American Aldes Ventilation Hood LT 15 User Manual

HRV LT-15, LT-20  
ALDES Model HRV LT-15 and LT-20 are  
compact heat recovery ventilators designed to  
exhaust stale indoor air and supply fresh air  
from outdoors. When operated at full speed,  
the LT-15 unit can meet the general ventilation  
requirements (0.35 air changes per hour—  
ASHRAE 62-1989) of a home up to 2800 sq. ft,  
and the LT-20 of a home up to 4000 sq. ft. (On  
a smaller home, they can be operated at lower  
speed, reserving excess capacity for tempo-  
rary increases in humidity or other contami-  
nants.) They are technically advanced con-  
to meet the requirements of modern, tightly  
built and highly insulated homes. They provide  
a consistent supply of fresh air while lowering  
heating costs during the winter by transferring  
During the summer they also reduce the load  
on the air conditioner by lowering the tempera-  
ture of the fresh outdoor air. (For southern  
climates, where air conditioning costs are the  
major concern, one of the ERV models should  
be considered, because of their ability to re-  
duce the humidity of the fresh air as well as  
lowering the temperature.) The systems pro-  
vide an economical solution for excessive in-  
door humidity, odors, stuffiness, and other in-  
door air pollutants.  
Air to Air Heat Recovery Ventilator  
LT-15 PART NO. 28 045  
LT-20 PART NO. 28 047  
Disadvantages: Higher installed cost for addi-  
tional ductwork. Unless bedrooms are provided  
Disadvantages: Higher operating costs when  
air handler is required to distribute fresh air.  
with some form of zoned heat, cooler supply air Greater potential for draft with high air volumes  
to bedrooms may result in cooler temperature in circulating at room temperature.  
As the two air streams pass through the HRV,  
they are separated by thin plates of aluminum  
inthecore. Theairstreamsdonotmix, sothere  
is no recontamination of the fresh air by stale  
air. Heatpassesthroughthethermallyconduc-  
colder air stream, recovering most of the en-  
ergy otherwise lost to the outdoors.  
these spaces.  
The exhaust air is drawn from the return duct  
and fresh air is supplied downstream in the  
Similar to fully ducted system, except supply air  
return duct or in the forced air heating supply  
delivered to a central location or to the return of  
a forced air system.  
Advantages: Lowest installation costs, with mini-  
Advantages: Lowinstallationcosts,asductwork  
malductwork. Thoroughmixingoffreshairthrough-  
is reduced. Good tempering of outdoor air when  
out dwelling. Good tempering of outdoor air.  
ducted to the return of the furnace or heat pump.  
Equally important to providing fresh air supply Good ventilation efficiency, as pollutants are  
andexhaustofstaleairisthemeansofassuring exhausted with minimal mixing in the occupied  
Disadvantages: Requiresforcedairhandlerto  
run continuously with the ventilation system, or  
internal distribution of fresh air throughout the  
spaces. Quietbathroomandkitchenexhaustas internalshort-circuitingofsupplyandexhaustwill  
compared to conventional fans for these areas. occur in the ducting. Higher electrical operating  
highly polluted areas. The designer/specifier Reduces cost of equipment to ventilate these  
should select the means of internal distribution areas. Reduced roof and wall penetrations for  
when the ventilation system is planned. Three independent fans.  
popular methods are detailed below, with ad-  
costs since air handler is required to distribute  
fresh air. Greater potential for draft with high air  
volumes circulating at room temperature.  
vantages and disadvantages for each type.  
Thermally conductive aluminum heat exchange core, cross-flow design, easily  
removed for cleaning or service.  
Efficient multi-speed motor drives a centrifugal blower in each air stream. Quiet,  
high efficiency PSC motor. 120 V., 1.4 Amps  
Dedicated exhaust and supply ducting to all  
spaces that can be closed. Fresh air to bed-  
rooms, dens, office spaces, etc. Exhaust air  
from zones that produce high levels of pollut-  
ants, such as kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, util-  
ityroomswithstoredhouseholdchemicals, etc.  
Washable filters on each air stream protect the core. Easy to access and clean.  
Automatic defrost system activates when outdoor temperature falls below  
25 °F (-4 °C). The defrost cycle is preset at the factory so that after 17 minutes of  
outdoor temperature below this set point, the motor driven damper closes the  
outdoor air connection, and opens the defrost port to draw warm indoor air across  
the core. After 3 minutes of defrost operation, the damper reverses to restore fresh  
air supply and close the defrost port. The 17 minute normal ventilation and 3  
minute defrost cycle continue until outdoor air temperature rises above  
25 °F (-4 °C). During the 3 minute defrost cycle, the HRV operates at high speed.  
The cycle times are installer selectable to meet the needs of different climates and  
operating conditions.  
Advantages: Lowest operating costs, relying  
instead of large central air handlers in furnaces  
orheatpumps. Improvedventilationefficiency,  
as pollutants are exhausted with minimal mix-  
ing in the occupied spaces and freshest air is  
delivered to zones where occupants spend  
large amount of time. Quiet bathroom and  
kitchen exhaust as compared to conventional  
fans for these areas. Reduced cost of equip-  
ment to ventilate these areas. Reduced roof  
and wall penetrations for independent fans.  
Casing is heavy gauge pre-painted steel to protect against corrosion, and minimize noise.  
Installation accessories and controls make installation simple.  
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