HP Hewlett Packard MAILBUS 400 User Manual

HP MAILbus 400  
Message Transfer Agent  
Installing on an OpenVMS Alpha  
October 2006  
This card contains the information that you need to install the MAILbus  
400 MTA on an OpenVMS Alpha system.  
Use this card in conjunction with Part III of HP MAILbus 400 MTA  
Planning and Setup.  
Revision/Update Information:  
This is a revised manual.  
Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 and above  
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3  
Software Version:  
HP Mailbus 400 Message Transfer Agent  
V3.2-12 for OpenVMS  
Hewlett-Packard Company  
Palo Alto, California  
Installation Prerequisites  
Before you install the HP MAILbus 400 MTA:  
1. Ensure the following software is installed on your system:  
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2, 8.2, or 8.3  
HP DECnet-Plus/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2, 8.2, or 8.3  
including the OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) component.  
HP Enterprise Directory Service for OpenVMS V5.3 or later  
2. Ensure you have access to the SYSTEM account.  
3. Back up your system disk using the OpenVMS Backup Utility.  
4. Register a valid MTA license, MAILBUS-400-MTA or  
MAILBUS-400-USER, where you install the MAILbus 400 MTA Server  
component. Use the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) to do  
5. Make sure that the MAILbus 400 MTA, and any applications that use the  
MAILbus 400 MTA, are shut down before installing the new version of the  
MAILbus 400 MTA.  
See the OpenVMS system management documentation for information about  
the OpenVMS Backup Utility and the OpenVMS License Management  
Information Required  
To install the MAILbus 400 MTA, you need to know the name of the device  
from which the installation kit will be loaded.  
Time Required  
The time it takes to install the MAILbus 400 MTA depends on the resources  
available on your system. The installation takes approximately 3 minutes on a  
DEC 2000 Model 300.  
Disk Space Required  
The following table shows the approximate amount of disk space required  
on the system disk (in blocks) during and after installation for the different  
Additional disk space is required after installation for a MAILbus 400 MTA to  
be able to handle message trafc.  
Component Title  
Space Required (in blocks)  
MAILbus 400 MTA Mgt  
MAILbus 400 MTA Base  
MAILbus 400 MTA Server, Mgt and Base  
Installing the MAILbus 400 MTA  
From the SYSTEM account on the node, or cluster, where you want to install a  
MAILbus 400 MTA component, complete the following steps:  
Mount the CD–ROM as follows:  
MOUNT device-name: volume-label  
where device-name and volume-label are as specied in the OpenVMS  
Alpha Layered Products Compact Disk User’s Guide. The MTA les are  
located on the CD–ROM in the directory named MTA032.  
Install the MTA using the following command:  
@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MTA032 device-name:[MTA032]  
The installation procedure starts and prompts you to select the components  
you want to install. To specify more than one of the components offered, enter  
the number associated with each component, with a comma between numbers.  
Installing Components for the MTA  
On each single node, or on one node in a cluster, where you want to have an  
MTA, select the options to install the following components: MAILbus 400  
MTA Mgt, MAILbus 400 MTA Server, and MAILbus 400 MTA Base.  
Installing Component for Remote Management  
Select the option to install the MAILbus 400 MTA Mgt component on each  
single node, or on one node in each other cluster, where you want to remotely  
manage MTAs and the MTAs’ routing information in the directory.  
Installing Component for Remote Access by XAPI Agents  
Where an XAPI Agent (that is, an Agent using the MAILbus 400 Application  
Program Interface) is to be installed on a system remote from the MTA, select  
the option to install the MAILbus 400 MTA Base component on the single  
node, or on one node in the cluster, where the Agent is to be installed.  
After the Installation  
The set-up tasks required after installation, and the MTA verication  
procedure are described in Part III of HP MAILbus 400 MTA Planning and  
Before you set up each MAILbus 400 MTA that you have installed, make sure  
that the Base component of the HP Enterprise Directory Service is installed on  
each node or cluster where you intend to operate a MAILbus 400 MTA.  
Refer to the HP Enterprise Directory Service documentation for details of how  
to install the Base component of the HP Enterprise Directory Service.  
Release Notes and Further Information  
After installation, the release notes are kept in  
HP MAILbus 400 MTA Tuning and Problem Solving contains a list of the les  
that should be present on your system after installation, and information about  
how to contact HP if the installation fails.  

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