Sony J 2 User Manual

J-1 / J-2 / J-3  
Compact Player  
for Your Desk  
this is not a rehearsal.  
J Series main Applications  
Vie wing  
Source Fe e d ing to NLE  
Sma ll  
La rg e  
9-pin Simple Remote  
Betacam SX  
Betacam SX  
J-2 / J-3  
(J-2 / J-3)  
Digital Betacam  
Digital Betacam  
C an be used  
Fe e d ing  
SDI / Analogue C omponent /  
Analogue C omposite /  
S-Video / Analogue Audio  
* For source feeding purpose only.  
Not available for linear synchronised editing.  
Log g ing  
Source Fe e d ing to Se rve r  
JZ-1 Videocassette  
Logging Software installed  
9-pin Simple Remote  
AVID Log Exchange  
digitizing format for  
Avid Newscutter systems  
Se rve r  
Sony BVE-9100 format  
for linear/non-linear  
editing systems  
Fe e d ing  
SDI / Analogue C omponent /  
Analogue C omposite /  
Phono (RC A)  
C able  
XML format for Sony  
NewsBase™ server systems  
S-Video / Analogue Audio  
HTML format  
for web browsing  
* For source feeding purpose only.  
Not available for linear synchronised editing.  
Comp a ct b od y d e s ig n  
J series C ompact Players  
are extremely compact.  
They are just 307 x 100 x 397 mm  
(12 ⁄  
x 4 x 15 inches) in size  
and weigh only 7 kg (15 lb 7 oz).  
The ir comp a ct d e s ig n a llows  
the m to fit on the d e s ks of b us y  
p rod uce rs , journa lis ts a nd e d itors .  
100 mm  
They operate equally well used horizontally  
or standing upright on either end using the  
supplied vertical stand.  
307 mm  
397 mm  
161 mm  
Main features  
Re p la y of b oth Sma ll a nd La rg e  
ca s s e tte s  
525/ 625 ve rs a tility  
J series C ompact Players are easily switched between  
525/60 and 625/50 playback modes. This enables  
them to work in international environments.  
Despite their very compact body size, J series  
C ompact Players can play Large as well as Small  
size cassettes.  
Be ta ca m, Be ta ca m SP, Be ta ca m SX, MPEG IMX a nd Dig ita l Be ta ca m  
ta p e p la yb a ck ca p a b ility  
All J series C ompact Players have the capability to  
play back Betacam SX, Betacam SP and Betacam  
tape recordings. The J-2 C ompact Player has the  
added capability of MPEG IMX tape playback.  
The J-3 C ompact Player adds the playback capability  
of both MPEG IMX and Digital Betacam recordings.  
During cassette loading, each format is automatically  
identied for playback, so no menu settings or  
switching is necessary. (During Betacam SP playback, the  
AFM audio tracks are not replayed, and video performance is equiv-  
alent to UVW Betacam quality).  
J-1 ©  
J-2 ©  
J-3 ©  
Source fe e d ing to s e rve r/ NLE  
b y s imp le re mote control via RS-422A  
Choice of a na log ue comp one nt  
outp ut or SDI outp ut  
Equipped with the industry standard RS-422A Sony 9-pin  
remote control interface, J series C ompact Players can  
be used not only for viewing and logging but also for  
feeding source material to servers and nonlinear editors.  
There is a choice of outputs with the J-Series C ompact  
Players - the J-1/A, J-2/A and J-3/A have an analogue  
component video output. The J-1/SDI, J-2/SDI and  
J-3/SDI have an SDI output. Both versions also have  
analogue composite video, S-video and analogue  
audio outputs. This choice of player provides either an  
analogue component video output or an SDI output,  
plus the common outputs.  
Note: J series C ompact Players can not be used as editing  
players in conventional linear editing applications, or  
for on-air playout of material.  
9-p in Simp le Re mote  
SDI or Comp one nt, p lus Comp os ite  
An a fford a b le ta p e log g ing s ys te m with JZ-1 s oftwa re  
The combined use of a J series player and JZ-1  
Videocassette Logging Software creates an affordable  
tape logging system available to all playback-compatible  
VTR formats. This is achieved by connecting a J series  
player to a PC * running JZ- 1 software via an  
RS-232C cable.  
This software provides an easy-to-use GUI to create log  
data of edit in/out points and to add simple comments  
to each logged scene. In addition, a storyboard function  
is available to assemble a sequence of logged scenes  
into a simple EDL prior to data export. Log lists can  
be exported in a variety of formats including the AVID  
Log Exchange digitizing format for Avid Newscutter,  
the Sony BVE-9100 format for linear/non-linear editing  
systems, the XML format for Sony NewsBase™ server  
systems, and the HTML format for web browsing.  
Note: An appropriate video capture card must be installed in the PC .  
Te le -File ™ s ys te m  
Shot Ma rk ha nd ling  
The J series VTRs can scan tapes with Shot Marks  
and automatically detect their positions. After scanning,  
a list of all marks can be displayed on a video monitor,  
allowing easy cueing to any mark.  
Another important option to increase editing efficiency  
is the Sony Tele-File system, a non-contact read/write  
system for storing production-related data on an  
IC memory embedded in a 1/2-inch cassette label.  
C onnecting a PC running JZ-1 Videocassette Logging  
Software to a J series VTR allows information to  
be read from and written to a Tele-File label (option:  
MLB-1M-100) via GUI-based operations.  
AC 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz  
50 W  
Power requirements  
Power consumption  
Operating temperature  
Storage temperature  
+5 °C to +40 °C (+41 °F to +104 °F)  
-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)  
25% to 80% (relative humidity)  
7 kg (15 lb 7 oz)  
Dimensions (W × H × D)  
Tape speed  
307 × 100 × 397 mm (12 1/8 × 4 × 15 3/4 inches)  
Digital Betacam  
96.7 mm/s  
64.467 mm/s (525 mode), 53.776 mm/s (625 mode)  
59.515 mm/s (525 mode), 59.575 mm/s (625 mode)  
Betacam SX  
Betacam/Betacam SP  
Digital Betacam  
118.6 mm/s (525 mode), 101.5 mm/s (625 mode)  
Playback time  
Max. 124 min. with BCT-D124L  
Max.184 (525 mode)/220 (625 mode) min  
with BCT-184MXL cassette  
Max. 194 min with BCT-194SXLA cassette  
Max. 90 (525 mode)/105 (625 mode) min with BCT-90MLA cassette  
Approx. 5 min with BCT-D124L  
Approx. 5 min with BCT-184MXL cassette  
Approx. 5 min with BCT-194SXLA cassette  
Approx. 5 min with BCT-90MLA cassette  
Betacam SX  
Betacam/Betacam SP  
Digital Betacam  
Fast forward/rewind time  
Betacam SX  
Betacam/Betacam SP  
Digital Betacam  
Search speed range  
± 20 times normal playback speed  
±32 times normal playback speed  
Betacam SX  
±35 times normal playback speed  
±18 times normal playback speed  
0.5 s or less (from standby on)  
6 s or less  
Betacam/Betacam SP  
Servo lock time  
Load/unload time  
Ext. sync  
Input signals  
BNC (×1), Frame lock  
Output signals  
Analogue composite output  
S-video output  
BNC (×1), Pin Jack (×1), 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ω  
Mini DIN 4-pin (×1),Y: 1.0 Vp-p, C.0.286 Vp-p burst, 75 Ω  
BNC (×3), Y: 1.0 Vp-p, R-Y/B-Y: 0.7 Vp-p, 75 Ω  
BNC (×1), SMPTE 259M, 270 Mb/s, 0.8 Vp-p, 75 Ω  
D-sub 9-pin (female) (×1), Sony 9-pin remote interface  
D-sub 9-pin (female) (×1)  
Analogue component output (with J-1/A, J-2/A, J-3/A)  
SDI output (with J-1/SDI, J-2/SDI, J-3/SDI)  
Remote control  
Monitor output L/R  
Headphone output  
Pin Jack (x1): -10 dBu at 47 kload, unbalanced,  
XLR (male ×2): +4 dBm, 600 load, low impedance, balanced  
JM-60 Stereo Phone Jack, -to -12 dBu at 8 load, unbalanced  
Operation manual (CD-ROM) (×1)  
Supplied accessories  
Vertical stand (×2)  
Quick Operation Guide (×1)  
© 2001 Sony C orporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of Sony is prohibited. Features, designs and specications are subject to change without  
notice. All non-metric weights and measures are approximate. Sony, Betacam, Betacam SP and Betacam SX, MPEG IMX, Tele-File and NewsBase are trademarks of Sony C orporation. All other trade-  
marks are the property of their respective owners.  
C A J-1/J-2/J-3/GB-  
Re a r Pa ne l  
J-1/A, J-2/A, J-3/A  
J-1/SDI, J-2/SDI, J-3/SDI  
Distributed by  
fo r furthe r info rma tio n, p le a s e vis it o ur we b s ite a t  

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