Network Computing Devices 300 User Manual

NCD ThinSTAR 300  
User’s Guide  
Part Number 9300744  
November, 1998  
Network Computing Devices, Inc.  
350 North Bernardo Avenue  
Mountain View, CA 94043  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
This chapter describes your NCD ThinSTAR 300  
“What is a Windows-based Terminal?”  
“Start-Up Options”  
page 1-1  
page 1-2  
page 1-11  
page 1-13  
“Using the Connection Manager”  
“Logging Off”  
What is a Windows-based Terminal?  
Your NCD ThinSTAR 300 Windows-based Terminal is a  
simple thin client device that allows you to use Microsoft  
Windows applications running on Windows NT servers  
(configured with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Terminal  
Server Edition) or Citrix ICA servers. In the context of this  
manual, Terminal Server refers to the Microsoft server  
software, Terminal Server host refers to the server computer.  
Once you connect to a Terminal Server host or Citrix ICA  
server and log on, the servers desktop displays on your  
terminal screen. Using the desktop is the same as using  
Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.  
What is a client?  
A client is an application (software) or device that can  
communicate over a network with a server (a powerful  
computer). A “thin” client is very simple software that  
communicates with a very powerful server.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
Start-Up Options  
This section describes the steps to take to start a session  
with a server using the NCD ThinSTAR 300. How to start  
the terminal, the most common initial panel displays, and  
how to create a connection are explained.  
Two Power Modes  
Your NCD ThinSTAR 300 terminal has a power switch in  
the back, and an on/ off button in the front. When the  
power switch is on, you can turn off the terminal by  
pressing the on/ off button in the front. To re-start your  
terminal, simply press the button on the front of the  
terminal again.  
Use the on/ off button for daily powering down and up of  
the terminal. The power switch in back need be used only  
for installing new hardware or other system  
administration procedures.  
Initial Start-Up  
For initial start-up, switch the power on in the back of the  
terminal and turn on the monitor. The NCD ThinSTAR  
300 and Microsoft Powered by Windows CE logos  
display, a chime sounds, and the screen briefly goes  
blank. What happens next depends on how your terminal  
is configured.  
The terminal displays one of the panels shown on the  
next page. The most common initial display panels are  
shown. If your display differs, see Chapter 3 or your  
system administrator.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
Initial Display Panels  
Terminal Server Desktop  
If a connecting panel displays briefly, and the  
Terminal Server desktop displays, you are  
connected to a Windows NT Terminal Server  
Logon Information panel displays, log on to  
the server. If a WinFrame desktop displays, see  
your WinFrame documentation for operating  
For more information, see “If a Desktop  
Displays” on page 1-3.  
Connection Manager  
If the NCD ThinSTAR Connection Manager  
displays, you connect to a server by clicking  
on a Connection Nameand clicking  
Connect(or simply double-click the Name).  
For more information, see “If the Connection  
Manager Displays” on page 1-5.  
Setup Wizard  
If the NCD ThinSTAR Setup Wizard displays,  
your terminal has not been configured. You  
will have to take further steps in order to use  
For more information, see “If the Setup Wizard  
Displays” on page 1-5.  
If a Desktop Displays  
Your terminal may have been configured with an  
automatic logon and application start-up. Once the  
Desktop displays, wait a few moments to see if your  
application begins running.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
Alternatively, your terminal may have been configured  
with a connection, and automatic logon, but no automatic  
application start-up. In that case, if in WinCenter, open  
the Program Manager (if not already open) and  
double-click on the application you need. If in  
MetaFrame or Windows NT, use Start > Programs to  
begin your application.  
It is also possible that your terminal may have been  
configured with a connection but no automatic logon or  
application start-up. In that case, a Logon Information  
panel displays.  
Figure 1-1 Logon Panel Example  
If a Logon Information panel displays:  
1. Enter your Usernameand Password.  
2. If the Windows NT Domainor Citrix WinFrame From  
field displayed in the panel is not correct, select  
another from the drop-down list. If you are not sure  
which Domainor Fromname to use, ask your system  
3. Click OK.  
For more detailed information about the Windows NT 4.0  
desktop, see Chapter 2.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
If the Connection Manager Displays  
Depending on how your terminal is configured, the NCD  
ThinSTAR Connection Manager may list one or more  
connections. If the Connection Manager displays:  
1. Select a connection by clicking on its Connection  
Namein the connection list and clicking Connect(or  
simply double-click the Name). If the connection was  
defined for automatic logon, and the server it connects  
to is running, the terminal makes the connection and  
you are logged on.  
2. If the a Logon Information panel displays:  
a. Enter your User nameand Password.  
b. If the Domainor Fromfield displayed in the panel  
is not correct, select another from the drop-down  
c. Click OK.  
For more detailed information about the Windows NT 4.0  
desktop, see Chapter 2.  
If the Setup Wizard Displays  
The first time a terminal starts, the NCD ThinSTAR Setup  
Wizard displays. The wizard may also display under  
other circumstances.  
Ask your system administrator whether you need to  
change any of the data in the wizard screens. The  
following instructions assume you are going to use the  
terminals default values, which should work well under  
most conditions.  
To page through the Wizard:  
1. Click Nextin the first Wizard page.  
2. Click Acceptin the license acceptance page.  
3. Click Nextin all of the remaining data entry pages.  
4. In the last page, click Finish. You now have a default  
connection configured for your terminal.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
After you finish with the NCD ThinSTAR Setup Wizard, a  
Connection Wizard may display; see the next section for  
If a Connection Wizard Displays  
If your terminal has not been configured with any  
connections, a connection wizard may display. The three  
wizards described here are:  
Microsoft Terminal Server Clients WTS Connection  
Citrix ICA Client’s Connection Wizard  
NCD Dial-Up Client’s Make New Dial-Up Connection  
This section describes the steps to take to configure a  
connection with each of the three wizards.  
Note In addition to these connection wizards,  
your terminal may display other Client  
Connection Wizards, depending on how  
your terminal has been configured with  
optional software products.  
The WTS Connection Wizard  
If the WTS Connection Wizard displays, you must create  
a Microsoft RDP connection, using the name or network  
address of the Terminal Server host.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
Figure 1-2 WTS Connection Wizard  
To create a connection:  
1. In the first page of the WTS Connection Wizard:  
a. Enter a brief description of the connection in the  
b. Enter the name (or network IP address) of a  
Terminal Server. Click Next. If you plan to use the  
NCD Dial-Up Client, enter the FQDN (fully  
qualified domain name, for example, for the server, not an  
abbreviated version.  
2. Click Nextin all of the remaining data entry pages.  
3. Click Finishin the last page. The NCD ThinSTAR  
4. Select the connection you just added by clicking on the  
Connection Name, then click Connect(or simply  
double-click the Name). The Terminal Servers Logon  
Information panel displays. For detailed information  
about logging on, see “If a Desktop Displays” on page  
For detailed information about the Windows NT 4.0  
desktop, see Chapter 2.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
The Citrix ICA Connection Wizard  
If the Citrix ICA Connection Wizard displays, you must  
create a Network or Dial-In ICA Client connection to a  
Citrix WinFrame or Terminal Server MetaFrame server  
using the name or network address of the host (server  
computer). As with other connections, you can configure  
the automatic start-up of an application or a published  
application (ICA connections only). A published  
application is one which your system administrator has  
named and configured to be available to everyone on the  
Figure 1-3 Citrix ICA Connection Wizard  
To create a connection:  
1. Begin by selecting the connection type, either a  
Network Connection, or a Dial-In Connection. If you  
select a Dial-In Connection, the next page asks for the  
phone number of the modem to which you wish to  
connect. The remaining pages are the same as for a  
Network Connection. Click Next.  
2. In the next page select a Citrix server or Published  
Application for your connection. If you select  
Published Application you must use one that is listed,  
if no published applications are listed, select a Citrix  
Server instead. Click Next  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
3. If desired, select an application for automatic start-up.  
Click Next.  
4. If desired, specify logon information. Click Next.  
5. Select Window Options, if needed. Click Next.  
6. Set Compression, Cache, and Sound, if needed. Click  
7. Select a Title for the connection. Click Finish. The  
8. Select the connection you just added and click  
Connect(or simply double-click the Name). The  
Terminal Servers Logon Information panel displays.  
For detailed information about logging on, see “If a  
Desktop Displays” on page 1-3.  
For detailed information about the Windows NT 4.0  
desktop, see Chapter 2.  
The Dial-Up Connection Wizard  
If the Make New Dial-Up Connection Wizard displays,  
you must create a PPP (point-to-point protocol)  
connection, using the phone number of the modem to  
which you wish to connect. You also need to know the  
FQDN (fully qualified domain name, for example, or IP address of the server to which  
you wish to connect.  
Figure 1-4 Dial-Up Connection Wizard  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
To create a dial-up connection follow these steps:  
1. Give the dial-up connection a name and click Next.  
2. Click Nextto accept the default modem, or select a  
modem and configure it, if necessary.  
3. Enter the phone number of the modem to which you  
wish to connect. Click Next.  
4. Associate a protocol (RDP or ICA) with your dial-up  
connection by selecting a session to start. This  
selection is optional. Click Finish, the Connection  
Manager displays.  
5. Select the dial-up connection and click Connect. A  
logon panel displays, complete the data fields and  
click Connect. A “Connecting to...” panel displays,  
followed by a “Successful Connection” panel, and  
then a “Duration of Connection” panel.  
6. Press CTL+ALT+ENDto bring up the NCD Connection  
Manager, select a connection to a server and click  
Connect (or simply double-click the Name). A logon  
panel may display before you are connected.  
Note The server must be defined with its FQDN  
(fully qualified domain name, for  
example, or IP  
Address for the connection to complete.  
Switching the Terminal to Dial-Up Mode  
Set the terminal to dial-up mode in the Setup Wizard or  
in the Terminal Properties > Management tab > Network  
Options panel.  
Once the terminal is set to dial-up mode (the terminal  
restarts for the setting to take effect), the Connection  
Manager displays, or, if a dial-up connection has not been  
previously defined, the Make New Dial-Up Connection  
Wizard displays.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
Switching the Terminal to LAN Mode  
You can put the terminal back into LAN mode with the  
Terminal Properties > Management tab > Network  
Options panel. The terminal restarts for the setting to take  
In LAN mode, dial-up connections display in the  
Connection Manger but cannot be activated.  
Using the Connection Manager  
The NCD ThinSTAR 300 Connection Manager lists all  
defined connections to Terminals Servers as well as all  
defined dial-up connections. Active connections are  
indicated in the Status column.  
To display the NCD ThinSTAR Connection Manager,  
press CTRL+ALT+END.  
Figure 1-5 NCD ThinSTAR Connection Manager  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
The Connection Manager lets you:  
Start connections or switch among currently active  
Connect(or simply double-click the Name).  
Stop connections.  
— If problems on the server cause your connection to  
not respond to a normal logoff (see the following  
section “Logging Off” on page 1-13) bring up the  
NCD ThinSTAR Connection Manager, select the  
connection and click End.  
Add or edit new connections.  
— Use the Configure tab. Clicking Addbrings up a  
New Connection panel. Depending on which  
connection type you choose, data entry panels  
display. Complete all needed entries and click OK.  
Note If the configure tab is not displayed, your  
system administrator has disabled it.  
Starting Multiple Connections  
The NCD ThinSTAR 300 allows multiple simultaneous  
connections to one or more servers. The number of  
connections you start is limited by the amount of  
memory in your terminal.  
To start your second connection:  
1. Press CTRL+ALT+ENDto bring up the NCD ThinSTAR  
Connection Manager.  
2. Select the Connection Name to start, then press  
To switch between your running connections:  
1. Press CTRL+ALT+ENDto bring up the NCD ThinSTAR  
Connection Manager.  
2. Select one of the Connection Nameswhose “Status”  
field is “Active”, then click Connect.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
CTRL+ALT+DOWN_ARROWto cycle through the list of  
active connections. The connection list reflects the  
order in which the connections were started, the most  
recent being on top. See the Hot Keys section that  
follows for details.  
Hot Keys  
If the Terminal Properties > Management tab > Enable  
Connection Hot Keys option is enabled, the following hot  
keys are available.  
To switch between connections, without using the  
Connection Manager:  
To switch to the default connection or start the default  
If hot keys are not enabled, use the instructions given in  
“Starting Multiple Connections” on page 1-12 to switch  
between active connections.  
Logging Off  
To log off and end your session:  
1. If you connected to an application instead of a servers  
desktop, closing the application terminates the  
2. If you connected to a servers desktop:  
a. Close all applications.  
b. Click Starton the taskbar at the bottom of the  
Terminal Server desktop.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 Basics  
c. Select Logoff, then click OKin the panel that  
d. Terminal Server closes any programs that are still  
3. A new session starts or the NCD ThinSTAR Connection  
Manager displays.  
4. At this point, you can turn off the terminal.  
Ending Auto-Start Connections  
To end an auto-start connection, follow these steps:  
1. Press CTRL+ALT+ENDto bring up the NCD ThinSTAR  
Connection Manager.  
2. Select the Configure tab.  
3. Select the auto-start Connection Name and press  
Startup. The Connection Startup panel displays.  
4. Select “Make the selected connection your Default  
connection” and click OK.  
5. Select the connection and click End.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
This chapter introduces the Terminal Server to users who  
are unfamiliar with Windows NT 4.0. For more  
information, see the Terminal Server online help which  
you can reach through Start > Help.  
“Initial Desktop”  
page 2-2  
page 2-5  
page 2-6  
page 2-6  
page 2-7  
page 2-7  
page 2-8  
“Finding Things”  
“Running Application Programs”  
“Manipulating Windows”  
“Manipulating Files and Folders”  
“Online Help for Programs”  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
Initial Desktop  
This section explains the icons, Start menu, and taskbar  
on a typical desktop.  
The Terminal Server desktop is similar to the Windows 95  
or Windows NT 4.0 desktop. The first time you log on,  
the desktop resembles the following example.  
and Start  
Figure 2-1 Terminal Server Desktop  
Terminal Server preserves the layout of the desktop for  
you. For example, if you left the My Computer window  
open when you logged off, it will be open the next time  
you log on. For most desktop operations, use the mouse  
pointer and left mouse button.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
The icons usually displayed on the left side of the screen  
Double-click this icon to open the My Computer window.  
The initial display shows the Terminal Servers contents  
(for which you have permission to see), including icons for  
its floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, hard drives, and Control  
Panel. Double-click any of these icons to read their  
Double-click this icon to open the Network Neighborhood  
window. The initial display shows all of the servers in your  
workgroup or domain. To see other servers, double-click  
the Entire Network icon. Working with the programs, files,  
and folders located on other servers on the network is just  
like working with those on the local server.  
If the server is set up to use Windows messaging, you can  
double-click this icon to send and receive messages.  
Double-click this icon to browse Web pages on your local  
network and/ or on the Internet.  
Double-click this icon to retrieve files you deleted. Files  
you delete are put here but not actually removed from the  
hard drive until you empty the Recycle Bin.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
The taskbar at the bottom of the desktop displays a  
button for each program or window you open, allowing  
you to run multiple programs simultaneously and easily  
switch between them.  
Figure 2-2 Desktop Taskbar  
By clicking a taskbar button, you bring a program  
window to the front. To close a program, click the Close  
button ([X]) in the upper-right corner of the window.  
When you close a program or window, its button  
disappears from the taskbar. Other indicators can display  
on the taskbar, such as printing status.  
When you click the Startbutton in the taskbar, the  
following commands are displayed:  
Displays a list of programs or program folders. This list always  
contains Windows NT Explorer and the Accessories provided with  
Windows (such as WordPad, a simple text processor). Most programs  
installed on the server appear in the list of programs.  
Displays a list of documents that youve opened recently.  
Displays a list of system components, including the Control Panel,  
for changing system settings.  
Helps you find a folder, file, shared computer, or mail message. You  
can use Find to locate resources on any accessible network server.  
Provides help on how to do a task in Terminal Server. Click the  
Contents tab to expand the list of topics. Click the Index tab to find  
topics listed alphabetically. You can scroll through the index topics or  
type the first few letters of an entry to jump to the topic. Click the  
Find tab to find all topics that contain a specific word or phrase.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
Starts a program or opens a folder. You can type a name or path or  
click Browse to look for an item. You may need to type a complete  
path. For example, the path to an item on drive C might be  
C:\ applications\ word.exe. You can use Run to start programs on  
any network servers you can access.  
Allows you to log off the Terminal Server host.  
Finding Things  
Terminal Server offers several ways to access files and  
folders. My Computer, Network Neighborhood, and Find  
were described in the preceding section. Windows NT  
Explorer, which you access from Start > Programs,  
gives a different view.  
Figure 2-3 Windows NT Explorer Window  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
Windows NT explorer displays My Computer, Network  
Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin as a tree, or hierarchy, in  
a double-paned window. The left pane lists the names  
and icons for disk drives and for the files and folders they  
contain. The right pane lists the contents of any icon that  
you click in the left pane.  
Click a plus or minus symbol in the left pane to expand or  
contract the tree, and scroll up or down to view more  
icons. Note that the contents of an object in the left pane,  
such as a folder, are only displayed in the right pane  
when you click the icon.  
Running Application Programs  
You can start most programs from Start > Programs.  
You can also start programs from Start > Run, which  
displays a dialog in which you can type the name of a  
program or browse to find a program.  
In My Computer, Network Neighborhood, and Windows  
Explorer, double-click a programs icon or name to start  
Manipulating Windows  
To resize windows, you can use the buttons in the  
upper-right corner of the window or use the pointer. The  
window buttons have the following functions:  
Shrinks the window to  
Closes the  
a button on the taskbar window  
Returns the window  
to its previous size  
Enlarges the window  
to fill the desktop.  
When clicked,  
changes as indicated.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
To resize a window using the mouse, move the pointer to  
a windows border or corner. When the pointer changes  
shape, drag the window border to enlarge, reduce, or  
change the shape of the window.  
To move a window, place the pointer on the title bar, click  
and hold the left mouse button, and drag the window.  
Manipulating Files and Folders  
You can create new folders in My Computer and  
Windows NT Explorer. To create a new folder,  
double-click the drive or folder in which you want to  
place the new folder. In the Filemenu, select New >  
Folder. Then type the name of the new folder and press  
One way to move or copy a file or folder is to drag it from  
one place to another using the mouse. For example, in the  
left pane of Windows NT Explorer, click the folder that  
contains the file or folder you want to copy. In the right  
pane, point to the file or folder to be copied. Press and  
hold the right mouse button while you drag the icon to its  
destination folder in the left pane. Release the mouse  
button. In the menu that displays, select Move Hereor  
Copy Here.  
For other ways of moving and copying files, see the  
Terminal Server online help—by selecting Helpfrom the  
Start menu.  
Online Help for Programs  
Many applications have a Help item in the menu bar,  
which displays a help facility similar to the Terminal  
Server online help in the Start menu.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Windows NT Basics  
In addition, many dialog boxes have a ? (question mark  
button) in the upper right-hand corner. You can use this  
button to get information about items in the dialog box  
by clicking the ?, and then clicking the item in the dialog  
If the system administrator has set up printers on the  
local server or other servers on the network, you can  
print documents from an applications File menu.  
All available printers appear in the Printersfolder,  
which you view from Start > Settings >  
Printers. You double-click a printer icon in the  
Printersfolder to see the documents that are printing  
or waiting to be printed, and you can pause or cancel the  
printing of your own documents.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
This chapter describes some exceptional circumstances  
that may occur when you turn on the NCD ThinSTAR  
300. This is the place to look for information if the initial  
display on your terminal does not resemble the displays  
described in Chapter 1.  
“The Network Panel Displays”  
“An Upgrade Message Displays”  
“The Screen Looks Garbled”  
“Error Messages Appear”  
page 3-2  
page 3-3  
page 3-4  
page 3-5  
page 3-5  
“Front Panel LEDs Blink”  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
The Network Panel Displays  
If the terminal cannot determine the necessary network  
addresses, the following Network panel displays when  
you restart the terminal.  
Figure 3-1 No Network Error panel  
Fixing a Cable Problem  
If the there is a problem with the terminals network cable  
a different Network panel displays indicating that the  
terminal may not be connected to the network.  
First, check the network cable connection at the terminal  
and at the outlet on the wall or hub. If the cable is not  
secure, make sure it is plugged in and click Restart. The  
terminal should restart normally.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
Fixing an Address Problem  
If all cables are plugged in securely, the problem may be  
that the terminal cannot find the address information  
required for network communication. Contact your  
system administrator.  
If the system administrator is able to fix the problem on  
the Terminal Server host, click Restartwhen told to do  
If you have to fix the problem at the terminal:  
1. Obtain the necessary address information from the  
system administrator.  
2. Click Advanced Setup. The Terminal Properties  
Network tab displays.  
3. Enter the address information obtained from your  
system administrator and click OK. The Terminal  
Settings Change panel displays.  
4. Click Yes. The terminal restarts.  
An Upgrade Message Displays  
Each time it is turned on, the NCD ThinSTAR 300 checks  
the network for a newer version of its operating software.  
If it detects that an upgrade is necessary, it displays the  
upgrade message shown in Figure 3-2.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
Figure 3-2 Upgrade Message  
Do not turn off the NCD ThinSTAR 300 during a  
software upgrade. Turning off the terminal at this  
time may damage it.  
After the upgrade is complete, the terminal restarts  
The Screen Looks Garbled  
If the screen is unreadable or blank when you turn on the  
terminal, this means that the terminals monitor settings  
(desktop area and/ or refresh frequency) are incorrect.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
To restore the screen to a readable state, you must put the  
terminal into safe boot mode, which sets the desktop area  
(resolution) to 640x480 and the refresh frequency to 60  
Hz. To do this, power on the terminal, wait for the  
progress bar to display (in the middle of the logo screen),  
then press F5.  
Although the forced setting makes the screen readable,  
the monitor may support a better resolution and  
frequency. When the NCD ThinSTAR Setup Wizard starts,  
you can try selecting a better setting.  
Note If the wizard does not appear after you  
put the terminal into safe boot mode, ask  
your system administrator to set the  
resolution for you.  
Error Messages Appear  
If error messages appear right after you power on the  
terminal, the terminal may not be able to start. For  
If such messages appear and the terminal does not  
connect to a Terminal Server host or display a panel,  
contact your system administrator.  
Front Panel LEDs Blink  
If there is a problem and the terminal is not able to  
display an error on the screen, the screen goes blank, the  
base unit beeps, and an LED on the front of the base unit  
blinks. If this happens, contact your system  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
In Case of Trouble  
It may be helpful to the system administrator if you can  
report the pattern of blinks. The LED blinks in a repeating  
sequence followed by a pause: either one blink followed  
by a pause, two quick blinks followed by a pause, or  
three quick blinks followed by a pause.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
This appendix describes some configuration capabilities  
for the NCD Thin STAR 300. Full configuration details are  
given in the NCD ThinSTAR 300 System Administrators  
Guide which you can reach through the NCD website at  
Modifying your terminals configuration can cause  
unexpected and undesirable results — ask your  
This appendix contains these topics:  
“Configuring Connections”  
“Configuring Terminals”  
page A-2  
page A-6  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Configuring Connections  
Table A-1 Connection Manager Tasks  
Displaying the  
Note By default the NCD  
ThinSTAR Connection  
Manager displays two  
tabs: Connections and  
Configure. If the  
Configure tab does not  
display, see your system  
Viewing active  
Display the Connections tab of the NCD  
ThinSTAR Connection Manager.  
On the Windows NT desktop, select  
Start > Disconnect. This logs you off  
and ends the connection. Any open  
applications are suspended and your  
data retained until you log on again.  
On the Windows NT desktop, select  
Start > Logoff. This closes any open  
applications, then logs you off and  
ends the connection.  
In the WinFrame Program Manager,  
select File > Logoff or File >  
On the Connections tab of the NCD  
ThinSTAR Connection Manager, select  
the connection you want to end and  
click End. The connection terminates,  
with the same effect as disconnecting;  
all running applications are left active.  
Use this only if other methods do not  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-1 Connection Manager Tasks  
From within an active session you can  
bring up the Connection Manager and  
create new connections.  
Additionally, you can switch to another  
active connection by using the following  
hot keys.  
through the list of active connections.  
Press CTRL+ALT+HOMEto display your  
default connection.  
Creating new  
On the Configure tab, display the New  
connections —  
Connection panel by clicking Add. Select  
RDP connections Microsoft Terminal Server Client and  
click OK.  
Creating new  
On the Configure tab, display the New  
connections —  
Connection panel by clicking Add. Select  
ICA connections Citrix ICA Client and click OK.  
Follow the steps given in “The Citrix ICA  
Creating new  
connections —  
On the Configure tab, display the New  
Connection panel by clicking Add. Select  
NCD Dial-Up Client and click OK.  
Follow the steps given in “The Dial-Up  
Connection Wizard” on page 1-9.  
Note Your terminal must be in  
Dial-up mode for dial-up  
connections to work.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-1 Connection Manager Tasks  
On the Configure tab, select the  
connection you want as the default.  
Display the Connection Startup panel by  
clicking Startup. Click the Make the  
selected connection your default  
connection option and click OK.  
On the Configure tab, select the  
connection you want to start  
automatically. Display the Connection  
Startup panel by clicking Startup.  
Click the Automatically start the selected  
connection at startup option and click  
Note An autostart connection also  
functions as the default  
connection. Designating a  
different connection as the  
connection revert to  
non-autostart status.  
When you log off an autostart  
connection, the connection  
restarts automatically, see  
“Stopping autostart connections”  
On the Configure tab, select the autostart  
connection you want to end. Display the  
Connection Startup panel by clicking  
Startup. Click the “Make the selected  
connection your default connection.”  
option and click OK.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-1 Connection Manager Tasks  
terminal client  
connections —  
On the Configure tab, select the  
connection you want to modify. Display  
the Properties panel by clicking Edit.  
Use the Net Connections tab to change  
the following attributes:  
Name: a description for the connection  
Server: the IP address or the name of  
the Terminal Server host  
User Name: depending on what you  
enter for the Domain:  
— User ID of a local account set up on  
a particular Terminal Server host.  
— User ID of a global account set up  
on a Domain Controller.  
Password: The password associated  
with the user ID specified above.  
— If the Terminal Server host belongs  
to a Windows NT domain, and you  
want users authenticated by the  
Primary Domain Controller, enter  
the Windows NT domain name.  
— If the Terminal Server is not a  
member of a Windows NT domain  
and/ or you want users  
authenticated locally on that  
server, enter the name of the  
Terminal Server.  
Low speed connection: If the physical  
connection to the Terminal Server is  
through a low bandwidth line (WAN or  
serial), rather than over an ethernet  
cable, check this box.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-1 Connection Manager Tasks  
terminal client  
connections —  
On the Configure tab, select the  
connection you want to modify. Display  
the Properties panel by clicking Edit.  
Use the Applications tab to change the  
following attributes:  
Desktop: Select if you want the  
standard Windows NT desktop to  
display when connecting to the  
Terminal Server host.  
File Name: select if you want a  
particular application to display when  
connecting to the Terminal Server host  
Modifying Citrix On the Configure tab, select the  
ICA Client  
connection you want to modify. Display  
the Citrix ICA Clients utility for making  
modifications by clicking Edit.  
Make your changes and click OK.  
Modifying NCD On the Configure tab, select the  
Dial-Up Client  
connection you want to modify. Display  
the NCD Dial-Up Clients utility for  
making modifications by clicking Edit.  
Make your changes and click OK.  
On the Configure tab, select the  
connection you want to delete, click  
Configuring Terminals  
After initial configuration, you can modify all settings  
using the Terminal Properties sheets. The following table  
describes the tasks you can accomplish using Terminal  
Properties and the steps to take.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Note Your system administrator may have set a  
password in order to prevent you from  
making changes to Terminal Properties. In  
that case, the OKand Applybuttons are  
grayed out (non-active), until you enter  
the password through the Terminal  
Properties > Management tab > Security...  
If no password has been set, the OKand  
Applybuttons are enabled and you can  
make your changes without entering a  
Table A-2 Terminal Properties Tasks  
Displaying the  
NCD Terminal  
Press CTRL+ALT+END, (displays the  
NCD ThinSTAR Connection Manager),  
Properties panel then press F2.  
Making changes Click Applyto apply changes  
to Terminal  
without closing the panel  
Click OKto apply changes and close  
the panel  
Click Cancelto close the panel  
without applying changes  
Making changes You must enter the password each time  
to Terminal you make a change. Go to the  
Properties when Management tab Security panel, enter  
the password and click OK. The Apply  
and OKbuttons are enabled and you can  
make your changes.  
mouse right or  
Do not use Terminal Properties. Make  
these adjustments on the Terminal Server  
left handedness through Start > Settings >  
Control Panel > Mouse.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-2 Terminal Properties Tasks  
Modifying the  
Desktop Area  
On the Terminal Properties > Display tab,  
select the desired desktop area and click  
the Testbutton. If the test pattern  
appears correctly, click OKto apply the  
Disabling DCHP On the Terminal Properties > Network  
IP Address  
tab, select Specify an IP Address  
and complete the data entry fields.  
Note DCHP is enabled by  
On the Terminal Properties > Network  
Name resolution tab, display the Advanced Network  
Settings panel by pressing the  
Advanced Networkbutton. Check or  
clear the check boxes and specify the data  
entry fields as needed.  
Designating the Use the Terminal Properties >  
TMS (ThinSTAR Management tab. Enter the IP Address or  
a host with a FQDN.  
Service) server  
Configuring the On the Terminal Properties >  
Citrix ICA Client Management tab, display the Global ICA  
Client Settings panel by selecting Citrix  
ICA Client and clicking Configure.  
Make changes to:  
Default Hotkeys  
Server Location  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
Management tab.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-2 Terminal Properties Tasks  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
Upgrades over  
Management tab. Check the Enable  
Connection Hot Keys option, click OK.  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
Disabling the  
Management tab. Check the Display  
Configure tab of NCD ThinSTAR Connection Managers  
the Connection Configure Tab option, click OK.  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
Disabling the  
Management tab. Check the Enable  
French Terminal French Terminal Server Connections  
option, click OK.  
With the checkbox unchecked, you can  
make RDP connections only to  
non-French Terminal Servers.  
With the checkbox checked, you can  
make RDP connections only to French  
Terminal Servers.  
Changing the  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
terminal to LAN Management tab Network Options  
or Dial-up mode panel. Once you make the mode change  
click OK. The Management tab  
re-displays, click Applyand OK, the  
terminal restarts for the change to take  
Setting Network Use the Terminal Properties >  
Management tab > Network Options  
Note Do not set your network  
speed to over 10Mbps  
unless you know you  
have a 100Mbps hub.  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
Advanced Users Configuration Notes  
Table A-2 Terminal Properties Tasks  
Specifying a  
password for  
Use the Terminal Properties >  
Management tab, click Security...  
to display the Enter Password panel.  
Click Change... to change the  
password (you must know the old  
password in order to enter a new one).  
View main  
Display the Terminal Properties >  
Inventory tab.  
(Ethernet, IP  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
new connections A-3  
new folders 2-7  
Connection Manager A-2  
files 2-5  
deleted files, retrieval 2-3  
Terminal Properties A-6  
adding connections 1-12  
addresses, problems 3-3  
application 1-1  
icons 2-3  
autostart connections A-4  
blank screen 3-4  
Configure tab A-9  
Terminal Properties A-6  
cable connection, problems 3-2  
client, definition 1-1  
Connection Manager  
displaying 1-11  
error messages 3-5  
initial display 1-3  
procedure 1-5  
accessing 2-5  
creating new A-3  
moving/ copying 2-7  
folders, creating new 2-7  
FQDN 1-7  
front panel LEDs blink 3-5  
deleting A-6  
autostarts A-4  
dial-up 1-10  
starting 1-12  
stopping 1-12  
ways to end A-2  
copying files 2-7  
Help, taskbar command 2-4  
host 1-8  
hot keys 1-13  
default and autostart connections A-4  
dial-up connections 1-10  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
ICA connections  
modifying connection  
configuring clients A-8  
modifying A-6  
icons, desktop 2-3  
properties A-6  
modifying network properties A-5  
Recycle Bin icon 2-3  
resizing windows 2-6  
Logoff, taskbar command 2-5  
Logon panel, Windows NT 1-4  
safe boot mode 3-5  
screens, problems 3-4  
main system components,  
viewing A-10  
moving files/ windows 2-7  
My Computer icon 2-3  
initial display 1-3  
procedure 1-5  
connections 1-12  
programs 2-4  
Network Neighborhood icon 2-3  
Network panel 3-2  
autostart connections A-4  
connections 1-12  
mode 1-10  
online help, Windows NT 2-7  
Connection Manager 1-11  
printing, Windows NT 2-8  
logging off 1-13  
not finding addresses 3-3  
switching to LAN or Dial-Up  
mode 1-10  
bring window to front 2-4  
running 2-6  
starting/ closing 2-4  
Programs, taskbar command 2-4  
published application 1-8  
thin client 1-1  
addresses 3-3  
front panel LEDs blink 3-5  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  
screens 3-4  
terminal network cable 3-2  
upgrades 3-3  
unreadable screen 3-4  
upgrade message 3-3  
WBT 1-1  
Web pages icon 2-3  
bring to front 2-4  
moving 2-7  
resizing 2-6  
Windows messaging icon 2-3  
Windows NT Explorer 2-5  
WTS Connection Wizard  
procedure 1-6  
NCD ThinSTAR 300 User’s Guide  

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