Honeywell Scanner Demos User Manual

Dolphin Demos  
For Windows Mobile 6  
User’s Guide  
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Table of Contents  
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Installing and Accessing Demos  
Demos demonstrate some of the most common features and functions of Dolphin terminals, such as bar  
code scanning, imaging, and capturing signatures, without loading additional software applications.  
Dolphin terminals are shipped with Demos already installed.  
System Requirements  
This version of Demos is designed to work with Windows Mobile 6.  
Accessing Demos  
Access Demos on the Start menu. Tap Start > Demos.  
See Page  
Captures images.  
IQ Imaging  
Decodes an intelligent bar code into fields.  
Print Demo  
Scan Demo  
Prints sample files to Bluetooth and IrDA devices.  
Scans bar codes and provides readout information  
and statistics.  
Captures signatures.  
GPS Demo  
Displays information from the GPS receiver on  
Dolphin 9900 terminals  
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Exiting Demos  
To close the Demos main window,  
• Tap the Exit icon  
• Tap File > Exit (ESC)  
• Press ESC on the keyboard  
View Options  
The View menu in the command bar at the bottom of the screen changes the organization of the Demos  
main window. A checkmark appears next to the selected view.  
This menu enables you to choose between:  
• Small Icon View  
• Large Icon View (Default view)  
• List View  
• Detail View (This view displays a description of the Demo in a column to the right of the name.)  
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Upgrading Demos  
Demos are loaded on every Dolphin terminal and are included in system upgrades.  
Acquiring Upgrades  
Installing an Upgrade to the Workstation  
Upgrades come in the form of an executable (EXE) that installs upgrade files to the workstation. You then  
transfer the appropriate upgrade files to Dolphin terminals.  
Requirements: An active Microsoft ActiveSync connection between a host workstation and the Dolphin terminal.  
1. Download the new Honeywell Power Tools and Demos for WM 6.0 Setup.exe to the Program  
Files folder on the workstation.  
2. Click the Honeywell Power Tools and Demos for WM 6.0 Setup.exe to install.  
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3. Click Next. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms…  
4. Click Next.  
5. Accept or change the installation location then click Next.  
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6. Click Install and the programs begin installing.  
7. The following screen appears when the programs have finished installing:  
8. Click Finish.  
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Folder on the Workstation  
After installation on the workstation is complete, the upgrade files are stored on the workstation at  
C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Power Tools and Demos for WM 6.0.  
Note: If a Honeywell folder does not already exist in the Program Files folder, the installation creates one.  
Device Image  
A ghost image of the IPSM upgrade. The contents of this folder should replace the contents  
of the \IPSMfolder on the Dolphin terminal.  
User guides for Demos and Power Tools (including this guide).  
EZConfig EXM Files Sample EXM files. These files contain the default configuration settings for Dolphin  
terminals with Windows Mobile 6.  
Installing an Upgrade on the Terminal  
1. Using the appropriate Dolphin communication peripheral for your series, connect the Dolphin termi-  
nal to the workstation and ensure that the ActiveSync connection is running.  
2. On the workstation, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the \IPSM folder on the Dolphin  
3. Back up the terminal’s \IPSM folder by copying and pasting its contents to the workstation.  
4. Then, on the terminal, delete the entire contents of the \IPSM folder.  
5. On the workstation, navigate to the C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Power Tools and  
Demos for WM 6.0\Device Image.  
6. Copy all items (including the AutoInstall folder).  
7. Navigate to the \IPSM folder on the Dolphin terminal and paste.  
8. Copy and paste all custom CABs (radio drivers, applications, programs, etc.) to the \IPSM folder.  
a. If you have custom EXM files with settings you want to keep and you want to have the upgrades in the new  
EXM files, merge those EXM files with the new EXM files instead of replacing them.  
b. Then, paste the merged EXM files to the Dolphin terminal.  
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9. When all the files are pasted, cold boot the terminal.  
10. The Power Tools upgrade installs during startup.  
Install Locations  
When install is complete,  
• The Demos CAB file remains in the \IPSM\Autoinstallfolder.  
• Demos executables are stored in the \Program Files\Demosfolder.  
• Demos configuration files install to the \IPSMfolder:  
Demo Name  
Image Demo  
Demo Setup  
Scan Demo  
Configuration File Name  
For more information about configuration files, consult the Dolphin Power Tools User’s Guide.  
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Imaging Demo  
The Imaging Demo demonstrates the imaging functionality of the on-board image engine, such as picture  
formatting, saving and printing.  
To Capture Images  
1. Tap Start > Demos > Imaging Demo. The Imaging Demo opens.  
The screen is blank until you press the SCAN key.  
2. Press the SCAN key to activate the image engine. A preview of the image appears on the screen.  
The previewed image has a degraded appearance. This is normal. The previewed image is not the  
same as the captured image; the captured image will not have the same degradation.  
3. Release the button or trigger. The captured image appears on the screen.  
To Save Images  
You can save images two ways: Save and Save As. Save saves one image with a default name. Save  
As allows you to determine the image parameters.  
Tap File > Save. The image remains on the screen and is saved as a grayscale .jpg with the name  
“imagedemo.jpg” in the My Device folder (\IPSM).  
Note: If you take another image and tap File > Save. The new image will save over the existing imagedemo.jpg file.  
Save As  
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Tap File > Save As. The Save As window opens.  
None - Selecting this option saves files to the My Documents folder.  
Select the BMP, JPG, or PNG file format.  
Main memory - Selecting this option saves files to RAM memory, which means the file will  
be erased during the next hard reset.  
IPSM - Selecting this option saves files to the IPSM memory, which means the file will be  
saved through a hard reset.  
To Open Images  
1. Tap File > Open.  
2. Select the Folder you want to search; All Folders is selected by default.  
3. Select the Type of file you want to find.  
4. Image files matching the search parameters appear in a list in the lower half of the window.  
5. Double-tap on an image file in the list. The image opens in the Imaging Demo.  
Note: You can have more than one image open at the same time.  
Default Image Settings  
By default, captured images are grayscale .jpg files. Captured images use the Normal image profile. If  
you want to use different parameters, chose a new imager profile. For more information, see Image  
Image Profiles  
The Imaging Demo contains several pre-set Image Profiles. Image Profiles are internal settings that have  
been customized to capture the best image for the type of object you want to capture.  
Normal is the default image profile and determines all the default system settings for images.  
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To Select a Profile  
1. Tap Image > Profile. The Profile menu opens.  
2. Select the profile; Normal is selected by default.  
3. The selected profile will now be used to take images.  
Available Image Profiles  
The following profiles come with the Imaging Demo and cannot be edited or deleted.  
This profile captures…  
Low Light  
Grayscale images in low-light conditions.  
Grayscale images of a document at close range.  
Grayscale images from up to 25 feet (7.6 m) away.  
Black and white images of a signature at close range.  
Grayscale images of a signature at close range.  
Grayscale images from up to 10 feet away. This the default profile.  
Signature (BW)  
Signature (GS)  
Auto Capture  
The Imaging Demo contains an Auto Capture feature that continuously captures images.  
To activate Auto Capture, tap Image > Auto Capture. The Dolphin terminal begins capturing images  
To de-activate Auto Capture, simply tap Image > Auto Capture again.  
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File Menu  
Menu Item  
Exits the Imaging Demo.  
Restore Defaults  
Restores the Imaging Demo to the default settings.  
Saves images according to system defaults; see To Save Images on page 2-1.  
Saves images and select the save parameters; see To Save Images on page 2-1.  
Save As  
Auto Send Full  
Auto Send Preview  
Send and AutoSend send data to the Image View application on the host workstation.  
Image Menu  
Menu Item  
Opens a sub-menu of available profiles; see Available Image Profiles on page 2-3.  
Scroll Bar(s)  
Puts horizontal and vertical scroll bars along the edges of the image enabling you to  
scroll through large images.  
Zooms in or out from the image on the screen; 35 is the default zoom setting.  
Displays the image’s current properties.  
Imager Properties  
Auto Capture  
Sets the Imaging Demo to Auto Capture (see page 3).  
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Setup Menu  
Menu Item  
Enables and disables the imager’s aimer.  
Enables and disables the illumination LEDs on the imager.  
Enables you to configure a specific IP address and TCP port.  
Port Config  
Selected by default, this option turns the sound for image capture on and off. When  
turned on, the Imaging Demo makes a sound when an image has been captured.  
Help Menu  
Menu Item  
Displays information about the Imaging Demo software.  
Displays the keyboard combinations you can use to perform system functions.  
Shortcut Keys  
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IQ Imaging Demo  
The IQ Imaging Demo decodes intelligent bar codes, inserting the data from the bar code into the  
appropriate fields on the IQ Imaging Demo window. In addition, the IQ Imaging Demo captures an image  
of the bar code simultaneously.  
IQ Imaging Types  
IQ Imaging Demo contains four tab windows: Delivery, Postal, Embed, and Noformat. Each tab is  
designed to decode data from bar codes specifically coded to match the format of the tab window.  
To Use IQ Imaging Demo  
1. Tap Start > Demos > IQ Imaging. The IQ Imaging Demo screen appears displaying the Delivery  
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2. Scan the bar code below.  
Express Delivery  
/ /  
Print Name:  
Note: This bar code has been created with information that the IQ Imaging Demo can decode and  
insert into the fields.  
3. A readout appears on the IQ Imaging Demo screen:  
Tracking Number  
This is the tracking number embedded in the bar code.  
This is the physical address embedded in the bar code.  
The IQ Imaging Demo captures an image of the object and inserts in this field automatically.  
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To Save Scanned Information  
You can save an image of the scan or an image of the bar code.  
Tap File > Save Image or File > Save Bar Code.  
To Clear Scanned Information  
Tap View > Clear. The fields clear.  
Note: You don’t need to clear the field to take another scan, just activate the image engine again.  
The Settings menu offers you several options for scanning intelligent bar codes.  
Select Symbology to specify which symbologies the IQ Imaging Demo can decode.  
Select or de-select the symbologies and tap OK.  
Port Config  
Image Type  
Select Port Config to specify an IP address and TCP port.  
Choose binary or grayscale.  
Enable and disable the beep that sounds on successful and unsuccessful decoding.  
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Print Demo  
The Print Demo test-prints a sample bar code or receipt to compatible Bluetooth or Infrared (IrDA)  
printers. The bar code and receipt files that print are formatted for O’Neil® or Zebra® printers depending  
on which item you select.  
Accessing the Print Demo  
Tap Start > Demos > Print Demo. The Print Demo window opens.  
Before you can print to either the Bluetooth or IrDA print options, the terminal must be able to  
communicate via Bluetooth radio and IrDA.  
For details,  
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Printing to a Bluetooth Printer  
A Dolphin terminal configured with a Bluetooth radio can communicate with other Bluetooth serial  
devices. Applications can take advantage of the Bluetooth serial profile by communicating with the COM  
port that has been assigned to the Bluetooth serial profile.  
• A Bluetooth radio must be installed and enabled in your Dolphin terminal. Tap Start > Settings >  
Connections tab > Dolphin Wireless Manager.  
• The Bluetooth printer must be in range of the terminal.  
• The Bluetooth radio in the terminal must be connected to the printer. (In the Dolphin Wireless Manger,  
tap Menu > Bluetooth Settings.)  
To Run the Print Demo to a Bluetooth Printer  
1. Connect the Bluetooth radio to the printer.  
2. Tap Start > Demos > Print Demo.  
3. Tap one of the receipts or bar code icons to a Bluetooth printer.  
4. The Print Demo prints the sample bar code or receipt.  
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Printing to an IrDA Printer  
Every Dolphin terminal contains an IrDA port that communicates with IrDA devices.  
• The IrDA printer must be turned on.  
• The IrDA printer must be in range of the terminal.  
To Run the Print Demo to an IrDA Printer  
You have the choice of printing the bar codes or the sample receipt stored in the Print Demo.  
1. Align the IrDA ports of the terminal and the printer.  
2. Tap Start > Demos > Print Demo.  
3. Tap one of the receipts or bar code icons to an IrDA printer.  
4. The Print Demo prints the sample bar code or receipt.  
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Scan Demo  
The Scan Demo decodes bar codes and provides a readout on the screen. In addition, the Scan Demo  
provides scanning statistics for each bar code read.  
To Use the Scan Demo  
1. Tap Start > Demos > Scan Demo. The Scan Demo window opens.  
2. Point the terminal at a bar code.  
3. Press and release the SCAN key. The Scan Demo decodes the bar code and a readout appears on  
the screen.  
This is the bar  
code readout.  
Scan Statistics  
If you want Scan Demo to track scan statistics or display them, tap Setup > View Statistics. All scan  
statistics are reset to zero and will not appear on the screen after your next scan.  
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This field displays …  
The symbology type.  
The length of the bar code.  
The number of scans completed since View Statistics was turned on. If you complete  
one scan, this field displays a count of 1 and increased by one with each additional scan  
When you disable scan statistics, the Count is reset to zero; see Scan Statistics on page  
Note: The following three fields display the cumulative scan statistics from the time that View Statistics was  
enabled. To reset any of these values to zero, disable the scan statistics.  
The number of milliseconds (ms) to decode the bar code.  
The average decode time of all bar codes decoded.  
The shortest decode time of all bar codes decoded.  
The longest decode time of all bar codes decoded.  
Avg Time  
Min Time  
Max Time  
Clearing Scan Data  
Tap File > Clear to erase the current scan data.  
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Auto Scan  
When AutoScanning, Scan Demo scans continuously.  
1. Place the Dolphin terminal so that it is pointing directly at a bar code.  
2. Tap Scan > Automatic.  
3. The Dolphin terminal begins scanning continuously.  
The Count field tallies the number of bar codes successfully decoded.  
4. The Scan Demo will continue to scan until you tap Scan > Automatic again.  
Auto Scan Delay  
You can program the number of seconds between scans by tapping Setup > Auto Scan Delay.  
Use the up and down arrows to select the intervals and tap the save icon.  
Continuous Scan  
When you enable Continuous Scan, Scan Demo scans continuously when you press and hold the SCAN  
button or trigger. This is a continuous scan that is launched manually.  
1. Tap Scan > Continuous Scan.  
2. Point the Dolphin terminal at a bar code.  
3. Press and hold the button or trigger that activates the image engine. The Dolphin terminal scans  
continuously. The Count field tallies the number of bar codes successfully decoded.  
4. Release the Scan button or trigger. The image engine stops scanning.  
Centering is a scanning feature that requires the center of the aiming beam or aiming pattern to be over  
the center of a bar code for the engine to decode. This feature helps you specify the bar code you want  
when several bar codes are close together.  
To enable decode centering, tap Setup > Centering. Centering will be applied to your next scan.  
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Decode Modes  
The Scan Demo has three scan modes:  
1. Full Omni/Standard This is the default scan mode. The scan engine looks for any bar code within range.  
2. Quick Omni  
The scan engine scans only those bar codes within the aiming beam or aiming pattern  
projected by the scan engine. This mode also provides the fastest decoding speed of the  
three modes.  
3. Aggressive Linear Decoding  
The scan engine scans only 1D linear bar codes.  
To select a scan mode, tap Setup > Decode Mode > one of the three options.  
Enable Aimer  
To turn the imager’s aimer on and off, tap Setup > Enable Aimer.  
Sound Options  
By default, the Scan Demo sounds every time a bar code is successfully decoded. You can turn off this  
sound by tapping Setup > Sound Options.  
You can choose to enable or disable audio signals by tapping Sound.  
You can also choose WAV file behavior on the Wave File sub menu.  
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The Scan Demo can decode a bar code only if its bar code symbology is selected in the symbologies list.  
To see this list, tap Setup > Symbologies.  
The symbologies highlighted in blue are the symbologies that are currently selected. The Scan Demo  
decodes only the symbologies selected in this list.  
Note: If the Scan Demo will not decode a certain bar code, see if the symbology type is selected in this list.  
To Select Symbologies  
Selecting a symbology in the list enables Scan Demo to decode bar codes of that symbology type. To  
select individual symbologies, tap on the symbology name once. You can select as many individual  
symbologies as you would like.  
You can also use the following selection buttons:  
Selects all available symbologies.  
De-selects all symbologies; this button de-selects even the default symbologies.  
Always tap OK to save your selections.  
Verify your selections by scanning bar codes of the newly selected symbology(ies).  
To De-Select Symbologies  
De-selecting a symbology renders the Scan Demo incapable of decoding bar codes of that symbology  
type.To de-select an individual symbology, tap on the symbology name once. You can tap on as many  
individual symbologies as you would like. Tap OK to save your selections.  
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Default Settings  
To restore the Scan Demo to default settings at any time, tap File > Restore Defaults.  
Taking Images of Bar Codes  
The Scan Demo takes an image of each bar code it scans. To save that image, tap File > Save Last  
Image immediately after you scan a bar code. An image of the bar code is saved to the \IPSM folder.  
Recording Custom Settings  
You can save a configuration log file to the root file directory by tapping File > Write Config Log.  
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Signature Capture Demo  
The Signature Capture Demo captures a signature on the touch screen.  
To Capture a Signature  
1. Tap Start > Demos > Signature Capture. The Signature Capture Demo opens.  
2. Using the stylus that came with the terminal, sign the touch screen.  
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3. Tap File > Save.  
Field Name  
In this field …  
Type in the name you want.  
Select the folder where you want the store the SIG file.  
Selecting None places the saved file in the My Documents folder.  
You can save the file as a SIG, BMP, JPG, or PNG and the Demo takes a  
picture of the signature.  
Select which type of memory you want to use to store this signature: Main  
memory or IPSM.  
Click OK to save your selections.  
Click to cancel the save.  
To Clear a Signature  
To clear a signature from the screen, tap Clear Signature. The written text disappears from the screen.  
Pen Width Options  
You can select the width of the line on the touch screen from 1–4 points. You can change the pen width  
before or after you write on the touch screen.  
Tap View > Pen Width > 1, 2, 3, or 4.  
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GPS Demo  
The GPS Demo enables you to test the functionality of the GPS receiver integrated into the Dolphin 9900  
terminal. The GPS Demo uses COM7 to connect to the GPS receiver.  
Activating the GPS Demo  
To activate the GPS Demo, simply tap Start > Demos > GPS Demo  
. The GPS Demo powers on  
the GPS receiver automatically and begins searching for satellites.  
For Optimal Functioning  
• Use the GPS Demo when the 9900 is outside.  
• Point to imager straight up to the sky.  
Heading Tab  
When Start > Demos > GPS Demo is tapped, the GPS Demo opens displaying the Heading tab.  
The yellow bar at the top of the window reads “Searching…” to show the GPS receiver is searching for  
visible satellites. When visible satellites are found, the Heading tab displays the exact position of the  
Displays the  
date and time.  
Displays the  
speed of travel in  
miles per hour.  
The red arrow  
displays the  
direction you’re  
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Satellites Tab  
The Satellites tab displays the position of the satellites found by the GPS receiver.  
Logger Tab  
The Logger tab enables logging functionality for the GPS Demo.  
Tap Start Logger to begin compiling the data in a log file recorded to the \IPSM folder with the name  
GPSDemo.log. When the log begins running, this window becomes inactive.  
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The GPS Demo will continue to compile data until you tap Stop Logger.  
Raw Data Tab  
The Raw Data tab shows the data the GPS receiver is downloading.  
The raw data starts downloading when the tab is tapped. Tap Pause Data to stop the raw data download.  
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Using Image View  
Image View is a software installed on the host workstation and receives data via wireless connection from  
the following Demos on the terminal:  
• Imaging Demo  
• IQ Imaging Demo  
• Scan Demo  
• Signature Capture Demo  
Note: Contact your nearest Honeywell technical support office to retrieve the latest version of Image View.  
• Image View must be installed and configured on the host workstation.  
• Both the Dolphin terminal and Image View on the host workstation must have the same IP address and  
TCP port.  
Configuring ImageView on the Workstation  
1. On the host workstation, click the ImageView.exe file and complete the installation process.  
2. Click File > Setup.  
3. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the host workstation.  
4. Use the default Decode Port and Image Port for the host workstation.  
5. Tap Apply. The network parameters are set.  
6. Now, you need to configure the Demos on the terminal.  
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To Connect Demos on the Terminal to the Image View  
The following Demos contain a Port Config feature that enables you to connect with Image View on the  
Imaging Demo  
IQ Imaging Demo  
Scan Demo  
Tap Setup > Port Config.  
Tap Settings > Port Config.  
Tap Setup > Port Config.  
Tap File > Port Config.  
Signature Capture  
A window opens that enables you to configure the radio connection to Image View on the workstation.  
Enter the same IP Address and TCP Port that was entered in Image View on the host workstation. These  
values must match!  
When you tap Close, you are prompted to save settings. Tap Yes. The terminal begins connecting  
When you save the settings:  
1. You will be able to send data from these Demos to Image View on the workstation when the  
terminal’s radio is enabled; see Send and AutoSend on page 8-3.  
2. These settings are saved to a Demo RF Settings.exm file that is stored in the \IPSMfolder so the  
connection persists through cold boots. Tap Start > Power Tools > EZConfig Utilities > Demo RF  
Note: When you set up Port Config in one Demo, the settings applies to all the Demos.  
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Send and AutoSend  
The Imaging, IQ Imaging, Scan, and Signature Capture Demos contain Send and/or AutoSend features.  
Send and AutoSend send data from these Demos to Image View on the workstation.  
Send sends the current data manually.  
AutoSend sends data after each scan or image capture automatically.  
Imaging Demo  
• Tap File > Send to manually send the most recently captured image to Image View.  
• Tap File > Auto Send Full to automatically send each image captured to Image View.  
• Tap File > Auto Send Preview to automatically send a preview of each image taken to Image View.  
IQ Imaging Demo  
• Tap File > Send Current to manually send the most recently captured data to Image View.  
• Tap File > Auto Send to automatically send each capture to Image View.  
Scan Demo  
• Tap File > Auto Send to automatically send each decode to Image View.  
Signature Capture  
• Tap File > Send to manually send the current signature image to Image View.  
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To Transmit Demo Data to Image View  
After setup on the workstation and the terminal is complete:  
1. On the host workstation, open Image View (Start > Programs > Hand Held Products > Image  
2. On the terminal, open the Image Demo and capture an image; see To Capture Images on page 2-1.  
3. The image displays in the Image View application.  
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Customer Support  
Technical Assistance  
If you need assistance installing or troubleshooting your device, please call your distributor or the nearest  
technical support office:  
North America/Canada  
Telephone: (800) 782-4263  
(8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST)  
Fax number: (315) 554-6705  
Latin America  
Telephone: (803) 835-8000  
Telephone: (800) 782-4263  
Telephone: +55 (21) 3535-9100  
+55 (21) 3535-9105  
Telephone: (803) 835-8000  
Europe, Middle East, and Africa  
Telephone: +31 (0) 40 7999 393  
+31 (0) 40 2425 672  
Asia Pacific  
Telephone - Hong Kong:  
Telephone - China:  
+852-3188-3485 or 2511-3050  
+86 21 6361 3818  
Telephone: +813 5770-6312  
Telephone: +603-6201-7020  
Online Technical Assistance  
You can also access technical assistance online at  
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700 Visions Drive  
P.O. Box 208  
Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0208  
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