Lowrance electronic Radar Detector LRA 1800 User Manual

Pub. 988-0161-10B  
Radar Operation  
Instruction Manual  
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Table of Contents  
Warnings and Cautions.......................................................... iii  
Section 1: Introduction............................................................. 1  
Software Update............................................................................ 1  
Checking Software Version....................................................... 1  
To download software update to MMC/SD card:................. 1  
To update display unit software:.......................................... 2  
How to use this manual: typographical conventions .................. 2  
Basic Radar Display Components................................................ 3  
Section 2: Radar Setup ............................................................. 5  
Getting Started.............................................................................. 5  
To access Radar Page:........................................................... 6  
Auto Power-On .............................................................................. 7  
Turning on/off Auto Power-On: ............................................ 7  
Radar Setup................................................................................... 7  
Trigger Delay Preparation........................................................ 8  
Range...................................................................................... 8  
Gain........................................................................................ 8  
Anti-Sea Clutter .................................................................... 8  
Anti-Rain Clutter .................................................................. 8  
Trigger Delay......................................................................... 8  
Adjust Trigger Delay................................................................. 9  
Adjust Heading Line ............................................................... 10  
Adjust Tune ............................................................................. 11  
Section 3: Basic Operation .................................................... 13  
Pages ............................................................................................ 13  
Radar Only............................................................................... 13  
Digital Data ............................................................................. 13  
Radar with Map....................................................................... 13  
Radar with Sonar .................................................................... 14  
Radar with Gauges.................................................................. 14  
Radar, Map and Sonar............................................................ 15  
Radar Menu................................................................................. 15  
Gain.......................................................................................... 15  
Anti-Sea Clutter (STC)............................................................ 16  
Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC).......................................................... 16  
Interference Rejection............................................................. 17  
Radar Range ............................................................................ 17  
Radar Echo Expansion............................................................ 18  
Echo Trail Interval.................................................................. 18  
Clear Radar Trails................................................................... 18  
To clear radar trails: ........................................................... 18  
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Log Radar Data ....................................................................... 18  
Radar Setup............................................................................. 22  
Radar Orientation ................................................................... 22  
Radar Color Scheme................................................................ 22  
Adjust Antenna Park .............................................................. 22  
Radar Information................................................................... 23  
Radar Power ............................................................................ 24  
Turns the radar on and off...................................................... 24  
Radar Simulator...................................................................... 24  
Radar Overlay ............................................................................. 25  
Radar Options menu ............................................................... 25  
Overlay Options menu ............................................................ 26  
Section 4: Advanced Operation............................................ 27  
Reading the Display.................................................................... 27  
Gain.......................................................................................... 27  
Range Rings............................................................................. 27  
Anti-Sea Clutter (STC)............................................................ 28  
Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC).......................................................... 28  
Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) ............................................... 28  
Variable Range Markers......................................................... 28  
Radar Cursor ........................................................................... 28  
Appendix I: Glossary............................................................... 33  
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Warnings and Cautions  
Use this radar at your own risk. This radar was designed for  
use as a navigation aid. It should not be used for purposes that  
require precise measurements of direction, distance, topography  
or location. Always compare the navigation information received  
from your radar with data from other navigation aids and  
sources. When a conflict arises between the navigation data from  
your radar and data from other navigation aids, make sure you  
resolve the conflict before proceeding with navigation. A CARE-  
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea man-  
date that when radar is on a vessel, the radar must be used at  
all times, regardless of weather conditions or visibility. Numer-  
ous court decisions have not only ruled the radar must be used,  
but that the radar operator must be knowledgeable in all opera-  
tional aspects of radar performance or otherwise face a greater  
risk of liability if an accident occurs.  
If you purchased an open array radar antenna, make sure it is  
installed in an area free of hardware obstructions and free of po-  
tential obstructions like sails, lines or other vessel components  
that could intermittently intrude or be caught up in the array  
antenna's rotation path.  
WARNING: High Voltage Hazard  
Dangerously high voltages are present within the radar  
scanner unit. Technicians must exercise extreme care  
when working inside the unit. ALWAYS remove power  
before removing the cover. Some capacitors may take  
several minutes to discharge, even after switching off  
the radar. Before touching the magnetron or any high  
voltage components, ground them with a clip lead.  
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WARNING: Microwave Radiation Hazard  
The microwave energy radiated by a radar antenna is  
harmful to humans, especially to the eyes. NEVER look  
directly into an open waveguide or into the path of ra-  
diation from an enclosed antenna. Radar and other ra-  
dio frequency radiation can upset cardiac pacemakers.  
If someone with a cardiac pacemaker suspects abnormal  
operation, immediately turn off the radar equipment  
and move the person away from the antenna. Turn off  
the radar whenever it is necessary to work on the an-  
tenna unit or other equipment in the beam of the radar.  
WARNING: Turn Off Radar When Docked  
The radar beam can be harmful to humans in close prox-  
imity (within 20 yards, or 18.3 meters). When docked, be  
considerate of other boats and pedestrians nearby and  
remember to turn off your radar. If your boat is in a cov-  
ered marina and the radar is on, a metal roof can act as  
a reflector, bouncing microwave energy back at your  
boat and passengers.  
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Section 1: Introduction  
Your radar consists of four components: the radar scanner unit (antenna),  
your display unit (sold separately) radar processor and RIM 300 radar  
interface module. This manual covers LRA-1800 and LRA-2400 radars.  
Radar radiation can be harmful to you and bystanders.  
Radar misuse or misunderstanding radar operation  
could lead to a collision, which could result in property  
damage, personal injury or death.  
You must be familiar with the procedures and all warn-  
ings and cautions described in the installation and op-  
eration manuals in order to operate your radar safely  
and effectively.  
The following units are compatible with LRA-1800 and LRA-  
2400 radars: LCX-113c HD, GlobalMap 9300c HD, LCX-112c, Global-  
Map 9200, LCX-38c, GlobalMap 8300c, LCX-37c, GlobalMap 8200c,  
GlobalMap Baja 840c, LCX-28c HD, GlobalMap 7300c HD, LCX-27c,  
GlobalMap 7200c, LMS-520c, LMS-522c iGPS, LMS-522c iGPS Ice-  
Machine, LMS-525c DF, LMS-527c DF iGPS, Globalmap 5200c,  
Globalmap 5300c iGPS, Globalmap Baja 540c, X510c and X515c DF.  
Note for GlobalMap users: Menus and commands in your unit are  
very similar to those shown in this manual, except your display will not  
have sonar page, sonar alarm or sonar simulator options.  
Software Update  
If your display unit's software version is less than 2.2.0, you will need  
to update the unit's software. To update your unit, contact your dealer  
Checking Software Version  
1. With the display unit turned on, press MENU twice, use the arrow  
keys to highlight SYSTEM SETUP and press ENTER.  
2. Use the arrow keys to select SOFTWARE INFORMATION and press ENTER.  
The software information screen will appear. If the version of software  
listed on the software information screen is less than 2.2.0 you need to  
update your display unit.  
To download software update to MMC/SD card:  
2. Select MARINE and then click on your display unit's category.  
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3. Select your display unit icon and choose DOWNLOADS. Click on the  
DOWNLOAD button next to the desired software update.  
4. Follow the onscreen installation instructions to download the update  
onto your MMC/SD card.  
To update display unit software:  
1. With the display unit turned off, install the MMC or SD card that  
contains the radar software update.  
2. Turn on the unit and the update will install automatically.  
3. When the update is finished, the unit will power up normally. After  
the update is complete, remove the update MMC from the card slot.  
The update program will be erased automatically when the process is  
complete. You can now use this card to record sonar logs or GPS data.  
Lowrance continues to regularly develop display enhancements and  
new radar features. We recommend you periodically check our  
web site for the latest free radar software updates.  
How to use this manual: typographical conventions  
Arrow Keys  
The arrow keys are represented by symbols (↓ ↑ ← →).  
When a key needs to be pressed, the key is shown in bold. For example,  
the "Enter/Icons" key is shown as ENT and the "Menu" key is shown as  
Menu Commands  
A menu command or a menu option will appear in small capital letters, in  
a bold sans serif type like this: ROUTE PLANNING.  
Instructions = Menu Sequences  
Instructions for accessing the My Trails menu would look like this:  
1. From the Map Page, press MENU|MENU|↓ ↑ to MY TRAILS|ENT.  
Step 1 (above) means: "From the Map Page, press the Menu key twice.  
Select (highlight) My Trails menu and press Enter."  
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Basic Radar Display Components  
Range Ring Interval  
Gain level  
Echo Trail  
Cursor Boxes  
Radar Echo  
Your unit has three electronic bearing  
lines and three variable range markers.  
An enlarged example of EBLs and  
VRMs is on the next page.  
Variable Range Marker position  
for VRMs 1, 2 and 3. Highlighted  
in white, VRM 2 is the active  
range marker.  
Electronic Bearing Line position  
for EBLs 1, 2 and 3. Highlighted  
in white, EBL 2 is the active bear-  
ing line.  
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PPI (radar screen's 360º  
overhead view of the area)  
Heading line (in green)  
Bearings, in degrees  
(in Heading Up mode,  
relative to bow)  
VRMs and EBLs allow you to track the distance and bearing  
of multiple radar targets.  
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Section 2: Radar Setup  
Before you begin radar setup, the radar scanning unit, RIM 300 mod-  
ule, radar processor and display unit all must be installed.  
Do NOT attempt to execute Radar Setup, while the ves-  
sel is moving. Some motion from wind and wave action is  
acceptable, but these setup instructions are NOT in-  
tended for vessels moving across the water.  
If you are unsure or do not understand the following instruc-  
tions, it is strongly recommended that an experienced radar  
technician handle radar setup and the installation of radar  
Getting Started  
1. Press MENU|MENU, then use ↑ ↓ to SYSTEM SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Highlight COMMUNICATIONS PORT and press ENT.  
3. Press to RADAR and press ENT, which will place an X in the radar  
checkbox. The Baud Rate automatically will switch to 230400 and a  
Radar Notice will appear.  
Communications Port menu (left). Radar Notice (right) prompting us-  
ers to leave radar in Standby Mode for 30 minutes when activating ra-  
dar for the first time.  
Leave the radar in Standby Mode for 30 minutes when activat-  
ing it the first time. This will help maximize the life of the mag-  
netron. After the radar has been activated the first time, ignore  
the Radar Notice.  
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To access Radar Page:  
1. Press PAGES, then use ← → to select the radar tab.  
2. Press to select RADAR ONLY then press EXIT.  
Radar only highlighted on Radar Pages menu (left). Radar menu with  
Radar Power selected (right).  
3. Press MENU, then use ↑ ↓ to select RADAR POWER from the radar menu  
and press ENT. A confirmation message will appear. Press to select  
YES and press ENT. A warm-up countdown will commence that will vary  
depending on the model of radar you have.  
4. After the countdown is finished, the unit will enter STANDBY mode.  
5. Access the Radar Setup menu to make sure your radar display is set  
to Heading Up and is set to a Full Color scheme. Press MENU, select  
RADAR SETUP and press ENT.  
Radar Setup selected from Radar menu (left). Radar Setup menu with  
Full Color on Black highlighted (right).  
6. To set the radar to Heading Up, highlight HEADING UP and press ENT.  
7. To display the radar images in full color, press to select RADAR  
COLOR SCHEME and press ENT.  
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8. Use ↑ ↓ to highlight one of the three full color options and press ENT.  
Press EXIT to return to the main page display.  
Auto Power-On  
When the Auto Power-on feature is turned on, the radar will start  
warming up every time the display unit is turned on. Access the Com-  
munications Port menu to turn on or turn off the Auto Power-on fea-  
If you do not plan to use your radar every time the display unit  
is turned on, you need to turn off the Auto Power-On feature.  
Turning on/off Auto Power-On:  
1. From the Radar Page, press MENU, select RADAR SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Highlight RADAR AUTO POWER ON and press ENT, which will check (turn  
on) or uncheck (turn off) the radar checkbox. Auto Power-On is active  
when there is an "X" in the Radar Auto Power On checkbox.  
3. Press EXIT to return to the main radar display.  
Communications Port menu with Auto Power-On feature turned on.  
Radar Setup  
The Radar Setup menu allows you to set up and adjust radar settings.  
Most of the settings in the Radar Setup menu will only have to be set  
once, but we recommend you check the settings periodically for general  
Before starting radar setup, take your vessel out on open water  
with fairly calm seas, like an open bay.  
The two setup features we want to modify are Adjust Trigger Delay and  
Adjust Heading Line.  
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We will set them up in that order, but before making any adjustments,  
make sure the display is set to a range of 0.125 nautical miles and that  
Gain, Anti-Sea Clutter (STC), Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC) and Trigger De-  
lay all have been set to zero percent.  
Trigger Delay Preparation  
1. To reset range to 0.125 nm, make sure you are on the Radar Only  
page and press MENU.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to select RADAR RANGE and press ENT, which will call up the  
Radar Range list. Press to select 0.125 nm and press ENT. You also  
can set the range to 0.125 nm from the radar screen by using the ZIN  
and ZOUT keys.  
1. To set Gain to zero, press MENU, select GAIN and press ENT.  
2. Press until the Gain is set to zero percent. Press EXIT. (Notice the  
corresponding value in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.)  
When adjusting Gain back to a useable level, increase the level un-  
til you see a light peppering on the display. Also remember, you will  
have to adjust gain every time you change ranges.  
Anti-Sea Clutter  
1. To set Anti-Sea Clutter to zero, press MENU, select ANTI-SEA CLUTTER  
(STC) and press ENT.  
2. Press until the Anti-Sea Clutter is set to zero percent. Press EXIT.  
(Notice the corresponding value in the upper right-hand corner of the  
Anti-Rain Clutter  
1. To set Anti-Rain Clutter to zero, press MENU, select ANTI-RAIN CLUTTER  
(FTC) and press ENT.  
2. Press until the Anti-Rain Clutter is set to zero percent. Press EXIT.  
(Notice the corresponding value in the upper right-hand corner of the  
Trigger Delay  
1. To set Trigger Delay to zero, press MENU, select RADAR SETUP and  
press ENT.  
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2. Press |to ADJUST TRIGGER DELAY and press ENT. That will launch  
the Adjust Trigger Delay vertical scrollbar.  
3. Press until Trigger Delay is set to zero percent. Press EXIT.  
Adjust Trigger Delay  
This feature eliminates the time lag between real radar returns and the  
time it takes data to be processed by the radar software, a common is-  
sue with all radars.  
If you have any doubt about your understanding of the Trigger  
Delay feature, you should have it set up by a qualified radar  
1. The radar should already be in STANDBY mode, so press PWR for 2  
seconds to switch the radar into transmission mode. A confirmation  
message will appear, press to select YES.  
2. Press MENU, select GAIN and press ENT. Press to increase the Gain  
level to around 15%. One or two red rings with blue borders should be  
visible on the screen, depending on the wattage of your radar antenna.  
3. Press |to ADJUST TRIGGER DELAY, then press ENT.  
The 2 kW model, the LRA-1800, will have only one ring on the display.  
The 4 kW model, the LRA-2400, will have two rings on the display. See  
the following figures.  
Before adjusting the Trigger Delay for 4 kW radars, two rings will be  
shown on the screen (left). As Trigger Delay is increased, the larger  
ring will start to get smaller. The small ring will disappear (right).  
You may have to increase gain in the previous step if the rings are not  
visible. Increase gain until you have solid red rings shown on the  
screen, like in the preceding example. Increasing Gain too much can  
cause the rings to be distorted.  
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4. Press to increase the level of Trigger Delay, which will decrease the  
size of the ring. If you have a 4 kW radar, as the large ring decreases in  
size, the smaller ring in the center of the screen will disappear, leaving  
only one ring.  
Increase Trigger Delay to diminish the size of the red ring (left). To set  
Trigger Delay correctly, reduce the ring to as small a size as possible,  
while keeping a black circle in the middle (enlarged view, right).  
In either case, continue to increase the Trigger Delay level until the  
ring is as small as possible, while keeping a black circle in the middle.  
Every radar is different, but typically, a setting between 35 and 42 per-  
cent will get the job done.  
If you over apply the Trigger Delay, the black circle will disappear. De-  
crease the Trigger Delay level and it will reappear.  
3. Press EXIT to return to the main page display.  
Adjust Heading Line  
The Heading Line command is used to make sure the green heading  
line (zero point) on your display is lined up with the bow of your vessel.  
(Before heading line adjustment)  
(After heading line adjustment)  
The bow of the ship is lined up with the tip of the peninsula (left), but the  
green heading line is not. Adjusting the heading line will allow you to align  
the direction of the heading line with the direction of the bow (right).  
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1. Line up the bow of your vessel with a point of reference, like a penin-  
sula, lighthouse or other stationary target.  
2. Press MENU, highlight RADAR SETUP and press ENT. Press to select  
ADJUST HEADING LINE and press ENT. That will place an arrow on each side  
of the green Heading Line.  
3. Use ← → to adjust the position of the green heading line, so its line  
to the reference point's radar image matches your bow's actual line to  
the reference point.  
4. Press EXIT to remove the heading line arrows from the display.  
Adjust Tune  
Tuning should require no adjustment during the life of the unit. We  
strongly recommend you do NOT adjust Tune settings yourself.  
This feature is intended for use only by trained technicians. If for some  
reason you need to use this function, consult your dealer or customer  
service about the software updates necessary for tuning.  
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Section 3: Basic Operation  
The Radar Page has six display options: Radar Only, Digital Data, Ra-  
dar with Map, Radar with Sonar, Radar with Gauges and Radar, Map  
and Sonar. GPS only units do not support the Radar with Sonar page,  
so they have four display options: Radar Only, Digital Data, Radar with  
Map and Radar with Gauges.  
Radar Page Menu with Radar Only selected.  
To access Radar page display options:  
1. Press PAGES, then use ← → to highlight the radar tab.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired radar page configuration.  
3. Press EXIT when the desired display option is highlighted.  
Radar Only  
Choose Radar Only if you want to display the radar full screen.  
Digital Data  
The Digital Data page allows you to customize digital data boxes with  
information you want to monitor while viewing the radar display.  
Radar with Map  
To keep an eye on radar and GPS data at the same time, select Radar  
with Map.  
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Digital Data page (left) with Radar with Map display (right).  
When more than one page display is on the screen at the same  
time, press PAGES|PAGES to switch the Active status between  
windows. The title bar at the top of the window will be blue when  
the window is active. The only exception is the map page, which  
will display "Active Map" at the top of the map.  
Radar with Sonar  
The Radar with Sonar option allows you to monitor radar information,  
while viewing sonar returns. Not available on GPS only units.  
Radar with Sonar option (left). Radar with Gauges display (right).  
Radar with Gauges  
The Radar with Gauges display will split the screen between the radar  
page and the gauge page. The gauge page can be customized to display  
sonar and GPS information in digital and analog gauge formats.  
For instructions on customizing the gauges window with digital in-  
formation or analog gauges, refer to the overlay data entry in your  
unit's instruction manual.  
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Radar, Map and Sonar page display.  
Radar, Map and Sonar  
The Radar, Map and Sonar page is broken up into three windows, al-  
lowing you to monitor the radar, map and sonar simultaneously.  
Radar Menu  
When a radar page is the active page, you can access the radar menu by  
pressing MENU. To access the main menu, press MENU|MENU.  
Radar Menu.  
The Gain feature allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the receiver.  
Setting Gain to a low level will clear up some of the clutter on the  
screen, but also could eliminate some desired echoes. A high level of the  
Gain, allows you to see greater detail around you, but will display more  
clutter on the screen.  
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When adjusting Gain back to a useable level, increase the level un-  
til you see a light peppering of echoes on the display. Also remem-  
ber, you will have to adjust gain every time you change ranges.  
To adjust Gain:  
1. Press PAGES, select the Radar tab and press ENT.  
2. Press MENU, highlight GAIN and press ENT.  
3. Use ↑ ↓ to adjust the Gain to a desired level. Press EXIT.  
Gain vertical scrollbar (left) with Anti-Sea Clutter scrollbar (right).  
Anti-Sea Clutter (STC)  
The Anti-Sea Clutter feature lowers receiver sensitivity at shorter  
ranges to reduce or eliminate echoes that reflect back at the antenna  
due to wave action close to the vessel.  
Increasing STC may reduce or eliminate weak echoes, like small  
vessels. Use only the minimum amount needed, then check back  
periodically to see if the STC level may be decreased.  
To adjust Anti-Sea Clutter:  
1. Press MENU, select ANTI-SEA CLUTTER and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to adjust Anti-Sea Clutter to a desired level. Press EXIT.  
Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC)  
The Anti-Rain Clutter feature is used to reduce or eliminate massive  
numbers of small echoes that clutter the display during rain or snow  
To adjust Anti-Rain Clutter:  
1. Press MENU, highlight ANTI-RAIN CLUTTER and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to adjust the Anti-Rain Clutter setting to a desired level.  
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Increasing FTC may reduce or eliminate weak echoes,  
like those from small vessels. Use only the minimum  
amount needed, then check back periodically to see if  
the FTC level may be decreased.  
Anti-Rain Clutter vertical scrollbar (left) with Interference Rejection  
scrollbar (right).  
Interference Rejection  
This feature filters out signals from other radars close to your location.  
To adjust Interference Rejection:  
1. Press MENU, select INTERFERENCE REJECTION and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to adjust the Interference Rejection. Press EXIT.  
Radar Range selected (left). List of radar ranges (right).  
Radar Range  
This feature allows you to expand the area shown on the display unit,  
allowing you to see distant targets. You also can decrease the range to  
focus on targets closing in on you.  
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To adjust radar range:  
1. Press MENU, select RADAR RANGE and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired range and press ENT.  
When switching radar ranges, you likely will need to adjust Gain,  
STC and FTC settings to achieve optimum performance.  
You can also adjust radar range by pressing the ZIN or ZOUT keys.  
Radar Echo Expansion  
The Radar Echo Expansion feature will make weak signals more visible  
on the display by lengthening radar echoes.  
To turn Radar Echo Expansion On/Off:  
1. Press MENU, highlight RADAR ECHO EXPANSION and press ENT to turn it  
on (check) or turn it off (uncheck). Press EXIT.  
Remember, when Echo Expansion is on, all signals on the display will  
be enlarged, including clutter.  
Echo Trail Interval  
The Echo Trail Interval feature displays an on-screen history (trail) of  
the movements of all radar targets.  
To adjust Echo Trail Interval  
1. Press MENU, select ECHO TRAIL INTERVAL and press ENT.  
2. The Echo Trail Interval menu will display a series of intervals with  
options ranging from Continuous to Off. Use ↑ ↓ to highlight the de-  
sired interval and press ENT. Press EXIT.  
This feature is best used in open water or when your vessel is sta-  
tionary and you are tracking a moving target. If Echo Trail Interval  
is on and your vessel is moving, the display will be crowded with  
trails for every target, including stationary targets, like lighthouses  
and land.  
Clear Radar Trails  
This feature is used to clear radar trails created with the Echo Trail  
Interval command.  
To clear radar trails:  
1. Press MENU, highlight CLEAR RADAR TRAILS and press ENT.  
Log Radar Data  
If your unit has a hard drive (LCX-28cHD, LCX-38cHD, LCX-113cHD  
GlobalMap 6600cHD, GlobalMap 7300cHD GlobalMap 7600cHD,  
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GlobalMap 8300cHD and GlobalMap 9300cHD) the Log Radar Data  
feature will be available on the Radar menu, allowing you to save radar  
logs. Saving a radar log allows you to reuse the log in the unit's simula-  
If your unit does not have a hard drive you will not see the Log  
Radar Data command on your Radar menu.  
Log Radar Data menu.  
To record a radar log:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT.  
2. Press ENT to start logging.  
The Chart Logging menu also allows you to change the file name or  
browse through data files on your MMC or SD card.  
To change the file name:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Press to File  
Name and press ENT.  
2. Press ↑ ↓ to change the first letter, then press to move to the next  
letter. Repeat these steps until the desired name has been entered.  
Press ENT. Press EXIT.  
To browse data files:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Select BROWSE FILES  
and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to scroll through the available files. Press EXIT|EXIT.  
When you select a file from the file browse menu, you can copy, delete,  
play or stop playing a data file.  
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Browse Files selected from the Radar Chart Logging menu (left).  
Browse Files menu (right).  
To copy data files:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Select BROWSE FILES  
and press ENT.  
2. Select the desired file and press ENT.  
3. The File Information window will appear with three buttons, copy,  
delete and either stop or play.  
File Information window (left). The Copy To window (right).  
Stop will only appear in the File Information menu if the file is in  
3. Select COPY to save the file to an MMC or SD card. Use ← → to select  
your MMC or SD card and press ENT.  
4. Use ↑ ↓ to highlight the COPY FROM dialog box. Select your unit's hard  
drive as the Copy-From location and press ENT.  
5. Highlight the COPY button and press ENT.  
To delete a data file:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Select BROWSE FILES  
and press ENT.  
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2. Select the desired file from the Browse Files menu and press ENT.  
3. Highlight DELETE from the File Information window and press ENT.  
4. A confirmation message will appear. Press to YES and press ENT.  
To stop or play a data file:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Select BROWSE FILES  
and press ENT.  
1. Select the desired file from the Browse Files menu and press ENT.  
2. If the file is currently in use, the STOP button will be on the menu.  
Otherwise the PLAY button will be displayed.  
Stop button highlighted in File Information window (left). Play button  
selected in File Information window (right).  
3. To stop playing the chart currently in use, highlight STOP and press  
ENT. The play button will replace the stop button on the File Informa-  
tion window. Press EXIT.  
4. To play the chart again, highlight PLAY and press ENT. Press EXIT.  
The radar simulator will automatically be turned on if you play a chart  
from the File Information menu.  
To rename a data file:  
1. Press MENU, select LOG RADAR DATA and press ENT. Select BROWSE FILES  
and press ENT.  
2. Select the desired file from the Browse Files menu and press ENT.  
3. Highlight NAME at the top of the File Information menu and press  
4. Press ↑ ↓ to change the first letter, then press to move to the next  
letter. Repeat these steps until the desired name has been entered.  
5. Press EXIT repeatedly.  
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Radar Setup  
The Radar Setup menu allows you to set up and adjust basic radar set-  
tings, like Heading Line, Trigger Delay and Tune, all of which are ad-  
dressed in the section on Radar Setup. You can also modify Radar Ori-  
entation, Radar Color Scheme and Antenna Park from the Radar Setup  
Radar Orientation  
The Radar Orientation feature, displays the orientation of your radar,  
which by default is set to Heading Up.  
To select radar orientation:  
1. Press MENU, select RADAR SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Select the desired orientation (Heading Up, North Up or Course Up)  
and press ENT.  
Radar Color Scheme  
Your radar has eight color options: Full Color on Black, Full Color on  
Gray, Full Color on White, Green on Black, Yellow on Black, Yellow on  
Blue, Night Viewing and Green CRT.  
When using full color mode on the radar display, the strongest targets  
will be displayed in red, weaker targets will be shown in green and the  
weakest returns will be colored blue.  
Radar Setup selected on System Setup menu (left). Radar Color  
Scheme highlighted on Radar Setup menu (right).  
To adjust the Radar Color Scheme:  
1. Press MENU, select RADAR SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Press to RADAR COLOR SCHEME and press ENT.  
3. Select the desired color scheme and press ENT. Press EXIT.  
Adjust Antenna Park  
This feature allows users to adjust their open array antenna so it will  
come to a stop in a desired position.  
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Selecting Adjust Antenna Park will place a dialog box in the upper  
right-hand corner of the screen. Use Arrow keys to adjust it.  
There is no recommended setting for Antenna Park. Use the trial  
and error method when adjusting antenna park. Repeat the process  
until the antenna comes to a stop in the desired position.  
To adjust Antenna Park:  
1. Before adjusting Antenna Park, make sure your vessel is stationary.  
From the Radar Page, press MENU, select RADAR SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Press |to ADJUST ANTENNA PARK and press ENT. The Park Adjust  
dialog box will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.  
3. Use ← → to input the desired setting.  
4. Test your settings by putting the radar into STANDBY Mode. Ob-  
serve the location where the antenna stops. Repeat the steps above un-  
til the desired location is achieved. Press EXIT.  
You must not be moving when attempting to adjust Antenna Park set-  
tings. Your vessel must be stationary for the antenna to stop in the de-  
sired position. If you attempt to adjust Antenna Park while the vessel is  
underway or if the antenna stops in the desired position and you begin  
moving, the wind will move the antenna out of position.  
Radar Information  
Displays information about the radar, like radar model, radar status  
and software information.  
To access radar information:  
1. Press MENU, highlight RADAR INFORMATION and press ENT. Press EXIT.  
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Radar Power  
Turns the radar on and off.  
To turn the radar on or off:  
1. Press MENU, select RADAR POWER and press ENT.  
2. A confirmation message will appear. Select YES and press EXIT.  
Radar Simulator  
Your unit has a simulator that allows you to get familiar with radar  
operation before heading out on the water.  
Simulators highlighted on the System Setup menu (left). Radar Simu-  
lator On selected on Radar Simulator menu (right). Notice the simula-  
tor has not been turned on, since the checkbox is unchecked.  
To access the Radar Simulator:  
1. Press MENU|MENU, use ↑ ↓ to highlight SYSTEM SETUP and press ENT.  
2. Use ↑ ↓ to highlight SIMULATORS and press ENT.  
3. Press ← → to scroll to the RADAR SIMULATOR tab. If you have only one  
radar log or if you want to use the current radar log, press to high-  
light RADAR SIMULATOR ON and press ENT.  
4. If you have more than one Radar log loaded on your MMC or SD card  
and you want to switch logs, press to Log Used and press ENT. Use ↑ ↓  
to select the desired radar log and press ENT.  
5. Press to RADAR SIMULATOR ON and press ENT. Repeat these steps to  
turn off the simulator. Press EXIT repeatedly.  
You can turn on the GPS Simulator from the Radar Simulator  
menu. Press to SIMULATE POSITION, then press ENT, which will check  
the Simulate Position checkbox.  
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Radar Overlay  
The Radar Overlay feature allows you to overlay radar data on any  
map page as long as you have a valid GPS position and a NMEA 2000  
heading sensor or compatible NMEA 0183 heading sensor.  
You will need to purchase a SIMRAD heading sensor for the Radar  
Overlay feature to work properly.  
To use Radar Overlay:  
1. Press PAGES, highlight the MAP tab and press ENT.  
2. Press MENU, highlight ENABLE RADAR OVERLAY and press ENT|EXIT.  
3. To turn off Radar Overlay, repeat Step 2.  
Radar Options menu  
The Radar Options menu allows you to access radar settings and com-  
mands from the Map page menu. You, however, will ONLY be able to  
access the Radar Options menu when Radar Overlay has been enabled.  
Radar Options menu.  
To access Radar Options menu from Map page:  
1. Press MENU, highlight ENABLE RADAR OVERLAY and press ENT.  
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2. Highlight RADAR OPTIONS and press ENT to access the Radar Options  
menu. To use the features on the Radar Options menu, refer the Radar  
Menu instructions covered earlier in this section.  
Overlay Options menu  
The Overlay Options menu allows you to turn on overlay transparency,  
select a transparency level, and choose the color of the radar overlay.  
Radar Overlay Options menu (left) Radar Overlay in use on Radar  
with Map page.  
To access Overlay Options menu:  
1. Press MENU, highlight RADAR OPTIONS and press ENT.  
2. Select OVERLAY OPTIONS and press ENT.  
To Adjust Transparency level:  
3. Highlight Transparency level, then use ← → to adjust the transpar-  
ency level of the radar overlay to the desired setting.  
To select Overlay Color:  
4. Highlight OVERLAY COLOR and press ENT, which will open the Overlay  
Color drop-down menu with the following options: Yellow, Red, Orange,  
Green, Magenta and Black.  
5. Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired color and press ENT. Press EXIT to re-  
turn to the main display.  
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Section 4: Advanced Operation  
Radar Only page display.  
Reading the Display  
The radar page displays digital information on the screen which covers,  
Range Rings, Gain, Anti-Sea Clutter (STC), Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC)  
and when active, Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) and Variable Range  
Markers (VRM).  
The percentage listed next to Gain, displays the current Gain setting  
for your radar display.  
When adjusting Gain back to a useable level, increase the level un-  
til you see a light peppering on the display. You will have to adjust  
gain every time you change ranges.  
Range Rings  
The Range Ring display in the upper left-hand corner of the radar dis-  
play shows the current range ring setting. In the example above, Range  
is .5 nautical miles. The Range Ring setting (the distance between each  
ring) is .125 nautical miles.  
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Anti-Sea Clutter (STC)  
The STC percentage displays the current Anti-Sea Clutter setting on  
your radar screen.  
Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC)  
The FTC percentage displays the current Anti-Rain Clutter setting on  
your radar screen.  
Electronic Bearing Line (EBL)  
A radial line that can be rotated 360°, the electronic bearing line is  
used to monitor the bearing of a radar target in relation to your loca-  
The EBL and VRM selection menu appears in a small box on the left  
side of the radar display (left). Once activated, the EBL and VRM dia-  
log boxes appear in the bottom corners of the screen (right).  
Variable Range Markers  
A range ring used to measure the precise distance to a target, the vari-  
able range marker may be adjusted to measure any distance within the  
radar's range.  
Radar Cursor  
The Radar cursor allows you to use the arrow keys to pinpoint the rela-  
tive bearing (EBL) and range (VRM) to a target on the display. That  
allows you to simultaneously align the EBL and VRM with a target to  
get a quick fix on its bearing and range. The Radar Cursor also can be  
used to set up each of your EBL/VRMs.  
To set up an EBL/VRM with the Radar cursor:  
1. From any radar page, press to launch the Radar Cursor boxes in  
the top left-hand corner of the display. The Radar Cursor will appear in  
the center of the display.  
2. Use ↓ ↑ , ← → to move the cursor to the desired target.  
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Radar cursor  
The Radar Cursor boxes are show in white in the top, left-hand corner.  
The Radar Cursor is aligned with a target in the bottom-right portion  
of the screen  
3. Press ENT to launch the EBL/VRM menu. Use ↑ ↓ to select the de-  
sired EBL and VRM and press ENT twice. Press EXIT. The Radar Cursor  
coordinates have been assigned to the EBL/VRM you selected. The EBL  
and VRM coordinates will be listed in the bottom left and right-hand  
corners of the display.  
4. If you want to use more than one EBL/VRM at a time, repeat these  
steps for each EBL/VRM you want to set up.  
To manually set up an EBL and VRM:  
1. Press ENT to launch the EBL/VRM menu. Select an EBL/VRM and  
press ENT.  
2. Press ↑ ↓ to increase or decrease the size of the circular VRM. To find  
the distance to a radar target, increase the size of the VRM until it is  
lined up with the target. Check the display in the bottom right-hand  
corner to see your distance from the target in nautical miles.  
3. To adjust the position of the EBL, press ← → to move the EBL  
around the display. Line up the EBL with a radar target to determine  
the target's relative bearing. Check the display in the lower left-hand  
corner to see the target's relative bearing displayed digitally.  
4. When the EBL/VRM is in the desired position, press ENT. Press EXIT.  
Repeat these steps for each EBL/VRM you want to set up.  
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VRM (Variable  
Range Marker)  
EBL (Electronic  
Bearing Line)  
The Variable Range (VRM) shows the target is 0.219 nautical miles  
away. The Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) displays the target's bearing  
as 099.9ºR.  
To reposition an EBL/VRM:  
1. Press ENT to launch the EBL/VRM menu. Select the EBL/VRM you  
would like to change and press ENT.  
2. Press ↑ ↓ to increase or decrease the size of the circular VRM. To find  
the distance to another radar target, increase the size of the VRM until  
it is lined up with the target.  
3. Press ← → to move the EBL around the display. Line up the EBL  
with a radar target to determine another target's relative bearing.  
4. If you have more than one EBL/VRM on the radar display, repeat  
these steps to reposition each EBL/VRM on the display. Press EXIT to  
close the EBL/VRM menu.  
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VRM (Variable  
Range Marker)  
EBL (Electronic  
Bearing Line)  
This is a zoomed in view from the previous image, clearly showing the  
radar target, Variable Range Marker and Electronic Bearing Line.  
To remove an EBL/VRM from the display:  
1. Press ENT to call up the EBL/VRM menu. Select the EBL/VRM you  
want to remove and press ENT.  
2. Press EXIT and the desired EBL/VRM will be removed from the  
3. Repeat these steps to remove each EBL/VRM from the display.  
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When using multiple EBL/VRMs, the size of the dashes and the dis-  
tance between dashes allows you to distinguish between the different  
EBL/VRMs on the display.  
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Appendix I: Glossary  
Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC): used to reduce or eliminate massive num-  
ber of small echoes that clutter the display during rain or snow storms.  
Anti-Sea Clutter (STC): lowers receiver sensitivity at shorter ranges  
to reduce or eliminate sea clutter echoes, which are most prevalent  
around the vessel.  
Beam: focused rays of microwave energy  
Beam width: measured in degrees, the width of a beam, both horizon-  
tally and vertically.  
Clutter: undesirable echoes created by rain, snow, waves and other  
intermittent causes.  
Course Up: a stabilized display mode in which the current user-  
selected course is represented at the top of the radar display. This dis-  
play mode requires a heading sensor.  
EBL (Electronic Bearing Line): A radial line that can be rotated  
360º, the electronic bearing line is used to monitor the bearing of a ra-  
dar target in relation to your location.  
Echo: reflected radio frequency pulse picked up by radar. It is also an-  
other name for a target image detected on the radar display.  
Echo trail: a history (trail) of the echoes for a particular radar target.  
Gain: used to adjust the sensitivity of the receiver to increase or de-  
crease the intensity of images on the display.  
Ghost Echo: an undesirable image created when returns are reflected  
off other structures.  
Heading Flash: the green line on the radar display that shows the  
direction you are heading.  
Heading Line Adjustment: the Heading Line is used to make sure  
the green heading line (zero point) on your radar display is lined up the  
bow of your vessel.  
Heading Up: when your heading is displayed at the top of the screen,  
you are in Heading Up mode.  
Interference Rejection: filters out signals from other radars close to  
your location.  
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North Up: a stabilized display mode in which North is at the top of the  
radar display. This display mode requires a heading sensor.  
Offset EBL: an electronic bearing line originating from a location other  
than the PPI sweep origin.  
Open Array Antenna: a radar antenna which has an external rotat-  
ing scanner.  
PPI (Plan Position Indicator): The PPI provides a map-like repre-  
sentation of target echoes.  
Radar Overlay: radar image data laid over an electronic chart. This  
feature requires a GPS position fix and a heading sensor. Radar Over-  
lay is available only on GPS units and Sonar-GPS combo units.  
Radome: a single housing containing a radar antenna and transceiver.  
Rain Clutter: undesirable echoes caused by rain or snow.  
Range: distance to a particular target.  
Range Rings: fixed rings on the radar display designed to show the  
distance from the antenna.  
Sea Clutter: undesirable returns caused by smaller waves and water  
Standby: radar mode that follows warm-up and precedes the start of  
Sweep Origin: the origin of EBL and VRM, the sweep origin is located  
at the center of the PPI.  
Target: an item detected by radar.  
Time Base: line that rotates around the radar display, updating im-  
ages on the display.  
Tuning: intermediate frequency adjustment that enhances the per-  
formance of the radar.  
VRM (Variable Range Marker): a range ring used to measure the  
precise distance to a target, the variable range marker may be adjusted  
to measure any distance within the radar's range.  
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FCC Compliance  
This device complies with Part 15 and Part 80 of the U.S. Fed-  
eral Communications Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is  
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not  
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any  
interference received, including interference that may cause un-  
desired operation.  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manu-  
facturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the  
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 and part  
80 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea-  
sonable protection against harmful interference in a residential  
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate ra-  
dio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance  
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-  
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment  
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,  
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different  
from that to which the receiver is connected.  
Consult the factory customer service department for help.  
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"We," "our," or "us" refers to NAVICO, the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your"  
refers to the first person who purchases this product as a consumer item for personal,  
family or household use.  
We warrant this product against defects or malfunctions in materials and workmanship,  
and against failure to conform to this product's written specifications, all for one (1) year  
from the date of original purchase by you. WE MAKE NO OTHER EXPRESS WAR-  
PRODUCT. Your remedies under this warranty will be available so long as you can show  
in a reasonable manner that any defect or malfunction in materials or workmanship, or  
any non-conformity with the product's written specifications, occurred within one year  
from the date of your original purchase, which must be substantiated by a dated sales  
receipt or sales slip. Any such defect, malfunction, or non-conformity which occurs within  
one year from your original purchase date will either be repaired without charge or be  
replaced with a new product identical or reasonably equivalent to this product, at our  
option, within a reasonable time after our receipt of the product. If such defect, malfunc-  
tion, or non-conformity remains after a reasonable number of attempts to repair by us,  
you may elect to obtain without charge a replacement of the product or a refund for the  
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-  
ages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.  
This warranty does NOT apply in the following circumstances: (1) when the product has  
been serviced or repaired by anyone other than us; (2) when the product has been con-  
nected, installed, combined, altered, adjusted, or handled in a manner other than accord-  
ing to the instructions furnished with the product; (3) when any serial number has been  
effaced, altered, or removed; or (4) when any defect, problem, loss, or damage has resulted  
from any accident, misuse, negligence, or carelessness, or from any failure to provide  
reasonable and necessary maintenance in accordance with the instructions of the owner's  
manual for the product.  
We reserve the right to make changes or improvements in our products from time to time  
without incurring the obligation to install such improvements or changes on equipment  
or items previously manufactured.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which  
may vary from state to state.  
REMINDER: You must retain the sales slip or sales receipt proving the date of your  
original purchase in case warranty service is ever required.  
12000 E. SKELLY DRIVE, TULSA, OK 74128  
(800) 324-1356  
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How to Obtain Service…  
…in the USA:  
We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service  
and genuine Lowrance parts. If you're in the United States and you  
have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory  
Customer Service Department. Before any product can be returned, you  
must call customer service to determine if a return is necessary. Many  
times, customer service can resolve your problem over the phone with-  
out sending your product to the factory. To call us, use the following  
toll-free number:  
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time, M-F  
Lowrance Electronics may find it necessary to change or end our ship-  
ping policies, regulations, and special offers at any time. We reserve the  
right to do so without notice.  
…in Canada:  
If you're in Canada and you have technical, return or repair questions,  
please contact the Factory Customer Service Department. Before any  
product can be returned, you must call customer service to determine if  
a return is necessary. Many times, customer service can resolve your  
problem over the phone without sending your product to the factory. To  
call us, use the following toll-free number:  
905-629-1614 (not toll-free)  
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, M-F  
…outside Canada and the USA:  
If you have technical, return or repair questions, contact the dealer in  
the country where you purchased your unit. To locate a dealer near  
you, visit our web site, www.lowrance.com and look for the Dealer Loca-  
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Accessory Ordering Information  
for all countries  
To order Lowrance accessories for your unit, please contact:  
1) Your local marine dealer or consumer electronics store. Most quality  
dealers that handle marine electronic equipment or other consumer  
electronics should be able to assist you with these items.  
To locate  
Lowrance dealer near you, visit our web site,  
www.lowrance.com and look for the Dealer Locator. Or, you can consult  
your telephone directory for listings.  
2) U.S. customers: LEI Extras Inc., PO Box 129, Catoosa, OK 74015-0129  
Call 1-800-324-0045 or visit our web site www.lei-extras.com.  
3) Canadian customers can write:  
Lowrance/Eagle Canada, 919 Matheson Blvd. E. Mississauga, Ontario  
L4W2R7 or fax 905-629-3118.  
Shipping Information  
If it becomes necessary to send a product for repair or replacement, you  
must first receive a return authorization number from Customer  
Service. Products shipped without a return authorization will not be  
accepted. When shipping, we recommend you do the following:  
1. Please do not ship the knobs or mounting bracket with your unit.  
2. If you are sending a check for repair, please place your check in an  
envelope and tape it to the unit.  
3. For proper testing, include a brief note with the product describing  
the problem. Be sure to include your name, return shipping address  
and a daytime telephone number. An e-mail address is optional but  
4. Pack the unit in a suitable size box with packing material to prevent  
any damage during shipping.  
5. Write the Return Authorization (RA) number on the outside of the  
box underneath your return address.  
6. For your security, you may want to insure the package through your  
shipping courier. Lowrance does not assume responsibility for goods  
lost or damaged in transit.  
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Visit our web site:  
Lowrance Pub. 988-0161-10B  
Printed in USA 090808  
© Copyright 2008  
All Rights Reserved  
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