User’s Guide
PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter
© 2006 Asoka USA Corporation. Asoka, PlugLink and the Asoka logo are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Asoka USA Corporation. Information is subject to change without notice. All rights
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Asoka® User’s Guide
PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter PL9650-ETH
Chapter 1
Tha nk you for purc ha sing a PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter (PL9650-ETH) from Asoka . This
a da pter lets you network your home or offic e by simply plugging direc tly into your wa ll outlet.
Now, networking is a s ea sy a s plugging in a night light. With your PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter,
you c a n ea sily sha re your high-speed Internet broa dba nd, mp3s, video a nd ga ming throughout
the home or offic e without pulling a ny new c a bling.
This unit will not interfere with other household a pplia nc es suc h a s ha ir dryers, va c uum c lea ners
or mic rowa ve ovens. C onsuming only 5 wa tts of power, it is environmenta lly friendly a nd will not
notic ea bly inc rea se your elec tric a l bill. It is a simple, sec ure a nd relia ble c hoic e for web surfing,
pla ying ga mes, c omplimenting your existing wireless network, mp3 strea ming a nd even high-
definition (HD) video sha ring.
This User’s G uide shows you how to c onnec t your PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter to your PC or
c a ble/DSL router. Setup is ea sy, just follow the instruc tions in this guide a nd your network will be
up a nd running in a ma tter of minutes.
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Chapter 2
Important Safety Instruction for the PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter
The following prec a utions should be ta ken when using this produc t:
Rea d a ll instruc tions before insta lling a nd opera ting this produc t.
Do not open the c over on this produc t a nd/or a lter this produc t in a ny wa y.
Follow c ommon household elec tric a l sa fety pra c tic es.
If you ha ve a ny questions or c onc erns rega rding these sa fety mea sures, plea se c onta c t
Tec hnic a l Support a t 650-286-0300 or ema il a t support@a soka usa .c om Monda y through Frida y
from 9:00 a m to 5:00 pm PST, exc luding holida ys.
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Chapter 3
Learning about your PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter
Pa c ka ge C ontents
PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter (PL9650-ETH)
6 feet Ethernet c a ble
Quic k Insta lla tion G uide
Insta lla tion Resourc e C D
Wa rra nty a nd Support Informa tion C a rd
If a ny of the pa rts a re inc orrec t, missing, or da ma ged, c onta c t the reta iler where you ma de your
purc ha se. Keep the c a rton, inc luding the origina l pa c king ma teria ls, in c a se you need to return
the unit for repa ir.
The Front Panel
The front pa nel of the PL9650-ETH Ada pter c onta ins the sta tus lights desc ribed below.
Figure 3-1: PL9650-ETH Front Pane l
You c a n use the sta tus lights to verify c onnec tions. Viewed from top to bottom, left to right, the
ta ble desc ribes the lights on the front pa nel of the unit.
Ta ble 3-1: Status Light De sc riptions
Indic a tes Devic e Powered On
Indic a tes No Power
PLC Ac tivity
Indic a tes Ac tivity on Powerline
Indic a tes No Ac tivity on Powerline
(Should blink Intermittently)
Indic a tes Ethernet C onnec tivity
Indic a tes Ethernet Tra ffic
ETH Link
Indic a tes No Ethernet Ac tivity
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The Bottom Panel
The bottom pa nel of the PL9650-ETH c onta ins a n Ethernet (RJ-45) port a s shown in figure 3-2.
Figure 3-1: PL9650-ETH Front Pa ne l
The Rear Panel
The la bel on the rea r pa nel of the PL9650-ETH Ada pter c onta ins the items listed below.
MAC a ddress
Model number
Pa rt number
Seria l number
Unique devic e pa ssword
Note: For future c onvenienc e, plea se write this informa tion down in your Wa rra nty Support
Informa tion c a rd.
Figure 3-3: Re ar Labe l
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Chapter 4
Preparing to Install the PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter
The PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter lets you set up a home or a n offic e network using your
existing elec tric a l outlets. It c a n a lso ea sily c ompliment your existing network by c onnec ting to
a ny devic e with a 10Ba seT/ 100Ba seT Ethernet-c a pa ble devic e.
In order to sha re a peer-to-peer c onnec tion between c omputers, a ll you will need is:
One (1) PL9650-ETH devic e a tta c hed to ea c h c omputer.
Figure 4-1: Pe e r-to-pe e r ne twork diagra m.
In order to sha re a Broa dba nd c onnec tion between c omputers, a ll you will need is:
One (1) PL9650-ETH devic e a tta c hed to ea c h c omputer
Sta nda rd C a ble/DSL Modem
Sta nda rd C a ble/DSL Router or Wireless Router
Figure 4-2: Sharing broadband c onne c tion ne twork diagram.
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You c a n a lso use the PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter with other Ethernet ena bled devic e like IP
C a mera s, IP STB, ga me c onsoles, a nd ma ny more.
Figure : 4-3: Ne tworking othe r Ethe rne t e nable d de vic e s.
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Chapter 5
Installing the PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Adapter
Note: Do not c onnec t the PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter into a power strip, extension c ord,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), or surge protec tor. This ma y prevent the unit from working
properly or degra de the network performa nc e.
1. C onnec t ea c h of your PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pters.
a ) C onnec t the unit into a nea rby wa ll outlet
b) C onnec t the enc losed Ethernet c a ble to the Ethernet port of the unit
c ) C onnec t the other end of the c a ble to the Ethernet port of the PC
2. Insert the enc losed Insta lla tion Resourc e C D into your C D-ROM drive. The PlugLink 9650
Ethernet Ada pter Insta lla tion Utility should a ppea r a utoma tic a lly. If it does not a ppea r within
30 sec onds, selec t your C D-ROM drive a nd double-c lic k on the ic on na med “Setup.exe” to
initia te the Insta lla tion Utility.
3. The Welc ome sc reen should a ppea r. C lic k on “Insta ll Driver a nd Utility” to proc eed to
insta lla tion.
Figure : 5-1: We lc ome sc re e n.
4. C lic k “Next” to begin the insta lla tion proc ess.
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Figure : 5-2: Be gin Insta llation Sc re e n.
5. C lic k “Next” to c ontinue Insta lla tion.
Figure : 5-3: InstallShie ld Insta lla tion We lc ome Sc re e n.
6. An End User Softwa re Lic ense Agreement (EULA) should a ppea r. Rea d thoroughly, selec t “I
Ac c ept” a nd c lic k “Next” to c ontinue.
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Figure : 5-4: End Use r Lic e nse Agre e me nt sc re e n.
7. Selec t the destina tion folder where you wa nt to insta ll a nd C lic k ''Next''.
Figure : 5-5: Installation De stina tion sc re e n.
8. C lic k “Begin” to sta rt the insta lla tion.
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Figure : 5-6: Be gin Insta llation sc re e n.
9. C lic k ”C ontinue” to c omplete the insta lla tion.
Figure : 5-7: C omp le te Installation sc re e n.
10. C lic k “C lose” to c omplete the insta lla tion.
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Figure : 5-8: Finish Insta llation sc re e n.
11. A notific a tion window will a ppea r c onfirming the c ompletion of the insta lla tion. C lic k “OK” to
begin the Setup Assista nt.
Figure : 5-9: Installation c omple tion notific ation sc re e n.
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Chapter 6
Using the Setup Assista nt
Setup Assista nt will help guide you to c onfigure your PlugLink 9650 Ethernet Ada pter.
1. The Setup Assista nt a utoma tic a lly sta rts a fter c ompleting the insta lla tion. You ma y a lso sta rt
the Setup Assista nt ma nua lly by c lic king on the Setup Assista nt ic on on your desktop.
Figure : 6-1: Se tup Assistant Ic on
2. C lic k “Next” to begin the Setup Assista nt. For a dva nc ed users, you ma y bypa ss the Setup
Assista nt a nd c lic k on “Admin Utility” to ma nua lly c onfigure settings. For instruc tions on using
the Admin Utility, go to C ha pter 7.
Figure 6-2: Se tup Assista nt We lc ome Sc re e n.
3. Selec t whic h a pplic a tion you a re using the PlugLink 9650 Ada pter for a nd C lic k “Next”. There
a re three a pplic a tions options a va ila ble.
Online G a me/ Internet
Audio or Video
Selec t this if you a re going to use the devic e with your PC or
ga me c onsole.
Selec t this if you a re going to use this devic e for IPTV or a udio
a nd video strea ming.
Voic e over IP
Selec t this if you a re going to use this devic e with your VoIP
Ta ble 6-1: App lic ations options.
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Figure 6-3: Ap plic ations sc re e n.
4. Selec t to c ha nge the devic e na me a nd C lic k “Next”. C ha nging your devic e na me c a n help
ena ble ea sier devic e rec ognition. For exa mple, you c a n na me the devic es a c c ording to
where ea c h unit is loc a ted in your building. (Ex. Bedroom, Offic e, Living Room, etc .)
To c ha nge devic e na me.
To keep the defa ult devic e na me, ‘PlugLink(loc a l)’.
Table 6-2: De vic e Name options.
Figure 6-4: De vic e Na me option sc re e n.
5. Selec t to c ha nge the network pa ssword a nd C lic k “Next”. The loc a l devic e network
pa ssword sc reen a llows you to c ha nge your network pa ssword. It is highly rec ommended to
c ha nge the network pa ssword on a ll your PlugLink devic es. C ha nging the network pa ssword
will prevent your neighbors or outsiders from a c c essing the network.
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To c ha nge loc a l devic e network pa ssword.
To keep the existing loc a l devic e network pa ssword.
To reset to the defa ult loc a l devic e network pa ssword,
Fa c tory Defa ult
Ta ble 6-3: Loc al De vic e Ne twork Pa ssword Options.
Figure 6-5: Loc al De vic e Ne twork Password Sc re e n.
6. C lic k ‘Finish’ to c omplete the c onfigura tion a nd exit the Setup Assista nt or C lic k ‘Admin
Utility’ for a dva nc ed settings.
Figure 6-6: Se tup Assista nt C omp le tion Sc re e n.
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Chapter 7
Using the Admin Utility
The Admin Utility is a tool for Adva nc ed Users. It a llows you to ma nua lly c onfigure a PlugLink 9650
Ethernet Ada pter tha t is direc tly c onnec ted to your Persona l C omputer or a ny PlugLink 9650
Ethernet Ada pters tha t a re remotely residing on your PlugLink Powerline network.
Figure 7-1: Ad min Utility Ic on
The Admin Utility c onsists of four (4) sc reens.
Profile Sc reen
The Profile Sc reen displa ys informa tion a bout a ll Powerline devic es a tta c hed direc tly to your PC
a nd other Powerline devic es on your network. The sc reen displa ys the Devic e Na me, MAC
Address, a nd Type (loc a l or remote; 14mbps or 85mbps) of c onnec tion for ea c h devic e on your
network. To refresh the list of Powerline devic es, C lic k on the ‘Resc a n’ ic on. (Note : De vic e s se t up
with a diffe re nt ne twork password will NOT show up on this list.)
Figure 7-2: Profile Sc re e n.
Speed Sc reen
The Speed Sc reen displa ys the speed of your devic e’s c onnec tion to the Powerline network.
You c a n c hec k the speed of the other devic es by c lic king on them.
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Figure 7-3: Spe e d Sc re e n.
Devic e Sc reen
The Devic e Sc reen displa ys the na mes of a ll the devic es on your network. It a lso a llows you to
rena me devic es ena bling ea sier devic e rec ognition. To rena me the devic e:
1. Double-c lic k on the devic e you wa nt to rena me on the left.
2. Enter new devic e na me in the field box on the right a nd c lic k “Upda te”.
3. A c onfirma tion sc reen will a ppea r to inform you if the devic e na me c ha nge wa s suc c essful
or unsuc c essful.
Figure 7-4: De vic e Sc re e n
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Adva nc ed Sc reen
The Adva nc ed Sc reen a llows you to
Ma inta in sec urity a nd a pplic a tion for the devic e tha t is a tta c hed direc tly to your PC
Ma inta in sec urity for other Powerline devic es on your network.
To modify the sec urity a nd a pplic a tion on a devic e tha t is direc tly c onnec ted to your PC :
1. Selec t the devic e c onnec ted direc tly to your c omputer on the left pa nel
2. Type the new pa ssword in the field box la beled New Network Pa ssword.
3. C lic k on the drop down menu next to "Loc a l Devic e Applic a tion."
4. Selec t the a pplic a tion you would like to c ha nge to. See ta ble 7.1 for options.
5. C lic k "Upda te".
6. A sc reen will a ppea r a sking if you a re sure you wa nt to these c ha nges. C lic k "Yes".
7. A c onfirma tion sc reen will a ppea r to inform you if the c ha nges were suc c essful or
unsuc c essful.
Online G a me/ Internet Selec t this if you a re going to use the devic e with your PC or ga me
c onsole.
Audio or Video
Selec t this if you a re going to use the devic e for IPTV or a ny video a nd
a udio strea ming.
Voic e over IP
Selec t this devic e if you a re going to use the devic e for VoIP servic es.
(This exc ludes web-ba sed voic e progra ms suc h a s Ya hoo Voic e or
Skype. These should defa ult to the ‘Online G a me/ Internet’ option).
Table 7-1: Loc al De vic e Applic ation Options
Figure 7-5: Advanc e d Sc re e n
To modify the sec urity on a devic e tha t is remotely c onnec ted but on the sa me Powerline
1. Selec t the remotely c onnec ted devic e you would like to c ha nge the pa ssword on.
2. Type in the devic e pa ssword found on the produc t la bel loc a ted in the ba c k of your devic e
in the field box Devic e Pa ssword.
3. Type the new pa ssword in the field box la beled ‘New Network Pa ssword’.
4. C lic k ‘Upda te’.
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5. A sc reen will a ppea r a sking if you a re sure you wa nt to c ha nge the pa ssword. C lic k ‘Yes’.
6. A c onfirma tion sc reen will a ppea r to inform you if the pa ssword c ha nge wa s suc c essful or
unsuc c essful.
Figure 7-6: Advanc e d Sc re e n
Resc a n Ic on
The Resc a n Ic on a llows you to resc a n the devic es on the Powerline network.
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Chapter 8
Technic al Support
By registering your produc t a t www.a soka usa .c om/register, we c a n provide you with fa ster
expert tec hnic a l support a nd timely notic es of produc t a nd softwa re upgra des.
Support Information
Phone: 1-650-286-0300
Ema il: support@a soka usa .c om
URL: www.a soka usa .c om
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PlugLink 9650 Ether net Ada pter PL9650-ETH
Chapter 9
Technic al Specific ations
Sta nda rds C omplia nc e
HomePlug® I
Additiona l Protoc ols
Forwa rd Error C orrec tion (FEC )
Automa tic C ha nnel Ada pta tion
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Ethernet
System Requirements
Power Supply
Windows® 98 SE, 2000, ME a nd XP OS
Network Protoc ol
PLC Ac tivity
Ethernet Ac tivity
Network Interfa c e
Ethernet (RJ-45)
Ba ndwidth
85 Mbps
Size: 3.5” x 2.4'' x 1.8” (L x W x H)
Weight: 0.276lbs
C a ble length: 6’
Environmenta l Spec ific a tions
Opera ting tempera ture: 32°F to 113°F (0°C
to 45°C )
Opera ting Frequenc y
4 to 21 MHz
Opera ting humidity: 10% to 85% Non-
c ondensing
Stora ge tempera ture: -4°F to 158°F (-20°C
to 70°C )
Modula tion Sc hemes
Orthogona l Frequenc y Division Multiplexing
Symbol Modula tion DQPSK
ROBO C a rrier Modula tion
Stora ge humidity: 5% to 90% Non-
c ondensing
Elec troma gnetic Emissions
FC C Pa rt 15 C la ss B
Sec urity
56-bit DES Enc ryption
UL (US a nd C a na da )
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Chapter 10
FCC Statement
This equipment ha s been tested a nd found to c omply with the limits for a C la ss B digita l devic e,
pursua nt to pa rt 15 of FC C Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea sona ble protec tion
a ga inst ha rmful interferenc e in a residentia l insta lla tion. This equipment genera tes a nd c a n
ra dia te ra dio frequenc y energy a nd, if not insta lled a nd used in a c c orda nc e with the
instruc tions, ma y c a use ha rmful interferenc e to ra dio c ommunic a tions. However, there is no
gua ra ntee tha t interferenc e will not oc c ur in a pa rtic ula r insta lla tion. If this equipment does
c a use ha rmful interferenc e to ra dio or television rec eption, whic h c a n be determined by turning
the equipment off a nd on, the user is enc oura ged to try to c orrec t the interferenc e by one or
more of the following mea sures:
Reorient or reloc a te the rec eiving a ntenna .
Inc rea se the sepa ra tion between the equipment a nd rec eiver.
C onnec t the equipment into a n outlet on a c irc uit different from tha t to whic h the
rec eiver is c onnec ted.
C onsult the dea ler or a n experienc ed ra dio/TV tec hnic ia n for help.
This devic e c omplies with Pa rt 15 of FC C Rules.
Opera tion is subjec t to the following two c onditions:
(1) This devic e ma y not c a use ha rmful interferenc e, a nd
(2) This devic e must a c c ept a ny interferenc e rec eived, inc luding interferenc e tha t ma y
c a use undesired opera tion.
FC C RF Ra diation Exposure State me nt:
This equipment c omplies with FC C RF ra dia tion exposure limits set forth for a n unc ontrolled
environment. This equipment should be insta lled a nd opera ted with a minimum dista nc e of 20
c entimeters between the ra dia tor a nd your body.
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Chapter 11
Declaration of Conformity
Company Name and Address:
Asoka USA Corporation
558 Pilgrim Drive
Unit H
Foster City, CA 94404 USA
PL9650-ETH, Turbo Ethernet Adapter
PLC Ethernet Adapter
Declares that the Product:
Intended purpose:
Complies with the following the provisions of Council Directives:
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (as amended)
harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment
designed for use within low Voltage Directive (as amended)
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and /or normative:
EN 55022:
Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics -
Limits and methods of measurement.
EN 55022 +
Amendment to CISPR 22: Clarification of its application to
telecommunication system on the method of disturbance measurement at
ports used for PLC (Power Line Communication)
Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits
and methods of measurement.
EN 55024:
EN 61000-3-2:
Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ to 16A
per phase)
EN 61000-3-3: Limitation of voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply
systems for equipment with rated current ≤ to 16A.
Safety for information technology equipment including electrical
business equipment
EN 60950:
TK Chan
Dec 1, 2005
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Chapter 12
Warranty and Support Information
Thank you for selecting an Asoka product! Please retain the receipt as proof of purchase and write down the
information below in case you need to obtain support.
Date of Purchase: __________________________________
Model: ________________________________________
Serial No: ________________________________________
Device Password: __________________________________
MAC Address:
Asoka warrants that (a) the hardware components of the product will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use for one (1) year from the date of purchase when used within the limits set forth
in the Specifications section of the User Guide, and (b) the software components will perform substantially in
accordance with Asoka's published specifications for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase, but does not
warrant that the software will be error-free or free of all defects.
Should a product fail to perform as described in the User Guide within the warranted period, it will be repaired or
replaced with the same or functionally equivalent product by Asoka, at its discretion, free of charge provided that
you: (a) return the failed product to an Asoka designated repair facility with shipping charge prepaid, and (b)
provide Asoka with proof of the original date of purchase. Repaired or replacement products will be returned to
you with shipping charges prepaid. Asoka warrants any replaced or repaired product or component for the
remainder of the initial warranty period. Replacement products may be refurbished or contain refurbished
materials or components. If Asoka, by its sole determination, is unable to restore the product to proper operating
condition, it will refund the depreciated purchase price of the product.
This warranty extends only to you, the original purchaser and is not transferable to any subsequent purchasers.
Warranty is void on products purchased or used outside the United States. If you have purchased this product
outside of the United States, contact your local reseller or distributor with whom you purchased the products
This warranty does not apply if, in the judgment of Asoka, the product fails due to damage from shipment,
handling, storage, accident, abuse, misapplication or misuse, or if it has been used or maintained in a manner
not conforming to product manual instructions, has been modified in any way, or has had any serial number
removed or defaced. Repair by anyone other than Asoka or an approved agent will void this warranty. The
maximum liability of Asoka under this warranty is limited to the purchase price of the product covered by the
warranty. Prior to returning any defective product, the purchaser or the authorized merchant from whom the
purchaser originally bought the product must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Asoka.
All defective products should be returned to Asoka with shipping charges prepaid. Asoka will not accept collect
Technical Support Information
- Online knowledgebase and FAQs
- Free 30-day support from initial call
- Support contact: 650.286.0300;
© 2006 Asoka USA Corporation. PlugLink, Asoka and the Asoka logo are registered trademarks or trademarks
of Asoka USA Corporation. Information is subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
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Asoka USA C orpora tion
558 Pilgrim Drive Ste H
Foster C ity C A 94404
Sa les: (650) 286-1700; sa les@a soka usa .c om
Support: (650) 286-0300; support@a soka usa .c om
URL: www.a soka usa .c om
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