Waves Stereo Equalizer MEQ 5 User Manual

Waves PuigTec  
User Manual  
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Chapter 1 – Introduction  
1.1 Welcome  
Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the  
time to read through this manual.  
In conjunction, we also suggest that you become familiar with www.wavesupport.net. There you will find  
an extensive Answer Base, the latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software  
Updates, and current information on Authorization and Registration.  
By signing up at www.wavesupport.net, you will receive personalized information on your registered  
products, reminders when updates are available, and information on your authorization status.  
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1.2 Product Overview  
Custom-engineered and built by hand, the original Pultecs have long been a top choice of leading  
recording and mastering engineers. Pultecs are known for their ability to bring out individual frequency  
ranges without significantly altering other frequencies.  
In 1951, Gene Shenk and Ollie Summerland of Pulse Techniques Inc. introduced the first passive  
program equalizer, the EQP-1. Using equalization circuit designs licensed from Western Electric, the  
initial Pultecs suffered the gain insertion losses typical of passive filters. So, they added a gain makeup  
stage, using a push-pull design with multiple vacuum tubes. The result is the classic we’ve come to know  
as the EQP-1A.  
Subsequent Pultec units included the EQ-H2, the EQP-1A3, and, of course, the MEQ-5.  
1.3 About the Modeling  
Many different elements contribute to the unique sonic characteristics of analog gear such as the Pultec  
MEQ-5. Waves painstakingly modeled and incorporated these elements into the PuigTec MEQ-5 in  
order to fully capture and replicate the sound and performance of the original equipment.  
These are some of the most important elements of analog behavior:  
Total Harmonic Distortion  
Perhaps the most important analog behavior is Total Harmonic Distortion or THD, which is  
defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the  
fundamental frequency. THD is usually caused by amplification, and changes signal shape and  
content by adding odd and even harmonics of the fundamental frequencies, which can change  
the overall tonal balance. THD can also change peak output gain, usually by no more than  
+/- 0.2-0.3 dB.  
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Waves modeled both 50Hz power current and 60Hz power current. If you listen closely, you will  
hear that there is a difference in hum level between 50Hz and 60Hz. Since hum is unique to  
each region and dependent upon the local electrical conditions, you may find that the modeled  
hum is different than the hum already present in your studio, and may not be suitable for your  
particular use.  
Some hardware uses transformers to stabilize or change Input/Output loads and signal levels.  
In earlier days, transformers did not have a flat frequency response, and often introduced low  
and super-high frequency roll offs. The original Pultec MEQ-5 has transformers which cause  
high frequency roll off, so if you encounter loss above 10kHz, this is due to the modeled  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Below is a plot of the curve from the original Pultec MEQ-5, with all gains set to 0. Note the roll-  
off of -0.5dB at 20kHz.  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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1.3 Components  
WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plug-ins, which we call  
components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor gives you the flexibility to  
choose the configuration best suited to your material.  
The PuigTec MEQ5 has two component processors:  
PuigTec MEQ5 Stereo – A 3-band passive stereo Mid Range equalizer  
PuigTec MEQ5 Mono – A 3- band passive mono Mid Range equalizer  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Chapter 2 – Quickstart Guide  
The LowMid Peak band offers 5 cutoff points and 10dB of Peak (boost).  
The Mid Dip band offers 11 cutoff points and amount of 10dB Dip (attenuation).  
The HiMid band offers 5 cutoff points and 10dB of Peak (boost).  
Gain controls output level trimming.  
The Output meter displays peak output level.  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Chapter 3 – Interface and Controls  
3.1 PuigTec MEQ-5 Interface  
3.2 PuigTec MEQ-5 Controls  
LowMid Frequency  
Filter type  
Cutoff points  
200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz, 1000 Hz  
500 Hz  
LowMid Peak  
0 to 11 (10dB boost in 0.1 steps)  
Mid Frequency  
Filter type  
Cutoff points  
200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, 5 kHz, 7 kHz  
1.5 kHz  
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Mid Dip  
0 to 11 (10dB cut)  
HiMid Frequency  
Filter type  
Cutoff points  
1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, 5 kHz  
HiMid Peak  
0 to 11 (10dB boost in 0.1 steps)  
In turns the EQ on/off but leaves the analog modeling.  
Mains controls analog characteristics caused by noise floor and hum, based on the power  
supplies of the original units.  
Off, 50 Hz, 60 Hz  
60 Hz  
Gain controls the output level.  
-18dB to +18dB (in 0.1dB steps)  
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The PuigTecMEQ-5 meters display output level in dBFS. The LED located in the upper right corner  
lights up when output signal is clipping.  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Chapter 4 – The WaveSystem  
4.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar  
All Waves processors feature the WaveSystem toolbar which takes care of most administrative  
functions you will encounter while working with your Waves software. The features of the WaveSystem  
toolbar are the same on practically all Waves processors, so familiarity with its features will be helpful  
whichever processor you are using.  
Toolbar Functions  
Undoes the last 32 performed action. The PuigTec supports multiple undo levels.  
Redoes the last 32 undone action  
Setup A/B  
Toggles between two presets. This is useful for close comparison of different parameter  
Copy A->B Copies the current settings to the second preset register  
Recalls presets from file  
Saves presets in the Waves file formats  
Opens the manual for the processor you are using  
4.2 Preset Handling  
Preset Types  
Factory Presets are permanent presets in the Load menu. Factory presets cannot be over-written or  
deleted. When applicable, different component plug-ins may have different factory presets.  
User Presets are your favorite settings of the plug-in saved as a preset in the Load menu, under ‘User  
Presets’. User Presets can be over-written and deleted.  
Setup Files may contain more than one preset. For example, a single file can contain all the presets for  
a session. When you open a Setup File, all its setups become part of your Load pop-up menu for fast  
access. This can be particularly useful with multiple instances of a plug-in in a single session. By saving  
all the settings you create into a single Setup File, they can all be quickly available for every instance of  
that plug-in.  
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Loading Presets and Setups  
Click-and-hold on the Load button to see the Load pop-up menu. The menu is divided into four  
sections. If a section is not currently available it will not appear in the Load pop-up menu.  
Open Preset File… Select to open any setup or preset file, whether from the Library or your own  
Factory Presets:  
User Presets:  
Displays any currently loaded Setup File and its presets.  
Displays the default Factory Presets.  
Displays any loaded User Presets.  
Saving Presets and Setups  
Click-and-hold on the Save button to see the Save pop-up menu. Four options are available. If an  
option is not currently available it will be grayed out and inaccessible.  
Save to New File…  
Select this to start a new Setup file. There are two prompts - first  
for the setup filename, then for the preset name. You must provide  
a name for both the setup file and the preset. Click OK (ENTER)  
to complete the save. It is a good idea to create a folder in which  
to save several setup files for a project.  
Save ‘File Name’ – “Preset Name” Overwrites the settings of the loaded preset (whether a User  
Preset or a preset from a Setup File) with the current settings. If a  
Setup File is currently loaded, the name of the Setup File is  
displayed followed by the name of the preset itself. If a User  
Preset is loaded, its name is displayed.  
Save to ‘File Name’ As…  
Saves the current settings as a new preset into the Setup file that  
is open (if one is not open, the option is grayed out). You will be  
prompted to give the preset a name.  
Put into Preset Menu As…  
Save the current settings into a User Preset that will always be in  
your Load menu (until deleted). You will be prompted to give this  
preset a name. User Presets are stored in the plug-in’s preference  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Deleting Presets  
You may delete User Presets and presets within a Setup File. Factory Presets and Setup Library files  
cannot be deleted or overwritten.  
1. Hold the Command (Mac)/Control (PC) key down.  
2. Click-and-hold the Load button to see the pop-up menu.  
3. While still holding the Command/Control key, select the preset or setup to delete.  
4. A confirmation box will appear, allowing you to cancel or ‘OK’ the deletion.  
A/B Comparison and Copying  
The Setup A/Setup B button may be clicked to compare two settings. If you load a preset in the Setup B  
position, this will not affect the preset loaded into the Setup A position, and vice-versa.  
If you want to slightly modify the settings in Setup A, you can copy them to Setup B by clicking on the  
Copy to B button, then alter Setup A and compare with the original Setup B.  
The name of the current setup will be shown in the title bar (on platforms which support it), and will  
switch as you change from Setup A to Setup B.  
Note: an asterisk will be added to the preset name when a change is made to the preset -  
4.3 Interface Controls  
Controls can be in one of three states:  
Not Selected where the control is not the target of any user entry  
Selected where the control is the target of mouse control entry only  
Selected and Active where the control is the target for both mouse and keyboard entry  
Toggle Buttons  
Toggle buttons display the state of a control, and allow switching between two or more states. Single-  
click to change the control’s state. Some toggle buttons have a text display which updates with the  
current setting, and others (bypass, solo, or monitoring toggles) illuminate when the control is active.  
Some processors have link buttons between a pair of toggle buttons, allowing click-and-drag  
adjustment while retaining the offset between the controls.  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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Value Window Buttons  
Value windows display the value of a control and allow click-and-drag adjustment, or direct control  
via the keyboard.  
Using the mouse, click-and-drag on the value window to adjust. Some value windows support  
left/right, some up/down (as you hover over a button, arrows will appear to let you know which  
direction of movement that button supports).  
Using the arrow keys, click once with mouse to select the button, and then use up/down –  
left/right (depending on the direction supported by that button) to move in the smallest  
incremental steps across the button’s range (holding down the arrow keys will move faster  
through the range).  
Using key entry, double click on the button to open the value window, and directly enter the  
value from your keyboard. If you enter an out of range number, the button stays selected but  
remains at the current setting (system beeps? If system sounds are on?)  
Some processors have link buttons between a pair of value windows, allowing click-and-drag  
adjustment while retaining the offset between the controls.  
Click on the slider itself or anywhere within the sliders track. The numerical value of the slider settings  
is displayed in a hover window above the slider path.  
Hover Box  
Hovering boxes will appear and display the control value when hovering with the mouse over the  
Multiple Selection of Controls  
One of the most powerful features of the WaveSystem is the ability to select and adjust many controls  
at the same time. Using the mouse, simply drag-select the desired group of button or graphic controls  
by clicking and holding at a point outside the controls and forming a rectangle to include the controls  
you wish to adjust. Alternatively, you can hold down Shift while clicking the mouse on any control you  
wish to link. This second method is useful when you want to select two (or more) controls that are  
separated on the GUI by other controls you do not wish to select.  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
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TAB Functions  
TAB moves the ‘selected’ status to the next control, with shift-TAB moving in the reverse direction.  
Additionally, the Mac has an option-TAB function for ‘down’ movement and shift-option-TAB for ‘up’  
movement where applicable.  
If you have several Value Window Buttons selected, TAB functions will take you through the selected  
controls only.  
Appendix A – PuigTec MEQ-5 Controls  
LowMid Frequency  
200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz,  
700 Hz, 1000 Hz  
LowMid Peak  
0 to 11 (10dB boost 0.1 steps)  
Mid Frequency  
200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz,  
700 Hz,1000 Hz, 1.5 kHz,  
2 kHz, 3 kHz,4 kHz, 5 kHz,  
7 kHz  
Mid DIP  
HiMid Frequency  
0 to 11 (10dB cut 0.1 steps).  
1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz,  
5 kHz  
Hi Mid Peak  
0 to 11 (10dB boost 0.1 steps)  
-18dB to 18dB (in 0.1 steps)  
Off, 50 Hz, 60 Hz  
Waves PuigTec MEQ-5 User Manual  
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Download.  

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