GVI Release Notes – Version 3.52
November 22, 2006
New Features In 3.51...................................................................................................... 1
Manual Addendum
Using GVI and the VSL Performance Tool
2. Open GVI as a plug-in in your host DAW
3. Set the Performance Tool input to “physical in” and output to Maple MIDI router
4. Set the DAW track's input to the Maple virtual MIDI cable and its output to GVI
New Feature in 3.52
Bank / Patch Manager
The following functionality has been added to the Loaded Instrument Viewer:
• Right-click an instrument to display the Bank/Patch Manager interface
o Pressing “Resolve All Conflicts” will automatically assign new
Bank/Patch values to loaded instruments to eliminate duplicates.
o The bank and/or patch number of the selected instrument can be manually
New Features In 3.51
• GVI now supports multiple instances on multi-processor (dual core) computers
for Steinberg’s Cubase, Steinberg’s Nuendo and Digidesign’s Pro Tools.
• GVI now includes a per instance memory usage meter when hosted in a VST or
RTAS DAW application.
• GVI now supports access to instrument help documentation, when provided with
a soundware library. This is accessed from the MIDI channel pulldown menu in
the MIDI Mixer where the instrument is loaded. If no help file is present, this
menu item will not be displayed.
• GVI now includes a link to the product registration web page under the Help
menu. Registration gains the user access to informative newsletters, special deals
& promotions and freebies.
• The Loaded Instrument Viewer can be brought up by either selecting “Loaded
Instruments” from a MIDI Mixer channel pulldown or by pressing the Instrument
Viewer toolbar icon. Once open, instruments can be loaded onto any MIDI
channel by drag & drop.
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Maintenance Items in 3.52
• In 3.51, certain audio interfaces that use buffer latencies that are not multiples of
128 could cause garbled audio. This has been fixed in 3.52.
• Previously, when running in standalone mode, the output could become saturated
under certain conditions. This has been fixed in 3.52.
• Previously, instruments within a GIG file could not be loaded when the Windows
preference for hiding known file extensions was enabled (Windows default). This
has been fixed in 3.52.
• Previously, GVI could become unstable if Mute or Solo was pressed on the MIDI
Mixer while receiving MIDI. This has been fixed in 3.52.
• Previously, GVI could become unstable if the UI was closed while loading
instruments. This has been fixed in 3.52.
Maintenance Items In 3.51
• An incompatibility with Sony’s Acid 6 that caused no audio output from GVI
when hosted in Acid 6 has been corrected.
• Rare instances of GVI crashing when exporting to GSI have been addressed.
• Previously, when running in standalone mode, it was not possible to change
output channel selections after the sampler had been reset. This has been fixed.
• The filter Turbo Mode in the Quick Edit section of GVI is specific to the low-pass
filter. Previously, it was possible for the UI to present Turbo Mode enabled with
a different filter selected. Now, when Turbo Mode is enabled, the filter type is
switched to low-pass automatically.
• The list of recently used files has been moved to below the list of factory content.
• Previously, using the Load menu to load a GSI file onto a MIDI channel was
incorrectly performing a stack operation. This has been fixed in 3.51.
• The FX button in the MIDI Mixer has been renamed to GP. When illuminated,
this indicates that a GigaPulse encoded instrument has been loaded on that
channel. The associated pull down menu allows access to that GigaPulse UI. It is
still possible to access the GigaPulse UI for an encoded instrument via the
GigaPulse toolbar icon when that instrument’s MIDI channel is selected in the
MIDI Mixer.
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Known Issues In 3.52
• GVI does not currently support Windows XP x64.
• For use with Ableton Live, GVI should be installed into the Steinberg VST
directory instead of the default TASCAM directory.
• It is currently necessary to uncheck the Fast Bounce checkbox when bouncing a
GVI track in SONAR.
• It is not currently possible to open the ASIO control panel of the Echo AudioFire
12 from within the GVI Configuration window.
• Patch changes do not work in SONAR 6. It is expected that a SONAR 6 update
will fix this problem.
• Patch changes work in Steinberg hosts but are not currently reflected in the GVI
• GVI can become unstable if GigaPulse presets are switched while MIDI is being
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