Century Washer PM 1634AB 6 01 User Manual

In st ruct ion  
Man ual  
Para in st ruccion es en Esp añ ol,  
llam ar al: 1-800-837-4044  
w w w.cen t uryp rod uct s.com  
Avoid in jury or d eat h -  
Read an d un d erst an d t h is m an ual!  
6/ 01  
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No car seat can guarantee protection from  
injury in every situation, but proper use helps  
reduce the risk of serious injury or death.  
Safet y First Ch eck List  
Read and understand instruction manual  
and car seat labels.  
Infants less than 20 lbs. (9.1 kg) must use  
car seat rear-facing.  
Reg ist rat ion In form at ion  
Child restraints (car seats) could be recalled for  
safety reasons. You must register this restraint  
to be reached in a recall. Fill out the  
registration card attached to car seat and mail  
today or send your name, address, and the  
restraints model number and manufacturing  
date to:  
Do not use car seat rear-facing in vehicle seat  
with air bag.  
Secure children in back seat whenever  
Never leave child unattended.  
Install car seat securely.  
Century Products  
P.O. Box 551  
Elverson, PA 19520-9973  
Do not use after date shown on back of  
car seat.  
or call 1-888-224-6549  
For recall information:  
Do not allow anyone (babysitter, relatives,  
etc.) to use car seat without first  
understanding all instructions.  
Call the U.S Governments Auto Safety  
Hotline at 1-800-424-9393  
(202-366-0123 in D.C. area)  
Call Century Products at 1-800-837-4044  
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WARNINGS - Prevent serious injury or death:  
DO NOT use rear-facin g ch ild  
Failure t o follow t h ese in st ruct ion s  
an d car seat lab els can result in ch ild  
st rikin g t h e veh icles in t erior d urin g  
a sud d en st op or accid en t . Secure  
ch ild rest rain t w it h a veh icle seat  
b elt as sh ow n in t h is m an ual.  
rest rain t in a veh icle seat in g  
p osit ion eq uip p ed w it h an air b ag .  
Ch ild s h ead an d n eck m ay b e  
seriously in jured w h en an in flat in g  
air b ag h it s b ack of ch ild rest rain t .  
Never p ut a car seat in a fron t  
veh icle seat un less recom m en d ed b y  
veh icle ow n ers m an ual. Nat ion al  
Hig h w ay Traffic Safet y  
Ad m in ist rat ion (NHTSA) alert s  
veh icle ow n ers t h at accord in g t o  
accid en t st at ist ics, ch ild ren up t o  
ag e 12 are safer in t h e b ack seat .  
For veh icles w it h air b ag s, refer t o  
veh icle ow n ers m an ual for ch ild  
rest rain t in st allat ion in form at ion .  
In fan t s less t h an 20 lb s. (9.1 kg )  
m ust use t h is car seat rear-facin g .  
Serious crip p lin g in jury or d eat h can  
result if in fan t faces fron t of veh icle.  
Veh icle seat b elt syst em MUST h old  
car seat securely. Not all veh icle seat  
b elt s can b e used w it h a car seat . If  
veh icle seat b elt d oes n ot h old car  
seat securely, read “Veh icle Seat  
Belt s” sect ion .  
If car seat is in a crash , it m ust b e  
rep laced . DO NOT use it a ga in! A  
A crash can cause un seen d am ag e  
an d usin g it ag ain could result in  
serious in jury or d eat h .  
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WARNINGS - Prevent serious injury or death (con t in ued ):  
DO NOT use car seat if it is d am ag ed  
or h as m issin g p art s.  
DO NOT use accessories or p art s  
ot h er t h an t h ose p rovid ed b y  
Cen t ury or Graco. Th eir use could  
alt er t h e p erform an ce of t h e  
car seat .  
Rear-facin g car seat m ust b e  
p rop erly leveled :  
• Too reclin ed can result in in jury  
or eject ion .  
• Too up rig h t can result in  
b reat h in g d ifficult ies.  
Never leave ch ild un at t en d ed , even  
w h en sleep in g . Ch ild m ay b ecom e  
t an g led in h arn ess st rap s an d  
suffocat e.  
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Cert ificat ion  
Un occup ied Car Seat  
Always secure car seat with a vehicle seat belt,  
even when unoccupied. An unsecured car seat  
can injure passengers.  
This car seat meets or exceeds all applicable  
requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety  
Standard 213 for use in motor vehicles and  
Warm Weat h er  
Car Seat Useful Life  
Car seat parts can get very hot in the sun or  
warm weather.  
DO NOT use after date shown on back of  
car seat due to changing requirements and  
normal wear and tear.  
To avoid burns, always check before putting  
child in car seat.  
Do not use this car  
Look for:  
seat after December  
Dan g erous Veh icle Seat s  
Veh icle Seat Prot ect ion  
Protect vehicle seat. Use a car seat mat, towel  
or thin blanket under and behind car seat.  
Do not use car seat on rear-facing or  
side-facing vehicle seats.  
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Rear-facing: Birth to 30 lbs. (13.6 kg)  
Pret erm or Low Birt h Weig h t  
• Infants from birth to 20 lbs. (9.1 kg) MUST  
be rear-facing.  
In fan t s  
• Infants or toddlers 20 to 30 lbs.  
(9.1 to 13.6 kg) may be rear-facing.  
A preterm infant or low birth weight infant may  
be at special risk in a vehicle or aircraft.  
IMPORTANT: This car seat is certified for use  
rear-facing with children up to 30 lbs. (13.6 kg).  
However, some children approaching 30 lbs.  
(13.6 kg) may be too tall to fit comfortably  
rear-facing. When child can no longer  
comfortably fit and knees remain bent, child  
should use car seat forward-facing, only if child  
is over 20 lbs. (9.1 kg) and can sit upright  
According to the American Academy of  
Pediatrics, these infants may suffer breathing  
difficulties if improperly reclined in a car seat.  
Century advises that you have your physician or  
hospital staff evaluate your infant and  
recommend the proper car seat or car bed  
before you and your infant leave the hospital.  
Rear-facin g  
30 lb s. 40 lb s.  
20 lb s.  
Out g row in g Car Seat  
Birt h  
(13.6 kg )(18.1 kg )  
(9.1 kg )  
Forw ard -facin g  
Forward-facing: 20 to 40 lbs. (9.1 to 18.1 kg)  
Toddlers 20 to 30 lbs. (9.1 to 13.6 kg) who  
are capable of sitting upright unassisted  
Preven t serious in jury or d eat h :  
may be forward-facing  
. If unable to sit  
• Top of ch ild s ears m ust b e b elow t op  
ed g e of car seat .  
unassisted, use rear-facing.  
Toddlers 30 to 40 lbs. (13.6 to 18.1 kg)  
and up to 40 inches (101.6 cm) tall MUST  
be forward-facing.  
• Ch ild s sh ould ers MUST n ot b e ab ove  
t op h arn ess slot s.  
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends  
that children should be at least one year of age  
before being positioned forward facing.  
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Pull front to back and left to right to check for  
secure installation (fig. d). Vehicle lap belt  
MUST stay tight.  
To p reven t serious in jury or d eat h :  
If not secure, see “Vehicle Seat Belts” section.  
Check level indicator on car seat.  
Do n ot allow an yt h in g in veh icle  
in t erior or in b ase of car seat t o ob st ruct  
rot at ion in a crash .  
Ball MUST be entirely in green zone (fig. e). If  
necessary, place rolled towels under car seat, at  
vehicle seat crease, until entire ball is in green  
zone. Then re-check level indicator.  
When using car seat rear-facing, car seat MUST  
be able to rotate freely from a reclined to an  
upright position on impact.  
NOTE: Vehicle must be on level ground and  
child in car seat when checking level indicator.  
Test by moving car seat through all seating  
Adjust car seat to reclined or semi-reclined  
position and place rear-facing on vehicle seat.  
Thread vehicle seat belt through openings over  
recline lever on front of car seat and buckle  
belt (fig. a).  
Press down firmly in center of car seat to  
compress vehicle seat cushion while tightening  
vehicle seat belt (fig. b).  
Because of car seat design, you may experience  
some movement of the pointer in positions  
1 & 2 during vehicle seat belt tightening.  
This is normal. Make sure you start installing  
car seat with pointer in the locked position  
1 or 2 and adjust the vehicle belts keeping the  
pointer within the colored zone (fig. c).  
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(fig. e)  
(fig. a)  
(fig. b)  
(fig. c)  
(fig. d)  
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Adjust car seat to upright or semi-upright position  
and place forward-facing on vehicle seat.  
Thread vehicle seat belt through openings and  
behind harness straps (fig. a).  
Buckle belt.  
Press down firmly in center of car seat to compress  
vehicle seat cushion while tightening vehicle seat  
HINT: Use your knee to press down in center of  
car seat (fig. b).  
Pull front to back and left to right to check for  
secure installation (fig. c). Vehicle lap belt  
MUST stay tight.  
If not secure, see “Vehicle Seat Belts” section.  
Attach tether strap hook (A) to anchor hardware (B)  
and tighten strap to remove any slack (fig. d).  
If tether anchor hardware (B) is not available, see  
Installation of Anchor Hardware“ section.  
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Pull to  
(fig. d)  
(fig. a)  
(fig. b)  
(fig. c)  
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Place child in car seat with childs back flat  
against back of car seat.  
To p reven t serious in jury or d eat h :  
Place harness straps over childs shoulders and  
insert tongues into buckle.  
• Keep h arn ess st rap s sn ug an d  
p osit ion ed on sh ould ers.  
Pull up on tongues to be sure they are locked.  
• Do n ot use st rap covers, b lan ket s,  
cush ion s, or p ad d in g un d er h arn ess  
st rap s or ch ild un less p rovid ed b y  
Cen t ury or Graco.  
Close harness tie:  
• Ch ild m ust b e d ressed in clot h in g w it h  
arm s an d leg s t h at w ill n ot in t erfere  
w it h b ucklin g h arn ess.  
Position harness tie at arm pit level.  
Adjust harness straps to be snug with just  
enough room to insert one finger between  
childs chest and harness straps (fig. a).  
Check harness system:  
Rear-facing - Harness straps must be  
through bottom or middle slots at or  
below shoulders.  
Check that harness straps on chest and thighs  
are snug.  
Forward-facing - Harness straps MUST be  
through top slots.  
A rolled towel can be used on each side to  
support small children (fig. b). Be sure towels  
do not interfere with harness system.  
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PLACING CHILD IN CAR SEAT (con t in ued )  
(fig. a)  
(fig. b)  
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Harness Straps (fig. a):  
Recline / Upright Positions:  
Rear-facing - MUST use Reclined (#1) or  
Semi-reclined (#2) position.  
To tighten: Pull lower belt tab.  
To loosen: Pull and hold upper belt tab  
while pulling harness straps out.  
Forward-facing - MUST use Semi-upright (#3)  
or Upright (#4) position.  
• Squeeze lever located under front (fig. b)  
or rear (fig. c) of car seat.  
Harness Tie:  
To open: Press tab and pull apart.  
• Move car seat to desired position by  
aligning pointer to desired position.  
To close: Snap halves together. Make  
sure harness tie is locked by pulling out  
on each half.  
Be sure car seat locks into position.  
Harness straps MUST move freely. Make sure  
harness straps are not pinched between lever  
and car seat shell.  
To buckle: Insert both tongues into  
buckle. Pull up on tongues to be sure  
they are locked.  
To unbuckle: Press red button and pull  
tongues out of buckle.  
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OPERATIONS an d ADJUSTMENTS (con t in ued )  
(fig. b)  
(fig. c)  
(fig. a)  
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OPERATIONS an d ADJUSTMENTS (con t in ued )  
Changing Harness Strap Slots:  
D Re-attach harness strap loops to Splitter  
Plate (fig. e):  
A Loosen harness straps:  
• For Infants or Small Toddlers:  
Pull and hold upper belt tab.  
Pull harness straps out.  
Put Top right strap loop on Splitter  
Plate first, then attach Top left strap  
B Remove both harness strap loops from  
Splitter Plate on back of car seat.  
NOTE: Make sure ends of straps are  
in front of Splitter Plate as shown.  
C Change harness strap slots.  
• For Toddlers:  
Make sure harness straps are threaded  
through matching slot of seat pad and  
car seat.  
Put Bottom right strap loop on Splitter  
Plate first, then attach Bottom left strap  
It may be necessary to remove seat pad  
from top of car seat.  
• Make sure both strap loops are securely  
attached within Splitter Plate hook.  
• Make sure strap is NOT twisted and  
is routed between adjuster lever and  
car seat shell (fig. f).  
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OPERATIONS an d ADJUSTMENTS (con t in ued )  
Splitter Plate  
Rear Recline  
(fig. e)  
(fig. f)  
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Not all veh icle seat b elt s can b e used  
w it h a car seat . Th e car seat m ust b e  
h eld securely at all t im es b y a lap b elt  
(or lap b elt p ort ion of a lap / sh ould er  
b elt ) t h at w ill n ot ch an g e len g t h w h ile  
d rivin g .  
To provide the most secure installation of the  
car seat:  
Read the vehicle owners manual regarding  
car seat installation and seat belt use with  
car seat.  
• Follow all instruction labels on vehicle seat  
belt and car seat.  
If car seat is not held securely after following  
instructions in this manual, vehicle seat belt  
labels, and vehicle owners manual:  
• Move car seat to another seating location  
and try again, or  
• Contact vehicle dealer for possible seat  
belt modification parts.  
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VEHICLE SEAT BELTS (con t in ued )  
Belt s Forw ard of Seat Crease  
Vehicle seat belts located forward of seat  
crease may not securely hold car seat. Check  
vehicle owners manual or see vehicle dealer for  
car seat installation requirements.  
Seat Crease  
• If approved for use with car seat, install  
car seat and check for secure installation by  
pulling car seat front to back. If car seat  
slides forward, DO NOT use these seat belts.  
Seat Crease  
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VEHICLE SEAT BELTS (con t in ued )  
Lap Belt s - Man ually Ad just ab le  
The locking latch plate on some seat belts may  
slip and loosen after being buckled on car seat if  
positioned at a certain angle. If this happens,  
flip latch plate over (fig. a) and re-buckle. Test  
installation again to see if this works. If not,  
move car seat to another seating position.  
Lap Belt s - Wit h Ret ract or  
Lap belts with retractors may or may not hold  
a car seat securely.  
(fig. a)  
Follow these steps to determine if you have a  
retractor system that will hold car seat securely:  
a. Pull belt all the way out.  
b. Allow belt to retract about 6 inches (15 cm).  
c. Pull out on belt again.  
If belt is locked and you cannot pull the belt out  
any further, you have an Automatic Locking  
Retractor which may be used with a car seat.  
Remember, when installing a car seat, pull belt all  
the way out, buckle belt, and then tighten.  
If you can pull the belt out again (step c), you  
have an Emergency Locking Retractor which  
must not be used with a car seat.  
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VEHICLE SEAT BELTS (con t in ued )  
Passive Rest rain t - Lap Belt  
w it h Mot orized Sh ould er Belt  
DO NOT use with any car seat.  
Passive Rest raint Lap or  
Shoulder Belt Mount ed on Door  
DO NOT use with any car seat. Belts will not  
stay tight while driving.  
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VEHICLE SEAT BELTS (con t in ued )  
Com b in at ion Lap / Sh ould er Belt  
w it h Slid in g Lat ch Plat e  
Pull on latch plate (fig. a). If belt slides freely  
through latch plate, a locking clip MUST  
be used (see Locking Clip section).  
Some combination lap/shoulder belts with  
sliding latch plates may be converted into an  
“automatic locking mode” that will allow use  
without a locking clip. See vehicle owners  
manual and label on vehicle belts for  
(fig. a)  
Com b in at ion Lap / Sh ould er Belt  
w it h Lockin g Lat ch Plat e  
The locking latch plate on some seat belts may  
slip and loosen after being buckled on car seat if  
positioned at a certain angle. If this happens,  
flip the latch plate over (fig. b) and re-buckle.  
Test installation again to see if this works. If  
not, move car seat to another seating position.  
(fig. b)  
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VEHICLE SEAT BELTS (con t in ued )  
Test installation to see if car seat is secure.  
Lockin g Clip  
If not secure, additional belt tightening may be  
• Unbuckle vehicle seat belt.  
• Hold belts together and remove locking  
Avoid serious in jury or d eat h :  
• Failure t o use lockin g clip w h ere  
req uired w ill result in car seat n ot  
b ein g securely h eld in p lace.  
• Shorten length of lap belt portion slightly  
by pulling belt through latch plate.  
Re-attach locking clip.  
Buckle vehicle seat belt.  
• Rem ove lockin g clip from seat b elt s  
w h en n ot b ein g used w it h car seat .  
HINT: Press car seat further down into vehicle  
seat cushion to help buckle vehicle seat belt.  
• DO NOT use lockin g clip as a veh icle  
seat b elt sh ort en er.  
Test installation to see if car seat is secure. If  
not secure, repeat above step until secure.  
You MUST use locking clip provided with  
car seat with a vehicle seat belt that slides  
freely through the latch plate or the lap belt  
cannot be tightly secured.  
Install car seat and tighten vehicle seat belt.  
Hold seat belts together at latch plate (fig. a)  
then unbuckle.  
1/2 inch (1 cm)  
(fig. a)  
Slide locking clip on seat belts approximately  
1/2 inch (1 cm) away from latch plate.  
Re-buckle seat belt.  
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Inst allat ion of Anchor Hardware  
• Be sure an ch or h ole is p rop erly sealed  
t o p reven t exh aust fum es an d w at er  
from en t erin g t h e veh icle.  
Vehicle may already be equipped with a tether  
anchor (top strap anchor). See vehicle owners  
manual for location.  
Avoid serious in jury or d eat h :  
If vehicle does not have a tether anchor, one  
must be installed:  
• If you w ish t o rem ove an ch or on ce ch ild  
out g row s car seat , m ake sure h ole is  
p rop erly p lug g ed or sealed t o p reven t  
exh aust fum es from en t erin g t h e  
veh icle.  
• Contact vehicle dealership for proper  
anchor location and installation.  
Before installing anchor, install car seat on  
a vehicle seat and check that the lap belt  
portion of the vehicle belt will hold car seat  
securely. If not, move car seat to another  
seating position.  
If tether anchor hardware kit is not available at  
your vehicle dealership, one may be purchased  
at a local retailer or call Century at  
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Tet her St orage  
Tether Hook  
DO NOT anchor tether strap to the vehicle  
when using car seat rear-facing.  
Tether hook must be attached to car seat for  
rear-facing use.  
For storage of tether hook:  
Attach tether hook to back of car seat  
using one of the locations shown.  
Tether Hook  
Pull loose end of strap to remove any  
Roll loose end of strap up and secure  
with a rubber band.  
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Care & Clean in g  
Removing Seat Pad:  
Remove both harness strap loops from  
Splitter Plate on back of car seat.  
Pull harness straps out of harness slots.  
Remove from harness tie from harness  
Remove tongues and from harness straps.  
Unhook “Jhooks from car seat shell.  
Pull seat pad up over harness straps leaving  
harness straps in car seat.  
Reverse above steps for replacing seat pad,  
and harness system.  
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Seat Pad:  
Aircraft Use  
Machine-wash separately on gentle cycle and  
drip dry.  
This car seat is certified for use on aircraft (see  
label on car seat). Contact airline about their  
Harness Straps:  
Surface wash only with mild soap and damp  
Use this car seat only on forward-facing aircraft  
If harness straps are frayed or heavily soiled,  
they MUST be replaced.  
Install car seat on an aircraft the same way it is  
installed in a vehicle.  
Wipe with mild solution of soap and water.  
Avoid wetting labels.  
Never use “household detergents”: they can  
weaken plastic.  
Secon d Han d Car Seat  
Century advises against loaning or passing  
along car seat.  
Rinse buckle with warm water. DO NOT use  
household detergents. Never lubricate  
Preven t serious in jury or d eat h :  
• Buckle m ust b e p rop erly lat ch ed .  
Period ically in sp ect an d clean b uckle  
t o rem ove ob ject s or d eb ris t h at could  
p reven t lat ch in g .  
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St ore in st ruct ion m an ual  
b eh in d t h ese t ab s.  
Fold in st ruct ion m an ual.  
If a part is damaged,  
missing, or you need help  
or replacement parts,  
DO NOT return car seat  
to the store.  
Call toll-free 1-800-837-4044  
from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada  
or fax at 1-610-286-4555.  
St ore Lockin g Clip  
on b ot t om  
of car seat .  
or w rit e us at :  
Century Products  
P.O.Box 100  
Elverson, PA 19520-9974  
Attention: Customer Service  
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