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Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Set Up and Operation Guide
© 2001 Nortel Networks
P0919439 Issue 07 (24)
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Table of contents
PC requirements.....................................................................................................8
Installation prerequisites.......................................................................................11
TCP/IP Protocol...............................................................................................12
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client from a Business
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client
for a CallPilot 100/150 Installation...................................................................14
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting software onto
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client from a
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client for a
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Table of Contents
Wallboard configuration........................................................................................39
Wallboard Parameters..........................................................................................41
Real Time screens................................................................................................51
Skillset level.....................................................................................................54
Accessing Historical Reports................................................................................58
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Table of Contents
System Capacity Report..................................................................................68
How to Select and Import Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Statistical Data into Microsoft Excel.............................................. 81
Introduction ...........................................................................................................81
Looking at the Statistical Data with Microsoft Excel .............................................82
Upgrade Process..................................................................................................85
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How to use this guide
This guide is designed to assist a System Manager in the installation, set up and operation of
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting.
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting is common to both the Business
Communications Manager 2.5 and the CallPilot 100/150 Call Center systems.
On these platforms the software is simply referred to as Nortel Networks Call
Center Reporting, and this is how it is referenced within this document.
Use this guide as an ongoing reference. This chapter tells you what to expect as you read this
guide and how information in this guide is presented.
How this guide is organized
The Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Set Up and Operation Guide is organized according
to the following chapters:
How to use this guide — provides a brief overview identifying the organization of this guide.
System Overview — describes the overall functionality of Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting, provides a package checklist and explains the software involved.
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting — describes installation prerequisites
and how to install the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client and the Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client software. This chapter also provides diagnostic
and recovery procedures for problems that might occur while setting up and operating Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting.
Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting — describes starting to use Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting, including Logging In and Out, and the use of the RDB Server.
This chapter also explains the menu options that appear on the PC screen.
Configuring Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting — describes how to enter company
details, how to view, upload and change Line, Skillset and Agent information, and how to assign
Passwords for the Skillsets. This chapter also explains how to set the statistical time bins (for
use in the management reports) and how to change your password.
Wallboards — describes how to configure Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting to drive
Wallboard displays. This chapter also explains the use of Wallboard messages, Wallboard alarms
and Wallboard schedules.
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System Overview
Statistical Settings — explains how to tailor the analysis of the management information to
suit your requirements.
Real Time Information — describes how to access and view the Real Time management
information provided by Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting.
Management Reports — describes how to access and view the Current and Historic
management information collected by Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting.
Index — provides an alphabetical list of information topics contained in this guide and the page
number of where the information is located.
Other documents
For more information about Business Communications Manager Call Center, refer to the
following documents:
Call Center Set Up and Operation Guide
Multimedia Call Center Set Up and Operation Guide
Software Keycode Installation Guide
For more information about CallPilot 100/150 Call Center, refer to the following documents:
CallPilot 150 Telephone Administration Guide
Software Keycode Installation Guide
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System Overview
System Overview
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting is a Windows® software application that provides Real
Time statistics and comprehensive management information on the day-to-day performance of
your Business Communications Manager 2.5 or CallPilot 100/150 Call Center system.
Within this document the phrase ‘the Call Center platform’ is used to refer to
either the Business Communications Manager 2.5 or the CallPilot 100/150
hardware, and the phrase ‘the Call Center’ is used to refer to the Call Center
application running on that platform. The platforms are only referenced
specifically by name in areas of this document describing the installation of the
Call Center Reporting application software, on Pages 13, 14, 17 & 18.
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting helps you manage the peaks and troughs in call traffic.
The following Real Time information is available:
Call waiting times
Queue length (that is, the length of the queue of calls waiting to be answered in your
Agent status
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting:
Provides a comprehensive range of management reports that has information critical
for accurate business planning
Has the ability to support multiple Wallboards which can be individually configured
to display the information that the agents require
System software
The software that sends data to Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting is integral to the Call
Center and the Call Center platform. The Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting software has
two separate components: the user interface (known as the Graphical User Interface or GUI) and
the RDB Server.
The user interface is used to configure Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting and to view the
management information.
One PC on your network must be running the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master
Client software (known as the Master Client). This is the PC which communicates with the Call
Center application. The Master Client PC gathers information (called event data) from the Call
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System Overview
Center platform and stores it on the hard disk of the Master Client PC. It is this stored
information which provides the data for the reports.
The RDB Server is the program used to gather and store the event data sent from the Call Center
platform. The RDB Server must be running whenever statistical data needs to be collected. For
this reason, it is recommended that the RDB Server is operational at all times.
There can be only one PC on your network running the Master Client software. However,
so that other users may view the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Real Time screens and
access the reports, other PCs on your network may be loaded with the Nortel Networks Call
Center Reporting Multiple Client software (known as Multiple Clients).
Multiple Client PCs communicate with the Master PC, they do not communicate with the Call
Center platform directly. For Multiple Clients to operate correctly the RDB Server must be
running on the Master Client PC. For this reason it is recommended that the RDB Server is
operational at all times.
Both Master Client and Multiple Client PCs may be used to change the configuration of the Call
Center Reporting software, to view and print reports and to display the Real Time screens.
PC requirements
The minimum requirements of the PC required to run Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
software (either as a Master Client or Multiple Client) depends upon whether or not the PC is
dedicated to running Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting, or if it shares its resources with
other applications.
See below for the minimum requirements for your circumstances.
Minimum PC specifications:
IBM™ Compatible PC
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System Overview
Microprocessor speed - 120MHz (dedicated PC), 166MHz (shared PC)
RAM - 16Mb (dedicated PC), 32Mb (shared PC)
Hard disk drive space for application - 10Mb
Hard disk drive space for data (per year) - 15Mb
Windows 95TM rev B (or later version) operating system
Network Interface Card
TCP/IP protocol
SVGA display
Mouse (or other WindowsTM compatible Pointing Device)
Operating System Compatibility
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting has been verified for correct operation on the following
Operating Systems:
Operating System
Windows 95
Windows 98
4.00.950 B
4.10.2222 A
Windows Millennium Edition 4.9.3000
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Windows XP Professional
Version 2002
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
This chapter describes installation prerequisites, how to install the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Master and Multiple Client software, troubleshooting tips and the folders created on
the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master and Multiple Client PCs.
Installation prerequisites
Before you install Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client software, you must:
1. Be familiar with the Call Center and the Windows TM operating system used by your PC.
2. Ensure that the Call Center is installed and configured.
3. Ensure that the Call Center platform is connected to, and is operational on, the Network to
which the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client PC is connected.
4. The Master Client Address has been set in the Call Center Platform, and the Call Center
Reporting Software Authorization Code has been entered. (The Master Client Address is
found in CallPilot Manager under Call Center, General Properties.)
The Master Client Address is the address where the real time data stream for Call Center
Reporting purposes is delivered. You must enter either the host name or the IP address of
the computer that is running the Call Center Reporting Master Client.
The Master Client Address appears only if you use Call Center Professional on a Business
Communications Manager 2.5 system, or if you have purchased and enabled the Call Center
Reporting Software Authorization Code. Contact your service representative if you are
interested in the Call Center Reporting Software Authorization Code.
Now you are ready to install the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client software
from the Call Center platform.
For Windows 2000 and Windows NT PCs, you must have Administrator’s rights
for the installation to be successful. If you do not have Administrator’s rights for
the PC on which you wish to install Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting,
contact your network or PC Administrator, and request that they install the
software for you.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client software automatically creates a folder
called \Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center Reporting on the installation drive of the
Master Client PC. This folder contains the application files used by Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Master Client. It also contains the Call Center Reporting configuration database.
Another folder is created on the hard disk drive of the Master Client PC, inside the folder
mentioned above. The second folder is called \Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center
Reporting\Stats, and contains the stored statistical data. This folder is not created on the
Multiple Client PCs.
Do not rename, move or delete these folders (although you may need to change the Network
Share Name of the \Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center Reporting folder: see page
Note: Before Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting will operate correctly, you must enable
the Call Center Reporting Software Keycode. For Software Keycode information,
refer to the Software Keycode Installation Guide.
TCP/IP Protocol
The Call Center platform and Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting use the industry standard
TCP/IP protocol for communication between the Call Center and the Nortel Networks Call
Center Reporting Master Client PC, and also for communication between the Master Client PC
and the Multiple Client PC(s). This means the Windows Network component is required for all
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Client PCs, both for the Master Client and for the
Multiple Clients.
The Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting installation process does not install the Windows
Network component. For instructions on installing the Windows Networking component, refer to
your network or Windows documentation.
Checking whether The Windows Networking Component Is Installed
To check that the Windows Network component is set up properly on a PC in order for it to
operate as a Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master or Multiple Client PC, the following
steps must be performed:
Note: If your company has a network administrator, check with your administrator before
changing any network configuration parameters.
1. Start the Windows system on the PC that will have the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Client application installed.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
2. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, point to Settings and then click Control Panel. The
Control Panel window appears.
(If you are using the Windows 2000 operating system, double click instead on Networking
and Dial-up Connections. The Networking and Dial-up Connections window appears)
3. Double click on the Network
icon . The Network window appears with the
Configuration tab displayed.
(If you are using Windows 2000 operating system, double click instead on the Local Area
Connection icon and then click on the Properties button. )
4. Check that TCP/IP appears on the list of installed network components. If TCP/IP is not on
the list, click Add to install this protocol using the Windows installation instructions, or refer
to your network administrator.
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client from a Business
Communications Manager 2.5
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Start your internet Browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape), and use it to connect to
Port 6800 on the Business Communications Manager. Do this by entering into the browser
Address Bar the IP Address of the Business Communications Manager and the Port number,
your Business Communications Manager for the shown in the example above.)
3. Nortel Networks Unified Manager page will appear in the browser.
4. Click on the Install Clients link.
5. The Install Clients page will appear in the browser.
6. Click on the Call Center Reporting Master Client link. Information on the Call Center
Software application will appear in the browser window. (You may need to scroll down
through the page to see the buttons which install the Call Center Reporting Master Client.)
7. Click on the Install Call Center Reporting Master Client button.
8. A dialog will appear from which you can select to either Run this program from its
current location or Save this program to disk. The default option is Save this program to
disk. Click on OK.
9. Several progress bars appear as the installation routine prepares itself. Presently the Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting Master language selection dialog appears. Select the
language you wish to install, and then click OK.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
10. The Nortel Networks Connects Splash Screen and the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Welcome screens appear.
11. The Choose Destination Location window appears.
12. Click Next to accept the default location. To change the folder location, click Browse,
choose another folder location and then click Next.
As installation proceeds, a number of status dialog boxes appear, indicating the progress of the
installation. The Setup Complete window appears.
In order for Multiple Client PCs to have access to the Master Client PC, the network must be set
up correctly and the Multiple Client PCs must be able to see and access the Call Center
Reporting and Stats folders on the Master Client PC. There are certain settings on the Master
Client PC that need to be correctly set. See the Section titled Master Client PC File Sharing on
Page 14.
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client for a CallPilot
100/150 Installation
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Insert the CallPilot 100/150 Documentation and Client Software CD into the CD drive of the
3. On the taskbar, click the Start button, then click Run….
4. In the Run dialog box click on Browse… and select the CD Rom on your PC, and navigate
to the Optional Software folder. Double-click on the Optional Software folder, and then
double-click on the Call Center Reporting Master folder.
5. Click on the Setup.exe file, and then click Open. The Browse window closes.
6. Click on OK in the Run dialog.
7. The Nortel Networks Connects Splash Screen and the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Welcome screens appear.
8. The Choose Destination Location window appears.
9. Click Next to accept the default location. To change the folder location, click Browse,
choose another folder location and then click Next.
As installation proceeds, a number of status dialog boxes appear, indicating the progress of the
installation. The Setup Complete window appears.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
In order for Multiple Client PCs to have access to the Master Client PC, the network must be set
up correctly and the Multiple Client PCs must be able to see and access the Call Center
Reporting and Stats folders on the Master Client PC. There are certain settings on the Master
Client PC that need to be correctly set. See the Section titled Master Client PC File Sharing
Master Client PC File Sharing
To set up the Master Client PC to allow file sharing:
1. Click on the Start button and then click Settings. Select Control Panel and then Network
and highlight Client for Microsoft Networks.
2. Click on the button marked File and Print Sharing.
3. Click the option for File Sharing:
“I want to be able to give others access to my files.”
4. Click on the OK button, the computer will prompt you to restart your PC.
5. After the restart open the drive onto which you installed the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting software (by default this is the C: Drive), using Windows Explorer.
6. Right click on the folder marked Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center Reporting.
One of the drop down options is Sharing.
Click on this to show the following dialog:
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Sharing the Call Center Reporting Folder
7. Click Shared As. Make sure that the name displayed is Call Center with a single space
between the word Call and the word Center and that there are no extra spaces after the
word Center.
Note that you are NOT changing the Folder Name, you are changing the
Network Share Name. This is the name that the Multiple Client PCs will
use to locate the Call Center Reporting folder on the Master PC, across the
network. This DOES NOT rename the actual, physical, folder on the
Master PC
8. Under Access Type click Full. Leave the Password box blank.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the second folder called Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call
Center Reporting\Stats. This should be shared as ‘Stats’.
Note: Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 users only need to follow steps 5
to 9 above, remembering to set the type of access required in step 8 by clicking on
the Permission button. Set Permissions to Full.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting software onto additional PCs
The Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client software can be loaded onto
additional PCs so that multiple Supervisors/Managers can access the information stored on the
Master Client PC.
This is known as having Multiple Clients. (Also, see the sections above titled TCP/IP Protocol,
and Master Client PC File Sharing.)
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client from a Business
Communications Manager 2.5
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Start your internet Browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape), and use it to connect
to Port 6800 on the Business Communications Manager. Do this by entering into the
browser Address Bar the IP Address of the Business Communications Manager and the
the IP Address of your Business Communications Manager for the shown in
the example above.)
3. Nortel Networks Unified Manager page will appear in the browser.
4. Click on the Install Clients link.
5. The Install Clients page will appear in the browser.
6. Click on the Call Center Reporting Multiple Client link. Information on the Call
Center Software application will appear in the browser window. (You may need to scroll
down through the page to see the buttons which install the Call Center Reporting
Multiple Client.)
7. Click on the Install Call Center Reporting Multiple Client button.
Make sure you have clicked on the Call Center Reporting
Multiple Client button and NOT the Call Center Reporting
Master Client button. There can only be one PC on your
network configured as a Master Client.
8. A dialog will appear from which you can select to either Run this program from its
current location or Save this program to disk. The default option is Save this
program to disk. Click on OK.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
9. Several progress bars appear as the installation routine prepares itself. Presently the
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Client language selection dialog appears.
Select the language you wish to install, and then click OK.
10. Double-click on the Setup.exe file, select the language you wish to install, and then click
11. The Nortel Networks Connects Splash Screen and the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Welcome screens appear.
12. The Choose Destination Location window appears.
13. Click Next to accept the default location. To change the folder location, click Browse,
choose another folder location and then click Next.
14. As installation proceeds, a number of status dialog boxes appear, indicating the progress
of the installation. The Setup Complete window appears.
Note: You will be asked for the Network Name of the Master Client PC during the
installation of the Multiple Client software.
YOU MUST enter the Network Name of the Master Client
PC – do not enter the IP Address of the Master Client PC.
You must enter the Network Name of the Master Client PC
for the Multiple Client software to operate correctly.
Enter the Network Name of the Master Client without any
backslashes \\. For example, if the Network name of the
Master Client was \\MISMaster, enter it as MISMaster.
Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client for a CallPilot
100/150 Installation
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Insert the CallPilot 100/150 Documentation and Client Software CD into the CD drive of
the PC.
3. On the taskbar, click the Start button, then click Run….
4. In the Run dialog box click on Browse… and select the CD Rom on your PC, and
navigate to the Optional Software folder. Double-click on the Optional Software
folder, and then double-click on the Call Center Reporting Client folder.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Make sure you have clicked on the Call Center Reporting
Client folder and NOT the Call Center Reporting Master
folder. There can only be one PC on your network
Configured as a Master Client.
5. Click on the Setup.exe file, and then click Open. The Browse window closes.
6. Click on OK in the Run dialog.
7. The Nortel Networks Connects Splash Screen and the Nortel Networks Call Center
Reporting Welcome screens appear.
8. The Choose Destination Location window appears.
9. Click Next to accept the default location. To change the folder location, click Browse,
choose another folder location and then click Next.
10. As installation proceeds, a number of status dialog boxes appear, indicating the progress
of the installation. The Setup Complete window appears.
Note: You will be asked for the Network Name of the Master Client PC during the
installation of the Multiple Client software.
YOU MUST enter the Network Name of the Master Client
PC – do not enter the IP Address of the Master Client PC.
You must enter the Network Name of the Master Client PC
for the Multiple Client software to operate correctly.
Applying Security to the Call Center Reporting Shared Folder
To prevent unauthorised access to the Call Center Reporting folder, you may specify which users
can connect to the folder, and what control they have once they have connected. This is
achieved by use of the Windows security features.
Whilst it is not a functional requirement that the Call Center Reporting folder be protected using
any of the Windows security features, it is recommended that the shared folders are given some
measure of protection.
This will prevent access to the Call Center Folder from unauthorised users. Also, some viruses
are known to take advantage of un-protected shared folders as a means of gaining entry to
networked PCs in order to infect them.
Your Network Administrator may advise you of which Windows features to use, but listed below
are typical scenarios involving Windows 95/98 and Windows NT/Windows 2000.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
The scenarios below assume you have accepted the default installation names and locations for
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting. If you changed the folder names or their locations,
substitute the appropriate folder names in the following examples.
Windows NT Workstation cannot connect to a shared folder on an Windows 95
PC. If you have Windows NT Workstation PCs which are going to be running
the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Client, the Nortel Networks Call
Center Reporting Master PC should not be running Windows 95.
Applying Security to the Call Center Reporting Folder in Windows 95 and Windows 98
1. Using the Windows Explorer, browse to the Program Files\Nortel Networks folder.
2. Right-Click on the Call Center Reporting folder. The Call Center Reporting
Properties window appears.
3. Ensure the Full option is checked in the Access Type list.
4. In the Full Access Password field, enter a password, and then click on the Apply button.
You will be asked to re-enter the password to verify it. Re-enter the password and click
OK. The confirmation window closes.
5. Click OK to close the Call Center Reporting Properties window.
Applying Security to the Call Center Reporting Folder in Windows NT and Windows 2000
1. Using the Windows Explorer, browse to the Program Files\Nortel Networks folder.
2. Right-Click on the Call Center Reporting folder. The Call Center Reporting
Properties window appears.
3. Select the Security tab.
4. Click on the Permissions button.
5. If there is an entry for Everyone, remove it. Click the Add button. Select from the list of
users and PCs those users and PCs you wish to allow to connect to the Call Center
Reporting folder. (In Windows NT you must click the See Users button in order to have
the users displayed in the list.) When you have selected the users or specified the PCs
you wish to allow to connect to the Call Center Reporting shared folder, click on OK.
6. In the Call Center Reporting Properties window, click on the Permissions button.
Allocate Full Control as the Type of access for your selected users/PCs.
Connecting to a Protected Shared Folder from a Client PC
You must now set up the PC(s) on which the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Client
application will be running.
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the Call Center Reporting folder on the Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting Master PC.
2. Try to access this folder and you will be prompted for the Full Access password for the
shared folder. Supply the password. (In Windows 95 and Windows 98, ensure the Save
this password in your password list check box is checked, and click OK. In Windows
NT and Windows 2000, you must also supply the User Name you wish to connect as.)
3. Right-click the folder name in the Windows Explorer tree, and select the Map Network
Drive option.
4. Select the drive letter you wish to map the Call Center Reporting shared folder to (it is
recommended that you accepting the default value). In Windows 95 and Windows 98
ensure the Reconnect at logon checkbox is checked, and click OK.
5. Whenever a new logon session is started the user is automatically connected to the Call
Center Reporting shared folder, and the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Client
can then be started as usual.
If the Full Access password was saved in your password list by Windows, you
will not need to supply a password. If it was not, you will be prompted for the
Full Access password of the Call Center Reporting folder once at the start of
each logon session.
Troubleshooting Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Installation
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting will detect whether the Windows OLE component is
correctly installed on the target PC.
If the OLE component is not present on the target PC (or if the OLE registry key has been
removed or altered) you will see the following message displayed, with an OK button:
An error occurred during the move data process: -119.
Click on the OK button. You will then see the following message displayed, with an OK button:
Installation of Call Center Reporting has been cancelled.
Click on OK to acknowledge the message.
Contact your System Administrator to allow them to rectify the situation (by restoring a backup
of your PC, or re-installing the OLE/DCOM component onto your PC, for example.)
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Troubleshooting Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
If the Master Client (including the RDB Server) is closed down and then restarted, Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting will restart with no knowledge of any Agents who are still
Logged In to the Call Center, nor will it have any knowledge of any Calls which are already in
The system will log Agents back in automatically if they are available to answer calls. If they
are not available to answer calls they will be logged back in automatically when they become
available to answer calls.
Calls that were in progress when Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting was re-started will not
be recorded in the statistics. All new calls which arrive into the system once Nortel Networks
Call Center Reporting has been re-started will be recorded in the statistics.
The same situation will occur if the Call Center is closed down and restarted, and Agents Log In
to the Call Center before the Master Client software has been restarted.
The following procedures explain how to recover from data loss between the Call Center and the
Master Client PC. For each situation, perform the steps in order.
Starting or Restarting the Call Center and Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client
When starting the system for the first time, or intentionally restarting the system after a
controlled power down:
1. Start the Call Center platform.
2. Start the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client.
Note: If agents are allowed to log in before step 2 is completed, their activities before the Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting has re-started will not be recorded.
To recover from an unintentional close-down of the RDB Server:
1. Shut down Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client.
2. Ensure that the Call Center is still running.
3. Restart Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client.
4. Agents who are not currently logged into the system may now log in.
Note: If agents are allowed to log in before step 3 is completed, or if there are agents who were
logged into the Call Center before the RDB Server was closed down, their activities
before the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting has re-started will not be recorded.
Starting or Restarting the Call Center and Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client
If you have Logged In to Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting on a Multiple Client PC and the
Call Center platform has been restarted, you will have to Log Out and Exit from the Nortel
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Networks Call Center Reporting, and re-start Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting once the
Call Center platform has been re-started.
If you had selected the Access to Configuration option before the Master Client PC was re-set,
you might see the following dialog box when you try to Log In again with the Access to
Configuration option selected.
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Access to Configuration Denied dialog box
Check that no other users have Logged In with the Access to Configuration option selected.
If there are no other users Logged In with the Access to Configuration option selected the
restriction placed on the Access to Configuration option will time-out after 15 minutes. Wait for
15 minutes and then re-try.
Run Time Error 3043 When using Windows 2000 or Windows NT
If you see the following error message when you try to start Nortel Networks Call Center
Run Time Error 3043 Dialog Box
Check that the TMP environment variable is set to point to a valid temporary folder (usually
called TEMP), and that the disk on which the folder resides is not full.
In Windows NT the environment variables can be accessed as follows:
1. Click Start
2. Point To Settings
3. Click Control Panel
4. Click System
5. Select the Environment Tab
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
In Windows 2000 the environment variables can be accessed as follows
1. Click Start
2. Point to Settings
3. Click Control Panel
4. Click System
5. Select the Advanced Tab
6. Click the Environment Variables button
Statistical Calendar showing in a different Language than the rest of Call Center Reporting
If you see the calendar within Call Center Reporting in a different language to the rest of Call
Center Reporting (for example, you might have selected German at installation time, and the
calendar is showing in English), this section will help you to correct the problem.
The calendar is a Microsoft supplied component, held in a file called MSCAL.OCX.
It is available in various languages. If Call Center Reporting has been installed once in a given
language, subsequent installs of other languages might not overwrite this file with the version
required for your language.
To install a different language on top of a previous language version of Call Center Reporting, it
might be necessary to delete or (rename to something like OLDMSCAL.OCX) the previous
MSCAL.OCXfile from the Windows\System32(or WINNT\System32) folder, before
performing the installation.
Also note that Microsoft Office loads a version of the MSCAL.OCXfile into \Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office. If you have Office in one language and Call Center
Reporting in another, Windows will use the Office version of the MSCAL.OCXin favour of the
Call Center Reporting supplied one.
Windows Socket Upgrade for Windows 95 PCs
If you are using a PC running Windows 95 (version B or later) and you have difficulties
connecting to the Call Center Platform or see sporadic or slow updates to the Nortel Networks
Call Center Reporting Real Time screens, you may require an upgrade for the Windows Sockets
components for your PC.
Download the W95ws2Setup.exe file from the following Microsoft World Wide Web site:
Graphical Real Time colours not displaying in their default colours
The Real Time screens use the following colours to represent the various Line and Agent states:
Agent or Line State Colour
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Installing Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Not Ready
Light Blue
On a very few PCs the default colours do not appear as listed above. To obtain the default
colours as listed above, switch to a higher or lower colour mode setting. (Right click on the PC
desktop, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Select the Settings tab, and adjust your
colour settings to suit.)
Folders created on the Call Center Reporting Multiple Client PCs
Unless you choose to select a different installation destination during the installation of the
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master and Multiple Client software, a folder will be
automatically created on the installation drive of the PC called \Program Files\Nortel
Networks\Call Center Reporting. This folder will contain the application files used by Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting.
If you do choose an alternative destination during the installation process, your folder will have
the name you selected.
Do not rename, move or delete this folder.
Note: There is no folder called \Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center Reporting\Stats
on the PCs used to run Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Clients.
These PCs refer to the data in the \Program Files\Nortel Networks\Call Center
Reporting\Stats folder on the Master Client PC in order to display statistical
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Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Starting Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
1. To start the Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client, double-click on
the Call Center Reporting icon on the desktop of the Master Client PC.
Note: At the same time, the RDB Server will automatically open and start to collect
data from the Call Center. When the RDB Server is operational an icon in the
form of a bar graph will be shown on the Windows taskbar on the Master
Client PC Desktop.
RDB Server taskbar icon
Note: The first time Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting is started on the Master
Client it will create Configuration Database, which is required for the
RDBServer to operate correctly. Because of this, ensure that the first time
you start Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting on the Master Client you
start it by double-clicking on the Call Center Reporting icon on the desktop of
the Master Client PC.
2. To start a Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Multiple Client, double-click on the
Call Center Reporting Client icon on the desktop of the Multiple Client PC.
Remember, for the Multiple Client(s) to operate correctly, the RDB Server on
the Master Client must already be running.
Entering Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting (Log In)
Before you can access the configuration or management information you have to Log In to the
system. For security, this process requires a User ID and a Password.
1. From the menu bar select Level and then click Log-In…, or
2. Click the Log In icon on the toolbar.
3. You must now enter a User ID number and Password. The ID number entered
indicates which Skillsets you wish to view or administer.
To be able to access all of the Skillsets you must enter the System Manager User ID
and Password. The User ID for the System Manager is 900. To restrict your
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Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
activities to only one Skillset enter a Skillset level (also called Supervisor level) User
ID and Password. The Supervisor User Ids are 901 for Skillset One, 902 for Skillset
Two and so on, up to 950 for Skillset Fifty.
Note: The User IDs are pre-set at 900, 901, 902 … 950. and cannot be altered. The
Passwords also default to 900, 901, 902 … 950, but the Passwords may be
changed in the configuration.
With the default User IDs and Passwords, you would enter User ID 900, Password
900 to gain access to the system as the System Manager; you would enter User ID
901, Password 901 to gain access as the Supervisor of Skillset One and you would
enter User ID 914, Password 914 to gain access as the Supervisor of Skillset
4. If you wish to make changes to the Configuration, click the Access to Configuration
box. This will enable you to change the Configuration settings for the Call Center
Reporting software. If you are Logging In as the System Manager (900) you will be
able to change all of the Configuration settings. If you are Logging In at Skillset
Level (901 … 950), you will only be able to change some settings directly related to
that particular Skillset.
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Log-In dialog box
5. Click OK.
Note: With the Access to Configuration option enabled Nortel Networks Call
Center Reporting monitors the PC for user activity on the keyboard or the
mouse. As a security precaution, after a period of 15 minutes with no activity
the user is automatically logged out.
Exiting Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Master Client (Log Out)
To Log Out and leave the user interface screen open:
1. Select Level and then click Log-Out.
To Log Out and close the user interface:
1. Select Level and click Log-Out & Exit….
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Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
2. You will be prompted for the System Manager User ID and Password. If you do not
enter these correctly the Master Client software will not close down.
Note: The RDB Server will remain operational even though the user interface is
now closed.
Closing the RDB Server (on the Master Client PC)
1. Double click the RDB Server icon on the Windows taskbar. This will open the
Report Database Server window.
2. Click Exit.
3. You will be prompted for the System Manager User ID and Password. If you do not
enter these correctly the RDB Server will not close down.
Note: It is recommended that the RDB Server is always operational so that
statistical data from the Call Center is continuously collected.
Call Center Reporting Main Window
The Main window opens after Log In. The features of Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
are accessed from this window.
The menu options which are available depend on the whether you Logged In to the System
Manager level (900) or to a Skillset level (901 … 950). Also, whether the System Manager
selected the Access to Configuration option will affect the options which are available.
The level you have Logged In to is displayed in the title bar of the Main window. This reads
System Manager if you have signed in as the System Manager. If you have Logged In at Skillset
level, the name of the Skillset is shown. (If the Skillset has not been given a name in the
Configuration settings, then the word Skill and the Skillset number will be shown, for example,
If you have Logged In as System Manager, and then used the Sign-Through… option to sign
through to a Skillset, for example Skillset 1, and Skillset 1 has been named Support, the title bar
would read: Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting – Manager – Support.
By looking at the title bar of the Main Window you will always be able to tell to which level you
have Logged In to or signed through to.
The following menu options are available to select:
Log-In… - allows you to access configuration and management information.
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Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Sign Through - (System Manager level only) allows you to access each of the Skillsets without
having to Log Out from System Manager level and then Log In again using the Skillset level ID
and Password. The Sign Through dialog appears which displays all of the 50 Skillsets. You can
sign through to a Skillset by double clicking directly on the name of the Skillset, or by
highlighting the Skillset you wish to sign through to, and then clicking the OK button.
Print - allows you to print management reports.
Log-Out - allows you to exit without closing the user interface.
Log Out & Exit… - allows you to exit and close the user interface.
Toolbar - displays the Toolbar when selected. The toolbar consists of various shortcut icons.
When the mouse pointer is positioned over an icon, a description of the icon function is
Status Bar - displays the Status Bar when selected. The status bar appears at the base of the
main window and offers a description of either a shortcut icon under the mouse pointer, or an
option selected from the main menu.
System (System Manager level only)
Configure - opens the main configuration window (if the Access to Configuration option was
checked during the Log In process).
Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting Status - opens a window that shows the Nortel
Networks Call Center Reporting status and any diagnostic messages from the RDB Server. The
Data Log can be closed and a new one started from this window, when advised to do so by your
distributor. You can only do this if you have signed in with access to the Configuration.
Statistical Set up – allows you to specify settings which affect the display or reporting of
Real Time – displays the Real Time screens to allow you to monitor the activity within, and
performance of, your Call Center
Current Reports – display or print reports relating to the current hour or the current day
Historical Reports… - display or print reports relating to information gathered and stored
before the current day
Abandoned Caller ID Report… - display or print the Abandoned Caller ID report (Skillset
level only (901 … 950)
Print Schedule… - set up automatic print schedules to have selected reports printed
automatically at designated times.
Configuration Report – display or print the Configuration settings for your entire System (900)
or a single Skillset (901 … 950)
Selecting Window provides a drop down menu with options to change the appearance of the
windows or to close active windows.
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Using Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting
Help Topics - opens the on-line help
About Nortel Networks Call Center Reporting… - displays the software version number and
copyright information.
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