Metabo Welding System Invert 130 40 User Manual

Operating Instructions  
Instructions de service  
Instrucciones de uso  
Invert 130/40  
Invert 130/60  
Lesen Sie diese Anleitung vor der Installation und Inbetriebnahme aufmerksam durch.  
Attention! Carefully read through these instructions prior to installation and commissioning.  
Attention! Prière de lire attentivement la présente notice avant l'installation et la mise en service.  
Lees deze instructies voor de installatie en ingebruikname aandachtig door.  
¡Atención! Lea con detenimiento estas instrucciones antes de la instalación y de la puesta en servicio.  
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2.1 Information - Shown On Type Plate  
The following explanations refer to the numbered boxes shown in Figure 2.3 according to ISO/IEC 60974-1.  
a) Identification  
Box l  
Name and address of the manufacturer or distributor or importer and, optionally, a trade mark and the  
country of origin, if required  
Box 2  
Box 3  
Box 4  
Type (identification) as given by the manufacturer  
Traceability of design and manufacturing data, e.g. serial number  
Welding power source symbol (optional) e g  
Single-phase transformer  
Single- or three-phase transformer-rectifier  
Single- or three-phase static frequency  
Three-phase motor-generator  
Three-phase motor-generator-rectifier  
Three-phase rotating frequency Converter  
Single-phase combined a.c. and d.c. power source  
Engine-a.c. generator  
Box 5  
Reference to this Standard confirming that the welding power source complies with its requirements  
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b) Welding Output  
Box 6  
Welding process Symbol e.g.:  
Manual metal arc welding with covered electrodes  
Tungsten inert-gas welding  
Metal inert and active gas welding including the use of flux cored wire  
Selfshielded flux cored arc welding  
Submerged arc welding  
Symbol for plasma cutting  
Symbol for plasma gouging  
Box 7  
Box 8  
Symbol for welding power sources which are suitable for supplying power to welding operations  
carried out in an environment with increased hazard of electric shock (if applicable).  
Welding current symbol e.g.:  
Direct current  
Alternating current, and additionally the rated frequency in  
hertz e.g.: ~50 Hz  
Box 9  
U0... V  
Rated no-load voltage  
a) Arithmetic mean value in case of direct current  
b) RMS value in case of alternating current  
c) Ur... V Reduced rated no-load voltage in case of a voltage reducing device  
d) Us... V Switched rated no-load voltage in case of an a.c. to d.c. switching device  
Box 10  
... A/... V to... A/... V Range of output, rated minimum and maximum welding current and their  
corresponding conventional load voltage.  
Box 11  
Box 12  
Box 13  
Duty cycle (duty factor) symbol.  
I2 Rated welding current symbol.  
U2 Conventional load voltage symbol.  
11a, 11b, 11c ...% Values of the duty cycle (duty factor).  
12a, 12b, 12c ... A Values of the rated welding current.  
13a, 13b, 13c ... V Values of the conventional load voltage.  
These boxes form a table with corresponding values of the three settings:  
... %  
60 %  
duty cycle (duty factor) at the rated maximum welding current;  
duty cycle (duty factor);  
100 % duty cycle (duty factor) as far as relevant.  
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Column a)  
Column b)  
need not be used if the duty cycle (duty factor) for the rated maximum welding  
current is 60 % or 100 %.  
need not be used if the duty cycle (duty factor) at the rated maximum welding current is 100 %.  
c) Energy input  
Box 14  
Energy input symbol e.g.:  
Input supply, number of phases (e.g. l or 3), symbol for  
alternating current  
and the rated frequency (e.g. 50 Hz or 60 Hz)  
Belt drive  
Box 22 IP..  
Box 23  
Degree of protection, e.g. IP21 or IP23.  
Symbol for protection class II, if applicable.  
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3 Commissioning  
This product is assembled with great care and thoroughly checked. All units undergo a computerised check before  
leaving the factory. Please check your machine for transport damage after unpacking. In case such damage is  
detected please notify your supplier immediately.  
Ensure that mains voltage matches the machine's rated voltage as shown on its name plate. Connect to 230/240 V  
on the same circuit while welding is limited.  
Pure argon (of at least 99.998 % purity) is preferably used for TIG welding. Connection of the TIG torch to the gas  
cylinder must be by means of a suitable pressure reducing device (max. 10 bar). The earth cable must have a  
minimum lead cross section of 16 mm2. After setting the main switch [1] to ON the machine is ready to operate.  
4 Description  
Figure 1: Front panel  
Figure 2: Rear view  
1 Mains ON/OFF switch  
2 Welding current setting 5 - 130 A; with integrated automatic hot start  
3 Neon control light; indicates thermal overloads or short circuits  
4 ON/OFF control light  
5 Socket for positive (+) pole; electrode holder, TIG: earth cable  
6 Socket for negative (-) pole; earth cable, TIG: torch  
7 Power cable  
8 Cooling fan  
5 Operation  
TheweldingmachinesInvert130/40and130/60areprimaryclockedinverters, suitableformanualarcweldingwith  
coated stick electrodes and for direct current TIG welding (optional).  
The electrode diameter and the required welding current are selected according to the material to be welded.  
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Dust, dirt and metal chips will harm any welding machine. It is of particular importance that the air ventilation for  
cooling is not disabled.  
Prior to welding the joints must be cleaned and dirt, rust, grease and paint removed. Also slag from previous welds  
must be completely removed.  
Attachearthclampfirmlytoworkpiece, assuringgoodmetaltometalcontact. Checkthatallcablesandconnectors  
are in proper operating condition to ensure proper current conduction.  
Place the uncoated end of the electrode into a notch of the electrode holder. With the welding machine a welding  
accessory kit, consisting of welding visor and pick hammer, can be purchased. The tinted glass of the welding visor  
protects the eye from harmful rays (ultraviolet and infrared rays). The clear glass plate protects the dark glass from  
spatters and breakage. When removing slag it is strongly recommended to wear eye protection to prevent injury  
from sharp and hot slag particles. Depending on electrode type and eye sensitivity protective glasses are available  
in different shades. Normally protective glasses of shade DIN 9 are used for electrodes from 1.5 mm to 4 mm Ø.  
Select the correct welding current as shown below:  
Current (A)  
25 - 50  
50 - 100  
100 - 140  
140 - 220  
Electrode Ø  
1.0 - 2.0 mm  
2.0 - 2.5 mm  
2.5 - 3.25 mm  
3.25 - 5.0 mm  
Material Thickness  
1.0 - 2.0 mm  
2.0 - 4.0 mm  
4.0 - 8.0 mm  
8.0 - 12.0 mm  
In principle do not use too thick an electrode.  
As a general rule calculate 40 amps welding current per 1 mm of electrode core wire diameter. Depending on  
electrode type, material thickness and weld position this calculated value may have to be adjusted plus or minus.  
The Invert 130/40 and 130/60 works perfectly with thin plate, which is the outstanding feature of this machine, aside  
fromitsextremecompactandrobustdesign. Itischaracteristicofaninvertertogenerateatruedirectcurrent, which  
makes for a soft and smooth running arc with reduced spatter formation.  
Overview Of Stick Electrodes And Their Correct Use  
In order to achieve a good weld the electrode has to be dry, so storing in a dry place is essential. Should electrodes  
have become moist, dry in an oven at 200°C to 300°C for 1 - 2 hours.  
Basic-coated electrodesalwaysrequirepre-dryingat200°Cto300°Cfor3hours,unlesstheyarevacuum-packed.  
Stick electrodes are coded according to EN 499 and other standards, such as B.S. 639, AWS-SFA 5.1 and ISO  
2560. The codes are always shown on the electrode package. The electrode description is defined by the  
manufacturer according to the standards, the description is checked by an independent test institute for  
compliance. This information is shown on the packaging.  
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Welding Hints  
Because of the multitude of and great differences in the important points for welding only the very basic operations for  
the most common electrodes for low-carbon steels, the rutile or rutile cellulose electrode, are introduced here. In the  
case that other electrodes have to be used, the electrode manufacturers supply upon request all relevant information  
for the type of special electrode to be used.  
Always make some trial welds on scrap material. Select electrode diameter and welding current as per Table 1. Attach  
earth clamp to work piece and place electrode into electrode holder as described earlier. Now hold the electrode tip  
approx. 2 cm above the starting point of your weld seam. Hold the welding visor in front of your face and draw the  
electrode with a short stroke along the groove. Through the welding shield you watch the arc, keeping it to a length of  
1 to 1.5 times the electrode diameter.  
arc too long  
(Figure 3)  
approx. 1 - 1.5 the electrode-Ø  
(Figure 4)  
The correct arc length is important for a good weld, because with too short or too long an arc both welding current and  
a poor welding seam. Too long an arc does not sufficiently melt the parent material, resulting in high spatter losses. Also  
the air, with its detrimental substances like hydrogen and nitrogen, may get access to the weld pool.  
For a good weld the work angle of the electrode (or electrode inclination angle) is of substantial importance. The  
inclination should be 70° - 80° to the welding direction. With the work angle too steep slag will run under the weld pool,  
too flat an work angle causes the arc to spatter, in both cases the result is a porous, weak welding seam (see figure  
5 - 7).  
welding direction  
welding direction  
welding direction  
> 80°  
< 70°  
(Figure 5)  
(Figure 6)  
(Figure 7)  
Thewelderhastokeepthearcatthesamelength, thatistheelectrodeburn-offiscompensatedbyfeedingtheelectrode  
into the weld. At the same time the welder has to watch the weld pool for even penetration and width.  
Welding is always done from left to right (backhand welding).  
At the end of the welding seam the electrode can not simply be lifted or pulled from the weld, this creates porous end  
craters, which weaken the weld. To correctly terminate a weld the electrode is held for a short moment at the end of the  
weld seam, then lifted in an arc over the just laid weld.  
(Figure 8)  
Remove slag only after it has cooled down and is no longer glowing.  
(Figure 9)  
If an interrupted weld is to be continued, the slag at the end of the already finished weld must be removed. Then the  
arc can be started either in the groove or on the weld, as described earlier, and then moved to the end of the weld, which  
has to be thoroughly melted for good fusion. Welding is then continued normally.  
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6 TIG Welding (optional)  
Due to the same welding characteristics as with manual arc welding, TIG welding is possible with models Invert  
130/40 and 130/60.  
For TIG welding a TIG torch model SR 17 V (see section 11) is used, which is always connected to the negative  
(-) pole. The arc is started by scratching with the tungsten electrode on the workpiece (causing a short-circuit).  
The shielding gas is supplied directly from the pressure reducing device of the gas cylinder to the torch. A gas flow  
rate of 6-7 l/min is recommended. Pure argon is required as shielding gas.  
The earth lead is connected to socket [4]. The welding current is selected with the potentiometer [2], then the arc  
is ignited by a brief contact of the tungsten electrode with the workpiece (scratch start).  
6.1 Practical Hints for Operation  
To ensure good arc starting and good welding results the following should be adhered to:  
Electrode types  
Only thoriated electrodes are recommended for use, e.g.  
WT 20 1.8 - 2.2 % thorium oxide, colour code: red or grey  
Electrode diameter  
The electrode diameter must correspond to the welding current.  
Rule of thumb:  
less than 80 A  
70 to 140 A  
Ø 1.0 mm  
Ø 1.6 mm  
Tungsten electrodes have to be ground in longitudinal direction. Use a fine grit grinding wheel and grind from  
tip to shaft.  
Too much gas flow can reduced the arc starting ability (arc extinguished by blowing).  
7 Overloads  
The inverter welding machines are positively protected against overloads by several independent protection  
devices. If the permissible duty cycle is exceeded, the machine is shut down automatically. This is indicated by  
the control light [3]. After a short cooldown period the machine is operational again.  
Important: Do not switch the machine off during the cooldown period, as this will cut the power to the fan,  
considerably extending the cooldown period.  
8 Trouble Shooting  
Thermal overload protection has engaged. Let machine  
run idle for several minutes to let cool down.  
When welding the control light [3] comes on and the  
welding current goes off.  
Iftheelectrodeisnotmoist, damagedorhasbeenstored  
too long, there may be a voltage drop (less than 190 V at  
full load), probably caused by too long and extension  
It is difficult to keep the arc burning.  
- check mains fuse  
- voltage too high (over 250 V), which triggers the  
corresponding protection device  
Machine switched on but no welding current.  
Poor arc starting with TIG welding  
- insufficient or no gas supply  
- tungsten electrode wrongly ground  
- wrong electrode diameter  
- workpiece surface not clean (oil, grease)  
- wrong setting of shielding gas flow rate (too much or  
too little)  
Porous welding seam  
- wrong shielding gas (pure argon only)  
- impurities in shielding gas  
- wrong position of TIG torch  
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9 Safety Precautions/Accident Prevention  
- This Welding Machine should only be used for its intended application (TIG and manual arc welding).  
- Operate machine only on power supply circuits having a fully operational protective bonding circuit (earth/ground  
- Know and adhere to all applicable local safety standards and codes.  
9.1 Protection against the Risk of Electric Shock  
The earth cable is to be firmly attached to the workpiece, ensuring good conduction. Protect welding cables and  
the power cable from damage. Replace damaged cables with genuine Elektra Beckum replacement parts. Place  
torch or electrode holder on insulated backing during short work breaks. For longer work breaks switch machine  
off. Wear dry and insulating gloves and shoes when welding. Always disconnect machine from power by pulling  
the power cable's plug from the outlet before servicing.  
Protection against UV Rays, Burns and Fumes:  
- Wear suitable protective clothing to prevent burns (sleeved gloves, welding apron etc.).  
- Always use a welding visor.  
- Screen off workplace to protect other persons working nearby against UV rays.  
- Weldingmaterialswithcontaminatedsurfacesmaygeneratetoxicfumes.Ensuresurfaceiscleanbeforewelding.  
- Zinc-plated or galvanized material should not be welded as zinc fumes are highly toxic.  
- Whenweldingunderanincreasedelectricalhazarditisimportanttowearundamaged,dryandinsulatingclothing.  
Fire Prevention  
- Hot slag or sparks can cause fire when getting in contact with combustible solids, liquids and gases.  
- Remove all combustible and inflammable material from the work area.  
- Fuel,lubricantandsolventcontainersmustnotbewelded,evenwhentheyareempty.Thesameappliestohollow  
spaces containing or having contained combustible materials.  
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10 Wiring Diagram Invert 130/40 and 130/60  
(1) Power cable  
(2) Switch/plug  
(3) Control PCB  
(4) Transformer  
(5) Diodes  
(6) Choke  
(7) Fan  
11 Exploded View Drawing and Spare Parts List TIG-Torch SR 17 V  
Ø 1,0  
Ø 1,6  
Ø 1,0  
Ø 1,6  
(5) Ø 8,0  
(6) Ø 9,5  
132 712 7230  
132 712 7248  
132 712 7892  
132 712 7078  
132 712 7086  
132 766 9202  
132 766 9199  
132 712 7256  
132 717 1174  
132 712 7132  
132 712 7140  
132 712 7876  
132 712 7175  
132 766 9148  
132 766 9180  
821 503 7887  
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Wir erklären in alleiniger Verantwortlichkeit, dass dieses Produkt mit den  
folgenden Normen übereinstimmt* gemäß den Bestimmungen der  
We herewith declare in our sole responsibility that this product complies  
with the following standards*  
in accordance with the regulations of the undermentioned Directives**  
Nous déclarons, sous notre seule responsabilité, que ce produit est en  
conformité avec les normes ou documents normatifs suivants* en vertu  
des dispositions des directives **  
Wij verklaren als enige verantwoordelijke, dat dit product in  
overeenstemming is met de volgende normen*  
conform de bepalingen van de richtlijnen**  
Noi dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il presente  
prodotto è conforme alle seguenti norme*. in conformità con le  
disposizioni delle normative **  
Declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad, que el presente  
producto cumple con las siguientes normas*.de acuerdo a lo dispuesto  
en las directrices**  
Declaramos sob nossa responsabilidade que este produto está de  
acordo com as seguintes normas*.de acordo com as directrizes dos  
regulamentos **  
Vi försäkrar på eget ansvar att denna produkt överensstämmer med  
följande standarder*. Enligt bestämmelserna i direktiven**  
Vakuutamme, että tämä tuote vastaa seuraavia normeja*.on direktiivien  
määräysten mukainen**  
Vi erklærer under eget ansvar at dette produkt samsvarer med følgende  
normer*. henhold til bestemmelsene i direktiv**  
Hermed erklærer vi på eget ansvar, at dette produkt stemmer overens  
ed følgende standarder*. iht. bestemmelserne i direktiverne**  
Oświadczamy z pełną odpowiedzialnością, że niniejszy produkt  
odpowiada wymogom następujących norm*.według ustaleń wytycznych  
∆ηλώνουµε µε ιδία ευθύνη ότι το προϊόν αυτό αντιστοιχεί στις  
ακόλουθες προδιαγραφές*  
Kizárólagos felelősségünk tudatában ezennel igazoljuk, hogy ez a  
termék kielégíti az alábbi szabványokban lefektetett  
σύµφωνα µε τις διατάξεις των οδηγιών**  
követelményeket*.megfelel az alábbi irányelvek előírásainak**  
INVERT 130/40  
* EN 60974-1, EN 50199  
** 89/ 336/ EWG, 72/ 23/ EWG, 93/68/ EWG  
Jürgen Kusserow  
ELEKTRA BECKUM AG – Daimlerstraße 1 – 49716 Meppen  
Meppen, 27.02.2001  
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