar  
p lu s five (5) gray bars shou ld be visible. There  
shou ld be no color shifts and each of the bars  
shou ld be u niform in color.  
The im age also can be u sed w ith an oscilloscop e  
or TV w aveform analyzer to check the gain linearity  
and gam m a correction of a vid eo system .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Strok es0, Strok es1  
Descrip tion  
This im age m ay be called ou t by som e d isp lay  
m a n u fa ct u r er s’ t est p r o ced u r es. Th e St r okes0  
version consists of m u ltip le grou p s of sep arated  
red , green and blu e horizontal lines d raw n on a  
black backgrou nd . The Strokes1 version consists  
of m u ltip le grou p s of sep arated red , green and  
blu e d iagonal lines d raw n on a black backgrou nd .  
Pu rp ose  
These are sp ecial-p u rp ose test p atterns u sed in  
test and alignm ent p roced u res sp ecified by one  
or m ore d isp lay m anu factu rers.  
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Text_9, Text_16  
Descrip tion  
In the p rim ary versions, the screen is filled w ith  
r a n d om p a r a g r a p h s of w h ite text on a b la ck  
backgrou nd . The second ary versions u se black text  
on a w h ite backgrou n d Th e am ou n t of text is  
d eterm ined by the size of the font u sed and the  
horizontal and vertical resolu tion of the form at.  
The Text_16 image uses a larger font than the Text_9  
im age.  
In this paper we will demonstrate that by using optimal management  
engineering to offset partial incremental time phasing it leaves a few  
random context sensitive capacity to produce partial management control.  
Nevertheless, stressing the systematic digital programming to offset  
functional unilateral superstructures it leaves a few unresponsive context  
sensitive flexibility to produce representative organizational  
functionality. Often invoking optional transitional interaction as well as  
partial third generation superstructures it is necessary for all qualified  
context sensitive time phasing to generate a high level of partial  
reciprocal displays. Sometimes, by not distinguishing random context  
sensitive outflow as well as partial reciprocal hardware it becomes not  
infeasible for all but the least responsive third generation engineering  
to maintain adequate random context sensitive devices. More likely, it is  
that by developing integrated policy capability coordinated with random  
unilateral engineering it emphasizes the very qualified incremental  
projections to generate a high level of systematized well-documented  
emulation. Also, invoking partial management concepts as well as  
synchronized reciprocal hardware it is possible for even the most  
transient transitional utilities to serve as integrated organizational  
systems. On the other hand, to maintain random context sensitive devices  
as well as reciprocal hardware the optimal management engineering offset  
partial incremental time phasing. Often, optimal management engineering by  
developing qualified incremental projections as well as adequate random  
context. Therefore, in the representative organizational functionality  
third generation superstructures become not feasible to generate  
Portion of  
secondary Text_16  
In this paper we will demonstrate that b  
using optimal management engineering to  
partial incremental time phasing it leav  
few random context sensitive capacity to  
produce partial management control.  
Nevertheless, stressing the systematic d  
programming to offset functional unilate  
superstru tures it leaves a few unrespon  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Text_9, Text_16 — con td .  
Word p rocessor sim u lation  
Pu rp ose  
If you r m onitor is u sed in w ord p rocessor w ork  
stations or other ap p lications that call for large  
am ou nts of text to be d isp layed , you can u se this  
im age to sim u late actu al u ser cond itions.  
Select a su itable font size and text color. Ad ju st  
you r m onitors brightness and contrast controls  
to obtain the best im age. The characters in all areas  
of the d isp lay shou ld be w ell form ed and in focu s.  
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TVBar100 & TVBar_75 (TV form ats on ly)  
The image consists of seven (7) vertical bars that fill  
the entire active vid eo area. The color and ord er of  
the bars is show n in the figure below . The TVBar100  
im age has a p eak vid eo level of 100 IRE and the  
TVBar_75 im age has a p eak vid eo level of 75 IRE.  
Color Vid eo Perform ance  
This general p u rp ose p attern can be u sed to check  
the vid eo hand ling cap abilities of m ost p arts of a  
television system .  
When viewed on a TV screen, all of the colors should  
be correct and in the ord er show n. The hu e and  
intensity of each bar shou ld be u niform over the  
entire bar.  
The image can be used with a TV waveform analyzer  
to check the performance of a video system. Indivdual  
scan lines of each im age, as they w ou ld ap p ear on  
a w aveform analyzer, are show n on the follow ing  
The im age is qu ite effective w hen u sed w ith a TV  
vectorscop e to see how a vid eo system hand les an  
encoded color signal. Vectorscope signatures of both  
N TSC and PAL versions of the im age can be fou nd  
on the follow ing p ages.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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1 Horizontal Period of TVBar100 Image as it would appear  
on a TV waveform analyzer connected to the 801GX’s TV output  
1 Horizontal Period of TVBar_75Image as it would appear  
on a TV waveform analyzer connected to the 801GX’s TV output  
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TV Vectorscope signature of the TVBar_75 Image  
using NTSC color encoding on the 801GX.  
TV Vectorscope signature of the TVBar_75 Image  
using PAL color encoding on the 801GX.  
There are twice as many points as NTSC because the  
color sub-carrier phase is reveresed every other scan line.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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TVH atch (TV form ats on ly)  
Descrip tion:  
The im age consists of a w hite crosshatch on a black  
backgrou nd . The lines form squ are boxes w hen the  
d isp lay’s active vid eo area has a 4:3 asp ect ratio.  
The vertical lines are m ad e u sing sine-squ ared (2T)  
p u lses (T = 125 nSec for N TSC and T = 100 nSec for  
Convergence Ad ju stm ent  
In ord er to accu rately p rod u ce an im age on a color  
m onitor, the three electron beam s in the CRT m u st  
m eet (converge) at the exact sam e location at the  
sam e tim e. Lines d isp layed on a m is-converged  
m onitor w ill ap p ear as several m u lticolored lines  
and the transitions betw een d ifferent colored areas  
w ill contain “fringes” of other colors.  
The convergence adjustments of most color monitors  
can be broken d ow n into tw o m ain categories.  
The first set of ad ju stm ents, u su ally called “Static  
Convergence”, calls for aligning the three beam s in  
the center of the d isp lay. The id ea is to tu rn on all  
three gu ns and ad ju st the variou s m agnets on the  
convergence assembly to produce all white lines and  
d ots in the center of the d isp lay. The convergence  
assembly is located on the neck of the CRT. Different  
monitors and CRT types may each require their ow n  
m agnet ad ju stm ent sequ ence.  
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After the center of the display is properly converged,  
the outer areas can be adjusted by using the monitors  
“Dynam ic Convergence” controls. The nu m ber of  
controls, the area of the screen that they affect and  
their ad ju stm ent p roced u re is d ep end ent u p on the  
m onitor you re testing.  
Sw eep Linearity Ad ju stm ent  
In ord er to p resent an u nd istorted d isp lay, the  
horizontal and vertical sw eeps of the electron beam  
across the face of the CRT shou ld be at u niform  
speed s. Any non-uniformity in the sw eep w ill cause  
p ortions of an im age to be stretched w hile other  
p ortions w ill be com p ressed . N on-linearity in a  
m onitor can show u p in several w ays. It m ay be  
p resent across the entire screen, a large p ortion of  
the screen or it m ay be localized in a very sm all  
Method :  
Ad ju st the d isp lay’s linearity controls so that all of  
the boxes in the crosshatch are id entical in size. You  
can m easu re the boxes w ith a ru ler or w ith a gau ge  
m ad e for the m onitor you re testing. Any d eviation  
shou ld be w ithin you r sp ec lim its.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. X1  
Chapter 4: Built-In Images  
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Chapter 5: Making Connections  
Line Voltage Selector  
AC Power Connection  
Display Connection  
Display Codes  
Computer Connection  
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Line Voltage Selector  
Make certain that the voltage selector sw itch is set  
correctly before p lu gging the 801G* in.  
Op erating the 801G* w ith the w rong AC line  
voltage setting or ad ju sting the line voltage se-  
lector sw itch w hile the generator is p lu gged in  
may cause serious d amage to the generator. This  
typ e of d am age is not covered u nd er the p rod -  
u ct w arranty nor service contracts.  
You w ill find a recessed AC line voltage selector on  
the left sid e of the 801G* cabinet. This selector has  
tw o p ositions:  
• 115V - for u se w ith line voltages betw een 86  
and 132 VAC @ 48 to 66 H z  
• 230V - for u se w ith line voltages betw een 180  
and 250 VAC @ 48 to 66 H z  
The 801G* is ship p ed from the factory w ith the line  
voltage selector set for 115V.  
If the voltage in you r area is greater than 180V,  
you m u st ad ju st the voltage selector to 230V  
before p lu gging in the generator.  
Selecting a line voltage.  
The line voltage selector can be changed u sing a  
p en, screw d river, or sim ilar p ointed tool.  
1. M ak e su re th at th e 801G * p ow er cord is u n -  
p lu gged .  
2. In sert tool in to th e voltage selector slot.  
3. Pu sh again st th e sid e of th e slot closest to th e  
voltage lab el.  
4. Slid e th e selector toggle u n til th e correct lin e  
voltage com es in to fu ll view .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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The 801G* u ses the sam e AC m ains fu se for all AC  
voltage ranges. The “Maintenance” chap ter has in-  
form ation on the typ e of fu se u sed .  
AC Power Connection  
The pow er cord shipped w ith the 801G* is d esigned  
for u se in the U.S.A. One end of this cord m ates  
with an international-standard IEC-320 connector on  
the generator. The other end is compatible with most  
120V/ 15A grou nd ed ou tlets.  
You m ay need to su bstitu te another p ow er cord for  
the one w e p rovid e in ord er to m atch the line volt-  
age and ou tlet configu ration in you r area. Interna-  
tional power supply cords are available from several  
sou rces. One su ch su p p lier is Panel Com p onents  
Corp oration of Santa Rosa CA. Their telep hone  
nu m ber is (707) 523-0600. In the U.S., call (800) 662-  
AC Power Selection &Connection  
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We d o not su p p ly test signal cables w ith the 801G*.  
Most d isp lays com e w ith cabling for a p articu lar  
com p u ter. This cabling w ill u su ally be com p atible  
w ith one of the connectors on the 801G*. If not, you  
can constru ct you r ow n test cables u sing the infor-  
m ation in this section.  
D-Sub Output Connectors  
The 801GC and 801GX have fou r D-Su b ou tpu t con-  
nectors as show n in figu re 5-1. The 801GF has three  
connectors. These connectors follow common ind us-  
try-stand ard p inou ts as show n on in table 5-1. H ere  
is a qu ick su m m ary of the connectors:  
• (801GC and 801GX Only) A single 9-p in re-  
ceptacle is provid ed for d riving IBM-stand ard  
MDA, CGA, and EGA (TTL vid eo) d isp lays.  
The exact configuration of the signals that exit  
from this connector vary d ep end ing on the  
form at selected .  
• A 13W3 recep tacle is p rovid ed for d riving  
analog vid eo m onitors that w ork w ith SUN  
w orkstations. This typ e of analog vid eo con-  
nector m ay also be fou nd on som e versions of  
Ap p le com p u ters.  
• A 15-p in high-d ensity recep tacle is p rovid ed  
for d riving VGA analog d isp lays that com p ly  
w ith IBM and / or VESA stand ard s.  
• A 15-pin receptacle is provided for driving most  
Apple compatible d isplays. This connector fol-  
low s Apple Macintosh II d isplay stand ard s for  
analog vid eo ou tp u ts.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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Figure 5-1 D-sub Output Connectors  
This Connector used on  
801GC and 801GX only  
Table 5-1  
D-Sub Output Connector  
Explanation of abbreviations used in table:  
= Blue Video  
CS = Digital (TTL level) Comp Sync  
= Green Video  
GND = Signal Ground  
HS = Digital (TTL level) Horizontal Sync  
= Intensity Bit (monchrome, LSB)  
Ib = Blue Intensity Bit  
Ig = Green Intensity Bit  
Ir = Red Intensity Bit  
M0 - M3 = Monitor Display Code Inputs  
= Red Video  
= Video Bit (monchrome, MSB)  
VS = Digital (TTL level) Vertical Sync  
Display Connection  
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BNC Output Connectors  
All models have five BNC connectors along the right  
sid e as show n in figu re 5-2. They are for d riving  
analog w orkstation and projection d isplays that use  
RGB com p onent vid eo w ith or w ithou t sep arate  
The 801GX has a sixth connector w hich is u sed for  
the N TSC / PAL TV encod ed vid eo. We su p p ly a  
separate BNC to RCA jack adapter (#30-00123), shown  
on the left, to m atch the connectors u sed on m any  
com m ercial TV typ e m onitors.  
BNC to RCA  
adapter supplied  
with 802GX only  
S-VIDEO Connector (801GX Only)  
A 4 p osition m ini-DIN recep tacle is to the right of  
the BN C connectors. It is u sed for the N TSC / PAL  
TV com patible S-VIDEO lu m inance (Y) and chrom i-  
nance (C) ou tp u ts.  
V Sync  
Blue Analog Video  
Red Analog Video  
S-VIDEO (801GX)  
H / CS Sync  
Green Analog Video  
TV Video (801GX)  
Figure 5-2 BNC and S-VIDEO Output Connectors  
Some displays have an identification code hard-wired  
into their inp u t connector. This cod e consists of a  
u niqu e com bination of floating and grou nd ed p ins  
on the connector.  
What is a Display  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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Som e com puters and vid eo controller card s look for  
the display codes and automatically adjust their hard-  
w are to ou tp u t an ap p rop riate vid eo signal form at  
for the d isp lay that is connected .  
Problem s can occu r if a d isp lay ou tp u ts the w rong  
cod e and it is connected to a com p u ter having an  
automatic format adjustment feature. The wrong sig-  
nal m ay be generated and the d isp lay m ay ap p ear  
to be broken.  
Checking a  
The 801G* is cap able of checking the statu s of the  
cod e p ins in its D-su b connectors. These p ins are  
id entified as M0 throu gh M3 in table 5-1. Each sig-  
nal form at in the 801G* can be ind ep end ently set-  
u p to test one or m ore of the d isp lay cod e p ins. The  
form ats also can be set-u p w ith the exp ected cod e.  
The “Form at” test im age show s both the exp ected  
Table 5-2  
Code M3 M2 M1 M0  
Code M3 M2 M1 M0  
Display Code Values  
for all Sense Line  
code and the code that is read as a single hexidecimal  
nu m bers. The follow ing table show s the equ ivalent  
hex cod e values for all possible input com binations.  
A 0” ind icates a grou nd ed or logic low inp u t and  
“1” ind icates either a floating or logic high inp u t  
The 801G* m erely read s and d isp lays the cod e.  
It d oes not autom atically select or m od ify signal  
form at d ata based on the cod e.  
Some of the built-in ind ustry stand ard formats have  
been set-u p to check for the p rop er cod es. The fol-  
low ing tables list the formats and the expected id en-  
tification cod es. The tables also show w hich p ins  
need to be op en (1) or grou nd ed (0) to create the  
correct cod e.  
Display Connection & Display Codes  
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SUN Display Codes  
The follow ing table list the cod es that are output by  
SUN Microsystem s analog d isp lays:  
Revised table not available at  
time of publication  
Table 5-3 SUN Display Codes  
IBM VGA Display Codes  
The following table list the codes that are hard-wired  
into IBM VGA analog d isp lays:  
8512 & 8513 PS/2 Color Displays  
8503 PS/2 Monochrome Display  
8514 PS/2 Color Display  
Table 5-4 IBM VGA Display Codes  
Apple Macintosh Display Codes  
The follow ing table lists the cod es that are hard -  
w ired into m ost Ap p le d isp lays:  
external display not connected  
13" HR Monochrome or Color  
RS-170A TV  
21" Two-page Monochrome or Color  
12" LC Monochrome or Color  
15" One-page Monochrome  
Table 5-5 Apple Display Codes  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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ExternalProgramming Connections  
The 801G* can op erated and p rogram m ed from an  
external com p u ter or term inal. Tw o d ifferent com -  
m u nications p orts are stand ard on the 801G* for a  
com p u ter or term inal hook-u p . The RS-232C serial  
p ort allow s the u nit to be connected to m any p er-  
sonal com p u ters or d u m b term inals.The IEEE-488  
(GPIB) p ort lets you u se the 801G* as a p rogram -  
m able vid eo signal sou rce sou rce in a larger au to-  
m ated test system .  
Figure 5-3 Serial & IEEE-488 Ports  
This section of the m anu al covers the actu al hard -  
w are connections and the communications protocol.  
The “Program m ing” chap ter p rovid es d etailed in-  
form ation on all of the 801G*’s p rogram m ing cap a-  
bilities. It also inclu d es all of the com m and s that  
can be sent to the u nit.  
The 801G* u ses a 9 p in m ale D-su b p lu g as the se-  
rial p ort connector. The p in-ou t of the connector is  
the sam e as on a serial p ort for an IBM-PC AT com -  
puter. A suitable null-mod em cable (part #30-00124)  
is su p p lied w ith the 801G* to connect it to su ch a  
p ort. This cable has fem ale connectors on each end  
that are w ired for d irect connection from the 801G*  
to su ch a com p u ter. Either end of the cable can be  
p lu gged into the 801G*.  
Display Codes & Serial Port Connections  
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Tw o ad apters are provid ed for connecting the 801G*  
to com p u ters and term inals that u se 25 p in D-su b  
connectors for their RS-232 ports. One ad apter (part  
#30-00115) allow s you to attach the 801G* to a 25  
p in fem ale connector p ort. The other (#30-00116)  
ad ap ter is for u se w ith a 25 p in m ale p ort.  
The cable and ad ap ters that are su p p lied w ith the  
801G* are show n below . N o other serial cables or  
ad ap ters are available from Qu antu m Data at this  
tim e. The follow ing p ages p rovid e inform ation on  
m aking you r ow n cables and ad ap ters to m eet you r  
sp ecific set-u p .  
Figure 5-4  
Null-Modem Cable  
9-pin fem. to 9-pin fem.  
part #30-00124  
Figure 5-4  
Serial Adapter  
9-pin male to 25-pin fem.  
part #30-00115  
Figure 5-6  
Serial Adapter  
9-pin male to 25-pin male  
part #30-00116  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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PC / Terminal Wiring  
The cable and ad ap ters su p p lied w ith the 801G*  
shou ld be su itable for m ost basic RS-232 hook-u p s  
that u se either 9 p in or 25 p in D-Su b connectors. In  
som e cases, you m ay need to m ake you r ow n sp e-  
cial cable. The table below lists the connections re-  
qu ired to attach the 801G* to the RS-232 p ort on a  
term inal or PC typ e com p u ter.  
9 pin D-Sub  
9-pin D-Sub  
PC or Terminal  
25-pin D-Sub  
pin-1 NC  
pin-2 Rx  
pin-3 Tx  
pin-2 Rx  
pin-2 Tx  
pin-3 Rx  
pin-3 Tx  
pin-4 DTR  
pin-5 GND  
pin-6 NC  
pin-7 RTS  
pin-8 CTS  
pin-9 NC  
pin-6 DSR  
pin-5 GND  
pin-6 DSR  
pin-7 GND  
pin-8 CTS  
pin-7 RTS  
pin-5 CTS  
pin-4 RTS  
Table 5-6PC and Terminal Connections  
• This table assu m es that you w ill be connect-  
ing the 801G* to an IBM-com p atible com p u ter  
having either a 9-p in or 25-p in serial connec-  
tor. You w ill note that the p in nu m bers are  
d ifferent for each typ e of connector.  
• Com m unication w ith the 801G* is via RS-232C  
p rotocol u sing factory d eafu lt settings of 2400  
bau d , 8 d ata bits, 1 stop bit, no p arity, no  
hand shake, fu ll d u p lex.  
• The cu rrent firm w are allow s you to increase  
the bau d rate beyond 2400 u sing a RTS/ CTS  
hand shake. We therefore recom m end that you  
w ire the RTS and CTS signals if you p lan to  
operate the serial port at faster than 2400 baud*.  
• The 801G* ou tp u ts a p ositive voltage on DTR  
to ind icate that it is p ow ered on. Som e com -  
p u ters hang if this ou tp u t is not connected to  
their DSR inp u t.  
Connecting to a PC or Terminal  
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Apple Macintosh Wiring  
It is possible to connect the 801G* to a serial port on  
a Macintosh computer. Apple uses two types of serial  
connectors on its Macintosh series.  
• The Mac Plu s, SE and II have an 8 p in fem ale  
m ini-DIN connector.  
• The Mac 128, 512 and 512E have a 9 p in fe-  
m ale D-Su b connector.  
The table and figu re below show how to m ake the  
p rop er connections betw een the 801G* and a Mac  
com p u ter u sing either typ e of connector.  
Table 5-7  
Macintosh Serial  
9-pin D-Sub  
8-pin DIN  
9-pin D-Sub  
pin 1 NC  
pin-2 Rx  
pin-3 Tx  
pin-3 TXD-  
pin-5 RXD-  
pin-5 TXD-  
pin-9 RXD-  
pin-4 DTR  
pin-4 GND and  
pin-8 RXD+  
pin-3 GND and  
pin-8 RXD+  
pin-5 GND  
pin-6 NC  
pin-7 RTS  
pin-8 CTS  
pin-9 NC  
pin-2 HSKi  
pin-1 HSKo  
pin-7 HSKi  
pin-6 +12V  
Figure 5-7  
8 pin Female  
Pin Numbering  
• Com m unication w ith the 801G* is via RS-232C  
p rotocol u sing factory d eafu lt settings of 2400  
bau d , 8 d ata bits, 1 stop bit, no p arity, no  
hand shake, fu ll d u p lex.  
• The cu rrent firm w are allow s you to increase  
the bau d rate beyond 2400 u sing a RTS/ CTS  
hand shake. We therefore recom m end that you  
w ire the RTS and CTS signals if you p lan to  
operate the serial port at faster than 2400 baud*.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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IEEE-488 (GPIB) Port Connection  
The 801G* inclu d es an IEEE-488 p ort. This p ort al-  
low s the 801G* to be integrated into most automated  
test system s that u se IEEE-488 or GPIB com m u nica-  
tions betw een instru m ents.  
An IEEE-488 stand ard 24 p osition m icro-rib-  
bon connector is u sed as a connector.  
• The communications protocol is per IEEE-488.2  
Connecting to a Macintosh & IEEE-488  
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Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 5: Making Connections  
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Programming capabilities overview  
Built-in GUI editors  
Serial & IEEE-488 programming  
Command Listing and Descriptions  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The 801G* vid eo generators are p ow erfu l p ieces of  
test equ ip m ent right ou t of the box. The factory  
d efau lt system settings give you im m ed iate access  
to all of the bu ilt-in test im ages and bu ilt-in signal  
form ats. H ow ever, you can p rogram the op eration  
of the 801G* to m eet your special testing need s. The  
highlights of all of the 801G*’s p rogram m ing fea-  
tu res are p resented in this section. Detailed infor-  
m ation for m ost featu res w ill be fou nd in follow ing  
All m od els featu re a Grap hics User Interface (GUI)  
that can be u sed for m any p rogram m ing op erations  
on the the 801G*. All you need is a vid eo d isp lay  
that is com p atible w ith any existing stored form at  
that has at least 640 active p ixels and 480 active  
lines. The knobs and bu ttons on the 801G* are then  
u sed to select and m od ify the inform ation show n  
on the d isp lay.  
Many programming functions can also be performed  
over the the RS-232 and IEEE-488 p orts. A su itably  
equ ip p ed com p u ter or term inal connected to one of  
these communications ports can be used for d irectly  
communicating w ith the 801G* as w ell as upload ing  
and d ow nload ing d ata files.  
Editing and adding signal formats  
The GUI and the com m u nications ports can be u sed  
for ad d ing your ow n signal formats and ed iting any  
form ats that are alread y stored in the 801G*.  
Editing the format knob directory  
The d efau lt op erating m od e of the 801G* u ses the  
u p p er knob to select form ats from an internal for-  
m at knob d irectory. The d efau lt knob d irectory in-  
clu d es all of the stand ard bu ilt-in form ats. The  
d irectory can be ed ited to inclu d e any com bination  
of bu ilt-in and / or u ser d efined form ats.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Creating custom test images  
User d efined cu stom test im ages can be created and  
ed ited . The im ages are m ad e u p of one or m ore  
d raw ing p rim itives. Som e of the p rim itives in the  
cu rrent firm w are are single p ixel d ots, lines, rect-  
angles (filled and u nfilled ) and ovals (filled and  
u nfilled ). The grayscale and color tables u sed in the  
im age can be selected by the u ser. The cu stom test  
im ages are saved in non-volatile m em ory. Cu stom  
im ages can be ad d ed to the list of im ages that can  
be selected w ith the Im age knob d irectory or to a  
test sequ ence.  
Editing the image knob directory  
The d efau lt op erating m od e of the 801G* u ses the  
bottom knob to select images (test patterns) from an  
internal im age knob d irectory. The d efau lt knob  
d irectory inclu d es all of the stand ard bu ilt-in test  
im ages. Th e d irectory can be ed ited to in clu d e  
anycom bination of built-in and / or custom im ages  
in any ord er d esired .  
Creating a test sequence  
The 801G* can be p rogram m ed to ru n in a test se-  
qu ence m od e on pow er-u p. The test sequ ence m od e  
allow s an operator to go through a d efined series of  
signal form ats and test im ages u sing a single knob.  
This mod e of operation is useful in a manufacturing  
test environment where the same test procedure needs  
to be repeated on m any id entical d isplays. Mu ltiple  
test sequ ences can be stored in the generator and  
selected by the op erator.  
Editing & Copying Formats and Custom Images  
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Setting system parameters  
The follow ing system p aram eters are stored in the  
801G*’s non-volatile system m em ory:  
• The size of the boxes u sed in the “BriteBox”  
test im age. The size of the box shou ld m atch  
the size of you r light m eters p robe. The fac-  
tory default size is 50.4 mm (2.00 inches) square.  
• The text string that ap p ears in the u p p er p or-  
tions of the “SMPTE133” and “Cu bes” test  
im ages. The factory d efau lt string is “Qu an-  
tu m Data.”  
• The analog vid eo ou tp u ts’ calibration factors.  
These calibration factors allow you to extend  
the u sefu lness of the 801G*’s self calibration  
fu nction. The ind ivid u al analog vid eo ou tp u t  
levels can be tw eaked to com p ensate for fixed  
losses or gains in you r test set-u p. The factory  
d efau lt setting calibration factors is 1.000 for  
all ou tp u ts.  
• The analog sync calibration factor. The cali-  
bration of the composite sync level of the green  
com p onent vid eo ou tp u t can also be tw eaked .  
The factory d efault setting is 1.000 for the cali-  
bration factor.  
• The reference rate calibration factor. The 801G*  
u ses a crystal controlled oscillator as the ref-  
erence for all tim ing signals. The crystal fre-  
qu ency has a m axim u m error of ±50 p p m . The  
801G* hard w are and firm w are is cap able of  
com p ensating for this sm all am ou nt of error  
by ap p lying a u ser set calibration factor. The  
factory d efau lt setting is 1.000 for the calibra-  
tion factor.  
• The m axim u m p ixel clock rate u sed for error  
checking form ats. All 801G* generators w ill  
op erate, to som e extent, at p ixel rates beyond  
their sp ec sheet lim its. The m axim u m rate can  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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be set to a higher lim it if it is know n  
that a particular unit w ill w ork reliably  
at the higher lim it.  
• The gam m a correction flag. This flag  
d etermines w hether ind ivid ual formats  
can control the ap p lication of gam m a  
correction or if gam m a correction is  
d isabled regard less of a form ats set-  
ting. The factory d efau lt setting is to  
allow gamma correction to be controlled  
by ind ivid u al form ats.  
There are tw o w ays of changing the settings  
of these p aram eters:  
• They can be restored to their d efau lt  
factory settings as p art of a u ser initi-  
ated system reset. This w ill also restore  
the entire format storage memory to its  
factory d efau lt contents.  
• A su itably equ ip p ed com p u ter or ter-  
m inal connected to one of the com m u -  
nications p orts can be u sed to set the  
p aram eters to u ser d efined settings.  
ProgrammerÕs utility disk  
We norm ally su p p ly one MS-DOS com p at-  
ible utility disk (3-12 inch DS) with each 801G*  
ship p ed from ou r factory. The d isk is su it-  
able for use on IBM-PC and compatible com-  
p u ters equ ip p ed w ith a serial p ort. The d isk  
contains several sam p le d ow nload files for  
the 801G*. These files can be copied and edited  
u sing any ASCII text ed itor you w ish to ru n  
on you r com p u ter. The d isk also contains a  
“sharew are” version of a terminal emulation  
p rogram . The d isk d oes not contain a text  
ed itor.  
Custom Images, Test Sequences and System Parameters  
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The u tility d isk m ay also contain a text file called  
“README.DOC” that has inform ation on any last  
m inu te ad d itions and changes on p rogram m ing the  
A Microsoft Wind ow s® com p atible softw are inter-  
face p ackage is also available. Please contact you r  
Qu antu m Data for ord ering inform ation.  
Operating via remote control  
The 801G* can be u sed as a p rogram m able vid eo  
test signal sou rce in an au tom ated test system . The  
801G* featu res both RS-232 and IEEE-488 com m u ni-  
cations p orts. A su itably equ ip p ed com p u ter con-  
nected to one of these p orts can be u sed to control  
m ost asp ects of the generators op eration.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Using the Built-In Editors  
You can p rogram m any asp ects 801G*’s op eration  
using the built-in Graphics User Interface (GUI). You  
p rogram the 801G* by ed iting d ifferent file stru c-  
tu res in the u nit. The cu rrent version of 801G* firm -  
w are su p p orts five (5) GUI ed itors as follow s:  
• A Form at Ed itor for creating and m od ifying  
test signal set-u p s.  
• A Form at Kn ob D irectory Ed itor for m od ify-  
ing the list of form ats that are selected w ith  
the “Form ats” knob.  
An Im age Kn ob D irectory Ed itor for m od ify-  
ing the list of im ages that are selected w ith  
the “Im ages” knob.  
• A Custom Image Editor for creating and modi-  
fying you r ow n test p atterns  
• A Seq u en ce Ed itor allow s you to d efine a se-  
qu ence of form ats and im ages that can be se-  
lected w ith a single tu rn of a knob.  
An Sequence Knob Directory Editor for modi-  
fying the list of sequ ences that can selected in  
the sequ ence m od e of op eration.  
You need a su itable d isp lay connected to 801G*’s  
test signal ou tp u ts in ord er to u se the ed itors. First,  
the d isp lay m u st be com p atible w ith at least one of  
the signal formats that are already stored in the 801G*.  
Also, both the form at and the d isp lay m u st su p p ort  
a m inim u m resolu tion of 640 p ixels horizontally by  
480 lines vertically. With all of the form ats that w e  
p re-p rogram into the 801G*, you shou ld be able to  
find one that is com p atible w ith a d isp lay you al-  
read y have. If none of the stored form ats w ill w ork  
w ith the d isp lay you w ish to u se, you w ill need to  
p rogram a su itable form at u sing the 801G*’s com -  
m u nications p orts.  
To p rogram the 801G* u sing the GUI, you first con-  
nect your d isplay and find a compatible format. You  
should then select the “Format” test image. The image  
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shou ld be stable and legible on you r d isp lay. You  
shou ld also d ou ble check the active vid eo d ata to  
m ake su re you have at least 640 p ixels by 480 lines  
of active vid eo.  
Once you have confirm ed p rop er op eration, sw itch  
the 801G* to its p rogram m ing m od e:  
1) Tu rn the 801G*’s p ow er off.  
2) Turn the pow er back on w hile hold ing d ow n  
the “Im age” bu tton on the front p anel.  
3) Select a com p atible form at u sing the Form at  
4) Rotate th e “Im age” kn ob. You w ill see  
ad d itonal im age nam es appear on the LCD w in-  
d ow . Most are GUI ed itor screens that w ill ap -  
pear as text on your d isplay screen. Pressing the  
“Im age” bu tton so that it is lit w ill activate the  
ed itor that is being d isp layed .  
You w ill also see an image name of “CustmImg”  
in the list. It is a d efau lt cu stom im age that can  
be ed ited and saved u sing another nam e. Press-  
ing the “Im age” bu tton w ill activate the cu stom  
im age ed itor.  
The generators front p anel knobs and bu ttons p er-  
form d ifferent fu nctions in the GUI screens w hen  
an ed itor is activated . In most cases, the upper “For-  
m at” knob is u sed to select an item in the screen to  
be mod ified . The low er “Image” knob usually mod i-  
fies or tw eaks the selected item . The cu rrent bu tton  
functions are id entified by eight inverted text labels  
at the bottoms of the screens. Available button func-  
tions are show n w ith an intensified backgrou nd on  
the screen and lit bu ttons on the front p anel. Un-  
available button functions are d immed on the screen  
and front p anel. More inform ation on sp ecific knob  
and button functions w ill be given in the d iscussion  
of each ed itor.  
To sw itch the 801G* ou t of the GUI p rogram m ing  
m od e, cycle the p ow er w ithou t hold ing any of the  
bu ttons d ow n.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The form at ed itor is one of the screens available in  
the p rogram m ing m od e. You can view and m od ify  
the contents of any form at stored in non-volatile  
m em ory u sing the form at ed itor. A typ ical form at  
ed itor screen is show n here. The actual ed itor screen  
u ses m ostly lit text on a black backgrou nd .  
Interlace Control  
Horizontal Parameters  
Sync Output Control  
Hor. & Vert. Parameter Names  
Vertical Timing Parameters  
Format Name & Location  
Entry Units of Measure  
Pixel Rate & Period  
Name: MDA_m7  
Entry Units: Time  
Pixel Rate:  
16.257 MHz  
61.512 ns  
18.432 KHz*  
49.816 Hz  
720 pixels  
44.289 us*  
9.965 us  
350 lines  
18.989 ms*  
1.085 ms  
162 pixels  
882 pixels  
20 lines  
370 lines  
8.858 inches 225.000 mm  
54.253 us*  
20.074 ms*  
Physical size: 11.811 inches 300.000 mm  
Pulse delay:  
Pulse width:  
EQ Before:  
EQ After:  
9 pixels  
144 pixels  
0.554 us  
8.858 us  
0 lines  
16 lines  
0 lines  
0 lines  
0.000 ms  
0.868 ms  
Figure 6-1  
Format Editor Screen  
Progressive (non-interlace)  
ACS kind:  
DCS kind:  
DSS kind:  
Sync select:  
Video kind:  
Video bias:  
Video swing:  
Sync swing:  
On: -G-  
American ORed  
American separate  
2-bit mono  
DS Polarity: H+ V- C+  
DS Gate: Hon Von Con  
Pedestal: OFF 7.5 IRE  
0.000 volts blank minus ground  
0.714 volts white minus blank  
0.286 volts blank minus sync  
E Code read: F  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Exit <-CursorCursor->Save ≥ ≥ Save Save As Undo ≥ ≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
Display code expected:  
Display Code Parameter  
Video Output Parameters  
The 801G*’s top knob m oves a selection box am ong  
the p aram eters on the screen. Knob rotation cau ses  
a snaking” action. The exact p ath taken w ill d e-  
p end on the u nits of m easu re you have selected for  
d ata entry. The exam p le screen show s the m em ory  
location as being selected .  
The bottom knob m od ifies the p aram eter that the  
top knob has selected . If a non-nu m eric p aram eter  
(e.g. sync typ e) is selected , the bottom knob w ill  
cycle throu gh a list of available choices. If a nu -  
Editing Formats  
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m eric param eter is selected , an und erscore cursor is  
p laced below a d igit in the nu m ber. The “Cu rsor”  
bu ttons m ove the d igit cu rsor and the bottom knob  
changes the selected d igit.  
In m any cases, entering a new valu e of one p aram -  
eter w ill affect the valu es of other p aram eters as  
w ell. The ed itor au tom aticall u p d ates all related  
p aram eters w hen you enter a new valu e.  
The u p p er left corner show s the nam e and m em ory  
location nu m ber of the selected form at. When you  
first u se the ed itor, this inform ation w ill be for for-  
m at that is being u sed to d rive the d isp lay. You  
select the form at you w ish to ed it by first selecting  
location number parameter. Rotating the bottom knob  
w ill take you throu gh all of the form ats stored in  
teh 801G*. You create new form ats by ed iting an  
existing form at and saving you r w ork u sing a new  
nam e and location.  
The location nu m ber is only u sed by the form at  
ed itor. The form at knob d irectory and test se-  
qu ences all u se ju st the form at nam e w hen se-  
lecting form ats from m em ory.  
The u nit of m easu re u sed for tim ing entries is also  
shown in the upper left corner. You have two choices  
for the u nits of m easu re. You can enter in u nits of  
real “Tim e” (µSec and m Sec) or in “M ach in e” u nits  
(pixels and lines). You should use machine units for  
p recise control of you r form ats. The 801G* inter-  
nally rou nd s off real tim e entries to m atch the near-  
est m achine u nit of tim e. A single p ixel p eriod is  
the basic u nit of m easu re for all horizontal tim ing  
p aram eters. All horizontal real tim e entries w ill be  
rou nd ed to an integer m u ltip le of the p ixel clock  
p eriod . A single horizontal p eriod is the basic u nit  
of m easu re for all vertical tim ing p aram eters. All  
vertical real tim e entries w ill be rou nd ed to an in-  
teger m u ltip le of the horizontal p eriod . You can  
update your real time entries to their actual rounded  
valu es by having the calcu late fu nction on and se-  
lecting m achine u nits of m easu re.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The u p p er right corner show s the Pixel Rate. The  
p ixel clock is the m aster clock u sed to generate all  
of the form ats tim ing inform ation. The p ixel clock  
p eriod is also show n.  
The rem aind er of the top half of the screen is taken  
u p by the horizontal and vertical param eters. These  
p aram eters d eal w ith the ou tp u t signal tim ing and  
p hysical size of the active vid eo area. The nam es of  
the parameters are shown at the far left of the screen.  
The horizontal timing and size parameters are shown  
in tw o colu m ns. Most of the inform ation in the left  
hand colu m n is in m achine u nits and m ost of infor-  
mation in the right hand column is in real time units.  
The only excep tion is the p hysical size. You can  
alw ays enter the size in either inches or m illim e-  
ters. The vertical p aram eters are set u p in a sim ilar  
See a later section in this chap ter called “Creat-  
ing you r ow n form at file” for m ore d escrip tive  
information on format parameters and how they  
relate to each other.  
The first line for both sets of parameters is the “Rate.”  
The horizontal rate is the nu m ber of tim es p er sec-  
ond you r d isp lay scans in the horizontal d irection.  
The vertical rate is number of times per second your  
display scans from the top to the bottom of the screen.  
This rate is equ al to the fram e rate for non-inter-  
laced formats and tw ice the frame or picture refresh  
rate for interlaced form ats.  
Entering a new valu e for the p ixel rate, horizontal  
rate or the vertical rate w ill cau se the other tw o  
rates to change. This is becau se the new ly entered  
rate becomes the reference used to calculate the other  
tw o. The ratio of the pixel rate to the horizontal rate  
w ill alw ays be equal to the total number of pixels in  
one horizontal p eriod . The ratio of the horizontal  
rate to the vertical rate w ill alw ays be equ al to the  
num ber of lines in one vertical period for non-inter-  
laced form ats. The ratio w ill alw ays be equ al to one  
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half the nu m ber of lines in one vertical p eriod for  
interlaced form ats. The cu rrent reference rate is  
m arked w ith an asterisk.  
The H orizon tal Period is alw ays equ al to the su m  
of the H orizon tal Active and the H orizon tal Blan k -  
ing tim es. The 801G* u ses tw o of these p aram eters  
as references to calculate the third. The last two edited  
p aram eters w ill alw ays be u sed as the references.  
The cu rrent references are m arked w ith asterisks.  
The horizontal p eriod , in m icrosecond s, is the re-  
cip rocal of the horizontal rate. Entering a new real  
tim e valu e for the horizontal p eriod w ill re-calcu -  
late the horizontal rate and m ake it the reference  
The Vertical Period is alw ays equ al to the su m of  
the Vertical Active and the Vertical Blan k ing p eri-  
od s. For interlaced form ats, these period s are for an  
entire fram e (2 field s) of vid eo. The 801G* u ses tw o  
of these p aram eters as references to calcu late the  
third . The last tw o ed ited p aram eters w ill alw ays  
be used as the references. The current references are  
m arked w ith asterisks. The vertical period , in m illi-  
second s, is the reciprocal of the frame rate. Entering  
a new real tim e value for the vertical period w ill re-  
calcu late the vertical rate and m ake it the reference  
The horizontal and vertical Physical size parameters  
are the physical d im ensions of the active vid eo area  
of the d isp lay you w ill be d riving w ith the form at  
They d o not affect the tim ing of any of the signals  
com ing ou t the 801G* or the overall active vid eo  
size of an im age. H ow ever, they d o affect the w ay  
som e of the bu ilt-in test im ages w ill ap p ear on the  
d isplays screen. The 801G* u ses this inform ation to  
p rop erly d raw tru e circles and squ ares as w ell as  
brightness boxes that are supposed be specific physi-  
cal sizes. Using the w rong valu es m ay cau se circles  
to look like ovals and square boxes to look like rect-  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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H orizon tal Pu lse d elay is the p eriod of tim e from  
the last active p ixel in a scan line to the lead ing  
edge of the horizontal sync pulse. Some display spec  
sheets refer to this p eriod as the horizontal sync  
front porch. H orizon tal Pu lse w id th is the w id th of  
the horizontal sync p u lse itself.  
Vertical Pu lse d elay is the p eriod of tim e from the  
last active scan line to the lead ing ed ge of the ver-  
tical sync p u lse. Som e d isp lay sp ec sheets refer to  
this period as the vertical sync front porch. Vertical  
Pu lse w id th is the w id th of the vertical sync p u lse  
itself. The 801G* alw ays u ses the entered valu es for  
non-interlaced Am erican (E.I.A.) sync typ es. The  
valu es u sed are d ifferent for other sync typ es:  
If you had a non-interlaced form at that had the  
vertical sync delay set to 8 lines and vertical sync  
w id th set to 3 lines, a Eu rop ean (C.C.I.R.) selec-  
tion w ou ld p rod u ce 7.5 lines of d elay and 2.5  
lines of sync.  
The 801G* blanks the half lines of active vid eo  
that w ou ld ap p ear at the top and bottom of in-  
terlaced formats. Vertical sync delay is measured  
from the last fu ll line of active vid eo in each  
field . If you had an interlaced form at that had  
the vertical sync d elay set to 8 lines and vertical  
sync w id th set to 3 lines, you w ou ld have the  
follow ing resu lts: An Am erican sync selection  
w ou ld p rod u ce 8 lines of d elay in one field and  
8.5 lines of delay in the second field. There would  
be 3 lines of sync in both field s. A Eu rop ean  
sync selection w ou ld p rod u ce 7.5 lines of d elay  
in one field and 8 lines of d elay in the second  
field . There w ou ld be 2.5 lines of sync in both  
field s.  
EQ Before sets the how m any scan lines ju st p rior  
to the vertical sync interval w ill contain p re-equ al-  
ization p u lses. EQ After sets the how m any scan  
lines right after the vertical sync interval w ill con-  
tain p re-equ alization p u lses. The p u lses are only  
ad d ed to com p osite sync ou tp u ts that have equ al-  
ization p u lses enabled .  
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The Scan setting d eterm ines if the vid eo and sync  
tim ing is non-interlaced (progressive) or interlaced .  
Most of the bottom half of the ed itor screen is taken  
u p by the vid eo and sync typ e settings. The first  
three lines d etermine the behavior of the sync selec-  
tion buttons. ACS kind determines what type of com-  
p osite sync is ad d ed to the analog vid eo ou tp u ts  
w hen the “ACS” bu tton is p u shed . The O n setting,  
to the right, selects w hich of the com p onent analog  
vid eo outputs w ill have composite sync ad d ed . D CS  
k in d d eterm ines w hat typ e of d igital (TTL) com -  
p osite sync is generated w hen the “DCS” bu tton is  
p u shed . D SS k in d d eterm ines w hat typ e of d igital  
(TTL) sep arate horizontal and vertical syncs are  
generated w hen the “DSS” bu tton is p u shed .  
The choices for the ACS and D CS sync typ es are:  
n on e The operator can not make this selection.  
N othing hap p ens w hen the bu tton is p ressed .  
Am erican H D TV O Red  
Am erican O Red A sim ple Boolean OR com bi-  
nation of the ind ivid u al horizontal and verti-  
cal sync p u lses.  
Am erican w /serr Com p osite sync w ith serra-  
tion p u lses d u ring the vertical sync p eriod .  
Am erican w /serr & EQ Com p osite sync w ith  
serration p u lses d u ring the vertical sync p e-  
riod and equalization pulses ad d ed before and  
/ or after the vertical sync p eriod . The serra-  
tion and equalization pulses occur at tw ice the  
horizontal rate.  
Eu rop ean H D TV O Red  
Eu rop ean O Red A sim ple Boolean OR com bi-  
nation of the ind ivid u al horizontal and verti-  
cal sync p u lses. The vertical sync d elay and  
p u lse are a half line shorter than show n.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Eu rop ean w /serr Com p osite sync w ith serra-  
tion pulses during the vertical sync period. The  
vertical sync d elay and p u lse are a half line  
shorter than show n.  
Eu rop ean w /serr & EQ Com p osite sync w ith  
serration p u lses d u ring the vertical sync p e-  
riod and equalization pulses ad d ed before and  
/ or after the vertical sync period . The vertical  
sync d elay and p u lse are a half line shorter  
than show n. The serration and equ alization  
p u lses occu r at tw ice the horizontal rate.  
Am erican H D TV w /serr & EQ  
Am erican H D TV w /serr  
Eu rop ean H D TV w /serr & EQ  
Eu rop ean H D TV w /serr  
Jap an ese H D TV O Red  
Jap an ese H D TV O Red w /serr & EQ  
Jap an ese H D TV O Red w /serr  
The choices for the D SS sync typ e are:  
n on e The operator can not make this selection.  
N othing hap p ens w hen the bu tton is p ressed .  
Am erican Sep arate Ind ivid u al horizontal and  
vertical sync p u lse ou tp u ts.  
Am erican H D TV Sep arate  
Eu rop ean H D TV Sep arate  
Jap an ese H D TV Sep arate  
Eu rop ean Sep arate Ind ivid u al horizontal and  
vertical sync p u lse ou tp u ts. The vertical sync  
d elay and p u lse w id th are a half line shorter  
than show n.  
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The D S Polarity p aram eter, to the right of the DSS  
setting, sets the logical p olarities of the H orizontal,  
Vertical and Com posite d igital sync ou tpu ts. Rotat-  
ing the bottom knob cycles throu gh all p ossible  
polarity combinations. A “+” setting indicatesa posi-  
tive going p u lse. A “-” setting ind icates a negative  
going p u lse.  
The D S G ate p aram eter, below the DS Polarity p a-  
ram eter, sets ou tp u t gating of the H orizontal, Ver-  
tical and Com p osite d igital sync ou tp u ts. Rotating  
the bottom knob cycles throu gh all p ossible gating  
com binations. Gating an ou tp u t “off” overrid es the  
front p anel bu tton settings.  
Syn c select sets w hich sync ou tp u ts w ill be active  
w hen the form at is first load ed .  
Vid eo k in d sets the typ e of vid eo signal you w ish  
to generate. The 801G* supports the follow ing vid eo  
Analog Y Monochrome (gray scale) component  
vid eo w ith either com posite sync ad d ed to the  
vid eo or sep arate sync(s).  
An alog RG B Color (red , green and blu e) com -  
ponent video with either composite sync added  
to the green ou tp u t or sep arate sync(s).  
An alog TV Y (801GX only) Monochrom e (lu -  
m inance w ithou t any color su b-carrier) com -  
posite television video with controlled rise and  
fall tim es.  
An alog TV EYC (801GX only) Encod ed color  
(lu m inance and chrom inance w ith color su b-  
carrier) com p osite television vid eo w ith con-  
trolled rise and fall tim es. N TSC su b-carrier  
used w hen Am erican ACS is selected and PAL  
su b-carrier u sed w hen Eu rop ean ACS is se-  
lected .  
An alog TV YPrPb Encod ed color (lu m inance  
and color d ifference).  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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D ig. V (801GC, 801GX only ) Monochrom e  
d igital (TTL) vid eo @ 1 bit-p er-p ixel  
D ig. VI (801GC, 801GX only ) Monochrom e  
d igital (TTL) vid eo @ 2 bits-p er-p ixel (sep a-  
rate vid eo and intensity bits)  
D ig. RG B (801GC, 801GX only ) Color d igital  
(TTL) vid eo w ith one bit p er color (black and  
7 satu rated colors)  
D ig. RG BI (801GC, 801GX only ) Color d igital  
(TTL) vid eo w ith one vid eo bit p er color p lu s  
a com m on intensity bit (black, 7 satu rated  
colors, gray and 7 d im m ed colors)  
Dig. RrGgBb (801GC, 801GX only ) Color digital  
(TTL) vid eo w ith one vid eo bit and intensity  
bit p er color.  
The Ped estal, Vid eo b ias, Vid eo sw in g, Syn c sw in g  
and G am m a param eters only affect form ats that are  
set for “Analog mono” or “Analog color” video types.  
Ped estal d eterm ines if a blanking p ed estal is u sed  
and , if so, how far the black level is above the p ed -  
estal. The level is a p ercentage of the vid eo sw ing.  
Tu rning the p ed estal off m akes blanking and black  
level the sam e. Vid eo b ias is the DC offset of the  
signal and is measured from ground to the blanking  
level. The cu rrent hard w are d esigns only su p p ort a  
bias of 0.00 volts. Video swing sets the peak-to-peak  
amplitude of the video (including any blanking). Sync  
sw in g sets the p eak-to-p eak am p litu d e of com p os-  
ite sync (if it is selected by the ACS param eter). The  
G am m a settings d eterm ine if gam m a correction is  
to be u sed and , if so, the am ou nt of correction to be  
applied .  
Pressing the Ch eck button error checks your entries.  
If the format is good , you can just Can cel the check-  
ing operation. If errors are found , you can automati-  
cally correct some of them by having the editor Justify  
you r entries.  
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Cau tion : Saving a form at w ith errors in it m ay  
cause major problems w hen you later try to load  
the form at. Pressing the Save or SaveAs bu tton  
d oes N OT error check you r entries. You shou ld  
check you r ed ited form at for errors before sav-  
ing it.  
Pressing the Save button saves your format the name  
and memory location show n at the top of the screen.  
u nless you started w ith an EPROM resid ent form at.  
In that case, you w ill be p rom p ted for a new nam e.  
See the next paragraph for saving w ith a new nam e.  
If you w ish to keep the original version of the for-  
m at you started w ith, p ress the SaveAs bu tton to  
save you r w ork u sing a new nam e. A w ind ow w ill  
ap p ear show ing the nam e and a list of characters  
you can u se for the new nam e. The top knob m oves  
a cu rsor throu gh the nam e being ed ited and the  
bottom knob m oves a cu rsor throu gh the available  
characters. The Clear bu tton clears the nam e being  
edited. The Delete button removes the selected char-  
acter in the nam e. The In sert bu tton ad d s the se-  
lected character in the character list to the nam e at  
the current cursor location. Press the OK button when  
you are done changing the name. You can now press  
the “SaveAs” bu tton.  
Pressing the Exit bu tton leaves the form at ed itor  
and retu rns the 801G* to norm al p rogram m ing op -  
eration. If there are any u nsaved changes, you w ill  
be asked if you w ant to save you r w ork before ex-  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Format Knob Directory Editor  
Going throu gh all of the available form ats w ith the  
Form at knob can be tim e consu m ing. This is p ar-  
ticu larly tru e if you regu larly u se only a few for-  
m ats that m ay be scattered in m em ory. The 801G*  
can be set u p to show only the form ats you w ant, in  
the ord er you w ant, w hen the “Form at” knob is  
tu rned . The 801G* m aintains a list of these form ats  
in non-volatile m em ory. This list can be ed ited . You  
w ill need to ed it the list if you w ish to u se the knob  
with formats you have created. A typical format knob  
Format List  
Available Files  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Done ≥ ≥ Move ≥  
≥≥ Delete ≥ ≥  
≥≥ Insert Remove ≥ ≥ Modify≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
d irectory ed itor screen is show n here. The actu al  
ed itor screen u ses m ostly lit text on a black back-  
ground .  
The left hand sid e of the screen show s the cu rrent  
contents of the form at knob d irectory. The form ats  
ap p ear in the ord er that they are selected by the  
“Form at” knob d u ring norm al op eration.  
While ed iting, the “Form at” knob m oves a selection  
box throu gh the left hand list. The list w ill scroll if  
it can not fit on the screen.  
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The right hand sid e show s all of the form ats that  
are in the 801G*. They are listed in ord er of ascend -  
ing m em ory locations. Em p ty or corru p ted m em ory  
locations are skip p ed .  
The bottom “Im age” knob m oves a selection box  
throu gh the right hand list. The list w ill scroll if it  
can not fit on the screen.  
The In sert bu tton m oves the selected form at in the  
left hand colu m n and all of the form ats below it  
d ow n one line. It then copies the selected form at on  
right hand sid e into the vacated p osition.  
The D elete button removes the selected format from  
the left hand colu m n. All form ats below the d eleted  
form at m ove u p .  
Pressing the Move button lets you move the selected  
form at in the left hand colu m n to another p osition  
in the list. The form at is m oved by rotating the top  
knob. Pressing the “Move” button a second time will  
leave the form at in the new p osition.  
Pressing the Rem ove bu tton lets you d elete the for-  
m at file that is selected in the right hand colu m n.  
This w ill erase the entire contents of the file from  
non-volatile m em ory. Since this op eration can d e-  
stroy a lot of p rogram m ing w ork, an on-screen  
m essage w ill ask you to confirm the rem oval of the  
file. Pressing the Yes or O K bu tton w ill erase the  
file. Pressing the N o or Can cel button w ill abort the  
rem oval op eration.  
Pressing the Modify button activates the format editor  
for the form at that is selected in the right hand  
column. You can use this feature to check and modify  
a form at before ad d ing it to the knob d irectory.  
Exiting the form at ed itor w ill au tom atically retu rn  
you to the form at knob d irectory ed itor.  
Pressing the D on e bu tton saves the ed ited list and  
exits the ed itor.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Image Knob Directory Editor  
Going throu gh all of the available im ages w ith the  
Im age knob can be tim e consu m ing. This is particu -  
larly tru e if you regu larly u se only a few im ages  
that m ay be scattered over the knob locations. The  
801G* can be set u p to show only the im ages you  
want, in the order you want, when the “Image” knob  
is tu rned . The 801G* m aintains a list of these im -  
ages in non-volatile m em ory. This list can be ed -  
ited . You w ill need to ed it the list if you w ish to use  
the knob w ith im ages you have created . A typ ical  
im age list ed itor screen is show n here. The actu al  
ed itor screen u ses m ostly lit text on a black back-  
ground .  
Image List  
Available Files  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Done ≥ ≥ Move ≥  
≥≥ Delete ≥ ≥  
≥≥ Insert Remove ≥ ≥ Modify≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
The left hand sid e of the screen show s the cu rrent  
contents of the im age knob d irectory. The im ages  
ap p ear in the ord er that they are selected by the  
“Im age” knob d u ring norm al op eration.  
While ed iting, the “Form at” knob m oves a selection  
box throu gh the left hand list. The list w ill scroll if  
it can not fit on the screen.  
The right hand sid e show s all of the available im -  
ages. The bu ilt-in im ages are at the top of the list.  
The bu ilt-in im ages are follow ed by a factory d e-  
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fau lt cu stom im age. This im age is u sed a starting  
point to creating you ow n cu stom im ages. Any u ser  
created cu stom im ages in non-volatile m em ory are  
at the bottom of the list.  
The bottom “Im age” knob m oves a selection box  
throu gh the right hand list. The list w ill scroll if it  
can not fit on the screen.  
The In sert bu tton m oves the selected im age in the  
left hand column and all of the images below it down  
one line. It then cop ies the selected im age on right  
hand sid e into the vacated p osition.  
The cu rrent firm w are d oes not allow entering a  
second ary version of a bu ilt-in im age to the list.  
The primary version will need to be first selected  
d u ring norm al op eration. Pressing the “Im age”  
bu tton w ill then select the second ary version.  
The D elete bu tton rem oves the selected im age from  
the left hand colu m n. All im ages below the d eleted  
im age m ove u p .  
Pressing the Move button lets you move the selected  
im age in the left hand colu m n to another p osition  
in the list. The im age is m oved by rotating the top  
knob. Pressing the M ove bu tton a second tim e w ill  
leave the im age in the new p osition.  
If a cu stom im age is cu rrently selected in the right  
hand colu m n, p ressing the Rem ove bu tton lets you  
d elete that im age file. This w ill erase the entire con-  
tents of the file from non-volatile memory. Since this  
op eration can d estroy a lot of p rogram m ing w ork,  
an on-screen m essage w ill ask you to confirm the  
rem oval of the file. Pressing the Yes or O K bu tton  
w ill erase the file. Pressing the N o or Can cel button  
w ill abort the removal operation w ithout erasing the  
If a cu stom im age is cu rrently selected in the right  
hand colu m n, p ressing the M od ify bu tton activates  
the im age ed itor for that im age. You can u se this  
featu re to check and m od ify an im age before ad d -  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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ing it to the knob directory. Exiting the custom image  
ed itor w ill au tom atically retu rn you to the im age  
knob d irectory ed itor.  
Pressing the D on e bu tton saves the ed ited list and  
exits the ed itor.  
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Custom Image Editor  
There m ay be tim es w hen none of the 801G*’s m any  
bu ilt-in test im ages (p atterns) qu ite m eet you r re-  
qu irem ents. In these cases, you m ay be able to cre-  
ate a custom image to match your exact requirements.  
A custom image consists of one or more simple geo-  
m etric objects and alp hanu m eric characters (p rim i-  
tives). The color, relative size and relative p osition  
of the objects are all ed itable param eters for m ost of  
the p rim itives. The im ages scale to the active vid eo  
size of the currently load ed format. A custom image  
can be saved in non-volatile m em ory and recalled  
ju st like any of the bu ilt-in im ages.  
Im ages are created u sing the cu stom im age ed itor.  
It is one of the screens available in the p rogram -  
m ing m od e. A typ ical im age ed itor screen is show n  
here. The actual ed itor screen uses mostly lit text on  
a black backgrou nd .  
Custom Image: newimage  
Rectangle Magenta  
White 640 480  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Exit ≥ ≥ Draw Insert Delete ≥ ≥ Move <-CursorSave Change ≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
The left sid e of the screen d isp lays the contents of  
the cu stom im age. This inclu d es the typ e, ord ering  
and associated p aram eters for each d raw ing p rim i-  
tive in the im age. The p rim itives are d raw n in the  
ord er show n. The p aram eters in the far right hand  
column w ill change d epend ing on the type of primi-  
tive selected .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The right sid e of the screen d isp lays the p aram eter  
currently being mod ified . All parameter changes are  
m ad e on this sid e before being entered to the left  
sid e.  
The 801G*’s u p p er “Form at” knob m oves a selec-  
tion box am ong the steps and param eters on the left  
sid e of the screen. The knob m oves the selection  
box horizontally across the screen u ntil the step  
nu m ber or last p aram eter is selected . Then the next  
m ove w ill be to the ad jacent row . This cau ses a  
“snaking” action. If the list goes beyond the bottom  
of the screen, tu rning the knob fu rther clockw ise  
w ill cau se the list to scroll u p . The exam p le screen  
has the rectangle p rim itive in step #1 selected .  
The lower “Image” knob modifies the parameter that  
the top knob has selected . If a non-nu m eric p aram -  
eter (e.g. p rim itive typ e) is selected , the right sid e  
of the screen w ill show a list of available prim itives  
and the bottom knob w ill m ove a selection box u p  
and d ow n throu gh this list. Long lists w ill scroll u p  
and d ow n on the screen. If a nu m eric p aram eter is  
selected , the valu e is cop ied to the right sid e of the  
screen and an u nd erscore cu rsor is p laced below a  
d igit in the num ber. The <_Cu rsor button m oves the  
d igit cu rsor and the bottom knob changes the se-  
lected d igit. Pressing the Ch an ge bu tton cop ies the  
entry on the right sid e to the left sid e.  
Availab le Prim itives: The table on the next p age  
lists all of the d raw ing p rim itives su p p orted by the  
cu rrent firm w are.  
The size and location coord inates show n in the  
ed itor are in u nits of p ixels. The valu es that  
actu ally are saved in m em ory are based on p er-  
centages of the total number of active pixels and  
lines in the form at. This m eans that you r im age  
w ill look abou t the sam e no m atter how m any  
active p ixels and lines are in the form at at the  
tim e the im age is d raw n. This also m eans that if  
you create cu stom im age w ith one form at and  
ed it it w ith another, the nu m bers in the ed itor  
screen w ill change for the sam e im age.  
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Table 4-1  
Primitive Name Parameters  
Available drawing  
primitives in a  
Custom Image  
color, width, height, left, top, fill patn  
color, width, height, left, top, fill patn  
color, x1, y1, x2, y2  
color, x, y  
color, # of xboxes, # of yboxes  
color, line width  
color, line width  
color, character #, font#  
color, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fill patn  
color, left x, top y  
color, # of xboxes, # of yboxes  
color, # of xboxes, # of yboxes  
color, x, y, font#, text string  
color, x, y  
Seq. Step  
Availab le Colors: The color list show s 63 colors  
and grays as being available. H ow ever, the 801G*  
can only w ork w ith 16 colors at a tim e. One of the  
colors m u st be black. Attem p ting to u se m ore than  
16 colors m ay cau se p arts of the im age to d raw  
w ith the w rong color. A nu m ber in the color nam e  
refers to its % intensity level. The cu rrent firm w are  
d oes not su p p ort ed iting the colors or gray levels  
Table 4-2  
Available colors in a  
Custom Image  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Table 4-3  
Fill patterns in a  
Custom Image  
The “fill p atn” p aram eter d eterm ines if a p rim itive  
is d raw n as a one p ixel thick ou tline or as a p attern  
filled object. Fill p atterns consist of variou s on-off  
pixel combinations in a repeating 16 x 16 pixel block.  
A setting of “grayp atn0” has all fill p ixels tu rned  
off and a setting of “grayp atn100” has all p ixels on.  
0% of pixels on (No fill)  
7% of pixels on  
13% of pixels on  
19% of pixels on  
25% of pixels on  
31% of pixels on  
38% of pixels on  
44% of pixels on  
50% of pixels on  
63% of pixels on  
69% of pixels on  
75% of pixels on  
81% of pixels on  
88% of pixels on  
94% of pixels on  
94% of pixels on (Solid fill)  
Checkerboard alternating one (1) pixel on and  
one (1) off  
Checkerboard alternating two (2) pixels on  
and two (2) off  
Checkerboard alternating three (3) pixels on  
and three (3) off  
Fill pattern  
Checkerboard alternating four (4) pixels on  
and four (4) off  
Vertical bars one (1) pixel wide  
Vertical bars two (2) pixels wide  
Vertical bars four (4) pixels wide  
Vertical bars eight (8) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars one (1) pixel wide  
Horizontal bars two (2) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars four (4) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars eight (8) pixels wide  
Repeating MEME pattern  
Fill pattern  
Repeating three (3) pixels on and one pixel off  
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The Rectangle p rim itive d raw s a rectangle w hose  
sid es are p arallel to the vertical and horizontal axis  
of d isp layed vid eo. The p rim itive u ses six (6) p a-  
rameters. The first is the color. The next tw o param-  
eters are the w id th and height of the rectangle in  
p ixels. The second tw o p aram eters are the X and Y  
coord inates for the top left-hand corner of the rect-  
angle. The last param eter is the fill flag. The follow -  
ing example draws a 50% gray rectangular filled solid  
that is 15 p ixels w id e by 20 p ixels high and has its  
top left corner located 50 p ixels to the right and 40  
p ixels below the top left corner of active vid eo:  
The Oval p rim itive d raw s an oval w hose axes are  
p arallel to the vertical and horizontal axis of d is-  
p layed vid eo. The size and p osition of the oval is  
d efined by its fram ing rectangle. The fram ing rect-  
angle is a rectangle w hose sid es are both tangent to  
the oval at fou r p oints and are p arallel to the verti-  
cal and horizontal axis of displayed video. The fram-  
ing rectangle is not d raw n as p art of the p rim itive.  
The figu re show s the relationship of an oval to its  
fram ing rectangle.  
left, top  
The p rim itive u ses six (6) p aram eters. The first is  
the color. The next tw o p aram eters are the w id th  
and height of the fram ing rectangle in p ixels. The  
second tw o p aram eters are the X and Y coord inates  
for the top left-hand corner of the framing rectangle.  
The last p aram eter is the fill flag. The follow ing  
exam ple d raw s a red oval that is 240 pixels w id e by  
150 p ixels high and has the fram ing rectangles top  
left corner located 20 p ixels to the right and 10 p ix-  
els below the top left corner of active vid eo:  
Oval Red 24Ø 15Ø 2Ø 1Ø Ø  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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The Line p rim itive d raw s a line betw een any tw o  
p oints. The line is one p ixel thick. The p rim itive  
u ses five(5) p aram eters, the color and the X and Y  
coord inates for both end p oints. The follow ing ex-  
am p le d raw s a yellow line betw een a p oint 20 p ix-  
els to the right and 5 pixels below the top left corner  
of active vid eo and a p oint 320 p ixels to the right  
and 240 p ixels below the top left corner of active  
vid eo:  
Line Yellow 2Ø 5 32Ø 24Ø  
The Dot prim itive d raw s a single pixel d ot. A d ot is  
the smallest graphic element that can be d raw n. The  
p rim itive u ses three (3) p aram eters, the color and  
the X and Y coordinates. The following example draws  
a w hite d ot that is at a p oint 200 p ixels to the right  
and 300 p ixels below the top left corner of active  
vid eo:  
Dot White 2ØØ 3ØØ  
The Grid p rim itive d raw s a crosshatch of a given  
color and form ing a given nu m ber of boxes in each  
d irection. All lines are 1 pixel thick. All of the lines,  
in a given d irection, are equ ally sp aced . Any re-  
maining pixels are d istributed as equally as possible  
arou nd the p erim eter of the grid . This m ay cau se  
the first and last lines in each d irection not to be at  
the very edges of video. The following example draws  
a 75% gray level grid that has 14 boxes horizontally  
and 10 boxes vertically:  
The H -Grill p rim itive d raw s equ ally sp aced hori-  
zontal lines that form a grill over the entire active  
vid eo area. The gap betw een the lines is equ al to  
the thickness of the lines. The gap s are not tou ched  
and w ill show any previously draw n primitives. The  
p rim itive u ses tw o (2) p aram eters. The first is the  
color of the lines. The second is the thickness of the  
lines. The follow ing exam p le d raw s a green hori-  
zontal grill w hose lines are 4 p ixels thick and have  
4 p ixel gap s betw een the lines:  
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The V-Grill prim itive d raw s equ ally spaced vertical  
lines that form a grill over the entire active vid eo  
area. The gap betw een the lines is equal to the thick-  
ness of the lines. The gap s are not tou ched and w ill  
show any p reviou sly d raw n p rim itives. The p rim i-  
tive uses tw o (2) parameters. The first is the color of  
the lines. The second is the thickness of the lines.  
The follow ing exam p le d raw s a cyan vertical grill  
w hose lines are 16 p ixels thick and have 16 p ixel  
gap s betw een the lines:  
The Characters p rim itive fills the active vid eo area  
w ith a single rep eating character. The sp acing be-  
tw een the characters is controlled by the size of the  
tw o d im ensional p ixel array that is u sed to d efine  
the character. The size of the p ixel array is d eter-  
m ined by the character and font selected .  
Table 4-4  
#0 sys16  
IBM-type alphanumeric font that has printable  
characters for ASCII codes 0-126. It uses an 8 x 16  
Available font sets  
for the Characters  
and Text primitives  
#1 OPIX 9  
Alphanumeric font that has printable characters for  
ASCII codes 32-126. It uses a 5 x 7 monospaced  
#2 focusmac  
#3 focus_12  
Single character used in the Focus_Oo test image;  
ASCII code = 79; 8 x 6 character block  
Two characters used for the Focus_Cx and Focus_H  
#4 memesony  
#5 kanjikan  
code = 77; 18 x 18 character block  
Single Japanese KanjiKan character used in the  
KanjiKan image; ASCII = 75; 22 x 22 character block  
#6 focusat 5  
#7 focusat 6  
#8 focusat 7  
#9 focusat 8  
#10 memeplus  
= 64; 8 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
meme plus character used in focus and  
convergence; ASCII = 77; 43 x 49 character in a 49  
x 51 block  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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The p rim itive u ses three (3) p aram eters. The first is  
the color. The second param eter is the cod e nu m ber  
of the character. For m ost alp ha-nu m eric fonts, the  
character nu m ber w ill be the sam e as the d ecim al  
ASCII cod e nu m ber of the character. The last p a-  
ram eter is the nu m ber of the font library.  
The current firmware includes ten font sets. The fonts  
are d escribed in the table on the previous page. Font  
sets #Ø and #1 have a fu ll set of ASCII u p p er and  
low er case letters p lu s nu m bers and p u nctu ation  
m arks. Font #Ø is u sed for the GUI ed itor screens.  
The rem aining font sets only have one or tw o char-  
acters each. These are u sed bu the focu s checking  
test im ages.  
The follow ing exam p le d raw s w hite u p p er case let-  
ter “X” characters from font set #0:  
The Lim its p rim itive p laces nine (9) m arkers that  
d efine the active vid eo area. An “L” shap ed m arker  
is p ositioned at each corner. “T” shap ed m arkers  
are centered along each ed ge of vid eo and a sm all  
cross is p laced at the center of vid eo. The p rim itive  
u ses a single param eter, the color u sed for all of the  
markers. The follow ing example d raw s w hite mark-  
The Centerm ark p rim itive d raw s a sm all cross in  
the center of active vid eo. The vertical line is 2 p ix-  
els thick if the form at has an even nu m ber of active  
p ixels. The horizontal line is 2 p ixels thick if the  
format has an even number of active lines. The primi-  
tive u ses a single p aram eter, the color of the cross.  
The follow ing exam p le d raw s a red m arker:  
The Triangle p rim itive d raw s a triangle d efined by  
its three end p oints. The p rim itive u ses eight (8) p a-  
ram eters. The first is the color. The next three p airs  
of p aram eters are the X and Y coord inates for the  
three end p oints. The last p aram eter is the fill flag.  
More com plex filled polygons can be bu ilt u p u sing  
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a series of joined filled triangles. The follow ing  
exam p le d raw s a 50% red filled triangle that looks  
like an arrow head pointing to the right near the top  
left corner of active vid eo:  
The Format primitive show s some basic information  
abou t the form at that is d riving the d isp lay. The  
first line shows the number of horizontal active pixels  
and vertical active lines. The last nu m ber on the  
line show s the nu m ber of field s p er fram e (1 for  
non-interlaced and 2 for interlaced ). The second line  
show s the horizontal rate and the third line show s  
the vertical rate. The text is on a black rectangu lar  
backgrou nd w ith a single p ixel bord er.  
The p rim itive u ses three (3) p aram eters. The first is  
the color of the text and bord er. The next tw o p a-  
ram eters are the X and Y coord inates for the top  
left-hand corner of the block of text. The follow ing  
exam p le d raw s a blu e block form at d ata block 30  
p ixels to the right and 200 p ixels below the top left  
corner of active vid eo:  
The H atch_I-O p rim itive d raw s a crosshatch from  
the “Inside-Out” of a given color and forming a given  
nu m ber of boxes in each d irection. The p rim itive  
alw ays has center lines that d ivid e the active vid eo  
exactly in half in each d irection. The vertical center  
line is 2 p ixels thick if the form at has an even nu m -  
ber of active p ixels. The horizontal center line is 2  
p ixels thick if the form at has an even nu m ber of  
active lines. All other lines are 1 p ixel thick. If an  
od d nu m ber of boxes is entered for a given d irec-  
tion, a half box w ill be p laced at each end of the  
crosshatch. All of the lines, in a given d irection, are  
equ ally sp aced . Any rem aining p ixels are d istrib-  
u ted as equ ally as p ossible arou nd the p erim eter of  
the grid . This m ay cau se the first and last lines in  
each d irection not to be at the very ed ges of vid eo.  
This m ay also cau se any half boxes to be slightly  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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larger. The following example draws a yellow cross-  
hatch that has 15 boxes horizontally and 9 boxes  
The H atch_O-I p rim itive d raw s a crosshatch from  
the “Outside-In” of a given color and forming a given  
nu m ber of boxes in each d irection. All lines are 1  
p ixel thick. The first and last lines in each d irection  
are at the very ed ges of active vid eo. All of the lines,  
in a given d irection, are equ ally sp aced . Any re-  
m aining p ixels are ad d ed to the boxes along the  
horizontal and vertical centers of the im age. The  
following example draws a green crosshatch that has  
15 boxes horizontally and 9 boxes vertically:  
The Cross p rim itive d raw s a large centered cross  
that fills the active vid eo area. The vertical line is 2  
p ixels thick if the form at has an even nu m ber of  
active p ixels. The horizontal line is 2 p ixels thick if  
the form at has an even nu m ber of active lines. The  
p rim itive u ses a single p aram eter, the color of the  
cross. The following example draws a magenta cross:  
The Text prim itive d raw s a u ser d efined text string.  
The p rim itive u ses five (5) p aram eters. The first is  
the color. The next tw o p aram eters are X and Y  
coord inates for the location of the top left corner of  
the text. The fou rth p aram eter is the nu m ber of the  
font set. A list of available font sets is show n on an  
earlier p age.  
The last p aram eter is the text string to be d raw n.  
When you ed it this parameter, a small w ind ow pops  
u p that show s the cu rrent string contents and a  
character list. The knobs and keys are used to modify  
the string.  
The following example draws a white “Hello World”  
text string near the top left corner of the screen using  
font set #0:  
Hello World  
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The Seq. Step p rim itive only ap p ears if the im age is  
u sed in a test sequ ence that has step nu m ber d is-  
play enabled. It draws the step number that the image  
is a part of. The prim itive uses three (3) param eters.  
The first is the color. The next tw o p aram eters are  
X and Y coord inates for the location of the top left  
corner of the text box.  
The follow ing exam p le d raw s a cyan step nu m ber  
box near the top left corner of the screen:  
Cyan 10  
The “Insert,” “Deleteand “Move” buttons are used  
to mod ify the d raw ing list. These buttons only w ork  
w hen a step num ber is selected . The “Insert” button  
p u ts a blank step at the selected p osition. All step s  
below the insertion p oint are m oved d ow n. The  
“Delete” button rem oves the selected step. All steps  
below the deleted step move up. Pressing the “Move”  
bu tton lets you m ove the selected step to another  
p osition in the list. The step is m oved by rotating  
the top knob. Pressing the “Move” bu tton a second  
tim e w ill leave the step in the new p osition.  
You can test you r im age at any tim e by p ressing  
and hold ing d ow n the “D raw button. Releasing the  
bu tton w ill change the d isp lay back to the ed itor  
Pressing the “Savebu tton show s a w ind ow w ith  
the nam e that w ill be u sed to save the im age file to  
non-volatile memory. The original file name is shown.  
Saving back to the sam e file nam e w ill overw rite  
the original contents. If you w ish to keep the origi-  
nal version of your custom image, you need to change  
the nam e in the w ind ow u sing the bottom knob and  
buttons. Saving a new im age file d oes not autom ati-  
cally ad d it to the Im age list.  
Pressing the “Exitbu tton leaves the cu stom im age  
ed itor and returns the 801G* to norm al operation. If  
there are an u nsaved changes, you w ill be asked if  
you w ish to save you r w ork p rior to exiting.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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What is a Sequence?  
The norm al op erating m od e of the 801G* u ses the  
top knob to select a form at and the bottom knob to  
select a test image. The production testing of a multi-  
m od e d isp lay m ay requ ire the rep eated u se of sev-  
eral d ifferent form ats and im ages in a given ord er.  
A sequ ence lets you p air u p form ats and im ages to  
form a single test step . The step s are organized to  
m atch you r test p roced u re for a p articu lar d isp lay.  
The rotation of a single knob then allow s an op era-  
tor to step forw ard and backw ard s throu gh the se-  
quence. You can also have the sequence continuously  
cycle throu gh all the step s, stop p ing for ind ivid u -  
ally defined amounts of time at each step. This mode  
is u sefu l for bu rn-in testing or for ru nning d isp lays  
at trad e show s. To m ake ru nning a sequ ence a bit  
more foolproof, you can program the 801G* to power-  
u p in the sequ ence m od e. You can control w hich  
sequences files an operator can access in the norm al  
op erating m od e.  
More than one sequ ence file can be stored in non-  
volatile m em ory. The nu m ber of sequ ence files you  
can store d ep end s on the nu m ber of step s in each  
file. A total of about 1280 to 1500 steps can be saved ,  
d ep end ing on how m any sep arate files are u sed .  
Before you can use a sequence file, you need to create  
one. And , in ord er to d o that, you need to u se the  
“Sequ ence File” ed itor and “Sequ ence Knob d irec-  
tory” ed itor.  
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Sequence Knob Directory Editor  
The only w ay to get to the Sequ ence file ed itor is  
via the Sequence Knob directory editor. We w ill first  
go through the use of the Knob d irectory ed itor and  
then exp lain the u se of the Sequ ence ed itor.  
The 801G* can be set u p to allow an op erator to ru n  
only certain sequ ence files in the sequ ence m od e.  
The 801G* m aintains a list of these accessible se-  
qu ences in non-volatile m em ory. You w ill need to  
ed it the list if you w ish to ad d sequ ences you have  
created . A typ ical sequ ence knob d irectory ed itor  
screen is show n here. The actu al ed itor screen u ses  
m ostly lit text on a black backgrou nd .  
Sequence List  
Available Files  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Done ≥ ≥ Move ≥  
≥≥ Delete ≥ ≥  
≥≥ Insert Remove ≥ ≥ Modify≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
The left hand sid e of the screen show s the cu rrent  
contents of the sequ ence knob d irectory. They ap -  
pear in the ord er that they are selected by the upper  
knob in the sequ ence m od e of op eration.  
While ed iting, the “Form at” knob m oves a selection  
box throu gh the left hand list. The list w ill scroll if  
it can not fit on the screen.  
The right hand sid e show s all of the sequ ences that  
are in the 801G*. They are listed in ord er of ascend -  
ing m em ory locations.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The bottom “Im age” knob m oves a selection box  
throu gh the right hand list. The list w ill scroll if it  
can not fit on the screen.  
The In sert bu tton m oves the selected sequ ence in  
the left hand colum n and all of the sequences below  
it down one line. It then copies the selected sequence  
on right hand sid e into the vacated p osition.  
The D elete bu tton rem oves the selected sequ ence  
from the left hand colu m n. All sequ ences below the  
d eleted sequ ence m ove u p .  
Pressing the Move button lets you move the selected  
sequ ence in the left hand colu m n to another p osi-  
tion in the list. The sequ ence is m oved by rotating  
the top knob. Pressing the “Move” bu tton a second  
tim e w ill leave the sequ ence in the new p osition.  
Pressing the Rem ove bu tton lets you d elete the se-  
qu ence file that is selected in the right hand col-  
u m n. This w ill erase the entire contents of the file  
from non-volatile m em ory. Since this op eration can  
d estroy a lot of p rogram m ing w ork, an on-screen  
m essage w ill ask you to confirm the rem oval of the  
file. Pressing the Yes or O K bu tton w ill erase the  
file. Pressing the N o or Can cel button w ill abort the  
rem oval op eration.  
Pressing the M od ify bu tton activates the sequ ence  
ed itor for the sequ ence that is selected in the right  
hand colu m n. You can u se this ed itor to check, cre-  
ate or m od ify a sequ ence before ad d ing it to the  
knob d irectory. The file called “N ew Seq” is the fac-  
tory d efau lt sequ ence file. It can be u sed as a start-  
ing p oint in creating new sequ ences. Exiting the  
sequence ed itor w ill automatically return you to the  
sequ ence knob d irectory ed itor.  
Pressing the D on e bu tton saves the ed ited list and  
exits the ed itor.  
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Sequ ences are created and m od ified u sing the se-  
qu ence ed itor. It is accessed throu gh the sequ ence  
knob d irectory ed itor in the p rogram m ing m od e. A  
typ ical sequ ence ed itor screen is show n here. The  
actu al ed itor screen u ses m ostly lit text on a black  
background .  
Sequence: MultSync  
Image Version Delay  
Available Files  
Step Format  
VGA_m18 Linearty  
⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø ⁄ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒø  
Exit ≥ ≥ Move Clear Delete ≥ ≥ Insert Save Mode Change ≥  
¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ ¿ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒŸ  
Most of the left sid e of the screen d isp lays the con-  
tents of the sequ ence. This inclu d es the step nu m -  
ber, format, image and auto-sequence d elay time for  
each step . The nam e of the sequ ence file being ed -  
ited is show n at the top of the left sid e. If the label  
“Mod e:” ap p ears to the right of the nam e, it m eans  
the 801G* w ill norm ally p ow er-u p in the given “se-  
qu ence” m od e u sing this sequ ence file.  
The inform ation show n on right sid e of the screen  
w ill d ep end on w hat is selected on the left sid e of  
the screen. If you are in the “Step” column, the right  
sid e w ill be blank. If you are in the “Form at” col-  
umn, a list of all available formats stored in the 801G*  
is show n. If you are in the “Im age” colum n, a list of  
all available bu ilt-in and cu stom im ages is show n.  
If you are in the “Version” colu m n, a zero (0) or a  
one (1) is show n. If you are in the “Delay” colu m n,  
a list of available d elay tim es is show n.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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The top knob moves a selection box among the steps  
and p aram eters on the left sid e of the screen. The  
knob moves the selection box horizontally across the  
screen u ntil the step nu m ber or last p aram eter is  
selected . Then the next m ove w ill be to the ad jacent  
row . This cau ses a “snaking” action. If the list goes  
beyond the bottom of the screen, tu rning the knob  
further clockw ise w ill cause the list to scroll up. The  
example screen shows a blank “Image” entry selected.  
The bottom knob norm ally m oves a selection box  
u p and d ow n the list of choices on the right sid e.  
Long lists w ill scroll u p and d ow n on the screen.  
The Ch an ge bu tton cop ies the entry on the right  
sid e to the left sid e. If the sequ ence nu m ber is se-  
lected on the left sid e, the bottom knob is u sed to  
go throu gh the list of all sequ ence files in m em ory.  
The exam p le screen show s “GrayBar” selected .  
Leaving a Form at and / or Im age entry for a given  
step empty, will cause the 801G* to use the last format  
or im age show n above the em p ty p osition(s). The  
example sequence shown would use format VGA_m18  
for step #2 and the FocusCx im age for step #3. It  
d oes not m atter if the op erator is going forw ard or  
backw ard throu gh the step s.  
The In sert, D elete and M ove bu ttons are u sed to  
m od ify the sequ ence list. These bu ttons only w ork  
w hen a step num ber is selected . The “Insert” button  
p u ts a blank step at the selected p osition. All step s  
below the insertion p oint are m oved d ow n. The  
“Delete” button rem oves the selected step. All steps  
below the deleted step move up. Pressing the “Move”  
bu tton lets you m ove the selected step to another  
p osition in the list. The step is m oved by rotating  
the top knob. Pressing the “Move” bu tton a second  
tim e w ill leave the step in the new p osition.  
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Pressing the M od e bu tton cycles the p ow er-on se-  
qu ence m od e settings as ind icated by the “Mod e”  
label to the right of the sequ ence nam e at top of the  
screen. The follow ing settings are avaiable:  
N o lab el: The sequ ence is not selected to to be the  
p ow er-on sequ ence.  
Step : The step s are m anu ally selected w ith the bot-  
tom knob, w ith stop s at both end s of the list.  
Wrap : The step s are m anu ally selected w ith the  
bottom knob. Going p ast the last step ju m p s to  
the first step and vice versa.  
Au to: The sequ ence au tom atically and continou sly  
cycles throu gh all the step s. The ind ivid u al  
“Delay” settings for each step d eterm ine how  
long the generator p au ses at each step .  
Step-Display, Wrap-Display and Auto Display: Work  
the sam e w ay as the p reviou s choices w ith the  
ad d ition of the step number being ad d ed to each  
test im age.  
Only one sequ ence file can be the “Pow er-on”  
sequence file at a time. Making the sequence you  
are ed iting the “Pow er-on” sequ ence w ill d eac-  
tivate the “Pow er-on” m od e statu s of all other  
sequ ence files in m em ory. If no sequ ence is se-  
lected as the “Pow er-on” sequ ence, the 801G*  
w ill then p ow er-u p in the “N orm al” op erating  
mod e.  
Pressing the Save bu tton show s a w ind ow w ith the  
nam e that w ill be u sed to save the sequ ence file to  
non-volatile memory. The original file name is shown.  
Saving back to the sam e file nam e w ill overw rite  
the original contents. If you w ish to keep the origi-  
nal version of you r sequ ence, you need to change  
the nam e in the w ind ow u sing the knobs and bu t-  
tons. Saving a new sequ ence file d oes not au tom ati-  
cally ad d it to the sequ ence knob d irectory.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Pressing the Exit bu tton leaves the sequ ence ed itor  
and retu rns to the sequ ence knob d irectory ed itor.  
If there are any u nsaved changes, you w ill be asked  
if you w ant to save you r w ork before exiting.  
Running a Sequence  
The 801G* will power-up in the sequence mode under  
the follow ing cond itions:  
One of the sequ ence files stored in the 801G*  
is p rogram m ed as the “Pow er-on” sequ ence.  
The p reviou s section on the sequ ence ed itor  
has inform ation on how to d o this  
• N one of the front p anel bu ttons are held in  
w hen the 801G* is p ow ered u p .  
Step #1 of the “Pow er-on” sequ ence is selected at  
the end of the p ow er-u p cycle. The top row of the  
the LCD window will show the name of the sequence  
and the bottom row w ill show the step nu m ber.  
The low er “Im age” knob is u sed to m ove forw ard  
and backw ard throu gh the step s in the sequ ence.  
A manual mode sequence can be set to continuously  
cycle throu gh all the step s, by rotating the bottom  
knob a fu ll tu rn clockw ise beyond the last step A  
m essage on the LCD w ill confirm that the cycle is  
ru nning. The cycle is stop p ed by rotating the bot-  
tom knob cou nter-clockw ise.  
The 801G* w ill rem em ber if the sequ ence w as in  
continu ou s cycle on p ow er d ow n. If so, it w ill  
continu ou s cycle on p ow er on.  
The u p p er “Form at” knob is u sed to load other se-  
qu ence files. The list of files that can be selected by  
the knob is m od ified u sing the sequ ence knob d i-  
rectory ed itor in the p rogram m ing m od e.  
Cau tion: A program m er can m ake any sequ ence  
the “Pow er-on” sequ ence w ithou t having it ap -  
p ear on the sequ ence knob d irectory. The 801G*  
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w ill p ow er-u p in the sequ ence m od e w ith the  
selected sequ ence. H ow ever, load ing another  
sequ ence file w ith the u p p er knob, w ill not al-  
low you to get back to the original p ow er-u p  
sequ ence file.  
Cancelling the Sequence Mode  
You cancel the p ow er-u p sequ ence m od e w ith the  
follow ing step s:  
• Pow er-up the 801G* in the programming mode  
(“Im age” bu tton held d ow n on p ow er-u p ).  
• Select the sequ ence knob d irectory ed itor.  
Press the “Mod ify” bu tton. It d oes not m atter  
which sequence file is selected in the right hand  
colu m n. The w ill p u t you in the sequ ence ed i-  
Press the M od e bu tton at least one tim e. Keep  
p ressing and releasing the bu tton u ntil the  
“Mode:” label to the right of the sequence name  
goes aw ay.  
• Tu rn off the p ow er.  
The next tim e the 801G* is tu rned on, it w ill be in  
the norm al op erating m od e. The top knob w ill se-  
lect formats and the bottom knob w ill select images.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Creating your own format file  
There are tw o w ays to ad d signal form ats to the  
801G*. You can create and ed it form ats u sing the  
bu ilt-in GUI ed itor that is d iscu ssed in an earlier  
section. You can also create form at files on a com -  
p u ter and d ow nload them to the 801G* u sing either  
the RS-232 or IEEE-488 p orts.  
Before you can d ow nload a form at file, you have to  
have to create it on you r com p u ter. The files con-  
tain ASCII text that d efines all of the form ats p a-  
ram eters. An exam ple of su ch a file is show n on the  
next page. You can u se any text ed iting program on  
you r com p u ter that can save you r w ork as straight  
ASCII text. This section of the m anu al has inform a-  
tion on how to d efine a form at for a p articu lar d is-  
p lay. Other p arts of the m anu al cover connecting a  
com p u ter and d ow n load ing d ata.  
You w ill need to know the signal sp ecifications of  
the d isp lay in ord er to enter you r form at. Most of  
the data can be found in a detailed specification sheet  
for the d isp lay. The rest of this section w ill tell you  
how to convert the sp ec sheet d ata into a u sable  
Entering the format parameters  
We are now read y to start entering the p aram eters.  
One of the commands available on the 801G* is FMTN.  
This com m and initializes all of the p aram eters to  
know n d efault values. The d efault values are show n  
in the d escrip tion of the FMTN com m and . You d o  
not need to enter the p aram eter and its valu e if the  
valu e m atches the FMTN setting. Detailed d iscu s-  
sions of each p aram eter are p resented in alp habeti-  
cal ord er at the end of this chap ter.  
The first step is to d eterm ine if you are w orking  
w ith an analog or a d igital d isp lay. An analog d is-  
p lay can show an end less range of colors or shad es  
of gray. Analog d isplays norm ally accept vid eo sig-  
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name Analog_3  
hrat 31.469e3  
hres 640  
htot 800  
hspd 16  
hspw 96  
hspp 0  
hspg 1  
vres 480  
vtot 525  
vspd 10  
vspw 2  
vspp 0  
vspg 1  
equb 0  
equa 0  
scan 1  
avst 2  
avss 0.700  
avps 7.5  
avpg 0  
avsb 0.0  
asss 0.300  
assg 0, 1, 0  
asct 2  
dsct 2  
dsst 1  
ssst 1  
cspp 0  
cspg 1  
xvsg 1, 1, 1  
gama 2.2  
gamc 0  
usiz 2  
hsiz 280.0  
vsiz 210.0  
dcex 14  
dcbm 15  
fmtw 62  
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nal levels in the 1 Vp -p range. Digital d isp lays are  
m ore lim ited and can only d isp lay a cou p le of gray  
levels or a hand fu l of pre-d efined colors. These d is-  
p lays norm ally accep t TTL vid eo signals in the 4  
Vp -p range.  
Analog Video and Sync Parameters  
If you are entering a d igital vid eo form at, skip this  
section of the manual and go on to the “Digital Video  
Param eters” section. If you are w orking w ith an  
analog vid eo d isp lay, set DVST to zero. Enter the  
correct analog vid eo signal typ e for the AVST com -  
m and . Both m onochrom e and color signal typ es are  
supported .  
The follow ing figu re show s a typ ical vid eo w ave-  
form for either a monochrome or RGB color d isplay:  
(% of AVSS)  
A few d isp lays requ ire an inverted w aveform  
w ith negative-going p eak vid eo and p ositive  
going sync tips. The 801G* will not properly drive  
these typ es of d isp lays.  
The AVSS param eter sets the peak-to-peak sw ing of  
the vid eo p ortion of the com p osite w aveform . This  
sw ing inclu d es any blanking p ed estal that m ay be  
p resent and exclu d es any sync p u lses that m ay be  
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ad d ed shou ld analog com p osite sync be enabled . If  
you need a sw ing other than the d efau lt FMTN set-  
ting, enter it in the “User” colu m n. In case of an  
RGB color signal, the sw ing given is com m on to all  
three color analog ou tp u ts.  
Som e d isp lays requ ire that the vid eo ou tp u t level  
be referenced or biased to a given voltage. The AVSB  
p aram eter sets the DC offset level. The offset is  
m easu red betw een grou nd and the blanked p ortion  
of the vid eo signal. A p ostive valu e ind icates an  
offset above grou nd .  
Som e d isp lays requ ire a blanking p ed estal (i.e. a  
blacker-than-black level d u ring the horizontal and  
vertical retrace intervals). If you r d isp lay requ ires  
su ch a blanking p ed estal, set the AVPG p aram eter  
to 1 and enter the size of the p ed estal you w ant  
u sing AVPS. The AVPS p aram eter is given as a  
p ercentage of the overall p eak-to-p eak sw ing of the  
vid eo signal AVSS. The d efau lt FMTN valu e of 7.5  
rep resents the typ ical blanking level fou nd in EIA  
stand ard s.  
You m ay need to u se gam m a correction if you are  
testing an analog vid eo d isp lay that has a non-lin-  
ear light response to linear video voltage input. Most  
displays on the market today are of this type. Gamma  
correction d istorts the levels ou tp u t by the genera-  
tor so as to prod uce a linear light output on the face  
of the CRT d isp lay w ith varying levels of gray. The  
following formula shows how the value of the gamma  
affects the ou tp u t linearity of the generator.  
Adjusted Level = 255 x (v / 255)(1 / γ)  
(to nearest integer value below 256 )  
Where v is the u ncorrected valu e having a range of  
0 (black) to 255 (w hite) and γ is the gam m a correc-  
tion factor. A gam m a correction factor of 1.000 is  
the sam e as no gam m a correction. The grap h in the  
follow ing figu re show s the logarithm ic variation of  
the ou tp u t signal w hen gam m a is set to 0.25, 0.5, 1,  
2, and 3.  
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Video Level  
Before Gamma Correction  
Set the GAMC p aram eter to 1 to enable gam m a cor-  
rection or 0 to d isable gam m a correction. When  
gam m a correction is enabled , the valu e ind icated  
by the p aram eter GAMA is u sed . The FMTN valu e  
of 2.2 is stand ard for N orth Am erican television.  
Eu rop ean television stand ard s com m only sp ecify a  
valu e of 2.8.  
N ext, d eterm ine how the d isp lay receives horizon-  
tal and vertical synchronizing inform ation. Som e  
d isp lays have one or tw o sep arate TTL d igital sync  
inp u ts. Other d isp lays requ ire com p osite sync on  
the bottom of the analog vid eo signal. Som e m u lti-  
m od e d isp lays accep t m u ltip le typ es of sync.  
If the d isplay only requires separate d igital sync in-  
pu ts, you can leave the rem aining analog vid eo and  
sync param eters at their d efau lt FMTN settings and  
go on to the section on “Digital Sync Param eters.”  
This w ill prevent com posite sync from ever appear-  
ing on the analog vid eo ou tp u ts.  
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Most color d isp lays that u se sep arate RGB analog  
video have separate sync inputs or expect sync added  
to the green video input. The ASSG parameter speci-  
fies w hich prim aries ou tpu t sync w hen analog com -  
p osite sync is selected . The cu rrent d esign of the  
801G* only allow s ad d ing sync to the green ou tp u t.  
The only valid entries for ASSG are (0, 0, 0) and (0,  
1, 0). In the case of m onochrom e d isp lays that u se  
com posite vid eo and sync, the d isplay m u st be con-  
nected to the green ou tp u t channel on the 801G*.  
You w ill also need to sp ecify the typ e of analog  
com p osite sync signal that is to be generated . You  
can specify a sim ple OR of the vertical and horizon-  
tal pulses or a m ore elaborate sync signal consisting  
of serrations and equalizing pulses. The ASCT com -  
m and selects the exact type of sync that is ad d ed . A  
setting of 0 m eans that analog com p osite sync can-  
not be selected .  
The ASSS p aram eter sets the p eak-to-p eak sw ing of  
the sync p ortion of the com p osite analog vid eo  
w aveform.  
You can now skip the next tw o sections and go d i-  
rectly to the section on “Tim ing Param eters.”  
Digital Video Parameters  
The cu rrent version of the 801G* firm w are can gen-  
erate five d ifferent typ es of d igital vid eo signals.  
All of the ou tp u ts are at TTL levels. There are tw o  
p aram eters that control the d igital vid eo configu ra-  
tion of the 801G*. The DVST param eter selects from  
the d ifferent types that are available. AVST m ust be  
set to zero w hen d igital vid eo op eration is selected .  
The DVSP p aram eter sp ecifys the logic sense (or  
p olarity) of the d igital vid eo ou tp u ts. The cu rrent  
hard w are configu ration of the 801G* only su p p orts  
the active high (or p ositive) p olarity.  
All d igital vid eo d isp lays requ ire d igital sync. In-  
form ation on setting the d igital sync p aram eters is  
p resented in the next section.  
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Digital Sync Parameters  
Som e analog vid eo and all d igital vid eo d isp lays  
require one or two digital sync signals. The paramters  
associated w ith these signals can be fou nd at the  
top of the right-hand colu m n of the form at w ork-  
If you r d isplay accepts separate horizontal and ver-  
tical d igital sync signals, you shou ld set the DSST  
p aram eter to the exact typ e that is need ed . A set-  
ting of zero (0) m eans that sep arate horizontal and  
vertical d igital sync cannot be selected .  
The p olarity of the sep arate horizontal sync ou tp u t  
is controlled by the H SPP p aram eter, w hile the p o-  
larity of the sep arate vertical sync ou tp u t is con-  
trolled by the VSPP p aram eter.  
Entering the w rong H SPP polarity may cause all  
of the test im ages to be shifted horizontally on  
a properly ad justed d isplay. Entering the w rong  
VSPP p olarity m ay cau se all of the test im ages  
to be shifted vertically on a p rop erly ad ju sted  
d isplay.  
Also, many multi-scan mode displays depend on  
the polarity of the sync pulses to d etermine their  
exact operating mod e. The w rong polarities may  
prevent the d isplay from locking to the form ats  
scan rates or m ay cau se the size of the active  
vid eo to be w ay off.  
If you r d isp lay accep ts a single com bined d igital  
sync inp u t, you shou ld set the DSCT p aram eter to  
the exact typ e that is need ed . A setting of zero (0)  
means that digital composite sync cannot be selected.  
The p olarity of the d igital com p osite sync ou tp u t is  
controlled by the CSPP p aram eter.  
You have now d efined the typ e of vid eo and sync  
that w ill be generated w hen you r new form at is  
selected . N ext, you w ill sp ecify the tim ing of the  
variou s signal com p onents.  
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Timing Parameters  
H RAT, sets the horizontal scan, or line, rate of the  
form at. This is the rate at w hich horizontal vid eo  
lines are prod uced . The 801G* uses H ertz as the unit  
of measure w hile most d isplay spec sheets may give  
the rate in kilo-H ertz. The rate can easily be entered  
as a floating point number. For example, a 15.73426374  
kH z horizontal rate could be entered as 15734.26374  
or as 15.73426374E3. H ere are som e w ays to calcu -  
late the valu e for H RAT if it is not given on you r  
sp ec sheet:  
• If a sp ec sheets gives you the total horizontal  
p eriod , in m icro-second s, instead of the hori-  
zontal rate. HRAT can be calculated as follows:  
HRAT = 1 / Horizontal Period  
• If a sp ec sheets gives you a d ot clock or p ixel  
rate and the total number of active and blanked  
p ixels p er line. H RAT can be calcu lated as  
follow s:  
HRAT = Pixel Rate / Total Pixels per Line  
The H RES p aram eter sets the nu m ber of active p ix-  
els in a single scan line. This parameter may be called  
“H orizontal Resolu tion” or “H orizontal Active Pix-  
els” on you r sp ec sheet.  
The H TOT p aram eter sets the total nu m ber of p ix-  
els (active + blanked ) in one horizontal scan line. It  
m u st be an even nu m ber. If you r sp ec sheet gives  
you the horizontal period in units of pixels, use this  
valu e for H TOT. H ere are som e w ays to calcu late  
the valu e for H TOT from other d ata on you r sp ec  
• A sp ec sheet m ay give you the nu m ber of  
horizontal active and blanked p ixels as tw o  
sep arate nu m bers. Sim p ly ad d the tw o nu m -  
bers together to get H TOT.  
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• A sp ec sheet m ay give you p ixel cou nts for  
the nu m ber of active p ixels as w ell the hori-  
zontal sync front p orch, p u lse w id th and back  
p orch. Ad d all fou r nu m bers together to get  
H TOT.  
• A spec sheet m ay give you a d ot clock or pixel  
rate. Divide this rate by the horizontal rate and  
rou nd the resu lt to the nearest even integer.  
• A sp ec sheet m ay give you the nu m ber of  
horizontal active p ixels and exp ress the hori-  
zontal blanking tim e in m icro-second s. The  
valu e for H TOT can be calcu lated w ith this  
HTOT = HRES / (1 - (Blanking x HRAT))  
Where Blanking is in units of seconds and HRAT  
is in u nits of H z. Rem em ber to rou nd the re-  
su lt to the nearest even integer.  
The H SPD p aram eter sets the nu m ber of p ixels be-  
tw een the end of active vid eo and the beginning of  
the horizontal sync pu lse. Many spec sheets refer to  
this parameter as the “Horizontal Sync Front Porch.”  
If you r sp ec sheet gives you the horizontal front  
p orch in u nits of p ixels, u se this valu e for H SPD.  
H ere is another w ay to calculate the value for H SPD  
from other d ata on you r sp ec sheet:  
• A spec sheet may give you the horizontal front  
p orch in m icro-second s. The valu e for H SPD  
can be calcu lated w ith this form u la:  
HSPD = HTOT x HRAT x Front Porch  
Where Front Porch is in u nits of second s and  
H RAT is in u nits of H z. Rem em ber to rou nd  
the resu lt to the nearest integer.  
The H SPW param eter sets the w id th of the horizon-  
tal sync p u lse in u nits of p ixels. Many sp ec sheets  
refer to this p aram eter as “H orizontal Sync Pu lse  
Width.” If your spec sheet gives you the pulse width  
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in u nits of p ixels, u se this valu e for H SPW. H ere is  
another w ay to calcu late the valu e for H SPW from  
other d ata on you r sp ec sheet:  
• A spec sheet m ay give you the horizontal sync  
p u lse w id th in m icro-second s. The valu e for  
H SPW can be calcu lated w ith this form u la:  
HSPW = HTOT x HRAT x Pulse Width  
Where Pu lse Wid th is in u nits of second s and  
H RAT is in u nits of H z. Rem em ber to rou nd  
the resu lt to the nearest integer.  
We are now d one w ith the horizontal tim ing and  
can move on to the vertical timing. The first vertical  
tim ing p aram eter, SCAN , d eterm ines if a given for-  
m at w ill have a non-interlaced or 2:1 interlaced  
vertical scanning m od e. H ere are a few w ays to  
d eterm ine the correct m od e if it is not clearly stated  
on you r sp ec sheet.  
• N on-interlaced scanning is som etim es called  
“Progressive Scan” on a sp ec sheet.  
• References to “od d ” and “even” field s on a  
sp ec sheet u su ally ind icate 2:1 interlaced op -  
• A Field Rate” that is tw ice the “Fram e Rate”  
on a sp ec sheet ind icates 2:1 interlaced op era-  
The VRES p aram eter sets the nu m ber of active scan  
lines in a com p lete fram e of vid eo. This p aram eter  
may be called “Vertical Resolution” or “Vertical Ac-  
tive Pixels” on you r sp ec sheet.  
• The sp ec sheet for an interlaced d isp lay m ay  
give you the number of active lines for a single  
field . You w ill need to d ou ble this nu m ber to  
get the correct valu e for VRES.  
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The VTOT p aram eter sets the total nu m ber of hori-  
zontal scan lines, active + blanked , in one com p lete  
fram e. It m u st be an od d nu m ber w hen SCAN = 2.  
If you r sp ec sheet gives you the fram e p eriod in  
u nits of lines, u se this valu e for VTOT. H ere are  
som e w ays to calcu late the valu e for VTOT from  
other d ata on you r sp ec sheet:  
• A sp ec sheet m ay give you the nu m ber of  
horizontal active and blanked lines p er fram e  
as tw o sep arate nu m bers. Ad d the tw o nu m -  
bers to get VTOT.  
• A sp ec sheet for a non-interlaced d isp lay m ay  
give you a vertical rate. The valu e for VTOT  
can be calculated using the follow ing form ula:  
VTOT = HRAT / Vertical Rate  
• A spec sheet for an interlaced display may give  
you a field or fram e rate. The valu e for VTOT  
can be calcu lated u sing one of the follow ing  
VTOT = HRAT / Frame Rate  
VTOT = 2 x (HRAT / Field Rate)  
• A spec sheet for an interlaced display may give  
you the nu m ber of active and blanked lines in  
a single field . The valu e for VTOT can be cal-  
cu lated u sing the follow ing form u la:  
VTOT = 2 x (Active Lines + Blanked Lines)  
The VSPD p aram eter sets the nu m ber of scan lines  
betw een the last line of active vid eo and the begin-  
ning of the vertical sync p u lse. Many sp ec sheets  
refer to this parameter as “Vertical Sync Front Porch.”  
If you r spec sheet gives you the vertical front porch  
in u nits of lines, u se this valu e for VSPD. H ere is  
another w ay to calcu late the valu e for H SPD from  
other d ata on you r sp ec sheet:  
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• A sp ec sheet m ay give you the vertical front  
porch in milli-seconds. The value for VSPD can  
be calcu lated w ith this form u la:  
VSPD = HRAT x Front Porch  
Where Front Porch is in u nits of second s and  
H RAT is in u nits of H z. Rem em ber to rou nd  
the resu lt to the nearest integer.  
The VSPW p aram eter sets the w id th of the vertical  
sync p u lse in u nits of scan lines. Many sp ec sheets  
refer to this parameter as “Vertical Sync Pulse Width.”  
If your spec sheet gives you the pulse w id th in units  
of lines, u se this valu e for VSPW. H ere is another  
way to calculate the value for HSPW from other data  
on you r sp ec sheet:  
• A spec sheet m ay give you the horizontal sync  
p u lse w id th in m icro-second s. The valu e for  
H SPW can be calcu lated w ith this form u la:  
VSPW = HRAT x Pulse Width  
Where Pu lse Wid th is in u nits of second s and  
H RAT is in u nits of H z. Rem em ber to rou nd  
the resu lt to the nearest integer.  
The vertical sync pulse width is the overall width  
of the vertical sync interval if you are w orking  
w ith serrated com p osite sync. Do not u se the  
d istance betw een the ind ivid ual serration pulses  
for VSPW.  
Som e d isp lays that u se either a d igital or analog  
composite sync signal need to have extra pulses added  
to the sync. Serration and equ alization p u lses help  
stabilize the d isp lays horizontal sw eep circu itry  
d u ring the vertical sync interval. The p reviou sly  
d iscu ssed DSCT and ASCT p aram eters d eterm ine if  
serrations and equ alization p u lses are ad d ed to ei-  
ther of the com p osite sync ou tp u ts. The nu m ber of  
equalization pulses, if used, can also be programmed.  
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The EQUB p aram eter sets the length of the equ al-  
ization interval before the vertical sync p u lse. The  
valu e is entered in m u ltip les of scan lines w ith tw o  
p u lses p er scan line (less one if a CCIR sync typ e  
has been sp ecified ).  
The EQUA p aram eter sets the length of the equ al-  
ization interval that follow s the vertical sync p u lse.  
The valu e is entered in m u ltip les of scan lines w ith  
tw o p u lses p er scan line (less one if a CCIR sync  
typ e has been sp ecified ).  
Equ alization p u lses w ill only be ad d ed to the  
Digital com p osite sync signal w hen DSCT is set  
to 4 or 8.  
Equ alization p u lses w ill only be ad d ed to the  
Analog com p osite sync signal w hen ASCT is set  
to 4 or 8.  
That is all of the tim ing p aram eters you need to  
enter. You m ay w ish to go throu gh a cou p le of cal-  
cu lations in the next section ju st to see if the form at  
you are setting u p m atches you r sp ec sheet.  
Calculated Rates  
Many vid eo specification sheets inclu d e a pixel rate  
p aram eter and a fram e rate p aram eter. You d o not  
need to program them into the 801G*. The firm w are  
calcu lates the tw o valu es based on other entered  
p aram eters. You can d ou ble check you r entries by  
calcu lating the p ixel and fram e rates.  
The p ixel or d ot clock rate is equ al to H RAT m u lti-  
p lied by H TOT. The hard w are lim its of the genera-  
tor d o not allow rates above 135.000 MH z  
If you r calcu lated p ixel rate exceed s the m axi-  
m u m lim it, you w ill need to p rop ortionately  
red u ce H TOT, H RES, H SPD and H SPW to give  
you a valid format. This w ill prod uce a correctly  
sized and centered test im age. H ow ever, the  
d isplay w ill not be d riven at its fu ll vid eo band -  
w id th.  
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The fram e rate is equ al to H RAT d ivid ed by VTOT.  
This should match the frame rate given on your spec  
Active Video Physical Size  
The USIZ, H SIZ and VSIZ p aram eters d o not affect  
the sync timing or signal outputs of the 801G*. They  
d o, how ever, greatly affect the test im ages that are  
drawn. For example, the size of the box in the “Bright-  
ness” test pattern should match the size of your light  
m eter p robe. The actu al size of the p robe is entered  
using the system parameter MSIZ. The firmware com-  
bines this information along with the formats physi-  
cal size inform ation to properly scale the size of the  
box. The firm w are also u ses the form ats size infor-  
mation to make sure the crosshatch lines in the SMPTE  
RP-133 pattern form square boxes and that the circle  
is rou nd and not ellip tical.  
The USIZ param eter d eterm ines w hether the unit of  
m easu re w ill be interp reted as inches (1) or in m m  
The H SIZ p aram eter is the horizontal w id th of the  
active vid eo area on a p rop erly ad ju sted d isp lay.  
The VSIZ parameter is the vertical height of the active  
vid eo area on a p rop erly ad ju sted d isp lay.  
Changing the valu es of H SIZ and (or) VSIZ w ill  
not change the overall size of m ost test im ages  
on you r d isp lay.  
Display Codes  
Many vid eo controller card s for the Ap p le Macin-  
tosh II and VGA typ e card s for the IBM-PC are able  
to id entify the type of d isplay connected to them by  
checking one or m ore d isp lay cod e sense lines com -  
ing from the d isp lay. The inform ation is then u sed  
to select one of several d ifferent operating m od es to  
m atch the d isp lay. An im p rop er d isp lay cod e m ay  
m ake the controller card or d isp lay ap p ear to be  
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m alfu nctioning. The “Making Connection” chap ter  
has inform ation on d isp lay cod es that are u sed by  
som e system s.  
A form at can be p rogram m ed to check these lines  
and rep ort the resu lts to the op erator.  
The DCBM p aram eter d eterm ines w hich of u p to 4  
sense lines w ill be tested . A valu e of 15 w ill test all  
4 lines. A valu e of 7 w ill test 3.  
The DCEX p aram eter is the d isp lay cod e nu m ber  
that you are exp ecting to get back from a p articu lar  
d isplay. The actu al valu e that is read back is show n  
in the “Form at” test im age.  
The 801G* d oes not u se the d isp lay cod e d ata to  
change its own operating modes. The DCBM and  
DCEX p aram eters are only u sed to p rovid e in-  
form ation to the operator so that they m ay com -  
p are the exp ected and actu al resu lts.  
Outputs Control  
The last set of form at p aram eters allow you to d e-  
term ine w hich outputs are active w hen the operator  
first selects the form at from m em ory.  
In the cu rrent version of firm w are, the statu s of  
the “Outputs” button has priority over individual  
gating controls. Selecting a form at w hile the  
ou tp u ts are tu rned off w ill keep all of the ou t-  
p u ts off u ntil the bu tton is p ressed . Selecting a  
form at w hile the ou tp u ts are tu rned on w ill ac-  
tivate all of the ou tpu ts that have been gated on  
in the form at.  
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The XVSG com m and d eterm ines w hich vid eo ou t-  
p u ts w ill be active w hen the form at is selected . The  
sam e com m and controls both the analog and d igital  
vid eo ou tp u ts.  
• The value of XVSG can be temporarily changed  
by the op erator, u sing the “R,” “G” and “B”  
vid eo gating bu ttons.  
The SSST parameter determines which sync type will  
be active w hen the form at is selected . A setting of 0  
w ill leave all the sync ou tp u ts off.  
• You have control over w hether or not the op -  
erator can overrid e the p rogram m ed SSST se-  
lect io n . A n o n -z er o en t r y fo r t h e A SCT  
p aram eter w ill allow the op erator to enable  
analog com p osite sync by p ressing the “ACS”  
sync gating bu tton. A non-zero entry for the  
DSCT parameter will allow the operator to turn  
on digital composite sync by pressing the “DCS”  
sync gating bu tton. A non-zero entry for the  
DSST parameter will allow the operator to turn  
on d igital sep arate sync by p ressing the “DH S  
& DVS” sync gating bu tton.  
The SSST p aram eter d oes not overrid e any ind i-  
vid u al p rogram m ed sync settings. For exam p le,  
setting ASCT to zero and then selecting analog  
composite sync with the SSST parameter will leave  
all of the sync ou tp u ts tu rned off.  
The H SPG and VSPG p aram eters d eterm ine if both  
horizontal and vertical sync are tu rned on w hen  
sep arate horizontal and vertical is selected .  
Gating either ind ivid u al sync ou tp u t off w ith a  
setting of zero w ill keep it turned off even w hen  
the “DH S & DVS” bu tton is p ressed by the op -  
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The CSPG p aram eter d eterm ines if d igital com p os-  
ite sync is tu rned on w hen d igital com posite sync is  
selected .  
Gating the digital composite sync output off with  
a setting of zero w ill keep it tu rned off even  
w hen the “DCS” button is pressed by the opera-  
We are now d one creating the file. Save you r file as  
straight ASCII text. If you as u sing a DOS based  
system , u se a file nam e extension of “.CMD”. We  
can m ove on to getting you r form at into the 801G*.  
This is d iscu ssed in the next section.  
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Downloading formats using a DOS-  
compatible computer  
There are tw o w ays of d ow nload ing a form at file to  
the 801G*. You can u se the send .bat u tility or the  
file d ow nload fu nction on the term inal em u lation  
p rogram that is d iscu ssed in the next section.  
The follow ing p roced u re shou ld be u sed w hen u s-  
ing the send .bat u tility p rogram that is on the d isk  
d isk su p p lied w ith the 801G*.  
1. Connect the 801G* to a p ersonal com p u ter  
using the instructions given in the “Making Con-  
nections” chap ter of this m anu al.  
3. Send new com m and files to the 801GP u sing  
the send .bat u tility fou nd on the u tility d isk. To  
d ow nload a file, the com m and is:  
SEND filename  
The send .bat u tility assu m es that you are con-  
necting the 801G* to COM1. If this is not the  
case, then you must modify the COM1 references  
in the file to m atch the COM port you are using.  
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Controlling via the Serial Port  
How to use PCPLUSTD.EXE  
The u tility d isk inclu d ed w ith you r 801G* contains  
the “Test d rive” version of Pcplu s by DATASTORM  
TECH N OLOGIES Inc. This p rogram is for evalu a-  
tion only and m ay not be u sed beyond that. Please  
read the PCPLUSTD.DOC file on the u tility d isk for  
fu rther d etails.  
PCPLUSTD.EXE is a d em onstration of how the u ser  
can interactively op erate and p rogram the 801G*  
generator via the serial p ort.  
You need to set som e configu ration d ata the first  
tim e that you u se the p rogram .  
1) After you have installed PCPLUSTD on your  
PC, start it by typ ing PCPLUSTD on the DOS  
com m and line.  
2) Press (ALT)P to bring up the serial port setup  
3) Select the p rop er COM p ort you w ill be u s-  
ing w ith you r 801G*.  
4) Set the p ort for 2400 bau d , 8 bits, 2 stop , no  
5) Press (ALT)S to save you r settings.  
You are now read y to send ind ivid u al com m and s  
and qu eries as w ell as d ow nload files to 801G*. The  
last section of this chapter d ocum ents the com m and  
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Controlling via the IEEE-488 Port  
You do not need to do anything special on the 801G*  
to u se its IEEE-488 p ort. The d efau lt settings are  
for the 801G* to be a talker/ listener w ith an ad -  
d ress of 15.  
All of the com m and s and qu eries show n at the end  
of this chap ter can be u sed over the p ort. This sec-  
tion covers how the com m and s shou ld be sent over  
the GPIB bu s. Inform ation on ad d itional com m and s  
that can only be sent throu gh the GPIB p ort is also  
inclu d ed in this section.  
Input Buffer  
Com m and s are sent to the 801G* in “p rogram m es-  
sages.” A p rogram m essage consists of one or m ore  
com m and s separated by a sem icolon (;) follow ed by  
a program m essage term inator. A program m essage  
term inator is d efined as the N L character (ASCII  
10), or EOI sent w ith the last byte of the p rogram  
m essage. The 801G* w ill not p arse any com m and s  
received u ntil a p rogram m essage term inator is re-  
ceived. All commands are executed sequentially, that  
is, w hen a com m and is parsed it is allow ed to finish  
execu tion before the next com m and is p arsed .  
Since som e com m and s m ay take longer to execu te,  
the 801G* has an inp u t bu ffer. This inp u t bu ffer is  
255 characters long and can be w ritten to by the  
host controller w hile the 801G* is bu sy execu ting or  
p arsing p reviou s m essages. If the inp u t bu ffer be-  
com es fu ll, the 801G* w ill hold off the controller  
u ntil there is room in the bu ffer. For this reason, a  
program m essage cannot be longer than 255 charac-  
ters inclu d ing term inator.  
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Message Syntax  
Program m essages are sent to the 801G* u sing fou r  
character ASCII u p p er/ low er case head ers. These  
head ers can be either com m and s or qu eries. Com -  
mands are messages which do not require a response  
from the 801G*. Qu eries are m essages w hich cau se  
the 801G* to resp ond w ith the requ ired d ata.  
Separator ( ; )  
Program Message Syntax  
( ; )  
(white space)  
Message Unit Syntax  
Com m and head ers instru ct the 801G* to set a p a-  
ram eter to the valu e given or p erform som e fu nc-  
tion not requ iring any ad d itional d ata. Com m and s  
w hich have an asterisk (*) as their first character are  
common commands as defined by the IEEE-488.2 stan-  
d ard and generally op erate the sam e in all instru -  
m ents. See the listing at the end of this section for  
d escrip tions of each com m on com m and .  
Com m and head ers w hich d o not requ ire any ad d i-  
tional data from the controller are self-contained and  
shou ld be follow ed by either a m essage sep arator  
(;) or m essage term inator. Any other characters (ex-  
cep t w hitesp ace characters) w ill cau se a com m and  
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Command headers which require numeric data should  
be follow ed by at least one sep arator character  
(w hitesp ace) then the d ata. N u m eric d ata sent w ith  
a com m and is in d ecim al form at. N u m eric d ata can  
be represented in one of three methods; integer, float-  
ing point, and scaled floating point. The three meth-  
od s show n below w ou ld all rep resent the nu m ber  
Floating Point  
Scaled Floating Point 4.200E+01  
Qu eries are com p rised of a head er follow ed im m e-  
d iately by a question mark (?). If there are any char-  
acters betw een the qu ery head er and the qu estion  
m ark character (inclu d ing w hitesp ace), a com m and  
error w ill resu lt. Qu eries, u p on com p letion of ex-  
ecu tion retu rn a resp on se m essage. A resp on se  
m essage is com p rised of the requ ested d ata term i-  
nated w ith an N L (ASCII 10) character. For exam ple  
the follow ing text w ou ld be retu rned in response to  
the H RAT? (horizontal rate qu ery) m essage:  
N ote that the H RAT? query returns its param eter in  
exponential form. Possible returned parameter forms  
are integer, exp onential, and string. The resp onse  
form of each queryable message is show n at the end  
of this section.  
Integer form:  
Exponential form: +3.965E+03  
String form:  
"A string"  
Output Queue  
When a qu ery is execu ted , the resu lting resp onse  
m essage is p laced in an ou tp u t qu eu e w here it can  
be read by the controller. The 801G* has an ou tp u t  
qu eu e that is 255 bytes long. When a m essage is  
p resent in the ou tp u t bu ffer, the MAV (m essage  
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available) bit in the Statu s Byte register is set. This  
varies slightly from the 488.2 stand ard in that the  
MAV bit w ill only be set w hen at least one com -  
plete response message is present in the output queue.  
A com p lete resp onse m essage consists of resp onse  
m essage text and a m essage term inator (N L).  
Buffer Deadlock  
Bu ffer d ead lock is occu rs w hen the 801G* tries to  
p u t a resp onse m essage in the ou tp u t qu eu e, the  
ou tp u t qu eu e is fu ll, and the controller is held off  
while sending a new message because the input buffer  
is fu ll. If d ead lock occu rs, the 801G* w ill clear its  
ou tp u t qu eu e, set the qu ery error (QYE) bit in the  
Event Statu s register and p roceed to p arse incom -  
ing messages. If any additional queries are requested  
w hile in d ead lock, those resp onse m essages w ill be  
d iscard ed .  
The 801G* w ill clear the bu ffer d ead lock w hen it  
finishes p arsing the cu rrent com m and / qu ery. The  
QYE bit w ill rem ain set u ntil read w ith the *ESR?  
qu ery or cleared w ith the *CLS com m on com m and .  
The Status Byte  
The Statu s Byte u sed by the 801G* is the sam e as  
that d efined by the IEEE-488.2 stand ard and d oes  
not u se any other bits of the Statu s Byte. The Statu s  
Byte is one p art of a com p lete statu s rep orting sys-  
tem show n on the next set of facing p ages. The Sta-  
tu s Byte is read by u sing the serial p oll featu re of  
you r controller.  
Requesting Service  
The GPIB p rovid es a m ethod for any d evice to in-  
terru p t the controller-in-charge and requ est servic-  
ing of a cond ition. This service requ est fu nction is  
hand led w ith the Statu s Byte. When the RQS bit of  
the Statu s Byte is tru e, the 801G* is requ esting ser-  
vice from the controller. There are m any cond itions  
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w hich m ay cau se the 801G* to ind u ce a service re-  
qu est. For m ore inform ation abou t setting u p these  
cond itions, see the *SRE common command d escrip-  
Remote/Local Operation  
The 801G* has com p lete rem ote/ local op eration as  
defined by the IEEE-488.1 standard. All four remote/  
local states REMS, LOCS, RWLS and LWLS are su p-  
ported .  
In the rem ote state (REMS), the 801G* is u nd er re-  
mote control and messages are processed as received.  
The rem ote w ith lockou t state (RWLS) w ill be en-  
tered if the controller issu es the LLO (local lockou t)  
m essage to the 801G*. The local state (LOCS) w ill  
be entered w hen the REN line goes false or the con-  
troller issu es the GTL (go to local) m essage to the  
801G*, or a front p anel control is actu ated .  
In the rem ote w ith lockou t state (RWLS), the 801G*  
is u nd er com p lete rem ote control and front p anel  
controls are disabled. The RWLS state is entered when  
the controller issu es the LLO (local lockou t) m es-  
sage to the 801G*. Front p anel access is re-enabled  
w hen the controller issu es the GTL (go to local)  
m essage to the 801G*.  
In the local state (LOCS), the 801G* is u nd er local  
control and all front panel controls are enabled . Any  
rem ote m essages received w ill be stored for p ro-  
cessing when the 801G* enters the remote state again.  
The rem ote state (REMS) w ill be entered if the REN  
line is tru e and the 801G* is ad d ressed to listen.  
In the local w ith lockou t state (LWLS), the 801G* is  
u nd er local control and all front p anel controls are  
enabled. Any remote messages received will be stored  
for p rocessing w hen the 801G* enters the rem ote  
state again. The rem ote w ith lockou t state (RWLS)  
w ill be entered if the 801G* is ad d ressed to listen.  
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Event Status Register  
Event Status Enable  
Output Queue  
Status Byte Register  
Service Request  
Enable Register  
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Status Byte Bit Definitions  
Message available. Indicates that at least one  
MAV complete response is present in the output  
Event status bit. Indicates that one of the  
ESB enabled conditions in the Standard Event  
Status register is set.  
Master summary status. Indicates that the  
801GX has a reason for requesting service.  
Request service. This bit is read only by  
executing a serial poll of the 801GX.  
Event Status Bit Definitions  
Operation complete. Indicates that all  
operations have been completed.  
Request control. Indicates that a device is  
RQC requesting control. The 801GX will never  
request control, so this bit will always be 0.  
Query error. Indicates that a query request  
was made while the 801GX was in deadlock.  
Device dependent error. Indicates that the  
DDE 801GX encountered an error executing a  
Execution error. Indicates that there was an  
error parsing a parameter.  
Command error. Indicates that there was an  
unrecognizable command.  
User request. Indicates that a front panel  
URQ button has been pressed or that the front  
panel knob has been turned.  
Power on. Indicates that power has been  
PON turned off-and-on. This bit will always be 0  
in the 801GX.  
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Bus Commands  
Bu s com m and s - com m and s w hich are sent to the  
801G* w ith ATN true - are d efined in the IEEE-488.1  
standard. The details of operation of these commands  
are d efined in the IEEE-488.1 and 488.2 stand ard s.  
The follow ing bu s com m and s are su p p orted by the  
D CL Device Clear - Clears the inp u t bu ffer and  
ou tp u t qu eu e, and stop s p arsing any com -  
mand s.  
SD C Selected Device Clear - Same as Device Clear.  
G TL Go To Local - Enters the local state. See the  
Rem ote/ Local section.  
Local Lockou t - Enters the lockou t state. See  
the Rem ote/ Local section.  
Serial Poll Enable - Enables transm ission of  
the Statu s Byte.  
Serial Poll Disable - Exits the serial poll state.  
Common Commands  
The common commands used by the 801G* are listed  
on the following pages. Common commands are com-  
m and s w hich begin w ith an asterisk (*). These com -  
m and s are d efined by the IEEE-488.2 stand ard and  
operate the same from instrument to instrument. The  
801G* supports all required common commands plus  
one ad d itional com m and (*OPT?).  
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Clear Statu s  
The *CLS com m and clears the Event Statu s Regis-  
ter, the Statu s Byte and the ou tp u t bu ffer.  
Com m and Syntax:  
Related Com m and s: *ESR? *STB?  
Even t Statu s En ab le  
The *ESE com m and sets the Event Statu s Enable  
register to the given m ask valu e. The bits in the  
Event Statu s Enable register fu nction as enable bits  
for each corresp ond ing bit in the Event Statu s reg-  
ister. That is, w hen a bit in the Event Status register  
goes high, and the corresp ond ing bit in the Event  
Statu s Enable register is a 1, it is enabled and w ill  
cau se the ESB bit in the Statu s Byte register to go  
The *ESE query returns the current value of the Event  
Statu s Enable register.  
Com m and Syntax:  
*ESE <m ask>  
<m ask> = 0 - 255  
*ESE 8  
Qu ery Syntax:  
<mask><N L>  
<m ask> is in integer N R1 form  
Related Com m and s: *CLS *ESR?  
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Even t Statu s Register  
The *ESR? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent valu e of the  
Event Status register. After this command is executed,  
the Event Statu s register is cleared . This is the only  
w ay of clearing any bit in the Event Statu s register  
excep t by the *CLS com m and .  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Retu rns:  
<register valu e><N L>  
<register valu e> is in integer N R1 form  
Related Com m and s: *CLS *ESE  
*O PC  
O p eration Com p lete  
The *OPC com m and w ill cau se the 801G* to set the  
OPC bit in the Event Statu s register w hen all opera-  
tions have been com p leted . Since there are no over-  
lap p ing com m and s, the *OPC com m and w ill set the  
OPC bit im m ed iately w hen execu ted .  
The *OPC qu ery w ill p u t a "1" in the ou tp u t bu ffer  
w hen all op erations are com p lete.  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Retu rns: 1<N L>  
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*O PT?  
O p tion s  
Qu ery Syntax:  
The *OPT qu ery retu rns a list of options installed in  
the 801G*.  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Retu rns: <op tion string><N L>  
The *RST com m and p erform s a d evice reset. This  
p laces the 801G* into a know n cond ition. These  
cond itions are:  
IEEE-488 ad d ress set to 15  
Statu s Byte cleared  
Inp u t qu eu e em p ty  
Ou tp u t qu eu e em p ty  
Com m and Syntax:  
Related Com m and s: *CLS  
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Service Req u est En ab le  
The *SRE com m and sets the Service Requ est Enable  
register to the m ask valu e given. The bits in the  
Service Requ est Enable register fu nction as enable  
bits for each corresp ond ing bit in the Statu s Byte  
register to enable a condition to request service from  
the system controller. That is, when a bit in the Status  
Byte register goes tru e, and the corresp ond ing bit  
in the Service Requ est Enable register is also tru e,  
the 801G* w ill requ est service throu gh the GPIB.  
The *SRE qu ery retu rns the cu rrent valu e of the  
Service Requ est Enable register.  
Com m and Syntax:  
*SRE <m ask>  
<m ask> = 0 - 255  
*SRE 16  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Retu rns: <m ask><N L>  
<m ask> is in integer N R1 form  
Related Com m and s: *STB *ESE  
Statu s Byte  
The *STB query returns the current value of the Status  
Byte register. The valu e stored in the Statu s Byte  
register is not affected by read ing it.  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Retu rns:  
<Statu s Byte><N L>  
<statu s byte> is in integer N R1 form  
Related Com m and s: *SRE *ESR? *CLS  
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The *TST qu ery cau ses the 801G* to p erform a self-  
test and rep ort the resu lts in a resp onse m essage. If  
the self-test fails, an ASCII "1" is p laced in the ou t-  
p u t bu ffer, otherw ise an ASCII "0" is p laced in the  
ou tp u t bu ffer.  
Qu ery Syntax:  
<result><N L>  
<resu lt> is in integer N R1 form  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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All of the com m and s you can only though the IEEE-  
488 p ort on the 801G* generator are listed in a p re-  
vious section. All of the commands you can use w ith  
either the RS-232 or IEEE-488 p ort on the 801G*  
generator are listed in this in this section. Theyre  
listed tw o w ays. The Command and Query Finder  
section grou p s them by fu nction. For exam p le, all  
the com m and s used to change form at param eter are  
listed u nd er one head ing. This is follow ed by a  
straight alp habetical listing of the com m and s. This  
listing also contains d escrip tions and exp ected p a-  
Command and Query Finder  
This listing show s all of the com m and s and qu eries  
su p p orted by the cu rrent version of firm w are. Each  
com m and or qu ery w ill be listed u nd er one or m ore  
of the follow ing head ings:  
Form at Param eter Settings  
Form at Error Checking  
Form at Ed itor Control  
Form at Mem ory Managem ent  
Cu stom Im age Draw ing Prim itives  
Cu stom Im age Ed itor Control  
Im age Mem ory Managem ent  
Sequ ence Ed itor Control  
Sequ ence Mem ory Managem ent  
Directory Ed itor Control  
Directory Mem ory Managem ent  
System Param eter Settings  
Direct Processor Control  
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These com m and s affect the typ e of test signal p ro-  
d u ced by the ISA generator. The com m and s also  
d eterm ine the tim ing of the signal. All the p aram -  
eters set by these commands can be saved as a single  
Form at in the generators on-board Form at storage  
Analog Sync Com p osite Typ e  
Analog Sync Signal Gate  
Analog Sync Signal Sw ing  
Analog Vid eo Calibration Method  
Analog Vid eo Color Ord er  
Analog Vid eo Color Su bcarrier  
Analog Vid eo Ped estal Gate  
Analog Vid eo Ped estal Sw ing  
Analog Vid eo Signal Sw ing  
Analog Vid eo Signal Typ e  
Com p osite Sync Pu lse Gate  
Com p osite Sync Pu lse Polarity  
Disp lay Cod e Bit Mask  
Disp lay Cod e EXp ected  
Digital Sync Com p osite Typ e  
Digital Sync Sep arate Typ e  
Digital Vid eo Signal Polarity  
Digital Vid eo Signal Typ e  
EQUalization interval After vertical sync  
EQUalization interval Before vertical sync  
GAMm A correction factor  
GAMm a Correction  
H orizontal RATe  
H orizontal RESolu tion (active p ixels p er  
H orizontal SIZe  
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Chapter 6: Programming  
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H orizontal Sync Pu lse Delay  
H orizontal Sync Pu lse Gate  
H orizontal Sync Pu lse Polarity  
H orizontal Sync Pu lse Wid th  
H orizontal TOTal p ixels p er line  
Pixel Clock Pu lse Gate  
SCAN field s p er fram e  
Select Sync Signal Typ e  
Unit of m easu re u sed for p hysical SIZes  
Vertical RESolu tion (active lin es p er  
Vertical SIZe  
Vertical Sync Pu lse Delay  
Vertical Sync Pu lse Gate  
Vertical Sync Pu lse Polarity  
Vertical Sync Pu lse Wid th  
Vertical TOTal lines p er fram e  
Vid eo Signal Gating  
Format Editor Control  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to set u p the  
Form at ed iting register p rior to ed iting or creating  
new Form ats.  
ForMaT Begin  
ForMaT End  
ForMaT in form at register Good ?  
ForMaT in form at register Ju stify  
Fo r M a T N e w (in it ia liz e a ll fo r m a t  
p aram eters to d efau lt valu es)  
ForMaT Ju stify  
Ju stify p ixel RATe  
form at N AME (obsolete)  
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These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to w rite and  
read Form ats from and to Form at m em ory locations  
as w ell as m oving and d eleting Form ats in m em ory.  
ALL Use  
ForMaT save As  
ForMaT Du p licate (obsolete)  
ForMaT Insert (obsolete)  
ForMaT Kill  
ForMaT Load from m em ory by nam e  
ForMaT Move (obsolete)  
ForMaT Path  
ForMaT Qu ery p ointer  
ForMaT Read from m em ory  
ForMaT Save  
ForMaT Test - Test the form at in form at  
m em ory location (obsolete)  
ForMaT Use  
ForMaT Verify (obsolete)  
ForMaT Write - Save form at into form at  
m em ory location (obsolete)  
ForMaT Yank (obsolete)  
ForMaT Zap (obsolete)  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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These com m and s are u sed to d raw the ind ivid u al  
p rim itives that m ake u p u ser-d efined im ages. All  
the available colors and fill p atterns are listed here.  
An im age cannot have m ore than 16 d ifferent colors  
in it. Trying to u se m ore than 16 colors cau ses u n-  
exp ected resu lts. The com m and d escrip tion section  
lists w hat param eters are need ed by each prim itive.  
Most of the cu stom im age p rim itives requ ire you to  
sp ecify their color.  
d raw A single p ixel DOT  
d raw CEN Tering m arkers  
d raw centered CROSs  
d raw FORMat d ata block  
Foregrou nd RGB levels  
d raw GRID  
d raw GRIl H orizontally  
d raw GRIl Vertically  
d raw crossH ATch starting Insid e  
d raw crossH ATch starting Ou tsid e  
d raw LIMIts m arkers  
d raw a LIN E  
u se N O GAm m a correction  
d raw an OVAL  
d raw a block of text  
d raw a RECTangle  
d raw sequ ence Step N UMber  
d raw TEXT string  
set levels relative TO BLanking  
d raw a TRIAngle  
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Color Options  
#0 sys16  
IBM-type alphanumeric font that has printable  
characters for ASCII codes 0-126. It uses an 8 x 16  
#1 OPIX 9  
Alphanumeric font that has printable characters for  
ASCII codes 32-126. It uses a 5 x 7 monospaced  
#2 focusmac  
#3 focus_12  
Single character used in the Focus_Oo test image;  
ASCII code = 79; 8 x 6 character block  
Two characters used for the Focus_Cx and Focus_H  
#4 memesony  
#5 kanjikan  
code = 77; 18 x 18 character block  
Single Japanese KanjiKan character used in the  
KanjiKan image; ASCII = 75; 22 x 22 character block  
#6 focusat 5  
#7 focusat 6  
#8 focusat 7  
#9 focusat 8  
#10 memeplus  
= 64; 8 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
= 64; 16 x 16 character block  
meme plus character used in focus and  
convergence; ASCII = 77; 43 x 49 character in a 49  
x 51 block  
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Fill Patterns  
0 GrayPat  
7 GrayPat  
7% gray fill*  
13 GrayPat  
19 GrayPat  
25 GrayPat  
31 GrayPat  
38 GrayPat  
44 GrayPat  
50 GrayPat  
63 GrayPat  
69 GrayPat  
75 GrayPat  
81 GrayPat  
88 GrayPat  
94 GrayPat  
100 GrayPat  
13% gray fill  
19% gray fill  
25% gray fill  
31% gray fill  
38% gray fill  
44% gray fill  
50% gray fill  
63% gray fill  
69% gray fill  
75% gray fill  
81% gray fill  
88% gray fill  
94% gray fill  
Fill is the same color as the lines  
Checkerboard alternating one (1) pixel on and  
one (1) off  
Checkerboard alternating two (2) pixels on  
and two (2) off  
Checkerboard alternating three (3) pixels on  
and three (3) off  
Checkerboard alternating four (4) pixels on  
and four (4) off  
Vertical bars one (1) pixel wide  
Vertical bars two (2) pixels wide  
Vertical bars four (4) pixels wide  
Vertical bars eight (8) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars one (1) pixel wide  
Horizontal bars two (2) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars four (4) pixels wide  
Horizontal bars eight (8) pixels wide  
Repeating MEME pattern  
Repeating three (3) pixels  
on and one pixel off pattern  
* That is, 7% of the fill p ixels are active. Sim ilar for other  
GrayPat fills.  
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Image Editor Control  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to set u p the  
cu stom im age ed iting register p rior to ed iting or  
creating new test im ages.  
cu stom IMaGe Begin  
cu stom IMaGe End  
cu stom IMaGe N ew  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to select test  
im ages that are d raw n on the u nit u nd er test.  
ALL Use  
IMaGe save As  
IMaGe Kill  
IMaGe Load  
IMaGe Path  
IMaGe Qu ery p ointer  
IMaGe Read im age from im age m em ory  
IMaGe Save  
IMaGe Use (d raw im age)  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to set u p the  
sequ ence ed itor.  
SEQu ence d escrip tion Begin  
SEQu ence d escrip tion End  
SEQu ence d escrip tion N ew  
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These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to select and  
u se sequ ences.  
ALL Use  
SEQu ence save As  
SEQu ence Kill  
SEQu ence Load  
SEQu ence Path  
SEQu ence Qu ery p ointer  
SEQu ence Save  
SEQu ence Use  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed for creating  
a new sequ ence.  
Disp lay sequ ence step N UMber  
IMaGe Load  
IMaGe Version  
sequ ence Step DeLaY  
Sequ ence MODe  
go to sequ ence STEP #  
These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to set u p the  
d irectory ed itor.  
DIRectory ed iting Begin  
DIRectory ed iting End  
DIRectory N ew  
N AMe Find  
N AMe Insert  
N AMe Kill  
N AMe Qu ery  
N AMe Yank  
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These com m and s and qu eries are u sed to select and  
u se d irectories.  
DIRectory save As  
DIRectory Kill  
DIRectory Load  
DIRectory Path  
DIRectory Qu ery p ointer  
DIRectory Save  
These command s and queries are used to set system  
level param eters that affect all Form ats and Im ages.  
Analog Sync Sw ing Calibration factor  
Analog Vid eo Sw ing Calibration factor  
instru ction CACH e enable  
analog vid eo CALibration Factors  
Foregrou nd Red , Green and Blu e levels  
Im age VERsion  
KEY toggle  
rotate KN OB  
LCD Statu s  
LED Statu s  
com m u nications MODE  
lightMeter SIZe  
OUTp u ts Gate  
clock RATe Calibration factor  
User IDeN tification  
Unit of m easu re u sed for p hysical SIZes  
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The qu eries in this category are u sed to help id en-  
tify the exact configu ration of the generator.  
IDeN tification (listed u nd er I)  
VERsion of Firm w are  
VERsion of H ard w are  
These com m and s and queries are used to com m uni-  
cate directly with the generators microprocessor and  
its internal fu nctions. They are reserved for system  
d ebu gging and d iagnostics by Qu antu m Data p er-  
sonnel as w ell as for sp ecial softw are ap p lications  
d evelop ed by Qu antu m Data.  
N ote Ind iscrim inate u se of these com m and s can cau se the  
g en er a t o r t o m a lfu n ct io n . A n ir r ev er sib le lo ss o f u ser -  
p rogram m ed d ata m ay also occu r.  
BASE (rad ix)  
w arm BOOT  
CALL internal fu nction  
Disp lay Cod e ReaD  
GET data from Absolute memory location  
GET d ata from Relative memory location  
IN ITialize to factory-d efau lt settings  
PUT Absolu te  
PUT Relative  
Self CALibrate  
SIZE of bit field  
WAIt for com p letion su ffix  
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Direct p rocessor control  
ADDR <ad d ress>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<ad d ress>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<ad d ress>  
Th e ADDR com m an d sets th e p oin ter register th ats u sed in  
con n ection w ith th e PUTR com m an d an d GETR? qu ery. Th e  
ADDR? query returns the current contents of the pointer register.  
N ote Th is com m an d n orm ally is u sed on ly w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le:  
ADDR an d ADDR? exp ect an d retu rn p aram eters form atted  
accord in g to th e cu rren t rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Use only with code supplied by Quantum Data!  
draw A single pixel DOT  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
ADOT <color> <x> <y>  
<color> = available colors  
<x> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<y> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a single p ixel d ot. A d ot is the sm allest grap hic elem ent  
th at can be d raw n . It u ses th ree (3) p aram eters, th e color an d  
th e X an d Y coord in ates.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ADOT White 200 300 // Draw white dot at  
// X = 200 Y = 300  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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ALL Use  
Form at, Im age an d Sequ en ce m em ory m an agem en t  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e ALLU com m an d first ch ecks th e cu rren t con ten ts of th e  
form at bu ffer for errors. If no errors are fou nd , it reconfigu res  
the signal generating hard w are in accord ance w ith the contents.  
Next, the current test image is re-rendered using the latest system  
an d form at p aram eter d ata.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
This command updates the generator after using the FMTL, IMGL  
an d SEQL com m an d s to load n ew files from m em ory. Th is  
com m an d also can be u sed to see th e resu lts of w ork w h en  
u sin g com m an d s to ed it form ats or cu stom im ages.  
Exam p le: FMTL vga_m3 // Load a format from memory  
// to buffer  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Analog Sync on Blue Gating  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
The ASBG command enables and d isables ad d ing composite sync  
to th e blu e an alog vid eo ou tp u ts w h en an alog syn c is selected  
(see SSST command) and an analog video signal is being generated  
(see AVST com m an d ). Th e ASBG? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t  
settin g of ASBG.  
See t h e A SSG co m m a n d d escr ip t io n fo r in fo r m a t io n o n  
sim u ltan eou sly con trollin g red , green an d blu e syn c gatin g.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASBG 1 // Enable comp sync on blue in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Sync Composite Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
ASCT <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
Am erican H DTV ORed  
Am erican ORed  
Am erican w / serr  
Am erican w / serr & eq  
Eu rop ean H DTV ORed  
Eu rop ean ORed  
Eu rop ean w / serr  
Eu rop ean w / serr & eq  
Am erican H DTV w / serr  
Am erican H DTV w / serr & eq  
Eu rop ean H DTV w / serr  
Eu rop ean H DTV w / serr & eq  
Jap an ese H DTV ORed  
Jap anese H DTV w / serr  
Jap an ese H DTV w / serr & eq  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
Th e ASCT com m an d sets th e kin d of com p osite syn c ad d ed to  
the analog vid eo ou tp u ts w hen analog sync is enabled (see SSST  
com m an d ) an d an an alog vid eo sign al is bein g gen erated (see  
AVST com m and ). The ASCT? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting  
of ASCT. A setting of zero (0) indicates that the ACS sync selection  
can n ot be activated by th e op erator.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e SSST m od e m u st be set to 4, 5, 6, or 7 an d th e AVST typ e  
m u st be set to 1, 2 or 5 in ord er for th e ASCT settin g to h ave  
an y affect on th e gen erators h ard w are ou tp u ts. Th e FMTU  
com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e  
ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting and redraws  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASCT 2 // Enable Amer ORed comp sync  
// in buffer  
SSST 4 // Enable ACS  
AVST 2 // Select analog RGB as video  
// type  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Sync on Green Gating  
(Obsolete) Form at p aram eter setting  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e ASGG com m an d en ables an d d isables ad d in g com p osite  
syn c to th e green an alog vid eo ou tp u ts w h en an alog syn c is  
selected (see SSST command ) and an analog vid eo signal is being  
generated (see AVST com m and ). The ASGG? qu ery retu rns the  
cu rren t settin g of ASGG.  
See t h e A SSG co m m a n d d escr ip t io n fo r in fo r m a t io n o n  
sim u ltan eou sly con trollin g red , green an d green syn c gatin g.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASGG 1 // Enable comp sync on green in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Analog Sync on Red Gating  
Com m and Syntax:  
(Obsolete) Form at p aram eter setting  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e ASRG com m an d en ables an d d isables ad d in g com p osite  
sync to the red analog video outputs when analog sync is selected  
(see SSST command) and an analog video signal is being generated  
(see AVST com m an d ). Th e ASRG? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t  
settin g of ASRG.  
See t h e A SSG co m m a n d d escr ip t io n fo r in fo r m a t io n o n  
sim u ltan eou sly con trollin g red , green an d red syn c gatin g.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASRG 1 // Enable comp sync on red in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Sync Swing Calibration factor  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
ASSC <red factor>, <green factor>, <blu e factor>  
ASSC <com m on factor>  
Lim its:  
<factor> (floating p oint accep ted )  
m in = 0.000  
m ax = 1.000  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<red factor>, <green factor>, <blu e factor>  
The ASSC command sets the analog vid eo calibration (or scaling)  
factor th ats u sed to ad ju st th e level set by ASSS. Issu in g th e  
command w ith a single factor sets all three analog vid eo channels  
to the sam e valu e. Issu ing the com m and w ith three factors sets  
each of th e an alog vid eo ch an n els to each of th e given valu es.  
Th e actu al p eak-to-p eak sw in g of th e an alog com p osite syn c  
sign als at th e ou tp u t con n ectors equ als th e p rod u ct of ASSS  
multiplied by ASSC. The ASSC? query returns the current settings  
of ASSC. The d efau lt factory setting is 1.000 for this p aram eter.  
N ote The ASSC p aram eter is a system level p aram eter that  
affects the analog vid eo sw ing of all form ats that are recalled .  
The ASSC valu e is retained w hen the generator is p ow ered  
d ow n and back u p again. Qu ery the cu rrent setting of ASSC if  
you are exp eriencing p roblem s w ith low or m issing analog  
com p osite sync levels. Re-initializing the generators m em ory  
restores the setting to factory d efau lt valu es of 1.000.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: ASSC .995 .998 1.00 // Reduce red and  
// green sync levels  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Analog Sync Signal Gate  
Form at p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
ASSG <red m od e>, <green m od e>, <blu e m od e>  
ASSG <com m on m od e>  
Lim its:  
< m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
(0, 0, 0 or 0, 1, 0 on ly ch oices on 801GC-ISA)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
<red m od e>, <green m od e>, <blu e m od e>  
The ASSG command enables and d isables ad d ing composite sync  
to all th ree an alog vid eo ou tp u ts w h en an alog syn c is selected  
(see SSST command) and an analog video signal is being generated  
(see AVST com m an d ). Th is com m an d can take th e p lace of  
sen d in g all th ree of th e in d ivid u al ASRG, ASGG an d ASBG  
com m an d s. Th e ASSG? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin gs of  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e SSST typ e m u st be 4, 5, 6 or 7 to ou tp u t an alog syn c. Th e  
FMTU com m and instru cts the generator to u se the new setting.  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASSG 0,1,0 // Enable comp sync on green  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Sync Signal Swing  
Form at p aram eter setting  
ASSS <level>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<level> (floating p oint accep ted )  
m in = 0.000 volts  
m ax = 0.307 volts  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The ASSS com m and sets the m axim u m p eak-to-p eak sw ing for  
an y com p osite syn c th ats ad d ed to an y of th e th ree an alog  
vid eo ch an n els. Th e actu al p eak-to-p eak sw in g of th e an alog  
sync signals at the output connectors equals the prod uct of ASSS  
m ultiplied by ASSC. The ASSS? query returns the current setting  
of ASSS.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
One or m ore ASSG m od es m u st be set to ON and the SSST typ e  
m u st be 4, 5, 6 or 7 to ou tp u t analog sync. The FMTU com m and  
in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e ALLU  
com m an d u p d ates h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: ASSS 0.286 // Set sync swing to 286 mV  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Analog Video Calibration Method  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVCM <typ e>  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
0 = In terp olate  
1 = Measu re In terp olate  
2 = Measu re Set Absolu te  
3 = Test Levels  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
Th e AVCM com m an d d eterm in es h ow th e gen erator tests an d  
calibrates its an alog vid eo ou tp u ts. Th e AVCM? qu ery retu rn s  
th e cu rren t settin g of AVCM.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: AVCM 1 // Select Measure Interpolate  
// type of self cal  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Analog Video COnfiguration  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVCO <typ e>  
<typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
0 = RGB  
1 = RBG  
2 = GRB  
3 = GBR  
4 = BRG  
5 = BGR  
(N orm al)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
The AVCO command sets the mapping of the analog vid eo colors  
to the vid eo ou tp u t connections. The AVCO? qu ery retu rns the  
cu rren t settin g of AVCO.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVCO 5 // Output blue on red chan &  
// red on blue chan  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Video Color subcarrier Selection  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVCS <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
0 = N o su bcarrier  
Su bcarrier frequ ency:  
1 = N TSC-M  
2 = N TSC-443  
3.579545 MH z (Am erican)  
4.43361875 MH z (PAL frequ en cy  
w ith N TSC tim in g u sed by som e  
conversion system s)  
3 = PAL-BDGH I  
4 = PAL-N  
4.43361875 MH z (Eu rop ean)  
3.58205625 MH z (Argentinian)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
The AVCS com m and sets the color su bcarrier typ e u sed for the  
television ou tp u ts on gen erator m od els th at h ave television  
ou tp u ts available. The AVCS? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting  
of AVCS.  
N ote At the tim e of this m anu als w riting, only the m od el  
801GX st a n d a lo n e g en er a t o r h a s v id eo w it h su b ca r r ier  
cap abilities.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVCS 1 // Select standard American NTSC  
// encoding  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Analog Video Pedestal Gate  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVPG <m od e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
The AVPG com m and enables and d isables the analog vid eo set-  
u p p ed estal. Th e AVPG? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Analog vid eo m ust be enabled w ith the AVST com m and in ord er  
to ou tp u t an analog vid eo signal. The p ed estal level is set w ith  
the AVPS command . The FMTU command instructs the generator  
to u se the new setting. The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are  
to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVPG 1 // Enable use of a black level  
// pedestal  
AVPS 7.5 // Set pedestal level to 7.5  
// IRE  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Analog Video Pedestal Swing  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVPS <level>  
Lim its:  
m in = 0.0 I.R.E.  
m ax = 100.0 I.R.E.  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e AVPS com m an d sets a black p ed estal level betw een th e  
blanking level (0.0 I.R.E.) and the p eak vid eo level (100.0 I.R.E.).  
Th e AVPS? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of AVPS.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
AVPG m u st be set to ON to enable the u se of the p ed estal. The  
FMTU com m and instru cts the generator to u se the new setting.  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVPG 1 // Enable use of a black level  
// pedestal  
AVPS 7.5 // Set pedestal level to 7.5  
// IRE  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Video Swing Calibration factor  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
AVSC <red factor>, <green factor>, <blu e factor>  
AVSC <com m on factor>  
Lim its:  
<factor> (floating p oint accep ted )  
m in = 0.000  
m ax = 1.000  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<red factor>, <green factor>, <blu e factor>  
The AVSC command sets the analog vid eo calibration (or scaling)  
factor th ats u sed to ad ju st th e level set by AVSS. Issu in g th e  
command w ith a single factor sets all three analog vid eo channels  
to the sam e valu e. Issu ing the com m and w ith three factors sets  
each of th e an alog vid eo ch an n els to each of th e given valu es.  
Th e actu al p eak-to-p eak sw in g of th e an alog vid eo sign als at  
th e ou tp u t con n ectors equ als th e p rod u ct of AVSS m u ltip lied  
by AVSC. The AVSC? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting of AVSC  
for each channel. The d efault factory settings are 1.000 for AVSC.  
N ote The AVSC p aram eter is a system level p aram eter that  
affects the analog vid eo sw ing of all Form ats that are recalled .  
The AVSC valu e is retained w hen the generator is p ow ered  
d ow n and back u p again. Qu ery the cu rrent setting of AVSC if  
you are exp eriencing low or m issing analog vid eo levels.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
settin g on th e cu rren t form at.  
Exam p le: AVSC 1.000 .995 .998 // Reduce green  
// and blue levels  
FMTU // Apply new factors to current  
// format  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Analog Video Signal Swing  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVSS <level>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<level> (floating p oint accep ted )  
m in = 0.000 volts  
m ax = 1.000 volts  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The AVSS com m and sets the m axim u m p eak-to-p eak sw ing for  
all three analog vid eo channels. The actu al p eak-to-p eak sw ing  
of the analog vid eo signals at the ou tp u t connectors equ als the  
p rod u ct of AVSS m u ltip lied by AVSC. The AVSS? qu ery retu rns  
th e cu rren t settin g of AVSS.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Analog vid eo m ust be enabled w ith the AVST com m and in ord er  
to ou tp u t an analog vid eo signal. The FMTU com m and instru cts  
the generator to use the new setting. The ALLU command updates  
h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVST 2 // Select RGB component color  
// video in buffer  
AVSS 0.714 // Set to 714 mV in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Analog Video Signal Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
AVST <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
1=Analog Y (grayscale)  
2=Analog RGB (color)  
3=An alog TV Y (grayscale)  
4=An alog TV EYC (color su bcarrier)  
5=Analog YPrPb (color d ifference)  
Mu st be zero (0) w h en an y d igital vid eo typ e is selected  
(DVST 0).  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
The AVST com m and establishes the typ e of signal that ap p ears  
on the analog vid eo ou tp u ts of the generator. The AVST? qu ery  
retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of AVST.  
N ote Certain AVST typ es m ay n ot be su p p orted by all  
generators in the 801G series.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
DVST m u st be set to zero w hen analog vid eo is u sed . The FMTU  
com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e  
ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting and redraws  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: DVST 0 // Disable digital video  
AVST 2 // Select RGB component color  
// video  
ALLU // Update hardware and redraw test  
// image  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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number BASE  
Direct p rocessor control  
BASE <rad ix>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<rad ix> = -36 to -2 or 2 to 36  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<rad ix>  
Th e BASE com m an d establish es th e rad ix of ad d ress an d d ata  
param eters p assed to or retu rned from the ADDR, GETA, GETR,  
PUTA, PUTR, an d CALL in stru ction s. If a n egative rad ix is  
sp ecified , th en p aram eters p assed to (or retu rn ed from ) th ese  
fu nctions are assu m ed to be signed . For exam p le, if BASE= -16,  
th en th e valu e -1 com m u n icates th e valu e FFFFFFFF h ex. Th e  
BASE? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of BASE. Th e rad ix  
<rad ix> alw ays is p assed and retu rned in base 10, regard less of  
the setting of BASE. BASE is preset to -10 each time the generator  
is p ow ered on. Base -10 is the p referred rad ix. The BASE? qu ery  
retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of BASE.  
N ote This com m and norm ally w ill be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
warm BOOT  
Com m and Syntax:  
Direct p rocessor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e BOOT com m an d cau ses th e gen erator to go th rou gh its  
stand ard p ow er-u p p roced u re. Self-calibration is not p erform ed .  
The proced ure checks all RAM storage locations for corrupt d ata.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: BOOT  
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instruction CACHe enable  
System p aram eter setting  
CACH <m od e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
CACH ?  
<m od e>  
Th e CACH com m an d en ables an d d isables th e u se of th e  
instru ction cache. The CACH ? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting  
of CACH .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: CACH 0 // Disable the use of the  
// instruction cache  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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analog video CALibration Factors  
System p aram eter setting  
Cm d Syntax(801GC):  
CALF <vid eo 1000> [<vid eo 700> [<syn c 400> [<syn c 40>  
[2048 [2048]]]]]  
CALF <vid eo 1000> [<vid eo 700> [<syn c 400> [<syn c 40>  
[<N TSC 714> [<PAL 700]]]]]  
(801GF, 801GF-ISA):  
Lim its:  
CALF <vid eo 1000> [<vid eo 700> [<sync 400> [<sync 40> [<p clk  
700> [2048]]]]]  
CALF <video 1000> [<video 700> [<sync 400> [<sync 40> [<psync  
400> [p sync 40>]]]]]  
<vid eo 1000>  
m in sw in g = 4095  
m ax sw in g = 0  
<vid eo 700>  
m in sw in g = 4095  
m ax sw in g = 0  
<syn c 400>  
m in sw in g = 0  
m ax sw in g = 4095  
<syn c 40>  
m in sw in g = 0  
m ax sw in g = 4095  
<N TSC 714>  
m in sw in g = 4095  
m ax sw in g = 0  
<PAL 700>  
m in sw in g = 4095  
m ax sw in g = 0  
<p clk 700>  
m in sw in g = 4095  
m ax sw in g = 0  
<p sync 400>  
m in sw in g = 0  
m ax sw in g = 4095  
<p syn c 40>  
m in sw in g = 0  
m ax sw in g = 4095  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
<vid eo 1000> <vid eo 700> <syn c 400> <syn c 40> <N TSC  
714> <PAL 700>  
Descrip tion:  
Th e CALF sets th e an alog ou tp u t calibration factors to valu es  
oth er th an th ose set by th e gen erators ow n self-calibration  
fu nction. The <vid eo 1000> factor ad ju sts the vid eo ou tp u t level  
w h en AVSS is at its m axim u m of 1.000 volts. Th e vid eo <700>  
factor ad ju sts th e vid eo ou tp u t level w h en AVSS is at 0.700  
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volts. The <sync 400> factor ad ju sts the analog sync ou tpu t level  
w h en ASSS is at 0.400 volts. Th e <syn c 40> factor ad ju sts th e  
analog sync output level w hen ASSS is at 0.040 volts. The <N TSC  
714> factor ad ju sts the N TSC television ou tp u t level. The <PAL  
700> factor ad ju sts th e PAL television ou tp u t level. Th e <p clk  
700> factor ad ju sts the p ixel clock ou tp u t (w hen it is enabled ).  
Inform ation on the <p sync> factors w as not available w hen this  
m an u al w as w ritten .  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e AVSC com m an d m atch es th e levels for th e th ree an alog  
v id eo ch a n n els. Th e A LLU com m a n d u p d a tes th e sig n a l  
gen eratin g h ard w are to th e n ew settin gs an d red raw s th e test  
im age.  
Exam p le: CALF 2040 2045 2055 2050 2046 2048  
// Set new factors  
ALLU // Use new factors  
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CALL internal function  
Direct p rocessor control  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
CALL <ad d ress> <p assed > [ <p (1)> [ <p (2)> [ <p (3)> [  
<p (18)> ]]]]  
Lim its:  
<ad d ress>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
<p assed >  
0 to 18 (BASE = -10 or 10)  
0 to 12 (BASE = -16 or 16)  
<p (n)>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
Qu ery Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
CALL? <ad d ress> <p assed > <retu rn ed > [ <p (1)> [ <p (2)> [  
<p (3)> [ <p (17)> ]]]]  
<ad d ress>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
<p assed >  
0 to 18 (BASE = -10 or 10)  
0 to 12 (BASE = -16 or 16)  
<retu rned >  
4,294,967,295 an d 0 to 20 (BASE = 10)  
-1 to 20 (BASE = -10)  
FFFFFFFF an d 0 to 14 (BASE = 16)  
-1 to 14 (BASE = -16 qu ery on ly)  
<p (n)>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
<ret(1)> [ <ret(2)> [ <ret(3)> [ <ret(20)> ]]]  
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Descrip tion:  
The CALL command calls internal C functions. Address <address>  
is th e en try p oin t of th e C fu n ction to be called . Param eter  
<p assed > in d icates th e n u m ber of p aram eters to be p assed . If  
<p assed > is n ot zero, th en p aram eters bein g p assed <p (1)>  
throu gh <p (n)> im m ed iately follow the <p assed > p aram eter on  
th e com m an d lin e. Th e CALL? qu ery is sim ilar to th e CALL  
com m and excep t that retu rned p aram eters are exp ected . H ere,  
a th ird p aram eter <retu rn ed > is ad d ed to in d icate th e n u m ber  
of p aram eters retu rned by the fu nction. If BASE= -10 or -16 and  
a <retu rn ed > valu e of -1 is given (4,294,967,295 if BASE=10 or  
FFFFFFFF if BASE=16), then a single valu e is read from register  
A8 of the TMS34010 (rather than being p op p ed off the C stack).  
Most C fu n ction s th at retu rn a sin gle p aram eter retu rn th eir  
sin gle p aram eter in th is w ay. Retu rn ed p aram eters are sp ace-  
d elimited and formatted accord ing to the current rad ix (see BASE  
com m and ). All param eters passed to the CALL and CALL? m u st  
be form atted accord in g to th e cu rren t rad ix. Th is in clu d es th e  
p aram eters <p assed > and <retu rned >.  
N ote Th is com m an d n orm ally is u sed on ly w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Ind iscrim inate u se of this com m and can cau se the generator to  
stop op erating or loss of stored d ata in nonvolatile RAM.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
CALL an d CALL? exp ect an d retu rn p aram eters form atted  
accord in g to th e cu rren t rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
*** draw video CENTering markers  
Com m and Syntax:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
CEN T <color>  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
<color> = available colors  
Draw s a sm all cross in the center of active vid eo. If the form at  
has an even nu m ber of active p ixels, the vertical line is 2 p ixels  
th ick. Th e h orizon tal lin e is 2 p ixels th ick if th e form at h as an  
even number of active lines. The primitive uses a single parameter,  
th e color of th e cross.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: CENT red // Draw a small red cross in  
// center of active video  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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*** draw a centered CROSs  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
CROS <color>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a large cen tered cross th at fills th e active vid eo area.  
Th e vertical lin e is 2 p ixels th ick if th e form at h as an even  
n u m ber of active p ixels. Th e h orizon tal lin e is 2 p ixels th ick if  
th e form at h as an even n u m ber of active lin es. Th e p rim itive  
u ses a sin gle p aram eter th e color of th e cross.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: CROS magenta // Draw a large cross in  
// the center of the active video  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Composite Sync Pulse Gate  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
CSPG <m od e>  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e CSPG com m an d en ables an d d isables all of th e d igital  
com p osite sync ou tp u ts w hen d igital com p osite sync is selected  
via the SSST com m and (SSST = 3). The CSPG? qu ery retu rns the  
cu rren t settin g of CSPG.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital com p osite sync, it m u st be selected w ith  
the SSST com m and . The FMTU com m and instru cts the generator  
to u se the new setting. The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are  
to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: CSPG 1 // Enable dig comp sync in  
// buffer  
SSST 2 // Choose digital comp sync type  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Composite Sync Pulse Polarity  
Form at p aram eter setting  
CSPP <p olarity>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p olarity>  
0 = active-low (n egative goin g p u lse)  
1 = active-h igh (p ositive goin g p u lse)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<p olarity>  
Th e CSPP com m an d establish es th e logic sen se of th e d igital  
com p osite syn c ou tp u t. Th e CSPP? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t  
settin g of CSPP.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital com p osite sync, it m u st be gated on w ith  
the CSPG com m and and selected w ith the SSST com m and . The  
FMTU com m and instru cts the generator to u se the new setting.  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: CSPG 1 // Enable dig comp sync in  
// buffer  
CSPP 1 // Select active hi in buffer  
SSST 2 // Choose digital comp sync type  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Display Code Bit Mask  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DCBM <m ask>  
<m ask>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
0 = 0 0 0 0  
1 = 0 0 0 1  
2 = 0 0 1 0  
3 = 0 0 1 1  
4 = 0 1 0 0  
5 = 0 1 0 1  
6 = 0 1 1 0  
7 = 0 1 1 1  
8 = 1 0 0 0  
9 = 1 0 0 1  
10 = 1 0 1 0  
11 = 1 0 1 1  
12 = 1 1 0 0  
13 = 1 1 0 1  
14 = 1 1 1 0  
15 = 1 1 1 1  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m ask>  
The DCBM com m and sets the 4-bit binary bit m ask u sed by the  
DCRD? qu ery. The m ask is entered as the d ecim al equ ivalent of  
a 4-bit binary number. The binary number represents the masking  
of th e in d ivid u al sen se lin es from M3 (MSB) to M0 (LSB). Th e  
DCBM? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of DCBM.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: DCBM 7 // Set mask to read sense lines  
// 0, 1 & 2 only  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Display Code EXpected  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DCEX <cod e#>  
<cod e#>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
0 = 0 0 0 0  
1 = 0 0 0 1  
2 = 0 0 1 0  
3 = 0 0 1 1  
4 = 0 1 0 0  
5 = 0 1 0 1  
6 = 0 1 1 0  
7 = 0 1 1 1  
8 = 1 0 0 0  
9 = 1 0 0 1  
10 = 1 0 10  
11 = 1 0 1 1  
12 = 1 1 0 0  
13 = 1 1 0 1  
14 = 1 1 1 0  
15 = 1 1 1 1  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<cod e#>  
Th e DCEX com m an d sets u p th e d isp lay cod e th ats exp ected  
from a display connected to the generator. The code is determined  
by on e or m ore sense lin es bein g con n ected to grou n d by th e  
d isp lay. Man y vid eo con troller card s for th e Ap p le Macin tosh  
II and VGA typ e card s for the IBM-PC sam p le the statu s of the  
d isp lay cod e sen se lin es. Th e in form ation th en sets u p on e of  
several d ifferent op erating m od es to m atch a p articu lar d isp lay.  
An improper display code may make the controller card or display  
ap p ear to m alfu nction.  
The DCEX? qu ery first p erform s a logical AN D op eration w ith  
th e d isp lay cod e bit m ask an d th e actu al d isp lay cod e th ats  
sen sed . Th e d ecim al equ ivalen t of th e resu lt th en is retu rn ed .  
Th e m ask is set w ith th e DCEX com m an d .  
Th e exp ected settin g an d th e actu al resu lt are both sh ow n in  
th e Format test im age. Th ey h ave n o effect h ow a given form at  
gen erates a set of test sign als.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU com m and u ses the new setting and red raw s  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: DCBM 7 // Set mask to read sense lines  
// 0, 1 & 2 only  
DCEX 5 // Only lines 0 and 1 should be  
// grounded  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Display Code ReaD  
Direct p rocessor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
<cod e#>  
0 = 0 0 0 0  
1 = 0 0 0 1  
2 = 0 0 1 0  
3 = 0 0 1 1  
4 = 0 1 0 0  
5 = 0 1 0 1  
6 = 0 1 1 0  
7 = 0 1 1 1  
8 = 1 0 0 0  
9 = 1 0 0 1  
10 = 1 0 10  
11 = 1 0 1 1  
12 = 1 1 0 0  
13 = 1 1 0 1  
14 = 1 1 1 0  
15 = 1 1 1 1  
Descrip tion:  
Th e DCRD? qu ery retu rn s th e d isp lay cod e d etected on th e  
monitor sense lines as filtered through the d isplay cod e bit mask.  
Converting the returned decimal number to a 4-bit binary number  
sh ow s th e statu s of th e in d ivid u al sen se lin es from M3 (MSB)  
to M0 (LSB).  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
DCBM sets th e m ask u sed for read in g th e d isp lay cod e.  
Exam p le: DCRD? // Return current sense lines  
// reading  
DIRectory save As  
Com m and Syntax:  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
DIRA <nam e>  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The DIRA com m and saves the cu rrent contents of the d irectory  
ed it bu ffer u sin g th e given n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: DIRA MY_DIR // Save with the name  
// "MY_DIR"  
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DIRectory editing Begin  
Directory ed itor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The DIRB com m and m arks the beginning of a d irectory ed iting  
session . Th is com m an d d oes n oth in g in th e cu rren t firm w are  
version , bu t is u sed for com p atibility w ith fu tu re version s of  
firm w are.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Either a DIRL com m and to load an existing d irectory or a DIRN  
command to create a new directory. DIRE when ending the editing  
Exam p le: DIRN // Initialize directory edit buffer  
DIRB // Start directory editing session  
// One or more directory editing  
// commands ...  
DIRE // End directory editing session  
DIRectory editing End  
Com m and Syntax:  
Directory ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The DIRE command marks the end of a d irectory ed iting session.  
Th is com m an d d oes n oth in g in th e cu rren t firm w are version ,  
bu t is u sed for com p atibility w ith fu tu re versions of firm w are.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
DIRB w h en startin g th e ed itin g session . Use DIRA or DIRS to  
save changes.  
Exam p le: DIRB // Start directory editing session  
// One or more directory editing  
// commands  
// ...  
DIRA MYDIR_02 // Save edited directory  
// as MYDIR_02  
DIRE // End directory editing session  
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DIRectory Kill  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
DIRK <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
DIRK? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
Th e DIRK com m an d d eletes a d irectory by n am e. Th e qu ery  
retu rns a one if the nam ed d irectory can be d eleted . If d irectory  
is read -on ly or n on existen t, th e qu ery retu rn s a zero.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: DIRK MY_DIR // Delete dir called  
// "MY_DIR"  
DIRectory Load  
Com m and Syntax:  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
DIRL <nam e>  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
DIRL? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
Th e DIRL com m an d cop ies th e d irectory h avin g a n am e equ al  
to <nam e> from d irectory m em ory into the d irectory ed it bu ffer.  
Th e qu ery retu rn s a on e if th e n am ed d irectory can be load ed ,  
oth erw ise a zero is retu rn ed .  
NOTE:Use the FMTP, IMGP and SEQP commands to select which  
d irectory is u sed for th e form at, im age an d sequ en ce selection  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: DIRL MY_DIR // Load "MY_DIR" dir in  
// edit buffer  
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DIRectory New  
Directory ed itor control  
DIRN [<nam e>]  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = op tion al valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
DIRN ?  
<nam e>  
Th e DIRN com m an d in itializes th e d irectory ed it bu ffer. Th e  
n am e <n am e> is assign ed as th e d irectorys n am e. Th e qu ery  
w ill retu rn th e n am e th at h as been assign ed as th e d irectorys  
nam e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: DIRN // Init edit buffer without  
// assigning a new name  
DIRN MY_DIR // Init edit buffer with  
// name of "MY_DIR"  
DIRectory Path  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
DIRP <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<nam e>  
Th e DIRP com m an d sets th e cu rren t d irectory p ath n am e. Th e  
qu ery w ill retu rn th e cu rren t d irectory p ath n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: DIRP DIRPTH01 // Set directory path to  
// DIRPTH01  
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DIRectory Query pointer  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
DIRQ? <ind ex> <nu m ber>  
<in d ex> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<n u m ber> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
List of sp ecified d irectory n am es  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e qu ery retu rn s <n u m ber> d irectory n am es from th e list of  
all th e d irectory n am es stored in d irectory m em ory begin n in g  
at <in d ex>. Th e d irectories are kep t in alp h an u m eric ord er.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: DIRQ? 1 5 // List the first five  
// directories in memory  
DIRQ? 1 9999 // List all directories in  
// memory  
DIRectory Save  
Directory m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e DIRS com m an d saves th e cu rren t d irectory ed it bu ffer  
con ten ts in to d irectory m em ory u sin g th e cu rren t n am e of th e  
d irectory in th e ed it bu ffer.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Display sequence step NUMbers  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
Sequ ence p aram eter setting  
DN UM <m od e>  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
DN UM?  
<m od e>  
Th e DN UM com m an d en ables an d d isables th e ad d ition of th e  
sequ ence step nu m ber to the d isplayed test im age w hen ru nning  
a sequ ence.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: DNUM 1 // Enable the displaying of the  
// sequence step #  
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Digital Sync Composite Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DSCT <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
Am erican H DTV ORed  
Am erican ORed  
Am erican w / serr  
Am erican w / serr & eq  
Eu rop ean H DTV ORed  
Eu rop ean ORed  
Eu rop ean w / serr  
Eu rop ean w / serr & eq  
Am erican H DTV w / serr  
Am erican H DTV w / serr & eq  
Eu rop ean H DTV w / serr  
Eu rop ean H DTV w / serr & eq  
Jap an ese H DTV ORed  
Jap anese H DTV w / serr  
Jap an ese H DTV w / serr & eq  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
The DSCT com m and establishes the typ e of com p osite sync that  
ap p ears at th e d igital com p osite syn c ou tp u ts w h en d igital  
com p osite syn c is selected via th e SSST com m an d . Th e DSCT?  
qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting of DSCT. A setting of zero (0)  
ind icates that d igital com p osite sync cannot be activated by the  
op erator.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: DSCT 2 // Select simple Amer ORed in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Digital Sync Separate Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DSST <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
Am erican sep arate  
Am erican H DTV sep arate  
Eu rop ean H DTV sep arate  
Jap anese H DTV sep arate  
Eu rop ean sep arate  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
The DSST com m and establishes the typ e of d igital sep arate sync  
th at ap p ears at th e d igital H S & VS ou tp u ts of th e gen erator  
w hen d igital com p osite sync is selected via the SSST com m and  
and the outputs are gated on via the H SPG and VSPG command s.  
The only d ifference betw een EIA and CCIR d igital separate syncs  
is that, in the case of CCIR, the w id th of the vertical sync p u lse  
is 0.5 lin e sh orter th an th e w id th sp ecified via th e VSPW  
com m and . In the EIA case, the w id th of the vertical sync p u lse  
is as p rogram m ed . The DSST? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting  
of DSST. A settin g of zero (0) in d icates th at sep arate d igital  
H &V syn c can n ot be activated by th e op erator.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: DSST 1  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Digital Video Signal Polarity  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DVSP <p olarity>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p olarity>  
0 = active-low (n egative goin g vid eo)  
1 = active-h igh (p ositive goin g vid eo)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<p olarity>  
Th e DVSP com m an d establish es th e logic sen se of th e d igital  
vid eo ou tp u ts. The DVSP? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting of  
N ote Please note that d igital vid eo is not su p p orted by all  
generators in the 801G series. Also, som e m od els that su p p ort  
d igital vid eo m ay not su p p ort active low for the p olarity.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se the d igital vid eo ou tp u ts, d igital vid eo m u st be  
enabled w ith the DVST command . The FMTU command instructs  
the generator to use the new setting. The ALLU command updates  
h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVST 0 // Deselect analog video in  
// buffer  
DVST 5 // Select 3 bit color in buffer  
DVSP 1 // Select active hi video in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Chapter 6: Programming  
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Digital Video Signal Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
DVST <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
n ot u sed  
d igital V  
d igital VI (MDA)  
RrGgBb (EGA)  
DVST m u st be zero (0) w h en an y an alog vid eo typ e is  
selected (AVST 0).  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
Th e DVST com m an d establish es th e kin d of vid eo sign al th at  
exits the d igital vid eo signal outputs of the generator. The DVST?  
qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of DVST.  
N ote Please note that d igital vid eo is not su p p orted by all  
generators in the 801G series.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
AVST m u st be set to zero. Th e ALLU com m an d u p d ates th e  
h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: AVST 0 // Deselect analog video in  
// buffer  
DVST 5 // Select 3 bit color in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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EQUalization interval After vertical sync  
Form at p aram eter setting  
EQUA <lines>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
m in = 0  
m ax = n u m ber of lin es after vertical syn c before vid eo  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e EQUA com m an d establish es th e w id th of th e equ alization  
in terval after th e vertical syn c p u lse in each field w h en ever a  
serrated & equ alized syn c typ e is selected via eith er ASCT or  
DSCT com m an d s an d selected via th e SSST com m an d . If th e  
typ e sp ecified for th e selected syn c sign al is on e of th e CCIR  
typ es, th en th e actu al equ alization in terval ou tp u t by th e  
gen erator w ill be 0.5 lin es sh orter th an th e w h ole n u m ber  
specified . The EQUA? query returns the current setting of EQUA.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: EQUA 3 // Set post-equalization to 3  
// lines in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Chapter 6: Programming  
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EQUalization interval Before vertical sync  
Form at p aram eter setting  
EQUB <lines>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
m in = 0  
m ax = n u m ber of lin es after vid eo an d before vertical syn c  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e EQUB com m an d establish es th e w id th of th e equ alization  
interval before the vertical sync p u lse in each field w henever a  
serrated & equ alized syn c typ e is selected via eith er ASCT or  
DSCT com m an d s an d selected via th e SSST com m an d . If th e  
typ e sp ecified for th e selected syn c sign al is on e of th e CCIR  
typ es, th en th e actu al equ alization in terval ou tp u t by th e  
gen erator w ill be 0.5 lin es sh orter th an th e w h ole n u m ber  
specified . The EQUB? query returns the current setting of EQUB.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: EQUB 3 // Set pre-equalization to 3  
// lines in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
ForMaT save As  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
FMTA <nam e>  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e FMTA com m an d saves th e cu rren t con ten ts of th e form at  
ed it bu ffer u sin g th e given n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTA MY_FMT // Save with the name  
// "MY_FMT"  
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ForMaT editing Begin  
Form at ed itor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e FMTB com m an d m arks th e begin n in g of a form at ed itin g  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Either an FMTL com m and to load an existing im age or an FMTN  
com m an d to create a n ew FORMAT. FMTE w h en en d in g th e  
ed iting session.  
Exam p le: FMTN // Initialize format edit buffer  
IMGB // Start format editing session  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
IMGE // End format editing session  
ForMaT editing End  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The FMTE com m and m arks the end of a form at ed iting session.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
FMTB w hen starting the ed iting session. Use FMTA or FMTS to  
save changes.  
Exam p le: FMTB // Start format editing session  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
FMTA My_fmt1 // Save edited format as  
// My_fmt1  
FMTE // End format editing session  
ForMaT in buffer Good  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<test resu lt>  
The FMTG? query tests the format in the format buffer for errors.  
If n o errors are fou n d , FMTG? retu rn s zero. Oth erw ise, if on e  
or m ore errors exist, the nu m ber of the first error encou ntered  
is retu rned . To test form ats resid ing in form at m em ory, u se the  
FMTT? qu ery.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTG? // Return format error status  
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ForMaT Justify  
Form at ed itor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e FMTJ com m an d corrects som e typ es of tim in g errors for  
th e cu rren t d ata in th e form at bu ffer. Th e follow in g errors are  
corrected :  
Pixel Rate errors 2071 an d 2072  
Vid eo Mem ory Size error 2550  
H orizon tal Blan kin g errors 2140, 2141, 2150 an d 2155  
H orizon tal Total errors 2090 an d 2091  
H orizon tal Syn c Pu lse Wid th errors 2181 an d 2201  
Vertical Resolu tion error 2321  
Th e ju stification rou tin e tries to keep th e form at close to  
you r origin al sp ecification s. H ow ever, th e form at sh ou ld be  
review ed after it is ju stified to m ake su re it still m eets you r  
tim ing requ irem ents.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
settin gs. Th e ALLU com m an d u p d ates h ard w are to th e n ew  
settin gs an d red raw s th e test im age. Th e FMTG? qu ery can be  
u sed to see if an y errors rem ain .  
Exam p le: FMTJ  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
ForMaT Kill from memory by name  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
FMTK <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
FMTK? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or <location >  
Th e FMTK com m an d erases th e n am ed form at from m em ory.  
Th e FMTK? qu ery ch ecks to see if th e n am ed form at can be  
erased . The RAM location nu m ber is retu rned if it can be erased .  
Oth erw ise, a zero is retu rn ed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTK my_fmt1 // Erase format called  
// my_fmt1  
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ForMaT Load from memory by name  
Form at m em ory m an agem en t / Sequ en ce p aram eter settin g  
FMTL <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
FMTL? <nam e>  
<location > (retu rn s 0 if n ot fou n d )  
The FMTL command is context sensitive. When editing a sequence  
(w hile betw een a set of SEQB and SEQE com m and s), the FMTL  
com m an d assign s a form at to th e step bein g w orked on . Th e  
FMTL? qu ery retu rns the nam e of the form at cu rrently assigned  
to th e step .  
Ou tsid e of th e sequ en ce ed itor, th e FMTL com m an d read s th e  
form at h avin g a n am e equ al to n am e <n am e> from form at  
memory (or EPROM) into the format. FMTL does not re-configure  
the signal generating hard w are. This featu re allow s you to w ork  
on the contents of any format memory location, w hile continuing  
to ou tp u t a signal based on a p reviou sly u sed form at (see FMTU  
com m and ). The FMTL? qu ery retu rns the location <location> in  
w h ich a form at h avin g a n am e equ al to <n am e> is fou n d . If  
m u ltip le form ats exist h avin g n am e <n am e>, th en th e low est  
n u m bered location con tain in g a form at w ith a m atch in g n am e  
<n am e> is retu rn ed . Th e form at m em ory (RAM) is alw ays  
search ed first. If a form at w ith n am e <n am e> can n ot be fou n d  
an yw h ere in th e form at m em ory, th en th e in d u stry-stan d ard  
formats located in EPROM (negative locations) are searched next.  
FMTL? retu rn s zero if a form at w ith a n am e equ al to n am e  
<n am e> can n ot be fou n d in eith er form at sp ace.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates the hard w are to the new settings  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: FMTL VGA_m3 // Load format called VGA_m3  
ALLU Update hardware and redraw image  
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ForMaT New  
Form at ed itor control  
FMTN [<nam e>]  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The FMTN command initializes the format editing buffer. Sending  
this one com m and is equ ivalent to send ing all of the follow ing  
com m and s:  
ASBG 0  
ASCT 1  
ASGG 1  
GAMA 2.2  
GAMC 0  
HRAT 0  
HRES 0  
HSIZ 280  
HSPD 0  
HSPG 1  
HSPP 0  
HSPW 0  
HTOT 0  
SCAN 1  
SSST 1  
USIZ 2  
VRES 0  
VSIZ 210  
VSPD 0  
VSPG 1  
VSPP 0  
VSPW 0  
VTOT 0  
ASSG 0, 1, 0  
ASSS 0.286  
AVPG 0  
AVPS 0.0  
AVSB 0.0  
AVSS 0.714  
AVST 0  
XVSG 1, 1, 1  
CSPG 1  
CSPP 0  
DCBM 0  
DSEX 0  
DSST 1  
DVSP 0  
DVST 0  
EQUA 0  
EQUB 0  
Th is sh ou ld be th e first com m an d sen t to th e gen erator w h en  
creatin g a n ew form at. Th e com m an d on ly resets to a kn ow n  
state. Th e com m an d d oes n ot create a u sable form at.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTN // Initialize format buffer  
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ForMaT Path  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
FMTP <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<nam e>  
Th e FMTP com m an d sets th e cu rren t form at p ath n am e to a  
given d irectory. The qu ery w ill retu rn the cu rrent form at p ath  
nam e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTP VGA_FMTS // Formats in VGA_FMTS dir  
// will be listed  
ForMaT Query pointer  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
Lim its:  
<in d ex> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<n u m ber> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
FMTQ? <ind ex> <nu m ber>  
List of sp ecified form at n am es  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e qu ery retu rn s <n u m ber> form at n am es from th e list of all  
the form ats stored in form at m em ory beginning at <ind ex>. The  
form ats are kep t in alp h an u m eric ord er.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: FMTQ? 1 5 // List the first five images  
// in memory  
FMTQ? 1 9999 // List all images in  
// memory  
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ForMaT Read from memory location (by  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
FMTR <location>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<location > = 1 th rou gh 300 (RAM) or -1 th rou gh -24  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
FMTR? <location>  
<nam e>  
Read s form at from the form at m em ory location into the form at  
bu ffer. Th e FMTR com m an d d oes n ot recon figu re th e sign al  
generating hard w are. The FMTR? qu ery retu rns the <nam e> of  
th e form at stored in location <location >. FMTR? retu rn s th e  
string EMPTYif the format memory location <location> is empty.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates the hard w are to the new settings  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: FMTR -5 // Load format from ROM location  
// 5  
ALLU // Update hardware and redraw  
// image  
ForMaT Save  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
Descrip tion:  
The FMTS command saves the current format ed it buffer contents  
in to form at m em ory u sin g th e cu rren t n am e of th e form at in  
th e ed it bu ffer.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTS  
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ForMaT Use  
Form at m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<location> or 0  
Th e FMTU com m an d first ch ecks th e cu rren t con ten ts of th e  
form at bu ffer for errors. If no errors are fou nd , it reconfigu res  
the signal generating hard w are in accord ance w ith the contents.  
It d oes not red raw the p reviou sly d isp layed test im age. In som e  
cases th is m ay d istort th e old im age.  
Th e FMTU? qu ery retu rn s eith er a form at m em ory location  
<location> or zero. If the signal form at cu rrently being ou tp u t  
by the signal generating hard w are matches that originally load ed  
(u sing the FMTL com m and ) or read (u sing the FMTR com m and )  
from a format memory location, then the matching format memory  
location <location> is returned . Otherw ise, if the format contents  
have been u sed to u p d ate the signal generating hard w are since  
either an FMTR or FMTL command has been issued , then FMTU?  
qu ery retu rn s zero.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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draw FORMat data block  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
FORM <color> <x> <y>  
<color> = available colors  
<x> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<y> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Disp lays basic inform ation abou t the form at d riving the d isp lay.  
The first line show s the nu m ber of horizontal active p ixels and  
vertical active lines. The last nu m ber on the line is the nu m ber  
of field s p er fram e (on e (1) for n on -in terlaced an d tw o (2) for  
interlaced ). The second and third lines show the horizontal and  
vertical rates resp ectively. Text is on  
backgrou n d w ith a sin gle p ixel bord er.  
black rectan gu lar  
FORM u ses th ree (3) p aram eters. Th e first is th e color of th e  
text an d bord er. Th e n ext tw o (2) are th e X an d Y coord in ates  
for th e top left-h an d corn er of th e block of text.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: FORM blue 30 200 // Display format  
// information in blue beginning at  
// X=30, Y=200  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Foreground Red, Green and Blue levels  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
FRGB <red level> <green level> <blu e level>  
FRGB <com m on gray level>  
Lim its:  
m in = 0 (fu ll off)  
m ax = 255 (fu ll on )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
<red level> <green level> <blu e level>  
Tem p orarily sets th e p ortion s of an im age d raw n w ith a color  
selection of foreground to the given red , green and blu e valu es.  
All th ree colors can be set to th e sam e level u sin g a sin gle  
param eter. The setting is not global and is not saved . The FRGB?  
qu ery retu rns the cu rrent red , green and blu e settings of FRGB.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The color selection for one or m ore prim itives in a cu stom im age  
must be set to foreground in order to see the affect of this command  
on a cu stom im age.  
Examples: FRGB 255 128 0 // Set foreground color  
// to orange  
FRGB 128 // Set foreground color to a  
// mid-gray level  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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GAMmA correction factor  
Form at p aram eter setting  
GAMA <factor>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<factor> (floating p oint accep ted )  
m in = 0.1  
m ax = 10.0  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The GAMA command establishes the current analog video gamma  
correction factor. The GAMA? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting  
of th e gam m a correction factor.  
N ote See the section of the m anu al d ealing w ith ed iting a  
form at w ith the Wind ow s u ser interface for m ore inform ation  
on gam m a correction.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Gam m a correction m u st be en abled w ith th e GAMC com m an d  
in ord er to use the gamma correction factor The FMTU command  
in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e ALLU  
com m an d u p d ates h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: GAMC 1 // Enable gamma correction in  
// buffer  
GAMA 2.2 // Set correction factor in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
GAMma Correction mode  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
GAMC <m od e>  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = d isable (d on t correct)  
1 = en able (correct)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
The GAMC command enables or disables application of the analog  
vid eo gam m a correction factor. The GAMC? qu ery can be u sed  
to d eterm in e if th e gam m a correction factor is cu rren tly bein g  
ap p lied .  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e valu e u sed for gam m a correction is set w ith th e GAMA  
com m an d . Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se  
the new setting. The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the  
n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: GAMC 1 // Enable gamma correction in  
// buffer  
GAMA 2.2 // Set correction factor in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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GET data from Absolute memory location  
Direct p rocessor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
GETA? <ad d ress>  
<ad d ress>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<valu e>  
Th e GETA? qu ery retu rn s th e valu e of th e d ata stored at th e  
m em ory <ad d ress> sp ecified . Up to 32 bits can be read w ith  
this qu ery (see SIZE com m and ). The retu rned valu e <valu e> is  
formatted accord ing to the current setting of BASE (see the BASE  
com m and ).  
N ote This com m and w ill norm ally be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
GETA an d GETA? exp ect an d retu rn p aram eters form atted  
accord in g to th e cu rren t rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
GET data from Relative memory location  
Com m and Syntax:  
Direct p rocessor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<valu e>  
Th e GETR? qu ery retu rn s th e valu e of th e d ata stored at th e  
m em ory location cu rren tly p oin ted to by th e ad d ress register  
(see ADDR com m and ). Up to 32 bits can be read w ith this qu ery  
(see SIZE com m and ). The retu rned valu e <valu e> is form atted  
according to the current setting of BASE (see the BASE command).  
The ad d ress register is au tom atically increm ented by SIZE bits  
after th e cu rren t location h as been read .  
N ote This com m and w ill norm ally be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
GETR an d GETR? exp ect an d retu rn p aram eters form atted  
accord in g to th e cu rren t rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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draw a centered GRID  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
GRID <color> <n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> <n u m ber of  
vertical boxes>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of p ixels  
<n u m ber of vertical boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of lin es  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a crosshatch of a given color and form s a given nu m ber  
of boxes in each d irection . All lin es are on e (1) p ixel th ick. All  
of th e lin es, in a given d irection , are equ ally sp aced . An y  
rem aining p ixels are d istribu ted as equ ally as p ossible arou nd  
the p erim eter of the grid . This m ay cau se the first and last lines  
in each d irection n ot to be at th e very ed ges of vid eo.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: GRID gray75 14 10 // Draw a gray75 grid  
// with 14 horizontal and 10˚  
// vertical boxes  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
draw a GRIll pattern of Horizontal lines  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
GRIH <color> <n u m ber of p ixels in lin e> < n u m ber of p ixels  
in sp ace>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<n u m ber of p ixels in lin e> = n u m ber of p ixels  
< n u m ber of p ixels in sp ace> = n u m ber of p ixels  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s equ ally sp aced horizontal lines that form a grill over the  
entire active vid eo area. The prim itive u ses three (3) param eters.  
The first is the color of the lines. The second is the thickness of  
the lines and the third is the thickness of the sp ace betw een the  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: GRIH green 4 6 // Draw green grid with  
// 4-pixel lines and 6-pixel spaces  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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draw a GRIll pattern of Vertical lines  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
GRIV <color> <n u m ber of p ixels in lin e> < n u m ber of p ixels  
in sp ace>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<n u m ber of p ixels in lin e> = n u m ber of lin es  
< n u m ber of p ixels in sp ace> = n u m ber of lin es  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s equ ally sp aced vertical lin es th at form a grill over th e  
en tire active vid eo area. Th e gap s are n ot tou ch ed an d w ill  
show any p reviou sly d raw n p rim itives. The p rim itive u ses three  
(3) p aram eters. The first is the color of the lines. The second is  
th e th ickn ess of th e lin es an d th e th ird is th e th ickn ess of th e  
sp ace betw een th e lin es.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: GRIV cyan 16 16 // Draw cyan grill with  
// 16-pixel lines and 16-pixel  
// spaces  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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draw a centered crossHATch from the Inside  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
H ATI <color> <n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> <n u m ber of  
vertical boxes>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of p ixels  
<n u m ber of vertical boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of lin es  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a crossh atch from th e Inside-Out of a given color an d  
form s a given nu m ber of boxes in each d irection. The p rim itive  
h as cen ter lin es th at d ivid e th e active vid eo exactly in h alf in  
each d irection. The vertical center line is tw o (2) p ixels thick if  
the form at has an even nu m ber of active p ixels. The horizontal  
cen ter lin e is tw o (2) p ixels th ick if th e form at h as an even  
nu m ber of active lines. All other lines are one (1) p ixel thick. If  
you enter an od d nu m ber of boxes, a half box is p laced at each  
end of the crosshatch. All lines in a given d irection are sp aced  
equ ally. An y rem ain in g p ixels are d istribu ted as equ ally as  
p ossible arou n d th e p erim eter of th e grid . Th is m ay cau se th e  
first and last lines in each d irection not to be at the very ed ges  
of vid eo. In tu rn , th is m ay cau se an y h alf boxes to be sligh tly  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HATI green 15 9 // Draw a green grid  
// with 15 horizontal and 9  
// vertical boxes  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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draw a centered crossHATch from the  
Outside in  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
H ATO <color> <n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> <n u m ber of  
vertical boxes>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<n u m ber of h orizon tal boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of p ixels  
<n u m ber of vertical boxes> = h alf of n u m ber of lin es  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a crossh atch from th e Outside-In of a given color an d  
form s a given n u m ber of boxes in each d irection . All lin es are  
one (1) p ixel thick. The first and last lines in each d irection are  
at the very edges of active video. All the lines in a given direction  
are spaced equ ally. Any rem aining pixels are ad d ed to the boxes  
alon g th e h orizon tal an d vertical cen ters of th e im age.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HATO yellow 15 9 // Draw a yellow grid  
// with 15 horizontal and 9  
// vertical boxes  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Horizontal RATe  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H RAT <frequ en cy in H z>  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
<frequ en cy in H z> (floatin g p oin t accep ted )  
typ ical m in = 1000  
typ ical m ax = 130000  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H RAT?  
<frequ ency in H z> (floating p oint retu rned )  
The H RAT com m and sets the line frequ ency. Pixel rate is equ al  
to th e p rod u ct: H TOT tim es H RAT. Fram e rate is equ al to th e  
qu otien t: H RAT d ivid ed by VTOT. Field rate is equ al to th e  
p rod u ct: SCAN tim es the fram e rate. The H RAT? qu ery retu rns  
the cu rrent horizontal frequ ency setting.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Examples: HRAT 32768 // Set 32.768 kHz rate in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
HRAT 32.768E3 // Set a 32.768 kHz rate  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Horizontal RESolution  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H RES <p ixels>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p ixels>  
m in = 16  
m ax d ep en d s on VRES an d m od el of gen erator  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H RES?  
<p ixels>  
The H RES com m and establishes the nu m ber of active p ixels p er  
lin e. Th e H RES? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of H RES.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HRES 480 // Set 480 active pixels line  
// in buffer  
ALLU // Configure hardware and redraw  
// image  
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Horizontal SIZe  
Form at p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
H SIZ <p h ysical size> (con text sen sitive - see FMTB an d  
Lim its:  
<p h ysical size> = p ositive valu e  
(floating p oint accep ted )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H SIZ?  
<p hysical size> (floating p oint retu rned )  
Th e H SIZ com m an d establish es th e h orizon tal p h ysical size of  
th e im age on th e d isp lay. Un its exp ected (or retu rn ed ) vary  
accord in g to th e last m od e set w ith USIZ com m an d . Th e H SIZ  
com m an d is con text sen sitive an d m u st ap p ear betw een begin  
and end com m and s: FMTB and FMTE. The H SIZ? qu ery retu rns  
th e cu rren t settin g of H SIZ.  
N ote Make su re that the USIZ p aram eter is p rop erly set before  
u sing the H SIZ com m and . Changing the USIZ setting after  
entering H SIZ w ill convert the size to m atch the new u nit of  
m easu re.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The units of measure must be properly set by USIZ before entering  
H SIZ. The ALLU com m and u pd ates hard w are to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age, takin g th e n ew size in to accou n t.  
Exam p le: FMTB // Begin editing session One or  
// more format editing commands  
// ...  
USIZ 1 // Select inches as unit of  
// measure in buffer  
HSIZ 10.4 // Set width to 10.4 in  
// buffer  
VSIZ 7.8 // Set height to 7.8 in buffer  
ALLU // Test the new settings  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
FMTE // End of editing session  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Horizontal Sync Pulse Delay  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H SPD <p ixels>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p ixels>  
m in = 1  
m ax = H TOT - H RES - H SPW  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H SPD?  
<p ixels>  
The H SPD com m and establishes the d elay betw een the lead ing  
ed ge of blan kin g an d th e lead in g ed ge of th e h orizon tal syn c  
p u lse. Th e H SPD? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of H SPD.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HSPD 16 // Set 16 pixel pulse delay in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Horizontal Sync Pulse Gate  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H SPG <m od e>  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H SPG?  
<m od e>  
The H SPG com m and enables and d isables the d igital horizontal  
sync ou tp u t. The H SPG? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent H SPG m od e.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital h orizon tal syn c, d igital sep arate H &V  
syn c m u st be selected w ith th e SSST com m an d . Th e FMTU  
com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e  
ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting and redraws  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HSPG 1 // Enable H sync output in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Horizontal Sync Pulse Polarity  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H SPP <p olarity>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p olarity>  
0 = active-low (n egative goin g p u lse)  
1 = active-h igh (p ositive goin g p u lse)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H SPP?  
<p olarity>  
Th e H SPP com m an d establish es th e logic sen se of th e d igital  
h orizon tal syn c ou tp u ts. Settin g p olarity to on e (1) cau ses th e  
lead in g ed ge of h orizon tal syn c to be a low -to-h igh tran sition .  
Setting p olarity to zero (0) cau ses the lead ing ed ge of horizontal  
syn c to be a h igh -to-low tran sition . Th e H SPP? qu ery retu rn s  
th e cu rren t p olarity of H SPP.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital horizontal sync, it m u st be gated on w ith  
th e H SPG com m an d an d d igital sep arate H &V syn c m u st be  
selected w ith the SSST com m and . The FMTU com m and instru cts  
the generator to use the new setting. The ALLU command updates  
h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HSPP 0 // Set active lo H sync in  
// buffer  
HSPG 1 // Enable H sync output in  
// buffer  
SSST 1 // Select H&V sync type in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Horizontal Sync Pulse Width  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H SPW <p ixels>  
Lim its:  
<p ixels>  
m in = 1  
m ax = H TOT - H RES - H SPD  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H SPW?  
<p ixels>  
Th e H SPW com m an d establish es th e w id th of th e h orizon tal  
syn c p u lse. Th e H SPW? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of  
H SPW.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HSPW 32 // Set pulse width to 32 pixels  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Horizontal TOTal pixels per line  
Form at p aram eter setting  
H TOT <p ixels>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p ixels>  
m in  
801GP = 2  
801GC, GF, GX = 144  
801GC-ISA, GF-ISA = 144  
m ax  
801GP = 2048  
801GC, GX = 4096  
801GC-ISA = 4096  
801GF, 801GF-ISA = 65,536  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
H TOT?  
<p ixels>  
The H TOT com m and establishes the total nu m ber of p ixels p er  
horizontal line. The H TOT? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent setting of  
H TOT.  
Th e p ixel rate is equ al to th e p rod u ct of H RAT m u ltip lied by  
H TOT.  
N ote The cu rrent version of the firm w are d oes not allow you  
to d irectly enter a sp ecific p ixel rate w hen setting u p a form at.  
If you r test sp ecifications call for a sp ecific p ixel or d ot clock  
rate, enter su itable valu es for H RAT and H TOT to give you  
the d esired p ixel rate.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: HTOT 800 // Set total to 800  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Com m and Syntax:  
Miscellaneou s system p aram eter  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
*IDN ?  
Qu antu m Data,801GX,0,<firm w are version #>  
Th e *IDN ? qu ery retu rn s an equ ip m en t id en tification strin g  
form atted p er IEEE-488.2 stand ard s.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: *IDN? // Return information about  
// generator  
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IMaGe save As  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
IMGA <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e IMGA com m an d saves th e cu rren t con ten ts of th e im age  
ed it bu ffer u sin g th e given n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: IMGA MY_IMG // Save with the name  
// "MY_IMG"  
IMaGe editing Begin  
Com m and Syntax:  
Im age ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e IMGB com m an d m arks th e begin n in g of an im age ed itin g  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Either an IMGL com m and to load an existing im age or an IMGN  
com m and to create a new im age. IMGE w hen end ing the ed iting  
Exam p le: IMGN // Initialize image edit buffer  
IMGB // Start image editing session  
// One or more image editing  
// commands  
// ...  
IMGE // End image editing session  
IMaGe editing End  
Com m and Syntax:  
Im age ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The IMGE com m and m arks the end of an im age ed iting session.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
IMGB w hen starting the ed iting session. Use IMGA or IMGS to  
save changes.  
Exam p le: IMGB // Start image editing session  
// One or more image editing  
// commands  
// ...  
IMGA MYIMG_02 // Save edited image as  
// MYIMG_02  
IMGE // End image editing session  
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Chapter 6: Programming  
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IMaGe Kill  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
IMGK <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
IMGK? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
The IMGK command deletes an image by name. The query returns  
a on e (1) if th e n am ed im age can be d eleted . If th e im age is  
read -on ly or n on existen t, th e qu ery retu rn s a zero (0).  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: IMGK MY_IMG // Delete dir called  
// "MY_IMG"  
IMaGe Load  
Com m and Syntax:  
Im age m em ory m an agem en t / Sequ en ce p aram eter settin g  
IMGL <nam e>  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
IMGL? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
The IMGL command is context sensitive. When editing a sequence  
(w hile betw een a set of SEQB and SEQE com m and s), the IMGL  
com m an d assign s an im age to th e step bein g w orked on . Th e  
IMGL? qu ery retu rns the nam e of the im age cu rrently assigned  
to th e step .  
Ou tsid e of the sequ ence ed itor, the IMGL com m and cop ies the  
im age h avin g a n am e equ al to <n am e> from im age m em ory  
in to th e im age ed it bu ffer. Th e qu ery retu rn s a on e (1) if th e  
n am ed im age can be load ed , oth erw ise a zero (0) is retu rn ed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
An ALLU or IMGU com m and m u st be execu ted after the IMGL  
com m an d to cau se th e im age in th e ed it to d raw on th e u n it  
u nd er test.  
Exam p le: IMGL MY_IMG // Load "MY_IMG" dir in  
// edit buffer  
IMGU // Draw contents of buffer  
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IMaGe New  
Im age ed itor control  
IMGN [<nam e>]  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = op tion al valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
IMGN ?  
<nam e>  
The IMGN com m and initializes the im age ed it bu ffer. The nam e  
<nam e> is assigned as the im ages nam e. The qu ery w ill retu rn  
th e n am e th at h as been assign ed as th e im ages n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: IMGN // Init edit buffer without  
// assigning a new name  
IMGN MY_IMG // Init edit buffer with  
// name of "MY_IMG"  
IMaGe Path  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
IMGP <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<nam e>  
Th e FMTP com m an d sets th e cu rren t im age p ath n am e to a  
given d irectory. Th e qu ery w ill retu rn th e cu rren t im age p ath  
nam e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: IMGP FOCUS // List Images in FOCUS dir  
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IMaGe Query pointer  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
IMGQ? <ind ex> <nu m ber>  
<in d ex> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<n u m ber> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
List of sp ecified im age n am es  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e qu ery retu rn s <n u m ber> im age n am es from th e list of all  
the im ages stored in im age m em ory beginning at <ind ex>. The  
im ages are kep t in alp h an u m eric ord er.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: IMGQ? 1 5 // List the first five images  
// in memory  
IMGQ? 1 9999 // List all images in  
// memory  
IMaGe Read image from image memory  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
IMGR <location>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
-1 th rou gh -26 (EPROM)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e IMGR com m an d cop ies th e im age resid in g in th e im age  
m em ory w ith location <location > in to th e im age bu ffer. Th e  
IMGR com m and d oes not cau se the selected im age to be d raw n.  
See the IMGU com m and for actu ally d raw ing the im age. Using  
th e IMGL com m an d to load im ages by n am e is th e p referred  
m eth od of selectin g im ages.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e IMGU com m an d d raw s th e im age. Th e ALLU com m an d  
upd ates hard w are to the new setting and red raw s the test im age.  
Exam p le: IMGR 1 // Select first custom image in  
// memory  
IMGU // Draw the image  
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IMaGe Save  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The IMGS command saves the current contents of the generators  
cu stom im age ed it bu ffer back to th e m em ory location from  
w h ich it w as origin ally read .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: IMGS  
IMaGe Use  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Im age m em ory m anagem ent  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e IMGU com m an d d raw s an im age based on th e cu rren t  
con ten ts of th e im age . Th e IMGU? qu ery retu rn s th e im age  
m em ory location <location> from w hich the cu rrent contents of  
th e im age w ere read . See th e IMGR com m an d for settin g th e  
con ten ts of th e im age.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: IMGL BriteBox // Select the BriteBox  
// test image  
IMGU // Draw the selected test image  
INITialize to factory default settings  
Direct p rocessor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
The IN IT com m and restores the contents of all of the generators  
RAM storage locations to factory-default conditions. The generator  
th en goes th rou gh  
p roced u re.  
com p lete self-test an d self-calibration  
WARN IN G : Th e IN IT com m an d p erm an en tly an d irreversib ly  
rem oves all u ser-created form ats, cu stom im ages, test seq u en ces  
an d d irectories from m em ory.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: INIT  
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Image VERsion  
System p aram eter settin g / Sequ en ce p aram eter settin g  
IVER <m od e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = N orm al  
1 = In vert or d isp lay altern ate version  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
The IVER command is context sensitive. When ed iting a sequence  
(w h ile betw een a set of SEQB an d SEQE com m an d s), th e IVER  
com m and d eterm ines w hich version of an im age is u sed for the  
step bein g w orked on . Th e IVER? qu ery retu rn s th e version  
cu rren tly assign ed to th e step .  
Outsid e of the sequence ed itor, the IVER com m and selects w hich  
version of the cu rrent im age is d raw n w hen either an ALLU or  
IMGU command is executed. The IVER? query returns the current  
settin g of IVER.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e IMGU com m an d red raw s an im age u sin g th e n ew settin g.  
Th e ALLU com m an d u p d ates h ard w are an d red raw s th e test  
im age w ith th e n ew settin g.  
Exam p le: IMGL Text_9 // Select image with white  
// text on black  
IVER 1 // Select inverted with black on  
// white  
IMGU // Draw the image as selected  
Justify pixel clock RATe  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at ed itor control  
JRAT <p ixel rate>  
Lim its:  
<p ixel rate> = Floatin g p oin t n u m ber equ al to th e d esired  
p ixel in MH z  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The JRAT com m and scales the horizontal tim ing p aram eters of  
the format currently in the ed it buffer. The parameters are scaled  
to p rod u ce th e given p ixel rate w h ile keep in g th e h orizon tal  
scan rate as close as p ossible to its original valu e. The follow ing  
p aram eters are scaled : H orizontal total p ixels, H orizontal active  
pixels, H orizontal sync d elay in pixels and H orizontal sync pulse  
w id th in p ixels. The p aram eters are scaled so that their p eriod s,  
in m icrosecond s, are as close as p ossible to their original valu es.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new settings and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: JRAT 28.322 // Adjust timing to a  
// 28.322 MHz clock  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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KEY toggle  
System p aram eter setting  
KEYY <bu tton #>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<bu tton #>  
1 = Im age (/ Step ) version  
2 = Red gatin g  
3 = Green gatin g  
4 = Blu e gatin g  
5 = ACS gatin g  
6 = DCS gatin g  
7 = DSS gatin g  
8 = Ou tp u ts gatin g  
Qu ery Syntax:  
The KEYY com m and can toggle the status of the follow ing item s:  
Im age version of th e cu rren tly d isp layed im age, Red , Green  
and Blue video gating, ACS / DCS / DSS Sync gating and Outputs  
gating. The ord er of the buttons m atches the ord er of the bu ttons  
fou nd on the front p anel of the generator. The cu rrent statu s of  
th e bu tton s can be ch ecked u sin g th e LEDS? qu ery.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: KEYY 8 // Toggle current status of  
// output gates  
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rotate KNOB  
System p aram eter setting  
KN OB <nu m ber> <clicks>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<nu m ber>  
1 = u p p er Format kn ob  
2 = low er Image kn ob  
p ositive in teger = kn ob clicks in a clockw ise d irection  
n egative in teger = kn ob clicks in a cou n terclockw ise  
d irection  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The KN OB com m and has the sam e affect on generator op eration  
as if an op erator w ere m anu ally tu rning either the Form ator  
Im agekn obs on th e gen erator.  
When a sequ ence is ru nning, the Form atknob load s sequ ences  
from th e d irectory selected by th e SEQP com m an d . Clockw ise  
rotation increases the index pointer for the directory. The Image”  
kn ob is u sed to go back an d forth th rou gh th e sequ en ce step s.  
Clockw ise rotation selects h igh er step n u m bers.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: KNOB 2 1 // Move Image knob 1 click  
// CW  
LCD Status  
Com m and Syntax:  
System p aram eter setting  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Resp onse in norm al form at/ im age selection m od e…  
H <Horiz Rate>  
<Fmt Mem Loc> = <Fmt Name<>cr><lf>  
V<Vert Rate>  
<Img Mem Loc> = <Img Name>  
Descrip tion:  
The LCDS? qu ery retu rns text string d ata that m atches w hat is  
sh ow n in th e LCD w in d ow of th e gen erator.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: LCDS? // Return text similar to text  
// below  
// H32 15=VGA_m3 <cr><lf>  
// V60 51=SMPTE133  
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LED Status  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<decimal number from 0 to 255>  
Th e LEDS? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t statu s of th e gen erators  
sign al gen eratin g h ard w are as a sin gle d ecim al n u m ber. Th e  
nu m ber corresp ond s to the statu s of the lighted p u sh-bu tton on  
the generator in norm al op eration. The easiest w ay to interp ret  
th e n u m ber is to first con vert it to an eigh t (8) d igit bin ary  
n u m ber. A on e (1) in a given p osition , from MSB to LSB,  
corresp on d s to th e follow in g h ard w are settin gs:  
Master ou tp u t con trol gated ON  
Digital Sep arate (H S&VS) Sync selected  
Digital Com p osite Sync selected  
Analog Com p osite Sync selected  
Blu e vid eo en abled  
Green vid eo en abled  
Red vid eo en abled  
Alternate im age version selected  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: LEDS? // Return the following number  
// when the outputs are gated ON,  
// separate HS & VS is selected,  
// the red, green and blue video  
// channels are enabled and the  
// primary version of an image is  
// selected.  
206 // Binary equivalent = 11001110  
draw video LIMIts markers  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
LIMI <color>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Places nine (9) m arkers that d efine the active vid eo area. An L-  
shap ed m arker is at each corner. T-shap ed m arkers are centered  
alon g each ed ge of vid eo an d a sm all cross is at th e cen ter of  
vid eo. Th e p rim itive u ses a sin gle p aram eter color.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: LIMI white // Place white markers that  
// define active video area  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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draw a LINE  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
LIN E <color> <X start coord in ate> <Y start coord in ate> <X  
en d coord in ate> <Y en d coord in ate>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<X start coord in ate> <Y start coord in ate> <X en d  
coord in ate> <Y en d coord in ate> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a lin e betw een an y tw o p oin ts. Th e lin e is on e (1) p ixel  
thick. The p rim itive u ses five (5) p aram eters, the color and the  
X an d Y coord in ates for both en d p oin ts.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: LINE yellow 20 5 320 240 // Draw yellow  
// line from X=20, Y=5 to X=320,  
// Y=240  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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communications MODE  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
MODE <bau d > [<p arity> [<d ata > [<stop > [<h an d sh ake> [<  
p rotocol>]]]]]  
Lim its:  
<bau d rate>  
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bits/  
<p arity>  
N = N on e, E = Even or O = Od d  
<# d ata bits>  
7 or 8  
<# stop bits>  
1 or 2  
<hand shake>  
N = N on e, S = Softw are (XON / XOFF) or  
H = H ard w are (CTS/ RTS)  
< p rotocol >  
N = N on e, Y=Y-Mod em  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
<bau d > <p arity> <d ata > <stop > <h an d sh ake> < p rotocol>  
<ISA ad d r>  
Descrip tion:  
Th e MODE com m an d is n orm ally u sed to set th e serial p ort  
com m u nications p aram eters of a stand -alone m od el generator.  
The changes take effect as soon as the com m and is entered . The  
com m and has no affect on the ISA ad d ressing configu ration of  
the -ISA mod el generators. The MODE? query returns the current  
serial p ort com m u nications settings of a stand -alone generator  
or th e ISA ad d ress of an -ISA m od el gen erator.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: MODE 9600 N 8 1 H N // Set a stand  
// alone generator to communicate  
// at 9600 Baud, No parity, 8 data  
// bits, 1 stop bit, RTS//CTS  
// handshaking and No protocol  
MODE 2400 // Change only the baud rate  
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light Meter SIZe  
System p aram eter setting  
Com m and Syntax:  
MSIZ <w id th>, <height>  
MSIZ <com m on size> (for a squ are box)  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<size> = p ositive floatin g p oin t n u m ber  
<w id th>, <height>  
The MSIZ command establishes the physical size of the lightmeter  
box(es) d isplayed in the BriteBox test image. The unit of measure  
u sed is based on th e cu rren t settin g of th e system level USIZ  
p aram eter. It also affects th e size of th e cu rsor boxes in th e  
Persist im age. Ch an gin g th e size w ill not change th e cu rren tly  
d isp layed im age. The MSIZ? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent settings  
of MSIZ based on th e cu rren t settin g of th e system level USIZ  
p aram eter.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e correct u n it of m easu re sh ou ld be selected w ith th e USIZ  
com m an d p rior to settin g th e size.  
Exam p le: USIZ 1 // Select inches for units  
MSIZ 2.0 // Set size to 2.0 inches IMGL  
// BriteBox Select BriteBox test  
// image IMGU Draw selected image  
// using new size  
NAMe Find  
Com m and Syntax:  
Directory ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
N AMF? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<ind ex>  
The qu ery w ill retu rn the ind ex nu m ber of the entry w ith nam e  
<nam e> in the d irectory ed it bu ffer. The first nam e in the bu ffer  
has an ind ex valu e of 1. If <nam e> is not fou nd , a valu e of zero  
(0) is retu rn ed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: NAMF? VGA_m4 // Return position of  
// VGA_m4 in directory  
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NAMe Insert  
Directory ed itor control  
N AMI <ind ex> <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The N AMI command first moves all the names w ith ind ex values  
equ al to or greater than <ind ex> to the next higher ind ex valu e  
in the d irectory ed it bu ffer. It then inserts the nam e <nam e> in  
the d irectory ed it bu ffer at position <ind ex>. A negative nu m ber  
or a zero (0) u sed for <ind ex> w ill pu t <nam e> at ind ex position  
on e (1). Usin g a n u m ber for <in d ex> beyon d th e last n am e in  
th e bu ffer w ill ad d <n am e> to th e in d ex p osition ju st beyon d  
th e last n am e. Th e com m an d d oes n ot ch eck if a file called  
<n am e> is stored in th e gen erator.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: NAMI 5 FOCUS1 // Put FOCUS1 in fifth  
// position  
NAMI -6 BARS // Put BARS at beginning  
// of dir  
NAMI 999999 HATCH // Put HATCH at end  
// of dir  
NAMe Kill  
Directory ed itor control  
N AMK <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The N AMK com m and d eletes the given nam e from the d irectory  
ed it bu ffer. All nam es w ith ind ex valu es greater than the ind ex  
of the d eleted nam e are m oved to the next low er ind ex valu e in  
the buffer. Nothing happens if <name> is not found in the buffer.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: NAMK VGA_m4 // Remove VGA_m4 from dir  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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NAMe Query  
Directory ed itor control  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
N AMQ? <ind ex> <nu m ber>  
List of sp ecified en try n am es from d irectory ed it bu ffer  
Th e qu ery retu rn s <n u m ber> n am es from th e list of n am es in  
th e d irectory ed it bu ffer begin n in g at <in d ex>.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: NAMQ? 1 10 // List the first ten names  
// in the buffer  
NAMQ? 1 9999 // List the entire buffer  
NAMe Yank  
Directory ed itor control  
N AMY <ind ex>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e N AMY com m an d d eletes th e n am e at th e given <in d ex>  
n u m ber from th e d irectory ed it bu ffer. All n am es w ith in d ex  
valu es greater than the ind ex of the d eleted nam e are m oved to  
th e n ext low er in d ex valu e in th e bu ffer. N oth in g h ap p en s if  
<ind ex> is beyond the ind ex nu m ber of last nam e in the bu ffer.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: NAMY MyFMT // Remove MyFMT from dir  
use NO GAmma correction  
Com m and Syntax:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Tem porarily d isables any gam m a correction that m ay be selected  
in a form at. All color intensity levels in all p arts of the cu stom  
im age are ou tp u t w ithou t gam m a correction. Gam m a correction  
is d isabled on ly for as lon g as th e im age is d isp layed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: NOGA  
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OUTputs Gate  
System p aram eter setting  
OUTG <m od e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e OUTG com m an d gates all vid eo an d syn c ou tp u ts of th e  
generator ON and OFF. Gating the outputs OFF forces all outputs  
to be tu rn ed off. Gatin g th e ou tp u ts ON tu rn s on all ou tp u ts  
w h ose in d ivid u al gatin g settin gs are tu rn ed ON . Th e OUTG?  
qu ery retu rns the cu rrent statu s of the ou tp u ts of the generator.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: OUTG 0 // Disable all outputs  
draw an OVAL  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
OVAL <color> <w id th > <h eigh t> <x> <y> <fill p attern >  
<color> = available colors  
Lim its:  
<w id th > = total n u m ber of h orizon tal p ixels  
<h eigh t> = total n u m ber of lin es  
<x> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<y> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<fill p attern > = available fill p atern s  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s an oval w h ose axes are p arallel to th e vertical an d  
horizontal axes of d isp layed vid eo. The size and p osition of the  
oval are d efined by its fram ing rectangle. The fram ing rectangle  
is a rectan gle w h ose sid es are both tan gen t to th e oval at fou r  
p oin ts an d are p arallel to th e vertical an d h orizon tal axis of  
vid eo. Its n ot d raw n as p art of th e p rim itive.  
Oval u ses six (6) p aram eters. The first is color. The next tw o are  
the p ixel w id th and height of the fram ing rectangle. The fou rth  
an d fifth p aram eters are th e X an d Y coord in ates for th e top  
left-hand corner of the fram ing rectangle. The last p aram eter is  
th e fill.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: OVAL red 240 150 20 10 GrayPat0 // Draw  
// a red oval 240 pixels wide by  
// 150 pixels high. Start framing  
// rectangle at X=20, Y=10. Fill =  
// none  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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draw a PAGE of repeating characters  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
PAGE <color> <w id th > <h eigh t> <x> <y> <fon tn am e>  
Lim its:  
<color> = available colors  
<w id th > = w id th of p age in p ixels  
<h eigh t> = h eigh t of p age in lin es  
<x> = p osition of left ed ge of p age in p ixels  
<y> = p osition of top ed ge of p age in p ixels  
<fon tn am e> = available fon ts  
<ch aracter> = cod e n u m ber of ch aracter  
m in = 0  
m ax = 255  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Fills a rectan gu lar area (p age or block) w ith a ch aracter th at  
rep eats horizontally and vertically. The <color> p aram eter sets  
the color u sed to d raw the character. The <w id th> and <height>  
p aram eters d eterm ine the size of the block to be filled . The <x>  
and <y> p aram eters d eterm ine the top left corner of the block.  
Th e <fon tn am e> p aram eter selects w h ich fon t is u sed to d raw  
th e ch aracter. Th e <ch aracter> p aram eter selects a sp ecific  
character (by number). For full alphanumeric fonts, the character  
nu m ber is the sam e as the characters ASCII cod e nu m ber. The  
sp acin g betw een th e ch aracters is fixed by th e ch aracter block  
size in th e fon t an d can n ot be ch an ged . Partial ch aracters are  
n ot d raw n to com p letely fill th e rectan gu lar area. Rath er, th e  
largest p ossible block of fu ll ch aracters is cen tered in th e  
rectangu lar area.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: PAGE blue 40 30 10 10 opix9 69 // Draw  
// a small block of blue E  
// characters in the upper left  
// corner  
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Pixel Clock Pulse Gate  
Form at p aram eter setting  
PCPG <m od e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
The PCPG com m and enables and d isables the p ixel clock p u lse  
ou tp u t on gen erators th at h ave a p ixel clock ou tp u t available.  
Th e PCPG? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of PCPG.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: PCPG 1 // Enable pixel clk output in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware with format  
// data  
PUT Absolute  
Com m and Syntax:  
Direct p rocessor control  
PUTA <ad d ress> <valu e>  
Lim its:  
<ad d ress>  
0 to 4,294,967,295 u n sign ed d ecim al (BASE = 10)  
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)  
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)  
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)  
<valu e>  
0 to 2^ (SIZE)-1  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e PUTA com m an d w rites th e sp ecified valu e <valu e> in to  
m em ory at the specified ad d ress <ad d ress>. The tw o param eters  
<ad d ress> and <valu e> are interp reted accord ing to the cu rrent  
setting of BASE (see the BASE command). The number and format  
of th e bits w ritten d ep en d on th e cu rren t settin g of SIZE (see  
th e SIZE com m an d ).  
N ote This com m and w ill norm ally be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Ind iscrim inate u se of this com m and can cau se the generator to  
stop op erating and / or the loss of stored d ata in nonvolatile  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
PUTA exp ects p aram eters form atted accord in g to th e cu rren t  
rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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PUT Relative  
Direct p rocessor control  
PUTR <valu e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<valu e> = 0 to 2^ (SIZE)-1  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e PUTR com m an d w rites th e sp ecified valu e <valu e> in to  
th e location p oin ted to by th e ad d ress register (see th e ADDR  
com m and ). The p aram eter <valu e> is interp reted accord ing to  
the current setting of BASE (see the BASE command). The number  
and form at of the bits w ritten d ep end on the cu rrent setting of  
SIZ E (s e e t h e SIZ E co m m a n d ). Th e a d d r e s s r e g is t e r is  
autom atically increm ented by SIZE bits after the current location  
h as been w ritten to.  
N ote This com m and w ill norm ally be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Ind iscrim inate u se of this com m and can cau se the generator to  
stop op erating and / or the loss of stored d ata in nonvolatile  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
PUTR exp ects p aram eters form atted accord in g to th e cu rren t  
rad ix set by th e BASE com m an d .  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
pixel RATe Calibration factor  
Com m and Syntax:  
System p aram eter setting  
RATC <factor>  
Lim its:  
<factor> = Floatin g p oin t n u m ber equ al to calibration factor  
Typ ical m in . = 0.99990  
Typ ical m ax = 1.00010  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The RATC com m and sets an internal m u ltip lication factor u sed  
in settin g th e p ixel clock frequ en cy. Th e m u ltip lication factor  
can be set to com p ensate for the frequ ency error of the internal  
referen ce crystal. H avin g to u se a factor ou tsid e of th e typ ical  
ran ge m ay in d icate a failu re of gen erators h ard w are. Re-  
in itializin g th e gen erators m em ory sets th e calibration factor  
to a factory-d efau lt settin g of 1.00000.  
N ote The RATC p aram eter is a system level p aram eter that  
w ill affect the p ixel clock frequ ency of all Form ats that are  
recalled . The RATC valu e w ill be retained w hen the generator  
is p ow ered d ow n and back u p again. Qu ery the cu rrent setting  
of RATC if you are exp eriencing p roblem s w ith the p ixel clock  
or scan rate being off in frequ ency.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: RATC 1.00007 // Increases pix clk by  
// factor of 1.00007  
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draw a RECTangle  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
RECT <color> <w id th > <h eigh t> <x> <y> <fill p attern >  
<color> = available colors  
<w id th > = total n u m ber of h orizon tal p ixels  
<h eigh t> = total n u m ber of lin es  
<x> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<y> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<fill p attern > = available fill p atern s  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a rectan gle w h ose sid es are p arallel to th e vertical an d  
h orizon tal axes of d isp layed vid eo. It u ses six (6) p aram eters.  
Th e first is th e color of th e lin e. Th e n ext tw o p aram eters are  
th e p ixel w id th an d h eigh t of th e rectan gle. Th e fou rth an d  
fifth p aram eters are th e X an d Y coord in ates for th e top left-  
h an d corn er of th e rectan gle. Th e last p aram eter is th e fill.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: RECT gray50 15 20 50 40 GrayPat50  
// Draw a 50% gray rectangle 15  
// pixels wide and 20 pixels high  
// with top left corner at X=50,  
// Y=40 Fill with 50% active pixels  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Self CALibrate  
Com m and Syntax:  
Direct p rocessor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e SCAL com m an d cau ses gen erator equ ip p ed w ith self-  
calibration circu itry to go th rou gh its self-calibration cycle.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: SCAL // Have generator go through self  
// cal  
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Chapter 6: Programming  
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SCAN fields per frame  
Form at p aram eter setting  
SCAN <field s>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<field s>  
1 = p rogressive (non-interlaced )  
2 = in terlaced  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
SCAN ?  
<field s>  
Th e SCAN com m an d establish es th e n u m ber of field s scan n ed  
p er fram e. Set to on e (1) for p rogressive (n on -in terlaced ) scan  
an d tw o (2) for in terlaced scan . Th e SCAN ? qu ery retu rn s th e  
cu rren t settin g of SCAN .  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: SCAN // Select interlace in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Sequence step DeLaY  
Com m and Syntax:  
Sequ ence p aram eter setting  
SDLY <d elay>  
Lim its:  
<d elay> Delay tim e in secon d s as a floatin g p oin t n u m ber  
m in = 0.0 secon d s  
m ax = 1.70E38 secon d s (in fin ity for all p ractical p u rp oses)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<d elay>  
Th e SDLY com m an d sets h ow lon g a sequ en ce step w ill p au se  
before ad van cin g to th e n ext step in th e Au to ru n m od e. A  
sequ ence step w ill u se the last valu e set by the SDLY com m and .  
Th e SDLY? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of SDLY.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
SMOD setting m u st be equ al to three (3) in ord er for the SDLY  
settin g to h ave an y affect on sequ en ce op eration .  
Exam p le: SDLY 5.0 // Set delay to five seconds  
// per step  
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SEQuence save As  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
SEQA <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The SEQA com m and saves the cu rrent contents of the sequ ence  
ed it bu ffer u sin g th e given n am e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: SEQA MY_SEQ // Save with the name  
// "MY_SEQ"  
SEQuence editing Begin  
Com m and Syntax:  
Sequ ence ed itor control  
Descrip tion:  
The SEQB com m and m arks the beginning of a sequ ence ed iting  
session . Th is com m an d d oes n oth in g in th e cu rren t firm w are  
version , bu t is u sed for com p atibility w ith fu tu re version s of  
firm w are.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Either a SEQL com m and to load an existing sequ ence or a SEQN  
com m an d to create a n ew sequ en ce. SEQE w h en en d in g th e  
ed iting session.  
Exam p le: SEQN // Initialize sequence edit buffer  
SEQB // Start sequence editing session  
// One or more sequence editing  
// commands  
// ...  
SEQE // End sequence editing session  
SEQuence editing End  
Com m and Syntax:  
Sequ ence ed itor control  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
The SEQE command marks the end of a sequence ed iting session.  
Th is com m an d d oes n oth in g in th e cu rren t firm w are version ,  
bu t is u sed for com p atibility w ith fu tu re versions of firm w are.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
SEQB w h en startin g th e ed itin g session . Use SEQA or SEQS to  
save changes.  
Exam p le: SEQB // Start sequence editing session  
// One or more sequence editing  
// commands  
// ...  
SEQE // End sequence editing session  
SEQA MYSEQ_02 // Save edited sequence as  
// MYSEQ_02  
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SEQuence Kill  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
SEQK <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
SEQK? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
Th e SEQK com m an d d eletes a sequ en ce by n am e. Th e qu ery  
returns a one (1) if the named sequence can be deleted. If sequence  
is read -on ly or n on existen t, th e qu ery retu rn s a zero (0).  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: SEQK MY_SEQ // Delete seq called  
// "MY_SEQ"  
SEQuence Load  
Com m and Syntax:  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
SEQL <nam e>  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
SEQL? <nam e>  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
0 or 1  
Th e SEQL com m an d cop ies th e sequ en ce h avin g a n am e equ al  
to <nam e> from sequ ence m em ory into the sequ ence ed it bu ffer.  
The query returns a one (1) if the named sequence can be load ed ,  
oth erw ise a zero (0) is retu rn ed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
An SEQU com m and m u st be execu ted after the SEQL com m and  
to start ru n n in g th e sequ en ce.  
Exam p le: SEQL MY_SEQ // Load "MY_SEQ" dir in  
// edit buffer  
SEQU // Start running the sequence in  
// the buffer  
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SEQuence New  
Sequ ence ed itor control  
SEQN [<nam e>]  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = op tion al valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
SEQN ?  
<nam e>  
Th e SEQN com m an d in itializes th e sequ en ce ed it bu ffer. Th e  
n am e <n am e> is assign ed as th e sequ en ces n am e. Th e qu ery  
w ill retu rn th e n am e th at h as been assign ed as th e sequ en ces  
nam e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: SEQN // Init edit buffer without  
// assigning a new name  
SEQN MY_SEQ // Init edit buffer with  
// name of "MY_SEQ"  
SEQuence Path  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
SEQP <nam e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<n am e> = a valid MS-DOS filen am e  
(8 ch aracters m in u s an y exten sion )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Cu rrent sequ ence p ath nam e  
Th e FMTP com m an d sets th e cu rren t im age p ath n am e to a  
given d irectory. Th e qu ery w ill retu rn th e cu rren t im age p ath  
nam e.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: SEQP BURN // Sequences in BURN directory  
// will be listed  
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SEQuence Query pointer  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Lim its:  
SEQQ? <ind ex> <nu m ber>  
<in d ex> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<n u m ber> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
List of sp ecified sequ en ce n am es  
Qu ery Resp on se:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e qu ery retu rn s <n u m ber> sequ en ce n am es from th e list of  
all th e sequ en ce n am es stored in sequ en ce m em ory begin n in g  
at <in d ex>. Th e d irectories are kep t in alp h an u m eric ord er.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Examples: SEQQ? 1 5 // List the first five  
// directories in memory  
SEQQ? 1 9999 // List all directories  
// in memory  
SEQuence Save  
Sequ ence m em ory m anagem ent  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e SEQS com m an d saves cu rren t con ten ts of th e gen erators  
sequ en ce bu ffer back to th e m em ory location from w h ich th ey  
w ere originally read .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: SEQS  
SEQuence Use  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<nam e>  
The SEQU com m and starts to ru n the sequ ence cu rrently stored  
in the sequence edit buffer. The SEQU? query returns the sequence  
n am e cu rren tly set in th e sequ en ce ed it bu ffer.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e sequ en ce in th e ed it bu ffer m u st h ave a n on zero SMOD  
settin g in ord er to ru n .  
Exam p le: SEQL MY_SEQ // Load "MY_SEQ" dir in  
// edit buffer  
SEQU // Start running the sequence in  
// the buffer  
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SIZE of bit field  
Direct p rocessor control  
SIZE <size>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
-32 to -1 or 1 to 32 bits  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e SIZE com m an d sets th e field size (in base 10) u sed in  
connection w ith the GETA, GETR, PUTA, and PUTR com m and s.  
If a n egative size is sp ecified , th en valu es given (or retu rn ed )  
are sign exten d ed to 32 bits. For exam p le, if SIZE = -16 an d a  
16 bit field con tain in g FFFF h ex is fetch ed , th en th e valu e  
FFFFFFFF hex is retu rned . The SIZE? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent  
settin g of SIZE in base 10. SIZE is p reset to 16 each tim e th e  
gen erator is p ow ered on .  
N ote This com m and w ill norm ally be u sed only w ith cu stom  
ap p lications and com m and files created by Qu antu m Data.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: Use only with code supplied by Quantum  
Sequence operating MODe  
Com m and Syntax:  
Sequ ence p aram eter setting  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = Disable  
1 = En able m an u al step m od e th at stop s at last step  
2 = En able m an u al step m od e th at w rap s to first step  
after last step  
3 = En able con tin u ou s au to step p in g  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
<m od e>  
The SMOD com m and sets the sequence m od e. The SMOD? query  
retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of SMOD.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The SEQL com m and load s the sequ ence and SEQU starts to ru n  
Exam p le: SEQL MY_SEQ // Load "MY_SEQ" dir in  
// edit buffer  
SEQU // Start running the sequence in  
// the buffer  
SMOD 3 // Set the sequence mode  
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draw sequence Step NUMber  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
SN UM <color> <x> <y>  
<color> = available colors  
<x> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<y> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Disp lays the sequ ence step nu m ber to an im age w hen its d raw n  
as p art of a test sequ en ce. Th e n u m ber, alon g w ith th e w ord  
Step, ap p ears in a sm all box. Seq. Step u ses three (3) p aram eters.  
The first is the color u sed for the text and box bord er. The next  
tw o p aram eters are the X and Y coord inates for the p osition of  
th e box.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The d isp laying of sequ ence step nu m bers m u st be enabled w ith  
th e DN UM com m an d an d th e cu stom im age m u st h ave been  
load ed as p art of a sequ en ce in ord er for th is p rim itive to be  
d raw n.  
Exam p le: SNUM white 50 50 // Display seq. num.  
// in box with top left corner at  
// X=50, Y=50  
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Select Sync Signal Type  
Form at p aram eter setting  
SSST <typ e>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<typ e>  
0 = n o syn c  
1 = d igital sep arate h orizon tal & vertical syn c ( DH S &  
DVS )  
2 = d igital sep arate com p osite syn c ( DCS )  
3 = an alog com p osite syn c ( ACS )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<typ e>  
Th e SSST com m an d selects th e typ e of syn c sign al th ats u sed  
to synchronize the d isplay. In general, any one of three d ifferent  
typ es of syn c can be selected to syn ch ron ize th e d isp lay. Th e  
availability of d ifferent sync typ es is sp ecified u sing the ASCT,  
DSCT, and DSST com m and s. Som e d isp lays m ay not accep t one  
(or m ore) typ es of syn c. For exam p le, a d igital vid eo m on itor  
can n ot accep t an alog com p osite syn c becau se an alog sign al  
tran sm ission is n ot u sed . Also, a PGA d isp lay can n ot accep t  
d igital separate H S & VS because only one sync w ire is provid ed  
in th e cablin g. In th ese cases, on e (or m ore) of th e syn c typ es  
(ASCT, DSCT, or DSST) is set to zero (0) in d icatin g th at th ey  
are not supported . If a non-supported sync type is selected using  
the SSST com m and , then the corresp ond ing sync ou tp u ts of the  
gen erator w ill rem ain d isabled . Th e SSST? qu ery retu rn s th e  
typ e of syn c (if an y) th ats cu rren tly selected .  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e d esired syn c typ e select m u st n ot be set to void w ith th e  
ASCT, DSCT, or DSST command s. To actually output the selected  
syn c sign al it m u st be gated on w ith th e ap p rop riate ASSG,  
ASBG, ASGG, ASRG, CSPG, H SPG an d VSPG settin gs.  
Examples: DSST 1 // Set Amer. H&V in buffer  
HSPG 1 // Enable H sync in buffer  
VSPG 1 // Enable V sync in buffer  
SSST 1 // Select sep H&V sync in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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sequence STEP number  
Sequ ence p aram eter setting  
STEP <step #>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<step >  
m in = 1  
m ax = See d escrip tion  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<step >  
Th e STEP com m an d selects a step in th e sequ en ce ed it bu ffer.  
It is context sensitive. While ed iting a sequ ence (betw een SEQB  
an d SEQE com m an d s), th e STEP com m an d selects a step to be  
ed ited . Ou tsid e of th e sequ en ce ed itor an d w h ile ru n n in g a  
sequ en ce, th e com m an d selects a step to be execu ted .  
When running a sequence, the maximum limit for the step number  
is th e n u m ber of th e last step in th e sequ en ce. Wh en ed itin g a  
sequ ence to be saved in m em ory, the m axim u m nu m ber of step s  
w ill d ep en d u p on th e gen erator firm w are version as w ell as  
how m any other sequ ences are stored in sequ ence m em ory and  
how many steps they contain. Generators w ith firmw are versions  
below 2.605 can store a total of abou t 400 sequ en ce step s.  
Generators w ith firm w are versions greater than or equal to 2.605  
can store a total of abou t 1280 sequ ence step s. The STEP? qu ery  
retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of STEP.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
When running a sequence, the SEQU command must be executed  
after th e STEP com m an d to load th e form at an d d isp lay th e  
im age selected in th e step .  
Exam p le: STEP 5 // Select fifth step in current  
// sequence  
SEQU // Load format and draw image in  
// current step  
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draw TEXT string  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
Text <color> <x> <y> <fon tn am e> <text >  
<color> = available colors  
<x> = p osition of left ed ge of p age in p ixels  
<y> = p osition of top ed ge of p age in p ixels  
<fon tn am e> = available fon ts  
<text> = ap p rox. 30 ch aracters (m u st be en closed by qu otes)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a u ser-d efin ed text strin g. It u ses five (5) p aram eters.  
The first is color. The next tw o are the X and Y coord inates for  
th e u p p er left corn er of th e startin g p osition of th e strin g. Th e  
fou rth p aram eter selects th e fon t. (Recall th at on ly #0 Sys 16  
an d #1 OPIX 9 are fu ll alp h an u m eric sets.) Th e last p aram eter  
is the text string. If the string is longer than one w ord , it m u st  
be con tain ed in sid e qu otation m arks.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: TEXT red 50 40 opix9 "HELLO WORLD"  
// Draw red "HELLO WORLD" at x=50  
// y=40 in opix9 font  
set levels relative TO BLanking  
Com m and Syntax:  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Tem p orarily ch an ges h ow th e sign al levels are d eterm in ed for  
a given color intensity level. The d efau lt m ethod u ses black as  
the 0% reference level and peak vid eo as the 100% level. Inserting  
TOBL m oves th e 0% referen ce p oin t to th e blan kin g (blacker  
than black) p ed estal level. The reference p oint rem ains shifted  
on ly for as lon g as th e im age is d isp layed .  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: TOBL  
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draw a TRIAngle  
Cu stom im age p rim itive  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Lim its:  
TRIA <color> < x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> <fill>  
<color> = available colors  
<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> = p ositive in teger n u m ber  
<fill> = available fill p attern  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Draw s a triangle d efined by its three end p oints. The p rim itive  
u ses eight (8) p aram eters. The first is line color. The next three  
p airs of p aram eters are th e X an d Y coord in ates for th e th ree  
points. The last parameter is the fill. More complex filled polygons  
can be bu ilt u p u sin g a series of join ed filled trian gles.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: TRIA red50 10 5 10 25 40 15 GrayPat50  
// Draw a red50 triangle at x=10,  
// y=5; x=10, y=25; x=40, y=15 with  
// 50% active pixel fill  
ALLU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
User IDeNtification  
Com m and Syntax:  
System p aram eter setting  
UIDN <text string>  
<text strin g> 80 ch aracters in len gth  
UIDN ?  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<text string>  
The UIDN com m and sets u p the text string thats p laced in the  
upper portions of the SMPTE133 and Cubes images. The command  
can be u sed to ad d you r com p anys nam e or other id entification  
to the images. The command will not change the text in a currently  
d isp layed im age. It m u st be red raw n to u se th e n ew text. Th e  
factory d efault string is Quantum Data. The UIDN ? query returns  
th e cu rren t text strin g.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e IMGU com m an d red raw s th e last selected test im age. Th e  
ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting and redraws  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: UIDN "XYZ Monitor Mfg." // Change text  
// string  
IMGL SMPTE133 // Select image that uses  
// string  
IMGU // Draw the image  
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Unit of measure used for physical SIZes  
Form at an d System p aram eter settin g  
USIZ <u nits>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<u nits>  
0 = sizes n ot given (u se d efau lt)  
1 = in ch es  
2 = m m  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<u nits>  
The USIZ com m and sets the u nits of m easu re assu m ed by H SIZ  
and VSIZ com m and s to establish the p hysical size of the im age  
that appears on the CRT (context sensitive - see FMTB and FMTE).  
Th e USIZ? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of USIZ.  
N ote Ch an gin g th e USIZ p aram eter betw een in ch es an d  
m illim eters w ill convert the cu rrent H SIZ and VSIZ valu es to  
m atch the new u nit of m easu re. For exam p le, if USIZ is in  
inches and the cu rrent H SIZ is 10 (inches), changing USIZ from  
inches to mm w ill change HSIZ to 25.4 (mm). The USIZ command  
sh ou ld be sen t before sp ecifyin g p h ysical sizes in form at  
com m and files.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age, takin g th e n ew u n its in to accou n t.  
Exam p le: FMTB // Begin editing session  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
USIZ 1 // Select inches as unit of  
// measure in buffer  
HSIZ 10.4 // Set width to 10.4 in  
// buffer  
VSIZ 7.8 // Set height to 7.8 in buffer  
ALLU // Test the new settings  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
FMTE // End editing session  
VERsion of Firmware  
Com m and Syntax:  
Miscellaneou s system p aram eter  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e VERF? qu ery retu rn s th e firm w are revision n u m ber.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: VERF? // Return firmware revision number  
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VERsion of Hardware  
Miscellaneou s system p aram eter  
Com m and Syntax:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
VERH ?  
The VERH ? qu ery retu rns a five d igit hard w are version nu m ber.  
The number ind icates w hen a major mod ification to the hard w are  
was last implemented. The significance of each digit is interpreted  
as follow s:  
La st 2 Di gi ts of Yea r  
Da y of th e Month  
(1-9 = Ja n. - Sept., A = Oct.,  
B = N ov., C = Dec)  
The version nu m ber in the exam ple, 31995, w ou ld be interpreted  
as March 19, 1995.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
Exam p le: VERH? // Return hardware design revision  
// date  
Vertical RESolution  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VRES <lines>  
Lim its:  
m in = 1 (w h en SCAN = 1) or  
2 (w h en SCAN = 2)  
m ax = th e lesser of  
1024 (for th e 801GP, GC, GX or 801GC-ISA) or  
2048 (for th e 801GF or 801GF-ISA) or  
VTOT-1 (w h en SCAN = 1) or  
VTOT-3 (w h en SCAN = 2)  
Mu st be an even n u m ber w h en SCAN = 2.  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The VRES com m and establishes the nu m ber of active lines p er  
fram e. Th e VRES? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of VRES.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting and  
red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VRES 480 // Set 480 active lines in  
// buffer  
ALLU // Configure hardware and redraw  
// image  
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Vertical SIZe  
Form at p aram eter setting  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
VSIZ <p hysical size>  
<p h ysical size> = p ositive valu e (floatin g p oin t accep ted )  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<p hysical size>  
The VSIZ com m and establishes the vertical p hysical size of the  
image on the display. Units expected (or returned) vary according  
to th e last m od e set w ith USIZ com m an d . Th e VSIZ com m an d  
is con text sen sitive an d m u st ap p ear betw een begin an d en d  
commands: FMTB and FMTE. The VSIZ? query returns the current  
settin g of VSIZ.  
N ote Make su re that the USIZ p aram eter is p rop erly set before  
u sing the VSIZ com m and . Changing the USIZ setting after  
entering VSIZ w ill convert the size to m atch the new u nit of  
m easu re.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The units of measure must be properly set by USIZ before entering  
VSIZ. The ALLU com m and u p d ates hard w are to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age, takin g th e n ew size in to accou n t.  
Exam p le: FMTB // Begin editing session  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
USIZ 1 // Select inches as unit of  
// measure in buffer  
HSIZ 10.4 // Set width to 10.4 in  
// buffer  
VSIZ 7.8 // Set height to 7.8 in buffer  
ALLU // Test the new settings  
// One or more format editing  
// commands  
// ...  
FMTE // End editing session  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Vertical Sync Pulse Delay  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VSPD <lines>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
m in  
0 (w h en SCAN = 1) or  
1 (w h en SCAN = 2)  
m ax  
VTOT-VRES-VSPW (w h en SCAN = 1) or  
[(VTOT-VRES-1) / 2]-VSPW (w h en SCAN = 2)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The VSPD com m and establishes the d elay betw een lead ing ed ge  
of blan kin g in th e first (or even ) field an d th e lead in g ed ge of  
the vertical sync p u lse. When interlacing, d elay betw een end of  
vid eo and lead ing ed ge of vertical sync before second (or od d )  
field is 0.5 line shorter than the w hole-line d elay sp ecified . The  
VSPD? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of th e vertical syn c  
p u lse d elay.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VSPD 11 // Set V sync delay to 11 lines  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Vertical Sync Pulse Gate  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VSPG <m od e>  
Lim its:  
<m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e VSPG com m an d en ables an d d isables th e d igital vertical  
sync output. The VSPG? query returns the current mode of VSPG.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital vertical sync, d igital sep arate H &V sync  
m u st be selected w ith the SSST com m and . The FMTU com m and  
in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew settin g. Th e ALLU  
com m an d u p d ates h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s  
th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VSPG 1 // Enable V sync output in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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Vertical Sync Pulse Polarity  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VSPP <p olarity>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<p olarity>  
0 = active-low (n egative goin g p u lse)  
1 = active-h igh (p ositive goin g p u lse)  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
<m od e>  
Th e VSPP com m an d establish es th e logic sen se of th e d igital  
vertical sync outputs. Setting polarity to one (1) causes the leading  
ed ge of vertical syn c to be a low -to-h igh tran sition . Settin g  
p olarity to zero (0) cau ses th e lead in g ed ge of vertical syn c to  
be a high-to-low transition. The VSPP? qu ery retu rns the cu rrent  
p olarity of VSPP.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
In ord er to u se d igital vertical syn c, it m u st be gated on w ith  
th e VSPG com m an d an d d igital sep arate H &V syn c m u st be  
selected w ith the SSST com m and . The FMTU com m and instru cts  
the generator to use the new setting. The ALLU command updates  
h ard w are to th e n ew settin g an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VSPP 1 // Set active hi V sync in  
// buffer  
VSPG 1 // Enable V sync output in  
// buffer  
SSST 1 // Select H&V sync type in  
// buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Vertical Sync Pulse Width  
Com m and Syntax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VSPW <lines>  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
The VSPW com m and establishes the w id th of the vertical sync  
p u lse in lines. If the typ e sp ecified for the selected sync signal  
(see SSST, ASCT, DSCT, or DSST com m and s) is one of the CCIR  
typ es, then the actu al sync p u lse w id th ou tp u t by the generator  
w ill be 1/ 2 lin e sh orter th an th e w h ole n u m ber sp ecified . Th e  
VSPW? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of VSPW.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VSPW 3 // Set V sync width to 3 lines  
// in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Vertical TOTal lines per frame  
Form at p aram eter setting  
VTOT <lines>  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
<lin es> m u st be an od d n u m ber w h en SCAN = 2  
m in = 2  
m ax  
801GC-ISA = 4096 @ SCAN =1; 4097 @ SCAN =2  
801GF-ISA = 4096 @ SCAN =1; 8191 @ SCAN =2  
801GP = 2048  
801GC, GX = 4096 @ SCAN =1; 4097 @ SCAN =2  
801GF = 4096 @ SCAN =1; 8191 @ SCAN =2  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Qu ery Resp onse:  
Descrip tion:  
Th e VTOT com m an d establish es th e total n u m ber of lin es p er  
fram e. Wh en in terlacin g (SCAN =2), VTOT m u st be od d . Th e  
VTOT? qu ery retu rn s th e cu rren t settin g of VTOT.  
Th e fram e or p ictu re refresh rate is equ al to th e qu otien t of  
H RAT d ivid ed by VTOT.  
The field or vertical rate is equ al to the fram e rate w hen SCAN  
= 1 (non-interlaced op eration).  
Th e field or vertical rate is equ al to tw ice th e fram e rate w h en  
SCAN = 2 (n on -in terlaced op eration ).  
N ote The cu rrent version of the firm w are d oes not allow you  
to d irectly enter a sp ecific field or fram e rate w hen setting u p  
a form at. If you r test sp ecifications call for a sp ecific field ,  
fram e or vertical refresh rate, enter su itable valu es for H RAT,  
SCAN and VTOT to give you the d esired rate.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: VTOT 525 // Set total lines//frame to  
// 525 in buffer  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
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WAIt for completion suffix  
Direct p rocessor control  
<com m and >; *WAI  
<com m and >  
Com m and Syntax:  
Lim its:  
Qu ery Syntax:  
Descrip tion:  
Normally, the generator returns a prompt immediately after either  
an FMTU, IMGU, ALLU, BOOT, IN IT, or SCAL com m an d is  
received - even before these com m and s have finished execu ting.  
If th e system con trollin g th e gen erator m u st kn ow w h en a  
com m an d h as fin ish ed execu tin g, u se a sem icolon to ap p en d  
the su ffix ;*WAI. This cau ses the generator to w ait u ntil all  
p rocesses h ave been com p leted before sen d in g th e > p rom p t.  
Other Requ ired Cm d s:  
The *WAI com m and is u sed as a su ffix w ith the FMTU, IMGU,  
ALLU, BOOT, IN IT an d SCAL com m an d s.  
Exam p le: FMTL vga_m3 // Load a format from memory  
// to buffer  
IMGL SMPTE133 // Load the SMPTE RP-133  
// image to buffer  
ALLU;*WAI // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents and delay  
// prompt until all done  
Video Signal Gating  
Com m an d Syn tax:  
Form at p aram eter setting  
XVSG <red m od e>, <green m od e>, <blu e m od e>  
Lim its:  
< m od e>  
0 = OFF  
1 = ON  
Descrip tion:  
The XVSG com m and d eterm ines w hich vid eo ou tp u ts are active  
w hen the form at is selected . The sam e com m and controls both  
th e an alog an d d igital vid eo ou tp u ts.  
Oth er Requ ired Cm d s:  
Th e FMTU com m an d in stru cts th e gen erator to u se th e n ew  
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting  
an d red raw s th e test im age.  
Exam p le: XVSG 1 1 1 // Enable all color channels  
FMTU // Update hardware to current  
// buffer contents  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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801G Memory (Information) Flow Diagram  
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Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 6: Programming  
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Computer Interfacing  
If all else fails  
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting  
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Und er normal cond itions, the pow er light w ill come  
on as soon as the 801G* is tu rned on. The follow ing  
m essage w ill be the first thing to appear in the LCD  
ju st after the generator is p ow ered -u p :  
The top nu m ber ind icates the op erating firm w are  
revision level, w hile the bottom nu m ber ind icates  
the hard w are revision level. Please note these nu m -  
bers if you w ill be contacting Qu antu m Data w ith  
any questions or problems concerning the operation  
of the u nit.  
If no p roblem s are encou ntered , the generator w ill  
ou tp u t the form at and test im age that w ere active  
w hen the u nit w as last p ow ered d ow n.  
If the last active im age w as anim ated , the LCD w ill  
continu e to d isp lay the firm w are and hard w are re-  
vision levels u ntil a bu tton is p u shed or a knob is  
tu rned . Otherw ise, the d isp lay w ill change by itself  
after abou t tw o second s.  
The information that next appears w ill d epend upon  
the op erating m od e that has been p rogram m ed into  
the 801G*. The left-hand exam p le show n below is  
typ ical for the norm al (d efau lt) op erating m od e of  
the 801G*. The exam ple on the right show s a typical  
d isp lay in the test sequ ence m od e.  
Horizontal Rate  
(To nearest KHz)  
Signal Format Number  
Signal Format Name  
H31 15=VGA_m18  
Test Image Name  
Vertical Rate  
(To nearest Hz)  
Test Image Number  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting  
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• See Chapter 2 of this manual for infor-  
m ation on u sing the 801G* in the nor-  
m al op erating m od e.  
Error message at  
• See th e “Program m in g” ch ap ter for  
inform ation on setting-u p and ru nning  
the 801G* in the test sequ ence m od e.  
If any other m essages ap p ear, it w ill be be-  
cau se one or m ore p roblem s w ere fou nd  
d u ring the generators p ow er-on self test.  
• See "System Error Messages" in Chap -  
ter 8.  
If the p ow er light fails to com e on w hen the  
p ow er sw itch is tu rned on, first check you r  
pow er connection and line voltage selection,  
then check the fu se.  
Unit will not  
• See "AC Line Connection" in Chap ter  
Inform ation on trou bleshooting problem s related to  
the RS-232 and IEEE-488 p orts can be fou nd in the  
“Program m ing” chap ter.  
Please note that leaving any u nu sed equ ip m ent  
connected to the 801G*’s p orts m ay cau se the  
front p anel d isp lay and controls to hang. If this  
shou ld hap p en, d isconnect the equ ip m ent and  
cycle the p ow er on the 801G*.  
Power-on and Computer Interfacing  
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If All Else Fails  
It is p ossible for a u ser p rogram m ing error of the  
system p aram eters to cau se the 801G* to ap p ear to  
be broken. The “Program m ing” chap ter has infor-  
mation on checking and changing the settings of the  
The firm w are inclu d es a w ay of restoring the 801G*  
to know n factory d efault cond itions. This proced ure  
w ill reset all system settings to their nominal values  
and erase all u ser p rogram m ed signal form ats, test  
sequ ences and cu stom im ages from m em ory. The  
form at m em ory is then load ed w ith the factory d e-  
fined form ats as d escribed in Chap ter 3 of this  
m anu al. The im age list is reset to all available im -  
ages in the ord er given in Chap ter 4 of this m anu al.  
To restore the 801G* to its factory d efau lt settings  
hold d ow n both the “ACS” and “DSS” sync gate  
bu ttons w hile tu rning on the p ow er. Release the  
buttons w hen the “Memory Blank” message appears  
on the LCD. The firmw are w ill then take a few more  
second s to reset the 801G*.  
If rep rogram m ing the system p aram eters or reset-  
ting the 801G* d oes not restore norm al op eration  
you r u nit m ay need to be rep aired . Chap ter 9 of  
this m anu al covers rep airs that can be d one by the  
u ser. The u nit shou ld be retu rned to Qu antu m Data  
or one of our authorized service centers for all other  
repairs. Chapter 10 has inform ation on getting you r  
801G* rep aired .  
Please contact an applications engineer at Qu antu m  
Data if you have any qu estions or concerns abou t  
the op eration of you generator.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting  
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System Errors  
Format Errors  
System Error Message Summary  
Format Error Message Summary  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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This section d iscu sses system error m essages that  
may be displayed by the generator from time to time.  
Power-on Self Test Messages  
The integrity of the d ata stored in non-volatile  
m em ory is checked every tim e the 801GX is tu rned  
on. The follow ing tests are p erform ed :  
1. The system configuration memory is checked. The  
memory remembers what the generator was doing  
w hen it w as last p ow ered d ow n. The m em ory  
also stores all system w id e p aram eters su ch as  
calibration factors and the light m eter size. It is  
also checked to see if it is com p atible w ith the  
cu rrent version of op erating firm w are. If every-  
thing is in ord er, then the generator goes on to  
step 2.  
Otherw ise, a "System corru p t!" m essage is d is-  
p layed for 2 second s. This m essage is im m ed i-  
ately follow ed by a "Mem ory blank" m essage,  
w hich is d isp layed for 2 second s w hile the for-  
mat memory is re-initialized . Memory initializa-  
tion involves clearing the entire non-volatile  
memory and loading it with factory default data.  
Any and all d ata created or ed ited by the u ser  
w ill be w ip ed ou t. The calibration factors are  
restored to the original valu es u sed at the fac-  
tory to test and calibrate the u nit. The generator  
then continu es w ith step 3.  
System corru p tion is very rare. It m ay be an  
ind ication of a bad m em ory backu p battery  
or a d am aged generator.  
If you u p d ate the firm w are EPROM in you r  
u nit, you r system w ill ap p ear to be corru p t  
at the next p ow er-on.  
2. The remainder of non-volatile memory is checked  
to see if any d ata has been corru p ted since the  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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last tim e the generator w as u sed . This check  
includes each of the 300 format storage locations.  
All user created custom images and test sequences  
are also checked . If no p roblem s are fou nd , the  
generator goes on to step 3.  
If one (or m ore) item s have been corru p ted , a  
message containing a tally of the d efective items  
is d isp layed for 2 second s. A m essage for tw o  
corru p ted item s is show n here. Please note that  
the checking rou tine d oes not id entify the typ es  
of items (format, custom image or test sequence)  
that are corru p ted . It is u p to the u ser to check  
the contents of the ind ivid ual items. Attempting  
to load a corru p ted item w ill rep ort and error  
for that item .  
A corru p ted form at can be rep aired be ei-  
ther ed iting it or by d ow nload ing a new set  
of d ata from a com p u ter.  
In m ost cases, a corru p ted cu stom im age or  
test sequence can not be repaired. This is due  
to the variable d ata stru ctu re u sed . You w ill  
need to recreate and save the d ata back into  
Repeated corruption of the d ata in non-vola-  
tile m em ory u su ally ind icates a w eak bat-  
tery. Battery replacement information can be  
fou nd in the chap ter on “Maintenance”.  
3. A power-on message, indicating the current firm-  
w are and hard w are revision levels, w ill ap p ear  
for 2 second s at the end of the self test p roce-  
d ure.  
If an anim ated im age is d isp layed at p ow er-  
on, this m essage w ill not d isap p ear u ntil a  
bu tton is p u shed or a knob is tu rned .  
System Messages  
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Power Fail Message  
Whenever the AC p ow er line voltage d ip s below  
the m inim u m sp ecified , this m essage is d isp layed  
and the generators m icrop rocessor is halted .  
If you see this m essage d u ring norm al op eration, it  
p robably ind icates that a p ow er sag or short d u ra-  
tion d rop -ou t has occu rred . To clear this cond ition,  
cycle the pow er going to the generator. If the pow er  
is good , the generator should resum e norm al opera-  
tion. If you still have a problem , you m ay also w ant  
to check to see that the line voltage selector (next to  
the p ow er inlet) is set correctly for the p ow er being  
fed into the 801GX.  
Und er norm al operating cond itions, a properly pro-  
gram m ed m od el 801GX generator shou ld never re-  
p ort any Form at error m essages. If you d o get get  
an error m essage w hile load ing a form at it is for  
one of tw o reasons. The generator d istingu ishes  
between invalid data, entered in one of the program-  
ming modes, and corrupted data caused by a memory  
failu re. In either case, the generator w ill shu t all of  
its ou tp u ts off. The ou tp u ts rem ain off u ntil a valid  
form at is load ed .  
Invalid Data Error Messages  
The example on the left show s a typical invalid d ata  
error message. The top line of the d isplay show s the  
form ats storage location nu m ber and nam e. The  
bottom line show s the error num ber. Error num bers  
w ill be in the range of of 2000 throu gh 2999. Differ-  
ent numbers ind icate w hat type invalid d ata or com-  
bination of d ata is cau sing the error.  
The follow ing p ages exp lain the cau se of each of  
the error nu m bers and offers su ggestions on how to  
correct the p roblem .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Corrupt Data Error Messages  
The exam p le on the left show s a coru p ted d ata er-  
ror m essage. The top line of the d isp lay show s the  
form ats storage location nu m ber and nam e. The  
bottom line show s the error nu m ber. Error nu m ber  
9450 id entifies the cau se of the error as corru p ted  
d ata. This typ e of error either ind icates the signs of  
a failing m em ory backu p battery or a m ore seriou s  
hard w are failu re in the generator.  
Corru p ted form ats can corrected by either ed iting  
them or by d ow nload ing a clean cop y of the form at  
from a com p u ter. The “Program m ing” chap ter ex-  
p lains both m ethod s in d etail.  
Format Error Messages  
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System Error Message Summary  
Problem fou nd w ith the configu ration d ata stored  
in battery backed m em ory. All 150 form at storage  
locations w ill be cleared and the ind u stry stand ard  
form ats installed . The m em ory back up battery m ay  
need to be rep laced .  
All 150 Form at storage locations are being erased .  
Ind u stry stand ard form ats are being installed in lo-  
cations 1 thru 44.  
One or m ore form ats, stored in battery backed for-  
m at m em ory, has (have) been corru p ted . Ed it bad  
form at(s) or re-initialize the form at m em ory to cor-  
rect the p roblem . The m em ory back u p battery m ay  
need to be rep laced .  
The selected form at has been corru p ted . Ed it the  
form at or re-initialize the form at m em ory to correct  
the problem. The memory back up battery may need  
to be rep laced .  
AC line voltage is low or a p ow er glitch has oc-  
cu rred . Check the line-voltage and selector-sw itch  
settings; then cycle the p ow er.  
Refer to the format error summary on the next page.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Format Error Messages  
SCAN less th an 1  
An invalid scan setting exists in the file.  
Reed it the scan setting.  
SCAN greater th an 2  
An invalid scan setting exists in the file.  
Reed it the scan setting.  
H orizon tal total too sm all  
The generator d oes not su p p ort a horizontal p eriod (active  
+ blanked ) less than 144 p ixels p er horizontal scan line.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod so that its m ore than  
143 p ixels.  
H orizon tal total too large  
The generator d oes not su p p ort a horizontal p eriod (active  
+ blanked ) of m ore than 4096 p ixels p er horizontal scan  
Decrease the horizontal p eriod so that its less than  
4096 p ixels.  
Pixel rate too h igh  
The p ixel rate exceed s the m axim u m rate su p p orted by the  
currently selected generator mod el for the given vid eo type  
Make su re vid eo typ e is correct.  
Decrease the p ixel rate.  
Decrease the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels) for a given  
horizontal rate.  
Pixel rate too h igh  
The p ixel rate exceed s the m axim u m rate su p p orted by the  
currently selected generator mod el for the given vid eo type  
Make su re vid eo typ e is correct.  
Decrease the p ixel rate.  
Decrease the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels) for a given  
horizontal rate.  
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Pixel rate too low  
The p ixel rate is below the m inim u m rate su p p orted by the  
Increase the valu e of H TOT.  
Increase the valu e of H RAT.  
H orizon tal total n ot even  
The generator d oes not su p p ort an od d nu m ber of total  
p ixels p er scan line.  
Make the horizontal period (in pixels) an even number.  
H orizon tal total m u st b e m u ltip le of 4 at p ixel  
The generator does not support horizontal pixel totals (active  
+ blanking) that cannot be evenly d ivid ed by four (4) at the  
given p ixel rate.  
Make the total horizontal p ixels p er line to be evenly  
d ivisible by 4.  
Decrease the p ixel rate.  
H orizon tal active too sm all  
The number of active pixels per horizontal scan line is below  
the m inim u m su p p orted by the generator.  
Increase the horizontal active p ixels.  
H orizon tal b lan k in g too sm all  
The nu m ber of blanked p ixels p er horizontal scan line is  
below the m inim u m su p p orted by the generator.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease horizontal active (in p ixels).  
H orizon tal b lan k in g too sm all  
The number of blanked pixels per horizontal scan line (HTOT  
- H RES) is below the minimum supported by the generator.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease horizontal active (in p ixels).  
H orizon tal b lan k in g too sm all  
The number of blanked pixels per horizontal scan line (HTOT  
- H RES) is below the minimum supported by the generator.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease horizontal active (in p ixels).  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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H orizon tal total < h orizon tal res.  
The number of active pixels per horizontal scan line is greater  
than the total nu m ber of p ixels p er line (hor. p eriod ).  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease horizontal active (in p ixels).  
H orizon tal active too large or H orizon tal total  
too sm all  
The generator d oes not su p p ort the given com bination of  
the horizontal pixel total and the number of horizontal active  
Increase the number of blanked or horizontal total pixels  
p er line.  
Decrease the nu m ber of active p ixels p er line.  
H orizon tal b lan k in g too sm all  
The number of blanked pixels per horizontal scan line (HTOT  
- H RES) is below the minimum supported by the generator.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease horizontal active (in p ixels).  
H orizon tal p u lse w id th less th an 1  
The horizontal sync p u lse m u st be at least 1 p ixel w id e.  
Increase the valu e of horizontal sync p u lse w id th so  
that its greater than zero.  
H orizon tal syn c p u lse w id th m u st b e even at  
cu rren t p ixel rate  
The generator does not support horizontal sync pulse widths  
(in p ixels) that cannot be evenly d ivid ed by tw o (2) at the  
given p ixel rate.  
Make the sync pulse w id th (in pixels) evenly d ivisible  
by 2.  
Decrease the p ixel rate.  
H orizon tal syn c p u lse w id th too sm all for  
The generator d oes not su p p ort the given horizontal sync  
p u lse w id th for H DTV vid eo typ es.  
Increase the sync p u lse w id th.  
Change the vid eo signal typ e.  
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H orizon tal syn c p u lse w id th m u st b e even for  
The generator does not support horizontal sync pulse widths  
(in p ixels) that cannot be evenly d ivid ed by tw o (2) for  
H DTV vid eo typ es.  
Make the sync pulse w id th (in pixels) evenly d ivisible  
by 2.  
Change the vid eo signal typ e.  
H orizon tal p u lse w id th too large  
The generator does not support a horizontal sync pulse width  
greater than the nu m ber of blanked p ixels p er horizontal  
scan line.  
Decrease the horizontal p u lse w id th.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease the nu m ber of active p ixels p er line.  
H orizon tal syn c p u lse d elay m u st b e even at  
cu rren t p ixel rate  
The generator d oes not support horizontal sync pulse d elay  
(in p ixels) that cannot be evenly d ivid ed by tw o (2) at the  
given p ixel rate.  
Make the sync pulse w id th (in pixels) evenly d ivisible  
by 2.  
Decrease the p ixel rate.  
H orizon tal p u lse d elay exten d s syn c b eyon d  
The generator d oes not support horizontal sync pulses w ith  
any portion of the pulse occurring outsid e of the horizontal  
blanking p eriod .  
Decrease the horizontal p u lse w id th.  
Decrease the horizontal p u lse d elay.  
Increase the horizontal p eriod (in p ixels).  
Decrease the nu m ber of active p ixels p er line.  
Vertical total too sm all  
There m u st be at least a total of 2 horizontal scan lines p er  
fram e w ith non-interlaced m od e.  
Increase the vertical p eriod so that its greater than 1  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Vertical total too sm all  
There m u st be at least a total of 5 horizontal scan lines p er  
fram e w ith interlaced op eration.  
Increase the vertical p eriod so that its greater than 4  
Sw itch to non-interlaced op eration.  
Vertical total is even  
There m u st be an od d nu m bered total of horizontal scan  
lines p er fram e w ith interlaced op eration.  
Change the vertical period (in lines) to an even number.  
Sw itch to non-interlaced op eration.  
Vertical total too large  
The generator d oes not su p p ort the given vertical p eriod .  
Decrease the vertical p eriod to less than 4096 lines  
p er fram e if non-interlaced .  
Decrease the vertical p eriod to less than 4097 lines  
p er fram e if interlaced .  
Vertical active too sm all  
There m u st be at least 1 active horizontal scan line w ith  
non-interlaced operation.  
Increase vertical active so that its greater than 1 line.  
Vertical b lan k in g too sm all  
There m u st be at least 1 line of vertical blanking w ith non-  
interlaced op eration.  
Increase the vertical p eriod .  
Decrease vertical active.  
Vertical active too sm all  
There m u st be at least 2 active horizontal scan lines w ith  
interlaced op eration.  
Increase vertical active so that its greater than 2 lines.  
Sw itch to non-interlaced op eration.  
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Vertical active m u st b e even w h en in in ter-  
laced scan m od e  
The generator d oes not su p p ort vertical active p eriod s (in  
lines) that cannot be evenly d ivid ed by tw o (2) w hen  
interlaced op eration is selected .  
Make the vertical active period (in lines) evenly divisible  
by 2.  
Change to p rogressive (non-interlaced ) scan m od e.  
Vertical b lan k in g too sm all  
There m u st be at least 3 lines of vertical blanking w ith  
interlaced op eration.  
Increase the vertical p eriod .  
Decrease vertical active.  
Sw itch to non-interlaced op eration.  
Vertical p u lse too sm all  
The generator d oes not su pport a vertical sync pu lse w id th  
valu e of less than one scan line in d u ration. The firm w are  
m akes the p u lse a half-line shorter than the entered valu e  
w hen Eu rop ean typ e sync is selected .  
Increase the vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Vertical p u lse too large  
The generator d oes not su pport a vertical sync pu lse w id th  
greater than the nu m ber of blanked scan lines p er fram e  
w ith non-interlaced op eration.  
Decrease the valu e of vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Increase the valu e of vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease vertical active.  
Vertical p u lse too large  
The generator d oes not su pport a vertical sync pu lse w id th  
greater than the least nu m ber of blanked scan lines ((Vp er  
- Vact - 1) ÷ 2 ) betw een field s w ith interlaced op eration.  
Decrease the valu e of vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Increase the valu e of vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease vertical active.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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In com p atib le ACS & D CS typ es  
The analog composite sync and digital composite sync settings  
must be compatible when analog and digital composite sync  
are both active.  
Make the ACS and DCS settings the sam e.  
Change the Sync select setting.  
In com p atib le ACS & D SS typ es  
The analog composite sync and digital separate sync settings  
must be compatible when analog and digital composite sync  
are both active.  
Change the ACS and / or DSS settings.  
Change the Sync select setting.  
AVST req u ires ASCT to b e 3 or 8  
ACS setting not com patible w ith TV setting for vid eo kind .  
Change ACS to “American w/ serr & EQ” or “European  
w / serr & EQ”.  
Change Vid eo kind to non-TV setting.  
ACS availab le on green on ly  
The 801GP supports adding composite sync only to the green  
analog vid eo channel.  
Change the ACS On setting "- - -" or "- G -."  
AVST req u ires SSST to b e 3-7  
Analog com p osite sync m u st be active w hen vid eo kind is  
set to TV.  
Change Sync select to “ACS,” “ACS & DSS,” “ACS &  
DCS” or “ACS & DSS & DCS.”  
Change Vid eo kind to non-TV setting.  
In valid ACS typ e  
An invalid analog com p osite sync typ e selection exists in  
the file.  
Reed it the analog com p osite sync typ e setting.  
In valid D CS typ e  
An invalid d igital com p osite sync typ e selection exists in  
the file.  
Reed it the d igital com p osite sync typ e setting.  
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In valid D SS typ e  
An invalid d igital sep arate sync typ e selection exists in the  
Reed it the d igital sep arate sync typ e setting.  
In valid syn c typ e  
An invalid sync select exists in the file.  
Reed it the sync select setting.  
D igital sep arate syn c typ e selection n ot  
com p atib le w ith an alog an d /or d igital syn c  
The generator d oes not su p p ort the given com bination of  
d igital sep arate sync (H &V) selection w ith one or both of  
the analog or d igital com p osite sync typ e selections.  
Select only one sync typ e.  
Vertical p u lse d elay exten d s syn c b eyon d  
The generator d oes not su p p ort vertical sync p u lses w ith  
any p ortion of the p u lse occu rring ou tsid e of the vertical  
blanking p eriod .  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
Increase the vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease the vertical active (in lines).  
Vertical p u lse d elay exten d s syn c b eyon d  
The generator d oes not su p p ort vertical sync p u lses w ith  
any portion of the pulse occurring outsid e of either vertical  
blanking p eriod w ith interlaced op eration.  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
Increase the vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease the vertical active (in lines).  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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EQ b efore too large  
The interval d u ring w hich p re-equ alization p u lses occu r  
cannot be greater than the vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
Decrease EQ Before.  
Increase the vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
EQ after too large  
The interval d u ring w hich p ost-equ alization p u lses occu r  
cannot be greater than the interval betw een the end of the  
vertical sync pulse and the end of the shorter vertical blanking  
interval betw een field s w ith interlaced op eration.  
Decrease EQ After.  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Decrease vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
Increase the vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease the vertical active.  
EQ after too large  
The interval d u ring w hich p ost-equ alization p u lses occu r  
cannot be greater than the interval betw een the end of the  
vertical sync p u lse and the end of the vertical blanking.  
Decrease EQ After.  
Decrease the vertical sync p u lse w id th.  
Decrease vertical sync p u lse d elay.  
Increase the vertical p eriod (in lines).  
Decrease the vertical active.  
N ot en ou gh vid eo m em ory  
The generator d oes not have enough memory space to store  
the total nu m ber of active p ixels requ ired for one p ictu re.  
Decrease the vertical active.  
Decrease the horizontal active.  
H orizon tal p h ysical size too sm all  
The p hysical horizontal size m u st be greater than zero.  
Change the horizontal p hysical size to a p ositive,  
nonzero, valu e.  
In valid p h ysical size u n its  
An invalid p hysical size u nit of m easu re exists in the file.  
Reed it both p hysical sizes.  
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Vertical p h ysical size too sm all  
The p hysical vertical size m u st be greater than zero.  
Change the vertical physical size to a positive, nonzero  
Ped estal sw in g ou t of ran ge  
The analog vid eo blanking p ed estal cannot be less than 0  
IRE (%) or m ore than 100 IRE (%).  
Change the valu e of Ped estal level to be greater than  
or equ al to 0 and less than or equ al to 100 IRE (%).  
G am m a correction ou t of ran ge  
The firm w are d oes not su p p ort gam m a correction factors  
that are less than 0.1 or greater than 10.0.  
Change the valu e of Gam m a to be greater than or  
equ al to 0.1 and less than or equ al to 10.0.  
An alog vid eo sw in g ou t of ran ge  
The hard w are d oes not su p p ort p eak-to-p eak analog vid eo  
sw ings that are less than 0 or greater than 1.000 volts. The  
sw ing d oes not inclu d e any com posite sync levels that m ay  
be ad d ed .  
Change the Vid eo sw ing to be greater than or equ al  
to 0 and less than or equ al to 1.000 volts.  
Syn c sw in g ou t of ran ge  
Th e h ard w are d oes n ot su p p ort p eak-to-p eak an alog  
com p osite sync sw ings that are less than 0 or greater than  
0.400 volts.  
Change the Sync sw ing to be greater than or equ al to  
0 and less than or equ al to 0.400 volts.  
Vid eo sw in g calib ration ou t of ran ge  
One or m ore of the analog vid eo sw ing calibration factors  
are ou t of range. These p aram eters are not actu ally p art of  
a Form at that is stored in m em ory. They are system level  
parameters that affect how all analog Formats are read from  
m em ory and into the hard w are. The param eter settings are  
m aintained w hile the 801GP is tu rned off.  
Re-initialize you r generators m em ory.  
Contact Qu antu m Data for fu rther assistance.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Syn c sw in g calib ration ou t of ran ge  
One or m ore of the analog sync sw ing calibration factors  
are ou t of range. These p aram eters are not actu ally p art of  
a Form at that is stored in m em ory. They are system level  
parameters that affect how all analog Formats are read from  
m em ory and into the hard w are. The param eter settings are  
m aintained w hile the 801GP is tu rned off.  
Re-initialize you r generators m em ory.  
Contact Qu antu m Data for fu rther assistance.  
N TSC req u ires p ed estal (801GX Only)  
N TSC p ed estal ou t of ran ge (801GX Only)  
D igital vid eo typ e selection n ot su p p orted  
The generator does not support the given digital video signal  
type. Note – the 801GF, 801GC-ISA and 801GF-ISA generators  
d o not have d igital vid eo ou tp u ts.  
Select a valid d igital vid eo signal typ e.  
In valid d igital vid eo typ e  
An invalid d igital vid eo typ e exists in the file.  
Ed it the Vid eo kind setting.  
D igital vid eo p olarity m u st b e p ositive  
An invalid d igital vid eo p olarity setting exists in the file.  
The file cannot be corrected w ith the ed itor. Create a  
new file.  
Can n ot h ave an alog an d d igital vid eo  
An invalid d igital vid eo typ e exists in the file.  
Ed it the Vid eo kind setting.  
An alog vid eo sign al typ e in valid  
An invalid analog vid eo typ e exists in the file.  
Ed it the Vid eo kind setting.  
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In valid color n am e  
A com m and file containing an invalid color nam e selection  
w as d ow nload ed to the generator.  
Check for sp elling errors of the color nam es u sed in  
the com m and file.  
Use only color nam es that ap p ear in the color list.  
In valid fill p attern n am e  
A com m and file containing an invalid fill p attern nam e  
selection w as d ow nload ed to the generator.  
Check for spelling errors of the fill pattern names used  
in the com m and file.  
Use only fill pattern names that appear in the fill pattern  
N o im age m em ory  
This occu rs d u ring IMGN com m and and is cau sed by an  
insu fficient am ou nt of m anaged m em ory for the bu ffer  
requ est. This m ay be d u e to lack of m em ory or fragm ented  
Save all u sed ed it bu ffers and issu e FMTN , IMGN ,  
and / or DIRN . This clears extra m em ory being u sed  
by these bu ffers.  
Im age m em ory fu ll  
There is not enou gh free m em ory to save the im age that is  
in the ed it bu ffer.  
Red u ce the nu m ber of p rim itives in the im age being  
ed ited .  
Delete one or m ore custom im ages currently stored in  
memory. You will need to abandon your current edited  
im age to d o this.  
In valid fon t n am e  
A com m and file containing an invalid font nam e selection  
w as d ow nload ed to the generator.  
Check for sp elling errors of the font nam es u sed in  
the com m and file.  
Use only font nam es that ap p ear in the font list.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Im g ed ru n n in g  
This occu rs d u ring IMGB, IMGN , or IMGE com m and s. It  
hap p ens w hen you are creating a cu stom im age w ith the  
Custom Image Editor on a stand-alone generator and, during  
that session, you begin an im age ed iting session via the  
IMGB or IMGN com m and s.  
Do not use the IMGB or IMGN command s w hile using  
N oth in g to save  
This occu rs d u ring IMGA or IMGS com m and s. It hap p ens  
w hen you try to save the contents of the im age ed iting  
register w hen none is initialized .  
You m u st u se IMGN before IMGS or IMGA.  
In valid Look u p Tab le (LUT) level (8-b it D AC)  
The 801GX, 801GC, 801GC-ISA and 801GP generators d o  
not su p p ort analog vid eo DAC settings beyond the range  
of 0 throu gh 255.  
The levels u sed w ith the FRGB com m and m u st be  
between 0 and 255 when used on the generator models  
listed above.  
In valid Look u p Tab le (LUT) level (10-b it D AC)  
The 801GF and 801GF-ISA generators do not support analog  
vid eo DAC settings beyond the range of 0 throu gh 1023.  
The levels u sed w ith the FRGB com m and m u st be  
between 0 and 1023 when used on the generator models  
listed above.  
In valid gray level  
The generator does not support gray level percentages beyond  
the range of 0 throu gh 100. This error shou ld never occu r  
u nd er norm al op eration.  
Please con tact Qu an tu m Data's tech n ical su p p ort  
d ep artm ent if you get this m essage.  
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N o seq u en ce m em ory  
This occu rs d u ring the SEQN com m and . It hap p ens w hen  
theres an insu fficient am ou nt of m anaged m em ory for the  
bu ffer requ est.  
Save all u sed ed it bu ffers and issu e FMTN , IMGN ,  
and / or DIRN . This clears extra memory used by these  
Seq u en ce m em ory fu ll  
There is not enou gh free m em ory to save the sequ ence that  
is in the ed it bu ffer.  
Red u ce the nu m ber of step s in the sequ ence being  
ed ited .  
Delete one or m ore sequ ences cu rrently stored in  
memory. You will need to abandon your current edited  
sequ ence to d o this.  
Seq ed ru n n in g  
This occu rs d u ring SEQB, SEQN , or SEQE com m and s. It  
happens w hen you have used the Sequence Ed itor and then  
try to u se the SEQB or SEQN com m and .  
Exit the generator's GUI sequence editor before editing  
a sequ ence u sing com m and s via the com m u nications  
N o seq u en ce to save  
This occu rs d u ring SEQA or SEQS com m and s. It hap p ens  
w hen you try to save the contents of the sequ ence ed iting  
register and none is initialized .  
You m u st u se SEQN before SEQS or SEQA.  
Seq u en ce b u ffer fu ll  
N o m ore step s can be ad d ed to the cu rrent sequ ence being  
ed ited .  
Red u ce the nu m ber of step s in the sequ ence.  
Break u p th e testin g in to tw o or m ore sep arate  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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In valid d elay tim e in seq u en ce  
A com m and file containing a sequ ence step d elay w as  
d ow nload ed to the generator.  
Only u se d elay tim es (in second s) that corresp ond to  
the list of available d elays.  
Fon t in d ex ou t of ran ge  
You tried to u se a font at an invalid ind ex.  
N o fon t p resen t at given in d ex  
You tried to access a font at a valid ind ex bu t the sp ecified  
ind ex is em p ty becau se of a p reviou s d elete.  
In valid fon t location  
You tried to install a font that has not been transferred to  
Can t con vert to in ch es, n ot valid u n its  
The format unit (inches or millimeters) is unknow n because  
a new form at w as not initialized before it w as created .  
Con version betw een th e form ats u n it an d th e u ser’s  
p reference fails.  
Alw ays use the FMTN com m and before ed iting a new  
Can t con vert to m m , n ot valid u n its  
The format unit (inches or millimeters) is unknow n because  
a new form at w as not initialized before it w as created .  
Con version betw een th e form ats u n it an d th e u ser’s  
p reference fails.  
Alw ays use the FMTN com m and before ed iting a new  
N o d irectory m em ory  
This occurs during DIRN and NAMI commands when theres  
an insu fficient am ou nt of m anaged m em ory for the bu ffer  
Save all u sed ed it bu ffers and issu e FMTN , IMGN ,  
and / or DIRN . This clears extra m em ory being u sed  
by these bu ffers.  
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D irectory m em ory fu ll  
This occurs d uring DIRA and DIRS command s w hen theres  
insu fficient room in the d irectory m em ory p ool for the  
requ ested save.  
Use DIRK to d elete one or m ore d irectories from the  
d irectory p ool.  
N o d irectory to save  
This occu rs d u ring DIRA and DIRS com m and s w hen you  
try to save a nonexistent d irectory.  
A d irectory m u st resid e in the ed it bu ffer w hich is  
created w ith DIRN or DIRL.  
D irectory list fu ll  
This occu rs d u ring DIRA and DIRS com m and s w hen you  
try to save m ore than 10 d irectories.  
Use DIRK to d elete one or m ore d irectories.  
Can t rem ove, fon t n ot p resen t  
This occu rs d u ring FN TK com m and w hen you try to d elete  
a nonexistent font.  
Can t rem ove, RO M fon t  
This occu rs d u ring FN TK com m and w hen you try to d elete  
a bu ilt-in font. Bu ilt-in fonts are sys16, focu s12, focu sm ac,  
op ix9, m em esony, kanjikan, focu sat5, focu sat6, focu sat7,  
focu sat8, and m em ep lu s.  
Dont try to rem ove bu ilt-in fonts.  
Fon t alread y exists in m em ory  
You tried to transm it a font to the generator w hich alread y  
contained a font w ith the sam e nam e.  
Change the nam e of the font to be transm itted .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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In valid form at location  
This occu rs d u ring FMTR com m and w hen the integrity of  
the d ata stored in the sp ecified form at m em ory location is  
Delete the form at from nonvolatile RAM u sing the  
YAN K com m and . Then recreate and save the form at.  
A corru p ted form at in EPROM requ ires at least the  
rep lacem ent of the firm w are EPROM set.  
Bad location for form at, failed verify  
This occurs during FMTV command and FMTV? query when  
you attem p t to verify d ata integrity at an invalid location.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at verify  
This occurs during a FMTZ? query when you try to determine  
if an invalid location has been erased .  
Use a range of 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM.  
Can t ch an ge EPRO M con ten ts  
This occu rs d u ring FMTW or FMTZ com m and s w hen you  
try to overw rite or zero ou t an EPROM form at.  
Use a range of 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at erase  
This occu rs d u ring FMTE com m and w hen you try to access  
an invalid form at m em ory location.  
Use a range of 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at read /w rite  
This occu rs d u ring FMTR or FMTW com m and s w hen you  
try to read or w rite to an invalid form at m em ory location.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM. Use a range of from 1 throu gh 300  
to save form ats in nonvolatile RAM w ith the FMTW  
command .  
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Bad location for form at n am e read  
This occu rs d u ring FMTR? qu ery w hen you try to read or  
w rite to an invalid form at m em ory location.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM w ith the FMTR? qu ery.  
Bad location for form at cop y  
This occu rs d u ring FMTD com m and w hen you try d u ring  
cop ying to access an invalid form at m em ory location.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM as the sou rce location. Use a range  
of 1 throu gh 300 as the d estination location to save  
form ats in nonvolatile RAM.  
Can t ch an ge EPRO M con ten ts  
This occu rs d u ring FMTD com m and w hen you try d u ring  
cop ying to overw rite an EPROM form at.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at d u p licate  
This occu rs d u ring FMTD and FMTI com m and s w hen you  
try to u se one or m ore invalid form at m em ory locations as  
the com m and argu m ents.  
Use a range of -1 throu gh -nn for p erm anent form ats  
in EPROM or 1 throu gh 300 for form ats saved in  
nonvolatile RAM as the sou rce location. Use a range  
of 1 throu gh 300 as the d estination location to save  
form ats in nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at erase  
This occu rs d u ring FMTZ com m and w hen you try to m ake  
one or more invalid format memory locations as the command  
All form ats to be erased from nonvolatile RAM m u st  
be in the range of 1 throu gh 300.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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Can t ch an ge EPRO M con ten ts  
An attem p t w as m ad e to insert a form at u sing the FMTI  
com m and into an EPROM form at m em ory location.  
Use a range of 1 throu gh 300 as the insertion location  
for form ats in nonvolatile RAM.  
Bad location for form at yan k  
This occu rs w hen you try to rem ove (yank) one or m ore  
form ats from invalid form at m em ory locations u sing the  
FMTY com m and .  
All formats to be removed from nonvolatile RAM must  
be in the range of m em ory locations 1 throu gh 300.  
Can t ch an ge EPRO M con ten ts  
This occu rs w hen you try to rem ove (yank) one or m ore  
form ats from EPROM form at m em ory locations u sing the  
FMTY com m and .  
Only form ats in m em ory locations 1 throu gh 300 can  
be rem oved .  
Can t ch an ge EPRO M con ten ts  
One or m ore EPROM form at locations w as given as the  
d estination location for the FMTD com m and .  
Use a range of 1 throu gh 300 as the d estiny location  
to cop y form ats to nonvolatile RAM.  
Error d u p licatin g form ats  
The <first> memory location parameter used with the FMTD  
com m an d is greater th an th e <last> m em ory location  
Make the <first> memory location parameter less than  
or equ al to the <last> m em ory location p aram eter.  
Form at d ata m issin g  
The FMTR com m and tried to read a form at from an em p ty  
form at storage location.  
Use a m em ory location know n to contain a form at or  
u se the FMTL com m and to load a form at by nam e.  
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Seq u en ce d ata n ot fou n d  
Use a m em ory location know n to contain a form at or  
u se the FMTL com m and to load a form at by nam e.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 8: Error Messages  
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New Product Warranty  
Product Updates  
Service Agreements  
Authorized Service Centers  
Chapter 9: Service  
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New Product Warranty  
Qu antu m Data p rod u cts are w arranted against  
d efects in m aterials an d w orkm an sh ip . Th is  
w arranty ap p lies for one (1) year from the d ate  
of d elivery. Qu antu m Data w ill, at its op tion,  
rep air or rep lace equ ip m ent w hich p roves to be  
d efective d u ring the w arranty period . This w ar-  
ranty inclu d es labor and p arts. All rep airs u n-  
d er this w arranty m u st be p erform ed by either  
Qu antu m Data or by an au thorized service cen-  
ter. Equipment returned to either Quantum Data  
or to an authorized service center for repair must  
be shipped freight prepaid . Repairs necessitated  
by m isu se of the equ ip m ent are not covered by  
this w arranty.  
Please contact ou r cu stom er service d ep artm ent or  
an au thorized Qu antu m Data service center to ob-  
tain an RMA (Retu rn Material Au thorization) nu m -  
ber and instructions prior to returning any equipment.  
They w ill need to know the serial nu m ber of the  
Please be su re to fill ou t and send in the registra-  
tion card inclu d ed w ith you r 801G* Vid eo Genera-  
tor. This w ill assu re you , the end u ser, of receiving  
the latest u p d ate notices, service bu lletins, ap p lica-  
tion notes and new sletters w ith the least am ou nt of  
d elay.  
You d o not need to retu rn the registration card  
to m ake you r new p rod u ct w arranty valid .  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Chapter 9: Service  
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Qu antu m Data reserves the right, at any tim e and  
w ithou t notice, to change the d esign or sp ecifica-  
tions of the hard w are, firmw are and softw are of any  
prod ucts.  
Prod u ct u p d ate notices are u su ally p rinted in ou r  
new sletter. The new sletter is sent to all registered  
users of Quantum Data prod ucts. In other cases, the  
notices w ill be sent as a sep arate m ailing to all reg-  
istered u sers.  
The cost of u p grad es d ep end s on the typ e of u p -  
grad e involved and on w hether or not a p articu lar  
u nit is still covered by a new p rod u ct w arranty or  
a service agreem ent.  
It is the intent of Qu antu m Data to p rovid e its cu s-  
tom ers w ith the highest qu ality service both before  
and after the sale. The 801G* has been d esigned for  
years of d ep end able op eration. H ow ever, like any  
com p lex p iece of equ ip m ent, a sched u led p lan of  
insp ection and calibration checks w ill insu re that  
your unit w ill be operating w ithin all specifications.  
For ou r cu stom ers in the United States, FULL Ser-  
vice Su pport Agreem ents beyond the stand ard w ar-  
ranty period may be purchased. This Service Support  
p rogram covers rep airs, p erform ance testing and  
hard w are u p d ates as w ell as telep hone assistance.  
Service su p p ort agreem ents that inclu d e the u se of  
service loaners w hile covered u nits are in for re-  
p airs are also available.  
In the U.S.A.  
Please contact Qu antu m Data's cu stom er service  
d ep artm ent or you r sales rep resentative for infor-  
m ation concerning the exact term s and cond itions  
of service agreem ents.  
Warranty, Product Updates & Service Agreements  
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For ou r cu stom ers in Eu rop e, service contracts m ay  
be available d irectly from ou r au thorized service  
center in The Netherlands. Please contact Matrix Eu-  
rop e BV for inform ation concerning the exact term s  
and cond itions of their service contracts.  
In Europe  
GettingYour 801G* Repaired  
We d o not recom m end m ost typ es of rep airs be at-  
tem p ted by the u ser. We d o not cu rrently p u blish  
schem atic d iagram s or u ser service m anu als for the  
All rep air w ork shou ld be d one by Qu antu m Data  
or by one of ou r au thorized service centers. They  
are listed on the next tw o p ages. Please contact ou r  
cu stom er service d ep artm ent or the au thorized ser-  
vice center for an RMA (Return Material Authoriza-  
tion) Number and instructions prior to returning any  
equ ip m ent. You w ill need to tell them the serial  
nu m ber of the u nit being retu rned . Equ ip m ent re-  
tu rned to either Qu antu m Data or to an au thorized  
service center for rep air m u st be ship p ed freight  
prepaid .  
Keep a record of all form ats, cu stom im ages,  
image lists and test-sequences that you have cre-  
ated or ed ited . Units sent in for service w ill  
probably have their storage locations reset to the  
factory d efau lt settings. You w ill need to re-en-  
ter the d ata w hen the u nit is retu rned .  
The follow ing list of ou r sales offices and au tho-  
rized service centers is correct as of Janu ary, 1996.  
Please contact the ap p rop riate facility to obtain a  
Retu rn Materials Au thorization (RMA) nu m ber be-  
fore send ing any equ ipm ent in for repair or calibra-  
tion. Please contact ou r facility in the U.S.A. if you  
have any problems in contacting or dealing with any  
of the other locations show n.  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 9: Service  
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North America: Manufacturing, Sales and Service  
Q u an tu m D ata In c.  
Attn: Cu stom er Service Dep t.  
2111 Big Tim ber Road  
Elgin, IL 60123  
Telep hone: +1 - 847-888-0450  
Facsim ile:+1 - 847-888-2802  
Internet e-m ail:  
sales@quantumd ata.com  
Europe: Service Only  
(Please contact our U.S.A. office, above, for sales)  
M atrix Eu rop e BV  
Attn: Service Dep artm ent Manager  
Mail Ad d ress:  
P.O. Box 992  
Street Ad d ress:  
N ijverheid sw eg Zu id 4  
N L-3800 AZ Am ersfoort 3812 EB Am ersfoort  
The N etherland s The N etherland s  
Telep hone: +31 - 33-4620410  
Facsim ile: +31 - 33-4633644  
Telex: 70387 m atrix nl  
Japan: Sales Representative and Service  
N ih on Bin ary Com p an y, Ltd .  
Minam izu ka-Bld g. 2-17-3  
Shibu ya, Shibu ya-Ku  
Tokyo 150, Jap an  
Telep hone: +81 - 33-407-9751  
Facsim ile: +81 - 33-407-9752  
Telex: BIN ARY J27876  
Autorized Service Centers  
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Korea: Sales Representative and Service  
B & P In tern ation al Co., Ltd .  
Attn: Service Dep artm ent Manager  
Room 1809, Geop you ng Tow n #A  
203-1 N onhyu n-Dong  
Seou l, Korea  
Telep hone: +82 2-546-1457  
Facsim ile: +82 2-546-1458  
Telex: K29230 MUSESUH  
Singapore: Sales Representative and Service  
Test System s In tegration (TSI)  
Block 6024  
Ang Mo Kia Ind u strial Park 3 #03-08  
Singap ore 2056  
Telep hone: +65 - 481-1346  
Facsim ile: +65 - 481-9506  
Taiwan: Sales Representative and Service  
Su p erLin k Tech n ology Corp oration  
339 H o Ping Road , Section 2, 9th Floor  
Taip ei, Taiw an ROC  
Telep hone: +886 2-705-7090  
Facsim ile: +886 2-708-3398  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Chapter 9: Service  
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Timing Ranges  
Output Descriptions  
Standard Formats  
Standard Images  
User Interface Items  
Physical Dimensions  
Power and Environment  
Appendix A: Specifications  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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Model 801GC, 801GF and 801GX Specifications  
Signal Formats  
Over 100 built-in formats  
Test Images  
Over 100 built-in imagess  
All models share a common library of  
built-in images. Not all images may work  
on all models of generators. See chapter 5  
for more information.  
All models share a common library of  
built-in formats. Not all formats may work  
on all models of generators. See chapter 4  
for more information.  
Partial Listing:  
TV encoded color video (801GX only):  
Format spreadsheet  
Color bars, up to 16 bars  
Gray bars, up to 16 bars  
Active pixels set to black  
Five light meter boxes  
Hatch/dots, small  
HDTV analog video:  
Hatch/dots, medium  
Hatch/dots, large  
Crosshatch, 10 boxes  
Crosshatch, 12 boxes  
Crosshatch, 24 boxes  
Vertical stripes, 4 pixels  
Horiz stripes, 4 pixels  
Vertical stripes, 3 pixels  
Horiz stripes, 3 pixels  
Vertical stripes, 2 pixels  
Horiz stripes, 2 pixels  
Vertical stripes, 1 pixel  
Horiz stripes, 1 pixel  
Xhatch with tics, circles  
Medical test image  
Computer analog video:  
Full screen "C" w/ "x"  
Full screen of "H"  
Full screen of "O" and "o"  
Random small text  
Computer digital video (801GC & 801GX only):  
Random larger text  
Animated rotating cubes  
17 moving boxes  
All active pixels white  
White border around active area  
TV vectorscope  
TV 20% gray levels  
TV waveshape  
TV 100% multiburst  
Full screen of ÒMEÓ for focus  
Storage capacity: 300 + built-in formats  
Edit method: screen editor on UUT or via  
commands over computer ports  
Storage capacity: Total # of primitives 2048 -  
# of images  
Edit method: Screen editor on UUT or via  
commands over computer ports  
Edit functions: exit, draw, insert, delete, move, cur  
sor, save, change  
Storage capacity: totalsteps2133-#ofsequences  
Edit method: Screen editor on UUT or via  
commands over computer ports  
dot, line, rectangle, oval, triangle,  
characters, text string, format data,  
grid, croshattches, H-grill, V-grill,  
centermark, limits  
Select Format  
Select Image & version  
Auto step delay:  
0.1 Sec. to 24 Hr.  
8 characters  
Up to 15 colors (+black) from a  
palette of 63 colors and grays  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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Model 801GC, 801GF and 801GX Specifications  
16 X 2 character LCD  
LED power indicator  
Format selector  
Connector: 24 pos. microribbon  
Image selector  
Image / STEP  
Video gate(R, G/I, B/V)  
Sync gate (ACS, DCS and DSS)  
Outputs on/ off  
Baud Rates: 300 thru 38,400  
full duplex  
Data Bits:  
Stop Bits:  
7, 8  
1, 2  
Parity Bits: none, odd, even  
Handshake: none, RTS/CTS  
2400 Baud, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit,  
No parity, No handshake  
Connector: 9 pin D-Sub receptacle  
Pin 2 Ñ Data in (Rx)  
Pin 3 Ñ Data out (Tx)  
Pin 4 Ñ DTR in  
Pin 5 Ñ Signals ground  
Pin 7 Ñ RTS out  
Pin 8 Ñ CTS in  
Pins 1, 6, 9 Ñ No connections  
Connector: 5 BNC receptacles  
analog R,G,B; digital HS/CS, & VS/CS  
MS-DOS¨ compatible software and files on 3-1/2  
inch HD floppy. Disk contains example programs for  
communicating with the generator via its serial port.  
Sample command files also included.  
Connector: HD female 15-pin D-Sub  
analog R,G,B; digital HS/CS, & VS/CS  
Connector: Female 13W3 D-Sub  
analog R,G,B; digital HS,VS, & CS  
86-132VAC (standard as shipped)  
180-250 VAC (via switch on cabinet)  
Connector: Female 15-pin D-Sub  
analog R,G,B; digital HS, VS, & CS  
Frequency: 48 to 66 Hz  
26 watts (801GC & 801GX)  
28 watts (801 GF)  
MDA, CGA & EGA (801GC & 801GX only)  
Connector: Female 9-pin D-Sub  
digital VI (MDA); digital RGB  
digital RGBI (CGA)  
1/2 Amp @ 250 VAC slow-blow, 5 mm  
dia x 20 mm long, type 239.500  
digital RrGgBb (EGA)  
digital HS & VS sync  
Shipping Box:  
NTSC-TV / PAL-TV (801GX Only)  
Connector: BNC receptacle  
12.2 W x 7.7 D x 3.8 H  
31 W x 20 D x 10 H  
analog E (composite)  
17x11.5x7 in. (43x29x18 mm.)  
S-VIDEO (801GX Only)  
Connector: 4-pin Mini-DIN receptacle  
7 lbs. (3.2 kg.)  
12 lbs. (5.5 kg.) w/ all standard  
Y(luminance); C (chrominance)  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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Additional Model 801GC and 801GX Specifications  
Frequency Range (MHz):  
9.375 to 150 (RGB analog)  
Separate Horiz. & Vert.  
9.375 to 18 (801GX only TV, S-VIDEO)  
9.375 to 55 (TTL digital video)  
1.465 Hz  
Composite Configurations:  
American HS OR'ed with VS  
American Serrated  
American Serr. &Eq.(interlaced only)  
European HS OR'ed with VS  
European Serrated  
800ps line-to-line (1 sigma)  
Accuracy: 50 ppm  
European Serr. & Eq.(interlaced only)  
Eq. Pulse Width: HSwidth / 2 pixels  
Serr. Pulse Width: Htot - HSwid pixels (progressive)  
[Htot/2] - HSwid pxls (interlace)  
Frequency Range: 2.29 Ð 130KHz  
Total pixels per line:  
Equalization Interval:  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid - EqAfter Lines  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid - EqBefore Lines  
1 line  
144 to 4096 pixels  
(must be even below 125 MHZ pixel  
clock rates and must be evenly  
divisible by 4 above 125 MHz)  
2 pixels below 125 MHz pixel clock  
4 pixels above 125 MHz pixel clock  
Interval Modes:  
American (interval is equal to programmed value)  
European (interval =1/2 line < programmed value)  
Active pixels per line:  
16 to 2048 (limit Htotal - 32 pixels )  
(RGB analog and TTL)  
16 to 1024 pxls (TV and S-Video)  
1 pixel below 125 MHz pixel clock  
2 pixels above 125 MHz pixel clock  
Sync pulse width:  
1 to Htot - Hact -HSdel pixels  
1 pixel below 125 MHz pixel clock  
2 pixels above 125 MHz pixel clock  
Source Z: 75-ohms  
Sync delay (front porch):  
Output levels:  
Video Swing: 0 to +1.0 V  
Sync Swing: 0 to Ð 400 mV  
1 to Htot - Hact -HSwid pixels  
1 pixel below 125 MHz pixel clock  
2 pixels above 125 MHz pielx clock  
0 to 100 IRE  
Autocal: autoadjust (internal precision ref.)  
Output protection: Output buffer/75 series term  
Rise / Fall: 2 nSec. (typical)  
Overshoot: 10% (all outputs terminated)  
Frequency Range:1 to 650Hz  
Vertical total scan lines per frame:  
Source Z: 75-ohms ±2%  
2 to 4096 lines (progressive)  
5 to 4097 lines (interlace)  
1 line (progressive)  
2 lines (interlace)  
Ô0Õ = 0 V Ô1Õ = 5 V open circuit  
Ô0Õ = 0 VÔ1Õ = 2.5 V (term)  
Rise / Fall : < 4.0 nSec  
Vertical active scan lines / frame:  
1-1024 lines (Vtotal - 1)  
1 line (progressive)  
2 lines (interlace)  
TV OUTPUT (801GX Only)  
Source Z:  
Video Signal: Composite (lum.,chrom. & burst)  
Rise / Fall: per RS-170A & CCIR stds  
75-ohms ±2%  
Vertical Sync pulse width:  
1 to Vtot - Vact -VSdel lines  
1 line  
Source Z: 75-ohms 2%  
Modes:American or European  
Vertcal Sync delay (front porch):  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid lines  
1 line  
Y(luminance); C ( chrominance)  
Rise / Fall: per RS-170A & CCIR stds  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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PixelTiming DigitalSync  
Frequency Range:3.9975 MHz to 250 MHz  
Separate Horiz. & Vert.  
Accuracy: 25 ppm  
0.035 Hz  
800 pS line-to-line (1 sigma)  
Composite Configurations:  
American HS OR'ed with VS  
American Serrated  
American Serr. &Eq.(interlaced only)  
European HS OR'ed with VS  
European Serrated  
Frequency Range: 1.00 Ð 130KHz  
Total pixels per line:  
European Serr. & Eq.(interlaced only)  
Eq. Pulse Width: HSwidth / 2 pixels  
Serr. Pulse Width: Htot - HSwid pixels (progressive)  
[Htot/2] - HSwid pxls (interlace)  
144 to 65,535 pixels  
1 pixel  
Equalization Interval:  
Active pixels per line:  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid - EqAfter Lines  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid - EqBefore Lines  
1 line  
(up to 32,768 pixels under special  
Interval Modes:  
1 pixel  
American (interval is equal to programmed value)  
European (interval =1/2 line < programmed value)  
Sync pulse width:  
1 to Htot - Hact -HSdel pixels  
1 pixel  
Sync delay (front porch):  
1 to Htot - Hact -HSwid pixels  
1 pixel  
Frequency Range:1 to 650Hz  
Vertical total scan lines per frame:  
2 to 4096 lines (progressive)  
5 to 8191 lines (interlace)  
1 line (progressive)  
2 lines (interlace)  
Vertical active scan lines / frame:  
1 to 2048 lines (progressive)  
2 to 2048 lines (interlace)  
(up to 4096 lines under special  
1 line (progressive)  
2 lines (interlace)  
Source Z:  
Output levels:  
Video Swing:  
Sync Swing:  
R, G, B or Y, Pr, Pb  
Vertical Sync pulse width:  
1 to Vtot - Vact -VSdel lines  
1 line  
Modes:American or European  
Vertcal Sync delay (front porch):  
0 to +1.0 V  
0 to Ð 400 mV  
0 to 100 IRE  
0 to Vtot - Vact -VSwid lines  
1 line  
Output protection: Output buffer / 75 series term  
Rise / Fall:  
Horizontal actives beyond 2048  
pixels require a reduced vertical  
active limit. Vertical actives  
beyond 2048 lines require a  
reduced horizontal active limit.  
Required limit reductions shown  
in table. Horizontal actives  
beyond 4096 pixels repeat the  
information contained in the first  
4096 pixels of each scan line.  
V Active  
1.5 nSec. (typical)  
10% (all outputs terminated)  
H Active pixels  
Source Z: 75-ohms ±2%  
Ô0Õ = 0 VÔ1Õ = 5 V open circuit  
Ô0Õ = 0 VÔ1Õ = 2.5 V (term)  
Rise / Fall : < 4.0 nSec  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
Appendix A: Specifications  
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An alphabetically sorted list of  
subjects covered in this manual.  
Page numbers in boldface indicate  
where the main discussion of a topic  
may be found.  
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RS170 video 3-7  
Sun Micro workstation 3-6  
VESA 3-5  
AC Power  
Changing Input Range 5-2  
Cord 5-3  
Indicator 2-4  
Built-in Images  
Blank Raster 5-52  
BLU_EM+ 5-6  
BLU_PIC 5-7  
Box_50mm 5-9  
Box_64mm 5-9  
BriteBox 5-10  
Check_11 5-15  
Check511 5-13  
CheckBy3 5-14  
CirclesL 5-16  
CirclesS 5-17  
ColorBar 5-18  
Crosshatch 5-31, 5-33, 5-34  
Crosshatch w/ Circles 5-37, 5-39  
Cubes 5-19  
Input Range 5-2  
AC Select Switch 2-7  
“ACSSync Gate” Button 2-10  
Analog Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
Analog video  
repairing 6-96  
“BVideo Gate” Button 2-9  
Barrel distortion test 5-45  
Bias 6-46  
Custom 5-20  
Dot_10 5-21  
Dot_12 5-21  
Dot_24 5-21  
Flat 5-7  
Flat Gray 5-7  
Flat_B 5-7  
Blanking Pedestal  
Programming 6-46  
Brightness measurements 5-9, 5-  
10, 5-50  
Flat_G 5-7  
Brightness uniformity test 5-11  
Flat_R 5-7  
Built-in Formats  
Focus_@6 5-24  
Focus_@7 5-24  
Focus_@8 5-24  
Focus_Cx 5-25  
Focus_H 5-26  
Focus_Oo 5-27  
Format 5-28  
AT&T 3-4  
Barco 3-7  
Generator diagnostics 3-8  
HDTV component video 3-8  
Hewlett Packard 3-7  
IBM analog 3-4  
IBM digital 3-4  
GRAY_PIC 5-7  
GrayBar 5-29  
Grill_11 5-30  
Grill_22 5-30  
Grill_33 5-30  
Grill_44 5-30  
GRN_EM 5-5  
GRN_EM+ 5-6  
GRN_HTCH 5-31  
IBM workstation 3-4  
Intercolor workstation 3-7  
Japanese NEC 3-6  
Japanese Sony monitor 3-7  
Macintosh 3-6  
NTSC encoded video 3-8  
PAL component video 3-7  
PAL encoded video 3-8  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX ¥ Rev. A  
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Hatch_10i 5-31  
Hatch_10o 5-31  
Hatch_12i 5-31  
Hatch_12o 5-31  
Hatch_24i 5-31  
Hatch_24o 5-31  
Hatch_G 5-31  
Hatch_M 5-31  
Hatch64W 5-34  
Hatch8x8 5-33  
KanjiKan 5-36  
Linearty (Linearity) 5-37  
LinFocus 5-39  
MAGENTA 5-31  
MEMEPlus 5-6  
MEMESony 5-5  
MEPlus_B 5-6  
MEPlus_G 5-6  
MEPlus_R 5-6  
MESony_B 5-5  
MESony_G 5-5  
MESony_R 5-5  
Outline0 5-41  
Outline1 5-41  
Persist 5-47  
Buttons 2-8  
“ACSSync Gate” 2-10  
“BVideo Gate” 2-9  
“DCSSync Gate” 2-10  
“DSSSync Gate” 2-10  
“G Video Gate” 2-9  
“Image Step” 2-8  
Not lighting when pressed 2-10  
“Output” 2-10  
“R Video Gate” 2-9  
“Sync Gate” 2-10  
“Video Gate” 2-9  
Color Bars 5-70  
Color Bars Test Pattern 5-61  
Color bars test pattern 5-18  
Color tracking test 5-29  
Commands and Queries  
alphabetical listing 6-86  
Direct Processor Control 6-85  
directory editor control 6-83  
directory memory management  
QuartBox 5-50  
Raster 5-52  
RED_EM 5-5  
finder 6-75  
Format Editor Control 6-77  
Format Memory Management 6-78  
format parameter settings 6-76  
image memory management 6-82  
Image Memory Management  
Settings 6-79, 6-82  
language 6-75  
miscellaneous system parameters  
sequence editor control 6-82  
sequence memory management  
sequence parameter settings 6-83  
system parameter settings 6-84  
RED_EM+ 5-6  
RED_PIC 5-7  
Regulate 5-53  
SMPTE133 5-55  
Stairs20 5-66  
Strokes0 5-67  
Strokes1 5-67  
Text_16 5-68  
Text_9 5-68  
WHT_EM 5-5  
WHT_EM+ 5-6  
WHT_PIC 5-7  
Burn-in Tesing  
Using a sequence 6-41  
Commands and queries 6-75  
Connecting your display 5-4  
Burst Image 5-12  
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Connectors, Output  
BNC 5-6  
D-Sub 5-4  
Features of the 801GP 1-2  
Contrast and brightness check test  
Field Rate  
Programming 6-175  
Contrast Ratio Measurements 5-14  
Controls, an overview 1-3  
Fimrware Version 6-170  
focus adjustment 5-22  
Convergence Test 5-32, 5-73  
Focus adjustment test 5-24, 5-25,  
5-26, 5-27, 5-36, 5-40  
Custom Image Editor  
Activating 6-7  
Focus Test 5-22  
Drawing Primitives 6-25  
Using 6-24  
Focus test 5-5, 5-6  
Knob 2-5  
Custom Images  
Adding to knob 6-21  
Format Editor  
Activating 6-7  
Using 6-9  
“DCSSync Gate” Button 2-10  
Format Files  
Creating your own 6-43  
Formats 1-3  
Format List Editor  
Activating 6-7  
Using 6-19  
Deflection linearity test 5-59  
Digital Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
Format Name  
On front panel window 2-4  
Directory Memory Management  
command and queries 6-84  
Format Number  
On front panel window 2-4  
Display Code 6-108  
On front panel window 2-4  
Format Parameter Settings  
Commands and Queries 6-76, 6-77  
Display Size Test 5-43  
Format Test Image 5-28  
“DSSSync Gate” Button 2-10  
Definition 1-3  
Memory Capacity 1-3  
Selecting with knob 2-5  
Supplied in the 801GP 1-3  
Editors, built-in  
Activating 6-7  
Excessive overscan and off-center  
alignment test 5-60  
Frame Rate  
Programming 6-175  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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Front Panel Display  
Current Format 2-4  
Knob 2-5  
Current Test Image 2-4  
Format Number 2-4  
Format Scan Rates 2-4  
Under normal operation 2-4  
Why some images will not  
draw 2-5  
“Image” Button 2-8  
Image Descriptions  
Burst 5-12  
Ramp 5-51  
SMPTEBar 5-61  
TVBar 5-70  
“G Video Gate” Button 2-9  
Gamma Correction 6-46  
Image Editor  
Activating 6-7  
Using 6-24  
Programming 6-47  
Gray Scale Test Pattern 5-29  
Gray Stairstep Test Pattern 5-29  
GRN_PIC 5-7  
Image List Editor  
Activating 6-7  
Using 6-21  
GUI Editors  
Activating 6-7  
Image Memory Management  
Commands and Queries 6-79, 6-82  
Image Name  
On front panel window 2-4  
Hardware Version 6-171  
Image Number  
On front panel window 2-4  
Authorized Service Centers 9-4  
Repairs and Service 9-4  
Adding to knob 6-21  
Demo Cycle 2-6  
Selecting via serial port 6-143  
Selecting with knob 2-5  
Supplied in the 801GP 1-3  
Why some images will not draw 2-5  
High contrast resolution test 5-59  
High voltage regulation test 5-53  
Horizontal Rate  
On front panel window 2-4  
Intensity Bit, Digital Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
Turning on and off 6-159  
Address 6-62  
Bus Commands 6-69  
Commands 6-62  
Common Commands 6-69  
Configuration 6-62  
Status Reporting 6-67  
Interlace flicker test 5-60  
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“Output” Button 2-10  
“Format” 2-5  
“Image” 2-5  
Programming Mode 2-6  
Output Connectors  
BNC 5-6  
D-Sub 5-4  
Turning Colors on and off 2-9  
Turning Digital Syncs on and off  
Light Meter  
Setting target size 6-151  
Turning on and off 2-9, 2-10  
Line Cord  
Overview of the 801GP 1-3  
Connecting 5-3  
Type 5-3  
Line Voltage  
Input Range 5-2  
Setting Input Range 5-2  
Parallelogram Distortion Test 5-43  
Testing 5-48  
Linearity (Deflection) Test 5-38,  
5-40, 5-74  
Pincushion Distortion Test 5-45  
"Power"Indicator 2-4  
Loaner Units 9-3  
“Loop Enabled” message 2-6  
Looping Test Images 2-6  
Power Cord  
Connecting 5-3  
Low contrast resolution and noise  
test 5-59  
Power Line  
Changing Voltage Range 5-2  
Input Voltage Range 5-2  
Power Switch 2-7  
Memory Management  
Commands 6-78  
Primary Video, Digital Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
With a Computer 6-60  
Programming Mode  
Activating 6-7  
Adding to test images 6-169  
Normal Operating Mode  
Activating 6-8  
Purity adjustment test 5-7  
Quick gamma check test 5-59  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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Shadow Mask Warping Test 5-8  
SMPTE RP-133 5-55  
SMPTEBar 5-61  
“R Video Gate” Button 2-9  
Ramp Image 5-51  
“Step Image” Button 2-8  
Switches 2-7  
Raster Centering Test 5-52  
Registration Card 9-2  
“Sync Gate”  
Buttons 2-10  
Analog Video 6-96  
Not lighting when pressed 2-10  
Obtaining 9-4  
System Level Control  
Commands and Queries 6-85  
Resolution, Testing 5-13, 5-15, 5-30  
System Parameter Settings  
Commands and Queries 6-83,  
6-84, 6-85  
Return Material Authorization 9-2,  
RMA Numbers 9-2, 9-4  
Test Sequence 6-38  
Continuous cycle 6-41  
Running 6-41  
Sales Representatives  
Names & Locations 9-4  
Test Sequence Editor  
Activating 6-7, 6-36  
Using 6-38  
Secondary Bit, Digital Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
Continuous cycle 6-41  
Running 6-41  
Test Sequence Knob list  
Editing 6-7, 6-36  
Tests 5-5  
Sequence Editor  
Activating 6-7, 6-36  
Using 6-38  
brightness control adjustment 5-50  
brightness control adjustment  
test 5-9, 5-10  
Sequence Editor Control  
commands and queries 6-82  
brightness uniformity 5-11  
contrast and brightness check 5-59  
Contrast ratio 5-14  
convergence adjustment (color  
monitors only) 5-32  
Deflection linearity 5-59  
display size correction 5-43  
excessive overscan and off-center  
alignment 5-60  
Sequence Knob list  
Editing 6-7, 6-36  
Sequence Memory Management  
commands and queries 6-83  
Sequence Parameter Settings  
commands and queries 6-83  
focus 5-5, 5-6  
Service Agreements 9-3  
Service Centers 9-4  
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Focus adjustment 5-26, 5-27  
focus adjustment 5-24, 5-25,  
5-36, 5-40  
high contrast resolution 5-59  
high voltage regulation 5-53  
interlace flicker 5-60  
linearity adjustment 5-38, 5-40  
low contrast resolution and noise  
parallelogram distortion check 5-43  
phosphor persistence 5-48  
pin and barrel distortion correc-  
tion 5-45  
purity adjustment 5-7  
quick gamma check 5-59  
raster centering 5-52  
shadow mask warping 5-8  
trapezoid distortion correction 5-44  
verify monitor resolution 5-13,  
5-15, 5-30  
Verify that all video channels are  
functional 5-18  
video amplifier stability 5-60  
video color tracking (color moni-  
tors) 5-29  
Policy 9-3  
Vertical Rate  
On front panel window 2-4  
Programming 6-175  
Video amplifier stability test 5-60  
Video Bit, Digital Video  
Turning on and off 2-9  
Video Decoder Testing 5-49  
Video gain linearity and gamma  
test 5-59  
Video Gain Linearity Test 5-29  
Video gain linearity test 5-66  
“Video Gate”  
Buttons 2-9  
video gain linearity 5-66  
video gain linearity (monochrome  
monitors) 5-29  
video gain linearity and gamma  
word processor simulation 5-69  
yoke tilt correction 5-42  
yoke winding orthogonality  
check 5-42  
Warranty 9-2  
Authorized Service Centers 9-4  
Extending 9-3  
Getting Repairs 9-2  
Registration Card 9-2  
Terms & Conditions 9-2  
Word processor simulation 5-69  
Tilt Test 5-42  
Trademark Acknowledgments ii  
Trapezoid Distortion Test 5-44  
TVBar Image 5-70  
Yoke Tilt Test 5-42  
Yoke Winding Test 5-42  
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A  
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Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  
2111 Big Timber Road  
Elgin, IL 60123-1100 USA  
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Model 801GC, 801GF  
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