Hamilton Electronics Satellite Radio AM1000 User Manual

Cary NC 27519  
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Get Started!  
Pick three locations 1) a  
place for the transmitter  
2) place for your studio  
or inside connection (can  
just be under a desk) and  
3) a ground. Once you  
have planned these loca-  
tions so they will all  
work together you are  
First, put your transmitter  
mount in, you can use stan-  
dard 1 1/4 antenna mast  
mount from Radio Shack or  
an TV store. Be safe! Stay  
away from electrical wires  
and do not climb anything  
unsafe! Remember the an-  
tenna needs to be in the free  
air, not up against anything.  
In Studio  
Next do your cabling; if you have a balanced audio source you can connect the audio  
pair directly to the transmitter, if you have an unbalanced (like a RCA jack) audio  
source then use the AM1000PR adapter as shown. Plug in your audio to the 1/8 jack  
on the adapter. Secure the control cable to the building or pole. (Note transmitter is  
not installed yet,). Ground the control wire shield at one end only.  
Ground Rod  
Now run the ground wire, it can be #12 or #10, from the hardware store. The  
wire needs to take a direct path from the transmitter to a good ground for best  
lighting protection. It is best to keep the wire away from metal on the way  
down, see picture on the right. The ground wire is (stood off) from the mount  
using stand offs (see picture). The control cable (audio power) can just be  
wrapped around the mount. The ground wire needs to be secure so it won’t  
move before you tune. All connections need to be tight, so they won’t later  
corrode from weathering.  
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Now mount the transmitter to the mast using the bracket (see bracket instructions). If you are not using  
a bracket, install transmitter to wall or acceptable configuration. Install 102” Antenna (Radio Shack #  
21-903) to the transmitter, it screws into the top.  
Connect the audio/power wire as shown on first page diagram, the ground wire connects to the post at  
bottom of transmitter. Go ahead and connect power/audio and turn on. Be sure the power switch in the  
transmitter is ON. If your unit is crystal - controlled be sure the crystal is installed (socket to the middle  
right). If you are using the agile module, using the supplied chart, check your frequency.  
Digital Volt Meter  
It is possible to tune using the computer circuit, see the manual. Using a meter  
(available from RangeMaster) place the red lead in the bottom of the three test  
holes, the black lead in the top test hole, the middle hole is unused . The power  
control (bottom left of board) should be up about 1/3-1/2 turn. (The control near  
the middle of the board is the audio gain, turn it all the way down now for tun-  
ing). Set the meter to a low DC voltage, 10VDC, 20VDC is fine. This is the  
meter setup to take the VOLTAGE.  
There is a 12 position header to the right of the large round red coil. Keeping  
your hands away from the antenna and coil best you can move the shunt up and  
down the header, try to find the position that gives the highest reading on the  
meter. This position should be near the middle of the range of the header. If  
there are two places where the voltage goes up, select the one near the middle.  
Then using the provided tuning tool, turn the 10 turn device (capacitor) screw just to the right of the shunt, try to increase  
the voltage further. The goal is to find a peak voltage. You should be able to see the voltage go up, then down, as you rotate  
the tool. If not, if you go all the way to the end of the travel of the 10 turns, try another shunt position. You need to find the  
peak voltage in this step or you are not tuned and will not get good range. This tuning needs to be done when the transmitter  
is in it’s final position, and with the ground wire locked down. You can not tune the transmitter first on the ground, & then  
install it. Find the peak voltage, & then leave it there. Now be sure to turn to audio level adjust pot back up.  
Setting the power is easy, with the AM1000T “green light” simply rotate the power control until the LED at the bottom of  
the transmitter turns green. If you don’t have the AM1000T ,just refer to the “power chart” at the back of the manual for the  
proper readings of VOLTAGE and CURRENT combinations possible. VOLTAGE is read the same way as when you were  
tuning, to take the CURRENT reading just place the black lead in the bottom test hole and the red lead in the middle test  
hole, read the voltage on the digital meter. Rotate the power control until the readings are in line with the chart.  
It’s best to leave the audio adjust in the transmitter at 3/4 level, or all the way up, and adjust audio level from the ground.  
There is also a gain adjust in the AM1000PR audio adapter module. Adjust the audio level for good sound on a test radio.  
Your signal should sound as loud as other stations in the area. Get the audio level as high as you can without distortion. Try  
not to have the test radio to close to the transmitter, it can get overloaded.  
RangeMaster Transmitters  
If you have trouble feel free to call, but check a few common problem first:  
-Is your audio level high enough? Is it on? Audio is a gate on the power, if there isn’t enough audio the range will suffer  
-Check the voltage at the terminal block with your meter, is there at least 12 volts there?  
-Low range is often a bad ground, it could be poor soil conductivity in you area, a broken ground wire, or your ground rod  
could be in sand or gravel instead of dirt. This is common when using an electrical meter rod, and/or if the rod is to close to  
a building foundation. If you can just push your rod in the ground it is probably just sand, and it won’t work. Connections  
can’t just be wrapped and taped, they need to be clamped. Clamps can be found at the hardware store. The copper needs to  
be bright and shiny and the tightly clamped or soldered. Use an 8 foot rod if possible. Isolate the ground wire from metal on  
the way down.  
-Be sure you set the power properly  
-Be sure the audio pot is turned up  
-Be sure the crystal is in  
-Here is a way to check transmitter operation: temporarily turn power up, you can draw a small spark from one of the round  
red coil leads or the antenna with a lead pencil if the unit is working correctly. If it is to bright out you may not see the spark  
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Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by RangeMaster for compliance  
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  
Installing the AM1000 transmitter  
This unit is meant to be installed by someone who has some radio background. If you don’t  
feel qualified to install this unit yourself contact a local radio/TV shop. They may be able to  
help. Also if you have a friend who is a Ham radio operator they may be able to help you.  
The goal of a successful installation is to achieve ½ mile range if the unit is near ground level.  
Within this ½ mile the signal should be clear and easy to hear. There may be some static  
mixed in, but the message being played should be clear. Up to a mile range and further may  
be possible if you have a good site and have the unit higher. A good height is 30 feet.  
Look around the structure and find a suitable place to mount the transmitter. It should be  
mounted as high as possible.  
Keep in mind the cabling needs, a cable needs to run to the power and audio source. See  
included diagram for cabling example. Typically #24 (2) pair shielded cable is used for runs of  
50 feet or less, #22 for up to 100 feet. Use one pair for + and – 12 volt and the other pair for  
the 600 ohm balanced audio. Connect the shield to ground at just one end. Also a ground  
wire needs to be run from the transmitter to a good ground for lightning protection. You can  
drive a 4 or better 8 foot ground rod into the ground for the lightning protection ground or use  
an existing ground. For best lightning protection the ground wire should have a direct path to  
dirt ground.  
If you get low range and the tuning peak voltage range is low you may have a bad ground.  
Driving an 8 foot rod into soil should help you have a good ground. Don’t get the rod to close  
to a house foundation. An electrical or pipe ground may not be reliable.  
RF (radio frequency) can be tricky stuff. If you don’t get results from your site, try another. The  
height is very important. The unit will not work unless it is tuned after it is installed in its final  
position. (You can’t tune it on the ground first, it HAS to be tuned after everything is done,  
wires tacked into position so that they will not move.  
Avoid putting the antenna near metal, especially large massive pieces of metal. Small metal  
pieces may be all right. You want to provide a stable environment around the unit. Attach  
any ground wire so that it will not move in the wind.  
The antenna develops hundreds of volts of RF power. It won’t shock you and can easily be  
quenched by even putting your hand close to it.  
Once you’ve found a site sturdily mount the unit to the structure. Cable the ground wire to a  
good ground. Use #12 or #10 wire or larger (not aluminum) and run the wire directly down to  
your ground rod. The ground wire connects to the binding post on the bottom of the unit. If  
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your wire is to large to fit into the binding post use a short section of wire and a wire nut to  
complete the connection. Weatherproof the wire nut connection. It is important to keep the  
ground wire away from metal on the way to ground rod to get good range and provide the  
best lightning protection. Keep the ground wire away from other metal if at all possible. (See  
hints page) A couple inches away is fine. Cable the unit to the inside to provide power and  
audio for the transmitter. See included diagram. The unit requires a 102” whip antenna that  
can be purchased at Radio Shack, Stock # 21-903. It can be steel or fiberglass. The striped  
wire is plus + on included wall power supply.  
Begin the Tuning: You will need the following  
Tuning tool (supplied)  
Small flathead screwdriver  
Medium Phillips screwdriver  
The VOM or volt ohm meter can be bought at a Radio Shack if you don’t have one. Be sure  
the crystal is installed if you are not using the agile module.  
The crystal will not lock into the board, just seat it into the socket pins, it won’t fall out.  
The following are instructions to tune with a meter, see Am1000T page to use the computer.  
Check that “TUNE” is set 1/2 way between the counter- clockwise position (Min.  
Capacitance) and clockwise position (Max. Capacitance). Use the tuning tool to tune. When  
“TUNE” is turned fully either way be careful not to apply to much force. Permanent damage  
may result. “TUNE” will turn about 10 turns. Make sure that the “Power Adjust” control is set to  
about 1/2 of the way from counter clockwise. It is a 1 turn control. Set “AUDIO LEVEL” all the  
way down (counter – clockwise). Important Note: (TURN IT BACK UP WHEN YOU ARE DONE  
TUNING!) (This is a commonly missed item)  
Set the “POWER SWITCH” to on. “Cabling note, you can use either terminal block for  
cabling they are both the same, (+ and – is for power NOT S+ and S-, AF+ and AF- is audio)”  
Check all of your cabling, turn the power on. You should be able to see the power light come  
on. See cable diagram in this Manual for cabling examples. When using the control cable  
Ferrite if the hole is to big try to loop the cable through twice. The ferrite installs on the audio  
cable just outside the transmitter box.  
Step 3  
There are 3 test hole pads on the unit (see diagram). Take a standard voltmeter that is set to  
DC 5-20 volts and plug it into the bottom and top test hole pads. The black lead will go to the  
test hole pad closest to the mounting hole (Ground) (Top).  
Next move the jumper on the “COIL TUNE” jumper block one at a time to find the one that  
gives the highest meter reading or highest power amp voltage. Be sure that only one jumper  
is used at a time. Leave this jumper on the highest meter reading and proceed. If you find 2  
areas of the jumper block that give a peak reading one of them may be an harmonic. Chose  
the position closest to the center of the jumper block range. If you are not seeing a good  
meter reading then rotate the PWR control until you do, or check your meter.  
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Step 4  
If things look good so far take the tuning tool and rotate “TUNE” to obtain a peak reading of  
the meter. When the meter peaks you are tuned. Be sure to stay away from the antenna  
while tuning. If you are to close to the antenna your body will affect where it tunes.  
Keep in mind that you need to see a peak. The meter should rise and fall as you adjust. If you  
just turn it clockwise or counter clockwise all the way and the meter goes up until the  
capacitor can’t be turned anymore then it is not tuned.  
You will get the most power with the least capacitance of the tuning cap that you can get to  
tune (counter clockwise). You may find that 2 jumper positions will tune. If so use the one that  
tunes with the “TUNE” in the most counter clockwise or least capacitance position. This will  
give you the best range and circuit performance.  
Step 5  
The next step is to adjust the power level. You simply involves taking 2 voltage readings and  
referring to the power chart in this manual adjust the power pot until you are at the legal  
power level. Turn the audio pot all the way down. Take your voltage reading, take this  
reading with the meter leads in the same position as when you were tuning. Now place your  
Black (negative) test lead in the bottom test hole pad & your Red (Positive) test lead in the  
middle test hole pad. This will measure your Current.  
Your power should not exceed 100 milliwatts or .1 Watt to comply with FCC rules (Part 15).  
This would be acceptable. See the conversion table supplied for different combinations of  
Voltage and Current that equal 100 milliwatts. The “Power Adjust” works just like a volume  
control. Clockwise is more power and counter clockwise is less. With the AM1000T “Green  
light” simply adjust Power level control until the LED is green.  
Step 6  
Next connect your audio source. It is a good idea to leave the “aud” audio adjust ¾ to all the  
way up “clockwise” and adjust the audio level from the ground. The Terminal block input is  
designed to work with a 600 ohm telephone cable like impedance. When you order the  
AM1000 you get an adapter that will convert 8 ohm (low imp 3.5mm) speaker type output or  
(high imp) like from a CD player to the required 600 ohm balanced audio. The new audio  
adapter has a gain control.  
Step 7  
Using a test radio tune to the transmitter frequency. The frequency used for this unit is often  
1610 Khz . If the frequency is different it will be marked inside the unit. Look on the crystal (Y1).  
Once you pick up the signal on your test radio, (with no audio it will sound quiet with maybe  
a slight hum. Turn up your “AUDIO LEVEL” while listening to the test radio until you get  
distortion then back the “AUDIO LEVEL” off just a tad. If you are adjusting the audio level from  
the ground leave the “AUDIO LEVEL” set about ¾ position. Your station should sound as loud  
as others in your area on a test radio, if you don’t then there is a problem.  
A scope is needed to be sure of 100% modulation. When the unit is being 100% modulated a  
test sine wave at the antenna will match the original audio waveform.  
Step 8  
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Now go and check your range. Use your car and your odometer to check the range. Do the  
final tune on “TUNE” (Check to be sure the meter voltage is still peaked). Adjust “AUDIO  
LEVEL” control for best sound on your radio.  
Keeping the antenna as vertical as possible will help your range. It is also critical to keep the  
antenna away from metal. Don’t for example, mount the antenna so it runs up against, or  
parallel to a metal drain pipe.  
Before you leave make sure that the customer knows that if they have any trouble with the  
transmitter to simply unplug the wall transformer or power supply. Because of the high RF  
voltage generated the unit can induce a signal into phone lines, stereos, and other  
If you find that you are not getting good range check the transmitter ground system, if you  
notice that when tuning the unit that instead of a sharp peak in the voltage the voltage  
barely moves while you are tuning you probably have a bad ground.  
Electrical grounds  
will not always be acceptable, you may need to run a separate ground or find another  
ground. You could use a water pipe that is going to ground for example. Also if you are  
getting poor range make sure you have set the power properly. If you are having troubles  
recheck all wiring and connections. If you have carrier but no audio be sure the audio pot is  
turned up. Be sure the power is connected to the power terminals and not the sync terminals.  
Be sure the crystal is in and seated (unless you have the freq module). See the trouble page.  
Section 15.219 Operation in the band 510 - 1705 kHz.  
(a) The total input power to the final radio frequency stage (exclusive of filament or heater  
power) shall not exceed 100 milliwatts.  
(b) The total length of the transmission line, antenna and ground lead (if used) shall not exceed 3  
(c) All emissions below 510 kHz or above 1705 kHz shall be attenuated at least 20 dB below the  
level of the unmodulated carrier. Determination of compliance with the 20 dB attenuation specification  
may be based on measurements at the intentional radiator's antenna output terminal unless the intentional  
radiator uses a permanently attached antenna, in which case compliance shall be demonstrated by  
measuring the radiated emissions.  
We recommend fully cooperating with the FCC and following all FCC rules. The FCC is an independent governmental  
agency, answerable only to congress, we cannot guarantee and/or we cannot be held responsible for what the FCC may do or  
decide in any particular situation.  
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AM1000T Power Set / Tuning Module  
Coil Tune  
Cap Tune  
When transmitter is turned on, the computer will start in Power Set mode if there is a shunt in J13 (Power is set  
When you are tuning you will get better readings with the power all the way down (Power Adjust counter  
clockwise). Also it will help if the Cap Tune (10 turn device) is about in the middle of it’s range (5 turns in from  
either way). Please note the tuning function is an alternative to using a meter.  
To go to the Coil Tune program (first tuning step) turn transmitter on with shunt in J13, wait 1-2 seconds, remove  
J13 shunt, then replace shunt back into J13.  
To use the Coil Tune program simply move the shunt on the Coil Tune jumper block, and then remove J13, if the  
voltage is higher the LED will be green, if lower the LED will be red. Then immediately replace J13 shunt. At this  
point you can move the Coil Tune shunt if you wish again and take another reading with J13. If the LED goes  
blank (It is starting Cap Tune program) just turn power off/on with J13 in, then move J13 out/in.  
Be sure to have your hands away from antenna and coil areas when you remove J13 to take a reading, otherwise  
you may get confusing readings.  
The goal in tuning is to peak the voltage, or to arrive at the peak possible voltage using the Coil Tune shunt and  
tuning tool on the Cap tune.  
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To go to the Cap Tune program just leave the shunt in J13 for 15 seconds, the LED will turn off. Take the shunt off  
j13 (and then replace shunt onto J13) and you are in the Cap Tune program.  
To find the peak voltage using this program you need to get used to working with the program. As the voltage is  
steady or going up the LED will remain green, it will however tell you when the voltage is going down, and how  
fast. Turning the Cap Tune more quickly will give more red blinks as the voltage goes down.  
When the voltage is dropping quickly the LED will be solid red, when the voltage is dropping slowly the LED will  
tend to blink red. Of course as the voltage is going up (which is what you want) the LED will remain green.  
So rotate the Cap Tune left or right, which ever way the LED stays green, until it starts to go red. Then rotate Cap  
Tune the other way until the LED blinks red again. You should find as you rotate both directions that you can turn  
about one full turn either way or so before the LED starts to blink red, leave the Cap Tune in the middle of the  
green range and you are tuned!  
Just keep in mind the LED blinks/goes red as the voltage is going down, and the goal is to keep the voltage going  
up until you find a peak.  
You may find using a voltmeter quicker, but if you don’t have a voltmeter handy this program will do the job.  
Once you have tuned turn the transmitter off, then back on with a shunt in J13. This will put the computer in Power  
Set mode.  
Simply rotate the Power Adjust to light the LED green for .1 watt legal power level.  
Example tuning:  
Coil Tune shunt is on position 3  
Coil Tune program running (see earlier instructions)  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 4  
Remove J13, LED is green (voltage is going up)  
Replace J13  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 5  
Remove J13, LED is green (voltage is going up)  
Replace J13  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 6  
Remove J13, LED is red (voltage is going down)  
Replace J13  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 5  
Remove J13, LED is green (voltage is going up)  
Replace J13  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 4  
Remove J13, LED is red (voltage is going down)  
Replace J13  
Move Coil Tune shunt to position 5  
Remove J13, LED is green (voltage is going up)  
Replace J13  
Coil Tune position 5 has the highest voltage.  
Leave the shunt in J13 for 15 seconds (LED blanks, then remove J13) to move to Cap Tune program where you  
continue peaking the voltage with the Cap Tune control. When the voltage goes down the LED will go red, when  
the voltage goes down fast the LED will be solid red, when falling slowly the LED will be blinking RED.  
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If you are using an Innovonics 222 be sure your output polarity is correct, here is how:  
1. Turn the positive peaks all the way down  
2. Turn the output level up until you get distortion, then back off a little (hair) for good sound.  
3. Then turn the positive peaks all the way up, if you get distortion then the (output) terminals + and - are  
probably reversed.  
The polarity of the input terminals doesn’t matter.  
If you are having trouble matching your input impedance to the Innovonics see the website for instructions.  
(How to hints, then audio button)  
-Your station should sound as loud as others on the dial, if it doesn’t there is a problem. It may be an audio  
impedance mismatch, or the level may need to be turned up. If the audio level isn’t high enough you won’t get  
good range, audio is a gate on the power, keep your audio turned up as high as you can.  
-We have found the most common cause of low range is the audio setup, even more common then grounding  
problems. Not enough audio power (volume) and/or an impedance mismatch. If you are using an 8 ohm (low  
impedance) output which would be a headphone or speaker output that needs to be connected to the low  
impedance input on the audio adapter. Then the 2 screw terminal block needs to be wired via 2 wire twisted  
pair to the transmitter. If you plug the low impedance port of the adapter to a high impedance source like a line  
out jack you will have problems. An impedance mismatch will lower the audio level and reduce the fidelity, and  
may cause distortion. If you have a line out type source it needs to go to the high impedance jack on your  
audio adapter. In either case if you can’t get the audio loud enough so it is as loud as other stations in your  
area without distortion then there is a problem in the audio chain.  
To get more Range:  
Try to locate the transmitter near something that will reradiate the RF energy such as high tension power lines.  
The signal will tend to follow lakes and rivers. Use as high a modulation level as you can. Get the unit as high  
as you can but not so high you can’t safely get to it to tune it.  
-Check the voltage at the terminals of the transmitter, is there at least 12VDC there?  
-Low range is often a bad ground. There could be bad soil conductivity in your area, or the ground rod could  
just be in gravel or sand instead of dirt. If you can just push the rod in with your hand then it won’t be a good  
ground. Bad connections are often the problem. Just wrapping wire around a rod will NOT work. ALL  
connections need to be soldered or clamped. The copper needs to be bright and shinny before soldering or  
clamping. Be sure your ground wire is isolated and not wrapped around a metal mast or attached to metal  
siding or downspout. The ground wire should be isolated from all massive (bigger then a nail) metal. Use an 8  
foot ground rod if at all possible. If you are using bigger then #12 wire (better) you won’t be able to insert it into  
the binding post at the transmitter. Use a short (6”) piece of #12 as a splice make the connection. Twist the  
#12 wire to the larger wire and twist a wire nut on. Be sure to weatherproof this with some silicone. Then put  
the other end into the ground binding post of the transmitter and tighten the binding post. If you find that you  
installation degrades after a few weeks you probably have a ground splice or connection that is weathering or  
corroding somewhere. This ground wire must be locked down and stable so it won’t move. Electrical grounds  
will not always be acceptable, you may need to run a separate ground or find another ground. You could use a  
water pipe that is going to ground for example. See the hints page for an example of a good ground system.  
-Check quality of ground- After tuning unit, with the tune voltage at about 2-3 volts (rotate PWR) rotate the Cap  
tune from the extreme counter clockwise position to the clockwise position while watching the meter. Make  
note of the voltage swing you see, less then 1.5 volt, bad or no ground. 1.5-2 volts poor to adequate ground. 2-  
3 volts, good ground. 3-5volts, great ground. This test will give you an idea where you stand with your ground  
-If you are getting poor range be sure you are setting the power properly.  
-If you have carrier but no audio be sure the audio pot is turned up. Be sure the power is connected to the  
power terminals and not the sync terminals.  
-Be sure the crystal is in and seated (unless you have the freq module).  
-Is power switch on?  
-Are you using the tuning tool provided?  
-When the transmitter is working properly it is possible to see a small spark with a pencil lead placed close to  
the coil (large red round object) pins. You may need to turn the power up for it to do this. Or you may feel a  
slight RF burn to your finger if you lightly touch the pins of the coil.  
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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554  
Hamilton PCB Design  
134 Wind Chime Ct. P.O. Box 20594,  
Raleigh, NC 27619  
Date of Grant: 07/17/1998  
Application Dated: 05/08/1998  
United States  
Attention: Keith Hamilton  
EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION is hereby issued to the named GRANTEE, and is  
VALID ONLY for the equipment identified hereon for use under the Commission's  
Rules and Regulations listed below.  
Name of Grantee: Hamilton PCB Design  
Equipment Class:Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter  
Range (MHZ)  
1.2 - 1.71  
Grant Notes  
FCC Rule Parts  
37: This device has shown compliance with new rules adopted under Docket 87-389 and is not affected by Section 15.37, transition  
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1.00 VOLT  
100 MILLI  
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