NEC NDA 31135 User Manual

Expense Management  
Cable Management Module  
User Guide  
NEC Corporation  
November 2010  
NDA-31135, Revision 1  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
The Expense Management Cable Management Module User Guide  
provides the information you need to manage the cables in your  
Cable Management Overview  
The Cable Management Module is a tool that enables you to manage the  
cables in your organization, including their locations and connections.  
With the Cable Management Module, you can:  
• Integrate location data (building, room, and floor) from the Cable  
Management Module into the Edit Device dialog box.  
• Integrate location data (building, room, and floor) from the Cable  
Management Module into the Ticket dialog box of the Help Desk  
How This Guide is Organized  
Chapter 1 This chapter outlines how to use the manual including the organization  
and chapter layout of the Expense Management Cable Management  
Module User Guide.  
Chapter 2 This chapter introduces you to the Cable Management Module basics.  
Chapter 3 This chapter introduces you user defined fields, their applications and  
Chapter 4 This chapter explains cable identification, location, and status data,  
along with additional information on specific cable management fields.  
Chapter 5 This chapter introduces you to tasks associated with the Administrative  
Chapter 6 This chapter describes report types, specific parameters, and report  
output options for the Cable Management Module.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Chapter 7 This chapter details Cable Management Module integration with other  
Integration with  
Application Suite  
modules of the Application Suite.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
This chapter introduces you to the Cable Management Module basics,  
including how to access the module, the Cable Management main  
window and navigation.  
Accessing the Cable Management Module  
From the Module Selection Bar of the Application Suite window, select  
the CM tab, see Figure 2-1 .  
Figure 2-1 Module Selection Bar  
Cable Management Main Window  
The Cable Management main window is composed of following two parts  
as shown in Figure 2-2:  
Navigation pane on the left hand side of the window  
Grid pane on the right hand side of the window  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
Figure 2-2 Cable Management Main Window Panes  
Navigation Pane  
At the bottom of the navigation pane, you will find the sub-module  
selection tabs. The upper part of the navigation pane displays the  
options available for the selected sub-module.  
Grid Pane  
The grid pane on the right hand side of the window displays data and  
toolbars appropriate to the option selected. For the Ports and Cables  
sub-module, this area contains the cables' grid which is composed of the  
following parts:  
• Action toolbar - contains the currently available tools and action  
• Column Heading bar - each column represents one data field of the  
current cable  
• Filters bar - where you define filters  
• Data rows - each row represents one data record  
• Status Bar - displays current status, paging information, and some  
additional action buttons  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
Sorting Grid Records  
In the cables' grid, you can sort the displayed cables by any of the  
columns, but only by one column at a time. A small triangle in the  
column heading indicates the sort field and sort order. Follow the steps  
below to sort grid records.  
— Click in a column heading to sort by that column.  
The first time you click in the column heading, it is sorted  
by ascending order. A small triangle  
in the column  
heading indicates the sort order.  
To reverse the sort order, click in the column heading again.  
The small triangle is reversed  
indicating descending sort  
Filtering Grid Records  
By setting filtering conditions, filtering enables you to display only  
records that match the defined filter fields. If more than one filter field is  
defined, only records matching all non-empty filter fields are displayed.  
To filter cable records, perform the following steps.  
Step 1 If the filter bar is not shown, right-click any of the column headings and  
select filter bar, or click Filters  
on the action toolbar.  
Step 2 In a column to which you wish to apply a filter, click the filter icon  
and select from the popup menu the appropriate relation for the filter.  
Step 3  
Click in the filter cell (not on the icon). A value entering text box opens.  
Step 4 Enter the appropriate value.  
Step 5  
To activate all currently set filters now, press Enter, or wait until all filters  
are set and then activate all set filters at once in Step 7.  
Step 6  
Step 7  
Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each column to which you wish to apply a filter.  
To activate all set filters, click any of the filter icons in the filters bar and  
select Apply All Filters.  
The new selection is displayed. The paging information and tools on the  
status bar reflect the results of applying the filters as shown in Filtering  
Figure 2-3 Filtering Results  
Managing the Displayed Columns  
You can control which columns to show and their order. However, this  
setting is not saved and is valid only for the current display.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
Hiding Columns  
To hide one column from the display, right-click the heading of the  
column you wish to hide and select Remove This Column from the  
popup menu.  
Selecting the Displayed Column  
To select the displayed columns, do the following.  
Step 1 Right-click anywhere in the column heading row and select Select  
Columns from the popup menu.   
A second popup menu opens with all the available columns displayed.  
Step 2 Click next to each column’s name to alternately check or uncheck that  
Step 3 Once all columns are checked or unchecked to suit your needs, select  
Apply Changes from the second popup menu.  
Displaying All Columns  
To display all columns, do the following.  
Step 1 Right-click anywhere in the column heading row and select Select  
Columns from the popup menu.  
Step 2 Select Reset from the second popup menu.  
Changing Column Order  
The order the columns appear on the Cable Management main window  
can be changed by following the steps below.  
Step 1 Drag a column heading to another place in the column heading row until  
the border between two adjacent column headings becomes bold.  
Step 2 Drop the column heading in its new place.  
Managing Favorites  
Favorites enable you to assign a name and save the current filter and  
column setting so that you can use them again whenever you need  
Saving a Current Setting as a Favorite  
To save the current setting as a favorite, do the following.  
Step 1 Set the filter and column setting and activate it to ensure the setting is  
Step 2 In the action toolbar, click Add to Favorites  
. Figure 2-4 displays.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
Figure 2-4 Saving Favorites  
Step 3 In the Save As dialog box, type a name for this favorite filters setting. If  
you wish to make it your default filters setting, check the Set as Default  
check box.  
Step 4 Click Save.  
The new setting is saved to your favorites list.  
Using a Favorite Filter Setting  
To use a favorite filter setting, do the following.  
Step 1 In the action toobar, open the Select Favorite.......  
drop-down list.  
Step 2 Select the desired filter. The selected setting is applied.  
Organizing Favorites List  
Favorite lists can be organized to suit your preferences. Favorites can be  
deleted, edited, or switched to another favorite. To organize favorites,  
do the following:  
Step 1 In the action toolbar, click Organize Favorites  
Step 2 In the Organize Favorites dialog box do one of the following:  
To delete a favorite, click in the favorite row to select it, then click  
To edit a favorite, click in the favorite row to select it, and then click  
To change the default favorite, check or uncheck the default check  
box. There can be only one default favorite.  
Step 3 Close the Organize Favorites dialog box.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Getting Started  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
User Defined Fields  
User Defined Fields Applications  
User defined fields enable you to adjust the Cable Management Module  
to your organization’s needs. Up to 20 potential user defined fields exist.  
The field names in the database are Info1 through Info20. You cannot  
add or delete user defined fields or change their names. However, in  
order to use these “raw” fields, you have to make them visible and  
define their properties to suit your needs; otherwise they remain  
invisible and cannot be used.  
Editing User Defined Fields  
To make the fields visible and define their properties, perform the  
following steps.  
Step 1 Select Ports and Cables from the sub-module selection tabs.  
Step 2 Select User Defined Fields in the available options area. Figure 3-1  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
User Defined Fields  
Figure 3-1 User Defined Info Fields Grid  
Step 3 For each field you wish to define, complete the datafill as described in  
Step 4 Click Save to save changes.  
User Defined Field Descriptions  
Table 3-1 provides the User Defined Fields and a brief description.  
Table 3-1 User Defined Fields - Datafill  
To use an info field you must make it visible by checking this  
check box. Visible fields have appropriate data entry boxes in  
the Cable dialog box and may be shown in the cables’ grid.  
Uncheck this check box to make the field invisible. The  
system behaves as if the field doesn’t exist, but any  
information already stored in the field is not discarded. When  
this field is made visible again, information is available.  
The name of the field in the database. You cannot change this  
The field’s label in the user interface.  
Select the desired type from the drop-down menu.  
Text fields can hold up to 50  
characters of free text.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
User Defined Fields  
Option List  
Select Option List to define a closed  
set of pre-defined values for the field.  
In the Cable dialog box, these values  
will be available for selection from a  
drop-down list.  
To define the available options:  
• Click Edit  
options list.  
next to the  
• In the upper text box of the List  
Editor dialog box, enter a value and  
press the Enter key or click New  
to transfer it to the list below.  
• Repeat the previous step for each  
predefined optional value.  
• To delete a value, select it and then  
click Delete  
• When done, click OK.  
Select Checkbox to define a true/  
false field.  
For Info fields of type Text and Option List, check this box to  
make the field mandatory and uncheck it to make the field  
For Info fields of type Checkbox, this field is not relevant.  
Define the default value of the field.  
Define a group name  
Default Value  
All fields with the same group names appear in the dialog box  
together under the heading of this group name. Optional  
Show in Manage Cables  
Display this field in the cable’s grid.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
User Defined Fields  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Managing Cables  
This chapter explains cable identification, location, and status data,  
along with additional information on specific cable management fields.  
Chapter Topics Cable Data  
Cable Data  
Once the Info fields are defined, you can begin entering or importing  
cable data. Cable details include:  
• Cable Identification Data - extension, LEN, campus, circuit, data  
source, pair  
• Physical Location Data - building, floor, room, closet, jack  
• Status Information - jack status, pair status, DID  
• Additional info - up to 20 cable management specific fields (see User  
To open the cable management grid, under the sub-module selection  
tab, select Ports and Cables. The cable’s grid opens, Figure 4-1.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Managing Cables  
Figure 4-1 Cable Grid  
Adding a New Cable  
To add a new cable, do the following.  
Step 1 In the cable management grid, click Add  
in the action toolbar.  
Figure 4-2 displays.  
Figure 4-2 Cable Dialog Box  
Step 2 Datafill the fields. Table 4-1 provides a description of each field.  
Step 3 When done, click Save  
to save the cable   
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Managing Cables  
Click Save & New  
to save the cable and continue adding new  
Viewing and Editing a Cable  
Viewing and editing cables can be done in the Cable Management main  
window. To edit a cable, do the following.  
Step 1 Select a cable and then click Edit  
in the action toolbar.   
Right-click any cable’s data row and select Edit Cable from the popup  
Double-click on a cable.  
—The Edit Cable dialog box opens.  
Step 2 Edit the cable fields.  
Step 3 When done, do one of the following:  
—Click Save  
to save the cable.  
to save the cable and continue editing cables.  
—Click Save & New  
Deleting a Cable  
Perform the procedure below to delete a cable.  
Step 1 In the cables’ main window, do one of the following  
—Select a cable and then click Delete  
in the action toolbar.  
—Right-click any cable’s data row and select Delete Cable from the  
popup menu.  
Step 2 In the Delete Confirmation dialog box, select  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Managing Cables  
Deleting all Cables  
Only the administrator can use the Delete All functionality.  
Step 1 In the cable’s main window, select a cable and then click  
the action toolbar.  
Step 2 In the Delete Confirmation dialog box, select  
Table 4-1 Cable Fields  
The extension currently active through the cable. Select an  
extension from the drop-down list of all extensions. This field is  
used to integrate the Cable Management Module with Devices  
and Work Orders.  
Identification of the Local Exchange Node.  
Note: At least one of the field’s Extension, LEN, or Pair must be  
The campus where this cable is installed.  
The circuit for this cable.  
The cable’s closet.  
Describing the physical location of the cable socket.  
Describing the physical location of the cable socket.  
Describing the physical location of the cable socket.  
Identification of the cable’s jack.  
Identification of the pair connected to the cable. Pair ID must be  
Pair Status  
Select from the drop-down list: Available, Used, N/A, or Other.  
The external dialing number to the extension.  
Any free text.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
This chapter introduces you to tasks associated with the Administration  
Administration - Introduction  
The Administration sub-module enables you to export and import cable  
files and to backup and restore from backup.  
Importing and Exporting Files  
You can export and import to comma delimited files (CSV files).  
Importing Cables From a File  
Import is done from a file on your local computer. To import cables, do  
the following.  
Step 1 In the sub-module selection tabs, select Administration.  
Step 2 In the Option Selection area, select Import. The Import Cables dialog  
box, Figure 5-1 displays.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Figure 5-1 Import Cables Dialog Box  
Step 3 Enter the full path name or click Browse... and select the file.  
The file must confirm to the cable management structure:  
• The Header record and the number of fields in each record must  
match the cable record.  
• At least one of the field’s Extension, LEN, and Pair must be defined.  
• The pair field must be unique.  
Step 4 Click  
Step 5 A dialog box suggesting to backup the data before executing the import  
displays. Click  
to backup.  
Step 6 Click  
Step 7 When the import is finished, the system displays one of the following  
• “Import Cables finished successfully.” Click OK to continue.  
• “Import Cables finished with errors. Please see logs for details.” Click  
the Log File link to see the errors found in the file. When finished, click  
Exporting Cables into a File  
Export is done to a file on the server.  
Step 1 In the sub-module selection tabs, select Administration.  
Step 2 In the Option Selection area, select Export. The Export Cables dialog  
box displays, Figure 5-2.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Figure 5-2 Export Cables Dialog Box  
Step 3 Click Browse....and select the appropriate directory on the server.  
Step 4 Enter a file name. The file suffix must be CSV.  
Step 5 Click  
Step 6 When the export is finished, the Export Finished dialog box, Figure 5-3  
Figure 5-3 Export Finished Dialog Box  
Step 7 Click the link to view the exported data or click OK to continue.  
Backing Up and Restoring Cables  
To backup and restore cables, perform the following procedure.  
Step 1 In the sub-module selection tabs, select Administration.  
Step 2 In the Option Selection area, select Management. A grid showing  
existing backups of cables displays.  
Step 3 In the cable backup grid (Figure 5-4) you can:  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
• Create a new backup by clicking Backup  
• Delete an existing backup by clicking Delete or Delete All.  
• Restore cable data from a specific backup. Select a backup row and  
click Restore  
• View a specific backup by clicking the backup name.  
Figure 5-4 Backup Grid  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
This chapter describes report types, specific parameters and report  
output options for the Cable Management Module.  
Chapter Topics Reports - Introduction  
Reports - Introduction  
The Cable Management Module includes six report types (described in  
Table 6-1). You can view the output using the following methods:  
• Viewing on screen  
• Sending it to a printer  
• Sending it as an e-mail attachment in one of the following formats:  
— MS Word document (DOC)  
— MS Excel document (XLS)  
— Portable document (PDF)  
Table 6-1 Available Reports  
Report Name  
Available Jacks  
Available Pairs  
Jacks by Status  
Pairs by Status  
List of Extensions  
Duplicate Entities  
Lists the available jacks grouped by the selected Group By field.  
Lists the available pairs grouped by the selected Group By field.  
Lists all jacks with the selected status.  
Lists all pairs with the selected status.  
Lists all extensions with the requested data.  
Lists duplicate entities of the checked entity types.  
Generating a Report  
To generate a report, do the following.  
Step 1 In the sub-module selection tabs, select Reports.  
Step 2 In the Option Selection area, select the desired report. (See Table 6-1).  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
The relevant Report dialog box displays. Each report has a  
slightly different dialog box. Figure 6-1 is an example of the  
Duplicate Entities dialog box.  
Figure 6-1 Duplicate Entities Dialog Box  
Step 3 Supply the report specific parameters as described in Table 6-2.  
Step 4 Select Send Output to options and supply the required additional  
parameters as described in Table 6-3.  
Step 5 Click  
Table 6-2 Report Specific Parameters  
Report Name  
Parameter Name  
Select how to group the list of jacks  
• Campus  
• Circuit  
• Building  
• Floor  
Available Jacks Group By  
• Room  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Report Name  
Parameter Name  
Select how to group the list of pairs from:  
• Campus  
• Circuit  
• Building  
• Room  
Available Pairs Group By  
Select how to filter the list of jacks from:  
• All - no selection  
• Available  
• Used  
Jacks by Status Filter By  
• Broken  
• N/A  
• Other  
Select how to filter the list of pairs from:  
• All - no selection  
• Available  
• Used  
Pairs by Status Filter By  
• Broken  
• N/A  
• Other  
Select how to group the list of  
extensions from:  
• Campus  
• Circuit  
• Building  
• Floor  
List of Extensions Group By  
• Room  
Select which type of duplicate entities to  
include in the report:  
• Extension  
Duplicate Entities Duplicate Entities  
• LEN  
• Jack  
• Circuit - Pair  
Table 6-3 Send Output To - Options  
Send Output to  
Parameter Name  
Sends the generated report to your screen.  
Sends the generated report as an e-mail  
attachment to the supplied address.  
E-Mail Address  
Supply the e-mail address to send the report to.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Send Output to  
Parameter Name  
Select one of the following formats:  
• MS Word document (DOC)  
Output Format  
• MS Excel worksheet (XLS)  
• Portable document (PDF)  
Sends the generated report to the specified  
Select Printer  
Select a printer form the drop-down list.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Integration with other Modules of  
Application Suite  
The Cable Management Module supports integration with other modules  
of the Application Suite.  
Chapter Topics Integration - Introduction  
Integration - Introduction  
Once the Cable Management is installed, it is integrated with the  
Application Suite database in two places.  
• In the device dialog box of the Org Utilities module  
• In the new ticket dialog box of the Help Desk module  
The integration is based on matching the extension field.  
Integration with Devices  
In the Device dialog box, if the device matches an extension number in  
the Cable Management Module, then:  
• A Cable Information link on the device dialog box enables you to  
access the cable dialog box directly from the device.  
• The information displayed in the fields Building, Room, and Floor  
are taken from the cable management. Figure 7-1 provides an  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Integration with other Modules of Application Suite  
Figure 7-1 Device Integration  
Integration with Tickets  
In the Ticket dialog box of the Help Desk module, if the field  
Extension/Resource matches an extension in the Cable Management  
Module, then:  
• A cable information link on the Ticket dialog box enables you to access  
the Cable dialog box directly from the Ticket.  
• The information displayed in the fields Building, Room, Floor, Pair,  
and Jack are taken from the cable management. Figure 7-2 provides  
an example.  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Integration with other Modules of Application Suite  
Figure 7-2 Ticket Integration  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
Integration with other Modules of Application Suite  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide - Revision 1  
For additional information or support on this NEC Corporation  
product, contact your NEC Corporation representative.  
NEC Corporation  
Expense Management Cable Managment Module User Guide  
NDA-31153, Revision 1  

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