Lucent Technologies Computer Hardware partner voice messaging card User Manual

Lucent Technologies  
Be ll La b s Innova tions  
PARTNER® Voice Messaging PC Card  
For the PARTNER Advanced Communications System  
Installation, Programming and Use  
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Copyright © 1997, Lucent Technologies  
All Rights Reserved  
Issue 1  
Printed in USA  
November 1997  
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at  
the time of printing. However, information is subject to change.  
Your Responsibility for Your System's Security  
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized  
party, for example, persons other than your company's employees, agents, subcontractors, or  
persons working on your company's behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associ-  
ated with your telecommunications system and, if toll fraud orrcurs, it can result in substantial  
additional charges for your telecommunications services.  
You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as program-  
ming and configuring your equipment to prevent unauthorized use. The system manager is also  
responsible for reading all installation, instruction, and system administration documents pro-  
vided with this product in order to fully understand the features that can introduce risk of toll  
fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant  
that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecom-  
munication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will  
not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.  
Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention  
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or  
assistance, call the National Customer Care Center at 1 800 643-2353.  
PARTNER, MLS-34D, MLS-18D, MLS-12D, MLS-12, and MLS-6 are registeredtrademarks  
of Lucent Technologies in the US and other countries.  
Ordering Information  
Lucent Technologies Publications Center  
International Voice 317-322-6791  
International Fax 317-322-6699  
Voice 1 800 457-1235  
Fax 1 800 457-1764  
Lucent Technologies Publications Center  
2855 N. Franklin  
Indianapolis, IN 46219  
Document No. 518-456-100  
Comcode 108073784  
Issue 1, November 1997  
Support Telephone Number  
In the continental US, Lucent Technologies provides a toll-free customer helpline 24 hours a  
day. Call the Lucent Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 or your Lucent Technologies  
authorized dealer if you need assistance when installing programming, or using your system.  
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Table of Contents  
Key Sequences  
VMS Coverage  
Voice Mail Service  
Initial Settings  
Line Coverage  
Helpful Hints  
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Purpose of this Guide  
This guide provides instructions for installing, programming, and using the  
PARTNER® Voice Messaging PC Card with the PARTNER Advanced  
Communications System (ACS) Release 1.1 or later. This guide is intended for:  
The technician who installs the hardware and programs the initial system  
The System Manager—the person who is responsible for managing the  
system on an ongoing basis  
The subscriber, a user who has been assigned one of the four mailboxes  
on PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
This guide uses the following terms:  
Communications system (CS): in most countries, Release 1.1 or later of the  
PARTNER Advanced Communications System.  
System phones: the telephones specifically designed to work with the  
communications system, including the PARTNER-34D, PARTNER 18D,  
PARTNER-18, PARTNER 6, MLS-34D®, MLS-18D®, MLS-12D®, MLS-12®,  
MLS-6®, MLC-6, MDC 9000, MDW 9000, MDW 9010, and MDW 9030P.  
Key Sequences  
This guide instructs you to press key sequences on the telephone's dialpad to  
perform tasks. Each sequence includes a letter associated with a task. Since  
some dialpads do not have letters, the sequences are also referred to with a  
number. The numerical sequences and their associated letter sequences are  
listed below for your reference:  
] [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
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Voice Messaging Service Overview  
The PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card is designed to work with the  
communications system. The system configuration consists of two voice  
channels (ports) and four mailboxes, providing the following basic voice  
messaging capabilities:  
Handles up to two calls simultaneously and provides service for four  
Answers outside calls, plays a customized message prompting the caller  
to select a mailbox (1–4) for the party for whom the caller wants to leave a  
message—all without the aid of a receptionist.  
Allows callers to leave a private message if the called party does not  
answer or is busy on another call. The caller can also transfer to another  
system extension or the receptionist's extension for assistance.  
When a message is left in one of the four mailboxes, the message light on  
the system phone associated with the mailbox comes on.  
Allows subscribers to retrieve messages from any touch-tone phone on the  
premises or from a remote locations. The system informs subscribers how  
many of these message are new and how many are old (previously saved)  
The voice messaging system provides two types of service:  
Call Answer Service. Allows the caller to leave a message or to transfer to  
another extension if the called party is busy or does not answer.  
Voice Mail Service. Allows subscribers to listen to messages and to  
manage their own mailboxes.  
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Figure 1 provides an overview of the features associated with each service.  
PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card  
Call Answer Service  
Voice Mail Service  
Allows subscribers to:  
Prompts caller to leave a message  
or transfer to another extension  
when the party is busy.  
Listen to messages  
Delete messages  
Record personal greeting(s)  
Change their password  
Replay Messages  
Skip Messages  
VMS Extension  
Voice Mailbox  
Caller hears the called  
party's personal greeting  
and can leave a message.  
System users press a  
button to transfer callers  
directly to a voice mailbox  
without ringing the  
extension first.  
Do Not Disturb  
VMS Coverage  
VMS Coverage  
Subscribers can use Do Not  
Disturb in conjunction with  
automatic or manual VMS  
coverage. Doing so enables  
callers to receive Call  
Subscribers can turn  
voice mail coverage on  
and off at their extension.  
Subscribers have voice  
mail coverage on all the  
time at their extension.  
Answer service  
Immediately — calls do not  
ring the extension first.  
Figure 1. PARTNER Voice Messaging Services  
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Communications System Features  
Affecting Call Answer Service  
Call Answer Service works with the following communications system  
VMS Coverage  
Do Not Disturb  
Group Call Distribution  
Line Coverage Extension  
Voice Mailbox Transfer  
Each of these features is explained briefly below. For more information about  
these communications system features, see the Programming and Use guide  
for your communications system.  
VMS Coverage  
VMS Coverage can be either automatic or manual.  
Automatic VMS Cover (#310): When the communications system  
Automatic VMS Cover feature is assigned for an extension, intercom and  
transferred callers are transferred to the voice messaging system when the  
called person does not answer by the fourth ring (or by the number of rings  
specified within the communications system VMS Cover Rings (#117)  
feature). The voice messaging system greets the caller with the general  
greeting. To leave a message, the caller selects the mailbox by dialing 1–4  
or transfers to the receptionist by dialing [ 0 ].  
Manual VMS Cover (F15): Regardless of the Automatic VMS Cover  
setting, the communications system enables subscribers to press a  
programmed button to turn voice mail coverage on and off at their  
extension. To make this possible, the VMS Cover feature must be  
programmed on a button with lights on the subscriber system phone.  
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Do Not Disturb (F01)  
A Do Not Disturb button can be programmed on a user's phone to prevent  
calls for that extension from audibly alerting (lights still flash). Subscribers who  
have VMS Extension Coverage—either automatic or manual—can use this  
communications system feature when they want calls sent to the voice  
messaging system immediately.  
Group Call Distribution (#206)  
Group Call Distribution assigns outside lines to Hunt Groups. If you want an  
outside line to ring directly into PARTNER Voice Messaging, instead of being  
answered and transferred by the receptionist, assign the line to Hunt Group 7,  
which is used exclusively for PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
Line Coverage Extension (#208)  
Line Coverage Extension identifies an extension as the "owner" of a specific  
line, so the extension can activate Call Coverage or VMS Cover for that line.  
When a call comes in on a covered line, the system routes the call directly to  
PARTNER Voice Messaging if the call is not answered. The caller has the  
option of leaving a message in the general mailbox, selecting one of the four  
subscriber mailboxes and leaving a message, or transferring to another  
extension, or dialing [ 0 ] to reach the receptionist.  
Line ownership typically is assigned to personal lines or to lines to be used for  
outside access to the PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
Voice Mailbox Tranfer (F14)  
A Voice Mailbox Transfer button can be programmed on a user's phone to  
transfer callers directly to PARTNER Voice Messaging without ringing the  
extension first. This feature is useful when a user is handling calls for a  
subscriber who is not at his or her desk.  
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Voice Mail Service  
Voice Mail service allows subscribers to manage their own mailboxes. With it,  
a subscriber can:  
Listen to messages  
Delete messages  
Skip Messages  
Record a personal greeting.  
Change the default password for the mailbox to ensure that messages are  
kept confidential.  
Voice Mail service offers callers the following options when their call is  
unanswered at a subscriber's extension:  
Leave a detailed, confidential message in the called party's mailbox.  
Press [ 0 ] to transfer to the receptionist's extension for assistance.  
Callers can press [ 0 ] or dial any extension before, during, or after leaving a  
Until a customized greeting is recorded for the general mailbox, and for  
individual subscriber mailboxes, outside callers who reach the general  
mailbox, or individual subscriber mailboxes, hear a factory-set  
Factory-Set General Mailbox  
Welcome to PARTNER Voice Messaging  
Please press [ 1 ] leave a message.  
Factory-Set Subscriber Mailbox  
Your party is not available. Please leave a message after the tone.  
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The PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card provides four mailboxes. The  
factory-set mailbox assignments are:  
Mailbox 1, the general mailbox, is assigned to extension 10.  
Mailbox 2, is assigned to extension 11.  
Mailbox 3, is assigned to extension 12.  
Mailbox 4, is assigned to extension 13.  
When a call is transferred to PARTNER Voice Messaging, the caller hears the  
general mailbox greeting and can select the subscriber's mailbox by dialing  
the mailbox number (1–4) or can wait on the line to leave a message in the  
general mailbox. The caller can also dial [ 0 ] to reach the receptionist.  
When a caller leaves a message, the voice messaging system places the  
message in the mailbox and turns on the message light (if available) at the  
subscriber's phone.  
It is recommended that mailbox subscribers use system telephones  
with message lights.  
Subscribers can retrieve messages at their convenience from any touch-tone  
phone either while on-site or from an off-site location. The system informs  
subscribers of the number of new and old (saved) messages in their  
listening to messages, transferring to another extension, and changing a  
Voice Mail Service also enables the System Manager to program the voice  
on page 14 for more information.  
Subscribers can call into PARTNER Voice Messaging from a system extension  
or from a remote location. To access their mailboxes they enter a mailbox  
number followed by a password.  
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The System Manager is responsible for the security of the system. As the  
System Manager, it is important that you fully understand and appropriately  
administer this product to reduce your risk of incurring charges that result from  
unauthorized use of the system. Under the law, you, the customer is  
responsible for paying for part or all of those unauthorized calls.  
Be aware that criminals called hackers may attempt to gain unauthorized  
access to your communications system and your voice messaging system.  
Hackers often try to trick a company's employees into providing them with  
access to an outside line or an outside operator. They may also concentrate  
their activities in two areas related to the voice messaging system:  
They try to dial into a mailbox, then execute a transfer to an outside line.  
Then they dial an access code, followed by a digit string to either direct  
dial or access a network operator to complete the call.  
They try to locate unused or unprotected mailboxes and use them as  
drop-off points for their own messages.  
System Security Guidelines  
To reduce the risk of unauthorized use of your communications and voice  
messaging systems, you should:  
Change the System Manager's password from the factory setting. Use a  
hard-to-guess value.  
Advise subscribers to protect their mailboxes by changing their passwords  
(a four-digit password is required) when they log into PARTNER Voice  
Messaging for the first time and frequently thereafter. Subscribers can refer  
Reference Card.  
Monitor your call reporting system records of outgoing calls to identify  
possible system abuse.  
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You should also:  
Ask users to tell you if any of the following suspicious activity occurs:  
Inability to log into PARTNER Voice Messaging  
Lost mail messages or altered greetings  
Inability to get an outside line  
Series of calls with silence on the other end or with the caller hanging up  
Sudden increase in wrong numbers  
Caller complaints that your lines are busy  
Callers claiming to represent the "phone" company. Ask for a callback  
Callers trying to obtain sensitive information or asking for assistance in  
placing outside or long-distance calls. Ask for a callback number.  
Increases in internal requests for assistance in making outside calls  
(particularly international calls or requests for dial tone).  
Never distribute the office telephone directory to anyone outside the  
Collect old office telephone directories and shred them.  
Never discuss your telephone system's numbering plan with anyone  
outside your company.  
Any time a call appears to be suspicious, in the continental U.S., contact  
your Lucent Technologies Representative or local Authorized Dealer.  
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Installation Instructions  
The PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card is used with PARTNER Advanced  
Communications System processor module Release 1.1 or later (available  
separately). The processor module uses PC cards for backup or restore  
functions, for software upgrades, for Automatic System Answer/Direct  
Extension Dialing (ASA/DXD) functions, as well as for PARTNER Voice  
Messaging. Make sure that you have the required PARTNER Voice Messaging  
PC Card and PARTNER ACS Release 1.1 or later before beginning these  
installation procedures. If you are using Release 1.0 of the Partner ACS  
processor module, you will need to upgrade to Release 1.1 or later before you  
can install the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card. Contact your Lucent  
Technologies Representative, or your local Authorized Dealer.  
Important Safety Instructions  
Always follow these basic safety precautions when using this product:  
1. Read and understand all instructions.  
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.  
Do not drop, bend, or crush the card.  
4. Keep the card away from moisture, high temperatures, and direct sunlight.  
Keep the connector on the card clean.  
Before starting, verify that you have batteries installed in the PARTNER  
ACS processor module (if extension 10 shows the ReplaceSysBat  
W/Power On message in the display, replace the batteries without  
turning off the system.)  
To avoid damage to the PARTNER ACS processor module or to the  
card, do not install or remove the card when power is on.  
Power down the PARTNER Advanced Communications System before  
inserting or removing the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card.  
IfDyoowunlohadafvroemaWw5w-S.Sloomtancuaarlsr.iceorm,. tAullrMnanthuaels OSenar/cOh fAfnSd Dwoiwtcnlhoatdo. Off ("O").  
Disconnect the power cord from the power jack on your installation.  
If you have a standalone or a 2-Slot carrier, skip  
to Step 3. If you have a 5-Slot carrier, continue  
with Step 2A.  
Loosen the screw on the lower front of the  
cover. Then place one hand on the handle on  
the lower front and place your other hand on  
the top of the cover.  
B )  
Gently pull the cover up and away from the carrier.  
To insert the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC  
Card, hold it with the Lucent Technologies label  
facing to the right, and slide it gently into one of  
the PC card slots on the PARTNER ACS  
processor module. When inserted properly, the  
PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card projects  
about 1-5/8" (4 cm) from the module.  
To remove the PC card, gently pull straight out  
(with the power off).  
Power up the system:  
Reconnect the power cord.  
If you have a 5-Slot carrier, move the carrier's On/Off switch to the  
"On" position ("—").  
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Check that the green light on the front of each module is lit:  
If a single light is out, power down the system, reseat the module,  
then power up the system.  
If multiple lights are out, power down the system, reseat the leftmost  
module that has a light out, then power up the system.  
If the lights are still out, in the continental U. S., call the Lucent  
Technologies hotline at 1 800 628-2888 for support. Outside the  
continental U.S., contact your Lucent Technologies Representative  
or local Authorized Dealer.  
If you have a 2-Slot carrier or a standalone  
configuration, you are finished with this  
procedure. If you have a 5-Slot carrier,  
continue with Step 6A.  
A )  
Make sure all modules are seated  
properly. The cover will not fit if the  
modules are not seated properly.  
B) To replace the cover, grasp it by its  
upper edges and hold it squarely over  
the control unit.  
Place the cover over the modules and  
make sure it fits firmly in place.  
D )  
Tighten the screw on the lower front cover.  
Leave the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card in the processor module. The  
card stores message, greetings, etc.  
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PARTNER Voice Messaging Programming  
This section provides the following information:  
Initial settings for the communications system and PARTNER Voice  
Messaging when the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card is installed  
General instructions for programming PARTNER Voice Messaging followed  
by instructions for changing the initial PARTNER Voice Messaging settings  
The order of the procedures in this section enables you to record the general  
mailbox greeting and change the assignments for the mailboxes before  
PARTNER Voice Messaging begins to handle calls—this order is  
recommended to ensure that calls are handled correctly for the subscribers  
who require voice mail coverage.  
In the following step-by-step instructions, note that Step 1 of each procedure  
for the voice messaging system is logging into PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
However, if you are already logged into PARTNER Voice Messaging, you can  
skip Step 1.  
lnitial Settings  
When the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card is installed in the PARTNER  
system is powered up, some settings are established for both PARTNER Voice  
Messaging and the PARTNER ACS system.  
If you want to make changes to the initial settings for PARTNER Voice  
PARTNER ACS settings, use the instructions in "PARTNER ACS Programming"  
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PARTNER Voice Messaging  
Initial Settings  
The following are the initial settings for PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
Mailbox 1—the general mailbox—is assigned to extension 10.  
Mailbox 2 is assigned to extension 11.  
Mailbox 3 is assigned to extension 12.  
Mailbox 4 is assigned to extension 13.  
The following factory-set general mailbox greeting plays if a call is  
transferred to PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
Welcome to the PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
Please press [ ] to leave a message.  
The following factory-set Personal Mailbox greeting plays for individual  
subscriber mailboxes (1–4):  
Your party is not available. Please leave a message after the tone.  
PARTNER ACS Initial Settings  
Following are the initial settings for the PARTNER ACS system Release 1.1 or  
later when a PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card is present:  
Virtual extensions 78 and 79 are assigned to the two voice ports on  
PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
A virtual extension is an extension number that exists in system software  
only, and is not associated with a physical extension jack on a module.  
The Idle-Line Preference for extensions 78 and 79 is automatically set to  
Intercom First.  
The Intercom dial tone for extensions 78 and 79 is automatically set to  
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You must perform the following two procedures for every installation:  
Assign the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card's virtual extensions 78 and  
79 to PARTNER ACS Hunt Group 7 (ICOM 777) used for voice mail  
Assign an extension as the destination extension for Transfer Return calls  
from Hunt Group 7 (ICOM 777). This ensures that when a caller chooses to  
transfer to another extension before during or after leaving a message in a  
subscriber mailbox and the call is unanswered, the transferred call will  
return to the designated system extension where it rings until it is  
answered. If you want calls returned to the receptionist;s extension, assign  
extension 10 or 11 as the Transfer Return extension.  
PARTNER Voice Messaging Planning Forms  
Before you program PARTNER Voice Messaging, obtain completed copies of  
the relevant planning forms for the PARTNER ACS system. See "PARTNER  
extensions, mailboxes, and other information required to program PARTNER  
Voice Messaging.  
You need the following forms for PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
Form 1: Mailbox Assignments. Shows factory-set mailbox assignments.  
Allows you to change the mailbox assignments.  
Form 2: General Mailbox Greeting. Shows the script used to record the  
general mailbox greeting that is played when a caller is transferred to  
PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
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Using PARTNER Voice Messaging  
System Programming  
Mailbox 0 is a special mailbox with no storage capacity that is used to program  
PARTNER Voice Messaging. The System Manager uses this mailbox to:  
Change the System Manager's password for mailbox 0.  
Reinitialize passwords for mailboxes 1–4 if a subscriber forgets the  
Assign PARTNER ACS system extensions to mailboxes 1–4.  
Record the general mailbox greeting. You can record a greeting up to two  
minutes long.  
The factory-set password for mailbox 0 is 1234. If you are the System  
instructions on how to change the password.  
Although mailbox 0 has a password, it does not have storage capacity  
for messages.  
The Programming Main Menu  
The Programming Main Menu enables you to assign mailboxes to extensions,  
record the general mailbox greeting, change the password for mailbox 0,  
initialize mailboxes, and reinitialize mailbox passwords.  
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PARTNER Voice Messaging  
Press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] (if calling internally)  
Press [  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) while listening to general mailbox greeting  
(if calling from an outside tine)  
Enter 0 and password (factory setting = 1234) to select mailbox 0  
Reinitialize a  
Mailbox Password  
Record General  
Mailbox to  
(Press [ ] followed  
by the Mailbox  
(Press [ 5 ])  
(Press [ 3 ])  
(Press [ 1 ])  
(Press [  
91, 92, 93, or 94  
Figure 2. Programming Menu  
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Accessing the Programming  
Main Menu  
To access the Programming Main Menu:  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed VMMsgs  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the general  
The system plays a greeting followed by:  
Enter mailbox number followed by a password.  
Enter [ 0 ] and the four-digit password. (The factory-set password is 1234.)  
The system plays:  
To assign a mailbox to an extension, press [  
]. To administer the  
general greeting, press [ ]. To change your password, press [  
To initialize a mailbox, press [ 6 ]. To re-initialize a mailbox  
password, press [ 9 ] followed by the mailbox number.  
The first time you access this menu, you should change the factory-set  
password. Use a hard-to-guess value, and record it in a safe place. See  
Programming Guidelines  
Once you are familiar with PARTNER Voice Messaging, use these shortcuts to  
save time while programming:  
You do not have to wait for a prompt to play before entering digits for the  
next step.  
Press [  
Programming Main Menu.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) at any point during programming to return to the  
To ensure that you hear voice prompts, turn off your microphone when  
using the speakerphone to program the system.  
Use the handset rather than the speakerphone to record greetings to avoid  
background noise in your recordings. Hang up to exit programming.  
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Assigning a Mailbox to an Extension  
Before you begin, locate Form 1: Mailbox Assignments for PARTNER Voice  
Messaging. Check to see whether mailboxes have been changed from the  
factory defaults. If mailboxes are not numbered differently, skip to "Recording  
the General Mailbox Greeting."  
Assign mailboxes to extensions as specified on Form 1:  
1 . If necessary, access the Programming Main Menu. If you are already at  
the Programming Main Menu, skip to Step 2.  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the  
Enter [ 0 ] followed by the password for mailbox 0.  
] to assign mailboxes to extensions.  
2 . Press [  
3 . Enter the number of a mailbox to be changed as indicated on Form 1.  
4 . Enter the extension number for the mailbox as indicated on Form 1.  
5 . Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each mailbox to be changed.  
6 . Go to "Recording the General Mailbox Greeting" or press [  
] [  
] [  
] to exit  
Recording the General Mailbox Greeting  
To record the greeting callers hear when PARTNER Voice Messaging answers,  
as specified on Form 2:  
1. If necessary, access the Programming Main Menu. If you are already at  
the Programming Main Menu, skip to Step 2.  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
VMMsgs button.  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed  
] ( [ ] [ ]) during the  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
Enter [ 0 ] followed by the password for mailbox 0.  
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Press [ 3 ] to record the general mailbox greeting.  
Do one of the following:  
To approve the greeting, press [  
To re-record the greeting, press [  
To exit without changing the greeting, press [  
] [  
Unlike some voice mail systems, PARTNER Voice Messaging allows you to  
record the general mailbox greeting from a remote location. For example, if  
you want to record instructions for inclement weather.  
Changing the System Manager's Password  
This section tells you how to change the System Manager's password (for  
mailbox 0) that is required for changing PARTNER Voice Messaging settings.  
The factory setting for mailbox 0 is 1234. To prevent unauthorized  
programming of the system, you should change the default password  
immediately after installation or any time the password has been reset. You  
must assign four digits for a password. It is recommended that you create a  
password from random, nonsequential digits.  
You cannot reinitialize the System Manager's password. If you change the  
password and forget it, you can contact the National Customer Care Center at  
1 800 628-2888 or call your Lucent Technologies Representative or local  
Authorized Dealer for instructions for how to reset the password.  
To change the password for mailbox 0:  
1 .  
If necessary, access the Programming Main Menu. If you are already at  
the Programming Main Menu, skip to Step 2.  
A )  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the  
Enter [ 0 ] followed by the password for mailbox 0.  
] to change the password.  
The prompt asks you to enter your new password.  
2. Press [  
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Enter four digits for the new password.  
The prompt asks you to re-enter your new password.  
Re-enter your new password.  
The new password is now active.  
Press [  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) to return to the Programming Main Menu or press  
] [ ] [  
] to exit programming, or hang up.  
Reinitializing a Mailbox  
To prepare a previously used mailbox for a new subscriber, you can reinitialize  
the mailbox. This procedure deletes any messages left in the mailbox and  
turns off the phone's message light (if on), erases the personal greeting (if  
recorded), and changes the password back to the factory setting (1234).  
To reinitialize a mailbox:  
If necessary, access the Programming Main Menu. If you are already at  
the Programming Main Menu, skip to Step 2.  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
VMMsgs button.  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the  
Enter [ 0 ] followed by the password for mailbox 0.  
] to initialize mailboxes.  
The system plays:  
Caution: Initializing a mailbox erases its greeting and messages.  
Press [  
To exit without making any changes, press [  
] [  
Do one of the following:  
Enter the number of the mailbox you want to initialize.  
Press [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ]) to return to the Programming Main Menu without  
making changes.  
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If you entered a mailbox number in Step 3:  
The system plays:  
4 . Press [  
] [  
] [  
] to quit, or hang up.  
Reinitializing a Password  
If a subscriber forgets the password for his or her mailbox, you can reinitialize  
the password to the factory setting of 1234 so the user can retrieve messages.  
Remind the subscriber to change the password immediately after logging in  
for the first time.  
You cannot use this procedure to reinitialize the System Manager's  
password for mailbox 0. If you change the System Manager's password  
and forget it, you can contact the National Customer Care Center at  
1 800 628-2888 or call your Lucent Technologies Representative or  
local Authorized Dealer for instructions for how to reset the password.  
To reinitialize a password to 1234:  
1 .  
If necessary, access the Programming Main Menu. If you are already at  
the Programming Main Menu, skip to Step 2.  
A )  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] or the programmed  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the  
Enter [ 0 ] followed by the password for mailbox 0.  
Press [ 9 ] followed by the mailbox number to reinitialize a password. The  
system plays:  
2 .  
3 .  
The password has been reinitialized.  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] or hang up to quit.  
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PARTNER ACS Programming  
When the PARTNER ACS is installed, it uses factory settings that reflect the  
most common usage of the equipment. You can change these settings as  
required to customize them for the business.  
You can program the communications system from extension 10 or extension  
11. You may find it more convenient to program from extension 11. This  
capability allows the receptionist to continue handling calls at extension 10  
while you program.  
System Programming changes settings for the system as a whole, or for  
individual lines or extensions. (Refer to the Programming and Use guide for  
the PARTNER ACS system for more information about System Programming  
You must perform the following two procedures for every installation:  
Assign the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card's virtual extensions 78 and  
79 to PARTNER ACS Hunt Group 7 (ICOM 777) used for voice mail  
Assign extension 10 or extension 11 as the destination extension for  
Transfer Return calls from Hunt Group 7 (ICOM 777). This ensures that  
when a caller chooses to transfer to another extension before during or  
after leaving a message in a subscriber mailbox and the call is  
unanswered, the transferred call will return to the designated receptionist's  
extension where it rings until it is answered.  
PARTNER ACS Planning Forms  
Refer to the communications system's System Planner when you are changing  
system settings, and be sure to record any changes you make. The following  
forms from the System Planner contain information about PARTNER Voice  
Form A: System Configuration. Contains basic information about the  
system. This includes the line number and type of voice messaging service  
required for each line.  
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Form B1: System Extensions. Contains basic information about each  
extension. This includes the type of phone or auxiliary equipment at the  
extension, and the name of the user or a description of how the extension is  
Form B2: Customized Extension Settings. Contains feature settings,  
such as Automatic VMS Cover and Automatic Extension Privacy, and group  
assignments for each extension.  
Form C: Button Assignments. Specifies which features are programmed  
on buttons for each extension. This includes VMS Cover, Do Not Disturb,  
Voice Mailbox Transfer, and Voice Mail Messages buttons.  
Using PARTNER ACS System Programming  
System Programming requires a system display phone at extension 10 or  
extension 11, with a programming overlay placed over the phone's dialpad.  
System Programming procedures are identified by # and a 3-digit code (for  
example, the procedure code for System Date is #101).  
You can program the system in one of two ways:  
Direct Method. You access a programming procedure directly by dialing  
the code for that procedure. This method works best when you are using  
only a few procedures during the programming session, and you know the  
codes. For example, press #101 to change the system date.  
Cycle Method. You cucle through a sequence of procedures in numerical  
order by pressing [ Next Procedure ] or [ Prev Procedure ]. You should use this method  
when programming the communications system for the first time, or when  
you are changing a series of related settings. However, procedures #399,  
#609, and #728 cannot be changed by this method.  
You can talk on the telephone while you program. This is useful if you  
need to call for support while programming. However, you must place  
the call before you enter programming mode, and you must use the  
handset (not the speakerphone) to talk.  
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The Programming Overlays  
During System Programming, the normal functions of several buttons on the  
phone at extension 10 (or 11 if available) change. For example, left [ Intercom  
becomes [ System Program ], which is the button used to enter programming mode.  
To identify these buttons while programming, place the appropriate  
programming overlay provided with the system over the dialpad of the phone  
at extension 10 or 11.  
Use the following special buttons while programming:  
Next Procedure  
and [ Prev Procedure ] cycle forward and backward through the  
programming procedures.  
Next Item ] and [ Prev Item ] cycle forward and backward through a procedure's  
parameters. A parameter is typically an outside line, an extension, or a  
telephone list entry.  
Next Data ] and [ Prev Data ] cycle forward and backward through the valid list  
entries. These buttons work only for fixed data, such as a line or extension  
number. They do not work for variable data such as date, time, password,  
telephone numbers, or doorphone assignments.  
Remove ] returns the current setting to the factory setting.  
Enter ] ends an entry of variable length, such as a telephone number in an  
Allowed Phone Number List.  
System Program ] starts the System Programming process.  
Central Tel Program ] starts the Centralized Telephone Programming process (that is,  
customizing individual telephones from extension 10, or 11 if available).  
Feature ], when followed by [  
] [  
], enters or exits programming mode.  
Programming Mode  
To enter programming mode:  
At extension 10 or 11, make sure the programming overlay is in place  
over the system phone's dialpad.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
Press [ System Program ] [ System Program ].  
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Enter specific programming procedure codes.  
You must program the following for every new installation  
VMS Hunt Group (Hunt Group 7) Extensions (#505)  
Transfer Return Extensions (#306)  
You may also need to program the following:  
Line Coverage  
Group Call Distribution (#206)  
Line Coverage Extension (#208)  
Automatic VMS Cover (#310)  
VMS Cover Rings (#117)  
Telephone Button Programming  
VMS Hunt Group Extensions (#505)  
You must use this procedure to assign virtual extensions 78 and 79 associated  
with PARTNER Voice Messaging to Hunt Group 7. This Hunt Group, which is  
called the VMS Hunt Group, is used exclusively for PARTNER Voice  
To assign virtual extension 78 and 79 to Hunt Group 7:  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
At the Group: prompt, press [  
3. At the Extension: prompt, enter [  
] [  
] for the first virtual extension num-  
ber assigned to PARTNER Voice Messaging as shown on form B1.  
Press [ Next Data ] until the display reads 1 Assigned.  
Press [ Next Item ] to display extension 79 (the second virtual extension num-  
ber assigned to PARTNER Voice Messaging as shown on form B1).  
6 .  
7 .  
Press [ Next Data ] until the display reads 1 Assigned.  
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Transfer Return Extensions (#306)  
For virtual extension 78 and 79 assigned to PARTNER Voice Messaging, use  
the following procedure to assign an extension as the Transfer Return  
If a caller chooses to transfer to another extension before, during or after  
leaving a message in a subscriber mailbox and the call is unanswered, the  
communications system transfers the call to the Transfer Return extension. For  
extensions that do not have PARTNER Voice Messaging coverage or if the  
Voice Mail coverage is off, this procedure ensures that unanswered calls  
transferred from PARTNER Voice Messaging return to the designated  
receptionist's extension where they ring until they are answered.  
If you want calls returned to the receptionist, assign extension 10 or 11. If you  
want calls returned to another system extension, assign any valid extension  
To assign the Transfer Return extension for virtual extensions 78 and 79:  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
At the Extension: prompt, enter [  
] [  
] for the first virtual extension num-  
ber assigned to PARTNER Voice Messaging as shown on form B1.  
At the Data: prompt, enter the extension number for the Transfer Return  
4. Press [ Next Item ] to display extension 79 (the second virtual extension num-  
ber assigned to PARTNER Voice Messaging as shown on form B1).  
At the Data: prompt, enter the extension number for the Transfer Return  
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Line Coverage  
Refer to Form A, Page 1, Line Coverage, VMS-Mail:  
If check marks appear for any lines in this column, use the procedure in  
"Group Call Distribution" below.  
If extension numbers are specified for any lines in this column, use the  
procedure in "Line Coverage Extension" below.  
Group Call Distribution (#206)  
To assign VMS-Mail lines checked on Form A Page 1, Line Coverage, to Hunt  
Group 7:  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
At the Group: prompt, press [  
3. At the Line: prompt, enter the first line checked in the VMS-Mail column.  
Press [ Next Data ] until the display reads 3 VMS Line Cover.  
5. To program another line, press [ Next Item ] or [ Prev Item ] until the appropriate line  
number displays.  
6 .  
7 .  
8 .  
Press [ Next Data ] until the display reads 3 VMS Line Cover.  
Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for each VMS-Mail line checked on Form A.  
If extension numbers are specified for any lines in this column, use the fol-  
lowing procedure in "Line Coverage Extension." Otherwise, continue with  
Line Coverage Extension (#208)  
To assign line coverage for the extension numbers specified in the VMS-Mail  
column on Form A, Page 1, Line Coverage:  
1 .  
2 .  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
At the Line: prompt, enter the first line for which an extension is specified  
in the VMS-Mail column of Form A, Page 1, Line Coverage.  
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At the Data: prompt, enter the number of the extension specified in the  
VMS-Mail column.  
To program another line, press [ Next Item ] or [ Prev Item ] until the appropriate line  
number displays,  
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each VMS-Mail line for which an extension num-  
ber is written on Form A.  
6. Continue with the next section, "Automatic VMS Cover."  
Automatic VMS Cover (#310)  
Check Form B2 to see if Automatic VMS Cover is assigned to any extensions.  
If it is, follow the procedure below. If not, skip to "VMS Cover Rings."  
To change the Automatic VMS Cover setting for an extension to Assigned as  
indicated on Form B2:  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
] .  
Enter the number of the first extension to which Automatic VMS Cover is  
to be assigned.  
Press [ Next Data ] until the display reads 1 Assigned.  
To program another extension, press [ Next Item ] or [ Prev Item ] until the extension  
number shows on the display.  
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each extension to which Automatic VMS Cover  
is to be assigned.  
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VMS Cover Rings (#117)  
Check Form A, to see if VMS Cover Rings is different from the factory setting  
of 3. If it is, follow the procedure below beginning with Step 1. If not, skip to  
Step 3 of the procedure below.  
To change the number of times calls ring before they are sent to the voice  
messaging system as indicated on Form A, Page 2, VMS Cover Rings:  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] [  
Enter the VMS Cover Rings setting (1–9) specified on Form A.  
] [ ] to exit programming mode.  
Continue with the next section, "Telephone Button Programming."  
Press [ Feature ] [  
Telephone Button Programming  
Before you begin, locate Form C of the System Planner for the  
communications system. Be sure you have a copy of the form for each  
subscriber's phone.  
Use this section to program buttons on subscribers' phones, including the  
receptionist's phone. This section uses Centralized Telephone Programming.  
When you are finished programming, be sure to label all buttons on  
subscribers' phones.  
Manual VMS Cover (F15)  
This button allows the subscriber to turn voice mail coverage and off.  
To program a VMS Cover button as specified on Form C:  
1 .  
2 .  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ Central Tel Program ].  
Enter the number of the extension to be programmed.  
Press a programmable button with lights.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
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At this point, do one of the following:  
Go to Step 3 of the next procedure to program another button for this  
Press [ Central Tel Program ] and go to Step 2 of any button programming  
procedure in this section to program a button for a different extension.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [ ] to exit.  
Do Not Disturb (F01)  
Used in conjunction with either automatic VMS cover or manual VMS cover,  
this button lets a subscriber send calls immediately to his or her mailbox  
(instead of ringing the extension first).  
To program a Do Not Disturb (DND) button as specified on Form C:  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ Central Tel Program ].  
Enter the number of the extension to be programmed.  
Press a programmable button with lights.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
At this point, do one of the following:  
Go to Step 3 of the next procedure to program another button for this  
Press [ Central Tel Program ] and go to Step 2 of any button programming  
procedure in this section to program a button for a different extension.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] to exit.  
Voice Mailbox Transfer (F14)  
This button lets any system user transfer calls directly to PARTNER Voice  
Messaging without ringing the extension first.  
To program a Voice Mailbox Transfer (VMBox) button as specified on Form C:  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ Central Tel Program ].  
Enter the number of the extension to be programmed.  
Press a programmable button.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
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At this point, do one of the following:  
Go to Step 3 of the next procedure to program another button for this  
Press [ Central Tel Program ] and go to Step 2 of any button programming  
procedure in this section to program a button for a different extension.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] to exit.  
Voice Mail Messages  
This intercom Auto Dial button allows the subscriber to access PARTNER  
Voice Messaging with the touch of one button.  
To program a Voice Mail Messages (VMMsgs) button as specified on Form C:  
1. Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ Central Tel Program ].  
Dial the number of the extension to be programmed.  
Press a programmable button.  
Press left [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
At this point, do one of the following:  
Press [ Central Tel Program ] and go to Step 2 of any button programming  
procedure in this section to program a button for a different extension.  
Press [ Feature ] [  
] [  
] to exit  
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Verifying System Operation  
After you finish programming the PARTNER Voice Messaging and the  
communications system, you should perform the tests described in this  
section to verify system operation.  
If your system allows programming from extension 11, you should perform these  
tests from extension 11 leaving extension 10 for the receptionist to handle calls.  
Voice Mail Service  
Make a call to the VMS Hunt Group by doing one of the following:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed  
VMMsgs button.  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
general mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the  
You should hear the following:  
Welcome to PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
Please enter your mailbox number and password.  
Call Answer Service  
VMS Extension Coverage  
1. Press the Do Not Disturb button at the appropriate destination extensions  
to quickly route your test calls to Call Answer Service.  
2. For extensions that do not have Automatic VMS Cover, turn on coverage  
by pressing the VMS Cover button at those extensions.  
Call the first extension that has VMS coverage (either automatic or man-  
ual). If Do Not Disturb is on at the extension, PARTNER Voice Messaging  
should answer the call after one ring and you should hear the general  
mailbox greeting. (If Do Not Disturb is not on, the call rings at the exten-  
sion before Call Answer Service answers it.)  
4. Repeat this procedure for every extension that has voice mail coverage.  
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Group Call Distribution (#206)  
Call in on the first line that is programmed for Group Call Distribution.  
PARTNER Voice Messaging should answer the call on the fifth ring and  
you should hear the general mailbox greeting.  
Repeat this procedure for every line that has Group Call Distribution.  
Line Coverage Extension (#208)  
Make sure VMS Cover is on at the owner's extension.  
Call in and make sure the call goes to VMS Cover by the number of rings  
specified by, VMS Cover Rings (#117).  
4 .  
Verify that you hear the general mailbox greeting.  
Repeat this procedure for every Line Coverage extension.  
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Using PARTNER Voice Messaging  
This system serves as your personal answering machine. Callers from inside  
and outside your company can hear your personal greeting and leave  
messages in your mailbox. You can listen to your messages, save them, or  
discard them. You can create your own password to keep messages private.  
Helpful Hints  
While using PARTNER Voice Messaging, you can:  
Dial the next step of any procedure without waiting for a greeting or  
prompt to finish.  
Use the following key sequences:  
] [ Next Data ] or [  
] [  
] to delete a message  
] [ ] or [ ] [ ] to restart  
Dial the person's extension to transfer.  
You can press [  
] [ ] [ ] to exit PARTNER Voice Messaging and make other  
calls without having to hang up the handset. (This is useful when you are  
calling from a pay phone or making credit card calls.)  
PARTNER Voice Messaging turns on the message light on your system  
phone when a message is sent to your mailbox, and turns off the message  
light after you listen to all of your new messages.  
Your mailbox accommodates up to 5 minutes of stored messages (or up to  
30 messages).  
When your mailbox is 80% full, you will hear the "Mailbox is 80% Full"  
warning when you log into PARTNER Voice Messaging. If your mailbox is  
100% full, your callers are notified that they cannot leave messages.  
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Logging into the System  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or the programmed VMMsgs  
If calling from outside the system, press [  
mailbox greeting.  
] [  
] ([  
] [  
]) during the general  
The system plays a greeting followed by:  
Enter mailbox number followed by a password.  
Enter your mailbox number.  
Enter your password.  
Until you change it, the default password is 1234. The system  
announces the number of new and old messages in your mailbox.  
Select an option from the Voice Mail Menu:  
Press [  
Press [  
Press [  
] to get messages.  
] to change your personal greeting.  
] to change your password.  
Listening to Messages  
Log into PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
The Voice Mail Menu plays.  
Press [  
] to get messages.  
The following message plays:  
To listen press [ 0 ], to skip press [ # ], to delete press [ * ] [ 3 ], to replay header  
press [  
] [  
Press [ 0 ] to play the message. The message plays.  
3 .  
New messages are played before old/saved messages. All new  
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messages are played in the order in which they were received.  
After the message plays, do any of the following:  
Press [  
Press [  
] [  
] to replay the current message header. Go back to Step 3.  
] to replay the current message. Repeat Step 4.  
Press [ # ] to skip the message and go to the next message header. Go  
back to Step 3.  
If you press [ # ] after listening only to the message header, the  
message remains as a new message.  
Press [  
] [ Next Data ] ([  
] [ ]) to delete the message.  
The prompt says "Deleted" and the next message header plays.  
Go back to Step 3.  
Transferring to an Extension  
You can transfer to another extension:  
While logged in to PARTNER Voice Messaging  
After hearing someone's personal greeting  
To transfer:  
Enter the extension number to which you want to be connected. To transfer to  
the receptionist's extension, press [  
Using Dial Code/Button Features  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging  
Intercom ] [  
] [  
] [  
] or programmed VMS button  
Turn voice mail coverage on and off Programmed VMS Cover button  
Programmed DND button (and VMS rover  
button if applicable)  
Send calls to your mailbox without  
ringing your extension first  
Transfer outside callers to another  
subscriber's mailbox  
Feature ] [  
] [  
] of programmed VMBox button,  
then dail the extension number.  
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Changing Your Password  
To prevent unauthorized access to your mailbox and maximize system  
security, change your password the first time you log into PARTNER Voice  
Messaging and periodically thereafter.  
Log into PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
The Voice Mail Menu plays.  
Press [  
] to change your password.  
The prompt says, "Please enter new password."  
Enter four digits for the new password. You should use four random,  
non-sequential digits. The prompts says, "Re-enter password."  
Enter the new password again.  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] to exit PARTNER Voice Messaging or hang up.  
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Recording Your Personal Greeting  
Before you record, note that callers who hear your personal greeting can enter  
an extension number to transfer to another extension, or they can press [ 0 ] to  
reach the receptionist before or after your greeting plays. In your personal  
greeting, you may want to prompt the caller for these options.  
If your mailbox is full, callers hear your personal greeting then the  
message "Sorry you cannot leave a message now because this user's  
mailbox is full." To leave a message, they must transfer either to the  
receptionist's extension to leave a message, or to another subscriber's  
Log into PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
The Voice Mail Menu plays.  
Press [ 3 ] to change your personal greeting, and lift the handset. The  
prompt says, "After recording, press [ 1 ]. Record at the tone."  
3. After the tone, record your personal greeting (one minute maximum).  
Example: "This is Joe Conlin. I'm in the office today but away from my  
desk. If you would like to talk to the receptionist, press [ 0 ]. Otherwise,  
please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message at the  
sound of the tone."  
Press [  
] after recording.  
Choose an option:  
Press [ 1 ] to approve the greeting.  
Press [  
Press [  
] to re-record the greeting. Go to Step 3.  
] [ ]) to delete the greeting. The factory-set personal  
] [ Next Data ] ([  
greeting is activated.  
Press [  
] [  
] [  
] to delete the greeting, activate the factory-set general  
mailbox greeting, and exit PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
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If you have a problem with your voice messaging system, contact your System  
Manager. If the problem is not solved, in the continental U.S. call the Lucent  
Technologies Technical Service Center at 1 800 628-2888. Outside the  
continental U. S., contact your Lucent Technologies Representative or local  
Authorized Dealer.  
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PARTNER Voice Messaging Planning Forms  
Form 1: Mailbox Assignments  
PARTNER Voice Messaging comes with four mailboxes which are  
factory-set with the extensions 10–13.  
Mailboxes provide 5 minutes of message recording time or a maximum of  
30 messages  
Subscriber Name  
Completing this form  
To assign a mailbox to an extension other than the factory default, cross out  
the factory default and write in the extension to be used.  
For PARTNER Advanced Communication System R1.1, use an extension  
number from 10–41.  
For PARTNER ACS Release 2.0, use an extension number from 10–49  
For every mailbox in use, write the name of the mailbox subscriber.  
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Form 2: General Mailbox Greeting  
The general mailbox greeting can supply frequently requested information so  
that your staff is free to assist customers or to perform other tasks more  
Greetings can be up to two minutes long.  
Let callers know who owns each mailbox. For example, a greeting could be:  
"You have reached Hair It Is Salon. To leave a message for the business, press  
1. To leave a message for Camille, press 2. To leave a message for Mary,  
press 3. To leave a message for Jay, press 4. If you are not sure, leave a  
general message after the beep, or press 0 for Operator assistance.  
Completing this form  
Write your announcement script in the space provided.  
Recording the Announcement  
To record the Announcement, log into mailbox 0, and dial [ 3 ] from the  
Programming menu.  
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Lucent Technologies  
Bell Labs Innovations  
PARTNER® Voice Messaging PC Card  
Quick Reference Card  
Logging In  
Call PARTNER Voice Messaging:  
If calling internally, press [ Intercom ] [  
] [  
or the programmed VMMsgs button.  
if calling from outside the system, press  
] [ ] ([ ] [ ]) during the general mailbox  
] [  
2 Enter your mailbox number.  
Select an option from the Voice Mail Menu:  
] to get messages.  
] to record personal greeting.  
] to change password.  
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Listening to Messages  
Log into PARTNER Voice Messaging  
The Voice Mail Menu plays.  
Press [  
Press [  
] to get messages.  
] to play the message.  
The Message plays.  
After message plays, press:  
] [  
] to replay header.  
] to replay message.  
] to save message and skip to next header.  
] [  
] to delete message.  
Recording Your Personal Greeting  
Log into PARTNER Voice Messaging.  
Press [  
] to change your personal greeting.  
The greeting menu plays.  
Press [ ] to change greeting  
Record new greeting.  
Press [ ] when finished recording.  
After recording, press:  
] to approve.  
] to rerecord.  
] to delete the greeting just recorded.  
or [  
] [  
] [  
] to delete the greeting and exit.  
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