Internet Camera IC-1000
User Manual
Version: 1.23
Released Date: Jan., 2005
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Thank you for choosing the Internet Camera. This Camera sends live video through the
Internet to a web browser or camera viewer anywhere in the world! This compact,
self-contained unit lets you keep an eye on your home, your kids, and your
workplace—whatever’s important to you.
How does the Camera do all of this? Unlike standard “web cams” that require an attached PC,
the Internet Camera can connect directly to a network. The Motion JPEG video compression
produces a high quality, high-frame rate, 640 x 480 video stream.
The included Camera Viewer utility lets you record the video stream to your local hard drive,
“live” or on a predetermined schedule.
Use the instructions in this Guide to help you integrate the Camera into your network. These
instructions should be all you need to get the most out of the Internet Camera.
Package Content
One Internet Camera
One Power Adapter
One Camera Stand
One 100M Category 5 Ethernet Cable
One Quick Installation Guide
One CD (Including Manual/Utility/Driver)
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your supplier.
System Requirement
System requirement for PC, MAC or Notebook PC to access the Internet Camera are:
OS System: Windows 98SE, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003
CPU: Intel Pentium III 750MHz above or Intel Celeron 1GHz above
Memory Size: 128MB (256MB recommended)
VGA Card Resolution: 800 x 600 or above
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Hardware Installation
LED and Focusing
The Camera head and its focus ring allow you to modify the aim and focus of the Camera.
To adjust the Camera’s focus, rotate the dark focus ring.
There are two LEDs indicating the camera status.
Monitoring: When someone is viewing the camera, the LED will light.
Ready: When the camera is power on and ready for access, the LED will light.
Green: Monitoring
Focus ring
Amber: Ready
Camera Ports
The Camera features two ports and a Reset button.
Power: The Power port is where you will connect the power adapter.
LAN: The LAN port is where you will connect the Ethernet network cable.
Reset: The Reset button is what you will press if you need to reset the Camera to factory
default settings. Insert a paper clip into the hole. Then press the button and hold it in for five
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LAN Port
Power Jack
Installation Procedure
1. Unpack the Internet Camera package and verify that all the items listed in the Chapter 2
are provided.
2. Connect the Internet Camera to your network by attached the network cable from the
switch/router to the UTP port of the Internet Camera.
3. Connect the power adapter to the Internet Camera and plug the power adapter to power
outlet. The Internet Camera will be powered on. When the Internet Camera is ready, the
Ready LED will show orange color.
Note: It is highly recommended to use the power adapter shipped with the Internet Camera,
do NOT use any other power adapter from any sources.
Software Installation
Follow the simple steps below to run the Install Wizard to guide you quickly through the
Installation process. The following installation is implemented in Windows XP. The installation
procedures in Windows 98SE/Me/2000/Server 2003 are similar.
1. Insert the CD shipped along with the Internet Camera into your CD-ROM drive. The
“Autorun.exe” program should be executed automatically. If not, run “Autorun.exe”
manually from “Autorun” folder in the CD.
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2. The Install Wizard will show four selections, select the program you want to install or click
“Exit” to install the program later. The following installation steps are the demonstration of
“Install Administrator Utility & Camera Viewer”.
3. The system will start the installation procedures. Click “Next” to continue installation.
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4. If you wish to install the software program in an alternate location, click “Change”;
otherwise click “Next” to move on to the next step.
5. Click “Install” to start installing the program.
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6. The system will install the program automatically.
7. Click “Finish” to complete the software installation.
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8. When the installation is completed. The system will auto run ”Administrator Utility“. On the
Internet Camera first page, the cameras found in the network are listed in the left window.
Choose the one you want to configure and click “Setting Wizard” to proceed.
“N” means the
camera is new and
not configured.
9. Please enter the default password “1234” and click “OK” to login to the IP setup page.
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10. Internet Camera is working through the network (TCP/IP Protocol). The IP address setting
must be correct, or you cannot access to the camera. The wizard program will detect the
IP address status of your network automatically and suggest a free IP address for the
Camera. You can accept the suggested value or enter the value manually. If you enter the
value manually, please be aware that the “Subnet Mask” must be the same for both the
camera and the PC. Click “Finish” to apply the configuration.
11. This wizard will pop up a window to ask you if you want to run the “Camera Viewer” and
see the video of the Camera immediately. Select “OK” to run “Camera Viewer”.
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12. The “Camera Viewer” will show the video automatically. Congratulations, you can use the
camera through the network to view the video from now on.
Using the Administrator Utility
The Administrator Utility allows users to search and setup the cameras located within the
Intranet or on the Internet. From the utility, users can view all the information of the selected
camera; furthermore, it provides a setting wizard, which can guide users to add the camera to
the network easily and promptly.
There are two ways to run the Administrator Utility as follows.
1. Click “Start”, select “Programs\IP Camera\Admin Utility” to run the utility.
2. Click the “IP Camera Admin” icon
to run the utility.
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Once the utility is started, it will search all the cameras within the network. To do more settings,
please refer to the description in the following sections.
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General Setting
Click the button will search the camera within the network
Auto Discover
The list shows the camera name and the setup status of the
Camera List
It means the camera is in the default setting.
It means the camera is configured before.
Click “Add” will appear a window for you to enter the IP Address
of the camera on the Internet.
Click “Delete” to delete the camera from the list.
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Camera List
The list shows the camera name and the connect status of the
It means the camera is disconnected or not in the
It means the camera is connected.
Information of Camera
Camera Information
It displays all information of the selected camera. The information
includes firmware version, network information, IP Address,
UPnP setting, DDNS setting, Resolution and E-mail setting, etc.
Camera Setting
Detail Setting
Click “Detail Setting” to do more setting of the camera such as IP
address, Resolution, password and firmware upgrade, etc.
Setting Wizard
Click “Setting Wizard” to setup the necessary setting for the
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Detail Setting
When you click the “Detail Setting”, a screen will pop up for you to enter the “Administrator
Name” and “Password”. The default value is as follows.
Name: “Admin”
Password: “1234”
If the name and password you enter are correct, you can start to setup the camera.
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Network Setting
Internet Camera Name
The default camera name is “IPCamera_MJPEG”. It is
recommended to name a meaningful name for the camera.
IP Address
Enter an unused IP Address within the IP address range used on
your LAN. If the IP Address of your LAN is from the
to, you can set an unused IP Address from the
range for the camera, for example:
Subnet Mask
The Subnet Mask field must match the subnet setting on your
LAN. For example:
The Gateway is used to forward frames to destinations in a
different subnet on the Internet. The Gateway setting must be the
same with the gateway used by the PCs on your LAN.
DNS Server
DNS Server (Domain Name Server) that translates names to IP
addresses. Set the same DNS Server as the PCs on your LAN.
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Network Setting
Video Port
The Video Port is used to transmit or receive the video streaming
in the network. The default port setting is “4321”. If you want to
view the video from the camera, the port setting should be
Web Port
This camera support web connection, the default web port is 80.
Since the web server may use port 80, you can use a different
port for the camera. If you change the web port from 80 to 8080,
through the web browser.
E-Mail Setting
E-Mail Account
This camera supports “Snap Shot” function. You can snapshot a
picture and send the picture by E-Mail. Enter the E-Mail Account
for receiving the picture.
SMTP Server
Enter the SMTP Server for the E-Mail sending.
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Select the desired video resolution format. Larger resolution
requires more bandwidth. 640 x 480 is “VGA” format. 320 x 240 is
“CIF” format.
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Advanced Setting
When the UPnP function is enabled, the camera can be detected
by UPnP compliant system such as Windows XP. The camera
will be displayed in the Neighborhood of Windows XP, so you can
directly click the camera to view the video through web browser.
Many internet connections use a "Dynamic IP address", where
the Internet IP address is allocated dynamically whenever the
Internet connection is established. Internet users should know the
IP Address of the camera when they want to connect to the
camera every time. DDNS is designed to solve this problem, by
allowing users to connect to your LAN using a domain name,
rather than an IP address.
Enable or disable DDNS function of the camera.
Several companies provide DDNS service. This camera supports
the service from DynDNS who is one of the DDNS providers.
Domain Name
The domain name given by DynDNS is
“”. Enter the domain name that you
register for the camera from DynDNS web site.
Enter the login name for the DDNS service.
Enter the password for the DDNS service.
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Current Password
Enter the current password of the camera.
New Password
Enter the new password you want to use for the camera.
Retype the new password to confirm the setting.
Confirm New Password
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Firmware Version
Display current firmware version.
Firmware Update
Reset to Default
Click “Firmware Update” to update new firmware for the camera.
You have to wait for a while for the firmware upgrade.
If you want to reset the camera, click this button. The default
settings of the camera are as follows.
Camera Name: “IPCamera_MJPEG”
IP Address: “”
Subnet Mask:
Administrator Name: “Admin”
Password: “1234”
Video Port: “4321”
Web Port: “80”
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Setting Wizard
When you click the “Setting Wizard”, a screen will pop up for you to enter the “Administrator
Name” and “Password”. The default value is as follows.
Name: “Admin”
Password: “1234”
If the name and password you enter are correct, you can start to setup the camera.
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Setting Wizard
Internet Camera Name
The default camera name is “IPCamera_MJPEG”. It is
recommended to enter a meaningful name for the camera.
IP Address
The wizard will auto setup an available IP Address to the camera.
For example: if the IP address of the network is 192.168.2.x, the
wizard will search an unused IP Address from to and assign the camera an available IP Address.
You are allowed to enter another IP Address to change the
Subnet Mask
The wizard will auto search the Subnet Mask setting of the
network and set the camera in the same Subnet Mask.
You can enter another Subnet Mask to change the setting.
The wizard will auto search the Gateway setting of the network
and set the camera to use the same Gateway.
You can enter another Gateway to change the setting.
It defines the video stream port. The default value is “4321”.
Click “Cancel” to stop wizard setting.
Video Port
Click “Finish” to complete the camera setting.
When you finish the camera setting, you can click “Ok” to run the “Camera Viewer”
immediately or click “Cancel” to run the “Camera Viewer” later.
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Using the Camera Viewer
The Camera Viewer Utility allows users to view video from up to four cameras. It also allows
users to manual/schedule record video and playback the recording file. The status of camera
viewing such as frame rate, video received, and etc. are also recorded in time.
There are three ways to run the Camera Viewer Utility as follows.
1. Click “Start”, select “Programs\IP Camera\Camera Viewer” to run the utility.
2. Click the “IP Camera Viewer” icon
to run the utility.
3. Click “Setting Wizard” from Administrator Utility and follow the instructions in the utility.
Panel Introduction
In the beginning when you start the Camera Viewer, you would see a Control Panel and a four
division Viewer window.
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Camera Buttons
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Camera Buttons
Click one of these four cameras will connect to the selected
camera that you want to view and configure. If you want to
remove the camera from the viewer, please right click the icon
and select “Cancel Camera x”.
Camera Status
There is a status bar shown different color to indicate the status of each Internet Camera.
Camera Status
It means that there is no camera set to connect.
It means that the camera is connected and playing the live video.
It means that the camera is not connected now.
It means that the camera is recording.
Control Buttons
Close the Camera Viewer
Minimize the Window
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Control Buttons
The “Play” button is an intelligent play user-interface. In the
normal display mode and the Internet Camera is disconnected,
clicking on the “Play” can make the viewer connect to the Internet
Camera. In the playback mode, clicking on the “Play” can play the
video in the normal speed.
The “Stop” button is an intelligent play user-interface. In the
normal display mode and the Internet Camera is connected,
clicking on the “Stop” can make the viewer disconnect the
camera. In the playback mode, clicking on the “Stop” can stop
playing the video.
The “Pause” button provides you a way to pause the current
video display. When the displaying video is paused, click on the
“Play” again to resume the video display.
The “Forward” button to forward the speed of display when
playback the recording file. Click the button at a time will increase
the playing speed one time.
Click “Snapshot” will make the viewer to take a snapshot of the
video and save the picture as a bitmap file in the hard disk. (You
can set the directory for storing these bitmap files at the Section
By clicking on “Record” you can record video immediately.
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Video Recording
This utility allows you record the video in AVI format files. There are two ways of video
recording – Manual Recording and Schedule Recording.
Manual Recording
You can manually record the video stream into an assigned video file.
Click “Record”, then the “Record to Disk” window will pop up. Assign the path and file name
that you want to save and click “Save”, then the viewer utility will start to record the video
stream. If you want to stop recording, click “Stop”.
Note: Before manual recording, you have to click the camera button to select the Internet
Camera that you want to record first and make sure that the viewer is successfully connecting
to the Internet Camera.
Schedule Recording
You can assign a schedule and let this viewer automatically recording the video stream into
video files. Please refer to Section 7.8 to see how to setup schedule for the recording. The file
name of the recorded video file is the start time of recording. For example, the file name
“IPCamera_MJPEG_2004-10-8-23-56-40.avi” was started to record at 2004/10/8 23:56:40.
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Change Resolution
The Internet Camera supports two resolution, 640x480 (VGA) and 320x240 (CIF). You can
change the resolution of each Internet Camera by clicking the resolution button.
Note: Before changing the resolution of the Internet Camera, you have to select the Internet
Camera by clicking the camera button first. If you change the resolution of an Internet Camera,
other clients that are viewing the same Internet Camera simultaneously will also see the video
with the changed resolution, too.
Change the resolution to 640x480 (VGA) mode.
Change the resolution to 320x240 (CIF) mode.
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View Four Cameras Simultaneously
Click the four division button
window. When
can view the 4 cameras simultaneously in a four-division
Viewer Utility Setting
Click the “Setting”
, then the setting window of the Internet Camera will pop up.
Note: When you want to change the settings such as IP Address, Video Port, etc. in the
“Setting” option, you must disconnect the Internet Camera first by clicking the “Stop”.
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It is not required to fill the camera name for connecting camera. It
is for users to identify the camera.
IP Address
Video Port
IP address/Domain name of the Internet Camera.
The number of service port used by the Internet Camera.
Select “MJPEG Camera” (This camera only supports Motion
The user name for login into the Internet Camera. By default, the
user name is “Admin”.
The password for login into the Internet Camera. By default, the
password is “1234”.
Click “Discover”, then camera auto-discover windows will pop up.
The window will show all the discovered cameras on LAN
environment for you to select.
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You can setup schedule for the recording here. This utility will record the video stream in the
assigned file folder according to the schedule automatically. The recorded video files are AVI
1. The utility will only start to record the video stream when this utility is running and is
successfully connecting to the Internet camera in the beginning of the schedule.
2. The schedule setting of one-time or weekly schedule should not overlap, or the recording
will fail.
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One-Time Schedule
Weekly Schedule
Cycle Recording
Select this item to enable cycle recording. When the Cycle
Recording is enabled and the storage usage has already reached
the maximum reserved storage space, the utility will automatically
delete the oldest recorded video file and use the space to store
the newly recorded video stream.
One-Time Schedule
Weekly Schedule
You can assign a range of time and the utility will automatically
record the video stream only during the period of time. The
default time is 2 minutes later from the current time.
You can assign the days in a week and the period of time in a day
when you want to record the video stream. The utility will
automatically record the video stream during the periods of time
every week again and again.
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Click “New” to add a new recording schedule.
Select an existing schedule in the schedule list and click “Edit” to
edit the schedule.
Select an existing schedule in the schedule list and click “Delete”
to delete the schedule.
You can see the current status information of the connection session between the utility and
the Internet Camera.
It displays “Yes” when the utility is connecting to the Internet
Camera and displays “No” when the utility is not connecting to the
Internet Camera.
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The beginning time of the current connection session between
the utility and the Internet Camera.
Stream Started At
The elapsed time of the current connection session between the
utility and the Internet Camera.
Time Elapsed
The total size (Unit is KByte) of video stream received during the
current connection session between the utility and the Internet
Video Received
The frame rate (frame per second) of the current video download
speed from the Internet Camera to the utility.
Frame Rate
The data rate (KByte per second) of the current video download
speed from the Internet Camera to the utility.
Data Rate
The total number of video frames received during the current
connection session between the utility and the Internet Camera.
Number of Frames
You can manage storage usage for this Internet Camera here.
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This lets you assign the directory where bitmap files will be stored
when you click “Snapshot” to take pictures. The default folder is
where the software program is installed, for example:
“C:\Program Files\Internet Camera”.
Snap Shot Directory
This lets you assign the directory where the recorded video files
will be stored. The default folder is where the software program is
installed, for example: “C:\Program Files\Internet Camera”.
Record Directory
The current free disk space of the hard drive where is assigned to
save recording files.
Free Disk Space
You can reserve a disk space to store the recorded video and
snapshot files. If the space is run out, a message will pop up to
remind you.
Max Recording Space
The current used disk space for saving the recording file.
Used Disk Space
This let you assign a maximum size of each video file. The upper
bound of this value is 2 GB per file.
Max Video File Size
Click the “Open File” and a “Load File” window will be popped up. Select the file that you want
to play.
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The viewer will start to play the selected video file.
Playing Control
When the video playback is in Stop state, just click “Play” and the
viewer will play the video file from the beginning point. When the
video playback is in Pause state, just click “Play” and the viewer
will play the video file from the current pause point. When the
viewer is playing with fast speed, just click “Play” to let the viewer
play with the normal speed.
When the recorded video is playing, you can click “Pause” to
freeze the playback. If you want the viewer to continue playing
from the current pause point, just click “Play”.
When the viewer is playing, you can click “Stop” to stop the
playback. If you want the viewer to play again, just click “Play”
and the viewer will play the video file from the beginning point.
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Playing Control
If you want the viewer to play the video file in a faster speed when
the viewer is playing the video file, just click “Forward” and the
viewer will double the playing speed. If you want the viewer play
with the normal speed when the viewer is playing with fast speed,
just click “Play”.
7.10. Rotate Video
Rotate function lets you rotate the video frame 90 of degree angle counterclockwise each time
you click the “Rotate”
. With this function, you can view the live video with normal, 90
degree, 180 degree and 270 degree angles counterclockwise. Below is the video with 90 of
degree angle counterclockwise rotation.
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Web Connection and Setup
You can use the Web browser to connect the camera for viewing or setting. Open the web
browser and enter the IP Address of the camera to establish a connection. The default IP
Address of the camera is “”.
When the welcome screen appears, enter the “Admin Name” and “Password”. The default
values are:
Admin Name: “admin”
Password: “1234”
When the camera is connected, the video image will be shown up in the web screen directly.
The menu options for the web control screen are as follows.
Camera Setting – View live video and adjust the video format from the menu.
Network Setting – Setup the camera functions in the menu.
Password Setting – Up to four sets of user name and password can be set here.
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Camera Setting
Camera Setting
It allows you to zoom in or zoom out the video size.
Digital Zoom
Click “x2”, the image size in the display area will be magnified 2
times to the original size. In 640x480 resolution, only central area
of the screen will be magnified two times. Click “x1”, the image
size in the display area will be minified to the original size.
Select the line frequency (50 or 60MHz) to improve the viewing
quality under the fluorescent light.
Select the desired video resolution format. Larger resolution
requires more bandwidth. 640 x 480 is “VGA” format. 320 x 240 is
“CIF” format. The default resolution is CIF format.
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Camera Setting
If you want to snapshot a picture for the current video, click this
button. The system will send the picture to the E-Mail account you
set up in the “E-Mail Setting” immediately.
Snapshot & Mail
Click “Apply” to validate “Frequency” or “Resolution” setting.
Network Setting
Change Admin Password
Enter current password.
Current Password
Specify the new password you want to change to.
Enter the new password again for confirmation.
When you finish the “Change Admin Password”, click “Apply”.
New Password
Confirm Password
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E-Mail Setting
Set up the E-Mail account as the receiver for the snapshot
E-Mail Address
Specify the SMTP mail server for sending E-Mail.
When you finish the “E-Mail Setting”, click “Apply”.
SMTP Server
IP Information
Enter an unused IP Address within the IP address range used on
your LAN. If the IP Address of your LAN is from the
to, you can set an unused IP Address from the
range for the camera, for example:
IP Address
The Subnet Mask field must match the subnet setting on your
LAN. For example:
Subnet Mask
The Gateway is used to forward frames to destinations in a
different subnet on the Internet. The Gateway setting must be the
same with the gateway used by the PCs on your LAN.
DNS Server (Domain Name Server) that translates names to IP
addresses. Set the same DNS Server as the PCs on your LAN.
DNS Server
Video Port
The Video Port is used to transmit or receive the video streaming
in the network. The default port setting is “4321”. If you want to
view the video from the camera, the port setting should be
This camera support web connection, the default web port is 80.
Since the web server may use port 80, you can use a different
port for the camera. If you change the web port from 80 to 8080,
through the web browser.
Web Port
When you finish the “IP Information”, click “Apply”.
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Camera Information
The default camera name is “IPCamera_MJPEG”. It is
recommended to name a meaningful name for the camera.
Camera Name
Display the current firmware version of the camera.
When you finish the “Camera Information”, click “Apply”.
DDNS Service
Enable or disable DDNS function of the camera.
Several companies provide DDNS service. This camera supports
the service from DynDNS company.
Domain Name
The domain name given by DynDNS is
“”. Enter the domain name that you
register for the camera from DynDNS web site.
Enter the login name for the DDNS service.
Enter the password for the DDNS service.
When you finish the “DDNS Service” setting, click “Apply”.
Enable or disable UPnP function of the camera.
When you finish the “UPnP” setting, click “Apply”.
To reset the camera to factory default, click “Apply”. Then, follow
the instruction of the screen to complete the process. The factory
defaults are as follows.
Reset to Defaults
Camera Name: “IPCamera_MJPEG”
IP Address: “”
Subnet Mask:
Administrator Name: “Admin”, Password: “1234”
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Video Port: “4321”, Web Port: “80”
Password Setting
The “Password Setting” allows users to add four user accounts who are able to view video
from Camera Viewer and Web Management. These users, unlike Administrator, are not
allowed to configure the camera.
User 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Up to four sets of user name and password can be added. Enter
the user name to be the login name to the camera.
User Name
Enter up to 4 digits password for the new user account.
Enter the password again to confirm the setting.
Click “Apply” to add the user account.
Confirm Password
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is an Internet Camera?
A: The Internet Camera is a standalone system connecting directly to an Ethernet or Fast Ethernet
network. It is different from the conventional PC Camera; the Internet Camera is an all-in-one system
with built-in CPU and web-based solutions providing a low cost solution that can transmit high quality
video images for monitoring. The Internet Camera can be managed remotely, accessed and controlled
from any PC/Notebook over the Intranet via a web browser or camera viewer.
Q2: What algorithm is used to compress the digital image?
A: The Internet Camera utilizes JPEG image compression technology to provide high quality images.
JPEG is a standard for image compression and can be applied to various web browser and application
Q3: Can I capture or record still images from the Internet Camera?
A: Yes, you are able to capture or record still images with the snapshot function from the Camera
Viewer application supplied with the Internet Camera CD-ROM.
Q4: What network cabling is required for the Internet Camera?
A: The Internet Camera uses Category 5 UTP Twisted-pair cable allowing 10 Base-T and 100 Base-T
Q5: Can the Internet Camera be setup as a PC-cam on the computer?
A: No, the Internet Camera is used only on Ethernet and Fast Ethernet network.
Q6: Can the Internet Camera be connected on the network if it consists of only private IP
A: Yes, the Internet Camera can be connected to a LAN with private IP Addresses.
Q7: The focus on the Internet Camera is bad, how can I correct it?
A1: Adjust the Internet Camera focus manually.
Q8: There are no images available through the web browser.
A1: The Java Applet might be disabled, it usually happens in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server
2003. If you are viewing the images from Internet Explorer make sure Java Applet has been enabled in
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the Internet Options menu (Select Advanced option and then Microsoft VM). To download the free
10. Technical Specifications
Video specification
Max Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels
Sensor: 300,000K pixels 1/4" color CMOS sensor
Gain control: Automatic
Exposure: Automatic
White Balance: Automatic
Focal Length: 6.0 mm
Aperture: F=1.8
Image (Video Setting)
Image compression: Motion-JPEG Image Video
Digital 24-bit Color
Frame rate: 30fps@CIF, 20fps@VGA
Video resolution: 320x240, 640x480
System Hardware
LAN Connector: One RJ-45 port to connect to 10/100Mbps Ethernet
LED Indicator: Monitoring LED (Green), Ready LED (Orange)
Power Supply: 7.5VDC, 0.5A
Includes easy-to-use Viewer & Recorder utility
Provides Admin utility & WEB browser Management
View multiple cameras simultaneously - Up to 4 cameras at a time
Manual/Schedule Record, Video Playback/Stop/Forward/Pause
Supports four additional user accounts for viewing camera
Auto sending Snap Shot by E-mail
Supports Windows 98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
Firmware Upgradeable
EMI & Safety
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Appendix A Router/Gateway Setup for Internet Viewing
To view Internet Camera across the Internet, you have to make sure Router/Gateway has
configured to pass incoming TCP/UDP connections from remote PC to the Internet Camera.
The Router/Gateway should set port forwarding or virtual server for the connections. Please
see the illustration as below.
Router/Gateway Port Forwarding/Virtual Server Setup
Setup 1
Setup 2
Setup 3
Setup 4
Port Definition
Setup 1
It is the port of Web port. You have to configure the protocol to
Setup 2
Setup 3
Setup 4
It is the port of Video port. You have to configure the protocol to
It is the port for Internet Camera and Administrator Utility
communication. The protocol setting should be “UDP”.
It is the port for Internet Camera and Camera Viewer Utility
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communication. The protocol setting should be “UDP”.
Viewing Internet Camera via Web Browser
Setup 1/Setup 2
If you want to view the video via Web Browser, you have to
ensure the Router/Gateway has configured setup1 and setup 2. If
the web port is not default port “80”, but changed to 8080. The
Viewing Internet Camera via Camera Viewer Utility
If you want to use Camera Viewer Utility to view the camera,
Setup 2/Setup 4
please make sure the Router/Gateway has configured setup2
and setup 4.
Setup Internet Camera via Administrator Utility
If you want to use Administrator Utility to configure the Internet
Setup 3
Camera via Internet, the Router/Gateway should configure setup
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Appendix B Viewing via UPnP in Windows XP
When the UPnP function is enabled, the camera can be detected by UPnP compliant system
such as Windows XP. The camera will be displayed in the Neighborhood of Windows XP, so
you can directly double click the camera or right click the camera and select “Invoke” to view
the video through web browser.
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Enable UPnP in Windows XP SP2
If you can’t find the camera in the Neighborhood of Windows XP SP2 or you have seen the
following message when you double click the camera. You have to check if UPnP function is
blocked by the firewall. Please follow the steps below to enable it.
1. Go to “Start\Settings\Network Connections”.
2. Right click the “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”.
3. In the “Local Area Connection Properties”, select “Advanced” option menu and click
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4. The “Windows Firewall” screen will be popped up, select “Exceptions” option menu.
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5. Enable “UPnP Framework” from the “Programs and Services list” and click “Ok”.
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