IBM Modbus Plus User Manual

Modbus Plus  
X-Link Driver  
User’s Guide  
Version 1.22  
50 Northland Road  
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA  
N2V 1N3  
Tel: (519) 725-5136 Fax: (519) 725-1515  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
1. Introduction........................................................... 39  
1.1 What is the Modbus Plus Driver?............................. 39  
1.2 Why Do I Need This Manual?.................................. 40  
1.3 How Do I Use This Manual?.................................... 41  
1.4 Where Can I Find More Help? ................................. 42  
2. Communication..................................................... 43  
2.1 Requirements............................................................ 44  
2.2 Compatibilities.......................................................... 44  
3. Configuration ........................................................ 45  
3.1 Configuration Parameters ......................................... 46  
4. Mappings............................................................... 47  
4.1 Data Types and Lengths ........................................... 48  
4.2 Source Accesses ....................................................... 49  
4.3 Destination Accesses ................................................ 50  
4.4 Local Addresses........................................................ 51  
4.5 External Addresses ................................................... 51  
4.6 Status Counters......................................................... 52  
5. Troubleshooting ................................................... 53  
6. Specification ......................................................... 55  
6.1 Driver CMOS Storage Requirements ....................... 55  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
1.1 What is the Modbus Plus Driver?  
The Modicon Modbus Plus X-Link driver allows the X-Link to transfer data  
to or from devices on the Modicon Modbus Plus network.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
1.2 Why Do I Need This Manual?  
This manual describes the communication requirements and capabilities of  
the Modbus Plus driver, the configuration parameters for the driver and the  
mappings possible for the Modicon PLCs. It provides troubleshooting  
information and technical specifications that can be referenced when  
For further information, refer to the SA85 Interface Card User's Guide,  
Modicon IBM Host Based Devices User's Guide GM-HBDS-001 Rev. D. As  
well, refer to the appropriate Modicon documents for information on  
Modicon hardware, programming and network protocols.  
If you need information on the X-Link unit or the X-Link configuration  
software program, refer to the X-Link User’s Guide.  
1.3 How Do I Use This Manual?  
The following conventions will help you better understand and use the  
material in this manual.  
Text you type  
appears in Courier font. For example, “Type  
mkdir C:\XLINKto make a new X-Link  
Menu Names  
are italicized. You choose menu options. For  
instance, “Choose the X-Link/New... command.”  
Dialog Box Names  
are italicized. For example, “The File to Open  
dialog box appears.”  
Dialog Box Options are selected. For example, “From the Ports list,  
select the COM port you are using.”  
Text in Message  
appears in quotation marks. For example: The  
message “Already Downloaded - Reload?”  
Single keystrokes appear in square brackets. Press  
keys separated by “+” signs at the same time. For  
example, “Press ALT + O,” means you should  
press the [Alt] key and the [O] key at the same  
or Keyboard?  
You may use either a mouse or the keyboard to  
select options in the configuration program. There  
are typically three different ways to choose a  
command. This manual typically lists one or two  
command options. Refer to the Shortcut Summary  
in the X-Link User’s Guide for additional choices.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
1.4 Where Can I Find More Help?  
If you have a question or problem that the manuals or on-line help do not  
address, you can contact X-Link Technical Support by mail, fax or email, or  
by phone during regular business hours (EST).  
X-Link Technical Support  
SST, a division of Woodhead Canada Limited  
50 Northland Road  
Waterloo, Ontario  
N2V 1N3  
Voice: (519) 725-5136  
Fax: (519) 725-1515  
X-Link drivers and manuals are also available on the SST Web site,  
Once configured, the X-Link emulates a station on the Modbus Plus  
network. It can send messages to other stations and receive messages from  
other stations. This section outlines the requirements and compatibilities of  
this communication.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
2.1 Requirements  
To communicate to the Modbus Plus network, the X-Link requires a  
Modicon SA85 card. The X-Link Modbus Plus driver supports either the  
redundant or non-redundant version of the SA85.  
Installation and cabling requirements are detailed in the SA85 user manual,  
Modicon IBM Host Based Devices User's Guide GM-HBDS-001 Rev. D.  
2.2 Compatibilities  
The Modbus Plus X-Link driver has been written to conform with the  
specification in the Modicon IBM Host Based Devices User's Guide  
GM-HBDS-001 Rev. D.  
When you download a driver to the X-Link, you must set configuration  
parameters to control the interface between the driver and the required  
hardware. This section details the configuration parameters for the Modbus  
Plus driver.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
3.1 Configuration Parameters  
The Modbus Plus driver is distributed in the file SA85.DRV. Once the  
SA85.DRV is loaded into the X-Link, the following parameters are required:  
Card Segment  
The memory address for the SA85 card. The card requires 2K  
of memory in the range of C000 to EF80. Default is D000,  
second choice is D800.  
Convert Floats  
With this option is on, the Modbus Plus Driver will convert the  
data types between the integer supported by the Modbus Plus,  
and floating points stored in the X-Link. Incoming integers will  
be expanded to floats; the floats written to the Modbus Plus will  
be truncated. When this option is off, the floating points will be  
read and written as two consecutive integers. Default option is  
Poll Rate  
Because the driver does not use interrupt settings, it must  
access data from the card at a certain rate. The poll rate ranges  
from 2 ms to 255 ms with a default of 10 ms.  
The memory address selected must match the switch settings on the SA85.  
The memory base address switches are located near the bus connector on the  
SA85 and are not accessible from the outside of the X-Link.  
The Modbus Plus node address must also be set on the SA85. The switches  
to set the station address are accessible from the end of the X-Link.  
Once the X-Link has been loaded, you can create mappings to transfer data  
from one network to the other. This section outlines the mapping options  
supported by the Modbus Plus driver.  
For information on what mappings are or how they work, please refer to the  
X-Link User's Guide.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
4.1 Data Types and Lengths  
The Modbus Plus Driver supports three X-Link data formats; Bits and  
Integers, as well as Floats.  
The Modbus Plus protocol does not support floating point. The driver will  
truncate any floating point numbers before transmission, and expand the  
integer numbers to floating point after retrieval when floating points are  
The type of Modbus Plus command that the driver generates depends on the  
address type specified.  
The length of the data portion in a command is constrained by the Modbus  
Plus protocol. Mappings that are configured with the X-Link reading or  
writing the data on the Modbus Plus network should be restricted to a  
maximum size of:  
Data Type  
X-Link Access  
Maximum Size (bytes)  
Global Data  
4.2 Source Accesses  
The Modbus Plus driver supports four possible source accesses.  
The first source defines a local address which allows any device on the  
Modbus Plus network to write the data to the X-Link. This type of source is  
ideal for data that changes infrequently, but must be forwarded immediately,  
such as errors or exceptions. Programming must be provided on the remote  
device to update the data when necessary.  
The second type of source supported by the Modbus Plus driver is an X-Link  
initiated read. This source defines an external address which the X-Link uses  
to read the data from a remote node on the network. This access also requires  
you to specify when to read the data. This type of data source does not  
require any programming in the remote node, but generates extra network  
bandwidth to poll the data.  
The next source is Modbus Plus global data. As each station passes data on  
the network, it has the opportunity to transmit up to 32 integers to all the  
other stations on the network. This global data can be accessed as a source  
for an X-Link mapping. To access global data, you provide a station address  
(1 to 64) and an offset into that station's global data table.  
The last source is Modbus Plus network statistic counters. To access the  
counters stored on the SA85 card, provide an offset specifying the number of  
words to skip from the beginning of the diagnostic counters.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
4.3 Destination Accesses  
The Modbus Plus driver supports three possible destination accesses.  
The first destination defines a local address which allows any device on the  
Modbus Plus network to read the data from the X-Link. This type of  
destination can be used to allow a PLC to read back the data it has written.  
Programming must be provided on the remote device to initiate the read.  
The second type of destination access supported by the Modbus Plus driver  
is an X-Link initiated write. This destination defines an external address  
which the X-Link uses to write the data to a remote node on the network.  
This access also requires the user to specify when to write the data. This type  
of data destination does not require any programming in the remote node and  
can avoid wasting network bandwidth that would be consumed by having the  
PLC poll the data.  
The last type of destination access supported is global data. The X-Link  
writes the values into the global data table for the Modbus Plus station that is  
4.4 Local Addresses  
When a mapping is created which allows a PLC to access data within the  
X-Link, a local address dialog box must be completed. The information  
required to complete a local address definition is the class of data to access  
(Coils, Input Status, Input Registers or Holding Registers) and the offset into  
the data table. If the access is specifying write, Input Status and Input  
Registers are not available as options.  
The data type maps to register numbers as:  
Data Type  
Register Numbers  
where 'xxxxx' represents a decimal number from 1 to 65535.  
4.5 External Addresses  
Mappings, which require the X-Link to originate commands, require the user  
to complete an external address dialog box. The external address requires the  
specification of a route to a remote node as well as a data type and offset.  
To route directly to another PLC on the Modbus Plus, simply specify the  
node number in decimal. If you are routing to a node through any routes, the  
route is specified as up to five node numbers with periods between them.  
To route to an X-Link or SA85 card, the route is specified as node followed  
by data channel. Data channels are from 1 to 8.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
4.6 Status Counters  
The status counters are maintained within the Modbus Plus driver for  
logging events and errors. The Status menu allows you to monitor some of  
these counters. As well, the status counters can be accessed as a data source  
for mappings.  
The Modbus Plus driver status counters include counters for each Modbus  
command type.  
Refer to the Modicon IBM Host Based Devices User’s Guide for more  
information on the Status Counters.  
If you cannot communicate with your X-Link, refer to the troubleshooting  
section in the X-Link User's Guide. If you can communicate with your  
X-Link, but cannot monitor the status of your Modbus Plus driver, you most  
likely have the memory address set incorrectly. Refer to your SA85 User  
Manual to confirm your settings.  
The configuration software can be used to monitor a set of status counters  
maintained by the SA85 card. The status counters are standard network  
statistics for the Modbus Plus. They are detailed in the SA85 User Manual  
under Modbus Command Function 08.  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  
6.1 Driver CMOS Storage Requirements  
Driver Code and Parameters  
Each Global Data Read Address  
Each Global Data Write Address  
Each Internal Address  
16 Kbytes  
4 bytes  
3 bytes  
5 bytes  
Each External Address  
10 bytes  
2 bytes  
Each Status Counter Address  
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide  

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