AllerAir 500 Pro Exec H User Manual

Fire and flo o d  
rest ora t io n ,  
m o ld sp o res  
w ith HEPA  
Cleans up a irb orn e  
ch e m ica ls , g a se s , o d ors  
and m old sp ore s  
40 speciality blends of carbon available for specific chemical problems.  
Can adsorb more than 4000 different hazardous chemicals.  
5000 Pro E XEC - H air cleaner  
High efficiency filtering system  
Pre -filter (cleanable )  
Anti-m icrobial filters (2)  
HEPA filter (or micro wrap)  
“Quick-a -tach” ne gative air duct  
(fits 6” diam eter hose)  
Changes air in 1200 sq. ft. every 20 m inutes.  
3 speed fan up to 400 CFM  
One person portable 21”x 15”- 45 lbs.  
Powder coated steel body  
HEPA filt er  
Solid handles and industrial wheels  
HEPA filters w ere developed by  
The Atom ic Energ y Authority to filter radio -active particles  
AllerAir In dustries Inc. 2049 LeChatelier, Laval Qc.H7L 5B3 Toll free; 1-888-852-8247 Fax: (450) 688-3939 ww  
5 0 0 0 PRO EXEC a ir clea n er  
Get the power of carbon  
Gra n u la r a ct iva t ed ca rb o n  
Gra nula r a ctiva ted ca rbon (GAC) is the m os t effective chem ica l a ds orbent know n to m a n  
One pound of GAC has the same surface area as a hundred acres  
GACs large internal surface area and micro pores provide high adsorbent capacity where  
large volumes of gas molecules and airborne chemicals are trapped  
GAC adsorbs over 4000 known chemicals and hazardous air borne pollutants  
GAC adsorbs up to 50 % of its own weight before needing replacement  
GAC is the filtering medium used in military gas masks  
Over 4 0 sp ecia lt y ca rb o n b len d s fo r sp ecific d isa st er rela t ed ch em ica ls  
Carbon beds available from 15 lbs p to 110 lbs  
Hig h efficien cy filt ra t io n syst em  
Cleanable pre-filter  
2 anti-microbial filters  
15 lbs. exchangeable high density granular activated filter  
HEPA filter ( or micro wrap)  
3 sp eed fa n a llo w s a ro u n d t h e clo ck u se  
Turbo: 400 cfm changes air in 1200 sq. ft. room every 20 minutes  
High speed for regular use  
Low speed for quiet use by claimant in their bedroom overnight  
On e p erso n p o rt a b le a ll-in -o n e a ir clea n er d esig n ed fo r rest o ra t o rs  
Can be carried on the job by one man or woman: weight 45 lbs, width 15, height 21”  
Industrial gauge steel housing with powder coated dura finish  
A m o n ey m a kin g u n it  
High quality with low purchase price and operating costs means more profitability  
Virtually no maintenance. 5 year guarantee.  
Multiple smaller units with low billing rates that are more acceptable to insurance adjusters  
Smaller unit allows flexibility to bill for number of units appropriate to the job site  
Beco m e a d ea ler  
This is the ideal model to sell to the claimants for their permanent use after the restoration is finished  
Yes, I w ant more information: Fa x 1(450 )688 -3939  
Street address  
State / Province  
Zip / P. code  
MORE featu res  
MORE filtra tion  
LESS cos tly  
Gu a ra ntee  

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