Motorola Cell Phone 21 User Manual

VSuiteTM 2.1  
for the Motorola Q Phone  
User Guide  
VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Table of Contents  
ABOUT VSUITETM 2.1 .......................................................................................4  
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VoiceSignal 2.1  
User Guide  
About VSuiteTM 2.1  
VSuiteTM 2.1 by VoiceSignal is an exciting upgrade to the VSuite 1.3 voice  
recognition application for wireless handsets and devices. VSuite 2.1 offers new  
features, even better performance, and access to a wide variety of voice-enabled  
dialing and application services.  
VSuite 2.1 includes the following features:  
The Call command provides natural, one-step commands for placing calls to  
contact names or numbers. For example, you could say  
Call John Smith’s Mobile” or “Call 781 987-6543.”  
The Send Text command lets you initiate sending a text message to anyone  
in your contact list or to a specified number. For example, you could say  
”Send Text John Smith” or “Send Text 781-555-1212.”  
The Lookup command lets you retrieve contact information for any entry in  
your contacts database. For example, you could say “Lookup John Smith.”  
The Open command provides one-step access to applications and menus. For  
example, you could say “Open Calendar” to launch the phone’s Calendar  
VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Starting VSuite  
To start VSuite 2.1, you can either:  
f Press and hold the SpeakerPhone Key  
f From the Start menu, select Voice Recognition  
VSuite prompts you to “Say a command” and displays the available commands at  
the bottom of the screen.  
Note: When you first start VSuite, it voice-activates the names stored in your  
contact list. If you have a large number of contacts, you might see the following  
message while VSuite is reading your contacts:  
Please wait while Voice Recognition updates your contacts.  
VSuite will only recognize the first 3,000 names stored in your contact list.  
Note: You can change VSuite settings by starting VSuite and then selecting the  
“Settings” soft key. Refer to the appendix “VSuite Settings” for more  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Calling a Name or Number  
Use the Call command to place a call. If the number you want to call is stored in  
your contact list, you can say the contact name and, optionally, which number  
(home, mobile, etc.) you want to call. If the number is not in your contact list,  
you can say the number itself.  
To call a name or number:  
1. Start VSuite.  
You hear “Say a command.”  
2. Say “Call” or…  
Say “Call” followed by the name of a person in your contact list, and optionally,  
the number location (home, work, mobile, etc.) to call or…  
Say “Call” followed by a valid telephone number.  
Call Angela Martinez  
Call Tom Stewart at Work  
Call Donna Harper’s Mobile  
Call 781 987-6543  
3. After you say a name or number, you might be prompted  
“Did you say, ‘Call…?’” followed by the first of up to three names or numbers.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
To confirm a name or number, wait for the beep and then say “Yes.”  
You can also choose the correct name or number from the choice list using the  
phone’s arrow keys. For information on customizing the behavior of choice lists,  
see the appendix, “VSuite Settings.”  
Hints for using Call:  
Wait for the beep before saying the command.  
When saying a name, speak clearly and say the name of a person in your  
contact list, first name followed by last name.  
If you say “Call” followed by a name, and there are multiple numbers stored  
for that name, VSuite prompts you with “Which Number.” Say the label  
(home, work, mobile, etc.) associated with the number you wish to call.  
When saying a telephone number, pronounce each digit clearly and distinctly  
but do not pause between the digits. VSuite recognizes the digits one, two,  
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero, and “oh.” It does not recognize  
expressions such as “one eight hundred.” Instead, say  
“one eight zero zero.”  
If VSuite doesn’t recognize numbers correctly, try adapting digit dialing to  
your voice. To adapt digit dialing, choose  
Digit Dialing tAdapt Digits from the VSuite Settings menu.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Sending a Text Message  
Use the Send Text command to address a text message to any number stored in  
your contact list or to a specified number.  
To call a name or number:  
1. Start VSuite.  
You hear “Say a command.”  
2. Say “Send Text” followed immediately by the name of a person in your contact  
list or a valid telephone number.  
3. After you say a name or number, you might be prompted,  
“Did you say, ‘Send Text to…?’” followed by the first of up to three names or  
When your command is recognized, the phone displays the message application  
with the destination filled in.  
Send Text Angela Martinez  
Send Text Tom Stewart at Work  
Send Text to Donna Harper’s Mobile  
Send Text 781 987-6543  
Note that the Send Text command will open the message type that was last used  
(i.e., email, text message, or MMS message). For example, if the last message  
type that was opened is MMS, the Send Text command will open a new MMS  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Looking Up a Contact  
Use the Lookup command to look up contact information for any person stored  
in your contact list.  
To look up contact information:  
1. Start VSuite.  
You hear “Say a command.”  
2. Say “Lookup” followed by the name of a person in your contact list.  
Lookup Angela Martinez  
Lookup Tom Stewart  
3. After you say a name, you might be prompted “Did you say, ‘Lookup…?’”  
followed by the first of up to three names. To confirm a name, wait for the beep  
and then say “Yes.” You can also choose the correct item from the choice list  
using the phone’s arrow keys.  
Hints for using Lookup:  
Wait for the beep before saying the command.  
When saying a name, speak clearly and say the name of a person in your  
contact list, first name followed by last name.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Opening an Application  
Use the “Open” command to open an application on your device.  
To open an application or access a menu:  
1. Start VSuite.  
You hear “Say a command.”  
2. Say “Open” or…  
Say “Open” followed by the application you want to open.  
Open (To see a list of applications you can open)  
Open Calendar (etc.)  
Hints for using Open:  
Wait for the beep before saying the command.  
To see a list of applications/menu items you can open, say “Open.” VSuite  
displays a list and prompts you with “Please Choose.” You can then say the  
name of the application to open.  
If the list is too long to fit on one screen, the screen will contain the choice  
“Next Menu.” You can say one of the application or menu names on the list,  
or say “Next Menu” to view the next screen  
You can customize which applications you can launch by voice by choosing  
Application Launcher from the VSuite Settings menu. Refer to the  
appendix “VSuite Settings” for more information.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Appendix: VSuite Settings  
You can customize the behavior of the VSuite application using the VSuite  
Settings menu. To access the menu, start VSuite and then select the Settings soft  
Choice Lists  
If VSuite is not absolutely confident that it has correctly identified a name or  
number, it can display a choice list of up to three possibilities, and prompt you to  
confirm the correct one.  
You can control when choice lists appear by changing the Choice Lists setting to  
Automatic, Always On, or Always Off.  
VSuite displays a choice list when it is not  
Always On  
Always Off  
confident it has identified the correct choice  
from among multiple alternatives.  
When there are multiple alternatives, VSuite  
always displays a choice list.  
VSuite never displays a choice list.  
Instead, the application picks the best from  
among the possible choices.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Digit Dialing  
Use the Digit Dialing menu to adapt digit dialing to your voice.  
Note: Only adapt digit dialing if the phone is having consistent difficulty  
recognizing numbers when you use the Call command.  
Lets you adapt digits, which can improve  
Adapt Digits  
Reset Digits  
voice recognition of phone numbers.  
Adaptation takes about 60 seconds.  
Erases any digit adaptation you have done  
and resets digit recognition to the factory  
default. If you have not adapted digits, this  
option is grayed out.  
In VSuite, Sensitivity controls the balance between rejecting too much, which  
means the phone frequently does not recognize names, numbers, or commands,  
and rejecting too little, which means it frequently recognizes something even if  
nothing was said.  
When VSuite rejects an utterance, it displays a message such as “Please  
repeat…” or “No match found.” If you frequently experience these messages,  
you might be able to get better recognition by adjusting the Sensitivity setting  
toward Reject Less.  
If you frequently experience false activations (VSuite detects a wrong match),  
you might be able to get better performance by adjusting the Sensitivity setting  
toward Reject More.  
Adjusts the sensitivity of command  
Adjusts the sensitivity of name recognition.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
You can customize the VSuite user interface by turning playback on or off for  
prompts, names, and numbers. You can also change the speed and volume of  
name playback.  
When you first start using the VSuite application, it is recommended that you  
leave playback of prompts on. Once you are familiar with the application, you  
can turn playback of prompts off for faster voice dialing and voice control of  
Turns playback on or off for prompts such as  
“Say a command.”  
Turns playback on or off for digits, for  
example, when confirming a phone number.  
Turns playback on or off for names.  
Adjusts the speed and volume of name  
Name Settings  
The Language menu lets users choose the language to use for VSuite’s menus  
and text screens, audio prompts, voice recognition, and text-to-speech. The user  
can also choose “Automatic”, in which case VSuite will match the phone  
language setting.  
Once a user chooses a new language and clicks on “OK”, the new language  
immediately takes effect.  
When changing language, digit adaptation (see Digit Dialing above) will be lost.  
Application Launcher  
VSuite lets you launch applications and access menus on your phone by saying  
“Open” followed by the name of the application or menu item. You can also  
specify which applications you want to be able to launch in this way. When you  
choose Application Launcher from the Settings menu, VSuite displays a list of  
Applications marked with a “9” can be launched by voice. To mark or unmark  
an application, click on the check box to the left of the application name. When  
you are done, select Back.  
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VSuite 2.1  
User Guide  
Contacts Update  
When you first start VSuite, it voice-activates all the names that it finds in your  
contact list. If you have added or changed contacts since the last time you used  
VSuite, it automatically re-activates the entire list of names.  
If you never want to wait for the application to update names, you can configure  
VSuite to turn off automatic contacts update. This allows you to update the list  
manually at your convenience.  
Lets you set Contacts Update to either  
Automatic (the default) or Manual.  
When set to Automatic, VSuite reads the  
contact list whenever contacts have been  
added or changed. When set to Manual, you  
must choose “Update now” to voice-activate  
new contacts.  
Causes VSuite to read and voice-activate all  
the contacts in the contact list (used only  
when Contacts Update has been set to  
Update now  
Displays help for the Contacts Update  
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