Aiphone Intercom System GT 1C User Manual

0311 A OI  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢁꢆ ꢇꢈꢉꢇꢊ  
Apartment Intercom System  
Residential Monitor Station  
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Table of Contents  
1 NAM ES........................................................................................................................................................................4  
Answering a call.....................................................................................................................................................5  
Calling from the Doorbell Button....................................................................................................................5  
Door release .............................................................................................................................................................6  
Light control ............................................................................................................................................................6  
Doctor call.................................................................................................................................................................6  
Calling security guard stations ........................................................................................................................7  
4 M ONITORING...........................................................................................................................................................7  
ZOOM/ WIDE switching.......................................................................................................................................8  
Pan/ tilt operation ..................................................................................................................................................8  
Night illumination..................................................................................................................................................9  
Backlight adjustment and night sensitivity adjustment ........................................................................9  
Switching of surveillance camera monitor in common area ...............................................................9  
OPTION button ....................................................................................................................................................10  
Emergency alarm ................................................................................................................................................10  
CALL TONE switching.......................................................................................................................................11  
8 TECHNICALPRECAUTIONS..............................................................................................................................11  
9 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................................................11  
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Screen brightness control  
Color LCD video monitor  
Adjust the LCD screen brightness.  
Hearing aid T-mode  
compatibility symbol*1  
(GT-1C-L only)  
Receive volume control*5  
Adjust the receive volume during communication.  
At0, no sound is output.  
ADJUST button  
ZOOM/WIDE button  
Call tone volume  
Adjust the call tone volume.  
At0, no sound is output.  
Pan/tilt button  
Indicated with ꢀ ꢁ  
ꢂ ꢃ button symbols.  
STATUS LED (orange)*2  
TONE OFF LED (orange)*3  
OFF button  
Door release button  
OPTION button  
TALK button  
Transmit LED (orange)*4  
Security guard station call/light button  
*1: This unit emits an electromagnetic field for hearing aids equipped with  
T-mode to produce clear audio.  
*2: The status is indicated by the LED lighting and blinking.  
Long-interval blinking:  
Medium-interval blinking: Blinks every 2.5 seconds  
Blinking: Blinks every 0.5 seconds  
Blinks every 5.5 seconds  
*3: When the call tone is set to OFF, this LED will blink with a long interval.  
*4: The LED lights up while communicating.  
*5: When the handset is connected, the receive volume control cannot be adjusted.  
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2-1 Answering a call  
1 When a call is received from an entrance station or security guard sta-  
tion, a call tone will sound and the STATUS LED flashes. If the station  
has a camera, a picture will be displayed on the monitor.  
3 When you are done talking, press and hold down the [ OFF] button.  
The STATUS LED will go off.  
2 Press the [  
TALK] button once, and after the beep, communicate  
hands-free. Hands-free communication starts when the STATUS LED  
switches from blinking to steadily lit. Transmit LED lights when you  
talk, and goes off as you listen to the caller (or hear outside sounds).  
NOTES: 1. If the call tone volume is turned off, the TONE OFF LED will blink  
with a long interval.  
If you press the [  
TALK] button for at least one second while talking  
2. During communication, it is not possible to switch back to hands-  
free communication from press-to-talk communication.  
3. The communication will be ended automatically after approxi-  
mately 1 minute when hands-free communication is made at the  
residential station or after approximately 3 minutes when the hand-  
set is used.  
hands-free, a beep will be emitted and you can communicate by press-to-  
talk communication.  
In press-to-talk communication, you press the [  
and release it to listen.  
Calling turns off after a set amount of time if there is no answer. (Turning off  
occurs after 45 seconds for the direct select entrance station.)  
Listening is possible with hearing aids with T-mode. (GT-1C-L only)  
TALK] button to talk  
The unit emits an electromagnetic field. If a hearing aid with T-mode  
is brought too close to the unit, this may cause ear pain. (GT-1C-L  
2-2 Calling from the Doorbell Button  
1 When the doorbell button is pressed, a call tone will sound while the  
button is being pressed.  
A different call tone sounds. (Communication is not possible.)  
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2-3 Door release  
1 Press the [ ] button while in communication with the entrance sta-  
2 Door release is activated at the entrance station.  
If the station has a camera, the door release will also activate during calling.  
Depending on the electric door release system that you use, door re-  
lease may be active only while the door release button is pressed.  
2-4 Light control  
Turning the entrance light on (when light is installed in common area)  
2 The outside light at the entrance will only turn on for the preset dura-  
tion of time.  
1 Press the [ GUARD] button once during entrance station calling,  
communication, or monitoring.  
This function is not available if a surveillance camera is installed in  
the common area.  
2-5 Doctor call  
When the specified residence is called using Doctor call (automatic en-  
try), the electric lock is automatically released without a door release op-  
eration from the residential station.  
3 The residential station for which the Doctor call function is set is  
called. Press the [  
TALK] button as necessary to respond.  
1 In the standby mode, press the [ GUARD] button while pressing the  
TALK] button. Press the button once more to reset the Doctor  
call function.  
When Doctor call is enabled, the TONE OFF LED blinks with a medium  
NOTES: When Doctor call is enabled, the TONE OFF LED function cannot be  
used. (It is possible to turn the call tone off.)  
When calls are transferred to the security guard station, door release with  
Doctor call is not possible.  
This function may not be operated due to the equipment being used.  
2 Press CALL button of the entrance station to unlock a door without a  
door release operation from the residential station.  
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3-1 Calling security guard stations  
1 In the standby mode, pressing the [ GUARD] button will make the  
2 A tone will sound at the security guard station.  
STATUS LED flash and a call confirmation tone will sound.  
The in use LED (orange) at all of the connected entrance stations will light up.  
If there is no answer, a call record will be stored in the security guard sta-  
tion, and notification of the call will be sent to the security guard.  
1 In the standby mode, press the [ ] button to display the camera vid-  
eo images in order from entrance 1. Audio can heard at the same time.  
The STATUS LED will light up.  
NOTES: 1. If there is an operation such as a call, monitoring ends and the call  
operation begins.  
2. Monitoring will automatically end if monitoring is performed at  
another residential station.  
3. Press the [  
with the entrance station being monitored.  
4. During monitoring, the display uses a wide picture display. (If the  
ZOOM/WIDE] button is pressed, the display changes to the  
TALK] button during monitoring to communicate  
zoom picture.)  
5. Monitoring will automatically end after 30 seconds.  
1. It will take some time after pressing the [ ] button for the picture  
to display, so please wait for the monitor picture to display before  
performing the next button operation.  
Listening is possible with hearing aids with T-mode. (GT-1C-L only)  
2. This function may not be operated due to the equipment being used.  
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5-1 ZOOM/WIDE switching  
1 Press the [ ZOOM/WIDE] button when a picture is displayed.  
Switching between [zoom] [wide] occurs each time the button is pressed.  
[Wide picture]  
[Zoom picture]  
NOTES: When the caller is not shown in the center of the picture, the zoom  
picture can be moved up, down, left, and right. (Refer to section 5-2.)  
The wide picture may be distorted in comparison with the zoom picture  
due to the characteristics of the camera, but this is not a malfunction.  
5-2 Pan/tilt operation  
1 When a zoom picture is displayed, press the [], [], [], or []  
[]: Up  
[]: Down  
[]: Left  
[]: Right  
Moving diagonally is also possible.  
1. The image range of the zoom picture and wide picture differs. The  
edges of the wide picture do not display with the zoom picture.  
2. At night, due to reduced lighting on subjects, subjects may become  
blurry and difficult to see if the zoom picture is moved up, down,  
left, or right. (The same thing occurs with moving subjects.)  
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Night illumination  
At night, the illuminator LED lights up during an entrance station call.  
It can also be made to light up at night when the entrance is being monitored.  
When a call is made from the entrance station  
When monitoring is performed  
1 If the CALL button of the entrance station is pressed, the illuminator  
1 Pressing the [ ] button will make the illuminator LED light up.  
LED will light up.  
the illuminator  
LED will light up.  
2 When communication ends, the illuminator LED will go out.  
2 When monitoring ends, the illuminator LED will turn off.  
NOTES: 1. Distinguishing between day and night is automatically done by the  
entrance station.  
2. Operation will vary depending on the entrance station setting.  
5-4 Backlight adjustment and night sensitivity adjustment  
When a unit is installed at an entrance where backlighting makes viewing  
difficult, adjustment for easier viewing is performed.  
At night or when the area around the entrance is dark, adjustment for  
easier viewing is performed.  
1 When the picture is difficult to see, press the [  
ADJUST] button  
1 When the picture is difficult to see, press the [  
ADJUST] button  
to switch between [Night adjustment] and [No adjustment].  
to switch between the three modes [Backlight adjustment 1], [Back-  
light adjustment 2] and [No adjustment].  
NOTES: 1. When display is performed again, none of the previously set adjust-  
ment is applied.  
2. Distinguishing between day and night is automatically done by the  
entrance station.  
NOTES: When display is performed again, the station will display using the pre-  
viously set default mode.  
3. Pressing the [  
ADJUST] button at night makes the caller's  
face easier to see, but moving subjects may be more difficult to see.  
5-5 Switching of surveillance camera monitor in common area  
When a surveillance camera is mounted in the common area  
Press the [ GUARD] button during calling from the entrance station,  
communication with the entrance, or entrance monitoring to switch to the  
surveillance camera video image. Press the button again to return to the  
entrance station video image.  
During switching between the entrance camera and surveillance cam-  
era in common area, the image on the monitor may become momen-  
tarily distorted, but this is not a malfunction.  
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6-1 OPTION button  
Pressing the [ OPTION] button allows for operation of connected units  
to be performed such as turning lights on and off.  
6-2 Emergency alarm  
4 Press the [  
TALK] button to communicate with the security guard  
station. The STATUS LED will light up. After communication, the  
emergency alarm will begin to sound again.  
1 Press and lock the emergency alarm switch (or when there is a line -  
off trouble).  
2 An alarm will sound from the residential station, and a warning signal  
will be sent to the security guard station.  
5 Release the lock position of the emergency alarm switch to return to  
the standby position (restore the system to normal status).  
3 When there is a call from the security guard station, the warning sound  
will change to a call tone that will sound for the set amount of time.  
The STATUS LED blinks.  
NOTES: 1. On the residential station, the emergency alarm and call tone will  
be emitted at level 10 (HIGH) volume, regardless of the volume  
2. The emergency alarm function can be activated even when the sys-  
tem is in use. (Alarms can be activated at the same time by up to 5  
3. Residential stations within the same residence will be unable to  
receive normal calls while the emergency alarm is sounding. It is  
only possible to respond to calls from the security guard station.  
4. During the emergency alarm, the entrance station cannot make  
calls to the residential station or to the security guard station that  
are producing emergency alarms.  
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7-1 CALL TONE switching  
1 In the standby mode, press and hold the [ ] button for 1 second or  
more while pressing the [  
TALK] button.  
Each time the call tone is switched, the tone sounds one time for confirmation.  
The call tone can be set to be either high-pitched or low-pitched.  
All of the call tones, including those for entrance stations, security guard  
stations, and doorbells, will change.  
• Operating temperature: 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F)  
• The video image may distort when the door release is activated. But this  
is not a unit malfunction.  
• If there is a system malfunction, unplug the power supply and contact a  
qualified technician for service.  
• If a zoom/wide or pan/tilt operation is performed during communica-  
tion with the entrance station, noise will be produced at the entrance  
station, but this is not a malfunction.  
• Cleaning: Clean the units with a soft cloth dampened with a neutral  
household cleanser. Do not use any abrasive cleaner or cloth.  
• Power supply:  
DC 24 V (supplied from GT-BC, GT-VBC)  
Hands-free communication/  
• Communication:  
Press-to-talk communication  
• Video monitor:  
• Dimensions:  
3-1/2" TFT color LCD  
140 (H) × 190 (W) × 30 (D) (mm)  
5-1/2 (H) × 7-1/2 (W) × 1-1/4 (D) (inches)  
GT-1C-L: Approx. 480 g (1.06 lbs.)  
GT-1C: Approx. 440 g (0.97 lbs.)  
• Weight:  
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Aiphone warrants that its products have no material or workmanship defects under normal use conditions for two years after delivery to the end user. Aiphone will perform repair or replacement  
free of charge if the product is defective and the warranty applies to the defect. Aiphone reserves unto itself the sole right to make the final decision whether there is a defect in materials and/or  
workmanship and whether or not the product is under warranty. This warranty shall not apply to any Aiphone product which has been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, or to use in violation of  
instructions furnished, nor extended to units which have been repaired or altered outside of the factory. This warranty does not cover batteries or damage caused by batteries used in connection  
with the unit. Any repairs must be made at the shop or place designated in writing by Aiphone. Aiphone will not be responsible for any costs incurred during on-site service calls. Aiphone will not  
provide compensation for any loss or damage incurred by the breakdown or malfunction of its products during use, or for any consequent inconvenience or losses that may result.  
indicates applicability to the EU.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide  
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used  
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged  
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different  
from that to which the receiver is connected. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
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