Miele Dishwasher G 841 PLUS User Manual

Operating instructions  
G 841 Plus  
G 841 SC Plus  
To prevent accidents  
and machine damage,  
read these instructions  
installation or use.  
M.-Nr. 05 431 281  
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When using your dishwasher, follow  
basic precautions, including the  
Do not use an extension cord to  
connect this appliance to electric-  
ity. Extension cords do not guarantee  
the required safety of the appliance  
(e.g. danger of overheating).  
Be certain your appliance is prop-  
erly installed and grounded by a  
Read all instructions before installa-  
tion or use of the dishwasher to pre-  
vent injury and machine damage.  
qualified technician. To guarantee the  
electrical safety of this appliance, conti-  
nuity must exist between the appliance  
and an effective grounding system. It is  
imperative that this basic safety require-  
ment be met. If there is any doubt, have  
the electrical system of the house  
checked by a qualified electrician. The  
manufacturer cannot be held responsi-  
ble for damages caused by the lack, or  
inadequacy of, an effective grounding  
The manufacturer cannot be held re-  
sponsible for damage or injury  
caused by improper use of this ap-  
Use the dishwasher only for its in-  
tended purpose. This appliance is  
intended for residential use only.  
Keep these operating instructions in  
a safe place and pass them on to  
any future user.  
Installation and repair work should  
be by a Miele authorized service  
technician. Work by unqualified per-  
sons could be dangerous and could  
void the warranty.  
Electrical safety  
, WARNING - Fire hazard  
Do not cover or crush the plug of  
an electric appliance. Ensure that the  
cabinet opening for the dishwasher  
provides ample space for the plug.  
Installing the dishwasher in a tight  
space may crimp the power cord or put  
pressure on the plug which may cause  
Before installation make sure that  
the voltage and frequency listed on  
the data plate correspond with the  
household electrical supply. This data  
must correspond to prevent injury and  
machine damage. Consult a qualified  
electrician if in doubt.  
Before installation or service, dis-  
connect the power supply to the  
work area by unplugging the unit, “trip-  
ping” the circuit breaker or removing  
the fuse.  
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This equipment is not designed for Use  
maritime use or for use in mobile  
Only use the dishwasher if all pan-  
installations such as caravans or air-  
els are properly in place.  
craft. However, under certain conditions  
it may be possible for an installation in  
these applications. Please contact the  
nearest Miele dealer or the Miele Tech-  
nical Service Department with specific  
Do not tamper with the controls.  
To reduce the risk of injury, do not  
allow children to play in, on, or  
near the dishwasher.  
Inspect the dishwasher for ship-  
ping damage. Do not install or op-  
erate a damaged unit. Contact the  
place of purchase.  
Do not abuse, sit, or stand on the  
door or baskets of the dishwasher.  
Under certain conditions, hydrogen  
gas may be produced in a hot  
Ensure that any plastic wrappings,  
bags etc. are disposed of safely  
and kept out of the reach of babies and  
young children. Danger of suffocation!  
water system that has not been used  
for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN  
GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water  
system has not been used for such a  
period, turn on all hot water faucets and  
let water flow from each for several min-  
utes before using the dishwasher. This  
will release any accumulated hydrogen  
gas. Do not smoke or use an open  
flame during this time.  
This dishwasher should only be in-  
stalled under a continuous  
countertop secured to adjacent  
Do not install this dishwasher be-  
neath a cooking surface, oven or  
any appliance that radiates heat.  
High temperatures from these units may  
damage the dishwasher.  
Do not wash plastic items unless  
they are labeled "dishwasher safe"  
or the equivalent. For items not labeled,  
check the manufacturer’s recommenda-  
Do not, under any circumstances  
cut the intake hose or submerge in  
liquid. This hose contains electrical  
components that could cause injury or  
property damage if cut or submerged.  
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When loading tableware, place  
sharp items away from the door  
seal to prevent damage to the seal.  
Load knives pointing downwards to  
prevent injuries.  
Disposal of an appliance  
If the appliance is removed from its  
installation and will not be used,  
the door to the wash cabinet should be  
removed to prevent children from being  
Only use detergents and rinse aids locked in the machine. When discard-  
recommended for residential dish- ing an old dishwasher, unplug it from  
washers. Keep all detergents and rinse the power outlet, remove the door to the  
aids out of the reach of children.  
wash cabinet and cut off the power  
Do not drink water from the dish-  
washer! Harmful residues could be  
For dishwashers with visible heating  
Do not touch the heating element  
during or immediately after use.  
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Au moment d’utiliser votre  
lave-vaisselle, prenez des  
précautions essentielles, dont :  
Sécurité électrique  
Avant l’installation, assurez-vous  
que la tension et la fréquence indi-  
quées sur la plaque signalétique cor-  
respondent bien à celles de l’alimenta-  
tion électrique de la résidence afin de  
prévenir les blessures et éviter d’en-  
dommager l’appareil. Dans le doute,  
consultez un électricien qualifié.  
Lisez attentivement l’ensemble des  
consignes avant d’installer ou  
d’utiliser le lave-vaisselle afin de  
prévenir les blessures et éviter  
d’endommager l’appareil.  
Avant l’installation ou l’utilisation,  
coupez l’alimentation électrique,  
soit en débranchant l’appareil, soit en  
faisant basculer le disjoncteur ou en  
enlevant le fusible.  
Le fabricant ne peut être tenu  
responsable de dommages ou  
blessures causés par l’usage  
inapproprié de l’appareil.  
N’utilisez pas de rallonge pour  
brancher l’appareil à la source  
d’alimentation électrique. Les rallonges  
ne garantissent pas la sécurité requise  
pour l’appareil - si vous utilisez une ral-  
longe, cela peut causer la surchauffe.  
Tout usage inapproprié est  
déconseillé. Cet appareil est  
destiné à un usage domestique  
Assurez-vous que votre appareil  
est installé correctement et mis à la  
terre par un technicien qualifié. Pour  
garantir la sécurité électrique de l’ap-  
pareil, il faut le raccorder à un dispositif  
de mise à la terre approprié. Il est es-  
sentiel de respecter cette exigence de  
base en matière de sécurité. Dans le  
doute, faites vérifier l’installation élec-  
trique de la résidence par un électricien  
qualifié. Le fabricant ne peut être tenu  
responsable de dommages causés par  
l’absence d’un dispositif de mise à la  
terre ou par un dispositif inadapté.  
Conservez ces consignes dans un  
lieu sûr et transmettez-les à tout  
utilisateur futur.  
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Vérifiez si votre lave-vaisselle n’a  
pas subi de dommage lors du  
transport. N’installez pas et n’utilisez  
pas un appareil endommagé. Commu-  
niquez avec le point de vente où vous  
l’avez acheté.  
L’installation et les réparations de-  
vraient être effectuées uniquement  
par un technicien de service autorisé  
Miele. Les travaux effectués par des  
personnes non qualifiées peuvent  
s’avérer dangereux et rendre nulle la  
Assurez-vous que les emballages,  
les sacs, matières plastiques et au-  
tres sont correctement éliminés et tenus  
hors la portée de bébés et d’enfants.  
Risque de suffocation!  
, ATTENTION - Risque d’incendie  
Ne recouvrez et n’écrasez jamais  
la fiche d’un appareil électrique. Assu-  
rez-vous que dans l’espace occupé par  
le lave-vaisselle il y a suffisamment de  
volume libre pour la fiche. Si vous ins-  
tallez le lave-vaisselle dans un espace  
trop petit, le cordon d’alimentation  
pourrrait être comprimé ou une pres-  
sion pourrait être exercée sur la fiche,  
ce qui risque de causer la surchauffe.  
Le lave-vaisselle doit être installé  
uniquement sous un comptoir  
continu fixé à des armoires adjacentes.  
N’installez pas ce modèle de  
lave-vaisselle sous une plaque de  
cuisson, un four ou tout autre appareil  
qui diffuse de la chaleur.  
Les hautes températures que diffusent  
ces appareils pourraient endommager  
le lave-vaisselle.  
Cet appareil n’est pas conçu pour  
usage sur un bateau ou dans des  
engins mobiles, tels les avions ou les  
véhicules récréatifs. Toutefois, son ins-  
tallation est possible dans certaines cir-  
constances. Veuillez communiquer vos  
exigences particulières au détaillant  
Miele le plus près de chez vous ou au  
service du soutien technique.  
En aucun cas, vous ne devez cou-  
per le tuyau d’arrivée d’eau ou l’im-  
merger, car il contient des composants  
électriques qui pourraient causer des  
blessures ou endommager la rési-  
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Au moment de charger la vaisselle,  
ne disposez pas les articles cou-  
pants à proximité du joint d’étanchéité  
de la porte afin d’éviter de l’endomma-  
ger. Placez les couteaux avec la pointe  
vers le bas afin d’éviter les blessures.  
N’utilisez le lave-vaisselle que  
lorsque tous les panneaux sont  
bien en place.  
Ne jouez pas avec les  
Utilisez seulement les détergents  
et les produits de rinçage recom-  
mandés pour les lave-vaisselle à usage  
domestique. Conservez tous ces pro-  
duits hors de la portée d’enfants.  
Afin de diminuer le risque de bles-  
sures, ne laissez pas les enfants  
jouer près de l’appareil ni monter de-  
dans ou dessus.  
Évitez de malmener la porte ou les  
paniers du lave-vaisselle ou de  
vous y appuyer ou asseoir.  
Ne consommez pas l’eau du  
lave-vaisselle! Elle peut contenir  
des résidus dangereux.  
Dans certaines circonstances, tout  
système d’eau chaude qui n’a pas  
servi durant deux semaines ou davan-  
tage peut produire de l’hydrogène.  
INFLAMMABLE. Si le système d’eau  
chaude n’a pas servi durant une telle  
période, ouvrez tous les robinets d’eau  
chaude et laissez l’eau couler plusieurs  
minutes avant d’utiliser le lave-vaisselle.  
Cette action libérera l’hydrogène qui  
aura pu s’y accumuler. Entre-temps,  
abstenez-vous de fumer et n’utilisez  
pas de flamme nue.  
Lave-vaisselle munis d’un élément  
chauffant visible  
Ne touchez pas l’élément chauffant  
pendant ou immédiatement après  
Mise au rebut de l’appareil  
Si vous désinstallez l’appareil et  
comptez ne plus vous en servir,  
détachez-en la porte pour éviter que  
des enfants se retrouvent enfermés  
dans le tambour. Lorsque vous mettez  
un lave-vaisselle au rebut, débran-  
chez-le de la source d’alimentation  
électrique, détachez-en la porte et cou-  
pez le cordon d’alimentation.  
Ne lavez pas des articles en plas-  
tique non étiquetés "résiste au  
lave-vaisselle" ou une formulation équi-  
valente. Consultez les recommanda-  
tions du fabricant pour les articles non  
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Caring for the environment  
Energy saving washing  
This dishwasher is exceptionally eco-  
nomical in the use of water and electric-  
ity. For best results follow these tips:  
^ For lowest energy consumption and  
the gentlest washing of china and  
crystal, connect the dishwasher to a  
cold water source.  
^ For fastest possible wash times, yet  
higher energy consumption, connect  
the dishwasher to a hot water source.  
^ Make full use of the baskets without  
overloading for the most economical  
^ Choose a program that best suits the  
degree of soiling and the type of  
dishes being washed.  
^ If baskets are only half full, select the  
"Economy" program.  
^ Use the correct amounts of detergent  
and rinse aid.  
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Guide to the dishwasher  
Wash cabinet  
Upper spray arm (not visible)  
Four height adjustable feet  
Triple Filter System  
Salt reservoir  
Cutlery tray  
Upper basket  
Water feed for middle spray arm  
Middle spray arm  
Lower spray arm  
10 Detergent dispenser  
11 Rinse aid reservoir  
12 Data plate  
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Guide to the dishwasher  
Control panel  
13 "On/Off" button  
17 Check/Refill indicators  
18 Child Safety Lock  
19 Door release  
14 Program sequence display  
15 "Start" button  
16 Program selector  
Every dishwasher is tested before leaving the factory. Any water remaining in  
the machine is from these tests and does not indicate that the machine has  
been used.  
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Before using for the first time  
To open the door  
Child Safety Lock  
The yellow key for the Child Safety  
Lock is shipped on one of the spikes  
at the front of the upper basket. Re-  
move the key before using the dish-  
The Child Safety Lock is designed to  
prevent children from opening the dish-  
^ Press the release catch inside the  
door grip.  
If the door is opened during operation,  
the dishwasher will stop running. Once  
the door is closed the program will re-  
To close the door  
^ Push the baskets in.  
^ Use the provided key to lock or un-  
lock the dishwasher.  
^ Lift the door and push until it clicks  
into position.  
the door is locked  
the door can be opened  
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Before using for the first time  
Water softener  
If your water hardness is consistently  
lower than 8 gr/gal (140 ppm), you do  
not need to add dishwasher salt. How-  
ever, the dishwasher must still be pro-  
grammed to correspond to the local  
water hardness.  
To achieve good cleaning results, the  
dishwasher needs soft water. Hard  
water results in calcium deposits on  
dishware and in the dishwasher.  
If your tap water hardness is above  
8 gr/gal (values are in US gallons)  
(140 ppm), the water should be soft-  
ened. This takes place automatically in  
the unit’s integrated water softener.  
Where the water hardness fluctuates  
e.g. between 9 - 17 gr/gal (160 - 310  
ppm), always program the machine to  
the higher value, 17 gr/gal (310 ppm) in  
this example.  
– Your local water authority will be able  
to advise you of the water hardness  
level in your area.  
If there is a fault, it will help the service  
technician to know the hardness of your  
local water supply.  
– The dishwasher must be pro-  
grammed to correspond to the water ^ Please note the water hardness:  
hardness in your area.  
– The water softener must be filled with  
dishwasher salt for reactivation.  
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Before using for the first time  
Programming the water softener  
Your water hardness level must be pro-  
grammed into the dishwasher using the  
program selector and buttons on the  
control panel.  
^ Make sure the dishwasher is turned  
^ Turn the program selector to "Stop".  
^ Press and hold the "Start" button and  
at the same time turn on the dish-  
washer with the "On/Off" button. Re-  
lease the "Start" button within two  
^ Turn the program selector to the posi-  
tion which corresponds to the water  
hardness in your area (see table).  
The "Salt" indicator will flash.  
If the "Rinse aid" indicator comes on,  
the rinse aid dispenser needs to be  
1 - 4**  
20 - 70  
90 - 130  
Normal Plus  
If any other indicator flashes or lights,  
the above steps must be repeated.  
5 -  
8 - 10 140 - 180  
11 - 13 200 - 230  
14 - 16 250 - 290  
17 - 22 310 - 400  
23 - 35 410 - 630  
36 - 70 650 - 1260  
Rinse & Hold  
4 o’clock position  
5 o’clock position  
6 o’clock position  
7 o’clock position  
8 o’clock position  
* US gallons  
** factory preset  
Water hardness is 20 gr/gal.  
Turn program selector to "6 o’clock"  
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Before using for the first time  
^ Press the "Start" button.  
Checking the programmed water  
The "Start" indicator will light.  
^ Turn the program selector to "Stop".  
^ Make sure the dishwasher is turned  
^ Turn off the dishwasher with the  
"On/Off" button.  
^ Turn the program selector to "Stop".  
^ Press and hold the "Start" button and  
at the same time turn on the dish-  
washer with the "On/Off" button. Re-  
lease the "Start" button within two  
The programmed water hardness is  
The "Salt" indicator will flash.  
If the "Rinse aid" indicator comes on,  
the rinse aid dispenser needs to be  
If any other indicator is lit or flashing,  
the above steps must be repeated.  
^ Turn the program selector clockwise  
until the "Start" indicator comes on.  
The position where the "Start" indicator  
comes on corresponds to the pro-  
grammed water hardness (see table  
"Programming the water softener").  
^ Turn the program selector to "Stop".  
^ Turn off the dishwasher.  
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Before using for the first time  
Filling the salt reservoir  
To fill the salt reservoir:  
If your water hardness level is greater  
than 8 gr/gal, the salt reservoir should  
be filled before the first use and when  
the "Salt" indicator lights.  
^ Remove the lower basket.  
^ Unscrew and remove the salt reser-  
voir cap located on the floor of the  
wash cabinet.  
Only use water softener salt specially  
formulated for dishwashers. Other salts  
may contain insoluble additives which  
can impair the water softener.  
^ Place the provided funnel over the  
salt reservoir.  
The salt reservoir must be filled with  
2 quarts (2 l) of water before adding  
salt for the first time. Water does not  
have to be added with subsequent  
The proper salt can be purchased from  
your Miele dealer or Miele’s Technical  
Service Department.  
,Inadvertently filling the salt  
reservoir with dishwashing deter-  
gent will damage the water soft-  
^ Carefully fill with salt. The salt reser-  
voir holds approximately 4.5 lbs  
(2 kg) of salt. As it is filled, water will  
run out.  
^ Clean any excess salt from the  
threads of the reservoir opening.  
^ Screw the cap on firmly.  
^ If the dishwasher will not be used im-  
mediately, run the "Rinse & Hold" pro-  
gram. This will remove any traces of  
salt from inside the wash cabinet.  
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Before using for the first time  
Salt indicator  
Bypassing the salt indicator  
When the salt reservoir is empty, the  
"Salt-PC" indicator will light, indicating  
that it should be refilled with reactiva-  
tion salt.  
If your water is soft (below 8 gr/gal) the  
salt reservoir should not be filled with  
salt. The indicator will remain lit and  
should be disregarded or bypassed.  
^ Remove the salt reservoir cap.  
Looking into the salt reservoir, you will  
see the top of the float chamber on the  
right hand side, a.  
After the reservoir has been filled, the  
water softener is automatically reacti-  
vated the next time the dishwasher is  
started. The "Salt" indicator will be lit  
during this process.  
^ Using a screwdriver, carefully pivot  
the float chamber towards the center  
of the reservoir.  
^ Using needle nose pliers, pull the  
cap, b, off of the float chamber, and  
remove the float, c.  
Replace the float chamber cap, push  
the chamber back into its upright posi-  
tion, and replace the salt reservoir cap.  
The "Salt" indicator should no longer be  
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Before using for the first time  
Rinse aid  
Rinse aid is recommended to prevent  
spotting on dishes and glassware.  
,Filling the rinse aid reservoir with  
detergent will damage the reservoir.  
Only pour rinse aid formulated for  
residential dishwashers into the  
Adding rinse aid  
^ Pour liquid rinse aid into the reservoir  
until it is visible on the surface of the  
^ Press on the flap until you hear it  
click shut. Failure to close it all the  
way will allow water to enter the res-  
ervoir during the wash program.  
^ Wipe up any spilled rinse aid. The  
flap will remain closed during normal  
^ Add rinse aid before the first use and  
whenever the "Rise aid" indicator  
^ Press the button in the direction of  
the arrow until the flap springs open.  
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Before using for the first time  
Adjusting the dosage  
Rinse aid indicator  
The dosage selector is preset to 3. This The rinse aid indicator on the control  
dispenses approximately 3 ml of rinse  
aid per program. It can be adjusted  
from 1 to 6.  
panel will light when the rinse aid reser-  
voir needs refilling.  
When the indicator first comes on, there  
will be enough rinse aid left for 2 - 3  
^ Use a higher setting if spots appear  
on dry glassware.  
^ Use a lower setting if streaking ap-  
pears on dishes or glasses.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
^ The spray arms must not be blocked  
by items that are too tall or hang  
through the baskets. Check clear-  
ance by manually rotating the spray  
,Do not wash items soiled with  
ash, sand, wax, grease or paint in  
the dishwasher.  
Ash and sand do not dissolve and  
will be distributed through out the in-  
side of the dishwasher.  
Wax, grease and paint will cause  
permanent discoloration or damage  
to the dishwasher.  
^ Food residue and spilt liquids should  
be cleaned from the sides of the  
dishwasher door. These are outside  
of the wash cabinet and are not  
cleaned by water from the spray  
^ Scrape food from dishes before plac-  
ing in the dishwasher.  
Do not rinse dishes.  
^ Load dishes so that water can reach  
all surfaces. Do not place dishes and  
cutlery inside other pieces.  
^ Hollow items such as cups and  
glasses should be placed upside  
down in the upper basket.  
^ Concave based items, such as mugs  
or bowls, should be placed at an an-  
gle so that water does not pool.  
^ To ensure good water coverage tall,  
narrow, hollow pieces, such as a  
vase, should be placed in the center  
of the basket, rather than in the cor-  
^ Small cups and glasses should be  
placed on the cup racks. Taller mugs  
and glasses can be placed beneath  
the rack.  
^ Place very small items in the cutlery  
tray or basket so they do not fall to  
the bottom of the wash cabinet.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Items not recommended for  
– There are no standard guidelines for  
washing glassware but, when in  
doubt wash by hand.  
– Cutlery with wooden handles.  
– Wooden cutting boards.  
– Wash delicate glassware with a low  
temperature program and without the  
extended drying feature to reduce  
the risk of clouding. See the "Pro-  
gram guide".  
– Glued items such as old knives with  
handles glued together around the  
shank of the blade.  
– Hand made craft items, antique,  
metal trimmed or decorative glass-  
– If crystal or delicate glasses will be  
washed frequently, connect the dish-  
washer to cold, rather than hot water.  
– Lead crystal.  
– Clouding or etching may occur on  
glasses after frequent washing.  
– Copper, brass, tin or pewter.  
– Plastic items that are not heat resis-  
– When purchasing new dishes,  
glasses and cutlery, make sure they  
are dishwasher safe.  
– Dishes with color painted over the  
glaze. These dishes may fade over  
Silver and aluminum:  
– Cast iron pots and pans.  
– Silver or aluminum items may tarnish.  
– Silverware previously cleaned with a  
silver polish may be damp or spotted  
at the end of a program where water  
has adhered to the polish. This can  
be rubbed off with a soft, dry cloth.  
Silver that has been cleaned in an  
immersion dip is usually dry at the  
end of a program, but may tarnish.  
– If left to dry, foods containing sulfur  
can discolor silver. These include  
egg yolk, onions, mayonnaise, mus-  
tard, legumes, fish, fish brine and  
– Silverware may tarnish or pit if  
washed next to stainless steel.  
Leave space between these metals.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Cutlery basket  
^ For the best cleaning results, spoons  
and forks should be placed in the  
basket with handles down. Knives  
and other pointed objects can be  
loaded with their handles up to pre-  
vent injuries.  
^ Place small spoons into the slots on  
either side of the cultery basket.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Cutlery tray (SC units)  
Spoon heads should be placed in con-  
tact with at least one of the serrated re-  
tainers of the cutlery tray to ensure that  
water runs off freely.  
The removable cutlery tray makes un-  
loading flatware easy. Simply carry the  
cutlery tray to where the flatware is  
stored and put the entire basket away  
in one trip.  
For easier unloading cutlery should be  
grouped in zones, one for knives, one  
for forks, one for spoons, etc.  
Place knives with the cutting edge and  
forks with the prongs between the hold-  
ers. Spoons should be placed in the  
opposite direction with the handles be-  
tween the holders.  
Longer items such as soup ladles, cake  
slices, mixing spoons and long knives  
should be placed lengthwise in the in-  
dentation of the cutlery tray.  
Spoons with thick handles may have to  
be placed as knives and forks with their  
heads in the holders.  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Upper basket  
Adjusting the upper basket  
On select models, the upper basket  
can be raised or lowered to accommo-  
date tall items.  
^ Slide out the upper basket.  
Load the upper basket with small, light-  
weight, or delicate items such as cups,  
saucers, glasses, dessert bowls and  
flat pans.  
Long items such as soup ladles, mixing  
spoons and knives can be set across  
the front of the upper basket.  
^ Pull up the levers at the sides of the  
upper basket and adjust the basket  
^ Release the levers and the basket will  
lock in place.  
The basket can also be angled to fit tall  
items in both, the lower and upper bas-  
kets. The angles should not be set to  
opposite extremes. This will block the  
middle spray arm. Take care when slid-  
ing the basket in and out in this posi-  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Adjustable cup racks  
Coffee bar  
Raise the rack to make room for tall  
glasses. Lower it to double stack  
smaller pieces.  
To allow water to run off the bottom of  
coffee mugs, place slanted on top of  
the coffee bar. The bar can also be  
used to separate two rows of glasses.  
To stack wide items, flip the bar to the  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Lower basket  
Dishwasher with cutlery tray  
For larger and heavier items such as  
plates, serving platters, sauce pans,  
Dishwasher with cutlery basket  
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Loading the dishwasher  
Height limit  
Vase / Bottle holder (select models)  
The guide at the front of the upper bas-  
ket determines the maximum height for  
items placed in the lower basket so that  
the middle spray arm is not blocked.  
The bottle holder e.g. for milk or baby  
bottles, can be inserted into the bottom  
basket in more than one place. Position  
in any area marked white in the illustra-  
tion. Do not place the insert in the cor-  
ners of the lower basket, water cannot  
properly cover bottles in these areas.  
Foldable spikes  
Two rows of spikes can be folded  
down, to create more room for larger  
dishware e.g. pots, pans and bowls.  
^ Lift up the spike rows and fold them  
one on top of the other.  
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Basket accessories  
Additional inserts for the upper and lower baskets may be purchased from your  
Miele dealer or the Miele Technical Service Department.  
Vase / Bottle holder  
to wash milk or baby bottles  
attaches to the lower basket  
Mini Cutlery Basket  
to wash additional cutlery  
for units with cutlery tray  
attaches to the lower basket  
Upper Basket Glassware Insert  
to wash long stemmed glassware  
attaches to the upper basket  
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Adding detergent  
,Dishwasher detergents contain  
irritant and corrosive ingredients.  
Keep children away from detergent.  
Do not fill the detergent dispenser  
until you are ready to start the dish-  
Only use powder detergents or tab-  
lets formulated for residential dish-  
washers. The use of gel or liquid de-  
tergent is not recommended.  
Never fill the detergent dispenser to  
Do not use more than the recom-  
mended amount of detergent.  
Continued use of too much deter-  
gent may cause machine damage.  
The horizontal marks in Compartment II  
indicate levels of approximately 1 1/4,  
1 3/4 and 2 tablespoons (20, 25 and  
30 ml) respectively.  
^ With the dishwasher door fully open  
fill compartment II with 2 tablespoon  
(30 ml) of powder detergent, or one  
detergent tablet.  
^ Close the cover. The cover will al-  
ways open at the end of a wash pro-  
gram except in "Rinse & Hold".  
2 tablespoon (30 ml) of detergent is  
enough for most normally soiled loads.  
For heavily soiled loads, or if food has  
dried on the dishes, a program contain-  
ing a prewash cycle should be se-  
lected. Add an extra tablespoon (15 ml)  
of detergent to compartment I.  
Less detergent is needed in homes with  
very soft water and when washing  
lightly soiled dishes.  
^ To open, press the latch on the deter-  
gent dispenser.  
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Running the dishwasher  
Waterproof System  
^ Make sure the spray arms are not  
All Miele dishwashers are specially de-  
signed to shut off the water intake and  
drain the wash cabinet in the rare event  
of an internal water valve failure.  
^ Close the door.  
^ Turn on the dishwasher.  
The "Start" indicator (15) will flash.  
For this feature to be active, the ma-  
chine must be "On" (not necessarily  
running) and the door must be closed.  
^ Select a wash program by turning the  
program selector (16) to the left or  
right. Refer to the "Program guide" for  
Program sequence indicator  
^ Press the "Start" button (15).  
The current step of the program is indi-  
cated by one of the program sequence  
indicators (14).  
The program will begin.  
Do not end a program prematurely!  
Important program steps could be  
omitted (e. g. reactivating the water  
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At the end of a program  
Interrupting a program  
The "End" indicator will light when the  
program has finished.  
A program is interrupted as soon as the  
door is opened.  
If the door is closed, the program will  
continue from where it was interrupted.  
^ Turn the program selector (16) to  
,Water in the dishwasher may be  
hot. There is a danger of being  
burned! Only open the door if abso-  
lutely necessary.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher.  
^ Open the dishwasher door slightly to  
allow the dishes to cool before un-  
It is advisable to turn off the water  
supply if the dishwasher will not be  
used for a period of time (e.g. while  
Changing a program  
If a program is running:  
^ Turn the program selector (16) to  
"Stop" for at least one second.  
^ Turn the program selector (16) to the  
new program.  
^ Press the "Start" (15) button to begin  
the wash program.  
If a program has not started:  
^ Turn the program selector to the new  
^ Press the "Start" (15) button to begin  
the wash program.  
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Program guide  
When to use  
Program cycle  
Pre- Main Interim Final Dry-  
wash wash rinse rinse ing  
1 2  
1 2  
Pots & Pans for heavily soiled pots and pans with dried on food X X  
Main wash temperature 170 °F (75 °C)  
Run-time 142 min  
Sani Wash  
extended wash time  
for sanitizing normally soiled dishware with dried  
on food  
Main wash temperature 150 °F (65 °C)  
Run-time 147 min  
X X  
energy saving program  
for normally soiled dishware  
Main wash temperature 130 °F (55 °C)  
Run-time 103 min  
Normal Plus higher wash temperature helps to clean  
normally soiled dishware with stubborn dried on  
food or greasy residues  
X X  
X X  
Main wash temperature 150 °F (65 °C)  
Run-time 145 min  
for normal soiled dishware  
Main wash temperature 130 °F (55 °C)  
Run-time 143 min  
Rinse & Hold for rinsing dishes when a complete cycle is not needed -  
Run-time 11 min  
1) Standard for Energy Label  
When washing a full load in Pots & Pans, Sani Wash and the Normal programs use at least 2 table-  
spoons (30 ml) of detergent.  
For the Pots & Pans program add an additional teaspoon (5 ml) to compartment I.  
If "Top Solo" is selected, reduce the amount of detergent to 1 / tablespoons (20 ml).  
Program times are based on a hot water connection. If the unit is connected to cold water, program  
times will increase by approximately 25 minutes.  
Electric 0.06 - 2.4 (kWh)  
1.3 - 6.3 US gallons (5 - 24 L)  
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Frequently asked questions  
With the aid of the following guide, minor problems can be fixed without a service  
,Repairs should only be carried out by a qualified and trained person in ac-  
cordance with local and national safety regulations. Unauthorized repairs could  
cause personal injury or machine damage.  
What if …  
Possible fault  
the dishwasher does not The door is not properly  
Close the door firmly.  
The machine is not  
plugged in.  
Insert the plug.  
The fuse is defective or  
the breaker has tripped.  
Reset the circuit breaker.  
Make sure it is a 15 A  
the dishwasher does not The program selector is  
start, after pressing the set to "Stop".  
"Start" button and  
Turn the program selec-  
tor to the desired pro-  
the "Start" indicator  
Press the "Start" button.  
the dishwasher stops  
during a program?  
The fuse or breaker has  
Reset the circuit breaker.  
Make sure it is a 15 A  
the "Intake/Drain" indi- The water valve is closed. Open the water valve.  
cator is lit or flashing  
and the dishwasher may  
have stopped?  
The filter in the water inlet See maintenance instruc-  
is blocked.  
The flow pressure at the  
water inlet is less than  
4.5 psi (0.3 bar).  
Contact a plumber.  
The waterproof system  
has activated.  
Call the Miele Technical  
Service Department.  
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Frequently asked questions  
What if …  
Possible fault  
the "Drain" indicator  
flashes, the program  
Water intake error  
Turn off the dishwasher  
before fixing the prob-  
Open the water valve.  
Clean the water intake  
filter, see maintenance  
Drain error, water left in  
the wash cabinet  
Turn off the dishwasher  
before fixing the prob-  
Clean the triple filter.  
See maintenance in-  
Clean the drain pump  
and the non-return  
valve, see maintenance  
Remove any kinks in  
the drain hose.  
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Frequently asked questions  
What if …  
Possible fault  
the "End", "Start" and  
"Top Solo" indicators  
flash at the same time at  
the end of a program?  
There may be a technical Turn the program selec-  
tor to ‘Stop".  
Turn off the dishwasher.  
A few seconds later:  
Turn the dishwasher on.  
Select the desired pro-  
Press the "Start" button.  
If the indicators flash  
again, there is a technical  
Call the Miele Technical  
Service Department.  
there is a knocking  
noise in the wash cabi- an item in the basket.  
The spray arm is hitting  
Interrupt the program, re-  
arrange items blocking  
the spray arms.  
there is a rattling noise? Items are not secure in  
Interrupt the program and  
rearrange loose pieces.  
the wash cabinet.  
there is a knocking  
noise in the water  
This may be caused by  
the installation or the di-  
ameter of pipe.  
This has no effect on the  
dishwasher. If in doubt  
contact a plumber.  
dishes are not dry,  
The rinse aid setting may Increase the dosage or  
glasses and cutlery are be too low, or the rinse aid refill the reservoir, see "Be-  
reservoir is empty.  
fore using for the first  
Dishes were taken out too Leave dishes in longer.  
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Frequently asked questions  
What if …  
Possible fault  
dishes are not clean?  
The dishes were not  
loaded correctly.  
See, "Loading the dish-  
The program was not  
powerful enough.  
Select a more intensive  
program see, "Program  
Not enough detergent  
was dispensed.  
Use more detergent, see,  
"Adding detergent".  
The spray arm jets are  
Clean the spray arm jets,  
see, maintenance instruc-  
The triple filter is clogged Clean and/or reseat the fil-  
or not correctly seated.  
ter, see, maintenance in-  
The drain pump or the  
non-return valve are  
Clean the drain pump and  
the non-return valve, see  
maintenance instructions.  
tea or lipstick stains  
have not been com-  
pletely removed?  
The wash temperature of Select a program with a  
the selected program was higher temperature.  
too low.  
Not enough detergent  
was used.  
Use more detergent.  
white residue is visible Not enough rinse aid was Increase the dosage,  
on cutlery and dishes,  
clouding occurs on  
glassware and film can  
be wiped off?  
see "Before using for the  
first time".  
The salt reservoir is  
Add reactivation salt,  
see "Before using for the  
first time".  
The salt reservoir cap was Reseat it making sure it  
not correctly screwed on. screws back on correctly.  
The programmed setting Adjust the setting of the  
of the water softener is too water softener , see "Be-  
fore using for the first  
there is a bluish sheen  
on the surface of  
glasses and film can be  
wiped off?  
The rinse aid dosage is  
set too high.  
Reduce the dosage, see  
"Before using for the first  
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Frequently asked questions  
What if …  
Possible fault  
glasses are dull and dis- Glasses are not dish-  
colored and film cannot washer safe.  
be wiped off?  
There is no remedy.  
Only wash dishwasher  
safe glasses.  
plastic items are discol- Natural dyes e. g. from  
Use more detergent, see  
"Adding detergent".  
vegetables may be the  
cause. Not enough deter- Discoloration is perma-  
gent was used to break  
down natural dyes.  
there are rust stains on The salt reservoir cap was Reseat and screw the cap  
not screwed on properly. on firmly.  
The affected items are not There is no remedy.  
corrosion resistant.  
Only wash dishwasher  
safe cutlery.  
detergent is left in the  
The dispenser was damp Dry the dispenser before  
dispenser at the end of a when detergent was  
program? added.  
the detergent dispenser Detergent residue is  
adding detergent.  
Remove the residue.  
lid can not be closed  
blocking the catch.  
water remains in the  
The triple filter in the wash Clean the filter,  
wash cabinet at the end cabinet is clogged.  
of a program?  
see maintenance instruc-  
The drain pump or the  
Clean the drain pump and  
non-return valve may be the non-return valve,  
see maintenance instruc-  
The drain hose is kinked. Remove the kink.  
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After sales service  
In the event of a fault which you cannot  
correct yourself please contact:  
Program update function - PC  
The Program Correction (PC) allows a  
technician to update the dishwasher to  
make use of new technology.  
– Your Miele Dealer  
For example, if a detergent with good  
wash results using only cold water be-  
– The Miele Technical Service Depart-  
USA 1-800-999-1360  
When contacting the Miele Technical  
Service Department, please quote the  
model and serial number of your appli-  
These can be found on the data plate  
on the upper inside edge of the dish-  
washer door.  
comes available, the wash programs  
can be modified to take advantage of  
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To transport the dishwasher, e. g. when  
moving to a new home, note the follow-  
– Empty the dishwasher.  
– Secure any loose parts, e. g. hoses,  
cables, cutlery baskets.  
– Transport the dishwasher in the up-  
right position.  
If unavoidable it may be transported  
on its back.  
Do not transport it on its side or on  
the door. Residual water in the ma-  
chine could leak and cause electrical  
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User Maintenance Instructions  
To prevent accidents  
and machine damage,  
read these instructions  
before installation or use.  
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Triple filter system  
The triple filter system in the base of the  
wash cabinet prevents food from being  
redeposited on dishes. It also protects  
the circulation pump from damage  
caused by foreign objects (e.g. broken  
glass, bones).  
The filter system should be cleaned ev-  
ery 4 - 6 months or whenever a foreign  
object is trapped.  
Cleaning the filter in the wash  
^ Lift the filter out of the machine. Re-  
move any solid particles and rinse  
under running water. Scrub with a ny-  
lon brush if necessary.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher before clean-  
^ Turn the handle counterclockwise to  
release the triple filter system.  
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To clean the underside of the filter, the  
flap must be opened:  
^ Return the filter so it lies flat in the  
base of the wash cabinet.  
^ Pull back the yellow clip.  
^ Lock the filter by turning the handle  
^ Rinse all parts under running water.  
Scrub with a nylon brush if neces-  
,The dishwasher must not be  
used without the filter locked in  
^ Close the flap so that the clip en-  
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Cleaning the spray arms  
^ Remove the lower basket.  
Sometimes particles of food get stuck  
in the spray arm jets. The spray arms  
should be inspected and cleaned every  
4 - 6 months.  
^ Turn off the dishwasher before clean-  
Remove the spray arms as follows:  
^ Remove the cutlery tray (if present).  
^ Press the top spray arm upwards to  
engage the inner ratchet and un-  
screw the spray arm.  
^ Pull the lower spray arm firmly up-  
wards to remove.  
^ Lift up the middle spray arm, a, to  
engage the ratchet and unscrew the  
spray arm, b.  
^ Use a pointed object such as a tooth-  
pick to push food particles into the  
spray arm jets.  
^ Rinse thoroughly under running  
^ Return the spray arms and check  
that they rotate freely.  
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Cleaning the wash cabinet  
Cleaning the exterior  
Generally, the wash cabinet is self  
cleaning if the correct amount of dish-  
washer detergent is used.  
,Never use abrasive cleaners,  
scouring pads, steel wool or caustic  
(oven) cleaners on the dishwasher.  
They will damage the surface.  
The wash cabinet can be cleaned with  
a dishwasher cleaner such as Dis  
Cleaner available from your Miele  
dealer or the Miele Technical Service  
All plastic surfaces and the control  
panel can be cleaned with warm water  
and liquid dish soap applied with a soft  
Cleaning the door and door  
Wipe dry using a soft cloth.  
^ Wipe the door seal with a damp cloth  
to remove any food particles.  
,Do not use too much water when  
cleaning the controls. Water could  
penetrate into the electronics and  
cause damage.  
^ Food residue and spilt liquids should  
be wiped from the sides of the dish-  
washer door. These are outside of the  
wash cabinet and are not cleaned by  
water from the spray arms.  
Stainless steel  
Stainless steel surfaces can be cleaned  
using a non-abrasive stainless steel  
To help prevent resoiling, a conditioner  
for stainless steel can also be used.  
Apply sparingly with even pressure.  
Stainless steel colored controls  
These controls may become discolored  
or damaged if not cleaned regularly.  
Do not use a stainless steel cleaner on  
the knobs or buttons.  
Panels made from wood should be  
cleaned using a soft damp cloth and an  
appropriate wood cleaner.  
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Cleaning the water inlet filter  
,The plastic valve housing on the  
intake hose contains electrical com-  
ponents and should not be im-  
mersed, or run through water.  
A filter is incorporated in the intake  
hose attached to the dishwasher’s shut  
off valve. If your water is hard, or the  
pipes contain sediment, this filter may  
clog and prevent enough water from  
entering the wash cabinet.  
Cleaning the filter:  
^ Disconnect the dishwasher from  
electricity (unplug it or "trip" the cir-  
cuit breaker).  
Installing an in-line water filter  
^ If your water contains a large number  
of insoluble substances, a filter be-  
tween the water valve and the intake  
hose connection is recommended.  
These filters can be purchased from  
Miele’s Technical Service Depart-  
^ Turn off the water valve.  
^ Unscrew the intake hose.  
^ Carefully remove the rubber seal.  
^ Remove the filter using a needle nose  
plier and rinse under running water.  
^ Return the filter and seal. Make sure  
they are seated correctly.  
^ Screw the intake hose back on the  
water valve, checking that it is not  
^ Slowly turn on the valve and test for  
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Cleaning the drain pump and  
non-return valve  
If the dishwasher is not completely  
drained at the end of a program, the  
drain pump or non-return valve may be  
^ Turn off the dishwasher.  
^ Remove the triple filter (see "Cleaning  
the filter in the wash cabinet").  
^ Use a jug or bowl to scoop water out  
of the wash cabinet.  
^ Pull out the non-return valve and  
rinse well under running water.  
^ Tilt the locking clamp to the side.  
The drain pump is beneath the non-re-  
turn valve (see arrow).  
^ Before returning the non-return valve,  
check that the drain pump is not  
blocked. Spin the propeller several  
times in both directions to check for  
^ Carefully refit the non-return valve  
and secure it with the locking clamp.  
^ Refit and lock the filter in place.  
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