Unit shown with optional control package.
The information contained in this
manual is intended for use by
qualified professional installers, or
service technicians. Consult your
local expert for proper installation
or service procedures.
Save this manual for future reference.
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Hot Water Generator Installation Instructions
1 General information
• Before using product, read and The high quality enamel paint, applied to the jacket of the
understand instructions.
unit, will provide years of protection against corrosion. If it is
necessary to clean the outside of the unit, a mild cleaning
agent should be used that will not damage the paint.
• Save these instructions for future
For all piping connections, the use and/or type of joint
compound or sealer on the joints should be determined by
referring to local codes, accepted standards, and/or the
requirements of the installing contractor.
• All work must be performed by
qualified personnel trained in the
proper application, installation, and
maintenance of steam systems and/or
boiler water systems in accordance with Lochinvar’s Hot Water Generator Systems are ideal when
all applicable codes and ordinances.
boiler capacity is sufficiently sized to cover potable hot water
demand and provide source water for hydronic heating
systems. Hot Water Generator Systems use steam or boiler
water as an energy source and can provide high recovery rates,
making them an economical water heating system for end
• To prevent serious burns, wear heat
resistant gloves when opening and
closing steam valves, or handling hot
• To prevent serious burns, the internal
pressure of the trap must be 0 psi
(0 bar) before servicing.
Hot Water Generator Systems are pre-engineering and pre-
assembled complete with all piping to meet your specific
application. And like every Lochinvar product, we thoroughly
test them to ensure proper performance from the moment
they are installed.
• To prevent serious personal injury from
steam pipe blow down, connect a
temporary pipe between the steam pipe
opening and a drain, or stand at least
100 ft. (30 m) from the front of the pipe
Hot Water Generator Systems are available in horizontal or
vertical configurations (see FIG.’s 1 and 2) in a wide array of
gallon capacities. Standard packages are available in tank sizes
from 200 - 1000 gallons with single wall copper tube bundle
heating units. Custom configurations, smaller and larger tank
and tube bundles, and optional control packages are also
available. Consult the factory for specifications.
• To prevent property damage, personal
injury, or death, cap off the gate valves
if they are not connected to a drain and
when they are not in use for test or
pressure relief.
Failure to follow this warning could cause
property damage, personal injury, or
Tank Construction -- Lochinvar tanks are available with glass
or cement lining.
ASME -- All Lochinvar tanks are constructed in accordance
with ASME standards and certified for 125 psi working
pressure (standard) or 150 psi working pressure (optional).
This manual is intended to cover installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures for Lochinvar’s Hot Water Generator
Systems. Since each unit is built to meet customer
specifications, instructions may not be specific to every
Cathodic Protection -- All glass lined tanks are equipped
with magnesium anodes to provide protection against
If questions are not answered by this manual, or if specific
installation, operation, and/or maintenance procedures are
not clearly understood, contact Lochinvar for clarification
before proceeding.
Manway - A manway is provided as an option on glass lined
tanks and is standard on cement lined tanks.
*Horizontal tanks with tube bundles 48" and longer require a
These Hot Water Generator Systems are designed for indoor
use only, unless otherwise required by design specifications.
Each unit requires at least two feet of clearance around and
above the unit. It should be located on a level surface (no
more than one-half degree of slope), capable of supporting
the total weight of the unit when filled to capacity.
Tank Circulator Package -- All standard Hot Water Generator
Systems are equipped with a circulator package to maximize
the amount of hot water provided.
Five-Year Limited Tank Warranty -- Provides warranty
protection against tank failure (see warranty for details).
The unit should be mounted to the floor following applicable
architectural and local code requirements for the specific
installation site. Note: Tanks do not come standard with floor
tie downs.
One-Year Limited Warranty -- Tube Bundle, parts,
accessories and controls (see warranty for details).
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
1 General information
Figure 1_Vertical Tanks
Figure 2_Horizontal Tanks
Optional control packages(see page 5)
Steam to Water -- Control packages include an isolation valve, 2-way
self-operated temperature regulator, inlet and outlet wye strainers, a
float and thermostatic steam trap and all necessary piping.
Water to Water -- Control packages include isolation valves, 2-way
self-operated temperature regulator, inlet wye strainer and all
necessary piping.
• Manual Reset High Limit
• Solenoid Valve
• Manway (see notes on manway) • 150 psi Tank Working Pressure
• Temperature & Pressure Gauge • Vacuum Breaker
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
1 General information
Areas of potential danger:
Figure 3_Steam to Water Optional Control Package
1. All steam/boiler water lines, joints,
valves, and pressure regulators.
2. All hot water outlet lines, joints,
valves, and pressure regulators.
3. All power connections and cables.
Before attempting any installation,
operation, or maintenance procedures
pertaining to this unit:
1. Assure that the incoming steam
(or boiler water) has been turned off
at the manual shutoff valve.
2. If the unit has been in operation,
allow the water in the heater and all
components and surfaces (incoming
steam line, hot water outlet line,
etc.,) to cool before starting the
3. Assure that all power has been
shut off
attempting any procedures.
disconnected before
Figure 4_Water to Water Optional Control Package
4. Assure that all incoming and
outgoing water lines have been
turned off at the manual shutoff
Steam or boiler water present situations
that can be very dangerous due to the fact
they are under pressure and at very high
temperatures. To avoid possible injury or
death, use common sense and follow all
accepted and recommended procedures
when performing installation, operation,
and maintenance procedures.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation.
Assure that all power has been shut off /
disconnected before attempting any
installation or maintenance procedures.
As with any piece of equipment that utilizes
steam or boiler water under pressure, as well as
electricity, the potential exists for severe
personal injury if proper installation,
operation, and maintenance procedures are
not followed. Listed in this section are specific
warnings pertaining to Lochinvar Hot Water
Generators. In addition, throughout this
manual, warnings are restated when
procedures are described pertaining to areas of
potential danger. All warnings should be
carefully read and understood. All precautions
contained in the warnings should be carefully
followed to reduce the chance of injury.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
2 Installation
Transporting and unpacking the unit
Each Lochinvar Hot Water Generator is crated as necessary at the factory. The crating is designed to provide protection for the
unit during transportation, and to provide a safe means by which to lift and move the unit with a fork lift or hand truck.
In order to prevent damage during shipment the controls package is disassembled at the factory after leak testing. Reassembly
will require re-attaching the unions (or bolting flange) to the appropriate locations and insertion of the control valve bulb into
the provided bulbwell and the system is ready for operation (see FIG.’s 5 and 6 below).
All hardware for the reassembly is included with the system. Drawings of the specific controls package are included with each
product illustrating the finished assembly. For water to water systems the bypass piping union may remain attached for
shipment. See FIG.’s 5 and 6 below for a detailed explanation of the break points.
Figure 5_Steam to Water Storage Heater
Figure 6_Water to Water Storage Heater
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
2 Installation
Examining the unit
Connecting the cold water source
and the hot water outlet
After the unit has been set in place and uncrated, it
should be carefully examined to assure that neither the
main unit nor components have been damaged during
shipping. If any evidence of damage is detected that
could affect the safe operation of the unit, contact
Lochinvar Corporation, or your authorized sales
representative, to report the damage and to receive
instructions on how to proceed.
Before making any connections of water
inlet or outlet to the unit, assure that all
piping is clean and free of foreign material
or scale. This can usually be accomplished
by “blowing out” the pipe. Any foreign
material or scale entering the unit can
After the unit and all components have been inspected for
damage, it is suggested that all pressure and temperature
control components be checked to assure that they meet
or exceed design specifications. If any discrepancy is
found, contact Lochinvar Corporation, or your
authorized representative, before proceeding with the
Cold water source
The first step in the installation process is to connect the cold
water source to the water inlet port. The exact location of this
port for the specific unit, as well as inlet pipe diameter and
thread size, can be determined from the CAD drawing
supplied with the unit.
Mounting the unit
A manual shutoff valve should be installed upstream on the
cold water source as an isolation device. The shutoff valve
should be in the closed position and remain so until the
installation is complete.
The unit should be mounted to the floor, following
applicable architectural / local code requirements, or
accepted standards for the specific installation site. The
unit should be installed in a location with sufficient
clearance to remove the tube bundle for repair or
For all piping connections, the use and / or
type of joint compound or sealer on the
joint should be determined by referring to
local codes, accepted practices, or the
requirements of the installing contractor.
Unit and components
Lochinvar Hot Water Generators are designed to make
installation a relatively simple procedure. Because the
unit is “Packaged”, after placing and mounting the unit,
installation involves the following:
If the cold water source is equipped with an in-line check valve
or backflow preventer, a suitable expansion tank must be
installed in the hot water outlet side of the system. See the
supplied CAD drawing(s) or contact Lochinvar Corporation
for expansion tank specifications.
• Connecting the cold water source to the water inlet.
• Connecting the hot water outlet to the hot water feed
Hot water outlet
• Installing the control valve bulb into the tank bulbwell.
The next step in the installation process is to connect the hot
water system piping to the hot water outlet port. The exact
location of this port for the specific unit, as well as outlet pipe
diameter and thread size, can be determined from the CAD
drawing(s) supplied with the unit.
• Connecting the condensate / water return line and
piping it to the recycling system.
• Piping the pressure relief valve to an acceptable drain.
• Connecting the energy source (steam or boiler water)
to the unit.
A manual shutoff valve should be installed downstream on the
hot water outlet line as an isolation device in case the unit
must be disconnected from the system. The shutoff valve
should be in the closed position and remain so until the
installation is complete.
• Wiring the applicable source of electricity (if the unit is
packaged with a circulating pump or electrically
activated pressure or temperature controls).
Each unit is supplied with CAD drawings that indicate
the location and specifications for each connection that
must be made. In addition, the drawing will enable the
installer(s) to determine the flow direction of both the
water and energy source.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
2 Installation
Do not attempt to lift condensate with a
Connecting the energy source
float and thermostatic trap. Pipe the
condensate outlet from the main steam
trap to a gravity drain or to a condensate
(Steam or boiler water)
Steam or boiler water present situations
that can be very dangerous because of the
high temperatures and pressures. Use
common sense and follow all accepted and
Lifting condensate without the assistance
of a condensate pump can cause erratic
temperature control, failure of the tube
bundle, damage to the control valve, or
damage to the condensate trap. Any failure
caused due to lifting of condensate without
a condensate pump is not covered by the
performing installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures to avoid possible
injury or death.
Assure that a manual shutoff valve is installed upstream in the
steam or boiler water line (energy source), and that it is
functioning properly. If any doubt exists concerning the
integrity of the shutoff valve, replace the valve before
attempting installation. All energy source valves should be
closed and remain closed throughout the installation process.
Boiler water and high temperature water
return line
After the boiler water has passed through the tube bundle, and
the heat has been extracted and transferred to the domestic
water system, the water must return to the system. The water
return line serves this purpose.
Connect the energy source to the line(s) leading to the
temperature control valve. The exact location of the
temperature control valve for the specific unit, as well as
energy source pipe diameter and thread size, can be
determined from the CAD drawing(s) supplied with the unit.
The water return line should be connected to the unit at the
return port. Unlike the steam condensate return line, the
return lines for boiler water do not have in-line condensate
traps. The exact location of this port for the specific unit, as
well as the water return pipe diameter and thread size, can be
determined from the CAD drawing supplied with the unit.
For all energy source piping connections,
A manual shutoff valve should be installed downstream in the
water return line to allow the unit to be isolated from the
system. The water return shutoff valve will present backflow
of boiler water if the line is disconnected.
the use and / or type of joint compound or
sealer on the joint should be determined by
referring to local codes, accepted practices,
or the requirements of the installing
Piping the relief valves to drain
Connecting the steam condensate
line or the boiler water return lines
Steam condensate return line
As the heat is extracted from the steam and transferred to the
water heating system, condensate will form. This condensate
must have a means by which it can drain from the unit and
return to the steam system. The condensate return line serves
this purpose.
All Lochinvar Hot Water Generators are equipped with a
pressure relief valve for the tank. The valve should be piped to
a vent line leading to a suitable drain. Piping the pressure
relief valves to suitable drains will prevent both water and heat
damage to the unit, as well as reduce the risk of injury from
released steam or water. The pipe must be of adequate size to
properly handle the capacity of the relief valve and vent line.
Check local codes to assure compliance.
If a check valve has been installed on the inlet water line,
thermal expansion may take place causing build up of
excessive pressure when the water is being heated. This
expansion will cause the relief valve to open, releasing hot
water to the vent line.
The condensate return line should be connected to the unit at
the condensate return port. The condensate port is normally
located downstream from the main and auxiliary traps. The
exact location of this port for the specific unit, as well as the
condensate return pipe diameter and thread size, can be
determined from the CAD drawing(s) supplied with the unit.
The condensate line should be piped back into the site’s steam
system for recycling.
A manual shutoff valve should be installed downstream in the
condensate return line to allow the unit to be isolated from the
system. The condensate shutoff valve will prevent backflow of
steam if the line is disconnected.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
2 Installation
Do not install a valve between the
water heater relief valve and the vent.
Doing so could cause serious injury or
death if the pressure relief valve
released and the manual valve was
closed. This would cause excessive
buildup of pressure in the water
heater which could result in an
Completing installation
Installation of the Lochinvar Hot Water Generator is now
complete. All documentation supplied with the unit should
be passed along to maintenance personnel for future
pump and electrically activated
Lochinvar Hot Water Generators are equipped with a
circulation pump. If the unit being installed is so
equipped, the correct power source(s) must be
connected. The circulation pump must run all the time.
Wire this pump to a correctly sized disconnect switch per
local codes.
The combination of electricity and
water can pose a very dangerous
situation. Assure that all electric
power has been turned off before
attempting any installation or
maintenance procedures.
Reference the wiring CAD drawing included with the
unit, or the installation instructions contained in the
Installation Manual for the component, for specific
wiring instructions.
All power connections should be
performed by trained, certified
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
3 Operation
After all installation procedures have been completed, and all
water, energy source joints, and power connections have been
double checked, the unit is ready for operation. As a
precaution, it is strongly suggested that the following Startup
and Shutdown procedures be followed.
Steam or boiler water present situations
that can be very dangerous because of the
high temperatures and pressures. Use
common sense and follow all accepted and
performing installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures to avoid possible
injury or death.
Startup procedure
1. Assure that all manual shutoff valves on the water and
energy source lines are closed.
9. Turn on power to the rest of the electrically controlled
components of the unit (if equipped).
2. Slowly open the manual shutoff valve on the cold water
inlet line, checking to assure that there are no leaks at the
valve or any joints. Allow the tank to fill with water. As
the tank is filling, hold the pressure relief valve open to
allow air to bleed out of the tank. This will speed the
filling process.
10. As the unit is initially heating the water, carefully
re-inspect cold water inlet, hot water outlet, steam inlet
(or boiler water inlet), and condensate return (or boiler
water return line) joints for signs of leakage.
11. As the unit approaches the desired operating
temperature, adjust the temperature control valve.
3. Adjust the operating temperature control to the desired
operating temperature.
12. After the unit has reached operating temperature, re-
inspect all joints for signs of leakage. In addition, check
all gauges and controls to verify that the water
temperature and pressure, as well as energy source
pressure, are within design specifications.
4. Set the high temperature limit thermostat at 10 to 15
degrees Fahrenheit (10°F to 15°F) above the desired
operating temperature.
5. If the unit is so equipped, turn on the internal circulating
pump. The circulating pump will operate constantly as
long as power is supplied to the pump.
Shutoff valves are located on the inlet and/or outlet side
of the circulating pump line. These valves should be
opened before the pump is turned on. After the power to
the pump is turned on verify that the pump is working.
If the pump is an oil lubricated unit, verify proper oiling.
13. The unit is now ready for normal operation.
Shutdown procedure
1. Turn off all power to the circulating pump and/or electric
controls, if equipped.
2. Close all valves in the steam inlet line (or boiler water
6. Open the valve on the condensate drain line, or boiler
water return line.
3. Relieve the pressure from the energy source line (steam or
boiler water), where possible.
7. For steam to water controls, slowly open the manual
shutoff valve on the steam inlet. Create a load/demand
situation of approximately 10 to 25% of the system
design conditions. As the valves are being opened,
check for leaks at the valves and all pipe joints.
4. Close all remaining valves in the system in this order:
• the hot water outlet line;
• the cold water inlet line; and
• the condensate return line (or boiler water return line)
8. For water to water controls, slowly open the manual
shutoff valves on the boiler water inlet and outlet lines.
Create a load/demand situation of approximately 10 to
25% of the system design conditions. As the valves are
being opened, check for leaks at the valves and all pipe
joints. Open the bypass loop ball valve approximately
half way. Allow the system to push air out of the tube
bundle and the piping slowly.
5. After the system has cooled, drain the unit by opening
the tank drain valve and holding the pressure relief valve
in the open position. This will prevent the formation of
a vacuum and increase the drainage flow.
6. Proceed with the required maintenance or repairs.
7. After performing the required maintenance or repairs,
return the unit to operation by following the Startup
Note: It should be noted that when the control valve is closed
the boiler water will flow through the bypass loop. When the
valve is open, less water will “bypass”. Adjustment of the
bypass loop ball valve will be necessary to balance your
system. For initial installation the bypass valve should be
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
4 Inspection
The following table summarizes the recommended time intervals for inspections of the water heater, components, inlet and
outlet water, energy source lines (steam or boiler water), and power connections.
Time Interval
To Be Inspected
Circulating Pump
Control Valves -
Temperature & Pressure
Gauges - Pressure &
Lines - Inlet, Outlet, &
Power Connections
Pressure Relief Valve
Shutoff Valves - Manual
Single Solenoid Safety
Temperatures - Water &
Traps - Main & Auxiliary
Magnesium Anode Rods
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
5 Troubleshooting
• The thermometer is not correctly
sensing the water temperature.
• Check the water temperature with
Water heater does not
maintain the required
temperature at the rated
temperature gauge that is known to be
correct. Replace the thermometer if it
is found to be incorrectly sensing the
water temperature.
• Check the primary energy source
pressure/temperature. If the reading is
low, adjust the inlet pressure/temperature to
meet the design requirements. If there is a
restriction in the primary energy source
line, the pressure reading will drop
excessively when the generator calls
for full energy on steam systems, even
though the pressure seems to be
normal during light demand. If the
primary pressure is correct, the system
should reach design pressure for
energy source in the tube bundle as the
temperature of the water in the tank
heater approaches shutoff.
• Inlet energy source pressure is too
low or boiler water temperature is too
• Reconfigure the condensate
return piping and check valve to allow
for proper drainage. Check to assure
that there is no restriction in the
condensate / water drain line. Replace
the check valve if it is leaking or has
failed. Also, check to assure that there
is no restriction in the condensate /
water drain line.
• The condensate / water return piping
has not been installed properly,
allowing the condensate
drain freely (by gravity);
condensate water drain line is
water to
restricted; or the condensate / water
check valve is leaking or has failed.
• Adjust bypass valve approximately half
closed. Readjust as necessary.
• Water bypass valve has not been
adjusted (boiler water).
• Notify factory for replacement.
• Control valve bulb not installed or not
properly installed in tank bulbwell.
• Verify actuator is not working. Notify factory
for replacement.
• Control valve actuator defective.
• Check the water temperature with
• The thermometer is not correctly
sensing the water temperature.
Outlet temperature is too
temperature gauge that is known to be
correct. Replace the thermometer if it
is found to be incorrectly sensing the
water temperature.
• The condensate / water return piping
has not been installed properly,
• Reconfigure the condensate
return piping and check valve to allow
for proper drainage. Check to assure
that there is no restriction in the
condensate / water drain line. Replace
the check valve if it is leaking or has
failed. Also, check to assure that there
is no restriction in the condensate /
water drain line.
allowing the condensate
drain freely (by gravity);
condensate water drain line is
water to
restricted; or the condensate / water
check valve is leaking or has failed.
• Verify bulb is installed in bulbwell.
• Control valve bulb not installed or not
properly installed in tank bulbwell.
• Verify actuator is not working. Notify factory
for replacement.
• Control valve actuator defective.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
5 Troubleshooting
• Inlet energy source pressure is too
low or boiler water temperature is too low.
• For steam systems check the primary
energy source pressure/temperature. If the
reading is low, adjust the inlet
pressure/temperature to meet the design
requirements. If there is a restriction in the
primary energy source line, the pressure
reading will drop excessively when the
generator calls for full energy on steam
systems, even though the pressure seems
to be normal during light demand. If the
primary pressure is correct, the system
should reach design pressure for energy
source in the tube bundle as the
fluctuates widely.
temperature of the water in the tank
heater approaches shutoff.
• Reconfigure the condensate
• The condensate / water return piping
has not been installed properly,
return piping and check valve to allow
for proper drainage. Check to assure
that there is no restriction in the
condensate / water drain line. Replace
the check valve if it is leaking or has
failed. Also, check to assure that there
is no restriction in the condensate /
water drain line.
allowing the condensate
drain freely (by gravity);
condensate water drain line is
water to
restricted; or the condensate / water
check valve is leaking or has failed.
• Verify control valve bulb was installed in
the bulbwell.
• The primary / inlet temperature control
valve is not closing properly.
• Adjust bypass valve approximately half
closed. Readjust as necessary.
• Bypass valve not adjusted (boiler
• Verify control valve actuator is working
properly , if not replace.
• The primary / inlet temperature control
valve is not opening properly.
• The condensate / water return piping • Reconfigure the condensate
Excess or insufficient
condensate (boiler water)
being returned from the
has not been installed properly,
allowing the condensate water to
drain freely (by gravity); the
condensate water drain line is
return piping and check valve to allow
for proper drainage. Check to assure
that there is no restriction in the
condensate / water drain line. Replace
the check valve if it is leaking or has
failed. Also, check to assure that there
is no restriction in the condensate /
water drain line.
restricted; or the condensate / water
check valve is leaking or has failed.
• Adjust bypass valve approximately half
closed. Readjust as necesssary.
• Bypass loop valve not adjusted (boiler
Steam being discharged
• The tube bundle is heavily scaled or • Call Lochinvar Corporation, or an
authorized sales agent for instructions
on repair or replacement.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
5 Troubleshooting
• The primary / inlet temperature control
valve is not closing properly.
• Verify control valve bulb was installed in
tank bulbwell.
Pressure relief
• Verify
• The secondary / outlet energy source
operating properly.
operating properly.
• The over-temperature limit system is
out of adjustment, or some component
of the system has failed.
• Check the individual components of the
system and repair or replace the failed
component(s) as necessary.
• The over-temperature limit system is • Check the individual components of the
Water shuts down at or
too close to (above or
below) the design outlet
out of adjustment, or some component
of the system has failed.
system and repair or replace the failed
component(s) as necessary.
A loud banging in the
water heater, primary
piping, or condensate /
water return piping (not
to be confused with a
normal clicking noise
made during operation).
• The condensate / water return piping • Reconfigure the condensate
has not been installed properly,
allowing the condensate water to
drain freely (by gravity); the
condensate water drain line is
return piping and check valve to allow
for proper drainage. Check to assure
that there is no restriction in the
condensate / water drain line. Replace
the check valve if it is leaking or has
failed. Also, check to assure that there
is no restriction in the condensate /
water drain line.
restricted; or the condensate / water
check valve is leaking or has failed.
• Primary
inlet steam line is not • The steam supply should be clean dry
properly trapped (steam as energy
source only).
Do not slug controls system
with boiler startup condensate.
can damage controls as well as tube
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
6 Maintenance
9. Turn on electric power to the circulating pump and other
electrical components if necessary.
Storage tank maintenance
A new tank installation should have a regular inspection
program set up. The first inspection should be within the first
three months of operation. Once the tendency to accumulate
sediment has been established, the inspection program can be
modified to suit the water conditions. Typical inspection
programs flush the tank at six-month intervals and clean the
tank in yearly intervals.
10. Observe tank and piping to ensure all components are
functioning properly.
Cleaning the storage tank
The mineral accumulation in an un-fired tank will be in a soft
sediment form that can be removed by a regular cleaning of
the lower portion of the tank. Many tanks will have a hand
hole or a larger manway to allow access to the interior of the
tank for complete removal of accumulated sediment. An
access opening to remove the manway or hand hole is
provided in the exterior jacket. The sheetmetal jacket
components are removed with hand tools. The opening will
be in the bottom portion of a vertical tank and on the end of
a horizontal tank (see FIG’s 1 and 2 on page 4 of this manual).
Deliming solvents or acid type flush agents are not
recommended for use in lined storage tanks. These chemical
cleaners are usually designed for use in non-potable systems
such as heating boilers. These chemicals may be aggressive
and cause damage to the tank lining and deteriorate the
magnesium anodes supplied in glass-lined storage tanks.
Hot water will be released under pressure.
Avoid contact with the hot discharge water
To clean the tank, follow these steps (reference FIG.’s 7 and 8):
to prevent the risk of severe scald injury.
1. Close valves from boiler water or steam supply and
return or condensate pipes.
Flushing the storage tank
2. Turn off electrical power to the circulating pump and
other electrical components if necessary.
Since the mineral accumulation is occurring in an un-fired
tank it will be in a soft sediment form. This soft sediment can
be removed by a regular flushing of the lower portion of the
3. Close the valve on the hot water outlet on the top of the
storage tank and the cold water supply to the system.
To flush the tank, follow these steps:
4. Ensure that the drain located on the bottom of the tank
is routed to a floor drain with adequate capacity to allow
the tank to be drained.
1. Turn off electrical power to the circulating pump and any
other tank accessories.
5. Open the drain valve and open a vent to allow the air to
enter the tank (manually opening the relief valve will
usually accomplish this). Use extreme caution, as the
water exiting the tank drain may be very hot. Avoid
contact with the hot discharge water to prevent the risk
of severe scald injury.
2. Close the valve on the hot water outlet on the top of the
storage tank.
3. Ensure that the drain located on the bottom of the tank
is routed to a floor drain with adequate capacity to allow
the tank to be flushed.
4. Open the drain valve and allow the incoming cold water
to flush the soft sediment out the bottom of the storage
tank. Use extreme caution, as the water exiting the tank
drain may be very hot. Avoid contact with the hot
discharge water to prevent the risk of severe scald injury.
6. Allow the tank to drain completely.
7. Remove the jacket cover over the manway or hand hole.
Remove the bolt(s) securing the tank access opening.
Use a flashlight to observe the sediment collected in the
5. Observe the color of the water initially discharged from
the tank drain. This water will generally be milky or
slightly discolored by the sediment discharge. Allow the
drain to run until the water runs clear.
8. Use hand tools to remove all sediment from the interior
of the tank. Use care not to damage the interior lining of
the storage tank.
9. Use a water hose to flush the remaining sediment from
the interior surfaces of the tank and ensure that all debris
is removed. Scale or sediment allowed to reach the
potable system can foul valves, pumps, strainers, and
other water fixtures. Ensure that the tank interior is clean
before refilling the vessel.
6. Close the drain valve on the tank.
7. Open the hot water outlet valve on the top of the tank.
8. Open an adjacent hot water tap to purge any air that may
have entered the storage tank during the draining
process. Close the hot water tap if no air discharge is
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6 Maintenance
10. Install a new gasket on the manway or hand hole to
prevent any possible leaks. Tighten the gasket properly to
prevent leaks. Caution: Over tightening can result in
cutting the gasket and allowing a water leak to occur.
Magnesium anode rod inspection
Glass lined storage tanks have a magnesium anode(s) to
provide cathodical protection of the lining and minimize
corrosion. Aggressive water conditions in some areas of the
country may accelerate the deterioration of the anode(s). The
anode(s) should be periodically removed and inspected to
determine if replacement is necessary.
11. Replace the jacket cover over the manway or hand hole.
12. Close the drain and open the cold water supply and hot
water outlet. If the relief valve was used for a vent ensure
that it is now closed. Open the closest hot water valve to
allow the air in the tank to vent as water enters the vessel.
Close the valve opened for a vent when water flows from
the valve.
The tank must be valved off from the system and fully drained
to remove an anode for inspection. Anodes are supplied in
threaded fittings on the top head of small vertical storage
tanks. Top mounted anodes may be accessed by removing the
jacket top. Large vertical storage tanks and horizontal storage
tanks have multiple anodes installed in threaded tappings
along the length of the tank. These anodes may be accessed by
removing a jacket panel and/or corner post corresponding to
the mounting point of the anodes. Adequate service clearance
is required to allow removal of an anode. The anode(s)
should be replaced when more than six inches of the core wire
is exposed at either end of the rod. Medium sized tanks with
round jackets provide an opening for individual anode rod
13. Check the manway or hand hole and all related piping for
any water leaks.
14. Turn on electric power to the circulating pump and other
electric components if necessary.
15. Open valves for boiler water or steam supply. Also open
the boiler water return, or condensate line.
16. Observe tank and piping to ensure all components are
functioning properly.
Figure 7_Horizontal Storage Tank w/Anodes
Figure 8_Vertical Storage Tank w/Anodes
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
6 Maintenance
The combination of electricity and water
Component(s) replacement
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
Circulating pump - inspection and
Lochinvar Hot Water Generators can be equipped with a
circulating pump to assist in the even heating of the water. If
the unit is equipped with a circulating pump, the following
procedure should be followed to replace the pump.
2. After assuring that the power has been turned off,
disconnect the electric leads to the circulating pump
(FIG. 9).
3. Break the joints between the pump and the inlet and
outlet piping. Remove the pump.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
service the circulating pump.
4. Remove the shutoff valves.
5. Install the new valves. Follow recommendations
contained in the manufacturer’s documentation, local
codes, or accepted contractor practices as to the use and /
or type of joint compound or sealer at the connections.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
6. Reconnect the pump to the inlet and outlet piping.
2. Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation supplied
with the unit pertaining to testing the pump. If found to
be defective or questionable, replace the pump by
continuing with the steps that follow.
manufacturer’s documentation, local codes, or accepted
contractor practices as to the use and / or type of joint
compound or sealer at the connections.
7. Open the manual shutoff valves located on the inlet and
outlet sides of the pump.
3. After assuring that the power has been turned off,
disconnect the electric leads to the circulating pump
(FIG. 9).
8. Reconnect the electric leads to the pump (reference
FIG. 9 to assure proper wiring).
4. Close the manual shutoff valves located near the inlet and
outlet ports of the pump.
9. Follow the startup procedures (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all joints for any sign of
5. Break the joints between the pump and the inlet and
outlet piping. Remove the pump.
6. Reconnect the pump to the inlet and outlet piping.
Figure 9_Pump Wiring Diagram
manufacturer’s documentation, local codes, or accepted
contractor practices as to the use and / or type of joint
compound or sealer at the connections.
7. Open the manual shutoff valves located on the inlet and
outlet sides of the pump and check for any leakage at the
8. Reconnect the electric leads to the pump (reference
FIG. 9 to assure proper wiring).
9. Follow the startup procedures (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
Circulating pump shutoff valves -
If the Lochinvar Hot Water Generator is equipped with a
circulating pump to assist in the even heating of the water,
manual shutoff valves will be located on both the inlet and
outlet side piping. To replace the valves, follow the procedure
detailed below.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
service the circulating pump shutoff valves.
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6 Maintenance
3. Carefully break the connections between the tube bundle
head and the energy source inlet and outlet lines.
Power connections - rewiring
If any of the power connections must be rewired at the
circulating pump or electrically activated controls, follow the
steps listed below.
It may be necessary to break the lines at a
second location, and for the lines to be
rotated to allow clearance for the tube
bundle to be removed from the tank. If it
is necessary, care should be taken to ensure
that in-line components are not damaged.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
4. Break the bolts loose that secure the tube bundle head
to the tank. After all bolts have been broken loose,
remove them from the unit.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 4 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting any
electrical service.
The tube bundle head is heavy and can
cause serious injury if it falls on your foot,
leg, etc., use caution.
2. After assuring the power has been turned off, disconnect
and rewire the electrical connections in question.
3. Turn the power on and check that the component that
has been rewired is functioning properly.
The tube bundle weight depends on the
size installed. A hoist or some type of lift
system should be made available to assist
in removal or installation of the tube
4. Slowly open the shutoff valves on the condensate (or
boiler water return) line, cold water inlet line, and hot
water outlet line.
5. Slowly open the shutoff valves on the energy source inlet
5. Remove the tube bundle from the tank, use care not to
damage the soft copper tubes.
6. Inspect for damage or excessive scale, etc.
7. Remove old gaskets and clean gasket sealing surfaces.
8. Reinstall the tube bundle.
The tube bundle is the heart of the Lochinvar Hot Water
Generator. It should be removed and inspected every two (2)
Inlet, outlet, and condensate / water
return line and manual shutoff valves -
If any of the inlet, outlet, return lines, or shutoff valves are
damaged and must be replaced, follow the steps outlined
Steam or boiler water present situations
that can be very dangerous because of the
high temperature and pressures. To avoid
possible injury or death, use common
sense and follow all accepted and
The combination of electricity and water
performing installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures.
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
replace damaged lines or shutoff valves.
While it might seem feasible to replace
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
remove and inspect the tube bundle.
inlet, outlet, condensate / water return
lines, and shutoff valves without shutting
down the entire unit, it is not advised.
Unless the unit is completely shutdown,
and the water and the energy source are
isolated from the system, failure of a
manual shutoff valve during the
replacement process could result in serious
2. Assure that the energy source, condensate / water return
line, cold water inlet, and hot water inlet have been shut
off; that the tank has been completely drained; that the
pressure has been bled from both the water and energy
source systems; and that the water, all components, and
surfaces have cooled.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
6 Maintenance
2. Assure that the energy source, condensate / water return
line, cold water inlet, and hot water outlet have been shut
off; that the tank has been completely drained; that the
pressure has been bled from both the water and energy
source systems; and that all components and surfaces
have cooled.
Single solenoid safety system (optional)-
inspection and replacement
The single solenoid safety system closes the steam (or boiler
water) control valve in an over-temperature condition. The
system should be checked semi-annually. (See manufacturer’s
documentation for the solenoid safety system provided with
the unit for specific inspection intervals and test routine.) If
the system is found to be malfunctioning and must be
replaced, follow the procedure outlined below.
3. Carefully break the joint between the unit and the line or
valve to be replaced.
4. Remove the section of line or valve to be replaced.
5. Replace the damaged section of line or valve.
The combination of electricity and water
6. Reconnect the line or valve to the unit. Follow
recommendations contained in the manufacturer’s
documentation, local codes, or accepted contractor
practices as to the use and / or type of joint compound or
sealer at the connections.
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
replace the single solenoid safety system.
7. Follow the startup procedures (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
2. If the system is electrically activated, turn off the power
and disconnect the electric leads from the safety system.
Temperature/pressure gauge (tank)
(optional) - replacement
3. Remove the solenoid valve from the piping or high limit
thermostat from mounting.
If the temperature/pressure gauge for the water tank is not
functioning correctly and must be replaced, follow the
procedure outlined below.
4. Mount the new safety system.
Reference the manufacturer’s documentation for the
safety system that was supplied with your unit for
additional installation / setup instructions.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
6. Follow the startup procedures (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
replace the water temperature/pressure gauge.
2. Carefully unscrew the water temperature/pressure gauge
from the port in the tank.
3. Install the new gauge by screwing it into the port in the
tank. Follow recommendations contained in the
manufacturer’s documentation, local codes, or accepted
contractor practices as to the use of joint compound or
sealer at the connections.
4. Follow the startup procedure (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any
sign of leakage.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
6 Maintenance
7. Remove the temperature control valve from the system.
Temperature control valve (optional) -
inspection and replacement
8. Follow the supplied manufacturer instructions for
inspecting the valve. If found to be malfunctioning,
replace the valve.
The temperature control valve is installed adjacent to the tube
bundle. The manufacturer’s documentation included with
the unit gives specifics for operation and maintenance of the
control valve. The CAD drawing included with the unit will
give the exact location, as well as interlocks with other
components. This information should be reviewed before
removal / replacement of the temperature control valve.
9. Carefully replace the temperature control valve into the
system by reattaching it to the energy source inlet line and
the tube bundle outlet line. Follow recommendations
contained in the manufacturer’s documentation, local
codes, or accepted contractor practices as to the use and /
or type of joint compound or sealer at the connections.
Steam or boiler water present situations
10. Align the valve as it was situated before removal and
tighten the connections. If lines were broken at an
additional location to allow for removal of the valve, be
sure to also tighten those connections.
that can be very dangerous because of the
high temperatures and pressures. Use
common sense and follow all accepted and
11. Reconnect the temperature control valve to the system
interlocks and install the sensing probe into the tank.
performing installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures to avoid possible
injury or death.
If the unit is equipped with a circulating
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
pump, the pump relay must be interlocked
with the temperature control valve so that
the energy source will shut off if the pump
is not operational. Failure to do so could
create a very dangerous situation if the
pump were to fail.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
remove and inspect the temperature control valve.
12. Follow the startup procedure (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
2. Assure that the energy source, condensate / water return
line, cold water inlet, and hot water outlet have been shut
off; that the tank has been completely drained; that the
pressure has been bled from both the water and energy
source systems; and that all components and surfaces
have cooled.
Strainers - inspection and replacement
The strainers are installed upstream of the energy source
shutoff valve for the main traps. These strainers must be
blown down periodically (approximately every three (3) to six
(6) months) to prevent the build up of any sediment.
3. If the temperature control valve is electrically activated,
turn off the power and disconnect the leads to the valve.
4. Remove the control valve probe from the tank port.
The combination of electricity and water
5. Carefully break the joints between the temperature
control valve and the unions on either side of the valve
per FIG.’s 5 and 6 on page 6 of this manual.
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
6. Carefully break the connections between the energy
source inlet line and the tube bundle.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
replace the energy source strainers.
It may be necessary to break the lines at
a second location, and for the lines to be
2. The location of the strainers can differ between packages.
Reference FIG.’s 3 and 4 on page 5 of this manual to
identify the location of the strainers on the unit.
rotated to allow clearance for the
temperature control valve to be
removed from the system. If it is
necessary, care should be taken to
ensure that in-line components are not
3. Carefully break the line connections on the inlet side of
both strainers.
4. Carefully break the line connection on the outlet side of
the strainers.
5. Remove and examine the strainers.
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6 Maintenance
6. Remove any sediment that is present in the strainers. If
they cannot be satisfactorily cleaned, replace with new
7. Place the strainers back on-line in the system.
8. Reconnect the inlet and outlet lines to each strainer.
manufacturer’s documentation, local codes, or accepted
contractor practices as to the use and / or type of joint
compound or sealer at the connections.
9. Follow the startup procedures (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
Traps - replacement (steam systems
The main and auxiliary traps are installed upstream of the
condensate shutoff valve on units that use steam as the energy
source. The traps are designed to maintain the flow of
condensate with the rise and fall of the float as changes in
condensate level occur within the body of the trap. If the
traps are not functioning properly and must be replaced,
follow the procedure outlined below.
The combination of electricity and water
can pose a very dangerous situation. Turn
off / disconnect all electric power before
attempting any maintenance procedure.
1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 of the shutdown procedure
(page 10) to take the unit off-line before attempting to
replace the main or auxiliary traps.
2. The exact location of the traps can differ depending on
the unit. Reference the CAD drawing supplied with the
unit to identify the location of the traps on the unit.
3. Carefully break the joint on the inlet side of the trap.
4. Carefully break the joint on the outlet side of the trap.
5. Remove and examine the trap.
6. If the trap is not functioning properly, replace it
with a new trap.
7. Place the trap back on-line in the system.
8. Reconnect the inlet and outlet lines to the trap. Follow
recommendations contained in the manufacturer’s
documentation, local codes, or accepted contractor
practices as to the use and / or type of joint compound or
sealer at the connections.
9. Follow the startup procedure (page 10) to put the unit
back on-line. Carefully check all connections for any sign
of leakage.
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
7 Notes
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Hot Water Generator Installation and Operation Manual
7 Notes
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