Waves Stereo Receiver Doubler User Manual

Waves – Doubler  
Software Audio Processor  
User’s Guide  
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Chapter 2 – Controls and Displays.  
The Doubler offers a selection of controls and displays as an interface to the  
DSP algorithm. This chapter lists the different controls and displays and  
details the properties of each.  
Per-Voice Control Strips  
Each voice control strip offers the following controls:  
ON/OFF: Default: On.  
Turns the voice on or off.  
GAIN: 0 to –48dBFS. Default: –12.  
Sets the gain of the voice in relation to the other voices. The master gain can  
further change the actual output gain of all voices.  
PAN: –45 to +45 degrees. Default: V1 22.5, V2 –22.5, V3 45, V4 –45.  
+45 degrees is fully right. –45 degrees is fully left. 0 is in the middle.  
DELAY: 0 to 100 milliseconds. Default: 8ms.  
Specifies the delay of the voice in relation to the direct signal. Note that the  
lowest value possible depends on the settings of the Align Direct and Range  
parameters. When the direct signal is aligned, the minimal delay possible at  
any range is 0 because the direct signal is delayed to align with the natural  
latency. When the Direct signal is real time, the minimal delay for range 80Hz  
is 8ms and for 20Hz is 14ms.  
FEEDBACK: 0 to 100 percent. Default: 0%.  
Specifies the percentage of gain to be fed back to the input. Be careful when  
setting values above 25%. These can lead to run-away feedback and loud  
noises that can harm delicate equipment.  
OCTAVER: On/Off. Default: off.  
This switch shifts the voice 1 octave down along with all the other settings.  
The button will light a downward arrow to indicate that the Octaver is On.  
DETUNE: –100 to +100 cents.  
100 cents equals a semitone. Use this control to set the voice’s detune in  
relation to the source. Slight detunes of 2 to 12 cents tend to sound relatively  
in tune while higher values begin to sound off and out of tune.  
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MODULATION DEPTH: –200 to +200 in cents. Default: 0.  
Positive values will start by modulating upwards, negative values will start off  
modulating downwards. The modulation will always occur around the voice’s  
nominal detune so if you set a detune of 10 and a Mod Depth of 10, the voice  
will begin by going upward 10 cents and then downward 20 cents, reaching  
10 cents below the nominal detune.  
MODULATION RATE: 0.1 to 200Hz. Default: 1Hz.  
This value sets the voice’s pitch modulation rate. At 1Hz the modulation will  
complete a full cycle in 1 second.  
The Direct signal controls  
ON/OFF: Default: On.  
Turns the voice on or off.  
GAIN: 0 to –48dBfs. Default: –12.  
Sets the gain of the voice in relation to the other voices. The master gain can  
further change the actual output gain of all voices.  
PAN: –45 to +45 degrees. Default: V1 22.5, V2 –22.5, V3 45, V4 –45.  
+45deg is fully right. –45deg is fully left. 0 is in the middle. In Stereo sources  
the Pan for the direct will actually behave as a Rotation control for the whole  
stereo image.  
EQ Controls  
The Doublers EQ section offers a Hi Shelf and Low Shelf filter. These filters  
will affect the Doubler’s voices, but not the direct signal. The controls for the  
filter are as follows:  
ON/OFF: Default: On.  
These turn the filter on and off allowing a quick A/B comparison to an EQ  
setting in relation to no EQ. Double clicking on the Graph markers will also  
turn the filter on and off.  
GAIN: +12dB to –24dB  
The Shelf can boost all that beyond its corner frequency by up to 12dB. It can  
cut down much lower than that, down to -24dB, at which point the filter floor  
drops to make a cut filter.  
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FREQUENCY: Low Shelf Cutoff 16Hz to 1600Hz. Default: 156Hz.  
Hi Shelf 1000Hz to 21000Hz Default: 5990Hz.  
Master controls include:  
ALIGN DIRECT: On/Off. Default: Off.  
When set to On, this control delays the direct signal in order to align it to the  
Voices’ inherent latency. With the Align On, you can reach a relative delay of  
0ms between the direct signal and the Voices. The Voices’ inherent latency  
depends on the range: at 80Hz, the Voices’ inherent latency will be 7ms and  
at 20Hz, it will be 24ms. When the Align direct is Off, the plug-in will not add  
delay to the direct so it will be aligned with the Track’s original time, and the  
minimum relative delay between the Voices and the direct is limited to the  
Voices’ inherent delay.  
HI PASS FEEDBACK: 16Hz to 12000Hz. Default: 16Hz.  
Sets the Feedback’s Hi Pass filter cutoff frequency.  
RANGE: 80Hz/20Hz Default: 20Hz.  
Detuning lower frequencies requires higher inherent latency for the Voices.  
The Range control specifies the lowest frequency that can be detuned with no  
artifacts, and at the same time sets the lowest inherent latency for the voices.  
Lower Range means higher latency.  
If low latency is not a concern it is safer to work with the wider Range, down to  
20Hz (latency is 24ms). When low latency is a concern, and the input signal  
consists of frequencies above 80Hz (such as guitars and lead vocals), set the  
Range to 80Hz, and the inherent latency will likewise be smaller. 20Hz Range  
should be used for Doubling bass instruments and will perform more purely on  
complex full range signals such as mixed sources.  
Sometimes interesting sounds can be achieved by synchronized modulations,  
but when you have to set the rate and depth individually, they will definitely go  
out of sync. Click the Mod Reset to make them start together in perfect sync.  
This control is also automateable and can be used to reset the modulators to  
start at the exact position in selected cues of your session so they sound the  
same each time.  
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Master Output and meters  
MASTER OUTPUT GAIN: 0.0 to –infinity. Default: 0.0dB.  
The Master Gain control will affect the total Doubler output, including the  
direct path. When there is a generally good-sounding setup that occasionally  
clips the output, you can adjust the gain in order to eliminate clipping.  
OUTPUT METERS show the plug-in output and under the meters there are peak  
counters. These counters will show the peak value until reset by clicking on  
the meter or counter.  
CLIP LIGHT lights in red whenever output clipping occurred. Lower the output  
gain to avoid clipping. Click it to Reset.  
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