Farallon Communications 5750 User Manual

DocuColor Color Server  
U S E R G U I D E  
for the Xerox DocuColor 5750  
digital copier printer  
Copyright © 1998 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved.  
This publication is protected by copyright, and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means for any purpose  
without express prior written consent from Electronics for Imaging, Inc., except as expressly permitted herein. Information in this document is subject to change  
without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.  
The software described in this publication is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.  
Patents: 5,666,436; 5,553,200; 5,543,940; 5,537,516; 5,517,334; 5,506,946;5,424,754; 5,343,311; 5,212,546; 4,941,038; 4,837,722; 4,500,919  
Trademarks Notice  
EFI, the EFI logo, Fiery, the Fiery logo, EFICOLOR and the EFICOLOR logo are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Fiery XJ,  
Fiery XJe, Fiery XJ+, Fiery SI, Fiery Driven, the Fiery Driven logo, XJ RipChips, Rip-While-Print, Continuous Print, Command WorkStation, AutoCal, STARR  
Compression, and Memory Multiplier are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.  
Xerox 5760, 5765, 5790, 5750, MajestiK, Regal, and all Xerox product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of the Xerox Corporation.  
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Illustrator, PostScript, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Separator, and Adobe PageMaker, are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems  
Incorporated, registered in certain jurisdictions. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) is a trademark of Altsys Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleShare,  
AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are registered trademarks, and MultiFinder is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS,  
and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft in the US and other countries. QuarkXPress is a registered trademark of Quark, Inc. Times, Helvetica, and  
Palatino are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. ITC Avant Garde, ITC Bookman, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered  
trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Farallon, PhoneNET PC, and PhoneNET Talk are  
trademarks of Farallon Computing, Inc. COPS and COPSTalk are trademarks of CoOperative Printing Solutions, Inc. NetWare and Novell are registered  
trademarks and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) is a trademark of Novell, Inc. SyQuest is a registered trademark, in the United States and certain other  
countries, of SyQuest Technology, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. PANTONE is a  
registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.  
All other terms and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged.  
Legal Notices  
Apples liability to you for actual damages from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action (whether in contract, tort [including negligence],  
product liability or otherwise), will be limited to $50.  
Restricted Rights Legends  
For defense agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in  
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227.7013.  
For civilian agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (a) through (d) of the  
commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in Electronics for Imaging, Inc.s standard commercial  
agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.  
Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper.  
Part Number: n/a  
CE Mark  
The CE marking applied to this product symbolises Rank Xerox’s declaration of conformity with the following applicable directives of the European Union as of  
the dates indicated.  
January 1, 1996—Council Directive 70/80/CCO amended by Council Directive 93/68/EEO. Approximation of the laws of the member states related to low  
voltage equipment.  
January 1, 1996—Council Directive 59/336/EEC. Approximation of the laws of the member states related to electromagnetic compatibility.  
A full declaration defining the relevant directives and referenced standards can be obtained from your Rank Xerox representative.  
WARNING: In order to allow this equipment to operate in proximity to industrial, scientific, and Medical (ISM) equipment, the external radiation from  
ISM equipment may have to be limited or special migration measures taken.  
WARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to  
take adequate measures.  
FCC Information  
WARNING: FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void  
the users authority to operate this equipment.  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,  
and uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference  
at his own expense.  
Industry Canada Class A Notice  
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard  
entitled, “Digital ApparatusICES-003 from Industry Canada.  
Avis de Conformation Classe A d l’Industrie Canada  
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la Classe A prescrites dans la  
norme sur le matériel brouilleur, Appareils NumériquesNMB-003 édictée par l’Industrie Canada.  
Certificate by Manufacturer/Importer  
This is to certify that the FC07 is shielded against radio interference in accordance with the provisions of VFG 243/1991. The German Postal Services have been  
advised that this device is being put on the market and that they have been given the right to inspect the series for compliance with the regulations.  
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.  
Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs  
Heirmit wird bescheinigt, dass der FC07 im Uebereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der VFG 243/1991 Funk-Entstort ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde  
das Inverkehrbringen dieses Geraetes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Ueberpruefung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeraumt.  
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.  
RFI Compliance Notice  
This equipment has been tested concerning compliance with the relevant RFI protection requirements both individually and on system level (to simulate normal  
operation conditions). However, it is possible that these RFI Requirements are not met under certain unfavorable conditions in other installations. It is the user  
who is responsible for compliance of his particular installation.  
Dieses Geraet wurde einzeln sowohl als auch in einer Anlage, die einen normalen Anwendungsfall nachbildet, auf die Einhaltung der Funk-entstoerbestimmungen  
geprueft. Es ist jedoch moeglich, dass die Funk-enstoerbestimmungen unter unguenstigen Umstaenden bei anderen Geraetekombinationen nicht eingehalten  
werden. Fuer die Einhaltung der Funk-entstoerbestimmungen seigner gesamten Anlage, in der dieses Geraet betrieben wird, ist der Betreiber verantwortlich.  
Compliance with applicable regulations depends on the use of shielded cables. It is the user who is responsible for procuring the appropriate cables.  
Einhaltung mit betreffenden Bestimmungen kommt darauf an, dass geschirmte Ausfuhrungen gebraucht werden. Fuer die beschaffung richtiger Ausfuhrungen ist  
der Betreiber verantwortlich.  
Software License Agreement  
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and accompanying documentation (“Software”) included  
with the DocuColor Color Server you have purchased, including without limitation the PostScript® software provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated.  
You may:  
a. use the Software solely for your own customary business purposes and solely with DocuColor;  
b. use the digitally-encoded machine-readable outline and bitmap programs (“Font Programs”) provided with DocuColor in a special encrypted format (“Coded  
Font Programs”) to reproduce and display designs, styles, weights, and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols (“Typefaces”) solely for your own  
customary business purposes on the screen of the DocuColor or Macintosh monitor used with DocuColor;  
c. use the trademarks used by Electronics for Imaging to identify the Coded Font Programs and Typefaces reproduced therefrom (“Trademarks”); and  
d. assign your rights under this Agreement to a transferee of all of your right, title and interest in and to DocuColor provided the transferee agrees to be bound by  
all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.  
You may not:  
a. make use of the Software, directly or indirectly, to print bitmap images with print resolutions of 600 dots per inch or greater, or to generate fonts or typefaces  
for use other than with DocuColor;  
b. make or have made, or permit to be made, any copies of the Software, Coded Font Programs, accompanying documentation or portions thereof, except as  
necessary for use with the DocuColor unit purchased by you; provided, however, that under no circumstances may you make or have made, or permit to be made,  
any copies of that certain portion of the Software which has been included on the DocuColor hard disk drive. You may not copy the documentation;  
c. attempt to alter, disassemble, decrypt or reverse engineer the Software, Coded Font Programs or accompanying documentation.  
d. rent or lease the Software.  
Proprietary Rights  
You acknowledge that the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks and accompanying documentation are proprietary to Electronics for Imaging  
and its suppliers and that title and other intellectual property rights therein remain with Electronics for Imaging and its suppliers. Except as stated above, this  
Agreement does not grant you any right to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights, franchises or  
licenses in respect of the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks or accompanying documentation. You may not adapt or use any trademark or  
trade name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with that of Electronics for Imaging or any of its suppliers or take any other action which impairs or reduces  
the trademark rights of Electronics for Imaging or its suppliers.The trademarks may only be used to identify printed output produced by the Coded Font Programs.  
At the reasonable request of Electronics for Imaging, you must supply samples of any Typeface identified with a trademark.  
The MacApp software is proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc. and is licensed to Electronics for Imaging, Inc. for distribution only for use in combination with  
DocuColor software utilities.  
You agree to hold the Software and Coded Font Programs in confidence, disclosing the Software and Coded Font Programs only to authorized users having a need  
to use the Software and Coded Font Programs as permitted by this Agreement and to take all reasonable precautions to prevent disclosure to other parties.  
Unauthorized use, copying or disclosure of the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks or accompanying documentation will result in automatic  
termination of this license and will make available to Electronics for Imaging other legal remedies.  
Limited Warranty And Disclaimer  
Electronics for Imaging warrants that, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery to you, the Software under normal use will perform without  
significant errors that make it unusable. Electronics for Imagings entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this warranty (which is subject to you returning  
DocuColor to Electronics for Imaging or an authorized dealer) will be, at Electronics for Imagings option, to use reasonable commercial efforts to attempt to  
correct or work around errors, to replace the Software with functionally equivalent software, or to refund the purchase price and terminate this Agreement. Some  
states do not allow limitations on duration of implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.  
Except for the above express limited warranty, Electronics for Imaging makes and you receive no warranties or conditions on the Products, express, implied, or  
statutory, and Electronics for Imaging specifically disclaims any implied warranty or condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  
For warranty service, please contact your authorized service/support center.  
the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free or that the Software will meet your specific requirements.  
Limitation Of Liability  
Export Controls  
You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software or Coded Font Programs in any form without the appropriate United States and foreign government  
licenses. Your failure to comply with this provision is a material breach of this Agreement.  
Government Use  
Use, duplication or disclosure of the Software by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in  
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software—Restricted  
Right Clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.  
Third Party Beneficiary  
You are hereby notified that Adobe Systems Incorporated, a California corporation located at 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110 (Adobe”) is a third-party  
beneficiary to this Agreement to the extent that this Agreement contains provisions which relate to your use of the Fonts, the Coded Font Programs, the Typefaces  
and the Trademarks licensed hereby. Such provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Adobe and are enforceable by Adobe in addition to Electronics for  
This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California.  
This Agreement is the entire agreement held between us and supersedes any other communications or advertising with respect to the Software, Coded Font  
Programs and accompanying documentation.  
If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.  
If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please write to Electronics for Imaging, Inc., Attn: Licensing Dept. or see Electronics for Imagings web site  
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.  
2855 Campus Drive  
San Mateo, CA 94403  
Before You Begin  
How the DocuColor works  
About the documentation  
Using this manual  
Safety warnings  
Cleaning the DocuColor  
Supported paper sizes  
Chapter 1:  
Operating the DocuColor  
Using the Control Panel  
Activity light  
Display window  
Starting and shutting down the DocuColor  
Starting the DocuColor  
Restarting the DocuColor  
Shutting down the DocuColor  
Chapter 2:  
Printing with Macintosh Computers  
Printing from applications  
Selecting the DocuColor in the Chooser  
Setting print options  
Chapter 3:  
Printing with Windows Computers  
Printing from applications  
Setting options and printing with Windows 95  
Setting options and printing with Windows 3.1x  
Printing with Windows NT 4.0  
Printing with Windows NT 3.51  
Saving files to print at a remote location  
Using Downloader to print  
Chapter 4:  
Chapter 5:  
Printing with UNIX Workstations  
Printing to the DocuColor  
Managing Print Jobs  
Access privileges  
Tracking and managing jobs  
Duplicating, copying, moving, and deleting jobs  
Changing print settings for a job  
Using the Job Log  
Downloading files and fonts  
Printing with Downloader  
Downloading and managing printer fonts  
WebSpooler WebTool  
Access privileges  
Starting WebSpooler  
Appendix A: Error Messages  
Appendix B: Font List  
PostScript printer fonts  
Adobe Type 1 fonts  
TrueType fonts  
Appendix C: Troubleshooting  
Basic troubleshooting tips  
General printing problems  
Problems with the utilities  
Downloader problems  
Appendix D: Setting Job Overrides  
Where to set print options  
Document Set  
Media Type  
Rendering Style  
Sorter Mode  
xi How the DocuColor works  
The DocuColor Color Server enables you to use your color copier as a networked  
printer. You can use the DocuColor to print final documents or to proof jobs you will  
later print on an offset press. You can print to the DocuColor as you would print to a  
LaserWriter or other printer—you select it from the Macintosh Chooser or Windows  
Printers dialog box, and then print from within any application.  
Before You  
You can print to the DocuColor from networked Macintosh computers, from  
networked Windows-based computers running Microsoft Windows, and from  
networked UNIX workstations running TCP/IP. In addition, you can use the parallel  
port to print directly from a Windows computer.  
How the DocuColor works  
The DocuColor is a special-purpose controller that enables you to use a color copier as  
a printer by connecting it to networked computers. The DocuColor receives files from  
computers on your network, processes (RIPs) those files, and then sends them to the  
copiers print engine for printing. Even with the DocuColor installed, you can still use  
your copier to make copies.  
Macintosh and Windows computers communicate with the DocuColor by means of a  
Printer Driver application. Printer description files enable you to use special features of  
the DocuColor from the Print dialog box.  
About the documentation  
This guide is part of the set of DocuColor documentation that also includes the  
following manuals for users and system administrators:  
Getting Started describes how to install the software from the User Software CD or  
from floppy disks and how to set up printing.  
• The Administrator Guide explains basic configuration and administration of the  
DocuColor for the supported platforms and network environments. It also includes  
guidelines for setting up UNIX, Windows NT, and NetWare servers to provide  
PostScript printing services to clients.  
xii Before You Begin  
Release Notes include information about changes in the current release of system and  
user software, last-minute information, and information to help you use them  
Using this manual  
This manual includes the following topics:  
• Printing from a Macintosh computer  
• Printing from a Windows computer  
• Printing from UNIX  
• Using the Spooler and Downloader utilities, and the WebSpooler WebTool  
The Spooler and Downloader utilities are supported from Windows 95 and  
Windows NT 4.0 only; they are not supported from Windows 3.1x,  
Windows NT 3.51, or Macintosh computers.  
Appendixes—Includes a list of DocuColor error messages, a list of the printer fonts  
installed on the DocuColor, troubleshooting information, and information about  
setting and overriding print options.  
Safety warnings  
The DocuColor display window is a liquid crystal display (LCD) that is made of glass  
and can break. Do not subject it to strong shocks.  
If the display window breaks and the liquid crystal material leaks out, do not inhale,  
ingest, or touch it. If the material gets on your skin or clothing, wash it off with soap  
and water immediately.  
Do not touch or put pressure on the panel. This will change the color of the panel.  
xiii Specifications  
Cleaning the DocuColor  
Clean the DocuColor with a soft cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol or ethyl  
alcohol. Never use water or ketone as these may permanently alter the display.  
The DocuColor has the following features:  
• CPU R4700, 150MHz  
• 32MB RAM  
• Internal 2.1 GB hard disk drive  
Supports TCP/IP and IPX/SPX protocols simultaneously  
Supports EtherTalk  
Supports thinnet (thin coaxial Ethernet cable or 10Base2), thicknet (thick coaxial  
Ethernet cable or 10Base5), and unshielded twisted pair (Ethernet 10BaseT or  
Fast Ethernet 100BaseTX with additional optional hardware)  
Supports token ring networking with additional optional hardware  
Supports Adobe PostScript 3  
• Includes 136 fonts (117 Adobe Type 1 PostScript and 19 TrueType)  
In addition, two Adobe Multiple Master fonts are included and are used for font  
substitution in PDF files.  
You can use Downloader or any third-party LaserWriter downloader, such as the  
Adobe Font Downloader, to download additional fonts.  
• Built-in ColorWise® color management  
Spooler and Downloader utilities  
• WebTools  
xiv Before You Begin  
Supported paper sizes  
The DocuColor supports printing at 400dpi (dots per inch) on the following paper  
• Postcard (4" x 6")  
• Letter, Letter-R (8.5" x 11")  
• Legal (8.5" x 14")  
• Tabloid (11" x 17")  
A6 (105mm x 148mm)  
A4, A4-R (210mm x 297mm)  
A3 (297mm x 420mm)  
1-1 Using the Control Panel  
You can use the DocuColor control panel to view status information about jobs, print  
special pages, and set up printing. For information about Setup options and how to use  
them, see the Administrator Guide.  
Chapter 1:  
Operating the  
Using the Control Panel  
The Control Panel on the front of the DocuColor enables you to access special features  
and view information about jobs printed to the DocuColor.  
It comprises the following parts:  
Activity light that indicates current DocuColor activity  
• Line selection buttons  
• Up and down arrow buttons  
• Menu button  
• Display window showing status information and options for setting up the  
Activity light  
Line selection buttons  
Display window  
Up and down arrow buttons  
Menu button  
1-2 Operating the DocuColor  
Activity light  
The activity light indicates the current DocuColor activity. If the light is:  
Solid red  
There is an error causing printing and scanning to be  
disabled, and the DocuColor is idle.  
Flashing red  
There is an error causing printing and scanning to be  
disabled, but the DocuColor is still processing. The light  
changes to solid red when it is finished processing.  
Solid green  
The DocuColor is idle.  
Flashing green  
The DocuColor is processing or printing a job, or  
communicating with a remote computer—for example,  
through the Spooler.  
No light  
The DocuColor is off or starting up.  
Line selection  
There are four line selection buttons on the right side of the  
Control Panel. Use these buttons to select the command  
displayed on the corresponding line of the display window. A  
special character (>) appears in the display window next to a  
button when it is active.  
Up/down arrow  
Use these buttons to scroll to different screens in  
multi-screen lists, to select Setup options from a list of  
available options, and to select alphanumeric characters.  
Menu button  
Press this button to view other screens. Under normal  
operation, the Control Panel displays the Info Status screen  
with information about the status of the DocuColor. If you  
press the Menu button, the Functions menu is displayed and  
you can perform additional operations. If a job is processing  
or printing, press the Menu button to display the RIP Status  
screen or Print Status screen.  
1-3 Using the Control Panel  
Display window  
The display window provides information about the status of the DocuColor, displays  
menu information, and enables you to view and edit information in the Setup menus.  
The last line of the display window displays text that tells you what screen you are  
looking at and highlights one of the icons to indicate what the DocuColor is doing.  
Only the icons for the screens that are currently available appear.  
The screens are:  
Alert Status  
If there is a problem with processing a job or printing functions,  
an error message appears on the Control Panel. For information  
on error messages, see Appendix A “Error Messages.”  
Print Status  
When the DocuColor is printing or scanning a job, the Print  
Status screen appears. This screen displays the following:  
Cancel Job—Press the top line selection button to cancel the job  
currently printing.  
User name—The name of the user who sent the job currently  
Pages/ Total—The number of copies of the current page printed  
and the total number of copies of the page requested.  
1-4 Operating the DocuColor  
RIP Status  
Info Status  
When the DocuColor is processing a job, the RIP Status screen  
appears. This screen displays the following:  
Cancel Job—Press the top line selection button to cancel the job  
currently processing. The DocuColor cancels the job before  
printing begins.  
Document name—The name of the document currently  
User name—The name of the user who sent the job currently  
Kilobytes—The amount (in kilobytes) of the job processed so  
When the DocuColor is not processing or printing a job, it  
displays information about the current server and software. It  
displays the following information:  
Server Name—The DocuColor name.  
Status—The current status of the DocuColor. The DocuColor  
status can be: Idle, Initializing, Busy, Processing, Printing, or  
Number of MB—The space (in megabytes) available on the  
DocuColor hard disk.  
Version—The system software version running on the  
You can press the Menu button to display the Functions menu.  
Use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll through the list.  
Press the line selection button to the right of the command to  
select it.  
1-5 Using the Control Panel  
Functions menu  
You can choose the following commands from this menu:  
To do this:  
Print Pages  
Print special pages from the DocuColor. You can print the  
following pages from the submenu that appears:  
Test Page—A test page enables you to confirm that the  
DocuColor is properly connected to the copier and  
provides color and grayscale samples to troubleshoot  
problems with the copier or the DocuColor. The  
following information is listed: Server Name, Printer  
Model, and Date and Time printed.  
Configuration—Prints the Configuration page, which  
gives the current server and device configuration. This  
page lists general information about the hardware and  
software configuration of the DocuColor, the current  
options for all Setup settings, and the ethernet and token  
ring addresses (if applicable) of the DocuColor.  
Job Log—Prints a log of the last 55 jobs. For information  
on the fields in the Job Log and on printing it in other  
forms, see “Using the Job Log” on page 5-9.  
Control Panel Map—Prints the Control Panel map, which  
is an overview of the screens you can access from the  
Control Panel. For information about using these screens  
to set up the DocuColor, see the Administrator Guide.  
Font List—Prints a list of all fonts resident on the hard  
Suspend Printing  
Suspend communication between the DocuColor and the  
copier. You can suspend printing if you want to interrupt  
the current DocuColor job so that you can use the copier  
to make copies. Jobs continue to process on the  
DocuColor and after you make the copies, you can select  
Resume Printing and the copier will continue printing  
1-6 Operating the DocuColor  
Resume Printing  
Run Diagnostics  
Resume communication between the copier and the  
DocuColor after you have finished making copies.  
This command is provided for service representatives. Use  
the line selection buttons to select the diagnostic test you  
want to run and choose OK. Contact your authorized  
service/support technician for information about these  
Reboot Server  
Shut down all DocuColor activity in the correct manner  
and then restart. You should use this option instead of the  
switch on the rear of the DocuColor.  
Starting and shutting down the DocuColor  
Generally, you can leave the DocuColor running all the time. This section describes  
how to shut down and restart the DocuColor when necessary.  
Starting the DocuColor  
To start the DocuColor, move the switch on the rear of the DocuColor to the On  
Power switch in the  
off position  
Diagnostic messages appear on the Control Panel. If any diagnostics fail, more  
information and instructions appear. Contact your service representative if the  
DocuColor encounters problems while running the diagnostics.  
1-7 Starting and shutting down the DocuColor  
When the diagnostics are finished, the following message is displayed:  
For software update or setup press any key  
If you want to change the Setup options, press one of the buttons; if you do not press a  
button, the DocuColor continues starting up and displays the message Idle when it is  
ready to receive data.  
If you press a button, the following options appear:  
To do this:  
Run Setup  
View the options in the Setup menus. For information on  
these settings, see the Administrator Guide.  
Install Software  
Format Disk  
Install new system software. This should be done only by  
your DocuColor service representative.  
Reformat the DocuColor hard disk. This should be done  
only by your DocuColor service representative.  
Restarting the DocuColor  
You should use the procedure described in this section to restart the DocuColor rather  
than using the power switch on the rear of the DocuColor.  
1. Make sure that the DocuColor is not receiving, processing, or printing a document.  
Make sure that the status message on the Control Panel is Idle.  
NOTE: If a job from the Print Queue is processing, it will continue processing and print  
after the DocuColor is restarted; if a job sent to the direct connection is processing, it  
will not finish processing or printing.  
2. Press the Menu button to display the Functions menu.  
3. Use the down arrow button to scroll to the last screen and choose Reboot Server.  
1-8 Operating the DocuColor  
Shutting down the DocuColor  
You may need to shut down the DocuColor for service. When you do so, fonts that  
have been downloaded to the hard disk drive are not deleted. Print jobs in the Hold  
and Printed queues and jobs that have been processed but not printed are not deleted  
and are available for printing when you restart the DocuColor.  
1. Make sure that the DocuColor is not receiving, processing, or printing a document.  
Make sure that the status message on the Control Panel is Idle.  
NOTE: If a job from the Print Queue is processing, it will continue processing and print  
after the DocuColor is restarted; if a job to the direct connection is processing, it will  
not finish processing or printing.  
2. Press the Menu button to display the Functions menu.  
3. Scroll to the final screen and select Reboot Server.  
You should always select Reboot Server before you turn the DocuColor off to ensure  
that no jobs are lost.  
4. Switch off the DocuColor when it restarts.  
2-1 Printing from applications  
You can print to the DocuColor just as you would print to any other printer from any  
application software. First, select the DocuColor as the current printer in the Chooser,  
and then print the file from within your application.  
Chapter 2:  
Printing with  
Jobs printed to the DocuColor are sent from your Macintosh computer to a network  
server via AppleTalk; the network server then prints the job to the DocuColor via  
IPX/SPX. For more information on setting up network servers to communicate with  
the DocuColor, see the Administrator Guide.  
Printing from applications  
Before you can print to the DocuColor from applications, you must select the  
DocuColor in the Chooser. Then, using the Adobe PostScript printer driver and the  
correct PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file, you can control many DocuColor  
printing features by specifying job settings from print dialog boxes.  
Selecting the DocuColor in the Chooser  
Before you print a job, make sure the DocuColor is the currently selected printer.  
1. Make sure the DocuColor is turned on, is connected to the network via a Novell server.  
For instructions, see the Administrator Guide.  
2. Choose Chooser from the Apple menu.  
3. Click the AdobePS icon to select it.  
4. If your network is divided into zones, select the zone in which the DocuColor is  
5. Select the DocuColor in the list of printers that appears.  
The names of all supported printers in the zone appear in the scroll list on the right.  
The DocuColor appears with its shared printer name (the Spoolers AppleTalk Name,  
as set on the Novell server by your system administrator). For details, see the  
Administrator Guide.  
2-2 Printing with Macintosh Computers  
6. In the Chooser window, make sure that AppleTalk is Active and then click the close box  
to quit the Chooser.  
The DocuColor remains selected as the current printer until you choose a new printer  
Setting print options  
With Macintosh computer applications, print options are set from both the Page Setup  
dialog box and the Printer Specific Options dialog box. For details, see Appendix D,  
“Setting Job Overrides.”  
NOTE: Some default print options are set by the administrator during Setup. Check  
with the administrator for information on the current server default settings.  
1. Open the file you want to print from within the application.  
2. Choose Print from the applications File menu.  
The Print dialog box appears.  
NOTE: Print dialog boxes vary across applications.  
If the Print dialog box lets you select from a pop-up menu of available printers, choose  
the DocuColor.  
2-3 Printing from applications  
In the Paper Source pop-up menu, specify the paper tray to use for the job. For  
example, you can specify that the job should be printed on pages in the Bypass tray.  
Tray selection is valid for the current job only.  
NOTE: If paper loaded in the selected tray is a different size, orientation, and/or media  
type than that of the job you are sending, the DocuColor displays an error message and  
the job will not print. You should then load the correct paper in the selected tray or  
cancel the job.  
3. From the General pop-up menu, choose Notes.  
In the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas, enter user and job identification information for  
accounting purposes, or whatever information is required at your site. The notes you  
enter in these areas appear in the Job Log.  
4. From the Notes pop-up menu, choose Printer Specific Options.  
5. Select the appropriate settings for your print job.  
These print options are specific to the DocuColor. They override settings in Printer  
Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel; you can also override some of these settings in  
the WebSpooler or in the Spooler Override Print Settings dialog box. For information  
about these options and overrides, see Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
2-4 Printing with Macintosh Computers  
If you choose Printers default, the DocuColor prints with either the default value for  
the server, or the information entered during Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
Some PPD options can also be set from within an application. In these cases, use the  
DocuColor PPD option to perform the function, rather than setting it from the  
application. (The application may not set up the file properly for printing on the  
DocuColor and may also take longer to process.)  
6. If you want to make the new settings your default settings, click Save Settings.  
7. Click Print to begin printing your job.  
3-1 Printing from applications  
The DocuColor enables you to print from a Windows-based computer connected to  
the DocuColor. This chapter describes how to print to the DocuColor from  
Windows 95®, Windows® 3.1x, and Windows NT.  
Chapter 3:  
Printing with  
You can print from a networked Windows computer, or from a Windows computer  
connected to the parallel port on the DocuColor. If you plan to print files at another  
location, you should follow the procedures described in “Saving files to print at a  
remote location” on page 3-12.  
Another way to print from a Windows computer is to download PostScript files or  
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files using the Downloader utility.  
NOTE: For information on setting up the Windows environment for printing with  
Windows servers connected to the DocuColor, see the Administrator Guide. For  
information on how to connect to the DocuColor over the network, install printer  
drivers, and install the utilities, see Getting Started.  
Printing from applications  
Once you have installed the DocuColor printer driver and set it to the proper port as  
described in Getting Started, you should be able to print directly from most Windows  
applications. Simply choose the Print command from within your application.  
Setting options and printing with Windows 95  
Once you have installed the DocuColor printer driver file, you can select the printer  
settings you prefer. You can also change settings for a particular file when you print the  
file to the DocuColor.  
To print from Windows 95, use the Adobe PostScript printer driver included with the  
user software. This driver uses all features of the DocuColor.  
Before printing, make sure that the correct print options are set.  
3-2 Printing with Windows Computers  
1. Double-click the My Computer icon.  
2. Double-click the Printers icon.  
3. Select the icon for the DocuColor and choose Properties from the File menu.  
4. Click the Paper tab.  
5. Select the appropriate settings for your print job.  
In the Paper Source pop-up menu, specify the paper tray to use for the job. For  
example, you can specify that the job should be printed on pages in the Bypass tray.  
Tray selection is valid for the current job only.  
3-3 Printing from applications  
NOTE: If paper loaded in the selected tray is a different size, orientation, and/or media  
type than that of the job you are sending, the DocuColor displays an error message and  
the job will not print. You should then load the correct paper in the selected tray or  
cancel the job.  
6. To select a specific media type, click More Options.  
7. In the Paper type pop-up menu, specify the type of media to use for the job and click  
3-4 Printing with Windows Computers  
8. Click the Options tab.  
9. Click through the Job, Color, and Finishing tabs, and select the appropriate settings  
for your print job.  
These print options are specific to the DocuColor. They override settings in Printer  
Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel; you can also override some of these settings in  
the WebSpooler or Spooler Override Print Settings dialog box. For information about  
these options and overrides, see Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
If you choose Printers default, the DocuColor prints with either the default value for  
the server, or the information entered during Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
10. If you want to make the new settings your default settings, click Apply.  
11. Click OK to activate the current settings.  
3-5 Printing from applications  
12. From your application, choose Print.  
The Printer Job Notes dialog box appears.  
13. Enter text messages in the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas.  
In the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas, enter user and job identification information for  
accounting purposes, or whatever information is required at your site.  
The notes you enter in these areas appear in the Job Log.  
The notes you enter in the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas are kept in memory and appear  
automatically in this dialog box when you print subsequent jobs. You can edit these  
notes if necessary for subsequent jobs.  
14. If you are printing from a Microsoft Office application, click Enable PostScript Level 2:  
for MS Office Only.  
As a rule, the Color Rendering Dictionaries (CRDs) are not used when printing from  
PostScript 1 applications. However, for the Microsoft Office 95 and Microsoft  
Office 97 suites of applications, you can enable CRDs with this setting.  
15. Click OK to begin printing.  
3-6 Printing with Windows Computers  
Saving and loading print option settings  
Print option settings can be saved to a file on your hard disk. Saving a settings file  
enables you to easily load specifically configured settings for a particular job.  
1. After configuring the options from the Job, Color, and Finishing tabs, click  
Save Settings.  
2. Name the settings file and browse to a location on your hard disk where you want to  
save the file.  
3. Click OK.  
The settings file is saved to the location you specified.  
1. From the Options tab, Click Load Settings.  
2. Browse to the settings file.  
3. Select the settings file from the list and Click OK.  
The options from the Job, Color, and Finishing tabs are automatically configured with  
the saved settings.  
Setting options and printing with Windows 3.1x  
Once you have installed the DocuColor printer driver file, you can select the printer  
settings you prefer. You can also change settings for a particular file when you print the  
file to the DocuColor.  
To print from Windows 3.1x, use the Adobe PostScript printer driver included with  
the user software. This driver uses all features of the DocuColor.  
Before printing, make sure that the correct print options are set.  
3-7 Printing from applications  
1. In the Main window, double-click the Control Panel icon.  
2. Double-click the Printers icon.  
3. In the Printers dialog box, select the DocuColor in the Installed Printers box and click  
the Setup button.  
4. Click the Paper tab.  
5. Select appropriate settings for your print job.  
In the Paper Source pop-up menu, specify the paper tray to use for the job. For  
example, you can specify that the job should be printed on pages in the Bypass tray.  
Tray selection is valid for the current job only.  
NOTE: If paper loaded in the selected tray is a different size, orientation, and/or media  
type than that of the job you are sending, the DocuColor displays an error message and  
the job will not print. You should then load the correct paper in the selected tray or  
cancel the job.  
3-8 Printing with Windows Computers  
6. Click the Features tab.  
These print options are specific to the DocuColor (you must scroll to see all the pop-  
up menus). They override settings in Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel; you can  
also override some of these settings in the WebSpooler or Spooler Override Print  
Settings dialog box. For information about these options and overrides, see  
Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
If you choose Printers default, the DocuColor prints with either the default value for  
the server, or the information entered during Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
3-9 Printing from applications  
8. Choose Print in your application.  
The Color Printer Job Notes dialog box appears.  
9. If necessary, enter your name in the User and Document areas.  
Once you enter your name in the User area, it appears automatically in this dialog box  
when you print subsequent jobs.  
NOTE: This entry cannot be changed without deleting and reinstalling the printer.  
10. Enter text messages in the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas.  
In the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas, enter user and job identification information for  
accounting purposes, or whatever information is required at your site.  
The notes you enter in these areas appear in the Job Log.  
The notes you enter in the Notes 1 and Notes 2 areas are kept in memory and appear  
automatically in this dialog box when you print subsequent jobs. You can edit these  
notes if necessary for subsequent jobs.  
11. Click OK to begin printing.  
3-10 Printing with Windows Computers  
Printing with Windows NT 4.0  
You can print from Windows NT 4.0 using the printer driver included with  
Windows NT. The Windows NT 4.0 PostScript printer driver supports many  
DocuColor-specific options.  
1. Choose Print in your application and click Properties.  
2. Click the Advanced tab.  
3. Select the appropriate settings for your print job.  
In the Paper Source menu, specify the paper tray to use for the job. For example, you  
can specify that the job should be printed on pages in the Bypass tray. Tray selection is  
valid for the current job only.  
NOTE: If paper loaded in the selected tray is a different size, orientation, and/or media  
type than that of the job you are sending, the DocuColor displays an error message and  
the job will not print. You should then load the correct paper in the selected tray or  
cancel the job.  
3-11 Printing from applications  
4. Scroll down to the print options, and select the appropriate settings for your print job.  
These print options are specific to the DocuColor (you must scroll to see all the  
options). They override settings in Printer Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel; you  
can also override some of these settings in the WebSpooler or Spooler Override Print  
Settings dialog box. For information about these options and overrides, see  
Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
If you choose Printers default, the DocuColor prints with either the default value for  
the server, or the information entered during Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
5. Click OK, then click OK in the Print dialog box to begin printing.  
3-12 Printing with Windows Computers  
Printing with Windows NT 3.51  
You can print from Windows NT 3.51 using the printer driver included with  
Windows NT. However, this driver does not support DocuColor-specific options. See  
Getting Started for information on the Windows NT PostScript printer driver.  
Printing to the parallel port  
The DocuColor has a parallel port that enables you to print most files directly from a  
Windows computer if your network administrator has connected the Windows  
computers parallel port to the DocuColor parallel port.  
3-13 Using Downloader to print  
Using Downloader to print  
Downloading files with Downloader is generally faster than printing from application  
software. You can use Downloader to print PostScript files or EPS files.  
1. Create a PostScript file or EPS le. Specify the appropriate print options and include  
(embed) any necessary fonts that are not resident on the DocuColor.  
For information on the fonts resident on the server, check with the administrator.  
3. Select the file(s) you want to download, and specify any necessary options.  
4. Click Download.  
For details, see “Downloading files and fonts” on page 5-11.  
4-1 Printing to the DocuColor  
You can print to the DocuColor directly from UNIX. Jobs printed to the DocuColor  
are sent to the Print queue and can be manipulated from Macintosh and Windows  
computers on the network.  
Chapter 4:  
with UNIX  
The queue name and DocuColor printer name are established by your system  
administrator. Contact your system administrator for the name of your queues.  
NOTE FOR ADMINISTRATORS:The internal rp name that must be matched exactly when  
setting up printing to the DocuColor is: print.  
For information about setting up printing from TCP/IP, see your UNIX system  
Printing to the DocuColor  
You can use UNIX commands to print PostScript files and text files to the DocuColor.  
In general, the basic printing commands (lpr, lpq, lprm) can be used to send print jobs  
to a DocuColor. See your UNIX manual pages or other documentation for  
information about UNIX commands.  
NOTE: Make sure that the files are either PostScript or text files. These are the only  
formats you can use to print from UNIX.  
On a system running SunOS4 or another BSD-based variant, use the lpr command to  
send a job to the DocuColor as follows:  
lpr <-Pprinter> <-#copies> <filename>  
For example, if the Print queue of your DocuColor is named print_Server, your file is  
named Sample, and you want to print two copies, type:  
lpr -Pprint_Server -#2 Sample  
4-2 Printing with UNIX Workstations  
On a system running Solaris 2 or any System V implementation of UNIX, use the lpr  
command to send a job to the DocuColor as follows:  
lpr -d <printername> {-n <-#copies>} <filename>  
For example, if the Print queue of your DocuColor is named print_Server, your file is  
named Sample, and you want to print two copies, type:  
lpr -d print_Server -n 2 Sample  
On a system running SunOS 4 or another BSD-based variant, use the lpq command to  
see printer jobs in the queue as follows:  
lpq <-Pprinter>  
For example, if the Print queue of your DocuColor is named print_Server, type:  
lpq -Pprint_Server  
Your workstation displays the contents of the queue.  
On a system running Solaris 2 or any System V implementation of UNIX, use the lpstat  
command to see printer jobs in the queue as follows:  
lpstat -o <printername>  
For example, if the Print queue of your DocuColor is named print_Server, type:  
lpstat -o print_Server  
Your workstation displays the contents of the queue.  
NOTE: Unless you log in as the root user, you can remove only your own jobs.  
On a system running SunOS 4 or another BSD-based variant, use the lprm command to  
remove jobs from the queue as follows.  
lprm <-Pprinter> <job #…>  
4-3 Printing to the DocuColor  
You can use the lpq command to check the job number.  
For example, to remove job number 123 from the Print queue of your DocuColor  
named print_Server, type:  
lprm -Pprint_Server 123  
The lprm command reports the names of any files it removes.  
On a system running Solaris 2 or any System V implementation of UNIX, use the cancel  
command to remove jobs from the queue.  
cancel <printername> <job ID>  
For example, to remove job number 123 from the Print queue of your DocuColor  
named print_Server, type:  
cancel print_Server 123  
5-1 Spooler  
The following utilities are available to help you manage your print jobs on the  
Chapter 5:  
Print Jobs  
Spooler, which is installed from the User Software CD, enables you to view the  
order and priority of print jobs, delete jobs, and move jobs between queues. You can  
also use it to view job accounting information.  
• Downloader, which is installed from the User Software CD, enables you to print  
PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files directly to the DocuColor  
without using the application they were created in. Downloader also enables you to  
manage printer fonts on the DocuColor.  
NOTE: You cannot use Spooler and Downloader with the parallel port.  
• The WebSpooler WebTool, accessible over the Internet or intranet, has the same  
functionality as Spooler.  
• The Installer WebTool, accessible over the Internet or intranet, enables you to  
download printer file installers directly from the server.  
For more information on the Installer WebTool, see Getting Started.  
Spooler is a utility that is installed from the User Software CD. Unlike the WebSpooler  
WebTool, which must be accessed via an Internet browser, users need only a network  
connection to the DocuColor in order to use Spooler.  
NOTE: Spooler is supported with Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 only. Spooler is  
not supported with Macintosh, Windows 3.1x, or Windows NT 3.51.  
Access privileges  
The DocuColor system allows the site administrator to choose and implement a  
password. This password is required to use the job management features of Spooler.  
If you have been given the Spooler password, you can manage job flow and override  
print settings of all jobs. If not, you can still manage job flow and override print  
settings of your own jobs, as well as track the status of all other jobs. Check with your  
site administrator for information on Spooler access privileges.  
5-2 Managing Print Jobs  
1. Double-click the Spooler icon or choose Spooler from the Windows 95 Start button.  
2. Select the DocuColor from the Chooser list and click OK.  
The Spooler main window and File, Edit, Window, Help (Windows), and  
Administrator menus appear.  
3. To access Administrator functions, choose Password from the Administrator menu.  
This menu is active only if a password was created on the DocuColor.  
4. Enter the password in the window that appears, and click OK.  
Tracking and managing jobs  
Spooler lets you monitor and manipulate the print jobs that you send to the  
DocuColor. It also lets system administrators track and manage all users’ print jobs.  
5-3 Spooler  
Spooler jobs can be in one of the following queues:  
Normal print jobs sent to the DocuColor appear in the Print  
queue. You can move and manipulate these jobs as described below.  
The jobs most recently sent to the DocuColor are saved in the  
Printed queue. You can drag these jobs back to the Print queue to  
print additional copies. The number of jobs saved in the Printed  
queue is set by your system administrator in Setup on the  
DocuColor Control Panel.  
Jobs in the queues are stored on the DocuColor hard disk. Make sure that you leave  
enough space on the hard disk for fonts and other Spooler jobs.  
You can use the Spooler Job Log to view information about jobs printed to the  
DocuColor for job accounting purposes, or saved for reference. The Job Log can be  
printed to the DocuColor or saved as a file and viewed in other applications.  
Server name or IP address of  
Current Print and RIP status  
Name of the job currently  
Name of the job currently  
Scroll list of every document sent  
to the Print queue  
Jobs with PostScript errors appear  
in Printed queue with Alert icon  
Available space on DocuColor  
hard disk  
5-4 Managing Print Jobs  
The job list includes information about the document name, user name, time and date  
sent, print device, and file size.  
The window is split into regions that correspond to the different queues and steps in  
the printing process. You can click and drag a job to the Print region of the window to  
print it.  
The icons provide information about the job:  
The job that is currently printing appears in this  
list; it can be selected and deleted to cancel  
Jobs that have been processed and are waiting to  
print appear in this list, but they are dimmed  
because their settings cannot be changed and  
they cannot be moved or canceled.  
RIP icon  
Jobs that are processing appear in this list; they  
can be selected and deleted to cancel processing.  
Print icon  
Jobs that have not been processed appear in this  
list, in the order they will be processed and  
printed. The jobs can be selected and deleted to  
cancel processing and printing.  
Printed icon Jobs that have been printed are saved in this list.  
Jobs are stored in the Printed queue until the  
limit set by your system administrator in Setup  
on the DocuColor Control Panel is reached.  
The jobs can be selected and deleted from the  
DocuColor hard disk.  
Alert icon  
If a PostScript error occurred while a job was  
printing, it appears in the Printed queue with  
an Alert icon next to it. You can double-click  
the Alert icon to display the error message. The  
jobs can be selected and deleted from the  
DocuColor hard disk.  
5-5 Spooler  
Buttons also appear above the scroll list. The buttons are:  
Click this button to update the information in the  
Spooler main window.  
and Print  
Drag a document onto this button or select the document  
1. Choose Preferences from the Edit menu.  
The Preferences dialog box appears.  
5-6 Managing Print Jobs  
You can use this window to specify that the DocuColor:  
Update Automatically every n seconds or Update Manually—This option lets you  
specify whether the Spooler main window is automatically updated every 20 seconds  
(or at an interval that you set), or whether it is updated only when you choose the  
Update command from the Window menu. By default, the Spooler main window is  
updated automatically every 20 seconds.  
NOTE: When automatic updating is on, data is coming from the DocuColor across the  
network very frequently. This data adds to the network traffic, and may slow down  
other network jobs. For optimum network performance, turn off automatic updating  
in the Spooler Preferences dialog box; when you want to view updated information in  
the Spooler window, choose Update from the Window menu or click the Update  
Confirm file deletion—Select this if you want a confirmation dialog box to appear  
before you delete a file.  
2. If you selected Manual updating in the Preferences window, choose Update from the  
Window menu to update the information in the Spooler main window.  
Duplicating, copying, moving, and deleting jobs  
Users monitor their own print jobs. The DocuColor system administrator (or anyone  
with Spooler Password access) can move, delete, and configure jobs for all users, and  
can re-order jobs within a queue.  
Duplicating jobs  
You can duplicate jobs in the Print and Printed queues:  
• If you want to change printing parameters in the Override Print Settings dialog box  
without losing the original settings.  
• If you want to print more than 20 copies to the sorter (the maximum number of  
copies that you can print to the sorter is 20).  
When you duplicate a job, the DocuColor creates a reference to the original file, so  
duplicate files do not require the full amount of disk space on the DocuColor. As long  
as one of the duplicates remain, the DocuColor saves the file, so you can delete all but  
one reference to a file.  
5-7 Spooler  
1. Select the job that you want to copy by clicking its name.  
The selected job is highlighted. If you want to select more than one job, Shift-click to  
select multiple, adjacent jobs; Ctrl-click to select multiple, non-adjacent jobs.  
2. Choose Duplicate Job(s) from the Edit menu.  
The job appears at the bottom of the queue.  
1. Select the job that you want to copy by clicking its name.  
The selected job is highlighted.If you want to select more than one job, Shift-click to  
select multiple, adjacent jobs; Ctrl-click to select multiple, non-adjacent jobs.  
2. Click the Duplicate and Print button, or drag the job to the Duplicate and Print button.  
The job appears at the bottom of the Print queue.  
1. Choose Password from the Administrator menu and enter the password.  
If there is no password, go to step 2.  
2. Select the job that you want to move by clicking its name.  
The selected job is highlighted. If you want to select more than one job, Shift-click to  
select multiple, adjacent jobs; Ctrl-click to select multiple, non-adjacent jobs.  
3. Drag the file to the new location in the queue.  
1. Select the job that you want to delete by clicking its name.  
2. Drag the selected job to the Delete button or click the Delete button.  
You can also choose Delete Job(s) from the Edit menu.  
System administrators (or anyone with Spooler Password access) can delete any job.  
5-8 Managing Print Jobs  
Changing print settings for a job  
You can set certain printing parameters for a job in the Override Print Settings dialog  
box. The settings in this dialog box override the settings in the Printer Specific Options  
(Mac OS)/Options (Windows) dialog box and in Setup on the DocuColor Control  
You can change printing parameters only for jobs in the Print and Printed queues of  
the Spooler main window.  
System administrators (or anyone with Spooler Password access) can change print  
settings for any job.  
1. Double-click a job or select the job and choose Override Print Settings from the Edit  
The Override Print Settings dialog box appears.  
2. Choose the new settings from the pop-up menus.  
If you select Default Settings, the job will use the settings in the Printer Specific  
Options (Mac OS)/Options (Windows) dialog box.  
For information about these options, see Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
3. Click OK to make changes.  
5-9 Spooler  
Using the Job Log  
With Spooler, you can view and print a log of all the jobs printed to the DocuColor.  
You can also save the Job Log as a text file that you can then import into a spreadsheet  
or word processing application for job accounting purposes. All jobs printed to the  
queues, printed by direct connection, and scanned from the copier are listed in the  
Job Log.  
1. Choose Show Job Log from the Window menu.  
2. Specify the period for the Job Log in the window that appears.  
Click All to view all jobs since the Job Log was cleared; click Date if you want to  
specify a period of time for the Job Log.  
3. Click OK.  
The Job Log window displays a list of all the jobs and the following information about  
them: status, document name, user name, date, start time, end time, process time, file  
size, print device, paper size, media, number of originals, number of color pages,  
number of black and white pages, total number of pages, note 1, and note 2.  
The information in the note fields is specified in the Print dialog box if you are using  
the Adobe PostScript printer driver.  
5-10 Managing Print Jobs  
Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to view all fields in the Job Log  
Job Log  
The text in the Status column provides information about the job:  
The job was printed normally.  
A PostScript error occurred while a job was processing. You can  
double-click ERROR to display the error message. A dialog box  
displays the PostScript error. Click OK to close the dialog box.  
The job was canceled before printing was completed.  
4. To update the Job Log, click the Update button at the top of the window.  
5. To print the Job Log, choose Print Job Log from the File menu or click the Print button  
at the top of the window.  
The information displayed in the Job Log window prints to the current DocuColor.  
When you print the Job Log, totals are printed for all appropriate columns.  
6. To save the Job Log as a file that you can view with a different application, choose  
Export Job Log from the File menu or click the Export button at the top of the window.  
7. Enter a name for the log file, and click Save.  
The Job Log is saved as a text file, and the Job Log window reappears.  
You can view the information in any application that can read a text file. Items are  
separated by tabs.  
5-11 Downloading files and fonts  
8. If you entered the Administrator password, you can choose Delete Job Log from the  
File menu to clear the Job Log.  
The system administrator can also print and clear the Job Log from the Control Panel.  
Downloading files and fonts  
You can use Downloader to:  
• Print PostScript and EPS files  
• Check the status of the DocuColor  
• Manage the PostScript printer fonts stored on the DocuColor hard disk  
NOTE: You can also use standard LaserWriter downloaders, such as the Adobe Font  
Downloader, with the DocuColor. Downloader was designed specifically for the  
DocuColor; you cannot use Downloader with any other printer.  
1. Double-click the Downloader icon or choose Downloader from the Windows 95 Start  
2. Select the DocuColor from the Chooser list and click OK.  
Downloaders Status window appears and you see the Toolbar, Downloaders menu(s),  
and the status bar at the bottom of the screen.  
5-12 Managing Print Jobs  
Buttons for some menu functions display in the Toolbar at the top of the window.  
Click the button to perform the function. The buttons are:  
Click this button to connect to a different  
Display font list  
Click this button to download a file or font to  
the DocuColor.  
Click this button to display a list of printer  
fonts on the DocuColor hard disk.  
Display status  
Click this button to display the status window  
for the current DocuColor.  
About the  
Click this button to view version information  
about Downloader.  
The Print Status region displays the server status and the user name and document  
name of the job currently printing.  
The RIP Status region displays the server status and the user name and document  
name of the job currently processing.  
5-13 Downloading files and fonts  
The Download Progress bar dynamically displays the progress of the job as it  
downloads to the DocuColor.  
The Hard Disk region displays the amount of available disk space on the DocuColor.  
Click the Display Font List button or choose Font List from the File menu to view  
font information.  
3. To select a different DocuColor, click the Open button or choose Open from the File  
4. Select the DocuColor from the Chooser list, and click OK.  
5. To close the window, choose Close from the File menu; to close the application choose  
Exit from the File menu.  
Printing with Downloader  
Printing PostScript files with Downloader is fast—generally faster than printing from  
within applications. If you regularly print large files, be sure to try printing with  
1. Use your application to generate a file.  
You can save a PostScript file by selecting the PostScript option in the applications  
Print dialog box. With some applications, you can save EPS files.  
If you experience problems printing EPS files with Downloader, you can print the file  
directly from the application in which you created it.  
2. Double-click the Downloader icon.  
5-14 Managing Print Jobs  
3. Choose Download from the File menu or click the Download button.  
A dialog box containing a list of files appears.  
4. Select the file type to display in the Files of type menu.  
You can leave this at the default All Known Formats, or select All Files. All Known  
Formats lists all files in formats supported by Downloader; All Files lists all files.  
NOTE: You can download files and fonts in the same batch.  
5. Select where to download the file or font in the Connection Type pop-up menu.  
You can select the Print Queue or Direct Connection. If the connection is not enabled,  
an error message will appear.  
6. Select the filename and click Add File(s).  
The File name field displays the name of the selected file before you click Add.  
You can use the dialog box to move to different drives and directories to select files to  
If you change your mind about a file, select the filename in the Files to be Downloaded  
list and click Remove File(s).  
5-15 Downloading files and fonts  
7. To change attributes of a job, select it and click Options.  
8. Specify the following information in the dialog box and click OK.  
CopiesSpecify the number of copies you want by entering the number in the  
Copies text box.  
Brightness—Change the Brightness setting if a file prints too dark or too light. Select  
85% for a substantially lighter image, 115% for a substantially darker image, or one of  
the options in between.  
NOTE: Some applications, including Adobe Photoshop, provide transfer functions that  
let you specify density settings for an image. If the file you are printing includes  
transfer functions, the Downloader Brightness options will have no effect on your  
printout. For more information on using transfer functions, see the documentation for  
your application.  
showpage’ after EPS files—In most cases, you do not need to use this option. Select  
the showpage’ option only if an EPS file fails to print without it. This option adds a  
showpage PostScript language command at the end of the print job. Some applications  
omit this necessary PostScript language command when they generate EPS files. Select  
this option when printing EPS files generated by these applications. If you select this  
option unnecessarily, extra blank pages may print.  
9. Repeat step 7 and step 8 for any other jobs as needed.  
10. When you have selected all files and fonts, click Download File(s).  
11. To cancel downloading, press Escape.  
5-16 Managing Print Jobs  
Downloading and managing printer fonts  
The DocuColor includes 136 PostScript fonts; for a complete list, see Appendix B,  
“Font List.” In addition, two Adobe Multiple Master fonts are included and are used  
for font substitution in PDF files.  
Before printing a PostScript or EPS file containing fonts that are not resident on the  
DocuColor hard disk, you must download the fonts manually.  
You cannot use Downloader to download TrueType fonts.  
Printer fonts and Macintosh screen fonts  
Like all PostScript fonts, the fonts included with the DocuColor come in two forms:  
printer fonts and screen fonts. The printer fonts are installed permanently on the  
DocuColors hard disk. The screen fonts, which are included with the DocuColor,  
should be installed on Macintosh computers. If you are using these fonts in documents  
you print on a LaserWriter, they are probably already installed. If not, you’ll need to  
install them yourself. See Getting Started for instructions.  
Occasionally, you may want to use PostScript (Macintosh) or Adobe Type 1  
(Windows) fonts that are not included with the DocuColor. If so, youll need to install  
both the screen fonts and the printer fonts on your computer. To do this, follow the  
instructions from the font manufacturer.  
Downloading printer fonts to the DocuColor  
In general, each time you print from within a Macintosh application, the application  
automatically downloads any fonts used in your document that are not already  
installed on the DocuColor, as long as the printer fonts are installed in your System  
Folder. These fonts remain in the DocuColor only until your document has printed. If  
you print the same document again, your application must download the fonts again.  
If you regularly use one or more fonts from Macintosh or Windows applications that  
are not already installed in the DocuColor, you can save time by downloading them to  
the DocuColors hard disk with Downloader. Fonts you download to the DocuColors  
hard disk remain installed until you remove them using Downloader, no matter how  
many times the DocuColor is turned off and on. You’ll probably want to download  
fonts you use on a regular basis to the DocuColors hard disk.  
5-17 Downloading files and fonts  
Before you print PostScript or EPS files using Downloader, make sure that all fonts  
included in your file are installed in the DocuColor. If your file contains fonts that are  
not installed on the DocuColor, the text in these fonts will not print correctly and may  
not print at all. With some applications, you can include fonts when you create  
PostScript files. See your application software for information.  
1. Choose Font List from the File menu or click the Font List button.  
The Font List window appears with buttons in the title bar. The buttons are:  
Click this button to update the information in the font list  
Click this button to print the font list to the Print queue.  
Select a font and click this button to delete it.  
2. Click the Update button to update the information in the list.  
3. Click the Print Font List button to print the font list.  
4. Select a font and click the Delete button to delete the font.  
Shift-click to select multiple fonts.  
NOTE: The printer fonts included with the DocuColor (resident fonts) are locked.  
Locked fonts appear with a lock icon next to the name and cannot be deleted.  
5-18 Managing Print Jobs  
WebSpooler WebTool  
The WebSpooler WebTool is a utility that resides on the DocuColor but can be  
accessed over the network from a variety of platforms. The DocuColor functions as an  
Internet or intranet server, and has a home page that lets remote users view server  
functions and manipulate jobs.  
WebSpooler can be used on Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, and Macintosh client  
computers with certain Internet browsers that support the Java language. For specific  
information on the browsers supported for the WebTools, see Getting Started.  
Access privileges  
The DocuColor system allows the site administrator to choose and implement a  
password. This password is required to use the job management features of  
If you have been given the WebSpooler password, you can manage job flow and  
override print settings of your jobs. If not, you can still track the status of your jobs as  
a Guest. Check with your site administrator for information on WebSpooler access  
Starting WebSpooler  
To use WebSpooler via the Internet or your sites intranet, you need the IP address or  
DNS name of the DocuColor. The DocuColor has its own home page, from which  
you are able to select various functions.  
1. Start up your Internet browser application.  
2. Enter the IP address or the DNS name of the DocuColor.  
Check with the administrator for this information.  
The DocuColor home page appears.  
5-19 WebSpooler WebTool  
3. Click the WebSpooler button at the left to select it.  
The Spooler main window and File, Edit, Window, Help, and Administrator menus  
You can click the question mark next to the WebSpooler button to display information  
NOTE: The Installer WebTool enables you to download printer file installers directly  
from the server. For more information on the Installer WebTool, see Getting Started.  
For complete information on using the WebSpooler WebTool, see “Tracking and  
managing jobson page 5-2.  
A-1 Error Messages  
When an error interferes with printing, you will see a message on the DocuColor  
Control Panel. Following are the messages (listed in alphabetical order), with the  
appropriate corrective action for each one.  
Appendix A:  
Error Messages  
Corrective action/ additional information  
Accessory disabled  
The print job calls for a copier accessory (such as a sorter),  
which is either disabled or not available.  
Busy (Copier)  
The DocuColor has received a print job, but the copier is  
busy copying or performing a non-printing related task.  
The job will print when the copier finishes that task.  
Check power & cable  
There is a problem with the copier power or cable  
connection. First check to make sure that the copier is  
turned on. There may also be a problem with the cable  
connection between the DocuColor and the copier. Make  
sure that the cable has not come loose. The DocuColor  
will resume printing when the cable is securely connected  
to both the DocuColor and the copier.  
Copier needs attn  
Copier offline  
There is an unidentified problem with the copier. See the  
copier user interface for additional messages. The copier  
will resume printing when the problem is corrected.  
Someone has selected Suspend Printing from the Functions  
menu on the DocuColor Control Panel. When you select  
Resume Printing at the Control Panel, printing will resume  
Copier running  
Door open  
The copier is scanning or making a copy.  
One of the copier doors is open. Printing will resume  
when the door is closed.  
Fuser web empty  
Ld ___ in bypass  
The copiers fuser web is empty, and needs replenishing.  
Contact your authorized service technician.  
The copiers bypass tray is not loaded with the paper size  
or type specified. The DocuColor will print when the  
bypass tray is loaded with the required paper.  
A-2 Error Messages  
Ld ___ in tray 1  
Ld ___ in tray 2  
Ld ___ in tray 3  
Ld ___ in tray 4  
Ld ___ paper  
The copiers Tray 1 is not loaded with the paper size or  
type specified. The DocuColor will print when Tray 1 is  
loaded with the required paper.  
The copiers Tray 2 is not loaded with the paper size or  
type specified. The DocuColor will print when Tray 2 is  
loaded with the required paper.  
The copiers Tray 3 is not loaded with the paper size or  
type specified. The DocuColor will print when Tray 3 is  
loaded with the required paper.  
The copiers Tray 4 is not loaded with the paper size or  
type specified. The DocuColor will print when Tray 4 is  
loaded with the required paper.  
The copier is not loaded with the paper size specified in  
the application. The DocuColor will print when the  
copier is loaded with the required paper. This message will  
also appear if you are printing transparency interleave and  
do not have the correct paper size loaded.  
Ld ___ trans bypass  
The copiers bypass tray is not loaded with the  
transparency size specified. The DocuColor will print  
when the bypass tray is loaded with the required  
No toner  
The toner for one of the C, M, Y, or K colors has run out.  
Refer to the copier display to determine which toner color  
is empty. If more than one toner needs to be added, press  
and hold the Stop icon on the copier for additional  
Paper jam  
There is a paper jam in the copier. Open the copier doors  
and check the locations indicated on the copier display.  
The DocuColor will resume printing when you have  
cleared the paper jam and closed the copier doors.  
Press “Clear All”  
Press the Copier Clear All button on the copier.  
A-3 Error Messages  
Remove copies from sorter  
The maximum page capacity for one of the sorter bins has  
been exceeded. Printing will resume when the sorter is  
Replace waste bottle  
The copiers waste toner container is full of used toner.  
Replace the container with a new one according to the  
instructions in your copier manual. The DocuColor will  
resume printing when you have replaced the waste toner  
Reset copier & server  
The DocuColor and the copier must be power cycled.  
First turn off the copier and the DocuColor; then turn on  
the copier. When the copier is ready, turn on the  
Sorter limit exceeded  
Sorter problem  
Unknown error  
Warming Up  
The sorter output bin is full. Printing will resume when  
the sorter output bin is cleared.  
There is an unknown problem with the sorter unit on the  
copier. See the copier user interface for more information.  
An error occurred with the copier. See the copier user  
interface for more information.  
The copier is powering up. It will be ready for printing in  
a few minutes.  
B-1 Font List  
This appendix lists the built-in printer fonts included with your DocuColor.  
Appendix B:  
Font List  
PostScript printer fonts  
Listed below are the 136 built-in PostScript printer fonts on the DocuColor.  
In addition to the fonts listed below, two Adobe Multiple Master fonts are included  
and are used for font substitution in PDF files.  
NOTE: For Mac OS computers, install the corresponding screen fonts from the User  
Software CD. For instructions, see Getting Started.  
Adobe Type 1 fonts  
The DocuColor includes 117 Adobe Type 1 fonts:  
AlbertusMT, AlbertusMT-Italic, AlbertusMT-Light  
AntiqueOlive-Roman, AntiqueOlive-Bold, AntiqueOlive-Compact,  
AvantGarde-Book, AvantGarde-BookOblique, AvantGarde-Demi,  
• Bodoni, Bodoni-Bold, Bodoni-Italic, Bodoni-BoldItalic, Bodoni-Poster,  
• Bookman-Demi, Bookman-DemiItalic, Bookman-Light, Bookman-LightItalic  
• Carta  
• Clarendon, Clarendon-Bold, Clarendon-Light  
• CooperBlack, CooperBlack-Italic  
• Copperplate-ThirtyThreeBC, Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC  
• Coronet-Regular  
• Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique  
• Eurostile, Eurostile-Bold, Eurostile-ExtendedTwo, Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo  
• GillSans, GillSans-Bold, GillSans-Italic, GillSans-BoldItalic, GillSans-Condensed,  
GillSans-BoldCondensed, GillSans-Light, GillSans-LightItalic, GillSans-ExtraBold  
• Goudy, Goudy-Bold, Goudy-Italic, Goudy-BoldItalic, Goudy-ExtraBold  
B-2 Font List  
• Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Condensed,  
Helvetica-Condensed-Bold, Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl,  
Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique, Helvetica-Narrow, Helvetica-Narrow-Bold,  
Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique, Helvetica-Oblique  
• JoannaMT, JoannaMT-Bold, JoannaMT-Italic, JoannaMT-BoldItalic  
• LetterGothic, LetterGothic-Bold, LetterGothic-BoldSlanted, LetterGothic-Slanted  
• LubalinGraph-Book, LubalinGraph-BookOblique, LubalinGraph-Demi,  
• Marigold  
• MonaLisa-Recut  
• NewCenturySchlbk-Roman, NewCenturySchlbk-Bold, NewCenturySchlbk-Italic,  
• Optima, Optima-Bold, Optima-Italic, Optima-BoldItalic  
• Oxford  
• Palatino-Roman, Palatino-Bold, Palatino-Italic, Palatino-BoldItalic  
StempelGaramond-Roman, StempelGaramond-Bold, StempelGaramond-Italic,  
• Symbol  
• Tekton  
• Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic  
• Univers, Univers-Bold, Univers-BoldExt, Univers-BoldExtObl,  
Univers-BoldOblique, Univers-Condensed, Univers-CondensedBold,  
Univers-CondensedBoldOblique, Univers-CondensedOblique, Univers-Extended,  
Univers-ExtendedObl, Univers-Light, Univers-LightOblique, Univers-Oblique  
• ZapfChancery-MediumItalic  
• ZapfDingbats  
B-3 Font List  
TrueType fonts  
The DocuColor includes 19 TrueType fonts:  
ArialMT, Arial-BoldMT, Arial-ItalicMT, Arial-BoldItalicMT  
• Chicago  
• Geneva  
• HoeflerText-Regular, HoeflerText-Black, HoeflerText-Italic, HoeflerText-BlackItalic,  
• Monaco  
• NewYork  
• TimesNewRomanPSMT, TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT,  
TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT, TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT  
• Wingdings-Regular  
C-1 Troubleshooting  
This section provides some troubleshooting guidelines should a problem arise. If you  
are still unable to resolve a problem, contact your authorized service/support center.  
Appendix C:  
Basic troubleshooting tips  
There are some basic situations that can cause a variety of problems. Before you look  
for a specific problem, use the tips in this list.  
1. Check the power and cables for your DocuColor, copier, and computer.  
2. Check the Control Panel and Activity Light of the DocuColor for information.  
3. If possible, print the Configuration page from the Control Panel and make sure that  
the settings match your configuration.  
4. Check the current status of the DocuColor.  
The current status appears on the DocuColor control panel. Press the Menu button to  
see other status screens. For example, if there is a job processing and one printing, you  
can press the Menu button to view status information about both jobs.  
In Downloader, check the Status window, or look at the Status field in the Spooler  
main window. If the DocuColor is processing your job, youll see this from the status  
message. If your print job doesnt appear in the status message, another users job may  
be printing before yours, or the DocuColor may already have finished printing your  
job. If the Printed queue on your DocuColor is enabled, jobs that have finished  
printing will appear in that list in the Spooler main window. If your job is waiting to  
print, it will appear in the list for the Print queue.  
If you are printing over an IPX (Novell) network, the job may be processing on the  
Novell print server before it is sent to the DocuColor.  
5. Open the Spooler main window and locate the name of the job you are trying to print.  
This window provides information about the status of every job printed to a queue,  
including information about jobs that do not print because of PostScript errors.  
C-2 Troubleshooting  
General printing problems  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
1. On the Macintosh, make sure that the correct zone is selected and that AppleTalk is  
The DocuColor doesnt  
appear in the Macintosh  
Chooser list of printers  
AppleTalk must be active. The DocuColor may be in a different zone from the one  
thats selected. (If your network doesnt have zones, this is not applicable.) Print the  
Configuration page from the Control Panel to view the correct AppleTalk zone.  
2. Does the DocuColor appear in the Chooser on another Macintosh on the same network?  
If another Macintosh computer is nearby, check to see if the DocuColor appears in the  
Chooser on that Macintosh. If the DocuColor is visible from one Macintosh computer,  
but not from another, there may be a problem with the way the second Macintosh  
computer is connected to the network. Check all the cabling and other connections,  
and verify that the network is properly terminated. If there is a 10BaseT transceiver on  
the network, make sure that its green link integrity light is on. For more information  
about the network, refer to the documentation provided with the network hardware.  
3. Do other printers on the network appear in the Chooser?  
If your network includes printers other than the DocuColor, they should appear in the  
Chooser. If none of the printers appear in the Chooser list, there is most likely a  
problem with the way the Macintosh computer is connected to the network. Check all  
the cabling and other connections. For more information about the network, refer to  
the documentation provided with the network hardware.  
If other printers appear in the Chooser, there may be a problem with the DocuColor  
connection. Contact your DocuColor system administrator.  
4. Try printing a test page by pressing the Menu button and choosing Print Pages/ Test Page  
from the Control Panel.  
If youre able to print the test page, but DocuColor still does not appear in the Chooser,  
contact your authorized service/support center.  
Make sure that no one is calibrating the DocuColor.  
You cannot connect to a  
DocuColor from a utility  
If someone is running AutoCal on the DocuColor, you can select it in the Chooser, but  
you cannot connect to it. This insures that only one person is calibrating the server at  
any time and that print jobs do not use unexpected calibration.  
Is your NET_WSCK.INI le set up correctly?  
You cannot open the  
DocuColor with the Chooser  
in a Windows utility  
This file must be set up for Windows 95 and Windows NT printing with TCP/IP or  
IPX/SPX. See Getting Started for instructions.  
C-3 Troubleshooting  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
Print to the Print queue instead of to the direct connection.  
Printing seems to take too  
When you print to the Print queue, the job is stored on the DocuColor until it can be  
processed and printed; when you print to the direct connection, some file processing is  
performed on your computer before it is sent to the DocuColor and it cannot begin  
processing on the DocuColor until it is done processing the previous job, so you must  
wait longer to use your computer.  
Select a tray that supports printing special paper or transparencies such as the Bypass  
Special paper or transparency  
options are grayed out  
Has someone disconnected the copier by selecting Suspend Printing?  
DocuColor doesnt respond to  
a Print command  
If the DocuColor system administrator or another user has selected Suspend Printing on  
the DocuColor Control Panel to interrupt printing (so that someone can make a color  
copy, for example), your print job will not resume until someone selects Resume Printing  
from the Functions menu on the Control Panel.  
Before printing, you must select the DocuColor as the current printer from your  
Mac OS computer, Windows computer, or UNIX workstation.  
Is the DocuColor visible in the Chooser on your Macintosh computer?  
If not, see the topic, “The DocuColor doesnt appear in the Macintosh Chooser list of  
printerson page C-2.”  
Make sure that the copier is switched on.  
Someone may have turned the copier off, or the Automatic Power-Off or Power Saver  
mode function may have engaged. Even with the copier off, the DocuColor appears in  
the Chooser as long as the DocuColor itself is turned on.  
Try printing a test page by pressing the Menu button and choosing Print Pages/ Test Page.  
If youre able to print the test page but still cant print a file from your computer, contact  
your system administrator or your authorized service/support center.  
If you are printing over an IPX (Novell) network, verify through PCONSOLE that the job  
was sent to the Novell queue and that the queue is being used by the DocuColor.  
Make sure that the job does not contain a PostScript error.  
In Setup, turn on the Print up to PostScript error option to search for PostScript errors  
in the file. In Spooler, check to see if the job has an error icon next to it. Double-click  
the icon to see the PostScript error message.  
C-4 Troubleshooting  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
Cancel the job and do one of the following:  
Message requests a paper size  
that you dont have  
If you are printing a PostScript file, set the Convert Paper Sizes setting in Printer Setup  
on the Control Panel to convert the job to the paper size you do have. You can do this to  
convert between US and metric paper sizes. See the Administrator Guide for  
If you are printing a file from an application, change the page size in the Page Setup  
dialog box.  
1. If the message “Ripping” displays on the Control Panel, but the page never prints,  
restart the DocuColor, press the Menu button to enter Setup, and verify that the Printer  
Model in Printer Setup is specified correctly.  
Test page or other special  
Control Panel page doesnt  
2. Check the copiers display.  
If the copier display says Ready to copy, proceed to step 3.  
If the display shows a diagnostic or error message, take the appropriate corrective action,  
as described in the copier manual.  
3. Try making a copy.  
If you can make a copy, proceed to step 4.  
4. Restart the DocuColor, and when you see Idle on the status line of the DocuColor  
display, try printing a test page again.  
If the test page still fails to print, contact your authorized service/support center.  
Increase the parallel “Port Timeout in Seconds” on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
Jobs sent to the parallel port  
do not print  
On the DocuColor Control Panel, change the Ignore EOF Character setting.  
If you are printing ASCII format PostScript only, set Ignore EOF Character to No.  
If you are printing Binary format PostScript, set it to Yes.  
If you print using the DOS copy command, make sure to use the / b option when printing  
binary files.  
Restart your Windows computer, enter BIOS setup, and if you have a BIOS setting for the  
parallel port, make sure that it is set to Compatible mode and not to Bi-Directional, ECP,  
EPP, or any other mode.  
C-5 Troubleshooting  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
If the PostScript Printer Driver that you are using lets you select bi-directional  
communication, make sure that it is disabled.  
Jobs sent to the parallel port  
do not print (contd.)  
This is generally set from the Properties dialog box for the printer.  
If you are printing from a DOS window with Windows 95, display the Properties dialog  
box for the printer, click the Details tab, and then click Port Settings. In the Configure  
LPT port box that displays, turn the “Spool MS-DOS print jobs” option off.  
Problems with print quality  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
Make sure that you did not override the setting for the job in another place.  
Print settings for your job  
output do not match the  
settings you gave  
For information about options and overrides, see Appendix D, “Setting Job Overrides.”  
Does your application require the DocuColors printer description files?  
You get poor printing results  
If you are printing from an application such as Adobe Separator or PageMaker,  
MacroMedia FreeHand, or QuarkXPress, you should make sure that the DocuColor  
printer description file is installed correctly. For information about installing these files,  
see Getting Started.  
Calibrate your copier using AutoCal.  
Make sure that the file was initially created as separations.  
Separations do not combine  
If you are printing separations or a DCS format file, check the Combine Separations  
setting for the job in the Printer Specific Options (Macintosh)/ Options (Windows)  
dialog box.  
With Combine Separations On, all four colors will be printed on a single page; with  
Combine Separations Off, four black-and white pages will print to simulate four single-  
color plates.  
Print a test page or make a test copy with the copier.  
The registration or colors of an  
image are not what you  
The problem may be with the copier. If your test page or copy show that the copier is  
working properly, correct the problem within your application software. If the test page  
or copy are wrong, your copier may need to be calibrated or adjusted in some other way.  
C-6 Troubleshooting  
If this happens:  
Try this:  
Adjust the images Brightness setting in the Printer Specific Options (Macintosh)/  
Your printed file appears too  
Options (Windows), Download (Downloader), or Override Print Settings (Spooler) dialog  
You can use the Brightness options in Downloader to adjust the lightness of your image  
whenever you print a PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file.  
In the Printer Specific Options (Macintosh)/ Options (Windows) dialog box, make sure  
that you have not selected Black and White.  
Color file prints in black and  
Make sure that the Color Mode selected for the job in the Printer Specific Options  
(Mac OS)/ Options (Windows) dialog box is CMYK and not Grayscale.  
1. Make sure that you selected the correct options to send separations in the applications  
Print dialog box.  
Desktop Color Separations  
(DCS) format images print  
2. Make sure that you have the file for every layer of separation that you are printing.  
3. Set the Combine Separations option to On in the Printer Specific Options (Macintosh)/  
Options (Windows) dialog box.  
This combines the high-resolution files for an image and prints them. With Combine  
Separations Off, the low-resolution master file will print.  
Problems with the utilities  
General problem with:  
Try this:  
Make sure that you are using the latest version of the utilities.  
Downloader and Spooler  
When you update your DocuColor to new system software, you should delete the  
utilities on your Macintosh or Windows computer and install the latest utilities to  
insure full compatibility.  
Make sure that either the NET_WIPX.DLL or NET_WSCK.DLL le is in the  
WINDOWS\ SYSTEM directory.  
Make sure that only one file is installed in this directory and that it is the correct file for  
your system.  
C-7 Troubleshooting  
Downloader problems  
If his happens:  
Try this:  
Try printing using the “Showpage” option in the Download PostScript File dialog box.  
You cant print an EPS file  
using Downloader  
The Showpage (after EPS file) option adds a “showpage” PostScript language command  
at the end of the print job. Certain applications omit this necessary PostScript language  
command when they generate EPS files. You’ll need to select the Append Showpage  
option when printing EPS files generated by these applications.  
If you continue having difficulties printing an EPS file with the DocuColor  
Downloader, try printing the file from the application in which it was created.  
Try printing the EPS le on the media in the bypass tray.  
Make sure that the job does not contain a PostScript error.  
In Setup, turn on the Print up to PostScript error option to search for PostScript errors  
in the file.  
In Spooler, check to see if the job has an error icon next to it. Double-click the icon to  
see the PostScript error message.  
Make sure that the Direct connection is enabled on the DocuColor Control Panel.  
You have problems  
downloading a font with  
You can print the Configuration page from the Control Panel to see which connections  
are enabled.  
Turn off the “Showpage” option.  
Extra blank page prints after a  
Downloader job  
This option adds a special PostScript command that will cause an extra blank page to  
print if it is not needed.  
D-1 Setting Job Overrides  
Job Override settings enable you to use all the special features of your copier and  
DocuColor. You can set job settings in several places. This table shows where options  
can be set and where they can be overriden. The underlined option in the leftmost  
column is the printers default. The settings to the right override one another in the  
order given.  
Appendix D:  
Setting Job  
For example, Spooler settings override Downloader settings, Downloader settings  
override Print dialog box settings, and so on.  
To change settings on the DocuColor Control Panel, restart the DocuColor and  
choose Run Setup. For detailed instructions, see the Administrator Guide.  
Where to set print options  
For information about current settings on the DocuColor, choose  
Print Pages>Configuration from the Functions menu on the Control Panel. The  
Configuration page lists all current settings.  
boxes. The options are the same regardless of the name of the dialog box. To set  
options in the Print and Printer Specific Options (Macintosh), or Options/Features  
(Windows) dialog boxes, open the file in an application and follow the instructions in  
Windows Computers”.  
To change options in Downloader, select the job in the Files to be Downloaded list and  
click Options to display the Options dialog box. For more information, see “Printing  
with Downloader” on page 5-13.  
To change options in Spooler, select the job and double-click to display the Override  
Print Settings dialog box. For more information, see “Changing print settings for a  
job” on page 5-8.  
D-2 Setting Job Overrides  
Setting and options  
(Underlined option is  
printers default)  
dialog box  
Select 85% for a substan- No  
tially lighter image, 115%  
for a substantially darker  
image, or one of the  
85% Lightest/  
90% Lighter/  
95% Light/  
100% Normal/  
105% Dark/  
110% Darker/  
115% Darkest  
options in between.  
Color Mode  
Specify the color mode  
for the current print job.  
Select CMYK for a  
full-color document.  
Select Grayscale for a  
grayscale or black and  
white document.  
Copier Mode  
Select Photo if the file is No  
a photograph.  
Select Map if the file con-  
tains detailed drawings  
and small text, such as  
might be found on a map.  
copies of the job to print.  
Document Set  
Specify whether or not to No  
reverse order print and  
collate multiple-page/  
For more information, see  
page D-3.  
multiple-copy jobs.  
D-3 Setting Job Overrides  
Setting and options  
(Underlined option is  
printers default)  
dialog box  
Media Type  
Plain Paper/  
Thick Paper/  
Coated Paper/  
Thick Paper 2/  
Tacking Film/  
Specify the type of media No  
to use for the job.  
For more information, see  
page D-4.  
Rendering Style  
Solid Color  
Specify a default color  
rendering dictionary  
(CRD) to be used when  
you print RGB images,  
objects, and text.  
For more information, see  
page D-5.  
Sorter Mode  
Specify how to output  
copy jobs.  
For more information, see  
page D-5.  
Document Set  
The Document Set option enables you to reverse order print and collate multiple page/  
multiple copy jobs sent from applications that do not support reverse order printing  
and collation.  
D-4 Setting Job Overrides  
NOTE: If you print from an application that does support reverse order printing and/or  
collation, make sure to disable these options from within the application before using  
the Document Set option. Enabling reverse order printing and/or collation from  
within an application and setting the Document Set option to On may produce  
unexpected results.  
Off—Pages of the job are output from first to last, with all copies of the same page  
grouped together.  
On—Pages of the job are output from last to first, with each copy of an entire set  
collated in page order.  
Media Type  
The Media Type option allows you to select the type of media for loading into the  
manual feed tray.  
Plain PaperStandard bond paper from 16 lb to 28 lb (60 g/m to 105 g/m ).  
Thick Paper—Paper heavier than 28 lb, up to 90 lb Index (163 g/m ).  
Transparency—Transparency sheets.  
Interleaved—Multiple transparency sheets inserted with blank, plain paper separators.  
With Interleaved selected, the transparencies are fed from the bypass tray and the paper  
separators are fed from the paper tray.  
Coated PaperSpecial paper with binders, adhesives, and/or pigments applied to the  
papers surface on one or both sides.  
Select this setting for coated paper from 32 lb to 60 lb Cover (120 g/m to 162 g/m ).  
The paper must be fed through the manual feed tray with the grain perpendicular to  
the lead edge of the sheet.  
Thick Paper 2Any paper heavier than 90 lb index.  
This setting should also be selected for coated paper greater than 60 lb up to  
80 lb Cover (215 g/m ).  
Tacking Film—(Also known as Adhesive Drafting film) Special paper used to make  
corrections to vellum type drawings.  
SST (Single-Step Transfer)—Special paper used to transfer full-color images directly  
from copies or prints onto fabric or other types of materials.  
LabelsAdhesive-backed, pressure-sensitive label stock.  
D-5 Setting Job Overrides  
Rendering Style  
Use this option to select a default color rendering dictionary (CRD) to be used when  
you print RGB images, objects, and text.  
Photographic—Optimizes the range of colors on the DocuColor to produce the best  
results for photographic or bitmapped images.  
Presentation—Optimizes the output of pure, saturated colors such as those used in  
business presentations.  
Solid Color—Most useful for printing spot colors such as those found in company  
logos or corporate charts and graphs.  
Sorter Mode  
Off—Disables the sorter.  
Sort—Copies of a complete job are sorted and output into one of 20 bins, arranged in  
page order.  
Sorter specifications  
The sorter unit has one top output tray and 20 output bins; therefore, the maximum  
number of copies that can be sorted is 20. Sending 21 or more copies to the sorter  
results in the excess copies of the job being discarded. In order to print more than 20  
copies you can resend the job, 20 copies at a time, from the Print dialog box, from the  
Spooler utility, or from the WebSpooler WebTool.  
The maximum capacities of the top output tray and output bins are shown in the table  
below. If a print job exceeds the maximum capacity of a particular tray or bin, the  
DocuColor prints to the maximum capacity and then reports an error message. Once  
the paper is removed, the job resumes printing.  
Output bin  
Paper size  
All sizes  
Plain paper  
Thick paper  
Top output tray  
(bins 1 to 20)  
11 x 17/A3  
access privileges for Spooler 5-1  
diagnostics 1-6  
access privileges for WebSpooler 5-18  
activity light on Control Panel 1-2  
Adobe Font Downloader 5-11  
Adobe Multiple Master fonts B-1  
Adobe Photoshop  
transfer functions 5-15  
Adobe PostScript Printer Driver  
for Macintosh 2-1  
choosing a printer 5-13  
for Windows 3.1x 3-6  
for Windows 95 3-1  
Alert Status screen 1-3  
restriction with parallel port 3-12  
Windows 3-13  
downloading files and fonts 5-11  
Brightness option D-2  
in Downloader 5-15  
buttons, Control Panel 1-2  
EPS files 5-11, C-7  
downloading 5-15  
printing 1-3, 5-4  
processing 1-4, 5-4  
Chooser, Macintosh  
selecting the server 2-1  
cleaning server xiii  
Color Mode option D-2  
Configuration page, printing 1-5  
Confirm file deletion option 5-6  
Control Panel  
File port, saving files to 3-12  
message 1-7  
server 1-1  
status messages 1-3  
Control Panel Map, printing 1-5  
Copier Mode option D-2  
copies, specifiying D-2  
Copies option  
home page of WebSpooler 5-18  
Info Status screen 1-4  
Install Software 1-7  
Internet see WebSpooler  
in Downloader 5-15  
I-2 Index  
Job Log  
in Spooler 5-9  
printing 1-5  
job overrides  
paper sizes supported xiv  
Paper Source menu  
Macintosh 2-3  
Brightness option D-2  
Color Mode option D-2  
Copier Mode option D-2  
Document Set option D-2, D-3  
Media Type option D-3, D-4  
Rendering Style option D-3, D-5  
Sorter Mode option D-3, D-5  
light on Control Panel 1-2  
line selection buttons 1-2  
list of fonts, printing 1-5  
lpq command 4-2  
PDF files  
from Windows 3-13  
lpr command 4-1  
lprm command 4-2  
LPT1/LPT2/ LPT3, printing to 3-12  
power switch 1-6  
Print dialog box  
Paper Source menu 2-3  
PostScript printer setup 2-2  
Print dialog box 2-2  
Printers default setting 2-4  
Printer Specific Options 2-3  
tray selection 2-3  
Macintosh 2-2  
Media Type option D-3, D-4  
Menu button 1-2  
Printed queue 5-3  
Microsoft Office, enabling use of CRDs  
with 3-5  
for Windows 3.1x 3-6  
Note 1/Note 2  
in Spooler 5-9  
Notes 1/Notes 2 fields  
Macintosh 2-3  
Windows 3.1x 3-9  
Windows 95 3-5  
number of copies, specifiying D-2  
Windows 3.1x 3-8  
Windows 95 3-4  
Windows NT 4.0 3-11  
I-3 Index  
printer setup  
with Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for  
safety warnings xii  
Windows 3.1x 3-7  
with Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for  
Windows 95 3-2  
selecting the server in the Chooser,  
with Microsoft PostScript Printer Driver  
for Windows NT 4.0 3-10  
Printer Specific Options  
Macintosh 2-3  
specifications xiii  
from Downloader 3-13, 5-13  
from Macintosh applications 2-1  
from Windows applications 3-1  
list of fonts 5-12, 5-17  
with parallel port 3-12  
with Windows 3.1x 3-6  
with Windows 95 3-1  
with Windows NT 3.51 3-12  
with Windows NT 4.0 3-10  
print options  
changing print settings 5-8  
setting with Macintosh 2-2  
print option settings  
saving and loading 3-6  
Print Pages command 1-5  
Print queue 5-3  
status, displaying C-1  
status messages, Control Panel 1-3  
Print Status screen 1-3  
problems C-1  
tray selection  
Reboot Server 1-6  
Rendering Style option D-3, D-5  
restarting the server 1-7  
Resume Printing 1-6  
RIP Status screen 1-4  
Run Diagnostics 1-6  
Run Setup 1-7  
Macintosh 2-3  
Windows 3.1x 3-7  
Windows 95 3-2  
Windows NT 4.0 3-10  
troubleshooting C-1  
turning off the server 1-8  
printing 4-1  
up arrow button 1-2  
I-4 Index  
warnings xii  
PostScript printer driver 3-1  
printing with 3-1  
about 5-18  
accessing 5-18  
home page 5-18  
passwords 5-18  
requirements for 5-18  
printing from applications 3-1  
Windows 3.1x  
Printers default setting 3-11  
printing with 3-10  
Paper Source menu 3-7  
PostScript printer driver 3-6  
Printers default setting 3-8  
printing with 3-6  
tray selection 3-10  
tray selection 3-7  

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