NEC Server 1160Xd User Manual

I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o c e d u r e s  
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Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1  
Symbols and Conventions..................................................................................................... 1  
Safety Notices ....................................................................................................................... 2  
Safety Notices for Users Outside of the U.S.A. and Canada........................................ 3  
If you Need Help................................................................................................................... 3  
Selecting a Site...................................................................................................................... 3  
Unpacking the Server............................................................................................................ 4  
Unpacking Procedure ................................................................................................... 5  
Installing the Side Stabilizer Kit................................................................................. 11  
Attaching the Power Cables ....................................................................................... 12  
Attaching the LAN Cables ......................................................................................... 12  
Contents iii  
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These installation procedures provide information for unpacking and installing  
the Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Server. Read these procedures in their  
entirety before performing the installation to become familiar with the  
components and the sequence of steps you will perform.  
Symbols and Conventions  
This guide uses the following text conventions and graphics symbols.  
Warnings, cautions, and notes have the following meanings:  
Warnings alert you to situations that could result in serious  
personal injury or loss of life.  
Cautions indicate situations that can damage the system  
hardware or software.  
Note: Notes give important information about the material  
being described.  
Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures 1  
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Safety Notices  
To avoid a risk of injuries, installation should be performed by trained  
technical personnel.  
It takes at least two people to unpack your server and two people to  
maneuver the server, after unpacking.  
Your server is equipped with a front stabilizer. Engage the front stabilizer  
during installation. For stability and to distribute the weight, also attach  
side stabilizers. Otherwise, the rack may topple over and cause injuries.  
If you extend two or more devices from the rack at the same time, the  
rack may topple over on you. Extend only one device from the rack at a  
Exercise great care not to hurt your fingers on the rail when you  
mount/dismount the equipment into/from the rack.  
! Elevated Operating Ambient Temperature – If installed in a closed or  
multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack  
environment may be greater than the room ambient environment.  
Therefore, consideration should be given to installing the equipment in  
an environment compatible with the maximum rated ambient  
temperature of 95°F (35°C).  
! Reduced Air Flow – Installation of the equipment in a rack should be  
such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the  
equipment is not compromised.  
! To prevent fires and damage to rack equipment and supply wiring, make  
sure that the rated load of the power branch circuit is not exceeded.  
Equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this  
concern. For more information on installation and wiring of power-  
related facilities, contact your electrician or local power company.  
! To prevent electrical shock, connect all rack and rack support equipment  
to the same electrical circuit of the building wiring. If you are unsure,  
check the building wiring to avoid remote earth conditions.  
! For safe operation, only connect the equipment to a building supply that  
is in accordance with current wiring regulations in your country. In the  
USA, those wiring standards are regulated by Underwriter Laboratories  
(UL); in the U.K. by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, (IEE) and in  
Canada by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).  
2 Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures  
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Safety Notices for Users Outside of the U.S.A. and Canada  
! PELV (Protected Extra-Low Voltage) Integrity: To ensure the extra-  
low voltage integrity of the equipment, connect only equipment with  
mains-protected electrically-compatible circuits to the external ports.  
! Remote Earths: To prevent electrical shock, connect all local  
(individual office) computers and computer support equipment to the  
same electrical circuit of the building wiring. If you are unsure, check  
the building wiring to avoid remote earth conditions.  
! Earth Bonding: For safe operation, only connect the equipment to a  
building supply that is in accordance with current wiring regulations in  
your country. In the USA, those wiring standards are regulated by  
Underwriter Laboratories (UL); in the U.K. by the Institution of  
Electrical Engineers, (IEE) and in Canada by the Canadian Standards  
Association (CSA).  
If you Need Help  
Contact NEC Technical Support at 1-866-269-1239.  
Selecting a Site  
The server operates reliably in a computer room environment.  
Choose a site that is:  
! Near grounded, three-pronged power outlets.  
Note: For the United States and Canada, this means  
NEMA 5-15R outlets for 100-120 VAC or NEMA L6-30R  
outlets for 200-240 VAC. For other international sites, this  
means three-pronged power outlets applicable for the  
electrical code of the region.  
Be sure the power service connection is through a properly  
grounded outlet.  
All AC connections to the server must be plugged into the  
same common ground power outlets.  
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! Clean, dust-free, and well ventilated. Front and rear and top ventilating  
openings kept free of obstructions. Away from sources of heat, vibration  
or physical shock.  
! Isolated from strong electromagnetic fields and electrical noise produced  
by electrical devices (such as air conditioners, large fans, large electric  
motors, radio and TV transmitters, and high-frequency security devices)  
! Spacious enough to provide at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) behind the server,  
3 feet (1.0 meters) in front of the server and 19.0 inches (0.5 meters) on  
each side of the server for proper cooling, airflow, cable clearance and  
! Easily accessible for server maintenance and installation of server  
Unpacking the Server  
If the packaged server has come from an environment which  
is significantly warmer or colder than the environment in  
which it is to be installed, leave the server in it’s shipping  
container for at least 24 hours at room temperature before  
removing any packaging. This will prevent damaging  
condensation from occurring.  
The server weighs approximately 926.0 pounds (420.0Kg). If  
the server contains optional equipment, it will weigh more.  
To avoid personal injury, make sure you have another  
person help you unpack the server and two other persons  
help you move the server.  
When you receive the server, check to see if the shipping boxes are damaged,  
note the damage, and if possible, photograph it for reference. After removing the  
contents of the containers, keep the cartons and the packing materials. If the  
contents appear damaged when you unpack the boxes, file a damage claim with  
the carrier immediately.  
The server cabinet is covered with a vinyl shroud for anti-dew-condensation  
protection. The packaged cabinet is loaded onto the pallet, outer shipping covers  
are attached, and the covers are fastened with plastic straps. The server is  
loaded into the shipping container with the front of the server facing the rear of  
the container. A ramp for loading and unloading the cabinet is also included in  
the shipping container.  
4 Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures  
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Figure 1 shows the Model 1160Xd/1320Xd shipping container. The smaller  
container (not shown) includes the following contents:  
! Server Stabilizer Kit  
! Accessory Box.  
Figure 1. Shipping Container  
Unpacking Procedure  
Note: It is recommended that you save the shipping  
container, should the server require transport to another  
location at a later date.  
Plastic straps securing the packaging may cause injury if the  
belts snap loose when cut. Use caution when performing the  
first step of this procedure, protecting the hands and face.  
Handling the wooden unloading ramp and the pallet can  
cause splinters. The use of gloves is recommended.  
1. Move the server as close as possible to the computer room where the server  
is to be installed.  
2. Plastic straps secure the shipping box around the server. Carefully cut and  
remove the plastic straps securing the sides and top of the shipping  
container. See Figure 2A. It is recommended that you wear gloves and  
protective eye wear when cutting the plastic straps.  
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Plastic Straps  
Figure 2. Shipping Container Plastic Straps  
3. Lifting upwards, remove the top shipping cover. See Figure 3A.  
4. Release the Velcro tapes that secure the front, rear, and side covers of the  
shipping box. See Figure 3B.  
5. Remove the shipping container surrounding the server and set it aside. See  
Figure 3C.  
Shipping Cover  
Velcro Straps  
Shipping Container  
Figure 3. Removing the Cardboard Covers  
Plastic straps securing the packaging may cause injury if the  
straps snap loose when cut. Use caution when performing  
the first step of this procedure, protecting the hands and  
6 Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures  
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6. Cut the strap or tape securing the corrugated cardboard end pieces protecting  
the corners of the server. Remove the four corner protectors and set them  
aside. Note the positions of the corner protectors that are marked FR (front  
right), FL (front left), RR (rear right) and RL (rear left). See Figure 4A.  
7. Remove the corrugated cardboard protecting the top of the cabinet. See  
Figure 4B.  
Top Corrugated Cardboard  
Plastic Stretch Film  
Figure 4. Removing the Corner and Top Protectors  
8. Cut and remove the plastic stretch film that is wrapped around the server.  
See Figure 4C.  
9. Remove the unloading ramp and set it aside. See Figure 5A.  
10.A metal ramp plate is attached to the unloading ramp. Release the Velcro  
strips and remove the ramp plate from the unloading ramp. See Figure 5B.  
Unloading Ramp  
Velcro Strips and Ramp Plate  
Figure 5. Removing the Unloading Ramp  
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11.Four Styrofoam stoppers prevent the server from moving during shipment.  
Wing nuts secure Styrofoam stoppers, located on both sides of the server as  
well as the front and rear of the server, to the shipping pallet. Remove the  
four wing nuts and remove the stoppers and set them aside. See Figure 6A.  
12.A plastic sheathing, secured with tape, protects the bottom sides of the  
server. Remove the tape and then cut and remove the bottom sheathing. Be  
careful not to damage the upper vinyl shroud. Be sure the bottom sheathing  
is free and clear of the server wheels and levelers. See Figure 6B.  
Styrofoam Stoppers  
Lower Plastic Sheathing  
Figure 6. Removing the Cardboard Covers  
13.Place the unloading ramp in front of the rear of the server and secure the  
ramp to the pallet using the ramp plate removed in Step 10. See Figure 7.  
Figure 7. Installing the Unloading Ramp  
8 Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures  
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The server weighs approximately 926.0 pounds (420.0Kg). If  
the server contains optional equipment, it will weigh more.  
To avoid personal injury, make sure you have another  
person help you unpack the server and two other persons  
help you move the server.  
Exerting excessive pressure on the server cabinet doors  
may damage them. When performing the next step, be sure  
to grasp the corner frame of the server when pushing the  
server towards the unloading ramp.  
14.Position a person at the front of the server (rear of pallet) and one person  
standing on the ramp at the rear of the server. Grasp the corners of the  
server. Do not put pressure on the center of the front or rear cabinet doors.  
See Figure 8.  
Figure 8. Rolling the Server Down the Ramp  
15.With another person pushing on the front corners of the server, the person  
standing on the ramp should stabilize the movement of the server and guide  
the server down the center of the unloading ramp. Guide strips are  
positioned along the sides of the ramp to prevent the server from falling off  
the sides of the ramp. See Figure 8. Remove the server from the shipping  
16.Once the server is removed from the pallet, remove any bubble-pack and the  
shroud that covers and protects the server.  
17.With the assistance of another person, move the server to the selected  
location in the computer room.  
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18.Once the server is located in its designated position, using an adjustable  
wrench, lower the leveling pads to secure the server in place.  
See Figure 9A.  
Leveling Pad  
Figure 9. Lowering the Leveling Pads  
20.At the front of the system. Remove the single screw securing the front  
stabilizer and pull the stabilizer out from the cabinet as shown in Figure 10.  
Figure 10. Releasing the Front Stabilizer  
10 Express5800/1160Xd/1320Xd Installation Procedures  
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Installing the Side Stabilizer Kit  
Note: The Side Stabilizer Kit is included in the  
Accessory box.  
1. Position a stabilizer bracket on each side of the cabinet.  
2. Secure each stabilizer bracket to the cabinet with three M4 screws provided.  
See Figure 11.  
Side Stabilizers  
Figure 11. Installing the Side Stabilizers  
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Attaching the Power Cables  
1. Open the rear door of the server and remove any shipping tape.  
2. Route the AC cables (customer supplied) under the server and connect them  
to the AC receptacles. See Figure 12A.  
AC Receptacles  
Figure 12. Attaching the Power Cables  
Attaching the LAN Cables  
1. Open the front door of the server. Locate the service processor boards (see  
Figures 13A and 14A).  
2. Connect the LAN cables to the ETHER connector on the service processor  
boards (see Figure 15).  
3. Remove the screws securing the open channel cover and remove the cover  
(see Figures 13B and 14B).  
4. Carefully route the LAN cables along the left side of the cabinet and through  
the open channel to the rear of the server. Use the cable ties at the rear of the  
server to secure the cables. Route the cables to the left side of the server and  
down under the cabinet frame.  
5. Replace the open channel cover on the front of the server and secure it with  
the screws.  
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Service Processor Boards  
Open Channel  
Figure 13. Connecting and Routing the LAN Cables (1160Xd)  
Service Processor Boards  
Open Channel  
Figure 14. Connecting and Routing the LAN Cables (1320Xd)  
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ETHER Connector  
Figure 15. Locating the Service Processor Board ETHER Connector  
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