Lucent Technologies IP Phone 308 616 User Manual

Lucent Technologies  
Bell Labs Innovations  
Communications System  
Model 308/616  
Customer Installation Instructions  
Issue 4  
June 1989  
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Intellectual property related to this product and registered to AT&T Corporation has been  
transferred to Lucent Technologies Incorporated.  
Any references within this text to American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation or AT&T  
should be interpreted as references to Lucent Technologies Incorporated. The exception is  
cross references to books published prior to December 31, 1996, which retain their original  
AT&T titles.  
Lucent Technologies – formed as a result of AT&Ts planned restructuring – designs,  
builds, and delivers a wide range of public and private networks, communication systems  
and software, consumer and business telephone systems, and microelectronic components.  
The world-renowned Bell Laboratories is the research and development arm for the  
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules require that you be notified of the following:  
FCC (Part 15)  
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and  
used in accordance with the instructions in the installation, administration and user manuals  
may cause interference to radio and television communications.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing  
device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable  
protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment.  
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference with nearby radios or  
television, in which case the owners (at their expense) will be required to take whatever measures  
may be necessary to correct the interference.  
FCC (Part 68)  
This equipment is registered with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in accordance  
with Part 68 of its Rules. The FCC requires that the manufacturer provides you with the  
following information:  
The FCC requires that you connect your telephone equipment to the nationwide telephone  
network through a standard telephone network interface jack such as a USOC RJ11C.  
Registered equipment may not be used with Coin Telephone Lines. Equipment may be used  
with Party Lines in areas where state tariffs permit such connections and when equipment is  
adaptable for such use.  
Upon request of your local telephone company, you are required to provide them with the  
following information:  
A. The lines to which you will connect the telephone equipment.  
B. The FCC registration number, AS593M-72132-KF-E, and ringer equivalence number (REN),  
0.3A/ 0.5B. Both numbers are on the controller. The REN is useful to determine how many  
devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when your telephone  
line is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs per line should be 5 or less.  
You may want to contact your local telephone company for specific information.  
The local telephone company must also be notified upon final disconnection of the equipment  
from the local telephone company lines.  
If it is determined that your telephone equipment is malfunctioning, the FCC requires that it  
not be used and that it be unplugged from the modular outlet until the problem has been  
corrected. Repairs to this equipment can be made only by the manufacturer or its authorized  
agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the AT&T Limited  
End User Warranty.  
If telephone equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may  
temporarily discontinue your telephone service. If possible, they will notify you before they  
interrupt service. If advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible.  
You will be given the opportunity to correct the problem, and you will be informed of your right  
to file a complaint with the FCC.  
Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or  
procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your equipment. If such changes are  
planned, you will be notified.  
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Step 1 Plan Your System  
Draw a floor plan of your business, showing the location of the network interface jacks,  
where your local telephone lines come into the building. You will want to install your  
controller close to these jacks.  
Show on the floor plan the location of each telephone in your system. Also show the  
distances of the cable run from the controller to each telephone location.  
Below is a sample floor plan to guide you in making your floor plan.  
NOTE: If you need to install SPIRIT Communications System telephones in another building  
an in-range, out-of-building (IROB) protection device is required. Contact your AT&T  
representative and order part number 31304.  
(also called Network Interface Jacks)  
Set 18 150’  
Set 19 170’  
Set 20 100’  
Set 10 30’  
Set 11 40’  
Set 12 50’  
Set 13 60’  
Set 14 30’  
Set 15 85’  
Set 16 120’  
Set 17 135’  
NOTE: Be sure cords do not cross walkways. Do not run cords  
inside or on top of air plenums and ducts or along hot pipes.  
Step 2 Check Outlet Grounding  
Your SPIRIT® Communications System control unit has been protected against  
AC line and central office line voltage surges caused by lightning strikes or other power  
anomalies, provided the system is properly grounded.  
Using a circuit tester, check (or have checked by a qualified technician) the outlet into  
which your SPIRIT system control unit will be plugged. If the circuit tester detects  
any of the following faults, have them corrected before installation of the control unit:  
— open ground  
— open hot  
— hot and ground reversed  
— reversed polarity  
— open neutral  
— hot on neutral with hot open  
If necessary, have a qualified electrician repair the electrical outlet in the manner  
specified by the applicable electrical codes to prevent service interruption and continue  
warranty protection. If you have two-wire outlets with no ground wire, a non-switched,  
three-wire grounded outlet should be installed.  
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Step 3 Mount Controller  
Mount Controller on Wall  
Choose a location within five feet of the network interface jacks, where the local  
telephone company lines enter the building, and near an AC outlet that is not controlled  
by a switch. Be sure the controller is in a well-ventilated area with a temperature range  
of 40°F to 100°F, and free of excess dust. The controller should be mounted a minimum  
of two feet from the floor with the modular connecting blocks positioned at the bottom.  
Make a template like the one shown below. Using the template as a guide, install two of  
the four screws (not included) in the top, leaving ¼" protruding from wall. Do not install  
the bottom two screws until the controller is in place.  
Install the controller, placing the two keyholes on the back of the controller against the  
screws in the wall and pulling the controller down.  
Install the bottom two screws through the tabs on the controller and tighten firmly.  
Write the date on one of the date installed (DATE INST:) labels, located on the cord  
labels, and place it on the side of the controller.  
11 inches  
7.5 inches  
Within 5 feet of  
network interface  
(where telephone  
lines enter build-  
ing). Network  
Within 5 feet  
of ac outlet.  
intertace may look  
Jack Field  
(Number of apparatus boxes  
in field depends on number of telephones).  
(standard 120 VAC)  
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Test the Incoming Telephone Lines.  
TEST: If you have a standard telephone with a modular cord, plug it into each jack of the  
network interface, or incoming telephone lines. If these jacks do not work you will  
require service by your local telephone company.  
When the telephone lines were installed, the phone number should have been marked on  
the network interface jack. If that was not done, write the telephone number on the jack.  
You may require help from your local telephone company to decide which jack is for what  
Some network interface jacks carry one line only, while some carry two. If your jacks are  
one-line jacks (RJ11-type network interface), you may connect the jack directly to the  
controller. If your jacks carry two lines (RJ14-type network interface), purchase a 267D  
2-line adapter and a D4BU cord.  
Connect Telephone Lines to Controller.  
Remove from the controller box one line cord for each incoming telephone line.  
Additional cords and longer cords up to 25’ long may be purchased at a phone store or  
from your AT&T representative. LABEL EACH END OF EACH CORD WITH A LINE  
If your interface jack is a one-line jack (RJ11 type), plug one end of a line cord into  
the “TEL CO LINE” jack for line 1 on the controller and plug the other end into the  
network interface jack for line 1. Remove the cord labels from the controller  
box and label the line cord with the green cord labels corresponding to the line jack  
number. Remove the System Directory Label from the controller box and fill in the  
telephone number next to the line number. Repeat the procedure for each line:  
If your network interface is a two-line jack (RJ14 type), plug in the 267D 2-line adapter  
into the “TEL CO LINE” jack for line 1 on the controller. Plug one end of a line cord  
(supplied with the controller) into the “Line 2“ jack of the 267D adapter and plug the  
other end into the “TEL CO LINE” jack for line 2 on the controller. Plug one end of  
the second D4BU cord into the “PHONE” jack of the 267D adapter and plug the other  
end into the network interface jack. Label the D4BU cords with the green line cord  
label numbers as shown in the drawing below and write the appropriate telephone  
number for each line on the System Directory Label.  
Secure the line cords to the wall or baseboard using staples, being careful not to pierce  
the cords.  
NOTE: If the distance between the controller and the network interface jacks is greater than  
7 feet, purchase D4CE extension cords or new D4BU (14’ and 25’ lengths) line cords.  
Sample System Directory Label  
Line Cord  
"Line 2"  
625TD RJ14C  
Network Interface  
-Marterial Supplied with Controller  
-D4BU Line Cord, 7' long:  
Line Side: RJ11/14X Network Interface  
625TD RJ11C  
Network Interface  
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Step 4 Wiring Runs  
You may choose to wire your SPIRIT Communications System using 4-pair “business”  
wiring materials or 2-pair “customer convenience” wiring materials. While the materials  
are somewhat different, the procedure for labeling the wiring run is the same.  
Each “run” from the controller to a telephone set location should be numbered and  
labeled. Materials for labeling the telephone cords are included with the controller.  
Do not skip this important step.  
If you choose to use the 4-pair “business” wiring materials, the labeling should look  
like the following:  
Sample System Directory Label  
Telephone Cord  
Jack Panel box  
D4BU Telephone Cord  
Jack Panel Wiring  
Run Label  
25’ Max.  
Modjack/Modjack Adapters  
Up to 1000’ length  
of cable (8-conductor)  
Wiring Run  
If you choose to wire your system with customer convenience wiring, use the wiring run  
labels to label EACH END of EVERY cord, as well as the wire junction boxes.  
Note to installers: The SPIRIT system requires a reversal in the station set wiring. This reversal is in the  
telephone (tinsel) cord that is packed with the telephone, so all other station set wiring should be straight.  
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Step 4A Business (4-pair) Wiring  
You may choose to wire your business with 4-pair “business” wiring to be ready for  
future communications systems.  
You will need the following materials:  
screwdriver (flathead)  
drill and bits appropriate for your walls  
You will also need the following kits, available from your AT&T representative.  
Wiring run labels  
Jack panel box  
(Number required depends on  
number of telephones. You will  
need one jack panel box per six  
Cable Installation tool  
(one per telephone more than 10 feet  
from the control unit)  
Telephone location stickers  
Modular connecting block  
(one per telephone)  
100-or 200-foot length of cable  
(Length depends on distance between  
control unit and telephone).  
Cable clip  
Jumper cord  
Modjack-to-modjack adapter  
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Mount Jack Panel Boxes  
Mount the jack panel boxes near the controller, creating a “jack field.” You will need one  
jack panel box for every six telephones in your system. Ideally, the jack field will be  
two to six inches below the controller if the controller is wall-mounted.  
Mounting screws for the jack panel boxes are included in the kit. If you are installing the  
boxes on a sturdy supporting structure, such as studs or cross members, attach the boxes  
directly to the walls. If the walls are hollow, mount the jack panel boxes on a board  
that is about two inches larger all around than the complete jack field (all the boxes  
mounted together). Then, mount the board on the wall.  
Mount the jack  
panel box with  
the screws provided  
or fasteners  
appropriate for  
your walls.  
Mesh the tongue and  
groove of another jack  
panel box with the first.  
Mount the second box.  
Black dot  
Snap six modjack-to-modjack  
adapters into each jack retainer.  
Position the black dot on the left.  
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Run Cable To All Telephone Locations  
Select a cable extension kit with the right length of cable (100 or 200 feet) for one cable  
run. For runs over 200 feet, run a 200-foot cable, terminate it in a modular connecting  
block, plug in another cable, and repeat, up to a maximum of 1000 feet.  
Select a Cable Extension Kit with the right length of cable  
(100 or 200 feet) for one cable run. For runs over 200 feet,  
you will have to-run a 200-foot cable, terminate it in a  
modular connecting block, and plug in another cable. The  
maximum length of any cable run is 1000 feet.  
If there is no  
plastic cable  
loop in place,  
slide a cable tie  
under the two  
“spiders” in  
each box.  
Attach a cabel clip  
6 to 12 inches  
below the lowest  
box to support  
each cable as you  
Fill out a pair of wiring  
run it.  
run labels wih the  
telephone location of  
the first wiring run (for  
example, W1 shop,  
W2 sales, W3 RM. 105).  
Plug in the cable  
Attach one label inside  
a jack panel door.  
connector on the right  
side. Thread the cable  
through the clip.  
Save the second  
label for use on a  
modular connecting block.  
Run the cable out to the telephone location. Avoid sharp  
kinks or twists. Use cable clips or staples to dress the  
cable neatly along wall baseboards, molding, etc. Be  
careful not to damage the cable with staples.  
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Install Modular Connecting Blocks  
Install a modular connecting block at each telephone location  
Find the modular connecting block from the Cable Extension  
Kit and the cable installation tool from the Wiring Installation Kit.  
Choose the location for the connecting block according  
to the figure. Cut the cable, making sure you allow at  
least 4 inches extra.  
4 inches  
Modular connecting block  
12 inches  
Cable clip  
Fasten the cable to the connecting block as shown in steps A-K, below.  
Loosen screw. Remove cover and set aside.  
Use cable stripping part of cable installation  
tool to remove 2 inches of cable cover.  
2 inches  
Mount connecting block  
with screws or adhesive  
backing provided.  
Thread cable through  
center of connecting  
block until 1/4 inch  
of cable cover shows.  
Align cable  
in one of  
the notches.  
Cut off loose wire ends near  
plastic caps. Make sure no wires  
touch each other.  
Insert wires in this order left  
to right:  
Attach appropriate wiring run  
label to connecting block.  
Remove and save  
plastic caps  
Align caps and press them down  
firmly until they snap in place.  
Replace cover and tighten  
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Typical cable installation for one telephone location.  
Cable clip  
Identical labels  
Modular connecting block  
Finish your installation by routing cables to all other telephone locations and installing  
modular connecting blocks for each one. Be sure to label both ends of each cable run identically.  
Route your other cables and terminate each one in a  
modular connecting block. Be sure to label both ends of  
each cable run identically.  
Cable clip  
Dress the cables neatly through the lower openings and  
secure them with cable clips or ties.  
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Step 4B Wiring Run, Using Customer Convenience Wiring  
Customer convenience wiring materials are available at your local phone store. Different  
situations require different materials. For instance, if a telephone location is less than  
25 feet from the controller, you may choose to buy a 25’ D4BU line cord and plug one  
end in the modular connecting block of the telephone set and the other end in the  
corresponding modular connecting block in the controller. Use telephone wire clips to  
secure the cord to the baseboard and your telephone set is installed.  
If distances are greater than 25 feet, but less than the maximum of 1000 feet, you will want  
a wiring run using customer convenience wiring.  
700 A4 plug—one for every telephone located more than 25 feet from the controller  
wire junction 742B—one for every 50 feet of wire beyond the initial 50 feet  
telephone wire package—one for every 50 feet of wire  
modular connecting block 725A or 625A—one for every desk telephone set  
modular wall connecting block 630B—one for every telephone set to be mounted  
on the wall  
telephone wire stripper 953A  
telephone wire clips  
Install Plugs  
Install a 700A4 plug to the end of the telephone wire that is plugged into the controller.  
Follow the instructions that are packed with the plug.  
Install Wire Junctions  
If the distance between the controller and a telephone set location exceeds 50 feet,  
install a Wire Junction (742B). Follow the instructions that come with the wire junction.  
Install telephone wire from each wire junction to each telephone set location. Be sure  
that you label the telephone cords. This can be repeated up to maximum of 1000 feet.  
Secure Telephone Wire  
Secure telephone wire along baseboard with clips. Be careful that you do not damage  
the wire.  
Install Modular Connecting Blocks  
Install a Modular Connecting Block (725A or 625A) within 14 feet of every telephone set  
that will be desk mounted. Install a Modular Connecting Block for Wall telephones  
(630B) where every wall-mounted telephone set will be located. Follow the instructions  
that come with the modular connecting blocks.  
Insert wires in this order:  
Customer Convenience  
height above  
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Typical Installation Using Customer Convenience Wiring  
Sample System Directory Label  
Telephone Set Modular  
Cord (D4BU)  
630B Wall Connecting Block  
25’ Max.  
Telephone Set  
Cord (included  
with telephone)  
Wire Run  
Less Than 50’  
Wire Run  
Greater Than 50’  
o r  
742B Wire  
Junction Box  
725A Modular Connecting Block  
Note to installers: The SPIRIT system requires a reversal in the station set wiring. This reversal is in the  
telephone (tinsel) cord that is packed with the telephone, so all other station set wiring should be straight.  
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Step 5 Install Telephone Sets  
SPIRIT telephone sets are available in 6-Button and 24-Button models. The models are  
installed the same way. SPIRIT telephones are not like regular telephones and will not work if  
plugged directly into the Network Interface Jacks. Regular telephones will not work if they  
are plugged into the station jacks on your controller.  
Record Installation Date  
Turn the telephone over. Write the installation date on the label located on the bottom of the  
set above the base.  
Desk Mount  
All telephone sets are delivered assembled for desktop use; you need only attach the handset.  
To install the telephone cord on a desktop set, plug one end of the cord into the jack on  
the bottom of the telephone. Run the cord through the slot on the bottom of the base so that  
the cord is retained by the tabs. Plug the other end of the cord into the modular connecting  
block of that location. Plug the handset cord into the handset.  
Wall Mount  
To mount a SPIRIT telephone set on the wall, remove the set base by pushing in on the center  
at the top of the base and pulling the base away from the telephone. Install the base on a  
630B Wall Telephone Modular Connecting Block. Plug one end of the telephone cord into the  
wall connecting block. Wrap surplus cord around the tabs on the base (see picture on left).  
Plug the other end of the telephone cord into the jack on the back of the telephone set. Insert the  
top tab of the base into the slot at the top of the set. With one hand, push up on the center of the  
bottom of the base. Swing the set into position and lock into place.  
Slide out the plastic hook (see picture on right) located just above the speaker grill and turn  
around so the curved section sticks up into the earpiece cradle and holds the receiver in place.  
Plug the handset cord into the handset.  
Label Intercom Extension Number  
Slide out the plastic hook (see picture on right) located just above the speaker grill. Lift the  
clear plastic window off the hook. Locate the designation labels from the telephone box and  
tear off the ICM label. Record the intercom extension number of that telephone on the ICM label.  
Place the label on the plastic hook. Lay the plastic window on the label. Holding the label  
and plastic window in place, slide the plastic hook back into the telephone.  
plastic hook  
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Step 6 Connect System To Wiring Runs  
Connect the controller to the wiring runs. Following the numbers on your wiring run  
labels, plug one end of a jumper cord into the jack panel box or wire junction (see pages  
Plug the controller power cord into the AC outlet.  
Testing The System  
Testing the Incoming Telephone Company Lines  
Use a standard telephone with a modular cord. Plug the cord into the jacks for the  
incoming telephone lines. If you can hear a dial tone, the lines are working. If you  
do not hear a dial tone, contact your local telephone company.  
Testing the Wiring Run  
If you cannot get a dial tone on a SPIRIT telephone set, check the wiring by carrying  
the set to the controller and plugging the modular cord into one of the “STATION”  
jacks on the controller. If you get a dial tone at the controller, but not at the telephone  
set location, the wiring is at fault.  
Self Test  
Your SPIRIT Communications System has self-test capabilities that you may use to  
confirm that the system is installed correctly. The controller test checks that the  
controller is working properly. You must perform the controller test at telephone 10. If  
you hear an error tone during the self test, check to make sure that none of the  
telephones are being used and that all the receivers are in place.  
The telephone test, which checks that the telephone is working properly, is performed  
at each telephone.  
Controller Test  
All telephones in the system must be idle.  
At the controller, set the administration switch to ON.  
At telephone 10, press INTERCOM.  
Lift receiver.  
Dial * 0 9 # * #  
The test takes a few seconds to run. Then the results will be displayed on the indicator  
lights of telephone 10.  
1. The right INTERCOM light and LINE 1 light should be lit. If either fail to light then  
there is a defect in the 308 controller.  
2. LINE 2 and LINE 3 lights should be lit. If either fails to light then there is a defect in  
either the 308 controller or the 616 expansion unit if installed. Unplug the power cord,  
remove the expansion unit, plug in the power cord, and run the test again. If the lights  
still fail to light then the defect is in the 308 controller. Otherwise, the defect is in the  
616 expansion unit.  
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3. The left INTERCOM light should be lit if there is a 616 expansion unit installed  
correctly. If there is not an expansion unit installed, and the light does light, then there is  
a defect in the 308 controller. If a 616 expansion unit is present, check that the connector  
is properly installed (see the Expansion Unit Installation Instructions for further  
information) and then run the test again. If the left INTERCOM light still does not light,  
then there is a defect in either the 308 controller or the 616 expansion unit. To  
determine which device is at fault, substitute either a working 616 or 308 and run the  
test again.  
4. LINE 4 and LINE 5 lights should be lit. If either fails to light then there may be a problem  
with the wiring to the sets or a defective set connected to the controller. Disconnect all  
telephones (except set 10) at the controller “STATION” jacks. Run the test again. If  
the same results occur, the wiring and sets are working but there is a defect in either the  
308 controller or the 616 expansion unit. Unplug the power cord, disconnect the expansion  
unit, plug in the power cord, and run the test again. If the lights go ON, the defect is in  
the expansion unit. If the lights still do not light the defect is in the 308 controller.  
5. Ignore the rest of the lights on the set.  
6. Set the administration switch to OFF.  
Telephone Test  
Your telephones may be tested by running a self-test procedure at each telephone set.  
To start the test,  
Lift receiver.  
Dial # * #  
All of the indicator lights on the set should go ON.  
Press any button on the telephone. All of the indicator lights should go OFF.  
Press any button on the set. The telephone should ring once. The receiver and the  
speakerphone microphone should be ON.  
Now, check the indicator lights at every button by pressing the button. You should be  
able to turn ON or OFF an indicator light by pressing the button next to it. If a  
button does not have an indicator light, the MESSAGE indicator light will turn ON  
and OFF to indicate that the button is working.  
When the SPEAKER indicator light is OFF, the handset receiver (earpiece) and the  
speakerphone microphone should be ON. Test by rubbing your finger over the  
microphone (the two small slots next to the # key). You should hear static.  
Hangup the telephone to leave self test. (You can always leave self test at any point  
by hanging up.)  
After completing the self test by hanging up the telephone, test the speaker by pressing  
INTERCOM and then SPEAKER. You should hear a dial tone.  
Test the handset transmitter by lifting the receiver and dialing one digit on an outside  
line. Then set the handset volume to its highest level and blow into the mouthpiece.  
You should hear the blowing through the handset earpiece.  
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What To Do If You Have Trouble With Your System:  
For SPIRIT Communications Systems purchased from AT&T, a customer “hotline”  
(1-800-628-2888) is available to help you if you have questions about or trouble with your  
system. If you need assistance from the hotline, please follow these instructions BEFORE  
calling the hotline number. If you have purchased your system from an authorized dealer,  
these procedures will provide helpful information to have available before you contact  
your dealer.  
until you have observed the HFAI, MESSAGE, MUTE, and SPEAKER lights. Make  
a note of whether each of those lights is on or off and have the information available  
when you contact the hotline.  
If a telephone is not working properly, exchange it with a working telephone set. You  
may also check telephone cords, handsets, and handset cords by swapping them with  
working components.  
If you think the wiring may be at fault, take the inoperative telephone to the controller  
and plug it directly into the corresponding station jack. If it works there, the wiring  
between the controller and the telephone set is at fault. To check the station jack,  
plug the inoperative telephone into a station jack that you know is working.  
Check the network interface jacks (where the telephone company lines come into your  
company) by plugging a working standard telephone (NOT a SPIRIT telephone set)  
directly into the jack. If the telephone does not work, call your local telephone company.  
Optional Accessories  
The controller has jacks for a music on hold source, external alert, and a public address  
system. The music on hold source requires an RCA-type phono plug. The line level for  
Music-On-Hold is one volt. A volume control for the music source is located next to the  
music jack on the controller.  
NOTE: Users of equipment that rebroadcasts copyrighted music or other material may be  
required to obtain a license from a third party such as ASCAP or BMI.  
Replacement Parts  
You may order the following SPIRIT Communications System equipment.  
Order Number  
6-Button Telephone  
24-Button Telephone  
308 Controller  
616 Expansion Unit  
Handset Cord—6 feet  
Handset Cord—12 feet  
Handset Cord—25 feet  
Telephone Cord—7 feet  
Handset Cord—9 feet  
Call: AT&T Sourcebook  
Number: 1-800-451-2100  
Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in all U.S. time zones.  
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