Patterson Kelley TBIG 03 User Manual

This boiler requires VAPORIZED propane or natural gas. Under  
NO CIRCUMSTANCES may liquid fuel of any kind be introduced in  
the boiler.  
and shutoff  
natural gas  
and shutoff  
Figure 1-1 Twin-Fuel Gas Train  
(Shows 1500/1700/1900 Series; refer to Figure 5-1 for 700/900/1200 Series)  
The twin-fuel option for the Patterson-Kelley Gem-  
ini™ gas-fired boiler allows the boiler to be fired by  
propane in the event that the supply of natural gas is  
temporarily interrupted or restricted. The necessary  
fittings, valves, piping, and controls for twin-fuel op-  
eration are factory installed.  
Owner’s Manual - TBIG” for the standard Thermific  
boiler. Both documents must be used together. This  
companion document describes those safety, installa-  
tion, adjustment, and maintenance procedures which  
differ from the single-fuel model. Information which  
applies to both models is found in the main manual.  
This document is a companion to the “Installation and  
- 1 -  
GeminiTwin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
by a selector switch on the boiler (or by a signal from  
a remote switch or controller).  
Natural gas and propane are permanently piped to  
separate connections on the boiler. Each branch of the  
gas train is fitted with a regulator and a motorized gas  
valve. The regulators are adjusted to properly fire the  
boiler from their respective sources. Boiler and con-  
trol functions are the same for both fuels.  
When the natural gas supply is reestablished, change-  
over is made by restoring the selector switch to its  
normal position (or by sending the appropriate signal  
from the remote controller).  
In the event of interruption or restriction of the natural  
gas supply, changeover to propane is made manually  
3.0 SAFETY  
The Gemini™ gas-fired boiler must be:  
Sꢁ Installed by qualified personnel in accordance  
with designs prepared by qualified facility engi-  
neers including: structural, mechanical, electrical,  
and other applicable disciplines.  
Sꢁ Operated and serviced in accordance with a com-  
prehensive safety program determined and estab-  
lished by the customer and complying with all  
safety provisions of this manual. Do not attempt  
to operate or service the boiler until such a pro-  
gram has been established.  
It is essential to read, understand, and follow the rec-  
ommendations of this manual before installing, operat-  
ing, or servicing this equipment. Failure to do so could  
result in serious injury, death, and/or property damage.  
Sꢁ Operated and serviced by qualified, properly  
trained personnel in accordance with all applica-  
ble laws and regulations.  
Proper training is the best protection against accidents.  
Operating and service personnel must be thoroughly  
familiar with the basic construction of the Gemini™  
boiler, the use and locations of the controls, the opera-  
- 2 -  
tion of the boiler, adjustment of its various mecha-  
nisms, and all applicable safety precautions. If any of  
the provisions of this manual are not fully and com-  
pletely understood, contact the Patterson-Kelley Sales  
Department at (570) 421-7500 for assistance.  
Provide a suitable location for the boiler, away from  
normal personnel traffic, with adequate working space,  
adequate clearances, proper ventilation and lighting,  
with a structure sufficiently strong and rigid to support  
the weight of the boiler, all piping, and accessories.  
3.5.1 Electrical Hazards  
It is the responsibility of the customer to maintain the  
safety features of this machine, such as: guards, safety  
labels, safety controls, interlocks, lockout devices,  
etc., in place and operable.  
Sꢁ High voltage! Shock hazard. Properly lock-  
out/tagout the electrical service and all other energy  
sources before working on or near the machine.  
Sꢁ Install a lockable disconnect switch.  
3.5.2 Burn, Fire, and Explosion Hazards  
General Warning  
Hot Surface  
The safety labels shown above are affixed to your  
boiler. Although the labels are of high quality, they  
may become dislodged or unreadable over time. Con-  
tact Patterson-Kelley at (570) 421-7500 for replace-  
ment labels.  
Sꢁ Burn, fire, and explosion hazards! Installation must  
be in strict conformance to all applicable codes and  
standards including NFPA 54 and ANSI Z223.1, (or  
in Canada, CAN-B 149). Install all required vent  
- 3 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
lines for gas devices. See Section 4 below.  
good condition. Do not alter wiring connections.  
Annual inspection by factory-trained personnel for  
proper set-up and operation is recommended.  
Sꢀ Hazard from incorrect fuels! Possible fire, explo-  
sion, overheating, and damage. Do not use any  
fuels except vaporized natural gas and propane.  
Under no circumstances is liquid fuel of any kind  
to be introduced in the boiler.  
Sꢀ Overfire and underfire hazards! Possible fire, ex-  
plosion, overheating, and component failure. Do  
not attempt to adjust firing rate of the boiler. The  
firing rate must be adjusted only by factory  
trained personnel.  
Sꢀ Hazard from incorrect fuel connections! Possible  
fire, explosion, overheating, and damage. Do not  
attempt to connect the propane supply to the natu-  
ral gas connection, or vice versa.  
3.5.3 Crush Hazards  
Sꢀ Fire and explosion hazards! Close both the natural  
gas and propane shutoffs before servicing boiler.  
Sꢀ Burn hazard! Possible hot surfaces. Do not touch  
gas vent during firing operation. Use only factory  
recommended B-vent components.  
General Warning  
Sꢀ Fire and explosion hazards! Use caution when  
servicing burner. Propane is heavier than air and  
may linger in the combustion chamber, vent lines,  
or elsewhere.  
Sꢀ Lifting hazards! Use properly rated lifting equip-  
ment to lift and position the boiler. The load is  
unbalanced. Test balance before lifting 3 ft.  
above the floor. Do not allow personnel beneath  
the lifted load. Refer to approximate weights in  
the table below:  
Sꢀ Gas leak hazard! Make sure all connections to  
main burner are tight when reassembling the  
burner. These connections cannot be tested after  
burner is assembled.  
Boiler Size  
700,000 Btu  
Weight in Pounds  
Sꢀ Gas leak hazard! Test motorized gas valves annu-  
ally for leakage as described in Section 4.4.6.  
1,000,000 Btu  
1,200,000 Btu  
1,500,000 Btu  
1,700,000 Btu  
2,000,000 Btu  
Sꢀ Gas leak hazard! All threaded gas connections  
must be made using a pipe compound that is resis-  
tant to propane. Do not use Teflontape on  
threaded gas piping.  
Sꢀ Gas leak hazard! Check entire gas train for leaks  
after installation. If there is a smell of gas, shut  
down the boiler and obtain immediate assistance  
from trained service personnel and/or your local  
fire department.  
3.5.4 Chemical Hazards  
Sꢀ Overfire hazard! Possible fire and explosion from  
excess gas pressure. Make sure that gas inlet pres-  
sure does not exceed 14 inches W.C. to the  
regulator on either the natural gas or propane sup-  
ply line.  
Sꢀ Environmental hazard! The motorized gas valves  
may contain hydraulic oil. Use safe procedures  
for the disposal of all lubricants.  
Sꢀ Overfire hazard! Possible fire and explosion.  
Possible malfunction of regulators and/or motorized  
gas valves. Maintain all gas train components in  
- 4 -  
pilot regulator and  
solenoid valve  
motorized gas valve  
(natural gas)  
mechanical link  
to control air  
(Lo-Hi-Lo only)  
natural gas  
pressure tap  
shutoff, manual  
low gas  
pressure switch  
leak test  
high gas pressure  
motorized gas valve  
n.o. vent valve  
(I.R.I. only)  
Items with symbol must be  
pressure switch  
vented to outside. Refer to the  
boiler for additional information.  
motorized gas valve  
drawings packed with your  
low gas  
Figure 4-1 Piping Schematic for the Twin-Fuel Gas Train  
The following procedures are different from those for  
the single-fuel model, and are described in this Sec-  
Gas Train Connection Sizes  
Natural Gas  
1 1/4"  
Sꢀ Gas Piping  
Gas Bleeds and Vents  
1 1/4"  
Sꢀ Pre-Start Check List  
Sꢀ Pre-Start Safety Checks and Adjustments  
Test of Ignition Safety System  
Test of Low Water Cutoff  
Test of High Limit Control  
Test of Gas Pressure Switch  
Installation of the twin-fuel Gemini™ boiler is similar  
to that of the single-fuel model. Refer to “Thermificꢂ  
Gas-Fired Boiler - Installation and Owner’s Manual -  
TBIG” pages 2 through 10.  
- 5 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
Gas Pressure Adjustment  
natural gas  
Test of Motorized Gas Valves  
remote gas shutoff  
(not supplied)  
Before making the gas hook-up, make sure the boiler  
is being supplied only with the fuels shown on the  
boiler nameplate. The boiler is designed to operate on  
vaporized natural gas and propane only. Do not use  
any type of liquid fuel. Do not attempt to fuel the  
boiler with MAPP gas, sewage gas, coal gas, or other  
(on boiler)  
drip leg  
(on boiler)  
remote gas shutoff  
(not supplied)  
Gas train connection sizes are shown in the Gas Train  
Connection table on the previous page for the different  
models available.  
drip leg  
Figure 4-2 Gas Supply Piping  
The boiler shall be installed such that the gas ignition  
system components are protected from water (drip-  
ping, spraying, rain, etc.) during appliance operation  
and service (circulator replacement, control replace-  
ment, etc.).  
(Refer to table above for connection sizes.)  
Install a sediment trap (drip leg) and a union connec-  
tion ahead of the primary manual shutoff valves on the  
boiler as shown in the figure above.  
The two gas pressure regulators supplied with the  
boiler are set during a factory fire-test to provide the  
proper pressure to the main burner: 6 inches W.C. in-  
let pressure to the regulators for both natural gas and  
All gas piping must be installed in accordance with  
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, latest edition,  
and any other local codes which may apply; in Canada  
gas piping must be installed in accordance with CAN-  
B 149.  
The gas train components are designed to handle a  
maximum inlet pressure of 14 inches W.C.(1/2 psig).  
If the available gas pressure exceeds 14 inches W.C.  
on either the natural gas or propane supply a suitable  
intermediate gas pressure regulator of the "lock up"  
type must be provided to reduce the pressure to less  
than 14 inches W.C. All boilers are designed to oper-  
ate at rated input with a minimum inlet pressure of 6  
inches W.C. with natural gas, 6 inches W.C. with LP  
General Warning  
Warning! All threaded connections must be made us-  
ing a pipe compound that is resistant to the action of  
liquefied petroleum gases. Do not use Teflontape  
on gas line threads.  
The boiler and all gas piping connections must be  
pressure tested and must be checked for leaks before  
being placed into service. Test with compressed air or  
gas if possible.  
The boiler must be disconnected at both boiler manual  
- 6 -  
shutoff valves (located at the end of the supplied gas  
train) from the gas and propane supply systems during  
any pressure testing of the system at pressures in ex-  
cess of 1/2 psig (14 inches W.C.).  
Before firing the boiler make sure the following items  
have been completed.  
1. Flue gas from the boiler is properly vented.  
During any pressure testing of the gas supply piping  
system at pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig (14  
inches W.C.), the boiler should be isolated from the  
gas supply piping system by closing both manual  
shutoff valves.  
2. Gas connections have been made and the gas lines  
purged of air.  
3. Water connections are complete, and the boiler  
and system have been filled and purged of air.  
Some leak test solutions, including soap and water,  
may cause corrosion. These solutions should be  
rinsed off with water after testing.  
4. The boiler is connected to a 120 volt power source  
with a lockable disconnect (customer supplied)  
having adequate overload protection.  
5. Combustion air openings are not obstructed in any  
way and have adequate capacity.  
4.2.1 Gas Bleeds and Vents  
6. The boiler is placed the proper distance from any  
combustible walls, in accordance with the "Clear-  
ances" section of the “Installation and Owner’s  
Manual,” page 3.  
vent to outside air  
7. Relief valves have been piped to floor drains.  
Before placing the boiler in operation, perform all the  
following safety checks and adjustments. This work  
must be performed by qualified service personnel.  
n.o. vent  
valve (I.R.I  
drip leg  
Figure 4-3 Schematic Diagram of Bleeds and Vents  
Warning! High voltage! Shock hazard. Properly lock-  
out/tagout the electrical service and all other energy  
sources before working on or near the machine.  
Gas vents to outdoor air must be provided for the  
pressure regulators and gas pressure switches. If ap-  
proved by authorities having jurisdiction, vents may  
be manifolded in accordance with accepted engineer-  
ing practices to minimize backpressure.  
For testing control circuits only, the service power  
shutoff switch (located inside the auxiliary panel at the  
rear of the boiler) may be used to de-energize the sys-  
tem in lieu of normal lockout/tagout procedures. Use  
extreme caution when using this alternative.  
The pilot regulator is equipped with a vent limiting  
device and does not require external venting!  
If equipped for I.R.I. (Industrial Risk Insurers) the  
normally open vent valve must be vented independ-  
ently from other vented devices, as shown above.  
- 7 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
high limit temperature  
propane in-use  
indicator and  
fuel selector switch  
(on side)  
operating temperature  
service power  
shutoff switch  
Figure 4-4 Service Power Shutoff Switch  
(located inside the auxiliary panel at the back of the boiler)  
high limit  
flame control  
reset switch  
Figure 4-5a On-Off Control Panel (faceplate opened)  
The boiler is provided with an ignition safety system.  
1. Open the faceplate on the control panel. Discon-  
nect wire # 17 (Lo-Hi-Lo) or # 26 (On-Off) at the  
terminal block on the control panel. Disconnect-  
ing this wire disables the main gas valve, ensuring  
that gas cannot flow during the test.  
General Warning  
Warning! After checking controls by manual readjust-  
ment, make sure they are always returned to their  
proper settings.  
NEVER attempt to operate a boiler that has failed to  
pass all the safety checks outlined below.  
2. Turn on the circulating water pump. With the  
natural gas shutoff and secondary shutoff open  
and the pilot gas cock open, turn the operating  
temperature control until the boiler cycles “on.”  
4.4.1 Test of Ignition Safety System  
3. Observe the operation of the boiler. After all the  
safety limits on gas pressure, water flow, and tem-  
perature are satisfied, the blower will run and pre-  
purge the boiler. When air flow is established, the  
ignition transformer and pilot will operate. Both  
functions will be indicated by separate green  
lights on the control panel. If a satisfactory pilot  
is established, the green "Ignite" light will extin-  
guish and the pilot will remain on, alone, for 10  
seconds. After 10 seconds, the green "Main Gas"  
light will go on. (The main gas valve will not  
open with the wire disconnected and gas cannot  
flow to the burner). The "Pilot" will remain on,  
along with the "Main Gas," for another 10 seconds  
and then go out. Since the main flame cannot be  
burning, at this point there will be no flame signal  
and the flame safeguard programmer will assume  
a "Flame Failure" and will either re-cycle through  
the complete pre-purge and ignition cycle or, if in-  
high limit/operating  
high limit temperature  
reset adjustments  
lo-hi-lo flame control  
controller reset switch  
Figure 4-5 Lo-Hi-Lo Control Panel (faceplate opened)  
- 8 -  
surance or local codes require, go to a "lockout”  
mode. Lockout will require manual reset of the  
flame safeguard.  
4.4.4 Test of Gas Pressure Switch  
4. After completing this test, turn off the boiler and  
reconnect the wire to the main gas valve. Replace  
the control panel faceplate.  
4.4.2 Test of Low Water Cutoff  
The boiler is furnished with a flow-switch-type low  
water cutoff in the outlet nozzle.  
1. Make sure the boiler is off.  
2. Turn the system pump off, stopping water flow in  
the system. Do not shut the pump off while the  
boiler is operating.  
Figure 4-6 Gas Pressure Switch  
The boiler is furnished with a low gas pressure switch.  
1. Slowly close the manual shutoff valve (on the  
natural gas supply) while the burner is operating.  
The low gas pressure switch should shut down the  
main burner before combustion problems are en-  
countered. When the gas pressure switch opens,  
the "Low Gas" or "Gas Press" indicator will illu-  
3. Turn the boiler back on. It should not operate,  
and a red indicator for "Low Water" or "Water  
Flow" should be illuminated.  
Perform appropriate tests on any external probe-type  
low water cutoff.  
2. Reopen the manual shutoff valve. The "Low Gas"  
or "Gas Press" indicator should remain on until  
the low gas pressure switch is reset.  
4.4.3 Test of High-Limit Control  
The boiler is furnished with a high-limit cut off.  
1. With the main burner operating, turn down the  
temperature setting on the "high-limit" thermostat  
until the main burner shuts off. The high-limit  
switch must be reset manually after testing.  
This check should also be made for the "Operating  
Temperature" control. (The green "Heat" indica-  
tor will go out.) (See the “Installation and  
Owner’s Manual,” page 8 for Lo-Hi-Lo units.)  
2. Readjust thermostats to desired operating tem-  
perature and set high-limit temperature, typically  
20L F above operating temperature.  
- 9 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
4.4.5 Gas Pressure Adjustment  
"Rating Plate," affixed to the back of the cabinet, is  
provided only as a guide to the proper setting. The  
manifold gas pressure indicated on the "Factory Fire-  
test" label (affixed to the back of the cabinet) should  
be used to achieve the proper firing rate of the  
individual boiler as installed. Replace seal cap after  
4.4.6 Leak Testing of Valves  
Annually test for by-pass leaks on all motorized gas  
valves. If gas flows when the motorized gas valve is  
closed it is defective.  
Figure 4-7 Regulator  
motorized gas  
valve (natural  
gas valve  
The gas pressure is set initially during a factory fire-  
test. A final adjustment must be made after the boiler  
has been installed, as follows:  
See rating plate for the minimum and maximum gas  
pressure of the boiler.  
to burner  
Each boiler is furnished with three plugged taps in the  
gas train for test gauge connections. Two taps are lo-  
cated at the natural gas and propane manual shutoff  
valves and are for measuring the gas supply pressure  
(1/4" I.P.S.). The supply pressure during main burner  
operation must be greater than the minimum indicated  
on the rating plate (6 inches W.C. for natural gas, 6  
inches W.C. for propane). The remaining tap is lo-  
cated downstream from the secondary manual shutoff  
valve at the elbow where the gas line enters the back  
of the cabinet and is for measuring the manifold gas  
pressure (1/8" I.P.S.).  
leak test  
leak test  
motorized gas  
valve (propane)  
Figure 4-8 Leak Testing of Valves  
If a replacement Lo-Hi-Lo actuator is required, follow  
manufacturer's instructions and pre-set the "Lo" fire  
setting of the actuator the same as the original actua-  
tor. This must be performed by qualified service per-  
Each branch of the gas train must be tested separately,  
as follows:  
1. Open the natural gas connection manual shutoff.  
Close the propane connection manual shutoff.  
(Refer to Figure 4-1.)  
To adjust gas pressure, first connect an appropriate  
pressure-sensing device at the manifold tap, then re-  
move seal cap from regulator. Turn adjusting screw  
clock-wise to increase pressure, counter-clockwise to  
decrease pressure. The manifold gas pressure on the  
2. Close the secondary shutoff (downstream of all  
motorized valves).  
3. Attach a short piece of hose to the downstream  
- 10 -  
leak test valve. (Refer to Figure 4-8 above.) In-  
sert the free end of the hose in a cup of water.  
6. Open the upstream leak test valve and check for  
bubbles in the hose. If there are no bubbles the  
natural gas motorized gas valve is OK. If there  
are bubbles, replace the valve.  
4. Open the downstream leak test valve and check  
for bubbles in the hose. If there are no bubbles the  
secondary motorized gas valve is OK. If there are  
bubbles, replace the valve.  
To test the propane branch of the gas train, open the  
propane connection manual shutoff. Close the natural  
gas connection manual shutoff. Then repeat steps 5 -  
6 above.  
5. Attach the hose to the upstream leak test valve.  
- 11 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
mechanical link  
to air control  
auxiliary panel  
(service power shutoff  
switch inside)  
main gas valve  
pressure tap  
high gas pressure  
low pressure  
(visible from side)  
connection (1 1/4")  
and shutoff  
gas valve  
pilot gas  
natural gas  
connection (2")  
and shutoff  
propane regulator  
natural gas  
natural gas  
gas valve  
auxiliary panel  
(service power shutoff  
switch inside)  
propane low  
gas valve  
natural gas low  
pressure switch  
pressure tap  
natural gas  
gas valve  
high gas  
natural gas regulator  
pilot gas supply  
main gas  
connection (1")  
and shutoff  
natural gas  
connection (1 1/4")  
and shutoff  
Figure 5-1 Twin-Fuel Gas Train  
(Top photo shows 1500/1700/1900 series; bottom shows 700/900/1200 series)  
- 12 -  
The basic operation and control functions of the Gem-  
ini™ twin-fuel gas boiler are similar to the single-fuel  
5.2.1 Lighting Procedures  
high limit/operating  
high limit temperature  
5.1.1 Tests  
Safe lighting and other performance criteria were met  
with the gas manifold and control assembly provided  
on this boiler when the boiler underwent tests speci-  
fied in ANSI Z21.13, latest edition, or CAN 1-3.1 in  
Canada. (See "Factory Firetest" label.)  
5.1.2 Starting System  
Do not use this boiler if any part has been under water.  
Immediately call a qualified service technician to in-  
spect the boiler and to replace any part of the control  
system and any gas control which has been under wa-  
lo-hi-lo flame control  
controller reset switch  
Figure 5-2 Lo-Hi-Lo Control Panel  
high limit temperature  
propane in-use  
indicator and  
fuel selector switch  
(on side)  
operating temperature  
high limit  
flame control  
reset switch  
Figure 5-2a On-Off Control Panel  
- 13 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
1. Close main (natural gas and propane) and pilot  
Switchover from natural gas to propane is made  
manually, as follows:  
2. Turn the On/Off switch to "OFF" position.  
3. Wait 5 minutes.  
1. Turn the fuel selector switch located on the main  
control panel from natural gas to propane.  
4. Open main (natural gas and propane) and pilot  
The boiler will go through a complete shutdown  
and restart procedure when the fuel source is  
5. Turn the On/Off switch to "ON" position.  
6. Push reset button on flame safeguard programmer  
If the changeover is controlled by a remote signal, the  
switch on the auxiliary control panel should be set at  
"Automatic" for both natural gas and propane opera-  
tion; operation of the remote switch will change the  
fuel source.  
7. Push reset on low gas pressure switch (and high  
pressure gas switch if applicable).  
8. Check to be sure that pilot has been established.  
During natural gas service interruptions or restrictions,  
sufficient natural gas is usually available to operate  
the pilot. In the event of complete failure of the natu-  
ral gas supply, contact Patterson-Kelley at (570) 421-  
7500 for assistance.  
The controller will now complete the automatic firing  
5.2.2 Normal Shut-Down Procedures  
1. Close all manual gas shutoffs.  
2. Turn off electric power.  
5.2.3 Emergency Shut-Down  
General Warning  
Natural gas, propane, and pilot gas shutoff valves on  
the boiler must be closed immediately if an emergency  
situation occurs.  
Warning! In the event of low pressure in either the  
natural gas or propane supply the higher pressure gas  
could backfeed into the lower pressure line. This could  
result in unsafe operation of other devices connected  
to the higher pressure supply.  
If overheating occurs or the gas supply fails to shut off  
at the boiler, to reduce the possibility of an electrical  
arc, do not turn off or disconnect any electrical sup-  
ply. Instead, shut off the gas supplies remote from the  
Always shut off the gas cock to a line which exhibits  
low pressure.  
- 14 -  
pilot regulator and  
solenoid valve  
motorized gas valve  
(natural gas)  
mechanical link  
to control air  
(Lo-Hi-Lo only)  
natural gas  
pressure tap  
shutoff, manual  
low gas  
pressure switch  
leak test  
high gas pressure  
motorized gas valve  
n.o. vent valve  
(I.R.I. only)  
Items with symbol must be  
pressure switch  
vented to outside. Refer to the  
boiler for additional information.  
motorized gas valve  
drawings packed with your  
low gas  
Figure 7-1 Piping Schematic for the Twin-Fuel Gas Train  
service power  
shutoff switch  
Warning! High voltage! Shock hazard. Properly lock-  
out/tagout the electrical service and all other energy  
sources before working on or near the machine.  
For testing control circuits only, the service power  
shutoff switch (located inside the auxiliary panel) may  
be used to de-energize the system in lieu of normal  
lockout/tagout procedures. Use extreme caution  
when using this alternative.  
Figure 7-2 Service Power Shutoff Switch  
(located inside the auxiliary panel at the back of the boiler)  
Maintenance of the twin-fuel gas boiler is similar to  
that of the standard model. Refer to pages 11 through  
14 of the “Installation and Owner’s Manual - TBIG.”  
- 15 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
In the case of the twin-fuel boiler, the phrase “main  
gas cock” or “main gas valve” as used in the “Installa-  
tion and Owner’s Manual” applies to the manual shut-  
offs for both the natural gas and propane supplies.  
tor and the air flow switch, which initially shows  
low air flow with the "LowAir" indicator. This  
indicator will remain on until sufficient air flow is  
7. A time delay of 10 seconds (standard) or 30 sec-  
onds (depending on insurance or local code re-  
quirements) occurs after the air proving switch  
closes and the programmer signals a continuation  
of the start sequence. During this time period the  
combustion chamber is pre-purged to eliminate  
any residual combustible gas or combustion prod-  
Status (red and green) indicators located on the front  
of the control panel of this boiler are specifically de-  
signed to indicate the sequence of operations and the  
cause of common problems. Careful observation of  
indicators should provide a guide to most operational  
conditions and problems.  
8. A 10-second "trial-for-ignition" period is initiated  
with both Terminals 10 and 8 being energized.  
Terminal 10 of the programmer powers the igni-  
tion transformer and the "Ignite" indicator. The  
transformer output creates a spark at the igniter.  
Terminal 8 powers the pilot gas valve and the in-  
dicator for "Pilot."  
Refer also to the wiring diagrams in Section 8.  
The sequence of operation for the twin-fuel model  
differs slightly from the standard model:  
1. When the On/Off (main power) switch is turned  
on, a green indicator marked "Power" or the am-  
ber switch is illuminated. Power is applied  
9. When a pilot flame is detected by the flame rod, a  
signal is sent to Terminal F in the programmer.  
Terminal 10 is de-energized shutting off the spark  
ignition and the pilot remains on for ten seconds  
during the flame establishing period.  
through a series of normally closed limit switches,  
including water flow, gas pressure, and high tem-  
perature, and through the operating temperature  
control to the flame-safeguard programmer.  
2. The water flow limit switch is closed when there  
is adequate water flow through the boiler.  
10. After the flame establishing period, Terminal 9 is  
energized, which opens the motorized main gas  
valve and the motorized gas valve to the fuel sup-  
ply in use and lights the "Main Gas" indicator.  
The boiler fires. After ten seconds, Terminal 8 is  
de-energized and the pilot valve and indicator  
light are extinguished.  
3. When adequate gas pressure is available, the low  
gas-pressure limit switch is closed. Manual reset  
is required following conditions resulting in low  
gas pressure.  
4. If the temperature sensed by the high-limit tem-  
perature control is below the set limit, the nor-  
mally closed position of the switch sends power to  
the operating temperature control. Manual reset is  
required following conditions exceeding high-  
temperature limit. The limit series is complete  
unless an external control is placed ahead of the  
water flow limit (replacing the red jumper wire).  
An auxiliary panel prevents the motorized gas  
valves for natural gas and propane to be open at  
the same time.  
Lo-Hi-Lo: When Terminal 9 is energized, the Lo-  
Hi-Lo valve will be maintained in the low fire po-  
sition for "low fire start" for ten seconds. If the  
operating temperature control calls for high fire,  
the programmer will initiate high fire (Terminal  
21) at the same time the pilot valve and indicator  
is de-energized.  
5. When heat is required, as indicated by outlet water  
temperature, power is applied to Terminal 6 of the  
programmer, which initiates the burner operating  
sequence, and to an indicator marked "Heat."  
A power failure during operation closes all motor-  
ized gas valves and shuts down the boiler. When  
power is restored the controller recycles to Step 1;  
6. The programmer first energizes Terminal 4 which  
supplies power to the contactor for the blower mo-  
- 16 -  
all steps and safety checks are repeated. The mo-  
torized gas valves cannot reopen in the absence of  
12. When the water temperature is reduced by the  
load on the system, the operating control switch  
will close again. The operating sequence will re-  
cycle to step 5, provided that the limits on water  
flow, gas pressure, and high temperature are all  
11. When the desired water temperature is reached,  
the operating control switch opens and the pro-  
grammer is de-energized at Terminal 6 and the in-  
dicator for "Heat" is turned off. This action also  
de-energizes Terminal 9, thus closing both main  
gas valves and turning off the indicator for "Main  
Spare parts and replacement parts can be ordered from  
Patterson-Kelley by calling (570) 421-7500. Ask for  
the Boiler Department. The fax number is (570) 476-  
7247. Refer to the parts list shown on the assembly  
drawing provided with this manual.  
Before calling, please have the model number and se-  
rial number of your boiler available.  
Wiring and control schematic drawings are shown on  
the following pages.  
Technical information is also available at the above  
- 17 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
8.1.1 Wiring Diagram (Lo-Hi-Lo)  
- 18 -  
Parts and Technical Support  
8.1.2 Control Logic Diagram (Lo-Hi-Lo)  
- 19 -  
Gemini™ Twin-Fuel Gas-Fired Boiler  
8.1.3 Wiring Diagram (On-Off)  
- 20 -  
Parts and Technical Support  
8.1.4 Control Logic Diagram (On-Off)  
- 21 -  

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